HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.4 Geotechnical EngineerPlease Remit Paymenu to Ni~o & Mare Corporate Accounting: Invoice number 49807 102258arnesCanyonRoad , SuiteA-II2 · SanOiego, Cal~rnla 92121 May 31, 1996 Phone [619~ 457-0400 · F~ {619~ 558-1236 Page number 1 Project No. 200646.05 - Locust Avenue Sewer Project CITY OF FONTANA P.o. sox 518 FONTANA, CA 92334-0518 ,~A~ ATTN: ,,. YousuP PAT A fiel~ ~ensity ~es~i~g, and pzepara~io~ of ou~ report ~a~e~ flay 28, ~996. BRO~IONAL ~VIC~ ~ou~· ~e ~u~ PRINCIPAL BRGIRR~/~OL~I~ 5-24-96 .50 84.0~ 42.00 5-24-~6 ~.00 84.00 84.00 P~O~BC~ ~R~IR~B~/~OL~I~ K~ ~. ~O~BII 5-24-96 .50 74.00 37.00 ~-24-~6 3.25 ~4.00 240.50 5-03-96 .25 74.00 18.50 5-10-96 1.75 74.00 129.50 5-17-96 .50 74.00 37.00 5-31-96 .75 74.00 55.50 STAFF BNGIN!!R/GEOL~I8T ERICK J. ~DRIa FIELD SERVICES 5-~0-96 16.25 42.00 682.50 BRIK R. HILDB DATA C~PILATION & ANALYSIS B RiGiN~[~/-~. .50 42.00 21.00 ~OPY~UPLICATE JUN 2 5 ~9~6 *~TBS SHO~ REFLECT ~ OF BILLING ~gK Please Remit Paymen~ to Ni~O & Moore Corpo~te Accounting: 102258arnesCanyonRoad , SuiteA-ll2 · SanDiego, Cali~rnla 92121 Invoice number 49807 Phone (619) 457-0400 · Fax1619) S58-1236 ~a~ 31~ ~99~ Bags number 2 ~rojeat ~o. 200846.0~ - Loau~t A~enue Se~sr Projeer PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Hours* Rate Amount SUPERVISORY TECHNICIAN RAIMUNDO L. CEREZO FIELD SERVICES 5-03-96 5.00 42.00 210.00 DATA COMPILATION & ANALYSIS 5-10-96 1.00 42.00 42.00 LABORATORY TESTING 5-10-96 4.50 42.00 189.00 SENIOR FIELD/LAB TECHNICIAN RICHARD MARK REESER FIELD SEEVICES 5-10-96 4.50 42.00 189_.00 COORDINATION/PLANNING/LIAISON 5-03-96 2.00 42.00 84.00 5-10-96 3.00 42.00 126.00 WORD PROCESSING/REPRODUCTION ANNEMIEKE VALKENHOFF WOLD PROCESSING 5-17-96 1.00 27.00 27.00 5-24-96 .50 27.00 13.50 S-31-96 .2S 2?.00 6.7S MARY ELAINE HEBNEB REPRODUCTION 5-24-96 .25 27.00 6.75 5-31-96 .2~ 27.00 6.7S REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT CHARGE 5-03-96 RLC 5 Hours e 6.00 30.00 5-10-96 RMR 4.5 Hours e 6.00 27.00 5-10-96 EJA 16.25 Hours e 6.00 97.50 ***THIS INVOICE TOTAL***: 2,402.75 ,DATES SHOWN REFLECT END OF BILLING WEEK Please Remit Payments to Ninyo & Moore Corporate Accoun[ing: 10225BarnesCanyonRoarj . SujteA-H2 · SanDiego, California 92121 Invoice number 49807 Phone 1619} 457-0400 · Fax 1619) 558-1236 May 31, 1996 Page number 3 Project No. 200646.05 - Locust Avenue Sewer Project PREVIOUS UNPAID INVOICES: Number Date Amount Invoice 49531 4-26-96 248.25 TOTAL PREVIOUS INVOICES= 248.25 · **TOTAL BAEANCB DUB***: 2,651.00 Aged Receivables Current 31-60 days 61-90 days 91-120 days 121+ da~s Total 2,651.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2,651.00 ,DATES SHOWN REFLECT END OF BILLING WEEK Remit P~men~ to Ni~o &Moore Corporate Accdbnting: · ~n Di~o · I~ine · Los ~getes · ~n ~rdino Invoice number 49807 10225~rnesCa~onRoad · SuiteAql2 · SanDiego. CaHbmia 92121 May 31, 1996 Phone(619;457-0400 · F~ I6191558-1236 Page number1 ' ~'j~ct NO. 200646.05 ' LocUst Avan~e FONTANA, CA 9Z3a4-0518 IMllNnC ATTN: MR. YOUSUF PATANWALA Final invoice through May 31, 1996, for geotechnical consulting services pert4ainin~ ~to~th~-/~cue~ A~en~e Our 'services ha~e'[~luded'prOject coordination, laborator~ testing, ~field density testing, and preparation o[ our report dated May 28, 1996. pROFESSIONAL SERVICES Hours, Rate Amount PRINCIPAL ENGINEER/GEOLOGIST CAROL ANN PRICE REPORT PREPARATION 