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e 4-v Dowel_, Dowel per ff.. .0 .. -Anchor Trane and Corer per , rattan Dawe+ t Feet Mote sod NOTE ' • � Detail -. Owl. No. 2 • DI S 6. % ,• •' Anchor ,' Dpe1e11g p« aro.. r--- 1 -T - ' ' No 2-0232 t. Cd1NECTtOtt PIPtL: -1, ' 15i -r- ° I t ` wry -----------T- Locate pipe of the dow I ifeern end of the basin unless i- - _- -I -�-- -- -- -- -- - -I I 4L- -4 Radius EI ► I Street a ' 1" ,� , X. , Specifically noted otherwise on the general p1aN. I ' I •L4 -s -Dowel --+ -- 'y 1 ♦• L.D. surface r I 1 I; 1 ` y 1/ ,,i; PrPe shot) be trimmed to the lino) shops and length before I f I._ I �;_ I p } .M Protection M and 1 t M. - - - --- Is` -L; the placement of concrete. I I I -A in, . , U.L. Support Sall per Dal �/ I 2. CONCRETE: : - I 1 % No 2-0175 and 2-D232 l_ s_ ' � : , I , Design. 1� • 3,000p t i temp tsstvt strength M 29 lays. 11 lyV I .,I . 4.1 ', - Floor of the basin shot) slope from all walls to the outlet eTld _ I -.Step per Owl. No. W. dial! be given o steel -troweled surface Ornish I r : t `Y` 2-096 snot Note S. I Curvature of We sill and side we" of the hiller spetntnl than be , -j- i %11 30 Rod. -'' : formed by curved forms; and all exposed edges, or corners, and _�_ ,( r-Reint per '61 --t t __ _ _t__________ i I i concrete to metol home edges shalt be given f rodius edger finish. 1 11 I �-1 � I 1 flcpe to outlet from I I , No. 2-0232 I , i 1 1 1 _ _ _ 011 directions - 1 � Surface of an exposed concrete shell conform r grade, slope, cob • I ---r-1:::J: . I._ -_Anchor --` 1 1 end finish $a Me existing, a proposed, curb and want ud,ocont N `' 1 I � i --- • - - - - --4- tire• Nein. i�� -T- _� I , • ` �_ '� 1 r, 3. IiINFtJRCEtaAEj (Standard owl. No. 2-x111 "' 1 I 4--- / • 1 1--r------_---s- Top slab -No. 3 hors as required on the Top Sicb Shltchl►nl roe. ;i ---I 1 I _ I �.Subgrode optional _ h. �' ( Watt and Fba - As required by Standard Dwq. No. 2- D172. I _I-'Reinf. ! 2aA.S j 4. OIMENSIOPIS: I _T 1 SECTION A- A `Alternate connections Curb Face at the catch basin openinq(Exist C F tH )shalt be as required per Dwq. No 2-D224 Sid. Owl Nos. 2 -DOB, 2-D415, a as shown on the general pion : - - ---3"Rodius b a S-2",unless otherwise shown. -J,:� A ; 1 .' � ----k A t • 6inchts it V•4'-0" a Its:. c== ' #% . `� _ � �� � 1 11 " 1 • It inches it V • 4'-1 « Is • =d. i '''I , II I -_E III r------Q-----'•'i 1 ■ 10 inches if V a e'- I• or more. 1 I . It I 11 I a V a 4=0" unless otherwise shown an the general plain. 1-- I 3 bas, 4 req'd 5. STEPS. ISId. Dwq. No. 2-D961 : 1 T �/ I `�-3"Rad. % " - 0•`• V to V -0 -(incl.) . piece one step 12 inches ubove the floor of Rte ' 1 / _ I _ -_ _J - , 1 I -' 4 Radius V over 3 - O piece etepg el 12 -inch Inter vols from MIo tloenr �_-- I - fl1i � • I DETAIL OF DOWEL d the basin with the top step 12 Innes (minimum) below the �' Reinf a 2"ASS _"' ;211%,•Cutb Anchor per Dwl top of the monhole. Dawe! -' Dowel'No. 2-D232 I%AIL. M.M. location per Dwq No. 2.0157. TOP SLAB - STRUCTURAL PLAN LOS ANGELES COUNTY wR, FR�mr WAL L WAR WALL FRIwr WAIL RFAW -AD Mall"%T T _ steel reinforcement shop be per steaderd Drawing No. 2-0171. !fest to ceecroto surface, and clearance, Moll be I I inches. Motley type Invorl,skown by dashed fine In Section, required when connector p*o is aligned to end wall of a catch basin. for We design of catch begins with a V -depth exceeding It fset.see the required structural plans. ,& he 4 bars may be used w b" of he 3 bens as OOIWAe• I j I fZAC3'P T EQor Emb wo ol J Bon A 4 6 Js 3 .� P6• % 4 B 6 � 4 /2 �7 / a /2 4 /0 6 4s 4� 0J -I 6 3 P 6 /o ' 3 0 6' S e - 4s2I• J f /4' / /4' B /O /0 104 &8" 104 RQ' I S /O" /4 /0 / /D 104 p 61-04 #V 4 V / B B 0 /P R6 4ONr •J /4" F r-- NOTES I II :1 IId.0 L Tt)r SLA2 K1111ftIRCEMEMT, "' reit 8" sort tars , -'1 For dote'" of required st•ol,mw Celch Howl Stendwf Draw". For dim•nsien aha greeter Ihern 4 M.,••e Ike special dselp of the Np I tt/ _L slab reinforcement shown oN the required structural pies. vl -_lt-- 2. WALL AND FLOOR REINFORCEME ' t - - - -- ra The Indicated reinforcing steel applies to Catch Swire Standen 1 - -I A Drawings Na 2-DIOL,109,160,162,163,164,170,195,2411 and twW • 1 !JZ I � AN catch begins constructed on streets designated as !tots • ----- - - . � ,i INghways gheM Mcludo Me reinforcing steel shown on this N-r-*-(TTr94 drawiwg. ---- Catch ►mala• cosslreetod oe streets reel dotigNONd as Stele YALL AND FLOOR STEEL -SECTION 1 1*ghweys wider Mo following conditions require well sed CATCH &A SM RE/NfQRCEAffNT-'W' hW l Mel) Neer •feel rNnfercemeeh Eosin !glint Sur, C or S)® begin Depth t v 1 To 7 feet (incl.) 101042 or move 7 to 14 feotlind.) 