HomeMy WebLinkAbout2453-7k CITY OF FONTANA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAhr PROJECT: Design Review #%-11 DATE: May 13, 1996 LOCATIOPIr 17004 Arrow Boulevard (A.S. MQW Coomweity Cent*0 GE\'ERAL CONDITION1111;, 1. The rights and privileges granted by Design Review #96-1 i shall not become effective, nor shall the Applicant commence the use for which this Design Review is granted, until both of the following have occurred: A. All of the improvements, construction. alteration and other work set forth in Design Review #96-11 have been completed and have been accepted by the City, a evidenced by the City's issuance of a Certificate of Completion or other document evidencing the City's final inspection and acceptance of the work; and S. All other Conditions of Approval imposed by rola Design Review have beets fulfilled. 2. Prior to the construction of any twOlficadoes, aft strtctatsl and anthetic changes to the project design must be requested and approved in writing by the Community Development Director or his/her designee. Major structural and aesthetic changes exceeding the codified parameters of administrative policy shall be presented to the Planning Commission for approval. Changes made without approval as stated herein, will prevent the occupance of the structure until corrections are approved in writing by all appropriate staff. 3. All Conditions of Approval contained hereto siall be incorporated into all applicable And grading and construction plans and a copy of these conditions shall be placed on the first sheet of the final grading and building plans prior to issuance of any building permits. PLA1N%, t N*G IVISION: (Abe—sae GZM3tAL COMMONS: 4. Approval of the Design Review shall be valid fbr a period of two (2) yeas, with no time extension (see Condition #1 above). Said .time limit requires the issuance of building permits and the commencement of construction prior to the expiration date. S. The Community Development Director, or his/her destines, shall have the aadmority The minor architectural changes focusing around items such as window treatments, color combinations, facade treatments, and architectural reliefs. Questions on the interpretaJon of this provision or changes not clearly within the scope of this provision shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for consideration under a revision to the Design Review, Conditions of Appro..- Design ppro.._Design Review #%-I1 Page 2 6. Historic American Building Survey photognphk documentation stall be required, submitted, and approved by the City prior to the demolition of the building. BLTLDV;G do SAFETY DMSION,. (Also we GEti'Lr1tAL CONDMOYSia 7. The project shall comply with the least adopted edition of tee following codes. A. Uniform Building Code and its appendices and standards. B. Uniform Plumbing Code -and its appendices and standards. C. Uniform Mechanical Code and its appendices and standards. D. Uniform Building Security Code. E. National Electrical Code. F. Title 24, California Code of Regulartots. G. Uniform Fire Code and its appendices and standards. g. Automatic Etre sprinkler systen shall be installed in all new construction per Article M, Chapter 11 of the Code of the City of Fontana. Design and type of system shill to based upon the requirements of the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code and the requirements of the Division of Fire protection, Planning A Engineering of the San Bernardino County Fire Agency. 9. Permits are required prior to the remoral and/or demolition of strnctuees. 10. Any temporary building, trailer, comm. I&I coach. oft. installed sed/or used in connection with a construction project shall comply with Fontana City Ord. No. 1007. 