HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.7 Form Contractor Contracting 6157 MARLATT · MIRA LOMA, CALIFORNIA 91752 · (714) 685-7488 June 13, 1996 City Of Fontana 8353 Sierra Ave. Fontana, Ca. 92334 Ref: Locust Ave. Sewer Extension Foothill Blvd. & locust Ave. SB-72-94 Subject: Deletion Of Previous Billings Gentlemen: (Persons) This letter is To Advise You That The Initial Invoice #A-3674 In The Amount Of $1,544.71 For Change Order Number t Is Deleted & Revised invoice #A-3674-R In The Amount Of $ 6,142.88 For Change order #1 & 2, Including 5% Release Of The Total Retention Held Per The Advisement From Mr. Yousuff Patanwala, PE For The City Of Fontana, Engineering Department Is Here-By Submitted. On Invoice #A-3666, Dated May 22, 1996 Is Here-By Deleted In Its Entirety For Billing Of 10% Retention Of Which Will Be REvised To Bill The Balance Of The Five Percent Retention Remaining. Should You Require Any Further Regarding This letter, Please Feel Free To Call Me At (909) 685-7488. Tonyiza-C'l~Ye:~[t M~n~er encl: (3) Contracting · 157 IdAI~LATT · MII~A LOMA. (~ALIFOF~NIA 91752 · (714) e85-7488 March 15, 1996 City Of Fontana 8353 Sierra Ave. Fontana, Ca. 92334 Ref:= locust Avenue Sewer Extension ll0' South Of Foothill Blvd To 170' North Of Foothill Blvd. Subject: Executed Contract Documents Attn: Yousuf Patanwala, P.E. Associate Engineer/Special Projects Dear Mr. Patanwala: As Per Your letter Dated March 06, 1996, Enclosed Are the Three (3) Executed Contract Documents For The Above Referenced Project. As We Had Discussed Prior, Please Enter The Contract Agreement Date On All Three (3) Payment And Performance Bonds Upon Determining The Exact Date. Should You Require Any Further Information Regarding This Contract, Please Call Me At (909) 685-7488 Respe~ly: ~rza-Cr~edit~Manager encl: (3) BEAR VALLEY PAVING L,c., 926, Engineering Contractors 41841 GaBtin Rd. P.O. Box 1588 BIg Bear Lake, CA 92315 Phone (909,1 866-4746 FAX(909) 866-8452 February 13, 1996 City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 Attn: Yousuf Patan~ala Associate Engineer Re: Locust Avenue Bid No. SB-72-94 "Request for Release of Bid Dated February 6, ]996. Gentlemen; Bear Valley PavinQ- is respectfully requesting to be released from the above referenced bid, submitted approx. 9am, Feb. 6, 1996. Bear l~lley Paving is significantly low on this bid due to not adding correctly, the cost of boring to its bid along with listing the appropriate sub contractor to do this ~o~. Bear valley Paving is a~imre of this error in our bid and request your understanding. Plea e contact~ ~ s ' _ ~ d you h~ve any questions. ~, Pres. Bear Valley ,aving 62--13--199B 18:4T 9098668452 BEAE VALLEY PAVING P. 02 BEAR VALLEY PAVING Engineering Contractors 4184 1 ~ar~fin Rd, P.O. Box 1~88 ~lg Bear Lake, CA 923 ~5 Phone [~ 866-~7~6 FA~ (~9) 8~452 February 13, 1996 City or Fontand 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontand, California g2335 Attn: Yousuf PatanW~]a Locust Avenue Bid No. SB-72-94 "Requee~ for Releaee of Bid D~ito8 ~ebrU~ry B, lgg6. Centlean; Bear Valley Paving i~ r~p~ntful]y re~]estJ.ng to be released from the akove referenced bl d, sul~i~Sed approx. 