5-24-96 .50 ' ~ VAKILI , REPORT PREPARATION: ': 5-24-96 1.00 84.00 84.00 PR~ECT ENGINEER/GEOLOGIST KURT S. YOSHII DATA COMPILATION & ANALYSIS 5-24-96 .50 74.00 37.00 REPORT PREPARATION 5-24-96 3.25 74.00 240.50 COORDINATION/PLANNING/LIAISON : 5~i0~9~~ ....... ;' ' ~ 5-~7-96 .50 74.00 37.00 5-31-96 .75 74.00 55.50 8TA~ ~NGIN~ER/G~OBOGIaT ~RICK J. FIELD SERVICE8 5-10-96 16.25 42.00 682.50 MRIK R~ HILD~ DAT~:C~PIhA~ION & ~LYSI8 :"~.: :~c5,1~96~ 50 ~DAT~S 8HO~N RBPLgCT END OF BILLING ~SBK PLEASE RETURN WITH PAYMENT ~ease ~mit Paymen~ ~o Njnyo & MOO~ Co~o~ Accoun~ng: 10225~rnesCan~nRoad · SuiteA-II2 · SanDiego, Ca.~rnia 92121 I]~voice Bulllber 49807 Project No. 200646.05 - Locust Avenue Sewer Project 0 ~ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Hours* Rate o~ .............. SUPERVISORY TECHNICIAN RAINUNDO L. CEREZO FIELD SERVICES 5-03-96 5.00 42.00 210.00 DATA COMPILATION & ANALYSIS ' 5-10-96 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1=.00 4Z. 00 42.00 LABORATORY TESTING t 5-10-96 4.50 42.00 189.00 ~SENIOR FIELD/LAB TECHNICIAN RICHARD MARK REESER FIELD SERVICES 5-10-96 4.50 42.00 189.00 COORDINATION/PLANNING/LIAISON 5-03-96 2.00 42.00 84.00 5-10-96 3.00 42.00 126.00 WORD PROCESSING/REPRODUCTION ANNEMIEKE VALKENHOFF WORD PROCESSING 5-17-96 1.00 27.00 27.00 5-24-96 .50 27.00 13.50 5-31-96 .25 27.00 6.75 MARY ELAINE HEBNER REPRODUCTION 5-24-96 .25 27.00 6.75 . 5-3I-9~' ' " ..=, ;,~.. .~., ..... i ..... .95 i27~O0:~ " ~6~75 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT CHARGE 5-03-96 RLC 5, Hours @ 6.00 30.00 5-10-96 RMR 4.5 Hours @ 6.00 27.00 5-10-96 EJA 16.25 Hours @ 6.00 97.50 ***THIS INVOICE TOTAL***: 2. 402.75 *DATES SHOWN REFLECT END OF BILLING WEEK PLEASE RETURN WITH PAYMENTS, Please Remit Payments to Ninyo & Moore Corporate A, ccounring: 10225BarnesCanyonRoad · SuiteA-II2 · San Diego, California 92121 Invoice number 49807 Phone (61e) 457-0400 · Fax 1619) 558-1236 May 31, 1996 ~ Page number 3 '~ \Y~ Project No. 200646.05 - Locust Avenue Sewer Project C~ ~ ~_ ' ================================================================= =: ~ ~ PRBVIOUS UNPAID ZNVOICgS: Number Date Amount ~ j~ ~.~ ...... TOTAL PREVIOUS INVOICES: 248.25 · **TOTAL BALANCE DUR***: 2,651.00 . Aged Receivables ~ Current 31-60 days 61-90 days 91-120 days 121+ days Total 2,651.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2,651.00 *DATES SHOWN REFLECT END OF BILLING WEEK PLEASE RETURN WITH PAYMENT May 28, 1996 Project No. 200646-05 City of Fontaria 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 Attention: Mr. YousufPatanwala Subject: Compaction Test Results Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project Locust Avenue and Foothill Boulevard Intersection Fontana, California INTRODUCTION In accordance with the City of Fontana's request and authorization, we have provided geotechni- cal testing services for the Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project located at the intersection of Locust Avenue and Foothill Boulevard in the City of Fontana, California. Our services were pro- vided in accordance with our "Annual Contract For Geotechnical Services" dated June 1, 1995. Our services for this project consisted of performing one laboratory maximum dry density test and nine field density tests at the subject project site. Our field density tests were performed on May 3, 8, and 9, 1996. This report summarizes our geotechnical field and laboratory testing performed for the project. SUBGRADE DENSITY TESTING We performed in-place field density tests of the backfill for the boring and receiving pits. Upon completion of the backfill compaction operations, a representative frora our firm performed in- place moisture and density tests of the compacted materials in general accordance with ASTM D 2922-91/D 3017- 88 (Nuclear Gauge method) and ASTM D 1556-90 (S and C one method). 