HomeMy WebLinkAbout1621-14 ,h , F F F CONC.gLA I — ,�►au�lrt' Dean � t�o I see • • ' 32So hca of concrtle J Q t I _ P0, b^ti ,��JD✓E'CT' ,w/�G Ea I &W � Tie � fill� �� �, E ban n4-4s.c ` rn paved sire I ed .,1 I l ball- Der for1, -4 F i-- D:---, F f— r rfor ""d *teh A�PdAtr IV/dam ,,y,. Q 2' PIAN -r for uT end sire (Swt not 0OW4 • x. tun greet btanhefe Rahe s+d ours► Alhambra Foundary A-14" Dbers a or approved equal Cm eros, rVV aid reducer�. :��;. Ste Standard Ow9. No. 512 ed" "� �:: z' -A 3'trritl► � streets F, :F '�. ''i � : » 3•_ 8• .. yid .. .,1- S4; Not. + �;:;%: •. ;`; At! steps 5'x 2 pipe seat r-s•ac. E bars DETAIL, M ,;,, ..._, . rte bare 0 b" (See !laic 4j SECTION A -R -A• E bas lite seat kref. Slee "13 0 D than It I I � I ti 1 6_ ---I- T Grade pointe see *to* SECTION 8-5 STORM 140TES = TABLE of valt,es for F are on this Standard Drov.linq, Shut 1. 2 - CENTER OF MANHOLE SHAFT shah be located over center line of sttxm min when diameter D, is ' 4Cor less is which case place E bars symiletrically around shaft at 45• with center line. 1- LENGTH L shall be s' -awnless shown otherwise on improvement DIn. At option of Cofttnctor L be imaced or location of manhole shifted to meetP'Pt ends. 4 - DETAIL M: When depth of manhole from street grade to top of boot is Its than t'- A 1' For Paved streets or 3'- V for unpaved streets, construct monolithic shaft as per Detail M. The Contractor shall hal the option of constructing shaft as per Detail M for any depth of malhole. When diameter Dl is 41f or kss, center of shaft shall be located 33 per Not 2. 5-1"1i1CRNESS OF DECK shall rare► when necessary to protide levet pipe seat, but shall not 6e kss than tabula values for F shown on this plan. 6- FEINFORCING STEEL shall be round,deformed bars,ll'clear from face of concrete unless shown a her ise. Sizes and lengths are shown in table beiow. 7— CONCRETE share be in accordance with the table of .Concrete Specifications. e- STEPS than be I"r'ound,aalrarized steel ad anchored not less thin a inches in the walls of st t0we. %is otherwise Am hire spacing shall be i' -Von centers. The lonst step shall be not rtoore than t:d' Am the irnert (Alhambra Fdy. A-3 320 or equol.) 9- MMGS, REDUCER,AND PIPE for access shaft shag be stated in ceraeomortar aid neAy poiM or *dl inside the shaft. 10- STATIONS of manholes shown an kilproveftte„ t plan M#1 at center of shaft. Ehrafions #om of sltations refer Prolonged inert gnde Gees, I I - FLOOR of manhole shah be steel-tmweled b springing In. 12- BODY of manhole shall be poured in one cmtirxlous operation, except that the Contractor AA have the opflon of placing at the springing rine a construction joint with a lonaitu&W CONCt1ETE SPECIFICATIONS, F CONC.gLA 14,7% /t%I'iJiirl XA� A'Y�t/t+lE ,�►au�lrt' doh► 10 ' 14 see • • ' 32So J Q ,��JD✓E'CT' ,w/�G Ea o� � � fGlwl7�/y/LG l�G�t A�PdAtr IV/dam Q IS a � -414v txrmwvrmv .wexAll 140TES = TABLE of valt,es for F are on this Standard Drov.linq, Shut 1. 