HomeMy WebLinkAbout2453-2CITY OF FONTANA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL CONDITIONS c3? APiPROVAL multuammetial 1. Prior to coeatna ttlee of any modifications, at1 srrrtetueat and aesthetic danges se the project design ,oust be ',viewed and approved in writing by a Case Planner. Manager of Planning and the Conuntstity,Development Director. Al minor changes to approved construction pians must be reviewed and approved nes above with the adnitionat *authorization from the City Engineer, Manager of Building & Safety, and Public Worts Director. Major structural and aesthetic changes exceeding the codified parameters of administrative policy shall be presented to the Planning Commission for approval. Changes made without approval ss staled herein. will prevent the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy until corrections are approved in writing by all appropriate staff. 2. The foItowies conditions of approval shad be lecorporased into alt applicable find plats and a copy of these conditions shall be placed on the first sheet of the final plans prior to issuance of grading permits. PLANNING DIY 5IO 4: (Also sae general conditions) 3. Appmval of the project shall be valid for a period of two (2) years veldt no time extension. Said time limit requires the issuance of a brildatg pernit and the commence tent of construction prior to the expiration date. 4. Areas dsai„nt1sd for off-street parking spaces, required access drives ani. maneuvering areas shall not be used for the outdoor storage of materials, equipment or inoperative vehicles. 3. The following parting flctky itnprovemeMs shaft be provided: a. The parking lot shall be striped 10 provide $2 parking spaces, inclusive of 3 spaces for handicapped parkin. S. An electrical and mechanical equipment shaft be screened from view. said screening shall be provided as an integral pan of the building design. 6. The sidewalk from the circular drive to the miming pool entities shalt be modified to discourage the right angle and walking in the landscaping. 7 Either side of the male entrance shall have integrated pennon* seating areas inclusive of platlet: on top consisting df a minimum of 2 pelhe Son per Oren. S. Integrated permanent satin compote* with the beedheg des* tit! 1* cosy meat at the pool entrance. p. &parses eadtasiee and est* openings shall be provided at ills reiheming pool. 10. An lighting, Weiler and exterior, shall be designed and locoed to minimize power consumption aid to confine direct illmnleatio• to due premises ss follows: A. The use of reflective exterior misaiale such as aakrored panels or very whine paint shall be prohibited to reduce any glare from the site. R. Shielded fixtures with well-defined curt -of limits shell be used to confine illumination to on -she areas only. C. Lighting span be hieyrsset into buitdhnl's architectural design. D. Accent kilning. sobers used. email origin* item conceded or tnconapleroes source locations: Accent lighting may utilize high pressure sodium or mercury vapor. IL Exterior lignin' shisl be pieced and adjusted so as ee crease a sate sad pleasant envirom enc on the she aeand shall be subject to Cky Police Department and Miming Division approval. AM lighting devices shall be equipped with weather and vandal -resistant covers. Lighting fixtures shall be so situated and shielded so not to direct or reflect lighting glare on adjacent properties or public rights-of- way. 11. A minimum of one (1) &worithe exterior trash cetittairrer for esnpk>yee and customer use shaft be placed adjacent to pedestrian walkways. 12. Meyers patting with a slalom■.. of 12 spaces sin be iatsalled in conveeiere tocation(s), to be approved by the Flamiing Division. 