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4 SECTION 03310 - FOOTINGS AND FOUNDATIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS: 1. The provisions of the "Standard Specifications for Public 09ZUT STUccv5Lp CA Works Construction" shall apply except as modified herein. 1.02 SCOPE: Work included: Provide all footings ar:d foundations, D, W ►J oc� u f� complete in place, as inaicated on the drawings, specified Footing concrete shall be 1 part cement to 2 parts sand herein, and needed for a complete and proper installation. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE: ir ! //_T0f Qualifications of Installers: Cells containing reinforcement shall have vertical Throughout the progress of installac ♦n of the work of this Section, provide at least one person who shall be thoroughly familiar with the specified requirements, solidly with grout. Grout shall be 1 part cement to 2 completely trained and experienced in the necessary skills, . I and who shall be present at the site and shall direct all work performed under this Section. (f'c - 2000 psi). I + Use adequate number of skilled workers to ensure 4. installation in strict accordance with the approved design. f. Details provided on plans with notes. If notes conflict o +►�wA�. with book specification, the more stringent shall apply. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 GENERAL: \` 5. All materials shall conform to Section 201 of Standard Specifications. containing reinforcements. ; A. Portland Cement: Section 201-1.2.1, Type I or II, low 6. alkali. Only one brand of cement shall be used. B. Aggregates: Conform to Section 201-1.2.2. conform to ASTM ts�I'�F ►7F-4Ibe formed and shall be placed in C. Water shall be clean and free from deleterious materials. D. Form lumber shall be uniform construction grade or If 6" precision block is used: Grout shall. be poured in better. E. Provide reinforcement steel as indicated on the drawings and in conformance with the requirements of If 8" precision block is used: Grout using normal the uniform building code latest edition. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL: `Section The inspector may require verification of grouting. I All materials shall conform to 302.6 of Standard Folz WALV? . ; ' �► SES �Ksl N EF,f2-E D D!iT� Lr7j t Specifications except as modified herein. 3.02 CONCRETE MIX: A. The Contractor shall supply and pay all costs for concrete mix designs. d , 2 MI)JiMUM B. In no case shall concrete contain less than 5 sacks of cement per cubic yard, :and a maximum of 7 gallons of o water per sack of cement. C. Concrete mixes shall be proportioned by the using of 1 -inch maximum size aggregate. D. Concrete shall develop an ultimate compressive strength at 28 days of 3000 P.S.I. E. The maximum slump for slab on grade shall be 4". 3.03 TESTS AND INSPECTION: A. The quality and quantity of materials used in the concrete shall be controlled at the batch plant by a Weighmaster. B. Contractor shall deliver two copies of each load ticket to the :� pU181A0 WD►o t��fiM�fi" 3.04 FORMWORK: A. Form shall be substantial, unyielding, true to line and grade, and shall conform to the dimensions indicated on the drawings. B. Edge of footing shall � (*6i D6LtNEt�fiD aN DWINGs•_ Set wall 2" in f rom fa.o. W. See details on drawings. No spoils shall occur on builders' lot. 3.05 TRANSPORTATION AND PLACING CONCRETE: Responsibility for proper placing, compacting and finishing rests with the Contractor. Finished work showing voids and sw PP��T 10N Or VV(1A, P67 �� Nor � - 3.06 CURING CONCRETE: All concrete surfaces shall be kept continuously wet for a period of not less than 36 hours by ponding, soaking or spraying. Following this 36 hour period, the concrete shall be protected from loss of moisture by an approved liquid curing compound. SECTION 04220 - CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS: 2 The provisions of the "Standard Spec-ifications for Public Works Construction" shall apply except as modified herein. 