HomeMy WebLinkAbout49.1 Change Orders City of Fontana CALIFORNIA June 13,1996 Shannon Stuart, Vice-President S.J. Burkhardt, Inc. 6157 Marlart Mira Loma, CA 91752 RE: Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project from 110' South of Foothill Blvd. to 170' North of Foothill Blvd.(SB-72-94) Contract Change Order No. 1 & 2 Dear Mr. Stuart: Enclosed are fully executed contract Change Orders No. 1 & 2. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at (909) 350-6645. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Y~wala, P.E. Associate Civil Engineer/Special Projects Enclosure: Executed Contract Change Orders No. 1 & 2 cc: Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ~w~ recycled paper . CITY OF FONTANA ~ ORIGINAL CONTRACT ~UNT S97,982.00 · ENGf~]EERING DIVISION ESTIMATE OF COST T~IS CCO TOTAL TO DATE PROJ[:CT:LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION CONTRACT ITEM PR.Q.~:CT.FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL FORCE ACCT. S1,716.34 S1,716.34 BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. AGREED PRICE CONTRACT NO: (SB-72-94) ADJUSTMENT CONT~!ACTOR: S.J. BURKBARDT, INC. TOTAL S1,716.34 Sl,716.34 CONT[!ACT CO NO. ~ SUPP. % OVER CONTRACT 1.75% 1.75% DATE: MAY 30, 1996 CONTINGENCY BALANCE (INCL.THIS CO) S8,081.86 You are hereby directed to make the herein described changes [rom the plans and specifications or do the following described work not included in the plans and specification on the contract. NOTE: This change order is not effective until approved by the City Engineer. NO, CONTRACT DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT QUANTITY TOTAL ITEM NO, OF WORK PRICE On M~ly 7, 1996-Change Traffic Control at Corner of Foothill & Locust & Generated Change in Signage for Sunrise Ford Entrance per the request of the City Inspector-Wayne Brown 1 ea Foreman 6 hrs@ 44.45 per 266.70 1 ea Operator 6 hrs® 43.10 per 258.60 1 ea Laborer 6 hrs@ 36.30 per 217.80 i ea J.D. 544 Loader 6 hrs@ 52.35 per 314.10 8 TN Temporary A.C. @ 20.00 per 160.00 1 ea Traffic Control Signage @ Lump Sum 260.50 Sub-Total $1,477.70 15% P. & O. ~ 221.65 Sub-Total $1,699.35 1% Bond ~ 16.99 Total Amount Due This Billing $1,716,34 Estimated Cost Decreases or Increases 1,716,34 By re,ason of this order the time of completion will be adjusted as follows: Fie~d Inspecter We, the undersigned contractor, have given careful consideration to the change proposed and hereby agree, if this proposal is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furnish all materials, except as may otherwise be noted above, and perform all services necessary for the word above specified, and will accept as full payment therefor the prices shown above. Accep , na : 06-06-96 Contractor: 5.3. BURKHARDT, INC. By:~~ Title: S~even J. Schmi~z-Sec./Treas. ~157 MARLATT MIRA LOMA, CALIFORNIA 91752 (909) 685-7488 · FAX (909) 685-7838 Date ---- i '~ /i ' Date Quantity Description Unit Price Amount CITY OF FONTANA ORIGINAL CONTRAC~DUNT S97,982.00 EN~I],~EERING DIVISION V ESTIMATE OF COST THIS CCO TOTALTO DATE PROJECT:LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION CONTRACT ITEM ($407,10) ($407.10) PROJ~CT FROM 110' SOLTTH OF FOOTHILL FORCE ACCT. S1,716,34 BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. AGREED PRICE CONTI~ACT NO: (SB-72-94) ADJUSTMENT CONTii~ACTOR: S.J. BURKFu%RDT. INC. TOTAL (S407.10) S1,309.24 CONTii~ACT CO NO. 2 SUPP. % OVER CONTRACT (0.41%) 1.34% DATE: JUNE 10, 1996 CONTINGENCY BALANCE (INCL.THIS CO) ~8,488,96 YOu are hereby directed to make the herein described changes from the plans and specifications or do the following described work not included in the plans and spec.ification on the contract. NOTE: This change order is not effective until approved by the City Engineer. NO. CONTRACT DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT QUANTITY TOTAL ITEM NO. OF WORK PRICE 1. 