9am, Feb. 6, 1996. ~a[ Valley Paving is significantly lo~-r on thi~ kid due to not addinq correctly, the coat of bring to its bid along l~itb listing the appropriate sub contractor to do tbt8 ~¢ork+ Bear Valley Paving i~ ~ar~ of this error in ~,ur hid and request your understanding- Plea e co~_~me~ ~ s ....... ' ~ly ~heula you h~ve any <~eetions. rely, ~omtero, Pres- Bear Va3]~y Pavin~ BEAR VALLEY PAVING L,=.,~,~,, Engineering Contractors 41841G~3rsllnl'3d, P.O, Bo,x 1588 Blg ilear Lake. CA 92315 phc;ne (VOg,l ,B66,-47,d6 ,cAX (909,1866,SL52 Date: ' February 13, 1996 To: City of Fontana, Enq~neerinq FAX 4~: q09'350'6618 Attention: YouBur Pat~nwala From: Jaeque Montero Number of Pages inclUdfng this pa~]e: two .R. ~t L. SEWERS, INC. ss~5 E. SO~ERSETSLVD, ~i!il/I 5 lgg PARAMOUNT, C;A 90723 OFFICE (310) 531-8335 ' FAX: (310) 531-6132 License No. 289250 To: City of Fontana November 9, 1995 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 ATTN: Yousuf Patanwala Associate Engineer Community Development Department Dear Yousuf: As per your request, R & L Sewer would be interested in doing the Locust Avenue Sewer Extension. However, this job was originally bid in April and all prices have gone up for some reason. The boring company wants $250.00 per foot. Also, as you can see, it does not include for any rock in soil. R & L Sewer has to provide 10" V.C.P. at $11.33 + tax of $.88, totaling $12.21. Plus dig & shore & bore pit, haul off spoil, compact bore pit & receiving, pave the pits. This price would be $396.56 per foot, instead of $262.29. R & L Sewer had a price of $165.00 per L.F. when bid. And Coast Boring can not do the job now. Also, the price for traffic control would have to be $18,546.73 instead of $13,648.20. R & L Sewers price, at this time would have to be a total of $131,527.53. ,~)OU'PH COAST B(~RiI~Q P.O~BO~ 5513 HUNTINGTON BEAC}~ CALIF. 92615 (714) 536-6348 APRIL ]2, 1995 PROPOSAL CONT~CTOR: JOB LOCATION: LOCUST AVe. FONTANA, CA L SOUTH COAST BORING WILl, !NSTAI,L BY BORING APPROXIMATELY 180 FEET OF 30 INCH BY 1/2 INCH WALL STEEL CAgiNG FOR THE PI~ICE OF $1~5.00 PER LINEAL FOOT. THIS PRICE 1NCLUDES FURNISH AND INSTALL THE CASING, SKID CONT~CTOR SUPPLIED CARRIER PIPE WITH REDWOOD SKIDS AND iNSTALL INSIDE CASINO, BACKFILL THE ANNUSE BD~ACE BY BLOWING ROCgDUST AND GROUT THE O.B. REQUIRED. CONTRACTOR OR OTHERS SI[ALL PLUC EI~DS OF CASING Ag REQUIRED. CONTgCTOR OR OTHER~ SHA~,L DIG, RARRICADE, PROTECT PROIJ STORM, gHO~E, DEWATER, AND GgDE BORg PIT TO 2/10 PLUg OR MINUS FROH GRADE, FURNISH LADDERS, REMOVE SPO~L AFTER IT IS REMOVED FROM ~ORE PIT, FURNISH TgFFrC CONTROL, FURNISIt DEWATERENG, LOCATF. EXISTING SUBSTRNCTURtdS AND SOUTH COAST BORING WILT, BE HELD tiAR~],E~ EI~OH ALL DAMAGES, OF ANY KIND, CAUSED BY CONTgCTORS, EHgINEER{}, OR OWIIERS FArLUKE TO FROPEkLY L(}CATE SUCH SUBSTRUCT~ES OR PIPELINES. CONTRACTOR OR OTHERS EllALL SUPPLY A!J. FEENITS, ENGiNEERI[~{G COSTS, INgPECTTOH COSTS, OR ~.l~Y SPECIAL INSU~A}TCE. SO{}TII COAST BORING WILL FURNISH $1 ,OOO, 0O0.0O GENERAL LIABILITY iNNU['.ANCE. CONTRACTOR OR OTHERf~ SHALL ~4UPPLY LINE STAKE~ AT ~:IIE Fi<()NT AND REAR BORE PIT AND FLOWr,IN~ STAKES IN Tile ~O'E'TOH OF BORE PIT. CONT~ACTOR P[~F~VIDE ].~ I}/CH~3S [)F CRUSHI.:D I~C)CK :LN BOTTC:I.~ OF BnRE PIT [F WATER EXIS'IS. It{IS PR]iCE i8 BASED ON i]OR~WABI,F, CQNt)ITIONS, IF t~OCK Og~ ANY OTHER BOREABLE MATERIAl, OR EXCESf~ I VE AF~OUNTS OF ~ll~'~jE]~ ARi< ENCF, UNTEREB A DDr- TIO~.]AI,~C[IARGBS WILT, [~E u,,q A T]IIE AND I{ATER~/~h BAS[S. 1F ANY ARE INCURR~]D BY SOUIH COAST BOEING THEY SHALL BE SIGNED FO~{ AT THE TIME OF OCCURRENCE ON THE JOBSITE BY OUR PAYHEHT SHALL BE l.[fkDk; IN FUr,I, WfTtt[N 30 DAYS OF Ti{E BILLING DA'I'~] UR SOONER WIT}I NO RETENTION HELD. St{OULD LEGAL ~T'/'EI{S ~RFSE IN RFCARDS TO PA~4ENT, SO{ITE COAST BORI1.G WILL BE ENT].TL}{D TO R~COVER COURT COSTS AND LEGAL FEES. SOUTH COAST BQRING'S STAND-BY/lik[~OR & EQUIPMENT RATE IS $350,00 PER HOUR. AllYTHING NOT MENTIONED IH THIS pI<OPOSAL %'~ibL I4QT BE FURNISI[ED OR StlI~Pi.,1ED BY SOUTH COAST BORING. ACCEPTED FOR BY .......................... [}ATE SOUTII CO~ ST T.TCENSE ~?0. 