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A PLAN A feral Dr "Y/Ce CO/7CJ'eCf'/0/7 SC/ f/Ush with FRAME 41,?d COYER Sfreef finish Grode %See Detail rhes Sheet) f-%r�rshed Grode ,. ' 77 roP RINGS Note: Max. D/stonce From v �� '� � .411 3'; 6'� /8" os re9uired Finish 6t -odd, to Finish SMp 0 Abe /-¢" a `b .;, TAPERED ECCENTRIC 30N3� .b .o d CENTER SECt/ONS ; l6; 30;'.32; yrj 48" A. A.S. A 4. Desiynotion ,/W -170 par Wall y/oe ,9 of � Center sections Moy Be Used' For Bottom o /`eps do 14"fo /6" soc7fj©/�S -5100C b7q 8" v BOTTOM SECT/ONS • /2" /.5" .24"� ,36" Sheho Slope P: /'our C/a ':4 " Concrete r/o6/e 'e Bose to r 010 rrUnk p • - :� . Truk ii SECTION A -A. PRECAST CONCRETE Wo4A1#0L E DErAIL e I 4- "'Form cushion arouod riser ploe enter)n9 c%r704/f f'rorne Cor>7�ocfeo' Eorfh -� C FRAME AND COVER to be A/horr>bro Foundry Co. Plate A-10.41. ,Place C> F/nish G, -ode /n S`freels 8" C 01 C 7"' P/uy Securely ELEtIATATION SECT/ON Ae" L / �1." -SECTION C -C IYPICAL, CLEANOUr DE TA /L E 2 M\M TOP RING DE rA IL Thrcfrness v,�' EQch Section to be o 1w1';7Anu1n oP 6" Unrelnf'orced or�c/ -� " Reinr"orced. Tor79ue , rOlnf Groove ' olr7f te'/f Foorn rope used .48" 1 0. JO/NT DErAIL -Grout rnsro'c Joirrf Ori/y F/Ush GY/fh Inferior Sur/'oce • /'' D�Q�eter Po/ e/hy/ewe Foorrr RooaDer�.srfy r-Optiono/) Grout on/ire , jo/nf if &am rope not used Chic Away Portion of Ton, yued • '.��'tiD•°:° :. •�:: '.- • • Joint, fill l�Yith Grout ¢: ' SE ON Class 6 PC.C, Soo'(:1/e P.p. ,BOTTOM �,'� ,°•: a To�ayue Join f .................. . Groove Jo/nf s,�A.r� _'..4•;;. o� ..a:;: •o .P,p..p, Oa Set -tier �' �`G Born ,Bars Ca y"O Cly q. • �:: ;'�� Via: iY/irz in ,' .�. ... BASE a=. o:;: SECT/ON B -B PRECAST CONCRETE Wo4A1#0L E DErAIL e I 4- "'Form cushion arouod riser ploe enter)n9 c%r704/f f'rorne Cor>7�ocfeo' Eorfh -� C FRAME AND COVER to be A/horr>bro Foundry Co. Plate A-10.41. ,Place C> F/nish G, -ode /n S`freels 8" C 01 C 7"' P/uy Securely ELEtIATATION SECT/ON Ae" L / �1." -SECTION C -C IYPICAL, CLEANOUr DE TA /L E 2 M\M TOP RING DE rA IL Thrcfrness v,�' EQch Section to be o 1w1';7Anu1n oP 6" Unrelnf'orced or�c/ -� " Reinr"orced. Tor79ue , rOlnf Groove ' olr7f te'/f Foorn rope used .48" 1 0. JO/NT DErAIL -Grout rnsro'c Joirrf Ori/y F/Ush GY/fh Inferior Sur/'oce • /'' D�Q�eter Po/ e/hy/ewe Foorrr RooaDer�.srfy r-Optiono/) Grout on/ire , jo/nf if &am rope not used EZ E11A r101V i Exis f S0171 Sower I Cor7erete Soder'/e " I I 9 I X Ferro' 1,006, Soo'd/e � "Setver PLAN CONCRETE SADDLE OVER ma