13. he storage of an trash. pees, equipment. etc. Buell be behind closed doors/gates. The trash location shall be designed to minimise noise sad visual intrusion during pick up of trash on adjacent properties or firom public view. 14 A loading space dun be provided. The loading space slat) be located in peinimity to the kitchen entrance and also be designed to accommodase d elivtry repair sere maintenance trucks servicing dee pool owe. ;ANDSCAPA 33 =Matt (Ake lee general cendldeta) 13. AM tasdacape and i tgarion plana shell comply lo fhee City of Ponces Slarda'd Specifications. 16. Landscape and Wigglier' plena alai! comply with the West End Specific Man. 17. An I ndsst aghtl and irrigation designs shall incorporate drought toterent pram materials and water efficient irrigation systems. 11. The ftmltowisg pians require approval from Landscape Developnein prior to issuance of a building permit. Submit two (2) complete secs of the following for review: A. 1. C. Landscape construction plan and details irrigation plan and details Planting plan and details 19 Inspections wilt be performed by a City landscape Inspector. ,INO A AFITY IVISION: (Aho sce general were ;ons) 20. The foftowibg conditions of approval shah sppty to 'his fro ec!: 91) Shall comply with the latest adopted edition M the following codes: A. 0. c. D. F. 0. Uniform Suitding Code and its appendices and standards. Uniform Plumbing Code and its appendices and standards. Uniforms Mechanical Code and its appendices and standards. Uniform Buildhtg Security Code. National Electrical Code. Title 24, California Code of Repentiorr Uniforie Pine Code and its appendices and standards. 02) Atsomatic fire sprinkler systems diad be installed la an new censtr thous per Amick 111. Chapter 11 N the Code of the City of Font ans. Design and type of system shalt be based upon the requirements of the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code and the requirements of the Division of Pire protection, Planning & Engineering of the San Bernardino County Fire Agency. 93) Any temporary building, trailer. commercial coach, ere. installed and/or used M cov ectios with a construction project shaft comply with Fontana City Ordinance No. 1007. Bs) The following loess shell be completed and/or submitted us ouikhng & Safety se applicable - Riot to the laawsaa of bidding points 1hr tens project: A. B. c. D. E. 'Veda gradbg yams shall be approved Rough trading completed cbntpacttat certification Ped elevatlos certifcatiors Rough grace inspection signed ort by a City Building inspector PERE AGENCY; (Also see general conditions) 21. Prior to recordation of due fiscal pard or tract and/or before issuance of building permit(s), a water system designed so meet the rsquhed ftre flow shall be approved by the Water Company having jurisdiction and Fire Staff. The developer shall furnish the Pipe Agency with two copies of the water system improvement plaits and a letter from the water purveyor stating the water system is capable of providing the required fire flow. The water system shalt be approved and operational or provisions for bonding shall be required prior to recordation. Water supply for Ike protection shall bs operational and field issspectios approval shall be granted before construction will be permitted. The required fire flow shall be determined by using appropriate cakulatiorr established by the San Bernardino County "guide for Dete rmirwm Reouired Fire Flow". All underground piping for water systems shall have a minimum of eight (8) inches in diameter widen no lea duo six (6) inch latent lines, and six (6) inch risers. 22. lite above referenced project is protected by the San Bernardino County yips Agency. Prior to any construction occurring on any parcel, the applicant shall contact the Fire Agency for verification of current fire protection requirements. All new construction shall comply with the existing Uniform Fire Code requirement* and all applicable codes. ordinances. or standards of the Fire Agency. 