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Bt --I _ e : Edoes !e be r(. nd eco , to 3" Pc.! f_ :� _/ NOTES _ _ �/ �\ H- HEIGHT H (In Sec A -A and Sec s -B) shall be not than 4'-0", but relay . inrrec•aed _ - i {T d -, �� i pprovided that the value or M shall be ,)Of IC36 than the minimum. spegfieq and tVral the r'G- dlvGu shall be used. For H (in Sec. C -C) see Note P. �A // I \ \ Q 0 L- LENGTH L shall be 4 feet ynleaae otherwise shown on plan. L may oe \ Increased or Ioont,on of manhoie ishifted to meet pipe ends. ' I/ I\ T -T Shut I be 8° for- values or H up to and including 8 feet. T shall be lo" for valuta W H pver ,3 feet. \ I ll. - :1 11:/ J' -i ; ,I I -STEPS shall be `'round yalvanlreAi Steei and anchorccc not less tV;�n 6iry9che9 \ \ ! �;/% ' rn the wdlle of �trivL urtt Ilrjlei+ 'the, w:ne shown, steps Sha!' be s ced_0 4. •err IT- o.c a \ � ;• 0 The awes' dtep 3hd!i De no' -none •har. -_ feet above the iedye at sloe or tr xnliote floo 1 �/ I`,y Radivs - i.0 . fou• "Sge Std.DwS 2-096 — V � - _ o 0 * '2- fc = 3000 psi at 28 days.. I ' —� — , -1- - I e e. -5-fREINFORCINCS ._STEEL shall be per 2-D 171 , straighf bars ! z clear from — Li _ �r/ Alf steel Retnf acc of- Concrete. V `` - -�' '� s4 bars 4' 0.� 4-STAT!C1NS of manholes sfruwr Plar. app/ at center line cf shaft. F-le I,.- • ort shown, at ah aft center and rti=er to the Prolonged invert grade line. See (Vote. L 1 4r` ' _ - _ _ _ /- X \_ - - _ - • •-' t•cr Jh;rf;na loc.j+-on ' T 5 -FLOOR ort- ma,hole sha!I be Sheel-troweled. =6-R►NGs, -educe- elms pipe for accts- hart shall be seated ;n mortar and necii•ly pointed or wij:,,, � inside Shan'( 5 PLAN (Shaft not shown) Street grade Manhole frame and cover Plan No 2-D 181 c 0 N •; o '- I z�dGaIvar,IzccQ j aC 24" ¢`, I 3iecl Steps, (nf_ t- u p � �1i� `; Std Dwg 2-D96 � I ! :� : �^ rr to ''-. y4 I � .�: 3�0 i 0 111_ �`-�pJ Z z �i36� R:C P I �, ''�': eo, T �:';:Cv (Llaht? L'' i.�T.t.Y,i' . U a � I r, T' �.-- I _ ' F7*7 . •..,.� t m 4,1, s' -x 2,. ; -:, a S� 3',radius ..:;.a ' * Plpc seat ...o ;.: C3 Qi1 wl " c _ =I a�•}-,r: 3 1 Y ) I ,`tI 3-6„ - — - •T L C 9 I I' I ! 1" t� 14 I Il 4- Round edges, ":� - �..� G I I I 2 -_ — - _-.d I I .1 c� :I . , I! I L I I I I 1 l —.. --" _ :;. •1•: A ' N'� x i I.. --I L+2T- ° a Fin I Edge's , °-. l: 6`rca'e panfi 'Sce NW6,4 -'% 0 - �� o ( gyp' .. •. -4.it . • 'a'• a- \ /. ." % - -it-=--- _ I ----i ° � - •.41 � 5 -f- l,a! bottom 4-- -' ��. • I SEC . B-5, SECTION A -A.' -...- ... . DETAIL — MANHOLE NO. 1 N. -T. e. NOTES 4F D,- -- I.F 1- TABLC of values fbr Fore on this plon. . - Edges b rounded r o" _., 2- CENTER OF MANHOLE SHAFT shall be located over center line ofstorm, -1 I �.� drain when. diameter D, o 48'or less, in which co.5e place E bons sym- �t to 3"i,bvrus r-- -� Optionol outs,de metrical/yaroundshoftat45°wrthcenterlineondarnrtJbors. [-, B' �I I - - "�, E txn5 <- _ i_ - _ ; - ` ' ' face of concrete 3- OCTA lL M When depth th o f manhole from street` 3'„h�nra - -- » - - - *., P r' ,-k H grade to top of bar u 1 , ,� . -'r 4, H born is less than 2'-10 ' for pcyed street ar 3'-6” for unpaved street,constru;t A t:. 4- .ri It - . Wa,-Ilu9 • l J of Spur' or I 1' 3'-0" loo monolithic shaft os per Detail M. Sr,a" forony depth of manhole may C' , �_ � 1 "4 .I V -- I be crnstructedas per Oe toil M. WY en diameter D, rs 718"or less,center li Ix7rsu-8'long -- -- I ,,J D taro/•j ' I r: ; / �,, ofsheft may be loco ted as per note 2 3" o.c - — r<L _ , JC c.H,Y gi odd 1. bar-, 4. - TIRCKIVESS Of OECK „lar/l vory when necesse�'u h�provide level p/,ceseert, ,r_ 6 "o.c Jo In,Ide edge PLAN butshollnotbe leis than tabular values for (shown on this plan. hr' I,ic7r 1 - - - - ` O1 I "Or'h`'le (Rings and cover not shown) 5 - PEINTOPC/NG STEL - be per 2-0171, l clear f ,om tbceof concrete I , <- 4i , � ,`- 1 r(; bar, I g Stree tgrode -Concrete rings unless shown etherl.t,'rse. 1F ' D„ ,F ')mittho5tep ; •5"xI"Ring9eot Alex Af,n 6- STEPS shall be-k'round,golvonizedsteel and onchorednotless " - -" In nowd streets - - - t for poved streets ll" 8 � than 6"Inches In the walls of structure Unless otherw;_9e shown PLAN tf bol• - - _ - , � .�_1 001 rFar un ved sirs l6' l5" the spacing sh�ollbc !6"orl7'o.c. The loneststgps/x1/1nofbe more than (5hoft not shawl, l6"nor oved str'cets t. 2'-6 "above the invert. See Std. Dw 2-0 96 1 P -'� 24•'6' (' --Hbor 9 Z'-� ' For uopoved s tree ts' f " ----- ' - - ' - - - Vorioble 7- RINGS, REDUCER ANO PIPE for access shaft' ,shall be sued in mo rtcr - Manhole frame ar)d ' 6:.• �T - tt-- and neotl laced or wiped inside the shaft. Street rade -. ' ` �„ 9 _— - - ;Plan lib 0-0Y8 I i- - , _ - _ � bons 8 - 5TATIONS f n7anhole3sho n on lon opplyotcenter ofshoft. 4�Goly steel ".