HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.3 Specificaton & Agenda Item MEMORANDUM CITY OF FONTANA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION TO: Edgar Casasola Associate Engineer/Land Development Section Associate Engineer/Special Projects SUBJECT: Cypress Avenue Sewer Project Jurupa Avenue To San Bernardino Avenue Recorded Copies of Survey Corner Records DATE: March 27, 1995 Attached for your records are the recorded copies of the survey "Corner Records". These corner records were filed in for recordation by NBS/Lowry as they provided the construction surveying services on the above referenced project. Please call me @ X6645 if any additional information is required. cc: City Engineer Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects CO'RNER RECORD~ ~q~ DOCUMENT NO. 9 3 0 6 9 7 co~T~ DE SA~ ~ERNA~D,NO, ~A,,~ORN,A L ~T. · · · "'x ~; ,$'/'/ Iv~ALLOP-.Y / //, PE.~T~OY~. Y C. OLS~T ~_UCT I OM. ~L ~'f C PL U ~ U~Ho SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS CORNER RECORD WAS PREPARED BY ME OR THIS CORNER RECORDWAS RECEIVED NOV 16 1993 UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE i9 LAND SURVEYORS ACT ON October 22 [//~' 19 T,TL TY C01Oe g.,'f~]C~R.C.E. NO, 14-232 LS 8952 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT : :. ' zZ-3/-9~ / sHeeT 2 i t54 05'1 vmlf' County of San Bernardino ~ DOCUMENT NO. * NOTICE '~ ~HIn.c~ th s corner record does not EPWA/Land Management Department relieve you or fi~in~ a RECORD OF OFFICE OF SURVEYOR SUI:{VEY vv;.,~n it is required by the SURVEYORS CORNER RECORD COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA SEC. 19 T. 1s , R. 5W SBB&M MERIDIAN CORNER TYPE: COORDINATES ~' GOV'T. CORNER [] CONTROL [] - N, .......... MEANDER [] PROPERTY [] E. i i i RANCHO [] OTHER [] ZONE DATE OF SURVEY: 5/4/93 ELEV. CORNER -- LEFT AS FOUND [] FOUND AND TAGGED [] REESTABLISHED [] REBUILT [] PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF CORNER FOUND: EVIDENCE USED TO IDENTIFY THE CORNER FD, 1" .r.D, I,P, NO TAG FLUSH ON 8/21/92, DESTRO.vBD B.Y CONSTRUCTIOW, PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF MONUMENTS REBUILT, PERPETUATED OR RESET SET l" I.D. I.P. W/PLASTIC PLUG STAMPED R.'C.E. 14232 FLUSH. A CORNER RECORD MAY BE USED TO REPORT THE RECOVERY OR PERPETUATION OF SURVEY MONUMENTS, OR TO SHOW THE REESTABLISHMENT OF MONUMENTS WHERE FIELD CONDITIONS AGREE SUBSTANTIALLY WiTH RECORD 1. THE CORNER RECORD IS TO BE PREPARED BY A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER AND FILED WITH THE COUNTY SURVEYOR (OR COUNTY ENGINEER) OF THE COUNTY IN WHICH THE CORNER iS LOCATED. 2. A CORNER RECORD SHALL BE FILED WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THE RECOVERY, USE OR REESTABLISHMENT OF A CORNER UNLESS THE CORNER IS TO BE SHOWN ON A RECORD OF SURVEY, PARCEL OR FINAL MAP DERIVED FROM THE SURVEY WHICH USED OR LOCATED SAID CORNER. 3. A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED TO SHOW THE PERPETUATION OF ANY EXISTING OR OBLITERATED CORNER OF THE SURVEY OF THE PUBLIC LANDS, AS SAID CORNERS ARE DEFINE0 IN THE "MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SURVEY OF PUBLIC LANDS OF THE UNITED STATES" OF THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. THE IDENTIFICATION OF SUCH CORNERS SHALL BE, IF POSSIBLE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SYSTEM OF iDENTIFICATiON GIVEN BY SAID MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS. 4. AT THE OPTION OF THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER, A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED FOR PROPERTY CORNERS, PROPERTY CONTROLLING CORNERS. REFERENCE MONUMENTS OR ACCESSORIES TO PROPERTY CORNERS WHEN THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER DETERMINES THAT NONE OF THE CONDITIONS REQUIRING A RECORD OF SURVEY EXIST AS OUTLINED SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. 5. THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER SHALL EXAMINE THE CORNER RECORD WITHIN 20 DAYS FOR CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 8773 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. UPON DETERMINATION THAT THE ABOVE LISTED CONDITIONS ARE SATISFIED AND THA,T THE INFORMATION REQUIRED ELSEWHERE ON THIS FORM IS COMPLETE, THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER SHALL FILE AND INDEX THE CORNER RECORD AND NOTIFY THE SURVEYOR/ENGINEER OF SUCH FILING. 6. CORNER RECORDS SUBMITTED FOR SURVEYS WHICH. UNDER SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYOR'S ACT, REQUIRE A RECORD OF SURVEY SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER TOGETHER WITH A STATEMENT OF THE REASON FOR SUCH RETURN. 7. CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM DATA MAY BE SHOWN BUT SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN IDENTIFICATION OF THE SOURCE OF SUCH INFORMATION. 8, A SKETCH SHOWING REFERENCE TIES TO ACCESSORIES OR OTHER IDENTIFIABLE OBJECTS IN THE VICINITY OF THE CORNER SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE APPROPRIATE. PHOTOGRAPHS AND/OR TOPOGRAPHY OF THE MONUMENT AND SURROUNDING AREA ARE ENCOURAGED. 14-12935-469Ray. 10183 SHEET I OF 2 i. 6a~ 050 I · 'C~RNE.R RECORD ~ V DOCUMENT NO. 9 3 0 6 9 6couNT~ OF SA. BERNArD,NO. CA.FORN,A L \ /-/ x - f _ o't-'/' ,z,2' ~>, ~..; ~.; ,.e; ,.~.',.,.,/ SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THiS CORNER RECORD WAS PREPARED BY ME OR 'HIS CORNER RECORD WAS RECEIVED NOV UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT ON Oct:obe~: 22 AN IN,E SIGNED ~ ,'-~,',,¢'"'~ :TLE ' COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT SHEET 2 0F 2 154 05'0 W County of San Bernardino DOCUMENT NO. * NOTIC~ · EPWA/Land Management Department Filing this corner record does not OFFICE OF SURVEYOR ' ' re~;c,,,-, you of fi!ing a RECORD OF ' it i. r q.ired by ,heCORNER RECORD LAND SURVEYORS ACT COUNTY OF SAN BE'RNARDINO, CALIFORNIA SEC. 19 , T. 1s , R. 5w SBB&M MERIDIAN ~ CORNER TYPE: COORDINATES ~ GOV'T. CORNER [] CONTROL [~' N. ..... i ..... MEANDER [] PROPERTY [] E. ~ RANCHO [] OTHER [] ZONE DATE OF SURVEY: ..=/4/93 ELEV. CORNER -- LEFT AS FOUND [] FOUND AND TAGGED [] REESTABLISHED ~ REBUILT [] PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF CORNER FOUND: EVIDENCE USED TO IDENTIFY THE CORNER FD. 3/4" I.D.I.P. NO TAG FLUSH ON 8/21/92. DESTROYED BY CONSTRUCTION. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF MONUMENTS REBUILT, PERPETUATED OR RESET SET 1" I.D. Z.P. W/PLASTIC PLUG ST;24PED R~C.E. 14232 FLUSH. A CORNER RECORD MAY BE USED TO REPORT THE RECOVERY OR PERPETUATION OF SURVEY MONUMENTS, OR TO SHOW THE REESTABLISHMENT OF MONUMENTS WHERE FIELD CONDITIONS AGREE SUBSTANTIALLY WITH RECORD 1. THE CORNER RECORD IS TO BE PREPARED BY A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER AND FILEO WITH THE COUNTY SURVEYOR (OR COUNTY ENGINEER} OF THE COUNTY IN WHICH THE CORNER IS LOCATED. 2. A CORNER RECORD SHALL BE FILED WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THE RECOVERY, USE OR REESTABLISHMENT OF A CORNER UNLESS THE CORNER IS TO BE SHOWN ON A RECORD OF SURVEY, PARCEL OR FINAL MAP DERIVED FROM THE SURVEY WHICH USED OR LOCATED SAID CORNER. 3. A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED TO SHOW THE PERPETUATION OF ANY EXISTING OR OBLITERATED CORNER OF THE SURVEY OF THE PUBLIC LANDS, AS SAID CORNERS ARE DEFINED IN THE "MANUAL OF iNSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SURVEY OF PUBLIC LANDS OF THE UNITED STATES" OF THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. THE IDENTIFICATION OF SUCH CORNERS SHALL BE, IF POSSIBLE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SYSTEM OF IDENTIFICATION GIVEN BY SAID MANUAL OF iNSTRUCTIONS. 4. AT THE OPTION OF THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER, A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED FOR PROPERTY CORNERS, PROPERTY CONTROLLING CORNERS, REFERENCE MONUMENTS OR ACCESSORIES TO PROPERTY CORNERS WHEN THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER DETERMINES THAT NONE OF THE CONDITIONS REQUIRING A RECORD OF SURVEY EXIST AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. 5. THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER SHALL EXAMINE THE CORNER RECORD WITHIN 20 DAYS FOR CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 8773 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. UPON DETERMINATION THAT THE ABOVE LISTED CONDITIONS ARE SATISFIED AND THAT THE INFORMATION REQUIRED ELSEWHERE ON THIS FORM IS COMPLETE, THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER SHALL FILE AND INDEX THE CORNER RECORD AND NOTIFY THE SURVEYOR/ENGINEER OF SUCH FILING. 6. C~RNERREC~RDSSUBM~TTEDF~RSURVEY~WH~CH~UNDERSECT~~N~762~FTHELANDSURVEY~R~SACT~REQU~REAREC~R~ OF SURVEY SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER TOGETHER WITH A STATEMENT OF THE REASON FOR SUCH RETURN.m 7. CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM DATA MAY BE SHOWN, BUT SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN IDENTIFICATION OF THE SOURCE OF SUCH INFORMATION. 8. A SKETCH SHOWING REFERENCE TIES TO ACCESSORIES OR OTHER IDENTIFIABLE OBJECTS IN THE VICINITY OF THE CORNER SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE APPROPRIATE. PHOTOGRAPHS AND/OR TOPOGRAPHY OF THE MONUMENT AND SURROUNDING AREA ARE ENCOURAGED. 14-12935-469 Ray. 10153 SHEET 1 OF 2 154 049 COR'NER, RECORD ~/ ~eIOOCUMENT NO. 9 3 0 6 9 5couNT~' OF SAN ~ERNARD,NO. C~L,FORN,A <:hr_ TA"Y'LO~ AVE.. - ,/ '~-~, 9.7, ' s~ ~-~'~ o " SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE COUNTY SURVEYO8'S CERTIFICATE THIS CORNER RECORD WAS PREPARED 8Y ME OR THIS CORNER RECORD WAS RECEIVED NOv I 6 1993 UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE 19[ __ ///2_~ LAND SURVEYORS ACT ON October 22 AN INED FI 19 93 /~ BY ~ ~.~, sicNED _j'~-~2~ 2/ T'TLEDF_PU~ o~_~GiMfR.C.E. NO, 14232 LS 5952 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT SHEET 2 OF;2 County of San BernardiRe DOCUMENT NO. EPWA/Land Management Department * NOTICE ~ OFFICE OF SURVEYOR ~: !lng this corner record does not ~ , ,,',¢.-? of i,ing RECORD OFCORNER RECORD ~'~ S~rwEV when it is required by ~he LAI~ bUHVbYU~5 ACI ; COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA SEC. 19 , T. ls , R. 5w SBB&~ MERIDIAN ~ CORNER TYPE: COORDINATES ~ GOV'T. CORNER ~ CONTROL ~ N. .... ~ ..... MEANDER ~ PROPERTY Q E. } RANCHO Q OTHER Q ZONE DATE OF SURVEY: ~/4/93 ELEV. CORNER -- LEFT AS FOUND Q FOUND AND TAGGED Q REESTABLISHED G REBUILT Q PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF CORNER FOUND: EVIDENCE USED TO IDENTIFY THE CORNER FD. 3/4" ;.D. I.P. W/TAG L.S. 3828 FLUSH ON; 8/21/92. DESTROYED BY CONSTRUCTION. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF MONUMENTS REBUILT, PERPETUATED OR RESET SET 1" I.D. I.P. W/PLASTIC PLUG STAMPED R.C.E. 14232 FLUSH. A CORNER RECORD MAY 8E USED TO REPORT THE RECOVERY OR PERPETUATION OF SURVEY MONUMENTS, OR TO SHOW THE REESTABLISHMENT OF MONUMENTS WHERE FIELD CONDITIONS AGREE SUBSTANTIALLY WITH RECORD 1. THE CORNER RECORD IS TO BE PREPARED BY A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER AND FILED WITH THE COUNTY SURVEYOR (OR COUNTY ENGINEER) OF THE COUNTY IN WHICH THE CORNER IS LOCATED. 2. A CORNER RECORD SHALL BE FILED WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THE RECOVERY, USE OR REESTABLISHMENT OF A CORNER UNLESS THE CORNER IS TO BE SHOWN ON A RECORD OF SURVEY, PARCEL OR FINAL MAP DERIVED FROM THE SURVEY WHICH USED OR LOCATED SAID CORNER. 3. A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED TO SHOW THE PERPETUATION OF ANY EXISTING OR OBLITERATED CORNER OF THE SURVEY OF THE PUBLIC LANDS, AS SAID CORNERS ARE DEFINED IN THE "MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SURVEY OF PUBLIC LANDS OF THE UNITED STATES" OF THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. THE IDENTIFICATION OF SUCH CORNERS SHALL BE, IF POSSIBLE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SYSTEM OF IDENTIFICATION GIVEN BY SAID MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS. 4. AT THE OPTION OF THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER, A CORNER RECORD MAY RE FILED FOR PROPERTY CORNERS, PROPERTY CONTROLLING CORNERS. REFERENCE MONUMENTS OR ACCESSORIES TO PROPERTY CORNERS WHEN THE COUNTY SURV6YOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER DETERMINES THAT NONE OF THE CONDITIONS REQUIRING A RECORO OF SURVEY EXIST AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. 5. THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER SHALL EXAMINE THE CORNER RECORD WITHIN 20 DAYS FOR CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 8773 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. UPON DETERMINATION THAT THE ABOVE LISTED CONDITIONS ARE SATISFIED AND THAT THE INFORMATION REQUIRED ELSEWHERE ON THIS FORM IS COMPLETE, THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER SHALL FILE AND INDEX THE CORNER RECORD AND NOTIFY THE SURVEYOR/ENGINEER OF SUCH FILING. 6. CORNER RECORDS SUBMITTED FOR SURVEYS WHICH, UNDER SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYOR'S ACT, REQUIRE A RECORD OF SURVEY SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE SURVEYOR OR ENGI~NEER TOGETHER WITH A STATEMENT OF THE REASON FOR SUCH RETURN. 7. CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM DATA MAY BE SHOWN, BUT SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN IDENTIFICATION OF THE SOURCE OF SUCH iNFORMATION. 8. A SKETCH SHOWING REFERENCE TIES TO ACCESSORIES OR OTHER IDENTIFIABLE OBJECTS IN THE VICINITY OF THE CORNER SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE APPROPRIATE. PHOTOGRAPHS AND/OR TOPOGRAPHY OF THE MONUMENT AND SURROUNDING AREA ARE ENCOURAGED. 14.12035-469 8.v. 10/83 SHEET il OF 2 · . 154 04~ ~2ORNE'R RECORD ~ ~ DOCUMENT NO. 93 0694 couNTY OF S~N ~ERN~RD.NO, CAL,~O.N,A - ) - _ ~URVEYOR'S CERTIFICAT~ COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS CORNER RECORD WAS PREPARED BY ME OR THIS CORNER RECORD WAS RECEIVED UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE {9 ~ SIGNED ~;~~ TITLE DFPiI~ ~R.C.E. NO. 14232 / COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT LS /g-~/-~ t5z 048. ,. County of San Bernard/no DOCUMENT NO. * NOTICE * EPWA/Land Management Department Filing this corner record does not OFFICE OF SURVEYOR relieve you of filing a RECORD OF survey ,: i. rcq.i,ed the CORNER RECORD LAND SURVEYr~RF; ACT COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA SEC. 19 , T. ls , R. 5w 8BB&m MERIDIAN ~ CORNER TYPE: COORDINATES I . ~ GOV'T. CORNER [] CONTROL [] N. ..... ..... MEANDER ; [] PROPERTY [] E. ~ RANCHO [] OTHER [] ZONE DATE OF SURVEY: 5/4/93 ELEV. CORNER - LEFT AS FOUND [] FOUND AND TAGGED [] REESTABLISHED ~ REBUILT [] PHYSICAL ~ESCRIPTION OF CORNER FOUND: EVIDENCE USED TO IDENTIFY THE CORNER FD. LEAD & NAIL IN CONC. RD. BED DN. 0.2' ON 8/21/92. DESTROYED BY CONSTRUCTIOI~. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF MONUMENTS REBUILT, PERPETUATED OR RESET SET 1" I.D, I.P. W/PLASTIC PLUG ST~PED RCE 14232 FLUSH. A CORNER RECORD MAY BE USED TO REPORT THE RECOVERY OR PERPETUATION OF SURVEY MONUMENTS, OR TO SHOW THE REESTABLISHMENT OF MONUMENTS WHERE FIELD CONDITIONS AGREE SUBSTANTIALLY WITH RECORD 1. THE CORNER RECORD IS TO BE PREPARED BY A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER AND FILED WITH THE COUNTY SURVEYOR IOR COUNTY ENGINEER) OF THE COUNTY IN WHICH THE CORNER IS LOCATED. 2. A CORNER RECORD SHALL BE FILED WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THE RECOVERY, USE OR REESTABLISHMENT OF A CORNER UNLESS THE CORNER ~S TO BE SHOWN ON A RECORD OF SURVEY, PARCEL OR FINAL MAP DERIVED FROM THE SURVEY WHICH USED OR LOCATED SAID CORNER. 3. A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED TO SHOW THE PERPETUATION OF ANY EXISTING OR OBLITERATED CORNER OF THE SURVEY OF THE PUBLIC LANDS, AS SAID CORNERS ARE DEFINED IN THE "MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SURVEY OF PUBLIC LANDS OF THE UNITED STATES" OF THE BUREAU OF LANO MANAGEMENT~ THE IDENTIFICATION OF SUCH CORNERS SHALL BE, IF POSSIBLE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SYSTEM OF iDENTIFiCATION GIVEN BY SAID MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS. 4. AT THE OPTION OF THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER, A CORNER RECORD MAY SE FILED FOR PROPERTY CORNERS, PROPERTY CONTROLLING CORNERS, REFERENCE MONUMENTS OR ACCESSORIES TO PROPERTY CORNERS WHEN THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER DETERMINES THAT NONE OF THE CONDITIONS REQUIRING A RECORD OF SURVEY EXIST AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. 5, THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER SHALL EXAMINE THE CORNER RECORD WITHIN 20 DAYS FOR CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 8773 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. UPON DETERMINATION THAT THE ABOVE LISTED CONDITIONS ARE SATISFIED AND THAT THE INFORMATION REQUIRED ELSEWHERE ON THIS FORM IS COMPLETE, THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER SHALL FILE AND INDEX THE CORNER RECORD AND NOTIFY THE SURVEEYOR/ENGINEER OF SUCH FILING. 6, CORNER RECORDS SUBMITTED FOR SURVEYS WHICH. UNDER SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYOR'S ACT, REQUIRE A RECORD OF SURVEY SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER TOGETHER WITH A STATEMENT OF THE REASON FOR SUCH L RETURN. : 7. CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM OATA MAY BE SHOWN, BUT SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN IDENTIFICATION OF THE SOURCE OF SUCH INFORMATION. 8, A SKETCH SHOWING REFERENCE TIES TO ACCESSORIES OR OTHER IDENTIFIABLE OBJECTS IN THE VICINITY OF THE CORNER SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE APPROPRIATE. PHOTOGRAPHS AND/OR TOPOGRAPHY OF THE MONUMENT AND SURROUNDING AREA ARE ENCOURAGED. 14-12935-469Rev. 10183 SHEET 1 OF 2 · CORNER RECORD %,,~ ~f~ DOCUMENT NO. 9 3 0 6 9 3couNTY o~ ~AN .ERNARD.~O. CA.FO~N,A ~' / ~ WA~~o~ ~ '/ _ ~/ D~V~' _ ~; 3-3~'9 __ ~RVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE ~ COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS CORNER RECORD WAS PREPARED BY ME OR THIS CORNER RECORD WAS RECEIVED H0V ~ ~ 1993 UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE 19 LAND SURVEYORS ACT ON October 22 ~9 93 ~~~ DEPU ~ ~VEYOR SIGNED TITLE ~R.C.E. NO. 14232 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT SHEET 2 0F 2 047 * NOTICE * ~e/ County of San Bernardino ~W~ DOCUMENT NO. Rllng this corner record does not EPWA/Land Management Department relieve you of filing a RECORD OF OFFICE OF SURVEYOR SURVEy when it is required by the LA . SUnVEVORS ACT CORNER RECORD COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA SEC. 19 , T. 1.5' , R. 5w SBB~H MERIDIAN ~ CORNER TYPE: COORDINATES i I GOV'T. CORNER [] CONTROL [] ' N. ..... ~, ..... MEANDER, [] PROPERTY [] E. I RANCHO [] OTHER [] ZONE DATE OF SURVEY: 5/4/93 ELEV. CORNER -- LEFT AS FOUND [] FOUND AND TAGGED [] REESTABLISHED ~ REBUILT [] PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF CORNER FOUND: EVIDENCE USED TO IDENTIFY THE CORNER FD. 1" I.D.I.P. W/TAG L.S, 3828 FLUSH ON 8/21/92. DESTROYED BY CONSTRUCTION. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF MONUMENTS REBUILT, PERPETUATED OR RESET SET l" I.D. I.P. w/PLASTIC PLUG STAMPED R.C.E. 14232 FLUSH. A CORNER RECORD MAY 8E ;USED TO REPORT THE RECOVERY OR PERPETUATION OF SURVEY MONUMENTS, OR TO SHOW THE REESTABLtSHMENT OF MONUMENTS WHERE FIELD CONDITIONS AGREE SUBSTANTIALLY WITH RECORD 1. THE CORNER RECORD IS TO BE PREPARED BY A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER AND FIL;D WITH THE COUNTY SURVEYOR IOR COUNTY ENGINEER) OF THE COUNTY IN WHICH THE CORNER IS LOCATED. 2. A CORNER RECORD SHALL SE FILED WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THE RECOVERY, USE OR REESTABLISHMENT OF A CORNER UNLESS THE CORNER IS TO BE SHOWN ON A RECORD OF SURVEY, PARCEL OR FINAL MAP DERIVED FROM THE SURVEY WHICH USED OR LOCATED SAID CORNER. 3. A CORNER RECORO MAY BE FILED TO SHOW THE PERPETUATION OF ANY EXISTING OR OBLITERATED CORNER OF THE SURVEY OF THE PUBLIC LANOS, AS SAID CORNERS ARE DEFINED IN THE "MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SURVEY OF PUBLIC LANOS OF THE UNITED STATES" OF THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. THE IDENTIFICATION OF SUCH CORNERS SHALL BE, IF POSSIBLE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SYSTEM OF IDENTIFICATION GIVEN BY SAIO MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS. 4. AT THE OPTION OF THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER, A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED FOR PROPERTY CORNERS, PROPERTY CONTROLLING CORNERS, REFERENCE MONUMENTS OR ACCESSORIES TO PROPERTY CORNERS WHEN THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER DETERMINES THAT NONE OF THE CONDITIONS REQUIRING A RECORD OF SURVEY EXIST AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. 5. THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER SHALL EXAMINE THE CORNER RECORD WITHIN 20 DAYS FOR CONFORMANCE W TH SECT ON 8773 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. UPON DETERMINATION THAT THE ABOVE LISTED CONOITIONS ARE SATISFIED AND THAT THE NFORMATION REQUIRED ELSEWHERE ON TH!S FORM IS COMPLETE, THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER SHALL FILE AND INDEX THE CORNER RECORD AND NOTIFY THE SURVEYOR/ENGINEER OF SUCH FILING. 6. CORNER RECORDS SUBMITTED FOR SURVEYS WHICH. UNDER SECTION 8762 0F THE LAND SURVEYOR'S ACT, REQUIRE ARECORD OF SURVEY SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER TOGETHER WITH A STATEMENT OF THE REASON FOR SUCH RETURN. 7. CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM DATA MAY BE SHOWN, BUT SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN IDENTIFICATION OF THE SOURCE~OF SUCH INFORMATION. 8. ASKETCHSHOW~NGREFERENCET~ESTOACCESSOR~ES~R~THER~DENT~F~ABLE~BJECTS~NTHEV~CIN~TY~FTHEC~RNERSHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE APPROPRIATE. PHOTOGRAPHS AND/OR TOPOGRAPHY O~: THE MONUMENT AND SURROUNDING AREA ARE ENCOURAGED. 14-12935,469 Rev. 10183 SHEET 1 OF 2 154 046 · CORNER RECORD L_j ~ DOCUMENT NO. 93 0692 couNTY OF SAN .ERNARD,NO. CAL,FORN,A VALLEY ESL, VD. ,~// \,~ - _ : · . ~URVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS CORNER RECORD WAS PREPARED BY ME OR THIS COBNEB RECOBD WAS BECEIVED NOV UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE 19 __ LAND SURVEYORS ACT ON Oct:obef 22 AN AMIN F LED 19 m.,~ ~ --- ,TL DEPUTY Y0R s,GNED ~' / ) R.C.E. NO. 1/-+232 L!95952 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT * NOTICE 4~ County of San Bernardino DOCUMENT NO. FU~ng this corner record does not EPWAILand Management Department r~t ':' '/oucf filfng a RECORD OF OFFICE OF SURVEYOR SUi~v EY,,when it is required by the ' ~ suavEvows CORNER RECORD COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA SEC. 29 , T. 2S , R. 5~ $9B&~ MERIDIAN ~ CORNER TYPE: COORDINATES I GOV'T. CORNER Q CONTROL D' N. .... ~ ..... MEANDER. D PROPERTY ~ E. } RANCHO: Q OTHER D ZONE I ~ DATE OF ~URVEY: 5/~/93 ELEV. CORNER -- LEFT AS FOUND D FOUND AND TAGGED ~ REESTABLISHED ~ REBUILT Q PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF CORNER FOUND: EVIDENCE USED TO IDENTIFY THE CORNER PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF MONUMENTS REBUILT, Pi~RPETUATED OR RESET SET 1" I.D. I.P. W/PLASTIC PLUG STAMPED, RCE 14232 FLUSH. A CORNER RECORD MAY BE USED TO REPORT THE RECOVERY OR PERPETUATION OF SURVEY MONUMENTS, OR TO SHOW THE REESTABLISHMENT OF MONUMENTS WHERE FIELD CONDITIONS AGREE SUBSTANTIALLY WITH RECORD 1. THE CORNER RECORD IS TO BE PREPARED BY A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER AND FILED WITH THE COUNTY SURVEYOR (OR COUNTY ENGINEER) OF THE COUNTY IN WHICH THE CORNER IS LOCATED. 2. A CORNER RECORD SHALL BE FILED WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THE RECOVERY, USE OR REESTABLISHMENT OF A CORNER UNLESS THE CORNER IS TO BE SHOWN ON A RECORD OF SURVEY, PARCEL OR FINAL MAP DERIVED FROM THE SURVEY WHICH USED OR LOCATED SAID CORNER. 3. A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED TO SHOW THE PERPETUATION OF ANY EXISTING OR OBLITERATED CORNER OF THE SURVEY OF THE PUBLIC LANDS, AS SAID CORNERS ARE DEFINED IN THE "MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SURVEY OF PUBLIC LANDS OF THE UNITED STATES*' OF THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. THE IDENTIFICATION OF SUCH CORNERS SHALL BE, IF POSSIBLE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SYSTEM OF IDENTIFICATION GIVEN BY SAID MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS. 4. AT THE OPTION OF THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER, A CORNER RECORD MAY BE RLED FOR PROPERTY CORNERS, PROPERTY CONTROLLING CORNERS, REFERENCE MONUMENTS OR ACCESSORIES TO PROPERTY CORNERS WHEN THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER DETERMINES THAT NONE OF THE CONDITIONS REQUIRING A RECORD OF SURVEY EXIST AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. 5. THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER SHALL EXAMINE THE CORNER RECORD WITHIN 20 DAYS FOR CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 8773 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. UPON DETERMINATION THAT THE ABOVE LISTED CONDITIONS ARE SATISFIED AND THAT THE INFORMATION REQUIRED ELSEWHERE ON THIS FORM iS COMPLETE, THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER SHALL FILE AND ~NDEX THE CORNER RECORD AND NOTIFY THE SURVEYOR/ENGINEER OF SUCH FILING. 6. CORNER RECORDS SUBMITTED FOR SURVEYS WHICH, UNDER SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYOR'S ACT, REQUIRE A RECORD OF SURVEY SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER TOGETHER WITH A STATEMENT OF THE REASON FOR SUCH RETURN. 7. CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM DATA MAY BE SHOWN, BUT SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN IDENTIFICATION OF THE SOURCE OF SUCH INFORMATION. 8. A SKETCH SHOWING REFERENCE TIES TO ACCESSORIES OR OTHER IDENTIFIABLE OBJECTS IN THE VICINITY OF THE CORNER SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE APPROPRIATE. PHOTOGRAPHS AND/OR TOPOGRAPHY OF THE MONUMENT AND SURROUNDING AREA ARE ENCOURAGED. 14-12935-489 Rev. 10183 SHEET t OF 2 9 3 0 6 9 1couNTY o~ SAN ~.~.~,~O. ~ , .;/' x, - /... , - Ex~ 3 ~V~YOR'S C~RTI~ICAT~ COUNTY $URV~YOR'S G~RTI~ICAT~ THIS CORNER RECORD WAS PREPARED BY ME OR YHIS CORNER RECORD WAS RECEIVED NOV 16 1993 UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE ~ 9 LAND SURVEYORS ACT ON October 22 AND IE~D D I s,~Eo _ ~,vk Y C0~~ · Y0~ / COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT County of San Bernard/no DOCUMENT NO. * NOTICE ~ EPWA/Land Management Department Fillng this corner record does not OFFICE OF SURVEYOR rel!:-,,e '/ou of filing a RECORD OF , su,.v.'-:iT,h, CORNER RECORD LAND SURVEYORS ACT COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA SEC, ~ 9 T. Z S , R. 5~ SB9~ MERIDIAN CORNER TYPE: COORDINATES ~ GOV'T. CORNER D CONTROL ~ N. ..... ~ ..... MEANDER ~ PROPERTY D E. t t RANCHO D OTHER D ZONE DATE OF SURVEY: 5/4/93 ELEV. CORNER -- LEFT AS FOUND D FOUND AND TAGGED D REESTABLISHED D REBUILT D PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF CORNER FOUND: EVIDENCE USED TO IDENTIFY THE CORNER ~D. 3/~" Z.D. ~.~. ~0 ~AG ~U~ O~ 8/22/92. D~Sf~OZ~D BZ CONS~UC~ZO~. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF MONUMENTS REBUILT, F =RPETUATED OR RESET SET 1" I.D. I.P. W/PLASTIC PLUG STAMPED IR.C.E. 14232 FLUSH. A CORNER RECORD MAY BE USED TO REPORT THE RECOVERY OR PERPETUATION OF SURVEY MONUMENTS, OR TO SHOW THE REESTABLISHMENT OF MONUMENTS WHERE FIELD CONDITIONS AGREE SUBSTANTIALLY WITH RECORD 1. THE CORNER RECORD IS TO BE PREPARED BY A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER AND FILED WITH THE COUNTY SURVEYOR (OR COUNTY ENGINEER) OF THE COUNTY IN WHICH THE CORNER IS LOCATED. 2. A CORNER RECORD SHALL BE FILED WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THE RECOVERY, USE OR REESTABLISHMENT OF A CORNER UNLESS THE CORNER IS TO BE SHOWN ON A RECORD OF SURVEY, PARCEL OR FINAL MAP DERIVED FROM THE SURVEY WHICH USED OR LOCATED SAID CORNER. 3. A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED TO SHOW THE PERPETUATION OF ANY EXISTING OR OBLITERATED CORNER OF THE SURVEY OF THE PUBLIC LANDS. AS SAID CORNERS ARE OEFINED IN THE "MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SURVEY OF PUBLIC LANDS OF THE UNITED STATES" OF THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. THE IDENTIFICATION OF SUCH CORNERS SHALL BE, IF POSSIBLE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SYSTEM OF IDENTIFICATION GIVEN BY SAID MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS. 4. AT THE OPTION OF THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER, A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED FOR PROPERTY CORNERS, PROPERTY CONTROLLING CORNERS, REFERENCE MONUMENTS OR ACCESSORIES TO PROPERTY CORNERS WHEN THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER DETERMINES THAT NONE OF THE CONDITIONS REQUIRING A RECORD OF SURVEY EXIST AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. 5. THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER SHALL EXAMINE THE CORNER RECORD WITHIN 20 DAYS FOR CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 8773 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT, UPON DETERMINATION THAT THE ABOVE LISTED CONDITIONS ARE SATISFIED AND THAT THE INFORMATION REQUIRED ELSEWHERE ON THIS FORM IS COMPLETE, THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER SHALL FiLE AND INDEX THE CORNER RECORD A~ID NOTIFY THE SURVEYOR/ENGINEER OF SUCH FILING. 6. CORNER RECORDS SUBMITTED FOR SURVEYS WHICH, UNDER SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYOR'S ACT, REQUIRE A RECORD OF SURVEY SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER TOGETHER WITH A STATEMENT OF THE REASON FOR SUCH RETURN. I 7. CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM DATA MAY BE SHOWN, BUT SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN IDENTIFICATION OF THE SOURCE OF SUCH iNFORMATION. 8. A SKETCH SHOWING REFERENCE TIES TO ACCESSORIES OR OTHER IDENTIFIABLE OSJECTS IN THE VICINITY OF THE CORNER SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE APPROPRIATE PHOTOGRAPHS AND/OR TOPOGRAPHY OF THE MONUMENT AND SURROUNDING AREA ARE ENCOURAGED. 14.12935-469 Bey. 10183 SHEET 1 OF 2 ; 154 044 'CORNER RECORD V 'i ~ DOCUMENT NO. 9 3 0 6 9 0couNTY o~ SAN ~ERNARD,NO. CA.EORN,A F . ~-~AIL~ ~ I~ ~M. · URVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS CORNER RECORD WAS PREPARED BY ME OR THIS · . ~ Y0R _ x~ R.C,E. NO. 142~2 _ LS Sg52 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT SHEET 2 QF 2 154.044 * NOTICE * County of San Bernardino DOCUMENT NO. Filing this corner record does no~PWA/Land Management Department relieve you of filin.q a RECORD OF OFFICE OF SURVEYOR SURVEY when it is required by the: SURVEYORS ACT CORNER RECORD COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA SEC. 19 , T. lS , R. 5W SBB&M MERIDIAN I iCORNER TYPE: COORDINATES I ~ GOV'T. CORNER [] CONTROL ~"i' N. .......... MEANDER [] PROPERTY [] E. I RANCHO [] OTHER [] ZONE I DATE OF SURVEY: 5/4/93 ELEV. CORNER -- LEFT AS FOUND [] FOUND AND TAGGED [] REESTABLISHED [] REBUILT [] PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF CORNER FOUND: EVIDENCE USED TO IDENTIFY THE CORNER FD. 1-1/4" I.D. I.P. W/PLASTIC PLUG STAMPED R.C.E. 9101 FLUSH ON 8/21/92. DESTROYED BY CONSTRUCTION. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF MONUMENTS REBUILT P.ERPETUATED OR RESET SET 1" I,D. I.P. W/PLASTIC PLUG STAMPED R!C.E. 14232 FLUSH. A CORNER RECORD MAY 8E USED TO REPORT THE RECOVERY OR PERPETUATION OF SURVEY MONUMENTS, OR TO SHOW THE REESTA8LISHMENT OF MONUMENTS WHERE FIELD CONDITIONS AGREE SUBSTANTIALLY WITH RECORD 1, THE CORNER RECORD iS TO BE PREPARED BY A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER AND FILED WITH THE COUNTY SURVEYOR (OR COUNTY ENGINEER) OF THE COUNTY IN WHICH THE CORNER IS LOCATED. 2. A CORNER RECORD SHALL 8E FILED WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THE RECOVERY, USE OR REESTABLISHMENT OF A CORNER UNLESS THE CORNER IS TO BE SHOWN ON A RECORD OF SURVEY, PARCEL OR FINAL MAP DERIVED FROM THE SURVEY WHICH USED OR LOCATED SAID CORNER, 3, A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED TO SHOW THE PERPETUATION OF ANY EXISTING OR OBLITERATED CORNER OF THE SURVEY OF THE PUBLIC LANDS, AS SAID CORNERS ARE DEFINED IN THE "MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SURVEY OF PUBLIC LANDS OF THE UNITED STATES" OF THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, THE IDENTIFICATION OF SUCH CORNERS SHALL BE, IF POSSIBLE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SYSTEM OF IDENTIFICATION GIVEN BY SAID MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS. 4. AT THE OPTION OF THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER, A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED FOR PROPERTY CORNERS, pROPERTY CONTROLLING CORNERS, REFERENCE MONUMENTS OR ACCESSORIES TO PROPERTY CORNERS WHEN THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER DETERMINES THAT NONE OF THE CONDITIONS REQUIRING A RECORD OF SURVEY EXIST AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT, 5, THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER SHALL EXAMINE THE CORNER RECORD WITHIN 20 DAYS FOR CONFORMANCE WiTH SECTION 8773 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT, UPON DETERMINATION THAT THE ABOVE LISTED CONDITIONS ARE SATISFIED AND THAT THE INFORMATION REQUIRED ELSEWHERE ON THIS FORM IS COMPLETE, THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER SHALL FILE AND INDEX THE CORNER RECORD AND NOTIFY THE SURVEYOR/ENGiNEER OF SUCH FILING, 6. C~RNERREC~RDSSUBMITTEDF~RSURVEYSWH~CH~UNDERSECT~~N87~2~FTHELANDSURVEY~R~SACT~REQU~REAREC~~D OF SURVEY SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER TOGETHER WITH A STATEMENT OF THE REASON FOR SUCH RETURN. 7, CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM DATA MAY BE SHOWN4 BUT SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN IDENTIFICATION OF THE SOURCE OF SUCH INFORMATION. S. A SKETCH SHOWING REFERENCE TIES TO ACCESSORIES OR OTHER IOENTIFIABLE OBJECTS IN THE VICINITY OF THE CORNER SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE APPROPRIATE. PHOTOGRAPHS AND/OR TOPOGRAPHY OF THE MONUMENT AND SURROUNDING AREA ARE ENCOURAGED. 14,12935-469 Rev. 10183 SHEET 1 OF 2 154 043 · CORNER RECORD ~ il~ DOCUMENT NO. 9 3 0 6 8 9 couNTY OF SAN BERNA.O,NO. CA.,FORN,A 4;__ c-~,.M 15E. ELMAP__D~t, aO A'-/ELMUE N ~cC:), IV4" I,D. ~.P. NO'TA5 ~G-r~oY~ ~sy 2 I" I. i'D. ~. ~.. w ' ° .,. / c:Dt,,l ,'t,? m ' _ ~RVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS CORNER RECORO WAS PREPARED BY ME OR THIS CO.NER RECORD WAS RECEIVED NOV UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE 19 __ LAND SURVEYORS ACT ON October 22 A NE FILED 93 --~t~ MID TreEDEPUTY ~ ;~YOR ~ R.C.E. NO. 14232 / / , ' "' c LS 5952 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT ~R.',.T~Ct;.~;~ SHEET 2 OF 2 154 042 County of San Bernardino DOCUMENT NO. * NOTICE * EPWA/Land Management Department Filing this corner record does not OFFICE OF SURVEYOR relieve you of filing a RECORD OF SURVEY when k is required by the CORNER RECORD LAND SURVEYORS ACT COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA SEC. 19 , T. 1S , R. 5w SB,B&M MERIDIAN ~ CORNER TYPE: COORDINATES I GOV'T. CORNER [] CONTROL [] ' N. ..... I ..... MEANDER [] PROPERTY ~' E. ~ RANCHO [] OTHER [] ZONE DATE OF SURVEY: 5/4/93 ELEV. CORNER -- LEFT AS FOUND [] FOUND AND TAGGED [] REESTABLISHED [:~ REBUILT [] PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF CORNER FOUND: EVIDENCE USED TO IDENTIFY THE CORNER FD. 1-1/4" I.D.I.P. NO. TAG FLUSH ON 8/31/92. DESTROYED BY CONSTRUCTION. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF MONUMENTS REBUILT, PERPETUATED OR RESET SET l" I.D. I.P. W/PLASTIC PLUG STP~4PED R,C.E. 14232 FLUSH. A CORNER RECORD MAY BE USED TO REPORT THE RECOVERY OR PERPETUATION OF SURVEY MONUMENTS, OR TO SHOW THE REESTABLISHMENT OF MONUMENTS WHERE FIELD CONDITIONS AGREE SUBSTANTIALLY WITH RECORD 1. THE CORNER RECORD IS TO BE PREPARED 8Y A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER AND FILED WITH THE COUNTY SURVEYOR (OR COUNTY ENGINEER) OF THE COUNTY IN WHICH THE CORNER IS LOCATED. 2. A CORNER RECORD SHALL BE FILED WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THEDATE OF THE RECOVERY, USE OR REESTABLISHMENT OF A CORNER UNLESS THE CORNER IS TO BE SHOWN ON A RECORD OF SURVEY, PARCEL OR FINAL MAP DERIVED FROM THE SURVEY WHICH USED OR LOCATED SAID CORNER. 3. A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED TO SHOW THE PERPETUATION OF ANY EXISTING OR OBLITERATED CORNER OF THE SURVEY OF THE PUBLIC LANDS, AS SAID CORNERS ARE DEFINED IN THE '~MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SURVEY OF PUBLIC LANDS OF THE UNITED STATES" OF THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. THE IDENTIFICATION OF SUCH CORNERS SHALL BE, IF POSSIBLE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SYSTEM OF IDENTIFICATION GIVEN iBY SAID MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS. 4. AT THE OPTION OF THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER, A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED FOR PROPERTY CORNERS, PROPERTY CONTROLLING CORNERS, REFERENCE MONUMENTS OR ACCESSORIES TO PROPERTY CORNERS WHEN THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER DETERMINES THAT NONE OF THE CONDITIONS REQUIRING A RECORD OF SURVEY EXIST AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYOI~S ACT. 5. THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER SHALL EXAMINE THE CORNER RECORD WITHIN 20 DAYS FOR CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 8773 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. UPON DETERMINATION THAT THE ABOVE LISTED CONDITIONS ARE SATISFIED AND TI~AT THE INFORMATION REQUIRED ELSEWHERE ON THIS FORM IS COMPLETE, THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER SHALL FILE AND INDEX THE CORNER RECORD AND NOTIFY THE SURVEYOR/ENGINEER OF SUCH FILING. 6. CORNER RECORDS SUBMITTED FOR SURVEYS WHICH, UNDER SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYOR'S ACT, REQUIRE A RECORD OF SURVEY SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER TOGETHER WITH A STATEMENT OF THE REASON FOR SUCH RETURN. '--- 7. CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM DATA MAY BE SHOWN; BUT SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN IDENTIFICATION OF THE SOURCE OF SUCH INFORMATION. 8. A SKETCH SHOWING REFERENCE TIES TO ACCESSORIES OR OTHER IDENTIFIABLE OBJECTS IN THE VICINITY OF THE CORNER SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE APPROPRIATE. PHOTOGRAPHS AND/OR TOPOGRAPHY OF THE MONUMENT AND SURROUNDING AREA ARE ENCOURAGED. 14-12935-489 FI,v, 10183 SHEET 1 OF 2 . , 154 042 CORNER RECORD ~' ~ DOCUMENT NO. 9 3 0 6 8 8couNTY OF ~AN ~ERNARD,NO, CAL,~O.N,A tf~4~co~::~ WA'TA. L N EYOR'S CERTIFICATE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS CORNER RECORD WAS PREPARED BY ME OR +HIS CORNER RECORD WAS RECEIVED NOV ~ 6 1993 UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT ON October 22 AND EXA' A~D~ ~ R.C.E. NO. 14232 SHEET 2 * NOTICE . '~ County of San Bernardino qlf DO NO. Filing this corner record does not EPWA/Land Management Department re! ~A,-.,;~ you of fijing a RECORD OF OFFICE OF; SURVEYOR SUI.{VEy when it is required by LAUD SUnVaYORSACT th. CORNER RECORD COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA SEC. 30 , T. ZS , R. 5W SBB&M MERIDIAN ~ CORNER TYPE: COORDINATES I , ~ GOV'T, CORNER [] CONTROL [] N. ...... ~ ..... MEANDER [] PROPERTY [] E. ~ RANCHO [] OTHER [] ZONE DATE OF SURVEY: 5/24/93 ELEV. CORNER -- LEFT AS FOUND [] FOUND AND TAGGED [] REESTABLISHED .,~ REBUILT [] PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF CORNER FOUND: EVIDENCE USED TO IDENTIFY THE CORNER FOUND A P.K. NAIL FLUSH AT THE_CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF JURUPA AND CYPRESS AVE. P.E. NAIL MATCHED DISTANCE FROM JUNIPER AND OLEANDER. WE DUG A 3-1/2 FOOT DEEP HOLE AND FOUND NOTHING. PHYSBCALDESCR~PTBONOF MONUMENTSREBUBLT, PERPETUATED ORRESET SET A 2" I.D.I.P WITH A 2" BRASS CAP IN A MONUMENT WELL. CAP IS STAMPED: "NBS LOWRY RCE 14232 1993". CAP HAS A PUNCH MARK AT POINT OF INTERSECTION. ~ A CORNER RECORD MAY BE USED TO REPORT THE RECOVERY OR PERPETUATION OF SURVEY MONUMENTS, OR TO SHOW THE REESTABLISHMENT OF MONUMENTS WHERE FIELD CONDITIONS AGREE SUBSTANTIALLY WITH RECORD 1. THE CORNER RECORD IS TO BE PREPARED BY A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER AND FILED WITH THE COUNTY SURVEYOR (OR COUNTY ENGINEER) OF THE COUNTY IN WHICH THE CORNER IS LOCATED. 2. A CORNER RECORD SHALL BE FILED WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THE RECOVERY, USE OR REESTARLISHMENT OF A CORNER UNLESS THE CORNER iS TO 8E SHOWN ON A RECORD OF SURVEY, PARCEL OR PINAL MAP DERIVED FROM THE SURVEY WHICH USED OR LOCATED SAID CORNER. 3. A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED TO SHOW THE PERPETUATION OF ANY EXISTING OR OBLITERATED CORNER OF THE SURVEY OF THE PUBLIC LANDS, AS SAID CORNERS ARE DEFINED IN THE '!MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SURVEY OF PUBLIC LANDS OF THE UNITED STATES" OF THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. THE IDENTIFICATION OF SUCH CORNERS SHALL RE, iF POSSIBLE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SYSTEM OF IDENTIFICATION GIVEN ,BY SAID MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS. 4. AT THE OPTION OF THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER, A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED FOR PROPERTY CORNERS, PROPERTY CONTROLLING CORNERS, REFERENCE MONUMENTS OR ACCESSORIES TO PROPERTY CORNERS WHEN THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR . COUNTY ENGINEER DETERMINES THAT NONE OF THE CONDITIONS REQUIRING A RECORD OF SURVEY EXIST AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. 5. THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER SHALL EXAMINE THE'CORNER RECORD WITHIN 20 DAYS FOR CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 8773 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. UPON DETERMINATION THAT THE ABOVE LISTED CONDITIONS ARE SATISFIED AND THAT THE iNFORMATION REQUIRED ELSEWHERE ON THIS FORM IS COMPLETE. THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER SHALL RLE AND INDEX THE CORNER RECORD AND NOTIFY THE SURVEYOR/ENGINEER OF SUCH FILING. 6. CORNER RECORDS SUBMITTED FOR SURVEYS WHICH, UNDER SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYOR'S ACT, REQUIRE A RECORD OF SURVEY SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER TOGETHER WITH A STATEMENT OF THE REASON FOR SUCH RETURN, 7. CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM DATA MAY BE SHOWN; BUT SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN IDENTIFICATION OF THE SOURCE OF SUCH INFORMATION. : 8. A SKETCH SHOWING REFERENCE TIES TO ACCESSORIES OR OTHER IDENTIFIABLE OBJECTS IN THE VICINITY OF THE CORNER SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE APPROPRIATE. PHOTOGRAPHS AND/OR TOPOGRAPHY OF THE MONUMENT AND SURROUNDING AREA ARE ENCOURAGED. ! 14-12935-469 Rev. 10/83 SHEET 1 OF 2 154 041 CORNER RECORD %,' ~ DOCUMENT NO. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 93 0687 / '~ VALLEY 5~VD. ' YOR'8 C[RTIFICAT[ COUNTY 8URVEYOR'8 C~RTIFICATE THIS CORNER RECORD WAS PREPARED BY ME OR ';THIS CORNER RECORD WAS RECEIVED NOV ~ UNDER MY DIRECTION tN CONFORMANCE WITH THE ~ 19 __ LANDSURVEYORgACTON Oc~obet 22 AN MI~ F~ED ///~19 ~. L.S. OR R.;C.E. NO. I,~2~ c LS5~51 154 04.1 * NOTICE · t.mf County of San Bernardino ~1i DOCUMENT NO. Fillcol this corner record does not · EPWA/Land Management Department r~ you cf ,filing a RECORD OF OFFICE OF SURVEYOR S~,,, ,_y when it is required by the ',_ SURV ORS CORNER RECORD COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA SEC. 19 , T. ls , R. 5w : SBB&M MERIDIAN ~ 'CORNER TYPE: COORDINATES I GOV'T. CORNER [] CONTROL [] ' N. I . ~ MEANDER [] PROPERTY [] E. I RANCHO [] OTHER [] ZONE I DATE OF SURVEY: 5/,~/93 ELEV. CORNER -- LEFT AS FOUND [] FOUND AND TAGGED [] REESTABLISHED [] REBUILT [] PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF CORNER FOUND: EVIDENCE USED TO IDENTIFY THE CORNER FD. 3/4" I.D. I.P. W/NAIL FLUSH ON 8/31/92 DESTROYED BY CONSTRUCTION. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF MONUMENTS REBUILT, PERPETUATED OR RESET ,, SET l" I.D. I.P. W/PLASTIC PLUG STAMPED R.C.E. 14232 FLUSH. A CORNER RECORD MAY BE USED TO REPORT THE RECOVERY OR PERPETUATION OF SURVEY MONUMENTS, OR TO SHOW THE REESTABLISHMENT OF MONUMENTS WHERE FIELD CONDITIONS AGREE SUBSTANTIALLY WITH RECORD 1. THE CORNER RECORD IS TO BE PREPARED BY A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER AND FILED WITH THE COUNTY SURVEYOR (OR COUNTY ENGINEER) OF THE COUNTY IN WHICH THE CORNER IS LOCATED. 2. A CORNER RECORD SHALL BE FILED WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THE RECOVERY, USE OR REESTABLISHMENT OF A CORNER UNLESS THE CORNER IS TO BE SHOWN ON A RECORD OF SURVEY, PARCEL OR FINAL MAP DERIVED FROM THE SURVEY WHICH USED OR LOCATED SAID CORNER. 3. A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED TO SHOW THE PERPETUATION OF ANY EXISTING OR OBLITERATED CORNER OF THE SURVEY OF THE PUBLIC LANDS, AS SAID CORNERS ARE DEFINED IN THE "MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SURVEY OF PUBLIC LANDS OF THE UNITED STATES" OF THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, THE IDENTIFICATION OF SUCH CORNERS SHALL BE, IF POSSIBLE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SYSTEM OF IDENTIFICATION GIVEN BY SAID MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS. 4. AT THE OPTION OF THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER, A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED FOR PROPERTY CORNERS, PROPERTY CONTROLLING CORNERS, REFERENCE MONUMENTS OR ACCESSORIES TO FROPERTY CORNERS WHEN THE COUNTY SURVI:YOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER DETERMINES THAT NONE OF THE CONDITIONS REQUIRING A RECORD OF SURVEY EXIST AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. 5. THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER SHALL EXAMINE THE CORNER RECORD WITHIN 20 DAYS FOR CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 8773 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. UPON DETERMINATION THAT THE ABOVE LISTED CONDITIONS ARE SATISFIED AND THAT THE INFORMATION REQUIRED ELSEWHERE ON THIS FORM IS COMPLETE, THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER SHALL , FILE AND INDEX THE CORNER RECORD AND NOTIFY THE SURVEYOR/ENGINEER OF SUCH FILING. 6. CORNER RECORDS SUBMITTED FOR SURVEYS WHICH, UNDER SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYOR'S ACT, REQUIRE A RECORD OF SURVEY SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER TOGETHER WITH A STATEMENT OF THE REASON FOR SUCH RETURN. '---- 7. CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM DATA MAY BE SHOWN, BUT SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN IDENTIFICATION OF THE SOURCE OF SUCH INFORMATION. 8, A SKETCH SHOWING REFERENCE TIES TO ACCESSORIES OR OTHER IDENTIFIABLE OBJECTS IN THE VICINITY OF THE CORNER SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE APPROPRIATE. PHOTOGRAPHS AND/OR TOPOGRAPHY OF THE MONUMENT AND SURROUNDING AREA ARE ENCOURAGED. 14-1293s-469 Flay. 10/83 SHEET 1 OF 2 ID~ CORNER R~)CORD ~DOCUMENT NO. 93 686 "' COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA FD. I" ~l~x ~ URVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE COUNTY SU~VEYOR'S CERTIRC~6v THIS CORNER RECORD WAS PREPARED BY ME OR THIS CORNER RECORD WAS RECEIVED UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE 19 __ LAND SURVEYORS ACT ON October 22 AN ED.A L ~ ~ T:ITLE DEPUTY ~ EYOR sIGNED ~B.C.E, NO. 14232 F 2 ~5,52 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT 154 04'0 County of San 8ernardino DOCUMENT NO. * NOTICE · EPWA/Land Management Department Firing this co;net record does not OFFICE OF SURVEYOR rePe~,e you of filing a RECORD OF SURVEY when if's required by the CORNER RECORD LAND SURVEYORS ACT COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA SEC. 19 , T. iS , R. 5W SBB&M MERIDIAN ~ CORNER TYPE: COORDINATES ~ GOV'T. CORNER [] CONTROL [] N. .......... MEANDER [] PROPERTY [] E. ~ RANCHO [] OTHER [] ZONE DATE OF SURVEY: 5/4/93 ELEV. CORNER -- LEFT AS FOUND [] FOUND AND TAGGED [] REESTABLISHED ~c REBUILT [] PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF CORNER FOUND: EVIDENCE USED TO IDENTIFY THE CORNER FD. l" I.D.I.P. W/TAG R.C.E. 9101 FLUSH ON 8/31/92. DESTROYED BY CONSTRUCTION. PHYSICALsDESCRIPTION OF MONUMENTS REBUILT, PERPETUATED OR RESET SET 1" I.D. I.P. W/PLASTIC PLUG STAMPED R,C.E. 14232 FLUSH. \ A CORNER RECORD MAY 8E USED TO REPORT THE RECOVERY OR PERPETUATION OF SURVEY MONUMENTS, OR TO SHOW THE REESTABLISHMENT OF MONUMENTS WHERE FIELD CONDITIONS AGREE SUBSTANTIALLY WITH RECORD 1. THE CORNER RECORD IS TO BE PREPARED BY A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER AND FILED WITH THE COUNTY SURVEYOR IOR COUNTY ENGINEER) OF THE COUNTY IN WHICH THE CORNER IS LOCATED, 2. A CORNER RECORD SHALL BE FILED WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THE RECOVERY, USE OR REESTABLISHMENT OF A CORNER UNLESS THE CORNER IS TO BE SHOWN ON A RECORD OF SURVEY, PARCEL OR FINAL MAP DERIVED FROM THE SURVEY WHICH USED OR LOCATED SAID CORNER. 3, A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED TO SHOW THE PERPETUATION OF ANY EXISTING OR OBLITERATED CORNER OF THE SURVEY OF THE PUBUC LANDS, AS SAID CORNERS ARE DEFINED IN THE "MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SURVEY OF PUBLIC LANDS OF THE UNITED STATES" OF THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. THE IDENTIFICATION OF SUCH CORNERS SHALL BE, IF POSSIBLE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SYSTEM OF IDENTIFICATION GIVEN BY SAiD MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS. 4. AT THE OPTION OF THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER, A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED FOR PROPERTY CORNERS, PROPERTY CONTROLLING CORNERS, REFERENCE MONUMENTS OR ACCESSORIES TO PROPERTY CORNERS WHEN THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER DETERMINES THAT NONE OF THE COND~TtONS REQUIRING A RECORD OF SURVEY EXIST AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT, 5. THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER SHALL EXAMINE THE CORNER RECORD WITHIN 20 DAYS FOR CONFORMANCE WiTH SECTION 8773 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT, UPON DETERMINATION THAT THE ABOVE LISTED CONDITIONS ARE SATISFIED AND THAT THE INFORMATION REQUIRED ELSEWHERE ON THIS FORM IS COMPLETE, THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER SHALL FILE AND iNDEX THE CORNER RECORD AbID NOTIFY THE SURVEYOR/ENGINEER OF SUCH FILING, 6. CORNER RECORDS SUBMITTED FOR SURVEYS WHICH, UNDER SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYOR'S ACT, REQUIRE A RECORD OF SURVEY SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER TOGETHER WiTH A STATEMENT OF THE REASON FOR SUCH RETURN, 7. CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM DATA MAY BE SHOWN, BUT SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN IDENTIFICATION OF THE SOURCE OF SUCH INFORMATION. 8. A SKETCH SHOWING REFERENCE TIES TO ACCESSORIES OR OTHER IDENTIFIABLE OBJECTS tN THE VICINITY OF THE CORNER SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE APPROPRIATE. PHOTOGRAPHS AND/OR:TOPOGRAPHY OF THE MONUMENT AND SURROUNDING AREA ARE ENCOURAGED. 14-12935-469 Rev. 10/83 SHEET 1 OF 2 ~.5+t 039 CORNER RECORD ~.~ DOCUMENT NO. 93 0685 cou.T~oFsAN.ERNARD,No. cA.,EoRN,A . 2 0 L_. N I _ ~~ ~ ' ~d' / ~,c'.: .,..~ . , ........ 2....~%~.~ ~'~ { ~ ~ ' UN' '~./:~,~ '~ ~ ,,/'-'~,' '~ ~._y~y~'S CERTIFICATE COUNTY SURVEY08'S CERTIFICATE TH~S COaNEn aaCORD WAS PnaPAnED BY MS On THIn COnNan SECOND WAS RaCaiVaD UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFO~MANCE WITH THE ] 9 __ LAND SU~VEYO~S ACT ON 0coobet 22 ANDE I ED D . [569S ~ COUNTY S~R'S STATEMENT " L.8. SH~a~ 2 OF 2 ~ ~ ' l -~ 8~v~'~,~ 7h??° R~CORD~ EPWA/Land Management Department . CORNER RECORD COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA SEC. 19 , T. 1S , R. 5w SBBSM MERIDIAN ~ CORNER TYPE: COORDINATES ~ GOV'T. CORNER Q CONTROL ~ N. , ..... ~ ..... MEANDER ~ PROPERTY Q E. ~ RANCHO Q OTHER Q ZONE DATE OF SURVEY: 3/30/93 ELEV. CORNER- LEFT AS FOUND [] FOUNDAND TAGGED [] REESTABLISHED [] REBUILT [] PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF CORNER FOUND: EVIDENCE USED TO IDENTIFY THE CORNER ~ &~ FD. l" I.D. I,P. (TAG'ILLEGABLE) FLUSH ON 3/21/92. DESTROYED BY CONSTRUCTION. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF MONUMENTS REBUILT, PERPETUATED OR RESET O SET LEAD & TAG R,C.E. 15698 IN M.tt. RING. ~ SET 1-1/4" O.D. I.P. W/PLASTIC PLUG ST;24PED R.C.E. 15698 FLUSH A CORNER RECORD MAY BE USED TO REPORT THE RECOVERY OR PERPETUATION OF SURVEY MONUMENTS, OR TO SHOW THE REESTABLISHMENT OF MONUMENTS WHERE FIELD CONDITIONS AGREE SUBSTANTIALLY WITH RECORD 1. THE CORNER RECORD IS TO BE PREPARED BY A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER AND FILED WITH THE COUNTY SURVEYOR (OR COUNTY ENGINEER) OF THE COUNTY IN WHICH THE CORNER IS LOCATED. 2. A CORNER RECORD SHALL BE FILED WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THE RECOVERY, USE OR REESTABLISHMENT OF A CORNER UNLESS THE CORNER IS TO BE SHOWN ON A RECORD OF SURVEY, PARCEL OR FINAL MAP DERIVED FROM THE SURVEY WHICH USED OR LOCATED SAID CORNER. 3, A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED TO SHOW THE PERPETUATION OF ANY EXISTING OR OBLITERATED CORNER OF THE SURVEY OF THE PUBLIC LANDS, AS SAID CORNERS ARE DEFINED IN THE "MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SURVEY OF PUBLIC LANDS OF THE UNITED STATES" OF THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. THE IDENTIFICATION OF SUCH CORNERS SHALL BE, IF POSSIBLE, IN ACCORDANCE WiTH THE SYSTEM OF IDENTIFICATION GIVEN BY SAID MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS. 4, AT THE OPTION OF THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER, A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED FOR PROPERTY CORNERS, PROPERTY CONTROLLING CORNERS, REFERENCE MONUMENTS OR ACCESSORIES TO PROPERTY CORNERS WHEN THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER DETERMINES THAT NONE OF THE CONDITIONS REQUIRING A RECORD OF SURVEY EXIST AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT, 5, THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER SHALL EXAMINE THE CORNER RECORD WITHIN 20 DAYS FOR CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 8773 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. UPON DETERMINATION THAT THE ABOVE LISTED CONDITIONS ARE SATISFIED AND THAT THE INFORMATION REQUIRED ELSEWHERE ON THIS FORM IS COMPLETE, THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER SHALL FILE AND INDEX THE CORNER RECORD AND NOTIFY THE SURVEYOR/ENGINEER OF SUCH FILING, 6. CORNER RECORDS SUBMITTED FOR SURVEYS WHICH, UNDER iSECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYOR'S ACT, REQUIRE A RECORD OF SURVEY SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER TOGETHER WITH A STATEMENT OF THE REASON FOR SUCH RETURN, 7. CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM DATA MAY BE SHOWN, BUT SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN IDENTIFICATION OF THE SOURCE OF SUCH INFORMATION. 8. A SKETCH SHOWING REFERENCE TIES TO ACCESSORIES OR OTHER IDENTIFIABLE OBJECTS IN THE VICINITY OF THE CORNER SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE APPROPRIATE. PHOTOGRAPHS AND/OR: TOPOGRAPHY OF THE MONUMENT AND SURROUNDING AREA ARE ENCOURAGED. ..., 14-12935-469 Rev. 10183 SHEET 1 OF 2 15~i 038 CORNER RECORD ~w, ~ DOCUMENT NO. 9 3 0684couNTY o~ SAN ~ERNARO.NO, CA~,FORN,A.. No. 15~98 , , ~ ' ~ TIFICATE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THI S PREPARED BY ME On THIS conNan n~cono was nscs~v~9 NOV 16 ~993 UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE :19 __ LAND SURVEYORS ACT ON October 22 ~N INE A D D //Z~19 ,~ 2__ TITLE DEPU~ 'YOR' COUNTY SURV~OR'S STATEMENT SHEET 2 OF 2 ~C~ 154 038 County of San Bernardino DOCUMENT NO. * IMOTICE * EPWA/Land Management Department Filing ~his corncr record does not OFFICE OF SURVEYOR rer ,. ,/ou of {ili~.g a RECORD OF CORNER RECORD ~ LA~D SURVEYORS ACT COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA SEC. 19 & 30 ,T. 1S ,R. 5w SBB&M MERIDIAN ~ CORNER TYPE: COORDINATES I ' I GOV'T. CORNER ~ CONTROL ~ N. ..... I ..... MEANDER ~ PROPERTY ~ E. e RANCHO G OTHER ~ ZONE DATE OF SURVEY: 3/30/93 ELEV. CORNER- LEFT ASFOUND [] FOUND ANDTAGGED [] REESTABLISHED [] REBUILT [] PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF CORNER FOUND: EVIDENCE USED TO IDENTIFY THE CORNER FD. 1-1/4" O.D.I.P. (TAG ILLEGABLE) DN. 0.2' ON 8/21/92. DESTROYED BY CONSTRUCTION. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF MONUMENTS REBUILT PERPETUATED OR RESET SET 1-1/4" O.D. I.P. W/PLASTIC PLUG STAMPED R.C.E. 15698 FLUSH. A CORNER RECORD MAY BE USED TO REPORT THE RECOVERY OR PERPETUATION OF SURVEY MONUMENTS, OR TO SHOW THE REESTABLISHMENT OF MONUMENTS WHERE FIELD CONDITIONS AGREE SUBSTANTIALLY WITH RECORD 1. THE CORNER RECORD IS TO BE PREPARED BY A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER AND FILED WITH THE COUNTY SURVEYOR (OR COUNTY ENGINEER) OF THE COUNTY IN WHICH THE CORNER iS LOCATED. 2. A CORNER RECORD SHALL BE FILED WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THE RECOVERY, USE OR REESTABLISHMENT OF A CORNER UNLESS THE CORNER IS TO 8E SHOWN ON A RECORD OF SURVEY, PARCEL OR FINAL MAP DERIVED FROM THE SURVEY WHICH USED OR LOCATED SAID CORNER. 3. A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED TO SHOW THE PERPETUATION OF ANY EXISTING OR OBLITERATED CORNER OF THE SURVEY OF THE PUBLIC LANDS, AS SAID CORNERS ARE DEFINED IN THE "MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SURVEY OF PUBLIC LANDS OF THE UNITED STATES" OF THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. THE IDENTIFICATION OF SUCH CORNERS SHALL BE, IF POSSIBLE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SYSTEM OF IDENTIFICATION GIVEN BY SAID MANUAL OF iNSTRUCTIONS. 4. AT THE OPTION OF THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER, A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED FOR PROPERTY CORNERS, PROPERTY CONTROLLING CORNERS, REFERENC;: MONUMENTS OR ACCESSORIES TO PROPERTY CORNERS WHEN THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER DETERMINES THAT NONE OF THE CONDITIONS REQUIRING A RECORD OF SURVEY EXIST AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. 5. THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER SHALL EXAMINE THE CORNER RECORD WITHIN 20 DAYS FOR CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 8773 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. UPON DETERMINATION THAT THE ABOVE LISTED CONDITIONS ARE SATISFIED AND THAT THE INFORMATION REQUIRED ELSEWHERE ON THIS FORM .IS COMPLETE, THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER SHALL FiLE AND INDEX THE CORNER RECORD AND NOTIFY THE SURVEYOR/ENGiNEER OF SUCH FILING. 6. CORNER RECORDS SUBMITTED ~:OR SURVEYS WHICH, UNDER SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYOR'S ACT, REQUIRE A RECORD OF SURVEY SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER TOGETHER WITH A STATEMENT OF THE REASON FOR SUCH RETURN. - 7. CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM DATA MAY BE SHOWN, BUT SHOULD RE ACCOMPANIED BY AN iDENTIFICATION OF THE SOURCE OF SUCH iNFORMATION. 8. A SKETCH SHOWING REFERENCE TIES TO ACCESSORIES OR OTHER IDENTIFIABLE OBJECTS IN THE VICINITY OF THE CORNER SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE APPROPRIATE. PHOTOGRAPHS AND/OR TOPOGRAPHY OF THE MONUMENT AND SURROUNDING AREA ARE ENCOURAGED. 14-12935-469 Bey. 10183 SHEET ~i OF 2 15~ 037 CORFJER RECORD V t,~ DOCUMENT NO. 93 0683 co,NT~ oF SAN SERNARO,NO. CAL,EORN,A ¢,::: %LOVE..P-- ~ 0 .-- --~ ~/ / ~,/ / 7 / THIS CORNER RECORD WAS PREPARED 8Y ME OR THIS CORNER RECORD WAS RECBVED NOV 16 SIGNED ~~~~ T~TL~ DEPUff C~ ~ 15698 ~ ~.8. 5952 couZL,SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT ' Exp. ZZ-~-~ ~ ~ SHEiT 2 OF 2 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CAMFORNIA CORNER TYPE: COORDINATES .......... MEANDE~ ~ PaOPE~TY ~ E. ~ RANCHO ~ OTHER O ZONE DATE OF SURVEY: 3/30/93 ELEV, CORNER -- LEFT AS FOUND [] FOUND AND TAGGED [] REESTABLISHED [] REBUILT [] PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF CORNER FOUND: EVIDENCE USED TO IDENTIFY THE CORNER FD. 1" I.D. I.P. NO TAG FLUSH-ON 8/31/92. i DESTROYED BY CONSTRUCTION. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF MONUMENTS REBUILT, PERPETUATED OR RESET SET 1-1/4" O.O. I.P. W/PLASTIC PLUG STAMPED R.C.E. 15698 FLUSH. A CORNER RECORD MAY BE USED TO REPORT THE RECOVERY OR PERPETUATION OF SURVEY MONUMENTS, OR TO SHOW THE REESTABUSHMENT OF MONUMENTS WHERE FIELD CONDITIONS AGREE SUBSTANTIALLY WITH RECORD 1. THE CORNER RECORD IS TO BE PREPARED BY A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER AND FILED WITH THE COUNTY SURVEYOR (OR COUNTY ENGINEER) OF THE COUNTY IN WHICH THE CORNER IS LOCATED. 2. A CORNER RECORD SHALL BE FILED WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THE =DATE OF THE RECOVERY, USE OR REESTABLISHMENT OF A CORNER UNLESS THE CORNER IS TO BE SHOWN ON A RECORD OF SURVEY, PARCEL OR FINAL MAP DERIVED FROM THE SURVEY WHICH USED OR LOCATED SAID CORNER. 3. A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED TO SHOW THE PERPETUATION OF ANY EXISTING OR OBLITERATED CORNER OF THE SURVEY OF THE PUBLIC LANDS, AS SAID CORNERS ARE DEFINED IN THE "MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SURVEY OF PUBLIC LANDS OF THE UNITED STATES" OF THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. THE IDENTIFICATION OF SUCH CORNERS SHALL BE, IF POSSIBLE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SYSTEM OF IDENTIFICATION GIVEN BY SAID MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS. COUNTY ENGINEER DETERMINES THAT NONE OF THE CONDITIONS REQUIRING A RECORD OF SURVEY EXIST AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. 5. THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER SHALL EXAMINE THE CORNER RECORD WITHIN 20 DAYS FOR CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 8773 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. UPON DETERMINATION THAT THE ABOVE LISTED CONDITIONS ARE SATISFIED AND THAT THE INFORMATION REQU)RED ELSEWHERE ON THIS FORM IS COMPLETE, THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER SHALL FILE AND INDEX THE CORNER RECORD AND NOTIFY THE SURVEYOR/ENGINEER OF SUCH FILING. 6. CORNER RECORDS SUBMITTED FOR SURVEYS WHICH, UNDER SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYOR'S ACT, REQUIRE A RECORD OF SURVEY SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER TOGETHER WiTH A STATEMENT OF THE REASON FOR SUCH RETURN. 7. CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM DATA MAY BE SHOWN~ BUT SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN iDENTIFICATION OF THE SOURCE OF SUCH iNFORMATION., 8. A SKETCH SHOWING REFERENCE TIES TO ACCESSORIES OR OTHER IDENTIFIABLE OBJECTS IN THE VICINITY OF THE CORNER SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE APPROPRIATE. PHOTOGRAPHS AND/OR TOPOGRAPHY OF THE MONUMENT AND SURROUNDING AREA ARE ENCOURAGED. 14.12935-469 Rev. 10183 SHEET 1 OF 2 154 036 ' CORNER RECORD V V DOCUMENT NO. 9 30 6 8 2couNT',' OF SA,,, ~,ER,,,ARD,NO, CA,,FOR,,,,A i " d~_ c~LOVE. R. AVE. MLJE ' : / ~ ~' ~, OIV~ ~R'S CERTIFICATE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFIC~%% :~CORD WAS PREPARED BY ME OR THIS CORNER RECORD WAS RECEIVED UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE ~ 9 __ N ~ ~ TiTL~EPU~Co[Ir , ~.E ~5698 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT L.S. 5952 SHEET 2 0F 2 County of San BernardlaD DOCUMENT NO. * NOTICE * EPWA/Land Management Department Filing this corner record does not OFFICE OF SURVEYOR r~' ' ~ you of filing a RECORD OF ~ ,,,,her, it renuired by the CORNER RECORD ~-~ LAND SURVEYORS ACT "' COUNTY OF SAN BEBNARDINO, CALIFORNIA SEC. 30 T. ls , R. 5. I/Y' SBB&M MERIDIAN ,CORNER TYPE: COORDINATES GOV'T. CORNER [] CONTROL [] ' N. ..... I ..... MEANDER [] PROPERTY {] E. I RANCHO [] OTHER [] ZONE DATE OF SURVEY: ELEV. CORNER -- LEFT AS FOUND [] FOUND AND TAGGED [] REESTABLISHED {~ REBUILT [] PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF CORNER FOUND: EVIDENCE USED TO IDENTIFY THE CORNER FD. I" I.D. I.P. NO TAG FLUSH ON 8/31/92. DESTROYED BY CONSTRUCTION. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF MONUMENTS REBUILT, PERPETUATED OR RESET SET 1-1/4" O.D, I.P. W/PLASTIC PLUG STAMPED R.C.E. 15698 FLUSH A CORNER RECORD MAY BE USED TO REPORT THE RECOVERY OR PERPETUATION OF SURVEY MONUMENTS, OR TO SHOW THE REESTABLISHMENT OF MONUMENTS WHERE FIELD CONDITIONS AGREE SUSSTANTIALLY WITH RECORD 1. THE CORNER RECORD IS TO BE PREPARED SY A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER AND FILED WITH THE COUNTY SURVEYOR IOR COUNTY ENGINEER) OF THE COUNTY IN WHICH THE CORNER IS LOCATED. 2. A CORNER RECORD SHALL BE FILED WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THE RECOVERY, USE OR REESTABLISHMENT OF A CORNER UNLESS THE CORNER IS TO BE SHOWN ON A RECORD OF SURVEY, PARCEL OR FINAL MAP DERIVED FROM THE SURVEY WHICH USED OR LOCATED SAID CORNER. 3, A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED TO SHOW THE PERPETUATION OF ANY EXISTING OR OBLITERATED CORNER OF THE SURVEY OF THE PUBLIC LANDS, AS SAID CORNERS ARE DEFINED IN THE "MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SURVEY OF PUBLIC LANDS OF THE UNITED STATES" OF THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. THE IDENTIFICATION OF SUCH CORNERS SHALL BE, IF POSSIBLE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SYSTEM OF IDENTIFiCATiON GIVEN SY SAiD MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS. 4. AT THE OPTION OF THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER, A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED FOR PROPERTY CORNERS, PROPERTY CONTROLLING CORNERS, REFERENCE MONUMENTS OR ACCESSORIES TO PROPERTY CORNERS WHEN THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER DETERMINES THAT NONE OF THE CONDITIONS REQUIRING A RECORD OF SURVEY EXIST AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. 5. THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER SHALL EXAMINE THE CORNER RECORD WITHIN 20 DAYS FOR CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 8773 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. UPON DETERMINATION THAT THE ABOVE LISTED CONDITIONS ARE SATISFIED AND THAT THE INFORMATION REQUIRED ELSEWHERE ON THiS FORM iS COMPLETE, THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER SHALL FiLE AND iNDEX THE CORNER RECORD AND NOTIFY THE SURVEYOR/ENGINEER OF SUCH FILING. 6. CORNER RECORDS SUBMITTED FOR SURVEYS WHICH, UNDER SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYOR'S ACT, REQUIRE A RECORD OF SURVEY SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER TOGETHER WITH A STATEMENT OF THE REASON FOR SUCH RETURN. - 7. CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM DATA MAY BE SHOWN, BUT SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED SY AN IDENTIFICATION OF THE SOURCE OF SUCH INFORMATION. 8. ASKETCHSH~W~NGREFERENCETIEST~ACCESS~RIE~~~'~THER~DENT~F~ABLE~BJECTS~NTHEVIC~N~TY~FT~EC~RNERSHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE APPROPRIATE. PHOTOGRAPHS AND/OR TOPOGRAPHY OF THE MONUMENT AND SURROUNDING AREA ARE ENCOURAGED. 14-12936-469 Roy. 10/83 SHEET 1 OF 2 .. 154 035 CORNER RECORD ~' ~ DOCUMENT NO. 9 3 0 6 8 1 couNTY OE ~N .ERN~RD,NO. C~,~ORN,~. ~ 6AN,I'EA At,,.JA A'VF_,,t,,2QE No. 15698 :jCERTIFICATE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I WAS PREPARED BY ME OR THIS CORNER RECORD WAS RECEIVED NOv 16 1993 UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE 1 g ~,,~.L/,~; ////~  19~ ~ND SURVEYORS ACT ON Oc~obe~ 22 AND E~ F 15698 ~ ~ COUNTY SU ' S STATEMENT : ~ Exp.g / SHEET 2 OF 2 ~ 154 County of San BernardlaD DOCUMENT NO, * NOTICE * EPWA/Land Management Department Filing this cerner record does not OFFICE OFiSURVEYOR relieve you of filing a RECORD OF , ! SURVEY%vhen it is ,cquired by the CORNER RECORD '~' LAND $UR\/~vn~q ACT COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA SEC. 30 , T. lS , R. 5 W SBB&M MERIDIAN ~ CORNER TYPE: COORDINATES I GOV'T. CORNER [] CONTROL: [] N. .... q ..... MEANDER [] PROPERTY [] E. I RANCHO [] OTHER [] ZONE DATE OF SURVEY: 3/30/93 ELEV. CORNER -- LEFT AS FOUND [] FOUND AND TAGGED [] REESTABLISHED ~ REBUILT [] PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF CORNER FOUND: EVIDENCE USED TO IDENTIFY THE CORNER FD. 1" I.D.I.P. W/TAG R.C,E. "9101 FLUSH ON 8/31/92. DESTROYED BY CONSTRUCTION. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF MONUMENTS REBUILT, PERPETUATED OR RESET SET 1-1/4" O.D. I.P. W/PLASTXC PLUG STAMPED R.C.E. 15698 FLUSH. A CORNER RECORD MAY BE USED TO REPORT THE RECOVERY OR PERPETUATION OF SURVEY MONUMENTS, OR TO SHOW THE REESTABLISHMENT OF MONUMENTS WHERE FIELD CONDITIONS AGREE SUBSTANTIALLY WITH RECORD 1. THE CORNER RECORD IS TO BE PREPARED 8Y A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER AND FILED WITH THE COUNTY SURVEYOR IOR COUNTY ENGINEER) OF THE COUNTY IN WHICH THE CORNER IS LOCATED. 2. A CORNER RECORD SHALL BE FILED WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THE RECOVERY, USE OR REESTABLISHMENT OF A CORNER UNLESS THE CORNER IS TO BE SHOWN ON A RECORD OF SURVEY, PARCEL OR FINAL MAP DERIVED FROM THE SURVEY WHICH USED OR LOCATED SAID CORNER. 3. A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED TO SHOW THE PERPETUATION OF ANY EXISTING OR OBLITERATED CORNER OF THE SURVEY OF THE PUBLIC LANDS, AS SAID CORNERS ARE DEFINED IN THE "MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SURVEY OF PUBLIC LANDS OF THE UNITED STATES" OF THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. THE IDENTIFICATION OF SUCH CORNERS SHALL BE, IF POSSIBLE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SYSTEM OF IDENTIFICATION GIVEN BY SAID MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS. 4. AT THE OPTION OF THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER, A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED FOR PROPERTY CORNERS, PROPERTY CONTROLLING CORNERS, REFERENCE MONUMENTS OR ACCESSORIES TO PROPERTY CORNERS WHEN THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER DETERMINES THAT NONE OF THE CONDITIONS REQUIRING A RECORD OF SURVEY EXIST AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. 8. THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER SHALL EXAMINE THE CORNER RECORD WITHIN 20 DAYS FOR CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 8773 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. UPON DETERMINATION THAT THE ABOVE LISTED CONDITIONS ARE SATISFIED AND THAT THE INFORMATION REQUIRED ELSEWHERE ON THIS: FORM IS COMPLETE, THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER SHALL FILE AND INDEX THE CORNER RECORD AND NOTIFY THE SURVEYOR/ENGINEER OF SUCH FILING. 6. CORNER RECORDS SUBMITTED FOR SURVEYS WHICH, UNDER SECTION 8762 OFTHE LAND SURVEYOR'S ACT, REQUIRE A RECORD OF SURVEY SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER TOGETHER WITH A STATEMENT OF THE REASON FOR SUCH RETURN, 7. CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM DATA MAY BE SHOWN, !BUT SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN IDENTIFICATION OF THE SOURCE OF SUCH INFORMATION. 8~ A SKETCH SHOWING REFERENCE TIES TO ACCESSORIES OR OTHER IDENTIFIABI~E OBJECTS IN THE VICINITY OF THE CORNER SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE APPROPRIATE. PHOTOGRAPHS AND/OR ,TOPOGRAPHY OF THE MONUMENT AND SURROUNDING AREA ARE ENCOURAGED, 14-12935-469Ray. 10183 SHEET 1 OF 2 3.54 034 CORNER RECORD ,, V ~ DOCUMENT NO. 9 3 0 6 8 ncouNTY OF ~AN ~ERNARD,ND. CA',~ORN,A - /~ : -  ~ U No. 15698 ~ O/ CERTIFICATE COUN~ SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE %~~3RD WAS PREPARED BY ME OR THIS CORNER RECORD WAS RECEIVED NOV I 6 ]993 UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE 19 { ~  YO~ .C.E, . 