11. hoofing Requirem ns: All new industrtal and commercial I welopme.S. Including matti-thmily etor meet in commercial zona, with roofs or parts thereof with a minimum slope 3:12, shall to required to have concrete, or clay tile, or metal roofs which are architecturally compatible with the building. 12. The fbttowing items sWM be completed and/or submitted to and approved by Building A Safety — as applicable — prior to the issuance of building permits for this project: A. Pwix grading Plans . B. Rough grading compktad C. Compaction certification D. Pad elevation certificatidt E. Rough grade inspection signed off by a City Butldleg Impecter Conditions of Approval Design Review,#96-11 Page 3 13. Ah property lines, easement lines, etc. shall be located and/or relocated in inch a marcher as to not cause any existing structure to become non -conforming with the requirements of the latest adopted edition of the Uniform Building Code, or any other applicable law, o[dinance, or regulation. 14. Grading Requirements: A. Grading plane shdl be subtzdwd a, and approved by Ilse Building clic Safery/Planning Division. The grading plans shall indicate all site improveme its, and shall indicate complete drainage paths of all drainage water run-off. B. Ali drainage water shall drain via approved methods, to an approrrd tocatiost-- public street, public drainage system, etc. C. Drainage water shah not cross over a pseblic sNewalk. Drainage water may however, cross under a sidewalk if an approved drainage structure is used. D. No water course or natural drahage claffl be obstructed. I[. Minimum slope or grads fbr ALL drainage structures shall be one-half (0.50) percent for concrete and ore (1.0) for all other. F. tfrainsp water slrtn not pus Rost an 'ier mve r type of drat age structure to an 'unimproved' type of drainage structure. (i.e.; cenmcreoe swale to slag or dirt Swale.) d. A complete hydrotosy► stndp =ft dee beast edifice of use San Bernardino County Flood Control Hydrology Manual, and complete hydraulic calculations justify in$ rhe size, slope, capacity, etc. of any and all drainage structures being utilized, shall be submitted to, and approved by the Building do Safety Division. The on-site drahuge systeta Stall, as a emhmimnsstm, be designed to handle dee fu! - off generated by a ten (10) year --ten (10) minute storm. Check for flooding of all on-site structures (buildings) and all adjacent properties during a hundred (100) year storm. H. The grading pleas allnM, ore a ulshdetatm, 001 11111 seetkx at all property lime and/or permit boundary lines. These sections shall clearly indicate: 1). The raistloti p between do ptoposed finished on -sive greAe ekwU4.018 and the existing adjacent property grade elevations, (indicate any additional drainage water that may come from an adjacent property); and Conditions of Approver Design Review #96-11 Mage 4 2). The ground cover/finished surfirce material being proposed, (i.e.: type of pavement, plant material, etc.); at+r 3). All proposed drahsage !structures; m d 0. Any 'proposed and/or tequhad welts or fench 13. eased on the amount of parking space provided, a minimum of sit handicapped spaces are required. FM AGENCY: (Alae sea GZ7Y MAL_ COINtIffUllbM I.G. The required fire flow is 1500 G.P.M. fbr a two horn duration at 20 P.S.T. Residual Pressure. 17. 