7 test or wrlm iyilr -oto stip, sur Igarb N 1410 t l fee t (Ind.) Ii l• of or mere 1 V �9"! FR�mr WAL L WAR WALL STF'EL FAV WALL ----- - 2t�C -,75 T _ steel reinforcement shop be per steaderd Drawing No. 2-0171. !fest to ceecroto surface, and clearance, Moll be I I inches. Motley type Invorl,skown by dashed fine In Section, required when connector p*o is aligned to end wall of a catch basin. for We design of catch begins with a V -depth exceeding It fset.see the required structural plans. ,& he 4 bars may be used w b" of he 3 bens as OOIWAe• STFE t per Dwq No. 2-0159 ol J Bon A 4 Aws C Bars . B Writ d5 0 e 0441 18 J 0 6 * 4 / •J & 4 a_ 4 . /89 4 S B e a 20 - 4s2I• J f /4' 3 6 _0 0 a J P /2 " _J _pie 3� 4#2 ' J 0 /4' 3 f 7 a 4 d /7 168 4 PN4" •.3 0 /4" 7 B B 0 /P R6 4ONr •J /4" v ova 3'- o' , piece •fops of 12 -bus MMaf trawl MITI 9 /O • I %.S [-3ph7# i! •J //11 9 /O /O • 4.11 /? /2" J // /O / / /O ,V 3 /3 / •J //" // /2 /O• 0 /B 4 9 /" J " >1 Xj V#0-(C.F. •H+e re )t/sdwn-'r _ _ _ _ 1 -•- - over 21 fop A 1 A GENERAL- 1 I. _ _ V l I (* I 1 I IXI r I 1 I I �I Z V1 -- -- b •!da►tt �, - - - - _7 ----- - 2t�C -,75 _offs r '31t,er>r / 0/20 I - pr I A I �2 I steel reinforcement shop be per steaderd Drawing No. 2-0171. !fest to ceecroto surface, and clearance, Moll be I I inches. Motley type Invorl,skown by dashed fine In Section, required when connector p*o is aligned to end wall of a catch basin. for We design of catch begins with a V -depth exceeding It fset.see the required structural plans. ,& he 4 bars may be used w b" of he 3 bens as OOIWAe• 1 -i - I- gip,--- - I 1 JITI I- - - -r- - -- - -----� ---� •4 wAl 11ND FLOOR STEE SECTION R?1 4. - 11-11ETCH QAS/N Rb'/NFORCEAIEI�IT - N'"6RfATE# THAN /4• C- - SUPERSEDES drawing of sarin number doted July I ee� -I------ f/ -"--'"-�-- -�--1 eLOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 0 24 - CATCH BASIN NO. 2- •+- _ PLAN, SECTION FIDM REINFORCEMENT SECTION a DETAILS_ I %� .-...-....___ �FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT �r1 r_9CATCN BASIN 1 - 1 I PtINFORCE MENT I Awns t /ergs 6 ecew«e«aea w •ww.•. aaca««c.w• a. - - wewrl.wa w wcYa>+..Y r - ------ �� 1''4• 1. �� .-. _.�S _ , - a..."aw .••... • rw_ .Y'. c.N. Y•V..4 ..eel -T•-P I.--- .....-•- .-. ._.•I .../,/•. -1- -- -- �' t•eT wr.wov[o t• . - r . >> a .J -X --- oars t c.«e0 t..t+ rho IV c.«[r t uta LCALZ OAT[ DwG. No. 2-D162 GRATING SASIN REINFORCEMENT •c.La °ATe DWG. NO. 2-DI72 NONE 5 - t5 -'6• saltcc 1 1 _ NONE 5-15 -'6• a»ser 1 or 1 I---4---Att�rnel• MIDI,ole--------------------s--1 NQS r 1 r -f locations per Dwq No 2-015? ,% A lQ4lIFE�C11tSg ''!'E� . 1 1 Dowty•--- _ -.- _r Locate pipe ell Tete d.wesire.m alyd rI toe Ilae/s rMeae i r -I` •"a-- Dowel per DofaN specifically noted otherwise on Me goriord PION. I -- - - - - - - - `i Pipe shall be trimmed to the 1#001 shape ell long" before Ike piec*m•nt of the coscrele. I 6 T 2 CON(�TF. 1 L: � --I I It - -•_ Design, k - 3,000ps1 compressive strongM o1 to dept. ii"- r- 1 I Floor of the basin shall slope from oil watt to We collet and shall be given a steel- troweled surface I sta .1 f :r- .Z.. -" -- _l_.! Curvetws of Me sMl orad Me side worts N Me getter Dowel-- --I l 6a I -�== Dowel opening shelf be formed by curved forms. ll Anchor - -41 11 � -2 71'N � -Anchor slope. calm,e of and finish esposed c�c►IM seto alt IMg�ir M ~�' M •I -M- proposed,curb sed walk adjacent H Nine boson. -M - I - - - I - - - - -- - 3. IIf II�fOfiC MEf ('.i1d Dug Na 2-D 111 a 3• Rodi us - - - - - - Top Slob- No. 3 or No. 4 bars spaced w required on fin _______ T- -�I- 1_ ----- Structural Mon. r__- FLOW • Radius r- Anchor per - - - - - -' - lJ I �'. 