-Concrete rings or& `- i , 4,` Round r Clevotionsshown otstotionsriefer to Pro%rx�edinv>nrtyrtz(elines s teas --- - 24 rLnducer, P/an Ah 2-0107 F edges ,F 9 FL 00P of manho%shot/ besteel -troweled to springing line. SM ,�'- v a � - MII }In7I1n, 1" // 114 WWI � to 3',(' b - ROOY of manhole Shall be poured in one continuous open/tion, 2-0`/6 " 1 0_ . y' I paved9tieet,3 ,o r ,`. except thotoconstr•uctlofi jantwitholongitudinolkeywoymoy Mmimu�n 3' 6"with c%o ,. _ be placed of the springing line. 5'xZ"Pipe Seat �, 2" , I unpaved streets. a I/- LENGTH L ANO E'MSEDMENT P sholl have the fol/owing wlues • , 4" , �,- _ -See Note 3 DETAIL M unless otherwise shown on plan. �I- >�: • -- E bars for D,, =96"or less, L -5'-6", P-5' o (See Note 3 ) � _ `Round l , 'Tie bar 02 over 96", L-6`0% P•8' `O f f-, , . r I Q J bars L ma y be increaser/ or loco t qn ofmanhole splicer/ to met t pipe earls. to J k- - - Sprinting line - - Inlet elevation I applies atth;s point �^-;'4 % - '°4, /8 "ac bcrh AvVs, to be used when. 0" is SECTION A -A 00"orover P1pe Sen t i•_' I'r' l 1` tion - , " See Mote 4 4_r - - -- I- _ • - . I 3" ' l I �'' I ; i '--0 bprs r-' p ' , I ".-7r" I p ^+ -A - - - "-- czi TABLE OF VALUES FORT" ,D F O F ' 6h'• 7 11 a 39' 7" 84- 121',-' 1i2' 7' ' 90' 1.3 a 45" 7 a 96" 14- 48"-.- 51' 8'i' IOE' '-F /08' 15�. 16' ,54- J- 114" _ 16 57- 94' 120' 17' 60' 9 �' IM" 17' 63 10" 13-. 17 ' 66' 1Q,PV 136' 17 69' I0 144' l8' 7Z' //" 101 /J• /OR /6 When L greater than Motslx,wn abcwe /sspecif/eo! D tors sholl be con tinued 6 "o. c. IZ- D BARS shall be *4 for 02 =39'or less, 15 for Ot - 42" to 84 "inclusive and "6 for D2.90 "or over. Tie bort shall be 1r3 bars. 13- f� = 3000 pai of e8 doys. 14 -Centerline of irlletr,ioe to intersect inside tbce of cone atspringing line unless otherwise shown. 1.5 LAfera/s: A/' 1afero%s &Vier os1Toth sia/es of mAI7ho% acces.5 Shoff Sha// be, /17ca-Aed ori ,5/011& t-eceivi./q the srr,Vller XV,le,-- 1. Loferal .shall h6 ue.5i9,O?aleo/ oh 11?1, rol/e/?7ef-7/' plan Qs r/qhf or /ef'f fdcinq oh the 4'/re c fio,� of .�Lo/`%ir/9. I - , I l ! ' I Q I ' I� P I -- - -I ,� �I l - i - - - - Grade points SeeNote 6 DETAIL r' MANHOLE NO, 2 SECTION B -B M.T. S. SECTION B -B CASE I CONSTRUCTION NOTES AND QUANTITIES QUANT I `TY FOOT i 1 t�lG L :� rin9� shall be reln(orced wish two -Manhole ; rcmi' and nru^hole fr� me sh 11, rat ire' hoops; 6 Inch and 8 inch r1n95 : ,cover, Seo Plan :8t ITEM L' ESCR I PT InN TR. 13213 TR. 13214 D�"F-S'1TE' ,BL YD •t land cover, plan 2-Z) lel shalt oe reinforced with four hoolos,4ied i- - s w t" No. I4 •; S. & W. gouge wire s B"C.(-F/L /_ X1_5 RE/N� 1-2 Mo, for �'1FL� 7mrt infer Nolr 1.' j - - ----- _ ' 'n�n�'S JIl centers. g 9 ii . I-2 �/iarto- .. `See Ring s'• en uosaiEc use - s" „—:, �1 _ /1 /� { ng section ..-� e . 2Z -'rings or ' ; ►'tit '+ ti I � i; t' ' s'-� 1f �// \`r it lac/„ S�G C��/�� � e4o Ci . a �:.. -IIU ,'orcoin details ..`.' eaulvalenl i' I °s # f-:, ('t' �/ Z '� p 0�/ C 1 s ..��. Y ',�• 11`. Fl; .W'. w°1 -Std Concrete P•3 .t,,orIV, Oi I IIT tt -v fi"� �a B /� ' ''- o �" t - r:�i�lCtleS. :,r v ,. ,/CJ".ST. 18 rrt.,x-' LOAD PER PROFILE A`" L. f' 6� /O L I LZ ,s� r: •- -- Z tie born. 4r¢r/d. 1�-Ue;•. - - - 24"1Jiam.-- `- ,[JLC,PPIN45 -i --114 ' - - .., Inside alarn. r : b T Ice. -t• 1j:, % I2 '.�. v: :�'` •'' z4 inches .. tl - - l -2 ^oils `�. t :: s . 9 1 7'-O� OF O2 CONST. 21 RCP, D -LOAD PER PROFILE d 177 LF 8 w., , i• 3• .. -� ,ram �A I ° __ p r0i I I ��, •.r I. 21, ° , rlr, 1� I - T i , a _ ` #4 wire 1107;1 162 "IN& '15 / 94/�_ Q 0, 11? ; V • . , ( ,( O.5o �/��� O CONST. 2 4 RCP , D --LOAD PER I�ROF I LE . LF, %� ® /lo I 1r : — +, CROSS SECTION A / /S O/A. //�/ //V. C; di � Eccentric precast 1 /Yl//V., / F3 7� L�. // �' OF REINFORCED 4 CONST. 27 RCP D -LOAD PER PROFILE 6 I O 11 ' concrete cone 4 'I � CONCRETE RING I o , I il. .•» �tI c ' J__<i_ .% - -- - - - ----- - �_ (Ile W. _L ' �- _ I p s 11 *- 0 .0 0 _ 3 7� L,r S2� — 8 aoo a �0000a o oo� Z ' 1 N6- NOT�s I ;I -11 O5 CONST. 30" RCP, D -LOAD PER PROFILE • I . 1L.. I - - - -- .BEOP//VG fq I — — z,A ' _ ..�...; 2 -ALL JOINTS hall he Filled Witt, I-2 mgr- . of 36 o.am •.1 E./'C, i!/AT/O. N TO 6O CONST. 33" RCP ; D -LOAD PER PROFILE - - -!- - - .. T/// 5 L /V1/Z �f 9 L f 3 9 / 2 3%a - --36'/8'- - - 31113 tar- 7rici neatly polntcd or wiped Inside - of'shoFt. ,�E.PiJil/TTEO 7 CONST. 36" RCP, D -LOAD PER PROFILE c o .-Varieble length precast u 3-CJLLAR of I-•2 morVor around cover frame vs ! ' o '] ronGrAj-o SectiOnS 30 3 eclnl M N. R. LF P shoo be om,t,ed in rock and oil streets ' BED ?BRIAL B Loll BOTTOY OF PIPB C.. NST . 3 9 RCP D -LOAD PER PROFILE and in caved streets. 11/12 D' FOR "AND LA IAN&TBR, ANIS (�) ( 1t t 4- .a , •1' 4' FOR PIPBB L68$ IANBTBR. IN NO o -�_ _ — CABS 8H LE88 THAN 1" B BIT 0!t OTE. tt �� LF, 819 -� -�— O CON'�T. 42 RCP, D -LOAD PER PROFILE +'. BCREED BEDDING 'A' TO .PIT C111110ATURB AND GRADE OF . 1 5- STEPS shall b t 3 inch round ja!vdniz- VERTICAL SECTION PIPE. ?YPB 0! BCREED AND THB 3vETHOb Ol U8E TO BB 't i/ ? �F. Any 3t , pip P'Pe end , A. e I cd steel. up step -shall be planed directly APPROVED BY THB BNGINBBR. 10 CONST. 4 5 RCP D -LOAD PER PROFILE `f 4 35 , OF PLAIN CONCRETE O , I I . f ,� S"x Z' PI DG Seal' -'o ueneafh the manhole cover frarr,e, • ECCENTRIC MANHOLE SHAFT GE/VE/PAL- NOTES /5� L/c- �� �' L".. Width of all ,tope shall 14 inches be- 11 CONST. 4€" RCP, D -LOAD PER PROFILE jy" - tween lea centers. Except where shown O , othervv,se, apacin9 of steps ,n sh,,Fr 1. BEDDING 'A' $HALL BB'COMPO$BD OF BARD, N0. 3 OR N0. 4 CRUBHEb ahc,,l be 1 6 or 17 In,ht's .in center. ROCK OA ORAVSL, OR OTHBR GRANULAR MATERIAL AB NAY BE BPBCIFIED �l / J $ee Jlcj L)wy 096. OR OTHBR1rIUld APPROVBD BY THB BNGINBBR. THB NA7LIMUN SIZE ROCK t► 5U2 LF. 2- / 6 -3 OR ORAVBL :MALL BE NO. 3 FOR PIPE 27" IN DIAMETER AND LARONA, 12 CONST • 51 RCP , D -LOAD PER PROF I LG 1 6- ECG�NTRIC MANHOLE. shaft ,reducer, and .rings may be plain ccricrefe. ANb N0. 