HomeMy WebLinkAbout1431-4NUMBERI MATE IINITIAL.SI I APP'V'D RAILROAD CORPI.;5P...TX4?:r:7,.C'...... R/1N - STATION NAME _ ROUTY Nom -1 .:fie?., �ENstR TATION�� E.S. .i-:`R�..?..�1A.� AL �-�--nn Y .......... ..... 0 TO .. i. A. ! + TO L.l:ALIC-� DIST.'A`. �wG . ..D,ST'B'•.a•.�s.}.. ' 3 VALSEG.. RELMISNO.....................................I[[ UUMIRILIJ... -NO. OF TRACKS CROSSED ...... o ► �• SPPL INVOLVED. YES ........NO ......... COSI N G -- -- �� UU"UU%UU q or TRACK � JOINT FACILITY LINE YES... -.NO ....., CR 14 RAILROAD INSPECTI 1 PROJIECT MARKER REQ'D 18 51 F— x REQUIRED ....y.. ..��.........:....... L MATOVIALS AND INSTALLATION PER S:P. DR WING NO.* C.E. »..«..«.......C.S..a..� 9.1...1 FOR UNDERGROUND X-tNQ R� . _ . - _ _ ESTIMATED COST N .................... ANOLR OF CROSSING WITH TRACKS.. -.3.0f ......., LA 3. UhOEARRROUNO SUMAL OR COMMUNICATION LINE INVOLVED. YES ............NO .......... O PHONE CALL FOR INSPE T1011: -. 4, P�1 SUR9 IN PIPE . •� Q.....,P.S, I. PLA OFC SSINO `33 �::.. NO �' ..�Q ' --� BOTTOM OF DITCH OR :.. ... ..,.., ..i S. OMTAs+C9 FROM BOTTOM OF TIE TO TOF OF CASING t SHtL BE MINIMUM ONE PIPE I ��� � ����IER EXISTING AROUND LINE t OhuKTE1! OR 3 FT WHICNEYER'IS GREATER 1 ................'......................................... OF TR1'►CK ° ..................... ................ 4 GROUND SURFACE APPROVED - ASSTAE810N ENOR.•`D'AT.c W Ll" THAM ONE PIPE •DIAMETER. BUT NOT LESS THAN 3 FT. SPEC IAL PERMISSION OF C4I9F ENGINEER IS REWIRED I REASONS FOR WAIVER � 1 .......... ...... .................. CARRIER PIPE«..., . V, „ r .A DRtH , REGION 4?4� •Y�Y,.YN,...,.,YNNM»... NMHN........,,NN.,N..Hai,...,a,N,.,.,,,,,,,N..,N,„,.NaH,.,N.,,N..,,1.N,..,.,,.• -.. •!� I•s • •-•• ... . .�.q•D.E;..06. ............. , and /haoughy coo/ed inside and oulside. If pieseivohve materia/ cco�not ' DRAWING N0...•..• ............................. G,Eiti!RAL be sed arra inside of casing, /hen /h caslay sho// bs of /east vile gage ' '� CASING 5 3'-0' 1YIN1I IF N0 CASING g, e 7 a Piet OA CASINO D- AME I E IS GREATER THAN S FT APPLICANT SHALL,SUBMIT __ _ __ -------------- ------ ___ _ / cAev .Than otherwise re cured• _ SHEET NO. .�...........................U+stonce H from bdIhm of he to lop of pipe, cosi or concrete encosement skill or "� i • RRGINt[t![11• RAN SPECIFICATIONS. AND SOILS REPORT ANO SHORING DETAIL$, _ ------ -- ----- -- ---- �-' "3uK� -, rq q �,. nd AF less than 3 -0 (See exceplion in Genera/ Nate 3. i antra% casing fa suppoi/ing /facA sho// /bve the strength s eCified S. e - - -- ----- - - DATE .......... . .. ...�`� Y.•.— :.: j qny ppe fines crossing any hock do not require o casing provided the carrier in current ATSM Serial Designation C-76, Class /V. A/l joints shat/ be wo%r- S. W Pre CAR41 /Eli AMMAGE SUBSTANCES AND HAS.CASING CHECKED BY •. ....., .,.._.- g SEAL ••• 0,N's a/ suffc�eeW slreng/ll to support the /rock a7d hos wolerligM jo�nls far such /igAl and of on approved lype of construction. NNMOM AND L OCAT ION OF V HT I' 12 i 2 j pp► Maes, cvsing l�&er /holy specified in tab/* I for supporting /rac t may be 4 The inside dlametef of Cos/hq sho// be at loos/ -2 inches greater Mon /he '»..