HomeMy WebLinkAbout1623-6;'fir, "kw. w 0A► urllllf lfeetifestry welded see.. Weal N 4,0" Sheer Cor sector, , 4ebtw KSN Melding Sys/ems Division Sheol Connecta, or epvo/; slogger eS indicated below. 11 . v A L 1" • err � •��. rs - s •_T 1 `t rQjf• ?� t /IwMlrsdy Most miff NOW NM Oban ti Spec* A anchors app'v4rolety warty /rams pp between end eschars and anchors of spice %ah/s swop, we►M1 of a anchor local/ea. Space 9 anchors of opp ori t sfsly, 45 mos. between and anchors. ALTERNATE METHODS FOR FACE PLATE ANCHORAGZ I. • 3Is!Vie os •4OsS'1316•Natoli a►Sseetent 1 . rift .ip y., / Ad, .t •4. ®s30orf:47•4 041'cc---� /Am.; Colt* SlMt *y sM re101b/l4►p slN/ mw she* Coos Ler ,j'Ito•A .v.aJfro436l. - -..,'Away lams. as shown • • P aseibtaAi J • t S �• ^•'�-a•wtr' 3-•S er•'Shaw s tM•A•) A.S. - ..<�.e.la.. r. O •. *wises opeeee Ree colts plectatmt,ee eco- - T 16..' i ..,rets. M, -_--TAW M Aare •---•-•ad/ustobtb Shoe, (2-0244) ••-•••• r. j. Anew Nd Arms, ser sorer cop s,i (j • 4Ab, M►Inch! --••--•- irae01.., amt Soo Note 2 -•••••• .. --. --Cs& or mach j "hots j 'dose eke o. Sag.", 94? Mir *or APPt •-••• •-i'K' Gotresirre Sleet -Std. saber, MN or heiepwel MN mNtAM. M11. Se. /MAP J. tki ...... - •*tees erthop stern p4 hotMl•I4 Stet Aro w es owwbd of msisl -...•1610t wok slew II a. • , .• , s.. e.• •. • ?Were., iS/4.~ . tach Segs siT' Moms, Rico W COAL* 9.m' end wee-, •$ •1s mM .*romp wsreetr Mower" ale SAI el Me cart* haw /A ere . reser 1' Me sooner protection ear. Soo Not* J. 2 -revert Not, Mw Gorey, ANIS, '1• I I - 1 Led Anders,/ect,A ea ma) • i....- • •- lefroome Pomo•-;'•-f s t s0=te r Nom mai r .� \ L r I" . • Se. los NUnlsh eeaSOtrp tr '� .Nor/ for ow000/1sditi.. ;Mice ./s 1/0 1- ,'--Coast wait k hop" r r (woo srgwea► m FACE .PLATE END 8 SPLICE DETAILS A sIrtostet$ owwtsN or sore MUM4* DATED s•Vq LOS ANGELES COUNTY PL000 CONTROL DISTRICT REVISIONS ••N •e••rn•r it SA.1. FMS-qJ,S GWN. A m m?1-68 Pt* 44 11.16.71 j474 Fewtee 0W4.1 aer•.es tiro atr:•:e a.e;1 •I Our a.rn•heN OETAL OF CATCH BASH OPENws . c' r, Aim 7�.✓r ; wr '�._+ s 6. 'DWG. N1). 2-D232 6•b=ail setter I or I ,NO TES Mer a •et • Mott re' 74 ofmforfis Mere HOW of fit1019, moat 1: Promo*, lot/ .*alts M Ai, 91V.'MI seplswtMAt vomit, ace rillM w Slowdarl Crewe, 2-0171. • Awe., /kits mom 9• moot 4s Aiwa as N! Pao #4.1 for Off Meet labs. 4 .6/1 *speed ~el ports ~1 *4 peAtsMwsd IIA✓ F 96.* e4 . Promo*, Or Specs,: /e'rSMMb.. Porn) .Awl is 4ee*rlse aim Mo aMrlaw Near owning of I/N ono* Crisis *snort 6.e earls) sell h Atom, asci Moo a0 fiI4.1 M m clow warm emsoos 6 (A/ WS/0 rise bar is rewind, YAW1 M 4; hemmer; Ole Mel Ile N memory. M met Me cover e✓ Ale prorecll oe !Meer a art less M tree Me rolled .blot fel tow: Isla or ~re bets wo ,,�_ site" be ff'.i .11weMM+q ism - sois sSO Wet TM sp.cesg of 1*e hls .sr Mottr. /Mens/. If eocesswrx. se Mot the ~tor of Me bey is hod Mss Moe t7 from Ms rwMsd polwK K HMIs/' tale* b sine we /b M r wslrsteh✓ o► ceras. Me minnow ~l Amt. kr fan ►/chs shots h such mot /A► mosimo n 41wowsMew from soil More finoos sol prrporik rhe Morels) ro /M Irv* corm oWl ,eel .50.44' ens AICA IMM.