10225 Barnes Canyon Road · Sulte A-i 12 · San Diego, California 92121 Phone (619) 457 0400 · Fax (619) 558-1236 9272jeronimoRoad · Suite 123A · Irvine, Californla 92718 · Phone(714) 4725444 · Fax(714) 472-5445 55 West Hospitality Lane · Suite 165 · San Bemardino, California 92408 · Phone/909) 383-8777 · Fax (909) 383 8776 City of Fontana %d %~t May 28, 1996 Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project Project No. 200646-05 Five field density tests were taken in the vicinity of the receiving pit and four field density tests were taken in the vicinity of the boring pit. The locations and elevations of the density tests taken for the sewer backfill and finished grade are summarized in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. The re- sults of the field density tests were used to evaluate the relative compaction of the subgrade soils. We were informed by the representative of the City of Fontana that the project specifications indi- cated a relative compaction of 90 percent for the sewer backfill and 95 percent for the top 12 inches of the finished grade. The results of Test #1 were below the specified 90 percent relative compaction. This area was re-worked and re-tested (Test #2). The maximum dry density of the subgrade soils was evaluated in accordance with ASTM D 1557-91. The results of the maximum dry density tests are presented in Table 3. We should note that we provided on-call testing serv- ices as requested by the City of Fontana. Our representative provided part-time observation of the backfill placement and compaction operations while at the site between tests. LIMITATIONS The field and laboratory testing presented in this report have been conducted in general accor- dance with current practice and the standard of care exercised by t;eotechnical consultants performing similar tasks in this area. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding the opinions expressed in this report. It is important to note that the precision of field density tests and the maximum dry density tests is not exact and variations should be expected. Further, we did not provide full-time observation of the subgrade placement operations and have, there- fore, provided no opinion regarding the uniformity of the subgrade between test locations. City of Fontana ~ ~ May 28, 1996 Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project Project No. 200646-05 We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. Should you have any questions regarding this report, we will be pleased to meet with you at your convenience. Sincerely, NINYO & MOORE Carol A. Price, RG 5045, CEG 1774 Project Engineer ' 'eering Geologist ~ Jalal Vakili, Ph.D., RCE 45350 Principal Engineer KSY/CAP/JV/av Distribution: (3) Addressee Attachments: Table 1 - Summary of Field Density Tests For Sewer Main Backfill Table 2 - Summary of Field Density Tests For Finished Grade Table 3 - Maximum Dry Density Test Results FOR PROJECT NO. 200646-05 SEWER MAIN