1.02 SCOPE: Work included: Concrete unit masonry stucco finish and signage required for this work as indicated on the Drawings, 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Qualifications of workmen: (1) Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen who are thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and who are completely familiar with the specified requirements and the methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section. (2)• Provide one skilled journeyman mason who shall be present at all times during execution of this portion of the Work and who shall personally direct all work peiformea under this Section. B. Codes and standards: In addition to complying with all pertinent codes and regulations, comply with the standards of masonry installation described in "Concrete Block Masonry Inspectors' Manual" published by the Technical Committee of California Concrete Masonry Manufacturers Associati=i)- /a. BISHOP GRAPNIGS,AG(:UPPESS AF, i=,OFH NO A35M i Specifications 1.04 SUBMITTALS: A. Samples: Within 14 calendar days after award of thet�-r WJand before any concrete unit masonry materials are delivered to the job site, submit one sample of each proposed concrete masonry unit to the Owner for approval. B. Certification: Prior to delivery of concrete masonry materials to the job site, deliver to the Owner a letter from the manufacturer of the proposed masonry units certifying that all such units to be delivered to the job site are in strict accordance with the provisions of this Section. 1.05 PRODUCT HANDLING: A. Protection: Use all means necessary to protect the materials of this section before, during and after installation and to protect the work materials of all other trades. B. Replacements: In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of, and at no additional cost to the Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 All products shall conform with'Section 202 of the Standard Specifications except as modified herein.. 2.02 CONCRETE BLOCKS: A. All units shall be sound and free of cracks, chips or other defects. B. Sizes and Shapes of the units shall be as required to construct the work as shown on the drawings, using open-end units with closed-end units for opening and corners. Where partial units are required or indicated, they shall be cut from full-sized standard units at the site. C. Concrete Block shall be readily identified as to origin. All block used for the entire work shall be obtained from 8 single source. C>, Block shall be precision face 4 -sides F,• Water Content: (1) At the time of the delivery- to the Job Site, concrete masonry units shall have a value, in weight of contained water, of not more than 35% of the fully saturated content for the unit tested. (2) Ship all units from the factory and store at the Job Site with all necessary protection to prevent increase of water content prom rain and other sources. (3) Certification required by paragraph 1.04-B above shall show results of tests more than 12 months prior to delivery of concrete masonry units to the Job Site, shall show compliance with the specified values, and shall certify that the mix design, yield per batch, and curing procedures for the units delivered to the Job Site will be equal to those submitted for the test. 2.03 MORTAR: All mortar for concrete block shall be Class D conforming to Section 202-2.1.2, color to match block color. Mortar shall contain a waterproofing admixture. 2.04 REINFORCEMENT STEEL: A. Provide reinforcement steel as indicated on the Drawings and in conformance with the requirements of the Uniform Building Code latest edition. B. The dowels shall be placed in the center of the masonry wall unless otherwise detailed. Dowels shall be placed so that they align with the vertical wall steel. C. All steel reinforcing shall be lap or weld spliced. ,Provide a minimum 40 diameter lap splice. 2.05 GROUT: Provide transit -mixed grout complying with ASTM C 94, and consisting of one part Portland Cement, 2 1/2 parts sand, two parts pea gravel and adequate water to produce a concrete of approximately 10 -inches slump. Grout shall contain a waterproofing admixture. 