� 4 »»"'....N,N... "'»"" used for Installing pipe, provided Me space between carrier pipe and casing is Largest outside diameter of carrier pipe. *. P/'t Y�1TE11iIr.4 CASINO.J.f....CAARIER .:.... «tr..fi..».».»............. St l-• d„ SECTION A -A Aoclh//ed p+M grout or sand Sires of cosiny larger than shown in Table I are special, cases and will *.WSWI1I 0tAM9TER I CASINO ... »NN ..... ....... NN„CARRIER} ...�N ....,.» ... ..:............ Il carrier pipe does nal how su/1�cieral strength /o support track, casing or be decided upon Meir merits: PIPELINE G AR R Y I N G N 0 N - FL A M M ABL. SUBSTANCES 4 axrete enc osemev# must be installed L en th of casing measured at n M ong/es 6 Cosm9 sho// be so instolled as to prevent formalion, of wolerwoy undQr �I. !ty„j. TMICKMESTii CASINB.��,. .. RI�...GAGE OR� INCHES y 9 CARRIER ............. ./�.. SEE C.S.174I /o t,acat shall extend each side of center line of /rock live lest plus I/ ►er>icat the rai/woy. It shut/ have even bearing lhioug/toNils length and shall slope t ..t,.....GA6E OR C.1. ... .... 1.1,.INCHES NO Scams ds/.a�cs ficvrr batlom o/ liar % / of cosih ` 90 gar aacasement but no/ less Mon leo toward one end %i. LINOS OF CASINO CENTERLINE OF TRACK IS z n� J' Ieet, ercepr )halwhere casing is instolled through ray/rood embanA'melt i/ sholl 7 Regardless of /he slreng/h of carrier pipe cosings must be marded .........:.............R IOHT' SIDE ....,.. 7.1.............x�► . '�j"'jj'� CENTER LINE II& IF ►IPC K REINFORCED CONCRETE A.S.T. CLASS OESIGNATIQN ..«....�.1t..:..1.til.M.. � OF TRACK SCREEN DITCH + xe► IF pPt 1s CAST IRON AWWA CLASS ,. SCREEN SUzsvRAdE I !, WgrA00 O: INSTALL�T1011 UNDER TRACKS ------ ........................ .. • • •, 4. DIY 80A IMO w ......S.l..............JACK iN0 • .,.:.1............... OPEN CUT ..,..,,...........,,..,...... r . •• S'-0' 1l�INh IF NO CASING I 5O \ ICAS!hG SEAL, • SRR eEMERAi, NATE N0. 3 ON` CS.i74! OR C.5.1742 __ ___-__.,_--___-__ -- ------- ------- --------- 17. WWRI s1. PMINE$ ME 114YOLVED UTILITY CROSSING SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN - 1•-Q” KLOW S. 10, PIFE'LINES. DISTANCE FROM TRACK AND DEPTH OF COVER TO BE 12 CASING N1N. 23' I (� CARRIER PIPE l401” 0« PLAN AND SECTfON. SECTION A -A . N. P�RCUICCT MARKERS SHALL. 8P INSTALLED AND UAINTAINED BY APPLICANT, PIPELINE CARRYING FLAMMABLE SUBSTANCES RCCOMMENQ APLASTIC BURIED UTILITY TAPE INDICATING TYPE OF UTILITY BE SEE C.S. 1742 INITKLED NOT LESS TH4 12' ABQVE THL UNDERGROUND INSTALLATION. NO SCALE C*SIR PEP! FOR FLAMMABLE SUBSTANCES SHALL NOT BE MADE OF PLASTIC - YMLKW COMPLCMY ENCASED ACROSS ENTIRE RAILROAD R. OF W. :. ML FOA PVCL INC HAN0.INS HAZAR S PRODUCTS THE MINIMUM COVER ON RAILROAD 16 ...i.. 1111?110" CW tIU►Y ..,«.