4 lOR PIPE SMALLER THAN 27" IN DIAMETER. / � LF 983 VERTICAL SECTION Fo ^nunr•nforcede Sction:., the minimum BEDDING '8` BHALL BB COMP09BD OF BAND OR OTNBR GRANULAR Cl OF REINFORCED COWRETE thickness shall be Gin, -n Th¢ Concrete NATBRIAL A3 MAY BB BPBCiFIBD OR OTHBAMiBE APPROVED BY TNB 13 CONST- 54" RCP, D -LOAD PER PROFILE �(o ECC E N T R I C MANHOLE SHAFT a -.ed shod t e of s,,. ',tren9th so as to BNOINEER AND BHALL BB COMPLE?BD PRIOR `l0 DLACINO BALANCE OF - - Uevelop 3500 psi -I: -create- in 28 days. BACKFILL. LF, 2. CABB II BBDDING AND BACKFILL AROUND PIPB (LOAD FACTOR 1.8) 14 CONST. 57" RCP, D -LOAD PER PROFILE 5o9 DETAIL — CONCRETE RINGS REDUCER AND A. ""ATN0:. 0"FORP68HA0"ONLESS LB$BTHANTHB II 443 /_F 611 ' PIPB 83NOT0 108POINCLU9IVB 1NRDIAN6TBR ANDM12BRfOR0PIP1fR 15 CONST. 60" RCP , D -LOAD PER PROF I LE LARGER THAN 108" IN DIAMETER. THB$B DIMBN8ION8 MAY PIPE FOR MANHOLE SHAFT INCLUDif THB ?HICKNBBR GF ANY„ $HEB?ISG' 16 CONST. 6311 RCP, D -LOAD PER PROFILE Lf B. IfNERE COVER IB IO OR LESS, II MEASURED AT THS TOP OF THE O PIPB MAY BB ANT BPfifBN$ION GRBATBR THAN THB ABOYB 8PEC1F16D MINIMUM, UNLESS �:.'VIBRIfIBB 8PBCIFIED ON THE PROJECT >ti4.T. Eli" C. 111lBRBNCOVBR I8 GP.EATER THAN 10' " /" IIBASURED AT THB TOP OF 17 CONST . 66" RCP , D -LOAD PER PROF I LE - — F' THB PIPB BHALL HOT BE GRBATBR THAN "FOR PIPE 108" IN DIAMETER OR LES$, OA �2" FOR PIPE OVER '10811 IN DIAMETER ' Con,./ruction Joint -•, 11�2'� `�Q UNLB$$ THB CON?RACTOR AT HI$ O11N BEPBN$B PROVIbEB CA$B i 18 CONST. 69" RCP D -LOAD PER PROFILE 73 �F 7r. BEDbINO OR STRONG`-�R PIPS. THEBB DIMBN8ION8 INCLUDE THR , It fNOTES THICKHBdB OF ANY 'JHBBTING. �' 74� TI ` '11' ZI W. /X:;' ,,F Bort /. Values {or 4, B and C ore show. on the ,oro -ect 19 CONST o• 72" RCP , D -LOAD PER PROFILE -7 4-- 1 YI ' e ' -" --- drow%ngs. Elevo:'/on R and E!evot/on S ore o II' _ I J bort V1 / I.0 ' • / .v-19 o/'.Spur 1B"o. C. , "'' -:; -- - shown When regc'.''-.•d ter /Vore 9. U ' ;.. R C P BEDDING DETAIL 20 CONST. 75" RCP D -LOAD PER PROFILE — LF, II Z. S/olrons specifit:i oar d�-ow/n9.r apply o/ cite /nfersec/an of , ®/ �11 _ I , ,/ C' •T - .D-- T center' limes of moin line or'd /aterlo'1J, a,rcept than // '�4 Bort, 18 aC., �: :',�: JfatIAn, for cu/c.7 ba'sin connec/or pine c}cIo/y both wayo %bE ' — - NO SCALE F 8o1 -s of %^"°'e "0// o'' 5''x'C'"r' • 2 i CONST. 78'' RCP, D -L OAO PER PROFILE 600 Lh X %Rouno(4*, I used when B /J ` }'' - - � j y - p 9 J ,Qe1n far ern s/ e/ Sha/,' be tr Z D /7/ s/ran hl `1 J"rodN,a 1 -- i J 15dr� Mery or Y bars /tr clear from face of concrete us nles IM 2s COiy-!5 11.//, /V / PER 06 -FAIL ON 5'f1T. 3 1 'EA � � i / le" °". SECTION G•G olherw/,7e shown. . I 0 " I x E bane ore of size and spoemg specified for wall • ' R°u'°' e'°'ye9 t° _ .26' CO�t,57 M. f>! NO. 2 PE R DETA/L ON ShiT 3 1 e ,EA. /O .Shstiox Pf �' 1 Slee/ on p/on, otad yha// be cut in center _ P / S ,,1, j ) / , O,t7JorCX. neral OT of oJrClh.,q alas/ ben/ in/o top and bot/oro I C 0 N e"4 R E T E REINFORCING �14 Iev. J ' I / ID. of/ofero/ with TABLE / i / a tnoximule or J8" ror dimensions of j;lnctl:a-, slrllclr.rY. 4n ,f . Omit N barn when Joff,t of spur �J /1 "or less 1l cO/Y5T. /%y /YO, faE� pET,A/L'C"O/Y Sf1T2 EA, 1� _ 4 __ -_ I/ i %, W b°rs and bar alrev ,b e /ow _1offi l of mv,n h. -7e, and orn, t G bars STEEL INSTITUTE .1. k `i �s� 1_, I _ , i ,L! / -1.� L, -D�E Bort I / , O, E, N, C 9orJ C, I *I I I / Q)I I / I I I I I I• Const ruc tion PLAN - joint. ' 4'ew or e.r r.Y 1,ng c0njitrt/c•1,or7 T-• .I I " ' • D Bort A 1/ onda,, I ? N Bars _ ,,,:F -Dars paps joint, 4.'a c. s • I Ro..vrd EoVe.s - - � #,Y . . II .. pi- - I /B o. cc. , rice IS°' E/e✓ J---- ,r -E Bots I �.. , .. 2- G Sari _ _ ' . o. C. ti 4 • . i.. „ I; , `Und/,sturbed ewrrh ; a - .. I. t'a' • " --6oc�ffr// under .Struc!ure -� with 1-3.5 mix concrete, I SECTION P -P - or compact_-.PaU ro relatioe densly requifvd toy. specificotio,,s.p ,Pla:n or reinforced CONST. CATCH BASIN, W=9' -EA. CONST. CATCH BASIN, W=10' 3 4'/a. CONST. CATCH BASIN, W=11 I / EA . CONST. CATCH BASIN, W=12' G'A , , concrete pipe or C M P � Main Line I : `s I , .,,,•..- 4 L. ' - ('eWw4i ('tach") � I r I -1 _ r I 2 min 1. 'See Note 4 I - _ _ P I_ I— I I o I I I/ - 7;/See i -Note 7 Ii /1 4 , _ / I �� 4 /s 4 - of � IBedding t I Inlet pipe - - - - - I I • j y �. f? with with �420-C-2000 �' Elev S A j ".° concrete or a see note 3 I compact soil to, f - ' -,elolive density ' e. o , required by / , ' ' p' .'' specifications-' >Pipe bedding - -\ b • I /.b. ` .' junction structures or precast Y branches shall be mode Ih .:-o :Q Undisturbed eorthL-- �/i\\\ /%\\\ SECTION B -B CASE I CONSTRUCTION NOTES AND QUANTITIES QUANT I `TY FOOT i 1 t�lG L :� rin9� shall be reln(orced wish two -Manhole ; rcmi' and nru^hole fr� me sh 11, rat ire' hoops; 6 Inch and 8 inch r1n95 : ,cover, Seo Plan :8t ITEM L' ESCR I PT InN TR. 13213 TR. 13214 D�"F-S'1TE' ,BL YD •t land cover, plan 2-Z) lel shalt oe reinforced with four hoolos,4ied i- - s w t" No. I4 •; S. & W. gouge wire s B"C.