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mos avE I� 2J �D 3/ 32 33 34 28 27 2co 25 24 23 INDEX MAP SCALE: 1':100 1. The ex�sfcrrce orad /ocof�o� o112or� u�'er rourx/ Ufi/ify ,o<pes condo/%5 or sfr<icfuc-es sfiowr< or7 fhe se 7/o r7�5 o�e o6fo�r�ed b C� s�orc,�i o�'fhe 0ilo/%6/e P --eco rds . To l/�e 6esf O ver ` ,qe / r e orn e o eX1s1 - � uf�/� fres eXce,Qf as shop-vn ori These ,o%r�Tf�e co��froefor- r5 re q�/fired '`o forme o've recou/ror�or � ' y rr�e�ur-es �` ,orofect fhe Ufifify /ii7es s,�iowr� �� these o'ro��i-� s. The corp/i�acfor �rfherossU�nes -b// lNob!/� fG arc/ r es ops / /�f � r fhe U/i/if .r ' e'O cord it slrucf�re s show or- r7or`howrr on fhesn'� 9 2 Corrfraefor ayrrees l/7al he shy/1 asszlr"& s% o�d comms/cfe re� o i,6i/if prre��c�cie�'rnlfre�rC7/lus'ht f/oSC7rpails�e'/of 'urtOoj�ryra�i/if/7h��eeUrcso's/�o�rn-sase cCrldon�Cr�co'o�frsof,r�ue/crrfio-7 0a`70/Ih f,(hge crd oiry/iW/leo' /o r�rrn y no a/ w r,E�i r7 hoUr� ; AX-7(9 the ergqr i7ccr herrn/e s /' s r7mn orry r'eo/. or74I e ed 11-7corrr�ec�`<or7 wr fh fhe ,per !' 1 rce o wor,� o /rs' Pro// e c , ecce �`ir7 /'or- /ro -7 fro. 77 /he so% 1-70 /r cr7ce o fhe o`v�ier• or fh�Er7 ir�oor. y -9 .9 .9 ion V�crn�f� MUp ono 5'co%> 94eWer R/0,1 �etler�a! it/ote� 1. 41/1 wore aha// be done (,r7 accoro'arlce W1 117 tf?e5e ,o%rr� arr t17� C�fy r� � ar�darc� vn e�r' rca•fio`rs' of For�farra Pub/rc worms G�,r�' f'me t St p Baled /97-6 2. Corns/r�/cf�or� ,oermr'fs sha be obtained �, �om fhe Forrlar;� �U6/�c or�c'S tfrrrer�t r'tor fo fhe glom` 0j'pr7G worms yvrfhri-� Me W vec:� p 3. rep-mornale all 4`1 house sewer la/erale of fhe properly Irma Wtfh a play. 4- 41,4deaQmale tgla eee g4all be sal by f/ -7e /o er7ahlC 117e cor�lroctor to 00,^751,-lael I/le wore to l ,o/pry nodes 9 5 ,4// ,dr cpe irre� or subsfrvclureg 0?�9arr ell' aria' all I /e�horre or e �/es wafer rnefers valves h dr�arrfs rrrrq' aflor� .st�vcfur�, etc. 917OW i Or- rrat 91700 )" Orr tirr'sy /ori Arid /0cf7/4&0" wifhrrn ar-eos fo 6e rmvr-Ov'ea' al' -7& ri7fer er-r' w!f� cor�5trucr`ron si�ia//, I hal/ e fh cor�fracr`or's res o�is�br/rfc be re% pled b olhe res t s P o rro!1' all errC!es cor7cer-rred f� ore corsIt-acflorl b rrjj J � y � �. `As Bv� /f ';o%res sha/l be ,or�o�rc�ed lo fhe Cte by fhe cor�fracfor• 7 �!