7 he fonooble eortdltiom of approval apply: F2: Prior to recordation of On final parcel or usa snd/or befbte Issuance of buildir:g permit(s), a water system designed to meet this required fire flow shall be approved by tis Water Company having jurisdiction and Fire Staff. The developer shall Annish the Fire Department with two copies of tits water system improvement pians and a letter ftom the water purveyor stating the water system is capable of providing the required fire flow. The water system shall be approved and operational or provisions for bonding shall be required prior to recordation. Water supply for fire protection shall be operational and field inspection approval shall be granted before construction will be permitted. Tt s required flare flow shall be determined by using appropriate calculations established by the San Bernardino County "Guide for Determining Required Five Flow". All underground piping for water systems shall have a minimum of eight (8) inches in diameter with no less than six (6) inch lateral lines, and six (6) inch risers. F3: The above reletenoed pe* it pt+otectod by dna Sart Bernardino County Flea Department. Prior to any construction occurring on any parcel, dee applicant shall contact the Fire Department for verification of current fire protection requirements. All new construction shall comply with existing Uniform Fire Code requirements and all applicable codes, ordinances or standards of the Fire Department. F7: Prior to homing construction, approved fire hydrants and fire hydrant pavement markers shall be installed. Fire hydrants shall be six (6) inched in diameter wi►h a minimum of one four (4) inch and one 2 1/2 inch connection as specified by the fire staff. The design of the fire hydrant and hydrant markers shall be approved by the Fire Department. All fire hydrant spacing shall be three hundred (300) feet with the exception. Conditions of Approval Design Review. #%-11 Page S 'E'er: Prior to any ftmhtg corstrtxxion occurring, a turnaround shall be provided at the end of tach roadway one hundred fifty (150) feet or more in length and shall be approved by the Fire Department. Cul-de-sac length shall not exceed six hun:ired (600 ) feet in length unless otherwise approved by the Chief. P96: Prior to final Irnpectiott, commercial and hWkn %l street address nximbers shall be posted on the building, with a minimum eight (8) inch in height by three fourth (3/4) inch stroke width and shall be visible from the street. During the hours of darkness, the numbers shall be electrically illuminated. Where building setback exceeds two hundred (200) feet from the roadway, add*.tional non - illuminated contrasting six (6) inch numbers shall be displayed at the property access entrances. P13: Prior to else final inspection or oecnpslahey. an approved Fire Department key; box is required. The key box shall be provided with a tamper switch and shall be monitored by an approved central monitoring service. If automatic electric security gates are used, an approved lock switch or frequency control access shall be requited. Fli: Prior to Fiske Deperemettt elearvice fbr omapiutcy, art automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed. This system shall comply with NFPA Pamphlet #13 and Fire Department Guideline 310.307. The applicant shill submit hydraulic calculations and detailed plane slowing type of storage and use with the applicable protection system. Consultant fee for plans review shall be paid directly to the consultant and include two field inspections. Ell: Prior to final hupectlotm or occvptmncy, oris automatic fire alarm system is required in accordance with the Uniform Fire Code. The developer shall submit detailed plans to a Fire Protection Consultant approved by the Fire Department. F22: 'No Parking, Firs Lae' SIM shun be Installed on Intte.lor access drives and private roads. 