HomeMy WebLinkAbout982-10- Q 14 w ..STREET,,,* I r MPROVEIMEN,T,., FOR TRACT- NO.. 10.864 RA Y Al O lir D CONSTRUCTION NOTES & ESTIMATED QUANTITIES CONST. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT NOTE NO. STREET �0 8� rRA c 31 I— CONST. L" A.C. ON d N.6. OVER COMPACTED NATIWE SOIL 2a--' CONST. 8" CURE & GUTTER PER STD. ALAN 101 /dA�� LF. 28 3 -- CONST. 8" CU!!� ONLr PER STD. PLAN 101 50 L.F. 4�--- CONST. 6"CURB 6 GUTTER PER STD. PLAN 101 �Q 37 5 --- CONST. 6" CUM ONLY PER STD. PLAN 101 35 k_f. 6Q--- CONST. TRPNSiTION CURB b GUTTER (6" C.F. TO 8" C. F.) _ 7— CONST. TRANSITION CURB ONLY AROUND RETURN (6' C. F. TO 8" C. F.) 202 Lf Qi --- CONST. STANDARD CROSS GUTTER PER STD. PLAN 104 Z1208 SF la-- CONST. CROSS GUTTER (MID BLOCK) PER STD. PLM'1 106 t CONST. 4" P.C.C. SIDEWALK 5570 S.F. III CONST. SIDENALK ACCESS RAMP PER STD. PLAN 104-A 1920 5F 1�--CANST. DRIVEWAY APPROACH PER STD. PLM toy 639�a $.F. � 131 SINiCLIT 6 REMOVE EXISTIfIG CURB i GUTTER 1�4 — SPWCUT S REMOVE EXISTING SIDEWALK '— 15 SAWCUT &REMOVE EXISTING PAVEMENT A 2EPLACE MiwA.C.)7260 S.F. 1�-- INSTWLL STREET NAPE SIGN 'Z Z7S 17 INSTALL BARRICADE PER STD. PLAN 118 � L.F. 1�--- REMOVE EXISTING BARRICADE 19 INS TALL TRAFFIC MARKING SIGNS "'-- 2�-- INSTALL STREET LIGHTS 13 EA. 21 INSTALL 2" x 6" REDWOOD HEADER 'Z 7�0 L'F 2�-- REMOVE EXISTING REDWOOD HEADER o-- CONST. TEMP. TUM -AROUND PER STD. PLAN 119 2— CONST. ALLEY ENTRANCE PER STD. PLlrl —` 25 TEMPOIRIIRY I1!►�MENT 7/IANJ/T/ON "A•� ��' SF .CONST. o --eon Is�'q.c. oma cz�+aocm �nrx� ,x►z 950. .F. 0- Q 14 w ..STREET,,,* I r MPROVEIMEN,T,., FOR TRACT- NO.. 10.864 RA Y Al O lir D �0 8� rRA c 31 ..STREET,,,* I r MPROVEIMEN,T,., FOR TRACT- NO.. 10.864 RA Y Al O lir D M kl rr� ,el�,ur�ilr�,►,�an •��r,N+!c LAMS •,i0"' ✓d/Ii/ 4�7'ZVMW M. Sr.' N!I VEM,EM►' 2G CYPJ?ESS AVE. ✓NbE.M MA/ sver re jeAL E 1 PLANS 30 �0 8� rRA c 31 29 28 27 ft 23 39'JA 37 36 35 'Jf M kl rr� ,el�,ur�ilr�,►,�an •��r,N+!c LAMS •,i0"' ✓d/Ii/ 4�7'ZVMW M. Sr.' N!I VEM,EM►' 2G CYPJ?ESS AVE. ✓NbE.M MA/ sver re jeAL E 1 PLANS 30 �0 8� 31 29 28 27 ft 23 PFPPtr0JQ% AVE. am.,#oo 7D S7gt.45) RAYMOND AVE, 07.46*99-MM10+60#17) L ----� 1 3• l F GENERAL* MOTES: 1.. All work and. materials shall comply wi th the specifications and standard plans of the City of Fontana, Public Works Department dated 1975. 2. Driveway locations shall be determined in the field at the time of dui 1 di ng construction. 3. Signals and lighting shall conform to the provisions of section 96 of the standard specifications and special provisions, 4. Backfill to be in 8" lifts if trench bottom and sides have an S.E. less than 20. g. Stomping of backfill permitted in 3" lifts. S. All meateri al s I methods of construction to be subject to approval of the City Engineer or his representative. 7.Backfill material to have S.E. of 30 (Rin.) 8. All backfill to be certified by a soils ongfneer. 9.. Mater services to be net ni mum of 10' horizontally distance from sewer lateral. 10. Inspection to be called for through the City of Fontana (714- 823-3411) 714-823-3411) 24 hours prior to starting work. 11. All utility companies to 48 hours notice prior to working around their facilities. 12. All new or existing valve boxes shall bre adjusted to grade by paving contractor, after the completion of paving. 13.. All irrigation lines i f any to be removed, relocated or recon- structed as shown. 14. Contractor to install pavement markings and striping as required by the City Engineer. 