BACKFILL Moisture Dry Retative Approx Content D t Coo~paction Sole ens~ y Test No. Date of Field 0~). Fie|d Max. Tested Spec. Ho. (%) (pcf) (pcf) (%) 1 5/3/96 SH Station No. 10+35 7 4.6 5,5 117.6 140.5 84 90 I RETEST ON 2 2 5/3/95 SM Station No. 10+35 7 5.5 5.5 132.6 140.5 94 90 1 RETEST OF 1 3 5/3/96 SM Station Ho. 10+25 5 6.7 5.5 136.0 140.5 97 90 1 4 5/3/96 SM Station No. 10+40 3 5,3 5.5 139,2 140.5 ~ 90 1 5 5/8196 $M Station No. 12+20 12 6.2 5,5 127.1 140.5 90 90 1 6 5/9Z96 SM Station No. 12+25 8 7.0 5.5 130.1 140.5 93 90 1 7 5/9/96 SM Station No. 12+30 4 5.5 5.5 130.0 140.5 93 90 I FOR PROJECT NO. 200646-05 FINISI~DGR~kDE Moisture Dry Relative Approx Content Denslty Cupaction Soil Test Test Location D~h Ty~ Remarks Test No. Date of ) Field 0~. Field Max, Test~ S~c. No. (%) % (pcf) (pcf) (%) % A 5/3/96 FG Station No. 10+30 1 4.2 5.5 134.1 140.5 95 95 F B 5/9/96 FG Station No. 12+30 1 5.4 5.5 137.8 140.5 98 95 1 .) City of Fontana ~,t vmm~ May 28, 1996 Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project Project No. 200646-05 TABLE 3 MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY TEST RESULTS Soil Description Maximum Optimum Type No. Density Moisture (pcf) (%) 1 Olive brown silty GRAVEL with sand 140.5 5.5 May 28, 1996 Project No. 200646-05 City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 Attention: Mr. YousufPatanwala Subject: Compaction Test Results Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project Locust Avenue and Foothill Boulevard Intersection Fontana, California INTRODUCTION In accordance with the City of Fontana's request and authorization, we have provided geotechni- cal testing services for the Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project located at the intersection of Locust Avenue and Foothill Boulevard in the City of Fontana, California. Our services were pro- vided in accordance with our "Annual Contract For Geotechnical Services" dated June 1, 1995. Our services for this project consisted of performing one laboratory maximum dry density test and nine field density tests at the subject project site. Our field density tests were performed on May 3, 8, and 9, 1996. This report summarizes our geotechnical field and laboratory testing performed for the project. SUBGRADE DENSITY TESTING We performed in-place field density tests of the backfill for the boring and receiving pits. Upon completion of the backfill compaction operations, a representative from our firm performed in- place moisture and density tests of the compacted materials in general accordance with ASTM D 2922-91/D 3017-88 (Nuclear Gauge method) and ASTM D 1556-90 (Sand Cone method). 10225BarnesCanyonRoad · SuiteAll2 · SanDiego, California 92121 · Phone(619) 457-0400 · Fax(619) 5581236 9272jeronimo Road · Suite 123A · Irvine, California 92718 · Phone (714) 472-5444 · Fax (714) 472 5445 155 West Hospitality Ldne · Suite 165 · San 8ernardino, California 92408 · Phone/909) ,383 8777 Fax (909) 3838776 City of Fontana ~=~ ~ May 28, 1996 Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project Project No. 200646-05 Five field density tests were taken in the vicinity of the receiving pit and four field density tests were taken in the vicinity of the boring pit. The locations and elevations of the density tests taken for the sewer backfill and finished grade are summarized in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. The re- suits