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At completion of pavingp a materials report shall be submitted to the City# Ing /D 'M P, —0 of the City of Fontana* Public Works Dept., listing jkll tests or determinations It 16' A — — lysis of asphalt oil, content and sieve ana A, & ed to verify: (,A)stabilityo complet surfacing, (ib)H-valuej sieve analysis and sand equivalent of aggregate base* EXIISTING CuR5,r-_%uT-rE:R.:j #A M All pipe,lines or substructures of any kind (tel.9 power polesp water meterst within the -limits of valves, hydrantst T ­ shown or not shown etc.) on these plans here improvement work is to be done, tSAA6 t k LP to 17. Z 4- this development or in adjacent areas w cost to the ci ty of Fontana; it 171 WALNUT TREF_-S TO M F_ FMM 0\1 5. 0 shall be removed/relocated as required at no shall be the owners responsibility- to notify all agencies concerned* V Ca 0 io Ld \J 6. A permit from the City of Fontana will be required prior to the beginning of F U TU Pt E V V 0 \J R/W any work for construction within the City of Fontana right of way or easements. -4 �E.C.M. 0+ 4.1.&'7 F.L. -14.19 CK -be set by the eng. to endble the contractor to construct C47 C4 U, %3 k%Adequate stakes shall 44 V1 12 U TU Q U the work to the plan Cradese ak- An encroachf6ent permit must be obtained from the City of Fontana prior to m 7 .0 mit or building permit F_ Ing application and issuance of a gthding per Ar rt and the proposed strue r a meterials repo 9 m �3 At the completion of - ough gradinet to the submitted by the 6ng. publia works dept, of the tural sedtion shall be n when all City of Fontana for review and evaluation. I.pproval will be Cive % I Oil# otructural requirements have been me.te AS � ISUILT PLAM SMAU IRS PROVIUM TIO 1141- CI'T'y air irom-TxMN BY THE. 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