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12.3 Specification & Agenda
CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA SPECIFICATIONS Fp~R~O~pT~ FOR CONSTRUCTION 0 LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION ~ , ~, CITY OF FONTANA k ? ~' 8353 Sierra Avenue ' ~ ~ ~ ~ Fontan~B 2335 ~ · · Y': 09) 350-7610'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' MARCH 1 5 These plans and speci of the CITY and shall not be used in any manner without prior consent of the CITY. Any reuse of these plans and specifications by Others shall be at the Other's sole risk and without liability to CITY OF FONTANA. CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJIECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. BID NO. SB-72-94 Prepared Under the Supervision of: FELIPE U. MOLINOS DATE: ~/7/fr ~ ,xp~9F Approved: ROBERT W. WEDDLE DATE: ~j- :~- : ,I CITY OF FONTANA TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. BID NO. SB-72-94 NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS NB-1 thru NB-2 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS IB-1 thru IB-6 PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS P1 thru P16 Proposal P-1 Bidder's Information P-3 Contractor's Licensing Statement P-4 List of Subcontractors P-5 References &Designator of Sureties P-6 Bid Bond P-7 Non-Collusion Affidavit P-10 Certification of Non-Discrimination by Contractors P-11 Proposal Bid Sheet P-12 Addendum No. Acknowledgement P-16 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS CA-1 thru CA-20 Agreement CA-1 Contract Performance Bond CA-4 Payment Bond CA-8 Compensation Insurance Certificate CA-12 General Liability Endorsement CA-13 Automobile Liability Endorsement CA-16 Workers Compensation/Employees Liability Endorsement CA-19 GENERAL CONDITIONS: GC-1 thru GC-9 Scope of Work GC-1 Location of Work GC-1 Time of Completion GC-1 Liquidated Damages GC-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) Traffic Requirements GC-2 Hazardous Materials GC-2 Utility Requirements GC-2 Flow and Acceptance of Water GC-5 Removal of Water GC-6 Trench Safety and Shoring Excavation GC-6 Standard Specifications GC-7 Wage Rates & Labor Code Requirements GC-8 Clayton Act & Cartwright Act GC-9 SPECIAL PROVISIONS SP-1 thru SP-22 PART 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS SP-1 Section 1 Terms, Definitions, Abbreviations and Symbols SP-1 1-2 Definitions SP-1 Section 2 Scope and Control of the Work . SP-1 2-1 Award and Execution of Contract SP~I 2-4 Contract Bonds SP-2 2-5 Plans and Specifications SP-2 2-8 Right of Way SP-2 2-9 Surveying SP-2 Section 3 Changes in Work SP-3 3-2 Changes Initiated by the City SP-3 3-3 Extra Work SP-3 Section 4 Control of Materials SP-3 4-1 Materials and Workmanship SP-4 Section 5 Utilities SP-4 5-1 Location SP-4 Section 6 Prosecution, Progress and Acceptance of the Work SP-4 . 6-1 Construction Schedule and Commencement of Work SP-4 6-4 Default by Contractor SP-5 6-7 Time of Completion SP-5 6-8 Completion and Acceptance SP-6 6-9 Liquidated Damages SP-6 TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) Section 7 Responsibilities of the Contractor SP-6 7-1 Contractor's Equipment and Facilities SP-6 7-2 Labor SP-6 7-3 Liability Insurance SP-7 7-5 Permits SP-9 7-9 Protection and Restoration of Existing Improvements SP-9 7-!0 Public Convenience and Safety SP-9 7-15 Certified Payroll Records SP-12 Section 9 Measurement and Payment SP-13 9-3 Payment SP- 13 PART 2 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS SP-14 Section 210 Paint and Protective Coatings SP-14 Section 211 Soils and Aggregate Tests SP-14 211-2 Compaction Tests SP-14 PART 3 CONSTRUCTION METHODS SP-15 Section 300 Earthwork SP-15 300-1 Clearing and Grubbing SP-15 300-2 Unclassified Excavation SP- 16 Section 301 Treated Soils, Subgrade Preparation and Placement of Base Materials SP-17 301-1 Subgrade Preparation SP-17 301-6 Soil Sterilant SP-17 Section 302 Roadway Surfacing SP- 18 302-5 Asphalt Concrete Pavement SP-18 Section 303 Concrete and Masonry Construction SP-19 303-1 Concrete Structures SP-19 303-2 Air Placed Concrete SP-22 303-7 Rock Slope Protection (Rip Rap) SP-22 Section 306 Underground Conduit Construction SP-22 306-1 Open Trench Operations SP-22 306-2 Jacking Operations SP-23 306-5 Abandonment of Conduits and Structures SP-24 TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) APPENDIX APPLICABLE STANDARD PLANS APPENDIX ie SOILS DATA APPENDIX EXISTING UTILITY PROTECTION APPENDIX Ill SIGNALS AND LIGHTING STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS APPENDIX IV ~ (Removal and Replacements) CALTRANS ENCROACHMENT PERMIT APPENDIX V me SEPARATE DOCUMENTS ee PLANS Title: LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT == FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. BID NO, SB-72-94 Dwg. No. 2319, Sheet No. 1 Through 3 CITY OF FONTANA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. BID NO. SB-72-94 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Fontana, as CITY, invites sealed bids for the above stated project and will receive such bids in the offices of the City Clerk up to the hour of 2:00 P.M. on the 13th day of April, 1995, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. The work of improvement consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals as required by the Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents for the above stated project. The general items ot= work to be done hereunder consist of installing a total of approximately 275' of 10" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe (V.C.P.), removing and replacing street improvements as required for pipe installation, and all appurtenant related work. Approximately 95 ' of the 10" V.C.P. must be installed by the "open trenching" method, and the remaining 180' must be installed within a 21" Steel Pipe encasement by the "Dry Bore & Jacking" method. The project will require traffic control for temporary lane closures on Locust Avenue. ~, ~ Copies of Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents are available from the ii Engineering Division of the Community Development Department of the City of Fontana, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, CA 92335 upon payrnent of a Twenty Five : ~ Dollar ($25.00) non-refundable fee ($30.00 if mailed). III Proposals must be accompanied by a proposal guarantee in the form of cash, i ~ cashier's check, a certified check or bid bond available to the CITY in the amount of at least ten percent (10%) of the total amount bid. Any proposal not accompanied , ~ by such a guarantee will not be considered. A payment bond and a performance ~ bond, each in an amount equal to 100 % of the total contract amount, shall be el required concurrently with the execution of the contract and shall be in the form set forth in the contract documents. Any contract entered into pursuant to this notice will incorporate the provisions ~ of the State Labor Code. Labor Code Section 1735 requires that no discrimination el be made in the employment of persons upon public works because of the race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, !: i marital status, or sex of such persons, except as provided in Government Code ei Section 12940. Compliance with the prevailing rates of wages and apprenticeship employment standards established by the State Director of Industrial Relations will be i required. Affirmative action t,o ensure against discrimination in employment practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, or religion will also be required. NB-1 The CITY hereby affirmatively ensures that minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this notice and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, or religion in any consideration leading to the award of contract. The contract documents call for monthly progress payments based upon the engineer's estimate of the percentage of work completed. The CITY will retain 10 percent of each progress payment as security for completion of the balance of the work. At the request and expense of the successful bidder, the CITY will pay the amounts so retained upon compliance with the requirements of Public Contract Code Section 22300 and the provisions of the contract documents pertaining to Substitution of Securities. Bids must be prepared on the City provided proposal forms and completely filled out in conformance with the Instructions to Bidders and all proposal forms must be submitted in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside "SEALED BID FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT, FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. - DO NOT OPEN WITH REGULAR MAIL". The CITY reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any irregularity, to accept any bid or portion thereof, and to take all bids under advisement for a period of ninety five (95) days. At the time of contract award, the prime contractor shall possess a Class A contractor's license and/or any combination of Class "C" ,specialty contractors license(s) sufficient to perform the work. BY ORDER OF the City Council of the City of Fontana. Dated this 6th day of March, 1995. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 (909) 350-7610 NB-2 CITY OF FONTANA INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJFCT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. BID NO. SB-72-94 PROPOSAL FORMS Bids shall be submitted in writing on the Proposal Forms provided by the CITY. All information requested therein must be clearly and legibly set forth in the manner and form indicated. The CITY will not consider any proposal not meeting these requirements. PROPOSAL GUARANTEE (BID BOND) Proposals must be accompanied by a proposal guarantee in the form of cash, cashier's check, a certified check or bid bond payable to the CITY in the amount of at least ten percent (10%) of the total amount bid. Any proposal not accompanied by such a guarantee will not be considered. If a bidder to whom a contract is awarded fails or refuses to execute the contract documents or furnish the required insurance policies and bonds as set forth in those documents, the proposal guarantee shall be forfeited to the CITY. The proposal guarantees of all bidders will be held until the successful bidder has properly executed all contract documents. All required bonds and insurance shall be issued by companies which are adrnitted surety insurers in the State of California and which have a rating of B plus 5 or better in the current edition of Best's key rating guide. The lowest responsible bidder must execute the contract documents and provide the insurance certificates and bonds no more than ten (10) days. after the Notice of Award. Acceptable bond forms and insurance policy endorsements are enclosed. NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT Bidder shall declare that the only persons or parties interested in the proposal as principals are those named therein; that no officer, agent, or employee of the CITY is personally interested, directly or indirectly, in the proposal; that the proposal is made without connection to any other individual, firm, or corporation making a bid for the same work; and that the proposal is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. The Non-Collusion Affidavit shall be executed and submitted with the proposal. NQ-N:DISCBIM NATION AEIEIDAVIT Labor Codes Section 1735 requires that no discrimination be made in the employment of persons upon public works because of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, or sex of such persons, except as provided in Government Code Section 12940. Bidder shall declare that it does not discriminate in its employment with regard to such factors. The Non-Discrimination Affidavit (on enclosed form) shall be executed and submitted with the proposal. IB-1 PROPOSAL BID SHEET Bidders shall give unit prices for each and all of the items set forth. No aggregate bids will be considered. The bidder shall set forth for each item of work, in clearly legible figures, a unit item price and a total for the item in the respective spaces provided for this purpose. The quantities listed in the Bid sheets are supplied to give an indication of the general scope Of work, but the accuracy of figures is not guaranteed and the bidder shall make his own estimates from the d~awings. In case of a variation between the unit price and the totals shown by the bidder, the unit price will be considered to be the bid. REJECTION OF RIDS The CITY reserves the right to reject any or all bids or waive any informality in any one or all bids received. EI1UIPMENT RENTAL AND LABOR RATES Bidder shall submit a schedule of equipment rental and labor rates which shall be applicable to any extra work which is performed. DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL Proposals may be mailed or delivered by messenger. However, it is the bidder's responsibility alone to ensure delivery of the proposal to the hands of the CITY's designated official prior to the bid opening hour stipulated in the "Notice Inviting Sealed Bids." Late proposals will not be considered. Proposals shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside, "SEALED BID FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT, FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD,- DO NOT OPEN WITH REGULAR MAIL." WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSALS A proposal may be withdrawn by a written request signed by the bidder. Such requests must be delivered to the CITY's designated official prior to the bid opening hour stipulated in the "Notice Inviting Sealed Bids". The withdrawal of a proposal will not prejudice the right of the bidder to submit a new proposal, providing there is time to do so. Proposals may not be withdrawn after said hour without forfeiture of the proposal guarantee. IB-2 IRREGULAR PROPOSALS Unauthorized conditions, limitations, or provisions attached to a proposal wile render it irregular and may cause its rejection. The completed proposal forms shall be without interlineation, alterations, or erasures. Alternative proposals will not be considered unless specifically requested. No oral, telegraphic, or telephonic proposal, modification, or withdrawal will be considered. No mention shall be made in the proposal of Sales Tax, Use Tax, or any other tax, as all amounts bid will be deemed and held to include any such taxes which may be applicable. DIStlUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS In the event that any bidder acting as a prime contractor has an interest in more than one proposal, all such proposals will be rejected, and the biddE;r will be disqualified. This restriction does not apply to subcontractors or suppliers who may submit quotations to more than one bidder, and while doing so, may also submit a formal proposal as a prime contractor. At the time of contract award, the prime contractor shall possess a Class "A" contractor's license or a combination of Class "C" licenses as required to perform the work. No contract will be executed unless the bidder is licensed in accordance with the provisions of the State Business and Professions Code. INTERPRETATION OF PLANS AND DOCUMENTS If any person contemplates submission of a bid for the proposed contract and is in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the plans, specifications or other proposed contract documents, or finds discrepancies in, or omissions from, the drawings or specifications, he may submit to Yousuf Patanwala, P.E., Associate Engineer/Special Projects, at (909) 350-6645, a written request for an interpretation or correction thereof, The person submitting the request will be responsible for its prompt delivery. Any interpretation or correction of the proposed documents shall be made only by addendum duly issued and copy of such addendum will be mailed or delivered to each person receiving a set of such documents. The Engineer will not be responsible for any other explanation or interpretations of the proposed documents. IB-3 ADDENDA OR BULLETINS el All bidders are advised as to the possibility of issuance of addenda affecting the items, scope or quantity of the work required for this project. Each bidder shall be fully responsible for informing himself as to whether or not any such addenda have been issued. The effect of all addenda to the Contract Documents shall be considered in the bid, and said addenda shall be made a part of the contract documents and shall be returned with them. Failure to cover in his bid any such addenda issued may render his bid irregular and may result in its rejection by the City. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES ~m All proposals must be submitted, filed, made, and executed in accordance with State and Federal laws relating to bids for contracts of this nature whether the same are ~ ~ expressly referred to herein or not. Any Bidder submitting a proposal shall by such action thereby agree to each and all , ~ of the terms, conditions, provisions, and requirements set forth, contemplated, and ei referred to in the Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents, and to full compliance therewith. : AWARD OF CONTRACT :. el Following a review of the bids, the CITY shall determine whether to award the contract or to reject all bids. The award of contract, if made, will be to the lowest , responsible Bidder as determined solely by the CITY. At the time of contract award, el the successful Bidder shall hold a Class A Contractors License or a combination of Class C license (s), as required to perform the work, issued by the State of California. e Additionally, the CITY reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to accept any bid or portion thereof, to waive any irregularity, and to take the bids under ~ ! advisement for the period of time stated in the "Notice Inviting Sealed Bids", all as may be required to provide for the best interests of the CITY. In no event will an award be made until all necessary investigations are made as to the responsibilitV and m qualifications of the Bidder to whom the award is contemplated. No bidder may withdraw his proposal for a period of ninety-five (95) days after the time set for opening thereof. However, the CITY will return all proposal guarantees within ten (10) days after the award of the contract or rejection of the bids, as the case may be, to the respective bidders whose proposals they accompany. LABOR CODE Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1773 of the Labor (;ode of the State of California, the CITY has obtained the general provisions rate of per diem wages and the general prevailing rate for holiday and overtime work in this locality for each craft, classification or type of workman needed to execute the contract from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. These rates are on file with the CITY, and copies will be made available to any interested party on request. Travel and subsistence payments to each workman needed to execute the work shall be made as such travel and subsistence payments are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreements filed in accordance with Section 1773.8 of the Labor Code. The Contractor and all subcontractors shall comply with the provisions of Section 1774 of the Labor Code and other statutes relating to prevailing wages, benefits, overtime and so forth. Failure to comply with the subject section will subject the Contractor to penalty and forfeiture provisions of Section 1775 of the Labor Code. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1770 of the Labor Code, the general prevailing rate of wages has been ascertained (which rate includes employer payments for health and welfare, vacation, pension and similar purposes) applicable to the work to be done, for straight time, overtime, Saturday,.Sunday and holiday work. The holiday wage rate listed shall be applicable to all holidays recognized in the collective bargaining agreement of the particular craft, classification or type of workmen concerned. The CITY will not recognize any claim for additional compensation because of the payment by the Contractor of any wage rate in excess of the prevailing wage rate set forth in the contract. The possibility of wage increases is one of the elements to be considered by the Contractor in determining his bid, and will not under any circumstances be considered as the basis of a claim against the CITY on the contract. The Contractor and subcontractors shall comply with Section 1777.6 which stipulates that it shall be unlawful to refuse to accept otherwise qualified employees as registered apprentices solely on the grounds of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, or age (of such employee), except as provided in Section 3077. WORKER'S COMPENSATION CERTIFICATE Section 3700 of the State Labor Code requires that every employer shall secure the payment compensation by either being insured against liability to pay compensation with one or more insurers or by securing a certificate of consent to self-insure from the State Director of Industrial Relations. IB-5 In accordance with this section and with Section 1861 of the State Labor Code, the contractor shall sign a Compensation Insurance Certificate which is included with the Contract Agreement, and submit same to CITY along with the other required contract documents, prior to performing any work. Reimbursement for this requirement shall be considered as included in the various items of work. CLAYTON ACT AND CARTWRIGHT ACT Section 7103 of the Public Contract Code specifies that in executing a public works contract with the CITY to supply goods, services or materiaHs, the Contractor or Subcontractor offers and agrees to assign to the CITY all rights, title and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Sec. 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2 commencing with Sec. 16700) of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professions Code, arising from purchase of goods, services or materials pursuant to the contract or subcontract. This assignment shall become effective when the CITY tenders final payment to the Contractor without further acknowledgment by the parties. SUBSTITUTION OF SECURITIES In conformance with the State of California Public Contract Code, Section 22300, the contractor may substitute securities for any monies withheld by the CITY to ensure performance under the contract. At the request and expense of the contractor, securities equivalent to the amount withheld shall be deposited with the CITY or with a State or Federally chartered bank as the escrow agent who shall pay such monies to the contractor upon notification by CITY of Contractor's satisfactory completion of the contract. The type of securities deposited and the method of release shall be approved by the CITY'S Attorney. SUBLETTING AND SUBCONTRACTING Pursuant to the Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act (commencing with Section 4100 of the Government Code), bidders are required to list in their proposal the name and location of place of business of each subcontractor who will perform work or labor or render services in or about the construction of the work or improvement or a subcontractor who specially fabricates and installs a portion of the work or improvement according to detailed drawings contai;ned in the Plans and Specifications in excess of 1/2 of 1% of this prime contractor's total bid. Failure to list a subcontractor for a portion of the work means that the prime contractor will do that portion of the work. It is the CITY's intent for the Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act to apply to all phases of the work. The list of subcontractors (on enclosed form) shall be executed and submitted with the proposal. '" BIDDER'S NAME %,(2'_p")f'~7'~O ~_____,, "~ ~, ~-~-'F~ COMPANY ~-------'ff-.~"'C"l L-bE) CITY OF FONTANA PROPOSAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. ee BID NO. SB-72-94 TO CITY OF FONTANA, as CITY: ei In accordance with CITY's "Notice Inviting Sealed Bids", the undersigned BIDDER hereby proposes to furnish all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and ;i incidentals required for the above stated project as set forth in the Plans, el Specifications, and Contract Documents therefor, and to perform all work in the manner and time prescribed therein. BIDDER declares that this proposal is based upon careful examination of the work site, Plans, Specifications, Instructions to Bidders, and Contract Documents. If this proposal is accepted for award, BIDDER agrees to enter into a contract with CITY at the unit and/or lump sum prices set forth in the following Proposal Bid Sheet. BIDDER understands that failure to enter into a contract in the manner and time prescribed will result in forfeiture to CITY of the Bid Bond accompanying this proposal. BIDDER understands that a bid is required for the entire work, that the estimated quantities set forth in the Proposal Bid Sheet are solely for the purpose of comparing bids, and that final compensation under the contract will be based upon the actual quantities of work satisfactorily completed. It is agreed that the unit and/or lump sum prices bid include all appurtenant expenses, taxes, royalties, and fees. In the case of discrepancies in the amounts bid, unit prices shall govern over extended amounts. BIDDER agrees and acknowledges that he is aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which requires every employer to be insured against liability for workman's compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code, and that the BIDDER will comply with such provisions of that code before commencing the performance of this Contract if awarded to it. BIDDER certifies that in all previous contracts or subcontracts, all reports which may have been due under the requirements of any Agency, :State, or Federal equal employment opportunity orders have been satisfactorily filed, and that no such reports are currently outstanding. BIDDER declares that the only persons or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those named herein; that no officer, agent, or employee of the CiTY is personally interested, directly or indirectly, in this proposal; that this proposal is made without connection to any other individual, firm, or corporation making a bid for the same work; and that this proposal is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud, BIDDER certifies that affirmative action has been taken to seek out and consider disadvantaged business enterprises for those portions of the work to be subcontracted, and that such affirmative actions have been carefully documented, that said documentation is open to inspection, and that said affirmative action will remain in effect for the life of any contract awarded hereunder. Furthermore, BIDDER certifies that affirmative action will be taken to meet all equal employment opportunity requirements of the contract documents. BIDDER certifies that he possesses a Class "A" or a combination of Class "C" licenses as required to perform the work. BIDDER declares that his license number is ~"7l(p~2-~ and that the license expiration date is ~ -9..0-ct5 m DATED LL, t3,19(::~' . BIDDER'S ADDRESS: BY J, ?,O. FAX NO. P-2 BIDDER'S [NFORMATJQI~ BIDDER certifies that the following information is true and correct: Sidder's Name: ~'Z?-pl~.c-O ~_~ bj,~:>'CI'~L~C{ Business Address: '~. (~ . ~'7'~_~ Telephone (~dg;) gOoCt-'2-';J~,~ Fax No. ( ~z(Eo~') ~;~:~ State Contractor's License No. and Class: (~I L (~ '2. oc Original Date Issued: 5-'2.E) --C;t:5 Expiration Date:: The following are the names, titles, addresses, and phone numbers of all individuals, firm members, partners, joint ventures, and/or corporate officers having a principal interest in this proposal: oGo 'p_o (:2, The dates of any voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy judgments against any principal having an interest in this proposal are as follows: All current and prior DBA's, alias, and/or fictitious business names for any principal having an interest in this proposal are as follows: ie P-3 BID OR PROPOSAL BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That We, CASTILL0 CONSTRUCTORS (hereinaner called the Principal). as Principal, and WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. a corporalion organized and doing business under and by virtue of the laws of the Sitate of Arizona, and duly licensed for the purpose of making, guaranteelng or becoming sole surety upon bonds or undertakings required or authorized by the laws of the State of CALIEORNIA' as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto CITY 0F FONTANA (heroinafter called the Obliges) In the Just and full sum of TEN PERCENT OF THE AMOUNT 0E THE ACCOMPANYING ]BID .................. Dollars ($ 10% OF BID AMOUNT--.) lawful money ot the Uniled Slates of America. for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we hereby bind ourselves and our heirs and each of our successors and assigns, Jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH THAT, WHEREAS, the above bounden Principal as aforesaid, is about to hand in and submit the Obliges a bid or proposal for the "LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT." in accordance with the plans and specifications filed in the office of the obligee and under the notice inviting proposals therefore. NOW. THEREFORE. i| the bid or proposal of said principal shall be accepted, and the contract for such work be awarded to the principal Ihereupon by the said obliges. and said principal shell enter into a contract and bond for the completion of said work as required by law, then this obligation to be null and void; othenNise to be and remain in fuii iorce and IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Principal and said Surety have caused these presents to be duly signed and sealed this llTH dayof APRIL ,19 95 CASTILLO CONSTRUCTORS WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY DWIGHT REILLY Attorney-In-Fact 5TA'I'E OF CALIFORNIA } SS. COUINFI'Y OF ORANGE On APRIL 11, 1995 , before me, M. TREDINIICK, NOTARY PUBLIC PERSONALLY APPEARED DWIGHT REILLY personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within Lnstrument and acknowl- edged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/ ~ ............. ,,_,,..,,~ her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/ their signature(S) on me LnsR-unlent the pemon(s), or the ,- M. TREDINNICK entity upon be. hal/of wbdch the pe~on(s) acted, ex~c%:,'ed IA/1TI'4ESS my hand and official seat. /' '] Thi~ ;r~J~r Of~cf~,l Not~riu~ OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law. it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reaRachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF A'FrACHED DOCUMENT [] INDIVIDUAL [] CORPORATE OFFICER TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT 'n~Elm [] PARTNER(S) [] LIMITED [] GENERAL [] A'i'rORNEY-IN-FACT NUMBER OF PAGES [] TRUSTEE(S) [] GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR [] OTHER: DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEI~'IENT WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY POWER OF ATTORNEY .KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS; That the Washington International InsuranCe Comapny, a corporation organized and existing under the ~ Ns of the State of Arizona, and having its principal office in the Village of Schaumburg, Illinoie doea hereby constitute and appoint im ,SHA WIV BLUME, JENNIFER JOHN.,eTOIV, MICHAEL A. QUlaLEY AND DWlaHT REILL Y EACH IN THEIR SEPARATE CAPACITY kllj true and lawful attarneyfs}-in-fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any arlc[ all bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed, required, or i/mitted by law, statute, rule, regulation, contract or otherwise, and the execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, ~il be as binding upon the said Washington International Insurance Company as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same has been duly executed and acknowledged by its President and its principal office. !is Power of Attorney shall be limited in amount to $2.000,000.00 for any single obligation.. This Power of Attorney is issued pursuant to authority granted by the resolutions of the Board af Directors adopted March 22, 1978, July ~ 1980 and October 21, 1986 which read, in part, as follows: ~" ' The Chairman of the Board, President, Vice President, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Secretary may designate Attorneys-in- II Pact, and authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, end attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds, and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and to appoint Special · :; Attorneys-in-Fact, who are hereby authorized tc certify coplos of any power-of-ettcrne'y issued in pursuant to this section and/or ~ll any of the By-Laws of the Company, and to remove, at any time, any such Attorney-in-Fact or Special Attorney-in-Fact and re_yoke the authority given him. ' The signatures of the Chairman of the Board, the President, Vice President, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Secretary. and the ~ corporate seal of the Company, may be affixed to any Power of Attorney, certificate,~ bond or undertaking relating thereto, by facsimile. Any such Power of Attorney, certificate bond or undertaking bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal affixed in the ordinary course of business shall be valid and binding upon the Company. ill TESTIMONY WHERE~.~._~_... hington International Insurance Company has caused this instrument to be signed and its corporate sea, to be affixedth,s 2nd day o, November. l B9,. """"'! : ~ -~ T,~,ARIZON~ ,-'~'~/William O. Sterrett, Chairman of the Board " % 2 ST*TB OF ILLINOIS)~ ~m~ ~ }~;~,,a,~ i puNTY OF COOKI . ~ this 2nd day of November, 1994, before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally know, and, being by me duly sworn, saidthat he is the therein described and authorized officer of the Washington international Insurance Company; 'at the seal affixed to said instrument ia the Corporate Seal of said Company; TE O e here nto ~t nd and affixed my Offm~al Seal the day and year first above written. . ·, i,~. II STATE OP ILLINOIS) COUNTY OF DOOK) "t h undersigned, Secretary of WASHINGTON iNTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, an ARIZONA Corporation, DO HEREBY CE~TIF'~ ~;Tthe foregoing and attached POWER OF ATTORNEY remains in full force and has not been revoked, and furthermora that Article III Section 5 of the By-llaws of the CorDoration, and the Resolution of the Baard of Directora, sat forth in the Power of Attorney, are no~ toree. im~gned and sealed in the County ~ /'~/ APRIL . 19 95 . of Cook, Dated he 11THday of Lewis M. Moeller, Secretary CONTRACTOR'S LICENSING STATEMENT The undersigned is licensed in accordance with the laws of the State of California providing for the registration of Contractors. Contractor's License Number (-~"}[~-~ License Classification /A-r Expiration Date 5- Name of Individual Contractor (Print or type): ,<::~ID('~F~ Signature of Owner ~ d_,. ~ Business Address 74 f,3, ~'A~jA-~ ~"~. Afr,-~. ~raA Hn Or Name of Firm Business Address Name Title Address Name Title Address Name of Corporation Business Address Corporation organized under the laws of the State of Signature of President of Corp. Signature of Secretary of Corp. Date LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work as follows: Name Under Which Address of Percent Specific Subcontractor License Office, Mill of Total Description of is licensed No. nr Shop C,z:u2bac. j: Subcnntract All items of information requested on this page are required. Bidders shall specify each subcontractor who will perform work or labor or render service on the prime contractor in an amount in excess of one half of one percent (0.5%) of the prime contractor's total bid. Failure to list all information as requested above may result in disqualification of the bid. P-5 The following are the names, addresses, and phone numbers for three public agencies for which BIDDER has performed similar work within the past two years: Name ~/'Z_ 2"'Z,- ~ 'C_,,~r~,'~ Phone ( ) Name Phone ( ) Address Name Phone ( ) Address ie DESIGNATOR OF SURETIES ~ The following are the names, addresses, and phone numbers for all brokers and ie sureties from whom BIDDER intends to procure insurance and bonds: ':i Name QL~I~c-~ ~I,3F, Ur2A--~C:F_- ,_~r2dt~ Phone (~) 474- 1 i Name Phone ( ) : Address Name Phone ( ) Address P-6 COMPLETED CONTRACTS LIST Contracted to CiTY OF OXNAR_D :: ' Owner / Prilne Contractor CITY OF OXN.AjLD Contract Amount $93,674 Completion Date Mar-95 Ii Description of Work 10" PVC Storm Drain, 18" RCF Stom~ Drair~ manholes, etc. Reference Contact Doe Delfm / Mar OlDsan (805) 385-7910 ::; IIIi Contracted to L.A. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Owner I Prime Contractor CITY OF LOS ANGELES !,~ ~ Contract Amount $96,027 il Completion Date Feb-95 Description of Work Replacement of 1,030-feet of 12" sewer main. ; ~ Reference Contact Ziad Malhas (213) 847-5084 Contracted to L.A. COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS '. ~ Owner / Prime Contractor L.A. COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS I/ Contract Amount $94,910 Completion Date Oct-94 ~ Description of Work 18", 24" RCP Drains &, 180 L.F. Box Drain Reference Contact Herand Shahbazi / Prime Candin (818) 458-3104 ~ Contracted to W.E. O'NEIL CONSTRUCTION CO. OF CALiF. Owner t Prime Contractor U.S. Postal Service , ~ Contract Amount $63,683 ~ Completion Date Aug-94 Description of Work Modifications to water, sewer, drainage piping ~ i Reference Contact Don Bobkins, O'Neil: (310) 643-7900 Contracted to KASLER CORPORATION '~ ~ Owner / Prime Contractor CALTRANS ili Contract Amount Approximately $62,000 Completion Date Aug-94 ;' ~ Description of Work Freeway drainage catch basin structures Reference Contact Fred Khosrowabad, CALTRANS: (909) 682-3449 · i Ed Hughes, Kasler: (909) 884-481 l Contracted to TEJON CONSTRUCTORS Owner / Prime Contractor ProsIcy Homes se ContractAmount $15,000 Completion Date Apr-94 Description of Work Concrete structures appurtenant to storm drains. ~ Reference Contact Bob Boswell (805) 273-8570 GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS P.O. BOX 728 AGOURA HILLS, CA 91376-0728 (618) 889-2325 FAX: (818) 889-4233 LICENSE # 67162~ NON=C. OLLUSION ~,EI::ID~JI STATE OF CALIFORNIA * COUNTY OF_ ~_ (~.-._%, z~:'t~(]'L~u-~=:~-' * ~)~ ~ 'tL~O""'~'~ ( ~ ~"~'" being first duly sworn, deposes and (Name of Affiant) says that heXshe is ~,C~-~ of (Title) (Name of Bidder) the party making the foregoing bid; that the bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the bid is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a false or sham bid, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any bidder or anyone else to put in a sham bid, or that anyone shall refrain from bidding; that the bidder has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the bid price of the bidder or any other bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit or cost element of the bid price, or of that of any other bidder, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the contract of anyone interested in the proposed contract; that all statements contained in the bid are true; and further, that the bidder has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her bid price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, and wilt not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company association, organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham bid. (Signature) (Typed Name) (Title) NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF '~ ~ ay of , CERTIFICATION OF NON-DISCRIMINATION BY CONTR/~7,~:)BS i ~ Labor Code Section 1735 requires that no discrimination be made in the employment i of persons upon public works because of the race, religious creed, color, national : origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status or sex of such ; , persons, except as provided in Government Code Section 12940. The firm listed below certifies that it does not discriminate in its employment with :! ~m regard to the factors set forth in Labor Code Section 1735; that it is in compliance with all federal, state and local directives and executive orders regarding ':,! non-discrimination in employment; and that it agrees to demonstrate positively and ee aggressively the principle of equal employment opportunity in employment, We agree specifically: 1. To establish or observe employment policies which affirmatively promote ~., opportunities for minority persons at all job levels. 2. To communicate this policy to all persons concerned, including all company ~ ~' employees, outside recruiting services, especially these serving minority e communities, and to the minority communities at large. 3. To take affirmative steps to hire minority employees within the company. e/ ,, FIRM ~A"z'DTTLL--O (n4)/OS'Tf~ UC'Z'D'R .'~ :, TITLE OF PERSON SIGNING Oc,o~---'r~ s GNATuRE im Please include any additional information available regarding equal opportunity employment programs now in effect within your company. P-11 CITY OF FONTANA PROPOSAL BID SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT ~! FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. ii BID NO. SB-72-94 Ii ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED UNIT UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT ; 1. INSTALL 10" EXTRA STRENGTH V.C.P. 96 LF III PER TRENCH DETAIL "A", SHEET 2 of 3. 2. INSTALL JACKED 21" STEEL PIPE 180 LF ,: , ,2,,~ ': ENCASEMENT, INCLUDING 10" EXTRA ~.~' eel STRENGTH V.C.P PER TRENCH DETAIL "B", SHEET 2 of 3. ill 3. INSTALL 6" DIAMETER EXTRA STRENGTH 2 EA I,_.~ V.C.P. STUB (2' long). 4. INSTALL 60" DIAMETER CONCRETE PRE- 1 EA ,.,.~, · / il CAST ECCENTRIC MANHOLE PER L.A. COUNTY STD. S-a-206, CASE III. ili 5. TIE PROPOSED V.C.P. SEWER INTO 1 EA EXISTING STUB AND REMOVE ALL EXISTING SEALS, PLUGS, AND MORTAR. Ill 6. SAWCUT AND REMOVE EXISTING A.C. 1200 SF PAVEMENT AS SHOWN ON TRENCH ,~: DETAIL "A",SHEET 2 of 3. ill 7. INSTALL A.C. PAVEMENT AS SHOWN ON 50 TON TRENCH DETAIL "A", SHEET 2 of 3. m~ 8. REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING LOOP 2 EA , DETECTORS PER CAL-TRANS STD. ES-SA, TYPE 2A. 9. POTHOLE EXISTING GAS MAIN AND 4 EA _):0'~ WATER MAIN. il 10. PROVIDE TRAFFIC CONTROL, LANE LUMP SUM LS CLOSURES, AND ALL RELATED WORK, .i AS SHOWN ON TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN, m SHEET 3 of 3, TO INCLUDE THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 7-10.3 OF SPECIAL PROVISIONS. (Continue to P-13) P-12 11. SUSPEND AND PROTECT ALL AFFECTED LUMP SUM LS me UTILITIES, (PARTICULAR ATTENTION SHALL BE TAKEN TO THE PROTECTION OF THE EXISTING GAS AND WATER el MAIN. SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS APPENDIX III). 12. PROVIDE TRENCH SHEETING, SHORING LUMP SUM LS ee BRACING, TEMPORARY FENCING, AND ALL APPURTENANT RELATED WORK, 13. CLEARING AND GRUSBING LUMP SUM LS ~-~1~:]"~ , 14. CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND LUMP SUM LS Jim SURVEYING (PERFORMED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A STATE OF CAUFORNIA LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR AUTHORIZED REGISTERED CIVIL I ENGINEER). (Continue to P-14) P-13 PROPOSAL BID SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJI-'CT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. BID NO. SB-72-94 TOTAL ! NOTE: The estimated quantities listed in the Proposal Bid Sheet(s) are supplied to give an indication of the general scope of the work, but the accuracy of these figures is not guaranteed and the bidder shall make his own ~ estimates from the drawings. In case of a variation between the unit price and the totals shown by the bidder, the unit price will be i considered to be the bid. The Contractor shall perform, with its own organization, contract work -, amounting to at least 50 percent of the Contract Price, except that any el designated "Specialty Items" may be performed by subcontract and the amount of any such "Specialty Items" so performed may be deducted . ~ from the Contract Price before computing the amount of work required el to be performed by the Contractor with its own organization. The CITY reserves the right to reject any and or all 'bids, or to waive any , information on any one or all bids received. The CITY specifically reserves the right to delete, reduce all or any portion of the work at any time prior to authorization to proceed with this portion of work. e/ m ~A'~'ilL-c-t~ Olp/o~Trauc'r'afz5 BIDDER'S NAME ~___~5 ~'~q-'Z-B'~' TELEPHONE NUMBER d_..,<~L~) ~fScl'z~'Z'~ _ FAXNLJMBER P-14 P/~QEQSAL IN WITNESS WHEREOF, BIDDER executes and submits this proposal with the names, titles, hands, and seals of all forenamed principals this ./~__~ day of M-d1 ,, 1995_: BIDDER __(2,2~ST?LLO Title CITY acknowledges that this proposal was received and opened at the time and in the place specified, and that it was accompanied by the required guarantee in the amount of at least ten percent (10%) of the total bid. By Title P-15 CITY OF FONTANA CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. BID NO. SB-72-94 ADDENDUM NO. ACKNOWLEDGEMEN~ have received the Addendures listed below: Addendure No. Date Addendum No. Date Addendure No, Date Addendure No. Date Addendum No. __ Dance_ m Addendum No. Date · ~ Addendure No. Date Addendum No ........... Date BIDDER'S NAME TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER im P-16 CITY OF FONTANA CONTRACT AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PRO J~ECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NOR~I-t (;IF FOOTHILL BLVD. BID NO. SB-72-94 THIS CONTRACT AGREEMENT is made and~tered into for the above st~ed project this ~ day of~ ~ , ~ ~, BY AND BETWEEN THE C~ FONTANA, as CITY, and ~ ~ / ~ ~ , as CONTRACTOR. / ,, WITNESSETH that CITY and ~NTRACT have mutu~'lly a d as follows: / ARTICLE I h~ ~onsist o ,' the Notice Inviting The contract documents for t aforesaid project sha Sealed Bids, Instructions to~ Bidders, Proposal Documents, eral Conditions, Standard Specifications, SpeCial Prov' 'oas, Plans (Dwg. No. ~ 9. Sheet ~ through , an ' , , , ; geth r it r 7 r r , permits, notices, and=,~ffidavits; '~nd a~o including a and all addenda or supplemental agreemen{s clarifying, ~endi~, or extend"~g the work contemplated as may be required ~ insure its completio in an acc~;table manner. All of the provisions of said cop'~ract dod~ments are mad~ a part h/reof as though fully set forth herein. ~ ' ~' ., ~ ~/' // ~ ARTICLE II ,/ ' e for the abov~ stated project, and to fulfill all'other obligations as set forth in the / aforesaid c~'ntract documents. :' /'CA- I ARTICLE III jW CONTRACTOR agrees to receive and accept the prices set forth in the Proposal-.~s full ; compensation for furnishing all materials, performing all work, and f,~lf111ing all " obligations hereunder. Said compensation shall cover all expenses, loss .s', damages, iii and consequences arising out of the nature of work during its progres~r prior to its : acceptance including those for well and faithfully completing the wo?~' and the whole ~ thereof in the manner and time specified in the aforesaid contraldt documents; and II · also including those arising from actions of the elements, unfofreseen difficulties or obstructions encountered in the prosecution of the .-~Vork, suspension or ~ discontinuance of the work, and all other unknowns or.-Hsks of any description III connected with the work. " ii ARTICLE IV " i ~ CITY hereby promises and agrees to employ, and~d'oes hereby employ, CONTRACTOR, m to provide the materials, do the work, and fulfill ~he obligations a~;cording to the terrO§ and conditions herein contained and referred to, for the prices aforesaid, and h%re/ay contracts to pay the same at the time, in/(he manner, and upon the condition~ set i forth in the contract documents. ' ' ~ ~RTICLE V ,,m ./ ~er\ '~ .,. ! "' CONTRACTOR acknowledges the I~;ovisions of th State ~b r Code req/uiring every : employer to be insured against,~;lbility for wor compensation, oTr to undertake ! compliance with such provigi~ns. ~ /-' el //' ~ Co~Jo~.E Vl 'nde y ~r~.d h ,~..armless CITYZc~ilun i' CONTRACTOR agrees all of its officers and i agents from any demands, 'or'causs of action, i ding related expenses, attorney's fees, and based on, 'arising. ut of, or in y way related to the work i undertaken by hereunder· , V n ARTICLE VII im CONTRACTOF that e signatures, title~, and seals set forth hereinafter in execution ol Contract greement repn{sent all individuals, firm members, i-; partners, jo' e ture~,'a,Od/or orporate officers having a principal interest herein. ARTIO EE VIII If any al action is required to enfo~6e or interpret the Contract Documents, then ; the pl party shall have the right to recover from the losing party all costs of · .- such including attorney fees." m / CA-2 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT No. State of I ~,~-/'/~ R- County of DATE N personally appeared cP'~ ~ d_, ~ E; ~ } FFf~- NAME(S) QF SIGNER(S) [] personally known .Lo me - OR - ~proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person('~ whose name subscribed to the within instrumen~r)and ac- knowledged to me al:(~l-~/tl~_. executed ~My 'g a ( E COMM.# 1041359 zz re on the instrument erso z Notary Public -- California WI ,z.E?~hand and '/~lseal. OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on ~he document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this farm. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION 0F ATTACHED DOCUMENT [] INDIVIDUAL [] OORPORATE OFFIOER TITLE OR TYPE OF DOOUMENT [] PARTNER(S) [] LIMITED [] GENERAL [] ATtORNEY-IN-FACT NUMBER OF PAGES [] TRUSTEE(S) [] GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR [] OTHER: DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(I ES) -- SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE ©1993 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION · 8236 Reinmet Ave., P.O. Box 7184 · Canoga Park, CA 91309-7184 CITY OF FONTANA Contractqri" A Municipal Corporation Gregory C. Devereaux ~me City Manager ,.' TITLE ATTEST: =" Notary ,,, Kathy Montoya City Clerk APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM.z`` Stephen P. Deitsch ,, City Attorney \ i' Frank A. Schuma Community Develq.~ment Director Robert Graha~ (' ~ :' 'x~, ~, t Risk Manag~ent, / CA-3 .. CITY OF FONTANA BOreD ~ S-400 6035 CONTRACT PERFORMANCE BOND PeJ~im4: $2.423.00 i (CALIFORNIA P_UJBJ,[C WO_Bi{) EXECUTED IN TRIPLICATE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT m.. FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. BID NO. SB-72-94 THAT WHEREAS, the City of Fontana (sometimes referred to hereinafter as "Obligee") has awarded to CASTILLO CONSTRUCTORS (hereinafter designated as the "Contractor"), an agreement for the work described as follows: Installation of the LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT. The general items of work to be done hereunder consist of installing approximately 1BO' of 10" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe (V.C.P.) within a 21" Steel Pipe encasement by boring and jacking, installing approximately 96' of 10" Extra Strength V.C.P, by open trench, removing and replacing street improvements as required for pipe installation, and all appurtenant related work (hereinafter referred to as the "Public Work"); and WHEREAS, the work to be performed by the Contractor is more particularly set forth in that certain contract for the said Public Work dated .,(j~hqd H l~/q.~; , -. (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract"), which Contract is incorporated herein by this reference; and e. WHEREAS, the Contractor is required by said Contract to perform the terms thereof and to provide a bond both for the performance and guaranty thereof. ill NOW, THEREFORE, we, C&ST~LLO CONSTRUCTORS , the .. undersigned Contractor, as Principal, and WASHINGTON IN'I'EIINATIONAL INSURkNCE COIIPAN~ .- a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of~J~zoNA and duly authorized to transact business under the laws of the State of California, as : Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fontana in 'the sum of NINET'/SIx TROUSkm) NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND NO/100 Dollars ($ $96.900.00 ..... ), said sum being not less than one hundred percent (100%) of the total amount payable by the .e said Obligee under the terms of the said Contract, for which amount well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that, if the bounden Contractor, his .e or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions and agreements in the said Contract and any alteration thereof made as therein provided,. . (Page 1 of 4) CA-4 on his or its part, to be kept and performed 'at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in ell respects according to their intent and meaning; and shall faithfully fulfill the one yedr guarantee of all materials and workmanship; and indemnify and save harmless the Obligee, its officers and agents, as stipulated in said Contract, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. The said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the work to be performed thereunder or the Specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the work or to the Specifications. ee No final settlement between the Obligee and the Contractor shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied. Contractor and Surety agree that if the Obligee is required to engage the services of an attorney in connection with enforcement of the bond, each shall pay Obligee's reasonable attorney's fees incurred, with or without suit, in addition to the above sum. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this qq~ day of ill JUN~ ., 19 95. PRI NCI PAL/CO NTRACTO R: CASTILLO CONSTRUCTORS By: ~~ ' -- SURETY: I, IASH I A .E COI'dPANY BV (Page 2 of 4) CA-5 m The rate of premium on this bond is $25.00 per thousand. .,e The total amount of premium charged: , ~ $2,423.00 (The above must be filled in by _~. corporate surety). IMPORTANT: Surety companies executing bonds must possess a Certificate of ee Authority from the California Insurance Commissioner authorizing them to write surety insurance defined in Section 105 of the California Insurance Code, and if the work or project is financed, in whole or in part, with federal, grant or loan funds, it must also appear on the Treasury Department's most current list (Circular 570 as amended). THIS LS A REQUIRI~ID FORM. me Any claims under this bond may be addressed to: el (Name and Address of Surety) WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COI, IPAN~ 1930 'I~HOItEAU DRIVE, SUI'lqE 101 SCHAU[~XBURG, IL 60173 m (Name and Address of Agent or QUIGLEY INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. Representative for service of process in California if different from above) 23455 NADERO, SUITE A I. ilSSION VIEJO, ~ 92691 == (Telephone Number and Fax Number (708) 490-1850 / (708) 519-4633 of Surety and agent or Representative for service of process in California) (714) 470-0011 / (714) 470-0699 .. ,., (Page 3 of 4) CA-6 STATE OF CALIFORNIA } SS. III COUNTY OF ORANGE On J1]NE 9, 1995 ,beforeme, -M, TRED!NNICK, NOTARY PEBI.TC " PERSONALLY APPEARED MICHAEL A. QUIGLEY ~ ~ personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of il satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowl- ! edged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/ ii her/theLr authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/ thei~ aig~ature(s) on the increment the person(s), or the :f' ....... entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed ~ o I B ; coMM. , o53o. .a the instrument. ~s NOTARY pUBLIC - CALIF RNIA ~! ORANGE COUN~ WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Cgmm Exp[e= Usr. 26 99 Signature x,. This area for Official Notarial Seal Ij OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION (;IF ATTACHED DOCUMENT [] INDIVIDUAL [] CORPORATE OFFICER TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT ~TLE{S} [] PARTNER(S) [] LIMITED [] GENERAL [] A'R'ORNEY-IN-FACT NUMBER OF PAGES [] TRUSTEE(S) [] GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR [] OTHER: DATE! OF DOCUMENT SIGNER IS REPRESENTING; NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(~ES) SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE i,~-,181 ,~,,.e,/.4 AIJ.-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY POWER OF ATTORNEY l~OW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: That the Washington International Insurance Ccmepny, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Arizona, and having its principal office in the Village of Scheumburg, Illinois does hereby constitute and appoint SHAWN BLUME, JENNIFER JOHNSTON, MICHAEL A. QUIGLEY AND Dt4~IGHT REII. I,y EACH IN THEIR'$EPARA TE CAPACITY :. ~ true and lawful attorneyIs)-in-fect to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings, ilcognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed, required, or permitted by law, statute, rule, regulation, contract or otherwise, and the execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, · ~all be as binding upon the said Washington International Insurance Company as fully and amF,ly, to all intents and purposes, as if the : ~ms has been duly executed and acknowledged by its President and its principal office. This Power of Attorney shall be limited in amount to $2,000,000.00 for any single obligation. ilk, is Power of Attorney is issued pursuant to authority granted by the resolutions of the Board of Directors adopted March 22, 1978, July 1980 and October 21 1986 which read, in part, as follows: '. The Chairman of the Board, President, Vice President, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Secretary may designate Attorneys-in- --; Fact, and authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds, and ~i undertakings, recognizances. contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and to appoint Special Attorneys-in-Fact, who are hereby authorized to certify copies of any power-of-attorney issued in pursuant to this section and/or = _ ~ny of the By-Laws of the Company, and to remove, at any time, any such Attorney-in-Fact or Special Attorney-in-Fact and revoke - ~ the authority given him. 2. The signatures of the Chairman of the Board, the President, Vice President, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Secreta~, and the corporate seal of the Company, may be affixed to any Power of Attorney, certificate, bond or undertaking relating thereto, by facsimile. Any such Power of Attorney, certificate bond or undertaking bearing such fac, slmile signature or facsimile seal affixed me in the ordinary course of business shall be valid and binding upon the Company. '~ TESTIMONY WHERE~....I~..~ hangton Internat onal Insurance Company has caused ths instrument to be signed and its corporate :ea to be off xed by~i~_~ ~ ~i or, ths 2rid day of November, 1994. ' AsHiNGTO. )NTERNAT,O.A NSUR NCS CO PA.Y CORPORA]'E. s,.rre,,. Ch.irma. o, th. Bo.rd ImiTATE QF COUNTY OF COOK} ~,~,~.:,t,~.'~~' . ~n this 2nd d. ay of November, 1994, before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally know, and, ii~eing by me duly sworn, said that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the Washington International Insurance Company; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company; ,,,,,~.~..~..,.._.~..,..~.~..,. . ' ' , and year first above written. ~TATE OF ILLINOIS, ~OUNTY OF COOK, I, the undersigned, Secretary of WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, an ARIZONA Corporation, DO HEREBY CERTIFY ha~the foregoing and attached POWER OF ATTORNEY remains in full force and has not heap revoked, and furthermore that Article II!. ;action 5 of the By-Laws of the Corporation, and the Resolution of the Board of Directors, set forth in the Power of Attorney, are now in force. Signed and sealed in the County of Cook. Dated he Lewis M. Mooliar, Secretary ~m BOND # S-/+00 6035 PRENIUH INCLUDED ON PERFORMANCE BOND ; EXECUTED IN TRIPLICATE m CITY OF FONTANA PAYMENT BOND /e (CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORK) FOR CONSTRUCTION OF i LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT tmi FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. BID NO. SB-72-94 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT WHEREAS, the City of Fontana (sometimes referred to hereinafter as "Obligee") has awarded to CASTILLO CONSTRUCTORS (hereinafter designated as the "Contractor"), an agreement dated/~J~C~c~,/~,~,, described as .follows! Installation of the LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT. The general items of work to be done hereunder consist of installing approximately 180' of 10" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe (V.C.P.) within a 21" Steel Pipe encasement by boring and jacking, installing approximately 96' of 1 O" Extra Strength V.C.P. by open trench, removing and replacing street improvements II as required for pipe installation, and all appurtenant 'related work (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract"); and iII WHEREAS, said Contractor is required to furnish a bond in connection with said Contract, and pursuant to Section 3247 of the California Civil Code; NOW, THEREFORE, We, CASTILLO CO[~STRUC~ORS , the "* undersigned Contractor, as Principal; and WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSI/I~NCE COt.