495295 Furnish & bore 180' x 30" ~ 1/2" casing; ~r:f~r~,l~'~ q):oUL outsic]e of Casifig; furnish & install r~.dwood skLfh:; furt]ish ~al~r3,'* & r;qt~i~,ntent to push VCP; and furnish labort ~,f]uiSm~e~Tt & m,~Leri;~l to It, low sand i~side aDr~u]ar of ng-- Above ):,t: Leo is b;~se,'] ~,', m,'tch Lu,, t>~,~,l,(Le <:cmd] I, i¢l~:s wi, th the ~; i z~} stat~d. See Note 14, Soil Co,FIat:loft, belo~,z. Customer to f~rnish .~c~.:~:.~; f'or hV~]~t'~ eq,zi[m,ell~7; fuf~{sb staging for ~quipmenh~ matez'~a] ,% si, >~]; f7urrxiz~E b,j~f~ [~1[ comI~leL;e pe~? OSHA furnish & test 10" VCP; b~H:kfi]] 8 compact. excavat~] Eor' U.S.A. (bo~ Fir n~d ~,ntirc l<-~l~'_h of Aya~,la's bore) ~ pothc, le all ntilj. Lies in the Afoot oF ~hH horc pit .H~,] Lh, er~rire le~gLh of bore, and [}rovlrjc A"/~]~', with ~t,~. D~; ,~l,~rL q'~u'l~t NO. ~'~j~r to boring. Stand-by rate ~ PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT CANON COATING COMPANY SPECIALIZING IN: GENERAL ENGINEERI~;G CONTRACTOR 'COMPLETE TR4FFIC SER~TCE~ S~le Llcen~ # 40~188 Chss A 'LINE' STRIPING 1930 Fifth St. t P.O. BOX 2199 *BUMPEPS Norco, CA 91760 *AgPtlALTREPAIRS Phone: (909) 735-4119 '~ TRAFFIC CONTROL Fax: (909) 735-5240 'SlGi~!~ &POSTS * Quote based on: Traffic control plans dated 1/05/95 * Mobilization to be defined as one day's work or partial day's work if less than 8 hours and includef one truck and crew * The follo,Mng mobiliza.'.ions are included in this quote: ( 1 ) Layout and line striping, c~rb painting, other surface palalmS, no surface p~eparati6~ or cleaning included if not noted above, ( ) Removal of pavement ramkings by eilher grinding or sandbh~ting or bolh if required ( ) Cleaning and surface preparation by sweeping or air blowing/wate~ washing prior to seal coating. ) Seal coating pavement surface based on customcr's requi rement~ m a~inimize incozavenie~ltee. ( ) Crack sealing of existing pavement. ( ) Asphalt repairs, paving, and/or demolition and removal. ( 1 ) .qign, barricade or guardrail installation, removal, or repair. ( ) Installation or ~placement of wheel stops (2) Traffic Control, including set up and tear do~n. if included in proposal. but not including maintenance if required. TralTic control maintenance will be a separate item. * Quote based on a total of( 4 ) mobilizations Additional trips beyond Canon Coating's ¢:ontro:l will be at extra charge. * Should field Count vary from quantities esliulated, unit prices and field count shall determioe invoice amount. * Quote Is based on prevailing wag~ * Customer to keep work area free of truffle and/or materials during process of work * Traffic control for proposed work IS included in quoted price * (85%) materials purchased for this project to be supplied by: Ms Distributing WeE, a Cultruns certified DBE! WBE material supplier, Certificate No CT-02087.t Total estimated amount of material to be u~ed: $4,500.00 . This bid includes 9ply those items listed above. Any additional work will require an approved change order and will be an add m ¢~ontraet at customers expense. * rfyou don't find a certain item included in this quote, please call us, il is our desire to offer out' customers the services you wi~h performed as well as alternate options. * Work quoted in this proposal will not comn~encc prior to receipt of a signed, appleveal copy of this proposal/contract. Stm 4trr v ACC mD .................. P.O. # ERIC VAN PELT~ E,tim,tOt PROPOSAL 6],LPj;_QN'rRACT CANON COATING COMPANY SPECIALIZING IN: GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR *COMPLETE TRAFFIC SERVICES 8tale Liceas. # 4051 ~ (3ass A *LINE ~'TRIPIN(; lS$O