'Thier signs shall be posted at designated locations by Fire Staff. Fire lane curbs shall be painted red. Signs shall be in accordance with Fire Department Guideline #10.206. P23: Prior to fleal hhepectlo+s or ate, Eisend portable fire - ertttcmguishas are required to be provider. The location, typo, orad cabinet design shall be approved by the Fire Department. F32: Prior to any f ornhhg coRsawtion oocntting, dw applicant/developer Is "iced to provide Fire Staff with a letter from the water company having jurisdiction, verifying financial arrangements have been mads for die required water improvements or that existing fire hydrants and water system will meet distance and fire flow requirements. Fire flow water supply stall be in place prior to placing combustible materials on the job -site. Condition» ,)f Approval 'Design Review #96-11 Page 6 to. The fbtlowhmg Fire Protection Guidelines shall appty to dde ptoject. Phrase bare the Engineer and/or Architect contact our office for specific standard requirements prior to design: OL 10.100: HY'l3RANT IDENTiMCATION MAltKM CIL 10.203: EMERGENCY ACCESS WAYS GL 10.206: FIRE LANE IDENTIFICATION MARKING OL 10.301: PREMISES IDENTIFICATION (ADDRESSING) GL 10.302: BUILDING/PREMISES ENTRY SYSTEM GL 10.401: WATER SUPPLY FOR FIRE PROTECTION CSL 10.507: AUTOMATIC FIRE PROTECTION - NFPA 13 OL 14.101: AUTOMATIC/MANUAL FIRE ALARMS LA i !r,APE DMSION: (Aire see GENERAL CONDI OMM 19. All landscape and irrigation plane Aatl comply to ales City of Pontaaa StanQarrl specifications. 30. Al) landscape w d Irdsatim design sial! Incotp'otsle dir+oysgk tolerant pian "ft. Is oral water efficient irrigation systems. 21. TAe following isles require approval !tote Landscape DrTelvpow at prior to Issuance of a budding permit. Submit two copes of the following fbr review: A. Landscape coesttw*m Pfau D dUN 16 hrigation plan and detaik C. planting plan and details n. A Cky Lantbcape b apeceot is taspimhble fbr ei*-deo dam. EN!) Or COND�1`!'it'ylnlS EXTERIOR & INTERIOR MATERIAL FINISHES * Numbers refer to specific exterior finishes itemized on exterior elevation sheets A-3.0; A-3.1 & A-3.2 and aff interior and exterior finishes shown on material sample board. GENERAL NOTE : �9 All metal, items nos. 6,7, 8, 9,10,11,16,17, A29 and 30, to be painted with" Ky nar" or eq. type paint; colors and finishes to match Sinclair as specified. 17. EXTERIOR ROLL-00'MI METAL SHUTTER AT KITCHEN Odor Paint to match well color 16. NOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FieAIM Manufacturer Shncfek Color CMN58 Finish Exterior, Sento-� 1!. SHEET METAL GUTTERS AND DOWNSPam Corot ft" to match well color U. INTERIOR WALL PAINT COLOR THROOAFNOVT - VlILESS fTTlIERrNSE NlOM MarnufacMrer Shriek Color White Finish See Finish Schedule, Sheet No. A-9.1 NOTE: PI TERIt7R DOORS IOlJOF10tJT MATCH ADJACENT WALLS, UM M OTHERWISE NOTED; SEMI -GLOSS FINISH ff. ACCENT PAINT COLOR - FOR LOCATIONS, SEE A-9.9 AND A4.3 1silarnAattturen Sinclair Color CM841 S, Yellow OMm Finish Varies, see Finish Schedute Sheet A-9.1 lire. BRIGH I MEW ACCENT WALL PAiNT COLOR; SPECIFIC LOCATIONS T.B.S. IN FIELD, ALLOW !M S.F. Iftnufaatur+er Shncts h Color T.B.S. in Oehl Finish Eggst 2Ll. ouc'IwoRK PANT COLOR MamRlsctuner SNheMk Color CM8654, UUM dray tarsen Finish Eggshell 3L STEEL GUSSET; AT TRUSSES PAiNT COLOR Manufacurer SINCION Cofer Match Mtn 1 cdor of Orfertled Stru Board Finish EppsheN !i. SHEET VINYL PLOORIIM Marnuhctur�esr Fabo Style gifts pd 00rigtnar Color No. 6872, Gray Green 3tL SPIFFY ViN VL- em - 4" "101 SELPCdM Manufteltm r Porto Style Smaragd'Orbinal" Color No. 6872, Gray Green K CARPET MantAaeturar Karaatan BipolaMr Style Slab -risk Coltec TNaniutn ft CARPET BASE Manufacluner Del TM Type Del - Poroodam &A on Cofer 33, Spring Forest Size r x 4' High 36. PORCELAM PAVL!Lt-1we Cater CMetWANWd Menufaexuner Del TM Type Dai - Poroofena Colors M28 VaMMa and 5333 Six" Porest Size Both 17 x 17 36. PORCELAW PAVEt- Count Aeesnt Rant/ Menufac irsr Del Tile Type Del - Povemene Color 211, Onyx size tr x 12* a. PORCELAIN PAVER BASE Mamuf6e I ,W, 011 71119 Type Del - Porcefena OWN Color 33, Spring Forest Size r x 4' High s», cAscrMORa OPPLCE 193 IL RECEPTION 10MR Mamdactuner PMNand Color Plywood Type INS thick Color a. uom Brown �. Black >lsa. CASEWORK ROOMS 141, in, in, in, 1a PlrA nd Color Plywood Type 304' thick Color a. Y~ IL aleck sR COUiiTER I AT HOOD CASEVKM Manufacturer PMabtrrgit Plate fires or aq. Type 3116' Float Gless Color Clear 48. INTERIOR wllMooW MULLNONM Mamufadurar Nncalr Color CM6eIia Finish Exterior, Se"t-Ofaee N. MOVANL.E PARTTLTON FVIISH MAbor Materiai/Styfe ?Highland' emb xwd vknyt Color 1111225, Cement 4t. STORAGE ROOM PLOORLNO Manufteturar Type stawamIxomen Color 41836 Shelter Whys Sim 12' x 12"x 1 /8' gauge 4L likurlte Type 4' Rubber Topeat Sass, Coned Color No. 145P, Platinum 4L CERAMIC TiLE43ATHROOM PLOORSILJPEGUARD PLOOilS Ilslanufadturer 001 7% Type Pbnaeloin 111s Size r x r Color Tansterw Raine, CK -157 4s. Clllt/lliwC TILEMAThIROO1N VIIIIIA111111111M - BASE COLOR MENS AND WOMM fit D.F. SURROUND CORR. 118 Manufachaer 0011 7111110 Type /1Nzed V" 17e an exe Color AlnrnonA, 0-136 4L CERAMIC WALL ACCENT' BALM - MONMEN"s TOP ROW CHECKERBOARD me 111110t:hnrer 00 7% TWO Oiazed Wall! 111101 Color/ Size alternate D4 4W, Teal, 4' X r BuAenaa . and D -K-186, VWd Rose, 4' X 4' SuM me w'. CERAMIC TIL E4&A7MOOM WALL ACCEiMT BAUD - W01MEN"s SECOND ROW CHECKERBOARD Me I'lle u nu Del Tfia fifazed 1 7% Type NM / Sim sltemate K-1 11, flBaclt, r x r in a r squaw and D-57, drape, 4' X C 4L CERAMIC TR.EMAT"ROOM WALL ACCLMIT -IME" TOP ROW CHECKERBOARD & D.F. SURROUND CORR. 118 Del The TWO ®razed WW 7% Color/ Slze alternate 0-1462, Taal, C x r Btrlhhoaa and DM -12, Mustard, 4' x 4' Bulincee 46. CERAMIC TILE-BArFIROt'yM WALL ACCENT BAND - MEN'S SECOND ROW CHECKERBOARD Menuhcstnr Dal Tlfe Type Blazed WM TM Color/ SIM alternate K-111, itlnk r X r in a C squalls and D-57, Grape, 4' X 4' A. LAVATORY COUNfTEft , MEN AND WOMEN MwPM INe a Corporellen Product Burefl Solid Surfacing Color Teal Thiccnsas INS M. iATHROOIM rARTR10lMS MenufteMuwr Bobrlek, or eq. Type Enameled Stem Color Almond, to match Will T% Illi. LOCKERS MEWS AND NOME" Manufr I Iteptrllc aft opo Systems Conhpasq Type aim Color a. M, Teal and tis. 94, Jet Black, (CImmkobowd) o. 41, Alabaster, (Vertical Bands) M. CERAMIC TILE - KITCHEN PLOOR/SASE Menufaexuwr Dal Tris Type Unglazed Quarry Tlfe Sian IS x 6'/Bu*wm ease Color: 07X, Stone Gray •t. PLASTIC LIiMMA72 CAIlNETRY - KITCHEN CORRIDOR 0 M Me 1 uffaaturer ftif a Type Slane Finish Color 0949-58, While a. PLASTIC L.AMiNATE COUNT EIITOP- KI'I CHM CORRIDOR s !M Menuhratunr PanNaa Type Matte Finish Color 01816-58, Fog" sl. PLASTIC LAIMMAIM LIFEGUARD CABINETRY, UPPERS AND LOVVERS Mmu(4aQusiar Fon"It:1 M Type Matte F"M Color 0925-58, ChrWrhpa M p. PLASTIC Li N NATE L PE(PVARD CABINETRY, COUNTERTOP Man Typeul'scturar Suede PhritBh Color 0SG228-S, Shifa SAS Sr -1 Mad NkW, C" VVI 9rriol d bane 99. ST -2 SM ftd, 91am Face DWG. Na 2453 SHEET 7 of 80 c O .U) Color EX I ERM MATEMAU 1. EX I ERfOIt CEMENT PLASTER - BASE WiLa" 10. Menufscturer La Habra Simco Color X-50, Crystal 1MMte V Finish Fine Sand Float L oxen OIt CEMENT PL.AST2R - CONTRAST COLOR Manufactnrrer La Mob a Shux:o Coiors *X-730 Spruce and 4X-34 San Sirrreoa 13. Finish Steel trowel two colors; equal amounts NOW * 3114' St3UARE RE(RAT (PLASTER STONE Stain, Color No. 917 