«.M LL N.NN......NN, 1taTtj t 00 RhiCE TO ASSIGMED ILANIKET. kGREEMENT NO..:. ............................. ' 1! CASING ' SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION Ck' ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN -RY, CO. II CARRIER DATA RfQUIM FOR MWOSED PIPELINE CROS51NIi Of , _ ORO" SECTION R.A.RIQKT OF WAY SEE C .S.1741' d Inches A ,(Iic%s lv/rmber of Longitudinal CZ Bars 10.12 4 4 • Nate: For pioe %roes corryrng f/aininab/e fr-a-ck t apt \�� s 'of/,? � C. S. 1741 8 substances 6 5�� 30 7 12 see CS /74� 4. ,- 6 - o G (ABLE I 9 12 Ditch TH/CXNESS Qf P/PE CAS/NGS Bottom of Ditch or' Ir fOR• SUPP. ORT/NG TRACK fx/sting 6roand Line aside Cartage>e Smooth GYameler p �Z 3'--O"Min, if no cos/ng flop Pie Steel Pi U S Alin Thi Carrier• Pipe !�'osiitg Pipe �- Seat (see Casing Note Noll Inches -Std- Ga a No. Inches - - - - _ Pipe Line I 4 to /0 /4 f8 /4 6 3=0 12=0" ' Carrier Pipe 'e 5'-0"•t H /5,.18 /4 e 21,24 /2 it But not less than 0-0' 30.36 /0 PIPE /N EMBANIwENT (See Ge�nAa/ Rale 2) PIPE /N CUT . 4e 54, 60 e RUES GOVEIflV/N6 THE /�{(STALLAT/ON Of P/PL's L/NES TRANSA//TT/N6 2. Meta/ casing /or supporting track shall conform /o thicknesses TABLE 11 WATER OR OTHER NON-fL41W49LE SUBSTANCES WHEN CROSS/N!i shown in Tab* I and shell have j4rots of eilherscrew, w1ded a riveted . O C NCRETE ENCASEMENT UNDER TRACKS: _ type. It shall be gv*aniled or sho// , be dipped in preservotive materia/ FOR PIPES •Y�Y,.YN,...,.,YNNM»... NMHN........,,NN.,N..Hai,...,a,N,.,.,,,,,,,N..,N,„,.NaH,.,N.,,N..,,1.N,..,.,,.• -.. •!� I•s • •-•• ... . .�.q•D.E;..06. ............. , and /haoughy coo/ed inside and oulside. If pieseivohve materia/ cco�not ' DRAWING N0...•..• ............................. G,Eiti!RAL be sed arra inside of casing, /hen /h caslay sho// bs of /east vile gage ' '� CASING 5 3'-0' 1YIN1I IF N0 CASING g, e 7 a Piet OA CASINO D- AME I E IS GREATER THAN S FT APPLICANT SHALL,SUBMIT __ _ __ -------------- ------ ___ _ / cAev .Than otherwise re cured• _ SHEET NO. .�...........................U+stonce H from bdIhm of he to lop of pipe, cosi or concrete encosement skill or "� i • RRGINt[t![11• RAN SPECIFICATIONS. AND SOILS REPORT ANO SHORING DETAIL$, _ ------ -- ----- -- ---- �-' "3uK� -, rq q �,. nd AF less than 3 -0 (See exceplion in Genera/ Nate 3. i antra% casing fa suppoi/ing /facA sho// /bve the strength s eCified S. e - - -- ----- - - DATE .......... . .. ...�`� Y.•.— :.: j qny ppe fines crossing any hock do not require o casing provided the carrier in current ATSM Serial Designation C-76, Class /V. A/l joints shat/ be wo%r- S. W Pre CAR41 /Eli AMMAGE SUBSTANCES AND HAS.CASING CHECKED BY •. ....., .,.._.- g SEAL ••• 0,N's a/ suffc�eeW slreng/ll to support the /rock a7d hos wolerligM jo�nls far such /igAl and of on approved lype of construction. NNMOM AND L OCAT ION OF V HT I' 12 i 2 j pp► Maes, cvsing l�&er /holy specified in tab/* I for supporting /rac t may be 4 The inside dlametef of Cos/hq sho// be at loos/ -2 inches greater Mon /he '»..� 4 »»"'....N,N... "'»"" used for Installing pipe, provided Me space between carrier pipe and casing is Largest outside diameter of carrier pipe. *. P/'t Y�1TE11iIr.4 CASINO.J.f....CAARIER .:.... «tr..fi..».».»............. St l-• d„ SECTION A -A Aoclh//ed p+M grout or sand Sires of cosiny larger than shown in Table I are special, cases and will *.WSWI1I 0tAM9TER I CASINO ... »NN ..... ....... NN„CARRIER} ...�N ....,.» ... ..:............ Il carrier pipe does nal how su/1�cieral strength /o support track, casing or be decided upon Meir merits: PIPELINE G AR R Y I N G N 0 N - FL A M M ABL. SUBSTANCES 4 axrete enc osemev# must be installed L en th of casing measured at n M ong/es 6 Cosm9 sho// be so instolled as to prevent formalion, of wolerwoy undQr �I. !ty„j. TMICKMESTii CASINB.��,. .. RI�...GAGE OR� INCHES y 9 CARRIER ............. ./�.. SEE C.S.174I /o t,acat shall extend each side of center line of /rock live lest plus I/ ►er>icat the rai/woy. It shut/ have even bearing lhioug/toNils length and shall slope t ..t,.....GA6E OR C.1. ... .... 1.1,.INCHES NO Scams ds/.a�cs ficvrr batlom o/ liar % / of cosih ` 90 gar aacasement but no/ less Mon leo toward one end %i. LINOS OF CASINO CENTERLINE OF TRACK IS z n� J' Ieet, ercepr )halwhere casing is instolled through ray/rood embanA'melt i/ sholl 7 Regardless of /he slreng/h of carrier pipe cosings must be marded .........:.............R IOHT' SIDE ....,.. 7.1.............x�► . '�j"'jj'� CENTER LINE II& IF ►IPC K REINFORCED CONCRETE A.S.T. CLASS OESIGNATIQN ..«....�.1t..:..1.til.M.. � OF TRACK SCREEN DITCH + xe► IF pPt 1s CAST IRON AWWA CLASS ,. SCREEN SUzsvRAdE I !, WgrA00 O: INSTALL�T1011 UNDER TRACKS ------ ........................ .. • • •, 4. DIY 80A IMO w ......S.l..............JACK iN0 • .,.:.1............... OPEN CUT ..,..,,...........,,..,...... r . •• S'-0' 1l�INh IF NO CASING I 5O \ ICAS!hG SEAL, • SRR eEMERAi, NATE N0. 3 ON` CS.i74! OR C.5.1742 __ ___-__.,_--___-__ -- ------- ------- --------- 17. WWRI s1. PMINE$ ME 114YOLVED UTILITY CROSSING SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN - 1•-Q” KLOW S. 10, PIFE'LINES. DISTANCE FROM TRACK AND DEPTH OF COVER TO BE 12 CASING N1N. 23' I (� CARRIER PIPE l401” 0« PLAN AND SECTfON. SECTION A -A . N. P�RCUICCT MARKERS SHALL. 8P INSTALLED AND UAINTAINED BY APPLICANT, PIPELINE CARRYING FLAMMABLE SUBSTANCES RCCOMMENQ APLASTIC BURIED UTILITY TAPE INDICATING TYPE OF UTILITY BE SEE C.S. 1742 INITKLED NOT LESS TH4 12' ABQVE THL UNDERGROUND INSTALLATION. NO SCALE C*SIR PEP! FOR FLAMMABLE SUBSTANCES SHALL NOT BE MADE OF PLASTIC - YMLKW COMPLCMY ENCASED ACROSS ENTIRE RAILROAD R. OF W. :. ML FOA PVCL INC HAN0.INS HAZAR S PRODUCTS THE MINIMUM COVER ON RAILROAD 16 ...i.. 1111?110" CW tIU►Y ..,«.«.M LL N.NN......NN, 1taTtj t 00 RhiCE TO ASSIGMED ILANIKET. kGREEMENT NO..:. ............................. ' 1! CASING ' SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION Ck' ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN -RY, CO. II CARRIER DATA RfQUIM FOR MWOSED PIPELINE CROS51NIi Of , _ ORO" SECTION R.A.RIQKT OF WAY SEE C .S.1741' d Inches A ,(Iic%s lv/rmber of Longitudinal CZ Bars 10.12 4 4 • /5 4 /8 5 8 2/, 24,27 6 8 30 7 12 33 6 12 36 9 12 est" . beyond slope