2.06 WATER PROOFING ADMIXTURE: A. Grout: Provide SIKA RED LABEL or an equal approved by the Owner, in all grout, following manufacturer's recommendations for amount and procedures. B. Mortar: Provide SIKA RED LABEL at a rate of 1 pint per 100 pounds of cement in all water cr an equal approved by. the Owner. .07 FORMS: All forms and shoring shall be tho)-ouyrily braced and sufficiently strong to safely carry, dithout deflection, all dead loads and live loads to which they may be subjected. Shoring shall be in plac-_ not less than 10 days. Wide grout joints in piers or jambs shall be formed with wood wherever necessary to hole the grout. 2.08 STUCCO FINISH: Exterior Color Coat Crystal White X-50 (Base 100) applied on Portland cement brown coat. Available through La Habra Stucco (714) 774-1186. Finish to match Phase I walls already existing on adjacent tracts. Apply 2 coats Chemstop Clear -Seal, anti-graffitti covering, over all stuccoed surfaces. 2.09 TILE: 6" x 6" modular tile as selected by owner to match existing, signs on Phases I and II. 2.10 TILE MORTAR: Tile mortar for signage tile shall mann existing mortar used on existing signage in Phases I and II Southridge projects. 2.11 TILE ADHESIVE: Tile adhesive as used to attach signage tile to block wall shall be Tile -Mate thin set mortar as manufactured by Bostik Construction Products, (213) 437-7218, or approved equal. 2.12 SIGNAGE LETTERS AND LOGO: Polished surface bronze letters 3/4" thick; bolted through wall. 'Times New Roman' style, logo stat available through owner. To match existing signage on phases I and II. 2.13 OTHER MATERIALS: All other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation of the work of this Section, shall be as selected by the Contractor subject to the approval of the Owner. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS: All Work shall conform with Section 303 of the Standard Specifications except as modified herein. 3.02 INSPECTION: Examine the areas and conditions unser which work of this section will be performed: ..Correct conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the Work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.03 COORDINATION: Carefully coordinate with all other trades to ensure proper and adequate interface of the work of other trades with the work of this Section. 3.04 MIXING MORTAR: Use a mechanical mixer of one sack minimum capacity. Mix mortar for at least 3 minutes after all materials have been added. Mix only as much mortar as can be used in 1 -hour after water has been first mixed into the batch. Do not retemper mortar. Use calibrated measuring box, shovel measurements will not be allowed. 3.05 INSTALLATION: A. General: Lay up all walls in running bond, plumb, level and true to the lines and dimensions shown on the Drawing. Do not use chipped or broken units. If any such units are discovered in the finished wall, the Owner may require their removal and replacement with new units at no additional cost to the Owner. B. Dampening: (1) Store all masonry units on the job so that they are kept off the ground and are protected from the rain. (2) Wetting the units will not be permitted, except when hot and dry weather exists causing the units to be warm to the touch and then only the surface may be wetted with a light Agog spray. C. LayingUp: (1) Place all units in mortar with full shoved bed and head joints. (2) Align with vertical cells to maintain a clear, unobstructed system of flues. (3) Hold racking to an absolute minimum. (4) Walls shall be sectioned in 100' sections maximum. See wall details. D. Reinforcement: Install all reinforcement as indicated on the Drawing. Fully embed reinforcement in grout, not in mortar or mortar joints. Provide all required metal accessories to ensure accurate alignment of-' steel during grout filling operations. E. Tooling: Tool all joints to a dense, smooth, flush surface. 