Fifth St. / P.O. BOX 399 *BUMPERS Norco, CA 91760 *A,c~PItALTREPAIR.V Phone: (909) 735-4119 "TRAFFIC C(,}NTROL Fax: (909} 735-5240 ",~GNS &PO$TS TO: ESTIMATOR DATI~: JOB SITE: LOCUST AVE SEWER EXTENSION FONTANA, CA I. Provide & install, on 2" squa,~ galvanized posts,(3 I) ndvauced ~arning signs $5. i72.00 2, Provide ~ install on ~sts, for duration ofprojccL A. (6) s~ial Detour signs ~ $265,00~A. $1.390.00 3. Provide, on ~ rental ~sis. the following' A. f8) ~ ill Barricades w/lights & signs ~ $3.30~A B. (1) Type I Barricade w/lights & sigu ~ S~.oo/eA. - C. (16} Type IH Barricades w/lighls ~ $2.50/EA .... 4. Delive~ ~ set-up is $100.00, take down & pick up is $100.(~. 5. P~vide & install (745) LF. of t~mp. aluminum 4" y~llow la~ & ( 1 ) temp ~pe VII (I.T) $600.00 6. Deductive alternate: install all signs referred to in ~1 above on sign stands vice pos~ on daily rental basis of $2.C.0/EA. 7. Tic control maintenance is $~%~rlp plus material if requiea. PLEASE REFER TO THE FOLLO%'ING PAGE FOR NOTES AND CONDITIONS THAT AFFECT THIS QUOTE. FACSIMILF TRANSMISSION Number of imams 1o be tmnsn~ted ilXt~dlng mW Simsel: 4't · ',.,-~-.~ tismssmNuml~m-Oa~SS~ To; City of Fentans 8353 Sier8 Avenue Fentans,CA9235 RE; Locust Avenue Sewer Extention Project From ll0'South of Foothill Blvd. Tol70'North of Foothill Blvd. Bid No. SB-72-94 Vasilj Inc, Construction company will sxept offer to complited this project as origional bid required and for silts origional Frice of $103,544.OO One hundred three thousand :five hundred fourty four dollars &no cants. Bid Date s£ This project was April-13-1995 Sincerily Yours. ivs VasilJ/ For VASILJ INC. CaStfil[o ( onStrutt rS FACSIMILE LETTER Soptgmb~r 25, 1995 Page I of I TO: Gly of Font~m~ Ent~iinS Depnfanent FROM: Eric Eilar'~ RE: Withdraw of Bid for Locust Ave'hue S~wer Extension C~ntract Wilh rofex~noe to my c~lion with Ox~g Bm:lm~ll this mornin& ,C~o ~ no lo~ h a ~c~ ~si~on W ~d~c ~o above rcfe~c~ c~act. ~ such W~ ~q~t ~ ~ ~d ~d ~ ~ o~ ~d ~nd bc rglc~gd. Post-R* Fax Note 7671 GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS P.O, BOX 4247 VENTURA, CA 93007 (805) !~33-9458 FAX: (8()5} 933-9131 LICI::NSE#871628 SEP--22--95 FRI 08:4~ £ASTILLO CONST. FACTIMILE LETTER Sq~mb~r 22, 1~5 P~ 1 of I TO: City of Fonm~ FROM; Eric Eihr~ RE: Withdraw of Bid for Locust Avenue Sewer ~mion Contract This lev~ is to confirm tl~ w~th&aw of our bid for lhc above r~f~r~nced contract, notice for which was Fo~Aded on August 22, 1995. Withdrawin~ the b~d was a business d~cision based on a number o~ facton. Post-it' Fax Note 7871 Oateq-2~-~5' From Phone ~ phone ¢,Z,,Z'-- GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS P.O. BOX 4247 VENTURA, CA 93007 933-It450 FAX: (605) 933-9131 LIC, ENSE~e 671026 V RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Project Tide COMMENTS OR ACTION REQUIRED Wlley-Fid~ Form The Wilshire Colonnade ~ i 8 i 3731 Wilsh~re Boulevard Suite 300 Los Angeles, California 90010-2816 September 12, 1995 213 252-2143 / Facsimile: 213 252-2175 NIcholas J. Fanelli Assistant Secretary Y, Patanwala The City of Fontaria Engineering Division 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontaria, CA 92335 RE: Our Insured : Castillo Constructors, Inc. Our Policy No. : IXG 334723 Our Policy Period : 7/28/95 to 7/28/96 Dear Ms. or Mr. Patanwala: Enclosed, please find a copy of the automobile liability endorsement for your files. I draw your attention to paragraph C - Incident and Claim Reporting Procedure. You will note that I have filled in my personal information so that all claims pertaining to the above captioned insured will be reported directly to the undersigned. Should you have any questions with regard to this matter please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Yours truly, Nicholas J. Fanelli Claims Manager Enclosures NJF:rrs 3279 "T......'