HomeMy WebLinkAbout1296-1�2 yr o y JY4 "14 1/4 '1Z' vzs 164 64 3/.40 �0% nw zo "mowl A4 Aft If/*.#/ 14 isillillilill 72k 9 #Y4 'Z L �fle- &u�levi" el A b7 4S W tz 40 W -44 %� ;K Ilk, K IL QN, /I 0 @�P� k Ilk IN '9% 0 Wig. irl yIN) %Z-4 k N% 67 N"� Is 11111000� N Y/ '0 L=3/.4-1 414 114 A4 J14 N \\N% K N% /ORO,49// es Sell%'Z e IA' J* 40 Mryl or, - N 0, 4, 0 A yel Y4 Y4 Aw = 40-95 ID // It /3 ,�O � .�/ �Z .�3 "W.A illow Ove -A c ow e a/,O Sul 5helel, olel Ahvell J Al ; o K Sig" 9 11 44 47' 41111 R-C-7111ZA1 ell?IV -10 7 - " 0ik I N NIMA9 lfl.-rellfN eaR& Aerzllfly 4 90 c'0 /0 -4 4 V9"'06 `lei ep eo N 4 90 *97 '0/ eo' 24 k 'd - 190 pae 1140, uk I e. b /f e ev po' a.? -9 V /f Z. -81.40, ae, Z - 9/.40' V" v 4 4• 0, " I "v o 7k\ (D� — %D • tv -M Fi- & 7 iu CFO � V�oj�� If 491V 04 IWOZlf 4 OtI1111 0A 8f 1\ /10v IL e.orlH,4rt� 0,p &1114A17*1rAe:9 Tract 13078-1 STREET IMPROVEMENT 8" curb & gutter G" curb & gutter sidewalK ?-gutter AC paving Adjust SMH to grade Adjust CO to grade Remove existing C & G Remove existing sidewalK H ,w #JJR Tract 13078-2 STREET IMPROVEMENT 8" curb & gutter G" curb & gutter, s idewal K X -gutter AC paving Adjust SMH to grade Adjust CO to grade remove existing C & G remove existing sidewalK Dwy #'p'p'e0&CN�5 WHI-Sal cli,4114 Rplwps 242 If 3444 If 17316 s+ 6 ea 930 to 10 ea 2 ea 76 if 380 sf RA 368 1+ 2294 1 f 10684 s -F 3 ea 606 to 6 ea 2 ea 76 if 380 1f 7YRIOAL 5,H,;r/0# N rz W 1/00 f fr1rry-,rq (LZ- VC -L SZ4167119W A10/ to sellylel CARTtLLA AVENUE, ELWOOD COURT, LEMON CO RT LEMON STREET, CELESTE AVENUE, PINVON COURT NO 7,& - ZY e;1,4 rl,0141.9 K ) .9,W1,1N ,,1,4/ 711t.5t- AZ,4A1XA1?,& 9,454-V a1l"1,v1Z-ZP %A11XYZ-Y.9 AA5,1-',0 411V rW- ellry 6eNe1111"1rX 1%1*1.4wlv llz:.r&eN ,+No Nor aVL910rJ1,A1 g,11dAW 4MI Dkl4�q # 0 - 1386 5A 71 AWI le 7 ?.q 1454.5es' or (D S&V �T/LTL'.O A 6 e17 AO/V) Nol to geldlel FAIRVIEW AVENUE, FAIR FAX AVENUE I 0A gel TY,d/GAL 8C'4W10A1 hlk OICMvotK Av[. N101A ,0 selylv a J5 G ENE FZ A L NOTES 1. All bior-K shall be dona in accord�-:khce with these PI.ans and the Gil, o-� Font,--kn.-a Public kk-wKs 0ep,).rtment Standzkrd Spe-ci-Fic—Ations d:--tted 1375 2. C0r1S+t--L1(:ti0r1 permirt':S shZ%JJ be ob-tained +rn-rn Fontana PUblic L-JorKs n-c-partine-n-t pric-ir -to -tho- start o+ .-ariv wor-K. 3. Manhole Fr..:tmes and covers :--.hall be C0t1:-;:.+k'LJr--ted to G" ballow , h - finished pavement grade b,,, th-�? Sewer Ci^acI for ZA �1 J S -r ontk I I be raised to grade b5,, the P.-Av ing Cori -t 1--ir , -At the comp letion C. f pav ing 4. v.---iL1vp. c:over--. shFtll be to grade b%.) -the Paving C o F.) +r• aC't o r . T. ndeCJLJA-t'C, sh---All b(:-. set by tho Engineer to eriable the cor-rtr.,xctor to cons-truct 'the worK to the plan grades. -c-tvi-Jed to Cit"', b;, the 3 s -- B u i I + p I A ws sh A- I I b e p Contractor. 