* mere len toe chow is rewired, chard Atmel. Melt be twit i Men A,.,,m *efts* Abe is lIAeew Irani 43 neo .slot may So woe Mow Mimi MONS 43',Mmo monism mos, M .sole - ci/mis asst br' ;oiMN accarelvtp a the Spite Ddot- Splint th.11 he pieced one loot Prow spear/ So: few Std Owe. Ab. 2-0/75) H. Legs► of Feer Po/. is w•12" for est nolle /aaAMi moor Ale 9*wy Cow* tdsin Mx* (Se. Or} /Ms. 2.024! / .and .2 for def.* d• owl rise s*0 be .s tomorrow, ' Owes. 10.. 2-091. t-Dt441, rows. w N sows M No morel plwe. VO ,PACING Of ALL Ahri001A6f a 30 and axiom 3' frim ends of foot it** 0 More ora A asefo r of each side sf any owl stImato .. lots awl rt 00 eitrtof 7 9. TYPICAL SECTION THROUGH CATCH BASIN AT MANHOLE STEEL. ARRANGEMENT FOR TOP OF CATCH BASIN NQ STEEL ARRANGEMENT AROUND: MANHOLE • IN CATCH BASINS NO.2 AND NO 3 NOTES /. /faoha<e shell.le,o%'d alms we//year 'ov//ef *Z. All i/ee/sho//Gie 'J. ors, - J./paced*mot drinensloned es co//ed for 04 fess conch baser, siondond,o/ons unless shom9 aY/rfcrenf/y hereon. Ceara/ice Jho// he /1'1ith from ,6of/a� of J/o6. 3. Na 4 bars e /2" may 6e atm' hey lieu of No. 3 hors $ 6'a Na 4 hers Z4 may to iced i / lieu of Na 3 hors Z' - REFERENCES 2-0171 6 REVISIONS 5-7-68 ?/-74 DESCRIPTION Chine d bar size to loo nvmler per 2-0171. Added reverence Revised 'i4'.-rcOrvsa' 4011, LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT CATCH BASIN REINFORCEMENT FOR ROUND MANHOLES APPROVED iv 'It3, f bars 3'3"song -- A ! -At/ ,,s;--- --11 • Ober" roc. •-- Tie bor - Wye, to be rounded i to 3' Radius 1 L ,4hT -A ictus•I.Darlp .tor 3'-O"maximrlr�t ,-I-3-'4Jbars 4�'b�n, 1 Sac mrrIt add): odes 6 ac. to inside edge PLAN - of manhole Wings and cover not shown) Tie bor - outsibli rote - e4, 11 Dors 3•-O- long Jtreetgr* ,-Concret! rims • S'x 1" Ring seam t Mkt. for pched streets II' 8' r. ci , for unpaved strs l6' 15" 11 i dolt tflsstep ,1..___6____.i.inporedstreet! •-- PLAN Hbar •--?__. (3hoft not shown) t trier paved strerts Ali hole Mt:n* n4' �rtar unpaved streets.' -F ... f'- Z--; . 1 3hteetgrade• 1 414,711! steel Siena - S.E Std. Avg 2-096 r, Plan It. 2 -OM/ 472 - r - Cknacriete rings ed ' ts3ducer,Pb Mi2-0KJ7 Minimum 2'-10f with paved streets Minimum 3'-6"with unpaved streets. See Note 3. E bars Tie bor J bars _ _ - Springing tine - Inlet e/etotion applies at this point 1.4, /8 bc. both waysto be used when Dr is ECTION A -A $0"onover. ,-- Pipe seat Ave/ C brie---, .. • Note 4 3• ,• t 1 -.0 b13 r-' . 