HomeMy WebLinkAbout1741-1GENERAL MUTES S7,WN 14RA9 DrP.4WIN" /N 7AFSr NOlf,S rPEL4TE r0 DfS'/Gil/ R. 4-41Z1.-41 ZaS,4NSE1FS ArMINlY A21MV 42WRo1- DIS6�214rr ZO 11. NZ..1`'433ERS IN CIRCLES DIDICATE I't'fMS UNC£R MICH PAYMENT WILL BE MADE . 2. EX I STING TREES SMALL Eit FOUVEM C KLY IF SO DESIGMTED THOSE TREES �M INTERFERING WITH CCNSTR0CVC N SHALL BE PRDT`JCTED IN PLACE. _ 3. STATIONS SMW CN THE DRAWINGS ARE AtWNG CFxM LINE - OF - ` OOi�Dt1IT;- 4 . STAXICNNS AND MVERr ELEVATICNS OF PIPE IN ZTS SHOWN CN THE PROFILES ARE AT THE INSIDE FACE or THE CONDQITe UNLESS SIERRA OTHE WI SE SHOWN. A V NUE DRA E STORM S. ALL. FIELD BC CK REFEMCES ARE CITY OF FON iA NA � FIELD BOOKS, UNLESS M'VERWISE "NUM. IN THE CITY. O.F..FONTANA '6. PIPE COMECTM14S M SMM DAMN SHALL SRM TO STANnkM I 'IN CPAW NG N0. 2-D 191 OR 2-D 193, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOM FR01V VALLEY BOULEVARD TO SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE is 7. ALL PIPE Ih� C�Ett TP�'1C�3 SHALL BE BE73DED ACCORDING ri0 _ _ STANI RD DRA>rIID G NO. 2-D 177, CASE III, EXCEPT BELL AND SPIGOT PIPE M ICH SHALL BE CASE 11 BEDOVXG:, UNLESS OTHEFRI SE SHOW* "W"- VALUES SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED ON STANDARD DRAWING NO. 2-D 177 FOR CASE III BEDDING,, NarES 3 (A) r 3 (b) , AND 3(c). IF THE "W'r VALUE AT THE TOP OF 'THE PIPE IS EXCEEDED, TETE BED- DING SHALL BE MODIFIE D, AND/`OR PIPE OF PDOITICNAL STMJGI'Ei SHALL BE PROVIDED.. THE PROPOSED MODIFICATION SHALL BE APPROVEDGENERAL NOTES AND DETAILS k; t 8- COtliCRF.i'E BACFILL SHALL BE PDED ARIOLTNg PIPE 21 rNCHEs MANHOLE NO 4 C O N S T R U CTI ON C RI TERI A IN n xmnm OR LESS miERE THE CC.`VER IS FriTA.L qn no LESS. `THAN 21-D" , AROUND PIPE GEEA,TE:R THAN 21 INCHES IN DIAMETER BUT LESS/STA. �KUU T NUT Lb T1 ILb- -110 NDU INCHES MERE THE CUVF�2 IS i� TtfAN �, � -3" r AND FOR F I PE"' - 39 INCHES OR GREATER WHERE TRIS OWM IS LESS THAN 11-0" . THE /� CONISTRUCT 42" R. CP /000-D 9/OLF CWCRM BACKFILL SMM- BE AS SPECIFIED CSI STANDARD DRAWING 2 CON•ST•f'l/OT A39".i''C.P /000 D NO. 2-D 7, N='3. DNSAACWT 36" SPC, P 1250-,a- 43'57 520 F „ TI ES FOR CATCH BMINS AS 'MH (AJN C N THE DRAWINGS ARE FRCx1 4 C'ONST,PC/CT e33 /rcC.f' 1250-0- 9.717LF coNsr,�Ucr 3D'' �'C.P /p00 _; 43/F. . CURB 1~�9I�LJI�N `In CENTER LINE OR TIE L.IIV� QE` :CA`�i Bt�.S IN r OTHERWISE S� v. UNLESS�ONsr�PrJcr 24 SCP 1350-0._ �O/F . lo 2>69NVe, 21" zc. /000-D - - -- 4LF 10. , RIGHT OF LAY FENCING SHALL BE PLACED 6" INSIDE; THE R.IMT OF � CoNA�r,�U�r /8" tf'C. � /350,0 (EXCEPT PROF/lE1��� P000-0� /4GLF WAY LINE. (0)emnfiler excel-/ BAs1N eg PZe JWS • ee-D/G3 AS ,Sh'OWN ON SWF7 Na /, W/11 11. THE � AL1,' THE UPST� EVD OF CATC li BASINS 10 FEET OR MORE IN LENGTH SHALL HE CURB FACE .PLUS 12 INCHES r UNLESS O�tHEMISE SHC N. 12. UXATICNS OF C.A� BASIN GCtMC`PUR PIPE JUNCTIONS WITH CATCH BASINS AS SHMN CV THE DRAWING ARE SCHEMATIC. IT IS WrENDED . "SAT SUCH J't,'NCrialS M ?.=TED AT THE DCW�STREA:M &NOS OF 'niE CATCH BASINS, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY INDICATED 0111ERKSE. IN ALL CASES THE EXACT LCCATIONS r TI WILL BF# DERI~tI N ED IN THE FIELD BY THE ENGTNEER 70 MEET FIELD CaTDITIalS. 13. • M NOLITKIC CATCH BASIN MiNEC` IONS SHALL BE, OCNSTRUCTED, 4iERE a A.PPLIC,�AIBLE, PER STAMk D DRAW IM, N O. 2-D 224. M.H. STA. EL.S�EL. R D2 ELEV. a� ELEV. 1qFFGv,4Y il/d) VICINITY MAP <o seW «) Side Opening Top b rCurb tBasinl '` _ `� I C. F, r^ r-1 Flow Sfra 6r, • - , /o Cr�NsTRUC'I` JUNCT/D1t/ S'l/f'L/ClUfi'%v0.2 iof 19M, 711, # 2 D//2 �!S S//OGY/I/0/V Sr�/ff1 NO.2 / EA, - - - c ''''-vuo/ eurb faces}'�"' �, e �c note �tJA b/e 3 aria CONsrif UCr VOCAL >OZ;lz,>f S'/OH P, el"Z ,B ITle OPYO Ai 2-088 AS r1114014131ON sy1" NOI SEA. Vo``e ; . �rol ht Grodearse�Rf e �j�,e / Poigt M I s -N • . �/n •�' /! -Stra h t Grade or see note 2 CONY7i4'UCT ✓UNCTION RMNII&f N0. 's/ IPPR V141S #i 2-D//3.4,f �S'wdwly O/V X//T, N0. 2 6zw C0NS1,fZ1e7'I'0/YB. G�1TGy B 15//v /U0.7 G f1TES /�FiQ DGI/l' 2 D -/7O S/101'Yrt/ON S•t/l /I/0 2 / Ef! 'CASE 8 _See note :b ;r' ��; see no/e'b " ' - - m . • 1 01Vf1,fUCT VOCAL O�"P/r'E.SS'/ONN03; C,4SE,B�EN.OId/G. �� D?48 S//OGYNONS/1l. /i/D. 2 B�FA/(0111,�1/vD ft Z&VOFL Z71,57 N,4N/10LE . _ . _ NOTES l� P o, Locolihl Oepressoh sol be Co. e,R unless / ess ohcrwise speciPd eon ge ieralpor, . /lo � COrVsIf�U�T 3 ,4. C. P,4v�"/LIENT _ _ _ . . 702 TONS #a. -1 o • l,,,ed, - b. Clevalions of ouler corners shown on general plan, if oo elevaliorls u�-6 sped. /7 CONaZ h?UCl / �C. OvE�PLAJ' - - 4/4 TONS e o lite ouler edge or Local Depress,on shall con(brm to finishedstreet sur(bce• /B;tfE/t' OUT E,Y/ST Gv4LL OFG�AT�' /NIEl �1N0 JD/N IB l�C.P / EQ c. Stakes situ!! tie set to grarir along the valley rand slang the ridge line (outer _ edge oractuol depressed orea). Stakes of points iW and tl shot/ be set /9 CONx7,1?&C7 B/f/C! A%,i /Y/ORIW PLUG ^ l EA on a slraighIl grade between tops orend headers (if on a verticial curve - - see note r'). ?"hese stokes shall not'be removed until just before the'' 20 Corvsr-�IJCr B ry�� ,42-8 CU/�� Ai�Q G'U/lE� 41F, p ti , ; .. .,• sol finl'shing. , 2/ !'DNS'Tf>'l/CT 4"" PCC S'/02Gv,4LK _- _ _ _._ _- - SFunless otherwise speciried, K ^ 6 Leet unless otherwise speci(iPd. t _ 9!4e I 19 . "V�," IS TFiE . 'ZH OF I;VLET OF- CATCH BASIL.' IN SERIES MEASURED : , ;, „ . , � CrL . 