EX/ST/NG S WER L /NE DETAIL E 3 S/eek /-I Co�f'vr�n to M-/70 /°or Ltw%/ rir°e A CONE OETA /L ��inish Grode of St�ef Curb -P/u9 Conne&ioa and R&Inove Service Sewer P joe - e osShowa P/ons) Ca/der C u /iny Dui/ex Adoio/er or ,E9uo Connector ,E'xisfr7y Service War ,fiend -• 5' o rob/e Ai�9/e to f'errnit Conn Pion fo ,E'xistrr�_q .Service Ssa /t4467 to Sto. 7f3269 D PLAN SECT/ON E - E rYPICAL NEW SERV/CE CONNECT/ON DErAIL e Ile 9" MoX. of y c' Ex/stir EXiStinq ! 9' 3" Mox• Be/ween fHC. Curb `9 Curb / A•C. Dyer/oy !'�" ,�"A.C• Patch z Cornroocfed Bocls/i'// House Connection Yor � Storm Drain var i2' Somlvey Serer TYP/CAL SEC T101Y h"A /SER A VENUE Sto. /-A 74 67 to Sta. 771-M. oO9) /,2 "Max Sto• 7-.3,2.69 to sta. Some typical see -&w xrs/in Piers without sonitory sewer. "ox. wld/h 0/, itch Sow) '&1sfir77q Ri12s. A.C. Po tch y Shore sides o/' french /Lo profecf e�r�stin9 UfiIi y y lir>es or 5t1-UC10reS. Alax n \\1 (CASE Z7) BEDDING SECRiOW FOR STORM DRAIN 40 SE141ER ;4/hornbro Foundry Co. P/Qfo #.4- //70 Cos7` Iron Frome /Ylochir7ed Seats, Cover and Riny, or ,Equal, CENERA 1. AlOrES 1w VVei hf of Frome and Coyer to be Not Less rhorr 68� X43" R. C•R' ' Class 6 PC.C, Soo'(:1/e w Oa Set -tier �' �`G Born ,Bars Ca y"O Cly iY/irz in EZ E11A r101V i Exis f S0171 Sower I Cor7erete Soder'/e " I I 9 I X Ferro' 1,006, Soo'd/e � "Setver PLAN CONCRETE SADDLE OVER ma EX/ST/NG S WER L /NE DETAIL E 3 S/eek /-I Co�f'vr�n to M-/70 /°or Ltw%/ rir°e A CONE OETA /L ��inish Grode of St�ef Curb -P/u9 Conne&ioa and R&Inove Service Sewer P joe - e osShowa P/ons) Ca/der C u /iny Dui/ex Adoio/er or ,E9uo Connector ,E'xisfr7y Service War ,fiend -• 5' o rob/e Ai�9/e to f'errnit Conn Pion fo ,E'xistrr�_q .Service Ssa /t4467 to Sto. 7f3269 D PLAN SECT/ON E - E rYPICAL NEW SERV/CE CONNECT/ON DErAIL e Ile 9" MoX. of y c' Ex/stir EXiStinq ! 9' 3" Mox• Be/ween fHC. Curb `9 Curb / A•C. Dyer/oy !'�" ,�"A.C• Patch z Cornroocfed Bocls/i'// House Connection Yor � Storm Drain var i2' Somlvey Serer TYP/CAL SEC T101Y h"A /SER A VENUE Sto. /-A 74 67 to Sta. 771-M. oO9) /,2 "Max Sto• 7-.3,2.69 to sta. Some typical see -&w xrs/in Piers without sonitory sewer. "ox. wld/h 0/, itch Sow) '&1sfir77q Ri12s. A.C. Po tch y Shore sides o/' french /Lo profecf e�r�stin9 UfiIi y y lir>es or 5t1-UC10reS. Alax n \\1 (CASE Z7) BEDDING SECRiOW FOR STORM DRAIN 40 SE141ER ;4/hornbro Foundry Co. P/Qfo #.4- //70 Cos7` Iron Frome /Ylochir7ed Seats, Cover and Riny, or ,Equal, CENERA 1. AlOrES 1w VVei hf of Frome and Coyer to be Not Less rhorr