19, During the working day trenches may be left open across existing street providing traffic flows in both directions. Myo trench may be left open overnight on existing street, unless authorized in writing by the City Engineer. 16. All utilities shall be installed, tested and approved Wor to paving. 17, Prior to construction the contractor shall obtain permits from the City of Fontana, Public Works Department. 18» If any existing utilities or any ether facilities coinflict with the proposed improvements, work shall stop and the engineerineer notified finmedi ately of this situation. 19. joust control shall conform to the prevision In Sectt'on 10 of the Standard Specifications and as here in after specified. 20. All ,existing elevation pertaining to proposed conmlecttons W existing utilities shall be verified by the contractor. Any deviation the engineer shall be notified immediately. 21. Adequate stakes shall be set by tine engineer to enable the contractor to construct the work to the plan grades. ow so r s� ��♦ - 1 f4 41 LM .r Zy 21% z io .A PEPPER AW /SB! t•64Q7R1 f•'.b.A�) 0UMAltl 4W. liTll 0400.00 10 6#99.OCY i CONTROL BLOCK FOlt CLIENT -ENGINEER COOP DINAT"N ONLY t 0 This Pian Lias Not Been Approved by City [Z This Plan Has ]Seen Approved by City r' PRIVATE E ENGINEER'S NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Requested Completed No. Descriptian BY8 Date Mz r SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY EXISTING UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES JF f Contractor agrees that he shall asmtm sole mid comlete responsi- The existence and location of any and pipes or II>Itart�Ict1� bility for job site conditions during the cm=se of construction of shown on these plans wets obtained by a search of available records. this project, including safety of all persons and property, that / To the best of our knowledge there are no existing utilities except the requirements shall apply eontinuousiy and not be limited to as showm on these plans. The Contractor is required to take due normal working hours; and that the Contractor shall defend, indem ' precautionary measures to protect the existing utility lines and any nify and hold the Owner and the Engineer harmless from any and all lines not of record or not shown an these plans. liability, real or alleged, in correction with the performance of week on this project, excepting for liability arising from the sole neg- ligence of tete Owner or the Engineer. BASIS OF BEARINGS: The bearing N 000 18' 45 " W along the centerline at Cypress Avenue as shown on Parcel Map No. 251, in Book 2, page 97, records of San Bernardino County was used as the basis of bearing for this map. PRC Toups CorporMlon. BENCH MARK: 972 Town A Country Road, Orange, Cal'Rornla ON68 SENCH MANiT Al r' 4O 7 — P/f NAIL /N WEST END Telephone f714) 835-4447 51W el. CYPRS' 5 9 AV45 AT . . EL E K / 3 5�. �•9. A PlomMig Re wrch Corigmvy 5 p, Ar 9Zr I WG AM ". ',WZMZZZZZZZ0 I VrCIAirry MV &07' TO SCALE) Prior to using this plan for construction purposes, Contractor isAo verify latest revision number with job superintendent: 46 INN THESE PLANS WHERE PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: PRC TOUPS CORP. MOW a!3s 444T CITY OF FC NTA A UNMR THE surERVMM OF: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DATE Z�• ME S bbl SA(I NNE ? R 23207 DRAWNbftW� - SHEET NO.. REVISION §. r MIUAW STREET IN T P A # DATE DESCRIPTION DESIGNED: s Q,LEy F499 rRA e r loo a &4# CHECKED. OF*SHEETS SCALE: APPROVED: per: /d DWG. NO. TI""....�..' 4117250 CITY NGINEER R.C.ff. No. , ffm ..�.�.. 8 Now J.N. 2.245-022-0