7 INSTALL A.C. PAVEMENT TONS $69.00 (5.90) ($407.10) AS SHOWN ON TRENCH DETAIL ~A", SHEET 2 OF 3 Estimated Cost Decreases (407.10) or Increases By reason of this order the time of completion will be adjusted as foillows: We, the undersigned contractor, have given careful consideration to the change proposed and kereby agree, if this proposal is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furnish all materials, except as may otherwise be noted above, and perform all services necessary for the word above specified, and will accept as full payment therefor the prices shown above. ACC =~ted, e: D~-L3'~ Contractor: ~.~. ~O~.~d~,~D~, ~J~_. City of Fontana CALIFORNIA June 3,1996 Shannon Stuart, Vice-President S.J. Burkhardt, Inc. 6157 Marlatt Mira Loma, CA 91752 RE: Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project from 110' South of Foothill Blvd. to 170' North of Foothill Blvd.(SB-72-94) Contract Change Order No. 1 Dear Mr. Stuart: Enclosed are two copies (each) of Contract Change Order No. 1. Please sign both copies and return for City's execution. One fully executed copy will be returned for S.J. Burkhardt, Inc.'s records. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at (909) 350-6645. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Yo ala, P.E. Associate Civil Engineer/Special Projects Enclosure: 2 copies each of Contract Change Order No. 1 cc: Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ~ recycled paper City of Fontana CALIFORNIA June 10,1996 Shannon S~uart, Vice-President S.J. Bur, khardt, Inc. 6157 Marlatt Mira Loma, CA 91752 RE: Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project from 110' South of Foothill Blvd. to 170' North of Foothill Blvdo (SB-72-94) Contract Change Order No. 2 Dear Mr. Stuart: Enclosed are two copies (each) of Contract Change Order No. 2. Please sign both copies and return for City's execution. One fully executed copy will be returned for S.J. Burkhardt, Inc.'s records. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at (909) 350-6645. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Yousuf Patanwala, P.E. Associate Civil Engineer/Special Projects Enclosure: 2 copies each of Contract Change Order No. 2 cc: Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0818 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ~ recycled paper CITY OF FONTA/qA ORIGINAL CONTRACT 9UNT S97,982.00 ENGINEERING DIVISION ~ ESTIMATE OF COST ~ THIS CCO TOTALTO DATE PROJ~CT:LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION CONTRACT ITEM {S407.10) {$407.10) PROJECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL FORCE ACCT. S1,716.34 BLVD~ TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD, AGREED PRICE CONT}~CT NO: (SB-72-94) /~DJ~3STMENT CONT]:~CTOR: S.J. BURKHARDT, INC. TOTAL ($407.10) $1,309~24 CONT].~CT CO NO. 3 SUPP. % OVER CONTRACT (0.41%) 1.34% DATE: JUNE 10, 1996 CONTINGENCY BALANCE (iNCL.THIS CO) S8,488.96 You are hereby directed to make the herein described changes from the plans and specifications or do the following described work not included in the plans and specification on the contract. NOTE: This change order is not effective until approved by the City Engineer. NO. CONTRACT DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT QUA/~TITY TOTAL ITEM NO. OF WORK PRICE 1. 