HomeMy WebLinkAbout1258-1CONSTRUCTION NOTES & ESTIMATED QUANTITIES. . CONST. -NOTE NO. • DESCRIPTION STREETS 1 CONST.2" A.C. ON O"A.B. OVER COMPACTED NATIVE SOIL 1 nspect ion to be cal 1 ed for through the C i ty of Fontana (714- CONST. 3" CURB & GUTTER PER STD. DWG, 101 - 4 CONS ` . 6"CURE, .y J_ i TER PER STD. D.WG. 101 _ - 5 CONST. 6 1 -1% ONLY PER STD. D.WG 101 _- 07 CONST. TRANSITI OKI Mli') ONLY AROUND RET E. TO 8" C. F. ) All new or existing valve boxes shall be adjusted to grade by COM51-. STANDARD CRS S`, SUTTE R P � R 1 U . DW G 104 _ paving contractor, after the completion of paving. CONST . 4'' P . C . C . 51 D[_ v�;\L K (11'— CONST. S 1 DEWALK ACCESS RAMP PER D.WG 104-A _ 12 CONST-. DRI VEM),l APPROACH P - T D w G 103 _ -8—INSTALL STREET NAND' SIGN (17` INSTALL BARRICADE PCR ST D.WG. 118 (18} /ii/ST,4L&' S TC>f' S/GN C1_9)---- - W/SRNIN(: SIGNS (2-1INSTALL RE_DIJOOD HEADER QUANTITY IUNIT rRE 8.528 17 10C �3 � •F -- �4p s. IC !D 46:, R lP 45' Fl• i ET IMPROVEMENT FOR GENERAL NOTES: PLANS1 Al l work and materials shall comply with the specifications and TRACT N 0. 12 810-1, 2 &3 L F KEW sF TR. /2f3/0 TR. 428/a - T9.1281'0 >/\ 6 - �,<�N 2'/2'' : C OVER Con%iP�GT D NAT 11/ ()l�_ - 3 s F Tib' allo -X e z 2 //V5T�1 LL 2'X V��/�h'f�i� 33l� L ° '� { so' b.9 2 ��l L€VEL .3a LAIC &01P16', Tib ,1.540p� ;. &"X�Sr. 4VE/YI&W r �n Z,Q / Ca/>//.�A Y 3 2 T"0 7R L . p 2 2�/4 ~.r _ - ESC/$T - dwsr -T pl-I,ASC ff 32 94/ 2906-5 4 217 7 , 2 /C.3 733 �- -� � �AT�H �X1sT /�•91V�/Yl'1/T o 1/�if/(�� v�7��D� s�'ooT,�/ 'T�,•� If fV - 2 302 42 5" 442 11699 G.F' 4 /799 70Z 2�/? ,r-'949 L - , `� �'. ,: Ner o scA�E TR 128/0 -r a 5 ; 63 - 103 L.F '' / "- = r hole .5'749. Z3 To STS 07- 6 63 10.3 Z. Ir. 8 Z 16 lo• 2/l0�o S.F. R��' � � R/�' I 3 8,39 /o g16-06- l.3 Iwo 9/3 3O 32 29; s. F' yAs `e� 20' /2' 9 e Z 30 33 g7 �A 0 /21 8' 7 41 • 3 3I � �� 2 / 5 �� � j 4 o.s ti �. Q LEVEL77+ L/NE 0.30 /O -v I" s�OPE lv �- 7/4��� - W 2% 2% ¢ / _ 7 w 5 4 3 2 / 2i Zoo Z5 gig. 9 rs 1 f y 'O — - 2 1!-� A L MAVENUE NOT TO 5G.9LE- I/�o�� -sr�. « f� 25 ro sr►. 23 /9. �9 1 /A/AC Y Ad /1 Co /o, OL/0 /2, /i7 14,774 3%191 Ste• i 3F� 5Z0 X334' G� 4 IN ?-�,WT17 Y Ec5T//V/, q TE �'?/w 601 R1W @-CONS7- (r) 'Igl" 88 12' 18, 18, 12' 4 i ' 8' /01 /01 8' 00�D �' f 0.501 4' o.o7" 0.20' 0.07' 4' - 0-501 ; ` „ 0.20' L E VEL L INE ii �� SLOPE I/4 F'T�% — /o SLOPE -Co/1/57r CL'�7sS /3 C'o/1/C E/l/C��5'EiVI�iUT ,�a�' ,��,����� 41 ¢ O , 4 4 yi T.W/O.35 L F MONTGOMERY DRIVE ELAINE DRIVE , 72 ONST L)ETC17-laIl ' 1_51,5WV - • � t1 NIAGARA� DRIVE CATAWBA DRIV..E. , 73 COWS?- ,LTi 0C70RZ_1,CZ`1*PSTD IDI/6 124 / NO SCALE 37 �.F � - �. PRIVATE ENGINEERS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS 76 - 60&5T 6' h//GP C/-M//V GIIX FZAV, CE'W1?_ SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY EXISTING UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES G1}TZ-_5 �8�,�) PZ -!q C ZRAN5 ST%, 4-78-1,q. 460 Z. F. Contractor agrees that he shall assume sole and complete responsi- bility for job site conditions during the course of construction of The existence and location of any underground pipes or structures 7 CONS /D x/o� z' R/� SAP ��aT�cT�an� this project, including safety of al 1 persons and property, that shown on these plans was obtained by a search of available records. the requirements shall apply continuously and not be limited to -To the best of our knowledge there are no existing utilities except 1:/" Rccl<S) 75 - C. Y normal working hours; and that the Contractor shall defend, i ndem- as shown on these plans. The Contractor is required to take due nify and hold the Owner and the Engineer harmless from any and all precautionary measures to protect the existing utility lines and any - liability, real or alleged, in connection with the performance of work lines not of record or not shown on these plans. on this project, excepting for liability arising from the sole neg- Iigence of thIe Owner or the Engineer. pire PWO�Gia��nin�G 972 Town & Country Road, Orange, California 92668 Telephone (714) 835-4447 A Planning Research Company NOT TO SCALE BASE L INE AVE. I • standard plans of the City of Fontana, Public Works Department DRAWN: dated 1975. REVISIONS 2. 1 nspect ion to be cal 1 ed for through the C i ty of Fontana (714- DATE DESCRIPTION 9/6 �.� MOrr/r a�Py P/? EG I/�t/ �i 823-3411) 24 hours prior to starting work. /' �.�'o� 3. All utility companies to be given 48 hours notice prior to working around their facilities. 4. All new or existing valve boxes shall be adjusted to grade by ' paving contractor, after the completion of paving. 5. During the working day, trenches may be left open across existing street prov id ing traff is f lows in both d irect ions. No trench may be left open overnight on existing street unless authorized in waiting by the City Engineer. PROJEC T -'e-111 /T"R /2810•-,� 6. All utilities shall be installed, tested -and approved prior to paving. S 7. Prior to construction the contractor shall obtain permits from • the City of Fontana, Public Works Department. TR - /28/o - ff- 8. If any existing util i -ties or any other facilities conflict with the proposed improvements, work shall stop and the engineer notified �. i immediatelly of this situation. ; ' g. Dust control shall conform to the provisions in Section 10 of the Standard Specifications and as hereinafter spec if i ed . 10. Adequate stakes shall be set by the engineer to enable the MILLER contractor to construct the work to the plan grades. I . Manhole frames and covers shat 1 be constructed 6" below finished shal 1 be raised to grade — - pavement grade by the sewer contractor and TR at the completion of project by the paving contractor. 12. As -built plans shall be provided by the contractor to the City. SGT_ L//11--_)1 L/NE 0.30 /O -v I" s�OPE lv �- 7/4��� - W 2% 2% ¢ / _ 7 w 5 4 3 2 / 2i Zoo Z5 gig. 9 rs 1 f y 'O — - 2 1!-� A L MAVENUE NOT TO 5G.9LE- I/�o�� -sr�. « f� 25 ro sr►. 23 /9. �9 1 /A/AC Y Ad /1 Co /o, OL/0 /2, /i7 14,774 3%191 Ste• i 3F� 5Z0 X334' G� 4 IN ?-�,WT17 Y Ec5T//V/, q TE �'?/w 601 R1W @-CONS7- (r) 'Igl" 88 12' 18, 18, 12' 4 i ' 8' /01 /01 8' 00�D �' f 0.501 4' o.o7" 0.20' 0.07' 4' - 0-501 ; ` „ 0.20' L E VEL L INE ii �� SLOPE I/4 F'T�% — /o SLOPE -Co/1/57r CL'�7sS /3 C'o/1/C E/l/C��5'EiVI�iUT ,�a�' ,��,����� 41 ¢ O , 4 4 yi T.W/O.35 L F MONTGOMERY DRIVE ELAINE DRIVE , 72 ONST L)ETC17-laIl ' 1_51,5WV - • � t1 NIAGARA� DRIVE CATAWBA DRIV..E. , 73 COWS?- ,LTi 0C70RZ_1,CZ`1*PSTD IDI/6 124 / NO SCALE 37 �.F � - �. PRIVATE ENGINEERS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS 76 - 60&5T 6' h//GP C/-M//V GIIX FZAV, CE'W1?_ SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY EXISTING UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES G1}TZ-_5 �8�,�) PZ -!q C ZRAN5 ST%, 4-78-1,q. 460 Z. F. Contractor agrees that he shall assume sole and complete responsi- bility for job site conditions during the course of construction of The existence and location of any underground pipes or structures 7 CONS /D x/o� z' R/� SAP ��aT�cT�an� this project, including safety of al 1 persons and property, that shown on these plans was obtained by a search of available records. the requirements shall apply continuously and not be limited to -To the best of our knowledge there are no existing utilities except 1:/" Rccl<S) 75 - C. Y normal working hours; and that the Contractor shall defend, i ndem- as shown on these plans. The Contractor is required to take due nify and hold the Owner and the Engineer harmless from any and all precautionary measures to protect the existing utility lines and any - liability, real or alleged, in connection with the performance of work lines not of record or not shown on these plans. on this project, excepting for liability arising from the sole neg- Iigence of thIe Owner or the Engineer. pire PWO�Gia��nin�G 972 Town & Country Road, Orange, California 92668 Telephone (714) 835-4447 A Planning Research Company NOT TO SCALE BASE L INE AVE. I V/C/N/T Y NIA P NOT TO SCA L E BASIS OF BEARINGS. T�h'� ��/j��.�-' �f��G�//�/-i��,�n/A/ �,�'� fI✓�� l�/`��i� 7�-/� G�n/��i�� �i�"�9L�E�/4 A VZ IVL/E A- 0 5he1q�/iv /5y 7�,,-�rIVOln9i 111`15 � - L✓��/�/�%fj ��0,�/. ✓�,� jfJ�//`�T /��(�0���'� PLANS WERE PREPARED IN THE OFFICE F' THESE/�I�G/It 1� R V 10CRPA'G PHONE: 835-4447 UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF. DATE 71'3/ R.C.E. / �%D DRAWN: BENCH MARK' No. X08 /f?O/V �/.�E AT THE' /�vrE�?s �r�oN OF M/LLQ/?A A vE'NUE AIVO 10,01 � AV,E-1/vE �L�✓ _ X3¢2. 37 REVISIONS h/. VOR DESIGNED: . DEL GADO DATE DESCRIPTION 9/6 �.� MOrr/r a�Py P/? EG I/�t/ �i CHECKED: J. % � uA /' �.�'o� sr��� .yY�,P��c rr X-��rrra,Q oAv SCALE: 4S- S11OWN PROJEC T -'e-111 W MILLER V/C/N/T Y NIA P NOT TO SCA L E BASIS OF BEARINGS. T�h'� ��/j��.�-' �f��G�//�/-i��,�n/A/ �,�'� fI✓�� l�/`��i� 7�-/� G�n/��i�� �i�"�9L�E�/4 A VZ IVL/E A- 0 5he1q�/iv /5y 7�,,-�rIVOln9i 111`15 � - L✓��/�/�%fj ��0,�/. ✓�,� jfJ�//`�T /��(�0���'� PLANS WERE PREPARED IN THE OFFICE F' THESE/�I�G/It 1� R V 10CRPA'G PHONE: 835-4447 UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF. DATE 71'3/ R.C.E. / �%D DRAWN: BENCH MARK' No. X08 /f?O/V �/.�E AT THE' /�vrE�?s �r�oN OF M/LLQ/?A A vE'NUE AIVO 10,01 � AV,E-1/vE �L�✓ _ X3¢2. 37 REVISIONS h/. VOR DESIGNED: . DEL GADO DATE DESCRIPTION 9/6 �.� MOrr/r a�Py P/? EG I/�t/ �i CHECKED: J. % � uA /' �.�'o� sr��� .yY�,P��c rr X-��rrra,Q oAv SCALE: 4S- S11OWN i G J CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREET /MPROVEMEIUT ' PLANS SHEET N0. _1 TR.A.0 T OF 8 ,SHEETS APPROVED: ` DATE: � G� �5 DWG. N0. CITY ENGINEER RICE 18932 /n�S$