HomeMy WebLinkAbout1297-1L 9?ea Lf . B" vell-0 I I JAI 004V ,,It *1*1,0 ljok 0�140�M b -111� 1*1j) '16 %\I I kx, -rj Z ,9601el 40' I Will. /1, 4r, 1 11 1 ll Wb too �� 9 \0 OAy CST// /f rt- Of iWAITIrlts Y/Y// 13 Z4. VLI1'1,0 191949 Z� &I 144� 24?Sb bl 4, G. D. 4 ZA. Wrtr: r1113 &9,r11WArZ- /,f FDR ;rllt- MAIX6NIS-We-er 01VZK aa1vTR1se1,raR,; MARC XII&R PIMA 7p saoAllrrlIV6 A 6129. GF NE R A I I NOT I All worK be done in acc-ordarice wi-th these plarls arld the City of Fon-t-ari,a Public WOrKS Dep.-artmerit !:3-tiandard Spe-c-i-Fica+icins daed 10-T5. P. Construction permit.- sh.all be obt.aired from -th--:, Pokitari--a PUblic L,.]C-F%Ks Depar--trrieml prior to the of arjy worK. 3. All 41' h-DUS-22 I-At011?-,ils shall be ins-t-alled on ak 2./. minimum grade, uriles--ii. otherioise approved b,/- the Citv Engirleer. 4. Termi ri e 1 1 1l•" PION s e sew or I a t er- z--.1 s at the pr. or., er. ty 1 iri---- Ld i t h ZX P I Ll -9 . 5. Sewc� r- Cori-tr i.kc,t cjr. sh.:t I I ch I art " X " in -the C:Llk%b Zxt the Inc-a-tiorl c) -f the lzcter-als. 6, . Pd. -a ri h ci I (--,, f v% a me %-:- a ri d r: o j..) e r -s -t c, be COrIS-trLlCted b,,1 the Sewer. Contractor G" bolow f inished sur-f�,ce -,�r--Ade and shall be r ai. i s ed -t C, gr..--Aje tq, the P-Av ing Cori tractor :A -t the comp I et ion cif p< 1.) i ri -j . Y. ildequ.-ale s t A K �--- s s h a I I be s. e -t by -the !Agin E, er- to emab I a the c o ri + r. ---k c - o r to c o ri s -t r L i c + the w o r- K 't,:, -t h 9-- p 1 ctrl 9 r a d e s s h a I I be d e cl -�. c, -the G i -t y 1.) y -t h e 8. As --(3L) i .1 t F) I i:A ?I f.. ,060, f90 UL -/ ; 4 / VL IZ -ft' /; Y, 4 -/ V, (/./ - lgelarlel 11,,=40 A".. A 9 '1 -11 . r "Imium sliL U SELECTED NATIVE bEDDIN& *• qO COMPACT EQ. TO 90% TYPICAi. BEDDING FOR' 8" vep LESS THAN 10DEEP NO SULE - SELECTED NATIVE SOIL I"MA)(.,-SIZF- CUMPXTED TO 90% O 4 TO Y4 tv %.ASA ROCK GED11tV44v vat It it i'1t'C'ICA'W BEDDING- FOR 813 VCP 10' OR DEEF NO SCALE 8F--P,lCHt,,lARK I C ity o F F u n t art a l Prl 4th 12 ,ro p ,:.f r i r El, i i.v ci t- , r, -t , eaY. t s i d cl F C i irUS 1320 ' +./'- SCILl t h Of Mi I I er AV e EUEVO-ricit,.i., 1,3121.97