6 �„ n„e F:�CM 'ICP OF Ctl'�B TO INVERT OF CCC71V _” . - CD/vSl�l/OT /B, x30 !'DNC. BD,,V 4111M, F, PER 0ET�1/LS' S'�IEFT NO3 - . _ /2 LF. 9 p EC OR PIFE. H 4irtc/fes unless o/herw;se sfiollir? on the enema/ lan. 15. CURB FACE (C. F. SHCM CN THE GENERAL PLAN PERTAINS M THE CURB FACE AT THE CATCH BASIN OPENING UNLESS OTHEi gISE NOTED. FOR LOCAL CEPRESSICN NO. 21 THE CURB FACE SHALL BE TSiE EXISTING PLUS FGLM INCHES UNLESS OVEWISE SPECIFIED. FOR LOCAL DEPRESSION NO. 4 , REFER M STANDRRD DRAWING NO. 2-D 4150 16. CURB FACE SHALT. BE 8 INCM AT THE EMUS OF LACAL DEPRESSICNS WEiM THERE IS NO EXI STIR CURB. 17., LOCATICNS SHOW .0 N RHE PLANS FOR EXISTING SANITARY •SEWER Ho CCt44ECTICNS ARE APPRC MMAM, CWY.. 18 • S� 1�NI�TA�IW SHALL HOUSE 0" CIC N NSTX �}, CN AND '��RL•'�- ,NEC 4 �► N SIIEfii.L [7i is IN ACMRO NM Y rM,' auk+�i?ra�+:•�a�r DPAWING NO. - 2 -II 2501 OR C CF LOS AWALES- S OOMO PLAN NO. S-111.0, AS APFLICA"o Ulm OTHERWISE SSW 19. SANITARY SD&RS ANIS F XZE. C IH�� CUSSING OVER THE =1�M DRAIN Tom; SM« BE SUPPOKED IN ACC OR- DANCE WITH STANDARD DR NG NO. n�2-D -173,1 M-..3 D MCA+SED PER GENERAL1, O�,'L' 1 cm - .71AN MM DR WiOM NO. 2-D 173. 1. 20. t#IEN M4 ICATED CN ME s , SMTDM . SEWERS AND HOUSE IT7 ACUOATI��I;VCE RE�ID!/E CONCirFjE CURB AND GUTTER _ jlo3!F e, Points A end B shay//.be set of H inches below exrsti�g gutfer grade �4 f>'ENOv��SAhvCUl)F,Y/Sl, /B"X, DV"90AV C1111/E/Pl /O2LF f. Speciol details governing the construction of this Local Depression on - Z(J--RE/YIOvF ,5,4WeZI,r) E.Y/S'l. ,4.C.1,IYE/1/IENT 40 000 S,-- _ vertical curve shown on general plan. _ /304 SF C I REFERENCES REVISIONS LOS ANG£L6S COUNTY MARX VATI DI.CIION CONTROL 73ISTR RRTFLOOD L ICT.` --�ENDv,' 2,VS7. /wl"'x24 ""�'G�P _ _ r /O LF I -- -- e,""q'�' AN S 6 1AM1!il/E/70i/E4N,O AFIOCATE 41_111S7S7/4W? S/ON_ ' LOCAL DEPRESSION NO-- : 9 � En 2.14 t RefV-Pro, P/orgy e61�IDt/f 7RZT GVELLS !w/TfE�336 8'10.53 4dded Noles and FOR SIDE OPENING urongcd 4' lo'iY' CATCH BASINS Q CON5TA761 - REM0061- OFEX19T. ,SEW, HI,U.SE LATERAL PER u $ t� si nd.�aJ 41cle /�li►/G. r- ✓�f/OlN/V OLS/ ✓r- f/T `2below J A co�.v. e r.:: _ . l •• J•J9 C•lirlti !b .Iri,hlf.•� w�l•Rovl o a,r �,�.� See %IOI rP (�✓, b�i /OW A ?-/! GB . of vi_ �O cnon„ed N • ' SVSN�J�”: Rf COMM:HUI 'J Y\4 C�� > DATE NO D I _ - .-.• _. �.'-Y'F 5 - -rc .ai,a_ -: �. X....w;y;-F+.a• .. r: �:- �;> mac•,.,: «:._:�-,;."R... (Q) ,4bo ve quQ1711, , 1 .:. •-. .-... -s?"A� _ . ..; .. .. � _ _'•'�. ,a . - .. . � s-�ST""? .., . ,-?,`'�5.,; <. _-:r;W�k-�, ,. ""'_i°!f",'.�`; -, 4444. ,. "6 .ins.•+r�-.ar.n-...A�=.3,�r. .¢�1.ree.'i'ySt .=..53.. �, m- ,.�. .,: -:-. 4444. :r. -', •. -.. -. :.-� _,,..,. �. _ ,-.: . '.n-J.yA...• 4444 . �.. ..- 4444 -. 4444. /ea5 do t7of /�7 cOUde fV lure ilemg shown on plans. t--+-------------'.Y- �---------�- w ------------------- -t-t- (e� r/e colweclion /5 12aled ore 5hl #4, qu71711 �ie5 Inay vary, f-eeor217ecf 1 Allernofe Manhole NOTES -I} locations per Dwg; No. 2-0157---�\ A ! I, CONNECTOR PIPE ,oe/- defgi/ o�`/ 5Y/ Dowel*----.-- -� „ cy-- Locate pipe at the downstream end of the basin unless ` rl ,•�, -� �, Dowel per Detail specifically noted otherwise 'on the general p,qn, �-14N, I \ Pipe shall be trimmed to the final shape and length ( 6" \ before the placement of the concrete, to:IT_E �,.7" � 2. CONCRETE: ri ` —�— I Design, f� ; 3,000psi compressive strength of 28 days, Floor of the basin shall slope from all walls to the a outlet and shall be given o steel- troweled surface, --y' _ 1311 f Inish. 41 r �'MGX. �,. ! 6,I 2- \ Curvature of the sill and the side walls a1 the gutter •� 5 may'. Limif�of �I • C._ -if M-42-001-,- /_� rnax. _ o _ .F L//r7/• _5 O L%m/f.5 Of Dowel-- --, _ , I �— Dowel opening shall be formed by curved forms. 1-41 �.rJ cp'S - /.!•C. over/Ay .� , tYP• -}�-- COtIECTIC7Ns Bfi �F� �, C• Over/Q.Surface of all exposed concrete sholl conform in grade a Anchor ----11 gl ` '2 lYit� -Anchor slope, color, and finish to the existing, or L WITH S~I'ANLRD �NCa NO. 2-" D 251*_ '1 1 ✓c4�V C(%7 �X%5r� thebasin, 1- proposed, cu and walk adjacent to -�rOw CUT '-�. �.,� „� - _ - - - - - - - 3. REINFORCEMENT, Std. Dwq No, 2-0171 1 21. EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE M.AL'#ED IN PLACE BY THE . The following companies have interest in existing facilities within® I 3" Radius--- - - - u fcur —• ©Top Slab - No.4 bars spaced a� (a"BoTN WA&. UNLESS C7II�ER* SE iT�`TED. - - -'74- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ Cc�1�ri ACPOR, / 1 FLOW P z -U " walls and Floor 4*4-S (e 04 PO _ 1 4 Radius limits of project. varie.5 --Radius I r' Anchor er 1 � � TN Y�1Sy'S D g No. 2-D232 4 ENSKAS: einf. per 3" Radius DIM w. 22_ I' DWRk j SUPPORTS FOR WATER LINES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE r, / R Curb face at catch basin opening (Exist, C.F.+H.) shall City 'of Fontana Pacific Bell Telephone 1 1 Dwg. Na. 2-0232 A i �.. be as required by Std Dwgs, Nos. 2- D 88, 2-0415 or WITH D. W. & P. STD. PLAN A-3615, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. Engineer Division z 3939 Coronado Streeet � N as shown on the general plan. - "V" `� - TOP SLAB . STRUCTURAL PLAN / Catch basins for W=IOfe n or more shall have a V BENCH _M 8353 �Sie�ra Avenue r�naheiru VA= �2.8�7 � - K PP i �` depth of. the upstream end equal to the curb face of /2 the catch basin plus 12 inches,L11•but in no case shall 23. SPECIAL MANHOLES NO. 2, NO. 3, AND NO. 4 SHALT, BE CONSTRUCTED Fontana, CA 92335 (71 �) 999-551 + 2- 104 Atr� 2--D 113, RESPEC \ PER STANDARD DRAWItaG t<i0 2-D 184 D ( 714) 350-.7610 the sfop'e of .The floor exceed ail , � \ • � Std. Frame and Cover �/ W= 14�-ON• and b= " FRAME AND CCiVEi� SHALL - _ 3 - 2 , unless otherwise shown, � �" Radius. � per Owq. No. 2-0156 V � 4 -0 ,unless otherwise shown, TIVELY EXCEL` VAT MANHOLE �, Southern California Gas Company ^ � , , - FAc9 Pert: FTr� rn,, t s" if v • 4'- o" or less. n $ �` �� Anchor.