23. Pricer to framing construction. approved the hydrants and Ane hydrant pavement markers shail be installed. Fire hydrants Khan be six (6) inches in diameter with a minimum of one four (4) inch and one 2 1/2 inch commotion as specified by fire staff. The design of the fire hydrant and hydrant markers shall be approved by the Fee Agency. An fire hydrant spacing shell be three hundred (300) fret with the exception of single family which may be increased to six. hundred (600) fleet tsiaximum unless otherwise approved by the Fire Chief. 24. Prior to final inspection, commercial said htdu:trial street address nwmhen shaft he posted, un the building, with a minimum eight (8) inch in height by three fourth (3/4) inch stroke width and shalt be visibk from the strut. During the hours of darkness. the cumbers shall be electrically ilhunhmated. Where building setback exceeds two hundred (200) feet from the roadway. additional teat -illuminated contrasting six (6) inch numbers shaft be displayed at the property access entrances. UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE: APPENDIX C MINIMUM PLUMBING FACILITIES Al IDSX C: MINIMUM PLUMBING FACILITIES lade building shell be provided wehh sasdcsery tallies, including provisions ter the physicadl r handespped as prss meed by the Dsp•rbee.nt As 4n,jurlstikkion. ire the absence of such requirements. this Appsnax, provides • redeem dor the minimum facilities tor Me venous types d occupancies. (sae Section 110. Plumbing fixtuses Required, et the Uniloan Plumbing Code) may be used. For requirements for the handiapped ANSI At 17.1.1966, prorica g Aotesaib I y ash/ Waft for Physical,/ Handicapped People, may be used. flus number d oceupsns dill be Malt d leans olby ndniseum owning ropilreinaine ?Moo= Waller abases or gimes per Person) Minalsg Losetanise (Fi aures tins Person) Award* unlaces - Thsatres. Audiitorfuevo, Convention H s. eft:. - for p employee use Male 1: 1-15 2:16.35 3: 36-55 Over 55. add 1 additional 40 Female 14 1: 1-15 3:16.33 4: 36.55 Shim tar caths 0:1.1 1:106 Aril ome *retire ter eesA persons. a/oilionai 50 metes. per moi) Mals Female 1 per 40 1 per 40 ref is...t a our 14 obi -1 Person) � Assembly Places - Theatres. Auditoriums. Convention Hags. etc - ter public use Mals Fenutel4 1:1.100 3:1-50 2: 101.200 4: 51.1 011 3: 201-400 8: 101.200 11: 201.401 Ovet 405, add one fixture for each Winona. 500 mails and 2 kir each 300 females. 1:1.10 2:101.200 3; 201400 4: 401600 Other 600 add 1 tenure ter each additional 500 maks. Mads Female 1: 1.209 1:1.200 2: 201-400 2 201-400 3: 401.750 3 401-750 Oyer 750. add one fixture for each additional S00 parsons. -1 per 73.2 oanllai.es School or tabor air Mals FinmMs14 t per 10 1 per 6 Add 1 Muni b► saes addlionat 25 malas (over 1111 and 1 ler each additional 20 females (ever 8). iper21 Other 150, and 1 fire tot each adddonal 50 males. Mals Female 1 per 11 1 per 12 Over 12 add •ns aaeture ter •ads addlilonel20 files WWI 1 for each t ti aeditioreal *emotes. 1 pert 1 per 75'2 For liandss, add 1 bedaub per 30. Over 150. add 1 per30. Oemeleelss for stall uss Mae Fenistet4 1: 1-15 1: 1.15 2:11.35 3:16.311 3:36.55 4:31-56 Ore 56, all t ihnute tar earls additional 40 persons. Ipet re Male Feint* 1 per iS 1 per 40 1 per e Single Dwelling MAN* °welkin, or ApMarmere Hoop 1 Por OwslI ag 1 per Omanp or aponcerel unit 1 per divelling 1 per dwelling or apadment e -w tper *vein, e ap�arlment unit lbspkal Wading rooms al tor employee use 4111111. 1 per ream Mita p14 1:1-15 1:1-15 2:14.36 3:16-36 3:36-55 4:36.90 Over S i. add 1 Axlure tar +earls additional 40 persoresa. 4:1 4 1: *111 Add 'notation ter WO rtandlm.enal 50 malas. 1 per room Male Pentnls. t par 41 1 per M 1 per 7518 HospIldi trans [dust Pisan Ward loan 1pier mem 1 per S palsaets 1 par mares 1 per 10 WINS 1 per 20 per resin pastels 1 pot 7Sie tndurihfa Warehouses 'W'orkshops, Foundries and similar establishments (for employee use) Mals Female 1:1.10 1:.1-10 2:11.2! 