of embankment• of 0/1 /ocohcrs where pipe crosses under dfainoge ditches if Cover s less 3 When Ara hcab/e, casings and carrier pipes may be instolled by the lacking or thou 3'- 0" Casing under ditch may be separate from, or con/muatio�n A g? ,5firrups A &V"v methods If1/aese methods are used the minimum depth from boftm- of casing under trach', and must extend a minimum of /e- 0 beyond !bp to top of pipe or bore must be 3'- O" of one pipe diameter, whichever shoo/dors on such side of the ditch. Is ;,sa/r; Aever, where (here is good cohesive soil the '0p/b moy . B• When placed in open cut, pipe lines - having diameter of 36" or • • • ` be. less t/wn one pipe diameter,but not less than 3-0, with less, when crossing !rocks other !five main tracks and sidings, may ro rpa01 Permission of the Chief Engineer If instolled by tunneling be encased in concfete as shown in Tob/e II • .'. _Voar�ny, I/fe space around casing of carrier p1pe must be backfilled 9 Where the ends of the casing vie be%w ground, /hey sho// be . re/ngrout or send, seated to suitably protect against the entrance of foreign material • ' z'° I pipo /ones sho// 6e told through or under bridges or culverts, which might . prevent ready removal of /he carrier pipe • II where /here Is likelihood of restricting /he area required for the Where the ends of /he cosmg are at or o6ove ground suifece •.h d pur,aose for which the bridges or culverts war♦ built, or endonyering- and ohm hi?h water level, they may be /eft open, provided droinoge AavAdotions of important structures is offorded A,7 such o manner /hot /eohage will be conducted I o 3 /1 additional tracts ort construoied ie /be future, the protection ova, from the roodbed, and structures o- CAW sAq✓I be corresponding/y ex/titdeo: /' 6 /aver ted siphons /or drainage or irrigolton ditches (C. S. /TOS) � • • a .- c -. . us,ag steel pipe with welded or screwed joints or corrugated iioa �•.. . pipe w44 o// seons and �mts close riveted an Y soldered having a dlometof o/ 40 u►ches or less and Me required strength to sWport CARR/ER PIPE' trot/, wd/ 4e i,es/o/%I without o casing. , t. Carrier pipe shot/ be of an approved type with water -tight SOUTHERN PACIFIC LI N ES) C'ASIN-i., . - joints. COMMON STANDARD Cusag ear ♦I o/ eilher corrugated iroit smooth steel or caaae/e. 2. Corfu ated' /?017,' SIR Soot/) sleet or concrete carrier Ape ft s10 *ore irlfle,0*1 slrengt�t to support trot,/, except that o when used without a cosin sod/ have the some strength 9 g PIPE LINES t�Mer cvso f mol► be used for instal/01104 purposes as provided required above for casings. FOR NON-FLAMMABLE SUBSTANCES .a. :e"trot Rule ?abate 3 Cost iron carrier pipo used wi,%Ogf a eoserg shalt have o voilih/a t4'Ve4fd down) type Aloin ga/ronired coirugoted pipe thickness not less than that specified forC/ass 150 Cost lron ' CROSSING UNDER TRACK e/ ,age corresponding to requirements of Table / may be pipe 404#4 -V Xe/ec1 tinter pipes that are already in place. NO -SC-ALE ' ADOPTED APR. 20, *53 RkVISEO JAN. 5, 1970