3.06 GROUTING: A. Timing: Do not grout until masonry has cured at least 24 hours. B. Fill block cells per details and notes. C. Finish top of wall with grout cap. D. Apply stucco finish on one (1) side (facing street) and cap. 3.07 TILE SIGNAGE: Install tile signage to match existing signage after completion of stucco applications. All tile shall be set plumb, level and true. Do not use chipped or broken tile. 3.08 TESTS: A. All test shall be made by an independent laboratory, as selected by the Owner. (1) At the beginning of all masonry work, at least one test sample of mortar and grout shall be taken on 3 successive working days. B. Mortar samples shall be taken from surface soon after spreading. Test cylinders shall be 2 inches in diameter and 4 inches high. When tested at 28 days the compressive strength shall not be less than 1800 pounds bed square inch. C. Grout specimens shall be cast in block cell using masonry units taken from the site. Grout shall be poured into the sample units and puddled, as nearly as possible, in the same manner as that being poured into the wall. Specimens shall remain in the block for 3 days. Line block with a thin paper towel to permit removal of the specimen without damage. This specimen shall be tested for compression at 28 days and shall develop a minimum ultimate compressive strength of 2000 pounds per square inch., D. Concrete Block shall be tested in accordance with "Standard Methods of Sampling and Testing Concrete Units." ASTM Des C140. The average compressive strength shall not be less than 1000 pounds per square inch on the gross area. 1 wX f49f l t�!!e j Q t ----� I A � Tiled Entry Sign. PARKWAY STREET i F661 6F 7 "TCP --- t1XI4VT1NG I • l.ot�a �T C I�'�� OWNF�-. WoO ) LOW W 6ACe.- (V) AW DMiLEqTervL MIANIC;r-lm WT 104C7 1 Wr1N RI �i l It OR F-W-FIr"'T L4Nr-- 2 3 9 '"�►, LOTS I STREET BERM DETAILS >;. 3 Typical Wall Placement.,' 3 Notes. GENERAL NOTES: 1. F r� � '1Z�� Oi�- 1 J�1-1-g ��1" X1..1- fl �-- THE:- -_4X) Df_=- ©r- T1Hft STR T 09ZUT STUccv5Lp CA �• All excavations shall be clean and contain no 50L4t:;) GFVUT D, W ►J oc� u f� 2. Footing concrete shall be 1 part cement to 2 parts sand -- WJE Wb►NP�F'� i - �. ! //_T0f 3. Cells containing reinforcement shall have vertical continuity of the cell unobstructed and shall be filled solidly with grout. Grout shall be 1 part cement to 2 . I parts sand to 2 parts pea gravel --max. size 3/8. (f'c - 2000 psi). I + p � 4. Mortar mix shall be 1 part cement to 1/4 part lime to 4 f. - UI -I U �LaLls o +►�wA�. for weep holes. \` 5. Grout stop shall be completely omitted at all cells P P Y containing reinforcements. ; 6. Concrete blocks shall conform to�TM -r-` c) Reinforcement shall conform to ASTM ts�I'�F ►7F-4Ibe formed and shall be placed in the center` 'of' the cells. 7. If 6" precision block is used: Grout shall. be poured in maximum 3' high lifts. 8. If 8" precision block is used: Grout using normal -I � > � ' 9. The inspector may require verification of grouting. I COM PrGrE� 5U P� GF�P6 Folz WALV? . ; ' �► SES �Ksl N EF,f2-E D D!iT� Lr7j t Radius all edges. �--=�.-•-- TI qp o o �F�TIve, GOM P�Ci 01� - d , 2 MI)JiMUM (> �j �G o Stucco/Grout Block WWII CD Z O 0 F - Q U U. U W CL CO 06 G Cr CVQ G F - w' W =EEEE01111111111l11 'SHEET: - 4 1162- 116/-r Notes. GENERAL NOTES: 1. F r� � '1Z�� Oi�- 1 J�1-1-g ��1" X1..1- fl �-- THE:- -_4X) Df_=- ©r- T1Hft STR T �• All excavations shall be clean and contain no loose earth or foreign matter. 2. Footing concrete shall be 1 part cement to 2 parts sand to 3 parts gravel. f'c = 2000 psi). 3. Cells containing reinforcement shall have vertical continuity of the cell unobstructed and shall be filled solidly with grout. Grout shall be 1 part cement to 2 parts sand to 2 parts pea gravel --max. size 3/8. (f'c - 2000 psi). I + 4. Mortar mix shall be 1 part cement to 1/4 part lime to 4 f. parts sand. Head joints may be omitted in the first course for weep holes. \` 5. Grout stop shall be completely omitted at all cells P P Y containing reinforcements. ; 6. Concrete blocks shall conform to�TM -r-` c) Reinforcement shall conform to ASTM ts�I'�F ►7F-4Ibe formed and shall be placed in the center` 'of' the cells. 7. If 6" precision block is used: Grout shall. be poured in maximum 3' high lifts. 8. If 8" precision block is used: Grout using normal procedures. 9. The inspector may require verification of grouting. I 10. Radius all edges. CD Z O 0 F - Q U U. U W CL CO 06 G Cr CVQ G F - w' W =EEEE01111111111l11 'SHEET: - 4 1162- 116/-r