2:11-21 3:26-54 3:21.50 4:51-75 4:51-75 5: 76108 s: 76.100 Over 100, add 1 Mssure for each addlional 30 perste 1,*pre100,1per 10 persons Over 100,1 per 1$ perswes7. f 1 shower tor each 1 par 75/1 15 persons orb •sosesive hares sr b .trio Contain- Widesn wine pekoe. infectious. a iinesd q material bseMYlemd - Other them Hack* or Penal InseMuions (on taede occupied floor) Mai Pemate/4 i per 21 t per 20 0:1-1 1: 10-91 • Add one Allure tar asset athitionsl SO mares. litseueonel - Other than liespilds or Pend Ince lens fon eat* occupied boot) ' Por env* as use Male Fernalm14 1:1.16 1:1-15 2: 11-35 3: 11 1 3: 36 -SS 4: Se -S3 OWN 56, sell 1 Ihelsre for MAI iddidonad 40 persons. 0:1.0 1:10-'90 Axid one Wise for each additional S0 mates. ttlsls 1per 10 Female 1per 10 1per 1 1 par 7511 Mals Female 1 per 40 1 per 40 . i par 1 1 per 7s1* Ores or fbbltt bildings Male 1 1.100 2:101.230 IP 201-100 Fentele14 3:1.50 4:01.110 •:101-210 11;201-400 Over 41111. add ems Sutura ter arch NNW* 500 miles and R for seat 300 teasmlss. 1: 1.100 1:101-210 3: 201-400 4: 401005 Over 000 ate! 11Mute W ouch adddonad 300 metes. Sines or Allot SidMuegt - For orseptoy►s testi Masts Pentabl4 1:1.15 1:1.15 1:10-34 3:1635 5: 36-55 4: 36-50 Over 56, sal 1 lathe tar esti Additional 40 persons. 1:1! 1:10.1 . MS one Moro ter fedi ati08oresl SO main. lisle Fonds 1:1.208 1:1.200 :2'01-400 2: 201.401 3: 441-750 3: 401-150 Ower 750, add neo firms Icer sods additional SOO poisons. 1 per 7532 111111111111111111M1 MN 6, 15* i per 40 Female 1 per 46 halal Mesllrultons - employes use Mas F u 14 1:1-11 " 1:1.15 1wt-yw 3:'S- 3: 31-55 4: 24-10 Over 95, mil 1 Mine ter 01101 oddyt awl 40 persons. 0:1-1 1:10.10 AiMtl one liaboe tar poo saldwosaal SO males lees remote per M 1 par 40 1 par 73111 • 1 esal 11Palsr Cltosnts or flatworm s pat Person. "home per Penning �+OvaAOn� per Peron P=Is frbluros M► Versed In01AiMont - Fer prison use Cel Emmen* Nom • 1 par all 1 per eM .dsa mom .1 per acids, roan 1 per •s/ 1 per exsrdee seem 1 per cell !lock See' 1 per •nssd & loom . Pubs arse Lou nge& 1 Mrs Female 1:1.90 1:1-50 2:51-119 2:51-150 3:151-3110 4:151-300 Oyer 300, add t Amur for each addttronat 200 persons 1. 1.110 Over 150. sin 1 Meese to each additional 150 malas MMo Female 1. 1-108 1:1-110 2:151.20Q 2:151-2(i0 3: 201-400 3.201.400 Over 400, add 1 hatwe for cath additional 400 pwsorw 6d kook - For stall use Al schools Maes Female 1:1-1s 1:1-15 2:16.33 2:16.31 3:36.56 3:36-58 Over 53. ads 1 flaunt dor ea* additional 40 persons ids Female 1 per 40 1 per 40 Echoes - Per Muders use Nursery Etemetery Seco :dry Mem (Caws. Universal's, Adult Coders. etc) Mails Fens* 1: 1-20 1:1.20 2 21-50 t 21-50 Over Std, add 1 thstne for amen a idibonat 50 persons Male Female 1 per 30 t per 25 Male Female teerie Mali Female per 1 par M t per 30 Worst* Pisces Educational Mire and 1 drink se Unfit 1 per 121 2: 126-250 War** Floes Plod awl Male As ortedy Place ipso 130 2: 151-300 Female" 1 per 7S 2: 76.125 3.126.230 Amide 1 per 75 ft. 76450 3:151.301 1 par 711 I per 36 1per 36 l par 125 Mate Fermin 1:1.25 1:1-25 2:26-10 2:26-51 Nor M, add 1 Ixt've ler suety ad *Somal 50 persons Mrs ' Female 1 per 36 Fr 311 Me* iFerule 1 pw lS .1 pec 40 Male Female 1 per 40 1 per Id 1 per 2 wader downs 1 per 7511 1 per 7S* t per 7110 1 per 73111 1 par 150 1 per 2 weer dosses 1011.1.1111111111, 111.11111111111111111.11MINIMMINUMIL 1 per 7511 "whenever Wrote all rafted. ars (1) wader closet lass lean On nmarresr speeded mey be provided for s•t,h wind Installed, memo the number of wtetsr cbsolb A such comas shall not be reduced le tees furan two-thinda (2►3) a the minimum speared. 1. flew %ores *ism we bared upon one (1)Lowe being One minimum required for !rhe number *persons Indicated er any Poem Assrrad. 3. S Ming coegones teed shown ens Mk table shall be considered sep iadaly by die Administrative Au1horiey. 