2'4- Cu... - GriooB points See Note 8 SECTION B -B H bar Vbrvbte - E bans `--J ban DETAIL M (See Note 3 ) BLE OF VALUES FOR 'F. D2 F D2 F 36' 6 t' 70' • ll fir, 39' 7' 84' /2 It d2' 7 3o' 1,3 4 45' 7" 96- !4- 48 @ 102• i5It" 51 at 100• 16' 54. 9' 114' 16 1z- 57- 9$' 120' a- _ 60' 9JI I26- 17- 60- le 132' 1711• . " e - l r' i7.11 69' 10 144' id" 72 11" NOTES I- mete emit'', fl7r Pare art this plan. t - CENTER OF MANHOLE SHAFT sho/l be 1scistedelter center bre arstarnt droilt when diameter 0, is 48"orless, in which case place f bens syrn- Me tricot ly around shoftat45•with centerline andcrnifJbars. 3- DETAIL Mr When depth of manhole thorn street grade to top of box is less than t -l0 t' (r pored street or 3'6' fbr unpaved street, construct monolithic shaft os per Detail M. Shutt fbrony depth of manhole nay be constructed os per Detail M. When diameter 0, is 28"cr /ess,center of short maybe located as per note 2. 4.- 'THICKNESS Of DECK shall wry when ne ceselor y 1bp1roride *ref pirm3e0t. but shall not be less than tabular wlues fbr fshowrt of this plan. 5- REINFORCING STEEL to be per 2-0/7/, l •clear from fbceof concrete unless shown otherwise. 6- STEPS shall be gb-round,gnlvaniziedsteelandancPorednot Hess thou 6' inches in the walls of structure. Unless otherwise shown Me spacing shall be /4"% /So aitThe ,basest stepshv//rotbe mare Mon 2'-6 "obove the invert. lee S/d Deg 2-0 96 7- PING5, REDUC£RAND PIPE foraccess shaft shot1bes eftdemla -Ar axe neatly pointed or wiped inside the shaft 8- STATIONS of manholes shown on plan app/-yotcenterofshaft Elevations shown o t sto tions refer to pronged irtrert9rode lines 9- FLOOR of manhole shall be steel -troweled to springing line. 0- BODY of monhole shall be poured in one contirn nus operatic ',, except ttato construction, joint witho longitudinal keyway may be placed of the spriraagtng line. N- LENGTH L AN0 £MBEO1(ENT Pshall hose the fbhbwing nstues - unless otherwise shown on pan for Dz -96'or less, t. -5'6". P-5' Dz o'er 96', t-6'0", P-8' L may be increased or location of manhole shifted to meet pipe ends. When L greater than mot shown oboie is specified. 0 born shall be continued 6 "o c e- 0 BARS shall be '4 for Dz -39•cr less, •5 far Dt • 42" to 84'inclus/re and '6 for D2 -90-c• over Tie blurs shall be w3 bore. 13- ts :3000 p.s.i. at 28 days. ale -Centerline ofinlet pipe tont rsectin/si elaceofconeofslaringing line unless otherwise shown. 0 /5 Where Pressure Monhok Ab.2is spscifitel an OMR; set Std Owq 2-02/0 note 3. SUPERSEDES DWG. NO. 2-D103 REFERENCES REVISIONS 2-0107 210171 2-02/0 2-096 • 2.0472 DAs= ...coon.« LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 0 0 r 8-53 5.1 /0-54 10-54 /1-9-70 3.1-74 Revised Oiond stator n Added note Added note Step Spoc,ng A/N FiC ref. DIY/ ' C • ige D[SK,H MANHOLE NO.2 PLAN. SECTION AND DETAIL w►ieovts .r i ori • DATE 1-12-53 P40. a 184 SHEET OF eft edges ter be row.ld d -r---! .