(-F/L /_ X1_5 RE/N� 1-2 Mo, for �'1FL� 7mrt infer Nolr 1.' j - - ----- _ ' 'n�n�'S JIl centers. g 9 ii . I-2 �/iarto- .. `See Ring s'• en uosaiEc use - s" „—:, �1 _ /1 /� { ng section ..-� e . 2Z -'rings or ' ; ►'tit '+ ti I � i; t' ' s'-� 1f �// \`r it lac/„ S�G C��/�� � e4o Ci . a �:.. -IIU ,'orcoin details ..`.' eaulvalenl i' I °s # f-:, ('t' �/ Z '� p 0�/ C 1 s ..��. Y ',�• 11`. Fl; .W'. w°1 -Std Concrete P•3 .t,,orIV, Oi I IIT tt -v fi"� �a B /� ' ''- o �" t - r:�i�lCtleS. :,r v ,. ,/CJ".ST. 18 rrt.,x-' LOAD PER PROFILE A`" L. f' 6� /O L I LZ ,s� r: •- -- Z tie born. 4r¢r/d. 1�-Ue;•. - - - 24"1Jiam.-- `- ,[JLC,PPIN45 -i --114 ' - - .., Inside alarn. r : b T Ice. -t• 1j:, % I2 '.�. v: :�'` •'' z4 inches .. tl - - l -2 ^oils `�. t :: s . 9 1 7'-O� OF O2 CONST. 21 RCP, D -LOAD PER PROFILE d 177 LF 8 w., , i• 3• .. -� ,ram �A I ° __ p r0i I I ��, •.r I. 21, ° , rlr, 1� I - T i , a _ ` #4 wire 1107;1 162 "IN& '15 / 94/�_ Q 0, 11? ; V • . , ( ,( O.5o �/��� O CONST. 2 4 RCP , D --LOAD PER I�ROF I LE . LF, %� ® /lo I 1r : — +, CROSS SECTION A / /S O/A. //�/ //V. C; di � Eccentric precast 1 /Yl//V., / F3 7� L�. // �' OF REINFORCED 4 CONST. 27 RCP D -LOAD PER PROFILE 6 I O 11 ' concrete cone 4 'I � CONCRETE RING I o , I il. .•» �tI c ' J__<i_ .% - -- - - - ----- - �_ (Ile W. _L ' �- _ I p s 11 *- 0 .0 0 _ 3 7� L,r S2� — 8 aoo a �0000a o oo� Z ' 1 N6- NOT�s I ;I -11 O5 CONST. 30" RCP, D -LOAD PER PROFILE • I . 1L.. I - - - -- .BEOP//VG fq I — — z,A ' _ ..�...; 2 -ALL JOINTS hall he Filled Witt, I-2 mgr- . of 36 o.am •.1 E./'C, i!/AT/O. N TO 6O CONST. 33" RCP ; D -LOAD PER PROFILE - - -!- - - .. T/// 5 L /V1/Z �f 9 L f 3 9 / 2 3%a - --36'/8'- - - 31113 tar- 7rici neatly polntcd or wiped Inside - of'shoFt. ,�E.PiJil/TTEO 7 CONST. 36" RCP, D -LOAD PER PROFILE c o .-Varieble length precast u 3-CJLLAR of I-•2 morVor around cover frame vs ! ' o '] ronGrAj-o SectiOnS 30 3 eclnl M N. R. LF P shoo be om,t,ed in rock and oil streets ' BED ?BRIAL B Loll BOTTOY OF PIPB C.. NST . 3 9 RCP D -LOAD PER PROFILE and in caved streets. 11/12 D' FOR "AND LA IAN&TBR, ANIS (�) ( 1t t 4- .a , •1' 4' FOR PIPBB L68$ IANBTBR. IN NO o -�_ _ — CABS 8H LE88 THAN 1" B BIT 0!t OTE. tt �� LF, 819 -� -�— O CON'�T. 42 RCP, D -LOAD PER PROFILE +'. BCREED BEDDING 'A' TO .PIT C111110ATURB AND GRADE OF . 1 5- STEPS shall b t 3 inch round ja!vdniz- VERTICAL SECTION PIPE. ?YPB 0! BCREED AND THB 3vETHOb Ol U8E TO BB 't i/ ? �F. Any 3t , pip P'Pe end , A. e I cd steel. up step -shall be planed directly APPROVED BY THB BNGINBBR. 10 CONST. 4 5 RCP D -LOAD PER PROFILE `f 4 35 , OF PLAIN CONCRETE O , I I . f ,� S"x Z' PI DG Seal' -'o ueneafh the manhole cover frarr,e, • ECCENTRIC MANHOLE SHAFT GE/VE/PAL- NOTES /5� L/c- �� �' L".. Width of all ,tope shall 14 inches be- 11 CONST. 4€" RCP, D -LOAD PER PROFILE jy" - tween lea centers. Except where shown O , othervv,se, apacin9 of steps ,n sh,,Fr 1. BEDDING 'A' $HALL BB'COMPO$BD OF BARD, N0. 3 OR N0. 4 CRUBHEb ahc,,l be 1 6 or 17 In,ht's .in center. ROCK OA ORAVSL, OR OTHBR GRANULAR MATERIAL AB NAY BE BPBCIFIED �l / J $ee Jlcj L)wy 096. OR OTHBR1rIUld APPROVBD BY THB BNGINBBR. THB NA7LIMUN SIZE ROCK t► 5U2 LF. 2- / 6 -3 OR ORAVBL :MALL BE NO. 3 FOR PIPE 27" IN DIAMETER AND LARONA, 12 CONST • 51 RCP , D -LOAD PER PROF I LG 1 6- ECG�NTRIC MANHOLE. shaft ,reducer, and .rings may be plain ccricrefe. ANb N0. 4 lOR PIPE SMALLER THAN 27" IN DIAMETER. / � LF 983 VERTICAL SECTION Fo ^nunr•nforcede Sction:., the minimum BEDDING '8` BHALL BB COMP09BD OF BAND OR OTNBR GRANULAR Cl OF REINFORCED COWRETE thickness shall be Gin, -n Th¢ Concrete NATBRIAL A3 MAY BB BPBCiFIBD OR OTHBAMiBE APPROVED BY TNB 13 CONST- 54" RCP, D -LOAD PER PROFILE �(o ECC E N T R I C MANHOLE SHAFT a -.ed shod t e of s,,. ',tren9th so as to BNOINEER AND BHALL BB COMPLE?BD PRIOR `l0 DLACINO BALANCE OF - - Uevelop 3500 psi -I: -create- in 28 days. BACKFILL. LF, 2. CABB II BBDDING AND BACKFILL AROUND PIPB (LOAD FACTOR 1.8) 14 CONST. 57" RCP, D -LOAD PER PROFILE 5o9 DETAIL — CONCRETE RINGS REDUCER AND A. ""ATN0:. 0"FORP68HA0"ONLESS LB$BTHANTHB II 443 /_F 611 ' PIPB 83NOT0 108POINCLU9IVB 1NRDIAN6TBR ANDM12BRfOR0PIP1fR 15 CONST. 60" RCP , D -LOAD PER PROF I LE LARGER THAN 108" IN DIAMETER. THB$B DIMBN8ION8 MAY PIPE FOR MANHOLE SHAFT INCLUDif THB ?HICKNBBR GF ANY„ $HEB?ISG' 16 CONST. 6311 RCP, D -LOAD PER PROFILE Lf B. IfNERE COVER IB IO OR LESS, II MEASURED AT THS TOP OF THE O PIPB MAY BB ANT BPfifBN$ION GRBATBR THAN THB ABOYB 8PEC1F16D MINIMUM, UNLESS �:.'VIBRIfIBB 8PBCIFIED ON THE PROJECT >ti4.T. Eli" C. 111lBRBNCOVBR I8 GP.EATER THAN 10' " /" IIBASURED AT THB TOP OF 17 CONST . 66" RCP , D -LOAD PER PROF I LE - — F' THB PIPB BHALL HOT BE GRBATBR THAN "FOR PIPE 108" IN DIAMETER OR LES$, OA �2" FOR PIPE OVER '10811 IN DIAMETER ' Con,./ruction Joint -•, 11�2'� `�Q UNLB$$ THB CON?RACTOR AT HI$ O11N BEPBN$B PROVIbEB CA$B i 18 CONST. 69" RCP D -LOAD PER PROFILE 73 �F 7r. BEDbINO OR STRONG`-�R PIPS. THEBB DIMBN8ION8 INCLUDE THR , It fNOTES THICKHBdB OF ANY 'JHBBTING. �' 74� TI ` '11' ZI W. /X:;' ,,F Bort /. Values {or 4, B and C ore show. on the ,oro -ect 19 CONST o• 72" RCP , D -LOAD PER PROFILE -7 4-- 1 YI ' e ' -" --- drow%ngs. Elevo:'/on R and E!evot/on S ore o II' _ I J bort V1 / I.0 ' • / .v-19 o/'.Spur 1B"o. C. , "'' -:; -- - shown When regc'.''-.•d ter /Vore 9. U ' ;.. R C P BEDDING DETAIL 20 CONST. 