....= .. - _ ,t11{11.. . ..~;~ "' . ..., .. ""' ' ', ' . ' ',. '.' ..~ ..... . .... . ,' ',.. . .", 07 .'2~,'C. ~ ~aC~O~S & ~hu~act~ez~ ~n CONFERSNORIG~UPON~EOE~IFIOA~HOLDER.~ISC~FICATE , DOES NOTAMEND ~END OR ALTER THE COVE~GE AFFORDED BY THE O. BoX 7817 ~ POMCIES~ELOW, . / ~o~h~ ~d~e, C~ 9 ~ 32~ COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE (8Z8) 368-356Z ~ A ,.s~R~ ~ CENT~Y NAfZONAL iNSU~NCE CO. CaStillO Constructors, Inc. , ~P~ C 323 CITRUS STREET GENE~L ST~ INDBIT~ ~D SANTA PAULA CA 93060' (805) 933-9456 ~P~ E ~i8 ~ T ~RTi~ T~T ~E ~Uc~ ~F ~N~U~ rc~ U~TE~ ~L~W ~V~ ~EEN ~s~U~D T~ TH~ ~N~D ~M~ A~E ~R THE ~M~ P~D IND~TED, NO~ITHSTANDING A~REQUJR~MEN' ~RMQRCOND~IONOFANY~NT~OTOROTHER~UM~NTW~HRESPECTTOWHICHTHXS CERTIRCA~ ~Y 8E )8SUED OR ~Y PERTAIN, THE INSU~Nc~ AFFO~ED BY THE POMClES DESC~SED H~EIN IS SU~E~ TO AL~ TH~ T~MS. ~CLUSIONS ~O CONDi~ONS OF SUCH POMCI~8. UM~ 8HO~ MAy ~V~ BEEN REDUCE0 ~ PAiD C~M$, ~,~u~u~ ZI-OOO2OOZ 09/26/94 09/26/95 ,~.NJuRY ,l, O00,OO0? Fl~O~G~o~Sre) sEXalluded MED.EN~E~) sExcluded s 000 ~ Au~ U~T Z 000 ~ A~ ~EO AU~ ~LY iN~ ~H~DaU~ BAP 6243; 02/28/95 02/28/96 ~LY~UR~ omE~ ~ ~ Fo~ · . · 'l:" ":'i .'::: WORKE~rS ~MFENSATION ~ / / / / ~ ~f EXCESS AUTO ~ EXCESS OF 1,000,000 LIABILITY IXG334723, 07/28/95 07/28/96 PRIVY CSL ,L OPE~TIONS OF TKE N~ED INS~ED AT LOCUST AVE SEWER EXTENSION PROJE~. 'DITIONAL INS~ED CONDITIONS APPLY P~R ENDORSEMENTS BEING ISSUED BY ~ANIES ~ICH WILL FOLLOW. ~F ~',~:~To :of. ".~" ~' "= '= .'":',~:'::"':';:':' "~ '.~..' ~[rA~ ~.~ :::~ :': ':'~ .?, ';: :'. ":;':: :. ::~..: ',' ."'/' ,' :' '~:~..~':?F:..:=" ::':'~ ~: Y · 11;] t~ D~'~ ~ ~ ,~ . ~110;JI D A'Jv O= IriE Anoz~ DF $C~'.F~EU F'OL,Cb 5 ~L ¢ANLi'!.L~;;, ~,~r~ lriL ~y O~ ~on~ana ~ ~PI~ON DATE THEREOF. THE ~$t)lNe COMPANY WIlL END~VOR TO ~ineering Division MAIL .,30DAYSWRI~NNOT/CETOTHECERTIFCATEHOLD~RNAMEDTO~E 53 Sierra Avenue : LE~, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE S~LL IMP~E NO OBLIGATION OR Ita ~a CA 9 ~ ] 3 4 0 5 18 LIABIL~ OF ANY ~ND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGEN~ OR REpRESENTATNES, ., . ~ ..>;:.>~ AUTOMOBIlELIABILITY ENDORSEMENI~ · :~ , ~ , ; !i, 1'= CITY OF FONTANA I;>. -~ ,< :il '= 8~53 Sierra Avenue · ';~ : ,: ~1 F0ht~na, C~'92335 . A- POLI~Y INFORMATION Endorsement 1, ~lnsu~anee Corn ~ ~ , Policy Numbe~ ~ /X~ Endorsement ;~ffe~tive Date: 3. Named Insured: C~ ~ub ~ ~O ~'~ 4. Address of Name~ Insured: S. Limit of Liability A~y One Occurrence: 6. Description of Project: ~,~ ~E. S~~ _ B. POLICY AMENDMENTS ~ This en'dorsement is issued i~ consideration o'f the policy premium. NotWithstanding statement e any inconsistent m~th policy to which this endorsem6nt'is at{ached or any other endorsement attached thereto, it is agreed as follows: 1. INSURED, Th~l~ City of Fontan~, its elec{ed or a~pointed officers, officials, consulting engineers, employees end volunte6rs ar6 included as insured~ with regard to damages and defense of claims arising from: the ownership, operation, maintenance, use, loading or unloading of any auto owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Named insured, regardless of whether liability i~ art i table to the Named Insured or a co~blnation of , rbu the Named Insured and the City of Fontana, its elected or appointed officers, o f'cia s/topicyeas, consulting engineers or volunteers, f~ } le CA-16 2. CONTRIBUTION NOT REOUIRED. As ~espects ~o~k performed by the N~med In ~ !