~PANY a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of A~IZONA , and duly authorized to transact business under the laws of the State of California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fontana and to any and all persons, companies or corporations entitled to file stop notices under Section 3181 of the California Civil Code, in the sum OfSTm~TY S~X ~OUSA~D Srk'E ~ a SO/~00-- __ Dollars (e $96.900.00 ...... ), said sum being not less than one hundred percent (100%) of the total amount payable by the said Obligee under the terms of the said Contract, for which payment will and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, successors and assigns., jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. (Page 1 of 4) CA-8 = THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that, if said Contractor, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, or Subcontractors, shall fail to pay .for any materials, provisions or other supplies, implernents, machinery or e. power used in, upon for or about the performance of the Public Work contracted to be'done, or to pay any person for any work or labor of any kind, or for bestowing skills or other necessary services thereon, or for amounts due under the iei Unemployment Insurance Code with respect to such work or' labor, or for any amounts required to be deducted, withheld, and paid over to the Employment Development Department from the wages of employees of paid Contractor and his ,,-. Subcontractors pursuant to Section 13020 of the Unemployment Insurance Code with respect to such work and labor as required by the provisions of Section 3247 through 3252 of the Civil Code, the Surety or Sureties hereon will pay for the same in an i- L""" amount not exceeding the sum specified in this bond, otherwise the above obligation shall be void. In addition to the provisions herein above, it is agreed that this bond i will inure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies and corporations entitled ee to serve stop notices under Section 3181 of the Civil Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond, ... The Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agreee that no change, extension of time, alteration or additions to the terms of the said Contract or to the im work to be performed thereunder or the Specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect ita obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or m to the work or to the Specifications. No final settlement between the Obligee and the Contractor hereunder shall abridge ee the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied. Contractor and Surety agree that if the Obligee is required to engage the services of an attorney in connection with the enforcement of this bond, each shall pay Obligee's reasonable attorney's fees incurred, with or without suit, in addition to the above ie sum. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 9t~{ day of , 199[i . PRINCIPAL/CONTRACTOR: CASTILLO CONSTRUCTORS By: SURE : WAS ~ .~I]RANC, E~OMPANY By: ==: MIC]{A] A · -. -- ge 2 of 4) CA-9 IMPORTANT: Surety companies executing bonds must possess a certificate of authority from the California Insurance Commissioner authorizing them to write surety insurance defined in Section 105 of the California Insurance Code, and if the work or project is financed, in whole or in part, with federal, grant or loan funds, it must also appear on the Treasury Department's most current list (Circular 570 as amended). THIS IS A REt'IUIRED FORM. Any claims under this bond may be addressed to: (Name and Address of Surety) WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSUP~CE COMPANY ~mm 1930 THOP, EAU DRIVE, SUITE 10l SCHAUMBURG. IL 60173 ml (Name and Addresd of Agent or QUIGLEY INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. ~ Representative for service of process me in California if different from above) 23455 14AI)ERO, SUITE A MISSION VIEJO, CA 92691 (Telephone Number and Fax Number (708) 490-1850 / (708) 519-4633 of Surety and Agent or Representative for service of process in California) (714) 470-0011 / (714) 470-0699 'me (Page 3 of 4) CA-10 STATE OF CALIFORNIA } SS. COUNTY OF ORANGE On .IIINE 9, 1995 ,beforeme, H. TREDIRNICK, ROTARY PIIBLIC PERSONALLY APPEARED MICMAEL A. OUIGLEY personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowl- edged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/ her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/ .............. ~ their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the ~[~ M. TREDI entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed ~ COMM. #1053088 ,s NOTARY pUBLIC - CALIFCRNIA the instrument. ~ C)~ANGE CGUN~Y My Comm Explrfi Mlr 26 WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature V/~~/f'~ This area for Official Notarial Seal OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT [] INDIVIDUAL [] CORPORATE OFFICER TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT TITLE(S) [] PARTNER(S) [] LIMITED [] GENERAL [] A'FrORNEY-IN-FACT NUMBER OF PAGES [] TRUSTEE(S) [] GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR [] OTHER: DATE OF DOCUMENT ee SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES) SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE ,~-ils~ I~,. ~/l~.; ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY POWER OF ATTORNEY IINOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS; That the Washington International Insurance Comapny, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Arizona, and having its principal office in the Village of Schaumburg, Illinois does hereby constitute and appoint SHAWN BLUME, JENNIFER JOHNSTON, MICHAEL A. QUIGLEY AND Dt4qGHT REII. LY EACH IN THEIR' $EPAP.4 TE CAPACITY ~s true and lawful attorney{s)-in-fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings, ~ 1 iz s cogn once contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed, required, or permitted by law, statute, rule, regulation, contract or otherwise, and the execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, .hall be as binding upon the said Washington international Insurance Company as fully end amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the ame has been duly executed and acknowledged by its President and its principal office. This Power of Attorney shall be limited in amount to .~2,000,000.00 for any single obligation. !his Power of Attorney is issued pursuant to authority granted by the resolutions of the Board of IDirectors adopted March 22, 1978, July iil~, 1980 and October 21,198~ which read, in part, as follows: 1. The Chairman of the Board, President, Vice President, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Secretary may designate Attorneys-in- Fact, and authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds, and ill undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and to appoint Speciat Attorneys-in-~:act, who are hereby authorized to certify copies of any power-of-attorney issued in pursuant to this section and/or any of the By-Laws of the Company, and to remove, at any time, any such Attorney-in-Fact or Special Attorney-in-Fact and revoke ! the authority given him. I~. . The signatures of the Chairman of the Board, the President, Vice President, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Secretary, and the corporate seal of the Company, may be affixed to any Power of Attorney, certificate, bond or undertaking relating thereto, by :~: facsimile. Any such Power of Attorney, certificate bond or undertaking bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal affixed II in the ordinary course of business. shall be valid and binding upon the Company. ~N TESTIMONY WHERE~f,.._~..~ hington International Insurance Company has caused this instrument to be signed and its corporate :.al to be affixed bV;al~_~ ~ q~o~i or, this 2rid day of November, 1994. - i!i~;,;.~ ._%~q~N. ASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY i CORPORATE / 0. star,err, chairms. of the ,card .-,,,-,.o.,..,. COUNTY OF COOK) ~,~,~,t,~-t,~ . ')n this 2nd d. ay of November, 1994, before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally know, and, ieing by me duly sworn, said that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the Washington international Insurance Company; lilthat the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company; : . _,.........~..~.,~...._...~. . , and year first above written. t|-tary PuNic, 5tats st Illinois ~ I"n'~s~ine Zarets(~ky, ~.TATE OF ILLINOIS) ii~OUNTY OF COOK) I, the undersigned, Secretary of WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, an ARIZONA Corporation, DO HEREBY CERTIFY hat, the foregoing and attached POWER OF ATTORNEY remains in full force and has not bee.', revoked, and furthermore that Article III, ~ection 5 of the By-Laws of the Corporation, and the Resolution of the Board of Directors, set forth in the Power of Attorney, are now el for m ce. Signed and sealed in the County of Cook~h7 9.~//jay of J'ON~ , 19 95 Lewis M. Mooliar, Secretary COMPENSATION INSURANCE CERTIFICATE Pursuant to Section 1861 of the State Labor Code (amended by State, 1979, C.373, p. 1343,) each Contractor to whom a public works contract has been awarded shall sign the following certificate and shall submit same to the City prior to performing any work on the Contract: I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which requires every employer to be insured against liability for Worker's Compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of work of this Contract. CONTRACTOR BY: TITLE DATE Section 3700 of the State Labor Code reads as follows: "Every employer except the State shall secure the payment of compensation in one or more of the following ways: (a) By being insured against liability to pay compensation in one or more of the following ways: (b) By securing from the Director of Industrial Relations, a certificate of consent to self-insure, which may be given upon furnishing proof satisfactory to the Director of Industrial Relations of ability to self-insure and to pay any compensation that may become due to his employee." (Amended by State. 1978, c. 1379, p. 4571) COMPENSATION INSURANCE CERTIE[CA]~E TOGEI_EIER WITH CITY OF FONTANA GENERAL LbcM]IUT, Y~ WORKER'S COMPENSATION/LNDJ~JIOMOBILEU~,BILLTLv~FORMS OE ENDORSEMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH CO_NTP~C_'[, CA-12 At;ltltll, CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ..... PRODIIC,.ER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE -"ontOactors & Manufacturers In DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BYTHE .. O. Box 7817 POLICIES BELOW. orthridge, Ca 91327 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE . (818) 368-3561 COMRANV A 3183662455 ~T~R PACIFIC INSURANCE CO. LTD. COMPANY B i~astillo ConstructorsI InC o COMPANY C 23 CITRUS STREET COMPANY D .... ANTA PAULA CA 93060 ~'~ER 805) 933-9456 COMPANY E EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. : GENERALUABILI/Y GENERALAGGREGATE $2 t 000 ,, 000 X COMMERC1ALGENERALUABIMTY PRODUCTE~XDMP/OPAGG. $1 t 000 f 000 OWNER'SaCONTRACTOR'SPROT. EACHOCCUmRENCE , Sl, 000,000 FIRE DAMAGE (Any one fire) $EXe luded MED. EXPENS~(AnyOnS~emOn) $Excluded H,REO AUTOS / / / EOD,~Y UMBRELLA FORM / / / AGGREGATE $ ~ A.. / / / ~o,~ AGC,DE~T ~ / / / / :i~BCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/SPECIAL LL OPERATIONS OF THE NAMED INSURED AT LOCUST AVE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT. DDITIONAL INSURED CONDITIONS APPLY PER ENDORSEMENT ATTACHED. ;ity Of Fontana i~ EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THEE iSSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO ngineering Division =;i;E~;MAIL 30DAYSWRfiTENNOTICETOTHECERTIFICATEHOLDERNAMEDTOTHE 353 Sierra Avenue ii! LEFT. BUT FAILURE TO MAIL $UCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR ontana CA 923340518 ~ii~iLIABILITY OF ANY ~ND UPON THE C,OMPANY. ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. WHO IS AN INSURED (Section II) is amended to include as an. insured the person or organization shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability arising oue of "~our work" for that insured by or for youl Coverage provided by this policy to the Additional 'Insured(s) shown in the SchedUle shall be primary insurance and any other insurance maintained by the Additional Insured(s) shall be excess and non-contributory, but only as respects any claim or liability determined to the result of the'sole negligence or responsibility of the Named Insured(s). This endorsement to take effect on the 24th day of July, 1995 All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. Attached to and fo~ming part of Policy Number ZI 0002001 of PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED Issued to: SOCORRO C. EILAR DBA: CASTILLO CONSTRUCTORS Dated: Jhly 31, 1995 COUNTERSIGNED BY · Page 2 of 2 AI."IIItlL' CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ,...uA., .'..'., = ','.' j..... 08/19/95 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE ctors & Manufacturers In DOESNOTAMEND, EXTENDORALTERTHECOVERAGEAFFORDEDBYTHE . O · BOX 7817 POLICIES BELOW. ~ orthridge, Ca 91327 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE (818) 368-3561 COMPANY A 8183662455 LETmR .INSURED LEFFER CENTURY NATIONAL INS CO ~2astillo Constructors, Inc. COMPANY C 323 CITRUS STREET ~-n~. GENERAL STAR INDEMNITY SANTA PAULA CA 93060 (805) 933-9456 COMPANY E CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PSRTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE SEEN REDUCED 8Y PAiD CLAIMS. =i:i!::::~i~:~ ] C~,US MAne ~'~ ~CUR. / / / / PE.SONA~ & AEV. ANY AUTO UM,T Sl, 000,000 X HIBEOAUTOS BAP 62432 02/28/95 02/28/96 BOO,LY~N~URY WO.KEWS COMPENSAT,O. ' ~ ": ' :" ' [.'.i L_ :'.":. EXCESS AUTO EXCESS OF 1,000,000 LIABILITY IXG334723 07/28/95 07/28/96 PRIVY CSL ~LL OPE~TIONS OF THE N~ED INS~ED AT LOCUST AVE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT. DDITIONAL INS~ED CONDITIONS APPLY PER ENDORSEMENTS ATTACHED .RT, ,cAw .o ns. ....... cf 6 [ Av,o. ......................... t: Y. Patanwa l a S~CJLD A~Y C= ~ngineering Division ~ MAIL 300AYSWRI~ENNOTlCETOTHECERT~FICATEHOLDERNAM~DTOTHE 353 Sierra Avenue ~::~==~ LEFT. BUT PAlLURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR ontana GENERAL ENDORSEMENT 98i-i414 THIS ENDORSEMENT, EFFECTIVE 7/31/95 , FORMS A PART OF POLICY NO. BAP 62432 ISSUED TO: DBA: CASTILLO CONSTRUCTION BY CENTURY-NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY IN CONSIDERATION OF X 100.00 AN ADDITIONAL PREMIUM OF $ A RETURN PREMIUM OF $ NO CHANGE IN PREMIUM. IT IS HEREBY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THAT: In consideration of the premium paid, underwriters agree that the insurance provided hereunder shall be primary and non contributing, will agree to indemnify the City of Fontaria and the County of San Bernardino, and/or any incorporated city, from all liabilities arising out of the subject work described as LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT, except that arising our of the sole negligence of the indemnitee(s) to the limits of the available insurance. It is agreed that the additional insured hereunder as respecting the LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT shall read aS follows: The City of Fontana and its City Council, and/or all City Council appointed groups, committees, boards and any other City Council appointed body, and/or elective and appointive officers, servants, or employees of the City when acting as such are additional insureds hereunder, for the acts of the named insured, and such insurance provided hereunder shall be primary to any insurance provided by the City. Should such insurance be canceled, non-renewed, suspended, or materially changed, the insurer will provide 30 days prior notice by certified mail to the City of Fontana, return receipt requested, advising of the date of non-renewal, suspension, or material change, or cancellation. J J BG/sj 8/8/95 ' "' GNBAP 211 (7/87) ORIGINAL ~HITE COPY) COMPANY COPY (PINK) BROKER'S COPY (GREEN) EDP COPY (CANAR~ ~TRA COPY (GOLDENROO) POLICY NUMBER EXCESS AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY IXG334723 General Star Indemnity Company THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE REAl} IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - THIS ENDORSEMENT MODIFIES INSURANCE PROVIDED UNDER THE FOLLOWING: EXCESS AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COVERAGE PART. SCHEDULE Name of Person or Organization: City of Fontana and/or County of San Bcmardino and/or any incorporated city with interest in the Locust Avenue Sewer Extensiion Project It is hereby understood and agreed that, in consideration of the premium paid, undrwriters agree that the insurance provided hereunder shall be following form of the underlying automobile liability insurance issued by Century National Insurance Company, and that all the terms and conditions of the underlying applicable to the certificae holder(s) above shall apply to the insurance provided hereunder. Nothing contained herein shall operate to increase the limits of liability of the company for this risk. - AINII,"II, CERTIFICATEOF;INSURANCE ......... PROOUC~R THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND J CONFERS NO RIOTS UPONTHE CE~IFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE ", ontractors & Manufacturers In DOES NOTAMEND~ ~END OR ALTERTHE COVE~QE AFFORDED 8YTHE . O. BoX 7817 POUCIES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVE~GE Northridge, Ca 91327 .... (818) 368-356~ COMPANY A ]183662455 L~" PACIFIC INSURANCE CO. LTD. . __~.SU.~D L~,,~. CENTURY NATIONAL INSURANCE CO. astillo ConStructors, Inc. c~.~ C 23 CITRUS STREET ]ANTA PAULA CA 93060 [805) 933-9456 c~P~y E THis is TO CE~TI~ THAT THE POLICIES OF INSU~NCE ~STED BELOW HAVE BEEN I~UE~O THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY INDICATED, NO~ITHSTANDING A~ REQUIREMENT, T~RM OR CONDITION OF ~ CONTACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, UMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE SEEN REDUCED.B~ EAJp ~,tMs: .............. ~ QENEULUAalUW GENE~LAGQREGATH SZ ~ .... ~uusM~s~=cu~ ZI-O002001 09/26/94 09/26/95 ,~,~N~La~V,~N~UeV .A~.z000,000 R~ ~MAG~ (Any Me Bre) NEXC 1 UQe~ ...... MEO,EXP~SE(Any~epe~on) sExclUded A~ OWNED AUT~ SCALY INJURY ~ 2 5 0 ,,,eD~UTOS BAP 62432 02/28/95 02/28/96 ~N-OWN~DAUT~ (Pera~den~ S500 ~ ] GAUGE LIABILI~ P~ER~ DAMAGE ~ 1 O 0 I 000 4 WORKE~'~ COMPENSA~ON / / / / ~ ACCI~ ~ / / / / OPERATIONS OF THE N~ED INSURED AT LOCUST AVE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT. CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS N~ED AS ~ ADDITIONAL INSURED ON GENERAL LIABILITY FOR WORK BY THE N~ED INSURED FOR THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. . ...... ity Of Fontaria ~jE ~PI~TION DATE THEREOF. THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENO~VOR TO ;~:~':5 ~ Q DAYS WRI~EN NOTICE TO THE CER~FICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE {~ngi~eering Division 353 Sierra Avenue ~? LE~, BUT FA{LU~ TO MAiL SUCH NONCE SHAtL IMPOS~ NO OBLIGATION ontana CA 9~3340518 ~ UAB}Li~ OF ANy KIND UPON THE COMPANY. ITS AGENTS OR RePBES~NTAIiVES- GENERAL LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 ~NEQBMAZIQN Endorsement # ,nsurance Company: Policy Number: 2 / - ~ ~ e ~ ~ J 2, Policy Term (From): f'2 ~- ~ (To): '~-~&- Endorsement Effective Date: 4. Address of Named Insured: 7~ 5. Limit of Liability Any One Occurrence: ~ 6. Coverage is equivalent to: Comprehensive General Liability form GL0002 (Ed. 1~73) Commercial General Liability "Occurrence" form CG0001 7. Bodily Injury and Property Damage Coverage is: ~ ~ ~t ~ "occurrence" NOTE: The City of Fontana standard insurance requirements specify "occurrence" coverage. "Claims-made" coverage is not acceptable. If commercial general liability form or equivalent is used, the general aggregate must apply separately to this location/project or the general aggregate must be twice the occurrence limit. 8. Description of Project: ~CdSf CA-13 B. POLICY AMENDMENTS This endorsement is issued in consideration of the policy premium. Notwithstanding any inconsistent statement in the policy to which this endorsement is attached or any other endorsement attached thereto, it is agreed as follows: 1. INSURED. As respects any work performed on the above-described Project, the City of Fontana, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees, consulting engineers, and volunteers are included as insured with regard to damages and defense of claims arising from: (a) activities performed by or on behalf of the Named Insured, (b) products and completed operations of the Named Insured, or (c) premises owned, leased or used by the Named Insured. 2. CONTRIBUTION NOT REQUIRED. As respects: (a) work performed by the Named Insured on the above-described Project for or on behalf of the City of Fontana; or (b) products sold by the Named Insured to the City of Fontana for use on the Project; or (c) premises leased by the Named Insured from the City of Fontana, the insurance afforded by this policy shall be primary insurance as respects the City of Fontana, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees, consulting engineers, or volunteers; or stand in an unbroken chain of coverage excess of the Named Insured's schedule underlying primary coverage. In either event, any other insurance maintained by the City of Fontana, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees, consulting engineers, or volunteers shall be in excess of this insurance and shall not contribute with it. 3. SCOPE OF COVERAGE. This policy, if primary, affords coverage at least as broad as: (1) Insurance Services Office form number GL 0002 (Ed. 1/73), Comprehensive General Liability Insurance and Insurance Services Office form number GL 0404 Broad Form Comprehensive General Liability endorsement; or (2) Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability Coverage, "occurrence" form CG 0001; or (3) If excess, affords coverage which is at least as broad as the primary insurance forms referenced in the preceding sections (1) and (2). 4. SEVERABILITY OF INTEREST. The insurance afforded by this policy applies separately to each insured who is seeking coverage or against whom a claim is made or a suit is brought, except with respects to the Company's limit of liability. CA-14 5. PROVISIONS REGARDING THE INSURED'S DUTIES AFTER ACCIDENT OR LOSS. Any failure to Comply with reporting provisions of the policy shall not affect coverage provided to the City of FoRtaRa, its elected or appointed officer, officials, employees consulting engineers or volunteers. 6. CANCELLATION NOTICE. The insurance afforded by this policy shall not be canceled, suspended or modified, or renewal of such a policy declined unless notice is mailed, by certified mail return receipt requested, to the City at least 45 days prior to the effective date of the non-renewal, suspension or modification or at least 30 days prior to the effective date of cancellation. C. INCIDENT AND CLAIM REPORTING PROCEDURE Incidents and claims are to be reported to the insurer at: (Title) (Department) (Company) (Street Address) (City) (State) (Zip Cede) ?/,p ,s-fs" (Telephone Number) (FAX Number) D. SIGNATURE OF INSURER OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE INSURER I, C-//~ ~/L~f- b%'~./Ce/¢[dlI, warrant that I have authority to bind the (print/type name) required on endorsement furnished to the City of Fontana) TITLE: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: _~/2 7~,::P Z,.~"( [ FAX NO. JP/~' Z~ 2- ~'j'j" cA- 5 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ENDORSF_IVtENZ CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 iw A. POJJCY INFORMATION Endorsement # =:, 7. Insurance Company: a~ '~'f'~"7 Policy Number: '22,'~ P Endorsement Effective Date: 3. Named ~nsured: ~--~//~ 4. Address of Named Insured: 7 (L/ 5. Limit of Liab.ity Any One Ooourrence: 6. Description of Project: IAoE./,Y-/F .w B. POUC~ AMENDMENTS III This endorsement is issued in consideration of the policy premium. Notwithstanding ! any inconsistent statement in the policy to which this endorsement is attached or any am other endorsement attached thereto, it is agreed as follows: ~! 1. iNSURED. The City of Fontana, its elected or appointed officers, am officials, consulting engineers, employees and volunteers are included as insured with regard to damages and defense of claims arising from: the m ownership, operation, maintenance, use, loading or unloading of any auto owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Named Insured, regardless of whether liability is attributable to the Named Insured or a combination e~ of the Named Insured and the City of Fontana, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees, consulting engineers or volunteers. ~ . 2. CONTRIBUTION NOT REQUIRED. As respects work performed by the m Named Insured for or on behalf of the City of Fontana, the insurance afforded by this policy shall: (a) be primary insurance as respects the ~m City of Fontana, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees, consulting engineers or volunteers; or (b) stand in en unbroken chain of coverage in excess of the Named Insured's primary coverage. In either ~ event, any other insurance maintained by the City of Fontana, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees or w~lunteers shall be in excess of this insurance and shall not contribute with it. 3. SCOPE OF COVERAGE. This policy, if primary, affords coverage to the ~ ~' Named Insured at least as broad as: (1) Insurance Services Office form number CA 00001 (Ed. 1/78), - Code 1 ("any auto") and endorsement CA (:)025. .. (2) If excess, affords coverage which is at least as broad as the = ', primary insurance forms referenced in the preceding m section (1). ~ 4. SEVERABILITY OF INTEREST. The insurance afforded by this policy applies separately to each insured who is seeking coverage or against whom a claim is made or a suit is brought, except with respect to the Company's limit of liability. - - 5. PROVISIONS REGARDING THE INSURED'S DUTIFS AFTER ACCIDENT ee OR LOSS. Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policy shall not affect coverage provided to the City of Fontana, its elected or . ~ appointed officer, officials, employees, consulting engineers or .e volunteers. ;: 6. CANCELLATION NOTICE. The insurance afforded by this policy shall not ii be canceled, suspended or modified, or renewal of such a policy declined unless notice is mailed, by certified mail return receipt !. ~ requested, to the City at least 45 days prior to the effective date of the non-renewal, suspension or modification or at least 30 days prior to the effective date of cancellation. m CA-17 C. IBLCID_ENT AND CLAIM REPORTING PROCEDURE Incidents and claims are to be reported to the insurer at: (Title) (Department) (Company) (S~ree~ Address~ (C~ty) (S~a~e) (Zip Code~ (Telephone Number) (FAX Number) D. SIGNATURE OF INSURER OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE INSURER (print/type name) below listed insurance com ny and by my signature hereon do so bind this RESENTATIVE (Original Signature required on endorsement furnished to the City of Fontana) ORGANIZATION: '- TITLE: - TELEPHONE: ~ ~A ,~0. CA-18 STATE P.O. BOX 420807, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94142-0807 COMPENSATION "' INSURANCE F~'3hlC) CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE --~ ~ 20, 1995 POLICYNUMBI:R: 229 - 95 0009486 CERTIFICATE EXPIRES: 0],--0t--96 CIT~ OF FONTANA DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS 8353 SIERRA AVENUE " FOIqTANA, CA 92335 JOB: 6 I~PLOYEES L This is to cerlif'y that we have issued a valid Workers' Compensation insurance policy in a form approved by the California Insurance Commissioner to the employer named below for the policy period indicated. 30 -- This policy is not subject to cancellation by the Fund except uporzlxa days' advance written notlce to the employer. 30 We will also give you x ~ days' advance notice should this policy be cancelled prior to its normal expiration. This certificate of insurance is not an insurance policy and does not amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed herein. Notwithstanding any requirament, term, or condifion of any contraot or other document with respect to which this certificate of insurance may be issued or may pertain, the insurance afforded by the policies ENPLOy~K'S LIABILITY LIMIT INCLBDING DEFENSE COSTS: ,1,000,000.00 PEI OCUUI{ItI~CE. ENDORS]~IENT 2065 ENTITLED CEETIFICATE HOLDERS' NOTICE EFFECTIVE 06-20-95 IS AI'rACN~ TO AND FOBMS A PART OF THIS POLICY. ENDORSEMENT 2570 ENTITLED WAIVEI{ OF SUBROC, ATION EFFECTIVE 06-20-95 IS ATTAUMKO TO AND EDIff4S A PA~T OF THIS POLICY. THIRD PARTY NA14E: CITY OF FONTANA - DE~T OF OF PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYER EILAR, SOCORRO C. AND ELIAR, ERIC J. DBA: CASTILLO CONSTRUCTORS P.O. BOX 728 AGOURAHILLS, CA 91367 RC P/U WORKER'S COMPENSATION/EMPLOYERS LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 el A. POLICY INEORMATION Endorsement # i 1. Insurance Company: mi ("the Company") , Policy Number: 2. Effective Date of This Endorsement: e 3. Named Insured: : 4. Employer's Liability Limit (Coverage B): el B. POLICY AMENDMENTS In consideration of the policy premium and notwithstanding any inconsistent statement in the policy to which this endorsement is attached or any other endorsement attached thereto, it is agreed as follows: 1. Cancellation Notice. The insurance afforded by this policy shall not be canceled, suspended or modified, or renewal of such a policy declined li unless notice is mailed, by certified mail return recsipt requested, to the City at least 45 days prior to the effective date of the non-renewal, suspension or modification or at least 30 days prior to the effective date ~l of cancellation. Insurance Code Section 674 provides that a policy of liability insurance issued to a '" local public entity, including a city, as a name insured shall not be canceled or renewal of such a policy declined for reasons other than nonpayment of premium unless notice is mailed by certified mail return receipt requested has been given to the City at least 45 days prior to the effective date of the non-renewal or at least 60 days prior to the effective date of cancellation. 2. Waiver of Subrogation. The Insurance Company agrees to waive all , rights of subrogation against the City of Fontana, its elected or ,- appointed officers, officials, agents and employees for losses paid under the terms of this policy which arise from work performed by the Named Insured for the City of Fontana. CA~I 9 C. SIGNATURE OF INSURER OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE INSURER I, , warrant that I have authority to bind the (print/type name) below listed insurance company and by my signature hereon do so bind this company. (SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE (Original Signature required on endorsement furnished to the City of Fontana) ORGANIZATION: TITLE: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: FAX NO, j ,, CA-20 CITY OF FONTANA GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. BID NO. SB-72-94 SCOPE OF WORK The work to be done consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor, transportation, services and incidentals as required by thE; contract documents to complete all the work for the above stated project. The general items of work to be done hereunder consist ,of installing a total of approximately 275' of 10" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe (V.C.P.), removing and replacing of street improvements as required for pipe installation, and all appurtenant related work. Approximately 95 ' of the 10" V.C.P. shall be installed by the "open trenching" method, and the remaining 180' shall be installed within a 21" Steel Pipe encasement by the "Dry Bore & Jacking" method. Both the borE,, pit and receiving pit shall be excavated outside of the Foothill Blvd right of way (CalTrans jurisdiction). The 10" Extra Strength V.C.P. shall be installed at a depth of approximately 17' below the finish road surface. All portions of work within CaITrans jurisdiction (Southerly ECR to Northerly BCR) shall be done in accordance to the "Dry Bore & Jacking", Caltrans Specifications as referenced hereon. The project will require a street closure on Locust Avenue and a detour of vehicular traffic impacted by the closure. A Traffic Control and Detour Plan was prepared and is referenced hereon. LOCATION OF WORK The general locations and limits of the work are as follows: LOCUST AVENUE FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD to 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TIME OF COMPLETION The Contractor shall complete all work in every detail within ~ working days after the date of Notice to Proceed, excluding maintenance periods. The Contractor shall place the order for all material within 10 working days following project award by CITY. Verification of order shall be presented to CITY. LII'IUIDATED DAMAGES Failure of the contractor to complete the work within the time allowed will result in damages being sustained by the CITY. The liquidated damages to be paid to the CITY or to be deducted from any payments due or to become due to the Contractor for each consecutive calendar day the Contractor needs to complete the whole or any specified portion of the work beyond the time allowed in the specifications are prescribed in the Special Provisions,pursuant to Public Contracts Code Section 10226. GC-1 TRAFFIC REQUIREMENT~.S The Contractor shall provide traffic control and detour signage as shown on the Traffic Control Plan (Dr.#2319, sheet 3 of 3). In all other areas a minimum of one (1) travel lane in each direction shall be maintained on all pavE;d streets within the construction zone at all times. Except as provided in the Traffic Control Plan, pedestrian and vehicular access shall be maintained at all intersecting local streets and driveways at all times. If the Contractor should request any deviation from approved Traffic Control Plan (Dr.#2319, sheet 3 of 3), the Contractor shall submit a revised plan, detailing the delineation and protective measures, to the CITY, CalTrans and any other applicable agency for approval. Delineation shall be in accordance with the California Department of Transportation ~MJicJ~aDuaJ. No additional street closures shall be made without prior approval of the City Engineer and any other agency involved. Steel plate covers shall be installed per the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (Plate Bridging), over all open trenches within the travel lanes at the close of each construction day. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Public Contract Code Section 7104 requires a contractor to notify the public entity of various problems, including the existence of possible hazardous materials, as follows: If the work entails digging a trench or other excavation four (4) feet or more in depth, contractor shall promptly, and before the following conditions are disturbed, notify the CITY in writing of any material that the contractor believes may be hazardous waste; any subsurface and latent physical conditions at the site differing from those indicated; or any unknown physical conditions at the site of any unusual nature, different materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in the work of the character provided for in the contract. UTILITY REr)UIREMENTS The Contractor is advised of the existence of the utility notification service provided by UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (USA). USA member utilities will provide the Contractor with the precise locations of their substructures in the construction area when the Contractor gives at least 48 hours notice to the Underground Service Alert by calling 1/800/422-4133. Contractor shall contact USA as specified and shall provide the CITY with proof of contact with USA upon request. GC-2 The Contractor shall arrange notification to all the affected agencies at least 48 hours in advance of excavating around any of their structures. The utility companies listed below can be contacted as indicated. 1. Fontana Water Company Local Telephone: (909) 822-2201 USA Member Utility, Phone 1-800-422-4133 2. Marygold Mutual Water Company Local Telephone: (909) 877-0516 3. Pacific Bell Local Telephone: (909) 359-2520 USA Member Utility, Phone 1-800-422-4133 4. Southern California Edison Co. Local Telephone: (909) 357-6223 USA Member Utility, Phone 1-800-422-4133 5. Southern California Gas Company Local Telephone: (909) 335-7750, (800) 427-2200 USA Member Utility, Phone 1-800-422-4133 6. Fontana Community Development Department (Sewer and Storm Drain) Local Telephone: (909) 35047610 7. Comcaat Cable Local Telephone: (909) 988-2985 8. CalTrans Local Telephone: (909) 383-4536 9. U.S. Sprint Local Telephone: (909) 874-7450 10. San Bernardino County Department of Transportation Local Telephone: (909) 387-2888, (909) 387-2633 11, General Telephone Local Telephone: (909) 604-1238 12. AT&T Local Telephone: (714) 526-2556 The California Public Utilities Commission mandates t'hat, in the interest of public safety, main line gas valves be maintained in a manner to be readily accessible and in good operating condition. The Contractor shall notify the Southern California Gas Company's Headquarters Planning Office at 800/624-2497 at least two (2) working days prior to the start of construction. GC-3 The Contractor shall exercise extreme care to protect all existing utilities in place whether shown on the plans or not, and shall assume full responsibility for damage resulting from his operations. Particular attention shall be taken to the locations of the existing 2" gas main and the existing 14 1/2" water main within Locust Avenue (see Dr.#2319, sheet 2of3). Please refer to Appendix III of the Special Provision regarding the suspension of these existing utilities within an open trench or bore pit. The Contractor shall coordinate with each utility company as to the requirements and methods of protection of their facilities during the construction period, and shall be responsible for preparation and processing ef any required plans or permits. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility to maintain uninterrupted service for all utilities, including temporary service connections. To the extent required by Government Code Section 4.215, the CITY shall compensate Contractor for the costs of locating and repairing damage to utility facilities not due to the failure of Contractor to exercise reasonable care, and for removing or relocating main or trunk line facilities not indicated in the plans with reasonable accuracy, and for equipment necessary idled during such work. Contractor shall not be assessed liquidated damages for delay caused by failure of CITY to provide for removal or relocation of such utility facilities. The Contractor shall "pothole" to determine the exact horizontal and vertical location of the end of the existing sanitary sewer where connection will be made, or as directed by the Engineer in conformance with Section 5-1 of the Standard Specifications, and shall immediately notify the Engineer in case of conflict. This shall be the first item of work completed. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining the horizontal and vertical measurements to the utility once exposed. The area of pavement removed for potholing shall be the minimum required to perform the work. All pavement removals shall be done by sawcutting. Subsequent to excavating in paved areas, the existing soil removed shall be replaced and compacted to 95% relative compaction or greater, to a depth of one foot below the existing pavement. Asphalt cold mix shall then be added and compacted to a level fl,ush with the existing finished surface. In areas without paving, the soil shall be replaced and compacted to a level even with the adjacent grade. All backfilling and compaction for all excavations and potholes shall be completed under the supervision of the Inspector. Compaction testing will be performed by the CITY. Any backfilling or compacting done without proper inspection will require submittal of a soils report confirming cornpaction of subgrade and base and gradation conformance prior to final release. 'The cost of the soils report shall be deducted from the compensation paid to the Contractor for Clearing and Grubbing. The Inspector may order testing for any area believed to be below the required compaction, whether the Inspector has supervised the work or not. If the suspect area fails to meet the required compaction, the Contractor shall rework the area until the specified density is obtained. The CITY shall then retest the area for compliance. The initial compaction testing will be at the CITY"s expense; however, the cost of ratesting areas that do not meet the compaction requirements shall be deducted from the compensation paid to the Contractor for Clearing and Grubbing. GC-4 Cold mix patches shall remain in place a minimum of five working days to assure proper compaction. Cold mix patches within the proposed areas to be repaved may remain in place until such time as the final paving is undertaken. The Contractor shall maintain full responsibility for the temporary cold mix patch and shall complete all required maintenance and repairs until final paving is completed. Following approval of the waiting period by the CITY, the Contractor shall remove the temporary cold mix in areas outside the repaving lirnits and construct the final patch using a C2-AR4000 hot mix asphalt. A tack coat shall be applied to the pavement edges and surrounding areas. The thickness of the asphalt concrete layer shall be one inch greater than the existing section, but not less than four inches. Payment for potholing shall be made at the contract price bid for each and shall include full compensation for furnishing all materials, labor, tools and equipment to provide this item of work, complete in place, including pavement: removal, excavation, measurement, backfilling, compacting, temporary and final patch, maintenance, and all appurtenant related work and no additional compensation will be allowed. The bid quantity shown in the proposal bid sheet for potholing is an estimate only and may be substantially different from the actual work performed by the Contractor. The exact number of potholes to be performed by the Contractor shall be as determined by the Engineer in the field. Payment for potholing will be made at the contract unit bid price only for the work actually performed and pre-approved to be performed at each location by the Engineer in the field and shall not be subject to the provisions of Section 3-2 of the Standard Specifications. FLOW AND ACCEPTANCE OF WATER It is anticipated that storm, surface or other waters will be encountered at various times during the work herein contemplated. The Contractor, by submitting a bid, acknowledges that he has investigated the risk arising from such waters and has prepared his bid accordingly; and Contractor submitting a bid assumes all said risk. The Contractor shall conduct his operations in such a manner that storm or other existing waters may proceed uninterrupted along their existing drainage courses. Diversions of water for short reaches to protect construction in progress will be permitted if public and/or private properties, in the opinion of the Engineer, are not subject to probability of damage. The Contractor shall obtain written permission from the applicable public agency or property owner before any diversion of water outside of street right of way will be permitted. GC-5 REMOVAL The Contractor shall provide and maintain at all times during construction ample means and devices to promptly remove and properly dispose of all water entering the el excavations or other parts of the work. No concrete footing or floor shall be laid in water nor shall water be allowed to rise over them until the concrete or mortar has i set at least two (2) hours. Water shall not be allowed to rise unequally against wall for a period of twenty-eight (28) days. Dewatering for the structures and pipelines shall commence when ground water is first encountered, and shall be continuous until em such time as water can be allowed to rise in accordance with the above paragraph. Dewatering shall be accomplished by well points or some other method which will insure a dry hold and preservation of final lines and grade of the bottoms of m excavation, all subject to the approval of the Engineer. Disposal of water from dewatering operations shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. Disposal methods shall conform to the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act, 1974, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, and the California Administrative Code, Title 23, Chapter 3o Full compensation of dewatering shall be considered as included in the contract prices paid for the related items of work, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. TRENCH SAFETY AND SHORING EXCAVATION The Contractor shall utilize sheeting, shoring and bracing as required to minimize the trench width or to protect existing improvements or utilities in place as required for this project. el In accordance with Section 6500 of the Labor Code, the Contractor is required to obtain a permit from the Division of Industrial Safety for any trench or excavation which is five feet or more in depth and into which a person is required to descend. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, and materials required to design, construct, and remove all sheeting, shoring and bracing or other equivalent method of support for this project. ; Excavation for any trench five (5) feet or more in depth shall not begin until the ee Contractor has received approval from the Engineer of the Contractor's detailed plan for worker protection from hazards of caving ground. Such plan shall be submitted ~ at least five (5) days before the Contractor intends to begin excavation and shall show the details of the design of shoring, bracing, shielding or other provisions to be made for worker protection during excavation. No such plan shall allow the use of -- shoring, sloping or a protective system less effective than required by Construction Safety Orders of the Division of Industrial Safety and if such plan varies from the shoring system standards established by the Construction Safety Orders, the plan e. shall be prepared and signed by an Engineer who is registered as a Civil or Structural Engineer in the State of California. GC-6 Prior to the beginning of excavations requiring shoring, the Contractor shall designate in writing To the Engineer someone whose responsibiUty it is to supervise the project safety measures and someone whose responsibility it is to supervise the installation and removal of sheeting, shoring, and bracing. In addition to shoring the excavations in accordance with the minimum requirements of Industrial Safety Orders, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to provide any and all additional shoring required to support the sides of the excavation against the effects of loads which may exceed those desired by using the criteria set forth in the Industrial Safety Orders. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for any damages which may result from his failure to provide .adequate shoring the excavation under any or all of the conditions of loading which may exist, or which may arise during construction of the project. Payment for sheeting, shoring, bracing, and all appurtenant related work shall be considered as included in the lump sum price bid for sheeting, shoring and bracing and no additional compensation will be allowed. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS The Standard Specifications of the CITY are contained in the latest edition of the STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION, ("Green Book"), including all supplements as written and promulgated by the Joint Cooperative Committee of the Southern California Chapter of the American Public Works Association and the Southern California District of the Associated General Contractors of California. Copies of these Standard Specifications are available from the publisher: Building News, Incorporated 3055 Overland Avenue Los Angeles, California 90034 (310) 202-7775 The Standard Specifications set forth above will control 'the general provisions for this contract except as amended by the Plans, Speciall Provisions, or other contract documents. The section numbers of the following Special Provisions coincide with those of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction. Only those sections requiring amendment or elaboration, or specifying options, are called out. In case of conflict between the Standard Specifications and the Special Provisions, the Special Provisions shall take precedence over and be used in lieu of such conflicting portions, GC-7 References in the Special Provisions to "CALTRANS Standard Specifications" shall mean the Standard Specifications (latest edition) of thE; State of California, Department of Transportation. Copies of these specifications and standard drawings may be obtained from: State of California - Department of Transportation Central Publication Distribution Unit 1900 Royal Oaks Drive Sacramento, CA 95819 References in the Special Provisions to Standard Plans shall mean the Standard Plans of the City of Fontana or other governing agency as specified. Applicable Standard Plans for this project are contained in Appendix I of these Specifications. Where the Plans or Specifications describe portions of the work in general terms, but not in complete detail, it is understood that the item is to be furnished and installed complete and in place and that only the best general practice is to prevail and that only materials and workmanship of the first quality are to be used, Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals, and do all the work involved in executing the contract. WAGE RATES AND LABOR CODE REQUIREMENTS Wage Rates The Contractor and all Subcontractors shall be required to adhere to the general · 4 prevailing rate of per diem wages as determined and published by the State Director .. of the Department of Industrial Relations, pursuant to Sections 1770, 1773, and 1773.2 of the California Labor Code. Copies of these rates and the latest revisions thereto are on file in the Office of the Secretary of the Board of Directors and are available for review upon request. Attention is directed to the provisions of Sections 1774, 1775, 1776, 1777.5, and 1777.6 of the State Labor Code. Sections 1774 and 1775 require the contractor ! and all subcontractors to pay not less than the prevailing wage rates to all workmen ee employed in the execution of the contract and specify forfeitures and penalties for failure to do so. The minimum wages to be paid are those determined by the State 'i Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. Section 1776 requires the Contractor and all Subcontractors to keep accurate payroll records, specifies the contents thereof, their inspection and duplication procedures;, and certain notices e, required of the Contractor pertaining to their location. The Contractor and all subcontractors shall be required to pay travel and subsistence payments as defined in applicable collective bargaining agreements and Labor Code Sections 1773.1 and 1773.8. GC-8 Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work, and the time of service of any worker employed on the work shall be limited and restricted to eight (8) hours during any one calendar day and forty (40) hours in any one calendar week, except when payment of overtime is made at not less than one and one-half (1-1/2) of the basic rate for all hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day. The Contractor shall forfeit to the CITY, as a penalty, 925 for each worker employed in the execution of this contract by 'the Contractor, or by any subcontractor under the contractor, for each calendar day during which such worker is required or permitted to work more than eight (8) hours in any one calendar day or forty (40) hours in any one calendar week without such compensation for overtime. Apprentices Section 1777.5 requires the Contractor or Subcontractor employing people in any apprenticeship occupation to apply to the Joint Apprenticeship Committee nearest the site of the public works project and which administers the apprenticeship program in that trade for a certificate of approval. The certificate will also fix the ratio of apprentices to journeymen to be used in the performance of the contract. The Contractor is required to make contributions to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship programs if he employs registered apprentices or journeymen in any apprenticeship trade and if other Contractors on the public works site are making such contributions. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, contributions, wage schedules and other requirements may be obtained from the State Director of Industrial Relations or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards. CLAYTON ACT and CARTWRIGHT ACT Section 7103 of the Public Contract Code specifies that in executing a public works contract with the CITY to supply goods, services or materials, the Contractor or Subcontractors offers and agrees to assign to the CITY all rights, title and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Sec. 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2 commencing with Sec, 16700) of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professional Code, arising from purchase of goods, services or materials pursuant to the contract or subcontract. This assignment shall become effective when the CITY tenders final payment to the contractor without further acknowledgement by the parties. GC-9 CITY OF FONTANA SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. BID NO. SB-72-94 EXCEPT AS SPECIFIED BELOW, THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (SSPWC), COMMONLY REFERRED TO AS "THE GREEN BOOK", WILL APPLY TO, AND CONTROL THIS WORK. PART I - GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION I - TERMS, DEFINITIONS, ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS 1-2 DEFINITIONS, Agency/City City of Fontana Board City Council County County of San Bernardino Engineer City Engineer Federal United States of America State State of California SECTION 2 - SCOPE AND CONTROL OF THE WORK 2-1 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT. [Replace with the following]: Within ten (10) working days after the date of the Notice to Award, the Contractor shall execute and return the following contract doouments to the CITY: Contract Agreement Contract Performance Bond Payment Bond General Liability and Automobile Liability Insurance Certificate and Endorsement Form Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance Certificate and Endorsement Forms Construction Schedule Failure to comply with the above will result in annulment of the award and forfeiture of the Proposal Guarantee. The Contract Agreement shall not be considered binding upon the CITY until executed by the authorized CITY officials. SP-1 ~ . A corporation to which an award is made may be required, before the Contract Agreement is executed by the CITY, to furnish evidence of its corporate existence, of its right to enter into contracts in the State of California, and that the officers imi signing the contract and bonds for the corporation have the authority to do so. i' 2-4 CONTRACT BONDS. em Both the Contract Performance Bond and the Payment Bond shall each be for not less than one hundred percent (100%)of the total contract amount. The ee Payment Bond shall remain in force until thirty-five (35) days after the date of recordation of the Notice of Completion. The Contract Performance Bond will not be released until one year after said date. 2-5 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, 2-5.1 General. [Replace the first paragraph with the following]: The Contractor shall maintain a control set of Plans and Specifications on the project site at all times. All final locations of the proposed public improvements determined in the field, and any deviations from the Plans and Specifications, shall be marked in red on this control set to show the as-built conditions. Upon completion of all work, the Contractor shall return the control set to the Engineer. Final payment will not be made until this requirement is met. Payment for the as-built plans shall be considered as included in the contract prices paid for the related items of work, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. ee 2-8 RIGHT-OF-WAY The CITY will acquire all rights of way, easements and rights of entry as ee required for this project. The Contractor shall verify that the acquisition(s) is completed prior to beginning any work outside the public right of way. All cost for i remobilization, downtime, etc., due to delays in obtaining the rsquired rights of way, easements, and rights of entry shall be included in the lump sum price bid for Clearing and Grubbing and no additional compensation will be allowed.. 2-9 SURVEYING ee 2-9.3 Surveying Service. [Replace the first two paragraphs with the following]: The Contractor shall provide surveying and construction staking as required for the construction of this project which includes but is not limited to the following: Provide construction staking, record data for all existing monuments and monument ee ties, finish elevation control stakes and resetting of original monuments as required by law. The Contractor's surveyor shall provide written verification to the City that all existing monuments are tied out. This shall be done prior to the Contractor ee commencing any construction activity in the field. All :survey work shall be SP-2 ,.. performed under the supervision of a licensed Land Surveyor or an authorized registered Civil Engineer. ~ ~ The Contractor shall not disturb any existing monuments (including monument ee ties) or benchmarks. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer immediately in the event that any existing monuments are disturbed due to the contractors operation. The .. Contractor shall assume full responsibility for payment of services necessary to re- establish disturbed monuments pursuant to the "Professional Engineers Act" and the "Professional Land Surveyor's Act" ~m The cost of furnishing all surveying services as required for the construction of this project and fulfilling all permit and professional requirements shall be included in ie the Contract Lump Sum cost paid for "Construction Staking and Surveying" (Bid Item#14) and no additional compensation will be made. ee SECTION 3 - CHANGES IN WORK 3-2 CHANGES INITIATED BY THE CITY 3-2.1 General [Add the following]: The term "Contract Price" as specified herein shall serve to mean the total dollar value of the Contractor's original bid for all of the various items of work combined and shall not be construed to mean the subtotal shown on any singular item of work. 3'3 EXTRA WORK 3-3.2.3 Markup. [Add the following as the first paragraph]: The markups mentioned hereinafter shall include, but are not limited to, all costs for the services of superintendents, project managers, timekeepers and other personnel not working directly on the change order and pickup or yard trucks used by the above personnel. These costs shall not be reported as labor or equipment elsewhere except when actually performing work directly on the change order and then shall only be reported at the labor classification of the work performed. SECTION 4 - CONTROL OF MATERIALS The Contractor's attention is directed to the provisions of Section 4, including the provisions regarding inspection and testing, and use of equivalent materials. The City will pay for inspection and materials testing. The Contractor shall pay for retests due to failure to meet specifications. SP-3 4-1 Materials and Workmanship , 4-1.1 General. [Replace the third paragraph with the following]: m If at any time defects in the work shall be found, the Contractor shall promptly · i correct such defects, remove and dispose of all defective and unsatisfactory work or =!: materials. Should the Contractor fail or refuse to remove and renew any defective work ee performed, or to make any necessary repairs in an acceptable manner, and in accordance with the Contract Documents, the City shall cause the unacceptable or ~ ~ defective work to be removed or renewed, or such repairs as may be necessary to el be made at the Contractor's expense. Any expense incurred by the City in making these removals, renewals, or repairs, which the .Contractor has failed or refused to make, shall be deducted from any monies due or which rnay become due the el Contractor, with Contractor being obligated to reimburse the City for any sums incurred in excess of monies due or which may become due. ie SECTION 5 - UTILITIES 5-1 LOCATION. [Add the following paragraph]: The Contractor shall notify the utilities designated in the General Conditions at least 48 hours in advance of excavating around any of their structures. SECTION 6 - PROSECUTION, PROGRESS AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK 6-1 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE AND COMMENCEMENT OF WORK [Replace with the following]: The Contractor's proposed Construction Schedule shall be submitted to the Engineer within ten (10) working days after the date of the Notice of Award of Contract. The schedule shall be supported by written statements from each supplier of materials or equipment indicating that all orders have been placed and acknowledged and setting forth the dates that each item will be delivered. Prior to issuing the Notice to Proceed, the Engineer will schedule a preconstruction meeting with the Contractor to review the proposed Construction Schedule and delivery dates, arrange the utility coordination, discuss construction methods and clarify inspection procedures. The Contractor shall submit periodic Progress Reports to the Engineer by the tenth day of each month. The report shall include an updated Construction Schedule. Any deviations from the original schedule shall be explained. P~rogress payments will be withheld pending receipt of any outstanding reports. The Contractor is advised as to the possibility of award of other construction projects within the proposed construction zone by the City of Fontana, other governing agencies, or private companies. In the event of such award(s), the SP-4 Contractor shall coordinate with the applicable parties as to the extent of and time required to complete their work and shall schedule his work and conduct his operations so as to permit access and time as required for the concurrent work. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer in the event of a delay in scheduling caused solely by this concurrent work. Payment for the above, if any, shall be deemed as included in the items of work as shown on the proposal bid sheet and no additional compensation will be allowed. 6-4 DEFAULT BY CONTRACTOR. [Replace first paragraph with the following]: The City has the right to suspend the work in whole or in part or cancel the contract without liability for damages, when in the City's opinion the Contractor is not complying in good faith, has become insolvent, has assigned or subcontracted any part of the work without City's consent, or shall fail to abide by the provisions of the Contract Documents. In the event it is necessary for the City to suspend the work as provided in this section, the Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for labor, materials, or other cost or expenses which may be incurred as a result thereof. City Shall further have the right to withhold from the Contractor, any reasonable estimated sums as determined by the Engineer as may be required to correct the result of the Contractor's failure to abide by the provisions of the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall remain liable to 'the City for any correction cost in excess of cost incurred. Should work be suspended in part, Contractor shall continue with other work unaffected by the work suspended in accordance with the regular schedule or construction practices. 6-7 TIME OF COMPLETION 6-7.1 General. [Add the following]: The time for completion shall be as set forth in the General Conditions. 6-7.2 Working Day. [Replace with the following]: The Contractor's activities shall be confined to the hours between 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Deviation from these hours will not be permitted without the prior consent of the Engineer, except in emergencies involving immediate hazard to persons or property. In the event of either a requested or emergency deviation, tnspection service fees will be charged against the Contractor. The service fees will be calculated at overtime rates, including benefits, overhead and travel time. The service fees will be deducted from any amounts due the Contractor. · SP-5 i, 6-8 COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE [Replace second paragraph with the following]: The completion date will be as certified by the Engineer and/or as accepted by the City when the construction of the project or specified construction schedule thereof is sufficiently completed. Completion will be in accordance with the Contract Documents, all applicable codes and to the full satisfaction and acceptance of the City of Fontana, County, State and Federal authorities, having jurisdiction over the project so that the project or specified construction can be utilized for the purpose for which it was intended. Substantial completion shall include Contractor's furnishing of all contractor's "As-Built" data as required by the Engineer to comply with the requirements of the appropriate governmental authorities and acceptance by any governmental authority or municipality. 6-9 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. [Replace last sentence of the first paragraph with the following]: If the work is not completed within the period provided in the General Conditions, the City and the Contractor agree that it would be impractical or extremely difficult to assess the actual resulting damages to City and therefore, they agree that the sum of Five Hundred (~500) Dollars for each calendar day of such delay' is a reasonable estimate of the same and shall constitute liquidated damages to City in such event. SECTION 7 - RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CONTRACTOR 7-1 CONTRACTOR'S EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES. [Add the following]: A noise level limit of 86 dbA at a distance of fifty feet shall apply to all construction equipment on or related to the job, whether owned by the Contractor or not. The use of excessively loud warning signals shall be avoided except in those cases required for the protection of personnel. 7-2 LABOR 7-2.2 Laws. [Add the following]: The Contractor, and all subcontractors, suppliers and vendors shall comply with applicable CITY, State and Federal orders regarding affirmative action to ensure equal employment opportunities and fair employment practices. Failure to file any report due under said orders will result in suspension of periodic progress payments. The Contractor shall ensure unlimited access to the job site for all equal employment opportunity compliance officers. _ SP-6 7-3 LIABILITY INSURANCE. [Replace the entire Subsection with the w. following]: 7-3.1 Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the CITY OF FONTANA, the State of California, the County of San Bernardino and/or any incorporated city from all claims or suits for damages arising from his prosecution of the contract work, as more fully described in Subsection 7-3.2 "Contractor's Liability." ml 7-3.2 Insurance Requirements. me The Insurance afforded by this policy shall not be canceled, suspended or modified, or renewal of such a policy declined unless notice is mailed, by certified ~ mail return receipt requested, to the City at least 45 days prior to the effective date ~ of the non-renewal, suspension or modification or at least 30 days prior to the effective date of cancellation. The Contractor shall maintain during the life of the contract a protective liability policy. The policy shall provide for not less than the following amounts: Bodily Injury 91,000,000 each person 92,000,000 each accident lie 91,000,000 each accident for products and completed operations Property Damage 91,000,000 each accident el Worker's Compensation Statutory Automobile Liability Insurance to include all owned, non-owned or non-hired ii le vehicles, including loading and unloading thereof: Automobile Bodily Injury 91,000,000 each person m 92,000,000 each accident Automobile Property Damage $ 500,000 each occurrence All liability insurance policies shall bear an endorsement or shall have attached a rider whereby it is provided that, in the event of expiration or proposed cancellation of such policies for any reason whatsoever, the CITY shall be notified by registered mail, return receipt requested, giving a sufficient time before the date thereof to comply with any applicable law or statute, but in no event less than 30 days before expiration or cancellation is effective. The following statement shall be included on the insurance certificate provided: "Additional Insured: The insurer agrees that the City of Fontana and its City Council, and/or all City Council appointed groups, committees, me boards and any other City Council appointed body, and/or elective and appointive officers, servants or employees of the City when acting as :: such are additional insured hereunder, for the acts of the insured, and such insurance shall be primary to any insurance of the City." SP-7 The Contractor agrees to protect, defend and indemnify the City of Fontaria against loss, damage or expense by reason of any suit claims, demands, judgments and causes of action caused by the Contractor, his employees, agents or any subcontractor, or by any third party arising out of or in consequence of the performance of all or any operations covered by the Certificate of Insurance. The Contractor, at his/her option, may include such coverage under General Liability coverage. 7-3.3 Contractor's Liability. The City of Fontana, the City Council or the Engineer shall not be answerable or accountable in any manner for any loss or damage that may happen to the work or any part thereof; or for any of the materials or other things used or employed in performing the work; or for injury to any person or persons, either workmen or the public; or for damage to any person or persons, either workmen or the public; or for damage to adjoining property from any cause which might have been prevented by the Contractor, or his workmen, or any one employed by him/her; against all of which injuries or damages to persons and property the Contractor, having control over such work, must properly guard. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to any person or property resulting from defects or obstructions or any time before its completion and final acceptance, and shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Fontana, the City Council and the Engineer from all suits or actions of every name and description brought for, or on account of, any injuries or damages received or sustained by any person or persons, by the Contractor, his servants or agents, in the construction of the work or in consequence of any negligence in guarding the same, in improper materials used in its construction, by or on account of any act or omission of the Contractor or his agents, and so much of the money due the Contractor under and by virtue of the Contract as shall be considered necessary by the City may be retained by the City until disposition has been made of such suits or claims for damages aforesaid. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the precautions taken by the Contractor are not safe or adequate at any time during the life of the Contract, the Engineer may order the Contractor to take further precautions, and if the Contractor shall fail to do so, the Engineer may order the work done by others and charge the Contractor for the cost thereof, such cost to be deducted from any monies due or becoming due the Contractor. Failure of the Engineer to order such additional precautions, however, shall not relieve the Contractor from his full responsibility for public safety. 7-3.4 Certificates of Insurance. The Contractor shall not commence work until Contractor had delivered to the City a Certificate of Insurance executed by a duly authorized agent of the insurance carrier specifying that the insurance affords coverage for all matters set forth in this contract in at least the minimum amount required. All of said certificates must show the correct job reference and location of the job site and are not to state "covering all tracts." Contractor at his own cost and expense, shall insure this interest against loss resulting from fire, earth settlement, theft, embezzlement, dot or any other cause whatsoever. SP-8 7-,5 PERMITS [Replace the first sentence with the following]: Prior to the start of any work, the Contractor shall take out the applicable CITY permits, CalTrans permits, and applicable "tunneling permits" from the State Department of Industrial Safety and shall make arrangements for all inspections. The Contractor and all subcontractors shall each obtain any and all other permits, licenses, inspections, certificates or aut'horizations required by any governing body or public utility. Payment for this work shall be included in the bid items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed. The City of Fontaria will waive the usual City Construction Permit fees. The Contractor shall provide the CITY with copies of all permits prior to commencement of construction. The Contractor shall obtain a "Duplicate Encroachment Permit" from CalTrans; and applicable permits from the State Department of Occupational Safety, Relations Division; and provide the CITY with a copy prior to commencing jacking operation. If the permit or license of any agency or public utility is more restrictive than the standard specifications, standard drawings or the special provisions, the requirements of the permit or license shall take precedence for that portion of the work in the agency or publiic utility right-of-way. 7-9 PROTECTION AND RESTORATION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS. In addition to standard specifications, special attention, shall be given to the following: Contractor shall notify the City of utility to be crossed. Contractor shall protect in place said utility and provide all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for shoring, bracing or other support and backfill required by utility owner or City and no additional compensation will be allowed. The Contractor shall exercise extreme care to protect all existing utilities in place whether shown on the plans or not, and shall assume full responsibility for all damage resulting from his operations. Particular attention shall be taken to the locations of the existing 2" gas main and the existing 14 1/2" water main within Locust Avenue (see Dr.#2319, sheet 3of3). Please refer to Appendix III of the Special Provision regarding the suspension of these existing utilities within an open trench or bore pit. The Contractor shall coordinate with each utility company as to the requirements and methods of protection of their facilities during the construction period, and shall be responsible for preparation and processing of any required plans or permits. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility to maintain uninterrupted service for all utilities, including temporary service connections. 7-10 PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY 7-10.1 Traffic and Access. [Add the following]: (Special attention is called out for in Section 7-10.0 in whole, and especially as underlined:) The Contractor's operations shall cause no unnecessary inconvenience. The access rights of the public shall be considered at all times, Unless otherwise SP-9 authorized, traffic shall be permitted to pass through the work, or an approved detour shall be provided. Safe and adequate pedestrian and vehicular access shall be provided and maintained to fire hydrants, commercial and industrial establishments, churches, schools, parking lots, service stations, motels, fire and police stations, hospitals, and establishments of similar nature. Access to these facilities shall he continuous and unobstructed unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Safe and adequate pedestrian zones and public transportation stops, as well as pedestrian crossing, of the Work at intervals not exceeding 300 feet (90 m), also shall he maintained unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Vehicular access to residential driveways shall be maintained to the property line except when necessary construction precludes such access for reasonable periods of time. If backfill has been completed to such extent that safe access may be provided, and the street is opened to local traffic, the contractor shall immediately clear the street and driveways and provide and maintain access. The contractor shall cooperate with the various parties involved in the delivery of mail and the collection or removal of trash and garbage to maintair~ schedules for these services. Grading operations, roadway, excavation and fill construction shall be conducted by the Contractor in a manner to provide a reasonably satisfactory surface for traffic. When rough grading is completed, the roadbed surface'shall be brought to a smooth, even condition satisfactory for traffic. Unless otherwise authorized, work shall be performed in only one-half of the roadway at one time. One-half shall be kept open and unobstruc. ted until the opposite side is ready for use. If one-half a street only is being improved, the other half shall be conditioned and maintained as a detour. When entering or leaving roadways carrying public traffic, the Contractor's equipment, whether empty or loaded, shall in all cases yield to public traffic. The Contractor shall notify all affected property owners of the proposed schedule a minimum of 48 hours, but not more than 72 hours, in advance of any limitation or closure of access to their property. Form of said notice shall be as approved by the Engineer and shall contain the date and time of the closure, in the event of delay, whether beyond the control of the Contractor or not, the Contractor shall notify all affected property owners as to the extent of the delay and his revised schedule. In the event of delay over 72 hours, the Contractor shall re-notify the property owners as described above. Payment for notification and coordination as per Section 7-10 as modified herein shall be included in the compensation paid for the various items of work and no additional compensation will be allow.ed. SP-IO 7-10.2 Storage of Equipment and Materials in Public Streets [Add thefollowing]: No more than 500 linear feet of pipeline shall be stockpiled on the site, regardless of size. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any damage caused by stockpiling and shall repair same at his expense. The Contractor shall also be responsible for providing traffic control as required to protect the public from hazards caused by stockpiling within the right of way. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining the applicable CITY permit for stockpiling within the public right of way (Permit Fees will be waived for City contracts). Payment for the above, if any, will be deemed as included in the items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed. The Contractor may, at his own expense, maintain and operate a work and storage area outside the public right-of-way. In such case the Contractor shall submit to CITY written authorization from the owners of the subject property prior to occupation. Occupation of site without written authorization shall be grounds for immediate suspension of work. Location of site to be approved by CITY. Condition and operation of yard shall conform to these specifications. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for all damage to the site resulting from his operations and shall repair and/or replace same, at his own expense, to the satisfaction of the owner of the subject property. The Contractor shall vacate site and return it to pre-project condition within five (5) working days following completion of work for which it was intended. The Contractor shall obtain a written release from the property owner accepting the condition of the vacated site and releasing the Contractor frorn any further clean-up or restoration work and shall submit a copy of such release to the CITY. The Notice of Completion will not be issued until said release is submitted. 7-10.3 Street Closures, Detours and Barricades. [Add the following]: A detailed Traffic Control and Detour Plan is provided (Dr.#2319. sheet 3 of 3). The Contractor shall maintain the minimum traffic requirements as shown on the Traffic Control Plan and as is designated in the General Conditions. No other street or access closures to through traffic will be allowed without the express approval by the CITY. The Contractor shall provide traffic control and detour signage as shown on the Traffic Control Plan (Dr.#2319, sheet 3 of 3). Except as provided in the Traffic Control Plan, pedestrian and vehicular access shall be maintained at all intersecting local streets and driveways at all times, In all other areas a minimum of one (1) travel lane in each direction shall be maintained on all paved streets within the construction zone at all times. if the Contractor should request any deviation from approved Traffic Control Plan (Dr.#2319, sheet 3 of 3), the Contractor shall submit a revised plan, detailing the delineation and protective measures, to the CITY, CalTrans and any other applicable agency for approval. SP-11 Unless otherwise specified, compensation for Traffic Control shall include full i..' compensation for street closures, detours, grading, restoration of existing signing and striping, signs, flagmen, barricades, flashers, temporary striping, removal and replacement of miscellaneous signs, fences and all appurtenances and shall be paid ml for at the lump sum contract price for traffic control and no additional compensation will be allowed. Payment shall include full compensation for all labor, materials, tools, il equipment and doing all work involved in Traffic Control as specified, including preparation of Traffic Control plans and obtaining CITY and County plan review, approval and permits. All existing stop signs, street name signs and regulatory signs shall be ~ maintained in visible locations during construction and perrnanently relocated or '~ removed as directed by the plans and the Engineer. Signs which need not be maintained during construction or permanently relocated shall be salvaged to the ,-' app'licable government authority. The following applies to all permits for work within the public street right-of- ~ way: mi The "State of California Manual of Traffic Control for Construction and Maintenance Work Zones" provides information necessary to carry out proper and safe traffic control. Should a contractor not provide proper traffic control after the first advisory warning, the City may cite the contractor or other contracting agency under City Ordinance 997. ; a The penalty for not providing for the required proper traffic safety in the public right-of-way is a misdemeanor with a fine of up to $1,000.00 or up to 6 months in jail or both. Strict traffic control shall be maintained at all times using the signs, barricades, delineations, warning lights, fiagger control and flashing arrow signs, as required. The minimum lane width to be maintained shall be 12 feet wide. Consult your City inspector if assistance should be needed! :: 7-10.4.1 Safety orders. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of any CITY ordinances or regulations regarding requirements for the protection of excavations and the nature of such protection. .. ~ 7-15 CERTIFIED PAYROLL RECORDS [Add the following paragraph]: Certified Payroll Records shall be submitted to the CITY by the tenth day of each month. Progress payments will be withheld pending receipt of any outstanding reports. m SP-12 SECTION 9 - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 9-3 PAYMENT 9-3.1 General. [Replace the first paragraph with the following]: Contractor will be paid only for the quantities as listed in the Bid Schedule and constructed in accordance with the Plans and Specification. Should any pay item contained in the Contract Documents be found unnecessary for 'the proper completion of the work, the City may, upon written Change Order to the Contractor, eliminate such pay items from the contract, and such action shall in no way invalidate the contract. Any pay items added to the contract as a result of unforeseen circumstances or 'required work not included on the plans and specifications will be paid only if those items were approved by the City, a cost was agreed to by all parties and a written Change Order was approved and submitted to the City prior to the construction of said work. Before any payment shall be made, Contractor shall have provided City with releases executed by persons who might have mechanics liens, stop notices or labor and materials bond rights against the project and arising out of the work. 9-3.2 Partial and Final Payment. [Replace the last paragraph with the following]: The closure date for periodic progress payments will be five (5) working days prior to the first Monday of each month. The final progress payment will not be released until the Contractor returns the control set of the Plans and Specifications showing the as-built conditions. The full ten percent (10%) retention will be deducted from all payments. The final retention will be authorized for payment thirty-five (35) days after the date of recordation of the Notice of Completion. In conformance with the State of California Public Contract Cede, Section 22300, the Contractor may substitute securities for any monies withheld by the CITY to secure performance under the contract. At the request and expense of the Contractor, securities equivalent to the amount withheld shall be deposited with the CITY or with a State or Federally chartered bank as the escrow agent who shall pay such monies to the Contractor upon notification by CITY of Contractor's satisfactory completion of the contract. The type of securities deposited and the method of release shall be approved by the City Attorney's office. Before the CITY shall make the final payment, Contractor shall execute and file with the CITY a release in the form supplied by the CITY, releasing its officers, employees, representatives, and agents from any and all claims for liability relating to any undisputed contract amounts for work performed in relation to the undisputed amounts. SP-13 9-3.3 Delivered Materials. [Replace with the followingL Materials and equipment delivered but not incorporated into the work will not be included in the estimate for progress payment. 9-3.4 Mobilization. [Replace with the following]: Mobilization shall consist of preparatory work and operations, including but not limited to those necessary for the movement of personnel, equipment, supplies, and incidentals to the project site; for the establishment of all offices, buildings and other facilities necessary for the work on this project; and for all other' work and operations which must be performed or cost incurred prior to the beginning of work on the various contract items on the project site. The compensation paid for mobilization shall be included in the payment of the Clearing and Grubbing and shall be full compensation for all costs incurred by the Contractor for doing all the work involved in mobilization as specified herein. Payment for mobilization will be included in the first monthly progress payment and shall be considered full compensation for the cost of such mobilization and administered for the entire contract period. PART 2 - CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS SECTION 210 - PAINT AND PROI'ECTIVE COATINGS 210-1.6.1 General. [Replace with the following]: The paint for traffic striping and marking shall be solvent-borne low VOC as approved for use in the South Coast Air Basin by the Air Quality Management District. Thinner shall not be mixed with paint. Paint shall dry "tack-free" within thirty (30) minutes, Paint used for pavement legends shall be a compound of paint and glass beads. SECTION 211 - SOILS AND AGGREGATE TESTS 211-2 COMPACTION TESTS 211-2.1 Laboratory Maximum Density. [Replace with the following]: Laboratory Maximum Density tests shall be performed in accordance with Test Methods No. Calif. 216G, Part H. The correction for oversized material as stated in Test Method No. Calif. 216 shall be replaced with Note 2 of ASTM D1557. SP-14 211-2.2 Field Density. [Add the following paragraph]: Field density tests will be made by the Engineer during the course of construction at the expense of the CITY. If field density tests indicate that any portion of the compacted subgrade has density lower than that specified density, the Contractor shall rework that portion until the specified density is obtained. Re-testing of areas which have failed compaction will be performed by the Engineer at the Contractor's expense. ~ PART 3 - CONSTRUCTION METHODS SECTION 300 EARTHWORK 300-1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING. liei 300-1.3.2 Requirements. [Add the following]: ~ (d) Miscellaneous e In addition to the work outlined in Section 300-1 of the Standard Specifications, the following items of work are included under the Clearing and ~ Grubbing unless otherwise covered by specific bid item. (1) Mobilization in accordance with Section 9-3.4 of the Standard Specifications. ili (2) Maintaining dust control at all times by watering during the entire time of the project, whether extended or not, including deve op ng a water supply and ee furnishing and placing all water for all work done in the contract, including water used for extra work. (3) Provide for necessary traffic control, including all signs, barricades, flashers and flagmen necessary to maintain proper control. (4) Application of soil sterilant. (5) Protection of utilities, structures, improvements and other facilities within the construction zone, except those specifically shown on the; plans to be removed or relocated. (6) Removal and disposal of existing natural and artificial objectionable material within the limits of construction. (7) Verification of existing locations and elevations as shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer other than that designated as "potholing" (8) Cleaning of storm drains, including existing upstream portions which are joined by the project following project completion. Cleaning to be done to satisfaction of Engineer. SP-15 (9) Replacement of disturbed traffic signs, street names, mail boxes, property be owner signs, fences, landscaping, protection of temporary construction fences and all appurtenances, striping and markings, as required to the satisfaction of : . the engineer. (10) Tree removal and disposal of trees, other than tree removal designated on bid i proposal, in a legal manner including removal of all roots and vegetative material, overexcavation if applicable and recompaction to 95% minimum relative compaction (ASTM D-1577). Tree removal permit shall be obtained from the appropriate agency. If the permit requires identification of infested trees, or special inspection of an Arborist, the cost of all such work shall be i included and no additional compensation will be allowed. , I III (11) Provide for the replacement of trees and plants, of the same kind, to the reasonable satisfaction of the property owners whether indicated on the plans im or not. ~ , (12) This item shall also be interpreted to include the removal or relocation of any e additional items not specifically mentioned herein or covered by specific bid item, which may be found within the work limits whether' shown or not shown i; . on the plans to be removed or relocated. 300-1.4 Payment. [Add the following]: Unless otherwise specified, compensation for clearing and grubbing shall include full compensation for mobilization, traffic control, signs, barricades and flashers and shall be paid for at the lump sum contract price and no additional compensation will be allowed. Payment shall include full compensation for material, equipment and doing all work involved in clearing and grubbing as specified. 300-2 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION. 300-2.1 General. Unclassified Excavation shall include excavating, loading, stockpiling, hauling and disposing of surplus material to the depth indicated on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. Removal of existing asphalt concrete pavement shall be included in this item of work unless covered by a specific bid item. 300-2.2 Unsuitable Material. [Add Subsection 300-1.3.2 (a) Bituminous Pavement" as Subsection 300-2.2.3 and amend as follows]: Bituminous Pavement and Concrete removals shall be sawcut at the designated lines of removal shown on the Plans or as designated by the Engineer. 300-2.6 Surplus Material. [Add the following]: All surplus materials shall be disposed of in a legal manner at the Contractor's expense. SP-16 300-2.9 Payment. [Replace with the following]: Payment for Unclassified Excavation shall be deemed as included in the compensation paid for the related bid item and no additional compensation will be allowed. Payment for removal of existing asphalt concrete pavement, concrete driveways, and concrete curb and gutter shall be made at the contract unit bid price per square foot or linear foot, respectively, and shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, and equipment involved, including sawcutting, loading, hauling, stockpiling and disposal and no additional compensation will be allowed. The contract unit bid actual price for asphalt pavement removal shall be independent of the actual thickness encountered in the field. The quantity measured for asphalt pavement removal shall be limited to a maximum of that designated as "pay lines" per detail on the plans and measured in the field. Removal of asphalt concrete beyond this limit shall be at the Contractor's expense. Payment will be made only for the quantity of pavement within the limits actually removed and within the "pay lines". SECTION 301 - TREATED SOILS, SUBGRADE PREPARATION AND PLACEMENT OF BASE MATERIALS 301-1 SUBGRADE PREPARATION 301-1.2 Preparation of Subgrade [Add the following]: Preparation of the subgrade shall conform to the provisions of Section 301-1 of the Standard Specifications and these provisions. 301-1.3 Relative Compaction. Relative compaction in paved areas shall require 90% relative compaction of the subgrade. Relative compaction of the pavement section's aggregate base shall be 95% (when aggregate base is not used, the top 12 inches of the subgrade shall be compacted to 95% relative compaction). Relative compaction in unpaved areas shall not be less than 90% up to a level even with the adjacent ground. Compensation for subgrade preparation shall be deemed to be included in the unit price bid for respective bid item and no additional compensation will be allowed. 301-6 SOIL STERILANT. [Add new Subsection]: 301-6.1 General. All areas to receive Asphalt Concrete Pavement shall be prepared in accordance with applicable sections of the Standard Specifications concerning subgrade preparation. In addition, after the compaction is completed, the Contractor shall apply a non-migrating soil sterilant to the subgrade. Application shall be by spray equipment which provides good mechanical agitation and even coverage of the area SP-17 to be treated. Spray equipment shall be final. Great care shall be taken to apply soil sterilant to the designated areas only. Aggregate base may be placed immediately after placement of soil sterilant. 301-6.20perator's License. The Contractor's operator applying the soil sterilant shall be licensed by the State of California, Department of Food and Agricultural Affairs and registered with the Office of the Agricultural Commissioner of San Bernardino County as pest control officer, 301-6.3 Application. ee Any soil sterilant, which is approved in writing by a licensed pest control advisor (for the purpose of which it will apply) may be used upon acceptance by the e~ Engineer. The dye shall not stain concrete or masonry. Certification shall be furnished to the Engineer showing the purchase receipt and manufacturer's : recommended rate of application of the material. 301-6.4 Payment. Full compensation for all labor, materials and equipment for soil sterilant be deemed to be included in the unit price bid for respective bid item and no additional compensation will be allowed. SECTION 302 - ROADWAY SURFACING 302-5 ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 302-5.1 General. [Replace the last paragraph with the following:] Asphalt Concrete shall conform to the requirements of Subsection 203-6.1 and Section 302-5 of the Standard Specifications, as modified by these Special Provisions. 302-5.4 Tack Coat. A tack coat shall be applied uniformly upon the existing pavement planes and joints, gutters, inlets, manholes, etc. prior to placing the asphalt concrete. The tack coat shall be SS~I h emulsified asphalt per section 203-3. The surface to be covered shall be free of water, foreign material, vegetation or dust bE;fore application of the tack coat. Payment for tack coat, labor, equipment, and material and doing all other appurtenant work shall be deemed as included in the unit price bid for asphalt concrete and no additional compensation shall be allowed, SP-18 302-5.5 Distribution and Spreading. [Add the following}: Asphalt concrete pavement replacement shall be installed pursuant to Detail "A", Dr.#2319, sheet 2 of 3. Asphalt concrete pavement shall be the existing pavement thickness plus 1 ", with a minimum of 4" thick and a maximum of 6", regardless of the thickness of the pavement removed. The asphalt concrete shall be laid in two or more courses. The base courses shall be no more than three inches thick and shall be B-AR4000. The finish course shall be a minimum one inch thick and shall be C2-AR4000. The base courses may be blade graded. The finish course shall be machine placed. All trench resurfacing shall be completed to the base course level within five working days following underground construction. Placement of the finish course shall not be completed until completion of all underground construction unless waived by the Engineer. Only those areas where existing pavement is removed are to be repaved, subject to direction of the Engineer. At those locations where new asphalt concrete pavement overlay joins existing asphalt pavement, the Contractor shall rake out all aggregate 3/8 inch or larger and feather the new paving to form a smooth transition to join the existing pavement. 302-5.9 Measurement and Payment. [Add the following]: Asphalt Concrete pavement for resurfacing shall include the full depth patch and shall be measured by the ton. The weight shall be determined as provided in Subsection 302-5.8 of the Standard Specifications. Payment shall be made at the contract unit price bid per ton and shall include full compensation for subgrade preparation, including application of soil sterilant, tack coat where required, and removal and disposal of existing natural and artificial objectionable material within the limits of construction. Payment shall be based on the resurfacing of areas of pavement removal within the "pay limits" as shown on Trench Detail "A"(Dr.#2319, sheet 2 of 3) on the plans and measured in the field. Resurfacing of areas removed outside of these pay limits will be at the Contractor's expense. SECTION 303 - CONCRETE AND MASONRY CONSTRUCTION 303-1 CONCRETE STRUCTURES m 303-1.1 General. [Add the following paragraphs]: Concrete structures shall conform to the provisions of Section 303-1 of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction as modified by the applicable Standard Plans and herein. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, and materials to construct ,: .~ reinforced Portland Cement Concrete structures and appurtenant work to grades and dimensions shown on the Plans or staked in the field. The exact proportions of : aggregate and water to be used in all classes of concrete shall be determined by the SP-19 Contractor and submitted to the Engineer for review at least ten (10) working days prior to its use under this contract. "" The concrete for surface improvements shall be Class 520-C-2500, while that for inlet structures and junction structures shall be Class 560-C.-3250, and while that for box culverts shall be Class 650-C-4000. 303-1.3 Forms [Add the following paragraphs]: ee Forms shall be braced to withstand the pressures developed and shall be tight to prevent the loss of mortar. Formed wall surface shall be free of any unevenness greater than 1/4 inch when checked with a 10 foot straight eclge. II A clear non-staining form release agent, which will not discolor nor affect the = ~ surface texture of the concrete and does not react with any ingredients of me theconcrete shall be used. The cost of furnishing and placing form release agent shall be included in the cost of Portland Cement Concrete. am 303-1.7 Placing Reinforcement 303-1.7.1 General [Add the following paragraphs]: Ii Aluminum and plastic supports for reinforcement shall not be used. Bars shall be accurately spaced as shown on the Plans and spacing of first bar immediately adjacent to transverse construc- tion joint shall be one-half the required '; ~ spacing shown on the Plans. In no case shall the clear distance between parallel bars be less than 2-1/2 diameters of 'the bar, or a minimum of 2 inches. Unless otherwise shown on the Plans, embedment of reinforcing steel (other than stirrups and spacers) -i ill shall be 1-1/2 inches clear depth for #8 bars or smaller and shall be 2 inches clear for #9 bars and larger. Where placement of reinforcing steel required alternate bars of :~ ~ different size, embedment requirements shall be governed by the larger bar. Stirrups =' and spacers shall be embedded not less than one inch clear depth. Measurement of embedment shall be from the outside of the bar to the nearest concrete face. Tack i welding or butt welding of reinforcing bars will not be permitted. 303-1.7.2 Splicing [Add the following paragraphs]: Reinforcing bars may be continuous at locations where! splices are shown on the Plans, at the option of the Contractor. The location of splices, except where shown on the Plans, shall be determined by the Contractor bas~;d upon using available commercial lengths where applicable, Splices shall consist of placing the reinforcing bars in contact and wiring them together in such a manner as to maintain the alignment of the bars and to provide minimum clearances. SP-20 No lapped splices will be permitted at locations where the concrete section is not sufficient to provide a minimum clear distance of 2 inches between the splice and the nearest adjacent bar. The clearances to the surface of the concrete shall not be reduced. Where grade 60 reinforcing bars are required, the length of lapped spliced shall be as follows: Reinforcing bars No, 8, or smaller, shall be lapped at least 45 diameters of the smaller bar joint, and reinforcing bars Nos. 9, 1 O, and 11 shall be lapped at least 60 diameters of the small bar to be joined, except where otherwise shown on the plans. Splices of tensile reinforcement at points of maximum stress shall be avoided; however, any deviation from splices shown on the Plans shall be approved by the Engineer. 303-1.8 Placing Concrete. 303-1.8.1 General. [Add the following paragraph]: The Contractor shall exercise caution in placement of concrete walls and congested areas to ensure proper consolidation and that there are no voids, and protection of waterstops in position. Adequate provisions shall be made for easy visual inspection of concrete placement, consolidation and waterstop protection. Pouring of walls in lifts, use of smaller maximum aggregate sizes, or other methods as necessary may be proposed by the Contractor and will be permitted only after evaluation by the Engineer. 303-1.9 Surface Finishes 303-1.9.2 Ordinary Surface Finish. [Add the following paragraph]: Ordinary Surface Finish shall not apply to rock pockets, which in the opinion of the Engineer, are of such extent or character as to affect the strength of the structure materially or to endanger the life of the steel reinforcement. In such cases, the Engineer may declare the concrete defective and require the removal and replacement of the structure affected. 303-1.10 Curing. [Amend first paragraph with the following]: Exposed concrete surfaces shall be sprayed with Type 2 curing compound at a uniform rate of one gallon per 150 square feet. 303-1.11 Payment. [Replace paragraph one with the following]: Portland Cement Concrete structures will be paid for as shown in the proposal bid sheet for each item and shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment and d, oing all work required to construct the respective bid item in conformity with the plans and specifications. SP-21 Payment for concrete manhole structures, junction structures, collars, and bulkheads shall be made at the contract unit price bid for each respective type of structure as bid and shall include full compensation for furnishing all materials, labor, tools and equipment, and doing all work required to provide each respective item of work complete in place as shown on the plans or specified herein, including removal of existing improvements, and no additional compensation will be allowed. Payment for adjustment of concrete manholes or junction structures to grade shall be included in the compensation paid for the respective structure. Removel of existing structures shall be paid for at the contract unit price per each regardless of size and no additional compensation will be allowed. 303-2 AIR PLACED CONCRETE 303-2.1 Requirements 303-2.1.1 General [Add the following]: Air-blown mortar (concrete drainage swale) shall conform to the provisions in CALTRANS Standard Specification, Section 53, "Air-Blown Mortar" and Section 72, "Slope Protection" and these special provisions. The contract price paid per linear foot for air-blown mortar (concrete drainage swale) shall include full compensation for furnishing all lal~or, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in placing air-blown mortar, including preparing the foundation, reinforcement, and structure backfill, as shown on the plans, as specified in the Standard Specifications, these special provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. 303-7 Rock Slope Protection (Rip Rap) Concreted rock slope protection shall conform to CALTRANS Standard Specifications (Latest Edition), Section 72, "Slope Protection". The unit price paid for concreted rock slope protection shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in constructing the rock slope protection (rip rap), complete in place, as shown on the plans, as specified in the Standard Specifications, these special provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. SECTION 306 - UNDERGROUND CONDUIT CONSTRUCTION 306-1 OPEN TRENCH OPERATIONS 306-1.1 Trench Excavation 306-1.1.2 Maximum Length of Open Trench. [Replace with the following]: The maximum length of open trench shall not exceed 500 feet, including length SP-22 of pipe laid but not backfilled, pipe laying construction, and open trench excavation. All excavations shall be backfilled to finish grade at the completion of daily operations, Temporary asphalt patch shall be placed as soon as possible after pipe is laid in paved areas. 306-1.2.1 Bedding. [Add the following]: Pipe bedding for underground conduits shall conform to plans and to Section 306-1.2.1 of the Standard Specifications. The cost of providing and installing said bedding material shall be included in compensation paid for the respective bid item for construction and no additional compensation will be allowed. Where additional rock bedding is required by the Engineer to stabilize unstable subgrade due to existing ground conditions (not attributable to the Contractor's operation), such rock bedding shall be considered extra work as provided in Subsection 3-3 of the Standard Specifications as amended herein. Additional bedding placed in excess of the limits shown per the Standard Plan for the convenience of the Contractor shall not be subject to additional compensation, 306-1.3.4 Compaction Requirements. [Replace with the following]: All trench work shall be done pursuant to Trench Detail "A"( Dr.#2319, sheet 2 of 3). All trench backfill shall be densifted to 90% minimum relative compaction, as required per Section 301-1 of these specifications. Placed backfill and the granular bedding material shall be compacted to 90% minimum relative compaction. Jetting will not be permitted unless specifically approved in advance by the Engineer. Asphalt Concrete shall not be used for backfill unless it has been crushed to a maximum size of 3/4". No rocks greater than 6" diameter shall be allowed in the backfill. No nesting or rocks shall be allowed. 306-1.6 Basis of Payment for Open Trench Installation [Add the following]: Payment for open trench installation of pipe and conduit shall be made at the contract unit price bid per linear foot, for the respective pipe size, as measured along the centerline of pipe and shall include full compensation for furnishing all materials, labor, tools and equipment and doing all work involved to provide these items of work, complete in place, including excavation, furnishing and installing the pipe, bedding, backfilling, protecting all open trenches with temporary fencing and trench plates, compaction as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer and no additional compensation will be allowed. 306-2 JACKING OPERATIONS 306-2.3 JACKING STEEL CASING [Revised as follows]: All boring and jacking shall be done in conformancl; to Section 66-3.10 "Jacking Pipe" and Section 49-5.02 "Splicing" of the; CalTrans Standard Specifications, and to Section 306-2.3 "Jacking Steel Casing" of these Special Provisions. Particular attention is called to the "Pipe Encasement Construction Notes"of the plans (Dr.#2319, sheet 2 of 3). SP-23 Unless otherwise specified on the Plans, the size and wall thickness of the steel ~ casing to be jacked to accommodate the contract pipeline shall be at the Contractor's i option, except that the pipe casing thickness shall be not less than 1/2 inch and the diameter shall not be less than 21 ". The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the sufficiency of the casing provided. Ill The joints of sections of steel casing to be jacked shall be welded with a continuous circumferential weld. It shall be the Contrector's responsibility to provide · = stress transfer across the joints which is capable of resisting the jacking forces involved. ie All clay pipe installed in the jacked steel pipe casing shall have compression joints. The pipe shall be braced or filled to prevent shifting or flotation during ~ backfilling operations. In addition to submitting details of the jacking pit bracing, casing, and jacking head required in 306-2, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval details of the following in advance of the proposed jacking operation: concrete support blocks, bracing to prevent pipe shifting or flotation, placement method, and equipment. 306-2.6 PAYMENT [Revised as follows]: Ii The unit cost per linear foot for furnishing and jacking the steel pipe casing shall also include furnishing and installing of the Vitrified Clay ,sewer pipe within the ee casing. ,~ ,~ The price per foot of jacked the steel pipe casing and placement of the Vitrified el Clay sewer pipe in place shall include full compensation for constructing, supporting, excavating & backfilling all bore and receiving pits; protecting all open bore and el receiving pits with temporary fencing and trench plates; constructing reinforced concrete cradles where required; providing ~lrout holes, grout, and grouting where necessary; and doing whatever else is appurtenant to jacking conduit within the limits ~ shown on the Plans and as specified herein, When a change in construction method or an increase in jacking limits as e/ specified herein is requested by the Contractor and authoriized by the Engineer, payment for the work will be based on the Contract Unit Prices as though the ,' specified method had been used. 306-5 ABANDONMENT OF CONDUITS AND STRUCTURES [Add the following]: The provisions of Section 306 - Underground Conduit Construction shall apply to all private and public utilities and underground conduits. SP-24 APPENDIX I APPLICABLE STANDARD PLANS I I I I ~ I I · I i; I: [ [ I~ I ;; · '; I~ I I; I I LOOP k'qSTALLATION PROCEDURE ~ '[ ,~ ..... $1~N~, ~I~TI~ ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS s~chos · · sEc:~ a a sEcn~ c-c DETECTORS SLOT DEIAILS-IYPE I AS TYPE 2 L~ CO~T~ ~ SCALE . Ii ~ ~ i :', ,, ~, :, ~ I. .l L CA$E I L ........J :::"'D:___~-f- 'i ~ COUNTY SANITATION STANDARD MANHO~. TYPE "E" ~ GO" AND 7~" DIA. SHEET I OF 2 SHEE~ - S-a-206 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS APPENDIX II SOILS DATA II _~ .... /TEST PIT-2 c r ~ r.:.. ~ , ............. ,, '-:.' .... : I' P~OJECT DOCA~IO~: F~nn TE~ ?~T ~MSE~: I E~CLOSU~E NO.: ~ ~EPO~T NO,: DATE OF TESTS: i0/15/80 Blows~Dr[ving} Dry { Moist.~ Eel. } F Per ~Energy IDensity~Cnntent{ Comp.: e Fens {k-ft/ft PCF { % { T ~ e ' ' ' t Visual Classifi:nti~n 107{ 7.5} 89: :i:::':i::' [SM} Brn gray silty f-! sand poronl (damp & Iod dense) + ~ 1 iii ii: !iii: As above, w/tr fine gravel ' ' 3 ::::::::::: As above, w/varying porosity (loose) I03: 10.5: ?8: ::: ::: ::: :: ':*.':+:':+:':' [SW} Gray Brn f-c sand m/significant gravel & tr silt ' ':*:':+:':+:':' (sl damp &and dense) ' g ~iiiii!!iij [SM} ~t red brn nilby f-m sand w/{rawel & tr clay , '.".".". (moist & moderately denst) l0 :!: :!: :~: :i ' 12 !;T!!~EiiTi7~ [SW] ~t gray brn f-c sand v/silt & gravel ' ':*:':*:':+:':' (damp &and dense) ' 13 ':*':+:':+:':' Total depth 14.0 feet ' 14 ':*:':+:':+:':' ~0 FaKE OiOUWDW&TK[ ENCOUNTE[ED T · w ,~CLOSURE ~0.: 2 ~EPOET NO.: DATE OF TESTS: I0/I5/8E · ,w Bhw~:Dr~n(~ Dry: He~s~,~ ~el. F hr [Energy LDe~sLty:~onte~t: Comp. e Font :k-ft/f~: PCF ~ % I : e N , , , t Visual ClaNlification I 108} 4.7: 87: :i:!::i::: [SN] Gray brn silty f-c v/gravel (dry & mad dense) FILL w ...... .. (dam) & mad dense) 4 ':':':+:':':':' (SW] bt {IU br~ gravelly f-c sand w/milt & small cobble! ':*:':+:*:+:':' (d:y i Iqd dense) llll 5 'j+:'+ ':+ ': 8 :~::~:::~:::' Jm abnve, w/laye:m nf s~lty f-c sand 11 ':+:':+:':+:': Tnt&l depth 12.O feet w 1{ .x.x.:+:.:. NO FREE G{OUNDWATN{ PBO;BCT: Fountain Pl~z~ FiLE N','~[R: PROJECT LOCATION: Fcn~ana TEST PIT ~UM~ER; 3 m., ENCLOSURE NO.: Z REPORT NO.: DATN OF TBSTS: 10/15/86 id Blows:Driving} Dry: Moist.~ hi. F Per IBaergy :Density:Content: Coup. i Foot :k-ft/ft PCF X Wmm} Visual Clasmifinat[on :i: :i~ :~: :: [SM) Gray brn uNIty f-n sand u/gravul (dry I lounu) FILL m ::: ::: ~: :' Lt brn silty fine sand w/interbedded h~ern af !i!!i!!i!ffi fine sand, porous (moist I loase) ':+:':*:':+:':' [SW] Lt gray f-c sand (deep & sod dense) ':+:':*:':+:':' ts ubove, w/gravel i= ':+:':+:':+:':' Total depth 7.5 feet .:,:. :,:.r,:.:. NO FlEE GUUNBWATE{ KNCOUNTEHD m APPENDIX III EXISTING UTILITY PROTECTION (PIPE SUSPENDING IN OPEN TRENCH) =,= ! .1 I . :,;:! :.,I :, ! :::;,I :.1 .' I '.. ! I ':1 I I :.'91 ':1 I I I I . ! ': I I ! ] ' 1 I ' I . I : :t :':1 ': ! ! :1 ";III I ~ I I "I ' I I ' I ! ! - ! I : ! ! ! I ' I I I I APPENDIX IV SIGNALS AND LIGHTING STANDARD SPECIIFICATIONS (REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENTS) SIGNALS AND LIGHTING TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND HIGHWAY LIGHTING SYSTEM The furnishing and installing of traffic signals and highway lighting shall conform to the provisions of Section 86, "Signals and Lighting", of the Standard Specifications of the State of California, Department of Transportation, July 1992, (CALTRANS Standard Specifications) and these Special Provisions. CALTRANS STANDARD PLANS Standard plans referred to on the signal plans and these Special ProVisions for signal work shall be the Standard Plans of the State of California, Business and Transportation Agency, Department of Transportation (CALTRANS), dated July, 1992. MAINTAINING EXISTING AND TEMPORARY ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS Traffic signal system shutdowns shall be limited to periods between the hours as directed by Caltrans, Permit Section. Temporary signs shall be'either covered or removed when the system is turned on. CONDUIT Conduit shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.05, "Conduit", of the CALTRANS Standard Specifications, and these Special Provisions. All conduit shall be galvanized rigid steel. Non-metallic type conduit shall not be used, except conduit for electrical service shall be 3" PVC (Schedule 80) per Southern California Edison Requirements. Rigid metal conduit to be used as a drilling or jacking rod shall be fitted with suitable drill bits for the size hole required. Insulated bonding bushings will be required on all conduit. After conductors have been installed, the ends of conduits terminating in pull boxes and controller cabinet shall be sealed with an approved type of sealing compound. Conduit runs are shown schematically in the desired locations. Field conditions at the time of construction may dictate minor changes to facilitate the contractors work. Such minor changes will not constitute extra work. Actual installation shall be done in the most direct manner or as directed by the Engineer. :: After two failed attempts to bore or jack conduit, due to rock or other ke unavoidable obstructions, as verified by the Inspector; in lieu of installing conduit under existing pavement as specified in Section 86-2.05C of 'the Caltrans Standard ::~ Specifications, dated 1992, the Contractor may use the following method when approved by the Engineer. ee Trenching, Installation of Conduit - Conduit shall be placed under existing pavement in a trench approximately 2 inches wider than the outside diameter of the conduit to be installed. Trench shall not exceed 6 inches in width. Conduit depth shall not exceed 30 inches or conduit trade diameter plus 10 inches, whichever is greater. The top of the installsd conduit shall be a minimum of 18 inches below finish grade. The outline of all areas of pavement to be removed shall be cut to the outside i :: diameter plus 12" on either side of trench and full depth of existing pavement, ~e with an abrasive type saw or with a rock cutting excavator specifically designed for this purpose. Cuts shall be neat and true with no shatter outside ! . the removal area. The conduit shall be placed in the bottom of the trench and the trench shall be backfilled with two sack slurry backfill, to not less than five inches below the ee pavement surface. The top 5 inches shall be backfilled within 24 hours with asphalt concrete conforming to the provisions in "Section 203 - Bituminous Materials", of these Special Provisions. No open trench will be allowed in the travel lane over night. · ! em Spreading and compacting of asphalt concrete shall be performed by any method which will produce an asphalt concrete surfacing of uniform smoothness, texture, and density. Costs for trenching, including all materials, equipment, and labor shall be included in the contract lump sum price for traffic signal installation and no additional compensation will be allowed. PULL BOXES Pull boxes shall conform to the provisions of Section 86-2.06 "Pull Boxes" of the CALTRANS Specifications and these Special Provisions. Recesses for suspension of ballasts will not be required. Plastic pullboxes are not acceptable. E-2 ~ ~ Pullboxes installed in unimproved areas, which may be subjected to vehicular traffic, grading and/or disking operations, shall be installed similar to the traffic installations shown on Standard Plan ES-8, except that cover shall be set 2" above :; ~ iei existing grade and the concrete surround shall be 12" thick and sloped from existing grade to the top of the pullbox. '~ Number 6 pullboxes adjacent to controller and number 5 pullboxes with a conduit from an adjacent signal pole or pedestrian push button post shall include an -, extension. "CALTRANS" cover marking per Standard Plan notes 4-a.5 and b.9 is n~t allowed. CONDUCTORS AND WIRING ee Conductors and wiring shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.08, "Conductors", and Section 86~2.09, "Wiring", of the CALTRANS Specifications, and these Special Provisions. Section 2.09D-4 and 2.09D-5 not withstanding, conductors shall not be spliced. Conductors No. 8 AWG and larger shall be stranded. SPLICING Splicing shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.09D, "Splicing," of the ~ . CALTRANS Standard Specifications, and these Special Provisions, Conductors No. 10 AWG or larger shall be spliced by the use of "C" shaped compression connectors. SPLICE INSULATION Splice insulation shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.09E, "Splice Insulation," of the CALTRANS Standard Specifications, and these Special Provisions. Splices shall be insulated by Method "B". BONDING AND GROUNDING Bonding and grounding shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.10 "Bonding and Grounding," of the CALTRANS Standard Specifications, and these Special Provisions. E-3 Grounding jumper shall be attached by a 3/16 inch or larger brass bolt in the ee signal standard or controller pedestal and shall be run to the conduit, ground rod or bonding wire in adjacent pull box. Grounding jumper shall be visible after cap has been pollred on foundation. Grounding rod in controller pedestal shall be minimum 5/8" x 8' copper rod. Rod shall extend 1" above finish pedestal surface. ee ELECTRICAL SERVICE Electrical service shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.11, "Service," of the CALTRANS Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing at least 15 calendar days in advance of the date on which he desires any electrical service connections or disconnects to be made. The Contractor shall be entitled to no extension of time or other compensation for any delay to this operation resulting from his failure to give the prescribed notification. The twelfth paragraph of Section 86-2.11 is amended as follows: It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to verify the location of and to make arrangements for and to pay for all costs to provide the necessary electrical connection for the traffic .. signal and lighting system. Any required testing shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.14, "Testing," of the CALTRANS Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. Testing of traffic signal equipment (if required), including controller units, fully wired cabinets and auxiliary equipment, as specified in Section 86-3 "Controllers" of the Standard Specifications, shall be arranged by the CITY. Approximately 21 days would be required for testing and notification of the final results, if required. Any testing costs for CITY provided equipment shall be; paid by the CITY. ! ,, SIGNAL "TURN-ON" Contractor shall notify CITY of signal "Turn-On" and Funotional Testing five (5) working days prior to actual Turn-On. Functional Testing shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.14C, E-4 "Functional Testing", of the CALTRANS Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. e Turn-on of the new traffic signal system shall not be made on Monday or Friday or the day preceding or following a legal holiday. DETECTORS Detectors shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-5, "Detectors," of the ee CALTRANS Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. Loop detector conductors shall be Type 1. Loop detector lead-in cables shall be Type B. ee Loop detector configuration shall be Type A with a minimum of four (4) turns of wire per loop. Residue resulting from slot cutting operations shall not be permitted to flow across shoulders or lanes utilized by public traffic and shall be removed from the pavement surface. All loop detectors shall be spliced in series. Detector splices shall conform to Section 86-2.09 "Wiring", of the CALTRANS Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. ee The Contractor shall test the detectors with a motor-driven cycle, as defined in the California Vehicle Code, that is licensed for street use by the Department of ~ Motor Vehicles of the State of California. The unladen weight of the vehicle shall not w exceed 220 pounds and the engine displacement shall not exceed 100 cubic centimeters. Special features, components, or vehicles designed to activate the : detector will not be permitted, The Contractor shall provide an operator who shall drive tlhe motor-driven cycle through the response or detection areas of the detector at not less than three miles per hour nor more than seven miles per hour. Each detector shall provide an indication in response to this test. TRAFFIC SIGNING, STRIPING, MARKINGS, AND MARKERS ee Traffic signs, stripes, legends and raised pavement markers shall conform to the California Department of Transportation Traffic Sign Specification, Standard Plans and CALTRANS Standard Specifications. E-5 Traffic signs shall be mounted on a "Quick Punch Post" 2" X 2" (12 GA.) with 7/16" holes, 1" on centers, on four sides that can be punched out. Length to vary with sign installation to maintain minimum heights. Traffic sign post anchor shall be a heavy duty one piece, 2 1/2" X 30" X 6 gauge, (non-perforated), to fit a 2" square steel post, prepunched at mid-point of anchor with one 7/16" hole on each side, and at top. Traffic striping and pavement markings shall conform to the California Department of Transportation CALTRANS Standard Specifications Section 84 and these Special Provisions. Signal Ahead signs (W41) shall be of the highest reflectivity available with a graffiti coating material on the sign surface. Traffic control shall be as per the "State of California Manual of Traffic Controls." Traffic paint shall be low VOC street and highway coatings that comply with the South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1113. Water base paint is Dot acceptable. Raised pavement markers shall conform to the CALTRANS Standard Specifications Section 85 and shall be of type as called for on the plans. Pavement legends shall conform to CITY stencils. Stripes and pavement legends shall be reflectorized. LAYOUT, ALIGNMENT AND SPOTTING Layout - The Contractor shall furnish the necessary control points for all striping and markings and shall be responsible for the completeness and accuracy thereof to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Spotting shall be completed prior to the removal of any existing stripes or markings. Existing stripes and markings shall be removed prior to painting new ones, but in no case shall any section of street be left without the proper striping for more than 24 hours, or over weekends or holidays. Paint for layout, alignment and spotting shall be of the same color as the strip of pavement marking to be painted. E~6 APPENDIX V CALTRANS ENCROACHMENT PERKflIT :;4-~l-~ZA (Rev 1/~) 08-95-N-UT-OO57 OistlColRtel~ ~ dom~lta~ce v~h (c~eck one)= Date EXEMPT ~ Utility Notice No. of ~ ~ XXXX 8XXXX __Agreement No. of ~ ~ ~ ~ R/W Contract No .