2 - CENTER OF MANHOLE SHAFT shah be located over center line of sttxm min when diameter D, is ' 4Cor less is which case place E bars symiletrically around shaft at 45• with center line. 1- LENGTH L shall be s' -awnless shown otherwise on improvement DIn. At option of Cofttnctor L be imaced or location of manhole shifted to meetP'Pt ends. 4 - DETAIL M: When depth of manhole from street grade to top of boot is Its than t'- A 1' For Paved streets or 3'- V for unpaved streets, construct monolithic shaft as per Detail M. The Contractor shall hal the option of constructing shaft as per Detail M for any depth of malhole. When diameter Dl is 41f or kss, center of shaft shall be located 33 per Not 2. 5-1"1i1CRNESS OF DECK shall rare► when necessary to protide levet pipe seat, but shall not 6e kss than tabula values for F shown on this plan. 6- FEINFORCING STEEL shall be round,deformed bars,ll'clear from face of concrete unless shown a her ise. Sizes and lengths are shown in table beiow. 7— CONCRETE share be in accordance with the table of .Concrete Specifications. e- STEPS than be I"r'ound,aalrarized steel ad anchored not less thin a inches in the walls of st t0we. %is otherwise Am hire spacing shall be i' -Von centers. The lonst step shall be not rtoore than t:d' Am the irnert (Alhambra Fdy. A-3 320 or equol.) 9- MMGS, REDUCER,AND PIPE for access shaft shag be stated in ceraeomortar aid neAy poiM or *dl inside the shaft. 10- STATIONS of manholes shown an kilproveftte„ t plan M#1 at center of shaft. Ehrafions #om of sltations refer Prolonged inert gnde Gees, I I - FLOOR of manhole shah be steel-tmweled b springing In. 12- BODY of manhole shall be poured in one cmtirxlous operation, except that the Contractor AA have the opflon of placing at the springing rine a construction joint with a lonaitu&W CONCt1ETE SPECIFICATIONS, F CONC.gLA 14,7% Seo -j IN. 94 15111111 1 C 32 10 ' 14 see • • ' 32So tri 1<1.O<.-AL7 a==0 wlr. A��f= vr.=�11 K_ M-1111111111111111 I M-111111III�- 0 brs shat! $e 4aced foot. E bars shiall be spaced Cat Tie bm _40 be N. o. 3 spaced 18" o -C or dove. YAn L greater than 5tf7is specked on iln7ortrmen1 plm,c'enfvve D ban at 6,0-cf Lengths shown in tadle are•for longest ►ars.. Where shorter bars are required, bend or mf to meet f ield requirements. 13— COVER stwe I+r►o letter O iw tom: _ 5 - MANHOLE VICINITY MAP � AwgN srretttret esslltd 49'0 1�•�_`vMen side flow exceeds 10% »MU or main line flow 24-�. �. \ ..,�-L„-� reel straps 16 o.c, , g d 10 .. , • I 1' T T 4/ Ar �/- SI 4"x 4" —r --� A �» . •..- • Mortar fillet 12 t 14 ♦ L e 14 'e I ., L I 3" radius I �f �t 1 1 1 p • e.• I All steel reirlforcemtnt fatfan Nvation A o� Ali steel rslnforcement q" °@ 4"e.c• levation 1/2"Dia. 4"o.e. PLAN SECTION B-13 DETAIL IN 6moftnot, smown) {Shaft not shown) M�a� 010 frome and cover Set Note M Street` Grade 00"010 Std..Plan 312 '- Max. I Min. • For poved streets 11" 8 V2 For txWvod streets ' " M M Mtnimu"I f-►01/2"for paved streets (See Note P) Minimum 3�- 6�� f or unpaved areas. Street Grade ton=rele,rnq M I r eoucer per Caveat r irl per Std. Pion Std. Plan 512-2r.2 0, 4"x 4" mortar fltlet el Omit this step — y o P Round inletsts 3•' in paved streets Round edges of inlets I- 4"for paved streets x • ►— 