-, to 3" Radius -r' ). 1 -, t L.- -- PLAN PLAN (3Pia ft not shown) Street grre -- ►•Manhole frame and corer , "1t TPlon No 2-0472 t Raldius = i.D. et Sport. AN steel N.ia/. '4 bars, 4"0.C. Vo 5 N a a s• 36 RCP. (Let) 5): 11 1tf• __Pipc xa_ . 5-G" Ruu,td nirtca .f:n,rts �-- Y SECTION A -A' DETAIL N PLAN • (Shot' not shown) sec Note M ¢ Gat winizeci • Stccl steps. 1e'to15 0.C. Zr��l 7r1 .. ,1 • • u f a;o A' Ir1)131 V7 E E exrring seat street grade dmtt This step In �. t 9 _ _ _ _ 1t_ -{ • paved step streets } lir.. a .l(For PO1'/ed strecta i 1" M" I 'For unpaved stns. 16115.1 (See Note P) ioTES • ►4- HEIGHT N On ore A -A rod Ssc. w•Si .real DS tun kss aerie r' -r, asat. nary be, overoo.04 provided then Me W.I.. or et ...Noll be owl cos an the m.„14,11 epecated 4'...4 Coat the rs- _ e.rrar .hon b: used. for H (in sec. c-ei see :Sole P. L- LENGT4 L cleant be 4 fee yynle•`` Nh raise st+dwn •n plan. L ',tory Its inerso..., or 1.tio.. er rnonllola .11iIT e.4' t'o rntt► pps end•. N- SHAFT toP H nUd IA ted r sae, .-L lfE !- N• aloes depth M Mune .Meet* Aqwes/ fes to w box la less 2'-l0 1Vrr s4'. r.e►s sr a'_.• I„r unpaved elects. P- DEPTH P ern •eboolune limit of i,' when larvae votes. of P would reduce 11 (in sec. C -C J to 10-1... or Tess. T -T shall oe e' For values or ti up . and including s root. • T .hall bt IO" ear value. of M Over 6 test. - 7 Where Pressure Manhole rlo.its specked an 0001 see Std D. 2-02.0 noAA 3. 1 -STEPS shall los resod wevor ',,4 steel and oneh.r,d net kss t1.or1 i :nc4,eb- w1 rhe w011 o1 .fru (Mile s erwr+4 .lecttuvre�, steps all los •Ox•Jl3 - The kwesl .rep .hal 5. sol mor¢ than 2 reef .boos the 14.49. or slde 0 mannose P1wr. Sts SId.O„r4 2-096 2- 1.' 3000 psi et 29 days. 3-�tewroRc04 .TELL thenb. err Z -0.17t, slrs,9R1 Mrs Welter /re.t rice d concrofe. 4 -STATIONS, of manholes *worm en Ren ably et tenter kss d t1,a/t Elevations ore .i ..odd, -ft, center and nett, to tht proles ed invert .,rade one. See Nott L. r ahoAi.y 1•c.rhM. S-RrLOOR af- nwnhole .hall be ate.t-trvwekd. 6-94NciS, reducer and oipe •nesse .bell •hail los oaatsd iw* mortar and r►se.tly pointed or wiped m.tdt than. - --71Lopt ions l bottom tolet rleset;on SECTION B- B tappties at this point THIS DRAW/M6 31/PEPSEDE! Lyt/'6. OF THE SA.t-lE NO. D4TEO 1-7-39 REFERENCES REVISIONS LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT MANHOLE NO. 1 PLAN, SECTION AND DETAIL DATE el o 2-0102 CHIEF EH0t DATE JAMI1149 15 7 SHEET 1 OF 4. Alien set See Note 1 1, Glitch basin opening \iwer,4110,ele4;11 te. FLOR 41 • • Mete 1•1. Cutler Sew Nee.' MAI 4116 It tiotoowe IS • FLOW • • Cetch basin opening ELEVATION moo: Nowt Wool Setter Plow Ulm cover o,oposite pick hole --r TOP OF MANHOLE