` v , o, A69 FONTANA sm 20-A t 8" it V = 4'- I " to e'=0", BE PER , STANDARD DRAWID10 NO. 2--D 427 AIM 2-D 428. SET P� NNL ,/A/ P., # CO224E Southern California Edison X981 W. Lugonia Avenue ,-#3 ar 4 bars, regd ', T _ t 10" if V= 8' 1"or more. _ ELS //2?.99 5-85 300 N. Pepper Avenue ,:'.Redlands, CA 9237+ CASE _ ----- . .Ill i3E'D/J/NG ►----------- --,., '••1, . --�- / 1 ,' •;u.,. ` :e .Street or 5. STEPS: ( Std, Dwq No, 2-D 96 ) 24: q;HERE THE UTILITIES ARE IttDICATED CV THE DRAW1N 3 'IO BE P. 0. BOX 788 ( 714) 884-9411 r- 9 . . � � � � -Dowel { { -I � � C LL+� � L.D.-surface surface � V to 3-0 (Incl.) ,place one step 12 inches above the SUPFORTED, SAID SUPPORTS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANMRt $k P� N,�J/L /N PP 323764E NO,PTht .5'/D� OF Realto, CA 92376 ,n �, { floor of the basin. 1 �O, �> -.-" 1'--11"- (� � � j V over 3'-0" ,place steps of 12 -inch Intervals from the p NOTE: No ear'frcr payment o��g/r�gfir�9 �`�orn exfrq rtiidth -- 1 Dowel-'/ ( , protectioq Bar and, floor of the basin with the top step of 12 inches (minimum) i [),RMING No. 2-rD 173.11 .2 OR .3, UNLESS GTHE TSE INDICATED`*. 425 + � (714) 820-5598 Group W Cable MAI &,�'NAFOINO _ /7[S 4,97 O /NZf,'? 4er10N 8561 Neuvo Avenue off' french over fhe orae ghowr� wr// be made /o tl�fe � �' " L - i s :.. ,Step per Dwg. No: �. Support Bolt per below the top surface of the fop slab. I OF SYAifA CoP7fracfor. -- 1 and 2-D 232 25. ALL, OPENING RESULTING FROM THE CUrrING OR PARTIAL F`F� //Jr97� -7D Fontana Water, Company Fontana, CA 92335 4:: Dwg. No. 2-D 175 DETAIL OF DOWEL v� ' �• 1 z-o9s and Note 5 I . I LOS ANGELES COUNTY 16803 Spring Street ( 714) 350-2344 > I FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT \ NI to �, �_2„ -,t : 1 vat► of zsTlr CULVERTS, OR SIMILAR # 438 r0� of f�iPf /140, 41W W7 SOZ17W21s7 �WeNZe Fontana, CA 92335 NOTES: LINES LOCATED OVERHEAD rleEAIcH EXCA vA rl o1 / DE%i/L - E Alternate connections STRUCTURES 94ALL Be SFALED 199TH 8 INCHES OF BRICK AND Of' /1�154f1OOLD 4ND S1ZI-1QA per Dwg. No. z -D224 CATCH BASIN N O. 3 EIFv. //40.88 (714) 822-2201 _ 8ca/e %��- 5' Supersedes • g N2 3° Radius ; ' PLAN SECTION MJRTA'i2 OR 6 IrYCHES pF Mt��=,# UNLESS OTHERWISE SHC 9-�7 drowin of the same number Slope to outlet , I { doted Aug. '50 + from all directions ` AND 'DETAILS Marygold Mutual Water Company REVISIONS -- 2�O' ALL RESURFACING, aJRSS , aYI'TERS, SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS r. AND 9715 Alder Avenue A.S.. MARK ' DATE OESCRI/TION - _ — -- — — — ---_ _ tww�.� - T__ 1 /' N [] EXISTING T\Y1 i rri•1EWS i7� �] a •T.. -a ■ `� ���c•�•, •• Q l- 1 -'/I AeJlllon to Nela - - 4 ' , q t- f •ICOYMa .; w •r•wora� •acor..ar oao Ar �J 1 ` 1 L+jt (,(1 j 1`h) J ( 1lJ [ 7L T �r i a.a.r D. W. ti^ �'= , , a . I' c_ �- E� I SL4 v hcc P Ca/ _ CCi`IS'I'RtJCTED AT THE SP+.ME ELEVATICX�i A%TC} iIJCATIOti AS THE Bloomington, CA 92316 _ -- _ - - - _ - - _ _ - - - 1L1 1/�1 ? - t • la -J Pw' ai/tlno/tea �� — — /i a - 1 - e • ID 1 (71 T) 877�Y516 - ua.,c ao .r ��- Arr ROYCD er uow a.alnA.w.�r .ur ..tar oa.ulr a aa+ EX I STING IMP , UNLESS CiI13E AI SE N=• S ub g r a d e optional - EXISTING p t i o n a l l� G. J. P. �• /� .CHI[I [NCIH[[R. - - - - SECTION A—A SCALE DATE DWG. NO. 2- D 163 ' - _ - •_ . - 4444.. . - ... ,::�:.. . . .. 27. REFER TO -SHEET FOR TYPICAL CATCH BASIN C CNNECTOR PIPE NONE _ _ - -- 5 15 68 SHEET I OF I P!CITY O FONTANA CALIFORNIA F�lJF I LE. iiCE TO CONTRACTORS P R O J E C T E N G t NE E R 8 R 4 A 0 STRIPPING G DETA THE EXISTENCE 1 i REFER T TRAFFIC- Fac CONTROL' rR o L. PIA 1V FOR s TR N 'DETAILS ECT, AND APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF UND GR �'* Vii, ER OUND UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES f .._ r_ -;... _ _t ..:. , ::... . :._ _,.. �. _ r- .r _ _ . - ,. - .._ - N L� N E R � ii O . , 1_! ANACAL PUBLIC WORKS UE PARTM ENT 4 SHOWN ON THESE PLANS -WERE DETERMCNED BY A SEARCH OF THE AVAILABLE PUBLIC • Contractor agrees that he shall assume sole and comp'. responsibility for job � � P. 0, BOX X 3 f 6 8 'DRAWN BY: SCALE: 'RECORDS. TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE TF-�RE ARE 0 R RAIN IMPROVEMENTS NO EXISTING UNDERGROUND 1 S T M D UTIZITIF,S OR STRUCTU M EXCEPT AS SHOWN ON THIS MAP. site conditions during the course of construction of this Project/ including safety of all I ANAHEIM CALIF 0 R N I A , 9 2 8 0 3 I persons and property; that this, requirement shall apply continuously and not be lim- y ,; ! r THE CONTRACTOR IS RE9,UIRED TO TAKE DUE PRECAUTIONAR i h h h i i mnif n - PHONE : ? [ 4 `T ? 4 - .1 7 8 3 TRACED BY; SIERRA AVENUE DATE: Y MESURFS TO PROTECT' THE /ted to normal work ng ours, and t at t e Contractor shalldefend, nde y a d UTILI ES OR STRUCTURES SHOWN AND ANY OTHER UTILITTES, OR STRUCTURES AT THE hold the Owner and the Engineer harmless from any and all liability, real or alleged, _ SITF . T,T SHALL FSE THE CONTRACTOR t S RESPONSIB11,11Y 0 a � i connection with the erfbrmance' of work on this Pro exce tin for liabilit � ' ' _ TO N TTFY THE Oti RgERS OF n w _ p, J , p g Y ;tib J CHECKED 8Y. DRk1N0, 1/7.. • "tea- • OR STRUCTURESCONCEMTED BEFORE START. -LNG WORK. arising from the sole negligence of the. Owner or the Engineer. j. i APPROVE[ 1744 • _ - - •�_,�.: _ 4,444 - t -, '.