HomeMy WebLinkAbout983-1CONSTRUCTION NOTES 8i ESTIMATED QUANTITIES CONST. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT NOTE M0. SEWER CONST. 8" V.C.P. SEWER MAIN CONST. 4" V.C.P. SEWER LATERAL 1299 L.F. 3— CONST. SEWER MANHOLE PER STD. PLAN 112 _ 7Lr EA. 40-- CONST. SEWER E?IQASEPEFIT AM DOM 7NIAS AN6777 L.F. iO-- CONST. SEWER TERMINAL CLEANOUT PER STD. PLAN 128 O— REMOVE AND REPLACE fl(/ST. PAVEMENT ►O s4 8 o S.F. O-- connvEcrionr -m alsr aEwEQ 11� 13 �s �m R e - 0e_ R�19� a�— ��iVC�,�`T,E' 6ZATR ZA14 X9hWE)VT Ar'd lfc-4z ' i SEWER IMPROVEMENT FOR TRACT NO, 110864 r a' !2W !� �"YPFESS AVE r a0 29 27 26 2� 31 28 E'•X/-eT Af H ICONTROL BLOCK !i0!!t CLtEIVT-ENGMEIt COMIMATM ONLY Q This Plan "as Not 'Been Approved by City 21 This Plan Has Been Approved by City Oexrl then16y Requested Completed No. d Wt.e �yirits iv�,ex .r�►r �Ilr Prlor Eo uWng fres plan for construction purposes, Contractor Is -to verity latest revision number with job superintendent. PRIVATE ENGINEER'S NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY ` EXISTING UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES -- l9/ *W Contractor agrees that he shall assts sole and em plete r nsi- ' " The existence and location of anyundergrc�a>Id pipes or structures bility for job site conditions during the course of construction of awn on these plans was obtained by a search of available records. this project, including safety of all persons and property, that Tb the best of our knowledge there are no existing utilities except the requirements shall apply ecmtirnxxzsly and not be limited to ! as shown on these plans. The Contractor is required to take due normal working hours; and that the Contractor shall defend, inden precautionary measures to protect the existing utility lines and any nify and hold the Owner and the Engineer harmless from any and all lines not of record or not ston on these plans. � liability, reed or alleged, in connection with the performance of work on this project, excepting for liability arising from the sole neg- ligence of the Owner or the Engineer. BASIS OF BEARINGS: THESE PLANS WHERE PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: PRC TOUPS CORP. IPHOW: 835-4447 The bearing N 00° 18, 45" W along the centerline at UNDER TME SUPERV%" OF: Cypress Avenue as shown on Parcel Map No. 25.1, in Book -2, I „ page 975 records of San Bernardino County was used as the PEPPER AVE, PRCToupsCorporMion basis of bearing for this map. DATE ��/NN�R32�r�_7 RAYMOND Avic . Cou Rand Ora Carifornla 965 BENCH MARK: REVISION $ 11�2 Tom ' 6. A4 N Q fO 7 ^- )O'K NAIL IN WES T END S, W, evA, DATE DESCRIPTION Telephone (714) 835-4447 C YPIfe 5S AV5 AND Afl L ER AYF5 FIEIy ��' , .�yrrr� '.wo, -gip► � -,� �,� S A C0111113mv _ GENERAL NOTES: 1. All work and materials shall comply with the specifications and standard plans of the City of Fontana, Public Works Department dated 1975. 2. -A 4" T.C.P. house lateral shall be oomtructed to each lot per Fontana standards. Each lateral shall terminate at the property 1 i ne with a 4" x 4" V.C.P. Wye with the Wye branch up. 3. S ack fi l l to be in S" 1 i fts if trench bottom and sides have as S.E. less than 20, 4. Stomping of backfill permitted in 3" 1 i fts . S. Al 1 mlateri al s & methods of construction to be subject to approval of the City Engineer or his representative. . 6. flackfi l l material to have S.E. of 30 (WI n. ) 7. All backfill to be certified by t sails rnglneer. S. Inspection to be called for through the City of hta"a (714- 823-3411) 24 hours prior to starting work. +9. All utility companies to be given 48 hours notice pr roto working around their facilities. 10. The contractor shall keep a strict record of the location of all Wyes , Tees, and sewer lateral stubs. Such. -records shall be the property of the City of Fontana upon completion of the contract. Strict adherence to the requirements of this paragraph shall be imposed, 11. All new or existing manholes shall be adjusted to grade by paving contractor, after the completion of paving. 12. All utilities shall be installed, tested and approved prior to paving. 13. Prior to construction the contractor shall obtain permits from the City of Fontana Public Works Department. 14. If any existing utilities or any other faci l i ttes conflict 01th the proposed improvements, work shall stop and the engineer notified immediately of this situation. 15, All existing elevations pertaining to proposed connections to existing utilities shall be verified by the contractor. Any ,deviation the engineer shall be notified immediately. 16. Sewer contractor shall stamp an "S" on the curb at each house lateral location. 17, ,Adequate stapes !+hall be set by the eng1mer to enable the con- tractor to construct the work to the plan grades. 18. All sanitary sewers shall bre constructed of bell and spt gt* type vitrified clay pipe except as noted. , 19. During excavation and construction of the' sr, the contrac- tor shall bear the responsibility for dust and sand control. 20. "House Connection Seer or House Lateral Sewer' shall mean a branch sewer laid between the sewer main and the property 1 i ne. 21. All house connection sewer for single family residential Mse, shall be four (4) inches in diameter unless otherwise provided. ?2. All' manholes and cl eanouts steal) be fitted with standard frame and covers as speci fi aid on the pl ans . Manholes may be either of brick or precast d0crete as specified on the drawings. n Vl'C/IV/TVII'rAP 70 S0344e e5o 16000`7 CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DRAWN: SHEET N0. 9. "Au" SEWER 1mPnov"r4fENrRLA#5 DESIGNED: CHECKED: ly FOR ZRACT 10864 ` OF ff SHEETS J. R/LEy SCALE: APPROVED: DATE: !2 - f - 71 DWG. N0. NONE CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. N0. 49" 9 ��