III Net Clow Anoditim! A ROOF TiLE SURROUND, EXT. DECK 210 MNpr. Defeo Clay 7%, CA Type: 'S' Tile, two piece Color. Buff Blend •. METAL ROOF a. DK -149'2, sterling 'type Standing Sewn Color Match Sinclair Prime C ANN, Exterle (To Match Clay Tile) 7, L PoRcEu int PAvER- Two color CMettanrboerd ( Text r e d Finish) RRILLIONS, PRAMIa -INA'. t EXT. 11111NDOMOOR Dal Tia Mmkft tuner Color Sbrclak CM8656 Del - PomMom Finish Exterior, Seal-tlloss 7, i. WINDOW SLABS Size Both 12"x 1 r Manufachuer PMsbur91 Fite aim Color Solargray !. ALUMNILINVOLASS SKYLIteN1T'S TMRO 17. EXTERIOR ROLL-00'MI METAL SHUTTER AT KITCHEN Odor Paint to match well color 16. NOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FieAIM Manufacturer Shncfek Color CMN58 Finish Exterior, Sento-� 1!. SHEET METAL GUTTERS AND DOWNSPam Corot ft" to match well color U. INTERIOR WALL PAINT COLOR THROOAFNOVT - VlILESS fTTlIERrNSE NlOM MarnufacMrer Shriek Color White Finish See Finish Schedule, Sheet No. A-9.1 NOTE: PI TERIt7R DOORS IOlJOF10tJT MATCH ADJACENT WALLS, UM M OTHERWISE NOTED; SEMI -GLOSS FINISH ff. ACCENT PAINT COLOR - FOR LOCATIONS, SEE A-9.9 AND A4.3 1silarnAattturen Sinclair Color CM841 S, Yellow OMm Finish Varies, see Finish Schedute Sheet A-9.1 lire. BRIGH I MEW ACCENT WALL PAiNT COLOR; SPECIFIC LOCATIONS T.B.S. IN FIELD, ALLOW !M S.F. Iftnufaatur+er Shncts h Color T.B.S. in Oehl Finish Eggst 2Ll. ouc'IwoRK PANT COLOR MamRlsctuner SNheMk Color CM8654, UUM dray tarsen Finish Eggshell 3L STEEL GUSSET; AT TRUSSES PAiNT COLOR Manufacurer SINCION Cofer Match Mtn 1 cdor of Orfertled Stru Board Finish EppsheN !i. SHEET VINYL PLOORIIM Marnuhctur�esr Fabo Style gifts pd 00rigtnar Color No. 6872, Gray Green 3tL SPIFFY ViN VL- em - 4" "101 SELPCdM Manufteltm r Porto Style Smaragd'Orbinal" Color No. 6872, Gray Green K CARPET MantAaeturar Karaatan BipolaMr Style Slab -risk Coltec TNaniutn ft CARPET BASE Manufacluner Del TM Type Del - Poroodam &A on Cofer 33, Spring Forest Size r x 4' High 36. PORCELAM PAVL!Lt-1we Cater CMetWANWd Menufaexuner Del TM Type Dai - Poroofena Colors M28 VaMMa and 5333 Six" Porest Size Both 17 x 17 36. PORCELAW PAVEt- Count Aeesnt Rant/ Menufac irsr Del Tile Type Del - Povemene Color 211, Onyx size tr x 12* a. PORCELAIN PAVER BASE Mamuf6e I ,W, 011 71119 Type Del - Porcefena OWN Color 33, Spring Forest Size r x 4' High s», cAscrMORa OPPLCE 193 IL RECEPTION 10MR Mamdactuner PMNand Color Plywood Type INS thick Color a. uom Brown �. Black >lsa. CASEWORK ROOMS 141, in, in, in, 1a PlrA nd Color Plywood Type 304' thick Color a. Y~ IL aleck sR COUiiTER I AT HOOD CASEVKM Manufacturer PMabtrrgit Plate fires or aq. Type 3116' Float Gless Color Clear 48. INTERIOR wllMooW MULLNONM Mamufadurar Nncalr Color CM6eIia Finish Exterior, Se"t-Ofaee N. MOVANL.E PARTTLTON FVIISH MAbor Materiai/Styfe ?Highland' emb xwd vknyt Color 1111225, Cement 4t. STORAGE ROOM PLOORLNO Manufteturar Type stawamIxomen Color 41836 Shelter Whys Sim 12' x 12"x 1 /8' gauge 4L likurlte Type 4' Rubber Topeat Sass, Coned Color No. 145P, Platinum 4L CERAMIC TiLE43ATHROOM PLOORSILJPEGUARD PLOOilS Ilslanufadturer 001 7% Type Pbnaeloin 111s Size r x r Color Tansterw Raine, CK -157 4s. Clllt/lliwC TILEMAThIROO1N VIIIIIA111111111M - BASE COLOR MENS AND WOMM fit D.F. SURROUND CORR. 118 Manufachaer 0011 7111110 Type /1Nzed V" 17e an exe Color AlnrnonA, 0-136 4L CERAMIC WALL ACCENT' BALM - MONMEN"s TOP ROW CHECKERBOARD me 111110t:hnrer 00 7% TWO Oiazed Wall! 111101 Color/ Size alternate D4 4W, Teal, 4' X r BuAenaa . and D -K-186, VWd Rose, 4' X 4' SuM me w'. CERAMIC TIL E4&A7MOOM WALL ACCEiMT BAUD - W01MEN"s SECOND ROW CHECKERBOARD Me I'lle u nu Del Tfia fifazed 1 7% Type NM / Sim sltemate