FRAMES COVER • BOTTOM OF MANHOLE COVER oreover ,-Allen socket se/ serer? CROSS SECTION THRU FRAME 8 COVER • f,4 RL 2 tOia . cleoropening CROSS SECTION THRU RIM REFERENCES Outline where ,, Outline where 1 i .CROSS SECTION THRU RIB AT MID RADIUS lo /he lolest siono'cro' A48. dOS: 30 or Instal/ /AP° •Yex 3/42,41/617 socket stet screws, .90*k pick hole, in holes drilled one/ topped I' in depTh All ports of the ti•orne ond cover exceot machined surfbces she be coaled with asp/lc/tan paint. Frame and cover shall be tesied ;V accuracy ot fit and shall be /narked insets befbre delivery. ide.n/ifico Non /e. tiering 1:1 ocroimi with orxe REVISIONS LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT MARK DATE MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER FOR CATCH BAS I NS Noel per Cure IMMO owl Cover per ,.. mu. "mil , Foci Plate end T 77,07. No. 2-D156-, - 1. ----ru,.._ ,,,„ ,. iriAnchor :' 01011.09 P•LOw9T_ • ,....,',, se:I:10232 -MOO per Derg. Anther ..2.37aeolcati°"el anNad Support Bolt per Dero No 2-D175 and 2-023211 2-D96 and Note 5. • Dowel '‘Alt. M.N. locations per Dwg. No. 2-D157 41. Radius TOP SLAB - STRUCTURAL PLAN Supersede -I dreno7Wg of IA* soot, number doted August 1950. REVISIONS ARK SECTION A -A 'Alternate connections per Dwg. No 2-D224 9-6;;•-, 9(4 DETAIL OF DOWEL NOTES Locate pipe ot me elowastroon sod of Me basin wiles% specificotly noted otherwise on the general plan Pipe shall be trinwned to the finol shape and length before Me placement of concrete. 2. Qp_LIC_REIL Floor of the basin shall slope from art .otts to the outlet omit *mil be given steel -troweled surface finish Curvature of the sill and side wall ni the gutter opening skill be formed by curved forms; and WI exposed edges, or corners, and concrete to metal frame edges •ihJil be rockus edge, lino.. Surface of 01 exposed concrete omit conform in grate, steps, color sob: b.ifinish. to the existing, or proposed. curb and voulk udiocent to Top slab - No. 3 bars as required on the iop Slob Str.clurul Watts ondFloor - As 'entered by Standard D.g. No 2- D172. 4. DIMENSIONS: Curb Face at the cote% basin apenmq(EAlst. C F tH I skill Le as requited by Std. Dwq. Nos. 2- DU, 2-0415, or os snow, on tee yenerol pion. 5. vvs.T..47s4.-37.010.untel(sintdcsai..)0.i.00ectiver. ion20,1heheiqeneraf plan. ✓ °riff 3*- 0" , place steps et 12 -inch infet,at, from the Near of the basin with the top step 12 iricnes below the 5.01 of the montale. iocnre Nor .4 ate LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT CATCH BASIN NO. 2 PLAN, SECTION 84 DETAILS • ::,01.0“041400000. SCALE NONE 5 15 .66 SHEET 1 CONCRETE REINFORCING . . STANDARD AMA REINFORCING , /SAPS .. SAR SIZES WEIGHT NOMINAL DIMENSIONS -ROUND SECTIONS EA0 WALL 'thaw row. ro 0.0 Hoc V 0 .167 .250 .05 786 07_4) .576 .:375 :11 1 17E3.. e ® .668 .500 .20 1.571 - IS ® 1.043 .625 .31 1963 ® ® 1.502 - 750 .A4 2.356 ® 0 2.04-4 .875 .60 2.749 0 0 2.670 1.000 .79 3.142 ii -f-4 4.303 1 270 .127 3990 1T141 ® 5.313 14.10 1.56- 4.430 . The new bar numbers ore based on the number of - •S inches ear•number 2 in plain rounds only. :cr.., numbered .9. 