-.:r �..... "�.: -.�.. .. r'!L: 444_4, _..._ ;..•_'+.�ti..._ _-,... ,. ... : R C. E. 2�,l047 DAVE i CITY ENGINEER R. E. 16932 ' Q A B • C D , 2f D 1 / 9.+48. I C� all Q 9` - 949.74 4P" I X39.52 R /4. �8 /4.79 /577 � G, y x.3'7.52 • 24..74 42" �9" 23.74 X3.99 45 ° /8" �. 00 ' 25,00 /8 �G<367 /8 -o 7/, 67 33 .70 1 39 -- 36" 23498-201 31.70 31:95 450 /8" 6.00' 23492.53 2400,53 29+26-34 3840 33165' 45 ° 30" 6.00' 39, /4 2920.�7 29428.67 5045" 4� a P4,"14/ , 6.DO ' // 33 6Avo�iNF 38+99.86 49.70 . 84P7a32 24'x" 400' +95 99 37"0%99 1qFFGv,4Y il/d) VICINITY MAP <o seW «) Side Opening Top b rCurb tBasinl '` _ `� I C. F, r^ r-1 Flow Sfra 6r, • - , /o Cr�NsTRUC'I` JUNCT/D1t/ S'l/f'L/ClUfi'%v0.2 iof 19M, 711, # 2 D//2 �!S S//OGY/I/0/V Sr�/ff1 NO.2 / EA, - - - c ''''-vuo/ eurb faces}'�"' �, e �c note �tJA b/e 3 aria CONsrif UCr VOCAL >OZ;lz,>f S'/OH P, el"Z ,B ITle OPYO Ai 2-088 AS r1114014131ON sy1" NOI SEA. Vo``e ; . �rol ht Grodearse�Rf e �j�,e / Poigt M I s -N • . �/n •�' /! -Stra h t Grade or see note 2 CONY7i4'UCT ✓UNCTION RMNII&f N0. 's/ IPPR V141S #i 2-D//3.4,f �S'wdwly O/V X//T, N0. 2 6zw C0NS1,fZ1e7'I'0/YB. G�1TGy B 15//v /U0.7 G f1TES /�FiQ DGI/l' 2 D -/7O S/101'Yrt/ON S•t/l /I/0 2 / Ef! 'CASE 8 _See note :b ;r' ��; see no/e'b " ' - - m . • 1 01Vf1,fUCT VOCAL O�"P/r'E.SS'/ONN03; C,4SE,B�EN.OId/G. �� D?48 S//OGYNONS/1l. /i/D. 2 B�FA/(0111,�1/vD ft Z&VOFL Z71,57 N,4N/10LE . _ . _ NOTES l� P o, Locolihl Oepressoh sol be Co. e,R unless / ess ohcrwise speciPd eon ge ieralpor, . /lo � COrVsIf�U�T 3 ,4. C. P,4v�"/LIENT _ _ _ . . 702 TONS #a. -1 o • l,,,ed, - b. Clevalions of ouler corners shown on general plan, if oo elevaliorls u�-6 sped. /7 CONaZ h?UCl / �C. OvE�PLAJ' - - 4/4 TONS e o lite ouler edge or Local Depress,on shall con(brm to finishedstreet sur(bce• /B;tfE/t' OUT E,Y/ST Gv4LL OFG�AT�' /NIEl �1N0 JD/N IB l�C.P / EQ c. Stakes situ!! tie set to grarir along the valley rand slang the ridge line (outer _ edge oractuol depressed orea). Stakes of points iW and tl shot/ be set /9 CONx7,1?&C7 B/f/C! A%,i /Y/ORIW PLUG ^ l EA on a slraighIl grade between tops orend headers (if on a verticial curve - - see note r'). ?"hese stokes shall not'be removed until just before the'' 20 Corvsr-�IJCr B ry�� ,42-8 CU/�� Ai�Q G'U/lE� 41F, p ti , ; .. .,• sol finl'shing. , 2/ !'DNS'Tf>'l/CT 4"" PCC S'/02Gv,4LK _- _ _ _._ _- - SFunless otherwise speciried, K ^ 6 Leet unless otherwise speci(iPd. t _ 9!4e I 19 . "V�," IS TFiE . 'ZH OF I;VLET OF- CATCH BASIL.' IN SERIES MEASURED : , ;, „ . , � CrL . 6 �„ n„e F:�CM 'ICP OF Ctl'�B TO INVERT OF CCC71V _” . - CD/vSl�l/OT /B, x30 !'DNC. BD,,V 4111M, F, PER 0ET�1/LS' S'�IEFT NO3 - . _ /2 LF. 9 p EC OR PIFE. H 4irtc/fes unless o/herw;se sfiollir? on the enema/ lan. 15. CURB FACE (C. F. SHCM CN THE GENERAL PLAN PERTAINS M THE CURB FACE AT THE CATCH BASIN OPENING UNLESS OTHEi gISE NOTED. FOR LOCAL CEPRESSICN NO. 21 THE CURB FACE SHALL BE TSiE EXISTING PLUS FGLM INCHES UNLESS OVEWISE SPECIFIED. FOR LOCAL DEPRESSION NO. 4 , REFER M STANDRRD DRAWING NO. 2-D 4150 16. CURB FACE SHALT. BE 8 INCM AT THE EMUS OF LACAL DEPRESSICNS WEiM THERE IS NO EXI STIR CURB. 17., LOCATICNS SHOW .0 N RHE PLANS FOR EXISTING SANITARY •SEWER Ho CCt44ECTICNS ARE APPRC MMAM, CWY.. 18 • S� 1�NI�TA�IW SHALL HOUSE 0" CIC N NSTX �}, CN AND '��RL•'�- ,NEC 4 �► N SIIEfii.L [7i is IN ACMRO NM Y rM,' auk+�i?ra�+:•�a�r DPAWING NO. - 2 -II 2501 OR C CF LOS AWALES- S OOMO PLAN NO. S-111.0, AS APFLICA"o Ulm OTHERWISE SSW 19. SANITARY SD&RS ANIS F XZE. C IH�� CUSSING OVER THE =1�M DRAIN Tom; SM« BE SUPPOKED IN ACC OR- DANCE WITH STANDARD DR NG NO. n�2-D -173,1 M-..3 D MCA+SED PER GENERAL1, O�,'L' 1 cm - .71AN MM DR WiOM NO. 2-D 173. 1. 20. t#IEN M4 ICATED CN ME s , SMTDM . SEWERS AND HOUSE IT7 ACUOATI��I;VCE RE�ID!/E CONCirFjE CURB AND GUTTER _ jlo3!F e, Points A end B shay//.be set of H inches below exrsti�g gutfer grade �4 f>'ENOv��SAhvCUl)F,Y/Sl, /B"X, DV"90AV C1111/E/Pl /O2LF f. Speciol details governing the construction of this Local Depression on - Z(J--RE/YIOvF ,5,4WeZI,r) E.Y/S'l. ,4.C.1,IYE/1/IENT 40 000 S,-- _ vertical curve shown on general plan. _ /304 SF C I REFERENCES REVISIONS LOS ANG£L6S COUNTY MARX VATI DI.CIION CONTROL 73ISTR RRTFLOOD L ICT.` --�ENDv,' 2,VS7. /wl"'x24 ""�'G�P _ _ r /O LF I -- -- e,""q'�' AN S 6 1AM1!il/E/70i/E4N,O AFIOCATE 41_111S7S7/4W? S/ON_ ' LOCAL DEPRESSION NO-- : 9 � En 2.14 t RefV-Pro, P/orgy e61�IDt/f 7RZT GVELLS !w/TfE�336 8'10.53 4dded Noles and FOR SIDE OPENING urongcd 4' lo'iY' CATCH BASINS Q CON5TA761 - REM0061- OFEX19T. ,SEW, HI,U.SE LATERAL PER u $ t� si nd.�aJ 41cle /�li►/G. r- ✓�f/OlN/V OLS/ ✓r- f/T `2below J A co�.v. e r.:: _ . l •• J•J9 C•lirlti !b .Iri,hlf.•� w�l•Rovl o a,r �,�.� See %IOI rP (�✓, b�i /OW A ?-/! GB . of vi_ �O cnon„ed N • ' SVSN�J�”: Rf COMM:HUI 'J Y\4 C�� > DATE NO D I _ - .-.• _. �.'-Y'F 5 - -rc .ai,a_ -: �. X....w;y;-F+.a• .. r: �:- �;> mac•,.,: «:._:�-,;."R... (Q) ,4bo ve quQ1711, , 1 .:. •-. .-... -s?"A� _ . ..; .. .. � _ _'•'�. ,a . - .. . � s-�ST""? .., . ,-?,`'�5.,; <. _-:r;W�k-�, ,. ""'_i°!f",'.�`; -, 4444. ,. "6 .ins.•+r�-.ar.n-...A�=.3,�r. .¢�1.ree.'i'ySt .=..53.. �, m- ,.�. .,: -:-. 4444. :r. -', •. -.. -. :.-� _,,..,. �. _ ,-.: . '.n-J.yA...• 4444 . �.. ..- 4444 -. 