K-1 11, flBaclt, r x r in a r squaw and D-57, drape, 4' X C 4L CERAMIC TR.EMAT"ROOM WALL ACCLMIT -IME" TOP ROW CHECKERBOARD & D.F. SURROUND CORR. 118 Del The TWO ®razed WW 7% Color/ Slze alternate 0-1462, Taal, C x r Btrlhhoaa and DM -12, Mustard, 4' x 4' Bulincee 46. CERAMIC TILE-BArFIROt'yM WALL ACCENT BAND - MEN'S SECOND ROW CHECKERBOARD Menuhcstnr Dal Tlfe Type Blazed WM TM Color/ SIM alternate K-111, itlnk r X r in a C squalls and D-57, Grape, 4' X 4' A. LAVATORY COUNfTEft , MEN AND WOMEN MwPM INe a Corporellen Product Burefl Solid Surfacing Color Teal Thiccnsas INS M. iATHROOIM rARTR10lMS MenufteMuwr Bobrlek, or eq. Type Enameled Stem Color Almond, to match Will T% Illi. LOCKERS MEWS AND NOME" Manufr I Iteptrllc aft opo Systems Conhpasq Type aim Color a. M, Teal and tis. 94, Jet Black, (CImmkobowd) o. 41, Alabaster, (Vertical Bands) M. CERAMIC TILE - KITCHEN PLOOR/SASE Menufaexuwr Dal Tris Type Unglazed Quarry Tlfe Sian IS x 6'/Bu*wm ease Color: 07X, Stone Gray •t. PLASTIC LIiMMA72 CAIlNETRY - KITCHEN CORRIDOR 0 M Me 1 uffaaturer ftif a Type Slane Finish Color 0949-58, While a. PLASTIC L.AMiNATE COUNT EIITOP- KI'I CHM CORRIDOR s !M Menuhratunr PanNaa Type Matte Finish Color 01816-58, Fog" sl. PLASTIC LAIMMAIM LIFEGUARD CABINETRY, UPPERS AND LOVVERS Mmu(4aQusiar Fon"It:1 M Type Matte F"M Color 0925-58, ChrWrhpa M p. PLASTIC Li N NATE L PE(PVARD CABINETRY, COUNTERTOP Man Typeul'scturar Suede PhritBh Color 0SG228-S, Shifa SAS Sr -1 Mad NkW, C" VVI 9rriol d bane 99. ST -2 SM ftd, 91am Face DWG. Na 2453 SHEET 7 of 80 c O .U) Color CM665111 Finish Exterior, SemlLdloss 10. METAL- MANDRAIiLS T1L1lOKJOl10UT Mlarxulachuror Odor Slntctak CM665A V Finish Exterior, Seml- 1less t1. NEW WROtmm IRON GATES THItOI>MIOtf1' renuhexturer Color Slndeilr CMN58 Finish Exterior, SsnN-Dices 13. WOOD TRELUA Otrmplc SerM-Tfarsparent Exterior • ~ Stain, Color No. 917 14. EXTERIOR TLLE BENCHES MAL &BLIM RSCOTCH 0 D.R. 2 SURROUND, EXT. DECK 210 ra w achunenr Del Tale Type tlrgfazed Pm*atn The size r x 2' Colors: (ft ndeelJE iturm a. DK -149'2, sterling b. DK -343, Butterscotch err DK -012, Teel d. DK -115, Parchnmit iia. PoRcEu int PAvER- Two color CMettanrboerd ( Text r e d Finish) Manufact Dal Tia Type Del - PomMom Colors SM Vanilla ane SM Sprhnp Paest Size Both 12"x 1 r iw. PoRcn Aw PAVER4ontrant Accent srnd (TeAire d Finish) menufaefiur+er 011117% Type Del - Poroslrna Color 94211, Onyx size 12" x 1 r 1�. 10W WROUGHT IRON FENCE TO MATCH EXiSWn menufaeltno Color Sian CM8658 Finish Exterior, Sornl-Alose 17. EXTERIOR ROLL-00'MI METAL SHUTTER AT KITCHEN Odor Paint to match well color 16. NOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FieAIM Manufacturer Shncfek Color CMN58 Finish Exterior, Sento-� 1!. SHEET METAL GUTTERS AND DOWNSPam Corot ft" to match well color U. INTERIOR WALL PAINT COLOR THROOAFNOVT - VlILESS fTTlIERrNSE NlOM MarnufacMrer Shriek Color White Finish See Finish Schedule, Sheet No. A-9.1 NOTE: PI TERIt7R DOORS IOlJOF10tJT MATCH ADJACENT WALLS, UM M OTHERWISE NOTED; SEMI -GLOSS FINISH ff. ACCENT PAINT COLOR - FOR LOCATIONS, SEE A-9.9 AND A4.3 1silarnAattturen Sinclair Color CM841 S, Yellow OMm Finish Varies, see Finish Schedute Sheet A-9.1 lire. BRIGH I MEW ACCENT WALL PAiNT COLOR; SPECIFIC LOCATIONS T.B.S. IN FIELD, ALLOW !M S.F. Iftnufaatur+er Shncts h Color T.B.S. in Oehl Finish Eggst 2Ll. ouc'IwoRK PANT COLOR MamRlsctuner SNheMk Color CM8654, UUM dray tarsen Finish Eggshell 3L STEEL GUSSET; AT TRUSSES PAiNT COLOR Manufacurer SINCION Cofer Match Mtn 1 cdor of Orfertled Stru Board Finish EppsheN !i. SHEET VINYL PLOORIIM Marnuhctur�esr Fabo Style gifts pd 00rigtnar Color No. 6872, Gray Green 3tL SPIFFY ViN VL- em - 4" "101 SELPCdM Manufteltm r Porto Style Smaragd'Orbinal" Color No. 6872, Gray Green K CARPET MantAaeturar Karaatan BipolaMr Style Slab -risk Coltec TNaniutn ft CARPET BASE Manufacluner Del TM Type Del - Poroodam &A on Cofer 33, Spring Forest Size r x 4' High 36. PORCELAM PAVL!Lt-1we Cater CMetWANWd Menufaexuner Del TM Type Dai - Poroofena Colors M28 VaMMa and 5333 Six" Porest Size Both 17 x 17 36. PORCELAW PAVEt- Count Aeesnt Rant/ Menufac irsr Del Tile Type Del - Povemene Color 211, Onyx size tr x 12* a. PORCELAIN PAVER BASE Mamuf6e I ,W, 011 71119 Type Del - Porcefena OWN Color 33, Spring Forest Size r x 4' High s», cAscrMORa OPPLCE 193 IL RECEPTION 10MR Mamdactuner PMNand Color Plywood Type INS thick Color a. uom Brown �. Black >lsa. CASEWORK ROOMS 141, in, in, in, 1a PlrA nd Color Plywood Type 304' thick Color a. Y~ IL aleck sR COUiiTER I AT HOOD CASEVKM Manufacturer PMabtrrgit Plate fires or aq. Type 3116' Float Gless Color Clear 48. INTERIOR wllMooW MULLNONM Mamufadurar Nncalr Color CM6eIia Finish Exterior, Se"t-Ofaee N. MOVANL.E PARTTLTON FVIISH MAbor Materiai/Styfe ?Highland' emb xwd vknyt Color 1111225, Cement 4t. STORAGE ROOM PLOORLNO Manufteturar Type stawamIxomen Color 41836 Shelter Whys Sim 12' x 12"x 1 /8' gauge 4L likurlte Type 4' Rubber Topeat Sass, Coned Color No. 145P, Platinum 4L CERAMIC TiLE43ATHROOM PLOORSILJPEGUARD PLOOilS Ilslanufadturer 001 7% Type Pbnaeloin 111s Size r x r Color Tansterw Raine, CK -157 4s. Clllt/lliwC TILEMAThIROO1N VIIIIIA111111111M - BASE COLOR MENS AND WOMM fit D.F. SURROUND CORR. 118 Manufachaer 0011 7111110 Type /1Nzed V" 17e an exe Color AlnrnonA, 0-136 4L CERAMIC WALL ACCENT' BALM - MONMEN"s TOP ROW CHECKERBOARD me 111110t:hnrer 00 7% TWO Oiazed Wall! 111101 Color/ Size alternate D4 4W, Teal, 4' X r BuAenaa . and D -K-186, VWd Rose, 4' X 4' SuM me w'. CERAMIC TIL E4&A7MOOM WALL ACCEiMT BAUD - W01MEN"s SECOND ROW CHECKERBOARD Me I'lle u nu Del Tfia fifazed 1 7% Type NM / Sim sltemate K-1 11, flBaclt, r x r in a r squaw and D-57, drape, 4' X C 4L CERAMIC TR.EMAT"ROOM WALL ACCLMIT -IME" TOP ROW CHECKERBOARD & D.F. SURROUND CORR. 118 Del The TWO ®razed WW 7% Color/ Slze alternate 0-1462, Taal, C x r Btrlhhoaa and DM -12, Mustard, 4' x 4' Bulincee 46. CERAMIC TILE-BArFIROt'yM WALL ACCENT BAND - MEN'S SECOND ROW CHECKERBOARD Menuhcstnr Dal Tlfe Type Blazed WM TM Color/ SIM alternate K-111, itlnk r X r in a C squalls and D-57, Grape, 4' X 4' A. LAVATORY COUNfTEft , MEN AND WOMEN MwPM INe a Corporellen Product Burefl Solid Surfacing Color Teal Thiccnsas INS M. iATHROOIM rARTR10lMS MenufteMuwr Bobrlek, or eq. Type Enameled Stem Color Almond, to match Will T% Illi. LOCKERS MEWS AND NOME" Manufr I Iteptrllc aft opo Systems Conhpasq Type aim Color a. M, Teal and tis. 94, Jet Black, (CImmkobowd) o. 41, Alabaster, (Vertical Bands) M. CERAMIC TILE - KITCHEN PLOOR/SASE Menufaexuwr Dal Tris Type Unglazed Quarry Tlfe Sian IS x 6'/Bu*wm ease Color: 07X, Stone Gray •t. PLASTIC LIiMMA72 CAIlNETRY - KITCHEN CORRIDOR 0 M Me 1 uffaaturer ftif a Type Slane Finish Color 0949-58, While a. PLASTIC L.AMiNATE COUNT EIITOP- KI'I CHM CORRIDOR s !M Menuhratunr PanNaa Type Matte Finish Color 01816-58, Fog" sl. PLASTIC LAIMMAIM LIFEGUARD CABINETRY, UPPERS AND LOVVERS Mmu(4aQusiar Fon"It:1 M Type Matte F"M Color 0925-58, ChrWrhpa M p. PLASTIC Li N NATE L PE(PVARD CABINETRY, COUNTERTOP Man Typeul'scturar Suede PhritBh Color 0SG228-S, Shifa SAS Sr -1 Mad NkW, C" VVI 9rriol d bane 99. ST -2 SM ftd, 91am Face DWG. Na 2453 SHEET 7 of 80 c O .U) Drawn by Print Dates Checked by Date EMS Job Number %010 Sheet GN -1.5 b �v V • ~ A 2 O S U "n Drawn by Print Dates Checked by Date EMS Job Number %010 Sheet GN -1.5