40 Radius Walls end Floor - As requlr•d by Sid. Owl. Ile. 2-D 172. Dwq. No 2-0232 ew/ per � 3a RodRadiusI 4.61OWNSIOt�: � R Curb face of ealeh basin openteg f Eeist. C.F. ! K 1 shod owl Na 2-o23t A be at required by Sid Dwgs. Nos. 2- 0 86,2-0415 er as shown on the general plop. - Catch basing for tel a 10 feel or awe staff bare a ave TOP SLAB - STRUCTURAL PLAN depth at the uptlreort% end equal to the curb loco of A 0 3 or '4 bars, 4 regi . . $--- ---------4 -, • "II « i-- DETAIL OF DOWEL 0 ^�, O ( tIb '-2*, 1 "Diamond \ ,( Mot, J deep O O I ,�+� A. --�t�6 I A I , Z 1 , 1-•!0--14f-----2J Letters / hX h cost flush wi top REVISIONS ALTERNATE VALiJE ED ALTERNATE •Ja2 •4 2 Iw Resiw.%I t per Dwq No. 2-0159 ol J rVprfJ ' IN CATCH BASINS N0. 2 AND N0.3 • 4 /O d5 0 e 0441 18 J 0 6 * 4 / •J & /4 040 1 J Q ,Jw • 4 6 N J 6 A/ 0 4 fi Z4- 3 a S 6 6 @ /6 J 040 14- 3 f /o + 4 0/0-J Moor of the basin. • 4 0 2-? J@ // I + 4@ is v ova 3'- o' , piece •fops of 12 -bus MMaf trawl MITI I C- - SUPERSEDES drawing of sarin number doted July I ee� -I------ f/ -"--'"-�-- -�--1 eLOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 0 24 - CATCH BASIN NO. 2- •+- _ PLAN, SECTION FIDM REINFORCEMENT SECTION a DETAILS_ I %� .-...-....___ �FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT �r1 r_9CATCN BASIN 1 - 1 I PtINFORCE MENT I Awns t /ergs 6 ecew«e«aea w •ww.•. aaca««c.w• a. - - wewrl.wa w wcYa>+..Y r - ------ �� 1''4• 1. �� .-. _.�S _ , - a..."aw .••... • rw_ .Y'. c.N. Y•V..4 ..eel -T•-P I.--- .....-•- .-. ._.•I .../,/•. -1- -- -- �' t•eT wr.wov[o t• . - r . >> a .J -X --- oars t c.«e0 t..t+ rho IV c.«[r t uta LCALZ OAT[ DwG. No. 2-D162 GRATING SASIN REINFORCEMENT •c.La °ATe DWG. NO. 2-DI72 NONE 5 - t5 -'6• saltcc 1 1 _ NONE 5-15 -'6• a»ser 1 or 1 I---4---Att�rnel• MIDI,ole--------------------s--1 NQS r 1 r -f locations per Dwq No 2-015? ,% A lQ4lIFE�C11tSg ''!'E� . 1 1 Dowty•--- _ -.- _r Locate pipe ell Tete d.wesire.m alyd rI toe Ilae/s rMeae i r -I` •"a-- Dowel per DofaN specifically noted otherwise on Me goriord PION. I -- - - - - - - - `i Pipe shall be trimmed to the 1#001 shape ell long" before Ike piec*m•nt of the coscrele. I 6 T 2 CON(�TF. 1 L: � --I I It - -•_ Design, k - 3,000ps1 compressive strongM o1 to dept. ii"- r- 1 I Floor of the basin shall slope from oil watt to We collet and shall be given a steel- troweled surface I sta .1 f :r- .Z.. -" -- _l_.! Curvetws of Me sMl orad Me side worts N Me getter Dowel-- --I l 6a I -�== Dowel opening shelf be formed by curved forms. ll Anchor - -41 11 � -2 71'N � -Anchor slope. calm,e of and finish esposed c�c►IM seto alt IMg�ir M ~�' M •I -M- proposed,curb sed walk adjacent H Nine boson. -M - I - - - I - - - - -- - 3. IIf II�fOfiC MEf ('.i1d Dug Na 2-D 111 a 3• Rodi us - - - - - - Top Slob- No. 3 or No. 4 bars spaced w required on fin _______ T- -�I- 1_ ----- Structural Mon. r__- FLOW • Radius r- Anchor per - - - - - -' - lJ I �'. 40 Radius Walls end Floor - As requlr•d by Sid. Owl. Ile. 2-D 172. Dwq. No 2-0232 ew/ per � 3a RodRadiusI 4.61OWNSIOt�: � R Curb face of ealeh basin openteg f Eeist. C.F. ! K 1 shod owl Na 2-o23t A be at required by Sid Dwgs. Nos. 2- 0 86,2-0415 er as shown on the general plop. - Catch basing for tel a 10 feel or awe staff bare a ave TOP SLAB - STRUCTURAL PLAN depth at the uptlreort% end equal to the curb loco of A 0 3 or '4 bars, 4 regi . . $--- ---------4 -, • "II « i-- DETAIL OF DOWEL 0 ^�, O ( tIb '-2*, 1 "Diamond \ ,( Mot, J deep O O I ,�+� A. --�t�6 I A I , Z 1 , 1-•!0--14f-----2J Letters / hX h cost flush wi top J"Dia pick hole - .. Alen SOcket Set notes% STEEL ARRANGEMENT di°p on rirn of=I FOR TOP OF CATCH BASIN NQ cover oppwite pick hole-' iW TOP OF MANHOLE FRAME 5 COVER DVI i OM OF MANHOLE COVER k -------?38 J1/st olio. ot'cover ----- ;4t/en socke>r / , --1 ;, ""� y sof screw ;�� �; Outline whe,'� I I sIN I I A I rib joins rim -- I I I 1 ---- Z2�Dia. clearopening -----� outline where ,' � ___Y CROSS SECTION THRU FRAME & COVER ribs loin --= ; ' '„ :'Sameongk 18' '-4 -' B I throughout 1 - '''its I ; �, , �M • CROSS SECTION THRU RIB 1 ,/ * . Xal-le.T T4s lei by the 1 .V i C14140/ dr-aWIIW7 I ' .3 y419 ml/d Sim/ Bar ; SBerle Hoy' 1 A J �� IIIA Ill, � -__ -I - I ' A SECTION A -A e I _r I I. I I : I �..'