// 4'' Noose Se�ver� latera/� sha// be 1 g fall o' or7 0 2%1 ml r mvm rao'e Uri/ems ofher-wrse o ,oroved b ��e Crf err rrreer� � y 9 .9 ,' y he rb f fhe laeaflot7 012 8 ge`Yer- orrfrar alo' Shall Cf�rSE/ X tr f Coo .9 /V/on�io% �rames al la' cover^,g Io 6e cor7slrue tea' b ff'e sewe r corrfracfor �c�l/Or'! O1 OYt r! � be/ow �r'7�5hep� sur�'aee gC�rade ,arid uo©rr co�,o y� fide avii� corp raCfor 8f7Ct'l/ r-a�5e .90rrre fo rr�isfred ra� p 9 9 )4107-7f/f1,/ Est`r'mafe G-'t7eh 1 8" v c -p Se war M0rr7 / 844 /. /I �Ps�or,�� A/ovse ,Lafera/ 5'017 Bcr-r<orC/�r70 Covrr f� Survo�or 20 2/ 22 E/e vol<on : / 527.59 S Sfcir�durd Sewer lermirrcr/ clear�ov� 1 ea Per Fre%' Boo. 40Q9 - ,once PZ ClQr' COt7�1` er C�'C1<C/!� OhOW/7 OVl 5171 3 � a lal, e. a9 qr /r'e � INDEX MAP SCALE: 1':100 1. The ex�sfcrrce orad /ocof�o� o112or� u�'er rourx/ Ufi/ify ,o<pes condo/%5 or sfr<icfuc-es sfiowr< or7 fhe se 7/o r7�5 o�e o6fo�r�ed b C� s�orc,�i o�'fhe 0ilo/%6/e P --eco rds . To l/�e 6esf O ver ` ,qe / r e orn e o eX1s1 - � uf�/� fres eXce,Qf as shop-vn ori These ,o%r�Tf�e co��froefor- r5 re q�/fired '`o forme o've recou/ror�or � ' y rr�e�ur-es �` ,orofect fhe Ufifify /ii7es s,�iowr� �� these o'ro��i-� s. The corp/i�acfor �rfherossU�nes -b// lNob!/� fG arc/ r es ops / /�f � r fhe U/i/if .r ' e'O cord it slrucf�re s show or- r7or`howrr on fhesn'� 9 2 Corrfraefor ayrrees l/7al he shy/1 asszlr"& s% o�d comms/cfe re� o i,6i/if prre��c�cie�'rnlfre�rC7/lus'ht f/oSC7rpails�e'/of 'urtOoj�ryra�i/if/7h��eeUrcso's/�o�rn-sase cCrldon�Cr�co'o�frsof,r�ue/crrfio-7 0a`70/Ih f,(hge crd oiry/iW/leo' /o r�rrn y no a/ w r,E�i r7 hoUr� ; AX-7(9 the ergqr i7ccr herrn/e s /' s r7mn orry r'eo/. or74I e ed 11-7corrr�ec�`<or7 wr fh fhe ,per !' 1 rce o wor,� o /rs' Pro// e c , ecce �`ir7 /'or- /ro -7 fro. 77 /he so% 1-70 /r cr7ce o fhe o`v�ier• or fh�Er7 ir�oor. y -9 .9 .9 ion V�crn�f� MUp ono 5'co%> 94eWer R/0,1 �etler�a! it/ote� 1. 41/1 wore aha// be done (,r7 accoro'arlce W1 117 tf?e5e ,o%rr� arr t17� C�fy r� � ar�darc� vn e�r' rca•fio`rs' of For�farra Pub/rc worms G�,r�' f'me t St p Baled /97-6 2. Corns/r�/cf�or� ,oermr'fs sha be obtained �, �om fhe Forrlar;� �U6/�c or�c'S tfrrrer�t r'tor fo fhe glom` 0j'pr7G worms yvrfhri-� Me W vec:� p 3. rep-mornale all 4`1 house sewer la/erale of fhe properly Irma Wtfh a play. 4- 41,4deaQmale tgla eee g4all be sal by f/ -7e /o er7ahlC 117e cor�lroctor to 00,^751,-lael I/le wore to l ,o/pry nodes 9 5 ,4// ,dr cpe irre� or subsfrvclureg 0?