75" RCP D -LOAD PER PROFILE — LF, II Z. S/olrons specifit:i oar d�-ow/n9.r apply o/ cite /nfersec/an of , ®/ �11 _ I , ,/ C' •T - .D-- T center' limes of moin line or'd /aterlo'1J, a,rcept than // '�4 Bort, 18 aC., �: :',�: JfatIAn, for cu/c.7 ba'sin connec/or pine c}cIo/y both wayo %bE ' — - NO SCALE F 8o1 -s of %^"°'e "0// o'' 5''x'C'"r' • 2 i CONST. 78'' RCP, D -L OAO PER PROFILE 600 Lh X %Rouno(4*, I used when B /J ` }'' - - � j y - p 9 J ,Qe1n far ern s/ e/ Sha/,' be tr Z D /7/ s/ran hl `1 J"rodN,a 1 -- i J 15dr� Mery or Y bars /tr clear from face of concrete us nles IM 2s COiy-!5 11.//, /V / PER 06 -FAIL ON 5'f1T. 3 1 'EA � � i / le" °". SECTION G•G olherw/,7e shown. . I 0 " I x E bane ore of size and spoemg specified for wall • ' R°u'°' e'°'ye9 t° _ .26' CO�t,57 M. f>! NO. 2 PE R DETA/L ON ShiT 3 1 e ,EA. /O .Shstiox Pf �' 1 Slee/ on p/on, otad yha// be cut in center _ P / S ,,1, j ) / , O,t7JorCX. neral OT of oJrClh.,q alas/ ben/ in/o top and bot/oro I C 0 N e"4 R E T E REINFORCING �14 Iev. J ' I / ID. of/ofero/ with TABLE / i / a tnoximule or J8" ror dimensions of j;lnctl:a-, slrllclr.rY. 4n ,f . Omit N barn when Joff,t of spur �J /1 "or less 1l cO/Y5T. /%y /YO, faE� pET,A/L'C"O/Y Sf1T2 EA, 1� _ 4 __ -_ I/ i %, W b°rs and bar alrev ,b e /ow _1offi l of mv,n h. -7e, and orn, t G bars STEEL INSTITUTE .1. k `i �s� 1_, I _ , i ,L! / -1.� L, -D�E Bort I / , O, E, N, C 9orJ C, I *I I I / Q)I I / I I I I I I• Const ruc tion PLAN - joint. ' 4'ew or e.r r.Y 1,ng c0njitrt/c•1,or7 T-• .I I " ' • D Bort A 1/ onda,, I ? N Bars _ ,,,:F -Dars paps joint, 4.'a c. s • I Ro..vrd EoVe.s - - � #,Y . . II .. pi- - I /B o. cc. , rice IS°' E/e✓ J---- ,r -E Bots I �.. , .. 2- G Sari _ _ ' . o. C. ti 4 • . i.. „ I; , `Und/,sturbed ewrrh ; a - .. I. t'a' • " --6oc�ffr// under .Struc!ure -� with 1-3.5 mix concrete, I SECTION P -P - or compact_-.PaU ro relatioe densly requifvd toy. specificotio,,s.p when inve.^f of spur i. 1Z "or less Obote floor oie main fine . 29 CONST. JUNCTION STRUCTURE EA. , , _ . $ -1 _ t �Ele oETAi� OPV stiEE T 3 -� 4. JunWith Jlrucfne shall Eat in, mared mono!ithieolly STANDARD A615AA REINFORCING BARS so 6 -ON -67 ,20I OF TRANS FRaM o0aeZZ-14'Y -,A ,< - Tom.. / With chain fine Storer, drain, rnanho/t or '4r tronsition . %�' C a r0 lJQIhBL E /O' X 8 5 ' R C• ,8 5 F/oo-� of slruc/ur-e shall be steel - troweled to BAR SIZES WEIGHT NOMINAL DIMENSION -ROUND SECTIONS - the ipr'ing /1,70-r. ,r C % =3000 Psi o! "B dayyJ OLD NEW POUNDS DIAMETER CROSS SECTIONAL PERIMETER 31 C01�ST. JUNCTION STRUCTURE N0. 3 Z EA 13 7• Embedment, P, shall be 5 tor- B z 96'vr- /rJJ (INCHES) (NUMBERS) PE FOOT INCHES IAREA-SQ.INCHES INCHES PE/P OET.9/L O/V $/-9E ET.� 6 and B for b over 96;' . & ,-7-- ']p�+ 32 PLUG END OF RCP PER DETAIL. N0,2, SMT. 27 2 �'�•� 7 Lh d. When E/evotcon R and E/evO4io/Y S or-• no shown ° 16'7 •250 •05 . I VCi' on (rhe project drowin9s inlet opening Sha// {o/! 6 Q 01 inches below the so}lit, and in/et pipe shall he 33 CONST. DOUBLE 12' X 9 ' RCFi PeR UET,4/L A'' LF• — ----- 2Z1o0 /a�a .ten o strorgh grade {roti chain /rhe to catch L ��]6 375 II I 178 ---- �j(�)(-...__.. basin or to yrcde breo.%c in i,7/e t line. �� � r - . � ..,W,. � 10' �N HEST 2 Elevotion S Jho/1 be shcry c-, the proJcct grrowl;^qs 5 ~/0� - — �A. 3 4 �oNs r -3 of 7 -RA IVs�FRGIM DOU3L /O ' X 8.5 ' y - whe. in/et ops -r,9 {ells mere rhos, G inches be/ow - _ -- f sh be /4i o' on ;�rai h�(�).6 68 .500 .20 1.571 F, R t. TD DO(ll3LE -' X $ 1 tii4', e. 8.rhe ,,or> if, and c,o.Pe 9 r r r 35 Cxsfi: D UBLI 10 Ca T A 9rode os st'a-lyd ,mbove. ON ,5f/EE? Z E/evaf,o.-, R Sha:'/ be 3'h0:)wn on the' ,orciect �/(�)1043 625 31 1963 36 6V"17. 0111 ally,/E�?I�ETA/L 'B- O/YSf/TPd.-aW/nQS C,/- 'v W.',`B'7 !) "L,L, - '10 be Qro,• _:-e j ♦ or • . • . ��tu-e"cohsTr_1�.;o1� .� :r'.'ef ,crce. 40 )' CONST. CATCH BASIN, W=4' . �a 9�-' EA , 2 1(§1@11.502 .750 .44 2.356 � 2 -- 41 � CONST. CATCH BASIN, W=5' 0 � �'/q . — — I (V I 2.044 .875. .60 2.749 = , 2 EA(�) o TC BAS 42 �• , C NST. CA H IN, W 60 -�- O 081 2.670 1.000 .79 3.142 43* CONST. CATCH BASIN, W=7' 2 EA . — o _ - n3 400 1.128 1.00 3.544 44 * CONST. CATCH BASIN, W=8' 4 EA, — / — 6ac*611 :nay be om/lled If J/r-ucture ` is laid on undisfurbrtd tor•/h to d/arm drain wall. . ' N � 4.303 1.270 !-27 3,990 DETAIL - JUNCTION STRUCTURE NO, 3 i II f 56 5313 I.-�10 I. 4.430 ---- N . / - - -- 4 I The new bar numbers are based on the number of 6 Inches `1,' Included in the nornlool dlamefor of the bar _ _ � 'lG ..and Ili __-H ___l__ _H___ �'�,N ti I Bar number Z/nplainroundsonly. Boys/cumbered 9, 1 45 * �g 0 47 * 48 �jE CONST. CATCH BASIN, W=9' -EA. CONST. CATCH BASIN, W=10' 3 4'/a. CONST. CATCH BASIN, W=11 I / EA . CONST. CATCH BASIN, W=12' G'A , B T : `s In nc case shop "tie outside diameter of the inlet pipe ex- ('eWw4i ('tach") q v I ®. / — 4, /1 4 w' ', *d v ' b k /s 4 /e 4Y 2l Z4 s 27 3' 30 6 33 (c 36 V_ NOTES: CASE I AND CASE 2 3 41 7 I ki 4s 4e e S/ junction structures or precast Y branches shall be mode Ih 'o Ik % to 7 914 60 9 6J /0 66 /0 69 10 4 72 // 7R l of the saddle pipe. existing storm aloin. '. e4 r l / \ I ti — — o /J Thr opening into the moin storm droin shall be the outside c 96 /4 101 /J• /OR /6 / EA• ' 10 //4 /6 I / zo / 4 1 116 /7 BirKtlll �� moi, l J t 132 / 7A. 13 /> /44 / when inve.