! r .A TYPICAL SECTION THROUGH CATCH BASIN AT MANHOLE - - - - - 1 1 . LV A FRONT MLE:VATION NOTES : I. An alternate step may be used subject h the opprovat of fife engineer. t All steps will be firmly and rigidly set and no cones or shafts will be accepted with bent or cracked steps. & Steps will be galvanized atter bending. P.EFERENCES REVISIONS LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL D1S�IGT M• catch basin plus 12 Inches ,inbut in no case shah Me slope of Ike floor exceed 3'1 NOTES .Ste Frame .red are. _ _ z T----' - i " I \ w- 14'-06; and b•3'-27,udwr ess e«wm shown. Iw Resiw.%I t per Dwq No. 2-0159 V - 4' - oar. unless otherwise skews. rVprfJ ' IN CATCH BASINS N0. 2 AND N0.3 `, %% Thor-.. r - DFace �i+q Nft o~2-0232 1 • Go If V- 4'-0' or lose. ♦1 • I 1 • •' If V • 40- 1 " M 8'-0o j-- 1^c /-/93G `, • e'd ` .-I- _--____-- 1 - top If v- o'- II'er mare. S. l SN. Owg Me 2-0 96 i a NIE • e . �, > I t lhset K I • .dentilitoticn /etteriny /s para/%t Wil,& � •e% -power ii -Ia M i r+1 I L.D.surface I V to 3-W(incl.i , place see step It Melte: @%sae the ,A I-5- Added notes y 1 `r 1 • I - ._-I Moor of the basin. REVISIONS �- �` '' """"- I v ova 3'- o' , piece •fops of 12 -bus MMaf trawl MITI I cW.IfV r»o...ttw Dowel-'' j ; I ` Protection OM OW Noor of the basin with the lop stop of 12 Inches IminlNwml IRI w1 w `1_ J ,..Step par nwl. Ne. L .: 1 • •.. Support Boll per I 2- Now IM lop surface of the top slab. -r iI _ 1 . I I ' 2 - 096 end Note S Dwq. No. O 1711 1 and 2-0232 1 !1 A is FRAME AND LOS ANGELES COUNTY el - 7-52 >1 CATCH BASIN N FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT "' __ I �,- ----- ---l-------- ,' ' ; Anernah coenecMoNi ', I��r•,NHOLD CATCH 8AS1 N N0. 3 / /2-52 - per Dwq No. 2-0224 ,4I "' . 1 PLAN, SECTION, :rope N suttee r� 7-68 19eYised - . from all directions-, 1 AND DETAILS CAi CSI BASINS 1 I-1.74 `'°''"''�A*& ROUND MANHOLES r � - - `- 1 1 ioI , / - -T� Wo weer"..•• w aa.eoa.. pec ' A►n.ovto e♦ / a r� •.•...a....•.... .Y-. .M. "~" a Subgrods optional-" -j'-2 , AM -01110 eT � SECTION A -A SCALE°ATE c«Icy t»wwtte DWG. NO. 2-DI63 suea.ITTt'. OY �RSCOMMEwowo M T - aY I % ::.0 , NOME S - IS-'t.N .-_--•I - 1 J"Dia pick hole - .. Alen SOcket Set notes% STEEL ARRANGEMENT di°p on rirn of=I FOR TOP OF CATCH BASIN NQ cover oppwite pick hole-' iW TOP OF MANHOLE FRAME 5 COVER DVI i OM OF MANHOLE COVER k -------?38 J1/st olio. ot'cover ----- ;4t/en socke>r / , --1 ;, ""� y sof screw ;�� �; Outline whe,'� I I sIN I I A I rib joins rim -- I I I 1 ---- Z2�Dia. clearopening -----� outline where ,' � ___Y CROSS SECTION THRU FRAME & COVER ribs loin --= ; ' '„ :'Sameongk 18' '-4 -' B I throughout 1 - '''its I ; �, , �M • CROSS SECTION THRU RIB 1 ,/ * . Xal-le.T T4s lei by the 1 .V i C14140/ dr-aWIIW7 I ' .3 y419 ml/d Sim/ Bar ; SBerle Hoy' 1 A J �� IIIA Ill, � -__ -I - I ' A SECTION A -A e I _r I I. I I : I �..'! r .A TYPICAL SECTION THROUGH CATCH BASIN AT MANHOLE - - - - - 1 1 . LV A FRONT MLE:VATION NOTES : I. An alternate step may be used subject h the opprovat of fife engineer. t All steps will be firmly and rigidly set and no cones or shafts will be accepted with bent or cracked steps. & Steps will be galvanized atter bending. P.EFERENCES REVISIONS LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL D1S�IGT I II 111 �1' NOTES !0' to /S' _ _ z T----' - i " I \ fr�rr. a and Gtiversho/! be cost ir»n CMA-tning NAWK WAYS eeeeRIPT,O,t rVprfJ ' IN CATCH BASINS N0. 2 AND N0.3 , 1 ; _ r f=' ' R -- x /rsto// two 4/o'r *`Fwlen socket set screws, 9�0•io ""s`a 0 STANDAR pick hole, in ho/es dui//ed and topped /' in depth +t. All Jl«I Sflo//Ge w -f, �''J X,WCe d O/V �i77e/)J%GI/7ed OS G7�Ad fes' p0 �e ' A /-/93G Rlerised� frame and cover she// be tested for accuracy -tha// he t'/i7eh fi'orn Aaelwn of s/a6. 5-7-0 �, DROP S T • .dentilitoticn /etteriny /s para/%t Wil,& � No. 4 bOrS @ Z -/ploy he used in Aeu oveNa 3 hors & Z` no/dr. resole t--LIM t - - t fh Cor . us..ITTED •T ,A I-5- Added notes LOS ANGEL=S COUNTY AP"OVZO ger t � 1 �, j REFERENCES REVISIONS LOS ANGELES COUNTY MARK DATE CAK•I(r [ cW.IfV r»o...ttw W aW wacow"It ac 2 _D 17 j ret OAT E IVO. 0Z- DO,S DtWCRIPT110" -• .