HomeMy WebLinkAbout1562-8scale: t"= 40' rr� nd Aye. 2 f�IGNL AND /lt��. v ,C 0, v u� N VI -N m� � J A. C. Curb .eeturrr 00 to �C F) 4 = 90000'05" 2 = 25.00' L = 3-9,27' T = 25.00' See Sheet No. / f'or PAL M E T T 0 U O O A. C. Curb Da t4 tC. F. ) D - 390 38'0 1, �2 = &2.00' L = 40.8 9'. T' = 00. -34, �0 , bc' �X /7' /5' tom. V Stree 7` Typical Sec tion a1 � �x a�. 20kv E. C. � Enccl A.C. G`u�bEsc. W � A V E N U E .4. C, Curb OatatC. F - Pe C. to E.G. ) �2 = 25.00' 411 area 5 to be paved 5hall be s Leri li zeas as di r ec ted b y the City Engineer pricer to povir?y. 2. Al! compactior7 sho// be perf'ormee as showr7 or> City o le kigJfo 5to: /Vo. //0 0r70' S'/10r eOlId 5,peci fc iofdr� iS ,eOr R41bllc Works Construction, /985 E -di tion ar7d Addendurns. 3. 4 thorough evA/uotio� o f'oll str•ucturgl rood sec tions Proln a Feloli eleo' rno feriols eiyr�eer will be r'equl�-ed 1i7cludl;�9 sor?d eQui�aler�t� yrao40741017 4nO' "ie"V-Vlue. 4. 4 seal coat o,-' S'Sl/-1 will be requ,,red on o/I new asoholf concrete..pl-711ed at the rate of 0.075 gollo17s ,oer S?uore yard. h W -910 64 65 66 67 !08 70 A1tI(5h/L AND A�/ENUE See shf: CONSTRUCTION NOTES Construct 3" A.C. pavement over compacted Native Soil Q7 ---Construct 4" PCC meandering sidewalk per landscaping plan B�--Construct 8" curb w/18" gutter per City of Fontana Std. 101 13 Install 2" X 4" redwood header /9 Install Rl "STOP" Sign 0—Install "No Parking" Sign -(250'0.C.) �--Construct ramped curb return per Caltrans Std. Plan No. N8 -B /4 Const. 5fd. 15arrlcc7cle per City off' For7fanc,, 51W. 1/8K30LF) a-- In s tall "Not a Through 5tre e f " Curb gee tura Do to = 89'59'55" R= 35.00' L = 54.98' r -K 35.00' 35 Ins t4 I / " S tojo Aheocl " 5/yn C'orns t. 4.C. ,Berm per ori 51770.- No. J O5 -- Const 3"A_C povel-nenf over compacted rTc�tive So/l. Struc furcal Sec f ion per Solis Test -Q- Inclicate5 Install 9500 NPS Street Light -�-Indicates Install UP00 NPS Street Light APPROVED CITY OF RIALTO DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DOE 7/ 72 73 74 75 76 N See Sheet No. 1 -,('or I '� Street Typical Sec¢ivn �v AF/W_ c O 510.00' 54:21. 00, 510.00' 510.04' 276 5' 0 N v 77 78 79 80 8/ �Issio-�,,, A. r J ti 113 1 ��qT �.=>� FONTANA CALIFORNIA FaCITY OF, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. REVISIONS- KING CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWN BY1 ., c. M TRACT N0. 13718 SCALE NO. DESCRIPTION ENG'R DATE APPROVED DATE 101 S. K R A E M E,R . B LVD. , SUITE 225 Revised Profile 51+75 to 52193.74 TAX 2/7/89 FM 2.28- PLACENTIA, CALIFORNIA 92670 DESIGN BY: PALMETTO AVENUE 4s J`'f'10Wn (714) 9967010 DATE - � HECK BY: APP V BY: DATE: IMPROVEMENT P,LAN G� 2;1 JOB NO APPROVED: �. �` DR. N 0. S HT. i N 0. .-cam.,. `-�c. �-�O .u.-� FRCE: 16916 EXP. DATE 6/30/89 CIVIL ENGINEER RCE 40964 5�D2 8 0f 9 I\