1%6qR '~ ~ ~ .LS 595 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT ' * NOTICE * County of San Bernardino DOCUMENT NO. Fifin9 this corner record does noliPWAI Land Management Department relieve Vou of fiting a RECORD OF OFFICE OF SURVEYOR SURVEy when it is required by the ' sunraYons ACT CORNER RECORD COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA SEC. 3"0 T. 18 , R. 5w SBa&t,l MERIDIAN CORNER TYPE: COORDINATES GOV'T. CORNER [] CONTROL ~ ' N. .... /'~ .... MEANDER [] PROPERTY [] E. I ~ RANCHO [] OTHER [] ZONE DATE OF SURVEY: 03-30-93 ELEV. CORNER -- LEFT AS FOUND [] FOUND AND TAGGED [] REESTABLISHED J~ REBUILT [] PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF CORNER FOUND: EVIDENCE USED TO IDENTIFY THE CORNER FD. R.R. SPIKE W/PUNCH MK. DN. 0.2' ON 8/21/92. DESTROYED BY CONSTRUCTION, PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF MONUMENTS REBUILT, PERPETUATED OR RESET SET 1-1/4" O.D. I.P. W/PLASTIC PLUG STAMPED R.C.E. 15698 FLUSH. A CORNER RECORD MAY BE USED TO REPORT THE RECOVERY OR PERPETUATION OF SURVEY MONUMENTS, OR TO SHOW THE REESTABLISHMENT OF MONUMENTS WHERE FIELD CONDITIONS AGREE SUBSTANTIALLY WITH RECORD 1. THE CORNER RECORD IS TO 8E PREPARED BY A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER AND FILED WITH THE COUNTY SURVEYOR (OR COUNTY ENGINEER) OF THE COUNTY IN WHICH THE CORNER IS LOCATED. 2. A CORNER RECORD SHALL BE FILED WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THE ,DATE OF THE RECOVERY, USE OR REESTABLISHMENT OF A CORNER UNLESS THE CORNER IS TO BE SHOWN ON A RECORD OF SURVEY, PARCEL OR FINAL MAP DERIVED FROM THE SURVEY WHICH USED OR LOCATED SAID CORNER. 3. A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED TO SHOW THE PERPETUATION OF ANY EXISTING OR OBLITERATED CORNER OF THE SURVEY OF THE PUBLIC LANDS, AS SAID CORNERS ARE DEFINED IN THE "MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SURVEY OF PUBLIC LANDS OF THE UNITED STATES" OF THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. THE IDENTIFICATION OF SUCH CORNERS SHALL BE, IF POSSIBLE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SYSTEM OF IOENTIFICATION GIVEN BY SAID MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS. 4. AT THE OPTION OF THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER, A CORNER RECORD MAY BE FILED FOR PROPERTY CORNERS, PROPERTY CONTROLLING CORNERS, REFERENCE MONUMENTS OR ACCESSORIES TO PROPERTY CORNERS WHEN THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER DETERMINES THAT NONE OF THE CONDITIONS REQUIRING A RECORD OF SURVEY EXIST AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. 5, THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR COUNTY ENGINEER SHALL EXAMINE THE CORNER RECOR0 WITHIN 20 DAYS FOR CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 8773 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT. UPON DETERMINATION THAT THE ABOVE LISTED CONDITIONS ARE SATISFIED AND THAT Tl-{E iNFORMATION REQUIRED ELSEWHERE ON THIS FORM IS COMPLETE, THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER SHALL FILE AND INDEX THE CORNER RECORD AND NOTIFY THE SURVEYOR/ENGINEER OF SUCH FILING. 6. CORNER RECORDS SUBMITTED FOR SURVEYS WHICH, UNDER SECTION 8762 OF THE LAND SURVEYOR'S ACT, REQUIRE A RECORD OF SURVEY SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER TOGETHER WITH A STATEMENT OF THE REASON FOR SDCH RETURN. 7. CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM DATA MAY BE BHOWN~ BUT SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN IDENTIFICATION OF THE SOURCE OF SUCH INFORMATION. 8. ASKETCHSH~W~NGREFERENCET~EST~ACCESS~R~ES~R~THER~DENT~F~ABLE~BJECT~~NTHEV~C~N~TY~FTHEC~RNERSHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE APPROPRIATE. PHOTOGRAPHS AND/OR TOPOGRAPHY OF THE MONUMENT AND SURROUNDING AREA ARE ENCOURAGED. 14-12s35-46sl ROy. 10183 SHEET 1 OF 2 · .:.t,"eltll. CERTIFICA- E OF INSURANCE ,K'_. 04598 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS I~UED AS A MA~ER OF INFORM~ iON ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CE~IFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, E~END OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE ~OBSON, CAVIGNAC & ASSOC POLICIES BELOW. ?. O. BOX 80187 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE SAN DIEGO CA 92138 COM,A~ A RELIANCE INSURANCE COS. ~M~ B SAFECO INSU~NCE CO. ~BS/LOWRY, INCORPORATED COMPA~ C e.O. BOX 28100 SAN DIEGO, CA 92~98 co~PA~ D A amEmu~uw QB8573635 10/01/93 10/01/94 GENE~LAGGREGA~ S ,......, UR.IM PER~N~ & ADV. INJURY ~ER'B&~R'eP~T, ~CHOCCURRENCE $ FIREDAMAGE(~yOne~) $ 50,000 MED.~,~nyone~mn) $ ] AU~MOBI~mBIU~ BA2175422 10/01/93 10/01/9~ ~MBINEDelNGLE ~ ~A~o u~ s 1,000,000 -- PROPE~ DAMAGE I HC2175¢52B 110/01/93 10/01/94 I B WORKER'8 COMPENSA~ON I ~CHA~IDENT o,s~s-,ouc~u~ ' 1. 000. 000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERA'rlONU/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS ~ERTIFICATE HOLDER IS NAMED AS ADDITIONAL .INSURED PER ATTACHED FORM CG2010. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ALLOY[ DI.SCRI!IED POLIC!ES BE CANCELLED BEFOI{F TI IE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL CITY OF FONTANA MAIL 30 DAYSWRITTENNOTICETOTHECEmlFICATEHOLDERNAMEDTOTHE COMMUNITY DEV. DEPT POLICY NIjMUEI~; ()l~55~jt~35 / L'E,S/[j)%,'I{Y, L,';C(.)f~.i'OI{A'['FI~ L:O,','H'.',~.H'(:b'~L GENERAL LIABILIT', f f.. THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY, pLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED ~ OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS (FORM B) This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the follo~vinB: 'COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CaVERAGE PART. SCHEDULE Name of Person or Organization: CITY OF FONTANA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (If no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement.) WHO IS AN ENSURED (Section II) is amended to include as an insured the person or orSanization shown in the Schedule. but only with respect to liability arising out Of "your work" for that insured by or for you. · CG 20 [0 II 85 CopyriBht. Insurance Services Office Inc.. 1984 [] MA[3T I 9 ~FERS ~ RIG~S U~N THE CE~IF~ATE ~LDER. ~l CE~ATE ~ES ~T AMEND, ~END OR ALTER ~E ~VERAGE AEORDED BY THE ROB50~, CAVIG~AC & ASSOC ~LlClESBELOW. ?. O. BOX 80187 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE S~ DIEGO CA 92138 ~ A RELIANCE INSU~NCE COS. ~"~ 8 SAFECO INSU~NCE CO. ~BS/LOWRY, INCORPO~TED ~ C ~.O. BOX 28100 ~ DiE~, CA 92198 ~P~ O ~ a~uw QB8573635 ~0/O~/93 ~0/0~/9~ ~s.s~ ~ 2,000,000 ~M~GEN~I~ ~Um-~MP~G. S 2,000,000 ?~j~h~ ~ ~=U,. ~,~.~U~ * 1,000,000 ER~&~R'S~T. ~~ R~E~__,-) S 50,000 B *{~ BA2175422 10/01/93 10/01/94 ~ ~ u~ s 1,000,000 B WC2175452B 10/01/93 10/01/94 ~R~COM~. ~ * 1,000 · 000 "~ ~-m~U., * 1,000,000 m~'~u~ ~-~--~ * 1.000.00~ ZERTIFICATE HOLDER IS NAMED AS ADDITIONAL INSURED PER ATTACHED FORM CG2010. ...................................... ~IL 30 ~WR~NNOTICETO~ECE~FI~TEHO~ER~MEDTO~E CX~Y OF FO~ANA COMITY DEV. DEPT. ATTN: ROBERT WEDDLE 8353 SIER~ AVE~E · THIS END~,~'~EMEI, iT CHANGEiS THE POLICY. t~'~:ASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS (FORM B) This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the follo~ving: 'COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART. SCHEDULE Name of Person or Organization: CITY OF FONTANA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (If no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement,) WHO IS AN INSURED (Section II) is amended to include as an insured the person or organization shown in the Schedule. but only with respect to liability arising out of *'your work*' for that insured by or for you. CG 20 lO i I 85 Copyright. Insurance Services Oilice, Inc., 198,I City of Fontaria CALIFORNIA 'FAX COMMUNICATIONS FROM FAX NUMBER (909) 350-6618 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES Company: /v',~'// Name: From: FeL/PE : MOL (including cov~ she~) Message: ~ p~ ~ ~ ~ fie t~ ~D'~. / CC: ~, FAX CHARGE I 3.00 ~ST PAGE (~CLUDING COVER SHEB ~1.50 THEREAEER, :::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FROM: Name Compa~ Address ~one NOTE: Please return this cover she~ with Payment ~031 ~2300} 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX.'518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334'05t8 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA · ' ~ recyclecl paper ~~ Page 1 of 5 ~" RELMIS: B-531.93-X(N) by and between SOUT. KW~I PACIFIC ~ANSPORTATION COMPA!I~, a Delaware ~1~ corporation, herein termed "Railroad," and CI~Z OF FONTAlIA, a public body, address: 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontaria, California 92335, herein termed "'Grantee"; DEED WITNES$ETH: 1. Railroad hereby grants to Grantee, subject to the reservations, covenants and conditions herein contained, the right to construct, reconstruct, maintain and operate a27-inch sanitary sewer pipeline within a 54-inch casing, hereinafter referred to as '"structure,'" in, upon, along, across and beneath property and ,~tracks of Railroad, at or near Bloomington, in the County of San h~location shown on the print of Railroad's Drawing B-53 .93-X, Sheet No. l, dated January 24, 1992, attached and made a part hereof~ Said structure shall be installed in accordance with minimum requirements of Form C. S. 1741, also attached and made a part hereof. Upon execution hereof, Grantee shall pay Railroad the sum of / Five Hundred Sixty Dollars (8560) partially to defray cost of handling. In addition, as monetary consideration for the rights herein granted, Grantee shall pay to Rail'road the sum of Five Thousand Six Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($5,6!25). 2. Project markers in form and size satisfactory to Railroad, identifying the facility and its owner, will be installed and constantly maintained by and at the expense of Grantee at Railroad property lines or such locations :as Railroad shall approve. Such markers shall be reiDcared or removed upon request of Railroad without expense to Railroad. Absence of markers does not constitute a warranty by Railroad of no subsurface installations. 3. There is reserved onto Railroad, its successors and assigns and anyone acting with the permission of Railroad the right (consistent with the rights here:in granted) to construct, recon- EXHIBIT "A" EASEMENT FOR SEWER PURPOSES THAT PORTION OF THE LAND IN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, WITHIN THE SPHERE OF INFLUENCE OF THE CITY OF FONTANA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS CONVEYED TO THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, RECORDED IN DEED BOOK "N", PAGES 446-449 OF THE RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE CENTERLINES OF CYPRESS AVENUE AND SLOVER AVENUE, SAID POINT CONSISTING OF 1" I.P. COUNTY SURVEYOR'S MONUMENT (C.S.M.) AS REFERENCED ON PARCEL MAP NO. 4474 AS RECORDED IN BOOK 41, PAGE 95 OF THE RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE NORTH 00°00'58'' EAST ALONG SAID CENTERLINE OF CYPRESS AVENUE A DISTANCE OF 1203.30 FEET TO A POINT LOCATED ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID LAND CONVEYED TO THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC PJ~ILROAD COMPANY, RECORDED IN DEED BOOK "N", PAGES 446-449 OF THE RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY, SAID POINT BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE, NORTH 88°34'58'' EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 2.50 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00~00'58" EAST A DISTANCE OF 100.03 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID LAND CONVEYED TO THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, RECORDED IN DEED BOOK "N", PAGES 446-449 OF THE RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE, SOUTH 88°34'58" WEST ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY A DISTANCE OF 15.00 FEET; THENCE, SOUTH 00°00'58" WEST A DISTANCE OF 100.03 FEET TO SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE LAND CONVEYED TO THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY; THENCE, NORTH 88°34'58" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 12.50 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. AREA CONTAINS 0.0344 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. BASIS OF BEARINGS ESTABLISHED PER PARCEL MAP NO. 4474 AS RECORDED IN BOOK 41, PAGE 95 OF THE RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: · ~,,//~ ~, ~/, ~ N~. 25126 E, P.E. ' CITY PARCEL NO. 2756 R.C.E. 25126, EXPIRES 12/31/93 ..,__~.-._=;.~.~:. SHEET 1 OF 2 4PN 251-~4~-27 North Line Of Lond C~ve~d SCALE 1"=50' &o the ~,P.R.R,; pOg~o S~h Line o~ to the ~,P,R,R,; S.8.CO. Recor~ E'/Z' I-~B~ACGED L$3~2 J~ lO~ ~ P'~' > ' 0 ~CO ' ;< ss. ' 1' C,S.M. AS REF, Prepared under the Supervision of: ~f) ~.]~ ~osis of BeDrings: Robert W. Weddie, P.E. ' PER PM 4474 R.C.E. 25126 Expires 12/31/93 ~ u.e. ~/95 ~ S.B.CO, RECORDS, ORA~ BY R, Sondov~l city CI~ OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA CHECKED BY F. Uolinos Porce~ NO. ~D ~LAT APPROVED By R, Weddie 275~ ~XHG~OT 'A' 0ATE 6-17-93 Sheet 2 of 2 ~' F~N NBS LOWRV/S~N BERNARDIN~ 8~.01.19~ 1~ P. 1 FAX INFORMATION PAGE IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE RBO EMNG THI;I TRAN;IMI;ISlON PLF.,AGB CALL: (901)) 888-1401 FROM: Z~t.-.f,,~ ,,,"'-;r e"' a~/~.~:i}4~/'/~ iPNONENO.| ( IN)g, ) 888-1401 / · . AT: I~BS/LOWRY - BAN BEpINAR{~INO FAX NO,: i IX)9 I 885,.,}838. LOCATION TOTAL NUM;IER OP PAGE;I, INCLUDING THIS PAGE: DATE: ~f/~//~} TIME: ~. COPlEG TO: . .. . ._ 164 W. Hospitality Lane, P.O. Boy 81124, San Bernsrdlno, CA !12412-8f~4 ,, (909) 888-1401 · F~ON NBS LO~RY/S~N 8ERN~RDIN~df 02.81.199~ l~m~ P. 2 LOCATION , -., ,, BOOK_,,_.__ PAGE -..: ..... CLIENT / j JOB DE~RIPTION ... ,., - ~ FE~OM NBS LOWRY/SRN BERNRRDIN~i; 02.01.199~ I~' P. S LOCATION _ BOOK PA~E .. OLIENT "' /~'~' c~'~" 'c'~'~~'r''7'''''v JOBNO. ~.~'~ ~HE~ ~ 0~ PAR~ ~U~Y ~,~ DATE a/~~z'~/ ~a.~/ <~,~8~uz.l ~p ~,,~. FROH HBS LDIR~IS~H BERH~R~'q' iIB~ ILl: .FAX INFORIVtATIQN PARR II~ YOU HAVE TROUBLE RECEMNGI THI8 TRANeM!881ON, PI,EABE CAU,,: (gOll) 888-'1401 TO; W'J,"' ,~.,."'".'..O.:~ '.. - NAME AT: ~/r~' ~,'~ i~,W'~V~-,~xNo.: ,?~ b ,ss'~ ./~,/~ FROM: 7 PHONE NO.: (-I1_) · ee&44o~ AT: NB~J/I~OWRY - SAN BERNARDINO FAX NO.: tiOe) .. 88S-48911 LOOA110N TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGE8, INOI. UDiNil THIS PA(iE: _ COPIES TO: _ MEBeAGE ~ 164 W. Hospitality tare · P,O. B~ 9194 · 8M Bemerdilo, CA gINIli41i4 · (809) eBB-1401 FROH HBS L0klR~//SRH BERHI:IRD"~' e2.e3./.s,s, 3 "'..."'; P. 2 _ CN.O'D BY ri'/~ a L A N N is R el SHEET f OF__ 8HIBT8 ENGINEER mEET ~" V I~'Pa~'~S' eRADEe REMARK8 ....... .... ' 8'rAKE FLOW LINE CUT H.O.! 'LOT REMARK8 8TATION ELEV. ELlIV. 8TATION NO, t.,Q+~-.., f~f. ,~.~' ' '~q,~,?//-.TJ,... -:" ..~..,.. ~,. 9~ ?k.~8 ; ?..,,/.~q?,-,,~ J" z,.,, ~? -f:.:'.~.'-'~.";'.~"z.,-. --,-.,,.-,--,-- ,,.--. ,-'~ ,-,- ....... . ce,-~:,, .." ~.-..s~..,-. '~.. ~.~,~.._.:::., FAX INFORMATION PAGE IF YOU HAVE TROUBI. I RBOE VINe 11119 TRANGMIBEION, Pig C~LL: 0;09) 688-t401 NAME LO ON roOM: ,~_,..?e.,,-,~, ..o;,~ X,,,A--. O , ION NBB/I..OW - 9,atN BBRNARDINO FAX NO.: t~l 888--4&18 TOTAL NUMBER OP PAGE8, INCLUDIN(i THIS PAGE: OOPlE8 '1'0: r 164 W. Hospitality Lane · P.O. Be~ e124, elm Bemerdlno, CA ~41~.8t24, el00) 888-1401 FRDH HEI~ LOWRV/~;AH BERHRRDIP 82.e11,igg) ] 'l P. 2 L~TiON - BOOK- '-. PAGE PAR~ ~u(y ,D~I~e~ 'DATE t'~'93 FROM MeS LOWRY/SRH OERNfiRDIN~ i ~ LOOATION . BOOK .., PAGE . CLIENT- ""/r.P' tg,,r' /to,., ~1.~,,,~ ,JOEl NO. ''~ ..e~,~ oZ.~'- C,~-; 8HEET._..~.~ OF~ PARTY q,~/u~y ,~,,'fflr'6,e~o,,.,, DATE / JOE DEeCRIPTION P,~ o,~',,',C~ ~:"".~O ,r . g~,,/,~ ,e Io-ZS'4 L. z/''°z'9/4 *~fa,~,,./ ,~,e,,<e/~ N~,/ r~w ,*o--** /~,,,~.~ ~)-.',,,,.e, <,o~>-,----, ,'~,- FAX INFORMATION PAGF, IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE RECEIViNG THIS TRANBMffielON, PLEASE CALL: (909) 688-1401 TO: T/; 4 ~' .7;'~."'/"yP.O.E "0.: 'I- NAME "' ~ON AT: NBe/L~WRY - 9~ BERNARDIN~ LO~ON TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES, IN~UDING ~IS PAGE: DATE: ~y~] TIME: ~PIE8 TO: ... ,,,,AeE " .._ ., II ~x',, .,' . 1~ W. Hosp~el~ ~ne, P.O. Box 8124, San 6~rne~lno, ~ 9241~1;4, (~9) 8~-140t FSON NBS LOWRYIS~N BERN~RDINI 02.02.1995 llF/tlR~ P. 5 I. ~S/LOIO FRO~ HBS LOMRYtSAN BERH~RDIHC ez,e2.1993 1l P. ~ LOCATION ~ PAGE CLIENT r #~k' --- ~re,r4~ j"C)8 NOo~,¢lt'~l~''Ol'l' SHEET~OF, z .... " .~ ....... ~. · · Z Z ~ . LOCATION., _ BOOK ___ PAGE CLIENT g$/rY d,,If dlrai..~"',/fA/,,~ JOBNO. J~e~a, el..f'-ot,.~" SHEET & OF-I,,'.. PARTY ,,~tluWY f pA,~rl A S ~ ~ DATE IO - Z ~- 1 · JOB DEEQRI~ION: ~ ~l~ ..... ~ ,.i~. ~ .~ ~ e: ................................... ............................. ; ............r ...........7''' ~.?~ .......,: ........Zii~ t..' ~~--,.~;~L-.-&,- ._ ....... ...... ~ ....... J ~-' t ...... -'- . Z .... L ....~ .. -- - / FRO~ NSS LOWRV/SRN BERNRRDINO~iF~ 02.02.199~ ~2~ P. 2 LOCATION ........... ... ~,- . ,-.,, BOOK,,, PAGIE CLiENT/;/j~'~ o,4r ,,~r,~.,,,/~"',,,e,,,,('..,t jQB NO,,~,~ISl~,~,.$'*._..g~I,,$" SHEET !.OF~,,..,~ PARTY ,,,r/,./~ ~Y ..,f....,,~?,,q ~'/"~,~.~,..,.~/'~. ,.~ ~ ~ .......... ' .......................................................,I [ ............................; ..... ' ..... ! · ..... L" ~. "~ ././~_o, ~,,' /- ,,e ,,,/e g.~N' e -- !V~ z .................................~,,,,,,,,a, ...,, ~-'v:~'- 3 /,,,,.',")"' ,-.:, · ... :.. ./ RY OW ~4 HospitaliTy Lerte, #l~0. Box 8124 92408-3328 92412-8124 TRANSMITTAL To: · ~y ~ee~ Date: ZZ/~/~ City of Font~a Project No.: S86-025.025 Sublet: ~n~nt Ties - ~ress Ave. A~ention: Yousuf Patan~la, ~s~. ~r/~ial PrOj~ts We are t~ansmi~ng ~he following: D For A~pmval S Approved as Submi~ed ~ Resubmit Copies for Approval ~ For Your Use ~ Approved as Noted D Submit Copies for Di~rib~ions ~ As requested D Returned for Corr~tions U Retm Co~e~ed ~nts ~ For review aM comment ~ ~ints ~t~d A~ef ~an to Us ~ For Bids Due 19 Descri;~on: ~n~nt ties for ~ress Ave.~ ~tween S~ ~ardino Ave & J~pa Ave. ~ress & S~ ~rnardino ~ress - Near 10989 & 10941 ~ress & ~ll~k ~ress - Near 10698 ~ress & ~11o~ ~ress - Near 10600 ~ress & Rosary ~ress - Near 10206 & iris & Valley Blvd. ~ress - Near 9996 ~ress & Taylor ~ress - Near 9896 C~ress &Washington ~ress - So. of ~ll~k ~ress & ~yle ~ress - So. of ~ll~k ~ress & Slover ~ress & S~ta ~a We will get J~pa when we stake project. : ~ By: ~ Vice President If enclosures are not as noted, kindly noti~ us at once. LOCATION " ' ~ -'; ' ' :" "~ '~' ':-'J BOOK PAGE CLIENT C/rY c)/-' ,~-'r,~,,,,l JOBNO. ~Go~c-~C~ SHEET / OF PARTY 5W~c~ ~/~,g~"~: DATE ~-Z/-~ dOB DESORIPTION ~ f/~Z NBS/LOIO LOCATION ,,v 9'z 5 ,'? ,, T' ,' 5 '- -."J £ z-~ :/~ BOOK PAGE ~ - CLIENT r__../T~' ~.r ~,.-~,.A JOB NO. ~"'~:'~'c~7 SHEET ~ OF PARTY :,~/oE~ /Id,,~' 5~: DATE ~-Z/- }~ JOB DESCRIPTION ~ ~TE ~ NBS/LOiO LOCATION "' 7; .:; ,; .t-,'.: ,L'_ ~,. ' ""'" BOOK__ PAGE CLIENT : """ ' "' F~''' "~l"'4 JOB NO. ':" :' :~ "[" ~ ' SHEET ~ OF PARTY :fluE'Y,, ~/,'lr-'/E-,'~ DATE '~-Z/- '~: JOB DESCRIPTION ~, ?"'/E ~- NBS/LOiO LOCATION -"1'~- '7"'/c ~ ~ "/ "~ ~' ~ BOOK __ PAGE CLIENT _/,,'-~ ~ ~o~,-~..J..~. JOB NO. ~.~-O~'OZ~ SHEET PARTY ~-'~ ~'J'~ DATE ~'~/' JOB DESGI:tlPTION --~ NBS/LOiO LOCATION = ~ 7"/= -> ,7 .- ' ' =" ' BOOK PAGE CLIENT PARTY JOB DESC~IPTION NBS/LOiO LOCATION ': , ~ d > ~'/_~ . .d L'-./ ~ J ~ BOOK PAGE CLIENT ' "" ..... ~<~'" ~" JOB NO. J ~? :~ :' "' SHEET ~'~ OF PARTY j'/-t:~T" ~-/,~/~-~/~J~ DATE ~-~/o 9~ J .JOB DEESORIPTION ~ 7' / ~ ~ NBS/LOiO LOCATION ~ ,/'~ .~ -.. = , T' '; ,~; -' ' ~ ;2 ~ BOOK PAGE CLIENT '- ~ "" ' ~' """" ~": ' '~: JOB NO. "" '" ' ' "~ ~ SHEET PARTY ._-/'/,.~,C -' "" ' ' ' -~; DATE JOB DESCRIPTION ~ "r , r; NBS/LOiO LOCATION ~'~ ~/7 7"-,~ ?.;-. ;~.:'---,' BOOK PAGE CLIENT ~z~->-' .--,~: /-:.--,..,~--,.,-,~ JOB NO. s.e(.~zf-~..~' SHEET .e OF /'~ PARTY Z :- ~ ~ "' .,~; ..... : ..T _ DATE ,,~-Z/- 9~ / ,JOB DESGFtIPTION '~_ '7', ~ ~ NBS/LOiO · W ~ LOCATION -, ' , 5 - '~ f"": ,'~' ~ 'J : "/5 ~' BOOK PAGE CLIENT ~ ~ ~,~,--A,~ JOBNO. ~G~:'~'~Z SHEET ) OF PARTY Z,~z''-'~''' '>',/"~:~ DATE '~'~"" ~ / · JOB OESG~IPTION ~ f/~: ~BS/LOiO · ,JOB DESCFilPTION NBS/LOIO · t,~ ~1~ LOCATION ~-' '),','- : -~ - -' ; ,,Lt-:--,' BOOK__PAGE CLIENT ~,,r,-' ,-,,.-' F^'' '/:" "'; JOB NO..~e~,~'-aa_<" SHEET//OF "'~ PARTY ,~',4'ud'K//.l,,'~.,.,,-,',~.~'J DATE JOB DESCRIPTION '~ NBS/LOiO LOCATION BOOK__. PAGE CLIENT ~-'~'-¢" o,m' ,c~,/~'-.~-~-; JOB NO.E~G~E--~'-oZ:~ SHEET /Z OF /'~ PARTY ~w ,~,~-~ ~,' ~ DATE JOB DESCRIPTION ~ ~/~ ~7 c~$ 5o~.~ ~ MBS/LOiO LOCAT I0 N BOOK PAGE CLIENTc,TY .>;: _-c-,~ .... ..~,...~ JOBNO.S5~'--'''':>7'~'' SHEET/~7 OF /'~. PARTY ..~/'.'-' ~" r~/: "'~'~"~ .: ~ '" DATE e-3 / - ,~: JOB DESCRIPTION '~ '~"'5"'c -"...c,.,? _.~ r .] ~ ~c,,,~/o/ ' '~"~' Z ~ Z .J NBS/LOIO LOCATION BOOK__ PAGE CLIENTs/'t't' "-'=" r''''°''''''''~''''''4 JOB NO, ~'gGo~-o~--"' SHEET 'u-OF ,"~ PARTY ,~,z/u~:'.t',, .,p~tTe,,~5o.-- DATE JOB DESCRIPTION BBS/LO10 LOCATION BOOK__ PAGE CLIENT c ,'~"'~' -..z .'~":'~"" "%'~" ""' .JOB NO. 5 ~G°~-~''' ~";'- ? SHEET "~"'OF" PARTY _~,W,o~ ~ F',":-"~7/-' j .,,,,, DATE JOB DESCRIPTION ~ 7"/~"'='; : ' ',C'-? '~ "' J' NBS/LOiO LOCAT IO N BOOK PAGE SHEET NBS/LOiO LOCATION BOOK__ PAGE CLIENT ,::-/~-'y o,~' ,--'.::,~-'"-.~,,-'.-~' JOB NO. 5~(.,,~,:~-"'-,'~z5" SHEET /7OF ,'~ PARTY ..~ /4,.J,E.P / ?/4'~"~='.,~ : .>"" DATE ~-~/~z JOB DESCRIPTION ~ ~'Z'.,'E .~ / NBS/LOiO LOCAT IO N ~ BOOK PAGE CLIENT ,~/r'.," ~-~" .,~'~,~/"r~,'',/,'~ JOB NO. s~C~o~.~-'--,~P--~"" SHEET/":J OF /3 . PARTY ...~,,.-/cT~,Y//D,,411"~='~..r,~.-,' DATE JOB DESCRIPTION ,E- 7''/(-='.-c ~.,///D,,~. ~':..~ NBS/LOIO v RECORD OF: TELEPHON~-,CONVERSATION CITY OF FONTANA Job No. Organization ~/3 S Item~ Di~u~e~ Commanil or Aetio~ BSI-P006 2/80 WILLIAM KRAGNESS KATHY MONTOYA MAYOR CITY CLERK PATRICIA M MURRAY DR. CHARLES A. KOEHLER City of Fontana c, TRER..RE. COUNCIL MEMBER GARY E. BOYLES C A ~ I ~ O ~ ~ I A JAY M. COREY COUNCIL MEMBER CITY MANAGER DAVID R, ESHLEMAN COUNCIL MEMBER March 19, 1992 EXCERPT OF THE UNOFFICIAL AND NOT YET APPROVED MINUTES OF THE MARCH 17. 1992 REGULAR FONTANA CITY COUNCIL MEETING: "Motion made by Council Member Murray, seconded by Council Member Eshleman to 1) approve an appropriation increase of $58,560 from $21,310 to $79,870 from the unappropriated sewer fund balance {Fund 071} to Account No. 071-7236-4200 to cover the cost of the consultant services fee increase and 10% contract contingency for consulting services for the Cypress Avenue sewer project from aurupa Avenue 'to San Bernardino Avenue; 2) to authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to the consultant services agreement between the City of Fontann and NBS/Lowry~ increasing the cost of the contract from $21,310 to the necessary plan updates and permits to construct the Cypress Avenue sewer project, and to provide construction surveying services, design soils report, and environmental impact document preparation. Motion carried by a vote of 4-0. AYES: Mayor Kragness, Council Members Abernathy, Eshleman, Murray NOES.' None ABSENT.' Council Member Boyles" 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTAN.A, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 3504600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA AHENDNENT TO CONSULTANT :SERVICES AGREENENT THIS ANENDHENT (the "Amendment") is made this 3rd day of Hatch, 1992, by and between the City of Fontana, a municipal corporation of the State of California, located at 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontaria, California, 92335, County of San Bernardino, State of California (hereinafter "City") and NBS/Lowry, Inc. (hereinafter "Consultant") with reference to a certain agreement (the "Agreement") entered into and approved by City Council on February 26, 1990. The Ctty and Consultant agree as follows: Exhibit "A" Scope of Services is amended tO add the following: T & H Fee (a) Hodify plans and specifications $5,000 (b Prepare and obtatn permits/easements from 5,000 (1) Caltrans (2) Southern Pacific Railroad (3) Santa Fe Pacific Pipeline (4) County of San Bernardtno. (c) Prepare Environmental Documentatibn 1,330 (1) Initial Study {2} Nitigate Negative Declaration, if appropriate {d) Assistance with bidding, addenda, review of bids and award 4,040 (e} Provide Survey Construction Staking {Lump Sum} 27,890 Offset stakes, 25 foot station, 75 laterals, Caltrans pavement settlement monitoring at preconstruction and at 3, 6 and 9 month intervalS~ locate and tie out, file records and replace 16 monuments {f) Record drawings g50 Ninor contingency gO (g} If additional work N/A {1} Additional sewer lateralSstaking in excess of 75, $44/each (2) Replace centerline survey N/A monuments in excess of 16~ $505/each Subtotal $44,300* (h) Soils Testing (Design Report) 7,000 Total $51,300 *Time and materials not-to-exceed, except survey construction staking lump sum Time of Performance The tasks to be performed by the Consultant under and pursuant to this Amendment to the Agreement shall be as follows: 1. Design Updates/Environmental Documents Nay l, 1992 2. Soils Testing (Design) June 5, 1992 3. Securing Agency Permits N/A Page 1 of 3 w¸ V 4. Record Drawings 3 weeks after construction completed 5. Caltrans Pavement Settlement Monitoring 10 months after freeway boring completed 6. Monument Replacement/File Records 2 months after construction completed SEE ATTACHED SIGNATURE PAGE Page 2 of 3 READ AND APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORH AND CONTENT: Stephen P. Deitsch City Attorney This document is the true and complete document approved by City Council on March 17 , 1992, Linda S. Nunn ~!~velop~:kment Director Risk Nanagement CITY OF FONTANA NBS/Lowry, Inc. Richard A. Bueermann Vice President ATTEST= Notary Pa~e 3 o~ 3 GE.oA ITE. 13]3[ 1 &P.] CITY COI~tiClL ACTION REPORT MARCH :17. 1992 NEW BUSINESS Heeting Date Agenda Placement TO: Nayor and City Council FROM= Community Development Department SUBJECT: Appropriation Increase from Sewer Fund and Execution of an Amendment to a Consultant Services Agreement with NBS/Lowry for the Cypress Avenue Sewer Project RECOMME)DATION: 1. NOTION TO APPROVE AN APPROPRIATION INCREASE OF $58,560 FRON $21,310 TO $79,870 FRON THE UNAPPROPRIATED SEWER FUND BALANCE (FUND 071) TO ACCOUNT NO. 071-7236-4200 TO COVER THE COST OF THE CONSULTANT SERVICES FEE INCREA5E AND 10% CONTRACT CONTINGENCY FOR CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER PROaECT FROH OURUPA AVENUE TO SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE. 2. NOTION TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY HANAGER TO EXECUTE AN ANENDNENT TO THE CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREENENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FONTANA AND NBS/LOWRY; INCREASING THE COST OF THE CONTRACT FRON $21,310 TO $72,610, FOR CONSULTING SERVICES TO ASSIST CITY STAFF IN SECURING THE NECESSARY PLAN UPDATES AND PEPJ41TS TO CONSTRUCT THE CYPRESS AVENUE SEllER PROaECT, AND TO PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING SERVICES, DESIGN SOILS REPORT, AND ENVIRONNENTAL INPACT DOCUNENT PREPARATION. li_l Funding __ General BIIOGET IMPACT= I--'1 No es Source= I_l Fund Budget ILl (071) Sewer Fund Budget I_1 Bond Proceeds IZl Developer Deposits Funding of this increase will come from the Unappropriated Sewer Fund Balance (071). This will reduce the fund's available cash balance to $2,636,461 (See Attachment 1, page 1). EXVXROI~IEXTAL IMPACT: I_'1 Yes IX'l No The environmental documents for this project will be prepared by the consultant as a part of the amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement. As a condition of approval for the Birtcher Trachman Development (southwest corner of Sierra 'Avenue at Valley Boulevard), the developer was required to prepare the design plans for the Cypress Avenue Sewer from Jurupa Avenue to Valley Boulevardl The developer retained NBS/Low~y Engineering to provide this work. The City's Fiscal Year 1989/90 Capital Improvement Program included the construction of the Cypress Avenue Sewer from Valley Boulevard to San Bernardino Avenue. For economy in design costs, on February 6, lggO (Attachment 3, page 3), the Council awarded a contract to NBS/Lowry (Contract - Attachment 4, pages 4-25) to design and:prepare contract documents for this project in conjunction= =th the developer funded projec' 'entioned above. Both projects are now design~ and ready to bid. Staff proposes to combine and bid both of the projects together for cost savings and efficiency in managing the construction contracts. The Cypress Avenue sewer project will connect to the City's Jurupa Avenue sewer trunk line and construct a 27 and 30-inch~diameter sewer line in Cypress Avenue from Jurupa Avenue to Valley Boulevard ~nd a 24-inch diameter sewer line in Cypress Avenue from Valley Boulevard to! San Bernardino Avenue (See vicinity map, Attachment 2, page 2}. The project)also includes "boring" or tunneling a large steel carrier pipe {S4-inch diameter) under the railroad and 1-10 Freeway and for the sewer line to be installed within this carrier pipe. The timing of this project is important! as this sewer line will provide the additional capacity necessary for the! Kaiser Hospital Primary Care unit expansion project as well as reduce defic';iencies in other City sewer lines. ANALYSIS A~ 3U~TIFICATIOM: The Cypress sewer line and the connecting Valley Boulevard Sewer must be operational before Kaiser Hospital's !Primary Care Unit {Medical Office Buildings) can open for business. The target date for functioning sewers is May, 1993. This is when the testing of medical building equipment will begin. Actual medical operations are planned to Start in June, lgg3. The Cypress Avenue sewer line needs to b~ in service by October 1, 1992 so that the Valley Boulevard-Cypress to Kaiser Hospital sewer line can start construction and be completed in early lgg3. It is prudent to construct deep/major utilities from the downstream terminus, as existing utilities may be in a location other than the utility company's reference map, and it is cost effective to do the field changes without any part of the upstream new utility being in a wrong location. However, if it becomes urgent to install the V~lley Boulevard-Cypress line in order to meet Kaiser Hospttal's completion date, staff will work with Kaiser Hospital to explore the potential of starting the Valley Boulevard sewer before the Cypress Avenue sewer is in place. Completion of this project through construction requires additional consultant services. The staff who developed the original consultant scope of work did not consider the total design construction process needs. This will be corrected on future projects to not have piecemeal add-ons to consultant contracts. Future original scopes of work will be all inclusive and will go through a competitive selection process. Bowever, at this time, staff recommends that NBS/Lowry continue with ;the project due to their familiarity with all aspects of the project and; the overall cost/time effictenctes associated with using one consultant as dpposed to many. The proposed~ol~UTtaett=col~r~ct~ amendment (Attachnmn~ ~, pages 2e-281 to the~ it ortgtnal cont~a~ (Att~hmen~ ~, pages 4-,25) provtd~ fop the following~ ems~ 2, P i pel~n; an4 the. County o.t San Beqtardi:nCl ct 3, Assist Clt~ staff Ira, bid proces~ -: ~: 4, Provide construction surveying servtce~ 5, Destgn sotls testtn~ 6, Record dra~1ngs~ Presently, the Engineering Dtvtston's Capital Zmprovoment Section is working full* time on designing (Sterra Avenue--Neasure I pro3ect) and coordinating many other projects (Cttrus Storm Drain, Baseline/Almerta Sever, HIghland/Haven plan reviews, Valley to I-1VStorm Drain). These projecValso have critical schedules. Accordingly, staff recon~nends utilizing the design consultant, NBS/lowry, to facilitate the bid process so that the project can be completed on schedule. The total cost to date for the City and developer-paid design services is $88,410, as noted in the cost comparison chart {Attachment 6, pages 29-34}. The cost to complete the design including the work associated with securing permits from Celttans, Southern Pacific Railroad, Santa Fe Pipeline and the County of San Bernardino is $10,000, which is an ll.3 percent increase over the total combined City/developer contracted amounts. The fee increase to the City's $21,310 contract to $72,610 for NBS/lowry {net $51,300 increase) includes work over and above the previously approved basic design contract. Also included are the preparation of environmental documents, permit processing, design soils report and construction surveying. The appropriation requested in the amount of $79,870 includes a lO percent contingency over the amount proposed to be contracted with NBS/Lowry. While there are cost increases associated with combining the two projects into one, the overall construction cost savings and efficiencies in staff managing one versus two construction contracts more than offset the additional design cost. The cost savings include staff time for advertising and bid processing {estimated $3,000), managing separate contractors {estimated $10,000) and reduction in inspection time associated with starting a second project {$2,000); for a total estimated cos'~ savings of $15,000 to cover the $10,000 additional design work. This contract amendment and appropriation increase is necessary to provide r sewer service connection point for the Kaiser Hospital's Valley Boulevard sewer project which will connect to the proposed Hospital Primary Care unit. Further, the additional costs of the contract amendment for the design of the project are more than offset by the cost savings of combining projects. Accordingly, staff recommends retaining NBS/LowPy to complete this project as per the Scope of Work noted in the amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement (Attachment 5, pages 26-28). Sufficient funds are available as noted on Attachment 1--Sewer Fund Analysis dated February 21, 1992. The Contractual Services Requisition Form was not added to the City Council Action Report because this is an aEend~nt to an existing contract agreement. This action is consistent with the City of Fontana's Purchasing Ordinance. ALTERNATIVE(S): In considering this matter. the City Council has several alternatives: 1. Approv~-a~: approprfatton increase of $58,56Q from $21,310 to $79,87~ from the'unapproprtated. SeNer Fund Balance (Fund 07t) to Account No. 071-7236-4200 to cover the cost of the consultant services fee increase and lO~,contract contingency for consu)ttnf services for the Cypress Avenue Sewer Project, Ourupa Avenue to San Bernardtrio Avenue. (Staff recommendation) Authorize the City Hanager to execute an amendment to the consultant servtces agreement between the Ctty of Fontaria and NBS/LowPy, Increasing the cost of the contract from $21,310 to' $72,610, for consulting services to assist Ctty staff in securing the necessary plan updates d permits to construct the ~ 7press Avenue Sewer Project, and t~rovide construction surveying rmj~i~ design soils ' vices, report, and environmental impact document preparation. (Staff recommendation) 2. Deny the request/determine not td approve the requested motions. 3. Refer this matter back to staff (or further consideration. ATTACiiIE]frS: 1. Sewer Fund Analysis dated February 21,! 