~d for or sue On beheff of ~e City of Font~ne. ~he insurance efforded by ~i~ polio7 she~h {~ be prim~ insurance ~s ~espec~ the City of Fon~e~ i~ elected or eppo n~ed officers, Off c consulting engineers or volunteers; or (b) stand in an unbroken chain of coverage in e~c~ss of the Named Insured's primary coverage. In either event, any ot~er insurance maintained by the City of Fon(ana, its elected or appointedfofficers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be in excess of thi '~ insurance and shall not contribute with it. 3, SCOPE OF COVERAGE. This policy, if primary, affords coverage to the Named Insurged at least as broad as: (I) Insurance Services Office form number CA 00001 (Ed. 1/78), .......:.. ~ Code ~,;. (;'shy auto") and endorsement CA 0025..: .:= :::: ""' ? =~:~ '~ "="',"~" ~: :: :~;=,'::~;~':~ %>? ::'. ;~'~j~:~" ~ 'C:'" ' "':"""'~ ":',~?':' '=;' --.> ' (2) '~'lf excess, affords coverage which is at least as broad as the primar~ ihs=u~ance forms referenced in the p~eceding 4. SEVERABILITY' OF INTEREST. The insurance afforded by this policy applies separately to each insured who is seeking coverage or against whom a clai~ its made or a suit is brought, except with respect to the Company's li~i~ ~f liability. PROVtSIONS REGARDING THE INSURED'S DUTIES AF'TER ACCIDENT s. Loss. to ith .o ti.g of shall not affect' coverage provided to the City of F0nta~a, its elected 0r appointed O~fi~cer, officials, employees, consulting engineers or volunteers. ;} 6, CANCELLATpN NOTICE. The insuranca afforded by this policy shall not be canceled,~uspended or modified, or renewal of Such a policy declined unless notice is ma ed, by certified mall return receipt requested, to the = ..:,~-~: ~ :.= Cty at east~5:dayS pdor to ~he effect]Ve"'dat~ 0fthe nO~renewat F, ' - - .'~:, '~= -' ~: ~:: ~b'~p~nSion:o~ ~6~ific;a~i~:n ~r at l~st'3Oda~s ~fior :to: th~effe~=~ Ve :~te: " o~ c~ncellatian~ ' CA-17 C. INCIDENT AND C Ij REPORT{NO PROCEDURE LA . Incidents and claims are ~o be reported to the insurer at: (TitlB).'~ (Department) ~Company) (Street Address) .,..., : ~. (City) :::~-,-~ ~' ~ q0Ot~ (Telephone Numb~rX ~ (FAX Number) O I D, SIGNATURE F NSURER OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE INSURER I, ~0~ G ~o ~ , warrant that I have authority to bind the (print/type below listed insurance c~mpany and by my signature hereon do so bind this Company. (SIGNATjR~~~PRESENTAT!VE (Original Signatur; required o'~ ~ndorsement.furn shed to the City '6f Fontana) TITLE: E~ P N CA-18 in consider~ti'~ of the ~;~m~i'~m paid, underwriters agree that the i'nsUranCe p~ovide~'here~de:f'shali"b~ ~=rim~:~d~ton'Cor~tributing, Will agree to indemnify ~e City ~f Fo~ta~;~a and t~e~CO~nty of San Bernardino, and/o~any l~corporated ci~, from all liabilities arising out of the subject wo~ described aS'~LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT, except that arising ~ut of the sole negligence of the indemn~tee(s) to the limits of the available insurance. It is agreed that the dd'ti~nal insured hereunder as respect ng the LOCUST 8 I . AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT shall read as follows: Th~ City of Fontana' and its City Council, and/or all City Council appointed groups, ~ommit~ees, boards and any other Cjity Council appointed body, an'~/~r elective and appointive office~, se~ants, or employees of th~'~City when acting as such are additional insureds hCreunde;~ for the acts of the named insured, and such insurance provided her~under shall b~ pHma~ to any insurance provided by the City: Should such insurance be 'canoeled, non-renewed, suspended, or ~aterially changed, the insurer will p~ovide 30 