^f of spur i. 1Z "or less Obote floor oie main fine . 29 CONST. JUNCTION STRUCTURE EA. , , _ . $ -1 _ t �Ele oETAi� OPV stiEE T 3 -� 4. JunWith Jlrucfne shall Eat in, mared mono!ithieolly STANDARD A615AA REINFORCING BARS so 6 -ON -67 ,20I OF TRANS FRaM o0aeZZ-14'Y -,A ,< - Tom.. / With chain fine Storer, drain, rnanho/t or '4r tronsition . %�' C a r0 lJQIhBL E /O' X 8 5 ' R C• ,8 5 F/oo-� of slruc/ur-e shall be steel - troweled to BAR SIZES WEIGHT NOMINAL DIMENSION -ROUND SECTIONS - the ipr'ing /1,70-r. ,r C % =3000 Psi o! "B dayyJ OLD NEW POUNDS DIAMETER CROSS SECTIONAL PERIMETER 31 C01�ST. JUNCTION STRUCTURE N0. 3 Z EA 13 7• Embedment, P, shall be 5 tor- B z 96'vr- /rJJ (INCHES) (NUMBERS) PE FOOT INCHES IAREA-SQ.INCHES INCHES PE/P OET.9/L O/V $/-9E ET.� 6 and B for b over 96;' . & ,-7-- ']p�+ 32 PLUG END OF RCP PER DETAIL. N0,2, SMT. 27 2 �'�•� 7 Lh d. When E/evotcon R and E/evO4io/Y S or-• no shown ° 16'7 •250 •05 . I VCi' on (rhe project drowin9s inlet opening Sha// {o/! 6 Q 01 inches below the so}lit, and in/et pipe shall he 33 CONST. DOUBLE 12' X 9 ' RCFi PeR UET,4/L A'' LF• — ----- 2Z1o0 /a�a .ten o strorgh grade {roti chain /rhe to catch L ��]6 375 II I 178 ---- �j(�)(-...__.. basin or to yrcde breo.%c in i,7/e t line. �� � r - . � ..,W,. � 10' �N HEST 2 Elevotion S Jho/1 be shcry c-, the proJcct grrowl;^qs 5 ~/0� - — �A. 3 4 �oNs r -3 of 7 -RA IVs�FRGIM DOU3L /O ' X 8.5 ' y - whe. in/et ops -r,9 {ells mere rhos, G inches be/ow - _ -- f sh be /4i o' on ;�rai h�(�).6 68 .500 .20 1.571 F, R t. TD DO(ll3LE -' X $ 1 tii4', e. 8.rhe ,,or> if, and c,o.Pe 9 r r r 35 Cxsfi: D UBLI 10 Ca T A 9rode os st'a-lyd ,mbove. ON ,5f/EE? Z E/evaf,o.-, R Sha:'/ be 3'h0:)wn on the' ,orciect �/(�)1043 625 31 1963 36 6V"17. 0111 ally,/E�?I�ETA/L 'B- O/YSf/TPd.-aW/nQS C,/- 'v W.',`B'7 !) "L,L, - '10 be Qro,• _:-e j ♦ or • . • . ��tu-e"cohsTr_1�.;o1� .� :r'.'ef ,crce. 40 )' CONST. CATCH BASIN, W=4' . �a 9�-' EA , 2 1(§1@11.502 .750 .44 2.356 � 2 -- 41 � CONST. CATCH BASIN, W=5' 0 � �'/q . — — I (V I 2.044 .875. .60 2.749 = , 2 EA(�) o TC BAS 42 �• , C NST. CA H IN, W 60 -�- O 081 2.670 1.000 .79 3.142 43* CONST. CATCH BASIN, W=7' 2 EA . — o _ - n3 400 1.128 1.00 3.544 44 * CONST. CATCH BASIN, W=8' 4 EA, — / — 6ac*611 :nay be om/lled If J/r-ucture ` is laid on undisfurbrtd tor•/h to d/arm drain wall. . ' N � 4.303 1.270 !-27 3,990 DETAIL - JUNCTION STRUCTURE NO, 3 i II f 56 5313 I.-�10 I. 4.430 ---- N . / - - -- 4 I The new bar numbers are based on the number of 6 Inches `1,' Included in the nornlool dlamefor of the bar _ _ � 'lG ..and Ili __-H ___l__ _H___ �'�,N ti I Bar number Z/nplainroundsonly. Boys/cumbered 9, 1 45 * �g 0 47 * 48 �jE CONST. CATCH BASIN, W=9' -EA. CONST. CATCH BASIN, W=10' 3 4'/a. CONST. CATCH BASIN, W=11 I / EA . CONST. CATCH BASIN, W=12' G'A , - I See Note 7-, - .6r. ' cont. pipe or C.M.P. \ o . _' . o In nc case shop "tie outside diameter of the inlet pipe ex- \`."o - `.-_� -' IQ 420-C- 2000 � ®. / — Y - I - T �; o � ! sto.� �`���} Note All connector pipes (within the angles specified for Case 2) N;� v - / - -I--- e I 1 l I D 1 I t �.r= o-• 1 41 , , _ --- _ i ,\ - ( Of structure -� I ,I 1 " i t 1- - --_--r 11 r 3 , r I ; -it ' .. For outlet see Slondord :° ' Catch Basin plans /Varies le -,III' . , \ o'.•, r �I Conditions a. . a ,:• . o: Concrete .,... II Cradle ° ,-� Catch basin Floor dl - > Plain or reinforced ' - I See Note 7-, - .6r. ' cont. pipe or C.M.P. \ o . _' . o In nc case shop "tie outside diameter of the inlet pipe ex- \`."o - `.-_� -' IQ 420-C- 2000 PLAN 1 min - Conc. encasement -Connector pipe See Note 4 ti ti _ 24" ' ,I 4 Min. --A t•- , Closs "C" mortar I --- ,_.L / CASE 2 T �; o � ! sto.� �`���} Note All connector pipes (within the angles specified for Case 2) N;� v shall be encosed when laid within the moin line excavated -I--- trench, or when laid on fill which has not been densified. 39" O, SECTION NOTES: CASE I AND CASE 2 3 Center Ione of inlet shall be on radius of main storm drain CASE 3 -SADDLE CONNECTION Main Line I Angle A shall be between 45°degrees and 90 degrees and NOTES: CASE 3 C shop Cie 24 Inches or less For smaller values of A and . I Connections to pipes 21 inches or less in diameter without larger values of D, use appropriate standard structure. junction structures or precast Y branches shall be mode Ih - i T - - - - Round --age If .y. �\ I - _ to 3 R. ' �,' I ' • \ ', I- E andFborn 1 3I a I \ , \ 1 !I Zi Sta Pt., I , >' lV • - TABLE OF VALUES FOR T Class "r" mortar -- T - I 2 In nc case shop "tie outside diameter of the inlet pipe ex- wl sod es 2 Trim or cut saddle to fit snugly over the outside of the o C - ) S 21 5 24" reed one hoof the inside diameter of the main storm drain main pipe, and so its axis will be on the lin,? and grade s /I v 6 i 6 36" of the connecting pipe 39" O, ' I 1 3 Center Ione of inlet shall be on radius of main storm drain 3 The opening into the pipe shall be cut and trimmed to I --it \ \v.. V... 0'- -..i a,. �,- I ,20Dt. , I �, I.