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U. PEI til-� In 0112 Pit tury & rb. t, 112 %- \3 19247 146257 A6267 /6277 74JA C% e4l. /S2 -6 241 - /9.2 -C 29/a152-4 241-152 3 241-l52-2. 39A/CN Wtk # JS6 eb. N*,t PP #8017BIS NS eAt OLLOPER AND BAs ELIAlf. fZfV. 14,03.96 SEW.clt LArEQAL LOLArim Lay w. USIANgh Al BUILT 291 I 4+70 -7 "Z 3 "20 3 a06 Zia -7 /+26 10 AL, 241 241-41Z-13 /61 -A 16299 /4266 /6276 7412 tl- Io4o. -9 /f 7& A 2d 3 ?0SO I( 44 �4 2a J 6 4 EXIA ThVIA GUAR 4� N3.1"EXISI-Id4 Ad 67' -ro MA019Y Mar ss, R Exp s1'!a ULRB AAIL%) -7 -z 4-` I -AW `51 -Y A 16+00 C'6 k1f M, H. d A 7 7p' R /W Z7 12+Q ZA93r AA. U. PEI til-� In 0112 Pit tury & rb. t, 112 %- \3 19247 146257 A6267 /6277 74JA C% e4l. /S2 -6 241 - /9.2 -C 29/a152-4 241-152 3 241-l52-2. 39A/CN Wtk # JS6 eb. N*,t PP #8017BIS NS eAt OLLOPER AND BAs ELIAlf. fZfV. 14,03.96 SEW.clt LArEQAL LOLArim Lay w. USIANgh Al BUILT 291 I 4+70 -7 "Z 3 "20 3 a06 Zia -7 /+26 10 AL, 14/-/52-/b -4 f74 90, -9 tl- Io4o. -9 /f 7& 7 2d 3 ?0SO I( 4+S7 �4 2a J 6 4 EXIA ThVIA GUAR N3.1"EXISI-Id4 Ad 67' -ro MA019Y Mar '/6207:.. 1621 7 M 2 7-T 16735 241-152 -/J 241 -]SZ -9 241-IS2-JS 241.IS2--7 Exp s1'!a ULRB AAIL%) -7 -z 4-` I -AW `51 -Y A 16+00 C'6 k1f M, H. d A 7 7p' R /W Z7 12+Q ZA93r AA. U. PEI til-� In 0112 Pit tury & rb. t, 112 %- \3 19247 146257 A6267 /6277 74JA C% e4l. /S2 -6 241 - /9.2 -C 29/a152-4 241-152 3 241-l52-2. 39A/CN Wtk # JS6 eb. N*,t PP #8017BIS NS eAt OLLOPER AND BAs ELIAlf. fZfV. 14,03.96 SEW.clt LArEQAL LOLArim Lay w. USIANgh Al BUILT 291 I 4+70 "Z 3 "20 3 a06 Zia -7 /+26 10 14/-/52-/b -4 f74 90, -9 tl- Io4o. -9 /f 7& 7 2d 3 ?0SO I( 4+S7 �4 2a J 6 4 GENERAL NOTES: 1. All work shall be done in accordance with these plans and City of Fontana Public Works Department Standard Specifications dated 1975. 2. All 4" house sewer laterals shall be installed on a 2% minimum grade unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 3. Terminate all 4" house sewer laterals at property line with a plug. 4. Sewer contractor shall chisel an "X" on top of curb at the location of laterals. 5. All Manhole frames and covers shall be constructed 6" below finished surface grade and upon completion of paving, the paving contractor shall raise to finish grade all such structures. 6. All pipelines or structures of any kind, and all telephone or power poles, water meter valves or hydrants, irrigation structures, etc., shown or not shown on these plans and located within the area to be improved and interfering with construction shall be relocated at no cost to the City of Fontana. It shall be the contractors responsibility to notify all agencies concerned, before beginning construction. a t6AI-5fRte CTIM A1j0fr--S (Z) ZNIsr 8" V6 -P SNflt MAV /7�kf OTY -SPFZhC1,(Ar16N.S- Z ZMS-F 4 V. Z. P LA ri 12A L S IFR L ITY -S FD # 12 4 &ALAT W-ZASJ, -5rh. MANNALEs Pik LILY Sr1).#11a AR.CA -Fh AAC PAVIA W17N /11 1611f9LAY. 0 M001FY,6x1r2r&, GI-td?� 27 X220