3. Drinking fountain shall rat be anot0sd in miles mom. 4. Laundry ways. One (1) laundry Pay or itis (1) summit waster douldpips tar ec:ds sdareeng Mui a sae (2) Windy trays ser two (!, au/wmare wadier slantiyapss, a oarteineton thereof. Mar •mch An (10) aperPnerls. Kitchen ships, ons ;1) for each d wsl$ng se apanrnent urdi 6. ti.i.ls. 4. As rerpied by ANN 24.1-1110. lardigle s Irl Places et Engltetmrwst. 7. Wheat wars is immure mure to slain eorrsrreinelon w*h poisonous. wrecks*, er lneladvi mate Pals. provide sees (1) tevttot :ler eael title' ) assns. - 5. Twenty -low (24) Mesal incises (100.6 mm) d waste sink or eighteen (10) nndhes (4.7.2 mm) d a &caar basin, Olen pounded site %velar aatltAe 14 stole apses. shall be considered squinted t ons (1) l vatury 4. Laundry trays. one (1) an ewer Nty (30) persons. Slop stalls. ono (1) lar sada %te nrae. t (000) posses. • 10. (iensrd. Ii applying tis schedule of fad les, eansideratlon must be given 10 the aceessabiltyr d the haMsst. pup ty on • nurt+Mksl basis tidy est result in en Mutilation milled to Mee stied d his individual es tense n+erht. For exawgle, eche." should be provided elle bilet bellies on mach floor heirs dr woosns. T•reporary waMrgmesm boitties,'one (1) wader closet and one (1) uridyl dor each thirty (30)0050150. 6. Sunouruding elites*. wast and ileor apses le • paint two (2) feet foe rat) it *ant d urinal tp and bur t4) fest (12 tali awe its , mei ad bail two 01) bet (O d rmn)1s 'sett side a die urinal shad be timed wish nosh -absorbent rshoteriala. . • • b. T.suoA minds an prohibiter. 11. A neeleum0 its &lined as a business *NSA seat teed is be wesmmrmted en tlto potrMese. a. The rwrmber of oawpsnts for a setae-ev restaurant AM be considered as equal to Mrs nurrresr aMpm*, dais b. Empleyse Is faaNMes are not a M included in the above restaurant requirements Hand washing tangles pretest 99s av liable In fate Mien torr 12. rMltsno' blood a .mi.rmod i ewe, waist steams may be scabs b*1 fete dal** fountains. ?taloses, aikatMtrtatnne, MirtnitMlea, allow or peek mange ler we by wore tan Mx (N persona Miall have one (1) driveling fountain ter the first seventy -lire (75) parson' and one (1) aedllorrrl loran in lot ewain •re hundred andel, ( 54) parsons cher.all«. 13. There shell he • minimum d one (1) drinking taunt* per eacipiedSoot In stook ANss. btraAarMnas, dttrsllswis, Okla war puddle bulling. 14. fits fatal mother d washer costa tar lambs MIM be at hissed equal le Meow. number el watllsr dome and salmis reeprin d for mess. 1 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. All work, materials and methods shall conform to this requirements of the California building Cods, 1901 Edition, other laws, ordinances and regulations having jurisdiction of this work, and the Building Department of the City of Fontana. 2. Contractors shall visit the job site and verify all dissension•, grades and conditions at sits before commencing work, and report any discrepancies to the City and obtain resolution prior to resuming effecters portion(*) of work. 3. Osneral Contractor shall furnish temporary sanitary, water and power facilities during course of construction. 4. Contractor to secure and pay for all required permits prior to breaking street curbs for now driveways. Seo site plan. All street paving driveway curb gutters, etc., shall conform to requirements of the City of Fontana S. 311 required work and repair of damages on and off public property (alleys, side walks, curbs, streets, etc.,) occurring as a result of construction procedures, prscessed, etc., shall be done according to governing regulations: Match End patch this work to be consistent with said regulations and existing adjoining conditions at no extra cost to Owner. General Contractor and other various trades shall cooperate with all secnanic*l and electrical installing CottauJWit+.s. 6. General Contractor shall coordinate site plumbing, drainage, electrical, telephone, etc., work to provide complete operating system, all necessary work involving existing curbs, streets, alleys, etc., trenching, backfilling, etc., o.atsids of property lines, shall be ornvided. See Note./2) above. Locations, details.and dimensions of all trench drains, mechanical equipment pads sleeved pipe passages shall be verified with air conditioning and/or plumbing ccntractor. 