7. 11)e Co n + r a c: -t o r. s h :a I I c: o n t z4. c t --t I I sere i i, -i 9 111 -t i I it y c ct inp k n i 'FOk- th,! l0C.Attor) S -:"f UridergrC'Lind iines S T i) RT or CONSTRUCTION. M,') FZ K o Tot) :,F Firc- C i t t'- L) -5 0 Lath o e r t-) v r� JAI ES K LANGONE C/TY -OFfb"" V"N rA NA C4LIFORN/A �Aiv�^ �v .,� Civx --"SOWEERING aEPA RN T OF PUBLIC OMS M2 W Volley aW, Ste. 16 ORA WN & Y SCALE C~ CA - 523204 s TREE r ImpRo YEMEN T (714) 825- MW TRACTS 13078- 182 Ab DESIGNED fy OL WANDER AVENUE WE LEMON STREET 12 13 01a5 le g CWCKED or APPROWIP BY JAA4E$ K. LANGONL RCE 33792 FILE NO J -T.J-, F -,c. CIrY ENGINUR Cors t . G" CLIk'b gJU-ttet' per S+d. 101 Op. Const . 611 curb OLI-ttir-lr ()-r2r' Std. 101 Coi-is t . 14" -thi(--K I -,'C(.,' sidtwali< per 'Std. 105f) Cons t. R -Amp p o r Std. 1040 -Corist . and Spandrel per r3td. 104 &—i'-) d j us 11. Manhole to :fir •ode C' o ris -t . D V,! -:k r i Ab 1 "2 't 1-.1 i C K n e. s s i)C• 0 v e r. I m i n . &—C 0 t 2" f)C. pavin-j over. comp.-:kcted na-tiv'j Soil Cons t '2) 1/2'" M.' paving over compacted native -sciil Rerl)OVQ E:: i. -S -t i P-1 -9 C 1.1 r b 0-& G U : t't e r- 0. i�ilo V,--, (I X J:, t 1 rt g 5 i d e w a I K "'; •:k W -- I- L I t (�R L ---, n t3 -;k --t .: .1 eN a. n e d g- e a J5 G ENE FZ A L NOTES 1. All bior-K shall be dona in accord�-:khce with these PI.ans and the Gil, o-� Font,--kn.-a Public kk-wKs 0ep,).rtment Standzkrd Spe-ci-Fic—Ations d:--tted 1375 2. C0r1S+t--L1(:ti0r1 permirt':S shZ%JJ be ob-tained +rn-rn Fontana PUblic L-JorKs n-c-partine-n-t pric-ir -to -tho- start o+ .-ariv wor-K. 3. Manhole Fr..:tmes and covers :--.hall be C0t1:-;:.+k'LJr--ted to G" ballow , h - finished pavement grade b,,, th-�? Sewer Ci^acI for ZA �1 J S -r ontk I I be raised to grade b5,, the P.-Av ing Cori -t 1--ir , -At the comp letion C. f pav ing 4. v.---iL1vp. c:over--. shFtll be to grade b%.) -the Paving C o F.) +r• aC't o r . T. ndeCJLJA-t'C, sh---All b(:-. set by tho Engineer to eriable the cor-rtr.,xctor to cons-truct 'the worK to the plan grades. -c-tvi-Jed to Cit"', b;, the 3 s -- B u i I + p I A ws sh A- I I b e p Contractor. 7. 11)e Co n + r a c: -t o r. s h :a I I c: o n t z4. c t --t I I sere i i, -i 9 111 -t i I it y c ct inp k n i 'FOk- th,! l0C.Attor) S -:"f UridergrC'Lind iines S T i) RT or CONSTRUCTION. M,') FZ K o Tot) :,F Firc- C i t t'- L) -5 0 Lath o e r t-) v r� JAI ES K LANGONE C/TY -OFfb"" V"N rA NA C4LIFORN/A �Aiv�^ �v .,� Civx --"SOWEERING aEPA RN T OF PUBLIC OMS M2 W Volley aW, Ste. 16 ORA WN & Y SCALE C~ CA - 523204 s TREE r ImpRo YEMEN T (714) 825- MW TRACTS 13078- 182 Ab DESIGNED fy OL WANDER AVENUE WE LEMON STREET 12 13 01a5 le g CWCKED or APPROWIP BY JAA4E$ K. LANGONL RCE 33792 FILE NO J -T.J-, F -,c. CIrY ENGINUR