10 and II cectional area to the old type l'ACncl 4 square borS LOS ANGELES COUNTY .. - JULY. MS (MOOD CONTROL. DISTRICT ran A Revised 1-19-71 2-0171 BENCH MARK: RR SPIKE ON PP 674320 E AT THE INTERSECTION CF JURUPA AVENUE A ND M UL BER RY AVENUE ELEV. 918.40 ONO A 111 WOE OAK OESER.ITION 5-10-61 AEVISEO le 14 I Ties 12-I- 73 *COCO CAL REVISIONS Cinch Wisteria Plate per 8, • NO SECTION A -A Cfstch basin *Hobo PLAN Per bleb eosin Mk • Cosa 8 only ai See Roo 148. &I. Meatless erf ORIN moon oo4 ewer *Ile Om* center* to *NOW MOWS unless otherwise 114•44 so prefect Ofowiogs. 2. Where no curl. masts, curbs shell be constreeM4 between OM 1.•411 Depression. 7he curb section shell conform to Met el the conf-ollisq el/0w. 1 G • Existing seller Ier Cetch %sins Nes. 1,2,3, end 8 (0.se 91. • Measured le outer 'dee for Celch eosins Nos.6,7,eed else. !settee A41.A, 1. • K • 6 feet witless otherwise specified on prefect drowials. • • 2 inches for lengths of greeter Men I feel. Oe Catch %sin No. 8, 0040 8, N shaft be ...moored el lift ends of W (catch besin openieg). S. Concrete compressive strength shell be 3,000 p.s.i. el 25 days. 1. Toil% standard 'Roy be used to intercept flows from both diroChOoS. 112eceplienst Catch eosins Nos. 6 end 51. LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT LOCAL DEPRESSION NO. 4 spi-ccr .27:II".""41"1 "“b .11••;•••••!, ...By:. • go. NONE CB 1 FRONT WALL FEAR WALL STEEL EA0 WALL 'thaw row. ro 0.0 Hoc Vsei Eoes4 Way Boys E . 6 Art WALL ANO FLOOR_Farle sEcTiot4 CATCH 8,45111 reermromet-ormr-*W- to 14. final trot I 1 FRONT WALL FEAR WALL STEEL EA0 WALL 'thaw pod) Bars A d 8 Ass C tiers 0 Boys E . 6 Art WALL ANO FLOOR STEEL ,t,„,,,,---.44Plezo CATCH 8,45/N REINFORCEMENT .W.CREATER THAN /4' Pap siob efier4,soe *Mt 1-• 1 1E eon A - Bots 8_ - • Aria bon C flaws L" bare e 24 - SECTION 2 9 24T - OW H RAI REVISIONS 2-2041 A0003 C SRO ANS .4 OARS AL/ORNATE NOTE - ADDED (Cur 1) Vat I 1 Str8 /WO WALL STEEL m 'thaw apciftW BARS G NOTES TOP SLA.11 REINFORCEMENT, For dimension "b" greeter then 4 ft.„44. Ms special desloo It. top aleb reinforcement shown enthe required structural plait. WALL AND FLOOR REINFORCEMENT. The indicated reinforcing steel applies to CASA ilevlo Seeridler.1 Drawings No. 2-0401,109,160,162,163,164,170,195,2411and.2,and 471 AU catch basins constructed en streets designated is State Highways shall include ttie reinforcing elmt shown en this Patch begins consiructird siteelseet iteetanoteil es Stele floor steel reinforcement: To 7 feet (Ina) 10 feet or more 7 to 14 feellincli 7 lief or more 14 to 21 feet (Men 6 feel es mote ever 21 feet Ail SENERALi Sleet reinforcement shell bo per Stariderd Orowlog Ole. 2-0171. Steel to comae* sterfece.eed deereace,shatt be II lathes. Volley type kwert,shown by &liked Noe in Sectien, revoked when connector pipe is aligned le end watt of a catch beein. 