of the field density tests were used to evaluate the relative compaction of the subgrade soils. We were informed by the representative of the City of Fontana that the project specifications indi- cated a relative compaction of 90 percent for the sewer backfill and 95 percent for the top 12 inches of the finished grade. The results of Test #1 were below the specified 90 percent relative compaction. This area was re-worked and re-tested (Test/~2). The maximum dry density of the subgrade soils was evaluated in accordance with ASTM D1557-91. The results of the maximum dry density tests are presented in Table 3. We should note that we provided on-call testing serv- ices as requested by the City of Fontana. Our representative provided part-time observation of the backfill placement and compaction operations while at the site between tests. LIMITATIONS The field and laboratory testing presented in this report have been conducted in general accor- dance with current practice and the standard of care exercised by l;eotechnical consultants performing similar tasks in this area. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding the opinions expressed in this report. It is important to note that the precision of field density tests and the maximum dry density tests is not exact and variations should be expected. Further, we did not provide full-time observation of the subgrade placement operations and have, there- fore, provided no opinion regarding the uniformity of the subgrade between test locations. /y//TZ/ 4 Auure City of Fontana ~ ~*' May 28, 1996 Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project Project No. 200646-05 We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. Should you have any questions regarding this report, we will be pleased to meet with you at your convenience. Sincerely, NINYO & MOORE 7 Carol A. Price, RG 5045, CEG 1774 54 59 Project Engineer ' f Engineering Geologist JalalVakili, Ph.D., RCE 45350 Ep J' ~ ~' Principal Engineer i . ' ' ~ ' KSY/CAP/JV/av Distribution: (3) Addressee Attachments: Table 1 - Summa~ of Field Density Tests For Sewer Main Backfill Table 2 - Summaq of Field Density Tests For Finished Grade Table 3 - Ma~mum D~ Density Test Results FOR PRO~CT NO. 200646-05 SE~R MA~ BACKF~L Moisture Dr~ Relative Approx Content Density C~action Soil Test No, Date of Field 0~, Field Hax, Tested Spec, (~) ~ (pcf) (~f) (~) 1 5/3/96 SM Station No. 10+55 ? 4,6 5.5 117,6 140.5 ~ 90 1 RETEST ON 2 5/5/96 SM Station No. 10+35 7 5.5 5.5 132,6 140,5 94 90 1 BETEST OF 1 3 5/~/96 SH Station No, 10+25 5 6.7 5.5 156.0 140,5 97 90 1 4 5/5/96 SH Station No. 10+40 5 5.~ 5.5 1~9.2 140.5 ~ 90 1 5 5/8/96 S~ Station No. 12+20 12 6.2 5.5 127.1 1~0.5 90 90 1 6 5/9/96 SM Station No, 12+25 8 7.0 5.5 150,1 140.5 95 7 5/9/96 SM Station No. 12+~0 4 5.5 5.5 1~0,0 140.5 95 90 1 FOR PROJECT NO. 200646-05 FINISHEDGRADE Moisture DrT Relative Approx Content Density Compaction Soil Test No. Date of Field 0~. Field Max. Tested Spec. No. (%) % (pcf) (pcf) (%) C~) 1 A 5/3/96 FG Station No. 10+30 1 4.2 5.5 134.1 140.5 95 95 B 5/9/96 FG Station Ho, 12+30 1 5.4 5.5 137.8 140.5 98 95 1 City of Fontana ~ ~ May 28, 1996 Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project Project No. 200646-05 TABLE 3 MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY TEST RESULTS Soil Description Maximum Optimum Type No. l)eusity Moisture (pcf) (%) 1 Olive brown silty GRAVEL with sand 140.5 5.5 May 28, 1996 Project No. 200646-05 City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue W':: ~3 0 ]G''~ Fontana, California 92335 Attention: Mr. YousufPatanwala Subject: Compaction Test Results Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project Locust Avenue and Foothill Boulevard Intersection Fontana, California INTRODUCTION In accordance with the City of Fontana's request and authorization, we have provided geotechni- cal testing services for the Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project localed at the intersection of Locust Avenue and Foothill Boulevard in the City of Fontana, California. Our services were pro- vided in accordance with our "Annual Contract For Geotechnical Services" dated June 1, 1995. Our services for this project consisted of perfbrming one laboratory maximum dry density test and nine field density tests at the subject project site. Our field density tests were performed on May 3, 8, and 9, 1996. This report summarizes our geotechnical field and laboratory testing performed for the project. SUBGRADE DENSITY TESTING We performed in~place field density tests of the backfill for the boring and receiving pits. Upon completion of the backfill compaction operations, a representative from our firm performed in- place moisture and density tests of the compacted materials in general accordance with ASTM D 2922-91/D 3017-88 (Nuclear Gauge method) and ASTM D 1556-90 (S~md Cone method). 10225 Barnes Canyon Road - SuiteA, 112 · San Diego, California 92121 - Phone (619) ,~-57 0400 · Fax (619) 558-1236 9272jeronimoRoad · Suite 123A · Irvine, Californla 92718 Phone(714) 4725444 · Fax(Z14}4725445 155 West Hospitality Lane · Suite 165 · San Bernardino, California 92408 · Phone (909) 383-8777 Fax (9091 383-8776 City of Fontana ~/ ~ May 28, 1996 Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project Project No. 200646-05 Five field density tests were taken in the vicinity of the receiving pit and four field density tests were taken in the vicinity of the boring pit. The locations and elevations of the density tests taken for the sewer backfill and finished grade are summarized in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. The re- sults of the field density tests were used to evaluate the relative compaction of the subgrade soils. We were informed by the representative of the City of Fontana that the project specifications indi- cated a relative compaction of 90 percent for the sewer backfill and 95 percent fbr the top 12 inches of the finished grade. The results of Test #1 were below the specified 90 percent relative compaction. This area was re-worked and re-tested (Test ~2). The maximum dry density of the subgrade soils was evaluated in accordance with ASTM D1557-91. The results of the maximum dry density tests are presented in Table 3. We should note that we provided on-call testing serv- ices as requested by the City of Fontana. Our representative provided part-time observation of the backfill placement and compaction operations while at the site between tests. LIMITATIONS The field and laboratory testing presented in this report have been conducted in general accor- dance with current practice and the standard of care exercised by geotechnical consultants performing similar tasks in this area. No other warranty, expressed or irnplied, is made regarding the opinions expressed in this report. It is important to note that the precision of field density tests and the maximum dry density tests is not exact and variations should be expected. Further, we did not provide full-time observation of the subgrade placement operations and have, there- fore, provided no opinion regarding the uniformity of the subgrade between test locations. 0646-05L.2 2 City of Fontana ~,d May 28, 1996 Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project Project No. 200646-05 We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. Should you have any questions regarding this report, we will be pleased to meet with you at your convenience. Sincerely, NINYO & MOORE 75 54 9 Carol A. Price, RG 504'.5, CEG 1774 Project Engineer ' fEngineering Geologist KSY/CAP/JV/av ~~ Distribution: (3) Addressee Attachments: Table 1 - Summary of Field Density Tests For Sewer Main Backfill Table2- Summary ofField Density Tests For Finished Grade Table 3 - Maximum Dry Density Test Results FOR PROJECT NO. 200646-05 SEWER MAIN BACKFILL Moisture Dry Relative Approx Content Density Compaction Soil Test No. Date of Field O~i Field Max. Tested Spec, No. (%) % (pcf) (pcf) (%) (%) 1 5/3/96 SM Station No. 10+35 7 4.6 5.5 117.6 140,5 84 90 1 RETEST ON 2 2 5/3/96 SM Station No. 10+55 7 5,5 5.5 132,6 140.5 94 90 1 RETEST OF 1 3 5/3/96 SM Station No. 10+25 5 6,7 5,5 136.0 140.5 97 90 1 4 5/3/96 SM Station No. 10+40 3 5,3 5.5 139.2 140.5 99 90 1 5 5/8/96 SM Station No. 12+20 12 6.2 5.5 127.1 140.5 90 90 1 6 5/9/96 SM Station No, 12+25 8 7.0 5,5 130,1 140,5 93 90 1 7 5/9/96 SM Station No. 12+30 4 5.5 5.5 130,0 140.5 93 90 1 FOR PROJECT NO. 200646-05 FINISHEDGRADE Moisture Dry Retative Approx Content Density Compaction Soit Test Test Location J~h Type Remarks Test No. Date of Fietd 0~ Field Max, Tested Spec, No, (%) % (pcf) (pcf) (%) (%) 1 A 5/3/96 FG Station No, 10+30 1 4.2 5.5 134.1 140,5 95 95 8 5/9/96 FG Station No. 12+30 I 5.4 5.5 137.8 140.5 98 95 1 City of Fontana ~' ~l/ May 28, 1996 Locust Avenue Sewer Extension Project Project No. 200646-05 TABLE 3 MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY TEST RESULTS Soil Description Maximum Optimum Type No. Density Moisture (pcf) (%) 1 Olive brown silly GRAVEL with sand 140.5 5.5 0646-05L.2 NAY 2 8 1996 · san ~,~o · ,~i,~ · Los~ge,e~ · s~, Please Rent Payments to Ninyo & Moore Corpora e Accounong: 10225 gar~s Canyon Read · Suite A-l l 2 · Sal Diego. Cali~rnia 92121 -~,~?I,~36 Invoice number 49531 PhOne (6' ~ 457A~O April 26, 1996 Pa~e number 1 Project No. 200646.05 - Locust Avenue Sewer Project VENDOR # P.O. BOX 518 FONTANA, CA 92334-0518 ~ ~' ATTN: MR. YOUSUF PATANWALA APPROVAL: visit to collect bulk samples o~ on-~ite soils. PROBESSIONAL SERVICES Hours* Rate Amount PROJECT ENGINEER/GEOLOGIST KURT S. YOSBII COORDInATION/PLANNING/LIAISON 4-19-96 1.50 74.00 111.00 SENIOR ~IELD/LAB TECHNICIA~ AHMET K KAYA PIELD SERVICES 4-19-96 2.00 42.00 84.00 RICHARD MARE REESER COORDINATION/PLANNING/LIAISON 4-19-96 .50 42.00 21.00 WORD PROCESSING/REBRODUCTIO~ DONNA LEE MADRIGAL COORDINATION/PLANNING/LIAISON 4-26-96 .25 27.00 6.75 MARY ELAINE BEBNER COORDINATION/PLANNING/LIAISON 4-26-96 .!50 27.00 13.50 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT CHARGE 4-19-96 BGK 2 Hours @ 6.00 12.00 · **THIS INVOICE TOTAL***: · DATES SHOWN REFLECT END OF BILLING WEEK *** TX REPORT TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO 4373 CONNECTION TEL 917144725445 