HomeMy WebLinkAbout1365-1mom SSSS��:S�S 1. ME MEM MMEMEEMEMEME .r IN= S'M MINOMMUNIMMIMM.S ME 0MEQMMM IMOM M.IENimii�iii SS _ MME EMMINME111MWMM WE �..�E MIREMMENE MEEMEME11 SSSEM OR 00 EIREMEMME An 11MIMEMMEMEME =� IBM ManMMEMEMEIMMMM ME� Construction permits shall also be obtained from the San Bernardino ,. MIN! N5 �.. on �� NO MMMT' MEMOr' OEM MNMS S amannaMER MME"a"""� �iS�r�»»rr»_�r�ir rtSS�i%�»rrirr.rrr�w�a.iS�i��w�ir�����►� SSSSMMMEW„/...Man �' ._SaaS»�SS:�.Si�Sa�:�w Up set 00=10, NNW amagomm ���im�i�. =ate== am a5�a"NESS {Std IM! All 4" house sewer laterals shallbe installed on a 2% minimum grade d3 =am Ml M unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. w����M__rr_ Terminate all 4" house sewer laterals at the property line with a �. S�. SSw�iSm:iiSr:ww'wiw�»ws»w' ��..».»s Sa«...»5�:::� SSSmaS�--S �SSSS�mmSS1,�1.:!s �.»ww.��w.+rrrrr�w�.ww.»���»»�»,S.�r.���»..rr»»Sr�i.»r��■� n;��s mS=�wwwr� S.= �a� —r =aS m_�'=�SS 5�.� 'L r•». Sewer Contractor shall chisel "X" in the curb at the location of the "wlnrm�ones ��iS lateral. r 6. Manhole frames and covers to be constructed by the Sewer Contractor =aSSS - Sia�r—rte �i1�� .wrlrw�r,�1i��.»■.1.�.....1rr wry �� wrrwr www �w �� w� www www r�r•w ww�wiw. www wrwr. paving contractors shall raise same to finished grade. �SS w�11w=i1i �» S��»rTiir iS www�r�w..�'w:r� Adequate stakes shall be set by the Engineer to enable the Contractor MEN=MWEH MEN�-i_ 5 _ ,r,,,,._ 001100 S._».a�5....,� E===M=MaSaSSSRJ 5 mow..... WM=5��... As hwlt p"7,s Shall be Rl-avided to the eVly by the Corrfiwfor. ' 5 w Mama . =aMMte �5MEWsS.-S .MMMT I i :s.-mSamSSBEEN ssSSma� •»�»�...— ME WE �J IMMW 4v' ao MAMW— � c lA A0, Un 0 ► � 2 o�dO I0'r Cost 51, I Conn Id" WR sewtr Lin P/ Canpf. /0" VC.P .Sewer- (,,nG Ade. _ h�3o�e` P v -x• s C//� Q.G . few vP�,o-��.�C 25' 25' NOTA' ' ill &I/Sti�9 Sani fary sew&- shown on i weep, taken y`nam ei,ty a? 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I:riouineer. oeo'a'/�c� com,�oc teo' fo 9a % so-� cox. T�prco/ Bedv'r�nq �or- 8"l!C.P. ,gyp: � ��i,/�{ �� =iiiiw�iimiiii» M_M /;IRFS'4�1-•I_rr1�41�11�.�A111ZitI.AIIF' nwllll» 1111IMMEN _. 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T. J r C. �.- `f ' 1. All work shall be done in accordance these plans and the City of Fontana Public Works Department Standard Specifications dated 1975 2. Construction permits shall be obtained from the Fontana Public Works Department prior to the start of any work within the City Limits. Construction permits shall also be obtained from the San Bernardino 11ti County Transportion Department prior to the start of any work within San Bernardino County area. {Std 3. All 4" house sewer laterals shallbe installed on a 2% minimum grade d3 unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 4. Terminate all 4" house sewer laterals at the property line with a plug. 5 ��r� 5. Sewer Contractor shall chisel "X" in the curb at the location of the lateral. 6. Manhole frames and covers to be constructed by the Sewer Contractor - 6" below finished surface grade and upon completion of paving, the 'aural rel paving contractors shall raise same to finished grade. 0401O� ytsg't /'Y/Pfin9 e" NC.o 7. Adequate stakes shall be set by the Engineer to enable the Contractor to construct the work to the plan grades. . �x�rt,�9 MN. I 8. As hwlt p"7,s Shall be Rl-avided to the eVly by the Corrfiwfor. ' 5 . I i SEWER ESTIMATE OF QUANTI'T'IES m L o��' siT� �e;WNVAVS /d q•�T 4. io'' s�w�a �i�� ZO _ ►. , `1 ` /�0"+5��l�Dnc� l'i0U/'� �� � 7 �i�. ✓�i',�/�ie /�%l'/YN��G c'S .o ShGGt No. ¢ aN&17-e quAIV 71 ins v y 1218' /,I .SSE' s�l�'� T NO. 7 Sh�c f No. Z _T ��9, 5"�lr/e%G' MANi/OGES' /C)30' L� i1"Lv'�Z L�4TCR/�LS v - v M//ler Ave I I T /`SAP SAAD&R.SON f A SS D C 1 TF4, %C. elry ov,--7 FoNr,4N,4 GAlrCRl l4e/V/c �N�,A/� AS -- LAND sURl�YoRS 9-",,97 Ar ro vv R o v fG, Suite , y„ )PVO L l It"ICA0 Cv�ainan�� a G'A 9/?�o O�awn 15Y. - (714) 5y:(714) 9-00-1111 AIC-4vell PLAN L/4V eL A1�40NV� v6,er. oeslGn".p BY: Uate: A .� .A�t oq / 2 3/86 fru '"'o{Qdgs R.C.Q. 11441 CHSCKSO E3i• 4op-oved/4 ti%G /Yo. g5 408 J. T. J r C. �.- `f '