3" ' 2�4'for unpaved stria" 1 4" • — l 1 • Max. 24~ diameter sive inlet. �+ I Use Std. MANHOLE A 4 I 'N (Page 19„2) for side , M ink is,- 24 diameter. "Net ete"Iter epptits • e” of hits poin , .. T 7'- 6" Wore 1 T I 3'-6 � SECTION A - A +GENERAL. NOTESO. SECTION C -C H neignt M (in Sec. A -A and lee. 8-Mshott be not less than 4'-d: but may of increased of option of the Engineer provided that the value of M smolt be not less than the minimum specified and shat the reducer shall be used. For H (in Sec. C -C) see Note P. L-Longthty shote be 4'unte» otherwise smown an irtlaravlmint plan. M -Shaft shod be constructed as per Sec.0-C and Detail N when depth M trom street grade to top of bax is fess mon 2'-b 1/2" for paved streets or 3'-6" for unpaved areas. P- 0eptn f maybe reduced loan absolute limit of 6" when lorger values of P would reduce M (in Sec. C -C) to 3•- 6"or toss. T. T shall be 8" for values of M up to and including 8' T shall be 10" for values of H over t!'. t . $tees shall be 3/4" round, galvanized steel and anchored not less Than 6"in the welts of the structures. Unless Omer"s shown, steps shaft be ploced I-aon center. The lowest steo sholl be not more than 2'obove the ledge at the side of monhoteflose !. Reinforcinq steel shop be 1/27round, deformed, straight bars 1 1/2" clear from face of concrete. 3. Stations of manholes shown on improvement plan apply at centerline of shof t. 4. Floor of monhott shall be steel -troweled. 5. Rings, reducer, and pine for ociess shoft small be stated in 1:2 mortar Dred neatly pointed or wiped Inside shelf. s . Ledge shall be stoped at 2" per toot. T. Concrete -f�= 3000 lost at 28 days. • r bo"am width m nmtitnunl IS 6. Mannose snatt snort oe 4 -0� Dred Junction Structure Do o d s off lot Increased to 4 -(1�" whin M .Vee ata. rfan 512 wlrh 6" ilrings when M•15 ; CONSTRUCTION NOTES O1 -CONSTRUCT 36" RCP 1250D Q2 -CONSTRUCT 24' RCP 1250D 3� CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN PER CITY OF FONTANA STANDARD 120-B 4O- CONSTRUCT CONCRETE COLLAR PER DETAIL ON SHEET 1 CONSTRUCT MANHOLE DETAIL ON SHEET 1 ESTIMATE OF QUANTITIES 351 LF 75 LF 2 EACH 1 EACH 2 EACH 4" " 5 , rax-,,_ � •-,;� :• . •,� "�.:,,�'"' 1 q 1 AonlOREX•6' , i NOTES 1. A CONCRETE COLLAR IS REQUIRED WHERE THE CHANGE IN GRADE EXCEEDS 0.10 FEET PER FOOT. 2. WHERE PIPES OF DIFFERENT DIAMETERS ARE JOINED WITH A CONCRETE COLLAR. L AND T SHALL BE THOSE OF THE LARGER PIPE. D=D1 OR D2. WHICH EVER IS GREATER. 3. FOR PIPE LARGER THAN 66" A SPECIAL COLLAR DEtAIL IS REQUIRED. 4. FOR PIPE SIZE NOT LISTED USE NEXT LARGER SIZE. 5. OMIT REINFORCING ON PIPES 24" AND LESS IN DIAMETER AND ON ALL PIPES WHERE ANGLE A IS LESS THAN 10'. 5. WHERE REINFORCING IS REQUIRED THE DIAMETER OF THE CIRCULAR TIES SHALL BE D + t2 X WALL THICKNESS) + k 7. WHERE D1 IS EQUkL TO OR LESS THAN D2. JOIN INVERTS ; AND WHERE D1 IS GREATER THAN D2. JOIN SOFFITS. a. PIPE MAY BE CORRUGATED METAL PIPE. CONCRETE PIPE OR REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE. OR ASBESTOS CEMENT PIPE. 9. NOT TO BE USED FOR''A SIZE CHANGE ON THE MAINLINE.. ` _ r 4 CONCRETE COLLAR-DETAIL