SUBADDRESS CONNECTION ID NINYO & MOORE ST. TIME 05/23 ll:03 USAGE T 01'27 PGS, 3 RESULT OK CITY OF F ~:ALIpO]KZelA FAX COMMUNICATIONS N FnoM FAX NuMs~.n: T (909) 350-6618 A N A ~ASE D~ T~ FO~O~G PAG~ TO: (m~o co~ ~) ~ YOU m N~ ~ ~ rAOn, ~ ~ (~9) t "-' '~ CrTY OF F 0 FAX COMMUNICATIONS N FROM FAX NUMBER: T (909) 330-6618 A N A PEASE DELIVER TltZ FOIlOWING PAGES TO: N~: ~eT ~og~X (~o co~ s~) ~ YOU ~ N~ ~ ~ PAO~, P~S C~Lr. (909) ~ ~G~'~ Geotechnical and Environmental Solenoes Ccnsultan~s TRANSMITTAL 9272 Jeronimo Road, Suite 1 Irvlna, California 92718 Tel. (714) 472-ra444 Fez (714) 472-5445 TO City of Fontana DATE May 13. 1996 8353 Sierra Avenue PROJECT NAME City of Fontana ! Fontana, California 92335 Locust Avenue Sewer Proiect Attn: MR. YOUSUF PATANWALA PROJECT NUMBER 200646-05 We are sending you the following via: [] U.S. MaB [] Overnight [] UPS [] Fax (909) 350-6618 No. of Pages: 7 [] Courier [] Other I Copies I Date I Description 1 Table I - Summary of Field Density Tests For Sewer Main Backfill I Table 2 - Summary of Field Density Tests For Finished Grade I Various Daily Report of Field Observations [] For your files [] For your review and approval [] For your use [] For your review and comment [] As requested [] Other REMARKS Kurt S Y ii, PE Project Engineer PAGS Z FOR PROJECT NO. 200646-05 SEWER MAIN BACKFILL Moisture Dry I~e(at ive ens~ y Campaction soi! Test rest Location Airpetit~ content D t 5/]~6 ~ Station No, 10+35 7 L6 5,5 117,6 1~0,5 5/3~6 I Statt~ No. 10+35 7 5,5 5.5 132.6 140.5 9~ ~ I RETEST ~ I 5~/~ I ~etion No. 10+~ 5 6.7 5.5 q~,O 140,5 97 5~/~ ~ Station Na. lO+&O 3 5.~ 5.5 q~,Z 140.5 51B~6 ~ ~etion g~. IZ+~ ~2 6.2 5.5 127,1 140.5 5/9/96 ~ starfan No. IZ~25 8 7.0 5.5 1~.1 %0.5 5/9/96 ~ Starf on h. IZ~30 ~ 5.5 5,5 I~.0 ~0.5 93 ~ I FAr~ ~ FOR PROJECT NO. 200646-05 FINISHED GRADE Noisture Dr~ ReLative ns~ y c~mF~ctio~ s~it rest Me. Date Test Test Leealien Aerate~ content De t Type Relm~ks of (~) Ffel, d Field Hax. Tested st?.c. Ivo. A 51]/~ Fr~ ~Jtation No. 10+~ ! ½.Z 5.5 114.l 1/~0.5 ~ ~5 1 B 5/9/~8 FG sLation No. 1Z+30 | 5.4 5.5 137.8 1~0.5 ~8 ~ 1 Nj'//NO &~I'E DAIL~.~IEPORT OF " " FIELD OBSERVATIONS PRO J, NO. ~ CLIENT EQUIPMENT~ r~ ~~ ~ CO~RACTOR ~,~, PERMIT NO. DESCRIPTION OFWORK PERFORMED FIELD TECHNICIAN HOUR8 O,T, VISI~RS NInN0 & ~mlll=~) ,~ DAILt~-tEPORT OF ' FIELD OBSERVATIONS / · PER~T NO. DESCRIPTION OF WORK PERFORMED FIELD TECHNICIAN HOUR8 O.T. VISITORS White - Rle Copy Yellow - Client ~ Pink - Reid Gopy Gold - Rr,'iew~r's Cap~ Page of __ NinNo ~ lyt~re.~DAIL~..EPORT OF ' FIELD OBSERVATIONS ~ ~ J ~, FOREMAN W~ATHEB fd~F~ PERM]T DESCRIPTION OF WORK PERFORMED FIELD TECHNICIAN HOURS O.T. VISITORS' CLIENT REP whlKe - FIle Copy Yellow - Cikml Copy Pink - FIeld Copy dlold - Rev[ewgr's Copy P~ge ot __ /V/n~g/ ~/VIqL~te DAIL'IIf~,,'EPORT OF -- -- FIELD OBSERVATIONS PROJ. NAM~ ROJ. NO.~ ',=~=" NO. WEATHER P~RMIT NO. While · File Copy Yellow · CrmenE Copy Pink - Fimld Copy G~ld - Reviawafs Copy Page QUALIFIED SOIL ENGINEERS (From SQ-66-93 / April 8, 1993) C.H.L, ~. ' ~/~ 1355 ~ C~y ~v~ C~, CA ~24 NinyoiM~, ~. 155 Wc~ H~y ~ 116J ~ ~ ~ m Bi t~ [ 2245 ~,i~H Way: Rivcnide, CA ~7 ~ ~ : : ::L: [~ ~ / I 1737 ~m Ave~, 12210 M~iga A~., Gm~ Te~, CA ~ 1~91 C~ ~: R~h~a, CA ~74 .: ::~ ~r 13~Vd~y ~vc, ~ ~ ~r, CA 917~ ~&~.~' h !20 C~, ~ ~ ~, ~. ..l ~ F/~T~ // 162~ ~ R~, ~ 2I~A ~ ~t m B~ / ~1~ Vary, CA ~ ·: : . ' . .': '. · ~24 ~ Vi~ya~ Av~., ~. CA 91761 :~ . (v~on ~