� « C 1.10,»e• 3_1-5_= SrIE[T 1 OF I Cr.ltl DtftOw t•+O'' r "rw2 1 I ``-s;' /6 NJJ I I .111 = 11 '7ii'j-P4, -� :�►T 111110 RADIUS ' I L-_--Z,_,Jsr I II 111 �1' NOTES !0' to /S' _ _ z T----' - i " I \ fr�rr. a and Gtiversho/! be cost ir»n CMA-tning STEEL ARRANGEMENT AROUND MANHOLE �� Mow .•y'IIII a I I - � `.� / --� to Me/otestA.S.rY, stond;,rdA48, c/oss30or better rVprfJ ' IN CATCH BASINS N0. 2 AND N0.3 , 1 ; _ r f=' ' R -- x /rsto// two 4/o'r *`Fwlen socket set screws, 9�0•io / �4ale •fat/heA/&redt o�y,6o& wlllxw i" outlet lL� _ ' _ 8 __ _ _ __ -x 1 1 pick hole, in ho/es dui//ed and topped /' in depth +t. All Jl«I Sflo//Ge w -f, �''J X,WCe d O/V �i77e/)J%GI/7ed OS G7�Ad fes' p0 �e ' _ . •' m 1 I ►• - -+'Fk ale-+ -.I -!� R( Z2 DlQ_-_ I „ �--- All parts of'the flume and cover ezceot machined surfbces she// to tooted with osp�hc//um point. 1 �,.y/, COTch has!%I ,r1,g1d0/11/ons unless -rhot r diff«enf/ /ie,^eon. Clmra,/ICol � y ►� .--- 2 ----VJ a/ecropening frame and cover she// be tested for accuracy -tha// he t'/i7eh fi'orn Aaelwn of s/a6. CROSS SECTION THRU RIM of Iii and shall be marked insets befog- delive © frame 4"d cover .shall be Positioned .such that the ,. - 3. ,Vo 4' hors a /1 they Ae eyled h7 /ie'r/ of ,Ya. 3,60,r5 0 e • .dentilitoticn /etteriny /s para/%t Wil,& � No. 4 bOrS @ Z -/ploy he used in Aeu oveNa 3 hors & Z` ...,. resole t--LIM t - - t fh Cor . us..ITTED •T «,-•, •' REFERENCES REVISIONS LOS ANGEL=S COUNTY w S Ar REFERENCES REVISIONS LOS ANGELES COUNTY MARK DATE CAK•I(r [ oe9CRIPT/0ae -I FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT -Z";:-- nQAr- 2 _D 17 j ret LARK OAT[ DtWCRIPT110" FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT Now � 6:z9 -.`J RcYiaed c•/lrelet !1 A is FRAME AND 11: 7-52 `ha^'� bwryArto Dl7!. nr.li.r pity 2-0"?,* CATCH BASIN N . A 6 ,6-1$49 Added ac% I��r•,NHOLD / /2-52 Added rrrA" emu COVER FOR 7-68 19eYised REINFORCEMENT FOR CAi CSI BASINS ® I-1.74 `'°''"''�A*& ROUND MANHOLES IAPrRovxD BY - J; /) -J .--f. A►n.ovto e♦ / a r� 0,»rE suea.ITTt'. OY �RSCOMMEwowo M T - aY I % ::.0 , DATE • e O 1✓ 2-D 1 0 6 • werliTTED eY M -C -T. RtcOr.. tD • T '. I , .- It • Ir ____•-__ _ DATE J" 1941 i No 24.0157 s.l .,Alli 1949 MEET 1 Orr t ' 0lvtirt0••-Nr,IIIr--tor (CSS:C- I 1 _ __ IVI w w .1 SME[T I Of 1 ,, - - t A "01 "Reil. . I , --- r" M11�- - ,/ ,.t A It.n r11�MI plop. - A bete -, J `_ ✓- S - � I . I bt d din 1 . I - --L �II - r, - 1 I ♦ T Burs W cuh pipe N- . I el l T- ,' o conn► _r Iturfove d concrete. r- I 9 C R d A N t I erg-�•.Iv ?nor/ . ----- -- --. .. - . _- • . • -• --- dersp000fAble • .- ....- . -.... ...-,... , I„_ ...-..�ft. ---- Wrioblh------ --i--------+•-•------1 ------- Vvrlob1e--;t.----__--•1 .0, I- - L - n So* 4peniT I ',1 Sidi Opening 1 I I SA* oprnov K �+ •� r lI I F - earib ! I". l��In i /' 1 = Rosin D ; C fCf. ' 1 ift orcarb-, 11 1 i > 1 I -- - / 1 1 44, flow' SIr6y..-----------=(Rllcurbroresfgtbv'---------------------------------....------ '' V �b �� Pbernl N ,p��`�pA� -Sfroi ht 6rvdeorse�e r+olrtil' t1 ilbrioPk : -Ridge Line t point M i__ 'S -Stra ht Ora* orsleenote-r • _-� CONCRET' REI�l1="ORCINC__-- STEEL INSTi7Ui-� 16 • / CASE A A L> %. *0 rToh ,6 _see reale b_,t D 49 ' - --- _ 'Speeds r*k+- W tl" Mcurb arists, cvrbssho/l be }1t., __ ,� '' 11 . -/Pidye Line STANDARD A615© REINFORCING BARS constructed between ends of l seal Depression. CurbF V l I a _ 1 _ t _ � ,` l ' (Round _Ot/') section shall confbr/n 1b !Prot o1'eonlrollmg ogeney - - j _I L , .E��J, t; _ iT - - �r BAR SIZES WEIGHT NOMINAL DIMENSIONS -ROUND SECTIONS • `.' I 1 - - -1 .iaVfJ-r `line t • OLD NEW POUNDS DIAMETER CROSS SECTIONAL PERIMETER ,---- - See Special fthr - - - - • - --• Etist I Point A- I • I ' /// Q ' •I'`• / 0 1 �I - I~�1: •3LV0 1»C«Es)IWJ"@E PER FOOT INCHES AREA -SQ INCHES INCHES _ ►• --Wriobk- I Curb I.t', _, 1 ,-.--f r., I 1-- - - ----4 •x019 ;'--L- ----- -- ---- .---K- -.o ;..- - - = - --;_- - �v_sri - - -.41.. - K. r y I/ 2 .167 .250 .05 .786 _ 1-1 t I �' - A 4 O It stet spry►SECTION D D -c- F. "I l /"9 D = I I _ELEVATION rgoorcuro- _ I eosin �> `_ l ; cf 0 T ® (�).376 .375 . I 1 1.178 ----- - ---- -- --- - . I r 1 I ' , • e. Loco/ OwIr si0h shell be Cbse A urn less otherwise sla�ci/'fed on gee.-Mro/ #on. - f -- : - - Slr. 6r, - , • �7iie- /cu-b rm! 