�9arr ell' aria' all I /e�horre or e �/es wafer rnefers valves h dr�arrfs rrrrq' aflor� .st�vcfur�, etc. 917OW i Or- rrat 91700 )" Orr tirr'sy /ori Arid /0cf7/4&0" wifhrrn ar-eos fo 6e rmvr-Ov'ea' al' -7& ri7fer er-r' w!f� cor�5trucr`ron si�ia//, I hal/ e fh cor�fracr`or's res o�is�br/rfc be re% pled b olhe res t s P o rro!1' all errC!es cor7cer-rred f� ore corsIt-acflorl b rrjj J � y � �. `As Bv� /f ';o%res sha/l be ,or�o�rc�ed lo fhe Cte by fhe cor�fracfor• 7 �!// 4'' Noose Se�ver� latera/� sha// be 1 g fall o' or7 0 2%1 ml r mvm rao'e Uri/ems ofher-wrse o ,oroved b ��e Crf err rrreer� � y 9 .9 ,' y he rb f fhe laeaflot7 012 8 ge`Yer- orrfrar alo' Shall Cf�rSE/ X tr f Coo .9 /V/on�io% �rames al la' cover^,g Io 6e cor7slrue tea' b ff'e sewe r corrfracfor �c�l/Or'! O1 OYt r! � be/ow �r'7�5hep� sur�'aee gC�rade ,arid uo©rr co�,o y� fide avii� corp raCfor 8f7Ct'l/ r-a�5e .90rrre fo rr�isfred ra� p 9 9 )4107-7f/f1,/ Est`r'mafe G-'t7eh 1 8" v c -p Se war M0rr7 / 844 /. /I �Ps�or,�� A/ovse ,Lafera/ 5'017 Bcr-r<orC/�r70 Covrr f� Survo�or 3 far�c/ard fewer Marr/lo .e 2 ep. E/e vol<on : / 527.59 S Sfcir�durd Sewer lermirrcr/ clear�ov� 1 ea Per Fre%' Boo. 40Q9 - ,once PZ ClQr' COt7�1` er C�'C1<C/!� OhOW/7 OVl 5171 3 � a eon t o/or�9 ,�i9/7/or�C/ Ave sue %prom Sri rrq 5 a 2 X88 Ave nve ,30 ' S'oufh one/ r� 5'ec f<on 2��3 2, r.1 A/, e 5 W. N Tc�,vrcol Bea'd�'n� J 6e1220lad no/I've x f e ¢'' po bedo'� -cy compoc c o 90 dor 8" il, c, P. Nouse ziletpal Zaeallaas Lo/ 4/0• 91mol Wamlofq �' w loeoMw •'�� u�: �ooco� o �Ps�or,�� 2 " / 7 4- 24 3 " / f 70 a 5 a 2 X88 r� f 90 4-1-54 " 9 5 100 /0 '' 6 �- 64 l3 rr 4 14 7 4- % 17 0 1448 , /8 rr 74 08 , 19 174-5(6 20 r� 21-32 22 3 74--q,7 " 23 3 7432 24 " 2 7-82 f 27 746'3 27 28 0 /-5 � 29 ,Cos ee(:�'ros tape o 74 46 " 90 rr 17417 9/ rr / 7458 32 � 2 74 92 33 � 27487 " 94 it 37437 35 914-92 2 f 82 ,r 37 �i 2 7427 ,r 74-63 40 01453 " 41 earner Ave- �5 f rag r, 43 60 " 45 9 7'46 47 '' ?7 440 " TCO8 4J / 70(-18 " OAVOWAI 0/V 7-e. No. /2 X0,3 SEYY�ie A:M-A /Ve 5/ glanc/an-f 4 ve ,3/ 62 n 3/ f � 2 53 ri 32 -1-115 r� -7- " 66 90 r, 67 94 f' 43 ri 58 69 35 f 67 cO 44 F�r I TY CSF i I