7 INSTALL A.C. PAVEMENT TONS $69.00 (5.90) ($407.10) AS SHOWN ON TRENCH DETAIL ~A", SHEET 2 OF 3 Estimated Cost Decreases (407.10) or Increases By reason of this order the time of completion will be adjusted as follows: NONE Submitted by: Date: Field Inspector Approval Recommended: Date: Project Manager Apprcved: City Engineer: Date: We, the undersigned contractor, have given careful consideration to the change proposed and hereby agree, if this proposal is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furnish all materials, except as may otherwise be noted above, and perform all services necessary for the word above specified, and will accept as full payment therefor the prices shown above. ACcepted, Date: Contractor: By:__ Title: CItY OF FONTANA ORIGINAL CONTRACT ~/~0UNT S97,982.00 ENGINEERING DIVISION ~,! ESTIM2~TE OF COST~ THIS CC0 TOTALTO DATE PROaECT:LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION CONTRACT ITEM I$407.10) ($407.10) PROJECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL FORCE ACCT. S1,716.34 BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. AGREED PRICE ~' CO~IRACT NO: {SB-7~-94) ADJUSTMENT CONTRACTOR: S.J. BURKEARDT, INC. TOTAL ($407.10) S1,309.24 CONIRACT CO NO. = SUPP. % OVER CONTRACT {0.41%} 1.34% DATE: JUNE 10, 1996 CONTINGENCY BALANCE (INCL.THIS CO) $8,488.96 You are hereby directed to make the heroin described changes from the plans and specifications or do the following described work not included in the plans and specification on the contract. NOTE: This change order is not effective until approved by the City Engineer. NO. CONTRACT DESCRIPTION UNIT ~INIT QUANTITY TOTAL ITEM NO. OF WORK PRICE INSTALL A.C. PAVEMENT TONS $69.00 (5.90) ($407.10) AS SHOWN ON TRENCH DETAIL ~A", SHEET 2 OF 3 Estimated Cost Decreases (407.10) or increases By reason of this order the time of completion will be adjusted as follows: NONE Submitted by: Date: Field Imspector Approval Recommended: Date: Project Manager Appreved: City Engineer: Date: We, ~he undersigned contractor, have given careful consideration to the change proposed and hereby agree, if this proposal is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furnish all materials, except as may otherwise be noted above, and perform all services necessary for the word above specified, and will accept as full payment therefor the prices shown above. Accepted, Date: Contractor: By:_ Title: · "~,~ ~ }-E"," ~WEIGHMASTERCE:ilFICATE : ~,,,., ;':" ;' '::: '"'~"" ' ,.,s.,o,..~,,Y~...o,o.,........._.~.......-,;..9890~1 ' .: ~ 'NOTICE: INdUSTrIAL ASPHALT 1. It is agreed that all ~terial sales, es ordered and manufactured, are consummated and title p~sses P.Ct. BOX 2950 at the plant site and Is subject to sale~ t~, 2, Tr~nspodation is ordered for thi9 specific deliveW; delay~ will b%subject to del~y char~es ~t Los Angeles, CA 90051 terminal end atP,U.~, rates, and must be approved by buyer. 8181781-6080. ' Company or C~rrie~ assumes any responsib~lity fo~. No claims allowed unless m~de , : , ,,~o,~,,.,~.;' ' 2~:'-'' ; ' t ,,~ ::~", ~ ...[; '. "' ,7 '~_~. T~RMa: All ac~s are due and payable on lOlh of the month toll~wing'da~e of deliver. Inleresl ' . t will be charged on past due account8 at the highest rate permitted by applicable law, Buyer will 2- 2j .~ ~ pay attorney fees and other collection costs. LOCATION NO --NAME PHONE NO. V) H~E~IH,,RNI)/~ [~[ : 9~{~':)875--5[~3(~) TICKET NO.:~)~''~.~"1~,' & ' CbSTOMER NAME AND JOB ADDRESS P.O. OR CONT, NO, F'O(} FH,fLL ~- [,[)CUB r : ~ ~'-F3 -'t]-%. -, '- .;. .