HomeMy WebLinkAbout935-1ill 1 DIFISC?FN i>� ViF H HF! r,I nHUt If V PLAN SCALE: 1-40 CONSTRUCTION NOTES j�--- CONST. 4~ THICK SIDEWALK 4WIDE- Za-- SAW cur s REMVF, T6 O►F Ex15rCb•e GV -r. (Sr. 2tt)I.D6 Tb. ST. 3+7-7. 96) g CONST. X -GUT TER PER C/TY OF FONTA1 /1 (A STD- NO. /04-. a --CONST. R,4MPED CuR8 RETURN PER C/T'y OF FONT,4 NA STD NO 104-4. t 95 M i8' •oT lay 0.4o air! Gvl�ri- EriA6CdGl TYPICAL SECT04- ANASTASI A AVENUE CURVE DATA NO. D R L T O900001oo" Lin. Zoe 3/•42 20-00' 76.00 Lin. Ft. 3 4. °' Sq. 1� h ti 6313-00 Sq. Ft. 6. 192 39.00 Sq. Ft. ( 241 Ton) 7. 3 Ea. a 8. ao 9. 2327.00 19 18 17 A 10. ' Q A Ft. Z ° a 66 112.96 3 =. W �� 3 105• GI 4, Ex is f. Curb 6'a{f�� ANASTASIA ' LIQ a° AVENUE C6.0 C \ �7 90 E.WV C. /NT. Ex,sf c04 /3 -r/D N• 3 \ i Y PLAN SCALE: 1-40 CONSTRUCTION NOTES j�--- CONST. 4~ THICK SIDEWALK 4WIDE- Za-- SAW cur s REMVF, T6 O►F Ex15rCb•e GV -r. (Sr. 2tt)I.D6 Tb. ST. 3+7-7. 96) g CONST. X -GUT TER PER C/TY OF FONTA1 /1 (A STD- NO. /04-. a --CONST. R,4MPED CuR8 RETURN PER C/T'y OF FONT,4 NA STD NO 104-4. t 95 M i8' •oT lay 0.4o air! Gvl�ri- EriA6CdGl TYPICAL SECT04- ANASTASI A AVENUE CURVE DATA NO. D R L T O900001oo" Lin. Zoe 3/•42 20-00' STREET PLAN GENERAL DOTES 1. All work shall be done In accordance with these plans and the City of Fontana Public Works Department Standard Specifications dated 1975. 2. Construction permits shall be obtained fron the Fontana Public Works Department prior to the start of any work, within the City Limits. 3. Whmhole frames and covers shall be constructed within 6" of finished pavement grade by the sewer constractor and shall be raised to grade at the completion of the paving by the Paving Contractor. 4. Adequate stakes shall be set by the Engineer, to enable the Contractor to construct the work to the plan grades. 5. All pipelines or substructures of any Mnd and all telephone or power- poles, watermeters, valves, hydrants, irrigation structures, etc. shoran or not shown of this plan and located within areas to be improved and interfering with construction, shall be velocated by others; it shall be the Contractors responsibility to notify all agencies concerned before construction begins. 6. °_;Fater valve covers shall be raised to grade by the Paving Contractor. ESTT11TE OF, QUANTITIES 1. 1113.00 Lin. FT. 2. 94.00 Lin. Ft. 3. 76.00 Lin. Ft. 4. 385.00 Sq. Ft. (1 Ea. ) 5. 6313-00 Sq. Ft. 6. 192 39.00 Sq. Ft. ( 241 Ton) 7. 3 Ea. 8. LMT SM 9. 2327.00 Sq. Ft. (19 Ea. 10. 33.00 Lin Ft. (1 Ea . ) 6" CURB 4 18" Gutter 6" CURB (AT CURB RETURNS) PO.MVING CURB AND GUTTER CROSS GUTTER SIDEWALK( INCLUDING SIDEWALK PED. MIP), ) ASHPALT CONCRETE PAVMAM, RAISE MANHOLE COVERS TO GRAD$ EARTH WORK WITHIN RIGHT OF RAT DRIVEWAY APPROACHES (EXCLUDING SIDEWALK) STREET BARRICADE BENCH MARK B.M. NO. 470 P. K. NAIL SOUTH END OFTME S W. CURB RETURN OFANASTASIA AVE AND TAMARMDAIE. EL- 124091' ASSUMED ELEVATION FOR THESE PLAN • 100.00 EQUATION ADD It40.91' TO Al.l:: Ek.EVATI4NS ifmTHESE - PLANS TO EQUAL CITY DATUM... CITY OF FCALIFORN IA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DRAWN BY: STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS SCA LE: » G.M. H OR 12 : 1.► 40 CARL SIV. DONMOYE R & ASSOCIATES ESIGNED BJAPMOVED TRACT N0.10510 VERT: =4' CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS GM' 626 W. ALOSTA AVE. GLENDORA, CALIF. 91740 {213)963 5710 CHECKED BANASTASIA AVENUE DATE: A,*--:d Almla. JOS NOLLK41 _..,.� R NO. S HT. NO. DENNIST. DONAHUE RE 215 7 CARL W. ONMOYER LS 3S8-706__ Ir '.ER A.C.E. IS 32 935 1 OF 2