12 feet, see the required Witcher*, plans. Ai No.4 bore may be owl Joliet/of No.3 bars es follows. arse VALUE VALLE SUPERSEDES drawing of 10IN• number doled shay ISS2 LOS ANGELES COUNTY Ft_000 CONTROL DISTRICT CATCH BASIN REINFORCEMENT ▪ locations pelt* the. 2-0 157 - 1 E h_ Dowel per Doh' if Dowel FLOW 1 -Anchor por Dwg. No. 2-D232 •Neint per Owe No. 2-0232 TOP SLAB - STRUCTURAL PLAN DETAIL OF DOWEL Supersoft/es cfrowfog of M. SOMA ~OW doted Aug. :50 REVISIONS 4 Radius 3 Radios A ,5td. Frame end deer 21 ROTES CONNECTOR FR: Locate pipe of the downstream. end of 1110 kWh tottni fsipeniocif.ically noted otherwise on the general plan. Pipe shall be trimmed to the finol sharie and length before the placement of the concrste. 2. Q3NCRETE: Design, g 3,000psi compressive strength at 28 *try.. Floor of the basin shall slope from all walls to the outlet end shall be given a steel- troweled surface Curvature of the siff end the side mitts at the gutter opening stroll be formed by curved forms. Surface of oll expose! concrete shall contornt crate, slope, color, and finish to the existing, or proposed , cwrb and walk adjacent to the basin • Top Slob - 110. 3 or No.4 bars spaced os required on the Structural Plan. WoNs ond Floor - As misfired by Std. Dem No. 2-D172. 4- SWMgall Curb face et cinch basin opening (Eitist. C.F shot, be os required by Stet Dvaqs. Nos. 2- D 85,2-0415 or depth • ot the upstream end equal to the curb force et the cetch basin plus 12 inches,et but in no case shell V x • 0`, unless otherwise shown. V to V-0"(inCl.) , place ofte step 12 inches above the floor of the basin. ✓ over 0" , piece steps at I2 -inch intrivrots ft.wal the floor the basin with the top step at 12 inches (minimum) below the top surface of the top slab. ,--Poto Moto owl • ot 'Street or , - Protection bor and and 2-0 232 -Atternote connections is per Dwg No 2-0224 Staved* optionol-- LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT CATCH BASIN NO. 3 PLAN, SECTION, AND DETAILS SCALE NONE DATE DWG. NO. 2-D163 SHEET I OF I _.e.rend Hot • PL.ilt.N VI ENA/ I. An alternate step mtti be used subject to the approval of the engineer. 