4444. /ea5 do t7of /�7 cOUde fV lure ilemg shown on plans. t--+-------------'.Y- �---------�- w ------------------- -t-t- (e� r/e colweclion /5 12aled ore 5hl #4, qu71711 �ie5 Inay vary, f-eeor217ecf 1 Allernofe Manhole NOTES -I} locations per Dwg; No. 2-0157---�\ A ! I, CONNECTOR PIPE ,oe/- defgi/ o�`/ 5Y/ Dowel*----.-- -� „ cy-- Locate pipe at the downstream end of the basin unless ` rl ,•�, -� �, Dowel per Detail specifically noted otherwise 'on the general p,qn, �-14N, I \ Pipe shall be trimmed to the final shape and length ( 6" \ before the placement of the concrete, to:IT_E �,.7" � 2. CONCRETE: ri ` —�— I Design, f� ; 3,000psi compressive strength of 28 days, Floor of the basin shall slope from all walls to the a outlet and shall be given o steel- troweled surface, --y' _ 1311 f Inish. 41 r �'MGX. �,. ! 6,I 2- \ Curvature of the sill and the side walls a1 the gutter •� 5 may'. Limif�of �I • C._ -if M-42-001-,- /_� rnax. _ o _ .F L//r7/• _5 O L%m/f.5 Of Dowel-- --, _ , I �— Dowel opening shall be formed by curved forms. 1-41 �.rJ cp'S - /.!•C. over/Ay .� , tYP• -}�-- COtIECTIC7Ns Bfi �F� �, C• Over/Q.Surface of all exposed concrete sholl conform in grade a Anchor ----11 gl ` '2 lYit� -Anchor slope, color, and finish to the existing, or L WITH S~I'ANLRD �NCa NO. 2-" D 251*_ '1 1 ✓c4�V C(%7 �X%5r� thebasin, 1- proposed, cu and walk adjacent to -�rOw CUT '-�. �.,� „� - _ - - - - - - - 3. REINFORCEMENT, Std. Dwq No, 2-0171 1 21. EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE M.AL'#ED IN PLACE BY THE . The following companies have interest in existing facilities within® I 3" Radius--- - - - u fcur —• ©Top Slab - No.4 bars spaced a� (a"BoTN WA&. UNLESS C7II�ER* SE iT�`TED. - - -'74- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ Cc�1�ri ACPOR, / 1 FLOW P z -U " walls and Floor 4*4-S (e 04 PO _ 1 4 Radius limits of project. varie.5 --Radius I r' Anchor er 1 � � TN Y�1Sy'S D g No. 2-D232 4 ENSKAS: einf. per 3" Radius DIM w. 22_ I' DWRk j SUPPORTS FOR WATER LINES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE r, / R Curb face at catch basin opening (Exist, C.F.+H.) shall City 'of Fontana Pacific Bell Telephone 1 1 Dwg. Na. 2-0232 A i �.. be as required by Std Dwgs, Nos. 2- D 88, 2-0415 or WITH D. W. & P. STD. PLAN A-3615, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. Engineer Division z 3939 Coronado Streeet � N as shown on the general plan. - "V" `� - TOP SLAB . STRUCTURAL PLAN / Catch basins for W=IOfe n or more shall have a V BENCH _M 8353 �Sie�ra Avenue r�naheiru VA= �2.8�7 � - K PP i �` depth of. the upstream end equal to the curb face of /2 the catch basin plus 12 inches,L11•but in no case shall 23. SPECIAL MANHOLES NO. 2, NO. 3, AND NO. 4 SHALT, BE CONSTRUCTED Fontana, CA 92335 (71 �) 999-551 + 2- 104 Atr� 2--D 113, RESPEC \ PER STANDARD DRAWItaG t<i0 2-D 184 D ( 714) 350-.7610 the sfop'e of .The floor exceed ail , � \ • � Std. Frame and Cover �/ W= 14�-ON• and b= " FRAME AND CCiVEi� SHALL - _ 3 - 2 , unless otherwise shown, � �" Radius. � per Owq. No. 2-0156 V � 4 -0 ,unless otherwise shown, TIVELY EXCEL` VAT MANHOLE �, Southern California Gas Company ^ � , , - FAc9 Pert: FTr� rn,, t s" if v • 4'- o" or less. n $ �` �� Anchor.` v , o, A69 FONTANA sm 20-A t 8" it V = 4'- I " to e'=0", BE PER , STANDARD DRAWID10 NO. 2--D 427 AIM 2-D 428. SET P� NNL ,/A/ P., # CO224E Southern California Edison X981 W. Lugonia Avenue ,-#3 ar 4 bars, regd ', T _ t 10" if V= 8' 1"or more. _ ELS //2?.99 5-85 300 N. Pepper Avenue ,:'.Redlands, CA 9237+ CASE _ ----- . .Ill i3E'D/J/NG ►----------- --,., '••1, . --�- / 1 ,' •;u.,. ` :e .Street or 5. STEPS: ( Std, Dwq No, 2-D 96 ) 24: q;HERE THE UTILITIES ARE IttDICATED CV THE DRAW1N 3 'IO BE P. 0. BOX 788 ( 714) 884-9411 r- 9 . . � � � � -Dowel { { -I � � C LL+� � L.D.-surface surface � V to 3-0 (Incl.) ,place one step 12 inches above the SUPFORTED, SAID SUPPORTS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANMRt $k P� N,�J/L /N PP 323764E NO,PTht .5'/D� OF Realto, CA 92376 ,n �, { floor of the basin. 1 �O, �> -.-" 1'--11"- (� � � j V over 3'-0" ,place steps of 12 -inch Intervals from the p NOTE: No ear'frcr payment o��g/r�gfir�9 �`�orn exfrq rtiidth -- 1 Dowel-'/ ( , protectioq Bar and, floor of the basin with the top step of 12 inches (minimum) i [),RMING No. 2-rD 173.11 .2 OR .3, UNLESS GTHE TSE INDICATED`*. 425 + � (714) 820-5598 Group W Cable MAI &,�'NAFOINO _ /7[S 4,97 O /NZf,'? 4er10N 8561 Neuvo Avenue off' french over fhe orae ghowr� wr// be made /o tl�fe � �' " L - i s :.. ,Step per Dwg. No: �. Support Bolt per below the top surface of the fop slab. I OF SYAifA CoP7fracfor. -- 1 and 2-D 232 25. ALL, OPENING RESULTING FROM THE CUrrING OR PARTIAL F`F� //Jr97� -7D Fontana Water, Company Fontana, CA 92335 4:: Dwg. No. 2-D 175 DETAIL OF DOWEL v� ' �• 1 z-o9s and Note 5 I . I LOS ANGELES COUNTY 16803 Spring Street ( 714) 350-2344 > I FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT \ NI to �, �_2„ -,t : 1 vat► of zsTlr CULVERTS, OR SIMILAR # 438 r0� of f�iPf /140, 41W W7 SOZ17W21s7 �WeNZe Fontana, CA 92335 NOTES: LINES LOCATED OVERHEAD rleEAIcH EXCA vA rl o1 / DE%i/L - E Alternate connections STRUCTURES 94ALL Be SFALED 199TH 8 INCHES OF BRICK AND Of' /1�154f1OOLD 4ND S1ZI-1QA per Dwg. No. z -D224 CATCH BASIN N O. 3 EIFv. //40.88 (714) 822-2201 _ 8ca/e %��- 5' Supersedes • g N2 3° Radius ; ' PLAN SECTION MJRTA'i2 OR 6 IrYCHES pF Mt��=,# UNLESS OTHERWISE SHC 9-�7 drowin of the same number Slope to outlet , I { doted Aug. '50 + from all directions ` AND 'DETAILS Marygold Mutual Water Company REVISIONS -- 2�O' ALL RESURFACING, aJRSS , aYI'TERS, SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS r. AND 9715 Alder Avenue A.S.. MARK ' DATE OESCRI/TION - _ — -- — — — ---_ _ tww�.