7. All woud in contact with concrete lox masonry) shall be pressure -treated. 1. Dissimilar contiguous metals shall be treated with clear totting to inhibit any electrolytic action. 0. All elevated areas of work such as equipment platforms shall have temporary barriers around their entire perimeter maintained until permanent screens are .completed, per OSHA requirements. 10. A:1 persons performing work sr other duties on reefs and/or other elevated locations shall, at all times, bs protected with safety lines or other appropriate protective devices, per asNA requirements. 11. Contractor *hall provide substantial and adequate protection for pedestrian and other traffic adjacent los construction site. 12. All work shall conform teethe best practise methods prevailing in the various trades comprising the work. 13. All materials used on job shall be new, unused, *lean, and free fro. defects. 14. Contractor shall provide Shop Drawings as required by Architect or Engineer. /S. All applie tbie elides and say other governing restrictions shall take precedence dyer any conflicting items in the plans or specifications. 16. If eartn.w information is noted only on the plans or wily in the specifications, then the information will be as valid as if noted on two:h rtvn• p -t1 specifications. However, if • conflict occurs, Oty Contractor shall obtain a clarification from prior to commencing work. 17. Motes and detail. on Drawings stall take precedence over teneral notes and specifications. 10. Dimensions and notes shall tater peece'l*nee ever the scale of Drawings, innluding large scale ctetailb. 1,. Lightirer!: All lighting shall be directed onto the site and no 2.00dlighting shall be loc•twd mo as to be seen directly by adjacent residential WOO.. Yhie condition e rten not preclude the installation of thaw -level security lighting. 20. All piping and mechanical duets over 11ais6tcap Lanes Ord routes within the veh!':ular parking sires •h* .1 maintain • minimum of S'-2" head clearance as roe/nixed per code. All of per exposed piping and ductwork 04611 have • minimum 7'-0" head clearsence unless otherwise approved, by Architect. 23. Prior to Anal inspection or occupancy, pancy, art approved Pure Department key box is require!. The key box shall be provided with a tamper switch and shall be monitored by as approved central monitoring service. If automatic electric security gates are used, an appiaved lock switch or frequency control access shall be required on each gate. 26. Prior to !sire Agency clearance for occupancy, en au:trtmaile tire sprinkler system shell be installed. This system shat comp:y with NEPA ?amphkt 1:3 and Fire Agency Guideline 210.507. The applicant sisal: suhmnit hydraulic calcutatio s and detailed plans showing type of storm. band use wit:t ..e .applicable protection syst-m. Consultant fee for p'an review *kW be paid dtrec i; :o the consuhant and she . include two field inspections. 27. Prior 'o fkue hmspectlon or occupancy, an automatic fire alarm ss stent A required M acco r once with the. 'Uniform Fire Code. The developer shall snot it detailed plans to a ?ro ecticn Coisul.ant approves by the Fire Agency. 21. "Trio rtoting, :the Lane' signs seal. be installed, on interior access drives and private roads. These signs shall be posted at designated locations by Fire Staff. Fire land curbs shall be painted red. Signs shall be in accordance with Fire Agency Guideline 110.206. 