days prior not'ce by ce~ified m~il to the Ci~ of Fontana, return receipt ~equested, advising of the date of non-renewal, suspension, or material c~ange, or cancellation. /~- /"'~"~ ~ ~ ' CENTURY-NATIO ,, L INSURANCE COMPANY v :POLICY NO.: BAP-62432 BUSINESS AUTO POLICY - ENDORSEMENT PAGE: 1 NAHED INSURED~S BUSINESS: CONTRACTORS BROKER NO,: 981-1414 POLICY PERIOD: PoliCy covers FROH 12:59 PM ON 02/28/1995 TO 02/28/1996 ENDORSEHENT NO.: 9 ENDORSEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/25/1995 FROM 05:16 PN Insured: DBA; CASTILLO CONSTRUCTION Broker: CONTRACTORS & MANUFACTURERS 74 B, KANAN ROAD P,O, BOX 7817 AGOURA0 HILLS, CA 91301 NORTHRIDGE, CA 91327 INCREASING THE LIABILITY LIMIT TO $1,0OO,OOO [B] Original New COVERAGES Annual Annual Premium Premh.lm 1 LIABILITY COVERAGE: Property DamaRe Deductible of $ 959.00 1,406.00 2 UNINSURED MOTORISTS COVERAGE: 154,00 154.00 4 AUTO MEDICAL PAYMENTS: 97.00 97.00 5a COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE: 195.00 '195.00 6 COLLISION COVERAGE: 619.00 619.00 8 NONOWNERSHIP LIABILITY COVERAGE: Limit is 250/500/100 Deductibie is 3% OF THE LIABILITY LIMIT 200.00 200.00 15 UNINSURED MOTORISTS PHYSICAL DAMAGE: 40.00 40.00 THERE IS AN ADDITIONAL COLLISION DEDUCTIBLE FOR UNREPORTED DRIVERS ~ Total Annual Premiums 2,264.00 2,711.00 Change in Annual Premium 447.00 Pro Rat~ Endorsement Factor 0.5970 Additional Premium $267.00 [G] Date Printed: 08/01/1995 / Blanca Gonzalez By Dec-1(8/91) Authorized Representative CENTURY-NATIO, ,XL INSURANCE COMPANY POnICY NO.: BAP-62432 BUSINESS AUTO POLICY ~ ENDORSEMENT PAGE: 1 NAMED INSURED'S BUSINESS ~ CONTRACTORS BROKER NO.: 981-1414 POLICY PERIOD; Policy covers FROM 12:59 PM ON 02/28/1995 TO 02/28/1996 ENDORSEMENT NO.: 10 ENDORSEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/10/1995 FROM 12:01 AM Insured: DBA; CASTILLO CONSTRUCTION Broker: CONTRACTORS & MANUFACTURERS 74 N, KANAH ROAD P.O. BOX 7817 AGOURA, HILLS, CA 91301 NORTHRIDGE, CA 91327 ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT IT IS AGREED THAT INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE ABOVE POLICY SHALL APPLY TO THE PARTY (S) NAMED BELOW, AS THEIR INTERESTS HAY APPEAR BUT SHALL NOT OFERATE TO INCREASE THE LIMITS OF ~{E COMPA~"f'S LIABILITY. ADDITIONAL INSURED CITY OF FONTANA ENGINEERING DIVISION 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 62334-0518 Authorized Representative CN 224 (3/92) Date Printed: 08/01/1995 Blanca Gonzalez a tfll_n an truaar 22 August, 1995 AUG 2 5 J993 Yousuf P~t_.~_wala, P.E. CERTIFIED MAIL City of Fontana 8533 Sierra Avenue Fontaria, CA 92334-0518 RE: LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION CONTRACT Dear Mr. Patanwala: With ref~'ence to the above contract, as we hav~ not ~d the City of Fontana's ac, ccptanc~, lh~ conltacts for which wor~ mailed on June 21, 1995, we h~reby wilhclraw our bid and off~. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS P.O. BOX 4247 VENTURA, CA 93007 (805) 933,-9456 FAX:(805) 933-9131 LIC # 6716'2.6 aStill_n Cen truttnrS 22 A~tst, 1995 YousufPatanwala, P.E, CERTIFIED MAIL AsSociato Engineor City of Fonta~a 8533 Sierra Av~u~ Fontana, CA 92334~05~g LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION CONTRACT I~ar Mr. Palanwala: With r~fownc, e to the abovo contraot, as wc hav~ not r~c, eivcd tho City of Fontaria's ac~optanc~, tho contra~ts for which woro mailed on lime 21, 1995, w~ horeby withdraw out bid and offor. Sincerely, Eric Effar, Post-It* Fax Note 7671 GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS P,O, BOX 4247 VENTURA. CA {805} aa3-~4~ FAX:{805) a~a-9~a~ Lie · CONTRACTOR'S INSURANCE I COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL I GENERAL CONTRACTORS I I BUILDERS & DEVELOPERS pApER CONTRACTORSI ~SUB-CONTRACTORS ~4t'~'~pecialize in providing liability and all related coverages for the · construction industry. Equipment Floaters '~l/'~;')~rs Comp~,'~tion General Liability Umbre~a Excess Liability "B" permits for Los Angeles Bonds Builders Risks Policies Truck Insurance Professional Liability Asbestos Liability Pollution & Cleanup Liability Vacant Buildings ............... ~':1i002L397-3';1'95 'T~EE' 'iEh:EE ' CALL 818-368-3561 FAX 818-366-2455 FOR FAST QUOTATIONS & COMPETITIVE RATES, QUICK SERVICE AND EXPERTISE, ASK FOR CLAUDE STEPHENSON CONTRACTORS & MANUFACTURERS INSURANCE SERVICES P. O. BOX 7817 NORTHRIDGE, CA 91327-7817 CONSTRUCTION INSURANCE BROKERS, REPRESENTING MOST OF THE MAJOR MARKETS FOR CONTRACTOR'S INSURANCE. Ca tiIIa Cnn trurtar TRANSMITTAL Lt~TTER It FAX Transmittal r'~ Total Pagos Including This Page TO: ~~~~ DATE: [ (This ~nsmi~l is ~ send the following: [ ] This transm i~l is to r~uest the following: [ ] The foll~ing is provided for your information: ?ASTILLO CONSTRUCTORS ,f~'~'n~- GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS P.O. BOX 4247 VENTURA, CA 93007 (805) 933-9456 FAX: (805) 933-9131 LICENSE # 67'1628 CERTIF'ICA', 'OF ............. '"'T Allttltll. INSURANCE. "" ,....., ' ' ' · P.~>tnr~ rills CERIIFICATE IR ISSUED'iS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND  CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPONTHE SER~FICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE ~ ontrictors & Manufacturers In DOER NOT AMEND~ EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAQE AFFORDED 8YTHE . O. BOX 7817 POLJCIESBELOW. ,Northridge, Ca 91327 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE (818) 368-3561 COMpANy A 8183662455 ~r'~, PACIFIC INSURANCE CO. LTD. CENTURY NATIONAL INSURANCE CO. .. astillo Constructors, Inc. co~^NY C 23 CITRUS STREET ~ANTA PAULA CA 93060 [805) 933-9456 COMPANY E LE~E~ =~ eEliEAALUI, mLIrf GENERALAGGREGATE 12 # 0 00 ! O q..O, i ~( CQM. MFJ:~Ci,S :;ENERALLiABIUTY PRODUCTS-COMP,'~:~AGG. s1,000,000 Icu~,,---~F~'~occu.. ~.T-0002001 09/26/94 09/26/95 PER~NAL&ADV. INJLIRY ,,l,~.JOOO#O00 QWNER'S&~ .~TIrIACTOR'P PROT, EACM OC-CURRENCE 51 t OOO, 000 RR~QAMAQEC~nyOne~m) mExcl~ded __. SCHEDULEDAUTOS (P~rpefson) S250/DO0 ~jHIRE~AUTOS RAP 62432 02/28/95 02/28/96 BCOILYINJURY I 1 ,OOO ~ / / / / ~LL OPERATIONS OF THE NAMED INSURED AT LOCUST AVE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT. FHE CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS NAMED AS A~ ADDITIONAL INSURED ON GENERAL LIABILITY FOR WORK BY THE NAMED INSURED ~OR THE CERTIPICATE HOLDER. ~tt: Y. Patanwala i~ SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRI"EO POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE ~ngi~eeriDg Division ;==~ MAiL 300AySWRI~ENNOTICETOTHECER~FICATEHOLDERNAMEDTO?H6 Ontana CA 923340518 !t!% UASIUTY OF ANy KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITSA6ENTSQRR~PRESENTATIVES. ~ AUTHORIZED REPRE,~ENTATIVE ( a tille ¢an trut't r Juno 21, 1995 CITY OF FONTANA Engineering Division g353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92334-0518 Atm: YousufPatanwala, P.E. RE: LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT Enclosed please find the three copies of contracts for the referenced iproject. Wherever possible the prox4ded forms wcr~ used for documents. Please contact me ffyou have any questions. Sincerely, Eric Eilar, GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS P.O. BOX 4247 VENTURA, CA 93007 (605) 933-9456 FAX:(805) 933-9131 LIC # 671628