- h'�' '��� I of 4)' transverses distance H 11 except where Elevation S is shown on project drawings. fit the saddle so that no part will project within the bore I'MAIN UNE STORM OR41N ! , ,' E Round F• - - -i .' ` < � / \L 1 I B monolithic arch of the saddle pipe. existing storm aloin. '. Min •G: l / \ I ti — — 4 Thr opening into the moin storm droin shall be the outside 4 The connecting pipe shall be supported as shown in poses .0 D ,� 1 / EA• diameter of the Inlet pipe plus one Inch minimum or 3 inch I and 2 p. • . O'.`` BirKtlll �� moi, l J - mo alum ID � - Pipe bedding v I ` / P '� SIa i 5 all corrugnleC r-elcl pipe and fillings snarl be galvanized o... Y F--,- ' d' -14 6 If Angle B is 45 degrees or less, use Case I If Angle B I is oreote• than 45 degrees, use Case 2 SEC $ ION C -C SECTION A -A I J i CASE1 i Burn Or Chip end of conneclol pipe flwdi with Inner �.urfoce — of mo,n,,re Pipe Poun3 edge of concrete pipe or reinforced concrete uipe AS Sto'ion specified on drawings applies at the intersection of inside - 4 , wail of moin storm drain and center line of inlet pipe DETAIL — JUNCTION STRUCTURE NO. 1 N.7: 5. - i T - - - - Round --age If .y. �\ I - _ to 3 R. ' �,' I ' • \ ', I- E andFborn 1 3I a I \ , \ 1 !I Zi Sta Pt., I , >' lV • - TABLE OF VALUES FOR T e T 12" 5" Is" 5" le S" 21 5 24" S 271. s 30' 6 33 6 36" 6 39" 7" I . are round bars and egu/valen t' in weigh t and nominal cro3 i - sectlonal areo to the old type l; l -" and /4 s9tiore bars LOS ANGELES COUNTY DATE - JULY. IIt52 _ FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT ,f Revised I-19-71 2- 0171 NOTES� I Junction Structure N0. 2 is to be used when 0 D of B is greoter than '1: the I. D. of D. or 8 is greater than 24 inches B shall not exceed /• 0, or 39 inches. NOTE: No more than one opening shalt be mode in one section of pipe 2 value: of. A, 8,C and Dore shown ori croject drawings Elevarion"R"and Elevritlon Vote shown when required per Note 12. 49 50 51 52 ,* X c CONST. CONST. CONST. CONST. CATCH CATCH CATCH CATCH BASIN, BASIN, B�!.S IN, BASIN, W -13 ° W =14' W=151 iN=16' I 0 EA EA O �-A , EA / 1 I I •' I I ,' \ I `i �-G bars, �, *4-6' O.C. spur wall with the main lint pipe wall The opening sholl be rectangular, cut normal to pope surface and I i \ , --- without domoging reinforcing sleet If o 'joint in the moin lint pipe \ I, 110 I i , tolls within the limits 01 the concrete Crodle, provide O Concrete - -. ' Reinfortin Steel - g encostmtnl ant fool obove the top of the moin Ione pipe to the limits of the Crodle. N ,� I -i I ," OR' I - 3" Min PLAN 'i I --4-- -.._i Tit bars t7 3. Elevation S opolies of Walde droit of strickli . 4 Breakout limits shall ba determined as follows' I ,, I �� to �Iev S 1 (Set l4wal 131 `Tie Dors ' tf 3-16" 0 C • Upstream Limit - At the intersection of the outside of the spur wolf the lint ! �l 1 ,� � , with main pipe wall 70 , Downstream Limit- 6 inches downstream of the intersection of the 1 I I •' I I ,' \ I `i �-G bars, �, *4-6' O.C. spur wall with the main lint pipe wall The opening sholl be rectangular, cut normal to pope surface and I i \ CON5T. TRAPEZOIDAL DRAINAGE without domoging reinforcing sleet If o 'joint in the moin lint pipe \ I, 110 I i TACH PER VE:TAIL ON SHEET5 tolls within the limits 01 the concrete Crodle, provide O Concrete -- �. 7- Round Edge ' Reinfortin Steel - g encostmtnl ant fool obove the top of the moin Ione pipe to the limits of the Crodle. N ,� I -i I ," OR' I - 3" Min PLAN 'i I --4-- -.._i Tit bars t7 S The transverse reinforcement in pipe shall be cut at center Of openin') I ' ' ( I I • I I. _ I 0 3-18"O C - 1 ' ,=fps ° - and bent into top and bottom slobs of spur. 6. The moin line pipe shall be crodted and encosed in I: 3:5 mix conc•ele. I J-�� :_� I i ' I --it \ \v.. V... 0'- -..i a,. �,- extending longitudinally 12 inches beyond the limits , breokout (Set Note (, b - I.- h'�' '��� I of 4)' transverses distance H 11 ` I/1• I ' I I and o of on each side of the centerline of pipe H = /T O. D. of pipe + 3 inches minimum I'MAIN UNE STORM OR41N ! , ,' E Round X/0.2 P°E DEr�/L O/V SH,e "r3 R. C Plpe reinforced Sprin9lirn y � II ; E bars t -G Dors I� m± ' Edgest 'tits-3"CC-- Crodle may be omitted on side opposite loterol inlet when construc ed in Connection with monolithic arch 1 , ' _ - -� existing storm aloin. '. =-.. - - - - I + : a 1 .Eley R 7. Reinforcing steel shall be per and D17Ced I'/2 Inches clear f•u:n f 1 1 I 1h h G bars- T- r, SECTION M- -M e bars ` i I t- -r F bars I ' � - . - ate o come t, un ess o erwise s own 3-18"OC l,' ' e5-3"OC t 9 E and F bars sholl be carried to o point not less than J distonce Ir.TM i 3:5 E ie.y-5 -1 - - - r ° I t, _ , , confer Ions J = 'ere D + 6 inches. ��" � \' 11 , ° 9 Concrete strength shall be 3,000 psi of 28 days e■cepi as otherwise ' ,` '' o f noted. I • 4 . �- I —� Ica I- 10. Floor of structure shall be s4el-troweled to spring line -T 0 ,,, ' I I 11 When Junction Structure No. 2 is specified with reinforced monolithic c I:' I H _ - _ H- - �, , . storm droin, value* D shat! refer to the clear Spon of the orch. I t' - - -- --- I .1 \ Reinforcing ;feel shall be cut and bent into Junction Structure in the -,me � I � 1 3� 5 Concrete g \ " moor •r as for pipe Concrele cradle under reinforced monolithic or. h is I,ndistutbed earth' not r squired . 