HomeMy WebLinkAbout1326-1SEWER IMPROVEMENT PLANS EX/S T. /W A/ FOR TRACT N0. 12904 Q� /2 /6 /7 /B /9 20 Q i� m GENERAL NOTES / f�LL !t/O.P.C� i9�t/O /Y%i9TE.P/i9LS 5iy�,CL CO/Ylp.L s� !•t//Tf� Tf�.E' v�'inEC/�/CST/O�t/S f�NC> STi9Nd�iP/> /'L�ii/S Of THS' C/Ty of fp�t/T�9�t/y, /�U,B,G/C Gl/OiP�S O��i9iPT/1��NT ogrEO /9�.5. i9 �" l/C/� HOl/SE G�9T�iP.9L �5�5'.9LL ,c�E' CO�t/S'T�l/CTEO TO ,�i9Cy LOT /��iP �Oit/Ti9�t/i9 v`'TD. /2,5. Ei9c%� L�9TEiPi9L �5�.9LL T.E�P�!/i!/•9T.� ,9T THS' ��PO��".E�Ty L/il/,E' �ir� ,3 �9LL /Yl�9TEiP�9.CS �9N0 �ll�"Tf/OaS ��" Co/t/STiPI/CT/ON TO B.E �5'Uc�c%FGT �O �9�id?o!/fG Off' Tiy.E' C/Ty E/t/G//1/E�� OiP H/S ?E/'�i�E•SE/l/Ti9T/(/�'. 4. 76/O 2;e //oU�P.S piP/OiP TO ST�9.E�T/tel/� 9 8 7 S Cp�t/TiPi9CTO/F' Sh'i9LG .rl.EE/� l9 STiP/CT ?ECO?.lJ off' TiS�.E" LOC.9T/O/1/ OF i9C� WyES, TE.E.S, �9i1/.O S,EGl/�? L�9TE?�9L <ST!/c5s`S S'UG'y ?EG"O?l'S SiS'�9.GL .B�• TiS�E' lee ST,P/G'T i90fi'�iPEit/GE To Ti5'�' .P�Ql//�PE/�!�it/Tv� o� TiS/.S /`i9�.9/iiP�9/�.5� vh'i9LL .8E 7 /�li9�t/i`/OLE?i9lYlEv�" i9Nl� CO!/E.PS v�Hi9LG BE CO/l/T.f�l/C7"EO 6 B.ELOIT//tet//v�'H�U �i9!/E/s7.E�f/T �P�9C�.�' .ffy TiS�E 5.G`lt�.EiP Coit/T,Q�9CTO�P i9i(/O sh�9LL .8.� i9,OdUSTEp TO G?�,OE $y f�9!//if/'CS CO/l/TiPi9CTOiP, .9.�TE.P THE cO�I,�LET/oy off' ��9v/ivy- 9. p?io,Q To co�vsT�UcTio� r/�.� coNT.�Acro? sy�9LL O,BT�9/tet/ /'��P�YI/TS?O� �"h'E EL/Y/ "9!/EiVI/E' �iPO/"0.5E0 //1�idi�'O//.E/�l�ir/T5', !1/OiP� si5i9.CL STO� i9�t/O Tf�,� Ei//>l/�1/EEiE�' /l/OT/F/•EO //rl�lEO/�9T,�.LY of Tis'/S S/T!/�9Tio/t/. /,pOr(/!?/Gbp . .9LL E.if/l' �LrA/i9T/O/1/S �E�PTi9/it//N� To pi�o/'OSEO CO�I/it/�CT/O/�v TO �.Y/ST/N� p. UT/L/T/ES v�"h'�9LL .BE //E?/�/.�O ,81� rs�� co�/r?�9cTo.P �9�t/y 4�l//•9T/O� %�.�" .51 IV/ /P COiI/T�P,9G'TO�P Sh%9LL ST9/Yl� �9iY �S "" pit/ Tf/E' CU�,B .9T E.yCf/ �5'OUSE o w L/iYlE .0//yJF �9!/S 13. f/OEQI/�9TE .ST9.E�E:S .sf/�LL c�E �,FT By T.y.E' Eit/�/i1/E,�.P To ,Eil/i9c3L�' T�Y� coNT?�9cra� CT. � TO COiI/STiPI/CT TSE !T/O�P.f� r4 T/i• �.E i�L�9�t/ GiPi90�S. n0 El�GE�t/i,Q .9v��U� � /4, ol/iP/it/� ,E,�c�9��9r/oy 9�t/o Co�sr��/crio�v of ry.�" 5EG�.�.P TiS.� Co�t/TiPi9CT0� Sf��9LL �E�9? 7H�' ?�s�oir/s/.B/CiTy Fo? .t�l/sT �9�/.0 5.9�Y.v COir/r�POC. N CoNt/ECT/oir/ S�Gf��,� o�Q yol/5"E ��9TE�P9L 5E�EiE� SrYf/�L /�?E�9N r9 B,P9NCh' MI -V ,QL'TYYEE/Y THE S'EWZ�f MA//Y AN,O V TiqZ' 0 16. 1-37z.- 17 9LG/7 .9LC G///Tf/ CD!/EiPS .9S �i��C/�/.fid O/l/ Tiy�" �Li9/1/S, �l�gir/iyOLEv�' /��9Y .�9E' �/Tiy.E�P OF $iQ/CiC� o? �iPECi9S'T Co�t/C?ET.E' �i S 5�EC/�/.EO owl/ T//.� O?i91�//it/r'S. A/77.5. 40i '51"..0 Ori' .Bf!✓�"/.5 Off' ,c4.E9�P/NlrS FOP Th'/S /��9F /✓" O� i''O�L�9P fi'!/Eit/UE' �E,P TiPi9CT it/O. 4LIF"Cy WIfl -01V *.529 C�9TCh' B�9.S/tet/ �9T it/�: COR ELE!/r9T/Oit/ //2.3. /.3 PRIVATE ENGINEER'S NOVICE TO CONTRACTORS SAFETY .RESPONSIBILITY EXISTING UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES Contractor agrees that he shall assume sole and complete responsi- bility for job site conditions during the course of construction of The existence and location of any underground pipes or structures this Prooect, including safety of all persons and property, that shown on these plans was obtained by a search of available records. the requirements shall apply continuously and not be limited to To the best of our knowledge there are no existing utilities except normal working hours; and that the Contractor shall defend, indem .-as shown on -these plans. The Contractor is required to take due nify and hold the Owner and the Engineer harmless from any and all precautionary measures to protect the existing utility lines and any liability, real or alleged, in connection with.the performance of work lines not of record or not shown on these plans. on this project, excepting for liability arising from the sole neg- ligence of the Owner or the Engineer. 36 //A