HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.5 Pre-Construction Meeting CITY OF FONTANA RECORD OF PRECONSUCTION CONFERENCE PROJECT TITLE: LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110 FEET SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170 FEET NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. (SB-72 -94) LOCATION OF PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING: D.A.B. ROOM, FONTANA CITY HALL, 8353 SIERRA AVE. FONTANA, CA. DATE: Thursday, April 4, 1996 TIME: 1:30 pm NAME/COMPANY TELEPHONE/FAX NUMBER 8._ , ' ' ' "- / 12. ) 13 14 17 ~0 AGENDA FOR PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING PROJECT TITLE: LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110 FEET SOUT~ OF FOOTHILL BLVD.TO 170 FEET NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. (SB-72-94) MEETING LOCATION: CITY OF FONTANA, CITY HALL, 8353 SIERRA AVE FONTANA, CA. IN THE D.A.B. ROOM DATE: Thursday, April 4, 1996 TIME: 1:30 Dm NAME OF CONTRACTOR: S · J · BURKHARDT, INC PHONE NO. (909) 685-7488 FAX NO. (909) 685-7838 ENGINEER OF RECORD: City of Fontana Co~ununity Development Department En~ineerinu Division 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA. 92335 OWNER/AGENCY CQNTACT City of Fontana Community Development Dept. Yousuf Pata=wala (909)350-6645 Don Gilbertson (909)350-6659 City Public Works Inspector: Bob Savant (909)350-6635 City Public Services: Curtis Aaron (909)350-6685 A__=. GENERAL DISCUSSION OF CONTRACTUAL, LEGAL AND PERMIT ASPECTS: sTATus CO m CT.' INITIATING CONSTRUCTION:"NOTICE TO PROCEED" (and/or City's Construction Permit): Will be issued after contract is fully executed and any other reGuired documents or permits have been submitted to the City EMERGENCY INFORMATION FORM: The Contractor must complete and return the Emeraencv Information Form to the City before the "Notice to Proceed" (and/or Citv's Construction Permit) will be issued REQUIRED PERMITS: Prior to the start of a~y work, the Contractor shall take out applicable City Permits, "Tunne!inq Permits" from the State Department of Occupational Safety, Relations Division and obtain a "Duplicate Encroachment Permit from Caltrans. The Contractor shall provide the City with copies of all permits prior to commencement of construction. (SP-9, Sec. 7-5) COMPLETION TIME FOR CONTRACT: The Contractor has 25 working days after "Notice to Proceed" is issued, excluding Holidays. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: The City and Contractor agree that if the work is not completed within the period provided in the General Conditions that the sum of $500 for each and every Calendar dav of such delay shall be charged. (SP-6, Sec. 6-9) OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS:(To include City of Fontana Business License and all Appropriate State of California Required Licenses). Contractor and all Sub-Contractors shall be required to provide a coOy of their City of Fontana Business License ~o the Project Manager prior to the issuance of "Notice to Proceed" (and/or Citv's Construction Permit). B_~. CONTRACTORS SCHEDULE: MATERIAL TO BE FURNISHED BY OWNER: None CONTRACTORS SCHEDULE: The Contractor shall submit periodic ProGress ReDorts to the Enqineer bv the tenth dav of each month. The report shall include an updated Construction Schedule. Any deviations from the original schedule shall be explained. Proqress payments will be withheld pending receiDt of any outstanding reDorts. (SP-4, Sec. 6-1) SUBCONTRACTORS: No chan~e in subcontractors is allowed prior to the written approval from the City of Fontaria. WORKING HOURS: Workinq hours shall be confined to the hours between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 P.m., MondaV throuqh Friday. (SP-5, Sec. 6-7.2) C__. PAYMENTS PROGRESS PAYMENTS: Progress Payments shall be submitted in the format recruired bv the City (See Sample Provided}. Any progress payment submitted differently than =the format reauired bv the City, shall be returned for correction. The date of submittal will be counted from the date the final corrected COPY is received in Accounts Payable. To simplify the process for Dro~ress ~avments they shall be submitted to the En~ineerin~ Division before submittin~ to Accounts Payable for payment. 