� - T__ 1 /' N [] EXISTING T\Y1 i rri•1EWS i7� �] a •T.. -a ■ `� ���c•�•, •• Q l- 1 -'/I AeJlllon to Nela - - 4 ' , q t- f •ICOYMa .; w •r•wora� •acor..ar oao Ar �J 1 ` 1 L+jt (,(1 j 1`h) J ( 1lJ [ 7L T �r i a.a.r D. W. ti^ �'= , , a . I' c_ �- E� I SL4 v hcc P Ca/ _ CCi`IS'I'RtJCTED AT THE SP+.ME ELEVATICX�i A%TC} iIJCATIOti AS THE Bloomington, CA 92316 _ -- _ - - - _ - - _ _ - - - 1L1 1/�1 ? - t • la -J Pw' ai/tlno/tea �� — — /i a - 1 - e • ID 1 (71 T) 877�Y516 - ua.,c ao .r ��- Arr ROYCD er uow a.alnA.w.�r .ur ..tar oa.ulr a aa+ EX I STING IMP , UNLESS CiI13E AI SE N=• S ub g r a d e optional - EXISTING p t i o n a l l� G. J. P. �• /� .CHI[I [NCIH[[R. - - - - SECTION A—A SCALE DATE DWG. NO. 2- D 163 ' - _ - •_ . - 4444.. . - ... ,::�:.. . . .. 27. REFER TO -SHEET FOR TYPICAL CATCH BASIN C CNNECTOR PIPE NONE _ _ - -- 5 15 68 SHEET I OF I P!CITY O FONTANA CALIFORNIA F�lJF I LE. iiCE TO CONTRACTORS P R O J E C T E N G t NE E R 8 R 4 A 0 STRIPPING G DETA THE EXISTENCE 1 i REFER T TRAFFIC- Fac CONTROL' rR o L. PIA 1V FOR s TR N 'DETAILS ECT, AND APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF UND GR �'* Vii, ER OUND UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES f .._ r_ -;... _ _t ..:. , ::... . :._ _,.. �. _ r- .r _ _ . - ,. - .._ - N L� N E R � ii O . , 1_! ANACAL PUBLIC WORKS UE PARTM ENT 4 SHOWN ON THESE PLANS -WERE DETERMCNED BY A SEARCH OF THE AVAILABLE PUBLIC • Contractor agrees that he shall assume sole and comp'. responsibility for job � � P. 0, BOX X 3 f 6 8 'DRAWN BY: SCALE: 'RECORDS. TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE TF-�RE ARE 0 R RAIN IMPROVEMENTS NO EXISTING UNDERGROUND 1 S T M D UTIZITIF,S OR STRUCTU M EXCEPT AS SHOWN ON THIS MAP. site conditions during the course of construction of this Project/ including safety of all I ANAHEIM CALIF 0 R N I A , 9 2 8 0 3 I persons and property; that this, requirement shall apply continuously and not be lim- y ,; ! r THE CONTRACTOR IS RE9,UIRED TO TAKE DUE PRECAUTIONAR i h h h i i mnif n - PHONE : ? [ 4 `T ? 4 - .1 7 8 3 TRACED BY; SIERRA AVENUE DATE: Y MESURFS TO PROTECT' THE /ted to normal work ng ours, and t at t e Contractor shalldefend, nde y a d UTILI ES OR STRUCTURES SHOWN AND ANY OTHER UTILITTES, OR STRUCTURES AT THE hold the Owner and the Engineer harmless from any and all liability, real or alleged, _ SITF . T,T SHALL FSE THE CONTRACTOR t S RESPONSIB11,11Y 0 a � i connection with the erfbrmance' of work on this Pro exce tin for liabilit � ' ' _ TO N TTFY THE Oti RgERS OF n w _ p, J , p g Y ;tib J CHECKED 8Y. DRk1N0, 1/7.. • "tea- • OR STRUCTURESCONCEMTED BEFORE START. -LNG WORK. arising from the sole negligence of the. Owner or the Engineer. j. i APPROVE[ 1744 • _ - - •�_,�.: _ 4,444 - t -, '.-.:r �..... "�.: -.�.. .. r'!L: 444_4, _..._ ;..•_'+.�ti..._ _-,... ,. ... : R C. E. 2�,l047 DAVE i CITY ENGINEER R. E. 16932 ' SAN ,BERNA,P�O/N� CA m /a v,-- all Q N,4,?YSdV0 R ,414r G, y LJ SAN,81P' W6?,01NO 1qFFGv,4Y il/d) VICINITY MAP <o seW «) Side Opening Top b rCurb tBasinl '` _ `� I C. F, r^ r-1 Flow Sfra 6r, • - , /o Cr�NsTRUC'I` JUNCT/D1t/ S'l/f'L/ClUfi'%v0.2 iof 19M, 711, # 2 D//2 �!S S//OGY/I/0/V Sr�/ff1 NO.2 / EA, - - - c ''''-vuo/ eurb faces}'�"' �, e �c note �tJA b/e 3 aria CONsrif UCr VOCAL >OZ;lz,>f S'/OH P, el"Z ,B ITle OPYO Ai 2-088 AS r1114014131ON sy1" NOI SEA. Vo``e ; . �rol ht Grodearse�Rf e �j�,e / Poigt M I s -N • . �/n •�' /! -Stra h t Grade or see note 2 CONY7i4'UCT ✓UNCTION RMNII&f N0. 's/ IPPR V141S #i 2-D//3.4,f �S'wdwly O/V X//T, N0. 2 6zw C0NS1,fZ1e7'I'0/YB. G�1TGy B 15//v /U0.7 G f1TES /�FiQ DGI/l' 2 D -/7O S/101'Yrt/ON S•t/l /I/0 2 / Ef! 'CASE 8 _See note :b ;r' ��; see no/e'b " ' - - m . • 1 01Vf1,fUCT VOCAL O�"P/r'E.SS'/ONN03; C,4SE,B�EN.OId/G. �� D?48 S//OGYNONS/1l. /i/D. 2 B�FA/(0111,�1/vD ft Z&VOFL Z71,57 N,4N/10LE . _ . _ NOTES l� P o, Locolihl Oepressoh sol be Co. e,R unless / ess ohcrwise speciPd eon ge ieralpor, . /lo � COrVsIf�U�T 3 ,4. C. P,4v�"/LIENT _ _ _ . . 702 TONS #a. -1 o • l,,,ed, - b. Clevalions of ouler corners shown on general plan, if oo elevaliorls u�-6 sped. /7 CONaZ h?UCl / �C. OvE�PLAJ' - - 4/4 TONS e o lite ouler edge or Local Depress,on shall con(brm to finishedstreet sur(bce• /B;tfE/t' OUT E,Y/ST Gv4LL OFG�AT�' /NIEl �1N0 JD/N IB l�C.P / EQ c. Stakes situ!! tie set to grarir along the valley rand slang the ridge line (outer _ edge oractuol depressed orea). Stakes of points iW and tl shot/ be set /9 CONx7,1?&C7 B/f/C! A%,i /Y/ORIW PLUG ^ l EA on a slraighIl grade between tops orend headers (if on a verticial curve - - see note r'). ?"hese stokes shall not'be removed until just before the'' 20 Corvsr-�IJCr B ry�� ,42-8 CU/�� Ai�Q G'U/lE� 41F, p ti , ; .. .,• sol finl'shing. , 2/ !'DNS'Tf>'l/CT 4"" PCC S'/02Gv,4LK _- _ _ _._ _- - SFunless otherwise speciried, K ^ 6 Leet unless otherwise speci(iPd. t _ 9!4e I 19 . "V�," IS TFiE . 'ZH OF I;VLET OF- CATCH BASIL.' IN SERIES MEASURED : , ;, „ . , � CrL . 