-~i~;~ ' HAUL ZONE: : :;i: ~'~: ':~:: '~' ~.~, ,. ,:; , ,.. CARRIER . : ' ' - TRUCK PAY NO. WEIGHED AT DATE TIME PL. NO. f .~, "' GROSS WEIGHf?~' ', % ~' :: '::~' ~Ew~ -- "' NET IGHT~ TOTAL TONS ON JOB: ' :' ' LOAD NUMBER: ARRIVE JOB START UNLOAD ~EPART JOB TIME DRIVER ~' ,. IN TRUCK FOR TARE'AND ~ROS8 WEIGHTS 4 '.,'~ F'. TH[JNf~9 -.' ..... S~A STANDING TIME APPROVED , ', ~ · / DEPU~ ' ' ., MA RI LREC'D WORKING TIM[ WORKING TIE A PROVED % % % ~ ]~2~ ~TOMER OR INSPECTION COPY : ' :, , ~, '~'~-.-,. ':- ,, .~nEv.:~/9o NOTICE:/- INOUSTIJlAL ASPHALT 1, . It is agreed that all material sales, as ordered and manufactured, are consummated and title passes. P.O. BOX 2950 at the plant site and is .subject to sales tax. · /, Los Allgeles, CA 90051 2. Transportation is ordered for this specific delivery; delays wil~be subject to delay charges at terminal end at P.U.C. rates. and must be approved by buyer. 81 B/781-6080 : 3. carriers will endeavor to deliver and place material where customer' designates, but neither the Company or Carrier assumes any responsibifity for damages. No claims showed unless made at [ time of delivery. ,~ 4. TERMS: All accounts are due and payable on 10th of the month following date of delivery. Interest ; will be charged on pa~ due accounts at the highest rate permitted 'By applicable law. Buyer will pay attorney fees and ether collection costs, L~OCATION NO.--NAME PHONE NO. GUSTOMEn NAME AND JOB ADDRESS P.O. OR CONT. NO. eARSEa TRUC~NO. TRK. LIC. NO. TRAILER NO. TRL. LIC. NO, [TRK ~PE TRUCK PAY NO. ' ~5¢ "  ~' '~ ~' ' TARE WEIGHT~~)' 3G Ton :'.:: -. : ~" '// ~." ' ' :':: ~ =:, ~ . ~ / TOTAL TON~ ON dOE: ~RRIVE JOB START UNLOAD DEPART JOB TIME DRIMER IN TRUCK FOR TARE AND GROSS WEIGHTS ;. STANDING TIME STANDING TIME APPROVED ~? P. 'rHONnS , ,, '," ' ' ' INDUSTRIAL ASPHALT WEIGHMASTeR" DEP.U~' I ' 1) ~ MATERIAL REC'D i 989401 -' -" NOTICE: ! * ~' ~' :7 '~ ' INDUSTRIAL ASPHALT ' l. It is agreed that all mat~ial sal;is, as 0~dersd and manufactured, are consummated and title passes P.(:). BO~< ~950 at the plant site and is sub act to sales tax. I Los Arlgeles, CA 90051 2. Transportation is ordered for this specific delivery; delays will be subject to delay charges at terminal end 8t P.U.C. rates, and must be approved by buyer. 81 .~J/781-6080 3. Carriers will endeavor to deliver and place matedel where customer designates, but neither the Company or Carrier assumes any responsibility for damages. No claims allowed unless made at time of delivery. 4. TERMS: All accounts are due and payable on 10th of the month following date of delivery. Interest will be charged on past due accounts at the highest rate permitted by applicable law. Buyer Will pay attorney fees and other collection costs LDCATION NCs.--NAME PHONE NO. ,, .. . ' ,~ ,.',.-~ ~. ~31,~ TICKET NO.: '3' ~'~, 4USTOMER NAME AND JOB ADDRESS P,O. OR CONT. NO. _s i"[i[]Y|lJ:L.[. &. ~,~I.-.F:~; HAULZONE: : coDENoAMOUNTREO.PR :COOEDESCR,PT,ON .....SOOP EM:S,ON 62~. D ~-~.l~{~lZ~. 378" ~: F2E. I) '~ S 1' Rt .ICK }: NB ~EIGHED AT f ~ bDATE TIME PL/NO, ~:2~50 W. H.[GHLAi,ID, ~AN ~I:~I~NARDIN) CA 92498 15/L6!9~  :/LOAD' ': ~ / ~ / ,// ,L~AD NUMBER: S,ANDING TI~'E STANDING TIME APPROVED ~,/~TH ,1~S L~ PHA ~ , ' , ~ MATERIAL REC'D~BY ~ORKING TIME WORKING TIME ApPROVED ~ / CUSTOMER OR INSPECTION COPY 62 REV. 11/90 City of Fontana CALIFORNIA June 3,1996 Shannon Stuart, Vice-President S.J. Burkhardt, Inc. 6157 Marlatt Mira Loma, CA 91752 RE: Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project from 110' South of Foothill Blvd. to 170' North of Foothill Blvd.