'a • ,e,,dQ N--F-- Flow• b. fkvol/ons of outer corners ihhorm on rot pbn. irm a/ernhons ort speci.?ed, (� ® •6 �8 -5t�0 .'�� 1.571 t 6�' /°bi•�'• .i •• I/re oukr edge or Lowl Depress;an /l con/brm b Amshed slrert surfbeeV ,5ka lint M �. 'Vbr;obMa Stokes shall be set tagrodeabrg the rr>•lley and along the riege /;n. louhrr,Sero rv� line- .---- t 6 _ I �e orocluot depressed area). Stokes at points M and iv shop be setIII S(5 1.043 .625 •31 1.963 L- -Sfro' /►t Grt de or see note? __�, on o stroiohtgrode between tops ot'end headers(ii'on o wrticnl curve • , 4 L>. ser note r'"). These stakes- shall not be removed until just belt rr the ® 1.502 •750 .'44 2.356 Sea not- b ; e CASE B D -Sbe -nob -- rnaI rinishing. a --------- ------ / G - 4 feet unless otherwise sperirW. K -S feel unless othenvrsespm ifiPd & O 20,,44 •875 .60 2,749 L. 6• « .. a « H - 41nches Iain/ess ofherw4re .flhoo rn on the genera/,ol*n. I______'SN �blM,/e ___ _--_s t Po/ntS A end B she// be .set &O H Inches below e. -%sling O ® 2.670 1.000 .79 3.142 I I I I Dutter 9reotr r.___ a ._-_-1'�------_6---I,---� f Sprc•ia /details rwrning thertmOruttkn or Loco/ Depowriat ort d I - Sieh 1 - % Di (�) 3.400 1.128 1.00 3.5 . 4 1 r -ai III. -0 Hing - � I I`- a � I orrt ica/ curve shown on genera/ plan. I / I C F l• ofti'wt ' Resin _ & - - --- �'�°------, � , ------ cFhWA It ,- ---- II/ Ip 4.303 1.270 1.27 3.990 % IREFEr1ENC9e R[VIGIONG LOS ANGELES COUNTY Flow 1 - StrGr. fgl�olCurb---pr.6r-- I flow - -►1 I 11 - S/rG F, To l� � Jr ,� -a•- sate Wt•c.,.1106" FLOOD CONTROL �IS'T RtCT fl',/ I I 5.313 1.410 1.56 4'.43 0 I- I. ibrioblit ! ? r.I. rt/ Ir -s• to Ass' ♦v S' ' - --'. �.� �i� V "r LOCAL DEPRESSION NO. I Rid,/e Linc : • a /• ••` oaapr.J 4% The new bor numbers ore based on the number of � inches A 12.I4 of /rr..►.A N -Ir _ _ _ -SYrvi l I tir�ode or sire ndls .f,. _ -; ♦ s-lflst ,rattled notes saint' FOR SIDE OPENING Included m the nromino/ diameter of the bar• chvnp 'd 4' tie w CATCH BASINS Bor' number 2 /n pbln rounds m/y. 6ors numbered 9, b and // �+ _ one round bari Cnd eq,wvo%nf in weightond nornine/ cross - • gyp'• . . , u •t?-st jaded otr See note � , Ftiint M, _Pain! N % ,� /tote A • ..0 ,•••.r• • - - , . -- --J a CAS C - - - - -. - . •. , t It c»••.+ro A.,"..A•� .00,00+40 •• �- o .9ect/onal ores to the old type /, l J and I square bars �+ I a !-/I cs or •to .M /•� ' "" LOS ANGELES COUNTY $ATE - JVL♦ I,:z «I"" •E" ales««e»o.aa• DATE No ( -IaAs FI00000NTROL 0:5TPIC' ,;\ Revised I -Ig -71 2-DI71 . ! A d►s-rsrWrtwo . 4 e [ e•0I4• bweet a a.re.reo •�` A./ -Sair Wow mow . ft. 1%. aale.e4/rov,roce---. `%% -,d�� etmee /is...Ir A" pedwo rip army OW saowa ArQ TE L !more sow o,plr 04, Alam •r9 a tow tvir rale ererwr of ows" eels . j 000,wow, ter saw M ,MGM At. OW somw V AIMe spew. w+ wq" A poom -w Crw.Ig l-W?J. S �wf Uwe Mow N Nur+ w moos, Is Clam /'see fait tw► eel M to toss . t AW •treA•r wens/ Mee -Aotr M prreftwo ormr Mn1eoma At ip,,V00,,, � SOMA+, AWWMW U►h/ ore/ Ut woat W tin AM AWE •I -m+ Am+•war w ne I OW101 em -a• •A" r �11SJ Mw// M p ttta/ WrA Ae•/ Ar Alwwewaw Cl~ dpw•w/ mstem•& f. .,It JA/ adore ow M r APO -94 IrM w# M aF: iiiamm Alla Mel of jr AWVSSW7 M MI /Ar c,.Mtr tor/ IAO Pale,c W N N AI A,Y h� Z a AaVW mine MAW PAW& fIr orm, ALIO or pwv sera ast re1oupw Y' ager M or,m 'rMaige g Mia MMMO gi-CA rAr a I J el nam AIV AI MM'. M M 04 :r A-trAtl WS AW me► MA seow a, Amp Alta a mW Arms AMM 1J ~ Mw r,.~ Pains a akar+ Cara teoaw w a so rw"INOW w eer•me. nr AIMAW A. etlrPl A,Arw or Alin• /AM AAI/ Ar aa" MI Mr •w••.•- 1wAwe�M /Yetw A" eAaN �,.e-,,,,,w parOAww•l� MNON/ N tin PW two We/ AM 1Atw/ M %" opw r Ate/+. /AI/, tae C~V .t tM•r- t�Mer✓ A,Itrtlr MW M oreAR r wilt+ b Viiia of AItM. Amir tr gWON" "'a w 4r. tE/ A•l/Mw Aur or sow anew Uwra ettsr! •s'. /Ar" Awr,r-e -'A M belly from Snob to mlwN all ,.ftv Ar me SPAW gi • m SP&M after/ Its AMAe+d -Ar Mw *ow �r Mr( -w S1.9 DRs Ar. r�nrrs) • A ,...We 4, Faro FMMr I o'•IZaAW 1W asAri surest MNW AW ----'91t!-ree {�• /t.Eow ester ..tar Aet+slwa► #,PM AU 0 r.l.e 0e,* Alt.:-or.lL/ eel .t tet► Apure 1. 1 ava w rA.A. Apse-- w.r S^~ 9. ewe ,Fwo stow M dIr /Oo[e or tops. me. r•P/er.:•oris, /t`0�. AN.0 . 0sm elinins Sr,re+e p.era•-t der • eArtfti M AM O W pw- .