10% RETENTION MONIES: Pursuant to the contract documents 10% Retention Money will be with held from each progress DaYmerit CHANGE ORDERS: No extra work will be preformed without the aDDroved chanqe order from the City Engineer. CERTIFIED PAYROLLS: Certified Pavroll Records shall be submitted to the CITY by the tenth day of each month. Progress payments will be withheld pendin~ receipt of any outstandin~ reports (SP-12, Sec. 7-15). Contractor shall also be responsible for the Certified Payroll for all of its Sub-Contractors. D. RIGHT OF WAY AND UTILITIES: NOTIFICATION OF AGENCIES: The County of San Bernardino, Cal - trans, and any other related A~ency shall be notified 48 Hrs. in advance "Prior" to starting work within their right of way or as recruired bv the specific aqency. COORDINATION WITH OTHER AGENCIES: Contractor shall make arrangements for the CitV and Caltrans inspections. RIGHT OF WAY REQUIREMENTS: City will acquire all rights of way, easements and rights of entry as reauired for this project. Contractor shall verify that the acquisition(s) is completed prior to be~inninQ any work outside the public riqht of way. (SP-2, Sec. 2-8). NOTIFICATION OF UTILITIES: Contractor is responsible for callinq "DIG ALERT" and providinq the City with their confirmation number prior to start of work. Notify non-member utilitv comDanies seDaratelV. COORDINATION WITH UTILITIES: The Contractor shall notifv the utilities designated in the General Conditions at least 48 hours in advance of excavating around any of their structures. (SP-4, Sec. 5-1) EASEMENTS REQUIREMENTS:(UTILITIES) NONE. UTILITY SERVICE PAYMENTS: The Contractor and[ the Subcontractors will be responsible for payment of all the Utility billinqs until the acceptance of Droiect for operation and maintenance. E__. ENGINEERING/INSPECTION AND SURVEYING STAKING: The Contractor shall provide survevinq and construction staking as required for the construction of this proiect which includes but is not limited to the followinq: Provide construction stakinq, record data for all existinq monuments and monument ties, finish elevation control stakes and resettinq of oriqinal monuments as required bv law. (SP-2, Sec. 2-9.3) RECORD DRAWINGS: Contractor to provide red-lined blueprint markups of all chanqes to plans at the end of the contract work MATERIALS AND SOILS TESTING REQUIREMENTS: Field density tests will be made by the Geo Technical Enqineer durinq the course of construction at the expense of the City (SP-15, Sec.211- 2.2). All calls for testing services shall be co-ordinated throuqh the Citv Inspector. Geo Technical consultant shall not respond to any direct calls from the contractor. F__. CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL: Special attention is called out in SectS. on 7-10.0. The Contractor's operations shall cause no unnecessary inconvenience. The access rights of the public shall be considered at all times. Unless otherwise authorized traffic shall be permitted to pass throuqh the work area° (SP-9, Sec. 7-10.1), PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES: The Contractor shall exercise extreme care to protect all existin~ utilities in place whether shown on the plans or not, and shall assume full responsibility for all damage resulting from his operations. Special precautionary measures shall be taken at the locations of the existing 2" Gas main and the existing 14 1/2" water main within Locust Avenue (See Dr.#2319, Sheet 3 of 3). Please refer to Appendix III Of the Special provision reGardinG the suspension of these existing utilities within an open trench or bore pit. (SP-9, Sec. 7-9) DUST CONTROLS: Shall be provided as reGuired per Section 7-8.1 of Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction. STORAGE OF MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT: NO more than 500 linear feet of pipeline shall be stockpiled on the site, regardless of size. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any damage caused by stockpilin~ and shall repair same at his expense. (SP-11, Sec. 7-10.2) JOB SAFETY: Shall be maintained at all times in accordance with all applicable laws. JOB SITE SECURITY: Contractor shall be responsible at all times. G__. OTHER MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS AND/OR COMMENTS, CONCEP. NS, QUESTIONS: H_=. FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF WORK: FINAL iNSPECTION REPORT: Project will not be accepted for operation and maintenance until all punch list items are corrected and is to the satj. sfaction of the CitvdInsDector. FINAL ACCEPTANCE BY CITY COUNCIL: The followin~ conditions shall be fulfilled: 1.) Proiect is accepted by the City Staff for operation and maintenance. 2.) Project accountin~ shall be fully agreed uDon by the Contractor and the CitV and there shall be no disputed items. Pro~ect will then be scheduled for the Citv Council meeting for Final Acceptance and Authorization to file Notice of Completion with County Recorder's Office. ADDITIONAL NOTES OR COMMENTS: