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(0.0".1 Alk )%.aArmvwAiP 4*f 1_4;A6~l )%Powm) le"A0.4.R. .37 4 - A IS'AF. e. � .0 L. A. Jew i/Me AWmve 4. JUMMON 0/-OW/Pre t4l Ore a A&PY .406t.6 Index A V I IT. �3z 01 'R tr A - OPO 147.0 A404r L IN& AVi&,Av& ;AJ A V;rej Ilk 4Y 7­A.:`A1 C 7- 11 '44 X 0 F Sol / 0:0 C-00 v 4�6 L:j dal/I Me ;rY,P/CX 41C tmARO Y, e, WENrS Avor 74 Z�:"Cr/'OA'00' .044 Mlegl,04 14 VeIV415 VICINITY AMP nej �,* Oedle AVOA17-&A#fO-r)e 071114f A - � __ -.0 - .01 AdIvil 70Y.PICA L sec rZOA/ Av r - 7v 044 t & A1OA9r'Y--AO1171-1 07L-mAPIM OM2�er:!f 0-5 01 1"116 *70" w. C� 00) C. . (0.0".1 Alk )%.aArmvwAiP 4*f 1_4;A6~l )%Powm) 771PICA L SEC r/OA/ Nor 7o, 44 --of 7 - MeOT IN74'�CIOR e5XoMf-7_4' 0. — OL T (MMAL NOM: Olrda2ee Mi -ft t' *so pla" aiNd th All voi* shall be d020 0 ftty of lrotta2a Public Works Department Standard Specifications dated J975* 2, Construction permIts shall be obtai-2od from', Irontana Public Works Depat-t-0 mezt� prior to the start of any work* 3, Makhole frames and- covers shallr bi constructka 611 below finished pavem6st grade by the Sewer Contractor and shall be raised to grade at the complo- tion, of the paying by the Paying Contractor. 4, Water valve covers shall be raised to grade by the Paying Contractor. 5. Adequate stakes shall be met by the Engineer to enable the Contractor to construct the work to the plan grades. As -built plans shall be provided to thd City by the Contractor. l 7. The Contractor shall contact all serving utility Companies for locatifte of existing underground lines that may exist which are not shown on th*** plans before the start of any work, 99T runt or 6" PCC ftrb & Glitt op Lr 6" PCC Curb & Gutter 5335o83 LF 60 -PCC Curb Only 188*32 LF' as' re SIP. PM crose Gutter Sp 1482 SF POC Sidewalk 179811 AC Pavement 369683 SIP (1040 Tona) Barricade I EA .4 ZA AA 8 7 41 V /0 IV Anche evr�ft�p (714) -0 _M? A"4 Z�W# ,<enn e .P.�00 CITY OF FONrAIVA CALhCoORNIA mom JUMS X. LANSMIZ 4 AVOLV AVALMS OePAAMMEArr &r Z. W 4�s, e. 4400* MMAI.. Ch. IYESZO ALMERIA AMW_4e� (714) -46e6,# Af7X mAcr Aw. 10-9407-Z 70 Z ir. OY10-.3 J -T J. d*A zzlrw d1rA-"W1AO"`AW_e& le"A0.4.R. .37 4 - A IS'AF. e. � .0 L. A. 4. JUMMON 0/-OW/Pre t4l 771PICA L SEC r/OA/ Nor 7o, 44 --of 7 - MeOT IN74'�CIOR e5XoMf-7_4' 0. — OL T (MMAL NOM: Olrda2ee Mi -ft t' *so pla" aiNd th All voi* shall be d020 0 ftty of lrotta2a Public Works Department Standard Specifications dated J975* 2, Construction permIts shall be obtai-2od from', Irontana Public Works Depat-t-0 mezt� prior to the start of any work* 3, Makhole frames and- covers shallr bi constructka 611 below finished pavem6st grade by the Sewer Contractor and shall be raised to grade at the complo- tion, of the paying by the Paying Contractor. 4, Water valve covers shall be raised to grade by the Paying Contractor. 5. Adequate stakes shall be met by the Engineer to enable the Contractor to construct the work to the plan grades. As -built plans shall be provided to thd City by the Contractor. l 7. The Contractor shall contact all serving utility Companies for locatifte of existing underground lines that may exist which are not shown on th*** plans before the start of any work, 99T runt or 6" PCC ftrb & Glitt op Lr 6" PCC Curb & Gutter 5335o83 LF 60 -PCC Curb Only 188*32 LF' as' re SIP. PM crose Gutter Sp 1482 SF POC Sidewalk 179811 AC Pavement 369683 SIP (1040 Tona) Barricade I EA .4 ZA AA 8 7 41 V /0 IV Anche evr�ft�p (714) -0 _M? A"4 Z�W# ,<enn e .P.�00 CITY OF FONrAIVA CALhCoORNIA mom JUMS X. LANSMIZ 4 AVOLV AVALMS OePAAMMEArr &r Z. W 4�s, e. 4400* MMAI.. Ch. IYESZO ALMERIA AMW_4e� (714) -46e6,# Af7X mAcr Aw. 10-9407-Z 70 Z ir. OY10-.3 J -T J. d*A zzlrw d1rA-"W1AO"`AW_e&