%Mw came e►� M t�vw; r•o1IM t! react/ 41r ALL ♦NC►edrl Gr° ,•i.rw�e •-AM. ... et sot OW 41110110601115'N" ewtr Of Mfr /illi! 0 A1tw own ,d e,I~ M west aur sf aw trot M qew plwrs WW arras, f a Murat th / - A Y . A� `2 . I., I � AW &W spew AW moor Aur Sarnia • • ft.`wr b-d� A weAtn OWWOO•-WF -+Lurgi rs'd[rE w AOrOws" e••/ ~WF W4-I•t'^" w W*M /yawn dww . elver! ells t.• *dr beraw. some- 0 eweAwt w 6AII'V w 10 - •s o, s-rwmmw rel wrs-ra. T-RNOE wETHOdS FOR FACE PLATE ANCHORAGE ----- - -- - - flattt./I anchor ouft,c.a:nt 10 prcran t tvrnlr19 -., . \ /;.151cl Baty .IrreyA/ `.�/ s teat i'� 9/, J fi •Snort w► 1 \ I ' ftiDin/IlJ lrtt/ / Qelr. LIIer ; / . __ I�iIA' earth / See Motes ' ,-------- • r �sorAet s.t .screw �. 1 • i �. �; ... hbr -R.IAir : A' dire : •% . , �a t• .. ... -- : A"I \ ' ' .f- t. = 1 1Z 4r, ,--Mort: press or t/eJeless 1 ' " . t flee/ socA!/ se/ screw - I - - , - _ 3� � I �n inside of Co/ch ol �•' , V 1 I Osin. ,' • ' ' , ' v ----------•S ---------- ' ... � �� �' r \ I ' S/d. 6•/% WO -14f S/tt/ fiyaAtrp-'' "AAri/r end /Ir/r &r ' i f br.tt : '� I } `t or stainless steel tockeI set screw for PhohTfth AN) : � \ - %relmq /- fit sway •wdlr en tine �lee9hl. ; Cen tt�ed on 1ht coupGny. Spocin9 Data, set )..- I �?' `. T; - /� ofeon-tapered Sid. pipe /bread% Dwq. No. 2-0232_,1 -----&I' ' \tsw DETAIL Of ANCHOR s , `\` al Ca*AS11 /rr • �. _. _ _ - - ,A SECTION SHOWING LOCATION Of 'A re Note 2 -A-it %%pod per AIq. lhb -0232 � ANCHOR AT WALL OF CATCH DASIN el I sun a et i AC or CAi pipe, c 1 _ ..� I /.1 1 . - / ELEVATIOtl FLOW {nest pips r: a� 1-- _ - I f`��SI. A. C. ipsm T. .1, O.S.' ► • o bedding-- �6 - '-Seo ot•4-! ' sael11I11 with .�\� -------•---------------•-_- .w~----•-------- ------------ ------ i., 11" .2-6110 . _t « A bars /I s jI4 ®420-C 2 �� A��� �, •• .._.- �X- LenyM ..-... ",..._._. X• L trey/h .__...-.. ' _. _. _ y _...-.._--- •� l /� � ..... Nature) n--� N' A bars- N, (2- I e. . concrete Y QQI._-o '.�' ' b • /•t - ground min. . I - 30 . compecl t•N ' . \% --_�tl- .:... -� ' ••2-A iaws 4e � e . to rsk,�ive a w A •)Ii -See Note 2 See Notes. ' . . UncolspOtfeO �'--- % deNsily re Y • ► SECTION A -A ;FLOW aw' Int/./ R Or Aa04WR Or SUPPORT X LENGTHS BONS S' to /0' ! 2 !0' to /S' ? 3 15' to 20' 3 ,f1,,,,.•r,,WV 20' /o 25' 4 S 2 S' /0 30' S 6 backfill-- a s g A •s f ` L_ ►y epos. It, SUPERSEDES R � THE SAtaOE NUMBER DATED OCT. 193A. CASE I CAS NorE . ,SECTION /1A ilketleNe. SECTION 0-e � I /. Al/ born soot/ be GOV, het-roflws stsoef por A. S. T. M. • Veslynotlon A- 36 . Bor lengths shall nor exceed 2/, and shot/ be cut to fit in field. When W /s over 2/, proteclion Dor aha// consist of two or more seclAorl- >(,, depending upon /en lh of basin Location of s ecio/ su ori bars and odd/A16/nl I MLI. beerN surface , p g p 0 P Pp I� , 1 I • q u Ola 0� ©brass= sock•/ eel screw shot/ be determined by the Engineer In Me fie/d. I . • I`Y ' '.---'$ 2. /nstoll coup/Ing o/ downs/reom end of catch bos/n opening. I t='I 1 a l � .. Supersedes Drawing of some number dated Aug 5, 158 (Rev _ _ L 1 _ i I t Saperseadel>� otrtnQ�OE�fe=:same�e - - REfERENC[S REVISIONS LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT .... a... «.....,«1. r-ot.rr sll-t*tt an ewessls or stmt pals" odm •.0.46 -2" ,f1,,,,.•r,,WV REMOVABLE LOS ANGFI Fa COUNTY © /-AC- L+uartNi.Artr PROTECTION AR steel st/ st�tw PLAN S SECTIONS I OPENING --- ^ FOR CATCH BASINS REV 1 a I ON! A,C a� i . 6A,f. ...,. .....,.... e1�I ..L -I I. - us..ITTED •T «,-•, •' `•'I 2 -DIT5 ?1-6e AA.w" Der&/ w S Ar draws• Lmr +- -• -- -- --- r ----- -- --'-....... A hm"emiag sunt pin► Mr/Iew" srd Dug. Ar w oerwARt *Wmft �m ,J•rAll`oftlrr .ellllm tASFW♦»0•! _r'meafte • 1. Aswsy els rA•sNOr • • ' J. "N. : siAEi� O _" - - - `45t: - ;.1I. 5-m :. orals Ilan a 11110 4a) A.S. . 1 l�lf' I Ile' ' . ase r g• , . a • . % .1 I A---- --V1 ?11-71 a . ,I.. . a . . . . I . . L . ... . I .. I .. . . ... . . _. . -. 4.. uL1�`�,• x'11. "1 y . ' a w . . �• ' V .. p g • . ' 'w #S �y of • • i . I ! ♦ A • '�,' �321 .�_. �.� - L _ - * i 1, 1. I . .1 : . --- .. . - , a . ., . . .r. . ..,#..-., k a1. I 4?,1\LJ' .. j. a •. -1 °` ` r .