29. Prior to final inspection or occupancy, hand portable fire extinguishers are required to be provided. The location, type and cabinet design shall be approved by the Fire Agency. 30. The following Fire Protection Osidetines shall apply to this project. Please have the Engineer and/or Architect contact our office for specific standard requirements prior in design: 01 10.206: FiRE LANE IDENTIFICATION MARKING GL 10.301: PREMISES IDENTIFICATION (ADDRESSING) GL 10.302: BUILDING/PREMISES ENTRY SYSTEM OL 10 507: AUTOMATIC ;7121! PROTECTION - NFPA 13 PC.ICE DErAsITMF.NT: (A:so see genera; conditions) 31. Applicant shall comply with City 01 ontans Police Building and Security specifications es established: by the Crime Prevention Unit. 32. Anti exterior commercial doors. during the hours of dankness. shin the illuminated with I. minimum of one (1) tootcandie of light. All exterior bulbs shall be protected by weather anti vandalism -resistant covers. 33. Open parking lots, and access thereto, providing mote than ten (10) parking spaces and for use by the general public, shall be provided with a minimwn of one 91) footcandle of light on the parking surface from dusk until the termination of business every operating day 25. Prior to fleet inspection or occupancy, an approved Fire Department key box is required. The key box shall be provided with a tamper switch and shall be monitored by as approved central monitoring service. if automatic electric security gates are used. an approved k ck switch or frequency control access shall he required on each gate. 26. Prior to Fire Agency clearance for occupancy, an automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed. This system shall comply with NFPA Pamphlet 213 and Fire Agency Guideline 210.507. The applicant shall submit hydraulic calculations and detailed plans showing type of storage and use with the applicable protection system.. Consultant fee for plan review skald be paid directly to the consultant and shall include two field inspections. 27. Prior to -final inspection or occupancy, an automatic fire alarm system is required in accordance with the Uniform Fire Code. The developer shall submit detailed plans to a Fire Protection Consultant approved by tete Fire Agency. 211. "No Parking. Fire lane' signs shall he installed, on interior access drives and private roads. These signs shall he posted at designated locations by Fire Staff. Fire land curbs shall be painted red. Signs shall be in accordance with Fire Acency Guideline 210.206. 29. Prior to final inspection or occupancy, hand portable fire extinguishers are required to be provided. The location, type and cabinet design shall he approved by the Fwe Agency. 30. The following Fire Protection Guidelines shall apply to this project. Please have the Engineer sand/or Architect contact cur office for specific standard requirements prior to design GL 10.206: FIRE LANE IDENTIFICATION MARKING GL 10.301: PREMISES IDENTIFICATION (ADDRESSING) GL 10.302: BUiLDING/PREMISES ENTRY SYSTEM GL 10.507: AUTOMATIC FIRE PROTECTION NFPA 13 POLICE DEPARTMFNTJ (Also see general conditioxts) 31. Applicant shad comply with Cky of Fontana Police Building and Security specifications as established by the Crime Prevention Unit. 32. AM exterior commercial doors, during bee hours of dartness, shall be illuminated with a minimum of one (1) footcandle of light. All exterior bulbs shall be protected by weather and vandalism -resistant coven. 33. Open parting lots. and access thereto, providing mere dian tea (10) peak's spaces and for use by t:. general public. shall be provided with a minimum of one 91) fnotcandk a light on the parking surface from du* until the termination of business every taperatine day ENi') OF CONDITIONS a) chs 0 41) A 1 Is% 3; s 1441114/0 011610WW; Illi;g011101! 11, E pi, D=3 E COE 11*:, CC a�Q IA2 JIM INV:5 ci [i] Architects A Drawn by =Print Dates Checked by Date Job Number 96018 Sheet GN -1.0 DWG. NO. 2453 SHEET 2 of 80