12 When Elevation „Q"and Elevation "S"ore not shown on project drawings, r. tt pipe shall enter main line radially When Inlet pipe enters main line oto• it �,n radially, Elevation "S" shall be shown on project drowings, and inlet pip.. ;ti II be load on a stroight grade from Elevolton "S" to cotcn basin or grade -at :P. SECTION Z- Z in tine shown R' shall be showon prolecI drawings only when sl 4 -r •� be Drovided in main line lot future construction of inlet pipe 13. Stations specified on drawings apply of the Intersection of center lima of moin 6ne and laterals, exmpf that stations nor eaten basin connector DETAIL -JUNCTION STRUCTURE NO p:pe apply d Inside wall of structure. 2 53- CONST, CATCH BAS 1N, / kA' — — 54 CONST° CATCH BASIN, W=18' EA. l 55 CONST. CATCH BASIN, W=19' EA. - 56 aiE• CONST. CATCH BASIN, VV =20' 2 EA • � 9 - REMOVE EX15 T• CO/VC, L'y/4/11A1Z-Z , A'A . "_ 1140 58 CON_3T. CATC�i BASIY+1, W-2,2' O E'A• / © IaRADE OUT CAIANWCr0 Aflf /V, - 60 * CONST. CATCH HAS IN, W =24' / EA. — -- 61 * C O N S T ,0e,41NI4,5E- INLET - TYPE G 1 / sc.. 2 G/P,9 TE- TY/�E- 2',5z-12" — 6? CONST HEADWALL PER PrTAIL SIACET J9. EA / 6 3 * CONST . CATCH BASIN W= 26' D E',a ; . 64 CONST STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT 6 EA. 19 . `E.1P OETA/L ON//'f N//E ET 27 65 CONST. 9. COURSES BR ICK f �^ORTA R TO PLUG R.C.B. 4PA , _ 1 r N.T. 6. - 11.11. �•:.�, 66 CON5T TEM,INLETETA ON 5HT, 4 5 �' EA, '7 . t,;. � � iG , t"i i ,f -SEE Ci9TCh/ BAS/;4/ ,�'ET.� JL O/1/ �� .._-. %�� Sh/E-T 27, TYPE ""7-6- CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA ,�� /" .`�. f I�`f.. �, �Y- , ,B.9S//V ON .S'// ,!:f 20, N . � � QpPRo11Eo PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT :41 �(86 �, REVISIONS _J NO ; � BY DRAWN Y STORM. DRAIN PLANS SCALE "'I 31 39 / EQ�SEU /VETE -?,? 8 R > S. 9 0 iF HORIZ.: Int = 401 '� K � DESIGNED 8 a �t��� 7_ it"E1/�5�0 QUANT/T"To/NcLUaE/NTE/Pi0/P7�AcT'COriGT,PUcrroN 1!{!/ 5-..* iz�S 3186-L AIRWAY AVENUE • COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-4675 • (714) 641-8777 vY5 �cW JRM 'VERT.: 1"= 4t ,,�. � � � .DETAILS �� fig, /10DE� /`TEit//5 70 71 72 74 TO NST. /V07`25S 5 I -2I-8$ Q J S CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING LAND SURVEYING CHECKED 8Y DATE: 0Fr Cr ��¢ CO/VST /voTE- 7.5Ah1>EI� 22988 �� PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION 9F: R.C.I. MARCH 1986 .I _ OvA/vr�ry of - Co/c/5T. �u ,T >, 2,�, 32,I'�0 � s 3-/4; e 8 S JOB NO. /�/�� DR. N0. SHT NO. ��'I.--,?ZAPPROVED / GHUD. ITEM I vESc)ZIPTIoN c�, )Ts<M 3 QUANTITY VN -7-SS �A! D / 7 rte--- ' .�/ 1 fro0� /TE/ys 7,6 � 77- F s-/2-93 a, ROBERT C. IMSANDE, R.0 C. E. 25609 DATE CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 18932 IIIIIIIIIIIII /. N. �B�O-Oce 1 DESCRIPTION OTY OFF-- 51TE 70 CON5T. 2:1 RIP -RAP 5LOPE A5 70 G.Y. ON 5HT. I SA ., D71 CON5T. TRAPEZOIDAL DRAINAGE 1020 L.F. TACH PER VE:TAIL ON SHEET5 15 1 65 (730— CON5T EARTH BERM PER 80,E L.F DETQI L5 ON SHT. I S 8 74 CON5T EARTH SWALE PER DETAIL. 544 L. F. ON SMT. 1 SA A ¢ 7 o/c/s77 J0VC-710AI S7r,QUcTcI/PE ! 9-4. X/0.2 P°E DEr�/L O/V SH,e "r3 ' /8'E5r125- s/Olt/ TO ,tq-/.ST. 9 ' O76CO/IN.5'T. CB. 11Ye-11�.0/NG /. ,,0. ¢'` OE/�OL/T/O/Y / EA. ��� 101!6 !/L O, Sh/EET 27 �EMO!/E ` �?ELO/I-0Ti?L/CT OAM,46E,O 77 C'4 TOrd _544& PEiP OET,I/L O., / EA• 5//E�'T 27 53- CONST, CATCH BAS 1N, / kA' — — 54 CONST° CATCH BASIN, W=18' EA. l 55 CONST. CATCH BASIN, W=19' EA. - 56 aiE• CONST. CATCH BASIN, VV =20' 2 EA • � 9 - REMOVE EX15 T• CO/VC, L'y/4/11A1Z-Z , A'A . "_ 1140 58 CON_3T. CATC�i BASIY+1, W-2,2' O E'A• / © IaRADE OUT CAIANWCr0 Aflf /V, - 60 * CONST. CATCH HAS IN, W =24' / EA. — -- 61 * C O N S T ,0e,41NI4,5E- INLET - TYPE G 1 / sc.. 2 G/P,9 TE- TY/�E- 2',5z-12" — 6? CONST HEADWALL PER PrTAIL SIACET J9. EA / 6 3 * CONST . CATCH BASIN W= 26' D E',a ; . 64 CONST STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT 6 EA. 19 . `E.1P OETA/L ON//'f N//E ET 27 65 CONST. 9. COURSES BR ICK f �^ORTA R TO PLUG R.C.B. 4PA , _ 1 r N.T. 6. - 11.11. �•:.�, 66 CON5T TEM,INLETETA ON 5HT, 4 5 �' EA, '7 . t,;. � � iG , t"i i ,f -SEE Ci9TCh/ BAS/;4/ ,�'ET.� JL O/1/ �� .._-. %�� Sh/E-T 27, TYPE ""7-6- CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA ,�� /" .`�. f I�`f.. �, �Y- , ,B.9S//V ON .S'// ,!:f 20, N . � � QpPRo11Eo PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT :41 �(86 �, REVISIONS _J NO ; � BY DRAWN Y STORM. DRAIN PLANS SCALE "'I 31 39 / EQ�SEU /VETE -?,? 8 R > S. 9 0 iF HORIZ.: Int = 401 '� K � DESIGNED 8 a �t��� 7_ it"E1/�5�0 QUANT/T"To/NcLUaE/NTE/Pi0/P7�AcT'COriGT,PUcrroN 1!{!/ 5-..* iz�S 3186-L AIRWAY AVENUE • COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626-4675 • (714) 641-8777 vY5 �cW JRM 'VERT.: 1"= 4t ,,�. � � � .DETAILS �� fig, /10DE� /`TEit//5 70 71 72 74 TO NST. /V07`25S 5 I -2I-8$ Q J S CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING LAND SURVEYING CHECKED 8Y DATE: 0Fr Cr ��¢ CO/VST /voTE- 7.5Ah1>EI� 22988 �� PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION 9F: R.C.I. MARCH 1986 .I _ OvA/vr�ry of - Co/c/5T. �u ,T >, 2,�, 32,I'�0 � s 3-/4; e 8 S JOB NO. /�/�� DR. N0. SHT NO. ��'I.--,?ZAPPROVED / GHUD. ITEM I vESc)ZIPTIoN c�, )Ts<M 3 QUANTITY VN -7-SS �A! D / 7 rte--- ' .�/ 1 fro0� /TE/ys 7,6 � 77- F s-/2-93 a, ROBERT C. IMSANDE, R.0 C. E. 25609 DATE CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 18932 IIIIIIIIIIIII /. N. �B�O-Oce 1