• i3'9a ai- 1 '" ' ----"a a Ill . j '�/ -e ► : A •' ...... d�il.t1•,•a� sla.Mr /t -Oftel 1 .1� ••- I J ' I .. ; ...._..._-- Ax ; AM* /wt .seaw ay wear dw ~ MJ • Ani WOMW '••✓I ___------ProNefr tl tar. Slow Allele t . . I ------ •- - - - -- -- Cie. o►A14wo i 'Aar j •dins/ /'ice ow sapperr M Ar satswer. 1• . -„--. - /a J0 60'remirdw Spew -s R seveiv Asir! or Aer•gw'ers~ ANWOW" MM. sMr alallw J . -' g A: ' -j-- a.s*is Asir nftw Isms o wawao tee stir of as craws• Maw ww me drool► - .. A .t ,ft A..rrrsr p rciiiWo ber. 5ov Aur. s .� ., rt. Jar-.o a 49 .. . t/rtlrw/ �$-zz!«1 c )*r s•.n sid F' t -!'swum. /wren or �•s / f ,cdr ger wmR,, Ablla,la► Iba�..► allrr •, • , wrath ate/ wrY. - ......r..#,, / s o - 4t"sloe" PIw4 idtoisinal Ar OWNS ve Awsodwr,•r, ow - _ j . . , T . - ----I , . : ; Ao"Aarlrrr P� • 1 1-0 . Q. I ---,r - t , ; _ 1-- f O ` •; , V 41 ' T - �--- I - _ t -- L T. E. I 1 « \ '. 1 - I i i;,e*Woars, I !-L \l . ! Sm /orooffWa raft so so I, /atom AS I 1 � i . 4 Orrast ran orwhiiRl >wAtY inoui x w w owl i I I w /A w. ON 10 :1 -- --•• - 1 r -t--'1 1 1 - -- : I I r- tm I -t I i wm A+g0mm 1---- ----;--- ---i ® FACE PLATE END B SPLICE DETAILS REVISIONS e "Aura . • 46 sll-t*tt an ewessls or stmt pals" odm •.0.46 0001040 so,^&Ofa JUNCTION STRUCTURE LOS ANGFI Fa COUNTY s /2449 a - 72 Axa A c F; 00 vcsw-Y ebrlc r w As PL.00D CONTROL_ DISTRICT DETAIL OF CATM BASIN PLAN S SECTIONS I OPENING --- ^ An•ovtW •T k-jce 1,4 I - ......... REV 1 a I ON! A,C a� i . 6A,f. ...,. ...e aeaca+•..w DEC. 51 slit E 1 I nt t ....-- IL ?1-6e AA.w" Der&/ w S Ar ♦ ter; h..es✓ ..Rw/ e. '= G ,!u• �Z I.1 is . CAK•I(r [ I I >r 04 AW /M• nNr.OA _ -Z";:-- nQAr- to DWG. NO. 2-0232 C.win_ Now et-ro-' ..Nm I ..t \ �S�a'� 45069 0• � .e .1e � � �S64-C-300d -fir. ou"of see stendord w....-..._ n . I I I Concrete Boom I _ ` i 3 .01.0 .001 I ►'� I catch basin p1a;Inb 17 I - .00 _... 0 bones A ears ! I �•� I / oe ,i �-/' ' / ' o • , •r a 4« knoll -0 in ft.+3'. I O '-°}-, 12-39 a S • 'la ' placed under cut bars snot art - -' , - *5@6� - ----- __}_ i- - A i.,.._4�•�6'_ _ ; Sed I % 42-60 8 - 6"' I. -Catch basin floor fop of uncut bars In bottom Z'jse, AL s , I - •1 40 / d top slob. Omit bars that %if I -�- I' 1 • Meta:whee catch beats toN>t / a� ®420-0 2000 ton¢, tplwor sidewolb. El �E5/ J _ SECTION GC .�' t 1 lwe /1 A bar*.,'-- %cam--- - on top of box,the opening may / ., a . i on„aeemetv when store . `.O /.. e -- --*e formed through floor of If _ Man one section of - _- --Cut bets t PLAN catch basin and top slob of N>< /u - ! • d pipe is used. ciao► d'� f -` 'r CASE I - SEAM SUPPORT CASE 2 - COLUMN SUPPORT c7 Q© I1-- `$ o` Gi'� �' • • 6 • R.c. a oe-l.i--- "� D- 30 Oil LESS D■00. OR LESS FOR C.M.P.' DJ- e. -1D ^- l 1 `"v 00. 143n )4% I 0.30" OR LESS FOR R.C.P. OR C.P. ' • s Co. air. -0 in M.+ 3' FXP 1 89 . ESTE l .4 ' •• M S A4- to be pfoced �I * r S : pieced wndar cut bars olid ori Ir - S ECT ION D -O 1. All corrugated 0001 pipe end flMthgs shell tel PkVM2od. I � 2e cher of hole. '" � I' )-�- of ftp of wlcut ban in bottom `` i►✓� 2. Use Junotlon Structure No.l where site of Inlet pipe aaeeeds dkeemien #mm abort►. fop sial. Omit hart That taaH i i : • Y I 0th. i xs 3.Unless otherwise specified Case 2 support shall be used. / SECTION E•E . o. ' _ CASE 3 TOP SLAB ENTRANCE ','ff m "'"' ('i ,/j/ 4. EI.aS' shall be specified on projgct drawings only where top of pipe Is more Thal) 12" abler sidowalts. ' / On 30" OR LESS �~ r�r• tI, 04 { `r below soffit of box. - - • ---� REFERENCES REVISIONS LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT "Aura Whit Wt[c•NTO" 46 ".0 0001040 so,^&Ofa JUNCTION STRUCTURE s /2449 a - 72 Axa A c F; 00 vcsw-Y ebrlc r w As N 0.3 DCs.,9natre.t PLAN S SECTIONS I I I - :3 An•ovtW •T k-jce 1,4 I - ......... i. -GING ,r A,C a� i DAT11„O 2 191 ,1x..0 --,.' if ersi,. DEC. 51 slit E 1 I nt t REV. JDATE McCUTCHAN CO., INC. CITY SOF FONTANA , CALIFORNIA - 265 N. SAN GABRIEL BLVD. (818) 795-5162 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91107 Drawn by : SOUTHRIDGE VILLAGE Scala= /� Approved : 'N -a-0 4' .ga--4�v- �• Designed by: TRACT N0. 14138-1 Date GERALD E. TUTT R.C. E. 143T5 Date 0te. 1588 STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS Checked f. -ea -0 Dw9• No.6 I l DESCRIPTION APP. 0� k.e . Approved CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. L /637