2. All steps Will be firmly and rigidly set and no cones or shafts will be accepted with bent or cracked steps. .3. SlePs will tie galvanized after bending. REFERENCES REVISIONS NARK OATS SO OCRs MICR LOS ANGELES COLLNITy FLOOD CONTROL DISMIC7' 11-1934 flavisect-A4A4Milikt • 510 Revii'ediDeleliti A 114 -"rt Added notes 1 NALCoilier117 ,(16f 3.1 STAN DA RD DROP STEP APPROVES Sf tHEONEEIT oAr45..4 *MIL InYsi MIT pOTTOM PLAN OF COVER ri-e fitters. lop. • -14 lor SECTION A -A SECTION OF FRAME WEIGHT 265 Les. I/MOON IP Anti airit re Awe moinmil*/ 41.1r • Cs en MAIL OF LETTER I. 111,11411 FMCS we loom eau w ar• OM Imo Oman* ASTO A -NI. CLASS X. NO MINTED ASPRICTUN PAINT MIN nit t. POMO' OANt MOLL Ot IMMO SI Mt Natal et TM FOAM ANO C4 141 OOTTC4 Of TNE COVER. 3. ha NAME HAW NO INKI. trIVICTEll TR Myatt Me lb ACCEPTANCE WILL IMICATUI Of MAUR 11111 114411110.1 SDK IL. 4. Mos SOU MAI NC tftRe Pee OWN VANN. WWI RATS TIK(.1 PAVED STINTS SPAT NOVIKI VIM ULU SOCPST St Rate LectINA KVICES. COOTIACTCO DOLL MILL MO TM INS IIR.11 TO A RPM Of I 1.01 AT SO maw TO PIC% MAI AM liesTAIA 11. eProt ms entssee. 011115 NO PIONULSATOI IR RI ARS -NIC .111t16 1Nt WNW OF The COVER SMALL NOT vAIRT NONE THAN FIVE PER CENT FROM THAT GIVEN HENEON. ALL Artois./ IOW M flush Mho finish*/ rodeos of moor DETAIL OF FOAkqg SUP'ERSEDES Mt NO ILLONh LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DiSTRICT STANDARD 24 -INCH MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER tc 4E' Musser Engineering Consultants Inc. 265 N. SAN GABRIEL BLVD. (616) 565-2465 PASADENP. CALIFORNIA 91107 OCALA DA" DWG. NO. 2-D472 Nome Poor 4197 ss.sin, or 1 rook • 94 Ara& or otiose PLAN CORNER CONNECTION Mew deowAyst.i 11641 SECTION A -A NOTES • /11/0/WW*, Oat, per Stot Am. 2 -DIN, Mitt is Weiser from roe* of omicron; virus °Morriss shown. A loteforemo moo for mom: meg of come eosin miff owl be ad ot center of opening stsd bent Into woll. of catch basin wo// Moll be cut 2 clear of opening. ▪ Itionooflon shill be swivel sosnothik with cote* bosh,. Th• rouniiod *Sys of outlet stroll A* conshuoMil sowing soiforyto *pans! o owval Form with o roatis of 3! • lel. "Pea At Ambits iiirows 71iricims 41*~Igra AIM sr *ON *rough owner of ottoli basin. IPA Alga, 4 /Mims 24 inehas Now.* AO /HON* he Obinelor, Is 70* or Vass. fel. Plpos, 15 &ems mew. Pt Melee as ollowdaw. 114.1 dr, orttel Mem* wor roll of coth bests a if ?Iv sommens Ai* aims raft. •Ahrrat' Mt, aw# 12 C bars o bore Iron INN 24* 27' 5 330 LIE 420 4 • 4 60 191 10 HaW 3 • 11.1.00 Row:mai/Yule 3(C) LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT CONNECTION TO CATCH BASIN FOR PIPES 12 INCHES ThROUGH 72 INCHES SCALE CITY OF FONTANA , CALIFORNIA IeGINCIII PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Approved : GEORGE MUSSER R.C. E. 40982 Dat6 Drown by : REV. DATE EN GR5 APP DESCRIPTION DATE APP. Designed by: SOUTHRIDGE VILLAGE TRACT NO.13946-1,-2i-3 STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS Scale Checked by : E 5 Wit • Approved • ./4444/404114 OPAPil ACTING CITY ENGINEER R.C.E.2_5124 /623