6 �„ n„e F:�CM 'ICP OF Ctl'�B TO INVERT OF CCC71V _” . - CD/vSl�l/OT /B, x30 !'DNC. BD,,V 4111M, F, PER 0ET�1/LS' S'�IEFT NO3 - . _ /2 LF. 9 p EC OR PIFE. H 4irtc/fes unless o/herw;se sfiollir? on the enema/ lan. 15. CURB FACE (C. F. SHCM CN THE GENERAL PLAN PERTAINS M THE CURB FACE AT THE CATCH BASIN OPENING UNLESS OTHEi gISE NOTED. FOR LOCAL CEPRESSICN NO. 21 THE CURB FACE SHALL BE TSiE EXISTING PLUS FGLM INCHES UNLESS OVEWISE SPECIFIED. FOR LOCAL DEPRESSION NO. 4 , REFER M STANDRRD DRAWING NO. 2-D 4150 16. CURB FACE SHALT. BE 8 INCM AT THE EMUS OF LACAL DEPRESSICNS WEiM THERE IS NO EXI STIR CURB. 17., LOCATICNS SHOW .0 N RHE PLANS FOR EXISTING SANITARY •SEWER Ho CCt44ECTICNS ARE APPRC MMAM, CWY.. 18 • S� 1�NI�TA�IW SHALL HOUSE 0" CIC N NSTX �}, CN AND '��RL•'�- ,NEC 4 �► N SIIEfii.L [7i is IN ACMRO NM Y rM,' auk+�i?ra�+:•�a�r DPAWING NO. - 2 -II 2501 OR C CF LOS AWALES- S OOMO PLAN NO. S-111.0, AS APFLICA"o Ulm OTHERWISE SSW 19. SANITARY SD&RS ANIS F XZE. C IH�� CUSSING OVER THE =1�M DRAIN Tom; SM« BE SUPPOKED IN ACC OR- DANCE WITH STANDARD DR NG NO. n�2-D -173,1 M-..3 D MCA+SED PER GENERAL1, O�,'L' 1 cm - .71AN MM DR WiOM NO. 2-D 173. 1. 20. t#IEN M4 ICATED CN ME s , SMTDM . SEWERS AND HOUSE IT7 ACUOATI��I;VCE RE�ID!/E CONCirFjE CURB AND GUTTER _ jlo3!F e, Points A end B shay//.be set of H inches below exrsti�g gutfer grade �4 f>'ENOv��SAhvCUl)F,Y/Sl, /B"X, DV"90AV C1111/E/Pl /O2LF f. Speciol details governing the construction of this Local Depression on - Z(J--RE/YIOvF ,5,4WeZI,r) E.Y/S'l. ,4.C.1,IYE/1/IENT 40 000 S,-- _ vertical curve shown on general plan. _ /304 SF C I REFERENCES REVISIONS LOS ANG£L6S COUNTY MARX VATI DI.CIION CONTROL 73ISTR RRTFLOOD L ICT.` --�ENDv,' 2,VS7. /wl"'x24 ""�'G�P _ _ r /O LF I -- -- e,""q'�' AN S 6 1AM1!il/E/70i/E4N,O AFIOCATE 41_111S7S7/4W? S/ON_ ' LOCAL DEPRESSION NO-- : 9 � En 2.14 t RefV-Pro, P/orgy e61�IDt/f 7RZT GVELLS !w/TfE�336 8'10.53 4dded Noles and FOR SIDE OPENING urongcd 4' lo'iY' CATCH BASINS Q CON5TA761 - REM0061- OFEX19T. ,SEW, HI,U.SE LATERAL PER u $ t� si nd.�aJ 41cle /�li►/G. r- ✓�f/OlN/V OLS/ ✓r- f/T `2below J A co�.v. e r.:: _ . l •• J•J9 C•lirlti !b .Iri,hlf.•� w�l•Rovl o a,r �,�.� See %IOI rP (�✓, b�i /OW A ?-/! GB . of vi_ �O cnon„ed N • ' SVSN�J�”: Rf COMM:HUI 'J Y\4 C�� > DATE NO D I _ - .-.• _. �.'-Y'F 5 - -rc .ai,a_ -: �. X....w;y;-F+.a• .. r: �:- �;> mac•,.,: «:._:�-,;."R... (Q) ,4bo ve quQ1711, , 1 .:. •-. .-... -s?"A� _ . ..; .. .. � _ _'•'�. ,a . - .. . � s-�ST""? .., . ,-?,`'�5.,; <. _-:r;W�k-�, ,. ""'_i°!f",'.�`; -, 4444. ,. "6 .ins.•+r�-.ar.n-...A�=.3,�r. .¢�1.ree.'i'ySt .=..53.. �, m- ,.�. .,: -:-. 4444. :r. -', •. -.. -. :.-� _,,..,. �. _ ,-.: . '.n-J.yA...• 4444 . �.. ..- 4444 -. 4444. /ea5 do t7of /�7 cOUde fV lure ilemg shown on plans. t--+-------------'.Y- �---------�- w ------------------- -t-t- (e� r/e colweclion /5 12aled ore 5hl #4, qu71711 �ie5 Inay vary, f-eeor217ecf 1 Allernofe Manhole NOTES -I} locations per Dwg; No. 2-0157---�\ A ! I, CONNECTOR PIPE ,oe/- defgi/ o�`/ 5Y/ Dowel*----.-- -� „ cy-- Locate pipe at the downstream end of the basin unless ` rl ,•�, -� �, Dowel per Detail specifically noted otherwise 'on the general p,qn, �-14N, I \ Pipe shall be trimmed to the final shape and length ( 6" \ before the placement of the concrete, to:IT_E �,.7" � 2. CONCRETE: ri ` —�— I Design, f� ; 3,000psi compressive strength of 28 days, Floor of the basin shall slope from all walls to the a outlet and shall be given o steel- troweled surface, --y' _ 1311 f Inish. 41 r �'MGX. �,. ! 6,I 2- \ Curvature of the sill and the side walls a1 the gutter •� 5 may'. Limif�of �I • C._ -if M-42-001-,- /_� rnax. _ o _ .F L//r7/• _5 O L%m/f.5 Of Dowel-- --, _ , I �— Dowel opening shall be formed by curved forms. 1-41 �.rJ cp'S - /.!•C. over/Ay .� , tYP• -}�-- COtIECTIC7Ns Bfi �F� �, C• Over/Q.Surface of all exposed concrete sholl conform in grade a Anchor ----11 gl ` '2 lYit� -Anchor slope, color, and finish to the existing, or L WITH S~I'ANLRD �NCa NO. 2-" D 251*_ '1 1 ✓c4�V C(%7 �X%5r� thebasin, 1- proposed, cu and walk adjacent to -�rOw CUT '-�. �.,� „� - _ - - - - - - - 3. REINFORCEMENT, Std. Dwq No, 2-0171 1 21. EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE M.AL'#ED IN PLACE BY THE . The following companies have interest in existing facilities within® I 3" Radius--- - - - u fcur —• ©Top Slab - No.4 bars spaced a� (a"BoTN WA&. UNLESS C7II�ER* SE iT�`TED. - - -'74- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ Cc�1�ri ACPOR, / 1 FLOW P z -U " walls and Floor 4*4-S (e 04 PO _ 1 4 Radius limits of project. varie.5 --Radius I r' Anchor er 1 � � TN Y�1Sy'S D g No. 2-D232 4 ENSKAS: einf. per 3" Radius DIM w. 22_ I' DWRk j SUPPORTS FOR WATER LINES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE r, / R Curb face at catch basin opening (Exist, C.F.+H.) shall City 'of Fontana Pacific Bell Telephone 1 1 Dwg. Na. 2-0232 A i �.. be as required by Std Dwgs, Nos. 2- D 88, 2-0415 or WITH D. W. & P. STD. PLAN A-3615, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. Engineer Division z 3939 Coronado Streeet � N as shown on the general plan. - "V" `� - TOP SLAB . STRUCTURAL PLAN / Catch basins for W=IOfe n or more shall have a V BENCH _M 8353 �Sie�ra Avenue r�naheiru VA= �2.8�7 � - K PP i �` depth of. the upstream end equal to the curb face of /2 the catch basin plus 12 inches,L11•but in no case shall 23. SPECIAL MANHOLES NO. 2, NO. 3, AND NO. 4 SHALT, BE CONSTRUCTED Fontana, CA 92335 (71 �) 999-551 + 2- 104 Atr� 2--D 113, RESPEC \ PER STANDARD DRAWItaG t<i0 2-D 184 D ( 714) 350-.7610 the sfop'e of .The floor exceed ail , � \ • � Std. Frame and Cover �/ W= 14�-ON• and b= " FRAME AND CCiVEi� SHALL - _ 3 - 2 , unless otherwise shown, � �" Radius. � per Owq. No. 2-0156 V � 4 -0 ,unless otherwise shown, TIVELY EXCEL` VAT MANHOLE �, Southern California Gas Company ^ � , , - FAc9 Pert: FTr� rn,, t s" if v • 4'- o" or less. n $ �` �� Anchor.