~ ~ XXXX city ', , xxxx i o (909; 35& 6733 , PEtITTEE and subject to the following, PE~ISSlON I8 HEREBY G~"~ED to: ~o install approximately 180' of 10" Extra Strength V.C.P. inside a 21" Steel Pipe encasement, within State Route 66 right of way as per plans date stamped Tan. 17, 1994 by the State Department of Transportation District 8 Permit ~)ffice, and/or as directed by the State's Representative. A PRE-JOB MEETING WITH THE ASSIGNED STATE'S REPRESENTATIVE, RUBEN GUE~ERO a(909) 388-7058, IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ST~T OF ~Y WO~ ~DER THIS PE~IT~ ~AIL~E TO DO SO ~Y RESULT IN PETIT C~CEL~TION ~D RESUBMITTAL ~Y BE REQUIRED. F~THER INFO~TION ~Y BE ATTAINED FROM THE ~ PETIT ~AGER ~J C~, (909) 383-7973. T~FIC CO~ROL S~LL BE DIRECTED BY STATE'8 REPRESE~ATIVE. ~otwithstanding General Provision No. 3, your contractor will be retired to ~pply for and obtain a permit prior to starting work. ~'AS-BUILT" PLUS ~E REQUIRED UPON COMPLETION OF ~L WORK. THE "AS-BUILT" ~L~S MUST BE CERTIFIED (AS-BUILT P~8 FOR RO~WAY GE()METRIC8 ~ BELOW GROe FEATURES) AS SUCH A REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER. THE ATTACHED PAGES ~E ~E P~T OF THIS PETIT ~AGE 2: ATTACHED TO AlqD ~a3E PART OF PERMIT NO. 08-9. N-UT-0057 1. YOUR ATTENTION I8 DIRECTED TO STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 7-1.11 PRESERVATION OF PROPERTY AND BUSINESS AND PROFESSION8 CODE, SECTION '~] 8771. PERMITTEE SHALL PHYSICALLY INSPECT THE WORKSITE AND LOCATE W 8URVEY MONUMENT8 PRIOR TO WORK COMMENCEMENT. MONUMENTS SHALL BE REFERENCED OR RESET IN ACCORDANCE WITH BUSINESS AND PROFE88ION8 CODE. ~ 2. Permittee's work shall be subordinated to any operations which the State may conduct, and shall not delay, nor interfere with the State forces or 8tate's contractor. e 3. In addition, if time extension is necessary, a request for time extension should be made a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to completion date stated on the face of the permit. If work has not been started W before the completion date, permit may be voided and resubmittal may be required. ~ 4. PERMITTEE SHALL CONTACT STATE'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR FINAL INSPECTION AND APPROVAL OF COMPLETED WORK. ~ 5. CALIFORNIA STATE LAW REQUIRES NOTIFICATION OF UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT ~ AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO DIGGING OR EXCAVATING. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN FINES UP TO FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($50,000.00), REPAIR OF DAMAGES TO EXISTING UNDERGROUND FACILITIES AND DELAY PERFORMANCE OF WORK ALLOWED IN THIS PERMIT. 6. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT DEPARTMENT ~ OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, STANDARD FLAN8 AND DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ENCROACHMENT PERMIT UTILITY PROVISION DATED JULY 1987. ~ 7. Permittee shall be responsible for arranging the services of a qualified traffic control contractor to provide any needed traffic control. The permittee shall arrange a meeting between his field '~ representative, traffic control contractor, CALTRANS representative and the CHP at least two (2) weeks prior to start of any work covered under this permit to arrange date and time of starting work and determine =~ appropriate methods of handling traffic during the installations. AT ~ LEAST 3 WORKING DAYS NOTICE SHALL BE GIVEN TO THE CALTRANS REPRESENTATIVE AND THE CHP, PRIOR TO THE MEETING TO ALLOW TIME TO MAKE , ARPa~NGEMENTS TO ATTEND THE MEETING. ~Wo uhder t i't 11 t e e PERMIT NO. 08-95-N-UT-0057 CO/RTE/PM 08-SBD-66-16.89 PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING AGREEMENT ~, , acting as an authorized agent for the permittee, , do hereby agree to personally accomplish or ~ave another designated person arrange for all involved company representatives ~o attend a pre-construction meeting with the authorized[ State representative Ruben Guerrero, as specified on this permit. Such meeting must be held two (2) days or more prior to the planned start of the work on this project. The ~uthorized State representative shall have complete authority to determine Whether the permit conditions, either implied or written, have been complied with. The State representative may then allow the permit work to proceed as ~ppropriate. The Pre-construction Meeting Record on the next page must be ~igned by both the State's representative and the permittee before the permit work may start. 'his agreement or a copy thereof, must be mailed back to the Caltrans District Permit Office at 247 W. Third Street, San Bernardino, CA 92402, within three (3) working days prior to the pre-construction meeting. Failure to return this ~orm could delay the release of your bonds. A copy of this document shall be ~t the job site at all times when work is in progress and failure to do so may result in the suspension of work, as directed by the State's representative. ~t is the permittee's responsibility to insure that the State's representative is notified of work completion and that the attached Completion Notice is ~ailed to the Caltrans Permit office. Signature Date Print Or Type Name Position or Title PERMIT NO. 08-95-N-UT-0057 CO/RTE/PM 08-SBD-66-16.89 PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING RECORD ~tate Representative Date Permittee Representative Date Date Work May Begin ~ Date PERMIT NO. 08-95-N-UT-0057 CO/RTE/PM 08-SBD-66-16.89 ~ALTRANS PERMITS 247 W. Third Street ~an Bernardino, CA 92402 100% COMPLETION NOTICE ;ork on Permit No. 08~95-N-UT-0057 has been completed. A final inspection meeting was held on ~,ermittee Representative Date · FAILURE TO COMPLETE AND RETURN THI8 TO THE DISTRICT PERMIT8 OFFICE MAY CAUSE A DELAY IN THE RELEASE OF YOUR BONDS. PERMIT NO. 08-95-N--UT-0057 DO/RTE/PM 08-SBD-66-16.89 NOTIFICATION TO CLOSE ONE OR MORE TRAFFIC LANES This Notice must be approved by the State Inspector and filed in Public Affairs !~ffice 4S-HOUR8 prior to lane closure. This form may be faxed to the Public ~ffairs Office. tend to: Public Affairs- Operations ~ (909) 383-4632 FAX - (909) 383-6822 ~ DATE PERMIT INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE: jRMIT INSPECTOR: Ruben Guerrero PHONE: f909] 388-7058 ==ENGTH OF LANE CLOSURE NO. OF DAYS__ LESS THAN A DAY__ CLOSING LANE(S) NUMBER DIRECTION AND HOURS OF THE LANE CLOSURE START TIME COMPLETION TIME ESCRIBE THE TYPE OF WORK THAT WILL BE PREFORMED DURING THE CLOSURE: STATE OF CALIFORNIA - (DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ENCROACHMENT PERMIT GENERAL PROVISIONS I AUTHORITY: EncrOachment perturbs are issued under the 12. PEDEeTRIAN AND BICYCUST SAFETY: A safe miramum authorh',/gNen the Department, Div. 1. Chpt. 1, Art. 3 in passageway of 1 21 meter (4') shall be maintained through Pertort Uti~d'/Provisions are sublect to modffication or abrogation at any time. Perrn~ees' joent usa agreements. 13. PUBUC TRAFFIC CONTROL: Reciuired by law. the Permittee 3. DENTAL FOR NONPAYMENT OF FEES: Failure to pay permit and Standard Specifications for traffic COntrol systems It ~s not 4. ASSIGNMENT~ No part,/other than the Permittee or perretirees' authorized agent ~s allowed to work under this 14. MINIMUM INTERFERENCE WITH TRAFFTC: WOrK shall be 5. ACCEPTANCE OF PROVISIONS: Porto,tree understands and unreasonably delayed+ On COnventional highways. Permittee is 6. BEGINNING OF WORK: It is the responsibil~/of the Perm~ee to Flaggets I~amphlet. to notn'y the Departments' ReDrssentaINe. two (2) days ~n advance of the .ntent to begin work under this permr[ Perm~ee 18. STORAGE OF EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS: EquLpment shall nottry the Departments' RepresentatNe rf the work is to be and Matehal storage tn State rights of way shatl be ,n ~nterrupted for a period of five (5) days or more, unless a compliance Standard Spec,~cat:ons. Standard Plans and All work shall be performed on weekdays during regular work w~hin tweh/e (12) feet of a lane carP/rag puhhC traffic. the hours, excluding holidays. unless other. vise specrfied in this Permfficee shall install temporary ratbrig (Type K) ~ providing a notice and record of work All prior rights of the the obfigatldns prowclad by anti contemplatecl py the I;ern~, j perigee shall be preserved, no new or drffersnt rights or except as other, v,`e provided by statute. The duty of the obiH:Jahons are intended to be crested. "Notice and Record perigee to mdemndy ,and save barnless includes the duties to Purposee Only" snail be stamped across the face of the peruoil. defend as set forth in Section 2778 of the Civil Code. The ~ perromeo wanes any a~d all rights to any type of expressed or 23, BONDING: Permrtlee shall file the necessary bond(s) in trnDlied indemn~ against the State, rta o~cers, employees, and maretern bond(s) ~n full force and effect will result ~n sueDeheron perigee will ~ndemnh'y and hold harmless the Site+ ~ ~i CN, Procedures, Section 337 15. benah' of the permittee. 24. FUTURE MOV1NG OF INSTALLATIONS: Perigee contractors and their suPcontractors under contract to the State ii~ work on the n~gnway requires a perrnrffed ~nstallatron to be 28. NO PRECEDENT ESTABLISHED: This permit is ~sued wPJ~ prior agreement JUAJCCUA, snail comply with said recluest. ! 29. FEDERAL CIVIL RIGHTS REQUIREMENTS FOR PUBLIC Z5. ARCHAEOLOGICAL: Should any archaeological resources be ACCOMMODATION: A. The perigee. for himself, hie the use of said facilltids, 2.) that in connection w~th the 26. PREVAILING WAGES: Work pertpried by or under a permit construction of any ~mprovemente on sa.:l lands and the llj approphate prevailrng wages as set by the Department of practiced in the selection of employees and contractors. by tndustnal Relations Inqumes or requests for inte~retatidns contractors in the selectidn and retention of first-tier be d~rected to State of Callfornta Department of Industrial 3.) that such discnminibon shell not be practiceq against the Relations, 525 Golden Gate Avenue, San Franctsco. Califomi~l Dublit in their access to and use of the fscditles and servtces ~ 94102 provided for public accommodations (such as eating, sleeping. ". RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE: The State of California and the nght of way. 4.) that the pe~nittee shall use me promtees : all officers and employees thereof. including but not limited to in compliance with all other requirements imposed pursuant to ill the Otrector of Transportanon and the Deputy Director, snarl not Title 15, Code of Federal Regulations. Commerce and Fore~Jn be answerable or accountable in any manner for iniury to or Trade, Subffiid A. Office of the Secretary of Commerce. part 8 death of any person. mdudmg but not limited to the perigee. (15 C.F.R. Part 8) and as said Regulebons may be amended. : persons employed by the porto,tree, persons actrag in behalf of B. That in the event of breach of any of the above lid the permmee, or for damage to property from any cause. The nond,`c~mtnatlon covenants, the State shall have the right to permdlee shall he responsible for any liabil~/imposed by law termmate the perrift anq to re.enter and repossess said lanq - ! hmr~ed to the perromeo persons employed by the permittee, had never been made cr ,-sued. Ii ;lerscn$ achng ~n behalf of me permntee. or for damage to prol;en'y ans~ng out of work. or other actNlty periled and 30, MAINTENANCE OF HIGHWAYS: The perigee agrees, by TRAFFIC CONTROL 8YOTEM FOR MOVIHG LANE CLOgURE ON TWO LANE HIGHWAY9 l NEW STANDARD PLAN I ., ] 1 ,.I :1 I ) ;I I I I ;I I ~:1 ] I I I t t LANE ~ MULT&ANE ~HWAYS f~ s~-~ee ~ cv~ ~ '~ '~ ~r. ~ ~ ~. m ~ ~ ~,~ ~. TRAFFIC CONTROL 8YgTEM __ ~ ~ e~. __ ~ ~ FOR MOVING LAHE CLOSURE ~"~ ~" ~ ' ~'~ ON MULTILANE HIOHWAY6 JNEW 6TANDARD PLAN NgP T16 % ~TS~E LA~ OF ET~A~ ~AYS ;AS ~ ~ S~ ..... ~. ...... .~,.,~,.~ .,~.~.~.--'"~ TRAFFIC CONTROL 9YOTEM ._..,~m~.~.~. FOR MOVING LANE CLOBURE '~'~ .... ~- '~ ~" ~' '*"~ ~ ~ ~'~ ' ~ '~" ON MULTILANE HIGHWAY 8 INEW STANDARD PLAN NBP T16 / I I :1 I I I ! '~:! III LI .I ' I '1 ! -I .I '1 I TYPICAL RAMP CLOSURE9 [~,~.__~,~_ ....~ ~ . ,., ..~-~' ..~~~, "~'~///i~XITRA~!~ EXIT RAMP OR CONNECTOR ~ ~- WlTH AUXILIARY LANE m ® ~""""""' L~a,,m lie. tame (~) ENTRANCE RAMP L "~' T~"' '~' "~ ,-t ENTRANCE RAMP ~, ~ W11H TURNING POCKETS WIIHOtlT 'I~RNINO POCKEq'S DETAILS FOR RAMP CLOSURES MISCELLANEOUS DETAIt. S I T- 14 I . ,I , .! :. l I . I : I I I .I : l :.1 ! ;: l I ~ l I I I TYPICAL LANE CLOSURE WITH REVERSIBLE CONTROL t i...r:-i-~ ; ®,% · ','r ""' .>' ~® / / / (:Z)~ ....'"" m Ill """""""""' """' P rltt ON TWO L~NE CONVI~NTIONA[ HIGHWAYS ;/~gCELLAN~OU~c DETAIt~ I 'I . :I ' I ' I ' I ! ! I ! I . '1 ! I ! I .! ! TYPICAL CLOglNO OF HALF ROADWAY (~) I ~ · , ~ , _ _ ~ ,. ,,~ o' ~., '~ ~,'~ ~'.__. TRAFFIC CONTNOL IY~T~I FOR ~'~' ON MULTILANE CONVENTIONAL HIGHWATS MIICELLANEOUI DETAILI I I ; I ' ~1 ; I ' '~1 I I ~ I ! I ! ! i I ! I I --..-- -__-~::.----__-~.~ ---__ · SHOULDER CLOSURE AT EN I kANCE RAMP ' ~*~e'~e~n ~ TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM FOR LANE CLOS~E ON FREEWAyS A~ EXPRESSWAYS ~BC~LA~9 D~A~9 [ T- ENCROACI-L~IENT PER.%IIT A.N~'L'AL UTILITY PROVISIONS Any public utility or public corporation who lawfully maintains a 3. Perform insulator washing and interconnect splicing af uulity encroachment. or their agent. may perform routine or cables. emergency maintenance on such facility in accordance with the folio,king prov~smns: 4. Install or remove service connections with polemini Io ground of 300 volts or less. except over the traveled L']EI, EXCLUSIONS: These provisions do not authorize tree way. tr~mmzng. work on treeways. expressways. aerial capacuy increase on designdied "Scenic Highways'. or 5. Install. maintain. remove. repair or replace aerial service other acuwlms not specifically provided for in this connections with potenttat to ground of 300 volts or less. perrod. over the traveled way when specifically slated In perran. L'E2. POSSESSION OF PElf%fiT REQLIRED: The perrod 6. installations and clearances shall be equal to those or a copy thereof shall be kept al the site of the work required by either the State of California Public Ulihtzes and must be shown Io any representdrive of the Commission orders or the California Occupauona[ Safety Department or any law enforcement officer on demand. and Health Regularruns (CAL - OSItA). Division of WORK SHALL BE SUSPENDED IF PERMIT IS NOT Industrial Safety, Safety Orders, promulgated in the AT JOB SITE AS PROVIDED, California Code of Regulations. Title 8. Chapter 4, whichever is greater. LT_3. NOTICE REQUIRED: Before starting work, the permittee shall notify the Depanmen(s representative. U'Eg. WORK PEILVIITTED - UNDERGROUND: In emergencies, the Department's representative shall be noPfied as soon as possible, 1, Maintain. inspect. remove. repair or replace (in the same location) all underground facilities except those requiring UE4. STAN"DARDS OF WORK: All work shall conform to trenching in the traveled way. recognized standards of utility construction and Departmenl's current Standard Specifications. 2. Install additional capacity in existing duc~ except for facilities not in compliance with the Departmem's current UES. E.%IERGENCY REPAIRS: The permittee may make 'Manual on High and Low Risk Facilities within emergency repairs. altering traffic flow. excavating Highway Rights of Way" or on Structures. through improved surfaces. only when breaks in the conduit. cable, or pipeline over or under the pavement 3. Install air flow monitoring transducers and p~ping m present a definite public hazard or serious interrupuon of existthE duere. essennal service. [n such cases. the Departmem's representdrive shall be nonfled immediately. 4. Barholthg. potholing, cleaning. roddthg and placing float ropes. L~i6. OPEN EXCAVATIONS: No excavation shall be left ,,pen after daylight hours. unless specifically authorized 5, Adjust access cover to grade and replace in kind or w~th and adequate protection for traffic is provided in larger size pull boxes. accordance with general provisions. "Protection of Traftlc ", Backfill and pavement replacement shall be 6- Interconnect splicing of cables. portotreed m accordance w,th General Provisions. Reslorauon and Repairs ~n RightS of Way". 7. Install service connections perpendicular Io the highway using jackthE and bonng methods under the traveled UET. TRAFFIC CONTROL HOURS: Work requiring traffic way, Electrical service ~s restricted to a potemLal to control shall be conducted between 9:00 a.m, and 3:00 ground of 300 volts or less. Gas and domestic water pm. ,ir a~ otherwise authorized by the Department's services are restricted to 5.08 centimeter (2") in diameter LEg. WORK PER.MITTED - AERIAL: g. Permanent pavement patching for work authorized by r'acthlaes cl',er the traveled way on designated "Scenic L'EI0. FAILL'RE TO COMPLY: Failure to comply w~th the ENCROACHMENT PERMIT UTILITY MAINTENANCE PROVISIONS TR.0161 (REV. 2/94) UMa. Any public utrlity or public corporation who lawfully maintains a utility encroachment, or their agent may perform routine or Routine Inspection and Maintenance: emergency maintenance on such facilih/in accordance with ~he 1. Routine Maintenance and Ins0echon: Routine following prowagons (unless updated at some future time, maintenance and inspection On the roadbed shah be Ihence the future provisions shall govern): conducted between 9:00 a,m, and 3:00 p.m., or as otherwise authorized in writing by the Department's UM1. representative. Exclusions: 2, Manholes: The permitlee may open existing manhotes to These provisions do not authorize tree trimming, work on repair underground cables. Where the manhole lies w~th~n freeways, expressways, or other activities not specifically the improved surface ol the highway, the permitlee provided for in this permit. provide adequate protection for traffic in accordance with the General Provisions "Protection of Traffic". UM2. 3. Excavations: Excavations for routine inspection and repair Possession of Permit Required: of pipeline and cables shall: The permit or a copy thereof shall be kept at the site of the a. Not be made in Improved surfaces, landscaped areas work and must be shown to any representative of the or closer than 3.04 meter (10') to the edge of the Oeparlment or any law enforcement officer on demand. WORK pavement without 8 special permit; and SHALL BE SUSPENDED IF PERMIT IS NOT AT JOB SITE b. Not uncover more than 15.24 meter (50') of line at any AS PROVIDED. one time. 4, Poles. Lines: Permittee is authonzed to: UM3 a. Stub, or reset existing pole, provided no change ~n Notice Required: location of pole or anchor is made. Stubs and anchors Before starting work, the permittee shall notify the Department's must not be placed between existing pole and traveled representalive. In emergencies, the Oepartment's way. representative shall be notified as soon as possible. b. Replace poles. guy poles, and crossarms in same Iocation limited to two (2) consecutive poles. No UM4 additional poles or guy potes are authonzed under this Standard of Work: routine maintenance provision. Alt work shaft conform to recognized standards of utility c, Replace broken pins and insulators. repair broken construction and the [:)epartment*s current Standard wires, pull slack wires, and replace or pull broken or slack guys. Specifications. d. Repair and complete transfer work on existing aenai cables. UM5 e. install new arid replace existing transformers on existing Emergency Repairs: poles. The permittee may make emergency repairs, altering traffic f. Replace aerial wires and crossarms on existLng poles flow, excavabng through improved surfaces. only when breaks except where wires cross the highway. Unless ~n t~'e conduit cable. or pipeline over or under the pavement olherwise specifically required by the Department. present a deftrote public hazard or serious interruption of protected cable, tree wire or plastic tree wire guard essential service Jn such cases, the Departmenl's used for communicalion lines may be used through representabve shall be notified immediately. trees where necessan/, provided the appearance Of the tree or the tn:e itself will not be damaged. Th~s section UMe. "f." does not apply to scenic h~ghways. Open Excavations: g. Installations and clearances shall be equal to those No excavation shall be left open a~er daylight hours, unless required by e~tner the California Public uIfikties spec:fically aulhorized and adequate protection for traffic is Commission Orders or the Catiforn~a OccupabonaJ prov,ded ~n accordance with the General Provisions "Protection Safety and Hea~th (CAL-OSHA) Safety Orders. of Trottic ' Backtiff and pavement replacement shall be whichever is greater. performed ~n accordance w~th the applicable General h. Clear grass from around base of poles and excavate Provisions fie, 'Making Repairs% "Backtrailing'). UM7 Service Connection: These provisions do not authonze ~nstaHahon of conduit, cable. gas. Or .,;ater serv,ce connections wrthm State h~ghway nght-of- ,'~a/regardless ol the location of the ma~n, ex~sbng condull Or 2]$'e All new underground or pfpe abandon services must be :: ,eled b'/,r~,:dual perm,ts See Section 'UM8 4" regarding ENCROACHMENT PERMIT OVERHEAD UTILITY PROVISIONS METRIC TR 0162 (laEV, 11/93) OH1 OH7 : Location Pole Lines, Etc.: Remove Old Poles, Guy and Stubs: ,n Pole lines shall be located as specifically directed in the The entire length of poles and stubs shall be removed provisions of the permit. from the ground and the holes bacldilled. Guy rods shall ; be removed to a minimum depth of 0.91 meter (3') belo~v ,m original ground. OH2 Installations and Clearances: ~ All clearances and installations shall be in accordance OH8 with the applicable orders of the Public utilities Aerial Crossing: Comrmssion of the State of California, or the California No work involving new or additions to existing aerial Occupational Safety and Health (CAL-OSHA) Safety crossings shall be performed in rainy, foggy or inclement "] Orders, whichever is ~'eater. weather which creates hazardous conditions for highway ,.- OH3 Permission from Property Owners: OH9 : Whenever necessary to secure permission from abutting Clearance From Curbs: ; property owners, such authority must be secured by the The face of poles s,hall not be placed closer than 0.60 permittee prior to starting work. meter (2') from any curb face. OH4 OH10 Clearance of Trees: Pole Installation or Removal: Unless otherwise specifically required by the Where poles are to be installed or removed behind the Department, protected cable, tree wire or plastic tree curb in a parkway that is paved with Portland cement wire guard used for communication lines may be used concrete, the concrete shah be saw cut and removed and through trees where necessary, provided the appearance replaced to the nearest score lines or expansion joints. of the tree or the tree itself will not be damaged. This The hole in PCC sidewalk created by pole removal shall does not apply to scenic highways. be temporarily backfilled with 5.08 centimeter (2") minimum temporary AC at the time the pole is removed. Poles are not to be installed without prior approval of the OH5 final location by the Department's representative in the Guy Wires: field. No guy wires are to be attached to trees except as may be specified in the permit and in no event shall they be so a ~ached as to gnrdle the tree or interfere with its growth, OHll Guy wires shall be kept to a minimum elevation above Freeway Installation: ground as directed. Poles, anchors, etc., shall not be installed inside of any fenced freeway right-of-way. OH6 Anchor: No anchor shall be placed closer to the traveled way than the pole itself. FM 92 1484~ M STATE O~ CALIFORNIA · D_CPARTMENT O~ TRAt'4SPO~TATION ENCROACHMENT PERMIT UNDERGROUND UTILITY Page 1 ef 3 PROVISIONS Front TR-OI&3 (~EV. 5/g4) UGI F. The installation of multiple casing shall be installed Crossing Roadway by Boring and .lacking or Tunneling: with a miramum of I-I/2 diameter clearance between Pipes shall normally be bored and iacked or tunneled casings, but not less than 45,72 centimeter (18"). The underneath pavement without disturbing same. Pavement or clearance between casings crossing freeways shall be roadway shall not be cut unless specifically allowed by the two (2) diameters minimum, but not less than 60.96 permit. Service pipes wdl not be permitted inside of culverts cenbmeter (24"). used as drainage structures. Schedule of contTactors work hours sha I1 be subhulled prior to the start of work. G. The casings placed within freeway right-of-way shall All bores shall be accomplished by the dry-bore method. extend to the access control lines. Other methods of boring are prohibited unless specifically approved by the Deparrment's engineer. Bentonite may be H. Wing cutters, if used, shalI be a maximum of 2.54 used as a lubricant only. Casing shall be a steel conduit with a cenbmeter (I ") larger than the casing, Voids caused by the rmnimum inside diameter sufficiently larger than the outside use of wing cutters shall be grouted in accordance with diameter of the plpe or ducts to accommodate placement and "E." above, removal. The casing can be either steel pipe, new, used or with approved connector system. If it is a used pipe, it shall be I. A band welded to the [eading edge of the casing approved by the DepartTnent's engineer or representative should be placed square to the alignment. The band before installation. should not be placed on the bottom edge, Flaring the lead setnon on bores over 30,48 meter (1OO') shall Casings: not be permitted. A. All pipes 15,24 cennmeter (6") in diameter or larger shall be placed within a steel casing. The installabort of J. All casing lengths shall be equal to the auger length. mulepie pipes or ducts, regardless of diameters, will requzre installation in a steel casing. K, The casings placed within conventional highways shall extend 1.52 meter (5') from back of curb or B. Minimum wall thicknesses for steel pipe casing for pavement to 152 meter (5') back of curb or pavement, different sized pipes are as follows: or to right-of-way line if less. Where PCC cross- gutter exists, the casing shall extend at least 1.52 meter (5') beyond the back of the cross-gutter, or to right- of-way line if less. MINIMUM WALL THICKNESS (In Centimeters) CASING PIPE I UP TO 46 nl OVER 46 m Bore Pit and Receiving Pit shall be: ( D~arneter rn Centnrneters) LENGTH LENGTH A, Located at least 3.04 meter (10') from edge of pavement on conventional highways m rural areas. 1524 cm to 71.12 crn 0.63 cm 0,63 crn (6" TO 28") (1/4") (1/4") B. Located 1.52 meter (5') behind concrete curb or AC 76,2Crn to 96.52 cm 0.95 cm 1.27 cm dike on conventional highways in urban areas. (30" TO 38") (3/8") (1/2") 101.6 crn to152.4 crn 1.27cm 1.gcm C. Located l.52 rr~eter (5') outside toe of slope in (40" TO 60") (l/2") (3/4") embankment areas. D. Locatedoutsideoffreewayrtght-of-way. 152.48 cm to 182.88 crn 1.9 crn 1.9 cm (62" TO 72") (3/4") (3/4") E. Adequately fenced and/or type K barrier placed. C Spiral welded casing is not authorized. F. Adequately shored in accordance with CAL-OSHA requirements. Shoring for lacking and receiving pits D The ends of the casing shall be plugged wlth [ocatedwithin4.57meter(lS')oftrafficlanesonthe un~routed bricks or other suitable material State highway shall not extend more than 91.44 centimeter 37proved by the Department's representdrive. (36") above the pavement grade unless other'wise authorized by the Department's representatwe. E When re,4u~red by the Department's representative, Reflectors shall be affixed to the shoring on the sides the permince shall at his expense. pressure grout the facing ~affic. A 1.82 meter (6) chain link fence shall be a red bonyten the pavement and the casing from instailed around the entire perimeter of the pits ',vklhln [he casing and/or from the top of pavement zn during non-work~g hours. ilrder to till any voids caused by the work covered under this ~errmt./he increments for grout holes G, All pits should have crushed rock and sump areas to ~ha[l be 243 meter (8') ~taKgered and located 22-I/2 clear ground water and water used to dean the de~ree~ from ~he vertical ax~s of the casing Pressure casing Where ground wa~er is found and pumpmg -:~,fil hill e'~ceed 3447 kPa i::psLg) for a duranon is required, the pits shall be hneJ ~th fl/Ier iabrlc. -~tIic~ent to fdl all voids. eeENCROACHMENT PERMIT UNDERGROUND UTILITY PROVISIONS Page 2 af 3 ! - 63 (REV. 5/94t Back Limit of Excavation: No excavanon is to be made closer than 3.04 meter (10') 3. Department-owned electrical systems that have iltrom the edge of the pavement except in curbed urban electrical service conductors with a potential to grou.~d areas or as specified Ln the perrrut. Where no curb exists of 300 volts or less. and excavat?ons within 3.04 meter (10) of the traveled way /re to remain open, a temporary type K railing shall be B. All facilities other than high and low risk shall have taper or as o e -i,e directed by the a ,mumcove, ofg .,,cen,,ma,er/36")e×ceptfor service connection which shall have a rrunimum cover of 76.2 centimeter (30"). i,G3 N~Jnneling: UG6 [n addition to the requirements of "UG1 ", the following Detector Strip: ~quirementsapp{y: A continuous metallic detector strip shall be provided with non-metallic maL,~ Lnsta{iatioi-Ls. Sewice cox'a~ectiot?.$ shall be ~. For the pur~ose of this provision, a tur~nel ~ defined installer{ at right angles to the centtrine of the State highway as any p{pe, 76.2 centmeter (30") in diameter or larger. where possible. W When tuv~neling is authorized, the permittee shall provide full-time inspect?on of tunneling operations. UG7 Projects shall be monitored by the Department's Backfilling: : representative. All backfiLling shall conform to the applicable sections of the Department's Standard Speeitieations. Pondlog or jetting L{{~.A sum/ey g-rid sha be set and appropriately checked methods of backfill~g are prohibited. over the centerline of the pipe jac~ng or ~armeling. /stay required compaction tests shall be performed by a D. 5and shields may be required as ground conditions : change. UG8 ii Roadway Surfacing and Base Materials; The method used to check the grade and alignment When the permit authorizes installation by the open cut s~a]l be approved by the Department's method, surfacing and base materials and thickness thereof :representante. shall be as specified in the perrrut. Ill Tempora~ repairs to pavements shall be made and Pressure grouIIng for liner plates, rib and spiling, or maintained upon completion of backtill until permanent repairs nb and {aggmg tunnels shall be at every, 2.43 meter are made. Permanent repairs to pavements shall be made illic'l') sect?on or at the end of work shift before the next within thirty (30) days of comp[etion of backfill unless secIion is excavated. All g~-outmg shall be completed otherwise specified by the Department. Temporary pavement a e :he end of each workday. patches shall be placed and manrained in a smooth riding plane free of humps or depression:+ <:~ ~. reelhod of securing the headway at the end of Ill each ~vorkday is required. Breast plates shall be :nstal/ed during working hours for rux~rung sand or UG9 Li~4 No tree roots over 7,62 centimeter (3") will be cut withit? the tree drip line when trenching or other underground work is }{,~,h and Low Risk Facilities: necessary adjacent to roadside tre,~. The roots that are 7,62 centimeter/3") or more in diameter inside the tree drip ili f-{~ ~ and low risk facilities, as defined in the Departrnent's sha[l be tunneled under and wrapped in burlap and kept moist ~rrenl ~,lanuaI on H~gh and Low Risk Underground Facilities, until the trench is rots[led. Trenching machines may not be · ', ~e mstal]ed w~th 3 minimum cover o( 10668 centimeter used under trees if the trunk or limbs wLl{ be damaged by their ill [f the trees involved are close ~ogether and of such size that UG5 It is ~mpracncal to protect all roots over 762 centimeter (3") in q~pt and Other Cnderground Facilities: d~ameter, or when roots are {ess than 10.16 cennmeter outside tree drip line, special arrangements may be made \l/iExempt Facthires whereby prumng of the tree tops lo balance the root loss can be : ~ja~ ~enqce hoes no )arger than 5 08 cent?meter (2'1 In done by the permittee ut?der the close supen'ls{on of the ,',.,/"~e!er or nFera{:n~ a~ 413 7 kPa (60 ps~<) or Less D~trrlct Landscape Speclahst or District Tree Mamtenance ""~ ENCROACHMENT PERMIT UNDERGROUND UTILITY Page 3 c~t 3 PROVISIONS Front i TP(-0163 (REV. 594) UG10 existing curb and gutter or pavement edge, the asphalt concrete ) Pipes Along Roadway: pavement between the trench and the curb or pavement edge Pkpes and conduits parallefing the pavement shah be shah be removed. imi located as shown on the plans or located outside of pavement as close as possible to the right-of-way. UG17 Maintain Access: W UGll Where facilities exist, a minimum s~dewalk and bikepath Borrow and Waste: width of 1 .~'I meter (4') must be maintained at eli nines for safe Borrow and waste wI[[ be allowed within the work limits passage through the work area. only as specified in the pertrot. cmml UG12 UGIB Markers: Sides of Open-Cut Trenches: The pertrustee shall not place any markers which create a Sides of open-cut trenches in paved areas shall be kept as sins safety hazard for traveling public or Departmental empioyees. neeriy ver~cal as possible. Trenches shall not be more than 060 meter (2') wider than the outside diameter of the pipe m be [axd UG13 therein, plus the width to accommodate shonng. Cathodic Protection: mmsW The peermiter shall perform stray current interference tests UG19 on underground unlines under cathodic protection. The permittee shall non.Py the Department prior to the tests. The Excavation Under Facilities: permittee shall perform any necessary corrective measures and Where it is necessan/to excava · under extsnng curb and gutter, or underg~ou. nd facilities, the void shall be backfilled lml advise the Department. with two (2) sack~ cement-sand siurry. ; UG14 ~ UG20 IS$ Tie-Backs: A, Tie-backs shah be placed for the sole purpose of Permanent Repairs $:o PCC Pavement: suppornng shoring and/or soldier piles placed Repairs to PCC pavement shall be made of Portland cement -'* outside State highway right-of-way to facilitate concrete containing a minimum of 19846 kg/7-sack) oi cement ill perrmttee's excavation. per cubic yard. Replacement PCC pavement shall equal B. Tie-backs shall be disconnected from the shonng existing pavement thickness. The concrete shall be and ,'or sold~er piles one (1) year prior to releasing satisfactorily cured and protected from dlst'urbance for not tess than 48 hours. Where necessary to open the area to traffic. no ~ the bond. more than two (2%) percent by weight of calcium chloride may be added to the r~x and the road opened to traffic after six (6) UG1S hours. ~$S Installation by Open Cut Method: When Ihe permit authorizes installation by the open-cut UG21 method, no more than one lane of the )ughway pavement shall Removal of l~ZC sidewalks or Curbs: : be open-cut at any one nine. Any exceptions shall be in wrinng Concrete sidewalks or curbs shall be saw cut to the nearest immt by ~he Departrnent's representative. After the pipe is placed in '.he open section. the trench is to be backfilled in accordance score mari¢~ and replaced equal in dimension to that removed ~,tth speclficanons, temporary, repairs made to the surfacing with score marb marcking existing adjacent sidewalk or curb. and that pornon opened to traffic before the pavement is cut for mmsa the next section. If, at the end of the working day, backfilling UG22 opera crone have not been properly completed, steel bridgmg ~hal[ be required to make the ennre )ughway facility available Spoils: !o the ~a',eling public. The pavement shall be cold planed to a No earth or construenon materials are to be dragged or ~-/ de th ~Jual to the t)uckness of the plating and to a width and scraped across the highway pa;'ement, and no excavated earth P ' shall be placed or allowed to remain at a [ocanon where It can length equal Io the plating dimensions. be tracked on the highway traveled way, or any pubhc or private approach b~' the permittee's construcnon equipment, or by n'affic entering or leaving the highway traveled way. Any emW L'G16 excavated earth or mud so tracked onto Lhe highway pavement Pavement Removal: or pubhc or prlva e approach shall be immediately removed by PCC pavement to be removed shah be saw cut to a mmW m:nlmum depth of l0 I6 cennmeter (4") Io provide a neat and the permittee. ,'-a~,zht pavement break aEong both s~des of trench. AC ee CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA i,, SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH O~F FOOTHILL RLVD. BID NO. SB-72-94 PREPARED FOR CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 (909) 350-7610 PREPARED BY CITY OF FONTANA 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 (909) 350-7610 MARCH 1995 These plans and specifications are the exclusive property of the CITY and shalt not be used in any manner without prior consent of the CITY. Any reuse of these plans and specifications by Others shall be at the Other's sole risk and without liability to CITY OF FONTANA. CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. BID NO. SB-72-94 Prepared Under the Supervision of: FELIPE U. MOLINOS ~ ~ Approved: ROBERT W. WEDDLE " DATE: CITY OF FONTANA TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. BID NO. SB-72-94 NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS NB-1 thru NB-2 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS IB-1 thru IBm6 PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS P1 thru P16 Proposal P-1 Bidder's Information P-3 Contractor's Licensing Statement P-4 List of Subcontractors P-5 References &Designator of Sureties P-6 Bid Bond P-7 Non-Collusion Affidavit P-10 Certification of Non-Discrimination by Contractors P-11 Proposal Bid Sheet P-12 Addendum No. Acknowledgement ~P-16 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS CA-1 thru CA-20 Agreement CA-1 Contract Performance Bond CA-4 Payment Bond CA-8 Compensation Insurance Certificate CA- 12 General Liability Endorsement CA-13 Automobile Liability Endorsement CA-16 Workers Compensation/Employees Liability Endorsement CA-19 GENERAL CONDITIONS: GC-1 thru GC-9 ~ Scope of Work GC-1 Location of Work GC-1 Time of Completion GC-1 Liquidated Damages GC- 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) Traffic Requirements GC-2 Hazardous Materials GC-2 Utility Requirements GC-2 Flow and Acceptance of Water GC-5 Removal of Water GC-6 Trench Safety and Shoring Excavation GC-6 Standard Specifications GC-7 Wage Rates & Labor Code Requirements GC-8 Clayton Act & Cartwright Act GC-9 SPECIAL PROVISIONS SP-1 thru SP-22 PART 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS SP-1 Section 1 Terms, Definitions, Abbreviations and Symbols SP-1 1-2 Definitions SP- 1 : Section 2 Scope and Control of the Work SP-1 Ill 2-1 Award and Execution of Contract SP-1 2-4 Contract Bonds SP-2 2-5 Plans and Specifications SP-2 e 2-8 Right of Way SP-2 2-9 Surveying SP-2 Section 3 Changes in Work SP-3 : . 3-2 Changes Initiated by the City SP-3 ie 3-3 Extra Work SP-3 Section 4 Control of Materials SP-3 =~ 4-1 Materials and Workmanship SP-4 Section 5 Utilities SP-4 mi 5-1 Location SP-4 Section 6 Prosecution, Progress and Acceptance of the Work SP-4 6-1 Construction Schedule and Commencement of Work SP-4 6-4 Default by Contractor SP-5 6-7 Time of Completion SP-5 6-8 Completion and Acceptance SP-6 6~9 Liquidated Damages SP-6 TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) m Section 7 Responsibilities of the Contractor SP-6 7-1 Contractor's Equipment and Facilities SP-6 7-2 Labor SP-6 w 7-3 Liability Insurance SP-7 7-5 Permits SP-9 : 7-9 Protection and Restoration of Existing Improvements SP-9 7-10 Public Convenience and Safety SP-9 ,, 7-15 Certified Payroll Records SP-12 Section 9 Measurement and Payment SP-13 m 9-3 Payment SP-13 PART 2 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS SP-14 m Section 210 Paint and Protective Coatings SP-14 Section 211 Soils and Aggregate Tests SP-14 211-2 Compaction Tests SP-14 PART 3 CONSTRUCTION METHODS SP-15 Section 300 Earthwork SP-15 em 300-1 Clearing and Grubbing SP-15 300-2 Unclassified Excavation SP- 16 : Section 301 Treated Soils, Subgrade Preparation and il Placement of Base Materials SP-17 301-1 Subgrade Preparation SP- 17 m 301-6 Soil Sterilant L~P-17 Section 302 Roadway Surfacing ~SP-18 m 302-5 Asphalt Concrete Pavement ',~P-18 Section 303 Concrete and Masonry Construction $P-19 e~ 303-1 Concrete Structures 'SP-19 303-2 Air Placed Concrete SP-22 303-7 Rock Slope Protection (Rip Rap) SP-22 Section 306 Underground Conduit Construction SP-22 ~ 306-1 Open Trench Operations SP-22 306-2 Jacking Operations SP-23 306-5 Abandonment of Conduits and Structures SP-24 TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) APPENDIX APPLICABLE STANDARD PLANS APPENDIX I SOILS DATA APPENI:DIX II EXISTING UTILITY PROTECTION APPENDIX Ill SIGNALS AND LIGHTING STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS APPENDIX IV (Removal and Replacements) CALTRANS ENCROACHMENT PERMIT APPENDIX V SEPARATE DOCUMENTS PLANS Title: LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD, BID NO. SB-72-94 ee Dwg. No. 2319, Sheet No. 1 Through 3 CITY OF FONTANA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. BID NO. SB-72-94 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Fontana, as CITY, invites sealed bids for the above stated project and will receive such bids in the offices of the City Clerk up to the hour of 2:00 P.M. on the 8th day of February, 1996, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. The work of improvement consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals as required by the Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents for the above stated project. The general items of work to be done hereunder consist of installing a total of approximately 275' of 10" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe (V.C.P.), removing and replacing street improvements as required for pipe installation, and all appurtenant related work. Approximately 95 ' of the 10" V.C.P. must be installed by the "open trenching" method, and the remaining 180' must be installed within a 21" Steel Pipe encasement by the "Dry Bore & Jacking" method. The project will require traffic control for temporary lane closures on Locust Avenue. Copies of Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents are available from the Engineering Division of the Community Development Department of the City of Fontana, 8353 Sierra Avenue~ Fontana, CA 92335 upon payment of a Twenty Five Dollar (~25.00) non-refundable fee (t~30.00 if mailed). Proposals must be accompanied by a proposal guarant~;e in the form of cash, cashier's check, a certified check or bid bond available to the CITY in the amount of at least ten percent (10%) of the total amount bid. Any proposal not accompanied by such a guarantee will not be considered. A payment bond and a performance bond, each in an amount equal to 100 % of the total contract amount, shall be required concurrently with the execution of the contract and shall be in the form set forth in the contract documents. Any contract entered into pursuant to this notice will incorporate the provisions of. the State Labor Code. Labor Code Section 1735 requires that no discrimination be made in the employment of persons upon public works because of the race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, or sex of such persons, except as provided in Government Code Section 12940. Compliance with the prevailing rates of wages and apprenticeship employment standards established by the State Director of Industrial Relations will be required. Affirmative action to ensure against discrimination in employment practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, or religion will also be required. NB-1 The CITY hereby affirmatively ensures that minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this notice and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, or religion in any consideration leading to the award of contract.. ~ ~ The contract documents call for monthly progress paynnents based upon the el engineer's estimate of the percentage of work completed. The CITY will retain 10 percent of each progress payment as security for completion of the balance of the work. At the request and expense of the successful bidder, the CITY will pay the m amounts so retained upon compliance with the requirements of Public Contract Code Section 22300 and the provisions of the contract documents pertaining to Substitution : , of Securities. Bids must be prepared on the City provided proposal forms and completely filled ~ out in conformance with the Instructions to Bidders and all proposal forms must be el submitted in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside "SEALED BID FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT, FROM 110' ~;~i SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. - DO NOT OPEN "" WITH REGULAR MAIL". The CITY reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any irregularity, to accept any bid or portion thereof, and to take all bids under advisement for a period of ninety five (95) days. At the time of contract award, the prime contractor shall possess a Class A contractor's license and/or any combination of Class "C" specialty contractors license(s) sufficient to perform the work. BY ORDER OF the City Council of the City of Fontaria. Dated this 6th day of March, 1995. City of Fontaria 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 (909) 350-7610 NB-2 CITY OF FONTANA INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. BID NO. SB-72-94 PROPOSAL FORMS Bids shall be submitted in writing on the Proposal Forms provided by the CITY. All information requested therein must be clearly and legibly set forth in the manner and form indicated. The CITY will not consider any proposal not meeting these requirements. PROPOSAL GUARANTEE (BID BOND) Proposals must be accompanied by a proposal guarantee in the form of cash, cashier's check, a certified check or bid bond payable to the CITY in the amount of at ~east ten percent (10%) of the total amount bid. Any proposal not accompanied by such a guarantee will not be considered. If a bidder to whom a contract is awarded fails or refuses to execute the contract documents or furnish the required insurance policies and bonds as set forth in those documents, the proposal guarantee shall be forfeited to the CITY. The proposal guarantees of all bidders will be held until the successful bidder has properly executed all contract documents. All required bonds and insurance shall be issued by companies which are admitted surety insurers in the State of California and which have a rating of B plus 5 or better in the current edition of Best's key rating guide. The lowest responsible bidder must execute the contract documents and provide the insurance certificates and bonds no more than ten (10) days after the Notice of Award. Acceptable bond forms and insurance policy endorsements are enclosed. NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT Bidder shall declare that the only persons or parties interested in the proposal as principals are those named therein; that no officer, agent, or employee of the CITY w is personally interested, directly or indirectly, in the proposal; that the proposal is made without connection to any other individual, firm, or corporation making a bid ! for the same work; and that the proposal is in all respects fair and without collusion · e or, fraud. The Non-Collusion Affidavit shall be executed and submitted with the proposal. em NON-DISCRIMINATION AFFIDAVIT Labor Codes Section 1735 requires that no discrimination be made in the employment of persons upon public works because of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, or sex of such persons, except as provided in Government Code Section 12940. Bidder shall declare that it does not discriminate in its ernployment with regard to such factors. The Non-Discrimination Affidavit (on enclosed form) shall be executed and submitted with the proposal. IB-1 PROPOSAL BID SHEET Bidders shall give unit prices for each and all of the items set forth. No aggregate bids will be considered. The bidder shall set forth for each item of work, in clearly legible figures, a unit item price and a total for the item in the respective spaces provided for this purpose. The quantities listed in the Bid sheets are supplied to give an indication of the general scope of work, but the accuracy of figures is not guaranteed and the bidder shall make his own estimates from the drawings. In case of a variation between the unit price and the totals shown by the bidder, the unit em price will be considered to be the bid. REJECTION OF BIDS .. The CITY reserves the right to reject any or all bids or waive any informality in any one or all bids received. EI1UIPMENT RENTAL AND LABOR RATES e Bidder shall submit a schedule of equipment rental and labor rates which shall be applicable to any extra work which is performed. DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL Proposals may be mailed or delivered by messenger. However, it is the bidder's responsibility alone to ensure delivery of the proposal to the hands of the CITY's designated official prior to the bid opening hour stipulated in the "Notice Inviting Sealed Bids." Late proposals will not be considered. Proposals shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside, "SEALED BID FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT, FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD.- DO NOT OPEN WITH REGULAR MAIL." WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSALS A proposal may be withdrawn by a written request signed by the bidder. Such requests must be delivered to the CITY's designated official prior to the bid opening hour stipulated in the '"Notice Inviting Sealed Bids". The withdrawal of a proposal will not prejudice the right of the bidder to submit a new proposal, providing the~e is time to do so. Proposals may not be withdrawn after said hour without forfeiture of the proposal guarantee. IRREGULAR PROPOSALS Unauthorized conditions, limitations, or provisions attached to a proposal will render it irregular and may cause its rejection. The completed proposal forms shall be without interlineation, alterations, or erasures. Alternative proposals will not be considered unless specifically requested. No oral, telegraphic, or telephonic proposal, modification, or withdrawal will be considered. No mention shall be made in the proposal of Sales Tax, Use Tax, or any other tax, as all amounts bid will be deemed and held to include any such taxes which may be applicable. DISI')UALIFICATION OF BIDDERS In the event that any bidder acting as a prime contractor has an interest in more than one proposal, all such proposals will be rejected, and the bidder will be disqualified. am This restriction does not apply to subcontractors or suppliers who may submit quotations to more than one bidder, and while doing so, may also submit a formal proposal as a prime contractor. At the time of contract award, the prime contractor shall possess a Class "A" contractor's license or a combination of Class "C" licenses as required to perform the work. No contract will be executed unless the bidder is licensed in accordance with the provisions of the State Business and Professions Code. INTERPRETATION OF PLANS AND DOCUMENTS If any person contemplates submission of a bid for the proposed contract and is in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the plans, specifications or other proposed contract documents, or finds discrepancies in, or omissions from, the drawings or specifications, he may submit to Yousuf Patanwala, P.E., Associate Engineer/Special Projects, at (909) 350-6645, a written request for an interpretation or correction thereof. The person submitting the request will be responsible for its prompt delivery. Any interpretation or correction of the proposed documents shall be made only by addendum duly issued and copy of such adclendum will be mailed or delivered to each person receiving a set of such documents. The Engineer will not be responsible for any other explanation or interpretations of the proposed documents. IB-3 ADDFNDA OR BULLETINS All bidders are advised as to the possibility of issuance of addenda affecting the items, scope or quantity of the work required for this project. Each bidder shall be fully responsible for informing himself as to whether or not arly such addenda have been issued. The effect of all addenda to the Contract Documents shall be considered in the bid, and said addenda shall be made a part of the contract documents and shall be returned with them. Failure to covE;r in his bid any such addenda issued may render his bid irregular and may result in its rejection by the City. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES All proposals must be submitted, filed, made, and executed in accordance with State and Federal laws relating to bids for contracts of this nature whether the same are expressly referred to herein or not. Any Bidder submitting a proposal shall by such action thereby' agree to each and all of the terms, conditions, provisions, and requirements set forth, contemplated, and referred to in the Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents, and to full compliance therewith. AWARD OF CONTRACT Following a review of the bids, the CITY shall determine whether to award the contract or to reject all bids. The award of contract, if made, will be to the lowest responsible Bidder as determined solely by the CITY. At the time of contract award, the successful Bidder shall hold a Class A Contractors License or a combination of Class C license (s), as required to perform the work, issued by the State of California. Additionally, the CITY reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to accept any bid or portion thereof, to waive any irregularity, and to take the bids under advisement for the period of time stated in the "Notice Inviting Sealed Bids", all as may be required to provide for the best interests of the CITY. In no event will an award be made until all necessary investigations are made as to the responsibility and qualifications of the Bidder to whom the award is contemplated. No bidder may withdraw his proposal for a period of ninety-five (95) days after the time set for opening thereof. However, the CITY will return all proposal guarantees within ten (10) days after the award of the contract or rejection of the bids, as the case may be, to the respective bidders whose proposals they' accompany. LABOR CODE Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1773 of the Labor (:ode of the State of California, the CITY has obtained the general provisions rate of per diem wages and the general prevailing rate for holiday and overtime work in this locality for each craft, classification or type of workman needed to execute the contract from the Director ... of the Department of Industrial Relations. These rates are on file with the CITY, and copies will be made available to any interested party on request. Travel and subsistence payments to each workman needed to execute the work shall be made as such travel and subsistence payments are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreements filed in accordance with Section 1773,8 of the Labor Code. The Contractor and all subcontractors shall comply with the provisions of Section 1774 of the Labor Code and other statutes relating to prevailing wages, benefits, overtime and so forth. Failure to comply with the subject section will subject the Contractor to penalty and forfeiture provisions of Section 1775 of the Labor Code, Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1770 of the Labor Code, the general prevailing rate of wages has been ascertained (which rate includes ernployer payments for health and welfare, vacation, pension and similar purposes) applicable to the work to be done, for straight time, overtime, Saturday, Sunday and holiday work. The holiday wage rate listed shall be applicable to all holidays recognized in the collective bargaining agreement of the particular craft, classification or type of workmen concerned. The CITY will not recognize any claim for additional compensation because of the payment by the Contractor of any wage rate in excess of the prevailing wage rate set forth in the contract. The possibility of wage increases is one of the elements to be considered by the Contractor in determining his bid, and will not under any circumstances be considered as the basis of a claim against the CITY on the contract. The Contractor and subcontractors shall comply with Section 1777.6 which stipulates that it shall be unlawful to refuse to accept otherwise qualified employees as registered apprentices solely on the grounds of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, or age (of such employee), except as provided in Section 3077. WORKER'S COMPENSATION CERTIFICATE Section 3700 of the State Labor Code requires that every employer shall secure the payment compensation by either being insured against liability' to pay compensation with one or more insurers or by securing a certificate of consent to self-insure from the State Director of Industrial Relations. IB-5 In accordance with this section and with Section 1861 of the State Labor Code, the contractor shall sign a Compensation Insurance Certificate which is included with the Contract Agreement, and submit same to CITY along with the other required contract documents, prior to performing any work. Reimbursement for this requirement shall be considered as included in the various items of work. CLAYTON ACT AND CARTWRIGHT ACT Section 7103 of the Public Contract Code specifies that in executing a public works contract with the CITY to supply goods, services or materials, the Contractor or Subcontractor offers and agrees to assign to the CITY all rights, title and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Sec. 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2 commencing with Sec. 16700) of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professions Code, arising from purchase of goods, services or materials pursuant to the contract or subcontract. This assignment shall become effective when the CITY tenders final payment to the Contractor without further acknowledgment by the parties. SUBSTITUTION OF SECURITIES In conformance with the State of California Public Contract Code, Section 22300, the contractor may substitute securities for any monies withheld I~y the CITY to ensure performance under the contract. At the request and expense of the contractor, securities equivalent to the amount withheld shall be deposited with the CITY or with a State or Federally chartered bank as the escrow agent who shall pay such monies to the contractor upon notification by CITY of Contractor's satisfactory completion of the contract. The type of securities deposited and the method of release shall be approved by the CITY'S Attorney. SUBLETTING AND SUBCONTRACTING Pursuant to the Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act (commencing with Section 4100 of the Government Code), bidders are required to list in their proposal the name and location of place of business of each subcontractor who will perform work or labor or render services in or about the construction of the work or improvement or a subcontractor who specially fabricates and installs a portion of the work or improvement according to detailed drawings contained in the Plans and Specifications in excess of 1/2 of 1% of this prime contractor's total bid. Failure to list a subcontractor for a portion of the work means that the prime contractor will do that portion of the work. It is the CITY's intent for the Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act to apply to all phases of the work. The list of subcontractors (on enclosed form) shall be executed and submitted with the proposal. IB-6 BIDDER'S NAME ,'i,,\. '~LitCf.,-F~LD Tj JE.~,C, COMPANY ~-.~. ~u ~-~ ~AGizoTt -'~F'~c, CITY OF FONTANA PROPOSAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. BID NO. SB-72-94 TO CITY OF FONTANA, as CITY: In accordance with CITY's "Notice Inviting Sealed Bids", the undersigned BIDDER hereby proposes to furnish all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals required for the above stated project as set forth in the Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents therefor, and to perform all work in the manner and time prescribed therein. BIDDER declares that this proposal is based upon careful examination of the work site, Plans, Specifications, I~structions to Bidders, and Contract Documents. If this proposal is accepted for award,. BIDDER agrees to enter into a contract with CITY at the unit and/or lump sum prices set forth in the following Proposal Bid Sheet. BIDDER understands that failure to enter into a contract in the manner and time prescribed will result in forfeiture to CITY of the Bid Bond accompanying this proposal. BIDDER understands that a bid is required for the entire work, that the estimated quantities set forth in the Proposal Bid Sheet are solely for the purpose of comparing bids, and that final compensation under the contract will be based ul~on the actual quantities of work satisfactorily completed. It is agreed that the unit and/or lump sum prices bid include all appurtenant expenses, taxes, royalties, and fees. In the case of discrepancies in the amounts bid, unit prices shall govern over extended amounts. BIDDER agrees and acknowledges that he is aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which requires every employer to be insured against liabd~ty for workman's compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code, and that the BIDDER will comply with such provisions of that code before commencing the performance of this Contract if awarded to it. BIDDER certifies that in all previous contracts or subcontracts, all reports which may have been due under the requirements of any Agency, State, or Federal equal employment opportunity orders have been satisfactorily filed, and that no such reports are currently outstanding. P-1 principals are ~nose namea nere~n; that no officer, agent, or employee of the CITY is personally interested, directly or indirectly, in this proposal; that this proposal is made without connection to any other individual, firm, or corporation making a bid for the same work; and that this proposal is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. BIDDER certifies that affirmative action has been taken to seek out and consider disadvantaged business enterprises for those portions of the work to be subcontracted, and that such affirmative actions have been carefully documented, that said documentation is open to inspection, and that said affirmative action will remain in effect for the life of any contract awarded hereunder. Furthermore, BIDDER certifies that affirmative action will be taken to meet all equal employment opportunity requirements of the contract documents. BIDDER certifies that he possesses a Class "A" or a combination of Class "C" licenses as required to perform the work. BIDDER declares that his license number is_?;/o<r 3~- "~) ~ and that the license expiration date is ~-~- w DATED O.~- ~1{ , 19~t~ BIDDER'S ADDRESS: B w w W P-2 RIDDER'~ INFORMATION BIDDER certifies that the following information is true and correct: Bidder's Name: ~. Business Address: ~'~a ~,~ C~. q~ Telephone ( qO~ ) State Contractor's License No. and Class: Original Date Issued: The following are the names, titles, addresses, and phone numbers of all individuals, firm members, pothers, joint ventures, and/or corporate officers having a principal interest in this proposal: The dates of any voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy .judgments against any principal having an interest in this proposal are as follows: All current and prior DBA's, alias, and/or fictitious business names for any principal having an interest in this proposal are as follows: P-3 CONTRACTOR'S LICENSING STATEMENT The undersigned is licensed in accordance with the laws of the State of California providing for the registration of Contractors. Contractor's License Number -~"/Oq~',-q- am License Classification /d" Expiration Date (D 5 Name of Individual Contractor (Print or type): Signature of Owner ke Business Address or Name of Firm Business Address ~l ' Name Title · e Address . Name Title Address Of Name of Corporation c;. -~. ~LIP_K ~4~I2DT, 'D4~ , Business Address/o1~1 Corporation organized under the laws of the State of CISLI ~,~-~J Sic ~ature o ~}ecr ry of Corp. Oa'{e ,, P-4 w LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work as follows: Name Under Which Address of Percent Specific Subcontractor License Office, Mill of Total Description of js I icen.~d No. o~ C~ntra~t SubP. nntract ~ ~ ~,~.~o _ All items of information requested on this page are required.. Bidders shall scec ~v each subcontractor who will perform work or labor or render service on the c, ~-e contractor in an amount in excess of one half of one percent (O.5%) of the Dr,me contractor's total bid. Failure to list all information as requested above may result n disqualification of the bid. REEE~ The following are the names, addresses, and phone numbers for three public agencies for which BIDDER has performed similar work within the past two years: Address ~S5~ S~e~ Name ~u~B~ ~ 5~TS~ ~ Phone ( ~1~ ) Address I;t~ t. C~T~ cQ~f ~. Name C~?~ ~ Tus~,'~ Phone(ll~ ) Address ~3 ~ E m ~,'~ DESIGNATOR OF SURETIES The following are the names, addresses, and phone numbers for all brokers and sureties from whom BIDDER intends to procure insurance and bonds: Address ~ ~o.,,. ~'... ~ I~ t Name ~t, ~,~ ~o~,,~ Phone (~t~) Address ~ ~ ~ * I b~ ,Name CH~ ~. '/' ~~~. ~. Phone(l~ P-6 CITY OF FONTANA BID BOND FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH O~ FOOTHILL BLVD, BID NO. SB-72-94 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned, S. J. BTj'gZRARDT, INC. thereafter called "Principal"), and WASH. INGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANy, (hereafter called "Surety"), are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fontana (hereafter called "Owner"), in the sum of TEj~I PERCENT OF THE AMOUNT OF THE ACCOMPANYING BID- dollars ($ 10% ...... ), for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we hereby jointly and severally bind ourselves and our successors and assigns. SIGNED this ...LST day of F~-BRUAR'Z , 19--96· The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the Principal has submitted to the Owner a certain Bid, attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof, tO enter into a contract in writing for the construction of the LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT. The general items of work to be done hereunder consist of installing approximately 180' of 10" EXtra Strength Vitrifisd Clay Pipe (V.C.P.) within a 20" Steel Pipe encasemerit by boring and jacking, installing approximately 96' of 10" Extra Strength V.C.P. by open trench, removing and' replacing street improvements as required for pipe installation,. and all appurtenant related work. NOW THEREFORE, a. If said Bid is rejected, or b. ~f said Bid is accepted and Principal executes and delivers a contract in the attached Agreement form within ten (1Q) days after acceptance (properly completed in accordance with said Bid), and furnishes insurance certificates and endorsements, bonds for faithful performance of said Contract and for the payment of persons performing labor or furnishing materials in connection therewith, and all other required documents, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise, the same shall remain in force and effect, it being expressly understood and agreed that the liability of Surety for any and all claims hereunder shall, in no event, exceed the amount of this obligation as heroin stated, For value received, Surety hereby stipulates and agrees that the obligation of said Surety and its bond shall be in no way impaired or affected by any bidding errors or extension of the time within which the Owner may accept such Bid, and said Surety hereby waives notice of any such extension. (Page 1 of 3) P-7 IN WII NE$~ WHEREOF, Principal and Surety have hereunto set their hands and seals, and such of them as are corporations have caused their c. orporate seals to be hereto affixed and these presents to be signed by their proper officers, on the day and year first set forth above. PRINCIPAL: s. 3. BUm<~D'L z_~c. ATTEST: (if corporation) :~c Title: S,]., StuarL-Vice President le ,/Treas, {Corporate Seal) SURETY: ~ ' ATTEST: By: By: QUIGLEY Title: Title: ATTORNE~ :N-FACT (Corporate Seal) IMPORTANT: Surety companies executing Bonds must possess a certificate of authority from the California Insurance Commissioner authorizing them to write surety insurance defined in Section 105 of the California Insurance Code, and if the work or project is financed, in whole or in part, with federal grant or loan funds, must also appear on the Treasury Department's most current list (Circular 570 as amended). THIS_J.S AJ:JEpUIP~ED FORM. Any claims under this bond may be addressed to: (Name and address of Surety) WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPA~ 1930 THOREAU DRIVE, 11101 SCHAUMBURG, IL 60173 (Name and address of agent or QUIGLEY INSURANCE SERVICES, IXC. representative for service of process in California, if 95 ARGONAUT, #105 different from above) ALlSO VIEJO, CA 92656 (Telephone number and fax number (800)338-0753/(71A)454-2700 of Surety andagent or representa. tive for service of process in California) {Page 2 of 3) P-8 STATE OF CALIFORRIA } 55. COUNTY OF ORAR~ On ~B~ 1, 1996 ,before me, RIFLE ~I~I~, ~flY PBBLIe PERSONALLY ~P~D HI~ ~, OBI~ personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be ~he pemon(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within irmtrument and acknowl- edged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/ her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/ ~! their signabate(s) on the instrament the person(s), or the entity upon behal/of which the person(s) acted, executed s COMM. a1053083 :~ NOTARY PUIILIC - CALIFORNIA the iz~fa'm~ent. ]E OP, ANG~ {;QUNTY WITNESS my hand and officia! seal , -v-e-,~--,-e~ r, ~ Signature \ . This aria/or Of~ci~zl Notariai Seal OPTIONAL. Though the date below is not required by law, it may prove va:uable to persons relying on the document and Could prevent fraudulent realtachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT [] INDIVIDUAL [] CORPORATE OFFICER . TITLE OiR TYPE OF DOCUMENT [Z] PARTNER(S) [] LIMITED [] GENERAL [] ATrORNEY-IN-FACT NUMBER OF PAGES [] TRUSTEE(S) [] GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR [] OTHER: DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE ,!>.., .¢v ./,,~ ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS; That the Washington International Insurance Comapny, a corporation organized and existing under the v~ laws ol the State of Arizona, and having its principal office in the Village of Schaumburg, Illinois does hereby constitute and appoint $HA WN 81. UME, JENNIFER JOHNSTON, MICHAEL A. GUIGI. EY AND DWIGHT REII I. y li EACH IN THEIR SEPARATE CAPACITy ils true and lawful attorneyls)-in-fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as s,rety, any end all bonds and undertakings, ~: recognizances, contracts of indemnity s~d other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed, required, or li permitted by law, statute, rule, regulation, contract or otherwise, and the execution of ouch Instrument(s) in pursuance of these presses, shall be as binding upon the said Washington International Insurance Company aa fully end amply, to all intents and purposes, aa if the same has been duly executed and acknowledged by its President end its principal office. li This Power of Attorney shall be limited in amount to $2,000,000.00 for any single obligation. This Power of Attorney is issued pursuant to authority granted by the resolutions of the Board of Directors ~dopted March 22, 1978, July II 3, 1980 and October 21, 1986 which read, in part, as follows: 1. The Chairman of The Board, President, Vice President, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Becreta~t may designate Attorneys-in- Fact. and authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the ',Seal of the Company thereto, bonds, and ~ undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and to appoint Special i1~ Attorneys-in-Fact, who are hereby authorized to certify copies of any Power-of-attorney issued in pursuant to this section and/or any of the By-Laws of the Company, and tO remove, at any time, any such AttOrney-in*Fact or Special Attorney-in*Fact and revoke the authority given him. ml 2. The signatures of the Chairman of the Board, the President, Vice President, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Secretary, and the corporate seal of the Company, may be affixed to eny Power of Attorney, certiflcet,i, bond or under~aking relating thereto, by facsimile. Any such Power of Attorney, certificate bond or undertaking bearing such facsimile signature or fsceimde seal affixed' in the ordinary course of business shall be valid and binding upon the Company. IN TESTIMONY WHEREO.~ hington International Insurance Company has caused th t nstrume~t . .e., to b..,,ix.d,h. 2.d d.y e, Nov.re.,.1...to,, corpor.t. 0. B,..... Ch.,,m.n e, ,h. COUNTY OF COOK) ~'~q~,~,:,t.'~ = On this 2nd day of Novembor, 1994' bef~remecametheindividua~wh~executedtheprec~ding~nstrum~nt~t~me~s~f~kn~w~nd~ !=ibeing by me duly sworn, said that he ie the therein described and author zed officer of the Washington Intornational ~ns~&,t~e Company; lithat the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company; IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand end affixed my Official Seal, the doy and year first above :: I t|-tary end-lit. State ol II inois ~ h~jn , * :' STATE OF ILLINOIS) I~OUNTY OF COOK) I, the undersigned, Secretary of WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, an ARIZONA Corporaten. DO HEREBY CERTIFY hat the foregoing and attached POWER OF ATTORNEY remains in full force and has not.been revoked, and furtherrants that Article m 16ect&on 5 of the By-Laws ot the Corporation, and the Resolution of the Board of Directors, set forth in the Power of Attorney, are now in force. ;igned and sealed in the County of Cook. Oated he ].SI' day of ~'ESRUARY , 19 96 . Lewis M. Moelier, Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA (~ COUNTY OF ,~,~,~ III ~ST~rV~H 'f ~jcU,,,, ,:r~- , being first duly sworn, deposes and (Name of Affiant) says that he\she is,~-,,~l-,-~,% (Title) (Name of Bidder) the party making the foregoing bid; that the bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the bid is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a false or sham bid, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any bidder or anyone else to put in a sham bid, or that anyone shall refrain from bidding; that the bidder has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the bid price of the bidder or any other bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit or cost element of the bid price, or of that of any other bidder, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the contract of anyone interested in the proposed contract; that all statements contained in the bid are true; and further, that the bidder has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her bid price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company association, organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent thereof to e fectuate a collusive or sham bid. S~ t 'g ure) ITypad Namal (Tit,e) NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF -,~j-.~-.- SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME on this ~ day of , 19ct_~ My Commission Expires: (::>5 P-IO Labor Code Section 1735 requires that no discrimination be made in the employment of persons upon public works because of the race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status or sex of such persons, except as provided in Government Code Section 12940. The firm listed below certifies that it does not discriminate in its employment with regard to the factors set forth in Labor Code Section 1735; ~at it is in compliance with all federal, state and local directives and executive orders regarding non-discrimination in employment; and that it agrees to demonstrate positively and aggressively the principle of equal employment opportunity in employment. We agree specifically: 1. To establish or observe employment policies which affirmatively promote opportunities for minority persons at all job levels. 2. To communicate this policy to all persons concerned, including all company employees, outside recruiting services, especially those serving minority communities, and to the minority communities at large. 3. To take affirmative steps to hire .minority employees within the company. FIRM -~,, -"'~. ~,L)~,~--~--~r~','~--A)C' - - TITLE OF PERSO SIGNI G ,.~r~v~N Please include any additional information available regarding equal opportunity employment programs now in effect within your company. . P-11 PROPOSAL BID SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. BID NO. SB-72-94 :; ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED UNIT UNIT TOTAL ii NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT ee 1. INSTALL 10" EXTRA STRENGTH V.C.P. 96 LF ~") PER TRENCH DETAIL "A", SHEET 2 of 3. 2. INSTALL JACKED 21" STEEL PiPE 180 LF il ENCASEMENT, INCLUDING 10" EXTRA STRENGTH V.C.P PER TRENCH DETAIL "B", SHEET 2 of 3. 3. INSTALL 6" DIAMETER EXTRA STRENGTH 2 EA V.C.P. STUB (2' long). e 4. INSTALL 60" DIAMETER CONCRETE PRE- 1 EA CAST ECCENTRIC MANHOLE PER L.A. COUNTY STD. S-a-206, CASE III. 5. PROPOSED V.C.P. SEWER NTO EA EXISTING STUB AND REMOVE ALL m EXISTING SEALS, PLUGS, AND MORTAR. 6. SAWCUT AND REMOVE EXISTING A.C. 1200 SF PAVEMENT AS SHOWN ON TRENCH ee DETAIL "A",SHEET 2 of 3. 7. INSTALL A.C. PAVEMENT AS SHOWN ON 50 TON fo e TRENCH DETAIL "A", SHEET 2 of 3,' 8. REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING LOOP 2 EA ! i DETECTORS PER CAL-TRANS STD. ES-SA, el TYPE 2A. ;' 9. POTHOLE EXISTING GAS MAIN AND 4 EA e WATER MAIN. ; 10. PROVIDE TRAFFIC CONTROL, LANE LUMP SUM LS ee CLOSURES, AND ALL RELATED WORK, AS SHOWN ON TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN, SI4EET 3 of 3, TO INCLUDE THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 7-10.3 OF el SPECIAL PROVISIONS, (Continue to P-13) P-12 UTILITIES, {PARTICULAR ATTENTION SHALL BE TAKEN TO THE PROTECTION OF THE EXISTING GAS AND WATER MAIN. SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS, APPENDIX III). 12. PROVIDE TRENCH SHEETING, SHORING, LUMP SUM LS 10~ (,_ ~b'; 1O~ (~00 "' ~- BRACING, TEMPORARY FENCING, AND i ALL APPURTENANT RELATED WORK. 13. CLEARING AND GRUBBING LUMP SUM LS ._ 14. CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND LUMP SUM LS SURVEYING IPERFORMED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A ' STATE OF ,: CAUFORNIA LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR AUTHORIZED REGISTERED CIVIL r'- ENGINEER). r- (Continue to P-14) P-13 l! PROPOSAL BID SHEET "' FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ~ LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT e FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. ,e BID NO. SB-72-94 TOTAL , q "' ,e NOTE: The estimated quantities listed in the Proposal Bid Sheet(s) are supplied to give an indication of the general scope of the work, but the accuracy of these figures is not guaranteed and the bidder shall make his own em estimates from the drawings. In case of a variation between the un,t price and the totals shown by the bidder, the unit price wdl be ' considered to be the bid. The Contractor shall perform, with its own organization, contract work e amounting to at least 50 percent of the Contract Price, except that any designated "Specialty Items" .may be performed by subcontract and the amount of any such "Specialty Items" so performed may be deduc,.ed m from the Contract Price before computing the amount of work requ,red to be performed by the Contractor with its own organization. The C; rv reserves the right to reject any and or all 'bids, or to waive jny w information on any one or all bids received. The CITY specd,¢aHy reserves the right to delete, reduce all or any portion of the work at any time prior to authorization to proceed with this portion of work. ,m '~.~. ~Q~;Y--,i,..Io, e..oT,, 'r.r,~c..__ BIDDER'S NAME m ~q<>'q) (~- 3 ~8'~ __ TELEPHONE NUMBER d,~q..) (~5 - '~' __ FAX NUMBER P-14 II IN WITNESS WHEREOF, BIDDER executes and submits thiis proposal with the names, titles, hands, and seals of all forenamed principals this _~? day of ~.L,,.,.._., , 19q L . BIDDER ,,~. ~. ~e,~, t3,~&~-, ~:uc_ _ Subscribed and sworn to this ~ day of ~ , 19'.~ CITY acknowledges that this proposal was received and opened at the time and in the place specified, and that it was accompanied by the required guarantee in the amount of at least ten percent (10%) of the total bid. By Title P-15 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS "* FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT e FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. BID NO. SBo72-94 ADDENDUM NO, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT have received the Addendums listed below: ee Addendum Nn. h Date Addendure No. Date Addend,m No. Date ~e Addendum No, Date e Addendum No. Date Addendum No, Date Addendum No. Date d Addendum No. Date e .~.,'~. ~.~, ~A~eO't, ~js~r_ BIDDER'S NAME ~q~) ~S-~ TELEPHONE NUMBER ~) ~- ~ FAX NUMBER P-16 Centrgkling t167 MARLATr ·MIRA LOMA, CALFORNIA e17f~ · CTI4) JANUARY 01~ 1995 HOUP~Y LALSOR & EqUIPHk~r HATES aap 235 Ca~ Excavator @ 185.00 per hr. 79~ J.D. Excavator @ 150.00 per hr. 225 Cal; Excavator @ 135,00 ;x:r hr. e 690 ,I,D, .Excava~.or @ ~10,00 pi:r hr, 644 J,D, Leader @ 90,00 per hr, I 544 J,D, ~oader @ 85,00 per hr. 450 J,D, Dozer @ 80,00 per hr, 4Z0-C J,O, ~ackhoe @ 70,00 Far " 446-5 Car, Backhoe @ 85.U0 per hr, 580°£ & Kes ~acld~oe @ 65,00 per hr, 60" Boma& Compact. or @ 80,00 per hr, 602-B Case Roller 9. 80,00 p~:r hr, W-252 Case Roller @ 60,00 per hr. ill T-800 Venne~r BeLt. Trencher 24"-36" X 12e Deep @ 300,00 per hr. P/us Teeth T*800 Vetmeet Belt Trencher 24"-36" X 8e Deep @ 285,00 p~r hr, Plus Teeth Arrow S~unpe~ @ 85,00 per hr, ~ 613 Car,-SC(X) Callon Water Pull @ 75.00 per hr. 2000 Callon Water Truck @ 45,00 per hr. ~1 165 & 130 CFM C~epressor @ 20.00 per hr, Cre~ Truck/Field Tnuzk @ 17,25 per hr, , 5 Axle Lo~ ~ @ 85,00 per hr, me 2 ~,x~e Fla~ Bed Dump @ 45,00 per hr, a~ove-X4 ~on Crane @ 90.00 per hr. !i C~npac~iow ~Jheel-Add To-792,225 & 690 Races @ 12.00 per hr, 2' Suction Pumps @ 15.00 per Leak LocaCor @ 65.00 per hr, m Je~ Truck @ 125,00 per hr, Welder & Tools @ 60,00 per hr, m Forewan @ 44,~5 per hr. Operator @ ~,3.10 per hr. Laborer @ 3~..30 per hr. Ste~en , -Sec,/Treas, CITY OF FONTANA CONTRACT AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. BID NO. SB-72-94 THIS CONTRACT AGREEMENT is made and entered into for the above stated project this ~ day of Pt 12~ Z I , 193JQ_, BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF FONTANA, as CITY, and · as CONTRACTOR. WITNESSETH that CITY and CONTRACTOR have mutually agreed as follows: ARTICLE I The contract documents for the aforesaid project shall consist of the Notice Ir~viting Sealed Bids, Instructions to Bidders, Proposal DOcuments, General Conditions, Standard Specifications, Special Provisions, Plans (Dwg. No. 23_1_9, Sheet 1 through 3), and all referenced specifications, details, standard drawings, and appendices; together with this Contract Agreement and all required bonds, insurance certificates, permits, notices, and affidavits; and also including any and all addenda or supplemental agreements clarifying, amending, or extending the work contemplated as may be required to insure its completion in an acceptable manner. All of the provisions of said contract documents are made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein. ARTICLE II For and in consideration of the payments and agreements to be made and performed by CITY, CONTRACTOR agrees to furnish all materials and perform all work required for the above stated project, and to fulfill all other obligations as set forth in the aforesaid contract documents. CA-1 ARTICLE III CONTRACTOR agrees to receive and accept the prices set forth in the Proposal as full compensation for furnishing all materials, performing all work, and fulfilling all obligations hereunder. Said compensation shall cover ell expenses, losses, damages, and consequences arising out of the nature of work during its progress or prior to its acceptance including those for well and faithfully completing the work and the whole thereof in the manner and time specified in the aforesaid contract documents; and also including those arising from actions of the elements, unforeseen difficulties or obstructions encountered in the prosecution of the work, suspension or discontinuance of the work, and all other unknowns or risks of any description connected with the work. ARTICLE IV CITY hereby promises and agrees to employ, and does hereby employ, CONTRACTOR e to provide the materials, do the work, and fulfill the obligations according to the terms and conditions herein contained and referred to, for the prices aforesaid, and hereby contracts to pay the same at the time, in the manner, and upon the conditions set el forth in the contract documents. ARTICLE V CONTRACTOR acknowledges the provisions of the State Labor Code requiring every : employer to be insured against liability for worker's compensation, or to undertake me self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code, and certifies compliance with such provisions. el ARTICLE VI CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify and hold harmless-CITY and all of its officers and el agents from any claims, demands, or causes of action, including related expenses, attorney's fees, and costs, based on, arising out of, or in any way related to the work undertaken by CONTRACTOR hereunder. ARTICLE VII CONTRACTOR affirms that the signatures, titles, and seals set forth hereinafter in execution of this Contract Agreement represent all indivicluals, firm members, partners, joint ventures, and/or corporate officers having a principal interest herein. If any legal action is required to enforce or interpret the Contract Documents, then the pr.evailing party shall have the right to recover from the losing party all costs of , such action including attorney fees. CA-2 merr mumram STATE OF C~L[IFORNIA } COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE On March 15, 1996 before me, ANTONIO ESPARZA SR-NOTARY PUBLIC pemonally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of sagsfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instmmem. ( wIT. Essmy.a.daede.,c,a, sea,. (Seal) ACK. NOWLEDGMENT--A!! PU~OSe w.'_"[h FmgerPn~t--V~llcnitS F~m 63238--Rev. 12-92 ©1992 WOLCOTFS FORMS, INC (p{ice class 8-2) CITY OF FONTANA Contractor: ~.:~, ~ucv_~,~-o'~ ,~- A Municipal Corporation , Devereaux City Manager TITLE ATTEST: Notary City Clerk APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: '~ A~~~ Clark Alsop or Stephen P. Deitsch City Attorney Frank A. Schuma Community Development Director Risk Management CA-3 CITY OF FONTANA BOND # S-500 1119 ' CONTRACT PERFORMANCE BOND PREMILFM: $1,372.00 (CALIFORNIA P_U_B[[C WORK) EXECUTED IN TRIPLICATE ee FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. el BID NO. SB-72-94 kNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: le THAT WHEREAS, the City of Fontana (sometimes referred to hereinafter as "Obligee") has awarded to s.J. BUP, KHARDT, INC. (hereinafter designated as the "Contractor"), an agreement for the work described as el follows: Installation of the LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT. The general items of work to be done hereunder consist of installing approximately 180' of 10" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe (V.C.P.) within a 21" :Steel Pipe encasement ~ by boring and jacking, installing approximately 96' of 10" Extra Strength V.C.P. by open trench, removing and replacing street improvements as required for pipe installation, and all appurtenant related work (hereinafter referred to as the "Public eel Work"); and i ' WHEREAS, the work to be performed by the Contractor is more particularly set forth "" in that certain contract for the said Public Work dated /~19~; ~ I ) 19¢f(9 , (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract"), which Contract is incorporated herein by i this reference; and WHEREAS, the Contractor is required by said Contract to perform the terms thereof eel and to provide a bond both for the performance and guaranty thereof. ~ NOW, THEREFORE, we, s.J. BURKHARDT, INC. , the ml undersigned Contractor, as Principal, and WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of ARIZONA and duly authorized to transact business under the laws of the State of California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fontana in the sum of NINETY SEVEN : THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED EIGHTY TWO & No/100--Dollars ($ 97,982.00 ....... ), said sum being not less than one hundred percent (1 OO%) of the total amount payable by the said Obligee under the terms of the said Contract, for which amount well and truly =i to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, e:~ecutors and administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that, if the bounden Contractor, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all thing. s stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions and agreements in the said Contract and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, (Page 1 of 4) CA-4 on his or its part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to their intent and meaning; and shall faithfully fulfill the one year guarantee of all materials and workmanship; and indemnify and save harmless the Obligee, its officers and agents, as stipulated in said Contract, then this obligation shall become null and void; oth~;rwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. The said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the work to be performed thereunder or the Specifications accompanying 'the same shall in any way affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the el work or to the Specifications. No final settlement between the Obligee and the Contractor shall abridge the right of -J any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied. Contractor and Surety agree that if the Obligee is required to engage the services of an attorney in connection with enforcement of the bond, eac!h shall pay Obligee's reasonable attorney's fees incurred, with or without suit, in eddition to the above sum. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this llTH day of ~RCH , 19 96. PRINCIPAL/CONTRACTOR: i S.J. RKHARD , INC. .. t Sec./Treas. SURETY' WASHI INS Pj~q~_ ANY (Page 2 of 4) CA-5 ! The rate of premium on this bond is $I4.o0 ................................. per -- thousand. The total amount of premium charged: $ $1,372.00 ......................... (The above must be filled in by : corporate surety). IMPORTANT: Surety companies executing bonds must possess a Certificate of Authority from the California Insurance Commissioner authorizing them to write surety insurance defined in Secl~ion 105 of the California Insurance Code, and if the work or project is financed, in whole or in par~, with federal, grant or loan funds, it must also e/ appear on the Treasury Department's most current list (Circular 570 as amended). THIS IS ~ REQUIRFD EQ.BM.. Any claims under this bond may be addressed to: (Name and Address of Surety) WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY 1930 THOREAU DRIVE, f~].01 · ~ SCHAUMBURG, IL 60173 : (Name and Address of Agent or QUIGLEY INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. e~ Representative for service of process in California if different from above) 95 ARGONAUT, ~I105 ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 i (Telephone Number and Fax Number (800)338-0753/(847)519-4633 m of'.Surety and agent or Representative for service of process in California) (714)454-2700/(714)454-0275 __ (Page 3 of 4) CA-6 ii STATE OF CALIFORNIA } SS. · d COUNTY OF ORANGE On MARCH 11, 1996 , before me, H. TREDINNICK, NOTARY PUBLIC PERSONALLY APPEARED HIC[[AEL A. QU][GLEY _, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the' within instrument and acknowl- edged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/ her/their authorized capacitylies), and that by his/her/ their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrLlment. ~ ORANGE COUNTY~ L.~,-,. -,-v.- ~ WITNESS my hand and of~cia~ seal. [ Signature ~_0 ~ Titis area for Official Nolarial Seal OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF AftACHED DOCUMENT [] INDIVIDUAL [] CORPORATE OFFICER TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT nTLEISl me [] PARTNER(S) [] LIMITED [] GENERAL [] ATTORNEY-IN-FACT NUMBER OF PAGES el [] TRUSTEE(S) [] GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR [] OTH/:R: Ill DATEE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY{IES) SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE ill IO-I'"I ReV b/94 ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY POWER OF ATTORNEY :<NOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS; That the Washington International Insurance Comapny, a corporation organized and existing under the elaws of the State of Arizona, and having its principal office in the Village of Schaumburg, Illinois does hereby constitute and appoint SHAWN BI UME. JENNIFER JOHNSTON, MICHAEl A. QUIGLEY AND DWIGHT REILLY EACH IN THEIR SEPARATE CAPACITY its true and lawful attorney(s)-in-fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings, ~ecognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed, required, or ~ermitted by law, statute, rule, regulation, contract or otherwise, and the execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, II~hall be as binding upon the said Washington international Insurance Company as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same has been duly executed and acknowledged by its President and its principal office. iFhis Power of Attorney shall be limited in amount to ~2,000,000.00 for any single obligation. This Power of Attorney is issued pursuant to authority granted by the resolutions of the Board of Directors adopted March 22, 1978, July , 1980 and October 21, 1986 which read, in part, as follows: ell. The Chairman of the Board, President, Vice President, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Secretary may designate Attorneys-in- Fact, and authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds, end ! undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and to appoint Special III Attorneys-in-Fact, who are hereby authorized to certify copies of any power-of-attorney issued in pursuant to this section and/or any of the By-Laws of the Company, and to remove, at any time, any such Attorney-in-Fact or Special Attorney-in-Fact and revoke the authority given him. 2. The signatures of the Chairman of the Board, the President, Vice President, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Secretary, end the corporate seal of the Company, may be affixed to any Power of Attorney, certificate, bond or undertaking relating thereto, by facsimile. Any such Power of Attorney, certificate bond or undertaking bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal affixed in the ordinary course of business shall be valid and binding upon the Company. ~IN TESTIMONY WHEREO~.Ij;I~, hington International Insurance Company has caused this instrument to be signed and its eal to be affixei~'_~ N ~J er, this 2nd day of November, 1994. corporate "J ~ ~ ~ ~_%,~J~.ASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY ~, ~ ~ CORPORATE ~ STATE OF ILLINOIS{I~~L4~'~'~''~'j'~A/illiem D. Startart, Chairman of the Board ~OUNTY OF COOK) ~l,~.~..~.'~,~' On this 2nd day of November, 1994, before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally know, and, : ~eing by me duly sworn, said that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the Washington International Insurance Company; ~hat the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company; .set my hand end aff,xed my Off, c,a, Sea,. the day and yea, f,rst above w,,tten. Pu ['c State of Illinois , ! ;' . MyDomm,s.,on; i:r .... 'e aratsk.' STATE OF ILLINOIS) ;OUNTY OF COOK) I~,the undersigned, Secretary of WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, an ARIZONA Corporation, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached POWER OF ATTORNEY remains in full force and has not bean revoked, and furthermore that Article III, ~ection 5 of the By-Laws of the Corporation, and the Resolution of the Board of Directors, set forth in the Power of Attorney, are now ml~ ~orce. Signed and sealed in the County of Cook. Dated he llTHday of MARCH , 19 96 Lewis M. Moeller, Secretary BOND ~; S-500 1119 FONTAN PREMIUM INCLUDED ON PERFORMANCE BOND Crl'Y OF A~,XECUTED IN TRIPLICATE PAYMENT BOND (CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORK) FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. BID NO. SB-72-94 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT WHEREAS, the City of Fontana (sometimes referred to hereinafter as "Obligee") has awarded to s.J. BURKHARDT, INC. (hereinafter designated as the "Contractor"), an agreement dated &r; I | I I cl~/)° ' described as follows: Installation of the LOCUST AVENUI-' SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT. The general items of work to be done hereunder consist of installing approximately 180' of 10" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe (V.C.P.) within a 21" Steel Pipe encasement by boring and jacking, installing approximately 96' of 10" Extra Strength V.C.P. by open trench, removing and replacing street improvements as required for pipe installation, and all appurtenant related work (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract"); and WHEREAS, said Contractor is required to furnish a bond in connection with said Contract, and pursuant to Section 3247 of the California Civil Code; NOW, THEREFORE, We, s, J, BU~RARDT, INC. , the undersigned Contractor, as Principal; and , WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of ARIZONA , and duly authorized to transact business under. the laws of the State of California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fontaria and to any and all p~rsons, companies or corporations entitled to file stop notices under Section 3181 of" the California Civil Code, in the sum of NINETY SEVEN THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED EIGHTY I~o--- Dollars ($ 97,982.00 ....... ), said sum being not lass than one hundred percent (100%) of the total amount payable by the said Obligee under the terms of the said Contract, for which payment will and truly to be mad:e, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, successors and assigns,. jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. (Page I of 4) CA-8 THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that, if said Contractor, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, or Subcontractors, shall fail to pay for any materials, provisions or other supplies, implements, machinery or power used in, upon for or about the performance of the Public Work contracted to be done, or to pay any person for any work or labor of any Idnd, or for bestowing skills or other necessary services thereon, or for amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Code with respect to such work or labor, or for any amounts required to be deducted, withheld, and paid over to the Employment Development Department from the wages of employees of paid Contractor and his Subcontractors pursuant to Section 13020 of the Unemployment Insurance Code with respect to such work and labor as required by the provisions of Section 3247 through 3252 of the Civil Code, the Surety or Sureties hereon will pay for the same in an amount not exceeding the sum specified in this bond, otherwise the above obligation shall be void. In addition to the provisions herein above, it is agreed that this bond will inure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies and corporations entitled to serve stop notices under Section 3181 of the Civil Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. The Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or additions to the terms of the said Contract or to the work to be performed thereunder or the Specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the work or to the Specifications. No final settlement between the Obligee and the Contractor hereunder shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied. Contractor and Surety agree that if the Obligee is required to engage the services of an attorney in connection with the enforcement of this bond, each shall pay Obligee's reasonable attorney's fees incurred, with or without suit, in addition to the above sum. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 11T~ day of ~Rc~ , 19 96. ~ PRINCIP L/CONTRACTOR: S RSte ~.~Schmitz-S Treas. U ET B~:H N .' ~.~ COMPANY CA-9 IMPORTANT: Surety companies executing bonds must possess a certificate of "" authority from the California Insurance Commissioner authorizing them to write surety insurance defined in Section 105 of the California Insurance Code, and if the work or project is financed, in whoie or in part, with federal, grant or loan funds, it must also appear on the Treasury Department's most current list (Circul.ar 570 as amended). - THIS IS A REFIUIRED FORM. Any claims under this bond may be addressed to: (Name and Address of Surety) WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY ~ 1930 THOREAU DRIVE, #101 SCHAUMBURG, IL 60173 (Name and AddresA of Agent or QUIGLEY INSURANCE SERVICES, I.NC. Representative for service of process in California if different from above) 95 ARGONAUT, #105 ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 ... (Telephone Number and Fax Number (800)338-0753/(847)519-4633 of Surety and Agent or Representative for service of process in California) (714)454-2700/(714)454-027_5 __ (Page 3 of 4) CA-IO STATE OF CALIFORNIA } SS. COUNTY OF ORANGE On MARCI~ 11, 1996 ,before me, M. TREDINlqlCK, NOTARY PIJ'BLIC PERSONALLY APPEARED MICRAEL A. OUIGLEY personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowl- edged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/ her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/ their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the ~.MC~ entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed ~ COMM. #10s30ss ~ the instrument. ~ NO ~RY PUBLIC · CALIFORNIA ]~ ORANGE COUNTY -" WrrN'ESS my hand and officia~ seal. Signature ~ ~ This area for Official Notarial Seal OPTIONAL III Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment Of this form. W CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT [] INDIVIDUAL ': [] CORPORATE OFFICER TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT T~TLEISl / [] PARTNER(S) [] LIMITED [] GENERAL [] ATFORNEY-IN-FACT NUMBER OF PAGES m [] TRUSTEE(S) [] GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR [] OTHER: il DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PEREON(S) OR ENTITY(lEE) SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY POWER OF ATTORNEY ':NOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: That the Washington International insurance Comapny, a corporation organized and existing under the ii~ws of the State of Arizona, and having its principal office in the Village of Schaumburg, Illinois does hereby constitute and appoint SHA I~N 8LUME, JENNIFER JOHNSTON, MICHAEL A. QUIGLEY AND DWIGHT REILL Y EACH IN THEIR SEPARATE CAPACITY its true and lawful attorney(s)-in-fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings, · ~cognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed, required, or '!ermitted by law, statute, rule, regulation, contract or otherwise, and the execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, I~lhall be as binding upon the said Washington International Insurance Company as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same has been duly executed and acknowledged by its President and its principal office. lhis Power of Attorney shall be limited in amount to .~2,000,000.00 for any single obligation. This Power of Attorney is issued pursuant to authority granted by the resolutions of the Board of Directors adopted March 22, 1978, July =, 1980 and October 21, 1986 which read, in pa~, as follows: The Chairman of the Board, President, Vice President, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Secretary may designate Attorneys-in- Pact, and authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds, and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and to appoint Special Attorneys-in-Fact, who are hereby authorized to certify copies of any power-of-attorney issued in pursuant to this section and/or any of the By-Laws of the Company, and to remove, at any time, any such Attorney-in-Fact or Special Attorney-in-Pact and revoke the authority given him. The signatures of the Chairman of the Board, the President, Vice President, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Secreta~, and the corporate seal of the Company, may be affixed to any ~ower of Attorney, certificate, bond or unde~aking relating thereto, by facsimile. Any such Power of Attorney, ce~ificate bond or unde~aklng bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal affixed in the ordinary course of business shall be valid and binding upon the Company. IN TESTIMONY WHERE~ hington International Insurance Company has caused this instrument to be signed and its corporate '~~~~ '*~~~ ' ASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY i ~ IZONA .Z~tilliBm D. Sterrett, Chairman of the Board IOUNTY OF COOK On this 2nd day of November, 1994, before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally know, and, 'eing by me duly sworn, said that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the Washington International Insurance Company; ~::~at the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company; ~~~ , the day and year first above written. m CH~ISTINE ZARETSKY ~ t{ tary Pu f~c, 5rate til[ no s sTATE OF ILLINOIS) j ~OUNTY OF COOK) ~the undersigned, Secretary of WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL iNSURANCE COMPANY, an ARIZONA Corporation, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached POWER OF ATTORNEY remains in full force and has not been revoked, and furthermore that Article Ilt~ 'oction 5 of the By-Laws of the Corporation, and the Resolution of the Board of Directors, set forth in the Power of Attorney, are now / ~orce. Lewis M. Mooliar, Secretary DATE (MM DD 'YYl A.l,*llltlt.CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE cs, Ev ~ BURKS~Z 03/14/96 re,no,Morn THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSLED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION MERIDIiUt' INS~CE SERV, INC, ONLY AND CONFERS NO [tIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE JOBN BACCi~31.Z.~ HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND. EXTEND OR ,,m 4501 E. I.~ P~L,'~). AVE #150 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. AN~EIM CA 92807 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE JO~l~ EACO&l~X~ZmX~ COMPANY A AIG-~MER INT'L SPEC LINES INS ': P~No. 714-693--9100 F~NO. ell INSURED COMPANY B VAT.T,~-Y FORGE INS CO (CNA) ** ' COMPANY .~ S.J. BURKHARDT, INC. C HONESTEAD INSURANCE COMPANY 6157 Marlart COMPANY Mira Loma CA 91752 D CONTINENTAL CASUALTY (CNA) .,row THIS IS TO CERTIFY 1}lay THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DO(;UMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED SY PAID CLAIMS. A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 91644,-CA9505293 05/31/95 05/31/96 PRODUCTS-COMPIOPAGG If0001000 ill MEO EXP (Any orm person) 5 t 000 -- COMBINED .~NGLE LIMIT $ 11000,000 ~ E ~X ANY AUTO A1 29079707 05/19/95 05/19/96 B ~Z PRYSICAL D~GE $1,000 DED C014P & COLL PROpERlYDAMAGE i EXCESS UA~IUTY EACH OCCURRENCE (; 2 1000 t' 000 'a C ~UMSSELLAFORM UL 04461 09/19/95 05/19/96 AGOREGATE e21000,000 D WORKERS COMPENSATION AND X I STATUTORY LIMITS i]!~:!~!~;~;i~!!~:]!!i!!3i~?i~i~!i~i!~!i~!!~!~!:!]i~!~!~i~i~!~i~:;!~;~ W D E~PLOYeS' UAJMUTY EACH ACCIDENT $ 1 ~ 000 f 000 THE PROPRIETOR/ ~ ~NCL 1044500571 11/20/95 11/20/96 DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT e 1~000f000 EXCL 10~500571 11/20/95 11/20/96 OISEASE- EACH EMPLOYEE $1,000~0OO E SCHEDULED EQUIP. IMP 8778626 05/19/95 OS/19/96 TOTAL LMT $1,393,231 E LEASED RENTED EQUI IMP 8778626 05/19/95 05/19/96 ANY I XTM $ 50,oo0 , 10 DAY NOTICE FOR NON PAYMENT OR NON REPORTING OF PAYROLL. m CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS NAMED AS ADDITIONAL INSURED PER LAC-ADI992 AT~ACRED 8353 SIEPaA AVE. POLICY NUMBER: 91644-CA9505293 INSURED: S.J. BURKHARDT, INC. THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY - PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT IF YOU ARE REQUIRED TO ADD ANOTHER PERSON OR ORGANIZATION AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED ON THIS POLICY UNDER A WRITTEN CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT CURRENTLY IN EFFECT OR BECOMING EFFECTIVE DURING THE TERM OF THE POLICY AND A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE LISTING THAT PERSON OR ORGANIZATION AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED HAS BEEN ISSUED, THEN WHO IS AN INSURED (SECTION ii) IS AMENDED TO INCLUDE AS AN INSURED THAT PERSON OR ORGANIZATION (CALLED "ADDITIONAL INSURED"). THE INSURANCE FOR THAT ADDITIONAL INSURED IS LIMITED A8 FOLLOWS: 1. THAT PERSON OR ORGANIZATION IS ONLY AN ADDITIONAL INSURED FOR ITS LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF "YOUR WORK" OR ON BEHALF OF THIS ADDITIONAL INSURED; AND 2. THE LIMITS OF LIABILITY FOR THE ADDITIONAL INSURED ARE THOSE SPECIFIED IN THE WRITTEN CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT, OR IN THIS POLICY, WHICHEVER IS LESS. THESE LIMITS ARE INCLUSIVE OF AND ARE NOT IN ADDITION TO THE LIMITS OF INSURANCE SHOWN IN THE DECLARATIONS; AND 3. ALL OTHER POLICY TERMS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS ALSO APPLY INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE "OTHER INSURANCE" PROVISIONS. THIS ENDORSEMENT AND ANY COVERAGES PROVIDED HEREIN APPLY ONLY TO THE POLICY TO WHICH IT IS ATTACHED AND IS NOT EXTENDED TO ANY OTHER POLICY ISSUED TO THE INSURED. PREMIUM: INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL INSURED(S): CITY OF FONTANA LAC-ADI 9 9 2 COMPENSATION INSURANCE CERTIFICATE Pursuant to Section 1861 of the State Labor Code (amended by State, 1979, C.373, p. 1343,) each Contractor to whom a public works contract has been awarded shall sign the following certificate and shall submit same to the City prior to performing any work on the Contract: I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which requires every employer to be insured against liability for Worker's Compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of work of this Contract. C NT, RACTOR TITLE DATE Section 3700 of the State Labor Code reads as follows: "Every employer except the State shall secure the payment of compensation in one or more of the following ways: (a) By being insured against liability to pay compensation in one or more of the following ways: (b) By securing from the Director of Industrial Relations, a certificate of consent to self-insure, which may be given upon furnishing proof satisfactory to the Director of Industrial Relations of ability to self-insure and to pay any compensation that may become due to his employee," (Amended by State. 1978, c. 1379, p. 4571) COMPENSATION INSURANCE CERTIFICATE TOGETHER WITH CITY OF FONTANA GENERAL ILlABILITY, WORKER'S COMPENSATION AND AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY FORMS OF ENDORSEMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH CONTRACT. CA-12 GENERAL LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue ml Fontana, CA 92335 A, POLICY INFORMATION Endorsement # I. Insurance Company: AIG- AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL SPECIALTY LINES ee Policy Number: 91644- CA9505293 2. Policy Term (From): 5/31/95 (To): 5/31/96 Endorsement Effective Date: 5/31/95 · ~ S.J. BURKHARDT, INC. w~ 3. Named Insured: ; 4. Address of Named Insured: ~1~1 MA~LATT, MIRA LOMA, CA 917~2 5. Limit of Liability Any One Occurrence: ~ 1,000,000 6. Coverage is equivalent 'to: Comprehensive General Liability form GL0002 (Ed. 1\73). Commercial General Liability "Occurrence" form CG0001 X 7. Bodily Injury and Proper'~y Damage Coverage is: $1,000,000 PER "occurrence" NOTE: The City of Fontana standard insurance requirements specify "occurrence" coverage. "Claims-made" coverage is not acceptable. If commercial general liability form or equivalent is used, the general aggregate must apply separately to this location/project or the general aggregate must be twice the occurrence limit. 8. Description of Project: LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION FROM 140' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. CA-13 B. POLICY AMENDMENTS This endorsement is issued in consideration of the policy premium. Notwithstanding any inconsistent statement in the policy to which this endorsement is attached or any other endorsement attached thereto, it iS agreed as follows: 1. INSURED. As respects any work performed on the above-described Project, the City of Fontana, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees, consulting engineers, and volunteers are included as insured with regard to damages and defense of claims arising from: (a) activities pert=ormed by or on behalf of the Named Insured, (b) products and completed operations of the Named Insured, or (c) premises owned, leased or used by the Named Insured, 2. CONTRIBUTION NOT REQUIRED. As respects: (a) work performed by the Named Insured on the above-described Project for or on behalf of the City of Fontana; or (b) products sold by the Named Insured to the City of Fontana for use on the Project; or (c) premises leased by the Named Insured from the City of Fontana, the insurance afforded by this policy shall be primary insurance as respects the City of Fontana, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees, consulting engineers, or volunteers; or stand in an unbroken chain of coverage excess of the Named Insured's schedule underlying primary coverage. In either event, any other insurance maintained by the City of Fontana, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees, consulting engineers, or volunteers shall be in excess of this insurance and shall not contribute with it. 3. SCOPE OF COVERAGE. This policy, if primary, affords coverage at least as broad as: (1) Insurance Services Office form number GL 0002 (Ed. 1/73), Comprehensive General Liability Insurance and Insurance Services Office form number GL 0404 Broad Form Comprehensive General Liability endorsement; or (2) Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability Coverage, "occurrence" form CG 0001; or (3) If excess, affords coverage which is at least as broad as the primary insurance forms referenced in the preceding sections (1) and (2). 4. SEVERABILITY OF INTEREST. The insurance afforded by this policy applies separately to each insured who is seeking coverage or against whom a claim is made or a suit is brought, except with respects to the Company's limit of liability. CA-14 5. PROVISIONS REGARDING THE INSURED'S DUTli-'S AFTER ACCIDENT OR LOSS. Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policy shall not affect coverage provided to the City of Fontana, its elected or ii appointed officer, officials, employees , consulting engineers or volunteers. ~ 6. CANCELLATION NOTICE. The insurance afforded by this policy shall not be canceled, suspended or modified, or renewal of such a policy ~=. declined unless notice is mailed, by certified mail return receipt ee requested, to the City at least 45 days prior to the, effective date of the non-renewal, suspension or modification or at least 30 days prior to the :. effective date of cancellation. C. INCIDENT AND CLAIM REPORTING PROCEDURE Incidents and claims are to be reported to the insurer at: ATTN: _ C___LAIMS SUPERVISOR ~ (Title) (Department) I r)q~ MANAGFMFNT PR(~FFSSIONAI.S, INC (Company) ,= 160 BLUE RAVINE ROAD "F" (Street Address) ~ FOLSOM CA 95630 e (City) (State) (Zip Code) 916-985-6800 916-985-7499 ii (Telephone Number) (FAX Number) D. SIGNATURE OF INSURER ORAUTHORIZED REPRESENTATI~/E_OF THEiNSURER m I, JOHN BACCARELLA , warrant that I have authority to bind the ': (print/type name) below listed insurance company and by my signature hereon do so bind this , ' ' I Signature ORGANIZATION: MF~7~TAN INSIIRAN~E SERVI~N~. i TITLE: PRODUCER ADDRESS: 4501 E. LA PALMA AVENUE, SUITE 150, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 714-693-9100 714-693-9108 TELEPHONE: ~ FAX NO. CA-15 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 POLICY INFORMATION Endorsement # 1. Insurance Company: VALLEY FORGE INSURANCE COMPANY ICNA) Policy Number: A1 29079707 5/31/95 5/31/96 2. Policy Term (From): (To): Endorsement Effective Date: 5/31/95 3. Named Insured: S.J. BURKHARDT, INC. 4. Address of Named Insured: 6157 MARLATT, MIRA LOMA, CA 91752 5. Limit of Liability Any One Occurrence:~ 1,000,000 6. Description of Project: IO~.UST AVFNUF SFWFR FXTFN<;7(~N - FROM 110' SOIITH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. B. BOLLCY AMENDMENTS This endorsement is issued in consideration of the policy premium. Notwithstanding any inconsistent statement in the policy to which this endorsement is attached or any other endorsement attached thereto, it is agreed as follows: 1. INSURED. The City of Fontana, its elected or appointed officers, ee officials, consulting engineers, employees and volunteers are included as insured with regard to damages and defense of claims arising from: the ownership, operation, maintenance, use, loading or unloading of any ee auto owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Named Insured, regardless of whether liability is attributable to the Named Insured or a combination of the Named Insured and the City of Fontana, its elected or appointed " officers, officials, employees, consulting engineers or volunteers. :_ CA-16 ~ , 2. CONTRIBUTION NOT REQUIRED. As respects work performed by the · e Named Insured for or on behalf of the City of Fontana, the insurance afforded by this policy shall: (a) be primary insurance as respects the ~ . City of Fontana, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees, m consulting engineers or volunteers; or (b) stand in an unbroken chain of coverage in excess of the Named Insured's primary coverage. In either ~ event, any other insurance maintained by the City of Fontana, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be in excess of this insurance and shall not contribute with it. 3. SCOPE OF COVERAGE. This policy, if primary, affords coverage to the Named Insured at least as broad as: (1) Insurance Services Office form number CA 00001 (Ed. 1/78), Code 1 ("any auto") and endorsement CA 0025. (2) If excess, affords coverage which is at least as broad as the primary insurance forms referenced in the preceding section (1 }. 4. SEVERABILITY OF INTEREST. The insurance afforded by this policy el applies separately to each insured who is seeking coverage or against whom a claim is made or a suit is brought, except with respect to the m Company's limit of liability. 5. PROVISIONS REGARDING THE INSURED'S DUTIIES AFTER ACCIDENT m OR LOSS. Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policy shall not affect coverage provided to the City of Fontana, its elected or appointed officer, officials, employeeS, consulting engineers or ee volunteers. ! 6. CANCELLATION NOTICE. The insurance afforded by this policy shall not ~ be canceled, suspended or modified, or renewal of such a policy declined unless notice is mailed, by certified mail return receipt ~ requested, to the City at least 45 days prior to the effective date of the ~ non-renewal, suspension or modification or at least 30 days prior to the effective date of cancellation. CA-17 C. INCIDENT AND CLAIM REPORTING PROCEDURE el Incidents and claims are to be reported to the insurer at: el ATTN: CI AIMS MANAGER (Title) (Department) el CNA INSURANCE COMPANY (Company) 1800 E. IMPERIAL HIGHWAY (Street Address) el BREA CA 92621 (City) (State) (Zip Code) 714-255-2200 714-255-2366 (Telephone Number) (FAX Number) D. SIGNATURE OF INSURER DR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE INSURER el I, JOHN BACCARELLA , warrant that I have authority to bind the (print/type name) below listed insurance company and by my signature hereon do so bind this ORGANIZATION: MERIDIAN INSURANCE SERVICES INC. : TITLE: PRODUCER ADDRESS: 4501 E. LA PALMA AVENUE,_SUITE 150, ANAHEIM, CA 92807 el TELEPHONE: 714-693-9100 FAX NO. 714-693-9108 CA-18 WORKER'S COMPENSATION/EMPLOYERS LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 : A. POLICY INFORMATION Endorsement # 1. Insurance Company: CONTINFNTAI (~ASIIALTY ~'~'lJ"'~ ~ ,- ("the Company") I 44500571 Policy Number: 2. Effective Date of This Endorsement: 11/~0/9~ " 3. Named Insured: S.J. BURKHARDT, INC. 4. Employer.'s Liability Limit (Coverage B): ~1,000,000 B. POLICY AMENDMENTS In consideration of the policy premium and notwithstanding any inconsistent statement in the policy to which this endorsement is attached or any other endorsement attached thereto, it is agreed as follows: Ii 1. Cancellation Notice. The insurance afforded by this policy shall not be canceled, suspended or modified, or renewal of '.such a policy declined · e unless notice is mailed, by certified mail return receipt requested, to the City at least 45 days prior to the effective date of the non-renewal, suspension or modification or at least 30 days prior to the effective date .e of cancellation. Insurance Code Section 674 provides that a policy of liability insurance issued to a el local public entity, including a city, as a name insured shall not be canceled or renewal of such a policy declined for reasons other than nonpayment of premium unless notice is mailed by certified mail return receipt requested has been given to thB City at least 45 days prior to the effective date of the non-renewal or at least 60 days prior to the effective date of cancellation. 2. Waiver of Subrogation. The Insurance Company agrees to waive all rights of subrogation against the City of Fontana, its elected or ee appointed officers, officials, agents and employees for losses paid under the terms of this policy which arise from work performed by the Named Insured for the City of Fontana. CA-19 II C. SIGNATURE OF INSURER OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATI[VE OF THE INSURER I, JOHN BACCARELLA , warrant that I have authority to bind the (print/type name) below listed insurance company and by my signature hereon do so bind this company. required on endorsement furnished to the City of Fontana) ORGANIZATION: MFRIDIAN INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. TITLE: PRODUCER ADDRESS: 4501 E. LA PALMA AVENUE, SUITE 150, ANAHEIM, CA 92807 714-693-9100 714-693-9108 TELEPHONE: FAX NO. CA-20 CITY OF FONTANA GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH (::)F FOOTHILL BLVD. BID NO. SB-72-94 SCOPE OF WORK The work to be done consists of furnishing all materi:~ls, equipment, tools, labor, transportation, services and incidentals as required by the contract documents to complete all the work for the above stated project. The general items of work to be done hereunder consist of installing a total of ml approximately 275' of 10" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe (V.C.P.), removing and replacing of street improvements as required for pipe installation, and all appurtenant ~ related work. Approximately 95 ' of the 10" V.C.P. shall be installed by the "open ,.i trenching" method, and the remaining 180' shall be installed within a 21" Steel Pipe encasement by the "Dry Bore & Jacking" method. Both the bore pit and receiving pit ' shall be excavated outside of the Foothill Blvd right of way (CalTrans jurisdiction). mi The 10" Extra Strength V.C.P. shall be installed at a depth of approximately 17' below the finish road surface. All portions of work within CalTrans jurisdiction =~ (Southerly ECR to Northerly BCR) shall be done in accordance to the "Dry Bore & ee Jacking", Caltrans Specifications as referenced hereon. The project will require a street closure on Locust Avenue and a detour of vehicular traffic impacted by the closure. A Traffic Control and Detour Plan was prepared and is referenced hereon. LOCATION OF WORK The general locations and limits of the work are as follows: LOCUST AVENUE FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD to 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TIME OF COMPLETION The Contractor shall complete all work in every detail within 25 working days after the date of Notice to Proceed, excluding maint~;nance periods. The Contractor shall place the order for all material within 10 working days following project award by CITY. Verification of order shall be present~;d to CITY. LI~IUIDATED DAMAGES Failure of the contractor to complete the work within the time allowed will result in damages being sustained by the CITY. The liquidated damages to be paid ell to the CITY or to be deducted from any payments due or to become due to the Contractor for each consecutive calendar day the Contractor needs to complete the whole or any specified portion of the work beyond the time allowed in the .. specifications are prescribed in the Special Provisions,pursuant to Public Contracts Code Section 10226. GC-1 TRAFFIC REQUIREMENTS , The Contractor shall provide traffic control and detour signage as shown on the Traffic Control Plan (Dr.#2319, sheet 3 of 3). In all other areas a minimum of one (1) travel lane in each direction shall be maintained on all paved streets within the construction zone at all times. Except as provided in the Traffic Control Plan, i pedestrian and vehicular access shall be maintained at all intersecting local streets and i driveways at all times. If the Contractor should request any deviation from approved Traffic Control Plan (Dr.#2319, sheet 3 of 3), the Contractor shall submit a revised · = plan, detailing the delineation and protective measures, to the CITY, CalTrans and any other applicable agency for approval. ' Delineation shall be in accordance with the California Deoartment of le Transportation Traffic Manual, No additional street closures shall be made without prior approval of the City Engineer and any other agency involved. e Steel plate covers shall be installed per the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (Plate Bridging), over all open trenches within the travel lanes at the close of each ";: construction day. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Public Contract Code Section 7104 requires a contractor to notify the public entity of various problems, including the existence of possible hazardous materials, as =. follows: If the work entails digging a trench or other excavation four (4) feet or ee more in depth, contractor shall promptly, and before the following conditions are disturbed, notify the CITY in writing of any material that the contractor believes may be hazardous waste; any subsurface and latent physical conditions at the site differing from those indicated; or any unknown physical conditions at the site of any unusual nature, different materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in the work of the character provided for in the contract. UTILITY REQUIREMENTS The Contractor is advised of the existence of the utiBity notification service provided by UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (USA). USA member utilities will '" provide the Contractor with the precise locations of their substructures in the construction area when the Contractor gives at least 48 hours notice to the ,, Underground Service Alert by calling 1/800/422-4133. Contractor shall contact USA as specified and shall provide the CITY with proof of contact with USA upon request. GC-2 The Contractor shall arrange notification to all the affected agencies at least 48 hours in advance of excavating around any of their structures. The utility companies listed below can be contacted as indicated, The local Telephone number is subject to change and shall be verified. 1. Fontana Water Company Local Telephone: (909) 822-2201 USA Member Utility, Phone 1-800-422-4133 2. Marygold Mutual Water Company Local Telephone: (909) 877-0516 3. Pacific Bell Local Telephone: (714) 666-5443 USA Member Utility, Phone 1-800-422-4133 4. Southern California Edison Co. Local Telephone: (909) 357-6223 USA Member Utility, Phone 1-800-422-4133 5. Southern California Gas Company Local Telephone: (909) 335-7547, (800) 427-2200 USA Member Utility, Phone 1-800-422-4133 6.Fontana Community Development Department (Sewer and Storm Drain) Local Telephone: (909) 350-7610 7. Comcaat Cable Local Telephone: (909) 988-2985 8. CalTrans Local Telephone: (909) 383-4536 9. U.S. Sprint Local Telephone: (909) 874-7450 10. San' Bernardino County Department of Transportation Local Telephone: (909) 387-2888, (909) 387-2633 11. General Telephone Local Telephone: (909) 469-6337 12. AT&T Local Telephone: (714) 526-2556 The California Public Utilities Commission mandates that, in the interest of public safety, main line gas valves be maintained in a manner to be readily accessible and in good operating condition. The Contractor shall notify 'the Southern California Gas Company's Headquarters Planning Office at 800/624-;2497 at least two (2) working days prior to the start of construction. GC-3 The Contractor shall exercise extreme care to protect all existing utilities in place whether shown on the plans or not, and shall assume full responsibility for all damage resulting from his operations. Particular attention shall be taken to the locations of the existing 2" gas main and the existing 14 1/2" water main within Locust Avenue (see Dr.#2319, sheet 2of3). Please refer to Appendix III of the Special Provision regarding the suspens on of these existing utilities within an open trench or bore pit. The Contractor shall coordinate with each utility company as to the requirements and methods of protection of their facilities during the construction period, and shall be responsible for preparation and processing of any required plans or permits. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility to maintain uninterrupted service for all utilities, including temporary service connections. To the extent required by Government Code Section 4215, the CITY shall compensate Contractor for the costs of locating and repairing damage to utility facilities not due to the failure of Contractor to exercise reasonable care, and for removing or relocating main or trunk line facilities not indicated in the plans with reasonable accuracy, and for equipment necessary idled during such work. Contractor shall not be assessed liquidated damages for delay caused by failure of CITY to provide for removal or relocation of such utility facilities. The Contractor shall "pothole" to determine the exact horizontal and vertical location of the end of the existing sanitary sewer where connection will be made, or as directed by the Engineer in conformance with Section 5-1 of the Standard Specifications, and shall immediately notify the Engineer in case of conflict. This shall be the first item of work completed. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining the horizontal and vertical measurements to the utility once exposed. The area of pavement removed for potholing shall be the minimum required to perform the work. All pavement removals shall be done by sawcutting. Subsequent to excavating in paved areas, the existing soil removed shall be replaced and compacted to 95% relative compaction or greater, to a depth of one foot below the existing pavement. Asphalt cold mix shall then be added and compacted to a level flush with the existing finished surface. In areas without paving, the soil shall be replaced and compacted to a level even with the adjacent grade. All backfilling and compaction for all excavations and potholes shall be completed under the supervision of the Inspector. Compaction testing will bo performed by the CITY. Any backfilling or compacting done without proper inspection will require submittal of a soils report confirming compaction of subgrade and base and gradation conformance prior to final release. The cost of the soils report shall be deducted from the compensation paid to the Contractor for Clearing and Grubbing. The Inspector may order testing for any area bellieved to be below the required compaction, whether the Inspector has supervised the work or not. If the suspect area fails to meet the required compaction, the Contractor shall rework the area until the specified density is obtained. The CITY shall ttlen retest the area for compliance. The initial compaction testing will be at the CITY's expense; however, the cost of retesting areas that do not meet the compaction requirements shall be deducted from the compensation paid to the Contractor for Clearing and Grubbing. GC-4 Cold mix patches shall remain in place a minimum of five working days to assure proper compaction. Cold mix patches within the proposed areas to be repaved may remain in place until such time as the final paving is undertaken. The Contractor shall maintain full responsibility for the temporary cold mix patch and shall complete all required maintenance and repairs until final paving is completed. Following approval of the waiting period by the CITY, the Contractor shall remove the temporary cold mix in areas outside the repaving limits and construct the final patch using a C2-AR4000 hot mix asphalt. A tack coat shall be applied to the pavement edges and surrounding areas. The thickness of the asphalt concrete layer shall be one inch greater than the existing section, but not less than four inches. Payment for potholing shall be made at the contract price bid for each and shall include full compensation for furnishing all materials, labor, tools and equipment to provide this item of work, complete in place, including pavement removal, excavation, measurement, backfilling, compacting, temporary and final patch, maintenance, and all appurtenant related work and no additional compensation will be allowed. The bid quantity shown in the proposal bid sheet for potholing is an estimate only and may be substantially different from the actual werk performed by the Contractor. The exact number of potholes to be performed by the Contractor shall be as determined by the Engineer in the ,field. Payment for potholing will be made at the contract unit bid price only for the work actually performed and pre-approved to be performed at each location by the Engineer in the field and shall not be subject to the provisions of Section 3-2 of the Standard Specifications. FLOW AND ACCEPTANCE OF WATER It is anticipated that storm, surface or other waters will be encountered at various times during the work herein contemplated. The Contractor, by submitting a bid, acknowledges that he has investigated the risk arising from such waters and has prepared his bid accordingly; and Contractor submitting a bid assumes all said risk. The Contractor shall conduct his operations in such a manner that storm or other existing waters may proceed uninterrupted along their existing drainage co~Jrses. Diversions of water for short reaches to protect construction in progress will be permitted if public and/or private properties, in the opinion of the Engineer, are not subject to probability of damage. The Contractor shall obtain written permission from the applicable public agency or property owner before any diversion of water outside of street right of way will be permitted. GC-5 .. REMOVAL OF WATER The Contractor shall provide and maintain at all times during construction ample means and devices to promptly remove and properly dispose of all water entering the excavations or other parts of the work. No concrete footing or floor shall be laid in water nor shall water be allowed to rise over them until the concrete or mortar has set at least two (2) hours. Water shall not be allowed to rise unequally against wall for a period of twenty-eight (28) days. Dewatering for the structures and pipelines shall commence when ground water is first encountered, and shall be continuous until such time as water can be allowed to rise in accordance with the above paragraph. Dewatering shall be accomplished by well points or some other method which will insure a dry hold and preservation of final lines and grade of the bottoms of excavation, all subject to the approval of the Engineer. Disposal of water from dewatering operations shall be 'the sole responsibility of the Contractor. Disposal methods shall conform to the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act, 1974, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, and the California Administrative Code, Title 23, Chapter 3. Full compensation of dewatering shall be considered as included in the contract prices paid for the related items of work, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. TRENCH SAFETY AND SHORING EXCAVATION The Contractor shall utilize sheeting, shoring and bracing as required to ee minimize the trench width or to protect existing improvements or utilities in place as required for this project. In accordance with Section 6500 of the Labor Code, the Contractor is required to obtain a permit from the Division of Industrial Safety for any trench or excavation which is five feet or more in depth and into which a person is required to descend. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, and materials required to design, construct, and remove all sheeting, shoring and bracing or other equivalent method of support for this project. Excavation for any trench five (5) feet or more in depth shall not begin until the m COntractor has received approval from the Engineer of the Contractor's detailed plan for worker protection from hazards of caving ground. Such plan shall be submitted a at least five (5) days before the Contractor intends to begin excavation and shall show the details of the design of shoring, bracing, shielding or other provisions to be made for worker protection during excavation. No such plan shall allow the use of · - shoring, sloping or a protective system less effective than required by Construction Safety Orders of the Division of Industrial Safety and if such plan varies from the shoring system standards established by the Construction Safety Orders, the plan -. shall be prepared and signed by an Engineer who is registered as a Civil or Structural Engineer in the State of California. GC-6 Prior to the beginning of excavations requiring shoring, the Contractor shall designate in writing to the Engineer someone whose responsi~bility it is to supervise the project safety measures and someone whose responsibility it is to supervise the installation and removal of sheeting, shoring, and bracing. In addition to shoring the excavations in accordance with the minimum requirements of Industrial Safety Orders, it shall be the Contra<;tor's responsibility to provide any and all additional shoring required to support the sides of the excavation against the effects of loads which may exceed those desired by using the criteria set forth in the Industrial Safety Orders. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for any damages which may result from his failure to provide adequate shoring the excavation under any or all of the conditions of loading whiclh may exist, or which may arise during construction of the project. Payment for sheeting, shoring, bracing, and all appurtenant related work shall be considered as included in the lump sum price bid for sheeting, shoring and bracing and no additional compensation will be allowed. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS The Standard Specifications of the CITY are contained in the latest edition of the STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION, ("Green Book"), including all supplements as written and promulgated by the Joint Cooperative Committee of the Southern California Chapter of the American Public Works Association and the Southern California District of the Associated General Contractors of California. Copies of these Standard Specifications are available from the publisher: Building News, Incorporated 3055 Overland Avenue Los Angeles, California 90034 (310) 202-7775 The Standard Specifications set forth above will control the general provisions for this contract except as amended by the Plans, Special Provisions, or other contract documents. The section numbers of the following Special Provisions coincide with those of the' Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction. Only those sections requiring amendment or elaboration, or specifying options, are called out. In case of conflict between the Standard Specifications and the Special Provisions, the Special Provisions shall take precedence over and be used in lieu of such conflicting portions. GC-7 References in the Special Provisions to "CALTRANS Standard Specifications'" shall mean the Standard Specifications (latest edition) of the State of California, Department of Transportation. Copies of these specifications and standard drawings may be obtained from: State of California - Department of Transportation Central Publication Distribution Unit 1900 Royal Oaks Drive Sacramento, CA 95819 References in the Special Provisions to Standard Plans shall mean the Standard Plans of the City of Fontana or other governing agency as specified. Applicable Standard Plans for this project are contained in Appendix I of these Specifications. Where the Plans or Specifications describe portions of the work in general m terms, but not in complete detail, it is understood that the item is to be furnished and installed complete and in place and that only the best generall practice is to prevail and that only materials and workmanship of the first quality are to be used, Unless == otherwise specified, the Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals, and do all the work involved in executing the contract. WAGE RATES AND LABOR CODE REnUIREMENTS Wage Rate,~ tll The Contractor and all Subcontractors shall be required to adhere to the general me prevailing rate of per diem wages as determined and published by the State Director of the Department of Industrial Relations, pursuant to Sections 1770, 1773, and 1773.2 of the California Labor Code. Copies of these rates and the latest revisions =e thereto are on file in the Office of the Secretary of the Board of Directors and are available for review upon request. Attention is directed to the provisions of Sections 1774, 1775, 1776, 1777.5, and 1777.6 of the State Labor Code. Sections 1774 and 1775 require the contractor and all subcontractors to pay not less than the prevailing wage rates to all workmen me employed in the execution of the contract and specify forfeitures and penalties for failure to do so. The minimum wages to be paid are those determined by the State = Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. Section 1776 requires the "' Contractor and all Subcontractors to keep accurate payroll records, specifies the contents thereof, their inspection and duplication procedures, and certain notices required of the Contractor pertaining to their location. The Contractor and all subcontractors shall be required to pay travel and ee subsistence payments as defined in applicable collective bargaining agreements and Labor Code Sections 1773.1 and 1773.8. ee GC-8 ., Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day"s work, and the time of service of any worker employed on the work shall be limited and restricted to eight (8) hours during any one calendar day and forty (40) hours in any one calendar week, except when payment of overtime is made at not less than one and one-half (1-1/2) of the basic rate for all hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day. The Contractor shall forfeit to the CITY, as a penalty, 925 for each worker employed in the execution of this contract by the Contractor, or by any subcontractor under the contractor, for each calendar day during which such worker is required or permitted to work more than eight (8) hours in any one calendar day or forty (40) hours in any one calendar week without such compensation for overtime. Section 1777.5 requires the Contractor or Subcontractor employing people in any apprenticeship occupation to apply to the Joint Apprenticeship Committee nearest the site of the public works project and which administers the apprenticeship program in that trade for a certificate of approval. The certificate will also fix the ratio of apprentices to journeymen to be used in the performance of the contract. The Contractor is required to make contributions to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship programs if he employs registered apprentices or journeymen in any apprenticeship trade and if other Contractors on the public works site are making such contributions. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, contributions, wage schedules and other requirements may be obtained from the State Director of Industrial Relations or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards. CLAYTON ACT and CARTWRIGHT ACT Section 7103 of the Public Contract Code specifies that in executing a public works contract with the CITY to supply goods, services or materials, the Contractor or Subcontractors offers and agrees to assign to the CITY all rights, title and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Sac. 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2 commencing with Sac. 16700) of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professional Code, arising from purchase of goods, services or materials pursuant to' the contract or subcontract, This assignment shall become effective when the CITY tenders final payment to the contractor without further acknowledgement by the parties. GC-9 CITY OF FONTANA SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. BID NO. SB-72-94 EXCEPT AS SPECIFIED BELOW, THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS COr~STRUCTION (SSPWC), COMMONLY REFERRED TO AS "THE GREEN BOOK", WILL APPLY TO, AND CONTROL THIS WORK. PART I - GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 1 - TERMS, DEFINITIONS, ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS 1-2 DEFINITIONS. Agency/City City of Fontana Board City Council County County of San Bernardino Engineer City Engineer Federal United States of America State State of California SECTION 2 - SCOPE AND CONTROL OF THE WORK 2-1 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT. [Replace with the following]: Within ten (10) working days after the date'of the Notice to Award, the Contractor shall execute and return the following contract documents to the CITY: Contract Agreement Contract Performance Bond Payment Bond General Liability and Automobile Liability Insurance Certificate and Endorsement Form Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance Certificate and Endorsement Forms Construction Schedule Failure to comply with the above will result in annulment of the award and forfeiture of the Proposal Guarantee. The Contract Agreement shall not be considered binding upon the CITY until executed by the authorized CITY officials. SP-1 A corporation to which an award is made may be required, before the Contract Agreement is executed by the CITY, to furnish evidence of its corporate existence, of its right to enter into contracts in the State of California, and that the officers signing the contract and bonds for the corporation have the authority to do so. 2-4 CONTRACT BONDS. Both the Contract Performance Bond and the Payment Bond shall each be for not less than one hundred percent (100%).of the total contract amount. The Payment Bond shall remain in force until thirty-five (35) days after the date of recordation of the Notice of Completion: The Contract Performance Bond will not be released until one year after said date. 2-5 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2-5.1 General. [Replace the first paragraph with the following]: The Contractor shall maintain a control set of Plans and Specifications on the project site at all times. All final locations of the proposed public improvements determined in the field, and any deviations from the Plans and Specifications, shall be marked in red on this control set to show the as-built conditions. Upon completion of all work, the Contractor shall return the control set to the Engineer. Final payment will not be made until this requirement is met. Payment for the as-built plans shall be considered as included in the contract prices paid for the related items of work, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. 2-8 RIGHT-OF-WAY The CITY will acquire all rights of way, easements and rights of entry as required for this project. The Contractor shall verify that the acquisition(s) is completed prior to beginning any work outside the public right of way. All cost for remobilization, downtime, etc., due to delays in obtaining the required rights of way, easements, and rights of entry shall be included in the lump sum price bid for Clearing and Grubbing and no additional compensation will be allowed. 2-9 SURVEYING ml 2-9.3 Surveying Service. [Replace the first two paragraphs with the following]: mi The Contractor shall provide surveying and construction staking as required for the construction of this project which includes but is not limited to the following: , Provide construction staking, record data for all existing monuments and monument e ties, finish elevation control stakes and resetting of original monuments as required by law. The Contractor's surveyor shall provide written verification to the City that all existing monuments are tied out. This shall be done prior to the Contractor commencing any construction activity in the field. All survey work shall be SP-2 performed under the supervision of a licensed Land Surveyor or an authorized registered Civil Engineer. The Contractor shall not disturb any existing monuments (including monument ties) or benchmarks, The Contractor shall notify the Engineer immediately in the event that any existing monuments are disturbed due to the contractors operation. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for payment' of services necessary to re- establish disturbed monuments pursuant to the "Professional Engineers Act" and the "Professional Land Surveyor's Act" The cost of furnishing all surveying services as required for the construction of this project and fulfilling all permit and professional requirements shall be included in the Contract Lump Sum cost paid for "Construction Staking and Surveying" (Bid Item#14) and no additional compensation will be made. SECTION 3 - CHANGES IN WORK 3-2 CHANGES INITIATED BY THE CITY 3-2.1 General [Add the following]: The term "Contract Price" as specified herein shall serve to mean the tota! dollar value of the Contractor's original bid for all of the various items of work combined and shall not be construed to mean the subtotal slhown on any singular item of work. 3-3 EXTRA WORK 3-3.2.3 Markup. [Add the following as the first paragraph]: The markups mentioned hereinafter shall include, but are not limited to, all costs for the services of superintendents, project managers, timekeepers and other personnel not working directly on the change order and pickup or yard trucks used by the above personnel. These costs shall not be reported ,as labor or equipment elsewhere except when actually performing work directly on the change order and then shall only be reported at the labor classification of the work performed. SECTION 4 - CONTROL OF MATERIALS The Contractor's attention is directed to the provisions of Section 4, including the provisions regarding inspection and testing, and use of equivalent materials. The City will pay for inspection and materials testing. The Contractor shall pay for retests due to failure to meet specifications. _ SP-3 4-1 Materials and Workmanship 4-1.1 General. [Replace the third paragraph with the following]: If at any time defects in the work shall be found, the Con'tractor shall promptly correct such defects, remove and dispose of all defective and unsatisfactory work or materials. Should the Contractor fail or refuse to remove and renew any defective work performed, or to make any necessary repairs in an acceptable manner, and in accordance with the Contract Documents, the City shall cause; the unacceptable or defective work to be removed or renewed, or such repairs as may be necessary to be made at the Contractor's expense. Any expense incurred :by the City in making these removals, renewals, or repairs, which the Contractor has failed or refused to make, shall be deducted from any monies due or which may become due the Contractor, with Contractor being obligated to reimburse the City for any sums incurred in excess of monies due or which may become due. SECTION 5 - UTILITIES 5-1 LOCATION. [Add the following paragraph]: The Contractor shall notify the utilities designated in the General Conditions at least 48 hours in advance of excavating around any of their structures. SECTION 6 - PROSECUTION, PROGRESS AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK 6-1 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE AND COMMENCEMENT OF WORK [Replace with the following]: The Contractor's proposed Construction Schedule shall be submitted to the Engineer within ten (10) working days after the date of the Notice of Award of Contract. The schedule shall be supported by written statemerits from each supplier of materials or equipment indicating that all orders have been placed and acknowledged and setting forth the dates that each item will be delivered. Prior to issuing the Notice to Proceed, the Engineer will schedule a preconstruction meeting with the Contractor to review the proposed Construction Sohedule and delivery dates, arrange the utility coordination, discuss construction methods and clarify inspection procedures. The Contractor shall submit periodic Progress Reports 1:o the Engineer by the tenth day of each month. The report shall include an updated Construction Schedule. Any deviations from the original schedule shall be explained. Progress payments will be withheld pending receipt of any outstanding reports. The Contractor is advised as to the possibility of award of other construction projects within the proposed construction zone by the City of Fontana, other governing agencies, or private companies. In the event of such award(s), the SP-4 Contractor shall coordinate with the applicable parties as to the extent of and time required to complete their work and shall schedule his work and conduct his operations so as to permit access and time as required for the concurrent work. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer in the event of a delay in scheduling caused solely by this concurrent work. Payment for the above, if any, shall be deemed as included in the items of work as shown on the proposal bid sheet and no additional compensation will be allowed. 6-4 DEFAULT BY CONTRACTOR. [Replace first paragraph with the following]: The City has the right to suspend the work in whole or in part or cancel the contract without liability for damages, when in the City's opinion the Contractor is not complying in good faith, has become insolvent, has assigned or subcontracted any part of the work without City's consent, or shall fail to abide by the provisions of the Contract Documents. In the event it is necessary for the City to suspend the work as provided in this section, the Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for labor, materials, or other cost or expenses which may be incurred as a result thereof. City shall further have the right to withhold from the Contractor, any reasonable estimated sums as determined by the Engineer as may be required to correct the result of the Contractor"s failure to abide by the provisions of the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall remain liable to the City for any correction cost in excess of cost incurred. Should work be suspended in part, Contractor shall continue with other work unaffected by the work suspended in accordance with the regular schedule or construction practices. 6-7 TIME OF COMPLETION 6-7.1 General. [Add the following]: The time for completion shall be as set forth in the General Conditions. 6-7.2 Working Day. [Replace with the following]: The Contractor's activities shall be confined to the hours between 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Deviation from these hours will not be permitted without the prior consent of the Engineer, except in emergencies involving immediate hazard to persons or property. In the event of either a requested or emergency deviation, inspection service fees will be charged against the Contractor. The service fees will be calculated at overtime rates, including benefits, overhead and travel time. The service fees will be deducted from any amounts due the Contractor. SP-5 6-8 COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE [Replace second paragraph with the following]: The completion date will be as certified by the Engineer and/or as accepted by the City when the construction of the project or specified construction schedule thereof is sufficiently completed. Completion will be in accordance with the Contract Documents, all applicable codes and to the full satisfaction and acceptance of the City of Fontana, County, State and Federal authorities, having jurisdiction over the project so that the project or specified construction can be utilized for the purpose for which it was intended. Substantial completion shall include Contractor's furnishing of all contractor's "As-Built" data as required by the Engineer to comply with the requirements of the appropriate governmental authorities and acceptance by any governmental authority or municipality. 6-9 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. [Replace last sentence of the first paragraph with the following]: If the work is not completed within the period provided in the General Conditions, the City and the Contractor agree that it would be impractical or extremely difficult to assess the actual resulting damages to City and therefore, they agree that the sum of Five Hundred (9500) Dollars for each calendar day of such delay is a reasonable estimate of the same and shall constitute liquidated damages to City in such event. SECTION 7 - RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CONTRACTOR 7-1 CONTRACTOR'S EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES. [Add the following]: A noise level limit of 86 dbA at a distance of fifty feet shall apply to all construction equipment on or related to the job, whether owned by the Contractor or not. The use of excessively loud warning signals shall be avoided except in those cases required for the protection of personnel. 7-2 LABOR 7-2.2 Laws. [Add the following]: The Contractor, and all subcontractors, suppliers and vendors shall comply with applicable CITY, State and Federal orders regarding affirmative action to ensure equal employment opportunities and fair employment practices. Failure to file any report due under said orders will result in suspension of periodic progress payments. The Contractor shall ensure unlimited access to the job site for all equal employment opportunity compliance officers. SP-6 7-3 LIABILITY INSURANCE. [Replace the entire Subsectiion with the following]: 7-3.1 Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the CITY OF FONTANA, the State of California, the County of San Bernardino and/or any incorporated city from all claims or suits for damages arising from his prosecution of the contract work, as more fully described in Subsection 7-3.3 "Contractor's Liability." 7-3.2 Insurance Requirements. The Insurance afforded by this policy shall not be canceled, suspended or modified, or renewal of such a policy declined unless notice is mailed, by certified mail return receipt requested, to the City at least 45 days prior to the effective date of the non-renewal, suspension or modification or at least 30 days prior to the effective date of cancellation. The Contractor shall maintain during the life of the contract a protective liability policy. The policy shall provide for not less than the following amounts: Bodily Injury $1,000,000 each person 92,000,000 each accident 91 ,000,000 each accident for products and completed operations Property Damage 91,000,000 each accident Worker's Compensation Statutory Automobile Liability Insurance to include all owned, non-owned or non-hired vehicles, including loading and unloading thereof: Automobile Bodily Injury 91,000,000 each person 92,000,000 each accident Automobile Property Damage 9 500,000 each occurrence All liability insurance policies shall bear an endorsement or shall have attached a rider whereby it is provided that, in the event of expiration or proposed cancellation of such policies for any reason whatsoever, the CITY shah be; notified by registered mail, return receipt requested, giving a sufficient time before the date thereof to comply with any applicable law or statute, but in no event less than 30 days before expiration or cancellation is effective. The following statement shall be included on the insurance certificate provided: "Additional Insured: The insurer agrees that the City of Fontana and its City Council, and/or all City Council appointed groups, committees, boards and any other City Council appointed body, and/or elective and appointive officers, servants or employees of the City when acting as such are additional insured hereunder, for the acts of the insured, and such insurance shall be primary to any insurance of the City." SP-7 '~ The Contractor agrees to protect, defend and indemnify the City of Fontana against loss, damage or expense by reason of any suit claims, demands, judgments el and causes of action caused by the Contractor, his employees, agents or any subcontractor, or by any third party arising out of or in consequence of the performance of all or any operations covered by the Certificate of Insurance. The : Contractor, at his/her option, may include such coverage under General Liability coverage. 7-3.3 Contractor's Liability. The City of Fontana, the City Council or the Engineer shall not be answerable e/ or accountable in any manner for any loss or damage that may happen to the work or any part thereof; or for any of the materials or other things used or employed in performing the work; or for injury to any person or persons, either workmen or the ml public; or for damage to any person or persons, either workmen or the public; or for damage to adjoining property from any cause which might have been prevented by the Contractor, or his workmen, or any one employed by him/her; against all of which ee injuries or damages to persons and property the Contractor, having control over such work, must properly guard. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to : any person or property resulting from defects or obstructions or any time before its el completion and final acceptance, and shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Fontana, the City Council and the Engineer from all suits or actions of every name and : description brought for, or on account of, any injuries or damages received or sustained by any person or persons, by the Contractor, his servants or agents, in the construction of the work or in consequence of any negligence in guarding the same, e in improper materials used in its construction, by or on account .of any act or omission of the Contractor or his agents, and so much of the money due the Contractor under and by virtue of the Contract as shall be considered necessa:ry by the City may be retained by the City until disposition has been made of such suits or claims for damages aforesaid. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the precautions taken by the Contractor are ee not safe or adequate at any time during the life of the Contract, the Engineer may order the Contractor to take further precautions, and if the Contractor shall fail to do so, the Engineer may order the work done by others and charge the Contractor for ~e the cost thereof, such cost to be deducted from any monies duE; or becoming due the Contractor. Failure of the Engineer to order such additional precautions, however, ~ shall not relieve the Contractor from his full responsibility for public safety. 7-3.4 Certificates of Insurance. el The Contractor shall not commence work until Contractor had delivered to the City a Certificate of Insurance executed by a duly authorized agent of the insurance m carrier specifying that the insurance affords coverage for all matters set forth in this contract in at least the minimum amount required. All of said certificates must show the correct job reference and location of the job site and are not to state "covering m all tracts." Contractor at his own cost and expense, shall insure this interest against loss resulting from fire, earth settlement, theft, embezzlement, riot or any other cause , whatsoever. el SP-8 7-5 PERMITS [Replace the first sentence with the following]: Prior to the start of any work, the Contractor shall take out the applicable CITY permits, CalTrans permits, and applicable "tunneling parrnits" from the State Department of Industrial Safety and shall make arrangements for all inspections. The Contractor and all subcontractors shall each obtain any and all other permits, licenses, inspections, certificates or authorizations required by any governing body or public utility. Payment for this work shall be included in the bid items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed. The City of Fontana will waive the usual City Construction Permit fees. The Contractor shall provide the CITY with copies of all permits prior to commencement of construction. The Contractor shall obtain a "Duplicate Encroachment Permit" from CalTrans; and applicable permits from the State Department of Occupational Safety, Relations Division; and provide the CITY with a copy prior to commencing jacking operation. If the permit or license of any agency or public utility is more restrictive than the standard specifications, standard drawings or the special provisions, the requirements of the parrnit or license shall take precedence for that portion of the work in the agency or public utility right-of-way. 7-9 PROTECTION AND RESTORATION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS. In addition to standard specifications, special attention shall be given to the following: Contractor shall notify the City of utility to be crossed. Contractor shall protect in place said utility and provide all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for shoring, bracing or other support and backfill required by utility owner or City and r.o additional compensation will be allowed. The Contractor shall exercise extreme care to protect all existing utilities in place whether shown on the plans or not, and shall assume full responsibility for all damage resulting from his operations. Particular attention shall be taken to the locations of the existing 2" gas main and the existing 14 1/2" water main within Locust Avenue (see Dr.#2319, sheet 3of3). Please refer to Appendix III of the Special Provision regarding the suspension of these existing utilities within an open trench or bore pit. The Contractor shall coordinate with each utility company as to the requirements and methods Of protection of their facilities during the construction period, and shall be responsible for preparation and processing of any required plans or permits. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility to maintain uninterrupted service for all utilities, including temporary service connections. 7-10 PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY 7-10.1 Traffic and Access. [Add the following]: (Special attention is called out for in Section 7-10.0 in whole, and especially as underlined:) The Contractor's operations shall cause no unnecessary inconvenience. The access rights of the public shall be considered at all times. Unless otherwise SP-9 authorized, traffic shall be permitted to pass through the work, or an approved detour shall be provided. Safe and adequate pedestrian and vehicular access shall be provided and maintained to fire hydrants, commercial end industrial establishments, churches, schools, parking lots, service stations, motels, fire and police stations, hospitals, and establishments of similar nature. Access to these facilities shall he continuous and unobstructed unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, Sa:FEg~and adequate pedestrian zones and public transportation stops, as well as pedestrian crossing, of the Work at intervals not exceeding 300 'Feet (90 m), ~ be maintained unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Vehicular access to residential driveways shall be maintained to the property line except when necessary construction precludes such access for reasonable periods of time. If backfill has been completed to such extent that safe access may be provided, and the street is opened to local traffic, the contra<;tor shall immediately clear the street and driveways and provide and maintain acce:~s. Zb~coDtractor shall cooperate with the various parties involved in the delivery of mail and the collection or removal of trash and garbage to maintain existing schedules for these services. Grading operations, roadway, excavation and fill construction shall be conducted by the Contractor in a manner to provide a reasonably satisfactory surface for traffic. When rough grading is completed, the roadbed surface shall be brought to a smooth, even condition satisfactory for traffic. Unless otherwise authorized, work shall be performed in only one-half of the roadway at one time. One-half shall be kept open and unobstructed until the opposite side is ready for use. If one-half a street only is being improved, the other half shall be conditioned and maintained as a detour. When entering or leaving roadways carrying public traffic, the Contractor's equipment, whether empty or loaded, shall in all cases yield to public traffic. The Contractor shall notify all affected property owners of the proposed schedule a minimum of 48 hours, but not more than 72 hours, in advance of any limitation or closure of access to their property. Form of said notice shall be as approved by the Engineer and shall contain the date and time of the closure. In the event of delay, whether beyond the control of the Contractor or not, the Contractor shall notify all affected property owners as to the extent of the delay and his revised schedule. In the event of delay over 72 hours, the Contractor shall re-notify the property owners as described above. Payment for notification and coordination as per Section 7-10 as modified heroin shall be included in the compensation paid for the various items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed. SP-10 7-10.2 Storage of Equipment and Materials in Public Streets [Add thefollowing]: No more than 500 linear feet of pipeline shall be stockpiled on the site, regardless of size. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any damage caused by stockpiling and shall repair same at his expense. The Contractor shall also be responsible for providing traffic control as required to protect the public from hazards caused by stockpiling within the right of way. ThE; Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining the applicable CITY permit for stockpiling within the public right of way (Permit Fees will be waived for City contracts). Payment for the above, if any, will be deemed as included in the items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed. The Contractor may, at his own expense, maintain and operate a work and storage area outside the public right-of-way. In such case the Contractor shall submit to CITY written authorization from the owners of the subject property prior to occupation. Occupation of site without written authorization shall be grounds for immediate suspension of work. Location of site to be approved by CITY. Condition and operation of yard shall conform to these specifications. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for all damage to the site resulting from his operations and shall repair and/or replace same, at his own expense, to the satisfaction of the owner of the subject property. The Contractor shall vacate site and return it to pre-project condition within five (5) working days following completion of work for which it was intended. The Contractor shall obtain a written release from the property owner accepting the condition of the vacated site and releasing the Contractor frorn any further clean-up or restoration work and shall submit a copy of such release to 'the CITY. The Notice of Completion will not be issued until said release is submitted. 7-10.3 Street Closures, Detours and Barricades, [Add the following]: A detailed Traffic Control and Detour Plan is provided (Dr.#2319, sheet 3 of 3). The Contractor shall maintain the minimum traffic requirements as shown on the Traffic Control Plan and as is designated in the General Conditions. No other street or access closures to through traffic will be allowed without the express approval by the CITY. ~ The Contractor shall provide traffic control and detour signage as shown on the Traffic Control Plan (Dr.#2319, sheet 3 of 3). Except as provided in the Traffic Control Plan, pedestrian and vehicular access shall be maintained at all intersecting local streets and driveways at all times. In all other areas a minimum of one (1) travel lane in each direction shall be maintained on all paved streets within the construction zone at all times. If the Contractor should request any deviation from approved Traffic Control Plan (Dr.#2319, sheet 3 of 3), the Contractor shall submit a revised plan, detailing the delineation and protective measures, to the CITY, CalTrans and any other applicable agency for approval. SP-11 Unless otherwise specified, compensation for Traffic Control shall include full compensation for street closures, detours, grading, restoration of existing signing and striping, signs, flagmen, barricades, flashers, temporary striping, removal and replacement of miscellaneous signs, fences and all appurtenances and shall be paid for at the lump sum contract price for traffic control and no additional compensation will be allowed. Payment shall include full compensation for all labor, materials, tools, equipment and doing all work involved in Traffic Control as specified, including preparation of Traffic Control plans and obtaining CITY and County plan review, approval and permits. All existing stop signs, street name signs and regulatory signs shall be maintained in visible locations during construction and permanently relocated or removed as directed by the plans and the Engineer. Signs which need not be maintained during construction or permanently relocated shall be salvaged to the applicable government authority. The following applies to all permits for work within the public street right-of- way: The "State of California Manual of Traffic Control for Construction and Maintenance Work Zones" provides information necessary to carry out proper and safe traffic control. Should a contractor not provide proper traffic control after the first advisory warning, the City may cite the contractor or other contracting agency under City Ordinance 997. The penalty for not providing for the required proper traffic safety in the public right-of-way is a misdemeanor with a fine of up to $1,000.00 or up to 6 months in jail or both. Strict traffic control shall be maintained at all times using the signs, barricades, delineations, warning lights, flagger control and flashing arrow signs, as required. The minimum lane width to be maintained shall be 12 feet wide. Consult your City inspector if assistance should be needed! 7-10.4.1 Safety orders. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of any CITY ordinances or regulations regarding requirements for the protection of excavations and the nature of such protection. 7-15 CERTIFIED PAYROLL RECORDS [Add the following paragraph]: Certified Payroll Records shall be submitted to the CITY by the tenth day of each month. Progress payments will be withheld pending receipt of any outstanding reports. SP-12 SECTION 9 - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 9-3 PAYMENT 9-3.1 General. [Replace the first paragraph with the following]: Contractor will be paid only for the quantities as listed in the Bid Schedule and constructed in accordance with the Plans and Specification. Should any pay item contained in the Contract Documents be found unnecessary for the proper completion of the work, the City may, upon written Change Order to the Contractor, eliminate such pay items from the contract, and such action shall in no way invalidate the contract. Any pay items added to the contract as a result of unforeseen circumstances or required work not included on the plans and specifications will be paid only if those items were approved by the City, a cost was agreed to by all parties and a written Change Order was approved and submitted to the City prior to the construction of said work. Before any payment shall be made, Contractor shall have provided City with releases executed by persons who might have mechanics liens, stop notices or labor and materials bond rights against the project and arising out of the work. 9-3.2 Partial and Final Payment. [Replace the last paragraph with the following]: The closure date for periodic progress payments will be five (5) working days prior to the first Monday of each month. The final progress payment will not be released until the Contractor returns the control set of the Plans and Specifications showing the as-built conditions. The full ten percent (10%) retention will be deducted from all payments. The final retention will be authorized for payment thirty-five (35) days after the date of recordation of the Notice of Completion. In conformance with the State of California Public Contract Code, Section 22300, the Contractor may substitute securities for any monies withheld by the CITY to secure performance under the contract. At the request and expense of the Contractor, securities equivalent to the amount withheld shall be deposited with the CITY or with a State or Federally chartered bank as the escrow agent who shall pay such monies to the Contractor upon notification by CITY of Contractor's satisfactory completion of the contract. The type of securities deposited and the method of release shall be approved by the City Attorney's office. Before the CITY shall make the final payment, Contractor shall execute and file with the CITY a release in the form supplied by the CITY, releasing its officers, employees, representatives, and agents from any and all claims for liability relating to any undisputed contract amounts for work performed in relation to the undisputed amounts. SP-13 9-3.3 Delivered Materials. [Replace with the following]: Materials and equipment delivered but not incorporated into the work will not be included in the estimate for progress payment. 9-3.4 Mobilization. [Replace with the following]: Mobilization shall consist of preparatory work and operations, including but not limited to those necessary for the movement of personnel, equipment, supplies, and incidentals to the project site; for the establishment of all offices, buildings and other facilities necessary for the work on this project; and for all oth4;r work and operations which must be performed or cost incurred prior to the beginning of work on the various contract items on the project site. The compensation paid for mobilization shall be included in the payment of the Clearing and Grubbing and shall be full compensation for all costs incurred by the Contractor for doing all the work involved in mobilization as spE;cified herein. Payment for mobilization will be included in the first monthly progress payment and shall be considered full compensation for the cost of such mobilization and administered for the entire contract period. PART 2 - CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS SECTION 210 - PAINT AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS 210-1.6.1 General. [Replace with the following]: The paint for traffic striping and marking shall be solvent-borne low VOC as approved for use in the South Coast Air Basin by the Air Qualit,/Management District. Thinner shall not be mixed with paint. Paint shall dry "tack-free" within thirty (30) minutes. Paint used for pavement legends shall be a compound of paint and glass beads. The paint for traffic striping within Caltrans Right-of-W'ay will be per Caltrans Specifications. SECTION 211 - SOILS AND AGGREGATE TESTS 211-2 COMPACTION TESTS 211-2.1 Laboratory Maximum Density. [Replace with the following]: Laboratory Maximum Density tests shall be performed in accordance with Test Methods No. Calif. 216G, Part II. The correction for oversized material as stated in Test Method No. Calif. 216 shall be replaced with Note 2 of ASTM D1557. SP-14 211-2,2 Field Density. [Add the following paragraph]: Field density tests will be made by the Engineer during the course of construction at the expense of the CITY. If field density tests indicate that any ee portion of the compacted subgrade has density lower than that specified density, the Contractor shall rework that portion until the specified density is obtained. Re-testing of areas which have failed compaction will be performed by the Engineer at the me Contractor's expense. PART 3 - CONSTRUCTION METHODS SECTION 300 EARTHWORK 300-1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING. 300-1.3.2 Requirements. [Add the following]: (d) Miscellaneous ei In addition to the work outlined in Section 300-1 of the Standard Specifications, the following items of work are included under the Clearing and Grubbing unless otherwise covered by specific bid item. I/ (1) Mobilization in accordance with Section 9-3.4 of the Standard Specifications. em (2) Maintaining dust control at all times by watering during the entire time of the project, whether extended or not, including developing a water supply and s furnishing and placing all water for all work done in the contract, including water used for extra work. ~ (3) Provide for necessary traffic control, including all signs, barricades, flashers and flagmen necessary to maintain proper control. me (4) Application of soil sterilant. (5) Protection of utilities, structures, improvements and other facilities within the el construction zone, except those specifically shown on the plans to be removed or relocated. el (6) Removal and disposal of existing natural and artificial objectionable material within the limits of construction. (7) Verification of existing locations and elevations as shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer other than that designated as "potholing" (8) Cleaning of storm drains, including existing upstream portions which are joined by the project following project completion. Cleaning to be done to satisfaction me of Engineer, SP-15 (9) Replacement of disturbed traffic signs, street names, mail boxes, property e. owner signs, fencea, landscaping, protection of temporary construction fences and all appur{enancea, atriping and markings, as required to the satisfaction of the engineer, em (10) Tree removal and disposal of trees, other than tree removal designated on bid : proposal, in a legal manner 'including removal of all roots and vegetative material, overexcavation if applicable and recompaction to 95% minimum relative compaction (ASTM D-1577). Tree removal permit shall be obtained ,. from the appropriate agency. If the permit requires identification of infested trees, or special inspection of an Arborist, the cost of all such work shall be included and no additional compensation will be allowed. (11) Provide for the replacement of trees and plants, of the same kind, to the reasonable satisfaction of the property owners whether indicated on the plans ~ or not. (12) This item shall also be interpreted to include the removal or relocation of any additional items not specifically mentioned herein or covered by specific bid item, which may be found within the work limits whether shown or not shown on the plans to be removed or relocated. ! ! 300-1.4 Payment. [Add the following]: Unless otherwise specified, compensation for clearing and grubbing shall include full compensation for mobilization, traffic control, signs, barricades and flashers and shall be paid for at the lump sum contract price and no additional compensation will be allowed. Payment shall include full compensation for material, equipment and doing all work involved in clearing and grubbing as specified. 300-2 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION. 300-2.1 General. Unclassified Excavation shall include excavating, loading, stockpiling, hauling ee and disposing of surplus material to the depth indicated on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. Removal of existing asphalt concrete pavement shall be included in this item of work unless covered by a specific bid item. el 300-2.2 Unsuitable Material. [Add Subsection 300-1.3.2 (a) Bituminous Pavement" as Subsection 300-2.2.3 and amend as follows]: Bituminous Pavement and Concrete removals shall be sawcut at the designated lines of removal shown on the Plans or as designated by the Engineer. .300-2.6 Surplus Material. ]Add the following]: All surplus materials shall be disposed of in a legal manner at the Contractor's expense. SP-16 300-2.9 Payment. [Replace with the following]: Payment for Unclassified Excavation shall be deemed as included in the : ;: compensation paid for the related bid item and no additional compensation will be me allowed. m Payment for removal of existing asphalt concrete pavement, concrete driveways, and concrete curb and gutter shall be made at the contract unit bid price per square foot or linear foot, respectively, and shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, and equipment involved, including sawcutting, loading, hauling, stockpiling and disposal and no additional compensation will be allowed. The contract unit bid actual price for asphalt pavement removal shall be ~ , independent of the actual thickness encountered in the field. ~Fhe quantity measured for asphalt pavement removal shall be limited to a maximum of that designated as "pay lines" per detail on the plans and measured in the field. Removal of asphalt ee concrete beyond this limit shall be at the Contractor's expense. Payment will be made only for the quantity of pavement within the limits actually removed and within the ~ "pay lines". SECTION 301 - TREATED SOILS, SUBGRADE PREPARATION AND PLACEMENT OF BASE MATERIALS d' 301-1 SUBGRADE PREPARATION 301-1.2 Preparation of Subgrade [Add the following]: Preparation of the subgrade shall conform to the provisions of Section 301-1 of the Standard Specifications and these provisions. 301-1.3 Relative Compaction. Relative compaction of the pavement section's aggregate base shall be 95% (when aggregate base is not used, the top 12 [nches of the subgrade shall be compacted to 95% relative compaction). Relative compaction in unpaved areas shall not be less than 90% up to a level even with the adjacent ground. · e Compensation for subgrade preparation shall be deemed to be included in the unit price bid for respective bid item and no additional compensation will be allowed. ~ 301-6 SOIL STERILANT. [Add new Subsection]: ei 301-6.1 General. All areas to receive Asphalt Concrete Pavement shall be prepared in accordance with applicable sections of the Standard Specifications concerning subgrade preparation. In addition, after the compaction is completed, the Contractor shall apply a non-migrating soil sterilant to the subgrade. Application shall be by spray equipment which provides good mechanical agitation and even coverage of the area SP-17 to be treated. Spray equipment shall be final. Great care shall be taken to apply soil ,,, sterilant to the designated areas only. Aggregate base may be placed immediately after placement of soil sterilant. 301-6.20perator's Lic. ense. __' The Contractor's operator applying the soil sterilant shall be licensed by the ee State of California, Department of Food and Agricultural Affairs and registered with the Office of the Agricultural Commissioner of San Bernardino County as pest control me officer. 301-6.3 Application. Any soil sterilant, which is approved in writing by a licensed pest control ~ ~ advisor (for the purpose of which it will apply) may be used upon acceptance by the le Engineer. The dye shall not stain concrete or masonry. Certification shall be furnished to the Engineer showing the purchase receipt and manufacturer's : ~ recommended rate of application of the material. 301-6.4 Payment. Full compensation for all labor, materials and equipment for soil sterilant be deemed to be included in the unit price bid for respective bid item and no additional compensation will be allowed. SECTION 302 - ROADWAY SURFACING 302-5 ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 302-5.1 General. [Replace the last paragraph with the following:] Asphalt Concrete shall conform to the requirements of Subsection 203-6.1 and Section 302-5 of the Standard Specifications, as modified by these Special Provisions. 302-5.4 Tack Coat. -'. A tack coat shall be applied uniformly upon the existing pavement planes and joints, gutters, inlets, manholes, etc. prior to placing the asphalt concrete. The tack coat shall be SS-lh emulsified asphalt per section 203-3. The surface to be covered shall be free of water, foreign material, vegetation or dust before application of the tack coat. Payment for tack coat, labor, equipment, and material and doing all other appurtenant work shall be deemed as included in the unit price bid for asphalt concrete and no additional compensation shall be allowed. SP-18 302-5.5 Distribution and Spreading. [Add the following]: Asphalt concrete pavement replacement shall be installed pursuant to Detail "A", Dr.#2319, sheet 2 of 3. Asphalt concrete pavement shall be the existing pavement thickness plus 1 ", with a minimum of 4" thick and a maximum of 6", regardless of the thickness of the pavement removed. The asphalt concrete shall be laid in two or more courses. The base courses shall be no more than three inches thick and shall be B-AR4000. The finish course shall be a minimum one inch thick and shall be C2-AR4000. The base courses may be blade graded. The finish course shall be machine placed. All trench resurfacing shall be completed to the base course level within five working days following underground construction. Placement of the finish course shall not be completed until completion of all underground construction unless waived by the Engineer. Only those areas where existing pavement is removed are to be repaved, subject to direction of the Engineer. At those locations where new asphalt concrete pavement overlay joins existing asphalt pavement, the Contractor shall rake out all aggregate 3/8 inch or larger and feather the new paving to form a smooth transition to join thE; existing pavement. 302-5.9 Measurement and Payment. [Add the following]: Asphalt Concrete pavement for resurfacing shall include the full depth patch and shall be measured by the ton. The weight shall be determined as provided in Subsection 302-5.8 of the Standard Specifications. Payment shall be made at the contract unit price bid per ton and shall include full compensation for subgrade preparation, including application of soil sterilant, tack coat: where required, and removal and disposal of existing natural and artificial objectionable material within the limits of construction. Payment shall be based on the resurfacing of areas of pavement removal within the "pay limits" as shown on Trench Detail "A"(Dr.#2319, sheet 2 of 3) on the plans and measured in the field. Resurfacing of areas removed outside of these pay limits will be at the Contractor's expense. SECTION 303 - CONCRETE AND MASONRY CONSTRUCTION 303-1 CONCRETE STRUCTURES 303-1.1 General. [Add the following paragraphs]: Concrete structures shall conform to the provisions of Section 303-1 of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction as modified by the applicable Standard Plans and herein. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, and materials to construct reinforced Portland Cement Concrete structures and appurtenant work to grades and dimensions shown on the Plans or staked in the field, The exact proportions of aggregate and water to be used in all classes of concrete shall be determined by the SP-19 Contractor and submitted to the Engineer for review at least ten (10) working days prior to its use under this contract. The concrete for surface improvements shall be Class 520-C-2500, while that for inlet structures and junction structures shall be Class 560-C-3250, and while that for box culverts shall be Class 650-C-4000. 303-1.3 Forms [Add the following paragraphs]: Forms shall be braced to withstand the pressures developed and shall be tight to prevent the loss of mortar. Formed wall surface shall be free of any unevenness greater than 1/4 inch when checked with a 10 foot straight eclge. A clear non-staining form release agent, which will not discolor nor affect the surface texture of the concrete and does not react with any ingredients of theconcrete shall be used. The cost of furnishing and placing form release agent shall be included in the cost of Portland Cement Concrete. 303-1.7 Placing Reinforcement 303-1.7.1 General [Add the following paragraphs]: Aluminum and plastic supports for reinforcement shall not be used. Bars shall be accurately spaced as shown on the Plans and spacing of first bar immediately adjacent to transverse construc- tion joint shall be one-half the required spacing shown on the Plans. In no case shall the clear distance between parallel bars be less than 2-1/2 diameters of the bar, or a minimum of 2 inches. Unless otherwise shown on the Plans, embedment of reinforcing steel (other than stirrups and spacers) shall be 1-1/2 inches clear depth for #8 bars or smaller and shall be 2 inches clear for #9 bars and larger. Where placement of reinforcing steel required alternate bars of different size, embedment requirements shall be governed by the larger bar. Stirrups and spacers shall be embedded not less than one inch clear depth. Measurement of embedment shall be from the outside of the bar to the nearest concrete face. Tack welding or butt welding of reinforcing bars will not be permitted. 303-1.7.2 Splicing [Add the following paragraphs]: ~ Reinforcing bars may be continuous at locations where splices are shown on the Plans, at the option of the Contractor. The location of splices, except where shown on the Plans, shall be determined by the Contractor based upon using available commercial lengths where applicable, Splices shall consist of placing the reinforcing bars in contact and wiring them together in such a manner as to maintain the alignment of the bars and to provide minimum clearances. SP-20 No lapped splices will be permitted at locations where the concrete section is not sufficient to provide a minimum clear distance of 2 inches between the splice and the nearest adjacent bar, The clearances to the surface of the, concrete shall not be reduced. Where grade 60 reinforcing bars are required, the length of lapped spliced shall be as follows: Reinforcing bars No. 8, or smaller, shall be lapped at least 45 diameters of the smaller bar joint, and reinforcing bars Nos. 9, 10, and 11 shall be lapped at least 60 diameters of the small bar to be joined, except whera otherwise shown on the plans. Splices of tensile reinforcement at points of maximum stress shall be avoided; however, any deviation from splices shown on the Plans shall be approved by the Engineer. 303-1.8 Placing Concrete. 303-1.8.1 General. [Add the following paragraph]: The Contractor shall exercise caution in placement of concrete walls and congested areas to ensure proper consolidation and that there are no voids, and protection of waterstops in position. Adequate provisions slhall be made for easy visual inspection of concrete placement, consolidation and waterstop protection. Pouring of walls in lifts, use of smaller maximum aggregate sizes, or other methods as necessary may be proposed by the Contractor and will b,a permitted only after evaluation by the Engineer. 303-1.9 Surface Finishes 303-1.9.2 Ordinary Surface Finish. [Add the following paragraph]: Ordinary Surface Finish shall not apply to rock 'pockets, which in the opinion of the Engineer, are of such extent or character as to affect the strength of the structure materially or to endanger the life of the steel reinforcement. In such cases, the Engineer may declare the concrete defective and require the removal and replacement of the structure affected. 303-1.10 Curing. [Amend first paragraph with the following]: Exposed concrete surfaces shall be sprayed with Type 2 curing compound at a uniform rate of one gallon per 150 square feet. 303-1.11 Payment. [Replace paragraph one with the t~ollowing]: Portland Cement Concrete structures will be paid for as shown in the proposal bid sheet for each item and shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment and doing all work required to construct the respective bid item in conformity with the plans and specifications. SP-21 Payment for concrete manhole structures, junction structures, collars, and · "' bulkheads shall be made at the contract unit price bid for each respective type of structure as bid and shall include full compensation for furnishing all materials, labor, tools and equipment, and doing all work required to provide each respective item of me work complete in place as shown on the plans or specified herein, including removal of existing improvements, and no additional compensation will be allowed. Payment for adjustment of concrete manholes or junction structures to grade shall be included in the compensation paid for the respective structure. Removal of ee existing structures shall be paid for at the contract unit price per each regardless of size and no additional compensation will be allowed. 303-2 AIR PLACED CONCRETE 303-2.1 Requirements 303-2.1.1 General [Add the following]: w Air-blown mortar (concrete drainage swale) shall conform to the provisions in CALTRANS Standard Specification, Section 53, "Air-Blown Mortar" and Section 72, i ' "Slope Protection" and these special provisions. el The contract price paid per linear foot for air-blown mortar (concrete drainage swale) shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in placing air-blown mortar, including preparing the foundation, reinforcement, and structure backfill, as shown on the plans, as specified in the Standard Specifioations, these special provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. · e 303-7 Rock Slope Protection (Rip Rap) ~ Concrated rock slope protection shall conform to CALTRANS Standard el Specifications (Latest Edition), Section 72, I'Slope Protection". The unit price paid for concreted rock slope protection shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in constructing the rock slope protection (rip rap), complete in place, as shown on the plans, as specified in the Standard Specifications, these special provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. ee SECTION 306 - UNDERGROUND CONDUIT CONSTRUCTION 306-1 OPEN TRENCH OPERATIONS 306-1.1 Trench Excavation 306-1.1.2 Maximum Length of Open Trench. [Replace with the following]: The maximum length of open trench shall not exceed 500 feet, including length SP-22 of pipe laid but not backfilled, pipe laying construction, and open trench excavation. All excavations shall be backfilled to finish grade at the completion of dai~y operations. Temporary asphalt patch shall be placed as soon as possible after pipe is laid in paved areas. 306-1.2.1 Bedding. [Add the following]: Pipe bedding for underground conduits shall conform to plans and to Section 306-1.2.1 of the Standard Specifications. The cost of providing and installing said bedding material shall be included in compensation paid for the respective bid item for construction and no additional compensation will be allowed. Where additional rock bedding is required by the Engineer to stabilize unstable sulbgrade due to existing ground conditions (not attributable to the Contractor's operation), such rock bedding shall be considered extra work as provided in Subsection 3-3 of the Standard Specifications as amended herein. Additional bedding placed in excess of the limits shown per the Standard Plan for the convenience of the Contractor shall not be subject to additional compensation. 306-1.3.4 Compaction Requirements. [Replace with the following]: All trench work shall be done pursuant to Trench Detail "A"( Dr.#2319, sheet 2 of 3). All trench backfill shall be densifted to 90% minimurn relative compaction, as required per Section 301-1 of these specifications. Placed backfill and the granular bedding material shall be compacted to 90% minimum relative compaction. Jetting will not be permitted unless specifically approved in advance by the Engineer. Asphalt Concrete shall not be used for backfill unless it h~as been crushed to a maximum size of 3/4". No rocks greater than 6" diameter shall be allowed in the backfill. No nesting or rocks shall be allowed. 306-1.6 Basis of Payment for Open Trench Installation [Add the following]: Payment for open trench installation of pipe and conduit shall be made at the contract unit price bid per linear foot, for the respective pipe size, as measured along the centerline of pipe and shall include full compensation for furnishing all materials, labor, tools and equipment and doing all work involved to provide these items of work, complete in place, including excavation, furn!shing and installing the pip6, bedding, backfilling, protecting all open trenches with temporary fencing and trench plates, compaction as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer and no aeditional compensation will be allowed. 306-2 JACKING OPERATIONS 306-2.3 JACKING STEEL CASING [Revised as follows]: All boring and jacking shall be done in conformance to Section 66-3.10 "Jacking Pipe" and Section 49-5.02 "Splicing" of tha CalTrans Standard Specifications, and to Section 306-2.3 "Jacking Steel Casing" of these Special Provisions. Particular attention is called to the "Pipe Encasement Construction Notes"of the plans (Dr.#2319, sheet 2 of 3). SP-23 Unless otherwise specified on the Plans, the size and wall thickness of the steel casing to be jacked to accommodate the' contract pipeline shall be at the Contractor's option, except that the pipe casing thickness shall be not less than 1/2 inch and the diameter shall not be less than 21 ". The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the sufficiency of the casing provided. The joints of sections of steel casing to be jacked shall be welded with a continuous circumferential weld. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to provide e stress transfer across the joints which is capable of resisting the jacking forces involved. All clay pipe installed in the jacked steel pipe casing shall have compression joints. The pipe shall be braced or filled to prevent shifting or flotation during backfilling operations. In addition to submitting details of the jacking pit bracing, casing, and jacking ee head required in 306-2, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval details of the following in advance of the proposed jacking operation: concrete support blocks, bracing to prevent pipe shifting or flotation, placement method, and w equipment. 306-2.6 PAYMENT [Revised as follows]: The unit cost per linear foot for furnishing and jacking the steel pipe casing shall also include furnishing and installing of the Vitrified Clay sewer pipe within the casing. The price per foot of jacked the steel pipe casing and placement of the Vitrified ww Clay sewer pipe in place shall include full compensation for constructing, supporting, excavating & backfilling all bore and receiving pits; protecting all open bore and ;_ receiving pits with temporary fencing and trench plates; constructing reinforced concrete cradles where required; providing grout holes, grout, and grouting where necessary; and doing whatever else is appurtenant to jacking conduit within the limits ie shown on the Plans and as specified herein. When a change in construction method or an increase in jacking limits as · -. sl~.ecified herein is requested by the Contractor and authorized by the Engineer, payment for the work will be based on the Contract Unit Prices as though the specified method had been used. 306-5 ABANDONMENT OF CONDUITS AND STRUCTURES [Add the following]: The provisions of Section 306 - Underground Conduit Construction shall apply to all private and public utilities and underground conduits. w SP- 24 " APPENDIX I · ,, APPLICABLE STANDARD PLANS II ,m I I I I I , i I I i I ' i I I: ' i':; i i I I ~ I:' I ill ~"x 60" &6"x ?2' 24": CO" 24*m - . , ,. ,, ;I., ~ ,, , ,, '. ; '1 t I.' :",:."'. ' =: '~ ~'"" ~""="~"~= ....~:~!;~ ::::-:;F~ ' .....j .......L::: ....._:z ......_ .... m ~PICIL ~N ~IO" D~.~" COUNTY SANITATION DISTRI~ STANDARD MANHO~. TYPE "E" 60" AND 72" DIA. m ~ ~r~ S - o - 206 SHEET I OF rlil , S-a-206 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS APPENDIX II SOILS DATA : ~ 4.' ' ~ ~,~.. .... : f , ._.E :. ,140 F ~ Ft. TEST PIT- PROJECT: Fount{in P!~gs FILE MUMEEl: S-6754 PROJECT LOCATION: Fontann TEST PIT ~UMBE{: I ENCLOSURE NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: 18ZZ DATE OF TESTS: 10/15/88 BlowsJDrivin{{ Dry: Moist.{ ael. F Per ;EnerEy {Density{Content{ Comp. e Foot {k-ft/ft{ PCF { X { X e ' ' t Visaal Classification ' ' As above, w/~r fine gravel ' ' '.".".". As above, w/varying porollitp (loose) i~T:i&~:~?i~ [SW] Oral Brn f-c sand v/significant {ravel & tr s~lt ':+:':+:':+:':' (sl damp & mnd dense) :i: :i: :i: :i[Sa] Lt red brn niltp f-m snnd w/Exvel E tc clnp ll ::: ::: ::: :: ' 1~ ':+.':*:':*:':' [~W] ~t gray brn f-c sand v/silt & Iravel ' ':+:':+:':*:':' {dnsp &sod dense) ' 13 ':+:':+:':+:':'Total depth 14.0 feet + + NO FaKE OiOUWDW6TKE KNCOUNTEEED ' 14 ': :':+:': :':' · . LOCATION: Fontann TEST PIT MUMBEE: 2 .NCLOSURM NO.: 3 REPO&T NO.: 1822 DATE OF TESTS: I0/15/86 Blowt}Dfivin{', Dry ',Moist.', Rel. Per [Energy IDensity',Ccntent', Chap. e Fnnt ',k-ft/ft', PCF '. % ', X e ' ' t Visual Classification 106: 4.7: 87', :~: :is :~: :i {SN] Gray brn wiry f-c v/gravel (dry & wod dense) FIL~ ' ' ' I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t brn gray siltI f-m sand v/tr ""' "'" varying porosity t zones of gopher boles ::: :=: ::: :: (damp i mod dense) ':*.':+:':*.':' [SW] Lt {ray brn graveIll f-c sand w/silt t stall cobbles ':+:':+:':*:':' (dry t end dense) '.:':+:':*:':' As above, w/layers of sil. ty f-c sand ~2 ':+:':+:':*:':' NO FRSB GIOUNDWAfiB ~NCOUNTSRgD ,m PROJECT; Fount&in Plega PILE NUMBER: PROJECT LOCATION: Fortran& TEST PIT NUMBER: 3 ~s~ ENCLOSURE NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: 1822 DATR ON TESTS: iO/IS/E6 I Blnws:Drivin{) Dry: Iloist.} lel. F Per :EnerSy :Density:Content{ Cnmp. e Foot :k-ft/~t} PCF % Z e ms t Visual Cloosificatioo <":":": {SN] Gral brn silty f-c send 1{/6ravel (dry ~ R E~! !~E "'" L~ bro siRy fine Fend ~/io~erbedded lopors ':+:':*;':*;':' Total depth 1.5 feet Ill APPENDIX III EXISTING UTILITY PROTECTION (PIPE SUSPENDING IN OPEN TRENCH) I/ im I I I I I I "1 ' I I I ' I I t t '1 I ' I I I I "'1 I I I I I ! ! ! . ! ! · '1 '1 I I :' I APPENDIX IV SIGNALS AND LIGHTING STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS (REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENTS) Ii SIGNALS AND LIGHTING TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND HIGHWAY LIGHTING SYSTEM The furnishing and installing of traffic signals and highway lighting shall conform to the provisions of Section 86, "Signals and Lighting", of the Standard Specifications of the State of California, Department of Transportation, July 1992, (CALTRANS Standard Specifications) and these Special Provisions. CALTRANS STANDARD PLANS Standard plans referred to on the signal plans and these Special Provisions for signal work shall be the Standard Plans of the State of California, Business and Transportation Agency, Department of Transportation (CALTRANS), dated July, 1992. MAINTAINING EXISTING AND TEMPORARY ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS Traffic signal system shutdowns shall be limited to periods between the hours as directed by Caltrans, Permit Section. Temporary signs shall be either covered or removed when the system is turned on. CONDUIT Conduit shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.05, "Conduit", of the CALTRANS Standard Specifications, and these Special Provisions. All conduit shall be galvanized rigid steel. Non-metallic type conduit shall not be used, except conduit for electrical service shall be 3" PVC (Schedule 80) per Southern California Edison Requirements. Rigid metal conduit to be used as a drilling or jacking rod shall be fitted with suitable drill bits for the size hole required. Insulated bonding bushings will be required on all conduit. After conductors have been installed, the ends of conduits terminating in pull boxes and controller cabinet shall be sealed with an app:roved type of sealing campound. Conduit runs are shown schematically in the desired locations. Field conditions at the time of construction may dictate minor changes to facilitate the contractors work. Such minor changes will not constitute extra work. Actual installation shall be done in the most direct manner or as directed by the Engineer. After two failed attempts to bore or jack conduit, due to rock or other unavoidable obstructions, as verified by the Inspector; in lieu of installing conduit under existing pavement as specified in Section 86-2.05C of the Caltrans Standard Specifications, dated 1992, the Contractor may use the following method when approved by the Engineer. Trenching, Installation of Conduit - Conduit shall be placed under existing pavement in a trench approximately 2 inches wider than the outside diameter of the conduit to be installed. Trench shall not exceed 6 inches in width. Conduit depth shall not exceed 30 inches or conduit trade diameter plus 10 inches, whichever is greater. The top of the installed conduit shall be a minimum of 18 inches below finish grade. The outline of all areas of pavement to be removed shall be cut to the outside diameter plus 12" on either side of trench and full depth of existing pavement, with an abrasive type saw or with a rock cutting excavator specifically designed for this purpose. Cuts shall be neat and true with rio shatter outside the removal area. The conduit shall be placed in the bottom of the trench and the trench shall be backfilled with two sack slurry backfill, to not less than five inches below the pavement surface. The top 5 inches shall be backfilled within 24 hours with asphalt concrete conforming to the provisions in "Section 203 - Bituminous Materials", of these Special Provisions. No open trench will be allowed in the travel lane over night. Spreading and compacting of asphalt concrete shall be performed by any method which will produce an asphalt concrete surfacing of uniform smoothness, texture, and density. Costs for trenching, including all materials, equipment, and labor shall be included in the contract lump sum price for traffic signal installation and no additional compensation will be allowed, PULL BOXES ~' Pull boxes shall conform to the provisions of Section 8~5-2.06 "Pull Boxes" of the CALTRANS Specifications and these Special Provisions. Recesses for suspension of ballasts will not be required. Plastic pullboxes are not acceptable. Pullboxes installed in unimproved areas, which may be subjected to vehicular traffic, grading and/or disking operations, shall be installed similar to the traffic installations shown on Standard Plan ES-8, except that cover shall be set 2" above existing grade and the concrete surround shall be 12" thick and sloped from existing grade to the top of the pullbox. Number 6 pullboxes adjacent to controller and number 5 pullboxes with a conduit from an adjacent signal pole or pedestrian push button post shall include an extension. "CALTRANS" cover marking per Standard Plan notes 4-a.5 and b.9 is not allowed. CONDUCTORS AND WIRING Conductors and wiring shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.08, "Conductors", and Section 86-2.09, "Wiring", of the CALTRANS Specifications, and these Special Provisions. Section 2.09D-4 and 2.09D-5 not withstanding, conductors shall not be spliced. Conductors No. 8 AWG and larger shall be stranded. SPLICING Splicing shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.09D, "Splicing," of the CALTRANS Standard Specifications, and these Special Provisions. Conductors No. 10 AWG or larger shall be spliced by the use of "C" shaped compression connectors. SPLICE INSULATION Splice insulation shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.09E, "Splice Insulation," of the CALTRANS Standard Specifications, and these Special Provisions. Splices shall be insulated by Method "B". BONDING AND GROUNDING Bonding and grounding shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.10 "Bonding and Grounding," of the CALTRANS Standard Specifications, and these Special Provisions. Grounding jumper shall be attached by a 3/16 inch or Irarger brass bolt in the signal standard or controller pedestal and shall be run to the .conduit, ground rod or bonding wire in adjacent pull box. Grounding jumper shall be visible after cap has been poured on foundation. Grounding rod in controller pedestal shall be minimum 5/8" x 8' copper rod. Rod shall extend 1" above finish pedestal surface. ELECTRICAL SERVICE Electrical service shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.11, "Service," ee of the CALTRANS Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing at least 15 calendar days in ee advance of the date on which he desires any electrical service connections or disconnects to be made. The Contractor shall be entitled to rio extension of time or other compensation for any delay to this operation resulting from his failure to give the ~ prescribed notification. The twelfth paragraph of Section 86~2.11 is amended as follows: It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to verify the location of and to make arrangements for and to pay for all costs to provide the necessary electrical connection for the traffic signal and lighting system. TESTING ee Any required testing shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.14, "Testing," of the CALTRANS Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. Testing of traffic signal equipment (if required), including controller units, fully wired cabinets and auxiliary equipment, as specified in Section 86-3 "Controllers" of the Standard Specifications, shall be arranged by the CITY. Approximately 21 days would be required for testing and notification of the final results, if required. i Any testing costs for CITY provided equipment shall be paid by the CITY. iill SIGNAL "TURN-ON" Contractor shall notify CITY of signal "Turn-On" and Functional Testing five (5} working days prior to actual Turn-On. im Functional Testing shall conforrr to the provisions in Section 86-2.14C, "Functional Testing", of the CALTRANS Standard Specificatiions and these Special Provisions. Turn-on of the new traffic signal system shall not be made on Monday or Friday or the day preceding or following a legal holiday. DETECTORS Detectors shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-5, "'Detectors," of the CALTRANS Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. Loop detector conductors shall be Type 1. Loop detector lead-in cables shall be Type B. Loop detector configuration shall be Type A with a minimum of four (4) turns of wire per loop. Residue resulting from slot cutting operations shall not be permitted to flow across shoulders or lanes utilized by public traffic and shall be removed from the pavement surface. All loop detectors shall be spliced in series. Detector splices shall conform to Section 86-2.09 "Wiring", of the CALTRANS Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. The Contractor shall test the detectors with a motor-driven cycle, as defined in the California Vehicle Code, that is licensed for street use by the Department of Motor Vehicles of the State of California. The unladen weight of the vehicle shall not exceed 220 pounds and the engine displacement shall not exceed 100 cubic centimeters. Special features, components, or vehicles designed to activate the detector will not be permitted. The Contractor shall provide an operator who shall drive the motor-driven cycle through the response or detection areas of the detector at not less than three miles p~r hour nor more than seven miles per hour. Each detector shall provide an indication in response to this test. TRAFFIC SIGNING, STRIPING, MARKINGS, AND MARKERS Traffic signs, stripes, legends and raised pavement markers shall conform to the California Department of Transportation Traffic Sign Specification, Standard Plans and CALTRANS Standard Specifications. E-5 Traffic signs shall be mounted on a "Quick Punch Post" 2" X 2" (.12 GA.) with 7/16" holes, 1" on centers, on four sides that can be punched out. Length to vary with sign installation to maintain minimum heights. Traffic sign post anchor shall be a heavy duty one piece, 2 1/2" X 30" X 6 ~ gauge, (non-perforated), to fit a 2" square steel post, prepunched at mid-point of el anchor with one 7/16" hole on each side, and at top. Traffic striping and pavement markings shall conform to the California Department of Transportation CALTRANS Standard Specifications Section 84 and these Special Provisions. Signal Ahead signs (W41) shall be of the highest refiectivity available with a graffiti coating material on the sign surface. Traffic control shall be as per the "State of California Manual of Traffic Controls." Traffic paint shall be low VOC street and highway coatings that comply with the South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1113. Water base paint is not acceptable. (The paint for traffic striping within Caltrans Right-of-Way will be per Caltrans Specifications. Raised pavement markers sl~all conform to the 'CALTRANS Standard Specifications Section 85 and shall be of type as called for on the plans. Pavement legends shall conform to CITY stencils. Stripes and pavement legends shall be reflectorized. LAYOUT, ALIGNMENT AND SPOTTING Layout - The Contractor shall furnish the necessary control points for all striping and markings and shall be responsible for the completeness and accuracy thereof to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Spotting shall be completed prior to the removal of any existing stripes or markings. Existing stripes and markings shall be removed prior to painting new ones, b~t in no case shall any section of street be left without the proper striping for more than 24 hours, or over weekends or holidays. Paint for layout, alignment and spotting shall be of the same color as the strip of pavement marking to be painted. E-6 - APPENDIX V ~- CALTRANS ENCROACHMENT PERMIT · ~(~(~ P~/~L'~ Permit M, ImN-M-P202A (Ray 1/~) 08-9S-N-UT-0057 D l st/Col~ tel~ 08-8B~-645-16.89 cn eompZianeo v~h (~heek one)= X Your application o~ Jan. 17, 1995 January 25, 1995 F~ Pa~ ~t utizi y .oti..o. s xxxx lgroemen~ No, of 8XXXX ~ l~r City of Fontana I " 8353 Sierra Aven~ .~ . ~ ~9~ ~ XXXX m Fontana, CA 9233 ~ ~,~~ Attn= ~. Rieardo San~v (909) 350-6733 ~ , PEtITTEE and s~Ject to the following, PE~ISSION IS HEREBY G~TED to: ~o install approximately 180' of 10" Extra Strength V.C..P. inside a 21" Steel Pipe encasement, within State Route 66 right of way as per plans date stamped Yan. 17, 1994 by the State Department o[ Transportation District 8 Permit ~ffice, and/or as directed bM the State's Representative. ~ PRE-JOB MEETING WITH THE ASSIGNED STATE'S REPRESENTATIVE, RUBEN GUE~ERO ,,.~(909) 388-7058, IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ST~T 0F ~Y WO~ '~DER THIS PETIT! ~AIL~E TO DO SO ~Y RESULT IN PETIT C~CEL~TION ~D RESUBMITTAL ~Y BE REQUIRED. F~THER INFO~TION ~Y BE ATTAINED FROM THE ~ PETIT ~AGER ~J :=C~, (909) 383-7973, T~FIC CO~ROL 8~L BE DIRECTED BY STATE'8 REPRESE~ATIVE. ~otwithstanding General Provision No. 3, ~our contractor will be retired to apply for and obtain a permit prior to starting work. .~:"AS-BUILT' P~8 ~E REQUIRED UPON COMPLETION OF ~L WORK. THE "AS-BUILT" ~L~8 MUST BE CERTIFIED (AS-BUILT P~8 FOR RO~WAY GEOMETRIC8 ~ BELOW GRO~ FEATURES) AS SUCH A REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER. ~ THE ATT~CHED PAGES ~E ~E P~T OF THIS PETIT ~11~1~) ~1 ,, ~ _ ~ PAGE 2z ATTACHED TO AND ~u~OE PART OF PERMIT NO. 08-9_.N-UT-0057 1. YOUR ATTENTION I8 DIRECTED TO STANDARD SPECIFICATION8 SECTION 7-1.11 PRESERVATION OF PROPERTY AND BUSINE88 AND PROFESSIONS CODE, SECTION 8771. PERMITTEE SHALL PHYSICALLY INSPECT THE WORKSITE AND LOCATE ~ SURVEy MONUMENT8 PRIOR TO WORK COMMENCEMENT. MONT]MENT8 8HALL BE REFERENCED OR RESET IN ACCORDANCE WITH BUSINESS AND PROFESSION8 CODE. ~ 2. Permittee's work shall be subordinated to any operations which the State may conduct, and shall not delay, nor interfere with the 8tats ~ forces or 8tate's contractor. 3. In addition, if time extension is necessary, a request for time extension should be made a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to completion date stated on the face of the permit. If work has not been started before the completion date, permit may be voided and resubmittal may be required. 4. PERMITTEE SHALL CONTACT STATE'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR FINAL INSPECTION AND APPROVAL OF COMPLETED WORK. 5. CALIFORNIA STATE LAW REQUIRES NOTIFICATION OF UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO DIGGING OR EXCAVATING. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN FINES UP TO FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($50,000.00), REPAIR OF DAMAGES TO EXISTING UNDERGROUND FACILITIES AND DELAY PERFORMANCE OF WORK ALLOWED IN THIS PERMIT. 6. ALL WORK 8HALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, STANDARD PLAN8 AND DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ENCROACHMENT PERMIT UTILITY PROVISION DATED JULY 1987. 7. Permittee shall be responsible for arranging the services of a qualified traffic control contractor to provide any needed traffic control. The permittee shall arrange a meeting between his field representative, traffic control contractor, CALTRANS representative and the CHP at least two (2) weeks prior to start of any work covered under this permit to arrange date and time of starting work and determine appropriate methods of handling traffic during the installations. AT LEAST 3 WORKING DAYS NOTICE SHALL BE GIVEN TO THE CALTRANS REPRESENTATIVE AND THE CHP, PRIOR TO THE MEETING TO ALLOW TIME TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO ATTEND THE MEETING. PERMIT NO. 08-95-N-UT-0057 CO/RTE/PM 08-SBD-66-16.89 PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING AGREEMENT eI, , acting as an authorized agent for the permittee, , do hereby agree to personally accomplish or have another designated person arrange for all involved company representatives m}o attend a pre-construction meeting with the authorized State representative Ruben Guerrero, as specified on this permit. Such meeting must be held two (2) days or more prior to the planned start of the work on this project. The Authorized State representative shall have complete authority to determine ewhether the permit conditions, either implied or written~ have been complied with. The State representative may then allow the permit work to proceed as appropriate. The Pre-construction Meeting Record on the next page must be ~signed by both the State's representative and the permittee before the permit work may start. This agreement or a copy thereof, must be mailed back to the Caltrans District e8 Permit Office at 247 W. Third Street, San Bernardino, CA 92402, within three (3) working days prior to the pre-construction meeting. Failure to return this ~form could delay the release of your bonds. A copy of this document shall be ~at the job site at all times when work is in progress and failure to do so may result in the suspension of work, as directed by the State's representative. ~ is the permittee's responsibility to insure that the State's representative e notified of work completion and that the attached Completion Notice is mailed to the Caltrans Permit office. Signature Date Print or Type Name Position or Title PERMIT NO. 08-95-N-UT-0057 CO/RTE/PM 08-SBD-66-16.89 PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING RECORD ~tate Representative Date Permittee Representative Date Date Work May Begin Date PERMIT NO. 08-95-N-UT-0057 CO/RTE/PM 08-SBD-66-16.89 ~ALTRANS PERMITS 247 W. Third Street San Bernardino, CA 92402 100% COMPLETION NOTICE ~=~Work on Permit No. 08-95-N-UT-0057 has been completed. A final inspection meeting was held on !~Permittee Representative ~ Date ~F/~IL~R~. TO COMPLETE AND RET~N THIS TO THE DISTRICT PERMIT8 OFFICE MAY CAUSE A DELAY IN THE RELEASE OF YOD~ BONDS, PERMIT NO. 08-95-N-UT-0057 DO/RTE/PM 08-SBD-66-16.89 NOTIFICATION TO CLOSE ONE OR MORE TRAFFIC LANES This Notice must be approved by the State Inspector and filed in Public Affairs ]~ffice 48-HOUR8 prior to lane closure. This form may be faxed to the Public ~ffairs Office. ~end to: Public Affairs- Operations (909) 383-4632 FAX - (909) 383-6822 W DATE PERMIT INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE: %~ERMIT INSPECTOR: Ruben Guerrero PHONE: (909~ 388-7058 ~ENGTH OF LANE CLOSURE NO. OF DAYS.__ LESS THAN A DAY CLOSING LANE(S) NUMBER DIRECTION AND HOURS OF THE LANE CLOSURE START TIME COMPLETION TIME · IESCRIBE THE TYPE OF WORK THAT WILL BE PREFORMED DURING THE CLOSURE: ~ III STATE OF CALIFORNIA - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ENCROACHMENT PERMIT GENERAL PROVISIONS e~ 1, AUTHORFlY: Encroachment permR are issued under the 12. PEDESTRIAN AND 81CYCUST SAFETY: A safe m~mmum authority given the Department, Div. 1. Chpt. 1, Art. 3 in passageway of 1 21 meter (4') shall be maintained through the . accordance with Day 1, Chpt, 3, Art. 1. Sect. 660 to 734 of the work area, where pedestrian or bicycle facilities are ex~snng At Streets and Highways Code. no time shall pedestrians he diverted onto a portion of the Street Ill used for vehicular traffic. At ldcetiona where safe alternate 2, REVOCATION: Encroachment permits are revocable on five passageways Cannot be provided. appropriate ssgns and days' notice, unless other'wise stated on the permit, and except barriCades shall be installed at the limb of construction anc~ as provided by law for public corl:}orationa. franchise holders, advance of the limit~ of construction at the nearest Crosswalk or ii and utilities These General Provisions and the Encroachment intefsec~on to detour pedestrians to facilffies across the street. Pennnit Utility Provisions are subject to modification or at)rogation at any time. Permittees' jomt use agreements, 13. PUBLIC TRAFFIC CONTROL: Required by law. the Permittee franchise rights. reserved rights, or any other agreements for is to provide Iraffic control protection of warnrag swans, lights, operating purposes in State highway rights of Way are an safety dewces and other measures for the safety of the Fill exception to this revoCation. traveling public. Day and N~httime lane closures shall be compliance with the Manual of Traffic Controls. Standard Plans 3. DENIAL FOR NONPAYMENT OF FEES: Failure to pay permit and Standard SpecffiCations for traffic control systems It Is not : fees when due Can result in rejection of future applications and intended, as 'lo third parties, to smpose on the permittee any ifil demaf of permits. duty or standard of Care, greater than or different from, as required by law. 4, ASSIGNMENT: No I:}ai~/other than the Permittee or permrtteea' authorized agent is allowed to work under this 14, MINIMUM INTERFERENCE WITH TRAFFIC; Work snail be ~lj permit. ptanned and conducted so as to create the least possible inconvenience to the traveling pubtic, traffic Shah not be S. ACCEPTANCE OF PROVISIONS: Perm~ee understands and unreasonat, hi delayed. On conventional highways, Permtttee agrees to acceptance of the provisions and all attachments to authorized to ptace properly atffired ~agger(s) to stop or warn Ii this permit. for any work to be performed under this permit. the traveling public. All flaggag procedures shaft he ~n compliance with the Manuai of Traffic CantreiD and Instructsons 6. BEGINNING OF WORK: It is the responsibility of the Permittee to Flaggers pamphlet. to not~/the Departments' Representative. two (2) days in advance of the intent to begin work under this permit. Permittee 15. STORAGE OF EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS: Equtpment · l, shelf nottry the Departments' Representative it the work is to be and Material storage in State rights of way shall be in interrupted for a period of five (5) days or more, unless a compliance S. tandard SpecifiCations, Standard Ptans and prearranged continuance of work agreement had been made+ Special Provisions. Where any Permmee obstacle is placed Aft work shall be pertermed on weekdays during regular work within twelve (12) feet of a lane Carp/rag puPhc traffic. the ml hours. excluding holidays. unless otherwise specified in this Permittee shell install temporaP/railing (Type K) permit. 16. CARE OF DIRAINAGE: PermKitee shall provide alternate 7. STANDARDS OF CONSTRUCTION: All work performed within drainage for any work antetiering with an existrag qra~nage highway rights of way shall conform to recognized construction facility in compliance with the Standard Sc}ecsf, cit.ons. Standarq III standards and current Department Standard SpecifiCations, Plans and/or as directed by the Departments Representative High and Low Risk Facd~ Specfficatldna, and Ublity Spectal Provisions Where reference is made to "Contractor and 17. RESTORATION AND REPAIRS IN RIGHTS OF WAY: ~ Engineer", these are amended to be read as *'Permittee and Permffiee ~s responsible for restoreben and reOa~r of State II Department RepreaentatWe". Highway rights of way resulting from peranted work. per State Highway Co~'te, Sectjons 670 at. seq 8. INSPECTION AND APPROVAL: All work shall be subject to monitoring. and inspection. Upon completion of work permittee '18. RIGHTS OF WAY CLEAN UP: Upon CombletteR of work lie Shall request a final inspection for acceptance and approval by Permetee shall remove entirely and d~sDose of all scrap's, the Department. brush, timber, materiota, etc., off the rights of way The aesthetjCa ot the highway sttal~ be as s was before work 9. PERMIT AT WORKSITE: The Permit Package or a copy of. staRRed. il shall be kept at the work ante and must be shown upon request ~' to any Department Representatrve or Law Enforcement Officer 19. COST OF WORK; Unless stated in the perm~. or separate It ~s a wolatlon of permit conditions and work shall he written agreement, all costs incurre0 for work wdh~n the State suspended sf the Permit Package is not kept and avadal)le at rights of way pursuant to th~s encroachment permit anal~ be lit the work site borne enhreiy t)y the Permittee Perm~r~ee nettoy we,yes claims for indemmficat~on or contnbutlon from the State for any 10, CONFLICTING ENCROACHMENTS: Permittee shall y~ld start such work. ; of work to ongolng pnor author~ed work adjacent to or wrtmn the halts of the prolect Sate When ex~stmg encroachments 20. ACTUAL COST BILLING; When Perm~tiee ,s to t)e billed act,.a conflict w~th new work, ~ne Perm~ee Is solely responsebit for costs, (as initiCated on the face of the parrrid) such costs w.I any and all cost for rearrangemaRts necesaary (reiDCaPon be at the currentty set houdy rate for encroachment peraria attaroPen or removai 21. AS-BUILT PLANS: When required. Penrunlet Shall i 11. PERMITS FROM OTHER AGENCIES: This perm~ snail be (1) Set of aa-budt plans m comphance wsth Department 22. PERMITS FOR RECORD PURPOSES ONLY: When work ~n in respect to maintenance or any other obligations, or resulting ~w rights of way is wrthin an area under a Jomt Use Agreement from defects or obstructions, or from any cause whatioever (JUA) or a Consent to Common Use Agreement (CCUA), an during the progress of the work, or other activity or at any Exempt Permit will be issued to the Permidas for the burpose of subsequent time work or other actNrty is being performed under providing a notice and record of work. All pdor rights of the the obligations provided by and contemplated by the permit, ell permidas shall be preserved, no new or different rights or except as otherwise provided by statute. The duty of the obligations are intended to be created, "Notice and Record permctee to indemnify and save harmless includes the duties to Purposes Only" shall be stamped across the face of the permit. · defend as set forth in Sacben 2778 of the Civil Code. The , ~: permittee wanes any arrd all rights to arty type of expressed or lip 23. BONDING: Permctee shall file the necessary bond(s) in ~mplled mdemnrq against the State, its officers, employees, and advance. in the amount set by the Department. Failure to state confractors. It is the intent of the baffles that the maintain bond(s) m full force and effect will result in suspension permittee will indemnify and hold harmless the State, of atl work and permit{s) Bonds am not required of public officers, employees, and state contractors, from any and all corporations or privately owned utilities, unless said Permidas claims, su~ or actions as set forth above regardless of the II failed to comply with the provisions and conditions under s prior existence of degree of fault or negligence. whether actNe or permit. Your surety company will be responsible for any lafent passive, primary or se~)ndary, on the part of the State. the defects until such time as is provided for in Califomis Code of permidas, persons emp~oyed by the permctee, 0r acting on Civil Procedures, Section 337.15. behsh' of the permittee. ill For purposes of this section, "state contractors" shall include 24. FUTURE MOVING OF INSTALLATIONS: permittee contractors and their subcontract0rs under contract to the State understands and agrees that upon request of the Department, of Califomle performing work within the limits of this permit. whenever State construction, reconstruction or mamtensnce II work on the highway requrres a permrited installation to be 28. NO PRECEDENT ESTABLISHED: This permit is issued with rearranged, the Persides at his s01e expense. unless under a the understanding that ~ does not establish a precedent, prior agreement JUAJCCUA, shall comply with said request, 29, FEDERAL CIVIL RIGHTS REQUIREMENTS FOR PUBUC . ;25. ARCHAEOLOGICAL: Should any srchaeologicel resources be ACCOMMODATION: A, The parsidea, for himself, his kil revealed in the work vicinity, the PermWiee is responsible for; personat representatives, successors in interest, and assigns as notn'ying the Oepertment's Representative immediately, part of the consideration hereof, deal hereby covenant and retainmerit of a qualified archaeologist who shaft evaluate the agree that: 1 ,) no person on the grounds of race, color, or archaeological s~te and make recommendations to the national origin shall be excluded from psrtici;~atidn in, be denied ii Department Representative regarding the continuance of work. thl benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to disc~'mnation sn the use of said facilibes, 2.) that in connection with the 2S, PREVAILING WAGES: Work pen'on,ned by or under a permit constrdcticn of any ampleresents on said lends and the may reduire Permittee's contractors and subcontractors to pay furnistiing of services thereon, no discrimination shill be III appropriate prevailing wages as set by the Department of practiced in the selection of employees and contractors, by Industhal Relabons Inquiries or requests for interpretations contractors in the selection and rateriPen of first-bar relative to enforcement of prevailing wage requirements should subcontractors in the selection of second-tier subcontractors, be directed to State of California Department of Industnsl 3.) that such discrimination shall not be practiced agorest the Relations, 525 Golden Gate Avenue. San Francisco. Califomle public in their access to and use of the facilities and services !i 94102. provided for public accommodations (such as eahng. sleeprag, rest, recresbon), and operated on, over, or under the space of '7. RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE: The State of California and the right of way, 4.) that the permittee shall use the premises all officers and employees thereof. including but not limited to in compliance w/th all other requirements imposed pursuant to ill the Director of Transportation and the Deputy Director. shall not Title 15, Code of Federal Regulations. Commerce and Foreign be answerable or accountable in any manner for injury to or Trade, Subtitle A Office of the Secretary of Comme~-~,,e part 8 death of any person, including but not limited to the permk'tee, (15 C.F.R. Part 8) and as said Regulations may be amended. persons employed by the bermctee. persons acting in behalf of B. That in the event of breach of any of the above ~ the permidee, or for damage to propert'/from any cause. The nondiscdmidation coversants. the Stake shall have the right to permidas shall be responsidle for any liability imposed by law terminate the permit and to re. enter and repossess se.~ LInd and for iniur~es To or death of any person, including but not and the facititles thereo~% and hold the same as it laid Hrmit hmited to the permctee. persons employed by the permittee, had never been made or issued. II persons acting ~n behalf of the permidas, or for damage to propert'/irisrag out of work, or other activity permrded and 30, MAINTENANCE OF HIGHWAYS: The permidas Igreel hy done by the permctee under a permit, or arising out of the acceptance of a permit. to properly maintain any enctoacrtment. fadure on the permctee's part to pealors his obligations under This will require inspection and repair of any damage to State I/ any permit ~n respect to maintenance or any other obligehens, localities resultrag from the encroachment. or resuit~r~g from defects or obstructions, or from any cause whatsoever dunrig the progress of the work, or other actNit'/, or at any subsequent hme work or other actwrW is being ,4i perton'ned under the obfigahons provided by and contemplated . . iI : .-, ! I '~ ~. I), -~. ~"~'~"~"'~"'~ ~"~'~'~'~' TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"' ~ FOR iOYING LANE CLOSURE ~,,.,. .... . .... "~ "~ *' ~"~ ON MULTILANE HIGHWAYS INEW STANDARD PLAN NSP T16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c~ ; MOYEiG LANE CLOSURE ON ~ OR .,s ,,~,,.,~,k,, vd,k~ OUTSIO~ LANE OF MULTilANE HIGHWAYS · k- .,--, "-'- .,.'.- ,.,..,. ,,~..,__d 0. TRAFFIC CONTROL 8YBTEM ,~,,,,~,.,,.,, ,~, ,~.~o,~.. ,...-.,, d., .,. .~..,,~ .,, -- .w',- ON MULTILANE HIGHWAY8 iNEW STANDARD PLAN NBP T16 / I '1 I,. ! I I '1 I 1 I ! 't t '1 I t I I TYPICAL RAMP CLOSURE9 DETA~S FOR RA~ CLOS~ES MgC~LAE~9 ~TAL9 t ! I '1 I ' I ';I I t I I I I I I t I I TYIqCAL LANE CLOSURE WITH IIEVERSIgLE CONTROl " ~ I. .-,-- -, ' -I r® ...... '--~__ q. 4, ~1.'- ,I, '~.,,.,,~c,.,e,- TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM FOR LANE CLOSURE ON TWO LANE CONVENTIONAL HIGHWAYS MISCELLANEOUS DETAItS ! I I ! I I ! I ' I ! I :1 'I I $ I t t I TYPICAL CLOHIN6OF HALF ROADWAY ~~O " ::4 ,~:,,, :~ ::::, NO SCALE . (~) (~(~(~) "(~ -, ~) imPmimlm.! Lee[lee ~ ,,, ,,.~ o, ~,.. ,-' ~.,'- c,~-. TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEII FOR LANE CLOSURE """' ON MULTILANE CONVENTIONAL HIGHWAYS MIICELLANEOUI DETAILI [flOP T-I! I I "! ' ! ~ I ~ ! ! I ! 'l I ~! ! I I I I I I TYPICAL LANE CLOSURE .* ~ ~ ~%,, ~. ~, ~ -.-I~Z. ~.:~-.~-.~ .... .... ~/~ ~ ~ Y//~ · ~AFF~ CON~ ~Y$~M F~ LA~ ON ~T~ C~N~AL ~GHWAY8 I I I : I I I .I , ! ! ! ! I I ! . I I I I I I I ! ! ! ': ! ! I ! I ! ! ! ' ! I I I I I I STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEP.a. RTM~T OF TP~NSPORTATION ENCROACHIV!~NT PERMIT ANNUAL UTILITY PROVISIONS TR - 0160 (Roy 2/94) Any public utility or public corporation who [awfially maintains a 3. Perform insulator washing and interconnect splicing of unlity encroachment, ot their agent, may perform routine or cables. emergency maintenance on such facility in accordance with the following provisions: 4, Install or remove service connections with potential to ground of 300 volts or less, except over the traveled UEI. EXCLUSIONS: These provisions do not authorize tree way. trimming. work on freeways, expressways, aerial capacity increase on designated ~Scenic Highways'. or 5. Install, maintain, remove, repair or replace aerial service other activdies not specifically provided for in this connections with potential to ground of 300 volts or less, permet. over the traveled way when specifical y .staed in permit. UE2. POSSESSION OF PERM/T REQUIRED: The permit 6. Installations and clearances shall be equal to those or a copy thereof shall be kept at the site of the work required by either the State of California Public Utilities and must be shown to any representative of the Cordmission orders or the California Occupational Safety Department or any law enforcement of'ricer on demand. and Health Regulations (CAL - OSHA), Division of WORK SHALL BE SUSPENDED IF PERMIT IS NOT Industrial Safety, Safety Orders, promulgated in the AT/OB SITE AS PROVIDED. Ca iinrn a Code of Regulations, Title 8, Chapter 4, whichever is greater. UES, NOTICE REQUIRED: Before starting work, the permittee shall notify the Department's representative. LEg, WORK PERMITTED - UNDERGROUND: In emergencies, the Department's representative shall be notified as soon as possible. ' 1. Maintain, !nspect, remove, repair or replace (in the same location) all underground facilities except those requiring LT_.4. STAN'I)ARDS OF WORK: All work shall conform to trenching in the traveled way. recognized standards of utility construction and Department's current Standard Specifications. 2. Install addidnnal capacity in existing ducts except for facilities not in compliance with the Departmem's current UE$. E,MERGENCY REPAIRS: The permittee may make "Manual on ]High and Low Risk Facilities within emergency repairs, altering traffic flow, excavating Highway Rights of Way" or on Structures through improved surfaces, only when breaks in the conduit, cabin, or pipeline over or under the pavement 3. Install air flow monitoring transducers and piping tn present a definite public hazard or serious interruption of existing ducts. essential service. In such cases, the Department's representative shall be notified immediately. 4. Barholing, pntholing, cleaning. roddine and placing float ropes. L'E6, OPEN EXCAVATIONS: No excavation shall be Iefl open a~er daylight hours, unless specifically authorized 5. Adjust access, cover to grade and replace m kind or with and adequate protection for traffic is provided in larger size pull boxes. accordance with general prowsions, "Protection of Traffic ". Backfill and pavement replacement shall be 6. Interconnect splicing of cables. performed in accordance with General Provisions, "Restoration and Repairs in Rights of Way". 7. Install service connections perpendicular to the hughway using jackinn and boring methods under me traveled CET, TRAFFIC CONTROL HOURS: Work requiring traffic way. Electrical service is restricted to a potential to contool shall be conducted between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 ground of 300 vohs or less. Gas and domestic water pro. or as otherwise authorized by the Department's services are restricted to 5.08 centimeter ,2", in diameter representdupe. or less. iT.8. $',ORK PER~MITTED - AERIAL: 8. Permanent pavement patching for work authorized by this permit. I Install additional capacity (in the same location), except facflioes over the traveled way on designated "Scemc UEI0, FAILURE TO COMPLY: Failure to comply with the Highways". or on Structures. terms and cortditions above shall be grounds for revocation of this permit. 2. Maintain, Lnspect, remove, repair or replace (in the same hlcat~on) aH aerial facilities except over the traveled way STATE Of CALIFORNIA · DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ENCROACHMENT PERMIT UTILITY MAINTENANCE PROVISIONS TR-0161 (REV, 2/94) Any public utility or public corporation who lawfully/maintains a UMa. utility encroachment, or their agent may perform routine or Routine Inepectlon and Maintenance: emergency maintenance on such facility in accordance with the 1. Routine Maintenance and Inspection: Routine following provrsions (unless updated at some future time, maintenance and inspection on the roadbed shall be thence the future provisions shall govern): conducted between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., or as otherwise authorized in writing by the Depadment's U M 1. representative. Exclusions: 2. Manholei: The permittee may open existing manholes to These provisions do not authorize tree trimming, work on repair underground cables. Where the manhole lies within freeways. expressways, or other activities not specifically the improved surface of the highway. the permittee will provided for in this permit. provide adequate protection for traffic in accordance with the General Provisions "Protection of Traffic". UM2. 3. ExcavationS: E~,~cavations for routine inspection and repair Possession of Permit Required: of pipeline and cables shall: The permit or a copy thereof shall be kept at the site of the a. Not be made in improved surfaces, landscaped areas work and must be shown to any representative of the or closer than 3.04 meter (1 O') to the edge of the Department or any law enforcement officer on demand. WORK pavement without a special permit; and SHALL BE SUSPENDED IF PERMIT IS NOT AT JOB SITE b. Not uncover more than 15.24 meter (50') of line at any AS PROVIDED. one time. 4. Poles, Lines: Permittee is authorized to: UM3, a. Stub, or reset existing pole, provided no change in Notice Required: location of pole or anchor is made. Stubs and anchors Before starting work, the permittee shall notify the Department's must not be placed between existing pole and traveled representative. In emergencies, the Departmenrs way. representative shall be notified as soon as possible. b. Replace poles, guy poles, and crossarms in same location limited to two (2) consecutive poles. No UM4. additional poles or guy poles are authonzed under this Standard of Work: routine maintenance proyision. All work shall conform to recognized standards of utility c. Replace broken pins and insulators, repair broken construction and the Departmenrs current Standard wires, pull slack wires, and replace or bull broken or slack guys. Specifications. d. Repair and (:omplete transfer work on exlshng aerial UMS. cables. Emergency Repairs: e. Install new end replace existing transformers on existing poles. The permittee may make emergency repairs, altering traffic f. Replace aerial wires and crossarms on e=~shng poles flow, excavating through improved surfaces, only when breaks except where wires cross the highway Unless in the conduit, cable, or pipeline over or under the pavement otherwise specifically required by the Department, present a definite public hazard or serious interruption of protected cable, tree wire or plashc tree w,re guard essential service. In such cases, the Departments used for communication lines may be use~ through representative shall be notified immediately. trees where necessary, provided the aCpearance of the ti'ee or the tree itself will not be damaged Th~s section UMe. 'f." does not apply to scenic highways Open Excavations: g. Installations and clearances shall be equal to those No?xcavation shall be left open after daylight hours, unless required by either the California Pubhc utnmes specifically authorized and adequate protection for traffic is Commission Orders or the California Cccupahonal provided in accordance with the General Provisions "Protection Safety and Health (CAL-OSHA) Safety Orders. of Traffic". Backfill and pavement replacement shall be whichever I.'3 greater. performed il~ accordance with the applicable General h. Clear grass from around base of poles and excavate Prowsions (i,e,, ~Making Repairs", "Backfilling"). UM7. Service Connection: These prowsions do not authorize installation of conduit. cable, gas, or water service connections within State h~ghway right-of- ,ray, regardless ot the location of the main, existing conduit or cable All new underground or pipe abandon services must be covered by individual permits. See Sechon 'UM84" regarchng service c0nnectLons for aerial wires. STATE OP CALIFORNIA · DEPARTME OF TRANSPORTATION ENCROACHMENT PERMIT OVERHEAD UTILITY " PROVISIONS METRIC TR0162 (REV. 11/~s) OH1 OH7 Location Pole Lines, Etc.: Remove Old Poles, Guy and Stubs: is Pole lines shall be located as specifically directed in the The entire length of poles and stubs shall be removed provisions of the permit. from the ground and the holes baclrdil[ed. Guy rods shall be removed to a minimum depth of 0.91 meter (3') below ml original ground. OH2 Installations and Clearances: All clearances and installations shall be in accordance OH8 m~ with the applicable orders of the Public utilities Aerial Crossing: Commission of the State of California, or the California No work involving new or additions to existing aerial Occupational Safety and Health (CAL-OSHA) Safety crossings shall be performed in rainy, foggy or inclement m~ Orders, whichever is greater. weather which creates hazardous conditions for highway is OH3 Permission from Property Owners: OH9 Whenever necessary to secure permission from abutting Clearance From Curbs: ~ property owners, such authority must be secured by the The face of poles shall not be placed closer than 0.60 e permittee prior to starting work. meter (2') from any curb face. is OH4 OHIO Clearance of Trees: Pole Installation or Removal: Unless otherwise specifically required by the Where poles are to be installed or removed behind the m~ Department, protected cable, tree wire or plastic tree curb in a parkway that is paved with Portland cement wire guard used for communication lines may be used concrete, the concrete shall be saw cut and removed and through trees where necessary, provided the appearance replaced to the nearest score lines or expansion joints. of the tree or the tree itself will not be damaged. This The hole in PCC sidewalk created by pole removal shall W does not apply to scenic highways. be temporarily backfilled with 5.08 centimeter (2") minimum temporary AC at the time the pole is removed. PoLes are not to be insfailed without prior approval of the rail OH5 final location by the Department's representauve in the Guy Wires: field. No guy wires are to be attached to trees except as may be vs specified in the permit and in no event shall they be so attached as to girdle the U'ee or interfere with its growth. OH11 Guy wires shall be kept to a minimum elevation above is ground as directed. Freeway Installation: ,. Poles, anchors, etc., shall not be instalied inside of any fenced freeway right-of-way. OH6 Anchor: No anchor shall be placed closer to the traveled way than the pole itself. FM 92 1488 M STATE OF CALIFORNJA · DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ENCROACHMENT PERMIT UNDERGROUND UTILITY Page 1 of 3 PROVISIONS Front TR-0163 (REV. 5/94) UGI F. The installation of multiple casing shall be installed Crossing Roadway by Boring and JackinS or Tunneling: with a miniraum of 1-1/2 die meter clearance between Pipes shall normally be bored and jacked or tunneled casings, but not less than 45.72 centimeter (18"). The underneath pavement without disturbing same. Pavement or clearance be~rween casings crossing freeways shall be roadway shall not be cut unless specifically allowed by the two (2) diameters minimum, but not less than 60.96 permit. Service pipes will not be permitted inside of culverts centimeter (24"). used as drainage structures. Schedule of contractors work hoursshallbesubmittedpriortothestsrtofwork. G. Thecasingsp[acedwithinfreewayrlght-of-wayshall All bores shall be accomplished by the dry-bore method. extend to the access control lines. Other methods of boring are prohibited unless specifically approved by the Department's engineer. Bentonite may be H. Wing cutters, if used, shall be a maximum of 2,54 used as a lubricant only. Casing shall be a steel conduit with a centimeter (I ") larger than the casing. Voids caused by the minimum inside dia meter sufficiently larger than the outside use of wing cutters shall be grouted in accordance with diameter of the pipe or ducts to accommodate placement and "E." above. removal. The casing can be either steel pipe, new, used or with approvedcon. nectorsystem. If it is a used pipe, itshaIIbe I. A band welded to the leading edge of the casing approved by the Department's engineer or representative should be placed square to the alignment. The band before installation. should not be placed on the bottom edge. Flaring the lead secffi.'~n on bores over 30,48 meter (1OO') shall Casings: not be permitted, A. All pipes 15.24 cenhmeter (6") in diameter or larger shall be. placed withi~ a steel casing, The installation of J. All casing lengths shall be equal to the auger length, multiple pipes or ducts, regardless of diameters, will require installation in a steel casing. K, Thecasingsplacedwithinconventionalhighways shall extend 1.52 meter (5') from back of curb or B. Minimum wall thicknesses for steel pipe casing for pavement to 1.52 meter (5') back of curb or pavement, different sized pipes are as follows: or to right-of-way line if less. Where PCC cross- gutter exists, ~.he casing shall extend at Ieast 1.52 meter (5') beyond the back of the cross-gutter, or to right- of-way line if less. MINIMUM WALL THICKNESS (In Centimeters) CASING PIPE UP TO 46 rn OVER 46 m Bore Pit and Receiving Pit shall be: ( Diameter In Centimeters) LENGTH LENGTH A. Located at least 3.04 meter (iO') from edge of pavement on conventional highways in rural areas. 15.24 cm to 71.12 cm 0.63 cm 0.63 crn (6" TO 28") (1/4") (I/4") B, Located 1.52 meter (5') behind concrete curb or AC 76.2Crn to 96.52 cm 0.95 cm 1.27 cm dike on conventional highways In urban areas. (30" TO 38") (3/8") (1/2") I01.6crato152.4cm 1.27cra 1.9cm C. Located l.52 meter (5') outside toe of sl<~pe m (40" TO 60") (l/2") (3/4") embankment areas. 152.48 crn to I82.88 crn 1,9 cm 1.9 cm D. Located outsicie of freeway right-of-way. (62" TO 72") (3/4") (3/4") E. Adequately fenced and/or type K barrier placed. C. Spiral we]dad casing is not authorized. F. Adequately shored in accordance with CAL-OSHA requirements, Shoring for jackrag and receiving pits D~ The ends of the casing shall be plugged with located within 4.57 meter {15') of traffic lanes on the ungrouted bricks or other suitable material State highway shall not extend more than 91 44 centimeter approved by the Department's representative. (36") above the pavement grade unless otherwise authorized by the Department's representsrive. E, When required by the Department's representative, Reflectors shall be affixed to the shoring on the sides the permzttee shall at his expense, pressure grout the facing etaffic. A 1.82 meter (6') chain link fence shall be area between the pavement and the casing from installed around the entire perimeter of the pits w~thin the casing and/or from the top of pavement In during non-working hours. order lo fill any voids caused by the work covered under this pernut. The Increments for groul holes G. All pits should have crushed rock and sump areas to shall be 2.43 meter (8) staggered and located 7.2-i/2 clear ground water and water used to clean the de~rees from the vertical axis of the casing. Pressure casing. Where ground water is found and pumping :hall not exceed 34.47 kPa (Spsig) for a duration is required, the! pits shall be hned wlth fdter fabric. ~ulflclent to fill all voids. =" ENCROACHMENT PERMIT UNDERGROUND UTILITY PROVISIONS Page 2 of 3 TR-0163 (REV. 5/94) Back ill UG2 Limit of Excavation: No excavahon is to be made closer than 3.04 meter (10') 3. Department-owned electrical systems that have from the edge of the pavement except in curbed urban electrical service conductors with a potential to grotmd III areas or as specified m the permit. Where no curb exists of 300 volts or less. and excavahons within 3.04 meter (10') of the traveled way are to remain open, a temporary type K railing shalt be B. All facilities other than high and low risk shall have placed at a 20:1 taper or as otherwise directed by the a mLnimum cover of 91.44 centimeter (36") except for !lDepartment' service connections which shall have a minimum cover of 76,2 centimeter (30"). ~iUG3 Tunneling: UG6 In addition to the requirements of "UGI", the following Detector Strip: .~quirements apply: A continuous metallic detector strip shall be provided with non-metallic main installations. Service connections shall be ~. For the purpose of this provision, ahmnelisdefined installed at right angles to the cen~erline of the State highway as any pipe, 76.2 centimeter (30") in diameter or larger. where possible. liB. When tunneling is authorized, the permittee shall provide full-time inspection of furreeling operations. UG7 Proiects shall be monilored by the Department's Backfilling: representative. All backfilling shall conform to the applicable sections of the Department's Standard Specifications. Ponding or jetting IC. Asurveygridshallbesetandappropriatelychecked methods of backSIling are prohibited, over the centerline of the pipe jacking or tunneling. Any required compaction tes~'~ shall be performed by a Copies of the survey notes shall be submitted to the certified laboratory at no cost to the Department and the tl Department's representative. laboratory report furnished to the Department's representative. D. Sand shields may be required as ground conditions ~ change. UG8 . W Roadway Surfacing and Base Materials: E, The method used to check the grade and alignment When the permit authorizes ilnstallation by the open cut shall be approved by the Department's method, surfacing and base materials and thickness thereof ; representative. shall be as specified in the permit. II Temporary repairs to pavements shall be made and F, Pressure grouting for liner plates, rib and spillrig, or maintained upon completion of backfill until permanent repairs rib and tagging tunnels shall be at every 2.43 meter are made. Permanent repairs to pavements shall be made (8') section or at the end of work shift before the next within thirty (30) days of completion of backfill unless ill section is excavated. All groutlug shall be completed otherwise specified by the Department. Temporary pavement at the end of each workday. patches shall be placed and maintained in a smooth riding plane free of humps or depressions · A method of securing the headway at the end of ~1~ each workday is required. Breast plates shall be installed during working hours for running sand or UG9 super saturated soil. Damage to Tree Roots: No tree roots over 7.62 centimeter (3") will be cut within the ~G4 '. tree drip line when trenching or other underground wori~ is High and Low Risk Facilities: necessary adjacent to roadside trees. The roots that are 7.62 centimeter (3") or more in diameter inside the tree drip line ~11 HIgh and[ow risk facilities, as defined in the Department's shall be tunneled under and wrapped in burlap and kept molst current Manual on High and Low Risk Underground Facilities, unnl the trench is refilled. Trenching machines may not be shall be installed with a minimum cover of 106.68 centimeter used under trees f the mink or limbs will be damaged tiy their Z"l use, ... If the trees involved are close together and of such size that UG5 it is impractical to protect all roots over 7.62 centimeter (Y) in r-erupt and Other Underground Facilities: diameter, or when roots are less than 10.16 centimeter outs de tree dr p no, special arrangements may be made · 1~ ExemptFacilities: whereby prumng of the tree tops to balance the root loss can be t. Gas service lines no larger than 508 cenhmeter (2") in done by the permittee under the close supervision of the d .aretier or operating at 413,7 kPa (60 psig) or less D~strlct Landscape Specialist or District Tree Maintenance 2 Lnderground electrical sen'Ice conductors with a Supervisor Manholes shall not be installed wifi'un 6,09 meter r/ potential to ground d 300 volts or less {20 ) of any tree trunk. -, ENCROACHMENT PERMIT UNDERGROUND UTILITY Page 3 ot ~ PROVISIONS Front TR-0163 (REV. 5t94) UG10 existing curb and gutter or pavement edge, ~ne asphalt concrete Pipes Along Roadway: pavement between the trench and the curb or pavement edge Pipes and conduits paraileling the pavement shall be shaft be removed. e/ located as shown on the plans or located outside of pavement as close as possible to the right-of-way· UG17 Maintain Access: UGll Where facLlities exist, a minimum sidewalk and bikepath mew Borrow and Waste: width of 1.21 meter (4'} must be maintained at all times for safe Borrow and waste will be allowed within the work lirmt~ passage through the work area. only as specified Ln the permit. Will UG12 UG18 Marten: Sides of Open-Cut Trenches: The permittee shall not place any markers which create a Sides of open-cut trenches in paved areas shall be kept as safety hazard for traveling public or Departmental employees. nearly vertical as possible. Trenches shall not be more than 0·60 Illl meter (2') wider than the outside diameter of the pipe to be laid UG13 therein, plus the width to accommodate shonng. Cathodic Protection: The permillee shall perform stray current interference tests UG19 roll on underground utilities under cathodic protection. The permittee shall notify the Department prior to the tests. The Excavation Under Facilities: permittee shall perform any necessary corrective measures and Where Lt is necessary to excavate under existing curb and · gutter, or undergrotmd fact[hies, the void shall be backfilled eml advise the Department. with two (2.) sacks cement-sand slum/. UG14 mew Tie-Backs: UG20 A. Tie-backs shall be placed for the sole purpose of Permanent Rapaim to PCC Pavement: supporting shoring and/or soldier piles placed Repairs to PCC pavement shall be made of Portland cement outside State highway right-of-way to facilitate concrete containing a minimum of 298.46 kg ~7-sack ) of cement per cubic yard. Replacement PCC pavement shall equal emm permittee's excavation, existing pavement thickness. The concrete shah be B. Tie-backs shall be disconnected from the shonng and/or soldier piles one (l} year prior to releasing satisfactorily cured and protected from disturbance for not less than 48 hours. Where necessary to open the area to traffic, no the bond. more than two (1%) percent by weight of calcium chloride may m be added to the mix and the road opened to traffic after six (6) UG1S houzs. Installation by Open Cut Method: ml When the permit authorizes installation by the open-cut UG2I method, no more than one lane of the highway pavement shall Removal of PCC sidewalks or Curbs: be open-cut at an)' one time. Any exceptions shall be in writing Concrete sidewalks or curbs shall be saw cut Io the nearest : by the Departrnent's representative. After the pipe is placed in i the open section, the trench is to be backfilled in accordance score marks and replaced equal in dimension to that removed with specificanons, temporary, repairs made to the surfacing with score marks matclung existing adiacent s~dewaik or curb. : ~ and that portion opened to traffic before the pavement Ls cut for the next section. If, at the end of the working day, backdiiling mmm operations have not been properly compieted, steel bridging UG22 shall be required to make the entire highway facility avaLlable Spoils: to the ~raveting public, The pavement shall be cold planed to a No earth or construction materials are to be dragged or It depth equal to the thickness of the plating and to a width and scraped across the highway pavement, and no excavated earth shall be placed or ailowed to remain at a locatxon where it can length equal to the plating dimensions. be tracked on the highway traveled way, or any pubhc or private approach by the perraittee's corttrucnon equipment, or by traffic entering or leaving the highway traveled way. Any emm UG16 excavated earth or mud so tracked onto ~e highway pavement Pavement Removal; or publ c or private approach shall be Immediately removed bv PCC pavement to be removed shah be saw cut to a · ' minimum depth of 10.16 cennmeter (4") to provide a neat and the permittee. eW stTalght pavement break along both sides of trench, AC pavement shall be saw cut to the full depth. Where the ed~,e of the trench is within 0.60 meter (~. / of atom CITY OF FONTANA v~ EMERGENCY INFORMATION PROJECT NAME: LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT LOCATION: 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. TO 170' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. CONTRACTOR: S.J. BURKHARDT, INC. ADDRESS: 6157 MARLATT STREET, MIRA LOMA, CA 91752 OFFICE PHONE:(909) 685-7488 FAX:(909) 685-7838 RESIDENCE PHONE: MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT: S.3L. STIART (STU) V.P. BEEPER: (909) 412-4896 JOB SUPERINTENDENT: S.L. STUART- (STU) V.P. ADDRESS: 6157 Hatlair Street--lvlira Loma, Ca. 91752 DAY PHONE:(909) 685-7488 RESIDENCE PIIONE: (909) 681-7847 FOREMAN: ADDRESS: DAY PHONE: RESIDENCE PHONE: CITY OF FONTANA - EMERGENCY NUMBERS Police Department General Information ........................... 909-350-7700 Emergencies ...................................... 911 Public Services .................................. 909-350-6760 Curtis Aaron ................................. 909-350-6685 Engineering Division ............................... 909-350-7610 Yousuf Patanwala .......... Off: 909-350-6645 Home: 909-889-2819 Carlos Navarro ............ Off: 909-350-6~532 Home: 909-825-4727 Roberl Savant (Insp.) ........... Off: 909-350-6633 Home: 909-350-8463 Emer~cncV Information The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the contractor and sub-contractors or his representatives, shall be filed with the City Eugineer and the Police Department prior to beginruing work. The contractor shall provide adeqnate detours to the satisfaction of the City Traffic Engineer. A detailed plan of such detours shall be submitted to the City Traffic Engineer at least five (5) days prior to the time the contractor wishes to close off the street or in a~y way restrict the traffic flow. In actual street closures, the submitted plan shall indicate the route of the detour, the character of the temporary pavement where required, and a layout of the locations of signs and lighting. In all other cases, the contractor shall provide adequate traffic flow in both directions. If traffic cannot be maintained the contractor shall provide: flagmen whose sole duties consist of directing traffic through and around the work. In all cases, the approval of a suitable plan shall be granted to the contractor prior to tile beginning of construction. Failure or refusal by the contractor to comply with tile above mentioned requirements shall be sufficient cause for the City Engineer to order the work done by city forces and the cost therein to be borne by the contractor. cc: Police Department. Attu: Dispatch and Traffic Sergeant Associate Engineer/Inspection Public Services Director Contractor: CITY OF FONTANA CHECK LIST FORM TOP SHEET IN THE FILE! PROJECT NAME: LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT LOCATION: LOCUST AVENUE FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. to 170' FEET NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. CFD/RDA/ASSESSMENT DISTRICT: N/A CONSTRUCTION NLA_NAGER: YOUSUF PAT/~NWALA, (909) 350-6645 PROJECT MANAGER: YOUSUF PATANWALA, (909) 350-6645 DESIGN ENGINEER: CITY OF FONTANA/CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS SOILS ENGINEER: NINYO and MOORE, INC. CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR: WAYNE BROWN coNTm~cToR= S.J. ~~ ~ ~. PROJECT AW~aD DATE: ~ 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ & PROJECT COMPL[TION DATE: TOTAL CH~GE ORDER ~O~T: PERCENTAGE: BEFORE FINAL ACCEPT~CE BY CO~CIL T~E FOLLOWING ITEMS ~ST BE C~ECKED: YES NO A.Final Inspection with City Operations staff and sign off. B.Record drawings submitted to City. C.All punch list items completed. D.All construction permits signed off. E.Recommendation letter for acceptance by Inspector/Facilities Engineer. F.Contractor acceptance letter to final pay quantity and contract change orders. G.Any Stop Notices or claims on the project? (If yes, project cannot be finalized) H.Project file complete FINAL ACCEPT~CE DATE BY THE CO~CIL: NOTICE OF COMPLETION FILED ON: RETENTION MONEY RELEASED: TELEFAXs Telerax Number: TO: GTegory C. Bucknell (909) 350-6618 City of Fontana FROM: Michael T. Riddell DATE: August 10, 1995 TIME: 9:05am Locust Avenue Sewer Project and Citrus Avenue Storm Drain Project, Insuranco Endorsement Forms PAGES: (including this cover sheet:) OPERATOR: ~in~ty H~tsnd NOTE: Please call (909)686-1450, extension 44{5, if there is any problem in receiving this transmission. BEST, BEST & KRIEGER LAWYER¢e August 10, 1995 Gregory I. Bucknell, P.E. : .... :.., '.,."' ' . ....'. : , Principal Civil l~n2tneer :.;..L'::/':f.~,'~l'.'.~i'~.:..':'.'~ Special Projccts/BnginccHng Section :'.: :. :..." ~90~): j~Si 8 .' "!": j' .']:~ CrrY oF I~'oNTANA ' :' ': ",'.,v." "" "'.7.":' ,. 8353 Sierra Avenue P.O. B~x 518 Forttans. CA 92334-0518 Re: Locust Avenue Sewer Project and Citrus Avenue Storm Drain Projet, Insurance Endorsement Forms · Dear Greg: Ha~ reviewed the revisions to the form of insurance endorsement for the Citrus Avenue Storm Drain Project and also the insurer's proposed form of cndorsement for the Locust A~nue Sewer Project, it appears to me that both of these provide the bulk of the protection that the City needs. Therefore, in order to get both of these projects moving, I would surest that the City accept both proposed forms of endorsement, as suitested by these contractors. I am comfortable with the protection that both of these will provide. Most intri2uing are the objections raised by the insurance agent on the Locust Avenue Sewer Project, as expressed in his letter to Yousd Patanwaia dated July 29, 1995, Apparen~y the underwriters have convinced him that the City's standard form of endorsement does not comply with law and simply cannot be provided. This is most interesting in view of the fact that the City's standard form of endorselrnent duplicates almost precisely the form recommended by a commercial insurance advisor for use by public entities. What I would like to do is locate that form and send it to the insurance agent for HTJ~278409 EiE:~T, BEST & KltlEGCA'''~-'~ ~ Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. City of Fontana Artgust I0, 1995 Page 2 his examination and to let us know exactly what provisions are illegsd or unavailable in the insurance business. I note, for example. that his letter states that it is ~egal to contract away one's sole negligence. However, I fail to see where either the City's insurance endorsement or the language of the contract attempts to do that. In order to get to the bottom of this, it may take a litfie tim. Therefore, instead of waiting for that result. I would recommend that the City simply accept the insurance endorsements proposed for both of these projects. I believe that both provide substantially the same protection as the City's standard form of endorsement. Sincerely yours, Michael T. Riddell of B~.sr. B~-r & Knmosa cc: Oregory Dever~aux Robert W. Weddle Clark H. Alsop Stephen P. Dcitsch Phone 8t8-368-3561 ~/ V Facsimile 818-366-2455 CONTRACTORS & MANUFACTURERS INSURANCE SERVICES P. O. Box 7817 - Northridge. CA 91 327-7~817 ~;LAUDE E. STEPHENSON, CPCU, CLU E-MAiL; cmis(~Zearthlink. net July 29, 1995 Y. Patanwala CiTY OF FONTANA Engineering Division 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontaria, CA 92334-0518 Dear Mr. Patanwala: Whoever drew up the insurance requirements for this contract did so without up-to-date legal counsel, in the opinion of the underwriters. The specifications, as written, are uninsurable as they ask for insurance of things that are illegal for us to insure for in California. For example, in this state, all the underwriters have reminded us that it is illegal to contract away one's sole negligence in our state, They feel that the language used attempts to do that. And, it is illegal to insure such a contractual clause. Each of the underwriters is preparing his own endorsement to be attached to the respective policies which will be worded in concert with the Laws of the State of California. It is my understanding that these endorsements will agree to make the coverage provided primary and non contributinq. will agree to indemnify the City of Fontana and the County of San Bernardino. et al, from all liabilities arising out of the subiact work except that arising out .of the sole neqlitaence of the indemnitee(s). The Contract which was presented to our c{ient should be reformed as respecting paragraph 7-3.1 and subsequent to be in concert with the laws of the State of California. As respecting the notification clause, 7-3.2. it is recommended that you settle on one day count. not two. Underwriters are willing to give a 30 day notice; none are eager to offer a 30 and a 45 day notice for the same certificate. One underwriter has pointed out that it would not be possible to comply with a 45 day notice under certain circumstances. The person(s) who drew up these requirements had good intentions respecting the desire to prote~t his principal, but input frem both legal and insurance fields should have been sought so what was asked for would be do-able, fSNDORSEMENT V In consideration of the premium paid, underwriters agree that the insurance provided hereunder shall be primary and non contributing, will agree to indemnify the City of Fontaria and the County of San Bernardino, and/or any incorporated city, from all liabilities arising out of the subject work described as LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT, except that arising out of the sole negligence of the indemnitee(s) to the limits of the available insurance. It is agreed that the additional insured hereunder as respecting the LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT shall read as follows: The City of Fontana and its City Council, and/or all City Council appointed groups, committees, boards and any other City Council appointed body, and/or elective and appointive officers, servants, or employees of the City when acting as such are additional Insureds hereunder, for the acts of the named insured, and such insurance provided hereunder shall be primary to any Insurance provided by the City. Should such insurance be canceled, non-renewed, suspended, or materially changed, the insurer will provide 30 days prior notice by certified mail to the City of Fontaria, return receipt requested, advising of the date of non-renewal, suspension, or material change, or cancellation. AI;INtlI. "' ""' ".'. 'L". ; .' .'. . ,...., 01128195 CONFERS NO RIG~S UPON THE CB~IFICATE HOLDER. THiS CE~FICATE Cont~ac~o~B & ~anu~ac~u~e~s Zn DOES NOTAMEND, ~END OR AL~rER THE ¢OVE~eE AFFORDED BYTHE ~, O, BOX 18~7 . POLICIES BELOW, No~th~ Ld~e, Ca 9 ~ 327 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE (818) 368--3561 c~P~Y A 8183662455 LEUEB PACIFIC INSURANCE CO. LTD. ,.~u~. ~E~ CENTUR~ NATIONAL INSU~NCE CO. Zastillo Constructors, Inc, ~uP~ C 323 CITRUS STREET LE~B GENE~L STAR INDEMNITY S~TA PAULA CA 93060 (805] 933--9456 ~P~ E THIS ts TO CERTI~ THAT THE POLICIES OF INSU~NOE LI~TED BELOW HAVE BEEN iSSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR ~E POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NO~ITHSTANDING A~ REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF A~ QO~CT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS GERTFiCATE MAY BE I~SUED OR MAY pERTAIN, THE IN~U~NGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS 8U~EGT TO ALL TH~ TEEMS, BCLU~IONS AND CONDITION8 OF 8UGH PQLICI~. LIMIT8 8H~N MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY pAID C~IMS, '~, Ic~~.. ZI-OOO200Z 09/26/94 09/26/95 .=~ONAL..Ov.,.~U~ tl,OQ0,000 ~ OWNERS & CQNT~OTOR'S P~T. ~ ~VR~NGE S 1 t 0 0 0 i O 0 q .. F{~ OAMAG~ (An~ one rim) $EXC l~ded MEO,~N~{An~ne~ra~) ANY~UTQ L~BINEOS~ tl O0O 0O0 X HIREOAU~ MAP 6~432 02/28/95 02/28/96 BODILYI~U~ UMBREL~ FORM / / / / ~L~]:~::~Z~":]'~ '.;l:i:'::;i:: ..j .. 7. ':. ~.f=. TE7 :::: :.' :":: ".:.:e" '., ]~um~vuM~s :. ~::~:.,:L,: :...:,":: ~.'.".:. EXCESS AUTO EXCESS OF 1,00o, 00o LIABILITY IXG334723 07/28/95 07/28/96 PRIORY CSL ALL OPE~TIONS OF THE N~ED INSURED AT LOCUST AVE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT. ADDITIONAL INS~ED CONDITIONS APPLY PER ENDORSEMENTS BEING ISSUED BY COMPLIES WHICM WILL FOLLOW. '~. e~'~E~iSi' ~Eh '7 .....:, '- ':'7 .....:' ~""' 'e~L~i~:~ ~':: =~"' ....... City Of Fontaria ~PI~TION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO Engineering DiVision MAIL 3~DA~WRI~ENNOTICETOTHECERTIFiCATEHOLOEBNAMEDTOTH[ 9353 Sierra AVG~G LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE 3~LL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION Fontaria CA 923340518 ~I~ILIV OF ANY KIND UPON EOOMPANy, ITSAGENTEORR[PRRENTAnVES. FACSIMILE LETTER 30 ~UlY, 1995 Pago 1 of ~ OENERAL ENOINEERINO CONTRACTORIS P,O, BOX 4247 VENTURA, CA 93007 (605) 9339456 FAX: (805) 933-9131 LICENSEIt 671628 CITY OF FONTANA CHECK LIST FORM TOP SHEET IN THE FILE! PROJECT NAME: LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT LOCATION: LOCUST AVENUE FROM 110' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. to 170' FEET NORTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. CFD/RDA/ASSESSMENT DISTRICT: N/A CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: YOUSUF PATANWALA, (909) 350-6645 PROJECT MANAGER: YOUSUF PATANWALA, (909) 350-6645 DESIGN ENGINEER: CITY OF FONTANA/CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS SOILS ENGINEER: NINYO and MOORE, INC. CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR: BOB SAVANT CONTRACTOR: CASTILLO CONSTRUCTORS PROJECT AWARD DATE: MAY 16, 1995 PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: CONTRACT AMOUNT: $96,900.00 TOTAL CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT: PERCENTAGE: BEFORE FINAL ACCEPTANCE BY COUNCIL THE FOLLOWING ITEMS MUST BE CHECKED: YES NO A. Final Inspection with City Operations staff and sign off. B. Record drawings submitted to City. v C. All punch list items completed. D. All construction permits signed off. E. Recommendation letter for acceptance by Inspector/Facilities Engineer. F. Contractor acceptance letter to final pay quantity and contract change orders. v G. Any Stop Notices or claims on the project? (If yes, project cannot be finalized) H. Project file complete FINAL ACCEPTANCE DATE BY THE COUNCIL: NOTICE OF COMPLETION FILED ON: RETENTION MONEY RELEASED: RESOLUTION NO, A RESOLUTIO~OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FONTANA ACCEPTING THE SEWERS IN LOCUST AVENUE FROM 110 FEET SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD TO 170 FEET NORTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD (CITY DRAWING NO. 2319, SHEETS 1 THROUGH 3} STATION 10 + 00 TO STATION 12 + 80 PART OF THE SEWER SYSTEM. WHEREAS, Section 23-388 of the Code of the City of Fontana provides that each addition to or extension of the sewer system shall be accepted by Resolution of the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Resolution of Acceptance shall contain the terms of any special consideration which shall apply to the sewer so accepted; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Fontana that sewer mains and laterals in Locust Avenue from 110 feet south of Foothill Boulevard to 170 feet north of Foothill Boulevard {City Drawing No. 2319, sheets 1 through 3) Station 10+00 to Station 12+80. The following special consideration shall apply: Sunrise Management Corporation (Sunrise Ford Dealership) has paid $20,000 towards the construction of this sewer line as part of the settlement agreement for Parcel Map No. 9107'8 infrastructure construction requirements. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this lath day of June, 1996. READ APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: Is/Clark AlsoD City Attorney I, Kathy Montoya, City Clerk of the City of Fontana, and Ex-Officio Clerk of the City Council do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is the actual resolution duly and regularly adopted by the City Council at a regular meeting on the 18th day of June, 1996, by the following vote to-wit: AYES: Mayor Eshleman, Council Members Coleman, Hooper, Roberrs, Watson NOES: None ABSENT: None /s/Kathy Montova. CMC City Clerk of the City of Fontana /s/David R. Eshleman Mayor of the City of Fontana ATTEST: Is/Kathy Montove. CMC City Clerk Page I of I CITY COUNCIL ACTION REPORT JUNE 18, 1996 MEETING FROM: Community Development Department SUBJECT: Final Acceptance of the Construction of Locust Avenue Sewer Extension RECOMMENDATION: 1. ACCEPT AS C~)MPLETE THE WORK PERFORMED BY S.J. BURKHARDT, INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION FROM 110 FEET SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD TO 170 FEET NORTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND THE AUTHORIZE THE CITY ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AND FILE THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR CITY PROJECT NO. SB-72-94 AND APPROVE THE FINAL CONSTRUCTION AMOUNT OF $99,291.24. 2. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 96- , ACCEPTING THE SEWERS IN LOCUST AVENUE FROM 110 FEET SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD TO 170 FEET NORTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, CITY DRAWING NO. 2319, SHEETS 1 THROUGH 3, STATION 10+ 100 TO STATION 12+80 AS PART OF THE CITY SEWER SYSTEM. COUNCIL GOALS: To improve and upgrade the City's existing infrastructure. DISCUSSION: On March 5, 1996, the City Council accepted a bid in the amount of 997,982.00 and awarded a construction contract to S.J. Burkhardt, Inc. for the construction of the Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project from 110 feet south of Foothill Boulevard to 170 feet north of Foothill Boulevard. There were two change orders on this project totaling 1,309.24 (1.34%) which brings the total construction cost to ,~99,291.24. The City Public Works Inspector has verified that the contractor has completed the project in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. City Code, Section 23-388 requires adoption of a resolution for making the completed sewer' a part of the City Sewer System for operation and maintenance. FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient funds for maintaining the sewer system are budgeted in the Sewer Maintenance Program, Fund 500 in the FY 95/96 and FY 96/97 budget. MOTION: Approve staff recommendation. y: APPROV Frank A. Schuma Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: Page I - Resolution 96- ,tem: A RESOLI. 'ON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T ~ CITY OF FONTANA~=~CCEPTING THE SEWERS IN LOC~T AVENUE FROM 110 FEET SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD TO 170 FEET NORTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD (CrTY DRAWING NO. 2319, SHEETS 1 THROUGH 3) STATION 10+00 TO STATION 12 + 80 PART OF THE SEWER SYSTEM. WHEREAS, Section 23-388 of the Code of the City of Fontana provides that each addition to or extension of the sewer system shall be acceplted by Resolution of the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Resolution of Acceptance shall contain the terms of any special consideration which shall apply to the sewer so accepted; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Fontana that sewer mains and laterals in Locust Avenue from 110 feet south of Foothill Boulevard to 170 feet north of Foothill Boulevard (City Drawing No. 2319, sheets 1 through 3) Station 10 + 00 to Station 12 + 80. The following special consideration shall apply: Sunrise Management Corporation (Sunrise Ford Dealership) has paid 920,000 toward~ the construction of this sewer line as part of the settlement agreement for Parcel Map No'.. 9107's infrastructure construction requirements. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of June, 1996. APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: City Attorney I, Kathy Montoya, City Clerk of the City of Fontana, arid Ex-Officio Clerk of the City Council do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is the actual resolution duly and regularly adopted by the City Council at a regular meeting on the 18th day of June, 1996, by the following vote to-wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: City Clerk of the City of Fontana Mayor of the City of Fontana ATTEST: City Clerk Page I of I v:CITY COUNCIL ACTION REPOR~ JUNE 18, 1996 MEETING FROM: Community Development Department SUBJECT: Final Acceptance of the Construction of Locust Avenue Sewer Extension RECOMMENDATION: 1. ACCEPT AS COMPLETE THE WORK PERFORMED BY S.J. BURKHARDT, INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION FROM 110 FEET SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD TO 170 FEET NORTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND THE AUTHORIZE THE CITY ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AND FILE THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR CITY PROJECT NO. SB-72-94 AND APPROVE THE FINAL CONSTRUCTION AMOUNT OF $99,291.24o 2. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 96- , ACCEPTING THE SEWERS IN LOCUST AVENUE FROM 110 FEET SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD TO 170 FEET NORTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, CITY DRAWING NO. 2319, SHEETS 1 THROUGH 3, STATION 10 + 100 TO STATION 12 + 80 AS PART OF THE CITY SEWER SYSTEM. COUNCIL GOALS: To improve and upgrade the City's existing infrastructure. DISCUSSION: On March 5, 1996, the City Council accepted a bid in the amount of 897,982.00 and awarded a construction contract to S.J. Burkhardt, Inc. for the construction of the Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project from 110 feet south of Foothi, II Boulevard to 170 feet north of Foothill Boulevard. There were two change orders on this project totaling 1,309.24 (1.34%) which brings the total construction cost to 899,291.24. The City Public Works Inspector has verified that the contractor has completed the project in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. City Code, Section 23-388 requires adoption of a resolution for making the completed sewer a part of the City Sewer System for operation and maintenance. FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient funds for maintaining the sewer system are budgeted in the Sewer Maintenance Program, Fund 500 in the FY 95/96 and FY 96/97 budget. MOTION: Approve staff recommendation. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Frank A. Schuma Gregory C. Devereaux Community Development Director City Manager ATTACHMENTS: Page 1 - Resolution 96- Item: ITEM .~ ARE DU~ TO THE ~TY CLERK'S OFF'1CE NO [.ATER 1~ MONDAY, AT NOON, NINE (9) WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO TH~ COUNCIl, Ireram on ~l~ with the Ci~/C!e%k (m~ be mw~hwt W ~m~ i~):Y~:___ No: D~p~oa of %~ Re~ w ~ ~1~ W (~ ~, p~): ~SC~ ~A~: Is ~ i~ b~i~? Yu: No~__ N/A: [f~ wh~? F~ ~ A~ ~j~ (This fonn will be used foe' clma iq~ut, no w~bw~ i~m'wmtt il ~BVM If room spMe is n~ m ~ ~gm ~ mm M m~ (B~m U. ~) ~EWED BY: Ci~ ~ Budl~ C~i~ B~I~ Co~enU ~ yo~ ~): Outs~dini Issue: CITY COUNCIL ACTION REPORT v JUNE 18. 1996 MEETING FROM: Community Development Department SUBJECT: Final Acceptance of the Construction of Locust Avenue Sewer Extension RECOMMENDATION: 1. ACCEPT AS COMPLETE THE WORK PERFORMED BY S.J. BURKHARDT, INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION FROM 110 FEET SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD TO 170 FEET NORTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND THE AUTHORIZE THE CITY ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AND FILE THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR CITY PROJECT NO. SB-72-94 AND APPROVE THE FINAL CONSTRUCTION AMOUNT OF 999,698.34. 2. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 96- , ACCEPTING THE SEWEIRS IN LOCUST AVENUE FROM 110 FEET SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD TO 170 FEET NORTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, CITY DRAWING NO. 2319, SHEETS 1 THROUGH 3 AS PART OF THE CITY SEWER SYSTEM. COUNCIL GOALS: To improve and upgrade the City's existing infrastructure. DISCUSSION: On March 5, 1996, the City Council accepted a bid in the amount of 997,982.00 and awarded a construction contract to S,J. Burkhardt, Inc. for the construction of the Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project from 110 feet south of Foothill Boulevard to 170 feet north of Foothill Boulevard. There was one change order on this project in the amount of 91 ,716.34 (1.75%) which brings the total construction to ~99,698.34. The City Public Works Inspector has verified that the contractor has completed the project in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. City Code, Section 23-368 requires adoption of a resolution for making the completed sewer a part of the City Sewer System for operation and maintenance. FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient funds for maintaining the sewer system are budgeted in the Sewer Maintenance Program, Fund 500 in the FY 95/96 and FY 96/97 budget. MOTION: Approve staff recommendation. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Frank A. Schuma Gregory C. Devereaux Community Development Director City Manager ATTACHMENTS= Page 1 - Resolution 96- Item: RESOLUTION NO. 96- A RESOLU~'~ON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~I~CITY OF FONTANA ACCEPTING THE SEWERS IN LOCUS']" AVENUE FROM 110 FEET SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD TO 170 FEET NORTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD (CITY DRAWING NO. 2319, SHEETS 1 THROUGH 3) STATION 10+00 TO STATION 12 + 80 PART OF THE SEWER SYSTEM. WHEREAS, Section 23-388 of the Code of the City of Fontana provides that each addition to or extension of the sewer system shall be accepted by Resolution of the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Resolution of Acceptance shall contain the terms of any special consideration which shall apply to the sewer so accepted; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Fontana that sewer mains and laterals in Locust Avenue from 110 feet south of Foothill Boulevard to 170 feet north of Foothill Boulevard (City Drawing No. 23119, sheets 1 through 3) Station 10 + 00 to Station 12 + 80. The following special consideration shall apply: Sunrise Management Corporation (Sunrise Ford Dealership) has paid 920,000 toward~ the construction of this sewer line as part of the settlement agreement for Parcel Map No. 9107's infrastructure construction requirements. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of June, 1996. APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: City Attorney I, Kathy Montoya, City Clerk of the City of Fontana, and Ex-Officio Clerk of the City Council do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is the actual resolution duly and regularly adopted by the City Council at a regular meeting on the 18th day of June, 1996, by the following vote to-wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: City Clerk of the City of Fontana Mayor of the City of Fontana ATTEST: City Clerk Page I of I RANCHO ~ I CUCAMONGA 'i ,,,,, ~ ~1 / RIALTO ~ I ,.., ~ FONTANA *"'"~' "' I ~ -' ~ 'PROJECT "'~" '~' I ~ LOCATIOt """:,, / ""' ,,, , <1 ~ ' CItY OF FONTANA LEGEND ~ ~ IN~UEN~ ~ A~NUE S~ E~S~ AGENDA REVIEW ACKNOWLEDGMENT PAGE I have reviewed the agenda item for FinalAcceptanceoftheConstmctionofLocustAvenue Sewer Extension and approve it. Name Date ~lanle Date CITY COUNCIL ACTION REPORT MARCH 5, 1996 MEETING FROM: Community Development Department SUBJECT: Award of Contract for the Construction of the Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project RECOMMENDATION: 1. REJECT THE LOWEST BIDDER, BEAR VALLEY PAVING'S BID FOR FALLING TO LIST THE SUBCONTRACTORS FOR THE PROJECT; ACCEPT A BID FROM THE SECOND LOWEST BIDDER IN THE AMOUNT OF 997,982 AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH S.J. BURKHARDT, INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110 FEET SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD TO 170 FEET NORTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD; AUTHORIZE A CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF 99,798.20 (10%) OF THE CONSTRUCTION AMOUNT. 2. AUTHORIZE APPROPRIATION OF 9107,780.20 FROM SEWER FUND 502. COUNCIL GOALS: To improve and upgrade the City's existing infrastructure. DISCUSSION: On February 8, 1996, the City Clerk received 12 bid proposals for this project. The bids were publicly opened at 2:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Staff has determined that the lowest bidder has been disqUalified by not listing the subcontractors for the project. The second lowest bid proposal has been found in compliance with the requirements and is therefore considered the lowest responsible bidder. This project is essential to provide needed sewer service to commercial and residential properties located north of Foothill Boulevard. The Sunrise Ford car dealership has deposited their fair share with the City towards the construction of this sewer line. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are available in the Sewer Fund (502), Program Numbe~r 53720 for this project. This project was originally budgeted and awarded to a contractor in FY 94/95 however, the contractor was unable to enter into a contract and the project was re- bid. ,tern: CC-H " Reqt for Budget Change Fr (Pkaee Typel Fund Numb _,ffl ntr. s 502 8ewee Capital Budge Vmldtm' # Requeetb~ (Be/Bet Uee Od~) ' '~Ntmeat/Olvbbe: C.Dj~ F. mimead Fund 8abne I~x te Change: $ 240~12 Impamt teFund iaiBaex $ (107.780) E.-"-.4ted Fued BdNte After Charge: I 132,902 Pm~e~Aa;~at-PmJe~ Cu~e, Prm~eed Amended AoO~M Deeln (~-~-~) Revue: t t S 0.~ 0.~ 0.~ 0.~ 0.~ S 0.~ S 0.~ S 0.~ C~ B372~17-B787~ t 0.~ t 107,7~.~ I 107,7~.~ 0.~ 0.~ 0,~ 0.~ 0.~ 0.~ 0.~ ~ 0.~ 0.~ 0.~ 0.~ 0.~ 0.~ S 0.~ t 107,7~.~ S 107,7~.~ Re~ ~ Dkeetof of De4aetrneet Dete Agerid8 Its Numbe Dee Directre' of Merm~nent Se~vi~ee. Dete Proceeeed By Dete NOTE: AI Requests fix' Budge Chmtge mquldng City Councl approvd must be completed, signed end it,dled 1o the Staff we~ ~ 41~181gee Wll be proGilead folOWleg City Couedl ;vII. ~ArcRIQT.,YL$, Yllfi ITEMS ARE DUE TO ~ CI~CLERK'S OFFICE NO LATER TEA~'~ONDAy, AT NOON, NINE (9) WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO THE COUNCIL MEETING.- ~ (This foms will be used for dan, input, no o~er I~ork is requkud, BY# If more space is needed, · bedg~t cbanle loan must be meal, (Budget Usa F~nm~,,: , i~ctsasinl: REVlEWED BY: City Clinic Budge= (;,piml Budget: . Corm~ents (initial your cornmatt): Outstandin8 Issue: CITY COUNCIL ACTION REPORT MARCH 5, 1996 MEETING FROM: Community Development Department SUBJECT: Award of Contract for the Construction of the Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project RECOMMENDATION: 1. REJECT THE LOWEST BIDDER, BEAR VALLEY PAVING'S BID FOR FAILING TO LIST THE SUBCONTRACTORS FOR THE PROJECT; ACCEPT A BID FROM THE SECOND LOWEST BIDDER IN THE AMOUNT OF 997,982 AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH S.J. BURKHARDT, INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110 FEET SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD TO 170 FEET NORTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD; AUTHORIZE A CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF 99,798.20 (10%) OF THE CONSTRUCTION AMOUNT. 2. AUTHORIZE APPROPRIATION OF 9107,780.20 FROM SEWER FUND 502. COUNCIL GOALS: To improve and upgrade the City's existing infrastructure. DISCUSSION: On February 8, 1996, the City Clerk received 12 bid proposals for this project. The bids were publicly opened at 2:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Staff has determined that the lowest bidder has been disqualified by not listing the subcontractors for the project. The second lowest bid proposal has been found in compliance with the requirements and is therefore considered the lowest responsible bidder. This project is essential to provide needed sewer service to commercial and residential properties located north of Foothill Boulevard. The Sunrise Ford car dealership has deposited their fair share with the City towards the construction of this sewer ~ine. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are available in the Sewer Fund (502) for this project. This project was originally budgeted and awarded to a contractor in FY 94/95 however, the contractor was unable to enter into a contract and the project was re-bid. Irare: MOTION: Approve staff recommendation. Frank A. Schuma Gregory C. Deveraaux Community Development Director City Manager ATTACHMENT: Page I - Vicinity Map Request ;or Budget Change Form {Pkase Type| (~ ~e O~) EatMated Fund kAenoe ~ to Clango: $ 2.40e112 (mpeot to Fund lebeoe: $ (107.760| F.~Vneted Fund Bdenoe Afte Clango: ~ 132.902 Pr~gmm-A__,~,__.~-ProJee Current ,Propeel Aooount Desmiptiofi (XXXXX-XXXX-XX)GOGOO() Budge -e. Amendmems , _n,__,~,et , , , 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 , 0.00 , O.00 , 0.0~ ExpNIdltete; Conetmmbe 63720-1017-676782 , 0.00 , 107,7110.00 , 107,780.~ O.00 0.0~ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 , 0.00 , '107,780.00 , 107,780.00 Re4eeo, fe Clmage: Counol qende kern on MBrd~ 6~ 1996, f~x LinNet Ave. SewN' Direclot of Deelit Date Ageede Item Number Dee Dlfecto~ of Menagment $e~loe, Dete PFocHsed By Det¢ NOTE: AI Requests fN' Budget Chmtge requiring CIty Co,reel eppmvd muet be ~ml~eted, elgned ate ~.hed to ~e aft repet. Budget diegee wl be pe~eeeed fdbwbg City Cemd eeeevel. $WERfQT.~fL~, 2/t9/96 V AGRNDA I~EVIRW ACICNOWLEDGMENT PAGE I have reviewed ~he agenda i~em for Award of Co,s,~t forthe. Conmuction of the I~cust Avenue Sewer Rxten.~ion PrOject and approve it. Nam~ Nam~ Dat~ DECEMBER 19, 1995 M FROM: Community Development Department SUBJECT: Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project .C-c> .,,a~ RECOMMENDATION: REPEAL THE CITY COUNCIL MOTION MADE ON MAY 16, 1995 TO ACCEPT A BID BY CASTILLO CONTRACTORS IN THE AMOUNT OF 996,900 AND REJECT ALL PREVIOUSLY RECEIVED BIDS FOR THIS PROJECT AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO READVERTISE FOR BID FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT. COUNCIL GOALS: To improve and upgrade the City's existing infrastructure. DISCUSSION: On May 16, 1995 the City Council awarded the construction contract to the lowest bidder, CastlaiD Contractors. The execution of the contract was delayed due to the contractor failing to meet the insurance requirements. On September 25, 1995 Castillo Contractors informed the City in writing that they are no longer in the financial position to undertake this contract and requested to be excused. The City Engineering staff in consultation with the City Attorney's office recommends the City Council excuse Castillo Contractors from its obligation in the best interest of the City. The second lowest bidder, R & L Sewers, Inc.,. when contacted by the Engineering staff informed in written response dated November 9, 1995 that R & L Sewers, Inc. can no longer construct the project at the original bid price. R & L Sewers, Inc. has shown interest in doing the project at a higher price. The Engineering staff recommends that due to considerable delay the project should be readvertised to receive new bids. MOTION: Approve staff recommendation. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Frank A. Schuma ~ ~_~.~.e.~.~',~. D~vereaux Community Development Director City Manager YP:ke ,tern: CC'F CITY COUNCIL ACTION REPORT MAY 16, 1995 MEETING ~ FROM: Community Development Director SUBJECT: Award of Contract for the Construction of the Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project from 110 Feet South of Foothill Boulevard to 170 Feet North of Foothill Boulevard RECOMMENDATION: ACCEPT A BID IN THE AMOUNT OF 996,900.00 AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH CASTILLO CONSTRUCTORS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110 FEET SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD TO 170 FEET' NORTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD; TO AUTHORIZE A CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF 99,690.00 (10%) OF THE CONSTRUCTION AMOUNT). COUNCIL GOALS: To improve and upgrade the City's existing infrastructure. DISCUSSION: On April 13, 1995, the City Clerk received nine bid proposals for this project. The bids were publicly opened at 2:00 pm in the City Council Chambers. Castillo Constructors has been confirmed as the lowest responsible bidder. This project is essential to provide much needed sewer service to commercial and residential properties located north of Foothill Boulevard. The Sunrise Ford car dealership has deposited their fair share with the City towards the construction of this sewer line. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds in the amount of 9116,000 for the Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project are budgeted in the Fiscal Year 1994/95 Budget in Fund 502, Program Number 53720. MOTION: Approve staff recommendation. SUBMITTED BY: ~ Frank A. Schuma Community Development Director City Manager . ATTACHMENTS: Page 1 - Vicinity Map ,., item: CC-D CITY COUNCIL ACTION REPORT MAY 16, 1995 MEETING FROM: Community Development Director SUBJECT: Award of Contract for the Construction of the Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project from 110 Feet South of Foothill Boulevard to 170 Feet North of Foothill Boulevard RECOMMENDATION: ACCEPT A BID IN THE AMOUNT OF t/96,900.00 AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH CASTILLO CONSTRUCTORS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE LOCUST AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT FROM 110 FEET SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD TO 170 FEET NORTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD; TO AUTHORIZE A CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF 99,690.00 (10%) OF THE CONSTRUCTION AMOUNT). COUNCIL GOALS: To improve and upgrade the City's existing infrastructure. DISCUSSION: On April 13, 1995, the City Clerk received nine bid proposals for this project. The bids were publicly opened at 2:00 pm in the City Council Chambers. Castillo Constructors has been confirmed as the lowest responsible bidder. This project is essential to provide much needed sewer service to commercial and residential properties located north of Foothill Boulevard. The Sunrise Ford car dealership has deposited their fair share with the City towards the construction of this sewer line. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds in the amount of $116,000 for the Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project are budgeted in the Fiscal Year 1994/95 Budget in Fund 502, Program Number 53720. MOTION: Approve staff recommendation. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Frank A. Schuma Gregory C. Devereaux Community Development Director City Manager ATTACHMENTS: Page 1 - Vicinity Map Item: RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~ RIALTO ~ I ~... ~ FONTANA ' i ~ : · ~:~ PROJECT · "'"~" '~" """'~: ~ LOCATION CITY OF FONTANA L[GEND ....... CITY ~ F~T~A'S ~ ~HERE ~ IN~UEN~ L~U~ A~NUE S~ DENS~ P~JECT 'NC~A~O a~ VOC~NQTY ~AP