1992 2. Vicinity map 3. Ninute action of February 6, 1990 4. Consultant Services Agreement dated February 6, 1990 with NBS/Lowry and Time Extension Amendment to contract dated December 18, lggO, and April 19, lggl fee amendment letter 5. Amendment to Consultant Services Agreement 6. Cost comp; 'ison to previous fees and November lg~ 1991NBS/Lowry Proposal sue. / .EWE. ED .V: RECO.E.D D re Clark Also ~r~ H Ctty A~to~ney GH:RW:wp CITY OF FONTANA Sewer Fund (071) Analysis February 21;, 1992 Available Purchase Projected Cash Item Description Order Account NO. Expenditure Balance Status Cash Balance N/A N/A N/A $7,834,012 1/31/92 Foothill/Beech N/A 071-7218 N/A N/A Completed Ourupa/Cypr-Sierra N/A 071-7241 $ 379,279 N/A Pending Hstr Sewer Plan Updtd N/A 071-7230 54,897 N/A Pending Foothill/Chry-Hemlock N/A 071-7238 108,172 7,725,840 V of H Cypr/jurupa-Valley N/A 071-7250 2,064,924 5,660,916 Committed Cypr/Vally-San Bdno. N/A 071-7251 763,723 4,897,193 Committed Tree Replacement N/A 071-7239 5,664 N/A Pending Elm/Nanila-Slover N/A 071-7252 202,758 N/A Pending Snta Ana/Hemlock-Elm N/A 071-7243 60,895 N/A Pending Hartholes on Foothill N/A 071-7254 N/A N/A Completed Bsln/Beech-Almeria N/A 071-7243 495,000 4,402,193 Committed Almeria/Bsln-Walnut N/A 071-7243 447,000 3,955,193 Committed NBS/Lowry (Cypress) 021274 071-7236 59,218 3,895,975 Committed *P.O. Bal. of $658 plus $58,560 pending Council approval Hadole Assoc. (Baseline/Almeria) 023284 071-7243 2,096 3,893,879 P.O. Bal. Sclafani Const. Co. 023429 071-7254 5,650 3,888,229 Hisc. Rpr. Camp,Dresser & NcKee (Assignment #1) 023160 071-7244 9,609 3,878,620 Committed' (Assignment #2) 023162 071-7244 20,051 3,858,569 Committed (Assignment #3) 023163 071-7244 872,108 2,986,461 Committed City Admin., Design, etc. Costs N/A N/A 350,000 2.636,461 Committed Note: Cash Balance in Sewer Fund :includes $3,186,600 pre-paid sewer connection rights in North Fontaria. In addition, the Sewer Fund has an outstanding liability of $1,691,522 to CFD #2. _1_ ATTACHMENT i 6371. City Council Minutes -5- February 6, 1~90 U. Authorizint the execution of an agreement )etween the City AUTH AGREE~T of Fontaria and NBS/Lowry for ¢onsultin~ services to be NBS/LOWRY provided by NBS/Lowry for the design and preparation of CYPRESS AVE planS. specifications and bid documents for t~e extension SEWER LIHE of the Cypress Avenue Sewer line from Valley Boulevard FROM VALLEY BL to San Bernardino Avenue. and authorized t~ TQ SAN BERM appropriation of $21,310 from the sewer fund to cover AVE. the cost of the agreement. HO gO-SO Attachmenz ~ qe I'HIS A?~q~EEIME]fF is ~ade this 7-~~'' d)y o? F~W-n~..~ , Xg~J, by and ~et~een t~e CITY 0~ ~O~F~'~'f'ANA, ~ ~un~c~;al corporation a? the State o:? Cali?arnia, located ~t ~353 Sierr~ Avenue. Fontaria, C~li?ornia gZ335, County af S~n Bernarderie, 5tste a? C~lifarni~ Chereinaftar 'City") ~nq NBS/Lawry (hereinafter "Consdltant"}. ~), City desires to engage Consultant :o provide plans and specificati;ons to extend a sewer trunk ~ain on Cypress Avenue ~et~een Valley Boulevard and San Bern~rdino Avenue. ~, ~0~, C1~ ~ C~LT~ ~LY ~E ~T: $E~I~ l S~VICE$ OF; ~E C~LT~ Generil OescriotiQn of Services. Consultant shall perform the tasks set fortn)in Exhibit "A' attac~ed hereta and ma~e a part hereof so as'to fully and adequately complete tffieir project described netsin. ES~I)ILIT:IES OF CIT~ 1. Personnel. All the work shall be performed by Consultant or under his~ supmrvision. The Consult~n~ reOresents that it possesses t~e professional and tecnnical personnel required to perform the services requtre~ )y this AgreeGrit. City retains :Consuitant on an independent cQntNctor basis and ConSultant is not an employee of tnG City. The personnel performing the services un~ir this Agre~ent on )mhElf of Consultant shill at all ~imms Oe under Consultant's exclusive ~irictton an~ control. Consultant snail pal ill wages, salaries, an4 othG, amounts due such personnel in cormmotion wit~ their performance of services under tht~ A9rm~nt an4 'as required by law, snail )e resNnstble fop all reports ~and oOligations respecting :hem, including but not limited tO, Social Security taxes, income tu withholding, unemplo~¢n$ insurancm, an¢ workers' c~Nnsatton insurance. Attachment 4 Adt~in~stra~,~r, ~nd ~ny ~t~er ~gen¢!as ~n!¢n may 3. Pro~act Mgnsqer. The Consultant s~all =,ssign the project to a ProJect Manager, who snell coordinate phases o? the project. This Project Manager snell ~v~i]a~Dle to the city during normal wor~in9 hours or reasonable intervals. The !Consu]tan~ has ~esi~nated W. Wilson. to ~e its Project ~neger. 4. Time ~? Performance. The tas~ to ~e ~erfprmed ~y Consultant under snO ~ur~uant to this Agreement snell completed within ninety (40) days from the ~Oove-s:ateq date. Consultant sh~I1 receive no additional c~m~ensation if comCetion o? its o~]igatioq unde~ this Agreement requires a time greater than as set forth herein unless such extension is caused solely by the c~nduct of the City. ~ach party here~y agrees to ~rovide timely notice to the other of any violation occurring under this section and the cause thereof. ~. Redore M~terialS. At the comCetion of this ~roject, Consultant sh~ll ~de]iver to City all documents, d~t~. studies, surveys, drawings, ma~s, models, photographs, ~nd re~orts ~re~ared ~y COnsultant under this Agreement. Said documents shal~ ~e considered the ~ro~erty of ~ity upon p~yment ?or services ~er?orm~d ~y Consultant. ~. City Potic~2. Consultant will discuss and review a11 matters tel eting~ to ~olicy ~nd ~roject direction with the P~oject Administrator in advance of all critical decision ~oints in order to~ensure that the ~roject ~roceeds im a manner consistent with ~ity 9O$1S and 7. COn?Orman~S tO Ao~lica~e RequirementS. All work ~re~ered ~y Consultant shall conform to a~lica~le city, county, state, and federal requirements and be subject to a~rov~l of the P~odect Admfn~strator and City CouncH. S. Inde~m~ficatton. Consultant agrees to tndelnt?y, defend, s~ve,, and hold harmless City, its officers, age,re, and employees ?roam and against l~a~ltt~, ~15tm$, dam~ges,'losse$, and axlerises for damages of a,~ nature whatsoever iMc~ud~ng, ~ut not limite~ to, ~od~1~ injury, deatM, personal injury, ~ro~erty damages, anO attorneys' fees directly ar:ts~ng from any and all negligent actions of Consultant, = its employees, agents, or su~contracto~$ pursuant to th~s Agreement. In no event shall consultant Oe responsible for any daim for damages of any nature ~h&tsoever as a result of actions and negligence the Ctty, its agents, officers or employees (other than consultant). -5- ~eDresents ~nd ~gr~es :n~t ~11 aersonnel eng~ge¢ ~erfor~lng services ~re ~n~ snell he F'dlly qualified ~n~ ~uthorized or permitted under state ~nq local !sw t3 such services. The Consultant sha)l ;er~or~ t~e services ~n~er this Agreement in a s~illful ~n~ ccmT~etent manner. The Consultant shall De resOonsible to City for shy errors omissions in the execution of this Agreement. Consultant represents and warn)nee to City that it has all licenses, permits, qualific)tions, and aoprovals require~ profession. Consultant further represents and warrants t~at it snell ~eep in effect all Such licenses, permits, and ~tner approvals during the term of this Agreement. 10. Insurance. Without limiting Consultant's indemnification of City, Consultant shall obtain and provide and maintain at its own expense during the term of this Agreement policy or policies of liability insurance of the type and amounts described Oelow and satisfactory to the City Attorney. Such policies ;shall be signe<l )y a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf and must be filed with the City :prior to exercising any right or performing any work pursuant to this Agreement. A. Prior to the con~nencement of any services hereunder, Consultant shallprovide to City certificates of insurance wit~ original endorsements, and cobice of policies, if requested by City, of the'following insurance, with Best's Class 8 or better carriers: (1) Worker's compensation insurance covering all employees and principals of the Consultant per the State Compensation Insurance Fund, State of California; (Z) Cowm~erctal general liability insurance without limitation contractual liability, in a minimum amount of $I million combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, and property dameget (3) Con~ercial auto liability and property insurance covering any owned and rented vef~ic.les of Consultant in a minimum amount of $I million comOine4 single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 8. Said policy o~ policies shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, cancelled by either party, on reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty {30) days' prior notice has been -6- s~all ~lso ~rocure ~n~ ~aintaln. ~ its :wn c~st !n~ ix;ense, any iqditional ~inqs ~f lnsu'r~nce, ~nicn in its own :u~gement may he necessary for its ~ro!~er ~rotection )n~ ;rosecut~n ~f ~e wor~. C. Consultant snell include subcontracting consultants, if any, as ins~reds under its policies or snell furnish separate certificates and endorsements fur each suOcontractor. All coverage for eac~ subcontractor snell =e suOject to t~e requirements state~ herein. 11. ~rontbition 4~qainst ?,ansfers. ~. Consultant shall not assgin, sublease, hypot~ecate, or transfer t~is Agreement, or any interest therein, directly or indirectly by operation of law without the prior written consent of the City, Any attempt to do so without said consent sham Oe null and void, and any assignee, suOlessee, ~ypotn~catee or transferee shall acquire no right or interest ~y reason of such attempted assignment, hypothecation, or transfer. B. ?he ,sale. assignment, transfer, or other disposition of any of the issued and outstanding capital stoc~ of Consultant, or of the interest of any general partner or joint venturer or syndicate member or co-tenant if Consultant is )a partnership or a joint venture or a syndicate or a co-tenancy, wnic~ shall result in changing the control of Consultant, s~all be construed as an assignment of t~is Agreement. Control means fifty percent (~0%) or more of vo~ing power of the corporation. I2. prgoress. Consultant is responsible to ~eep the Project Administrator and/or his/her duly authorized desi~nee informed on a regular basis regarding t~e status and progress of the woric, activities performed and planne~, and any meetings that have been scheduled or are desired. ~3. Confldenttality. No news releases, including photographs, public announcements, or confirmations of the same, of an~ part of the subject matter of this Mreement or any p~ase of any program ~hereunder shall be made without prier w~itten approval of ~the City. The information which results frotim t~e services in this Agreeemn~ is to be Xept confidential unless the release of informeUon is authorized by the CitY. -7- SECTION III RE-S~,(X~SIBILITIE$ OF CITY 1. CCOOePtt~om. City ~grees to cocOorate and effectively ccl~r~unlcate with tme Consultant on the project. 2. City's ~esoonsidilities. City shall furnish tO Consultant dose maps, existing studies, ordinances, dat~, ~nd other existing information as shall de determined sy Consultant and materials in pity's Dossession necessary for Consu]tant to complete the work contemplated by this Agreement. City ?urther agrees to p~ov~de all such mater~a]s in a t~meiy manner so as not =to cause delays in Consultant's work schedule. Consultant may rely in good ?a~th upon the in?ormat~on provided by Ctty. 3. AdministratiOn. Th~s Agreement wi]] Oe administered by the PuOlic WORKS O~recto~. The PuOl~c WorKs Oirector or his/her des~gnee ;shall be considered the Project Administrator and shall have the authority to act ?or the City under th~s Agreement.: The Public WorKs O~rector or his/her authorized ~eOresentattve shall represent the City in el] matters pertaining to'the services to be rendered pursuant to th~s Agreement. SECTTON FEES NO PAYlqBTS I. Comeensat~on. ~ Except as provided ~n th~s section, Consultant shall receive as compensation services rendered under th~s Agreement an amount not to exceed $21,310.O0 and at the rates set ?orth in Exhibit "A". The total project cost shall not exceed th~s ~mount unless additional work ~s requested ~n ~t~ng ~y the C~ty. City shell not be required to pay any munts ~n excess th~s s~l whether ?or copying costs, ~nc~dental, d~rect, or indirect costs, or any type ~ncurred ~y Consultant. Th~s section shall not 1~m~t the ,abeltry of the parties to amend thtS Agreemen~ to provtde ?or extra Z. Extra ~ork. Consultant shall receive c~e~ensatton fop extra wor~ author~ zed as spectf~ee ~y the parties aC the ~ such authorization ~s gtven. All extra ~or~ must =e authorized ~n Pro3ect Admtn~stPatoP an~ Consultant shall not extrl c~pensatton without such 3. Re~m~urs~nt:foF ExPenses. Consultant shall not ~e Pe~m=urse~ ~or ~ny expenses unless authoP~ze~ writing ~y Ctty. -B- Consu]taRt's schedule of ~ees con=~ine~ in ~.xni~lt '~" hereof. Each invoice will he l=emlzed. ~cn invoice snell snow the number of hours '~or~ed ;or ;erson/c;nsultsn~ ~n~ nature of the wor~ ~erforme~i. 5. P~nent o~ Ccm~ens~.ian. City shall pay~nen~:s to Consultant wi~n:in sixty (50) days of r~ceiving said sta~emen~. unless City: ciispu=es the ~moun~ claims is owed under :his Agreement. 5. W~thMotdinqs, City may withhold paymen~ of ~ny disputed sums until s!=isfac=ion of the dispute respec: :o such payment. Such withholding snell no~ deemed to consCttuf-e 8 failure =o pay according to :he ~erms of this A~reemen~. Cons~ul:an= shall have an right to appeal ~o ~ffie Mayor: and City Council with respect suc~ disputed sums, Consultant small Move tMe right. pursue an appeal of the decision of the Mayor ~nd City Council to 8 court of competent jurisdiction. SECTZOII V Consultant shall ~ee~ ~ecords and invoices in connection ~ith its ~or~ to ~e performe4 under Acjreement. Consultant shall m~in~in complete and accurate records ~ith respect ~0 ;the costs incurred under Agreement, All such records shill De clotfly identifiable. Consultant shm11 111ow m representtlHve of City during normal business hours to examine, audit, ~nd ma~e transcripts or -9- rela~,ed to the Agrecm~n~ one da~a o~ Final ;a>?men; under ~nls Agreement. SECTION i. Termination. A. City may. by written notgce to Consultant. termgnate the whole. or any part. of this Agreement at any time and w~thout cause by g~v~ng written notice to Consultant o? such termination. end s0ec~fy~ng the effective date thereof, at 1east seven (7) days before the effective date of such termination. In the event termination ~ith~ut cause, Consul:an: shall be compensated ?or the ~oPK performed up~ to the date of termination. Payment ?or ~orK completed under the Agreement to date o? termination shall be made stMctly on the bas~s of the percent of ~orK completed under the terms of th~s Agreement. The percent o? ~orK completed to dire o? termgnation snell be the percent o? tote] Agreement sum ~h~ch shill be Oaid to Consultant. The Ctty Hanager shell determine the percent of ~orK completed at the date ~f termination ~ut the consultant has the Mght to appeal to a court of competent ~uMsdtction. Zn no event may total payment to termination exceed $21,310.00. Consultant sh~11 be entitled to no further compensation after termination. Consultant ~Y terminate th~s Agreement except for reasonable cause. ~. Zn the event th~s Agreement is tetm~natedo in ~Mole or in pert, as provided ~n paragraph A of th~s section, Ctty ~ly procure from any person oP entity upon such terms, and in such ~anner as it may determine appropriate, services similar to those terminated. C. Z? th~s Agreement ts terminated as of thts sect on, Consultant shall provided in paragraph A provide to Ctty upon request; ~y City ell ?~nished o~ unfinished documents, d~ta, studies, drawings, maps, photographs, reports, etc., ~repared ~y Consultant ?o~ the project upon pa,v~ent by the D, Consultant further covenants to g~ve good faith cooperation in the transfer of the ~or& to any other oonsul~ant employed by the City ?ollow~ng termination hereuI~der, and tO p&rtictpat$ in s reasonable number of such meetings at no cost to City'is shall ~e de~d necessary and reasonable ~Y the City Manager and Consultant to effectively accomplish its transfer. -1o- given ~ursuant :o :n~s ~gr~ement sn=ll ~e ~l~en ~nd sent ~y cert~'~ed ~l, ~eturn "~cel;c 'equeste~, addressed as City Consultant City Manager W, H. Wilson, City o? ~ontana HBS/Lowry 835) Sierra Avenue Box 28100 Fontaria, Ca. )2335 San Diego, CA (714) 350-7654 (519) 4a5-I500 Any notice so given shall be considered served on the other party three (3) days after deposit in the U,S. mai , certified postage prepaid, and addressed to the party at ts applicable address. The address for notice may be changed by giving notice pursuant to this paragraph. 3. Litiqation. Should litigation be necessary to enforce any term or provision of this Agreement, or to collect any portion of the amount payable under this Agreement, or to collect any portion of the amount payable under this Agreement, the'n all litigation and collection expenses, witness fees, expert fees, court costs, and attorney fees incurred by the prevailing party shall be paid to the prevailing party. A. Entire Aqreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between City and Consultant with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, or agreements. This Agreement may only be modified by a writing signed by both parties. 5. Enforcement. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in= accordance with the laws of the State of California. 6. Nondiscrimfnation bY Consultant. Consultant represents and agrees that Consultant, its affiliates, su)$idtaries, or holding!companies do not and will not discriminate against any subcontractor, consultant, employee, or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, handicap, or national origin. 7. Citv's ~iqhts to Emoloy Other Consultants. City reserves the right: to emplo) other consultants in connection with this project. A. ~he ConsUltant s~ its employees m~y ~e subjec= to the ~rovis~ons Dr=no CBlifornia Poli=ical ~efor~ ACt of Z9/4 (the "Act"), wni'cn (I) reduires such ;ersons :o disclose financiBl interest t+~at may foresaea~ly ~e :nateritlly affected ~y =he work ;erformed under t~is Agreement, and (2) pronibit~ such Oersons ?ram making, or particiOating in making, decisions that wil3 ?oreseeaOly financially if?oct such interest. a. If subject to the Act, Consultant sh~ll conform to all requirementsLof the Act. ~ailure to do so constitutes a material breac)q and is ~rounds for termination of t~is Agreement by the City. SECTION ¥II 1. Consultant shall no'c subcontract any ~ortion of the wor)~ required by this Agreement, exc~p~ ~s expressly stated heroin, without prior'~approval of C~ty. 2. SubcontractS, if any, shall contain a provision ma~ing t~ suDject to all provisions stipulate~ in thi s Agre~ent. ~cce~ted ~n~ ~a~e ~n~ exec~eci ~n~s ~cjreement ~:on :he ~e~s, conClitians, and first ~Oove written. CITY OF FONTANA, CONSULTANT ~ municipal corporation READ, A?Q</CO~NDED BY: Dated: . . · / u Dated: /Z-Z)-BD Depart~nt Reco~n~at~n ~ D~part~t Hewn~ Con~ac~ Comet ~nce 6fffcmr I APPROVED AS TO FORH ANO LE~L CONTE~: City Attorney / 'fDusuf ?an:a.'.wala CITY OF FONTANA ]353 Sierra Avenue Fon:ana, CA 92335 EXTENSION OP CYPRESS SEWER .~tAIN VALLEY BOULEVA~ TO S~a4 ~ERNA/~DINO AVENUE At your request Z~is ;s a proposal for providing an englneering deslgn report, Gsurveying support, plans and spec:fica=ions for an extension of ~he Cypress ~ewer from valley Boulevard :o San Be~nardino Avenue. A~tacned as Appendix "A" is a fact ~heet which indicates the known physical conditions of :he p:roJect. We additionally an engineering fee estimate for providing t~e pla~s and speclfica=ions ~o you for :he facili:ies described. SCOPE OF wOP~: The Scope of Work will include meetings and coordination, ?reparation of a design report, preliminary surveylng, preparation of plan and prolfiles, prepare:ion of speclal de=a~is, and any speclficatiOns required. we will also request "U~de~ground Alert" underground facliitles pr~or~ to surveying to obtain as much knowledge as possible of where :he various underground facilities Lie. When a pipeline proUect is installed within an existing street, there are many obstructions to :he work which must be-determined such as water, sewer, gas and CATV laterals. This information~ is very important Cent:actor and should be determined during :o avoid delay and extra cos~ during construction. The design re~or~ will determine ~he area sewage flows =o be expected, recommended s~zlng, and the location of ~he facilities. ~Also, the re,or= will determine ~he aperational aspects of :he facility; such as, 10920 Via ~,on~sta · ~ O. 8~x 28100 · San 0,e<~o. CA 92128-0100 · {619) ~.85-1500 · (6~9) 578 .7,~..0 ~AX (619) 4.81- 21~a _~,- ?a~e 2 The survey 'w~Ll LncLude "~ipp:.ng" o~ :he exis:~n~ sere: mannales, Location o~ :<nown, '::ili::es, mapping delineated "Underground Alert" markings, crass-sec:~ns and coordination a~ :he ex:~:ng survey monuz~en:s. desired :ha: ~he survey ~e 3employed prior ~o :he :epor: so :~a~ ~nfar~a~an may ~e incorpora~ect design report. P~epara~.ion o~ plans and specifications will be accamplfs~ed uslng ~he survey da".a as ~aCkground and overlaying ~ w~ :he design Lines and profiles. I= ~s anticipated :ha= existing ~ewer w~li be "relieved" where appropriate per approved design report. UU~li:y ~n:erface and o~=aining Letters confirming locations!will also be included. Meetings and coordination Of :he work will include confirmation of =he design p~rame=ers and prepare=ion of plans and specifications =o =he construction phase. WORK NOT INCLUDED: Additional :o =he above scope but not par= of it could be following services: o setting of monuments, ~ies, etc. o bidding preparation and docu~nents o construction survey, management, inspection o soils report, street cores, pavement analysis o "As Built" changes, "Record ?lens" o Backhoe & digout confirmations CITY OF FONTA~WA Pa~e 3 S2!,3L3 wh~c~ ~cl'~des ~ei repor'., sur'/ey~nq, .orcflles, and ~pec~f~:ation~. The breakdown for ~s ~dlca:ed on ~he following s~eets. Should ~ere further ques=Lons concerning :his ma:=er, please hesl:a=e to call and 'we w~Li dlscuss it fur=her 7ice Presiden~ ea TsLep~one over.'.ead CAT'; underground ~as unknow~ water aLon~ wes~ Fire Mydrants, none found Storm drains, surface Stree~ Emprovemen'_s Paving, asphalt 6" curb and Gutter, 6" Asphal~ Oike, Soils Re~or~ None is available S~ree~ ~ec~on is ~o~ kncwn -[7- 3urzeyLng C~mp~le and fLeLd '~'~rL~y =~e ~x~en~, L~ca:~sn an! dep~ ~ existing 2nder~raund u~/i~s cr~ss~n~ Cypress, southerly between '/alley Bouievar~ ~o Bernardino Avenue. Information w~lL De compiled in a form adequate fac~/Ltate, plan and profile background shee~s, ~he suD~ec= area The Survey effor~ for Existing Condi=ions ~as been es=ima=ed =o ~e $3~500. Ex=enslon of survey ~o plan informa:lon wlll cos= $500: To=el Sewer Design PLans Genera:ion of ~he plans sha~l include 2800 fee~ Plan and Profile Shee~s au L"-40' {H) L"-4' Thi~ wiZ~ require i3 PLan/Profile, one cover shee~ and one detail shee=, for a to~al of five shee-.s. Engineering Specifications will be provlded on final drawings. Englneering and Drafting will be $9,300 for the $1,860 per sheer. EV. Mee:ings and Cootdine=ion It is estimated eha= four meetings will be necessary a= :he Cl:y of ron=ana, along wi=~ days of mee:ings Wi:h various priva=e agencies. Thls cos: is es=ima=ed a= $2,760. V. ReimburseaDZes A~ b~ueprin=s, check prin=s, repor= reproduction, pho=o copying, s~rvey ~o:e copies and o~her documen=a=ion oosCs wi~ be done on an *'as zeeded" basis. The assigned cos= w~ll be used only needed and is ide~=~fied only as a budge= amoun:. Budge=: ~pec~fiza~s $9,300 V. Re~m~urseabLes ~udge~ Grand To~aL: -tg- T~c~mc'~n El T~cnn:C:~n ~ 30 CO FIELD: C~rs~uc::an Hanager I Cans~uc::on E~neertJl '5 Res~d~n~ Engineer II ~es~cent E~Izneer [ 50 >soec~or I ~0 VH[ Z ~LRVE~I~G ~'o,ec: 5uc;eVor II 75 30 5uc. ev C;ew ~3 manl '.55 ,DO Sur',¢v Cre~ q2 man) :25 OO Sur~(V Clew Travel ~ml Compute. ~hmm C~nnm P C. Connm ~me Stor~ ( 1~.~ ¢h~m) ~5~ monm Com~uge SVne~ An~ Cornouter SVIIImI AnIVM I ~0 ')0 Ficnmcsan iV T~cnmc~an ill ~ CO Secre~a~ il 40 5ecreta~ L 30 O0 Ocher E~penses City of F n' ana o C ,~ L [ F O R \ ,,,_~,~' April 19, 1991 Matt A. Tebbets NBS/Lowry 10920 Via Frontera P. O. Box 28100 San Diego, CA 92128-0100 RE: Consulting Engineering Services Agreement Amendment ?or Cypress Avenue Sewer!System Pear Mr. Tebbets: Enclosed please find a copy o? your transmittel for the proposed changes. By this letter, we authorize you t'o proceed with the following modifications, for both reaches, fob the total length from 5an Bernardino Avenue to Jurupa Avenue. 1. Revise pipeline size throughout the entire project, as design criteria requires, according to the enclosed Figure 1, Diagram of Projected Interim Construction Requirements. 2. Increase the size of the ~teel casing crossing 1-10 to accommodate the increased pipi size. 3. Check drawings for conflict w2ith utilities based on increased pipe size. 4. Revise Engineer's estimate for revised pipeline sizes. 5. Modify appropriate sections Of specifications to accommodate pipeline size revisions. Also, specifications are to be consolidated into a single !document {in lieu of the two separate sets of specification documents as now prepared). These serviCeS will be provided by Nee/Lowry on a time and materials basis not to exceed $2,100.00. SISTER Cl~ -- ~MLOO;~ ~C. CANADA -22- P:ge The wor~ small se completed three '~ee~s after receipt of authorization. Please feel free to contact ~elipe Molinos at 7I¢-35Q-6641 if you need additional information. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, i Ken JesSe Acting Public Works Director cc: R. Wellington G. Bucknell ~. Nolinos Y. Patanwala LOWRY : ~89'020,001 ""'~ :~ ..... ""-: Fe!ipe Molinas CITY Ot FOMT]~MA 8353 Sierra Avenue Fon=ana, CA 9=33S This let=or is to confirm our discussion abaut the incorporation of design changes in ~3~e Cypress Sewer project (~ot~ reaches). The following!modifications are to be made: 1. Revise pipeline size throughout the entire projec=~ (increase each pi~ekine reach ~ne pi~eline size). 2. Increase =~e si~e of =~e stee~ casing c:ossing 1-10 ~o ~/~ acco~oda=e the increased pipe size. 3.Chec~ ~rawings for confli~ wi=~ u=iliuies base~ on increase~ ~i~e size. 5, M~ify appropriate sec=io~ns of s~eciZica=ions =o acco~a=e pipeline size :evisi~ns. Also s~ecifica=ions are =o be consolidated into a single ~ocumen= (in lieu =he tw~ separate sets of s~ecifica~i~ns ~ac~en=s as now NM/~w~ agrees U~ provide =hess semicos on a ~ime and materials basis no= =~ exceed~Sl,100.00. The work can be completed within ~:ee weeks of receip~ of auth~riza=ion from :~e City of F~n=ana. Please call iZ you nee~ any a~dl=i~nal Regions~ O~fi~e Manager ea AMENDMPNT TO CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEME~ THIS AMENDMEHT (the~mendment") is made this 3rd da)~mm~of March, 1992, by and between the City of Pontana, a muni:cipal corporation of the State of California, located at 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California, 92335, County of San Bernardino, State of California (hereinafter "City") and HaS/Lowry, Inc. (hereinafter "Consultant") with reference to a certain agreement (the "Agreement") entered into and approved by City Council on February 26, lggO. The City and Consultant agree as follows: Exhibit "A" Scope of Services is amended to add the following: T ~ M Fee (a) Modify plans and specifications $5,000 (b Prepare and obtain permits/easements from 5,000 (1) Celttans (2) Southern Pacific Railroad (3) Santa Fe Pacific Pipeline (4) County of San Bernardino {c) Prepare Environmental Documentation 1,330 {1) Initial Study (2) Mitigate Negative Declaration, if appropriate {d} Assistance with bidding, addenda,:review of bids and award 4,040 {e} Provide Survey Construction Staking (Lump Sum) 27,890 Offset stakes, 25 foot station, 75 laterals, Celttans pavement settlement monitorihg at preconstruction and at 3, 6 and 9 month intervals; locate and tie out, file records and replace 16 monuments (f) Record drawings 950 Minor contingency 90 (g) If additional work N/A (1) Additional sewer lateral staking in excess of 75, $44/each (2) Replace centerline survey N/A monuments in excess of 16; $505/each Subtotal $44,300* (h) Soils Testing (Design Report) 7.000 Total $51,300 *Time and materials not-to-exceed, except survey construction staking lump su~ Time of Performance The tasks to be performed by the Consultant under and pursuant to this Amendment to the Agreement shall be as fol:lows: 1. Design Updates/Environmental Documents May 1, 1992 2. Soils Testing (Design) June 5, 1992 3. Securing Agency Permits N/A Page I of 3 -26- ATTACH,~tENT 5 ~ C~ns~Imm~C~Cn 5. Caltrans P~vement Settlement Monitoring 10 months after freeway boring completed 6. Monument Replacement/Pile Records 2 months after construction completed SEE ATTACHED SIGNATURE PAGE Page 2 of 3 READ AND APPROVED AS TO~tm~GAL FORM AND CONTENT: Clark Also or stephenp. oeit ;/ City Attorney This document is the true and complete document approved by City Council on , 1992. Linda S. Nunn ~opm~ent Di rector Risk Management CITY OF FONTANA NBS/Lo~y, Inc. A Municipal Corporation Jay M. Corey Richard A. Bueermann City Manager Vice President ATTEST: Notary Kathy Nontoya Name City Clerk Page.3 of 3 COST COMPARISON TO PREVIOUS NBS/LOWRY FEES Cypress Avenue Sewer Project Jurupa Avenue to San Bernardino Avenue CYoress Sewer Fee 1. Jurupa to Valley (1> $65,000 (developer paid) 2. Valley to San Bernardino 21,3210 (City paid) 3. Design update per new Z,l'O0 flow projections from Kaiser Hospital 1-3 Sub-total $88,i10 4. Additional Design (2) (Permits 10,000 & Plan Update) Services Juniper to San Bernardino 5. Additional Environmental Document 1.3'30 (Initial Study Nitigated Negative Declaration if appropriate) $44,300) Preparation ) $51,300 ) total additional 4-5 Sub-total $11,! 330 ) consultant services- ) 6. Additional Services, Bid Assist, 32j70 ) Record Drawings, Construction ) Survey Staking ) 7. Soils Testing (Design Report) 7,'000 ) Total $139.;710 (Proposed City and Developer paid Consultant Services) I. This portion was designed by NOS/Lowry and paid for by Birtcher/Trachman as a condition of the Inland Empire Center Project's conditions of approval. 2. Proposed $10,000 in additional fee for an original $86,310 fee (City and Developer) is an 11.6% increase. Original contract had City staff handle utility coordination and agency permit processing. Novernl:er 19, 1991 Mr. RoDerr Wedale C;ty Engineer CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontaria, CA 92335 PROPOSAL FOR ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER LiNE - CONSTRUCTION PHASE Dear Mr. Weddie: Thank you for your request to provide a proposal for construction phase services on the proposed Cypress Avenue Sewer Ljne between Jurupa and San Bernardino Avenues. Your requested scope of work is as follows: * Modify plans & specs per City requested revisions in the project · Prepare and obtain permits/easements from: O Caltrans Southern Pacific Railroad o Santa Fe Pacific Pipeline <> San Bernardino County Department of Transportation & Flood Control , Prepare Environmental Documentation o Initial Study O Mitigate Negative Declaration, if appropriate · Assistance with bidding, addenda,~review of bids and award · Provide Construction Staking O Lnctucling an estimated 75 laterals o Including 4 cycles to monitor Caltrans pavement elevation · Replace monuments based on anassumed 16 centertins monuments · Prepare Recorcl Drawings from information furnished by City Mr. Rober~ Weddie November 19, 1991 Page 2 Provide adcfitional services ~f required: Stake laterals in excess of 75 Replace monuments in excess of 16 Our fee for the above work, not including additional services, is $44,300, broken down as shown on Exhibits "A" and "B". Per your request, the NBS/LOwry cost of:design services for the project was: , CZt,/portion San Bernardin0 Avenue to Valley 81vd. '- 2,628 feet $21,310 (contract) , Developer portion Valley Blvd. to,Jurupa Avenue o 8,028 feet $65.000 (estimated) Total $86.310 We are able to commence work immediately upon receipt of your Notice to Proceed. Sincerely, RICHARD A. BUEERMANN, P.E. Vice President a~taci~ments - Exhibits "A" & "B" NBr" 3 -iX)WRY EXHIBIT 'A" CITY OF FONTANA CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER, CONSTRUCTION PHASE 1. Permits · Caltrans (under 1-10 Fw~) · SPRR (under 2 tracks) Santa Fe Pacific Pipeline (2 fuel lines) ·S.B. Co. Dept. of Transportation & Flood Control 80 hrs @ $62.50 $5,0OO T&M 2. Environmental Documentation · Initial Study - 10 hrs @ $95 $950 · Negative Dec - 4 hrs @ $95 380 1,330 T&M 3. Plan Revisions (both sets), and 5,(X~O T&M Specification Revisions 4. Bidding & Awarcl · Engineering - 40 @ $85 3,400 · Typing - 16 @ $443 64q 4,040 T&M 5. Construction Staking · offset stakes; 75 laterals; 27,8.90 LS. Colttans Pavement settlement monitoring at proconstruction and 3, 6 & 9 month intervals; locate tie out, file recorc~s & replace 16 monuments. 4 -l;,OWRV -32- Record Drawings (from C[ry records) · Engineenng - 2 brs @ $85 170 ~, Drafting - 12 nrs @ $65 780 950 T&M 7. Additional Work · Stake laterals in excess of 75 @ S44 each · Replace centerline monuments in excess of 16 @ $505 each Subtotals 27,890 L.S. 16,320 T&M TOTALS 44,210 USE: $44,300 5 - LOWRY -33- -LOWRY SCHEDULE OF HOURLY BILLING RATES Effech~,e July I, ~991 OFFICE Engineering/Planning Design and Drafting 5emor Pr,ncl~aj S135 00 Senior Designer 57000 Pr,nclpo[ i l 5 00 DesTUner 6500 Princ;pol Eng,neer/PPanner ~S 00 Senrot Proffer 55.00 Sen,or Engmeer/P~anner 85.00 ProfeeT 45.00 Eng,neer/P(anner 7000 Engrneenng rechmclan 4000 Assistant EnDmet,Planner 55.00 Construction Management Surveying Prlnc,pal EnDmeeT/Construction Mgr 2.8, Direct Salary Principal Surveyor $95.00 Sen,or Eng,neerlConstructian Mgr 2.8 x Direct Salary Samor Surveyor 85.00 ~es~dent Engineer/Construction EnD 2.B x Direct So~ory Supan,stag Su~eyor 7O.OO Aisistanl Construct,on Eng,neer 28 x Direct So~o~ Su~ey rechnicaan 45,00 rnspeceor ?,g ~ Direct Sa~o~ Su~ey Crew (3 Person) ~7500 Suney Crew {2 Person) ! 1O Dayel T~me 50% ~ Crew ~deoge (Survey Truck) 5O/~i~e Syslems AnalysffSr FInancaol Anotysl $85.00 Compu[ers: Programmer/Financial Anaiyst 65.00 Mainframe Connect Time S30.0O/Hour Sen,or Techn,clan SS.00 PC Connect TTmI 10.00/Hour Technician 45.00 Disk Storage {Per Mb) $15.30/Month Execuhve Secretory/Admm Assistant 45.00 I~eports: ($25.00 Minimum) Secretary 40.00 LZnes Printed O?/line Word Processor/Cieri/Office Aide 35.00 CPU T(me SO/Second Photocopms .1Q/Copy Subs,stance (}lher Expenses Cosi Billing rates include overhead and are sublace to ,noreases each ),ear due to umon bargaining agreements and cosl of liv,ng encreases. A late payment FINANCE CHARGE w,il be applied to any unpa,d balance, cgmmenc,ng Ihirty ~30) days after the date o[ the ari,:Jmal ,nva,ce, at the max,mum ,merest role allowed by law. 6/91 ~ CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMI~fif PROJECT NAME: Extension of Cypress Avenue Sewer Line from San Bernardino Avenue to Valley Boulevard qO THIS AGREEMENT iS made this 2-(~' day of F~lrn~-) , 19~, by and between the CITY OF FONTANA, a municipal corporation of the State of California, located at 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California 92335, County of San Bernardino, State of California {hereinafter "City"} and NBS/Lowry {hereinafter "Consultant"). WHEREAS, City desires to engage Consultant to provide plans and specificat:ions to extend a sewer trunk main on Cypress Avenue between Valley Boulevard and San Bernardino Avenue. NOIi, THEREFORE, CITY All) CONSULTANT !IJTUALLYAGREE 'IllAT: SECTIOM ! SERVICES OFT HE CONSULTANT General Description of Services. Consultant shall perform the tasks set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof so as to fully and adequately complete their project described herein. SECTIOM II RESIN3NSXBILITIES OF CONSULTAMT 1. PerSonnel. A'11 the work shall be performed by Consultant or under his supervision. The Consultant represents that it possesses the professional and technical personnel required to perform the services required by this Agreement. City retains Consultant on an independent contractor basis and Consultant is not an employee of the City. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive direction and control. Consultant shall pay all wages, salaries, and other amounts due such personnel in connection with their performance of services under this Agreement and as required by law, shall be responsible for all reports and obligations respecting them, including but not limited to, Social Security taxes, income tax withholding, unemployment insurance, and workers' compensation insurance. 2. Cooperation. Consultant shall work closely and cooperate fully with City's designated Project Administrator, and any other agencies which may have jurisdiction or interest in She work to be performed. 3. Project Mana!qer. The Consultant shall assign the project to a Project Manager, who shall coordinate all phases of the project. This Project Manager shall be available to the City during normal working hours or at reasonable intervals. The ;Consultant has designated W. H. Wilson, to be its Project Manager. 4. Time of Performance. The task to be performed by Consultant under and pursuant to this Agreement shall be completed within ninety {90} days from the above-stated date. Consultant shall receive no additional compensation if completion of its obligation under this Agreement requires a 'time greater than as set forth herein unless such extension is caused solely by the conduct of the City. Each party hereby agrees to provide timely notice to the other of any violation occurring under th~is section and the cause thereof. 5. Report Materials. At the completion of this project, Consultant shall deliver to City all documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, photographs, and reports prepared by Consultant under this Agreement. Said documents shall be considered the property of City upon payment for services performed by Consultant. 6. City Polic~. Consultant will discuss and review all matters relating to policy and project direction with the Project Administrator in advance of all critical decision points in order to;ensure that the project proceeds in a manner consistent with [City goals and policies. 7. Conformance to Applicable Requirements. All work prepared by Consultant shall conform to applicable city, county, state, and federal requirements and be subject to approval of the Project Administrator and City Council. 8. Indemnification. Consultant agrees to indemnify, defend, save, and hold harmless City, its officers, agents, and employees from and against all liability, claims, damages,:losses, and expenses for damages of any nature whatsoever Eincluding, but not limited to, bodily injury, death, personal injury, property damages, and attorneys' fees directly arising from any and all negligent actions of Consultant, ) its employees, agents, or subcontractors pursuant to this Agreement. In no event shall consultant be responsible for any claim for damages of any nature whatsoever as a result of actions and negligence by the City, its agents, officers or employees {other than consultant}. 9. Standard of Care~ Licenses. Consultant represents and agrees that all personnel engaged in performing services are and:shall be fully qualified and are authorized or permitted under state and local law to perform such services. The Consultant shall perform the services under this Agreement in a skillful and competent manner. The Consultant shall be responsible to City for any errors or omissions in the execution of this Agreement. Consultant represents and warrants to City that it has all licenses, permits, qualifications, and approvals required of its profession. Consultant further represents and warrants that it shall keep in effect all ;such licenses, permits, and other approvals during the term of this Agreement. 10. Insurance. Without limiting Consultant's indemnification of City, Consultant shall obtain and provide and maintain at its own expense during the term of this Agreement policy or policies of liability insurance of the type and amounts described below and satisfactory to the City Attorney. Such policies shall be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf and must be filed with the City prior to exercising any right or performing any work pursuant to this Agreement. A. Prior to the commencement of any services hereunder, Consultant shall provide to City certificates of insurance with original endorsements, and copies of policies, if requested by City, of the following insurance, with Best's Class Bop better carriers: {1) Worker's compensation insurance covering all employees and principals of the Consultant per the State Compensation Insurance Fund, State of California; (2) Commercial general liability insurance without limitation contractual liability, ih a minimum amount of $1 million combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage; (3) Commercial auto liability and property insurance covering any owned and rented vehicles of Consultant in a minimum amount of $1 million combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. B. Said poltcy or policies shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, cancelled by either party, or reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior notice has been given in writing to City. i Consultant shall give to City prompt and timely notice Of claim made or suit instituted arising out of Consultant's~ operation hereunder. consultant shall also procure and maintain, at its own cost and expense, any additional kinds of insOrance, which in its own judgement may be necessary for its proper protection and prosecution of the work. C. Consultant shall include subcontracting consultants, if any, as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverage for each subcontractor shall be subject to the requirements!stated herein. 11. Prohibition Aqainst Transfers. A. Consultant shall not assign, sublease, hypothecate, or transfer this Agreement, or any interest therein, directly or indirectly by operation of law without the prior written consent of the City. Any attempt to do so without said consent shall be null and void, and any assignee, sublessee, hypothecatee or transferee shall acquire no right or interest by realon of such attempted assignment, hypothecation, or transfer. B. The isale, assignment, transfer, or other disposition of any :of the issued and outstanding capital stock of Consultant, or of the interest of any general partner or joint yenturer or syndicate member or co-tenant if Consultant is =a partnership or a joint venture or a syndicate or a co-tenancy, which shall result in changing the control of Consultant, shall be construed as an assignment of this Agreement. Control means fifty percent {50%) or more of voting power of the corporation. 12. Proqress. Consultant is responsible to keep the Project Administrator ~and/or his/her duly authorized designee informed on a regular basis regarding the status and progress of the work, activities performed and planned, and any meetings that have been.scheduled or are desired. 13. Confidentia!ity. No news releases, including photographs, public announcements, or confirmations of the same, of any part of the subject matter of this Agreement or any phase of any program hereunder shall be made without prior written approval of the City. The information which results from the services in this Agreement is to be kept confidential unless the release of information is authorized by the City. SECTION III RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITY 1. Cooperation. City agrees to cooperate and effectively communicate with the Consultant on the project. 2. City's Responsibilities. City shall furnish to Consultant base maps, existing studies, ordinances, data, and other existing information as shall be determined by Consultant and materials iniCity's possession necessary for Consultant to complete the work contemplated by this Agreement. City further agrees to provide all such materials in a timely manner so as not to cause delays in Consultant's work schedule. Consultant may rely in good faith upon the information provided by Cityi 3. Administration. This Agreement will be administered by the Public Works Director. The Public Works Director or his/her designee shall be considered the Project Administrator and shall have the authority to act for the City under this Agreement. i The Public Works Director or his/her authorized representative shall represent the City in all matters pertaining to! the services to be rendered pursuant to this Agreement. SECTZOM IV FEES All) PAYMI3I~S 1. Compensation.! Except as provided in this section, Consultant shall receive as compensation for all services rendered under this Agreement an amount not to exceed $21,310.00 and at the rates set forth in Exhibit "A". The total project cost shall not exceed this amount unless additional work is requested in writing by the City. City shall not be required to pay any amounts in excess of this sum whether for copying costs, incidental, direct, or indirect costs, or any type incurred by Consultant. This section shall not limit the.ability of the parties to amend this Agreement to provide fo~ extra work. 2. Extra Work. Consultant shall receive compensation for extra work authorized by City in an amount as specified by the parties at the time such authorization is given. All extra work must be authorized in writing by the Project Administrator and Consultant shall not be entitled to extra compensation without such authorization. 3. Reimbursement'for Expenses. Consultant shall not be reimbursed for any= expenses unless authorized in writing by City. 4. Monthly Invoices. Consultant shall submit invoices to the City on a monthly b~is in accordance with Consultant's schedule of ifees contained in Exhibit "A" hereof. Each invoice will )be itemized. Each invoice shall show the number of hours worked per person/consultant and the nature of the work performed. 5. PaYment of !Compensation. City shall make payments to Consultant within sixty {60} days of receiving said statement unless CitX disputes the amount Consultant claims is owed under this Agreement. 6. Withholdinqs. City may withhold payment of any disputed sums until satisfaction of the dispute with respect to such payment. ! Such withholding shall not be deemed to constitute a failDre to pay according to the terms of this Agreement. Consultant shall have an immediate right to appeal to the Mayor and City Council with respect to such disputed sums. Consultant shall have the right to pursue an appeal of the decision of the Mayor and City Council to a court of competent jurisdiction. SECT/ON V ACCOUNTING RECORDS Consultant shall keep records and invoices in connection with its work to be performed under this Agreement. Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to ithe costs incurred under this Agreement. All such records shall be clearly identifiable. Consultant shall allow a representative of City during normal business hours to examine, audit, and make transcripts or copies of such records. Consultant shall allow inspection of all work, data, documentS, proceedings, and activities related to the Agreement for a period nf three {3} years from the date of final payment under this Agreement. SECTION VI GENE:RAL PROVISIONS I. Termination. A. City .may, by written notice to Consultant, terminate thei whole, or any part, of this Agreement at any time and )without cause by giving written notice to Consultant of such termination, and specifying the effective date thereof, at :least seven (7} days before the effective date of such termination. In the event of termination without cause, 'Consultant shall be compensated for the work performed up to the date of termination. Payment for work completed, under the Agreement to date of termination shall be made strictly on the basis of the percent of work completed under the terms of this Agreement. The percent of work completed to date of termination shall be the percent of total Agreement sum which shall be paid to Consultant. The City Hanager shall determine the percent of work completed at the date of termination but the consultant has the right to appeal to a court of competent jurisdiction. In no event may total payment to termination exceed $21,310.00. Consultant shall be entitled to no further compensation after ~ermination. Consultant may not terminate this Agreement exc:ept for reasonable cause. B. In the ev:ent this Agreement is terminated, in whole or in part, as provided in paragraph A of this section, City may procure from any person or entity upon such terms, and in such manner as it may determine appropriate, services similar to those terminated. C. If this Agreement is terminated as provided in paragraph A of; this section, Consultant shall provide to City upon request by City all finished or unfinished documents, data, studies, drawings, maps, photographs, reports, etc.,! prepared by Consultant for the project upon payment by the City. O. Consultant further covenants to give its good faith cooperation in the transfer of the work to any other consultant employed by the City following termination hereunder, and to participate in a reasonable number of such meetings at no cost to City~as shall be deemed necessary and reasonable by the City Manager and Consultant to effectively accomplish its transfer. 2. Notices. Any notice required or desired to be given pursuant to this Agreement sh~ll be given in writing, and sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed as follows: City Consultant City Manager W.H. Wilson, V.P. City of Fontana NBS/Lowry 8353 Sierra Avenue Box 28100 Fontana, Ca. 92335 San Diego, CA 92128 {714) 350-7654 {619) 485-1500 Any notice so given shall be considered served on the other party three {3) days after deposit in the U.S. mail, certified postage prepaid, and addressed to the party at its applicable address. The address for notice may be changed by giving notice pursuant to this paragraph. 3. Litiqation. Should litigation be necessary to enforce any term or provision of this Agreement, or to collect any portion of the amount payable under this Agreement, or to collect any portion of the amount payable under this Agreement, then all litigation and collection expenses, witness fees, expert fees, court costs, and attorney fees incurred by the prevailing party shall be paid to the prevailing party. 4. Entire Aqreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between City and Consultant with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, or agreements. This Agreement may only be modified by a writing signed by both parties. 5. Enforcement. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 6. Nondiscrimination bY Consultant. Consultant represents and agrees that Consultant, its affiliates, subsidiaries, or holding companies do not and will not discriminate against any subcontractor, consultant, employee, or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, handicap, or national origin. 7. City's RiqhtS to Employ Other Consultants. City reserves the right to employ other consultants in connection with this project. ~m~ 8. Conflicts of Interest. A. The Consultant or its employees may be subject to the provisions of the California Political Reform Act of 1974 (the "Act"), which {1) requires such persons to disclose financial interest that may foreseeably be materially affected by the work performed under this Agreement, and {2) prohibits such persons from making, or participating in making, decisions that will foreseeably financially affect such interest. B. If subject to the Act, Consultant shall conform to all requirements of the Act. Failure to do so constitutes a material breach and is grounds for termination of this Agreement by the City. SECTION VII SUBCONTllACTII~ 1. Consultant shall not subcontract any portion of the work required by this Agreement, except as expressly stated herein, without prior approval of City. 2. Subcontracts, if any, shall contain a provision making them subject to all provisions stipulated in this Agreement. -, v IM WITNESS WNEREOF, the parties hereto have accepted and made and executed this agreement upon the terms, conditions, and provisions above stated, the day and year first above written. CITY OF FONTANA, CONSULTANT a municipal corporation ~/ COHHENDED BY: City .H Title: (, Da : .~ : Dated: Department Reco~at~n~ D~part~t He~ APPROVED AS TO FORH AND LEGA:L CONTENT~ C i~/~' Yousuf Pantanwala Civil Engineering Assistant II CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 EXTENSION OF CYPRESS SEWER MAIN VALLEY BOULEVARD TO SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE At your request this is a proposal for providing an engineering design report, surveying support, plans and specifications for an extension of the Cypress sewer from Valley Boulevard to San Bernardino Avenue. Attached as Appendix "A" is a fact sheet which indicates the known physical conditions of the project. We additionally attach an engineering fee estimate for providing the plans and specifications to you for the facilities described. SCOPE OF WORK: The Scope of Work will incl:ude meetings and coordination, preparation of a design report, preliminary surveying, preparation of plan and profiles, preparation of special details, and any specifications required. we will also request "Unde~rground Alert" to mark all underground facilities priori to surveying to obtain as much knowledge as possible of where the various underground facilities lie. When a pipeline project is installed within an existing street, there are many obstructions to the work which must be determined such as water, sewer, gas and CATV laterals. This information is very important to the Contractor and should be determined during the design phase to avoid delay and extra cost during construction. The design report will determine the area to be served, the sewage flows to be expected, recommended sizing, and the location of the facilities. Also, the report will determine the operational aspects of the facility; such as, 10920 Via Frontera · P O. Box 28100 · San DiegO, CA 92128-0100 · (619) 485-1500 · (619) 578-7140 FAX (619) 487-2068 EZq~ZZ,SZ'. ".:,." July 27, 1989 Yousuf Pantanwala Civil Engineering Assistant II CITY OF FONTANA Page 2 interconnection with existing sewers. It is desired that the design report be approved by City staff prior to design commencing. The survey will include "dipping" of the existing sewer manholes, location of known utilities, mapping of the delineated "Underground Alert" markings, cross-sections at 50' intervals within the 60'-64' wide street right-of-way, and coordination of the existing survey monuments. It is desired that the survey be completed prior to submittal of the report so that information may be incorporated into the design report. Preparation of plans and specifications will be accomplished using the survey data as background and overlaying it with the design lines and profiles. It is anticipated that the existing sewer will be "relieved" where appropriate per the approved design report. Utility interface and obtaining letters confirming locations will also be included. Meetings and coordination of the work will include confirmation of the design parameters and preparation of the plans and specifications to the construction phase. WORK NOT INCLUDED: Additional to the above scope but not part of it could be the following services: o setting of monuments, ties, etc. o bidding preparation and documents o construction survey, management, inspection o soils report, street cores, pavement analysis o "As Built" changes, "Record Plans" o Backhoe & digout confirmations EXHIBIT "A" CONT'D July 27, 1989 Yousuf Pantanwala Civil Engineering Assistant II CITY OF FONTANA Page 3 ESTIMATED ENGINEERING FEE: We estimate the engineering fee for this project to be $21,310 which includes the report, surveying, plan and profiles, and specifications. The breakdown for this cost is indicated on the following sheets. Should there be any further questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to call and we will discuss it further with you. Vice President ea ::.z?:ZSZ7 "A' APPENDIX "A" Known facts concerning the extension of the Cypress Sewer facility from Valley Boulevard to San Bernardino Avenue. Description Size and Quantity Size of Sewer Main To be determined by report Length of Sewer Main 2800' plus or minus Available surveying data None known (Monument Map?) Addition Street Marking "Underground Alert" Other Utility Locations Power overhead Telephone overhead CATV underground Gas unknown Water along We~t side (?) Fire Hydrants, none found Storm drains, surface facilities Street Improvements Paving, asphalt 6" curb and Gutter, Mostly both sides 6" Asphalt Dike, West side, one block Soils Report None is available Street section is not known ENGINEERING FEE ESTI~[ATE I. Sewer Design Report This work will include meetings for project coordination, engineering design, hydraulic computations as r~quired for line sizing, and generation of redl~ines for drafting. It will also include, Design flow rates and points of connections from the currently scoped work. Engineering Design Report costs are estimated to be $4,250. II. Surveying Compile and field ~verify the extent, location and depth of existing[underground utilities crossing the sewer extension for the length of 2800 feet, on Cypress, southerly:between Valley Boulevard to San Bernardino Avenue. Information will be compiled in a form adequate to facilitate, plan ahd profile background sheets, of the subject area. The survey effort ~for Existing Conditions has been estimated to be $3~,500. Extension of survey data to plan information will cost $500: Total $4,000. III. Sewer Design Plans Generation of the plans shall include 2800 feet of Plan and Profile Sheets at 1"=40' (H) 1"=4' (V). This will require !3 Plan/Profile, one cover sheet and one detail sheet, for a total of five sheets. Engineering Specifications will be provided on the final drawings. Engineering and Drafting will be $9,300 for the $1,860 per sheet. IV. Meetings and Coordination It is estimated that four meetings will be necessary at the City of Fontana, along with two days of meetings With various private agencies. This cost is estimated at $2,760. V. Reimburseables Allblueprints, check prints, report reproduction, photo copying, survey note copies and other documentation costs will be done on an "as needed" basis. The assignled cost will be used only if needed and is identified only as a budget amount. Budget: $1,000. ENGINEERING FEE SU~fARY Proposed Regional Sanita!ry Sewer Extension of Cypress Avenue, from Vally Boulevard to San Bernardino Avenue July 25, 1989 Totals I. Surveying for Design $4,000 II. Sewer Design Repor~ $4,250 III. Sewer Plans & Specifications $9,300 IV. Meetings & Coordination $2,760 V. Reimburseables Budget $1,000 Grand Total: $21,310 EXHIBIT "B" ENGINBF=~S & PLANNE~ SCHEDULE OF HOURLY BILLING RATES E~cttv~ dul~ 1. 1989 OFFICE: E~GINEERING Pr:ncLpaJ gl $13500 Pnnc:pai H 11500 Principal ~ 10500 Project Director ~ 9500 Project Manager I[ .... 85 00 Project Manager ~ 7500 Project Engineer [ 70 00 Engineer [I[ ..... 6000 Engineer [I ...... 55 00 Engineer [ ...... 45 00 PLANNING Project Manager [I ........ 85 00 Project Manager [ ....... 7500 Projec[ Planner [ ...... 70 00 P~anner Ill 6000 P~anner I[ 55.00 P~anner [ .......... 45.00 DESIGN AND DRA~[NG Designer [i ........ 65.~ Designer [ ....... 6000 ~a~er [[[ ....... 55.~ DraWer l[ ....... ~a~r I ......... 40.00 Techmcxan [1 .......... 35.00 Techmcian [ ......... 30.00 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Cons~uction Manager [ ........... 7500 Cons~uction Engineer [H ............. 75.~ Cons~uction Engineer I & [I ............ 2.8 x Direct Saia~ R~sid~nt Engineer [I .............. 60.~ Resident Engi~eer I ............. 50.~ Engineering Analysl ................ 40.~ inspector ] to VIII ................... 28 x Direct $ala~ SURVEYING Survey Manager [[ ............... 8500 Pro%ect Surveyor I[ ..................... 75.00 65 00 Project Surveyor I ............. Survey Crew (3 man) ............ 155.00 Survey Crew (2 man) 125.00 .................... Crew rate x Survey Cre~ Travel Time ............... Compute, ~ffam~ Connect Time ~f Hour ................ 30 ~ P.C. Conn~ Time per Hour .................. 10.¢ Computer Sy~ms Analyst 1[ ...................... 85.00 Computer Systems Analysl [ .................... 60.00 Technician IV ................................... Techmcian I11 ................... 40.00 Secretary H ........................ 4000 Secretary [ ............................... 30.00 In- House Phot~opy ....................... I0 cents/copy ~ileage ........................ 30 cents/mile Subsistence .................................. Co~t Other Expenses ............... Cost + AMENDMENT TO CONSULTANT .SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT is made this: 18th day of December, 1990, by and between the City of Fontaria, a municipal corporation of the State of California, located at 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California 92335, County of San Bernardino, State of California (hereinafter "City"} and NBS/Lowry, Inc., (hereinafter "Consultant"). WHEREAS, City and Consultant entered into an Agreement dated February 26, lggO which provided in Section II, Item 4. Time of Performance, for a Time of Performance of 90 days from the above-stated date, and WHEREAS, City and Consultant desire to change the subject Section II, Item 4. NOW, THEREFORE, CITY AND CONSULTANT MUTUALLY AGREE THAT SECTION II, ITEM 4 OF THE SUBJECT AGREEMENT BE AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "4. Time of Performance. )The time to complete the task to be performed by consultant under and pursuant to this Agreement shall be March 29, lggl." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pa~ties hereto have accepted and made executed this Amendment to Agreement upon 2the terms, conditions, and provisions above stated, the day and year first above written. a municipal corporation ~C ~~ =Dated:/~' 6'/d _ Dat V ~ ompl ~ ance ' ' Department Recommendation: t Z APPROVED AS TO FORM AND .LEGAL CONTENT 1'~ YOU FOR MOT S/IO~IMG, ORIIICIN6 OR ~ATTIII IN ~E N~XT Ord. 964 Res. 90-~9 NOTES NO 9Q-34 {~TICE TO ~LIC: A comOle:e ~acKage ~nc~u{~ng agen~a [~s located on the cl~p board ;near ~he door ~o the Counc~ }Chambers for you~ review. tan op~or~un~:y is provtded fo~ persons In the audience to make Ibr~ef stateNnts undeF it~ on ~ssues or concerns not coveted i by the agenda. IAnyone w~sh~ng to speak to the C~ty Count11 on ~t~s that ENOT LISTED on t~e agenda, must ff11 ou~ a card at the end of 1ettheP podrum & hand tt to the Ctty C~erk. You w~11 be ca}led I~o spea~ un~lr "PUBLIC COH~NlCATIONS O~L* ~n the order you Jsu~itted your card. ~ CalL. FlY E, lg~ 6:30 p.m. C'It.y Count41 Fleettrig 7:30 p.m. Redevelommnt Agency fleeting City Nat1, 8353 $'lerra Ave. 2. FLUME OF ALLEBINIICI: ~/a 3. IllileATIOll; Cmm¢tl Chaplain, Patrtcta N, Nutray 4, lOLL CRU.: PIESENT //..4.-~ AISE!fi' ~ FietiM to aNreve minutes of the ~llnulry 9, Ig90 Ad~o4~rnetj Regular City Council lieettng ::aM the January le, lg90 Regular City Ceun¢tl Reettng. February C~:y Council Agenda -2- Fearuary 5, i~S 6. AMAJIDS, PIIOCLARATI014S All) RECOGNITION: Ao MAYOR AND COUNCIL TO RECOGNIZE: NOTES ~ Fentuna Jr, High Student Government Club (Bill Freeman, Director'of Persenna] to introduce), / (2) New Emp]oyees ~n the Finance Oepartmen~ (Redder Neve to introduce). ~ 7. PUILIC COItlIICATIOIS: lUll liaR THE PitOVlSlONS OF THE CALIFOIIIIA COVE)gliNT COOE, THE ]CITY COLICIL IS PRGHIBITED BY L4M FROIf DISCUS~IN~ Oil TMII~ ~iIItFnlATE ~l~TlOll ON .ms; BFOIESTS, ORAL: ,, ~ i~ ~ Items by General Publlc - Maximum 5 minutes. INOT/CE TO PUlL/C: All utters listed under CONSENT CALENDAR lard considered by staff to be non-controversial and will be Jenacted by one morton in the form listed below - there will Ino separate discussdon on these item prior to the tim the ICounctl votes on the8 unless a member of the Coundl, staff [or pub]tc request that a spectf~c item be discussed or re,mvedl ffroe tr- Cansant Calendar for seoarate action. A. To adopt Resolution I1~ .~:.~approvtng and Pattrying check registers dated 3anuary 2, 1990 and January 14, 1990 !n the aggregate amount of $3,Sgd,g12.76. for the S/A month of Detailher 1989. i'~cu.u.- tn~r To adopt Resolution ' - ~opttng an Investment/~/ i>~ pollcy for Publtc F .. February G, 1990 -" Ci~:y Council A~end~ -5- February / (~. ~ r,~LE)I~A/,:  NOTES ~ ~. To ~u~hor~ze ~he execution of an agre~n~ between , City of Fontan~ a~d NBS/LowPy fop consulting services to ~-' be provtded by NBS/Lowry fop ~he design and preparation of plans, spec~NcaC~ons an~ b~d doc~nCs for the extension of ~he Cypress Avenue Se~er l~ne fP~ Valley Boulevard Co San Bernardtno Avenue, and Co authorize the appropriation of $2Z,3~0 frm the sNr fund ~o cover the cost of the agPe~nt. V. (]) To accept the ftnal map fop the follo~ng Tract Z4249 located south of Shar~k and east of (2) To accept as public all dedicated streets andl eas~nCs, and , auChoNzlng ~he proper Clty~ 0fftctals o enter trice an agresnt wtth the subd~v~der ~or the construction of tmprov~nts satd ~ract. N. (]} To accept as caplate the su~tvlston tmgrovmnts! In Tract Z2Z34 locatH south of Rand/!1 Avenue and east of Taar~n~' Avenue an~ ~o authorize related act tons. (2) ;o ~pt Resolution I. ~ ~ccepttng the N s In Trlct ]2134 as a part of the sNr $ystl tn the County~ San h~ir~no Trlct 13gel as a pert of the rukure s~r sysCe. (L~ICH s~ch of Nrrtll and e.sC of R~) Trlct Z~2O as a part of t~ future sMr sysCm, (L~aTH ~rth of Ceres a~ ~ ZN east and std. of hplar) TPI~ Z~74 as a .rZ ef t~ futu~ SMr $~ . (L~ltH ~rth ef Clrel Av~ ~ els% of Ave.) February 6, ~990 ~m/AGENDA ITEM CITY COUNCIL ACTION REPORT OANUARY22, 1991 CONSE!fr CALENDAR Heeting Date Agenda Placement TO: Nayor and City Council FROR: Annivory Calvert, Public Works Director INITIATE]) BY: Yousuf Patanwala, Associate Engineer SUBJECT: Extension of the Agreement Between the City and NBS/Lowry for Consulting Engineering Services for the Extension of the Cypress Avenue Sewer Line ;from San Bernardino Avenue to Valley Boulevard CUPJIEIfrACTION REQUESTED: TO AHEND SECTION 2,4, TIME OF PERFORHANCE, OF THE AGREEHENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND NBS/LOWRY FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE EXTENSION OF THE CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER LINE FROM SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE TO VALLEY BOULEVARD BY APPROVING AN EXTENSION IN THE TIHE OF THE; CONTRACT FROM NAY 26, 1990 TO MARCH 29, 1991, BUDGET IMPACT: I_1 Yes ILl No ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: I_1 Yes ILl No BACKGROUND: At the meeting of February 6, 1990, the City Council authorized an agreement between the City of Fontaria and NBS/Lowry for Consulting engineering Services to be provided by NBS/Lowry for the idesign and preparation of plans, specifications and bid documents for the extension of the Cypress Avenue sewer line from Valley Boulevard to San Bernardino Avenue, The time provided by the agreement for the completion of the project was 90 days, The work could not be completed as anticipated due to the extensive review needed by the Engineering staff in order to finalize the location of the sewer line and due to the delayed responses from the various utility companies, OUSTIFICATION: The completion of the plans, spectficatio~s and bid documents is necessary in order for this vital project to proceed, ATI'ACHHENTS: 1. Consulting Services Agreement with NBS/Lowry 2. Amendment to Consultant Services Agreement with NBS/Lowry SUBM/TTED BY: REVIEWED BY: RECOMMENDED BY: Clyde E. Sweet, Jr., P.E. Clark Alsop or John O'Sullivan Acting Deputy Public Works Steve Deitsch City Manager Director/Traffic Engineer City Attorney For Annivory Calvert Public Works Director AC:YP:jj ATfAC~E]fi'S: 1. Consulting Servtces Agreement with NBS/Lowry 2. Amendment to Consultant Servtces Agreement wtth NBS/Lowry SUBNITTED BY: REfiENED BY: RECONHENDED BY: Cly~ E. wee , r., . . Oohn O'Sul Acting Deputy Public HoPks Steve Dettsch City Hanager Director/Traffic Engineer CIty Attorney For Anntvory Calvert Publlc Works Dtrector AC:YP:cm 13B ~ ~ AGENDA ITEPI ORIQIRRY 15. lggl NBieUSlNESS Neettng Date Agenda Placement TO: Nayor and Ctty Counc11 FRON: Anntvory Ca]vert, Publlc'Works Dtrector INITIATE]) BY: Yousuf Patanwala, Associate Engineer SUBOECT: Amend the Agreement Between the City and NBS/Lowry for Consulting Engineering ,Services for the Extenslon of the Cypress Avenue Sewer Line from San Bernardtno Avenue to Valley Boulevard CURRI31T ACTION REQUESTED: TO ANEND SECTION 2.4, TIHE OF PERFORNANCE, OF THE AGREEHENT BETWEEN THE CiTY AND NBS/LOWRY FOR CONSULTING ENGiNEERiNG SERVZCES FOR THE EXTENSION OF THE CYPRESS AVENUE SENER LiNE FRON SAN BERNARD]NO' AVENUE TO VALLEY BOULEVARD BY APPROVING AN EXTENSION iN THE T;HE OF THE CONTRACT FRON NAY 26, 1990 TO RARCH 29, 1991, BUOGET IRPACT: I:1 Yes IX'l No mVIROmE!ITAL ISPACT= I:1 Yes IX'l No BACKGROIJIIh At the meeting of February 6, 1990, the City Council authorized an agreement between the C~ty of Fontana and NBS/LoWry for Consulting Engineering Services to be provided by NBS/LowPy for the destgn and preparation of plans, specifications and bid documents for the extension of the Cypress Avenue sewer l~ne from Valley Boulevard to San Bernardtno Avenue, The time provided by the agreement for the completion of the project was 90 days, The work could not be completed as anticipated due to the extensive review needed by the Engineering staff tn order to flnaltze the location of the sewer 11he and due to the delayed responses from the various utility companies, ~USTIFICATION= The completion of the plans, specifications and bid documents ~s necessary ~n order for thts vital project to proceed~ ~ ~.,.,\ ..~..,~.,,~.~D~,,~SCALB REDUCD BY 1/2 HYDROLOGIC SOILS G~OUP MAP ~ FOR _.~ ...... ~ .... ~'~ SOUTHWEST-A A~EA downward inlo ~ ~il where it is s~ored during ?recipi~8~ion ~enL Sub~q~ntly, ~e stored ~il wa~r may ~ c~mptively u~d by ve$emtion, ~mo~te fur~er downward ~ gr~ndwater storage, or exi~ ~e ~il surface 8~eps or springs. ~epage from s~ream hank sturage is ~he prima~ Brae of ba~l~w which is derived from prior precipitation even~ For m~eling pur~s, water~ed !o~s am Erou~d into ~wo com~n~sz namely~ (i) infil~ra~n, and (~) initial abstraction which inclu~s all ~e loses excep~ infiltration, C.2. HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUPS The major factor affecting loss rates is the nature of the soil itself. The soil surface characteristics, its ability to transmit water to subsurface layers, and total storage capacity, am all major factors in controlling the infiltration rate and initial abstraction parameter values of a particular soil. Soils are classified into four hydrologic soil groups as follows (refs. 2,3)= GROUP A= Low runoff potential, Soils having high infiltration rates even when thoroughly wetted and consisting chiefly of deep, well-drained sands or gravels. These soils have a high rate of water transmission, c-1 GROUP B= Soils having moderate infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted and consisting chiefly of moderately deep to deep, moderately well to well drained sandy-loam soils with moderately fine to moderately coarse textures. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. GROUP C= Soils having slow infiltr.ation rates when thoroughly wetted and conslstin~ chiefly of silty-loam soils with a layer that impedes downward movement of water, or soils with moderately fine to fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission, GROUP D: High runoff potential Soils having very show infiltration' rates when thoroughly wetted and consisting chiefly of clay soils with a high swelling potential, soils with a permanent high water table, soils with a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface; and shallow soils over nearly impervious material. These sails have a very slow rat of water IWA ENGmNEERS 1,7390 Brookhu~t Street Suite '100 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Project No. (714) 968-I 221 232-01 To: City of Fontana Date: December 5, 1991 Engineering Division 8353 Sierra Avenue subject: 1-10/Sierra Fontana, CA 92335 Attn: Felipe Molinos The following items are transmitted: Herewith ~ Under Separate Cover [] Via: Mail No. of Copies Description 1 Sierra Avenue O.C. & O.H. Log of Test Borings 1 Business Card of Cultruns Structures The above items are submitted: At your request I~ For your review [] For your files [] For your approval D For your action [] For your information [] General remark~ The Citrus Avenue overcrossing bridge number is 54-538. Marie Marston, P.E. State of California Department of Transportation Office of Structures ~ Maintenance and Investigations 120 South Spring Streel LoS AngeleS. CA 90012 ~24-~} ~, ~,~rd~(~f144,y Astrid A. Morales G~'~ C~ ~ ~ Assistant Office Engineer (213) 62g-3812 TJ~f[~t~ 10920 Via Fron~em nO. Box 28100 ~2127-1704 92198-0100 TRANSMITTAL /Z - Attention: ~/~[ Description: B For Approvol ~ Approve~ .s Submitted ~ Resubmit Copies For B ~r Your Use ~ Approved .sNoted Q Submit Copies for Distribution B As Requested ~ Refmed for CorreCtions G Relurn Corroded Prints ~ for Review ..d Comment B ~ Prints Relwned After ben fo Us ~ for Bids Due, By: If enclosures ore not os noted, notif,/us at once. Z,5 b,~- 72-,~.> ~/~.@/ z E C,~'--~" ~.' 1/. ~1 1¢?-L51 'z:L ~t,-~ I0% o. ?,-,E !2: NBS/L 015 .STflRT r-/Zv.G Z~-/_~-U~' k/?...oS ~lo?._.c~ 6-ATE. ?05? N7e= 8,954,4724 ETB= 8,683,6692 S [HV ~ZZ;7 q-~-Z,S-'-,FO L~,Z.-( If02., 05 ,~-P'-r F-F_j,,=CF_- AZ= 89.5838 FT= 1,537,81 H66= 8,958.6591 ~Z,~s- G~- ?t4- 'Z..r. 55 ,~3C. lf~t ,q-I ~ /" ~ E66= 18,221,4688 ~/z,~t L/q'b'L- fW 7_0,01 1161,L% ~4 ~ ct~-~,Z, 'tc'o-'G'tH 62,,'d5 IlooSe> F-- ~z.xC tS&-ok- z~5 I8.qI Uol ,6~ t, ,,, cfz~. t~,L-'{q-Z>-t t%.Gt IlOI .61 F,I,U, ~."nE vAc. v~c ,::tzp K,'b-'Z..~.-'~o t'/,ll llo(,E;~ '.'f START N78= 8,954.4724 E78= 8,683.6692 REF 8Re AZ= 89.5838 TRgV ~ RT.87.222l AZ= 177.1259 FT= 395.55 H72= 8,559.3896 E72= NBS/L 015 CHK'D RCE. EL.=/O E:'~. <E~~, ST~RT H72= 8,559,3898 E72= 8,782.8779 REF BRG RZ= 357.1259 TRfiV ~ RT,182J92e RZ= 188.e219 FT= 511,43 H74= 8,847,9592 E74= 8,782,5322 NBS/L 015 EL: laB0. H I STRRT H74= 8,847.9592 E74= 8,782.5322 REF 8RC RZ= 8.8219 TRAV ~ RT. i82.1347 ~Z= 182.1686 FT= 758.21 876= 7,298.342! E?6= 8,672.8378 NBS/L 015 8T~RT H?6= 7,298.3421 E76= 8,672.8378 REF BRG ~Z: 2.1686 TR~V ~ RT.174.8688 ~Z= 176.2286 FT= 683.57 H78= 6,695.9846 E78= 8,711.8679 NBS/L 015 ENGINEERS & PLANNERS JOB N0 .~ r'~ 70'78 'IZ% '7096 i07~..o..~ ~ o. ,.i ~ START N78= 6,695.9848 E78= 8,71t.8679 REF BRC AZ= 356.22A6 TRAV ~ RT.183.1712 AZ= 179,3918 FT= 1,337.73 X88= 5,358,2833 E88= 8,719.1288 NBS/L 015 START N88= 5,358.2833 E88= 8,719.1288 REF BRG AZ= 35%3918 TRAY ~ RT.182.8254 AZ= 181.4212 FT= 1,655.13 H82= 3,783.8897 E82= 8,669.918~ NBS/L 015 STRRT N82:3,7e3.8897 E82:8,66%9189 REF 8RG RZ= 1.4212 TR~V ~ RT,174,3950 RZ= 176,2282 FT= H84=.3,ee2.Se18 E84= 8,714.4479 NBS/L 015 START N84= 3,ee2.SeZ8 E84= 8,714.4479 REF BAG AZ: 35G.2282 TRAY ~ RT,IGS.591e gZ: 182,2112 FT: 1,887.57 NBG= 1,995.7867 E86= 8,673.e733 NBS/L 015 )KAN EN,,.INEERS CIVIL ENGINEERINGI~ANNING L&NDSURVEYIN(; O BY '7'7, ,/~, DATE la -Id-J'~ CLIENT /~/'/~' 5- SHEET NO. // OF CHECKED DATE JOB 7"~"P~0 JOB NO..~..~.~t~ ~._~e~~ ,,~ _2E,~q~. _,~ .......,_.Z._. ~,r~_ . , - .- _ _ "~ . . _, ADKAN EN'~INEERS CIV1LENGINEERING. P1)d'4NINGLANDSURV~IN(~ .~ -77, B,DAT~ /~'//'~? C~,E~T N. ~. :.~.E~.T ~0. z o~ 7 CHECKED DATE JOB '7~/'~o JOB NO. I . ~ I .' ........... ~ . . , '~-;.. ~ : ~.~ ~ . . . ~ ~r.~'' / ~' ' '7 ........ 5~ ~*-? ........_ ~,~--;~ ...............* .... ~i~,~q : . *~' ..... , · "'" '~ ~ * ' I,gg L~T ao"~ee ' I ' ~ ........ ~ . I ADKAN EN*~INEERS C1VILENGINEERING. PtANNINIG L~4DSURV'EYIN(; CHECKED DATE JOB '7~'j~O JOB NO. "~ADKAN ENGINEERS C1VILENGINEERINGF~ANNINGLa. NDSURVE'fiNG O BY "~'/~' DATE/O'/y'?~cuEnT A/, cHECKED DATE ..... ;.__ ' ~ I ~ : ADKAN EN~'~INEERS CTV]LENGINEERING. PiANNING L,a, NDSURVE'YING BY 'TT".,/~, DATE/~) ~/'Y"d~ CLIENT ~ 4'~. 5'. SHEET NO. .3" OF 7 CHECKED DATE JOB ~'~/~90 JOB NO....?.5 9' ~ L- ! ~,.*-L--,---s-~L--L--.L-L-~ ......~--L-'-,-!-' ,. ,, ~ ~c~ L~ ~ ~ ~ I' · ",i;' CHECKED DATE JOB ~ ~ JOB ~. ~S ~ : ~ 5c~L~ I%10 TyP ~ "' ~ ............................... ~ ~"'~ fo~o~'D ~ ' . ~ ~, , , -' ' f ~ .......... ~ .... 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CLiENt ~Je~'~i srgltno. / OF. 3 CHECKED DATE SOS [ SOl NO. 36'4 ~ ': ,~ 0 t ~ '2f- ~ 'F'~ ~ 't~ ~/~ ft~ e t· ~1 d: ~ : :: o.~'~/~ ,r - ...."':~irt~~ :[Zet::~ ~ ::) ' :" ~ F ~ 7~'~ ' ~ ~ , ~., ~,~ ,~ a?5~ /¢~r cuvw. g~ / " '- ~: ":::~:'::.~ o~ 12~r /~ Z / '; ~': ,,, , , / --7,.:~ .: ~ ADKAN EN-~INEERS 'V .//: CIV1LENGINEERINGPL~NNING, tANDSURVEYING ,:'~: ( n~/'t~'/'zDATE 2-ZI'Z'7 CUE~T Ht~'Tt- S.EET ~O. CHECKED DATE JOB JOB NO. 2~0 o / 7 s~r ~ P - t~' J ' 3~ /~ ~'' ' ADKAN EN,~INEEI~S ~'~ ~ ~.~ CIVILENGINEERINGRM4NING,LAND~JRV~YING n~ //~// DATE ~ --~/~27 CUE~ ~ ~ ~ SH~T ~0. ~f Or ~ CHECKED DATE JOB JOB NO. ~ ~ , ',,~ ADKAN EP'GIINEERS CIViL'ENC, iNEERiNCi~.L~,NDgj~,EyINC ~ BY DAT!:2-2-/'P? CLltr~'iT X,/ES'7"'t" 81'!EwTNO. CHECKED DAT[ JOB JOB NO. O t-!e /7-e tM,At, 8'~x,/-f ~ ~-/4t /f.~.',,r>'-' /-. otto .~3'~_ ¢:/Zt, zt e fe,,:,~c- ~t~Y/'. I ~o / ~: ~ P' l'~ ' ' CIV1LENC, INEERINGPL~,,,=~:~(.;.LAND~/~/EYINC ~ -'~ ///Is/// DATE 7--,Z-/--~ CLIENT ,~/~,~'Z~- < sv sHs~r NO.. L OF ~ CHECKED DATE JOB JOB NO. Yf~ ~ /~7~ ' ~'r ~ ' , .- Ihf . -~,~ ~ ~,~ . ,,~ ~'t~;::,'I ' , ' 0 NG EEIIING~LANDSlJI~,EyIN~ -w/ BY /'4',/~/ DATE 7'~/"~ CLIENT /(.]e ~ ?m.~, SHEET NO. ~ OF ~ ChECkED DAT~ SOn ~ SOS NO. ~;4 ~ ADKAN EI~'GINEERS CIvILE,n/JINEERIN~R2~,,~.LANDSURv~/IN(; 'i : BY ~ DATE J-z/- ~cuent ~e~ SHeetno. ~ OF CHECKED . DATE JOB .... JOB NO. ADKAN ENGINEERS CIV1L ENGINEERING. R.,~I' ~.LAND~RVEYIN(,; iV///,,',~/ DATE '~--.Z/*~CLIENT ,X.//~-~T&~: SHEETNO. -'~ OF CHECKED DATE JOB IZ~ ~-- ,~ / ", 7~ . ADKAN ENGINEERS CIVILENC. INEERINC;.R.~,~.,~.L.aND~URVEYINC; BY ~ DATE ~'2/'~ CLIENT ~?~ SHEETNO. CHECKED ...... DATE JOB CHECKED DATE ,lOS JOS NO. ,.:.: I ADKAN E"GINEERS L"'lViL ENCjINEERING~ING. LANDSLJRVEYINC, BY/'/k/h/ DATE'~'2/'~'~ CLIENT /I/,~f~*'(~ SHEETNO. CHECKED DATE JOB .,lOS NO. s rrzl-'.' r,, 't" ADKAN E~'GINEERS ~""'l OVILE.'~INEERIN~fl.A,..~.NC..LAND~RVD'II,~ ~ ADKAN E~'GINEERS ;' CIVIL ENGI NEERI NG R..~,--~NG. L,~ D ~RVEYII~ CHECKED , DATE JOB ~0~ NO. /2~~ ~ ~,, !~17 /1~ ~ /F" ~}~ ' ~ ~1~ /i ~ ' I ~ . . ~i ~/~ ~r. ~ .":' ' ADKAN EP'GINEERS · CML E ,N(jI NEERI NG Pt.~,,,~',X.;. LAND ~RVEYIN[.; CH~CKED DATE JOB : JOB NO, ~ ~ , ; I ~'~ ~ : ' , ~ ~": ..... ~ ~ L -l~l , ~t 7Z~r ~',/~ ,, ~' ~ ~1~ ..... ; ....... : ....~ ................~ .................................................. .... :~:ADKAN E 31NEERS ~ aY/'/~ ,u"O~TE B - Z Z -Z~UE~~ ~e~ S~E~ ~0. CHECKED DATE JOB ~ ~ I JOB NO ~f+bo"~'~.~ "~Lo z'~.0 ~ ~.~ 'r.~ ~.G~, .~+~,,,~.~ ,,o~.~,~.~ ,.i .~-~ ~,~.~ t _~ - ~ - - ~1 ~: "= ..' ADKAN E~ '31NEERS CIV~LENC;INEERINL~,LANDSURVEYING ~ ADKAN E/"'~INEERS ~ CIV1LEN(.;tNEERIN(.ZPLAj'~/~.L~ID~RVEyIN(.; ~ ADKAN ENGINEERS CIV~LENGINEERING~G. LANDgjI~'EYING CHECKED DATE JOEl ',.,~'4~' JOEl NO. . ~.. ~, ,, ~ * ~/~ , ~ ~, -..,., :,..- ,e ADKAN E~'GINEERS CIV1LENGINEERING. PI_AP, Ii~G. LANDSURVEYING V : ~ CHECKED . Date JoB ~.('~-Q JoB no. ~' ~.:.~:;2~:':-:;:'~1~-~} '3L :~ "' ': :'.'L " : · ~ : ~ ., .~. ~'~.,~a(~.,.) :: ' .~Z]~ ~ /=~ '~' "' ' I ~ .::,~:~ : ~ ' .. ,; :'~ ;~ ~.:. ~ ,~, ::. ADKAN ENGINEERS CIVILENCINEERING. PLANk~.D~NDSURVEYING ADKAN E/~'~INEERS CIVIl. ENGZNEERING. PL~. L~ND SURVEYING / BY DATE CLIENT ~ SHEET NO. OF ~/,~E ~ ~ < _ " , ADKAN EP"';I'NEERS CIV1LE,',,~;INEERI~;.PL~.L~ND~I~'EYIN(; , V - ae>Kan e~c .ne~r~ ~, CIV1LENc;INEERINCPLAN IF'~s~EANDSU ~EYI G v CHECKED DATE JOB . :4-.u',:~;~ :~-f~,:~'s~.~:.~';';:=':'.. ' -. : ;~*"~'~":".':'%V"~Z~:;''~ ' , , ' ~ ~ ~ ' . : '. ~ ."2L:' ~ ~ ~ ., ..... t " · ... .. · "' 'u~e.~ ;' ..-... ~- I ,"~ I --ADKAN EN .INEERS ~ CIV1LENc;INEERINC;.PL,~I~j~.L&ND'E~U~ 'EYING BY DATE cLIEnT SHEET nO. CHECKED DATE JOB 3.~ JOB NO. . ~.~.-'. :-. .:.. ' -' ~-~r~'~?~'~ ~':t.'lt~ ,,!ill It - ... ~7 ~ u ," ; '-: "':-' · :'~:~: Z': ~. .: ...... - j ; · ~-"':':'.;. ADKAN Ef'~'~INEERS = CIVILENCINEERINGPLAN-,,.~.LANDSURVE'YINC ! V ADKAN ENGINEERS CIVIL EN(~INEERING. PLANI.,~. LAND SURVEYING CHECKED DATE JO" aOr NO. ~'-' K, ADKAN ENGINEERS ClV1LENCINEERINC'PLANV~5'LANDSURVEYIN"'~ CHECKED DATE JOB JOB NO. ' q'~ \/h~ ,, , L 'x\ "" ""' "~ "' "' \ -- / I 17° ~ / , ~l~ ~ ~,. ADKAN EIx'GINEERS ClVlLE,NK;INEERINGPL~.L~,NDSURVEYING ~/ CHECKED DATE JO8 JoB NO. ~: ~Z~I ~Zd~::.Z_~+~2Z : ~ :"'~ E I:~A ~ ....... .[. - ~. . ...... :_ ~ ~'".7",_ .~....L ~ .....' '~'... '..' .... }I~ADKAN ENGINEERS CiV1LE~;iNEERINGpLANvGLa, NDgjRVEyiNG CHECKED D~TE JOB ,lOB ~O. ~¢Z._LV.E."' :,' !''' ~,~__2'I-D_LI-~.LTZ-f:___ .L, .........j2:._ ;~Ei~! !.~ .;i:.,,ll ' , . J_'- ~ : , : . . : ,. ..~,./. ,~, ~!!!1/'~,. ?; V ~ ,l~" ~ I,~ '~ ~ ?'"y,, /, zo,,,l,,,>,. ~ " Z ~4-b~- :,,%,;;,.:;, .~f ,v. ', ",,.~ .~-'d~ / r~ .,,',~ ~. _5Z9,' ..?- ADKAN ENGINEERS . jl~ CIVIL ENGINEERING PLAJv4G. L~,NDSURVEyING CHECKED DATE JOB ~ JOB NO. N '~ ~': ..',~ ~ ~ ' ...................... ADKAN E~ ~INEERS CI LEN(.; NEE [NG. PLANN .LANDSU VEYINC ADKAN FN INE~RS CIVIL ENGINEERING, PLANNI'~LANDSUR 'EYING ~W' CHECKED DATE JOB Np~'/t't JOB NO.'-~''~ ~ ~, ,~,~ 7~, I I /, ,~i ~i : ADKAN E~'GINEERS ~ :-., 1~/,~ ~ DATE ~ ~'~CL,E~T s. EE, ~0. CHECKED DATE JoB k ~ Joe NO. ' 3+. ~ ~ ~3 ~: ~ : ~_ ~ '.~ ~ I. ' ~7~3d i ~ ' ~' ' , ~ ~ ' ~-' ~ . '.' ~, ADKAN E~'~INEERS ~ ~ C[~,ILENGINEERINGPLA~,~,NGL~NDSURVEYING ~ BY ~//.~ 14 DATf % -'14~cuEnt s. EEt no. ~ o~ CHECKED DATE JOB kJ~"~"'f"'~ JOB NO. ~ ~ ~. ~_~A~ A~ ~.~ ~ ....~ __ ~ _~ //. '~ ~ i~> ~ (-~5 s~. --- ' ~7~ L ~ ~' "'[ i 5i 6s f L - .z .L,L__ i 4~ _ __ , ............... ADKAN EI~'~INEERS ~ CI%,IL ENGI NEERIN(.;PL,,v,.~e~G, L-~ND ~RVEYING ~ av ~ .I Ld DATE '~ ~' ~') CLIENT SHEET NO. 7 OF CHECKED DATE JOB zoB No. ~ ~ - ~1~, fi~y_ ~-~... ~,~ ; ' : " : i ~ :_,.: .......... ~,_, ;_ ~ : . '~ 'I/~~' ~' fll ~. ~-~ ........~ -, ' ~"1 ] ' AUKAN En'GINEERS CI'VTL EN(;I NEERI NG PL/~.,~NG. L-~ND SURV E'YI NG BY DATE CLIENT/(/e ~7'c-- SHEET NO. OF CHECKED DATE JOB JOB NO. T~'T~i ~i' .................. ~!i ,~'~", :l Il . ,- ~ ~',~ ~ ADKAN EL ~INEERS CIV~LENGINEERINC;PLAN'~'~GL~NDSURVE'YING CHECKED DATE JOB ]~ e5 ,./L ~, JOB NO. -,~ ~-,~ ,,~-- / .... ~-:= ................ i i ' ~ ~'. ADKAN EN~ JNEERS CIVIL ENGI N EERING PLANN [~"L~ND 5URVEYI NG CHECKED DATE JOB JO. no.~5~9 '-: I qd/o. ~'" o+7 ,. ,, ~ ,, i~f. CHECKED DATE JOB JOB NO. , ~ , , . '.~,, .,..:~.. ~.~, ... ~"~! ~~~ ~ ADKAN E GINEERS CI%,IL~NC;INEERiN(;PL,-~NG L~,NDSURVEyiNC; ' h', CHECKED DATE JOB ~e JOB NO. ~,~- gr-~-'~'=' ~ T~TE _~_' ...... ~ ........ .~ ~' ~:(,, : ~'L-~~"=: ..................... ? " t1~'3l , gO_,_ r .......... :': ..... , 'f ~-'j'~q,',~/,."" ~ i i ~'I~'~"'~' ,': ....,~' ,:.'n i: ..'.:. .,,s,.s ,:;,: '.;5-0,,, Y' .,%. ~'~l ~W,.- ,_ I j ..... 7 ~' '~ ~/n~//L-~N4~ EXHIBIT D Birteherl raohman SCHEDULE FIGURE: 1 PROJECT: Inland Em]pire Cen~er, Font. ana On-Site Facilities PROJECT MANAGER: Wil Wilson JOB NO.: H87-032. 002 DATE: 4./24./~9 TASK FUNCTIONS AP~ ~A~ ~ ~v~ ~a6 $~pr COMMENTS PARCEL ~P: Quit Claims New Easements T~nta~ve Map ON-SITE PLANS: Plot Plan '1 ( Site Dimension Detailed G.P. CoCosite Util i t~ es__ Striping Water/Sewer Mass Grading Dry Utilties Eirtoher/Trachman SCHEDULE E×H B T FIGURE: PROJECT: Inland Empire Center. Fontana Off-Site Facilities PROdECT MANAGER: Wil Wilson JOB NO.: H87-032. 002 DATE: 4/24/89 TASK FUNCTIONS ,4~ n44g ~ ~ ~ NO. /7 e4 / 8 ~ ~2 e9 ~ ze ~9 ~6 ~ io i7 ~ ~l 7 ~4 2z ~8 4 z/~8 7 COMMENTS POPLAR SANITARY I SEWER STREET PLANS: ~ Sierra -- - ' Valley -- - -~ JuniVer ---- ~ LIFT STATION "'~ T~FFIC SIGNALS I EXHIBIT D I Birtcher/Trachman SCH~-DuI'F- FIGURE: 3 PROJECT: Inland Empire Center. Fontana Regional Facilities PROJECT MANAGER: ws] Wil.qon JOB NO.: F. RTn~? nna DATE: 4/2d./89 TASK FUNCTIONS COMMENTS PYP~mSS AVENUE SEWER FACTLTTTRS: Va]l~y ~n T-1D I I 1-10 to Jurupa I Specifications I - I ( I ~ADKAN EN( .NEERS CIVIL ENC~NEERIN(; rl ANNINC, i~i'tSURVEYIN(; BY '~'//~' DATE ~'-/a-g~ CLIENT ,~. N. ~ ~. snEttno. / oF / CHECKED DATE JOB /~/6 ~ /~ ~ l/e/ zgZua/ ' t ~i/J DatE~' ~ '?~ cuEnt : sn~t no. ~ oe CHECKED DATE JOB Me~''L''~ ion no. ~ ~,--F,~- ........~ 772. 72' ~ZZ_ 7 z*~ 57; ~, i~_ ,, __'z .... 7 ADKAN EIx'GINEERS , i CIHLENe, 31NEERhNC;pL&N,~GLa, NDSURVDING a'/ DAtE CtIECKeD DAtE JOB 2~ ~~-_D~ ~.~ ........./e~F~ ~ +~ '. ~,, 2 ." ~x~Z d~ - _ ............l/~/e~ 4 S~ _ ~. ~RZkR ...... t..2d~_/~-_: ~z~_.__ , ............. ~/2 ~K~ ~ ~=¢_ ,. ' ....'4/~:%--~-- '~-- ....... ....:---~ ~/~/ ~ . ~ ~- ~FI~; 7f7: y, ./ I I .. I I I I /~ 'o ~" ADKAN ENGINEERS CI~,qL ENGINEERING PLANNING La, NDSURVEYING BY J DATE ~ ' ' '~ CLIENT SHEET NO. " OF CHECKED DATE JOB ~'~/~ ~ ._L~.,~. JOB NO. '~'~"~ . ~, .X . __ ~ ~/~ ~ iiii/I V ) ~ '-C~4-90 PF~GE 854 L]:ST E:OORDiNA'FEB (1300-t'-'762) F'[]INT ' J:'.;OL; N 9945.7.57;0, E 87!:}1 . 0'92(;,, Z i 113. 6820 F:'Oihl T "'.[ 3(d: N ':?ch$5.7',"_-,..8.,::1,,E ',B703., ';i;TlO. Z I J. 1:3. 6760 13 F'O:[N'F --. t3~ i',I '?':~.::I.~E!. 7[:E30, El EB7i:>3. c?lO0, Z I 114,, 7940 I::'C} 7[ N"F 1303 J',i '?~;.:$;:~ ,, 6',5~(} ,,E ',:~3';7C):Z. iS,q-70 ,,Z [. 1 J. 2 ,, 7(Z)3C> F:'O,.,x), j',i , ,,,--.,.. .........u~ E 8876. 8520, Z Z ~ i4.22:30 :[:3 F:'(~ [NF 'b~ N S~9'152. 0500, E (S6'~2,. t:3,i.,::}, Z L 11.-:1.. 7020 10 F:'C, ZNT ~ J :~:~ N 996). 25"C ~ E CS696. 455~>. Z t ] :[5. 0240 F't:) :[ N'i' ~ 3<:., 7 ]'.~ 996 :[. 1 '9:30, E ~3724 ,, 58 i 0. Z i :I. 1 q.. ~:380 1 F'O J: NT ~ t :]~eB- N 9950. :];210 ~ E E:724. 629() ~, Z 1. 1. 14. c70'90 19 f:'C3 [ NT x J :30'? N 994 L. 583V~ E S726. 7960 ~ Z '~ i 14. 7950 5 ors :,: ?rr "- 1310 i',~ 9944. :EEYP?O ~ E 88~zl. . c/850 ~ Z 1 i 14 · 4250 PO I Mr 'x:t 3 ~. 1 l'l 9':92t'~ ,. :363,:z:,, ',Z ~69 ~ ,, EI330, Z J. t 15. E3030 5 ~OiN'/x 1:31:2 N 9':725. 9300, E 8.562. 5560, Z 1 i 1.:1~,. 5620 5 F'U I NT ~ t 2; i 'iN N 99:Z5 ,, 3'94(} .. E a1660. 7320 ~ Z 1 J. i '2. '7010 20 F:'C~ l N'r 13 [ 4 N '~-"E~::;2'.:.:.:}. :3290 ~E 8655. '7620 ~ Z 1 I J. 4. 6250 21 F:'Oi[%jr ~.31::5 N "7944. 1710, E EL559. ::.;~590~ Z :L I J.:Z;. 7440 5 PfZ}II~t'F~ N 9~945.59].0~ E 885';".fB::~70, Z lii:3.8:340 F:'i:~ :[ [',f'Kx :H3 ~ 7 N '994'5. 5550, E ELE, 55. ~: Ed,5,.' ~ Z J. ~ ~ .:,. ~ .? / FU[NT ~>'I.S N ~948.5] 2' , E S~aSLS. ]080, Z ]. t 14. 6570 ].8 F:>O I I~]T- 1319 i',.l 9948 ,, '5:230, E E<65&. 3570, Z 1 :I. 12.6910 20 PO:EN'r ~:32(~ N Sz~?'5C>.41:1.0, E S6:~7.77f>f>. Z J11.4.77~0 3 E] :[ N'T 1.321 M 995 :[ . 0:350, E E<8:37.8 t 00 ,, ~ J. i 14 ,. t 05C~ 2r H'O I NT ~ N 9961 . 3980 E 865~. 5340 ~ Z 1114. 8750 J r F:'I]INT ' i3Z:Z~ i'.l 9985,, '~2',50 E 8863. 61360, Z 1 i i5.0:~10 t0 F'O I N"ff 1324 N 10025. 6400 E Ei,;,~ 3. 323C , Z 1115.26~0 5 F'O:ENTN 1.325 N ].tx)':_6. :~E34,') EE 8658.8j. 50, Z I J. 15. 3730 5 ~C) I ixt'FTMi :3',55 N 1005:1.. ,5:3 .I 0 E E:657. 4640 :, Z 1114.9'T70 12 i::'0 :[ NT ' J. ::527 N I ,:x]5 :l. ,, 6480, E E~654.62:30, Z i t ]. 4. 9950 i 2 F'E):ENT" i:!125 N 1()048. 5750, E 8654.8:370, Z I 11',5. O110 12 F'O I NT 1329 N 100'5 I.. 5040, E 8655. 9890, Z :[ I I :3. 8860 20 POINT ~i330 N 10038,, 6Zj~:[ :: ,~ E e~49.88].0~ Z 1J. 1~5. 1340 F:'[] '[ N"E:1. 33 J. N 10054. 4750, E 8,S5~ ,, 731. O, Z ]. 1 ~ 5.07 ~ 0 ~ 0 POIMT x~3:32 I',.i 10065.57S0, E 8863.3310 Z IiJ. 5.2740 10 POINT NI3Y3 N Ir ~59.6~4' , E 8666.5860 Z Ii15.49i0 10 F'O]:N'r~ 1334 N 10051. 8800,~ E 8700. 4710 Z i t i:3. 9080 F:'[]:[NT~ 1335 N 10051.'72i0, E 87(z~-',="4' Z Ij. 14.0510 POINT lY36 N 10048. 767," , E 8700..S380 Z J. ]. 15.1170 18 F:'O I NT ~ i 3737 N i 0048. 7980. E 8701. 9720 Z 1 ~ ~ 2. 9780 20 F'O]:N'E ~l:32};eB N ~0038. :3510~ E 8726. 3440 Z ~ ~ 25. 2010 1:3 END F'OINT '1359 N 100:YZ. 6490, E 8726. 3050 Z i 114. 5470 20 F'O]:N'r "i340 N 10036. 7520, E 8725. 1480 Z 1114. 0450 20 .86F f::'O 1[ N T X 13 ,'1 .t N 100 '27.3600, E 8710. <'> 1 o ] ? J. I 15.4360 I I F'C~:ENT ~1342 N i' %,f. S'' ' ' E 8713.0850 Z illS. 1~50 5 F'C)Z[N'l'~].343 N 1,::~05i,,63J, 0~ E ~696.:~3].4: Z J. lJ. 5.47IO F'OINT 'xi344 N ]0022. 9480 .~ E 90i3. 4660 Z 1116. 0150 9 F'O :[ N'r L~ I',1 1 r )21. 5770, E 8683.8 ]. 50 Z i 1 i 5. 6080 9 POII'qt '1 :]146 N 1001.9. 8280~ E 8:355. ,"~ 'H ,'>. Z 1 i 13.49.40 ~ ] ]: NT ~' ~. 347 N ~ 00f.55.4 '[ 7 ' .~ E 87 ' zl.. 90fF~ 0 Z 1 i. 15.4 ~ J. 0 ~ 3 , 0 J --o4--90 PAE~E 855 INLAND EMt=']]RIE CEN'FER F'OINT ~ 13.q.E! N 10054. 6570, E S592. I550~ Z I 116. 3150 13' I::'C) I rq 'F \ t 34'~:' N 10064 ,, q-770, E ;3651. 6440 Z I I :1. 5. 9680 i POINT 1350 N 1()064. 7930.~ E 8650. 1050 Z 1115. 9490 i POIN'F '. :I. 2;51 i'l 10065.7:32 '1, El 8655. 7470. Z 1 t I4. 9750 4 POINTx- 1352 N 10066. <Z)35(3.~ E 8656. 9260 Z 1114. ¢';;E:0 20 F'CiIIqT 1:Z'15:3 N Ir'!75,-l.679t>. E 8i580.,44II;I. Z 1115.7520 6 FOIZNT ',,~354 N 1.0054. 3711:;, EE :.=]6s°7. 3200. Z 1 ~ J5. 3940 5 F'O I NT "L 355 N 10054. :Z:4.60 ,. E 8 ;;01., ,511. 0, Z I L :L :,. 0.360 PC] :I: NT 1356 N 10054. :~. ~ 00 ~ E ~70::. 9570 ~ Z t 115.75 1. 00 2 pi] I NT 'x~ 1 ~"='= N 10054. ' ?7 '~ E iB 706. 4490 ~ Z i ]. t 5 9,520 1 '7 BEG ;qSc~8 °5':°f' Z ~ ]. 16. 719Ci :L 7 DE,Z, Ff.] :i: NT 'q 1 :%60 I',.I 10 i (')4 ,. dil290 ~ E 8,:~96. 5930 ~ Z 1 I I..:5.55'::-'C 20 P'C} It'l]" 1362 N I. 01 ,'.),:~. :L"; J ,:>,::>,EE S.:_,',610.13j'.',0, Z 1116. ::'."i" 4 '> 6 ',::'O:[i'jl' "-13,:;3 i',l I0[04.5~:70~ L:! .:-_'!,"_'i4~0 <:~620~ "~ I i .... 7,34.0 PO :i: r',;"[' ~- 13dlzl N J. 0 ! 04. 7020. E 8.E:60.18Z!;C> ~ Z ~ J 1 ._b. 44:72.0 4. POINT "].3.6,:!:, N 10 ~.22. 9170, E ..-%.59'9.2E}120~ Z 1 116. 915c i 7 E;',iD F~O ]: N'F" 1367 Iq :i. 0139 ,, 5770 E 8700 · 1310 Z I, I 17'. 6560 1, '7 PO I NT 136::~ N 10154 .. 57!)0, E 8a99 ,, 6050 ~ Z 1 I 16 · 7020 1 F'O l Nt' \- 1:3,59 N ] I' i. 54. 5700. E ~:.697.7_'~.V",~I),, Z 111 ,S. 232.0 20 ':'01N'F 13'70 N 10153 · 9260, E 8679 · 5390 .! Z 1 j. j. d~., 905(} 6 F:'[] :[ NT "~ 1,3'7 [ N J l" '[ 54.6010 E = '-" ''~ 1300 Z 1 i ]. 6.43'~T POINT-~ 1:72:'72 N 10154.6:B4A E S661 · :3950~ Z ~ ~ ~7. 0570 4 P[]INT i373 N 1.0154. :':T,,99() E 8658.1 i lizi ? Z i I :[6~ 9550 1 POIN'F 1:374 N 10:1.5:f..54';;0 E 8657.34rx'>~ Z 1116.'.:3990 J. 5 F:'O[N'I' '~j. 375 N 10].62).ii~1E~cl E e,,699.6].9') Z 1L17.2120 2'2 F"D~I',IT"' lYZ6 N 10:t73. 2500 E :.9898. 5740 Z 1117. IEJ50 I:'O:[NT '~].377 i',t 10194.593:0 E 8702.9700 Z 1117.6810 16 F'OINT 17:78 N 1 ' '2(' 4.4 ~ ': E 8701 · 4060 Z 1 i 1'7. 7610 1 F'C]INTTM :1.379 N :1.0204. 3000 E 86'-9~;]. 1980 Z i 117 · 8:3Ei0 4 F'O:[NT"N,l.:330 N 10204. 2790 ~ E 8697. 5370 Z 1 117. 0890 20 F'(3INT 1381 N 10204.81.40~ E ;-3679. 5290 Z 1117,.5520 6 F'O:[NTX1:582 N 1:2(4.6200.l E 8662.0080 Z 1117. 1220 20 PO]:N'1;x- ].:SEbZ'~ N 10204.68::T, 0 ~ E 8661.2.960 Z I I 17. 7470 4 F'OIN'T' 1384 1'4 10204. 9240 . E 8656. 2370 ~ Z t 11'7. 5810 1 POIN]"-1385 N 10:210..28'~0~ E 87:1:i.2510, Z 1117.9150 '7 F'OINT 1386 N 10253. 9681:1~ E 8702. 4360~ Z 1118. 3530 1 I::'OINT 13(']7 N 10254. 4470 ~ E 3698. 0510 ~ Z I I 1~. 6290 4 F'OINT 1:388 N 1025z~. 4320., E 8697.28'70~ Z 1117. 9050 20 PO I NT 138c~ N 1025:$. OE%T'.O ~ E e, 680. I. 290 ~ Z 1 i 1 ~.:~. 22!;60 6 F:'OIIqT , J. 391) N 10254. 6530~ E S661. 8490~ Z 1J. 1'7. 8120 20 F:'[] :[ i',J'P"~ ]..'_',",c,,' I N 10254 67'2;30, E 8661.0950. v ll:L',:3..q. 190 4. Pt]INT 1392 I\1 10255. 17:];0 E 8655. 4210, Z 1118. 1740 1 F'O 1: )'j"[' "-' :[ :'59~ i",l 1 !2127 :L ,, 9740, E 8702., 6980 !, Z i J. J. 8. 6640 '7 F:'O :[ N'l' "' 1394 I\i 10:30.S. 2690 ~ c 87: 1 · 6860 ~ '~ 1 i 1Ei. 9720 7 C)'[N'F'- t-'_;'9,'E:i I',~ 10304. 222,:3, E 86':97.13:t,C)~ Z 111,8. 6710 20 01-04-.-9ri PAGE i-356 [ N i._ A N D E Pl F: I R E C E N T E R POINT 1397 N [0:503. 9511;0~ E 8680. 0270~ Z 7. t 18. [~B92111 6 ' F'O I NT ~ 13':~8 N t ,:)304. 6700 ,, E ~661.7120. i J. ]. 1 Q3. 4460 20 F'OI?.4T 1:39~:; N 10304. 7840~ E 8654. 3220, Z 1 118.5:3i0 I PL] '1: i',11' 1400 N 1 ,.Z~345. 5870., E ~E~657'. 4670. Z i [ j. 9 ,, 427270 7 POINT ] 401 N :1.0::555. i260, E ~654.. 9400~ Z 1 t }.'~:'. 5100 I='0 }: i',i T'- ]. ~02 N I. 0354.57c, 0, EE ES6~aO. 50:30. Z l.i. L ~ ,, 6770 4 F'Q :[ I',KF ~ 140:3 N I. 0354. 5960 ~ E 866 J.. ~230 ,, 7 J i J '7 ,. 0640 20 F'O :[ Nf' 1404 N :1C, 35::~ ,, 694,:), E E~6'79.13:1.0 ~ ~1 I J. :i. ">. 50 t 0 F:'i3 Z NT ~' 14,:>5 i',l ~ C:::354.46S0, E ~ dY:g6. '772,>, Z ~. I. ~ 9., 1580 20 IzGINT "t.q,<}6 i',i :L0:354.45(>,::>~ E 8697.26::30., Z ~ I ~9.7.~.c~0 F'O i: j',f'l' '~ 1407 t,I 10:1~,54 ,, 0630, E &SgS. 2540 ~ Z 2 I. 1%. '~2,50 1 PO :[ NT ]. 403 N t 0:352. 7330. E ~6535.97: 0 ~ '~ J.j. J. 9.4510 ~ 5 PO l NT 1 ,~.<:>~ N 10:3,55. 7250 ~ E 8654. 2520 ~ 7Z 1119,4S%;0 I ',::'0 ]: NT L 410 N t 0391 ,. 82:30 ~ E 5657.5 j. 90 ~ Z 1 J. ?0.1860 i ,S F'C~If'4T ~.:l.:t 1. [',1 10401. 2970. E 8&57. 0820 ~ i: I 1.20. 8180 PO l NT ~ 141:2 N 1. 0404. ~64.0 ,, E ~660. '7':~E3i:~, Z t 120. 3690 4 F:'C} I l'~'i'141:3 N 10~04.3~60, E 8661. 7770. Z 1119.67~0 20 POIN"F 1~14 i',1 I04.,:2>2,,2120~ E 8~79.58J. 0., Z tI20. I430 POIN'r 14:L5 N 10405. 7220, E 8683.81fZx:>~ 2: 1120. 0760 9 POZENF 1416 N J. 0404.4640~ E r36':?6..71j. O.~ Z 11.19,..3560 20 PO I NT 24 ]. 7 N ~ 0404. 4880, E 8697. 2440 ~ Z ~ ~ 20. 0290 3 ~:'i3 Z t'47 ~ J. 418 N ~ 0455.4 ~ 50 ? E 8&~8. 7400 ~ Z 2. ~ 20. 6540 7 'D:t'IX[T "1419 N J. O454.35BO~ E 869'7. 0550 ~ Z 1120.62t0 POINTTM I4.20 N 10454. 4820., E 8698. 2800 ,, Z i J. ].':~. 93'~0 20 POZNT 14:21 N 10454. 6460~ E E~678. 7510~ Z 1120.77~0 6 POtNT~1422 N 10454. 441':] ~ E 8661.05':~0~ Z 1120. 1760 20 F'O :[ I'tT '~ 1423 N 10454.3310, E 8,~,60. :3030 ~ Z I 120. :ES~380 4 I='OiNI' I424 N 10454. 2290, E 8651. 1540, Z 1120. T200 1 F'OIN>, 1425 N 10482.3490~ E 8656. 7:310 ~ Z 1121.7000 16 ~'0 ]: NT ~ 426 N 10504.6130 ~ E 8647. 4220 ~ Z I 12 ~. 0820 1 PO:[NT'--:I:427 N 10504. 1410~ E 8660. :[030~ Z 1121. 4400 4 F:'OIN]' ~ 1428 N 10504. 1530, E 9660,,87'50~ Z ].I20.7830 20 POINT' 1429 N 10503. 4230 ~ E 8678. 4'710 ~ Z ~21.:3450 6 F'O I NT ~ :[ 430 N 1 ()5()4. 8770 ~ E 8696.1960 ~ Z 1120.5410 20 F'OINT '~:L4:31 N 10504. 8400 ~ E 8696.8390~ Z 112~.2500:3 F:'OINT 1432 N 10504.3120. E 8702.8270~ Z ~t21.4.850 POINT ~1434 N 10524. 7290~ ' E 8657. 2320~ Z 1121. 1780 16 F'OINTX1435 N 10565.. 2370 ~ E 8656.8770,, Z 1121.5560 F'QIN]~ 14:36 N 10580. 1660 E 8658.3130, Z 1121.~6': 16 P(]IN'r'~ 14:37 N ~0606. 0700. E 8657,, 5120 Z 1122. 2430 16 F'OINT 1438 N ~0552.4600 E 8678,5120 Z 1121.9770 6 POINT J, 439 N 10554. 7980. E 8696. 0440 Z 1121. 2220 20 POINT 1440 N 10554. 8730, E 8696. 6990 Z ~ 12I. 9200 3 I='[]INT ~11. ' N 10554. 8710. E 8696.7].30 Z 1121. 9220 3 POIN'r 1442 N 10554. 7700. E 8704. 4730 Z 1 i22. 1080 1 POINT ~ 1.443 N :1.0608. 8:380 , E 8659. 5610 Z 1122. 8270 4 F'O I I',Ki' x 1444 N 1 ()609. 3660. E 8660. 5000 Z 1122'. 1380 20 ':'OtNF .[44[=.; N 10603.8700 E 8678.8730 Z :1.122. 6120 6 'OINT ' :1. 446 N 10604. 6700. E 86'95. 8050 Z 1 I21. 905() 20 01 --0`4-'-9i} PAGE ,S357 INI..~:~I".JI) Ei'.IF:.'EF~:I:..: CCEI',]TER -.. F'O :[ NT I '44., 7 N 10604. 7040 ,, E E)6-96. 4750, Z 11:22 · 5210 3: . F:'O I NT 1 .'-'f.j,:-3 N 1. 0604 .. 0760 E (r3704. 6450., Z i 122 · '7190 1 F'O I N"I' "--1 `4--!V? N :l. 0608. 2325 '.: , E 8702. 4990 ,~ Z 11:22.62[ r 7 F:'OIN F X, i450 N :l.,:ll,~_.~ J.~.B. ~]4:30.E 86!96. 8580., Z 11122. 5430 2273 F'O:[NT"x'I. 451 N 1,: 637· 5.:, ,> : c 8,,~:~"7.2881:1.~ v 1122.P.,140 13 -=~,: ...... F'O ]: NT 1 q.52 N 1064.0..:79~.~{ ,~ E 8656 · 8030 ,., Z 1123.1 '4.70 14 F'OZ',:NTx/14LS.3 N 10654.51-~20~ E 8646.3470~ Z 112:3.4Z!:40 2 F:'(3]: NT'~'-:L$5'4. N :L0654,. 32:120 ,, E 8658.0~,20, Z J. 12:2. 5690 20 F:OZI',~T 1455 N 106,'c3`4-. 7'9:L0~ E B677. 231i:1~ Z 1123. 2260 6 PO'E N'r"---ul 4-56 N 106:5.,-'1-,, 6880 ~ E 8695. 6530., Z 11:22· 5S50 20 PO:I:I',j]' lz,~53;' N 10654.86.'30, E 8]; 04. 0870 , Z': 1223· 150r> F:'O :[ N"F I :~.:5~ N 10iS,S,% · 7600 .~ E 8655. 0500 ~ Z J. :[ 23 ,, 44.'70 7 PO I NT ~ i. 45S N 106';;i2~, 71512:, .~ E 86,"'34. :];640 ,~ Z I 12:Z;. 5310 1 .!', F'f_I I NT x.., 14.,_-:0 N ]. I i6;35 ,, t579(:>. E 865.];. 8:370, Z I t 23 · 7'5:Z;0 P(3 [ N'r :1. 46 J N :[ )70,':1. 0320. E 8i654.44 i 0. Z ~ 124 .. 0 '[ 20 1. PO [ N'r X,, :L 462 r,i :10;:'0,~-· 07 I. 0., IE. 8646. :2.8 t 0 ~ Z _l, j. :=.'_'4. 004i]2 F'{:] [ 1'4'[ \ :I. 4d:,~:: !'.4 ~ 07(:)4 · :2.72r) ~ E ~.$.57. ,20Sij ,; Z 112:;j;., ';'F:~2,:!1':~ F:'[] '[ i'4"1'~. !:i-64 N 10:704 · '270() ~ E 13657· '4~020 ,, ;'Z J. i:23.1 :L!~,::> 20 F'('3 Z NT ~. 4,S5 i'-,; 1 !::,i1::,5. :L .I.,::!:;0 ~E E~676 · 5520. 2: 11:2::5 · E:I 1 !90 6 PLZI l NT x, i zl. 66 N 10704. 'Ti.)':~(:i ? E B75'9".i; ,. 4270 ,, Z 1 J. Z:3 · i: 75: F:'O I N]" :1. 4.~7 N 1 .)70-':t.. ,'Si:)20 .~ E e696 · 1580 ~ Z j, 123 · E:/6 ~. 0 3 PO :[ NT t 4.,'_'>&'] i',l ]. i}72:3 · :1.:.%.3rl, E '.:3697. ",-758i) .~ :' I J 1 ::'O I M'[ 1 q. 6'r~> i'4 10747. 555,:.:), E ,S654. 3540, 21 1124. 3730 t .S I::'OIN~' x. :L ~.7i') N 10754..-,-7.=- - E E~646 rg] i' ,~ Z j. [ _ _ :2 ..... ~ . _ ?`4.. 642r FO:l:l'q"l' x. 1471 N 10'754.2:34i:i, E 865'7. 0590, Z 1 :i. 2~$. 3680 3 F:-'OtNI' "-, .[4-3;:2 I'i 10754.. '.'.7070, E EB657 · 3"6'--70, Z 112:3. '7/:,6r 20 POIN]" J.4.';.':3 N :107.54.7~2:90,, E e,677. 1940, Z 1124.4530 6 PO I NT\ 1 :$74 ~',i 10754 ~ 6-'4.,:: -I, I.-'_ 8695 · 3440, Z 112,3. I;..3560 20 F'O]iMT ~1475 hi 1,:]754. 6290 , E 86'~6.: '10, Z 1124.48!0 3 F'I]IN'[' 1.:~76 N [,:2)755.11:20~ E 8697.8510~ Z 1t24.6840 16 F'C]INT 14'27 N ~--rr:~' 379'> E 8703.2340~ '~ 1124.7240 16 .. F'O I N'F 1 .':1.7~ hl 10T7:3.3,$':-70., E ["]703. 2210, Z 112,4.. '7230 3 FOINT 147~ hi 10777. 7050 .~ E E~715. 1470. Z 1124· E,'.'.zI. IO .=_'% F'[]:[NT"' I`4-f:]0 N 10776.4170,, EE 87J. 6.8780, Z 1124.9290 POINT \14111 N 10'780.83~0~ E 8716.3640. Z 1124.3'760 10 F'OINT ~148'2 N 10782.B230~ E 8663.28~30. Z 1124.4)10 ~0 PO I NT \ 14~3 N 10'758. 32312; E 8657. 0780, Z 1124. 433 Z Z'; I::'CfINT '1484 N 10772.0550 E 8651.0380. Z 1124.0430 3 I;{AI*IF' POINT '-141~5 N 10777. 3960 E 8637. 3480, Z 1124. 8030:3 PO l NT \ 148}6 N 10791 ,, 0660 E 8682.2.670, Z 1124. 8020 9 POINT \1487 N 11: 7~'3. 0950 E 9095. [ 74 ' , Z 1125. 9630 9 F'O:EI',IT'x' J, 4EJ8 N !.0'7~-3~1-. 3620 E 8402. 4590, Z 1121 · 808,:) 9 F'OINT :L4,%'9 I',l 10804. rl6'i ': E 8649. 8871:;, Z 1124. 6460 6 PO I N'F "'-. ~, 490 N 1 i:t~Bc:l.,-",. :L 270 E 8657. 5270 ,; Z 1124.4 ' ."] ' 20 POINT 149:1. N 10804. 4420 E 8677. 1360,~ Z 1125. C:390 6 POINT x. I492 Iq 10~-304. 5640 E IB695. 4200,~ Z 1124. 2960 20 POINT 1`493 I',j 1,:8"4.623: E' 8:;;03. 1673'1,; Z 1124.6,Z;50 6 POINT`x, 1 ,<1-94 M 10814.84.30 E 8715. 3360, Z 1125. "1820 :'[]IN]~x- :1.4':;'5 N :l, 0821·Oij%~D::> E 8701. 1040~ Z 1125.13,~." 3 F'(:] I NT~' 1496 N J, 08.34.66q10 ~ E 8695. 6850 Z 1125.24'9i' 3 F'O I N'F 14<:?7 N 1 ,::I~:L~::~. 6:]~'::,>,: ,,E 8696. '7320, Z I .t 25 .:, 16( J. :3 PO l NT ""I 4I-'."i[i N 10~ 3::~; ,, 927 ] ~ E 8656.7~3f' ' ~ Z 1 t 25.3-470 3 F'OIN]"~I',~:): N 10EJ14,.:~;42C~, E E~61~7.4150: ~ I~':~: 2660 F:'D ]: N'F N :~ ~,5~'~ I N 't 0815. ~FJ740 ~ E 86:~6. [ .q. 40 ,, Z 1 .[ '25. ]~12 ' 1 ':~ FO:~ZN"Fx :1.502 r'l ]C.B:L j,. 4420 E 8635.46;~r , "7" " Z ~. I ;'[1'1~. Oc;':: ' i P .~ .,. r.. {1. 5c~4 N 10E3~"~8.1~,6'~0, E 5662.071[ 0 .~ Z ']. 12.4.6Z~O0 F:'C~ :[ i',13'- J. [~0~; r,t t ~ ~c~ ~':9.3:~B ', E ? '~:,52:. '9:2~0, Z i :[ :25. '7 t ~,0 1 .=. F 0 Z NT ' ~ 506 N ]. 0850. 327C' ~ E' 5,~,5:];. :L 25(~ ~ Z ] ~ 2 '.~. ~?:~6(. FO [ NT ,15(:',e l',J I. 0E~54. 5500, E 8645. 6790, Z 1 ] 2:5. '.~:5;,'F 2 F:'iD '[ N"F x j. 5c '9 N '~ "'~5 2.050 E ~" ~= ' P[]I N'F ~. u ~ .~ N I ,:>~',:'.~¢. L 980. E 8657. ~;Fj~50 ~ Z !. 1 .: $ ~ ·, 4, 20 i-::'O I ',',IT~I 5 ]. 2 N 10854. 696c,, E B6'94. 7890, Z i 124. 776,:) 20 F:'O t N-~x 15 ] ~ N 1. 0854. 620C~ ~ E 8695 ,, 5440, Z ! 125.56t:0 3 P 01 N ]" J. 514 N i ~ ~e .t, · . ,- 81 . , E ~ 696.7 ~;40 ,~ Z I 'i. 25. ,z~ r 5 22 F'D I NT ~ :L 5 [ 5 N 10~'75. 7270 E ~B6'76 ,, 9780 :, Z I L 25. 9960 '7 POINT 1'516 N I~'g"Z:~.675].:~ E 8702. 3;9 ]. 0 ~ Z 1].2~.:3;~S5C 1 PrZ I N]'. ' 1. 5 [ Z N ]. 09(),,$..~.~:~0 , E [~6'95.34.20 :, Z t 126. ! 95 ' 3 ,:'OINT "':t. 5t8 1',1 10~04.7250~ E 86g'4.73~0~ Z ~:L25.4250 F:'OINT f. 5I'-2 N ].~ 9' ':. 82~,:'~ E EB677. 9630, Z 1126. ]. I l~' 6 F'OINT ~1520 N 10904. I.:'~10., E 8657.26~.0~ Z 1125.5680 POIN'F ~].52i h.I ],0904.219~:~ E ~3~45.45~0~ Z ]. :[26. 4450 2 POINT 1522 i',1 10857. 6500, E 8656.9:2~7,::~ Z 1 ~25. 629O FO :[ N ]:X ]. 52 ~ N ]. '::~8~ 1. 5750, E 8656. 7920 ~ Z 1 L 26.0Z~00 23 POINT x~525 N 10934.~070~ E 8655.7250~ Z 112~.6280 7 F'OJ:N"FX1526 N 10935.1480 ~ E 8652.7340~ Z I126.7140 17 5X5 F'OINT~15~7 N 10956. 4990~ E 8652. 9160~ Z I i2,~. 9480 17 5X5 F'O IP, T ' ~ 528 N 10945. 6590 ,., E 8652. 9830,~ Z 1 2~,. 66:: J. 6 PO [ NT 1529 N 10~956.4 ] 50, E 8645, 2970 ~ Z I :126. 9930 2 POINIx 1530 N 10954,, 1400 ~ E 8656. :3~()~ Z 1 ~.26. 7890 3 PO'[NTN :L531 N 10954. 0610~ E 8657. 009' ~ Z 1126. 1930 20 F'C]:[NT 1532 N 10953. '5~80, E E~676.9c~00, Z i 126.66:!;0 6 F'OINTX153:~I N 1:954.485:~ E 8694.5420~ Z 1125.8(1' 20 F:'OINTX 1534 N ].0954.5070~ E ~695.7SJ. 30~ Z 1i26.7930 POINT 157~;5 N 10954. 5180 ~ E 8702.8:~40~ Z ~26.7440 F'(]INTX 1536 N 10972. J. 810~ E 8695.6670? Z I126.9C6" 12~ FO!NT -:[557 N 10978. ~090~ E 8698. 6530~ Z ~ I27. 1900 16 F:'OINT ~1'5:2;8 N 1~:962,, Z: tO E 8656. ~910~ Z 1126. '7500 24 F'OINT ' ].5~9 N J, O98Z2:.6~00~ E 8655.4770, Z 1J. 27.0520 7 F'O I NT 1540 N 10990. 4790 ~ E 8656. 4360 ~ Z 1127 .. 1920 8 POINTX154:[ N 1i~]04.6320, E 8645. 1970; Z 1127.6130 2 FO:EN"X:I. 54'2 N ~. 100:~. 9580 ,., E 8656. 871,:]~ Z 1 ~ 26.7.370 20 F'OIN'F 1543 N ]. lC :4. 4140, E 8676. 7460, Z 1 ~.27. 2980 6 ':'O:[NTN:L544 N IId"4.,42'~0~ E 8694.,:2;550~ Z J. 126.66~0 20 POINT x1545 N 11004. 4360~ E 8695. ': 75(), Z ~> . 1127.39~.0 3 C [ -. ,:114 -- ':7 0 I:'AGE 859 INLAND I':_'i*lF' l F;F_:: CENTIL'ZF, POINT\iS46 N 11004.4060~ E 8695.~060~ Z 1i27.4060 3 . F'O I N ~% t 547 N 11017 ,, 9670 ~ E 8698., 7460 ~ Z 1127.7740 16 F'O l NT' 15.4E~ N [ i ,::>23. 5590 ~ E 8655. 0220 ~ Z 1127. 5650 25 PO ]7 N'i' %i 549 IH 11026. 0890 ~ E 8653. 8250, Z ~. 127. 5960 28 PO I NT N1550 N t t 0:32. 2760 F'C] I N]' xJ. 55 ~ N I ~ 044.0 .[ 60 ~ E 8696. 6940 ~ Z ~ 127.9'7e~0 J. 6 E::'f] I N'E~ ~ 552 N ~ 1 t)54. 6670 ~ E E36~7. 9430, Z 1128. 2800 I 7 F:'O I 1',IT"1553 N 1 ~. 057. :5'760, E 8698., 2~o ~ 0 ~ Z I 128. 5320 ~ 7 ~::'O [ }'4 J'· J. 55.q ixj 1 ~ 06 :l.. ~E35,~f:)~ E 86~8. I ':790 ~ Z 1128.6~1~0 17 i::'C) ]: N'F~ J. 555 I'i ]. [ ,:)6&, 05',5() ~ E 86'9~3 ,, 40 :L 0 ~ Z 1128. 7530 I. 7 POINT "1556 N F:'O~NT -1557 N lJ, 084,. 5:'50() ~ E {3698. 21,,5,) ~ Z ].129.1'7Cz0 j. 7 PL]]:NT <1.55E~ N :I :l OE~q:'. OE~E30, E 8698. 8020 ,, Z 1129 ,, 5'59,:2> ]. 7 PO:[I',iI' '-i559 POINT '%:[5,E5) N t :.06:::~. 4310, E 8655. 0190~ Z 1127. 9980 7 I: E] [ N ]'x 1561 N t 1054 ,, O.,~tEgO, E 8644.. 9960 ~ Z 1 t 28. 2000 2 PO 'E N 'E'~ 1562 N ! ] 05:5. '~920. E 8656.70.~0 ~ Z 1127. :5210 20 F:'C ]: N'F 15c.~:3 N I ~. 05.4, ,:)440 ~ E 8675.6010, Z 1127. 9270 6 ]':: O I I'd"[" N 1564 N I ~ 054 ,, .40:50 ~ E 8694.29'~0, Z I ! 27. ~;d~60 20 PO:[NI'~'LtS~5 N i 1054..-1:7,30,, E 8694. 942:0, Z 1128. 0080 3 P[] [ NT 1566 N 1 ~ O%:S. 0~70 ~ E 8655. 6240, Z 1 ~. 28.2f~ 10 24 POIN1' 1567 N J. ! 105. 2260, E 8644. 8180, Z 112~. T770 2 "O I 1'$]' '~1568 N I 1 t 03. '966,2~, E 8655. 864,:]. Z 1128.52~0 3 . '01 I',11'x1569 N 1. L t 04., 0080. E 8656. '5450. Z i 12'7.9120 20 POINT t570 N 11104. 4620, E 8676. 4400, Z i ./2[-]. 54~0 6 PO 1: l',lr ~1571 N t i ~ 0~ ,, 4640 ~ E 8693.96~0, Z ~. 127. 7240 20 PI]iN'I''N 1572 N 1110,:1.. 3850~ E 8694.6S40, Z 1128. 6200 3 POINT - ~.57:3 N i J. 107. 5980 ~ E 8697. 2000, Z 1128. 6940 I6 PO [ NT ~ 1574 N i i 122. 7060 ~ E 8700. 9560, Z 1128. 8060 3 PC]Z[NT~1575 N 111.27.EE1980,, E 8713.9620, Z 1128.9930 POINT ~15'76 N 11117.2210~ E 8654.8830, Z 1128.6900 7 F:'O[NT I577 N 11123.0150~ E 8655.9880, Z 1128.7410 8 F'OtN'F '-157B N 1112~:L4100~ E 8652.4420, Z 1128.9220 16 POINT x1579 N 11141. 1070~ E 8681.2770, Z 1128.8810 9 POII'4T x1580 N 1114:];. 1440~ E 9037. 1690. Z 1130. 478c) 9 F'OIIqT 158i N 11154.EK}60~ E 8702.2010~ Z 1128.7400 6 POINT x1582 N I 1154. 5610 E 8694. 0930, Z 1128. 4580 20 F:'OINT, 158:=5 N 11154.7120 E 8676,,10~0~ Z 1129.14.50 6 F'OINT~i. 584 N I i 154. 0190 E 8656. 3520~ Z 1128. 4920 20 F'O:[NT 1585 N 111'5:3. 8390 E 8644.6570~ Z 1129.3~H0:2 F'OINTN1586 N 11159.5010 E 8661.8420~ Z 1128.7940 10 F:'O I NT x 1587 N i 1182. 6370 E 8695. 4080, Z I 129. 4320 3 PBINT X:L588 N 1 i 182. 6210 E 8695. :~510, Z i 129.4110 3 POZN'F X1589 N 11182.6~[0 E 8695. 3520 Z 1129. 4100 13 F'O I N]' ~ 1590 N 1 F'O I Nl' x159 '~. N I i :L 70 ,, 8410 E 8699.781'0, Z 1129 ,, 3690 3 PO:ENT X I592 N 11164. 7790 E 8714. 0190, Z 1129. 5210 3 i:~[]:[txi'r~ i59:3 N I 1:1.66,, 1150 E 8715. 8680, Z i i29. 5500 19 "OIN"F - 15c~4 N 1L:L61.E~:]:2C~.~ E 87t5,,4520, Z 1129.0310 10 I NI._.AND Ef"11:' ]: RE CENTER F'OINT "'15::215 N :[ J 176.3,~-91'' ,, E E~69'.~. 7220.! Z 1129. 7890 I6' I='OtN'['~ 1596 N 1;L'203. ].:1.50,~ E 8696. I:=~q>C~ Z 1I:29.'~750 I6 F'OIN'I" x, 1597 N 1120zl.. 9120, E 86'~4. 236G. Z 1129. 8180 3 F:u:3II~'F x 159S N 1 L205,, ~' ] 9" ~ E ~369 ] . 5550 ~ Z '1. i28. [B56C) 20 F'[) t NT 1 :Z:59'::;: N 1 ! '20::2Z;. 5770. E [3,675. 9100 ~ Z I ~. 29. 6770 6 [::'(] ]: N '[' Nj, ,.~:,::),:)N :} t 12()5 .. l;fB-}:)., E 8,!>5~5 ,. 9 L :750., Z i t :29. ' 7 t ':'~ '2C F:'O '[ N"[' <~ ~'::>2 ]"~ 11,7.,:: 4., 9E~ ~'~ , E S644., 4[~300 Z F% i i"i'i' ~ 603 N 1 ! 20~L:~. ~;8f50 ,~ E ~B652.7 J..:50. Z J. 229.7 t '~:":) 7 i::'d [ i',rrN J, ~504 ]'.j t J, 2 L 7 ,. 22 :i. 0. E G365 ~. 8290 Z ~..I, 29. 'E~ ~. 90 16 F'C, Z NT'N '~ z. ,..,~= ~, ~ E . ~ 2600 ,~ Z 1 F:[DJ:NTN~/:~O.~ ~'.j ), L2::~6. :1.47,::)., E [36'55.5:~:7,:Z)~ Z F'O I N'r ~ 1607 N ~. Z 2:27. :I 500 ~ E a'6:97. 4400, 1[ 1:1. :~,:]. 2~ t 0 16 F'O t NT ' ]. 6 ')~B N t [252.79c)0~ E B6'T7., 7':~2,: , Z 1 N~ j.;.~? N _ , I i~0. ??20 3 P9 :[ NT . ...~ ~ 1254. 7680, E B~a'94.1 '76<"~ Z 1::'[31N'F J. 6 t .:) N 1 j. 254 ,, 9 ~ 40 , E E,~ag:Z: ,. 6C),~.C~ ~ Z ~ ~ 2'~ 6 ' '[ ] '2,::) FO:[NT i6 [ J N 1 ~:256.2.S:~0, E 8a75. :3:']~60, Z 11:i~0. 2420 6 i:'0:[ Nr x 1.6j.'2 N 11254. 7320., E 865t5.90.4C~., Z 1129,, F'[] :[ I',1'~k 161 :~'.; N 1 ]. 253. cP:3:30, E 8644 ,. 25 :[ 0, Z 11 :]:0.50 I. 0 2 f:'lz]z[i,.l'r' N t,.;~14- N 1. :L267. 694,:), E 8654. 2:240. Z 1 ].30..q. 370 '7 F'OIN'r' 16 L5 N 1 !276. 1030 ~ E 8652. ',=;246 Z 113 '~. 782r 16 F'C~INT t616 N ~ 127"~. 72.40, E 8654. 5730. :'O '[ NT ]. 6 I. 7 N I :L :2S4. ~35:1. ,:') ~ E 8654. :];41. 0, Z 1130. ,S,~:~7,:.~ 22 POINT -I61~] N 11279,, 2'7f~0~ E 8655. 2060, Z 1 t3C. 60~0 3 F'O:[I'.,I'I"'- 1619 N 1129I.~400, E 8656,, 3420 ~ Z 1130.76~0 3 1='(3 :[ N]'- i 620 N 11. :301., ,5040, a 8656. 8850 ~ Z I 130 ~ 8'~7',:: 3 F'OII'4T' ~1621 N 11302.88C)0 E 8656. 6080, Z 113c . 8310 13 F'C]IN1'X1622 N i1302.4~70, E B~c~l 4?4., Z 11:5~"~.8560 13 POINT xJ. 623 N 113: 1.72]f'~ E 8694,, 00~0, Z 1130. 9170 3 POINTX 1624 N 11304.7600. E 0694-.35C)C1~ Z 1130.9420 3 F'O:[I'4]'Zx t~25 N 11:304. 9270. E 869:. 7:9: , Z 1130.36~f' 2C F'C)INT i626 N 1 12305.22~0. E 8675. S6J. G, Z 1130. 8570 6 F:'OII'.~a"X ~627 N 113'4.88: ' . E 8657.5390 Z 1t30. 1940 2~" F'O l N'F 162FJ N 11304. 8920, E 8656.9110 ~ Z 1130. 8670 3 F'OII'qT ~ 1629 N 11302. 3180, E 8645.9.440 Z 1131. 0640 2 END F'OINTx 1630 N 11302.2780, E 8645.9030~ Z 113.t.0710 2 F'OII'~'F~1631 N 11299.3330, E 8699.9160~ Z 1131.6S20 16 PO I N'IN 1632 N i 1:309 .. 98:30, E 8696. 0320. Z I 130. 9850 3 F:'OIN~ 1.~33 N 11519. 2680, E 8697. 9780 Z 1131. 0750 3 F'OINTN 1634 N 11306.1:320, E 8696. 62'70. Z 1130.754G 17 POINT 16~5 N J 1313. 7230, E 8698. 9440 Z 1130. 9520 17 POINT x 1636 N 11318.54~B0, E 8699. 4570, Z i 1:30. 9790 17 F'OINT ~1637 N 1 i323.5140, E 8698. 8700 Z 1131. 0120 17 POINT x1638 N 11330. 7'290 IE 8700. 2240, Z 11:3i. 1840 1'7 POINT 1639 . N 11:330. 8340, E 8,e, 98. 6260 Z 11~1. 2490 22 I:'O:[N'TNi~4' N 1t35-4.'5:LC~ E S646.6160. Z 1131.2830 1 F'O:[NT'x1641 N 1t354..62C10, E 8656.83a;C)~ Z 1131.3770 3 F'O I NT '~ I. 642 N 11354. 7040 E 8657 ,, 5200, Z 1. 130. 7020 2,:] :'OINT · 164:]; N 11354. 9690. E 8675. 927C~. Z 11~1. 4800 6 ,., v F:'C]j:N"I' --I ,L,,$4 ILl i t.354. ';;E~O"),I E E~6g];'. :1.620 ~ Z ]. 17:j;0 ~37(2)0 20. PC] [ NT ' 16-~5 N i 1354 ,. '79e)0, E :.{:677. 8050, Z i 13 :L 5760 3 F'OENF ~646 N t1302.39:]:0,, E 870e;.'23C>~ Z 113~ 0610 2 END PC]Ii',l'F "1:b47 N i 135.q.. 5040~ E B707.7'~30, Z 1131 7':~00 2 FO :[ NT , :t 64',i~ N i :L 359.2~5 '~ ,~ E 87700. 5770 ~ Z t 131 ':~44 ' 17 ~C[i',lT ~ I.:':.5i:, N 1 t:'562.44.'bd>~ E: 8655. ':~45dz. Z I :1.:5~ . 4.~:90 7 i:C [ N 1' "J o5 [ N i I. 37,q-~ 6~B'2,0 E ~Jc::,54 .. 7'4~,:,~, Z t I. ~ ~. 5():50 16 F::'[:]l~',Ir':L652 ~' t I~106. [510. E S654,. n':;'-',", Z 1131 9040 1.6 F'('][NT ].,~:',5:2~ i'i i ~.40:3.5[ 10. E ~.~4%5,. 156':~,, Z I i::2.76EC 1 ~ff;Ii'il'" i,!o~=;:.;~ N :[ 14.04.6{B:[0 E Se656. 695~:'. Z ~ 'i:'~2. 016,:~ F:(] I ~'J T x 1, .',5'.:5 I"i I :[ =*':)4,6;~4'], E : z ~=-" ~r I ?"' Z L :L 3 ], 3':7:9'::) .... . ..... ~ .~ / .........~ F:O l N'~' ~: '=; ", ~'J :I ] 404. ':F~300, E 8367[5. "'~o"::,- "~ t :1. ::~2 · G'~ ' C ?OEN';' x },~[.:,:5 N t L40[;;. 0',B130,, E e,~:~'97,. _ ~ Z :L [::~52.2[550 3 PEg [~iT 'N L65~: r.i I i q. 04,, 6] ~P'), E Ce7'07.7~3'~:,j { Z 2 ].32., 5c~[30 PE~iN'r' J,'~60 N L14i4.01';:'0., E 8697.,50"~'~, Z 1].:32. 3'770 3 F" [ r, iT ~..~.:, i N ] 1427.7.:','::~c ,, E ',:~ '~03.24c~,:::,, Z I 132. 6340 FG ~ ;IT ' ' "' i',l :L ~ 433.6 'L 10 ~ E 87 ~ 6. , ,~,.::~.;. . Z J. 132.95~0 F:'O 3: rJ':'! ,L,,~,; N J. 1. :~ t 3.64 i )., E ~L,:~56. &,.:~e.,:':,, z ~ J 3:2.06~,:> 3 POINT i S,SJ~ N ~ ~,';27.2'.~ ':,'>, E ;S65 t. 09J0~ Z ~ ~:32.07:~0 :3 I: 0 :[ ~',I'Ti ,'S6:5 ~'.1 [ 1433.33.~0, E ~ ~::.:Z~:~. 9 J. 8~:~ ~Z ~ 1 :~ J, . ~1~',5,,:) '::G ]: ~.,i'T N ~ ,~6.ra N ~ 1432. ~ ~ ~::h' . E 86::;5 ,, 5':90L,, Z ~ J. :2: ~ . 9600 """""~ ' ~667 t:1.436 FOiNT i,{~68 N 114:~;8.5',540, E E:656. I980~ Z 1i.:~t.7~:40 10 F:'O [ i'q'F x [ c~c, 9 N ~ 1414 ,, 7990., E (~),~: ,, 4:22C~ :, Z i 'L 31.6:'5:70 i F'O I l',-f";" [ O :7<~ N t J. 447.74 [ 0, E ~E;679. 953,}, Z I 132.5::~40 F'O ]: N'F L 67 L ~'...i i 1454. 7060, E G704., :2330, Z t 1 :Z;2. 6490 6 FOIN'F 1,fY72 N I i454. c~l::,'' E 8696. ~j~a~.:~:>~ -z 1 i32.2~$60 20 F:'QINi' i673 Iq i 1456. 4260 ~, E ~B675. 0330, Z ]. 132. 6830 6 POIN'I' i~74 N :11454. '7460, E 8657. 1580~ Z :[ I:~:l.. 9130 20 I::'0 ! i"~'T I675 I'j 11454. 6660 .~ E ~S647. 7890, Z 1132.1490 6 F'OINT "~ =,"~- 11470. o?=' ........... Z · ....... ~'} E EJ6.2,,2,. ,~2 /~_~ ~ 1 i :32. 3460 3 F'OJ:I',Ji' '~ :I,~.77 N 114'74.9640~ E tB649.4170.., Z 1t32.65i0 3 PO[NT , :L,67~] N 114E~9. 5100, E 8656. :};620~ Z 11:];3. 1380 I':'C] [ NT]. 679 N ~ 1489. E~3:];O ,., E S697. 2900, Z 11 i:3.3O6O E::'O[}',I~'' 1.6E~0 N 11477. 1410~ E 8702.2370~ Z 1133.3550 3 PO]:NT ' i6BJ. Iq 11~70.52907 E 8716.760,::~ Z ].1:~;3. 5430 3 F'O:[I'qT ~:[682 N 11490. ti20~ E 8699.4920~ Z 11;3.2180 17 BEG F:'OIIfF~J. 6a:]; N 11506. 1210~ E 8707.2'700:, Z lJ. 33.6840 2 POINT 16E~,4 N 11505. 0250~ E 8697.25,60~ Z J. 13:~. 4820 ~ PO I N7 t 6~',5 N i 1505. 0860 ~ E 8696 ,, 6010 ~ Z 1132. 8220 20 POINT 1686 N 11504. 7940 ~ E 8675.4,560 ~ Z 113:3. 2650 6 F'O I N'[ 16~]7 N i 1504. 7000~ E 8657. 0660, Z 11:32.56'50 20 PO I NT xl 6E~E] N 115 '>4. 6540 ~ E 8656. 4540 ~ Z i 13~. 2760 3 POJ:NTN1689 N 11502~9290~ E 8653. 9320 :, Z 1133. 1040 16 F'[] 12 i',l"i" 1690 i'4 11506. B9;~0 ~ E 8649. 8240 ~ Z 11 ~:~. 2180 1 F'OiNT x21.6'9'i. N 115:~.g,.532.0~ E 865~.07~.0 Z 1133.:3230 16 :'OtNT~ :[692 N ~ I5.,:i.:1. 4710 E 8654. '7460~ Z 11:]~:3.39S0 7 01"'Oq'-'c?: F:AGE [NLAND EPlF' I RE CfENTER P[i]:NF '- .~ N i 1'5.42. EY~{x'i. E E~654.7:':~30, Z 113:5..Z";gBO 7 F:'C] '[ [',4'1'J. 69 :~ N I ~ '= "~ 5'7:~{'., E 86':~E3.7:.';20 Z 11:33.7Z:S0 7 PO Z NT"' :1. 6 ~ 5 I',I [ !. 56 :i. · ':?'2'l">i' ~EE 8700.76:Z';0. Z J. ! :34. i'lf:32,Z 17 END F:'D :I: NT \ 1. ,".'/:~,S N I I '"_'55!:~ ,, 3 J ,]0 ~EE ~ 7( 7 ,. J. 020, Z i. t :':t~. :231C:, 2 F:(] '[ N"[ "' :[ ,5'~7' Ij l ] :~]'.:54.86,!i:0. E:: 8697. ">7c~ :: ~ Z J.i. :Lt4.1::,550 ~::'(2] I P'.;'F'\ I .:~!:~8 N :L [ 5:5q. ,, '::;35C,, E S696 ,, 4220, Z :L 1. 3F_:. 4,.) 1 ,) 20 F'O ]: l',l'l'1 ,Y; '-;' r,i i 15 ::;4.. ]. :]!: ! ,:).,F' S,%75.9 I, :30, 2_ 1 t :Z};3. :~] [ :20 6 FO :[ NT -- 17eli- r,i [ ]. 552 ., i/_.::_':e:l,'Zl,E Ei'.6156.7,5:2.',0 ~ Z I t 33. (l&. i ,) ~ 7,'. ~ i.,i i ]. 5;54.66~i' ~ E 7~65_/-.1.1. 020 v 2: ]. ~ ":u'; ::'C, cq; F'DIN]' -, , , .......... F'E) i N'E 17(i2 I'j - 1 J. U?:~4., 617,21, :E ':~ ,: ~ '-. I ~i]2':,:::iZ i I ::;3. ,_::,~B3Ci3 i::,,-. r ,, ·"' i T:: :]: i`1 , ~. 12/::1,_,.:,..L, 4~:li) ~.: [ i :];::5 ,, 16 ~,,", r ,, i -~"-. 71:'1 .¢ P,I ;;" ' ' " Z ~ '::.C' r' ,. ,. ~.] i . . , J, J. [:5,'_":19..b!5,::,(, ,E'_' ~9~:1""; 9 ....~'. ,, ~. 11 :~!;¢ · t .::. F'O [N'[' \! 705 N 1. I'.5;8.32:t51:i , E e654..4:'iii20~ Z I J 54. i:,f::;::O F'G :[ NT '\ 17,::1,5 i"-' I. L ,~':::' :f.., 7~65/).,c' ':~ ~:,54 ,, '7:~'~1:)., " ,- .~, ,_ i J. 34.2!950 13 F: 0 [ ~'J 7 ' ' =' "'' "~ E ........ ' ~ , , i, t L 604. .... '}, '-;,~!5,=. 6'q':i '! ~ ] :i';:2:.So ,:i_) .:.,= ,', 1 [ 7jZ': F'Q :[ HT "" ! ''/t c J"l 11, t 6")4., U:"!:) ::':) ,,~E ',.'"-' 6q>6 ,, 9:1: J. ") ~ ...... J . Z t i ~4..SS.'fjO F:'[] I N]' - !. '7 [ t N J. 161)2. :%5 L ,) .~ E L-37(>6 · i.:5. SiE:~() ~Z I 1 C:-4. E!()7,:I F:'C~IP, IT _J. 71:7_ l',i I t.f~iZIZ;. :]~P~2:,:i [.-] 3.3697.7;."58(>, 7 1134., 65.]:0 7 F'O I NT ' I 713 t',l :L L .-'_-,4'..:;:j. ,b2]50.E 8o98.6 '/5i"i ~ Z J. 135 .. 0:1T20 j. 6 I:'OINY ""[;"]. q. N :L J,b:V2,, 5:23Q., E 8652.1. 4d:,i:i ,. Z I ].'::4. ?f:';Tt~ 1'3 2011',F]" \i 7 L 5 N I 1 ,:1.]:5 ,. ,!b7c;'O. E 8655.1790, Z i I ]:4.7'7:50 7 F:'OIi',II'" t -'z~ :. N 1 ].lb'5.,:l-. 8070 i EE ':~"'='f-'; 8240 J, t34,. 9950 .::: c:::'O I NT' "' i 7' :L 7 r,i 1165,':I.. 7020, E 865.5. 5000, Z 1 l :];4. ~;250 I:[] :[ i',IT. 17 [9 N I [ i"_~.~;.=_''. . 7600, E 3675.5':~ 10 Z 1. I, 34. '9':;'Si' 6 "'. 7 '20 .... F:'O ]: NT ] _ N 1 :L 6:'54. 83'20 E 8696 :1. 320 ~ Z I 13`3, 6140 20 PO]:NT \1721 N t16',5/4.13()70 E 8696,.8(100,~ Z ii.55,.2740 3 F'OINT ~i7;'22 N 116'55. 175C E 8706. 780()~ Z 1 l~T, 5.51.40 2 F'[] l NT \ t '72:~ N I i 6'76.661 ,:21 E 869f~, ,. 8840 ~ Z i 135 · 4,~80 16 F'OINT''~ I724 N 1 I663. 5080 E 8655. 4450, Z 1135. 0190 16 F:'O]ZNT 1725 N J. 16iY7.8450 E c'3,654.7590~ Z 1135.3190 7 F'OII',IT '.,'~1726 N 1 I695. Lf:330 E 8654.0:1.40~ 'Z 1 :L35. 5220 16 F:'[SYi'I'F -I727 N :t 1704. '757Z,::1 E ~3655. 7750,., Z I I~':,5./_-910 F'FJINT\ 172EJ N 11704.6.3,'-,:30,~ E 8.:~56.41Y:.:O Z 1134.9'7~:0 F'[]]:NT -:t '729 N ~ 1704.42:L0~ E ,'E_-~"_.174. 7940 'Z I :L:];5.. 7I 40 & PO :[ 1'.,1'7 -1750 I',I :1. :[ 704. S360 ,~ E 8695. ~940 Z 11 :];5.2110 20 F'O]ZI'TY N-1731 N 117,::>4.4550.~ E 9706.6040 Z I1:56.. 0180 2 I::'0]:N]>'~17.32 I'.1 1J. 7:I.'5.2:]::'$,0., E _P..699.12;00 Z 117.~:6.0:t,':30 16 F'O :[ 1'4T\ 17:33 N 1. 1740 ,. 'T7{210 ~ E ~:3654 ,. ::];230 Z J. 1 :];6..~ ,370 J. F:'OINT q.'734 I'd :i.I'7['.54.65:[0~ E 3656. 1910 Z ll:lr, 5.6lO0 20 F'O :[ NT 1735 N 11754 ,. 61 ¢0 ~ E E]67zI.. 0390. Z J. 1 :]:6. 4060 6 F'Q I NT '--17.7::'1 i',j 11754. L:3360 .! E 8695.80::X) ~ Z i I .];5 · 80~,0 20 F:'t'] [ N'F "'I 737 }'`1 t J. 75.'-'~ ,, 6.'-'~2".'() iE 8706.49 ]. i:) ~ Z i I .':T, 6.6 da'7(:)2 F:'O:ff,W,NfTZ, s i',1 i 1770.4:.:'20~ E 8697. 789i:i~ Z J.l.:l;~ 6030 7 --< . i::'(:] 1 P,IY :l :;;3':~ N I, :[ '759., 52C.::i :, E 8652r,. 7990, Z I 136. 2240 16 F'O I NT "'1740 N 1 i '79 :i,. 93.30, E R654.0E)90 ~ Z I 1:2;6 · j- J 7( 16 '::'i]t N'l' \ 174 t I',i :L t :79~. 7'9,~/:i , IE: 86~j~]. 642t'.) ~ Z 3. ]. 2.r. 6. 864C) 2'.'~ ,:'(ZilN]' .1742 N I J. 797.4,_'t:';i) E E~j65[:.5. t!,l~.']i:) Z 1 :[56. R:t";';;"::) ]: NL.F~ND EMP :[ i;:E[ CEI"i F'GiNT "' 1743 i'J 1 ];Z>:i4-. 5::::0/'1 F S655.5.'_,¢30 1 l:;~. """""' :3 ' F'C]Ii',IT"' J. 7.q. 4 N i].t3,::!4.['SLT,:~ F_": E]655.c75OO,, 11.::~;,':~,, 1_540 PE}INT :17'45 N i [;~04.. t,SjO E EL/~i;'4. 0550, i [5,~:~ Gc,<LO &, PE)]:,N'f' 17=~_L P,I [ J.;:BOi~. [5-~O,) Fj 8,573. '7!:~q.!" ,. i i':;&. ':~4[5,.:; FDiNT \[~:'47 N I [:'304,. 850C, E '"' ~""' 577'0 J I.:2;6.4-jO0 2,:i PC]INT "i 74~B i'.j I :2': G ~FL!.,: E ~:]&~':L~,. 273;c>2i ,, j. I 37. <;,%ei], :7_, F:'O:[N'~' "x.:174:;I N 1 LCE;O~:L, 2'1.5i:, E ?;"'O8. J. I:Z;i'~ t ~'7,;. ::!i;'2',.O ,c:'i:3 i r,if'~ i. 750 N ] ;,B:2':c;. 7,:.~0 E B6'~7. 5070 :, X t L'7 . ~;<:~SO ';' J Z I 17'52 [',1 i L ,~ J, 2 ,, 5~5:];O, E 'j. ~:~:6~ S':k~O 7 F'O Z P. iT ~ ~ ~,,::',r N I.j. ;~::'5:::]:., :~.','.;2" ,,E E;,652. ()'.B,:>), I L 37' ,. ~ :;::'Z<~ PO]Z>ITN 175.,z N t ~(3:5.:~., .>.:).:,;~. E (E'.,!~55.. i:3cPCTM, : t I;217,, 4,S~;~::, F'(:]E'ZI'.4T NJ. 7:55 N J j. 5~:G,. 5'2'7C' ,, E ,_, ..........~., . ~ ,: L:'lj]II'.j r].756 i',~ J. LZEES.~. :;;',~:70, E ~6'73. 5820. Z ]. 2.~;'. 57:0 P~:] J: I'1'['xi 757 fil I I ;:~[:::.:~., 3750 ,, E 8~oq~Z;. 42~;C,. Z I j '~o. ':9'9.:>::, F:'i:3 }: ~j'C~ J ::rfSC~ i,i t J..~]:=.;.q.., ::z,::;.-7,:~ ,5 C~Y'06. G.;;2C,. Z J :/. :37. ?:3(30 2 F'f3[',',J"['~t?5;'~> N iJ.;~Ld':.cE:.:F~Cd"t:O~ [E S,?:~5. S:1.,6C>~ 7 ~ L:Z;7.E, 4LO ::'13 [ ' ['~- ' " ... h ~ 7,S0 i'J I. ]S,S~E~.. [5::: 7,:,, EE 8~'~>~;5,, 24.70 ,, Z J Z ::7, .5,..:,~.,,:, F O: N7 ~ 1 '7a> ~ N [ i :ES:E3 ~. ;L:; f, ,.:..E: 8.654.25.4.,:> ~ Z ~ ~ :::;7' ,, 77.~,::, i r:'o ]: N T' X, 7'.:~;2 r.l :l. L .:{::3&.. ,::~552,:).,E 8,>5~j;. i,':}&.O, Z ] j. 37. '~ i ':i ,:> j. F'O I Iq"F ~ ~ :76Z7 N ~ :} S'::21". :23.;::,0, E 8.54'?. 24~:PC., 'Z ~ i :35. c~270 F'O [ i'jT~ J. ;;:6..:~ i'.l J; .~'?;;. '5-4. [ .), E 'E9655.2:5 ;>::,. Z t ~ :37. %:)E,::} .:~:.: :G Z NT ~J. 7S5 r4 ' '" ' ~ ...... " E 6705. ':~' :1. ;~:,, Z t ' ?c', ..... F'D ~ P, iT I '7.i, 7 N I I. ?O~i;. c?O~O ~ E 8S73 ,, 6570, Z 1 l .:;r:~. :[ [ J ~' FQiNT X176c; 71 } 1'~,:'~4., 4S60, E ~5~"'54.9/'-:Z , Z J i~13. 0690 F:'C)]:PiT'x./LTT0 N I L':; t.:>. ,:':~PTO ,, E ~65C:. 7308':::', Z 1 J. 75C:3. :3G7~'~ 7 PO I NT ~ :}. 77 :l ;',J '11 '::;' J. 7. ':?,{~:%) E E~65C,. ~P:.~c>O ~ Z 1 :[ :3rB ~ 56c, C, i PCI I N' 1773; N I i '~'tSz',.. :37S0., E 8705. ~550 ~ Z 11:3c>. 0600 2 F'C]EP.i'> i774. r'i 11'7~5,-[., E]4q.O ,., E 8695. '7,:)C.)~ Z t 1:57. 8470 PO I i'q~ 1775 N ~ I '9'.54 .. ?:3;0,::;., E a695. O45O, Z 11 ~;~]. ;I. %6O 2O F'O :[ r,.H' 177.5 N 1 i <~ 4 [ S~Sq,:~, IE ~67z];., 2~80, '~ J. 1:38 ,, 6Z~40 6 P I FE F'O I NT ~ 1777 N 1 [ '9['SzL 5:350 ~ E: 8.655. 2550 ~ Z 11 ~77. 9290 20 F'(DINT~ 1778 N 1:['754 5~5Q' E B~54 6750 Z II:]8.~200 F'O i I',IT~ 1779 N 1 J. '9~:~2:'2. 2470. E 8~a54. 0040 ~ Z 113:'B. 7?70 1 F'OII',,IT x1780 I'~ ]. i<96.~;,, 0740 ~Z B,64-1. 647'0~ Z i :L:~'?. I 1E:O 2 BEG F'OIt'~'F t781 N 1ic~&2.813;0. E: E:676.5480, Z I15~L7050 F'OIN'I'~ 1782 N i I?6~L 52~90 E 8695.6~340~ Z ]. J.Z~;~3. 9740 30 POIN]N 1785 N 1 ~'972.4'~E30, E B695. 7070~ Z 11Z4c.~. 0200 30 F:'C] I r,l]~ J. 784 N 1. J. ~P71.. ~';'50 E 8'705.6750 ~ Z 1159. 2500 50 F:'Oi t',1~N 1785 P,.l 12005. 087:0. E 8705. 529C' ~ 'Z I I :39. ,6740 :'~. F'O ]: NT'Xi 786 N ]. 200,:~ .. fe Z;7,'~ E 8694.. 92?0, Z ~. t :7:;a. 7510 2O F'O:[I',UI" 1787 N 12OOze. :27;:30, E E]6'7~;. 5070~ Z I J.:3':?. 2].40 6 F:'[] l NT ~ 1788 N 120,:)4.44.>:1~ E 8~ 55 ,, 2'~ '~('~ ~ Z 1 ~. :38. ,6,~50 20 f:'O:[NT~ 1789 N 1:2004.. 47'50 E E~654 ,6250 ~ i t:3:7.2'950 Pi31N]' ~1. 7~'0 N }, '2'~'~'~,.I. ,, C~ 790 ,~ E ~364 t 5<?S>:), Z :1. t :3c~ 640C~ 2 :'0 1NT ~ 179:1. N 1200%'. '~'Z~-~..:~ ~ E 8650. 7000 ~ Z 1 ]. :'~;~9. 5530 1 .i, 0 [ '-04-90 PAGE 864 ZNI..AND EMF'II;:E CENTER F'OIN'P"-1792 N 12039.5:2;00, E 8650.6360~ Z 1139.9870 16. F:'f]Ii',.t'l"" 179:3 N 12054. q.:2;50.! F: i3641..~.400~ Z t140.2470 2 F'O:f;'q?-- J. 794 N 12054. 5510. E 8654.3,jS9C>~ Z 1 :[39. 9430 F:'[] I NT'~' 179!5 i',l 120,t';4 ,. ,!2$ '1 ,. E 86.55.104 ' , Z I 1:3':{' · 2.7;00 20 F'G I 1'4T 1796 N ~ 2054 ,, 7490, E S672.9410 ~ Z I 1. ~;9.9:Y20 6 F'{] I N]' "' 179'7 i'q 12054 ,, 95'50 ,~ E ;3694 ,, '7250 Z i '~"; ' '=' ..... , ...... 4,.~...,l. 20 F:'D I f,,f]N 179? N 12i2)Z54.9i")6 ' , E Ei,'B"'P5 · :~Y'?:2:2:) Z I t 4(). (' E,;,6 ' · . , F'C~tN'P'--[7'99 N ].2',:!5¢.,41,2.::1, E 8705.38].07 Z J. 140,,2900 2 F'O :[ NT 1800 N 12i':~(3 'L. 3()60 ~ E E, 6'~5. 295C1 ~ Z :[ t 40. ::3370 PO ]: NT :L 80 'L N ]. 2097 ,. 32:Y0., E 8695. S".8~;0. Z :L 14[0. 6260.50 PO [ NT 1802 N ~ 21 ,?2.. 3110 ~ E S705. l'~86: ~ Z ~ 141.1270 70 F'I:3 :[ i',j'F~'''', t E30::; r't I 2i)67. 3240, F_ ,',"3,S53. 379':}, Z I i 39. '~ 57' '1 I :'1; F'_]INT xi804 ;'j 12068.7q'5i)~ E 8654.:73950, Z I140,, [0d)0 PO :[ NI"" .L ~i1:,',5 Pf 120:L'~2.64'7C) ~ E' S648. SC)60 ~ Z i I X;':~. 84Z0 EL.', i'R'f'~PIF F'D I N'r'- [ 806 N 12i)P3f,:]. 32 :L 0 ~ E 86:34 ,, 6950. Z I 140. 4420:3 P,',2, INI' I807 N 12"25%'.~,,9':~f~,:)~ I:Z P, 1'~3.15'~i2i~ Z I13~:,.6720 9 F'OINT 18f.,(:3 N 12:[ 00. 5290 ~ E 8:];2:7.8;:','2',l:!~ Z i t:];7.45:~0 73 L ,"?E'INF-___i~Oqi N L2102.7¢50,! E 36T7.,7250. Z J. 11.0.6180 F'OZr,fF 1,_-2,1c)' I',i 12t,::)5.4760~ E 8705.1',5:1.0~ Z 1140.925cl 2 F:u:]~NT li3II r.j 12104,, 9730 ~ E -G695.2720.., Z 1140.,'7190:5 F'O t iqT 1812 N J. 2 i 04.89:3i:i ,~ E S694.5310, Z 1140. EI4:i.:Ci 20 F'O:[NT 1.813 N 12:[04. 8260, E 8654.. 0400. Z 1139.95Ci0 :'t] I NT 1 E3 J. 4 N :L '2105.1040: E E~641 . 7970 ,! Z J. ]. 40. :'L";740 6 F'OIN]"'-1815 N 1212,'). :3720 ~ E 86:_':2. 9770 ~ ~ :L14,0. ~4:]:0 10 F'O1:NT~'lE}16 hi 121:1. 9. 6820 ~ E 864 7. 01'70 ~ Z 1140 ., 3 :L 70 10 I:Q[Nr "-t817 N :1.2118.39,:]0~ E {3659.1:_'.,80~ Z I I40.31.'_:0 10 ' ; i~ 817~ {',1 :12i25,. 7_110, E 8635. 1060 Z 1J. 41 . IS '~;4" 3 F'OIN'fL~' 1820 N 121:30. 693C; E 8648. :3170 Z t 140. 4810:3 R'AMF' F'DIIx.lr"~182i N 12144. 7920 ~ E 86,54.0960 Z 1.141. 1390 POtI',tT"1822 N 12155.32,.~0~ E 8641.0410. Z 1141.6620 2 F:'OINT '-182.]; N 12154. 7210 ~ E 8654.c]290 Z 1141.:3060 3 PO I NT -x .[ 824 N 12154. 6700 E 8654. 7220. Z 1140. 5970 20 F'OINT I825 N 12153. 6561:, E 8672. 3340. Z 114i. 1590 6 POINT '-1826 N 12154. 8810 E 8694. 3330, Z i 140.6E340 20 F'OINT~ ].827 N 12154.8210 E ,.'~694.9'790~ Z 1141.3540 3 PF-)INT'x1828 N 12154. 9720. E 8704. 9160, Z 1141. 5860 2 F:'f]INr'~-1(329 N 12194.9760 E 8650,, 8840 , Z 1142,,2L50 16 POINT x.I. 8:30 N 12204. 6960. E 8640. 8410, Z 1 :L42..3050 2 F>OINT --18.'_'~i N 12204.. 6P,0().I E 8653.84:30~ Z 1 i41. 9610 20 POINT' '-:1.852 N 12204. 6310, E 8653. 8530~ Z 1141. 9600 3 PO]:NT' '-I833 N J. 2204.6710~ E 8654. 4880., Z 1141.2710 20 F'O :[ NT 1834 N 12204 ,, 3670 ~ E 8672. 8590, Z 1141. 8560 6 I::'OINT ~18..":,5 N 12204. 7990 ~ E 8694. :[ I60, Z 114I. 341.',0 20 P[]INT\1836 N 12205. 4980 ~ E 8704.7020~ Z 1142.2580 2 POINt'-- 185'7 N ].2220..i'147() ~ E 8649.8:390 ~ Z 1142.4'770 16 F'f] I ix]]- '--i E~38 N 12254. 7370 ~ E 8640. 6830 ~ Z 1143. 0040 2 F'OiI'dT ~ 1859 N 12254. 6550~ E 8653. 6320, Z i 142. 6290 3 "::'O :i: NT'x 1840 N 12254. 623C;, E 8654. :301111~ Z 1141.96t0 20 ..,,, O 1--Ci4 "'90 PAGE [ NI_AND L':';I"!F:' I F;: E F:'OiN"I' t841. N 1:2255. C-~c74: , E 8672.5:Z:2]:0~ Z 1142. 551 ' 6 F'C] .[ Nl""xI ~£L:f-2 N I. 22',5.q.. 8290 ,, E 8693.8.U, 70 ~ Z I 14 t. 966,22 2,::,' FfDIN'T"'iS'4:S.; N 12'254.7760: E 869.4. 5180 ~, Z 1142. 6.:7,50 7_< PC ~j NI'x, 1 ~344. N [ 2254. q-6 E,~O ~ E (3'7C}4- · 5':,~50. Z 1 J. 42 · 90: .: 2 F'C [ N'F'x I P,.q-i:5 N 122,%6. 7580 F:'C:i :,r. NT"' 184.5 N L 2270., 6.Z160 ,. F O :[ N"F ' I S47 N i. 2296. 754':,, E S64':;'..,q:259C ~ Z t 14:'_":. 30:~. ' 17 F'!] [ N r'- L 8l,.~; N i ;'-:'Z;,::>2. ~ 2'71 ,:1 ?E-: 864.5;. z:~ :1. t i:>. Z I 14..'_,:. Sd~ t ' .t 7 F'C:~ E NT "- 184'7 N i 2.30:Z .. i' 7'7~5 · ? E 8,552.2:];2C; ,! I 14::~:. :[ 760 7 PC [ t' ' ""-- t :~5 :: 1',4 .:'::;:c :~, 735 ' .~ E E,:i4.0 50cZl ' . Z I L :l-~;. 7't :30 2 f:'l:Z]:.;',iT - J. B:~! N J. 72:~:04.5'-';'2(i., E 865:~S. 4610, Z i 14:% 40c? "1 3 ',:r] [rFF \ 1'j:352 l',.i ~ 2"j;04 %'~,', .... '~ '-' . Z i 1 .:';-'Z. ,~-~95020 Ft3 i ['JT I CB5-::]: i',i t 2:50 ':!. 1 'Sc:ii>, E:.: 8.6, 72.24 :[ () ~ Z 1143.1 ':7'2~0 6 F'C:; :E i'j 'F "- 185~. N i 2~':1' 5.617,) ~ E 86':P~; ,, ..84:21i) ,, Z 1 t 42. 674-i) 2.0 F:'Q2NT '-- Ii:?.55 N 12:}::)5. F:'Ej. 12 N'T"' I :556 I',1 J 2::5,:2/5. E 7:5:2:2 , E {TjZ:'f.:l.q.. 2~:86C , Z 11.4::T,., ,56'70 2 /::;Z) Z [',il''\ 1EB.L'f;'7 ]"4 J. 7: ' i-~, 254i). E &550. C)08C),, Z F'C~ :[ j,jq' '-- 1 ~3158 N 1. 2:Z; t 6., 78.40., E i3649 · S :1. 90 ~ Z ]. 14:S. 7600 17 F:E]EN'['-. t',~ii~";9 N :L27X22. STTO~ E ,S~49.::3II0, Z 114:3.855" 17 F::' Ei[ i'l 'F -- ~ E~ 8 i'l N 123 ? 7.9 d & ,' . ' ~ .... , E 8851 ,, 80'7C~. Z i I-¢:3. 6880 24 F'Q:ENT'--'I.;:361 N J. 2:L:46 86:. :' F'O l i'~T "18d~ 2 l'.J 12:2:5 J . 708: , E ,8652 ,, 0800 ~ Z I 14.:3. 8520 '7 Pr]INT 1863 N 1:,::];57.5C'.;..:'0~ ,::'OiI"ITk- 18<'.-~.:~ N :L:.'_'~..',Sl:. 8:S.~b0 E 8640.22q. 1' .; Z J. 144.25.L0 2 F'OINT~"1865 N 12::~;54-5760~ E 8653. 1880, '~ t144.0::7'C~ 3 POINT "'i~j66 I',.t 1:2354. 5150 ~ E 3653, 875), Z i147E,.35~3:: 20 F'OINT 1867 N 12:854. 7670, E S6'72.41Zf) Z F'O:[NT '~:1. G68 N 1:2:25',5.'-'1-. P81N"F'' t8L,~ N 12.7f, 54.802(: ~ E 8694. :[3E30~ Z 1144.C2J :1 3 I:'OIN"F"' 21. L-570 N 12.3~:~.q.. 64C "~ E 8704.1",=,TZc ~ Z i '14.4. :2590 2 POIN] .... 187i N 12:86:1.:. 5:ITrj>~ E 87o0. S10o, Z 1144. 0940 32 F:'OZNF "'1872 N 12..T'.69..37C: ~ E 86'79.?16,::1f Z 1144.20:S' 32 POINT 'I87Z; N 12369. 2290 ~ E S694 ~0.3'. Z 1144.1280 32 F'8[NT''~' J.~3'7.'~ N 12:56:S. ~;8:;0 ~ E 8695.09(: Z 114.'4. 0240 S2 F'OINT'-- I875 N 12404 8990~ E ~'~'-. " 8 l i Z 1144 · 9:Z, 7C 2 POZNT--- 1876 N 12.4.04. 8290, E 8693.9110 Z I .t.44. 7190 3 F'[]INT~' 19'7'7 N 12404. 829: , E 269:3. 2810 Z F'OINT 18~;8 N 12.404.,892c ~ 1144.076cl 20 N .- E 8672. 4700 Z 1144. 6040 6 F'QIN]: I879 N 124"4 ~85'1 E 865:3. 6050. Z 1143.968C~ 20 POt:NT \ 1880 N 12404. C :2] , E 8640.0I::~.0. Z 1145. 0140 2 POINT 188:1. N 12420.5550, E 865:]".. 0790 'Z 114.4.8980 8 POINT"1882 N 12419.1760 ~ F'OINT\188:: N 12424. 8160, E 8651. 8530 Z 1 i44. 8270 7 F'C]IN'F "- i,'384 N 12431. 5650,~ E 864.9. 2:58 :1 Z 1145. 4870 16 F'O.[NT --- 1885 N 12444. ~;550, E 8651. 6670 Z 1144. 9020 24 F'OINT"- i,'386 N ~ 244'5., 878cI, E 8649.69Zr. 0 Z 1 i'$5. 2840 28 POINT"- 1887 hi 12452.2Ct:'j;C ~ E 8652. 9820. Z 1145.3~%];0 23 PClINT '- 1888 N 124'55. 1800~ E 86S9.8C8 ' . Z 1145.7;590 2 ':'OiNT "'[88q' N 1245q.. 4770, E 865:S. :2!;9.40 Z 1144. 705: 20 INL_~:~ND EMF'IRE CENTER F'O I N'r 1890 N 12453. 9040, E 8671. 0630 ~ Z 1145. 245i:> 6 FOIN'l"--1891 N 12454.792.0.! E 8693,.0~70~ Z 1144.7480 20' PO I NT-~ 1892 N 12454. 7740 ~ E 8693. 7230 ~ Z 1145.4 '; ' :3 F'OIN"r~1~3~%3 N I2454.5910, E E~703..66:30, Z :LL45.6130 2 PO :[ NT 1. E~94 N 12.465. '7170, E 8634.1060, Z 1 [ 46. 0570 8 F'C] I N~1895 N 't 2.q. 74.7(: L 0. E 8651 . 30 L 0 ~ Z I 145, 7440 13 PO I i'.J"r~ 1 [~9,s N 12484. 2780. E 865 ~. 6920 ~ Z 1 ~ 4~5. 7980 7 PO I NT 1 c39:7 N ~. 249.q.. 4240., E 8650.1T70. Z 1146 .. 2650 22 POINT 1898 I',1 1250:}. 8040~ E 8649. 8700~ Z 1:1.46. 6570 22 P('IN'F ~1899 N 12499.57~30, E 8652.5210~ Z LL46.4120:30 PO I I'qT-- :[ ~00 N 12509. 6470 ~ E 8652.4710 ~ Z 1146.6560 30 FO :[ Nh :[ ':?,::~ ~. N ~ ~.=.-~,.~ .7c~.~,~ . c 8642.. 7900 ~ Z :L 147. '2760 :3.3 FOINT ~':70:2 N t2505.00C('~ E 86-39.510C~ Z 1}.46.S240 2 POINT ~1903 N 1:2.504.4540,~ E 8652.5510~ Z .L146,. 598C> :3 POINT '~ 1904 N 12504. 4710~ E 8653. C~910~ Z 1145. 7720:20 F'OIN"F 1'9,:1>5 N 12'504.72].0~ E 8671. 4270~ 'Z L 146. 0530 6 F'OIN'I~ 190~:o N 12504.62:3C>~ E 8692.814' ~ Z i145,,465C~ 20 PIZ3II'.ET' 1'~07 N 11~',504.7'~4c~',, E 870Z3.5~80, Z 11~6.277Z~ FO I NT~i 908 FI ~ 25 :[ 5.5170, E S697.7910 Z i i 46.7~:80 24 F:'O I NT 1. ':~(" 9 i',J i 25 ~ :3. ~ 680 ~ E 3676. i ~].q.O, Z ~ ~ 46. 0950 F'011'4~i910 N 12522.9430~ E 8693.4440 Z t146.4240 30 POIN'~ :[9i 1 N J. 2529. 9300. E 8693. 489C~ Z 1146. 5290 30 FOINTx]9:[2 N 1253':?. 15~0. E 8700,8690 Z 1146.'.33L0 POII',FT~ 1913 N L2529.7:3~0. E 865t. 0640, 'Z 1 [46. ':~.,$E~C~ 7 F'OINT"L914 N 12553. 5860. E 8639.2690. Z ~147.5940 2 POINT 1915 N 12554.35~0, E 8652. 2620, Z 1147. 4770 3 F'OINT ~1916 N 12554. 3710, E 8652. 9760 Z 1 i¢6. ~3920 2F F'O]:NT 19:L'7 N 12554.7.430 E 8670. 8770. Z i 146. 8440 6 F'Oil',j'~l. 918 N 12554. 6390, E 8692.6750 Z 1146.3000 20 PO:[NT '1919 N 12554. 6720, E 8693. 3290, Z 1146. 9750 F'OINTx1920 N 12554. 4820. E 8703. 2670 Z 1147. 1690 2 F'O I NT ~ 1921 N 12570. 3000, E 8693.2:350. Z 1147.25~0 3 POINT '192.2 N 12584.2640, E 8698.7320, Z 1147.4810 3 POINT ' 1923 N 12590. 0410, E 8712.7iZ~O, Z 11.48. 1660 3 F'OINTxt924 N 12586.9380, E 8721.8160. Z 1152.5550 13 POINTs1925 N 12587.6940, E 8707.0650, Z 1150.8110 19 PO:[N'> 1926 N 12575. 5720, E 8702. 0270 Z 1147. 7460 F:'OINT~ 1927 t',1 12570.14'50, E 8651.9090, Z 1147.2760 24 F'OINTN1928 N 12573. 8140, E 8649. 1460. Z 1147.5840 13 POIN'hi929 N 12570. 1690, E 8652.2990. Z 114'7.5430 3 ' 1931 N 12589.63:30, E 8632. 0890. Z i 147. 6140 3 F'OINTx 1932 N 12586.0220. E 8615.8740. Z 1147.3990 13 F'[]IN'~ x19:33 N 12595. 112C E 8651.0850, Z 1147.5240 ~4 F'OINTx1934 N 12594.12].0. E 8687.2670, Z 1147.7990 3:3 PO]:NT~1935 N 12606,. 7090 E 8690.8060, Z 1148.0850 10 POINT ~ I~36 N 12604.4590, E 8657.5650, ~ 1147.7420 10 F'O I NT '- 1937 N 12607. 4600 E 8654. 505C , Z i 147.8180 1C pOINTN193E] i',l 12610. 923(:>. E 8657.6610, Z 11.47'. 9590 10 4-9 D PA(:]E 867 INLAND EMF'IRE CENTER F'DINT 19,39 N -12626, 1::.]70~ E 8665. 6330~ Z 1 ~.48. 2480 ~ · F'O ]: NT" I ':740 N 12647.3.350 ~ E 86,$5 · 2720 ~ Z 1 [ 47.8'7 ] I: 10 POINT '1-c'4] N 12650.1340 ~ E 8652.79~:0~ Z 1148.0740 10 F'OI i',]'f"" 19/-~2 N 12655. 3340, E 8655.29.'?,0, Z 1147. 9960 10 PCINT :[ :94:~ N 12655. 8650, E B6:~ ' . 9650.~ Z :1. 147. 9650 13 F'O I I',IT '~ J. 94.~ N ~. ~,B54., 470 ], E 8628.4S60 ~ Z i i 47. 7350 3; F'OIN'F~ 1945 N ~265c~. 6230~ E e643. J.~ I ' , Z Z ~47. 5520 3: F:'QIN'~'~:['946 N i2677,, 310()~ E ~3649. ~BB;:'O,., Z :1. I ~8.4.9.Z~0 F'O I NT'X 19zl. 7 N t :2672.154~) ~ E 8649 ,, 8170, Z i .[ 4~Z~. 3490 1 F'OZ[Nl'~l:94;~ N J. 26;~32.::~440,~ E ~648.5i5()~ Z 1.I. 4e.7850 PO [ NT '~ 19.49 N L 2 zc ,.~]:.. C)C}'B: ~ E 8653. 4260 ~ Z 1:148.1 ~'9" t PO I N']'~ :L 950 N I 2'~::2; 7.1360 ~ E ~B64.6 ,. 2280 ~ Z I 151. J. 260 ]..]; RImIN'T'X1951 N 126'79.24:1.0~ E 8690.8070 Z ~.48 ="'="" F'OINT X :1.':752 N j. 2674,, 28':90~ E 8690.8t,:]0 Z .[ i.q.',Z~L 4260 t2 F'OINT~!95:]; N 12660. 5510 ~ E E]696.7640 Z 114'7.~E~870 3 F:f] ]: N ~ 1954 I'! 1265.,~ ,, ;7770 .~ E IB714. 0900 Z ]. 148 ,, 3020 34 POt NT ' 1955 N J 26',=.~4.98,50, E 8720.9'7:]0 Z 1 J. 48., :]:4:2;0 I. 2 F'[] I NT x 195& t,i 12654.. 99~0 ~ E ~]71 ~.. 07C~0 Z 1148.3:;0r 12 PQ ]: NT :f 957 1'.4 126',:.56. :[ 280., E 8710. 4990 Z I 148.2;3,~l'> 13 F'ID[N~ 1958 P.i J.:'2,~47. 1720~ E 8695. 370,.:> ~ Z 1148.:2050 F'OINTN195~? N t2646.3570~ E 8688.4~20~ Z lt48.2650 34 ~::'[] :[ N'r 1960 N t 262:,?. 2900 ,, E 8670. 4860 ~ Z 1 J. 48.02~10 6 F:'Oll'q"l' ~ i961 N 12627.6C:];~"~ E 8995.6520, Z 1149.92~;0 9 F'O I NT '~ 1962 N 12624. 5560 ~ E 827 [. 257r' ,, Z ~ ~ 46. 5060 9 F'R INTER · * PRINTER HAS ~EEP,I TURNED OIzF o9-19-9r> PAGE 2.'3~1 COORD I NATES (9066-9240) · .]2NT 9066 .q S958.6591 E 10~21.4688 CONTROL POINT ~ [ NT 9()70 N 8954. 4724 E 8~83. 6692 ~ Z 1. 100. 9900 no desc : ~ NT c. - 72 N 8559. 3890 E 8702. 8779, Z 1097. 0000 no desc 4]:NT ~c)74 N {~0~'z.9593 E 8702.5545, Z 1088.8273 CP(74) :[NT ':?f~7~ N 7298.J378 E 8672.9000, Z 1080.6141 CP(76) ~(NY ~07',~ N 6~'~5.9779 E 8~711., 1362, Z I072.6121 CF'('78) .INT ~C~8(' N 5358.2760 E 8719.2596 Z 1055.9792 CP(80) :: ~ NT 908:2 N 3705. 882() E 8670.1549 Z 1041. 5035 CP ( 82 ) ;[NT '9084 N :3002. 5018 E 8714. 4479 Z 1304. 5700 CP (84) '~:[NT 9086 N 1995.7916. E 8672.6922 Z 1297.6263 CP(86) 'i:N'T 9100 N 8640.7074, E 8641.7874 Z 1098.0081 FENCE EN]' 9101 N 8640.9928, E 8659.9741 Z 1098.52~6 R/W MARKER~ :INT 9102 N 8643.0312, E 8715.0574. Z 1098.5529 FENCE =H~IT '=~103 N 8637.8018~ E 8815.3793 Z 1099.06~7 PP(532) 'IZN'T 9104 N 8632.5708, E 8670.7929. Z 1098.3310 PP(17.0) )INT 9105 N 8640.5227~ E 8704.3509 Z 1098.3043 PP(201~O17E) =INT 9106 N 8593.5169, E 8~65.9748. Z 1100.3206 R/R RAIL ;iENT 9107 N 8591.3965, E 8672.9920. Z 1099.6437 C/L R/R TR~I ~INT 9108 N 8592.1657, E 8710.2503. Z 1099.8073 C/L R/R TRACI Z, INT 9109 N 8577.5146, E 8711.7813. Z 1098.9298 C/I_ R/R TRACI lINT 9110 N 8575.999~, E 8~65.~038. Z 1098.7933 C/L R/R TR~I '~INT 9111 N 8560.2881, E 8642.856~ Z 1097.0945 SPPL )INT 9112 N 8539.3716, E 8~21.7902. Z 109~.2846 SPPL '~INT 9113 N 8530.0866. E 870~.3673 Z 1096.6800 PP(CAN'T) iINT 9114 N 8430.7~75, E 8705.2450. Z ~1094.0567 C/L(20.0)3.0~ ~iNT 9115 N 8560.9345, E 8702.5244 Z f --1092. 8901 C/L(~9.0)5.0f ~INT 9116 N 8298.0605, E 8704.~766. Z 1092.2265 C/LI24.0)D~ lINT 9117 tt 8~2~. I824, E 8~67.3923 Z ~093.0521 C/L(18.01D/W ~INT 9118 N 8163.6209, E 8~68.0991. Z 1090.2839 C/L(13.0)D/W ~INT 9119 N 8171.7834~ E 8713.3287 Z 1090.8793 C/L D/W(10~ "INT 9120 N 8153~6~31, E 8711.5753. Z 1090.5318 C/L D/W(IO.O: !:NT 9121 N 8135.5426, E 8711.0874. Z 1090.2378 C/L D/W(10.0) ENT 9122 N 8115.90~0, E 8667.4308. Z 1089.3591 C/L D/W(50~) ZNT c~12~ N 8037.1973, E 8673.0545 Z 1088.3193 GATE VAVLE ~[ItT 912.4 N 8016.8223, E 8687.1366. Z 1088.45~1 C/L MONM. ~Zl'.ir 9125 N 8040.~50~. E 870~.1618 Z 1088.2850 GATE VAVLE~ iZNT 9126 N 7828.1~18~ E 8718.2489. Z 1086.5024 C/L D/W(10.0 1ZNT 9127 N 7694.0959, 'E 8709.0550 Z i084.2797 C/L D/W(30.0 a:NT~_9129 V N ~__ 7~_~j.j.~Z!.~. E 8719.660~ Z 1082.5945 C/L D/W(16.0; ~INT 91]~0 N 75~4.7214, E 8~89.6571. 'Z ' ~081.2968'C~L MONM; ' clN[ 9131 N 7314.3600, E 8~75.4886 Z 1080.9478 GATE VAVLE~ ~ [NT 9132 N 7~54. 8711 , E 8674. 6299 Z 1081. i 167 GATE VAVLE =[NT 9134 N 7281.6560, E 8708.0~54. Z 1080.0~90 C/L /[NT 9135 N 6988.0315, E 8706.1787. Z 1076.3428 C/L D/W iINT 9136 N 6892.8305, E 8718.0278. Z 10~5.3000 C/L D/W ~:[NT 9137 N 6674.7196, E 8~90.~099 Z 1072.2754 C/L(1)PIPE~ ~'~ )9-19-9A PAGE 2332 'Z~IZNT 9t38 i',~ 6658.7678~ E ~,':T70.5109, Z tT71.5978 C/L D/W~(~24~ :}iNT 'v13~ 1'4 6537.51=1, E E:~670.6585, Z 1070.0725 C/L D/W (16 'i[Ml' ~1.40 M 649:T.629:]~, E ~B670.74.94, Z 1069.5133 C/L D/W (16 )[txlr 91.41 N .~.]~75.7396, E ~S670.EB724, Z 1067.9401 C/L D/W[~I~ ~ [NF 91.~.2 N 6C~1'2. 6687. E ~670. '9081 . Z 106'7. 1202 C/L D/W ( 16 ][N'~ 9144 ~ ~,~ ' ~ ~ 6[~52.,9632, E :~B671.06'79~ Z t065.()274 C/L ~ ~' ~ ~671 14:93, Z 1c,63.51'9,' C/L D/W (16. JINF 9t46 N 5972.9296~ E 86'71.2726~ Z 1062.7124 C/L D/W ]TNT c) 147 N 5354.&~65, E ~&91.EZ~02, Z 1055.985& C/L NAIL/S{ .?IH'F 9148 N 5245.2339~ E 8671.3:~08~ Z 1055.0034 C/L D/W (18 ;~Z~['.lF 9t49 N 5212.7956, E 8661.9408, Z 1055.0467 C/L D/W .lINT 9150 N 4764.2091~ E 8679.8381, Z 1048.8517 C/L D/WI~i~ )tNT~ N 5~'' ' 4510. 6491 ~ E 8671. 9960~ Z 1046. 5033 ', C}2[NT 9~.54 N 4562.0686, E 8'7].9.2696~ Z 1047.1424 C/L D/W(14.~ .}INT 9155 N 4:364.8559, E ~712.4425~ Z 1044.7890 C/L D/W(17.( OINT 9156 N 4406.3017, E 8678.7802, Z 1045.1112 C/L D/W(20~ OINT 9157 N 4157.4410, E 8681.8749, Z 104~.9456 GAS VAVLE OINr 9158 N 4219. 1916, E 8712.6910, Z 1043.9538 ~ D/W(17.~ ,]INT 9159 N 4151. 1002, E 8712.8134, Z 1045.5565 D/W(16~ OINr 9160 N ~063.0294, E ~712.8455, Z 1043.0429 CL D/W(16.1 C)INT 9161 N 4011.3714, E 8712.9144, Z 1042.7079 C~ D/W(13.~ [lINT 9162 N 3894. 6673, E . 8715. 5493, Z 1042. 5280 C/~ D/~320~ C)INT 9165 N 3681.9550, E 8715.2226, Z 1040.6476 C/L I OINT 9166 N 3593.7158, E 8713.3160, Z 1040.0870 C/L D/W (16. '(]INT 9168 N 355~.0522, E 8673.9476, Z 10~9.7296 C/L OINT 9169 N ~;445.0439, E 8713.5723, Z 1039.0391 C/L D/W (t6. ~TNT 9171 N 3350. 1195~ E }71~.79~7, Z 1038.3580 C/L lINT 9172 N ~72.2116~ g ~726.1076~ Z 1037.8641 C/L D/W (20. ~[NT 9173 N 3318.5158~ E 8673.4694~ Z ~06.6927 C/L D/W(12. C )[NT 9174 N 3299.2977, E 8675.5341~ Z ~306.4056 C/L D/W(12~ '.[NT~9~75 A N 3180.8667, E 8681~4663~ Z 1305.5965 C/L lINT 9176 , r.~ ~ 3143.5578 E 8677.7168, Z 1304.9949 C/L D/W(12.( ]IN'r 91'77~ N ~{~ / 3055.2683 E 8679.9212, Z 1304.4698 C/L D/W~12~ dlZNT 9178/ N :3021.~65~ E 868t.1690 Z 1304.2625 C/L "]INI' 9180~ ' N 2933.4692 E 8681.7150 Z 1303.6347 OINT 9181 ~ N 2958. 3436 E 8706. 1559 Z 1303.9502 C/L D/W( 10.( C}[IqT 9182~ N 2876.6650 E 8705.9970 Z 1505.3149 C/L D/W(12.( C]INT 9183/ N 2830.0897 E 8705.9842 Z 1302.9975 C/L D/W(20~ ::lINT 9184~ N 2726.5176 E 8717.5744 Z 1302.7700 C/L D/W(12.( ':IINT 9185 ~' N 2689.6324 E 8714.2554 Z 1502.3155 C/L D/W(18.( O[NF 9186 / N 2691..4398 E 8680.6292 Z 1301.8086 C/L D/W(12~ ~mm/ ~ .... 09-19-90 PAGE 2333 "~ ~' iDINl' 918'7/ N ?. 722. 3157 ~ E 8680.8319 Z 1302.()I12 C/I.. D/W(16~ ,g.[l',rr 91.88~/ }'~ 2609.8720, E 8709.9032 Z 1301.5783 C/L D/W(14.~ m~ZN'[ "~18c~ / I',~ 2561.5434. E 8707.0051 Z 1300.0163 C/L D/W(14.~ <}[;'~T '9:~0~ N 2201.2893, E 8679.0093 Z 1298.6409 C/L D/W(12~ .:~I'NT '919~/ N ~08':~.3597~ E 8679.3711 Z 1298.1718 C/L D/W(18. <)iNT '9192 N 2015. 4145~ E 8681. 1494 Z ZD;°'G~1290.6748 ~ ')rNT 9i'9]~ N ?'~'[8. {':471, E 87].3,, 8895 Z IOZI.IO ~I. I016 "liNt 9194 N 1964.2310, E 8672,2065 Z ~00~.~1278,3811 S.S, (I,EE,)N '0 [NT 9195 N 1963,. 51~20~ E 8673, 3563 Z ,~.~J. 278. 0427 S, 8. ( I, E, ) E '<)INT '~196 N 1961.2649 E 8672.0674 Z ~0.~1280.1926 S.S.(I.E.)L~ 'O]:NT 9U.~7 N 196:2.4199 E 8670.8147 Z 10~9.m~ 1278. 1265 S.S. (I.E.)W :'OINT 9198 N 1962.3509 E 8672.3037 Z /~'1~1278. 1742 S.S. (I.E.)C · '01Nl' 9 ~ '~9 N 1985. 2526 E 8648. 8084 Z 1297. 6204 E.P. ='OINT 9200 N 1985.5159 E 8661.4846 Z pi?r~p1297.7157 E.P. :~]INT 920:[ N t992. 6479 E 8675. 6312 Z ,bz7.~¢1297. 8590 E. F'. 'OINT 9202 N 2005.9442 E ~682.5016 Z ~.~129'Z.8218 E.P. :m][Nr 9203 N 2035.9855. E 8685.9372 Z fO~.P1298.1218 E.F'. ='OINT 9204 N 2036. 1393 E 8710. 8451 Z {O~,~' ~. 0404 E.P. ':'OINT 9205 N 2008. 0088, E 8715. 4714 ~ Z ~r~O 1297. 9000 E.P. :'OIN'r 9206 N 1996.3929 E 8720.2584, Z ~ 1298. 1397 E.F'. · '01NT ~'207 N 1985., 0896, E 8736.0211 , Z 1298. 7453 E.P. ~'OINT 9208 N 1979.9286, E 8781.7306, Z 1299.8414 E.P. :'O:[N~ 9209 N 1911.1143, E 8744. 4456, Z 1298. 1331 F.L. (C/G) ='OINT 9210 N 1907.3374, E 8731.0488~ Z 1297.9845 F.L. (C/G) ='O:[NT 9211 N I897.3357, E 8720.4524~ Z 1297.8536 F.L. (C/G) =OINT 9212 N 1880. :5637, E 8715.8145, Z 1297.8357 F.L. (C/G) ='O:[NT 9213 N 1879.9959. E B676.~757. Z 1297.4136 F.L.. (C/G) .:'OINT ~9214 N 1895.8097, E 8671.7381 Z 1297.2472 F.L. (C/G) =q']INT 9215 N 1907.6503 E :8658.3917. Z 1297.0444 F.L. (C/G) ":='OINT 921S N 1910. 4004, E 8641 . 1454. Z 1296. 8986 F.L. (C/G) z'OINT 92~.7 N 1910. ~142 E B65~.9773. Z 1296.626~ F.L.BEG. IN~ ~'OINT 9218 N 1910. 1446 E 8602.9050, Z 1296.5506 F.L.END INL E}[NT 9219 N 1840.9896 E ;8715. 90:57 Z 1297.8973 F.L.BEG. IN~ 'O[NI' 9220 N 1869.7876 E '8715.6622, Z 1297.6758 R.L.END IN~ []tN'F '9~21 N 1912.3645 E ;8682.2982 Z 1297.5541 GATE VAVLE( 'OEN'[ 9222 N 1951.4043~ E '8685.4550 Z 1298.2795 GATE VAVLE( ~:]]:NT 9223 N 1954.4613~ E 8685.2615, Z [0~,~ 1298.3426 GATE VAVLE~ '<:}INT '9224 N 1953.1906~ E 8707.7t33~ Z ~ 1298.5466 GATE VAVLE( ::'r]]:Nl' 9'225 N 1953.2457, E ;8710.6064, Z 1298.5732 GATE VAVLE~ ='O[NT 9226 N 8934.5215, E ;8720.6849 Z 1102.0900 GATE POST :'OINT 9227 N 8934.0820 E 8704.5846 Z 1102.0500 ANGLE POINT -:'O:[NT 9228 N 8902. 5287 E B704. 2164 Z 1101. 4100 ANGLE POINT ?[lINT 9229 N 8900.7384 E 8645.9695 Z 1101.1200 P'F. ON FEN] ::'OINT ~230 N 8947. 5787 E 8707. 9335 Z 1101. 4000 ~LOWLINE PC POINI' 9231 N 8940. 6022. E 8698. 0920 Z 1101. 2200 FLOWLINE PC .:'OINT 9232 N 8929. 5323 E ~8730. 751~ Z 1100. 7100 RLOWLINE POINT 9233 N 8902. 1189. E ,8674.5299 Z 1100.5800 FLOWLINE °OINT 9234 N 8938.6418, E 8672.0619 Z 1101.~00 FLOWLINE- PC PO [ NT 9235 N 8947. 5266, E 8666. 0965 Z 1101. 5900 FLOWL I NE P] 09-19-90 PAGE 2354 :~INT 9236 N :B948.94'76, E 8666.0029, Z 1101.5700 F.W. GATE ~- lINT 92.Z~7 N 8949.5.343, E 8667.2246, Z 111;11.5500 F.W. GATE VP lINT 922J8 N 8948.9796, E 8668.~209, Z 1101.5400 F.W. GATE VP .lENT 9239 N 8942.0583, E 8664.2240, Z 1102.3500 JUNIPER TRY. ] ~ Nl' 9240 N 8943. 3600 ~ E 8653. 7033 ~ Z 1102.3100 EUC. TREE 42 i00 86~0.7074~94 8~,787~2086 10~8.008~8727 FENCE ;Or 8640.98282182 8859.87408792 t088.82782738 R/W MARKER ;02 8845.05118589 87i5.08757888 i088.$8288608 FENCE i05 8637.80,84013 88~S.57~5588 i099.08366222 RP(S32> t04 8652.5708i906 8870.792888i4 ~088.53i00~83 RP(IT.0~ 108 8640.82268783 8704.35088492 t098.50428889 PP(201701TE) 106 8595.5i6906i 8668.87484824 it00.32084784 R/R RAIL i07 8SBI.3g6~S4GS 8572.88198i66 1098,84367837 C/L R/R TRACKS I08 8582.t8S67843 87~0.280323 i089.80732898 C/L R/R TRACKS 108 8877.5146587 87ii.78~26i79 i098.92978874 C/L R/R TRACKS 1~0 8878.88852883 8668.50383288 ~098.78350067 C/L R/R TRACKS t~ 8860.288~6897 8642.8888iSS6 1097.09482993 SPRL 112 8839.37163973 8721.7802087~ !097.28488986 SPPL I~5 8530.086S8893 8?05.38?2883? ~096.680027S1PP(CAN,T) 114 8430.73747864 8703.24800467 1094.08666058 C/L(20.0)3.06. 118 8360.8544647 8?02.52438351 1092.88011072 0/L(39.0)S.06. 118 8298.0G048718 8704,?768876~ ~092.2264948t 1~? 8325,18235462 8667.39228093 1093.082068~10/L(t8,0)O/W 1i8 8~63.62091973 8668.099t0462 1090.2839~971C/L(15.e)Q/W 119 8171.78343808 8713,52869289 1090.87~3~251C/L D/W<IO,0) 120 8153,G7308347 87~.S?82601 ~090.83182049 O/L D/W<10,0> 121 813S.84264088 8711.08743961 1090.2~8~707 C/L D/W<~0,0) ~22 81~6.90704S68 8687.4508;928 1089.3891~369 C/L D/W(50.0) ;23 8037.19728866 8673,08447666 1088.31927328 GATE VAVLE 124 8016,82233106 8887.13865849 1088,483t5~64 C/L MONM, 12S 8040.730S8371 8701.16~8052l 1088.2849E886 8ATE VAVLE 128 7828.17177244 8718.24890S88 1088.8023728 C/L 127 ?694.09S81884 8708.08804001 1084.27972719 C/L D/W(30.0)~0 128 785~.28392068 8719.007885~8 1083.0~978844 C/L 0/W(21.0) 129 7481.887~5328 8719.G8094274 1082.$944818 C/L O/W(IG.O) ~30 7334.72140088 8689.63708888 108~.2988~7ZS O/L MONM, 131 ?3;4.3599?046 88?5.48884884 1080.84780858 GATE VAVLE 152 7584.8711~838 8874.82987~88 108~.1187~58~ 8ATE VAVLE 133 7418.$00~0804 8688.70868683 1081,?~887849 O/L O/W (25,0) 134 7281.GSS96488 8708.07~4216~ 1080.0388557~ O/L D/W (50.0) ~58 8988.03~48523 8706.1~7274 ~078.34282881 C/L 136 88~2.83~4~g08 8718.0278~107 1075.~eeeTeT~ C/L 157 6674.7~B87052 8690.~068B801 ~072.27841888 C/L(I)PI~E P/L IJ8 ~8~8.7878~736 8G70,510S~GZ2 107|.5~778818 C/L O/W 13B 6537.81306552 8870.65882784 1070.07249042 C/L D/W ~40 64~3.62926193 8670.74940085 1089.51333232 C/L O/W (16.0) 141 6375.73960891 8678.87239889 1087.19400811~ C/L O/W (16,0) 142 63~2.6686694t 8670,90885297 1067,12018143 C/L O/W 143 6}96.89807879 8~71,04842258 1065.80365114 C/L ~44 8~52,86820409 8671.08794278 1085.02742332 C/L D/W (16,0) 145 60~6,32741618 867~,14834344 1068.5190~992 C/L O/W (18.0) 146 5872.82~592~7 8671.27~57405 1062.71242766 C/L O/W 1~? S384.63~48~41 8691.6302188~ 1066.158~6806 C/L NAIL/SHIN,P 1~8 5245,23~89582 8871.~081788 10~5 100848042 C/L D/W ~48 5212.78~5885 8661.94082344 ~056.846708Z C/L O/W 150 4764.20910054 8879,8~812493 ~048.185171~69 O/L O/W 151 4694.48~33217 8692.38888314 ~048.79414002 C/L S.R.(R/RSPI 152 4567,008~1068 8674,20713285 1046.6387832 EDGE OF DRIVE tSS 4518.64988828 8671.99585741 1046.:50~28817 EDGE OF DRIVE 184 4862o06888203 8719,2895611~ 1047,~4242529 C/L 0/W(14,0) 158 43~4.85686957 8712.442488 t0~4.78895828 C/L 15~ 4408.8017~971' 8'678.78017084 ~0'45.1Tt2~0~| C/L 187 4187,441035Zt 8681.87485788 t043.843558~ 8AS VAVLE 158 4218.1815661 8712.88101717 1043.95382659 O/L 0/W(17.0) 159 4151.1001588~ 8712.81340357 1043,5564659 C/L D/w(~6.0) 160 4063.02936~56 _~py, 2.84848771 1045.04294483 C/L 16~ 4011,37140883 8~12.91443386 1042.70793903 C/L O/W(i3,0) ~82 3894.6672~722 8713.84933634 1042.82797248 C/L 0/W(20,0) t63 4034,44340939 8693.07428807 1043,48~80082 C/L(R,O.E,9101> ~64 4065,99126398 868~,73803099 1043,!196~802 C/L D/W 185 3681.9530330t 87~3,22260398 i0~0.64788338 C/L ]87 3526,6833292 8713.4~93248 1039.6~959882 C/L O/W 168 ~553.05216~53 8673.9~764035 103~,72~56177 C/L D/W ~69 34~3,04387759 8713.57233857 1039,03908338 C/L D/U ~70 ~385,~5087598 8713,56422919 t038,92895283 C/L D/W 17! 3350.11948743 6713,7998788 ]038.~5603657 C/L D/W (~2.0 t?2 3172.2115994 8726.107587~ 1037,8~406618 C/L O/W (20.0 73 33~8.51579799 8673,4693629 1306,69273372 8/L D/W<I2,0) 74 3299,29772278 8676.5341~69~ }306.~0563543 C/L D/~(IZ,O ~'~ ~" 75 3~80.86668581 868~,~6831272 13~5,59650778 C/L 0/~<~2,0 / 78 3~43.5577894l 8677,7~582148 1304.9949158 C/L 77 3055.2662825i 8~79,92t18948 1304,46980355 C/L O/W(;2.e) F"" ~ "' 78 3021.1650603 8681.16897t78 1304,2~251047 C/L 0/W(12.0) 79 2964.71465509 8~81.9:859453 130~.88351427 C/L 80 2933.~6923783 8681,?~499418 ~303,83473502 C/L 181 2958,34357513 8706,1539041l 1303.95021613 C/L ~82 2876.66~9546 8705,99704125 1303,3~493812 C/L 0/W(12.0) :83 2830,08967275 8705,984~9314 ~302,96754782 O/L 0/W(20,0) 184 2726.51756012 8717,5744~015 1302,?7000795 C/L D/W(12.0) ~85 2689,~3238463 8714,23340125 ~302.31548798 C/L ~86 269~.4398392 8888.62918831 1301.80855466 C/L 0/W(12.0) 187 2722.31574867 8680,83187302 ~302.0t121536 C/L 188 2~09,87195~28 8?09,9032026 130~,57834859 C/L O/W(14.0) 189 236~,6~339828 8707,0050936~ 1300.91~27981C/L D/W(14.0) 190 2201,28931354 86?9,0092523 ~290,64087~29 O/L 19~ 2089,359?328? 8879,37]~2855 1298.!?181888 O/L D/W(~8,9) 192 2015,41450808 860t.1~93638 1260,~7478999 S.O,(MH)I,5. 193 2918,04708488 8713.88945838 129t.10181827 S.D.(NH)I,E. 194 1964,23102847 86?2.2964939 1278,38110745 6,8.(t,E,)NORTH 195 1963,5319757 8~73,3563~717 ]278,04265754 6.S,(I,g,)E~ST ~98 196~,2~485936 8672,0~741105 1280,i9262698 S.6,(I,E,)SOUTH 197 1962,41989835 8870,81473~5~ :278.i2854289 S,~,(I.E.)WEST 198 1952,35085947 8672.3937t23~ 1278.~7417359 8.S,(I.E,)CENTE 199 1985.25261789 8~48.80843793 1297.62036568 200 1985,51591713 8661.4846]~76 1297.715~821~ E,P, 201 1992,64792741 8~75,83110~99 29?,85699046 202 2095,94422265 8682.50155118 297.82179842 E.P. 203 2035,98548719 8685,93723438 298.~2t76258 Z04 2036.1~926983 8719.84510542 298.0493505 E,P. 205 2008.09883652 8715,47144496 297,9090~443 E.P, 208 1996.3929t71~ 8720,25842719 298,!3968845 20? ~985,089~8974 8736,02~07532 298.74530687 E,P, 208 ~979.9286Z~99 8781.7305954: 299.8413~02 5.P. 209 19~i.11432751 87~.44561523 298.i3312759 210 1907.33736956 8731.0~878468 297.~8451578 2~1 1897,33568986 8?20,4323??94 1297.85356897 F,L.(O/8) 212 i880.3638907~ 8715,8~425604 1297,833745~6 F,L.(C/8) 213 1879.99588985 8676,17370338 1297.41358923 F,L,(C/8) 2]4 ~895.80971226 8671.738~7945 $297.24719199 215 1907.65030862 8~58.39174172 1297,~4443t47 ~.L,(0/8) 216 ~910,40943678 8641.~453888 1296.89859892 F,L,(O/8) 217 t910.~1~21929 8831.9772873 1298.82614738 F.L,BES.INLET 2~8 ]910.14464~63 8802,9050143? ~296.5508]981F.L.ENO INLET 219 1840,98958572 8715,9936937 1297.89734118 F,L,BEG,INLET 220 1869,78757946 8715.66221834 1297.:67582679 F.L.END INLET 1912.36450754 8682.29819484 1297.55411367 6~TE V~VLE(W) 222 1951.40427248 8685.4330439 |298.27946717 6ATE 223 1954.46126747 8685.26151766 t298.34282218 6~TE tJF~VLE(~) 224 }gE3.t905699S 8707.71~32227 1298.54660084 6~TE 225 ~95~.2457~7t 8710.60643861 t298.57323115 6~TE j / 5 - NBS/L 015 NBS/L 015 NBS/L 015 I W~>~ NBS/L 015 NBS/L 015 NDSIL 015 : ,.. d~" SW8 NBS/L 015 NBS/L 015 SEPTEMBER 19, 1995 MEETP'G FROM: Community Development Department SUBJECT: Pavement and Trench Failure Repair for Cypress Avenue Sewer RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE PAYMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF 992,609.07 TO KENKO CONTRACTORS, INC. FOR THE CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER FROM JURUPA AVENUE TO SANTA ANA AVENUE AND APPROPRIATE $92,609.07 FROM THE SEWER REPLACEMENT FUND FO~ TRENCH AND PAVEMENT REPAIR. COUNCIL GOALS: Maintain the City's current infrastructure. DISCUSSION: During the course of the heavy rainfall and subsequent heavy runoff during the 1994 winter months, trench failures occurred on the Cypress Avenue Sewer Project from Jurupa Avenue to Santa Ana Avenue. The project was accepted by the City Council on October 19, 1993. City Engineering staff requested Kenko Contractors, Inc. to proceed with the trench and pavement repair work under the project construction contract and referenced Public Contract Codes for construction warranties and disputed work. Daily records and documentation were maintained by the City's Public Works Inspector and the contractor. The geotechnical engineering firm that provided the construction materials testing on the project was requested to observe the repair work, respond to questions from the City's Engineering staff, and provide a report on this matter. Per the attached report, it was determined that the trench failure did not occur due to settlement, but was caused by "piping" of water through animal ground holes from the street runoff and "washing out" of soil. Subsequently, the pavement subgrade and trench backfill was washed out from underneath the pavement and failure occurred. The area is in need of rodent control, improved storm drainage facilities, and full. width street improvements. A claim has been filed with FEMA. FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditures from the Sewer Replacement Fund 504. MOTION: Approve staff recommendation. Frank A. Schuma Gregory C. Devereaux Community Development Director City Manager GB:ke ATTACHMENTS: Page 1'- Vicinity Map Page 2 - Geotechnical Engineer's Report Item: City ol Fontaria August 4, 1995 Cypreu Avenue Sewer P~oject ; GPI Project t 14e, lC On the east side of the excavation at about 2 feet below the pavement, we observed a void approximately 6 inches deep, extending 10 to 15 feet to the east and approximately 5 feet wide (north/south direction), The void was present under a portion of the street outside of the backfill area and did not correspond to any known laterals. The appearance of the soil observed in this area did not indicate settlement; however, evidence of soil piping or "washing out" was observed. The pavement he~d not settled and did not exhibit any distress at the surface. RESPONSE TO QUESTIONS 1. Question: The maximum dry density curves varying within short trench reaches. Response: During backfilling operations, the contractor would move soil from different reaches of the trenches. As the excavation continGed, different materials were exposed and used as backfill. In some cases, low maximum density silty/clean seed may have been placed immediately adjacent to high maximum density gravelly sands. Typically, the contractor backfilled the trench in 20 to 40 foot stretches. 2. Question: With the number of c0mpactlon tests taken within the trench failure reaches, the reason(s) or explanation(s) for the trench failure during the heavy rainfall eed runoff Is requested. Response: Based on our testing and observation of the backfill and the magnitude of pavement subsidence, the damage obsep/ed could not have been caused solely by densffication/settlement of the backfill alone. Based on our observations at the site, we have concluded that three different occurrences contributed to the failure of the pavement/trench. "Piping" of Soil Into the Gravel Bedding - The voids in the gravel bedding were observed to be completely filled with sand; in spite of the fact that the gravel was "cleee' when placed. We believe that water entedng rodent holes at the surface "washed or piped" soil into the gravd. ~ 14e,-lC.0~L(e/gS) 2 I I GE~f-~CHNiCAL ~el F:)ROFESSIQNALS INC3'. August 4, 1995 City of Fontana · 83~3 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Attention: Mr. Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer Subject: Cypress Avenue Sewer Project Fontana, California GPI Project No. 1146.1C Trench Failure/Pavement Repair Dear Mr. Bucknell: In accordance with the request in your letter dated June 19, 1995, this letter responds to the question/comments regarding the subject project. We observed excavation and repair of the failed trench and have utilized our observation in the field and data from our files as the basis for the response. A summary of our observations and field density testing performed during the repair will be provided in a separate report. INTRODUCTION We visited the site pdor to the repairs performed in July 1995. At that time we observed a section of the pavement (Station 74+73,) had subsided up to 3 feet below adjacent grades. The soil adjacent to the manhole (B-19) had either settled or washed away to at least 4 feet below the top of the manhole. The failed pavement was 30+ feet long and 5 to 10 feet wide. Adjacent to the west edge of pavement, we observed a "piping" hole where water had obviously been running. Numerous rodent holes were observed adjacent to the pavements (west side of street). We observed the excavation of the soil backfill from over the sewer. During the excavation, we observed the "piping" hale extend 4 to 5 feet below the ground surface, The hole could not be traced further by excavation due to the presence of a gas main. Excavation into the pipe bedding (belOw the pipe springline) revealed complete contamination of the gravel (bedding) with sands. The bedding originally consisted of clean 3/4 inch, gravel with no sand. 146-1C.01L(8/95) 736 Corporate Avenue e Cypress, CA 90630 · (714) 2:~Gc~211, FAX (714| 22G2122 RECOMMENDATIONS To help mitigate the potential for future subsidence, we recommend that the following tasks be performed. 1. Backfill all rodent holes and provide for a rodent control program. 2. Provide an asphalt or concrete swale adjacent to the pavement to help timit future infiltration of water into the subgrade. This should also help control erosion of the sufficial soils adjacent to the pavement. 3, Monitor pavements for cracking which may indicate impending failure. It should be realized that other voids may ~ave been createS by the heavy storms and that future subsidence may occur. At the conclusion of the repairs, the contractor rolled the surface of the street with a heavy loader to help determine .if other voids Were present. At approximately 1,000~= feet north of the subject site, a depression occurreS when rolled with the equipment. The pavement was removeS and a void observed. The exposed soil was consistent with compacted fill. No subsidence was observed at subgrade level when the void was backfilled. The oppodunity to be service is appreciateS. If you have any questions, please call. VeW truly yours, James E. Hards, G.E, ,~. w Principal ~ JEH:gn/sp 1146-1C.01L(8/95) 4 City o{ Fontan~l V ~ August 4, 199"j CyT}ress Avenue Sewer Project GPf Pro[ec~ 1146. "Washing Out" of Soil - Adjacent to the manhole and apparent in the void on the east side of the trench, we observed evidence of the soil being literally washed out from under the pavements. Little or no evidence of subsidence or settlement caused by densification of the backfill was observed except as noted below. Settlement of Backfill - We observed no evidence of settlement due to soil densification except Immediately adjacent to fie manhole. This appeared to be a local condition and was most likely caused by the related "piping" rather than contributing to fie pavement failure. 3. Question: The trench failures were not along the entire length of the trench reaches, but in spot locations. An explanation for this type of trench failure Is requested. Response: Based on discussions with Mr. Wayne Brown, City Inspector, fie other reaches of the trench fiat exhibited failure also had rodent hotes adjacent to the edge of pavement. Mr. Brown indlcated that he observed several 'piping' in the area of fie other failure. Therefore, we conclude that the trenches failed, predominantly, in the vicinity of rodent holes. CONCLUSIONS As discussed above, evidence of settlement due to densificatlon of fie backfill by saturation was not observed. In' addition, settlement of fie fill by 3 to ~, feet due to densification is not possible. For 10 to 12 feet of fill to settle that much would have required a starting compaction of 50 to 60 percent, which is not possible given the test results and compaction activities observed. It is our opinion that most of the pavement damage was caused by either soil washing into the gravel bedding or completely washing out from under the pavement. We understand that storm Nnoff along Cypress Avenue is by surface flow over the street as storm drain facilities are not present. We also understand that large flows were observed on the street, supporting our opinion fiat. the surface water ran into the rodent holes. 1146-1C.01L(8/95) 3 ';~ ;"" "~""~"'"~""""';"~'/' ~'" I r:,~~ ~ I --~ I ~ '~ .......... ' ......"'~'~' CYPRESS AVE. SEWER ~ , · , . , . · · "' VICINITY ~ ~lS RESOLUTION NO. 93422 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FONTANA ACCEPTING THE SEWERS IN CYPRESS AVENUE FROM JURUPA AVENUE, SEWER STATION 90+05.00 TO SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE, SEWER STATION 9+93.54 (CITY DRAWING NO. 1933, SHEETS 1 THROUGH 5 AND CITY DRAWING NO. 2042, SHEETS 1 THROUGH 9) AS A PART OF THE CITY SEWER SYSTEM. WHEREAS, Section 23-388 of the Code of the City of Fontana provides that each addition to or extension of :the sewer system shall be accepted by Resolution of the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Resolution of Acceptance shall contain the terms of any special consideration which shall apply to the sewer so accepted; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Fontana that sewer mains and laterals in Cypress Avenue from Jurupa Avenue, Sewer Station 90+05.00 to San Bernardino Avenue, Sewer Station 9+93.54 {City Drawing No. 1933, Sheets 1 through 5 and City Drawing No. 2042, Sheets i through 9) are hereby'accepted as a part of the sewer system of this City. A total of sixty-six sewer laterals were constructed at a cost of $1,000 each. As each property owner along this line applies for connection to the sewer, the $1,000 cost of the lateral will be collected from the applicant; and that amount will be reimbursed to the Sewer Capital Improvement Fund. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this lgth day of October, lgg3. APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: /s/Stephen P. Deitsch City Attorney I, Kathy Montoya, City Clerk of the City of Fontana, and Ex-Officio Clerk of the City Council do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is the actual resolution duly and regularly adopted by the City Council at a regular meeting on the 19th day of October, 1993, by the following vote to-wit: AYES: Mayor Boyles, Mayor Pro Tem Roberts, Council Members Coleman, Eshleman, Watson NOES: None ABSENT: None /s/KathV Montova City Clerk of the City of Fontana /s/~ E. BoVles Mayor of the City of Fontana ATTEST: /s/Kathy Montova City Clerk Page 1 of 1 -z- i. I '1fIf 1t I I ~. I " I 3r<' ~ 'i~ , .~ I a: ~ ,Q I ~ I W i i I ~ - ..... . ~ ., .. -. ~ uJD. .. i ., .~ , ~ .. 4 . (1)< ~ 4 1 W~ " , ,.. ~> ! ~ lit .. t- o. J ! (f)-z (f)Z UJ- a::~ -'2" - Cl.:> I >- .... t (.) A. - .^~ I; "'. I: ;: 2- a: 5: <,'} Bond Status Inquiry ~ THE HARTFORD The Hartford Hartford Plaza Hartford, Connecticut 06115 I I Date 1- Ii -Cft.f City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Ave., P.O. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92334 (-0518) Bond No. 4659237 L -l Your No, Contractor Kenke, Inc. dba McGrand & Associates Description of Contract Construction of Cypress Ave. Sewer System - Jurupa Ave. to San Bernardino Ave, Schedule II Address 1694 91st Ave. N., Blaine, ~1n 55449 Owner City of Fontana Contract Price Bond(s) Effective Date $1,578,632.00 100% Pay. , Perf. 9/15/92 Without prejudicing your right or affecting our liability under our bond(s) described above. we would appreciate the following information. Yours very truly, Hartford Casualty Insurance Company Name 01 SuraIV ~N~ / Robert N. H. Sener Assistant Vice-President Final Contract Price 5bl 6, 3D I~ Contract Completed, Please State: Approximate completion date S 1.6 'xontract U completed, Please State: Approximate amount completed (% or $ amount) X to ')(ainage4o Xf.re there any claims, assignments or liens on file? 0 Yes ~ No It is understood that the InfonnlItIon contained he....n I. furnished a. a matter of courtesy for the confidential u.. of the surety and i. merely an expre..lon of opinion. It I. also agreed that In furnishing thl. Information, no guarenty or warranty of 8CCUI'IICY or corl'llCtne.. is made and no responsibility I. auumed a. a result of relanee by the surety, whether such Information i. furnished by the owner or by an architect or engineer a. the agent of the owner. Remarks: Return this inquiry in the enclosed sell-addressed. stamped envelope to: Hartford Casualty Insurance P.O. Box 3057 Napervill., IL 60566 C01lQ)any Owne< C ~1j~( ?~ By 9~- (7 (~ Title c; vvr~a.....f~l €C. ~. Ir' Date f""] - 2.-5 - Cf4- Form s.~ Printed in U.S.A. This form is acceptable to The Surety Association of America A ENDA ITEM OC(1-3) CITY COUNCIL ACTION REPORT OCTOBER 19, 1993 CONSENT CALENDAR Meeting Date Agenda Placement TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Community Development Department SUBOECT: Final Acceptance of the Construction of the Cypress Avenue Sewer from Jurupa Avenue to San Bernardino Avenue RECOMMENDATION: 1. TO ACCEPT AS COMPLETE THE WORK PERFORMED BY KENKO, INC., dba McGRAND AND ASSOCIATES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER FROM SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE TO JURUPA AVENUE; AND TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AND FILE THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION. 2. TO APPROVE THE FINAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $1,562,238.30, INCLUDING AN ORIGINAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AWARD AMOUNT OF $1,578,632 AND A TOTAL CONTRACT DEDUCT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT OF {$16,393.70)(-1.04%} WITH KENKO, INC., dba McGRAND AND ASSOCIATES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FOR CYPRESS AVENUE FROM SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE TO JURUPA AVENUE. 3. TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 93-12~ ACCEPTING THE SEWERS IN CYPRESS AVENUE FROM JURUPA AVENUE, SEWER S A'Ir~N 90+05.00 TO SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE, SEWER T STATION 9+93.54 (CITY DRAWING NO. 1933, SHEETS 1 THROUGH 5 AND CITY DRAWING NO. 2042, SHEETS 1 THROUGH 9) AS PART OF THE CITY SEWER SYSTEM. ECONOMIC BENEFIT: IX'[ No I--'~ Yes  Funding _ General BUDGET IMPACT: IZI No iF__ Source: I_1 Fund Budget IX"[ (502) Sewer Caoital Improvement and (500) Sewer Maintenance Fund Budget I~) Bond Proceeds I__l Developer Deposits The final adjusted contract totals $1,562,238.30 which includes six (6} Contract Change Orders in the amount of ($16,393.70). Funds from the Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, Account Number 53720-8017-53011403, have paid the costs of construction, including 5% of the retention money. Funds from the same account will pay the remaining 5% retention money in the amount of $78,111.92 which will be released after acceptance by the City Council and thirty-five {35) days after recordation of the Notice of Completion with the San Bernardino County Recorder's office. This retention reduction is permitted by the Standard Specification for 2 Public Works Construction, Section 9-3.2, which allows the retention amount to be reduced from 10% to not less than 5%. Sufficient funds for maintaining the sewers are budgeted in the Sewer Maintenance Program 81260. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: IX I Yes 1=1 No A Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Cypress Avenue Sewer Project was adopted by the Fontana City Council on July 7, 1992. BACKGROUND: On September 15, 1992, the City Counc i 1 accepted the bi din the amount of $1,578,632 and awarded the contract to Kenko, Inc., dba McGrand and Associates for the construct i on of the Cypress Avenue Sewer from Jurupa Avenue to Sar Bernardino Avenue (See Vicinity Map, Page 5). During the course of the construction, six Contract Change Orders were approved totaling ($16,393.70), bringing the total project construction cost to $1,562,238.30. The total of the Contract Change Orders, ($16,393.70), represents a 1.04% decrease in the contract award amount. ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS: The six Contract Change Orders executed during the construction of the project and the explanation of the need for each is as follows: No. Descriotion Amount 1. Change type of bedding from B-Bedding to 1/4"-3/4" crushed stone as revised on plans. Install stub at manhole 8-4. Decrease manhole openings from 36" to 30". Delete bid items 11-3 (24" extra strength V.C.P.); 11-4 (21" extra strength V.C.P.); 11-5 (10" extra strength V.C.P.); and 11-6 (8" extra strength V.C.P.). Provide labor and equip- ment to assist in conducting survey on 1-10 Freeway. Provide high strength V.C.P. in lieu of extra strength V.C.P. as per revised plans. ($4,845.08) 2. Bid Item AI-13 was found to be deficient in the amount of A.C. pavement necessary. Additional A.C. pavement was authorized by this Change Order. $17,500.00 3. Readjustment of 15 new manholes was necessary. $1,590.00 4. Pothole existing utilities (excavate street to determine location of utilities, then repair street). There was a slowdown in '~...~ the project due to an unmarked 8" CMLC pipe. Due to conflicting marks on the curb, it was necessary to issue a change order to install a 4" lateral which was missed. $5,987.82 5. There was a credit due to an overcharge made on labor markup costs on C.O. No. 4. Bid Item No. 8 was increased by one item, 30" x 6" Y; Bid Item No. 11 was increased by one item, 60" manhole; and Bid Item No. 12 was decreased by one item, standard drop manhole. ($1,418.64) 6. This is a final balancing change order to receive credit back from the contractor for all the bid items and change order items not constructed in the field. ($35,207.80) TOTAL ($16,393.70) The attached memorandum dated September 28, 1993 (Page 6) from a City Inspector states that the sewer infrastructure improvements have been completed pursuant to plans and contract documents and may be accepted as complete by the City of Fontana. Staff recommends that the project be accepted as complete and that authorization be given for the City Engineer to file a NotiCe of Completion with the San Bernardino County Recorder's office. ATTACHHENTS: Page 4 - Proposed resolution Page 5 - Vicinity Map Page 6 - Memorandum dated September 28, 1993 from City Inspector SUBMITTED BY: ~IEWED BY: RECOMM~~/~ Frank A. Schuma C. Deverea Community Development Steve Deit ager Director City Attorney FAS:RWW:wp RESOLUTION NO. 93- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FONTANA ACCEPTING THE SEWERS IN CYPRESS AVENUE FROM JURUPA AVENUE, SEWER STATION gO+05.00 TO SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE, SEWER STATION 9+93.54 {CITY DP~AWING NO.. 1933, SHEETS 1 THROUGH 5 AND CITY DRAWING NO. 2042, SHEETS 1 THROUGH 9) AS A PART OF THE CITY SEWER SYSTEM. WHEREAS, Section 23-388 of th~ Code of the City of Fontaria provides that each addition to or extension of the sewer system shall be accepted by Resolution of the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Resolution of Acceptance shall contain the terms of any special consideration which shall apply to the sewer so accepted; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Fontana that sewer mains and laterals in Cypress Avenue from Jurupa Avenue, Sewer Station 90+05.00 to San Bernardino Avenue, Sewer Station 9+93.54 {City Drawing No. 1933, Sheets 1 through 5 and City Drawing No. 2042, Sheets 1 through 9) are hereby accepted as a part of the sewer system of this City. A total of sixty-six sewer laterals were constructed at a cost of $1,000 each. As each property owner along this line applies for connection to the sewer, the $1,000 cost of the lateral will be collected from the applicant; and that amount will be reimbursed to the Sewer Capital Improvement Fund. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of October, lgg3. APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: City Attorney I, Kathy Montoya, City Clerk of the City of Fontana, and Ex-Officio Clerk of the City Council do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is the actual resolution duly and regularly adopted by the City Council at a regular meeting on the 19th day of October, 1993, by the following vote to-wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: City Clerk of the City of Fontana Mayor of the City of Fontana ATTEST: City Clerk Page 1 of 1 CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: YOUSUF PATANWALA ASSOCIATE ENGINEER SUBJECT: COMPLETION OF CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER PROJECT DATE: SEPTEMBER ~8, 1993 Cypress Avenue Sewer Project has been completed by contractor; Kenko, Inc. All construction is completed and in accordance with all Plans and Specifications and all punch list items have been completed to ~e satisfaction of the Inspector. WB:Vv c:\data\wp\inspecti\memos93\compofcy.swr City Council Ninutes V kqf September 15, 1992 (Page 7 of 9) (c) add {3) and (4) as follows: (3) An addition to a single-family residence. ~X¢~I~II~I~II~I~I~t~I (4) Construction of garages, carports, storage buildings, patio covers, swiming pools, spas, boundary or decorative fences, television microwave towers, amateur radio devices or earth stations, and the like. (2) Introducing Ordinance No. 1062. as ~nded. (3) Waiving further reading of Ordinance No. 1063. adopting a Haster Storm Drainage Plan and adopting Naster Storm Drainage Benefit Area Fees, and that the reading of the title constitutes the first reading thereof. {4) Introducing Ordinance No. 1063. Notion carried by a vote of 5-0. ACTION: Notion was made by Council Hembet Freeman, seconded by Council Hembet Hurray to continue the meeting past 11:00 p.m. Notion carried by consensus. ACTION: Notion was made by Council NemberFreeman, 12 AWARD seconded by Council Hembet Hurray accepting a bid in the CONTRACT KENKO amount of $1,578,632 {Bid Schedule II} and awarding a CYPRESS AVE contract to Kenko, Inc., dba NcGrand and Associates for SEWER the construction of the Cypress Avenue sewer from Ourupa NO 92-362 Avenue to San Bernardino Avenue; authorizing a construction contingency fund in the amount of $157,863.20 (10% of the contract amount); and authorizing the City Nanager to execute the construction contract. Notion carried by a vote of 4-1, Council Hembet Eshleman voting no. Principal Civil .Engineer, Greg Bucknell gave the staff presentation noting staff researched due diligently the allegations made by Nr. David Lanham, I.O.U.E. Local 12 and found these allegations unfounded. Written communication was received from the following: 1. Kenko, Inc., Contractors, P.O. Box 831, Callmesa, CA., dated September 10, lg92. 2. Patrick NcGuire, I.U.O.E. Local 12, 1455 Rialto Avenue, Colton, CA. David Lanham, I.U.O.E. Local 12, 150 E. Corson Street, Pasadena, CA., spoke in opposition to awarding the contract to Kenko, Inc. Roger Schwartz, Kenko, Inc., 364 Los Robles, Redlands, Ca., spoke in favor along with Frank Swanson, P.E., 38730 Brookside, Cherry Valley, CA. It was not the consensus of the City Council to incorporate language similar to that of Chino Basin Municipal Mater District as requested by Council Member Eshleean. ACTION: Adoption of a Code of Ethics for City of Fontana 13A CONT'D Elected Officials, Appointed Officials, Commissioners and TO 10-6-92 Employees was continued to October 6, 1992 by consensus CODE OF ETHICS of the City Council. NO 92-363 Page 12 of 15 CITY COUMCIL ACT1011 REPORT SEPTEMBER 15. 1992 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Meeting Date Agenda Placement TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Community Development Department SUBOECT: Award of Contract for Construction of the Cypress Avenue Sewer from Jurupa Avenue to San Bernardtrio Avenue RECOMIIE!IDATION: MOTION TO ACCEPT A BID IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,578,632 (BIO SCHEDULE II) ANO AWARO A CONTRACT TO KENKO, INC., dba McGRAND AND ASSOCIATES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER FROM JURUPA AVENUE TO SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE; TO AUTHORIZE A CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $157,863.20 (10% OF THE CONTRACT AMOUNT); AND TO AUTHORIZE: THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT. /e~s' _ Funding General BUDGET IMPACT: I_1 No Source: IZl Fund Budget Ix__l (0711 Sewer Capltal Fund Budget I_1 Bond Proceeds I_1 Developer Deposits The Cypress Avenue Sewer Project is budgeted for FY 92/93 in Account Number 071-7251 for a total amount of $2,255,094 (Pages 5-6). This amount reflects the estimated total cost to construct the project including license, inspection and easement fees. This project was also approved as part of the 1991-1996 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) (Page 7). The funds for this project are from the "Sewer Capital Fund and were derived from fees paid by any development or project which connects to the City sewer system. ENVIRO!OIEXTAL IHPACT= I_1 Yes IX__l No A Mitigated Negative Declaration for this project was adopted by Fontana City Council on Ouly 7, 1992 (Page 8). BACKGROUND= On Ouly 7, 1992, the City Council authorized the Community Development Department to advertise for bids for the Construction of the Cypress Avenue Sewer ProJect (Page 8). The Cypress Avenue Sewer Project (approximately 10,560 feet long) will connect to the City's aurupa Avenue sewer trunk line. The project was bid with four construction alternatives. Two of the bid alternatives represent the construction of the project from Jurupa Avenue to Valley Boulevard (Schedule 1 and Alternate Schedule 1). The other two alternatives (Schedule 1I and Alternate Schedule II) are for construction of the full length of the project from Ourupa Avenue to San Bernardino Avenue (See flap, Page 9). The btd alternatives were requtred to provtde budgetary flexibility depending on the status of the proposed Forttans Katser Hastewater Treatment Plant. ~ On August 13, 1992, at 2:00 p.m., thtrteen (13) bids were recelved by the City Clerk's office. Bids were publicly opened tn the Ctty Council Chambers by a member of the Ctty Clerk's office. The bids, as advertised,' included four alternatives, each of which had its own construction bid schedule. Kenko, inc., dba HcGrand & Associates was the lowest responsible btdder for all of the construction schedules required by the btd proposal documents (Pages 10-25). At the meeting of September ], ]992, the Council received oral and written testimony from a representative of the International Union of Operating Engineers by a letter dated August 26, 1992, to Hayor Gary E. Boyles (Pages 26-29) and a letter dated August 26, 1992, to Hr. Robert W. Weddle, P.E., Ctty Engineer (Pages 30-33). The Council also received oral testimony from a representative of Kenko, Znc. in rebuttal to concerns expressed by the Znternattonal Union of Operating Engineers. The Council continued this action regarding award to Kenko, inc. of the contract for the Construction of the Cypress Sewer from Jutups Avenue to San Bernardtno Avenue to the Council meeting of September ZS, 1992 (Page 34) In order for the concerns presented at the meeting to be addressed and reported to them. Ctty staff, including a Police Department investigator, were assigned to review the allegations made by the international Union of Operating Engineers. Kenko, inc. has not v101ated Cal-Osha safety standards on construction contracts wtthtn the City of Fontana. The prevailing wage violations have been released by the State of California Labor Relations Board on construction contracts for .r,'~, the City of Fontana. The Police Department investigation has shown that there are no known crtmtnal cases pending against Kenko, inc. Based on the Investigation, there ts no Justification, at this time, to deny the award of thts construction contract to Kenko, Inc. The State of California, Department of Industrial Relations, routinely Issues a notification of dental of bidding rights when the Department has received sertous charges against the contractor of wage, bidding, construction safety standard violations, and/or of criminal charges. The City of Fontaria has not received any notification from the State Department of Zndustrial Relations of a dental of any bidding rights for Kenko, Znc. The Community Development Department, Engineering DIvision, recommends that award of the contract be made to Kenko, Znc. ANALYSISNi) dUSTIFICATION: The Cypress Avenue Sewer will provide the additional capacity for the Kaiser Hospital Primary Care Unit Expansion Project, as well as reduce deficiencies in other sewer lines as originally contemplated. / Competition tn the construction market place has yielded bids far below those anticipated by engineering staff and the design consultant. As recommended, the award of Bid Schedule II wnuld accomplish the construction of the full length/budgeted pro~ec~ in Cypress Avenue from Jurupa Avenue to San Bernardino Avenue. This alternative would function for all future sewer flows regardless /"~' of the treatment plant site selection. An alternative ls to award the bid in the amount of $1,477,054 (Alternate B~d ~ Schedule II) which, ~n brief, downs~zes the sewer line ~ts total length by three 1riches. Th~s alternative would only work for projected future sewer flows If the Fontana Wastewater Treatment Plant is constructed. This would requtre authorization for final design by Council for the treatment plant prior to the Cypress Avenue Sewer contractor's ordering the manufacturing of the sewer pipe. A cost savings to the Sewer Capital Fund in the amount of $]0~,578 could be realized for the downsized sewer facility. However, s~nce the City Council has not yet determined to move forward with f~nal design of the proposed Fontana Plant, staff does not recommend this option. Staff has verified the accuracy of the bid sheets and has made necessary reference checks. The bid process was conducted tn accordance w~th bid procedures for public works projects. Staff recommends award of a contract to Kenko, Inc. for Constructlon Schedule II tn the amount of $1,578,632 or Alternate Schedule Il tn the amount of $1,477,054 if sufficient data is presented for Councll's authorizing the next phase design of the Fontaria Wastewater Treatment Plant. Once the contract ~s awarded, construction Is expected to beg~n by September 21, 1992. The contract calls for a construction period of 110 working days, with an antlctpated completion dateof February 20, 1993. If the Council chooses to reject all bids and readvertise thts project, this action would impact the Kaiser Hospital expansion schedule by approximately three to four months. ~.~ Thls recommended action complies w~th the City's adopted Purchasing poltctes and procedures. ALTERNATIYES: In considerlng this matter, the City Counctl has several alternatives: 1. Accept a bid tn the amount of $1,578,632 (Bid Schedule II) and award a contract to Kenko, Inc., dba McGrand and Associates for the Construction of the Cypress Avenue Sewer from Jurupa Avenue to San Bernardtrio Avenuel to authorize a construction contingency fund tn the amount of $157,863.20 (]0% of the contract amount)| and to authorize the Ctty Manager to execute the construction contract. 2. Oeny the request/determine not to award the contract to Kenko, Inc., reject all bids, and authorize Community Development Oepartment, Engineering Otviston to readverttse for bids for this project. 3. Refer th~s matter back to staff for further constderatton. v 4 v ATI'ACI!4EXTS: Page 5 - FY 92/93 Project Budget Page 7 - 1991-1996 CIP Page 8 - Hinute action of July 7, 1992 Page g - Location and Vtctntty Hap Page 10 -Btd Recapitulation Page 26 - Letter dated August 26, 1992 to Hayor Gary E. Boyles from international Union of Operating Engineers Page 30 - Letter dated August 26, 1992 to Hr. Robert W. Weddle, P.E., Ctty Engineer, from international Union of Operating Engineers Page 34 - Hinute excerpt of September 3, 1992 Council meeting SUBHITTED ~ REVIEWED BY:, RE NHENDED BY: Gre er ls~p or J Corey ' Community Development Director Steve Deltsch nager City Attorney GihRW:wp O i WM. C. WAQGONEI~ · ~ an~ * een~,l Vi~e~re~e AFL~O August 26, X~ /~,' ~yo~ G~ B. 8353 Sia Aven~ . ,/ Fon~, ~fo~ ~335 E: C~ Av~ S~ Sys~m ~ Mayor ~yl~: A~h~ y~'~ ~d a ~y of o~ fom~ bid pm~ for ~ pmj~ ~f~ ~e. h is o~ ~ew ~ ~e low bi~, ~ ~c., is a non-~sib~ bi~ ~d ~ awm ~ould go ~ ~e n~t ~n~ble biddy. We app~i~ yo~ ~n~den~. PI~ ~ ffy~ ~o~d ~ve ~y q~fi~s. V~ ~y yo~, W~ C. W~onff, Bu~ I.U.O.E., ~ No. 12 ~d Con~ Comp~ R~ve I.U.O.B., ~ No. WCW:DSL:hm ~clos~ 150 EAST COR,~ON STREET · P,O. BOX 1109 · PAEAOENA CA 9110e-720~ · TELEPHONE (818) 792-8900 Aug~/st ~8, 1992 Mr. Patrick McGuirs Local 12 International Union of Operating Engineers RE:' Liabilit~ of public agencies to workers in~ure~ on Public WOrkS Dear Mr. M~Guiret In response to your recent inquiry, this letter is written to address the potential for liability on the par~ of a public agency which awards a Public Works ProJe~ to large D"mher of violations of OSHA Safety Orders as compare~ to other bidders on the praise. In ~he unfortunate instance where a worker on (whether employed by ~he prime contractor or · killed or injured as ~he result of such a violation, several Govenamen= