HomeMy WebLinkAbout1218-1Uu�� L//7e `rvc�iv� Gore 1r414 51T� J Dn/ /25.G8 �?G, G. Gross Gd le*ml-41 483 eansIt-Ild OENERAL NOTES ; , `Ayezzoe e" Gurb � 641h,Vdr 6 /a. too. All work shall be done is accordance with these plans And the City of eom-olrucl C` Gurb � hiller per -51al, rro, /0/. see Spee/ /0�2 v y. 7 - /_-00 1171'11 Jac soh Sa-- 9 �2emove barricade Ad i1.61 .Sewer Manhole To Grade . Ora . � � r Typi e a / Sec lion ��ri a AVeyiyc' hof h sca/e See sheef e of 2 Typice SediOe7 Lido 'e /sof o 5Ga le 157ce This Sheer 4hMe Typica / 5ec�ion XhileM driye h 60-' sca e see --heel e i'2 JaGkeon drive oast v. otiQrr aters Base Lire �ver�ue Gore 1r414 fANemerll oyer Na live Vii/. Dn/ /25.G8 �?G, G. Gross Gd le*ml-41 483 eansIt-Ild OENERAL NOTES ; , eonslrV4 / e" Gurb � 641h,Vdr 6 /a. too. All work shall be done is accordance with these plans And the City of eom-olrucl C` Gurb � hiller per -51al, rro, /0/. see Spee/ /0�2 � y. 7 - 2. Jac soh Sa-- 9 �2emove barricade Ad i1.61 .Sewer Manhole To Grade . Ora . � ti Il IZ 3, N C orb Gyeye Pala 11V- ,Pis ohargc per std. no. /2¢. Vl i 31 O)to -,38.00' 9- 20.00' A* , Water valve covclrs shall be raised to grade by the Pavi.n� Contractor. Q- 2✓�'3a�4�24'1 d = 90°OD'00'� 5•. Adequate stakes shall be set by the Pngibeer to enable the Contractor to L=4�8,Z8' L =3/.42' construct the work to tho plan grades. Mille) Aellae 6. As -built plans alhall be provided tit the City by the ,Contractor. e %= 20,00' Ma IAV-a/e The Contractor shall contact all serving utility companies for loo_ati 6xe = g64'�"Z � r Typi e a / Sec lion ��ri a AVeyiyc' hof h sca/e See sheef e of 2 Typice SediOe7 Lido 'e /sof o 5Ga le 157ce This Sheer 4hMe Typica / 5ec�ion XhileM driye h 60-' sca e see --heel e i'2 JaGkeon drive oast v. otiQrr aters l Gore 1r414 fANemerll oyer Na live Vii/. Dn/ /25.G8 �?G, G. Gross Gd le*ml-41 483 eansIt-Ild OENERAL NOTES ; , eonslrV4 / e" Gurb � 641h,Vdr 6 /a. too. All work shall be done is accordance with these plans And the City of eom-olrucl C` Gurb � hiller per -51al, rro, /0/. ---- ]Fontana Public Works Department Standard Specifications dated -1975, 4'� f'C. G: ✓�"ideyva/k. _per st4! /�o . /05 A )ftmpd Gvrb ieehvrn Per O,�d, no. 104 -�-. 7 - 2. Construction permSts shall be obtained from-Pontanva Public Works Depart- Sa-- 9 �2emove barricade Ad i1.61 .Sewer Manhole To Grade . Ora . ment prior to the start of smy work. C/ea--0111 % h C Ode. Il IZ 3, Malthole frames and covers shall be conetruct6d F!' below 'finished pavemont C orb Gyeye Pala 1 All 4 Gurb /?ef�r� aa ,Pis ohargc per std. no. /2¢. grade by the Sewer Contractor and shall be raised to grade at the comple- tion of the paving by the Waving Contractor. O)to -,38.00' 9- 20.00' A* , Water valve covclrs shall be raised to grade by the Pavi.n� Contractor. Q- 2✓�'3a�4�24'1 d = 90°OD'00'� 5•. Adequate stakes shall be set by the Pngibeer to enable the Contractor to L=4�8,Z8' L =3/.42' construct the work to tho plan grades. 6. As -built plans alhall be provided tit the City by the ,Contractor. %= 20,00' 7 The Contractor shall contact all serving utility companies for loo_ati 6xe = g64'�"Z See She / 2 U0 2 o s 191 I I . of existing underground lines that may exist which are not shown ora these, >• plans before t:�e start of any work, � r Typi e a / Sec lion ��ri a AVeyiyc' hof h sca/e See sheef e of 2 Typice SediOe7 Lido 'e /sof o 5Ga le 157ce This Sheer 4hMe Typica / 5ec�ion XhileM driye h 60-' sca e see --heel e i'2 JaGkeon drive oast v. otiQrr aters l Gore 1r414 fANemerll oyer Na live Vii/. Dn/ /25.G8 �?G, G. Gross Gd le*ml-41 483 eansIt-Ild ?Ar" ,44- Aawm nl oy�r.�' " � l�amperc%d /S/ve-ivo god eonslrV4 / e" Gurb � 641h,Vdr 6 /a. too. A,G. pavemerIl 36, W76 eom-olrucl C` Gurb � hiller per -51al, rro, /0/. ---- Gorr6rvG� Gores frvcf 4'� f'C. G: ✓�"ideyva/k. _per st4! /�o . /05 A )ftmpd Gvrb ieehvrn Per O,�d, no. 104 -�-. 7 - Gors�rvcf Gross �Gv er per o� moo. IM Sa-- 9 �2emove barricade Ad i1.61 .Sewer Manhole To Grade . Ora . -fewer C/ea--0111 % h C Ode. Il IZ Oon s frvaf Gons f root Gurb lnl&t gMve twr P&e ofd ho. /e/, !N- 4' strvotvr� ,Pis ohargc per std. no. /2¢. 6511/na fe o)p Q11a,"7 fieS Gurb�v�fer 253, 90 1.)9. 6 `Re,, G Barb �6illler Dn/ /25.G8 �?G, G. Gross Gd le*ml-41 483 Z. f-. 9, er R G. 5io�ewa/k 7,A' 5.3 09 9./, r-, A,G. pavemerIl 36, W76 9. Ix.- (¢89 7_0175) 4d'1161 3 �a . J 5f . ;ewer G%ar7-ot/ o Grade / ZQ , 51orm drain 2IOOP 183.87 L.�' . 1orm . rairn Inlet 51rvclaP-e I �:Q , 5�orrn Arain 01iS arge /' Ora . i