(SB-72-94) Contract Change Order No. 1 Dear Mr. Stuart: Enclosed are two copies (each) of Contract Change Order No. 1. Please sign both copies and return for City's execution. One fully executed copy will be returned for S.J. Burkhard~, inc.'s records. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at (909) 350-6645. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division You~a~an~wala, P.E. Associate Civil Engineer/Special Projects Enclosure: 2 copies each of Contract Change Order No. 1 cc: Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ~1~ recycled paper CITY OF FONTANA ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT ~97,982.00 ENGINEERING DIVISION W' ESTIMATE OF COSTv TEIS CCO TOTAL TO DATE PROJECT:LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION CONTRACT ITEM PROJECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL FORCE ACCT. S1,716.34 ~1,716.34 BLVD TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. AGREED PRICE CONT~ACT NO: (SB-72-94) ADJUSTMENT CONTRACTOR: S, J, BURFJ{ARDT, INC. TOTAL S1,716.34 S1,716.34 CONT]!~CT CO NO. 1 SUPP. % OVER CONTRACT 1.75% 1.75% DATE: MAY 30, 1996 CONTINGENCY BALANCE (INCL.THIS CO) S81081.86 You are hereby directed to make the herein described changes from the plans and epecj.fications or do the following described work not included in the plans and specification on the contract. NOTE~ This change order is not effective until approved by the City Engineer. NO. CONTRACT DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT QUA3qTITy TOTAL ITEM NO. OF WORE PRICE On May 7, 1996-Change Traffic Control at Corner of Foothill & Locust & Generated Change in Signage for Sunrise Ford Entrance per the request of the City Inspector-Wayne Brown 1 ea Foreman 6 hrs® 44.45 per 266.70 1 ea Operator 6 hrs@ 43.10 per 258.60 1 ea Laborer 6 hrs@ 36.30 per 217.80 1 ea J.D. 544 Loader 6 hrs@ 52.35 per 314.10 8 TN Temporary A.C. @ 20.00 per 160.00 1 ea Traffic Control Signage @ Lump Sum 260.50 Sub-Total $1,477.70 15% P. & O. ~ 221,65 Sub-Total $1,699.35 1% Bond $ 16.99 Total Amount Due This Billing S1,716.34 Estimated Cost Decreases or increases 1,716.34 By reason of this order the time of completion will be adjusted as follows: Submitted by: Date: Field Inspector Approval Recommended: Date: Project Manager Approved: City Engineer: Date: We~ the undersigned contractor, have given careful consideration to the change proposed and hereby agree, if this proposal is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furnish all materials, except as may otherwise be noted above, and perform all services necessary for the word above specified, and will accept as full payment therefor the prices shown above. Acce]=)ted, Date: Contractor: By:_ Title: CITY OF FONTANA ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT S97,982.00 ENGI~:[EERING DIVISION ~ ESTIMATE OF COST~HiS CCO TOTAL TODATE PROJECT:LOCUST AVENITE SEWER EXTENSION CONTRACT ITEM PROJECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL FORCE ACCT. S1,716.34 S1,716.34 ~ TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. AGREED PRICE CONT]~CT NO: (SB-72-94) ADJUSTMENT CONTP~CTOR: S.J. BURKP~ARDT, INC. TOTAL S1,716.34 S1,716.34 CONT}~CT CO NO. 1 SUPP. % OVER CONTRACT 1.75% 1,75% DATE: MAY 30, 1996 CONTINGENCY BALANCE (INCL.THIS CO) 88,081.86 YOU are hereby directed to make the herein described changes from the plans and specifications or do the following described work not included in the plans and specification on the contract. NOTE: This change order is not effective until approved by the City Engineer. NO. CONTRACT DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT QUANTITY TOTAL ITEM NO. OF WORK PRICE On May 7, 1996-Change Traffic Control at Corner of Foothill & Locust & Generated Change in Signage for Sunrise Ford Entrance per the request of the City Inspector-Wayne Brown 1 ea Foreman 6 hrse 44.45 per 266.70 i ea Operator 6 hrs@ 43.10 per 258.60 1 ea Laborer 6 hrs® 36.30 per 217.80 1 ea J.D. 544 Loader 6 hrs® 52.35 per 314.10 8 TN Temporary A.C. ® 20.00 per 160.00 1 ea Traffic Control Signage © Lump Sum 260.50 Sub-Total $1,477.70 15% P. & O. S 221.65 Sub-Total $1,699.35 1% Bond S 16.99 Total Amount Due This Billing $1,716.34 Estimated Cost Decreases or Increases 1,716.34 By reason of this order the time of completion will be adjusted as follows: Submitted by: Date: Field Inspector Approval Recommended: Date: Project Manager Approved: City Engineer: Date: We, the undersigned contractor, have given careful consideration to the change proposed and hereby agree, if this proposal is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furnish all materials, except as may otherwise be noted above, and perform all services necessary for the word above specified, and will accept as full payment therefor the prices sho~n above. Accepted, Date: Contractor: By:_ Title: LIcense #510982-A 6157 MARLATT MIRA LOMA, CALIFORNIA 91752 (909) 6854488 · FAX (909) 685-7838 - Change Order # 'Authorized By ~ ~ ~ i~j Quantity Description Unit Price Amount ~ - ~ov,ar 5~1~ ~ ~' ~0~ CITY OF FONTANA ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT S97,982.00 ENGI].[EERING DIVISION ~ ESTIMATE OF COST MS CCO TOTALTO DATE PROJECT:LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION CONTRACT ITEM PROJECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL FORCE ACCT. St,716.34 S1,716.34 BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. AGREED PRICE CONT~CT NO: (SB-72-94) ADJUSTMENT CONT}~CTOR: S.J. BURF/4ARDT, INC. TOTAL S1,716.34 S1,716.34 CONTraCT CO NO. 1 SUPP. % OVER CONTRACT 1.75% 1.75% DATE: MAY 30, 1996 CONTINGENCY BALANCE (INCL.THIS CO) $8,081.86 You are hereby directed to make the herein described changes from the plans and specifications or do the following described work not included in the plans and specification on the contract. NOTE: This change order is not effective until approved by the City Engineer. NO. CONTRACT DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT QUANTITY TOTAL ITEM NO. OF WORK PRICE On May 7, 1996-Change Traffic Control at Corner of Foothill & Locust & Generated Change in S~gnage for Sunrise Ford Entrance per the request of the City Inspector-Wayne Brown 1 ea Foreman 6 hrs® 44.45 per 266.70 1 ea Operator 6 hrs@ 43.10 per 258.60 1 ea Laborer 6 hrs@ 36.30 per 217.80 1 ea J.D. 544 Loader 6 hrs® 52.35 per 314.10 8 TN Temporary A.C. @ 20.00 per 160.00 1 ea Traffic Control Signage @ Lump Sum 260.50 Sub-Total $1,477.70 15% P. & O. $ 221.65 Sub-Total $1,699.35 1% Bond S 16,99 Total Amount Due This Billing $1,716.34 Estimated Cost Decreases or Increases 1,716.34 By reason of this order the time of completion will be adjusted as follows: Field Inspector Approval Recommended: Date: Project Manager Approved: City Engineer: Date: We, the undersigned contractor, have given careful consideration to the change proposed and k, ereby agree, if this proposal is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furndsh all materials, except as may otherwise be noted above, and perform all services necessary for the word above specified, and will accept as full payment therefor the prices shown above. Accepted, Date: Contractor: By:__ Title: