HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.4 From Caltrans Location/Carton# 07 D 16 EN 29. ] ACCEPTANCE TEST 29.4 INDEPENDENT ASSURANCE TEST 46 INSPECTOR' S DAILY REPORTS 49.1 CHANGE ORDERS RE, IVED ~TATE OF-CALIFORNIA--BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~ J 15 1~33 (~ DISTRICT 8, P.O. BOX 231 ,,,, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFOILNIA 92402 :~ CITY ENGINEERS OFFICE TDD (71) 3834609 August 12, 1993 08-91~N-UT-2303 08-SBd-10-15.7 Mr. Felipe Molinos City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 Dear Mr. Molinos: Request for As-Built Plans Our records indicate the field work on the above-referenced permit (copy attached) has been completed but As-Built plans (required under Item 21 of the General Provisions) have not yet been submitted. Please submit As-Built plans within 30 days from the date of this letter. This permit is not considered completed until the As-Built plans have been filed and reviewed in t]he field by the Permit Inspector. As-Built plans shall bear the "As-Built" stamp and shall be signed by a Registered Civil Engineer, denoting the title and date of signature. Please submit one (1) set of As- Built plans for civil work and, if applicable, six (6) sets for electrical/signal work, on blackline prints. Please do not submit reproducible vellums or mylars. Please be advised that completion of the "As-Built" filing is a vital part of the "Underground Alert" records. Compliance is required in order to issue future permits. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please call Mr. Neil Prescott at (909) 383-4103 .... Very truly yours, DAMODARA "NAIDU" ATHULURU, P.E. District Permit Engineer Attachment JOi,0 l'~j,=_,L(p,E C,,'TY OF:: ("~Oq) ,Z, 50-664--J (~Dq'o NorfciiE OF C Ni:~.-e]-'~'o~ HIE. NGOC DEPAETNENT OF TRANSPORTATIO~ (CALTRANS) ENCROACHMENT PEILMIT w Perm, t~ D~-~-?~ReV ~/90) 08-91-N-UT-2303 Dist/Co/Rte/PM 08-sBd-10- . In Compliance with (check one): Date X Your application of DECEMBER 17, 1991 july 13, 1992 Fee Paid DeCeit Utility Notice No. of $EXEMPT $ XXXX Bond Amount Agreement No. of $XXXX Bo~ Company R/W Contract No. of XXXX Bo~ Nuni~er City of Fontana XXXX 8353 Sierra Ave. Fontana, CA 92337 (714) 350-7610 . , PERMITTEE and subject to the following, PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED to: Have installed and thereafter own'and amaintain 54" steel casing with 27" V.C.P. sewer line under and across Route 10 at Cypress as per plans date stamped December 17, 1991 and/or as directed by the State's Representative. A PRE-JOB MEETING WITH THE ASSIGNED STATE'S REPRESENTATIVE, SUSAN COLLINS (714)383-5954, IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO START OF ANY WORK UNDER THIS PERMIT] IN ADDITION, THE ATTACHED PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING AGREEMENT SHALL BE SIGNED AND RETURNED PRIOR TO STARTING WORK UNDER THIS PERMIT! FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN PERMIT CANCELLATION AND RESUBMITTAL MAY BE REQUIRED. FURTHER INFORMATION MAY BE ATTAINED BY THE AREA FIELD SUPERVISOR FRANK CORDOVA (714)383-6922. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, STANDARD PLANS AND DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ENCROACHMENT PERMIT UTILITY PROVISION DATED JULY 1987. "AS-BUILTm' PLANS ARE REQUIRED UPON COMPLETION OF ALL WORK. THE "AS-BUILT" PLANS MUST BE CERTIFIED (AS-BUILT PLANS FOR ROADWAY GEOMETRICS AND BELOW GROUND FEATURES) AS SUCE BY A REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER. THE ATTACHED PAGES ARE MADE PART OF THIS PERMIT The following attachments are also included as pert of this permit (Check In addition to fee the permittee will be billed applicable) actual costs for: ;(Yes General Provisions __Yes X No Review __Yes__X No Utility Maintenance Provisions Yes X__ No inspection __Yes. X, No Special Provisions 'i'yes Field Work __YesX No Excavation permit required prior to beginning work: (If any CallPens effort exbended) X Yes N.A. The information in the environmental documentation has been reviewed and considered prior to approval of this permit. This permit is void unless the work is co~npLeted before MAY )1, 1~93 This permit is to be strictly construed and no other work other than specifically mentioned is hereby authorized. No project work shaLt be ccxnnenceduntll aLL other necessarypermits and envirormT~taL cLearan:es have been obtained.. Utilities APPROVED: ColLins Oarcia ~1-2303 KEN ~EELE, District Director / CDH NGOC NG, P.E. Assistant District Permit Engineer P~rmi~i~nisr~uest~t~encr~ch~n~h~Stat~H~hwayd~ht~w~y~f~(C~m~iete~i~ems: NAIfno~,~.bM.JA~l~tl~not~leteuntll ulre~ :o~tion: Ci~ 1 County 2 R~I~ 3 P~tMII~ 40aV~ 5 Fontana San Bernardino -10 5.51 2/09/91 Ad~ressorStreetName 6 Cr~Street(dist~nddlr~tlontrom,~e) 7 FOR~LTRAN~U~E Across entire 1-10 R/W m OwnFome, m Co.tm~o, O El) '~ Q May 1992 December 1992 s 132,000 Max. De~th a3 AverageOeOth 14 AverageW~th~5 Le~t~ 16 SudaceT~ 0~ ~'{~'~ 17 EXCAVATION 23.3 Ft. 23 FL 5 Ft 53 FL Concrete, Asphalt, Di~ Ty~ ' 18 Diameter 54" Casing 19 Vo~aoe/~lG Sanitary Sewage PIPES (35~ P extra 27" Carrier N/A FULLY DESCRIBE WORK WITHIN STATE ~: Attach complete plan~ (5 sets folded 8~ x 11), s~ cal~ map~ et~ if a~plicable. Jack and bore installation of ~ 54" steel casing with 0 27" VCP inserted through redwood skids, Annular space to be filled with sand. Starting and receiving pits will be located outside freeway R/W and outside Southern Pacific Railroad R/W [~ Yes O NO Pipe installation will extend North & South of I-I0 R/W THE UNDERSIGNED AGREE$ THAT THE WORK WILL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CALTI~AN$ RULES AND REGU~TIONS AND SUBJECT City of Fontana (71~ 350-7610 Felipe Mn]~nns 350-6641 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, CA 92337 ~ AGRICU~TU~L AP~OACH G NONE OF THE ABOVE. IF PROJ~C'r CANNOT BE DESCRIBED iN A~VE  G MODIFICATION OF T~FRC CATEGORtES, REQUEST PART B ~ROM THE PERMIT OFFICE. TIONS ON ~U~- 8-99 FRI 10:15 V ~X NO. 79518~e,' P. 01 KENKO T ransmittal ..... Our Phone __~' We are ~nsmiffing: VIa: For Your: ~ Per your request B Mall B Approval ~ Shop drawings B Overnight Mall B Review and comment D Proposal O UPS ~lnformatlon/Rles O Plans O Hand ~ Correspondante ~ Fax D ~dosuree D~crlptlon .~ Remarks CORPORATE OFFICE!- 16..~_41 glBt .~- Blaine, ~innecota 55449- (612) 786-6,510 - Fax (612) 786-660.2..., EiOLrT'HWESTERH DiVlSiO~bl .:, 16415 Addison Rood, SuLtej, 30S - Dallas, Tex~s 7524~ .-_(2:1:4) 931-9494 - FaX (214) 931-5474 WESTERN DIVISION - Post Office Box 831 - Callmesa, Cd~c~mia 92:~20 - (909) 795~256S - Fa~ (909) 795-1840 held ~n ., .... .--_..,, STATE OF CALiFORNIA--BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 8, P.O. BOX 231 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92402 TDD (714) 383-4609 January 13, 1993 Permit 08-9~L-N-UT-2303 Mr. Felipe Molinos Principle Engineer Capital Improvement Section City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Dear Mr. Molinos: In reference to the Redwood Skid Design noted and detailed on Sheet 2 of 9 of the Cypress Avenue Sewer Project; I concur with the elimination of skids attached to the top and sides of the pipe. Sincerely, SUSAN COLLINS Caltrans Permit Inspector ·" Co. ~¢ R/e. .ID P.A/I. ,-~P. // .......... hos been rece/ved and ass/gned Numb '7 ........ ~ ~ Use t~/s number co//~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA--SUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 8, P-O. BOX 231 SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 92402 TDD (714) 383-4609 March 13, 1992 ~ ~3 08-SBd-10-32.11 ~ ~ City of Fontana ] 8353 Sierra Avenue /~ Fontana, CA 92337 PERMIT APPLICATION UPDATE our files records that our letter dated February 18, 1992, has gone unanswered, a copy is attached for your convenience. If we do not receive response to this letter within ten (10) days from the date of this letter, your application will be canceled without prejudice. Asst Dist Permit Engineer (Supv SBd Co) Attachment OEPARTMENTOFTRANSPORTATION(CALTRANS) ~ ,' $'r~D~R attachments are include~ Addre~orStr~tName 6 Cr~Strffi(~let~7~nddlr~t~nf~m~l) I FOR~NIUBE Cypress Avenue May 1992 December 1992 s 132,000 ZAVATIO. ~3.3 Ft. 23 Ft 5 ,Ft 253 Ft ConCrete. Asph~, ~r~ LLY DESCRIBE WOrK WI~ IN STATE ~: A~8c~ complete plans (~ sets ~o1~ 8~ x ~ ~, ~ ~1~ Jack and bore installation of ~ 54" steel casing with ~ 27" VCP inserted through redwood skids. Annular space to be filled with sand. Starting and receiving pits will be located outside freeway R/W and outside Southern Pacific Railroad R/W IS ANY WORK BEING DONE ON ARPLICANT'B PROFERTY? If "Yes" ~rlefiy ~eecHbe ~nd etMch site Ind gr~dln~ plen~) '~ ~; 22 ~ Ye~ ~ No Pipe ~sCall~C~oD ~ ex~end NotCh &. Sou~h of 1-10 R/~ THE UNOERSlGNED AGREE8 THAT THE WORK Wl~ BE ~NE IN ACCORdNeE Wl~ ~L~N8 gU~8 AND REGU~ON8 AND Otg~nizltlon or AODlicent ~e Archltec~ Engln~r or ProJe~ Mgr. Phone C~y of ~o~a~a 350-7610 ~el~pe Mol~n~ ~ 350-6641 8353 Sierr~ Avenue, Fontana, CA 92337 ISACI~/COUN~/O~ERAGENCYINVOLyE~ ~ Yea Ch~kEn~ronme~lD~en~ti~ff~ChcOOyto 23 A~Oii~tlon ~ ~em~t ~ N.D. ~ ~ No Ch~kthe~t~wh~h~e~theProJ~ ~ SUBVEY ~ FENCE ~ ~A~OES CELES~TIONS ~ ~N~NCE OF EXlS~  ~ AGRICULTU~L AP~OACH ~ NON~ OF THE ABOVE, JF PROJECT CANNOT BE OESCBIBED {N G MO0~FI~IONOFT~FFIC CATEGORIES, REQUESTPARTBFROMTHEPERMITOFFICE. TION8 ON STATE OF CALIFORNIA--EUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY PETE WILSON, Oovernor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT S, P.O. BOX 231 SAN EERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 92402 TDD (714) 383-4609 February 2].8, 199~. 08-9:L-N-FE-2303 3 08-SBd-10-32. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Ave Fontana, CA 92337 PLAN CHECK We have reviewed your application for installling a sewer line under and across Route 10 at Cypress Avenue and find it to be satisfactory, however, we are requiring a environmental impact report be submitted before permit will be issued. Should you have questions ri~rding this matter please call me at (714)383~4501. ~~~j~k/// ; NGOC HOANG Aset Diet Permit Engineer (supv SBd Co) Ert s ,C ~--/64~z: STATE OF CALIFORNIA--BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 8, P.O. BOX 231 SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 92402 TDD (714) 383-4609 February 18, 1992 08-91-N-UT-2303 08-SBd-10-32.11 ~,~ City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Ave Fontana, CA 92337 PLAN CHECK We have reviewed your application for installing a sewer line under and across Route 10 at Cypress Avenue and find it to be satisfactory, however, we are requiring a environmental impact report be submitted before permit will be issued.. Should you have questions re~~e call me at (714)383-4501. / NGOC HOANG Asst DiSt Permit Engineer (Supv SBd Co) CALTRANS'DIST, 8. PE' """'~ ......FACSIMILE COVER SHEET .....'-':"~ ..... FACSIMILE PHONE NUMBER 714-38,.q-4224 OR ATSS 670-4224.,~., "- DATE _~__/~-_'7.,/_~,~~''~ DISTRi CT/COMPANY SECTION__' ..........-- ......,.. .... ++-I,,I-+++++++++++++++++++++ TOTAL PAGES TO FOLLOW ',..--Z-- ' VOICE COMMUNICATIONS CALl, TRANS,# 714~-383-4637 OR ATSS. 670-4637 ENCROC,# 714-~38a-4601 OR ATSS 670-4{i01 ,...-. . .........,'...; FES-27-'92 0?:54 ID_ ][ 08 PERMITS TEL N0:714383422 fi]S8 P02 &I'AIi ~ ~UP~N~--~, ~TA~ AND H~ A~N~ DEPARTMENT OF ~ANSPORTATION Ysbruery 18~, 1993 08-91-N-T3T-~303 0e-BBd-10-32 City of Fontaria 8353 Sierra Ave Fontaria, CA 92337 CHECK We have reviewed your application rot leetelling a sews= line under and across l~:m~ 10 ~ Cy~reee. Aven~e and find it to be satisfactc , however, we ~re're irtng a-envlror~entel impact ~ould you have ~estions regarding this ~tter, please call me at (714)383-4501. NGOC H~G asst Diet P~it ~gtneer (Supv SBd Co) ~0; ~oSp~e~ File/ ~ P, O1 ~ TRRNSROTION REPORT ~ FEB-27-92 THU 7:52 x ~ DhTE START SENDER RE TIME PAGES TYPE NOTE x' FEB-27 7:50 DIST 08 PERMITS 1'38~ 2 REOEIVE OK TELECOM~UN~CATION INFORMATION PAGE FROM NBS/LOWRY, INCORPORATED YOU ~AV~ TROUBLE RECEIVING TSIS TRANSMISSION, PLEASE CALL T~IS TELECOM~UNICATION IS BEING TR~NSMITTED ViA A R/COH 200 TELECOP IER. N~e .... t~: NBS/LOW~Y ~CHO B~A~O ~CO~X~R=(6~9) 487 - a068 Loca~io~ TOT~ ~MBER OF PAGES, INCLUDING ~IS PAGE: ~SSAGE 10920 V a FrOntere, R O, 84;)x 28100 · een Diego, CA 92128-0100, (819) 488-1500, (819) 57/'8-7140 SEP-28-1990 09:42 FROM NBS/Lowry TO 191a8507691 P. 02 ~TAll OF CAUFCW~A--~IJ~ilNE~S, 11API$e~IT&TIQN AND ~ A~ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Sep~e~er 1~, 1990 Develo~men~ Review Your Reference= ~rees S~ree~ City of Fon~ana NBS/Lcwry Engineers & Planners Attention Mr. R. T. Standish 10920 Via Frontera P.O. Box 28100 San Diego, CA 92128-0100 Dear Mr. Standish= Thank you for the opportunity to review =he proposed sanitary sewer in Cypress Avenue in the city of Fontaria. FOr all work in the State right of way, a separate set of General Notes for Caltrans shall be shown on the Title Sheet. Please refer to Page Nee. 2, 3 and 4 of the attached "Handout" for appli a l. G.n. ral Note tat. . ts for thi. p op,,.al. An encroachment permit will be needed before any work may begin in or near the Sta~e right of way. For an encroachment permit application, please contact Mr. RaJ chharan of otlr Permi~ section at (714) 383-4536° zf any work is necessary within =he state highway righ~ of way, the developer must obtain an encroachmen~ permit from the calftans District 8 Permi~ Offioe prior to beginning worK. If additional information is desired, please call Mr. Ray Shah of our Develol~aent Review See=ion at (714) 383-4671. very truly yours, TiM CHOWDHURY District Development SIP ~g Review Engineer NBS/'LOWay ~U~ Jngl,qleP!e~' Dlpar~mln~; h~e raylevee your pl=nl where ,:.-, ,~eley ~g proceed by A,&~a~r aaad l,¢al¢ CXerk STATE Of CALIFORNIA--BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~ DISTRICY 8, P.O. BOX 231 SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 92402 TDD (714) 383~1609 September 13, 1990 Development Review 08-SBd-10-15.51 Your Reference: Cypress Street Sewer City of Fontana NBS/Lowry Engineers & Planners Attention Mr. R. T. Standish 10920 Via Frontera P.O. Box 28100 San Diego, CA 92128-0100 Dear Mr. Standish: Thank you for the opportunity to review the proposed sanitary sewer in Cypress Avenue in the City of Fontana. For all work in the State right of way, a separate set of General Notes for Caltrans shall be shown on the Title Sheet. Please refer to Page Nos. 2, 3 and 4 of the attached "Handout" for applicable General Note Statements for this proposal. An encroachment permit will be needed before any work may begin in or near the State right of way. For an encroachment permit application, please contact Mr. Raj Chharan of our Permit Section at (714) 383-4536. If any work is necessary within the state highway right of way, the developer must obtain an encroachment permit: from the Caltrans District 8 Permit Office prior to beginning work. If additional information is desired, please call Mr. Ray Shah of our Development Review Section at (714) 383-4671. Very truly yours, CHOWD R SEP 19 1990 District Development Review Engineer NBS/LO~Y INCO!<F,;RA'I'[D S.D. STATE (~t CAUF(;~NIA..--IU.SINES~. T"RANSPCX~TATI(:)t4 AND I"iC)USIt~,J A~t,~'T' G!.C)IIC,! ~IAN, (~e~leikw DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION j~ SAN ~RNAI~, ~ ~ BANDOUT STREET IMPROVEMENT PT.%N8 (Revised October 1, 1989) I. INTRODUCTION This ,,I~%NDOUT,, is intended to provide the permittee and/or the permittee's representative(s) with a few basic guidelines for the design of typical roadway improvements and grading proposals within the State highway right of way. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN ALL THB DESIGN CRITERIA that may be used in the review of a specific project NOR DOES IT CONTAIN aMY TIt~ATM~NT FOR UNUSUAL SITUATIONS which call for special consideration. Additional information and design standards may be found in the latest editions of the following publications: Caltrans Highway Design Manual AASHTO (Policy on Geometric Design of Highways & Streets) Caltrans Standard Pla~s Caltrans Standard Specifications These publications may be obtained from: Department of General Services Publications Distribution P. O. Box 1025 North Highlands, CA 95660 (916) 973-3700 IT SHOULD BE NOTEDZ The developer MUST OETAINANENCROACHMENT PERMIT PRIOR TO TH~ COMMeNCEMeNT OF THE WORK from: Departmen~ of Transportation (Caltrans) Permit Section 247 West Third Street San Bernardino, CA 92402 HANDOUT Page 3 of ACCE88 CONTROL on the freeway WILL BE MAINTAINED at all times, i.e., the work inside the State right of way MUST BE FENCED OFP with no access to the work ~rea from the freeway. NO FREEWAY RAMP8 or FREEWAY LANES MAY BB CLOSED or obstructed at ANYTlMBunless specifically allowed per the encroachment permit and/or as directed by the Statets representative. ALL fence relocated to facilitate the construction of this project inside the State right of way SMALL BE RBPI.~CED WITH CL-8 FENCE as shown in the Statets Standard Plans or with a block wall in accordance with acceptable local agency standards. Where Type CL-6 fence does not exist~ the State right of way fence MUBT BE upgraded to TYPE CL-e FRNCE, as shown in the Standard Plans. The STRUCTURAL S~CTION shown within the State right of way is for ESTIMATING purposes ONLY. The actual section WILL BE designed by a Soil Engineer after native soil testing has been completed. A traffic index (TI) of shall be used in the design of the travelled way, and a TI of shall be used for the shoulder design. The laboratoI7 reports and the design calculations SHALL BE 8UBMITTSD to the State's representative for APPROVAL' PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION of the structural section. ALL State drainage structures MUST first BB COMPLETELY CLEANED of debris and/or silt by the contractor PRIOR to making the connection. The contractor 8HALL BE RESPONSIBLE for ensuring that any State drainage facility which is connected to or directly affected by the contractors operation SHALL BE clean and operational PRIORTO FINAL ACCEPTANCE of the permit work by the State. Adequate clean-outs and access openings SHALL BE PROVIDED in any construction within the State's right of way for future maintenance and repair work as needed. This work shall be furnished at NO COST TO the STATE. Where SURVEY MON~3MBNT8 exist, such monuments SHALL BE · ROTECTED or shall be REFERENCED and RESET pursuant to Business and Professions Code, Sections 8700 to 8805 (Land Surveyor*s Act). HANDOUT Page 5 of 11 D. STREET IMPROVEMENT P;~NS The Street Improvement Plans MUST BE SIGNED by a REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER. The Street Improvement Plans MUST C~LL OUT all existing and proposed hydrants, street lights, and power poles. ALL curb, gutter, wheelchair ramps, and driveways within the State right of way MUST BE to State Standards. The curb and gutter in the State right of way MUST BE placed over a minimum of 4" Class 2 aggregate base compacted to 95%relative compaction as per California test No. 216. ALL pavement overlays MUST begin, end, and run perpendicular or parallel to the State highway centerline. The overlay MUST BE feathered to the next lane line. ~ We DONOT PERMIT radius-return driveways within the State right of way unless Justified by traffic volumes prior to permit issuance. A soils report and design of the actual structural section MUST BI APPROV~D by this office before the placement of the structural section. All improvements between the curb and the State right of way line must include a letter "to own and maintain" the area by either the local agendy or the property owner if the local agency declines (see Landscaping Plan). E. CROSS-SECTIQNS Typical cross-sections must be included. Cross-sections are required for any work within the State right of way. We NEED cross-sections at 50' inter~,als, from 100' each side of the project limits, along the State right of way. Special sections are required where existing or proposed conditions change significantly, such as a driveway. On projects 200' or less in length, cross-sections every 25' are required with a minimum of four (4) cross- sections. HANDOUT Page 7 of 11 Cross-slope and side-slope ratios MUST BB indicated on the plans. The top and toe of the side slopes must be indicated for the proposed grading. The profile of drainage facilities SHALL B! provided, i.e., channels, pipes, ditches, etc. Hydraulic calculations must be provided for all new drainage systems calculated at 100-year storm (Q100). When a connection is to be made to an existing culvert in the State right of way, the Junction structure must have a cleanout; this may be a Flood Control District design. The flow in an unlined channel shall not exceed the permissible velocity stipulated ~n Table 862.2 of.the State Highway Design Manual. All ined channels must be constructed per Table 872.2 of the Highway Design Manual. H. STRIPING AND SIGNING PTAN The Striping and Signing Plan may be shown on the Street Improvement Plans, but separate Striping and Signing Plans are preferred. aLL existing signs and striping MUST B! shown, identified, and dime~sioned according to the TRa~PXC MANUAL details. ALL relocated and new signing and striping MUST B~ shown, identified, and dimensioned according to the TRAFFIC MANUAL details. All existing and proposed signals and detector loops must be identified. ALL striping, marking, and markers MaST BS shown and MUST conform to the STAT~ TRAFFXC M~NUaL. I. TANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PT~NS The Landscape and Irrigation Plan MUST B~ signed by a REGISTERID Fa%MDSCAP~ ]&RC~XTSCT. You MUST furnish this office with a letter stating you will own and maintain the proposed landscaping and irrigation (unless the landscape is a replacement in-kind required by Calftans). HANDOUT Page 9 of 11 If road work is involved the entire package SHALL BE PROVIDID for review, i.e., Signal Plan, Striping Plan, Landscape & Irrigation Plan, and Roadway Plan. Design details such as striping, crosswalks and handicap ramps SHALL S! shown on the Signal Plan. Plans MUST show the existing system as well as the proposed system. The proposed plans MUST B! IN BOLD PRINT and the existing facilities SHALL B! shown in dashed or broken lines. Any work involving signals and/or lighting SHALL B! AT NO COST TO TB! STAT! unless prior 'agreements were made which shall have included all. the supporting documentation, i.e., Traffic Studies, and Traffic Warrants. The accidental destruction of State facilities during construction SHALL B! replaced in-kind AT NO COST TO TEl STAT!. Furthermore, ~ damage resulting in signal failure SHALL BI R~P&Z!t~D ZMM~DZ&TILY. Loop detector placement and designations SHALL B3 consistent with the attached "TYPICAL DITECTIONL~YOUT". NO detector loop SHALL B! installed in the path of a driveway or other intersection. The Conductor and Pole Schedules ~ MOT M~R~LY GUIDE8~ THEY SHALL BE COMPIaST! aND ACCURATE. Lighting conductors SHALL NOT enter the signal controller cabinet. Luminaires SHALL BE furnished without photo-electric unit receptacles. If the luminaire housing is provided with a hole for the receptacle, the hole SHALL Bl closed in a weather-proof manner. Only one (1) lamp-type ballast SHALL, BI used. Overhead clearance of utility lines MUST B! ADDRESSED. A service wirin~ diagram SHALL BI PROVlDID. A dual Type III PE Control SEOULD SI specified with a detail drawing. Nylon jacketed conductors SHALL NOT B! USED. PROVlDI a stub-out for future coordination. HANDOUT Page 11 of 11 We N~BD a Typical cross-section of a minimum of half- width of the State highway right of way. We N~BD profiles at stations showing the centerline, top of curb, flow-line, and edge of pavement. We NEED hydraulic calculations, calculated at 100-Year Storm (Q100) Basis. The connection(s) to the State culvert(s) M~ST have a cleanout at the point of connection. NO WIRE MZBN mey be used for concrete rein'forcement in the State right of way. Local agency (City, County, etc.} Standards will be permitted in the State right of way ONLY IP they exceed State Standards and are approved prior to permit issuance. There MUST be a minimum of a 10' wide area on the State side of the right of way fence so State vehicles can be driven along the fence for maintenance purposes. We MUST N~V~ six (6) sets of PLANS Plans MUST BB 22" x 36" (maximum size) Plans MUST B~ INDIVIDUALLY folded 8-1/2" x 11" You will need to submit an application to OWN. AND MAINTAIN, which MUST B~ in the name of the organization that will .own and maintain** the proposed system (utility, sidewalk or landscaping) when it is completed, if applicable. The following must also be submitted if applicable: Environmental Document Copy of the engineer*s cost estimate Copy of the Conditions of Approval If you have technical questions, please call RaJ Chharan at (714) 383-4536. -__ If you have technical questions, please call Basem B; Muallem at (714) 383-4536o If you have technical questions, please call Bruce Gregg at (714) 383-4526. PLBAII DO NOT CALL FOR a STATUS ON YOUIt PIPJIZT ~NTXL 30 CALEND~It DAYS I~FTBR ALL PERTINENT DOCUMENTS, PLale8, ZNFOPJlaTXON; BTC. IEAV~ BZEN 8UBMZTTZD.