` v , o, A69 FONTANA sm 20-A t 8" it V = 4'- I " to e'=0", BE PER , STANDARD DRAWID10 NO. 2--D 427 AIM 2-D 428. SET P� NNL ,/A/ P., # CO224E Southern California Edison X981 W. Lugonia Avenue ,-#3 ar 4 bars, regd ', T _ t 10" if V= 8' 1"or more. _ ELS //2?.99 5-85 300 N. Pepper Avenue ,:'.Redlands, CA 9237+ CASE _ ----- . .Ill i3E'D/J/NG ►----------- --,., '••1, . --�- / 1 ,' •;u.,. ` :e .Street or 5. STEPS: ( Std, Dwq No, 2-D 96 ) 24: q;HERE THE UTILITIES ARE IttDICATED CV THE DRAW1N 3 'IO BE P. 0. BOX 788 ( 714) 884-9411 r- 9 . . � � � � -Dowel { { -I � � C LL+� � L.D.-surface surface � V to 3-0 (Incl.) ,place one step 12 inches above the SUPFORTED, SAID SUPPORTS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANMRt $k P� N,�J/L /N PP 323764E NO,PTht .5'/D� OF Realto, CA 92376 ,n �, { floor of the basin. 1 �O, �> -.-" 1'--11"- (� � � j V over 3'-0" ,place steps of 12 -inch Intervals from the p NOTE: No ear'frcr payment o��g/r�gfir�9 �`�orn exfrq rtiidth -- 1 Dowel-'/ ( , protectioq Bar and, floor of the basin with the top step of 12 inches (minimum) i [),RMING No. 2-rD 173.11 .2 OR .3, UNLESS GTHE TSE INDICATED`*. 425 + � (714) 820-5598 Group W Cable MAI &,�'NAFOINO _ /7[S 4,97 O /NZf,'? 4er10N 8561 Neuvo Avenue off' french over fhe orae ghowr� wr// be made /o tl�fe � �' " L - i s :.. ,Step per Dwg. No: �. Support Bolt per below the top surface of the fop slab. I OF SYAifA CoP7fracfor. -- 1 and 2-D 232 25. ALL, OPENING RESULTING FROM THE CUrrING OR PARTIAL F`F� //Jr97� -7D Fontana Water, Company Fontana, CA 92335 4:: Dwg. No. 2-D 175 DETAIL OF DOWEL v� ' �• 1 z-o9s and Note 5 I . I LOS ANGELES COUNTY 16803 Spring Street ( 714) 350-2344 > I FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT \ NI to �, �_2„ -,t : 1 vat► of zsTlr CULVERTS, OR SIMILAR # 438 r0� of f�iPf /140, 41W W7 SOZ17W21s7 �WeNZe Fontana, CA 92335 NOTES: LINES LOCATED OVERHEAD rleEAIcH EXCA vA rl o1 / DE%i/L - E Alternate connections STRUCTURES 94ALL Be SFALED 199TH 8 INCHES OF BRICK AND Of' /1�154f1OOLD 4ND S1ZI-1QA per Dwg. No. z -D224 CATCH BASIN N O. 3 EIFv. //40.88 (714) 822-2201 _ 8ca/e %��- 5' Supersedes • g N2 3° Radius ; ' PLAN SECTION MJRTA'i2 OR 6 IrYCHES pF Mt��=,# UNLESS OTHERWISE SHC 9-�7 drowin of the same number Slope to outlet , I { doted Aug. '50 + from all directions ` AND 'DETAILS Marygold Mutual Water Company REVISIONS -- 2�O' ALL RESURFACING, aJRSS , aYI'TERS, SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS r. AND 9715 Alder Avenue A.S.. MARK ' DATE OESCRI/TION - _ — -- — — — ---_ _ tww�.� - T__ 1 /' N [] EXISTING T\Y1 i rri•1EWS i7� �] a •T.. -a ■ `� ���c•�•, •• Q l- 1 -'/I AeJlllon to Nela - - 4 ' , q t- f •ICOYMa .; w •r•wora� •acor..ar oao Ar �J 1 ` 1 L+jt (,(1 j 1`h) J ( 1lJ [ 7L T �r i a.a.r D. W. ti^ �'= , , a . I' c_ �- E� I SL4 v hcc P Ca/ _ CCi`IS'I'RtJCTED AT THE SP+.ME ELEVATICX�i A%TC} iIJCATIOti AS THE Bloomington, CA 92316 _ -- _ - - - _ - - _ _ - - - 1L1 1/�1 ? - t • la -J Pw' ai/tlno/tea �� — — /i a - 1 - e • ID 1 (71 T) 877�Y516 - ua.,c ao .r ��- Arr ROYCD er uow a.alnA.w.�r .ur ..tar oa.ulr a aa+ EX I STING IMP , UNLESS CiI13E AI SE N=• S ub g r a d e optional - EXISTING p t i o n a l l� G. J. P. �• /� .CHI[I [NCIH[[R. - - - - SECTION A—A SCALE DATE DWG. NO. 2- D 163 ' - _ - •_ . - 4444.. . - ... ,::�:.. . . .. 27. REFER TO -SHEET FOR TYPICAL CATCH BASIN C CNNECTOR PIPE NONE _ _ - -- 5 15 68 SHEET I OF I P!CITY O FONTANA CALIFORNIA F�lJF I LE. iiCE TO CONTRACTORS P R O J E C T E N G t NE E R 8 R 4 A 0 STRIPPING G DETA THE EXISTENCE 1 i REFER T TRAFFIC- Fac CONTROL' rR o L. PIA 1V FOR s TR N 'DETAILS ECT, AND APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF UND GR �'* Vii, ER OUND UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES f .._ r_ -;... _ _t ..:. , ::... . :._ _,.. �. _ r- .r _ _ . - ,. - .._ - N L� N E R � ii O . , 1_! ANACAL PUBLIC WORKS UE PARTM ENT 4 SHOWN ON THESE PLANS -WERE DETERMCNED BY A SEARCH OF THE AVAILABLE PUBLIC • Contractor agrees that he shall assume sole and comp'. responsibility for job � � P. 0, BOX X 3 f 6 8 'DRAWN BY: SCALE: 'RECORDS. TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE TF-�RE ARE 0 R RAIN IMPROVEMENTS NO EXISTING UNDERGROUND 1 S T M D UTIZITIF,S OR STRUCTU M EXCEPT AS SHOWN ON THIS MAP. site conditions during the course of construction of this Project/ including safety of all I ANAHEIM CALIF 0 R N I A , 9 2 8 0 3 I persons and property; that this, requirement shall apply continuously and not be lim- y ,; ! r THE CONTRACTOR IS RE9,UIRED TO TAKE DUE PRECAUTIONAR i h h h i i mnif n - PHONE : ? [ 4 `T ? 4 - .1 7 8 3 TRACED BY; SIERRA AVENUE DATE: Y MESURFS TO PROTECT' THE /ted to normal work ng ours, and t at t e Contractor shalldefend, nde y a d UTILI ES OR STRUCTURES SHOWN AND ANY OTHER UTILITTES, OR STRUCTURES AT THE hold the Owner and the Engineer harmless from any and all liability, real or alleged, _ SITF . T,T SHALL FSE THE CONTRACTOR t S RESPONSIB11,11Y 0 a � i connection with the erfbrmance' of work on this Pro exce tin for liabilit � ' ' _ TO N TTFY THE Oti RgERS OF n w _ p, J , p g Y ;tib J CHECKED 8Y. DRk1N0, 1/7.. • "tea- • OR STRUCTURESCONCEMTED BEFORE START. -LNG WORK. arising from the sole negligence of the. Owner or the Engineer. j. i APPROVE[ 1744 • _ - - •�_,�.: _ 4,444 - t -, '.-.:r �..... "�.: -.�.. .. r'!L: 444_4, _..._ ;..•_'+.�ti..._ _-,... ,. ... : R C. E. 2�,l047 DAVE i CITY ENGINEER R. E. 16932 '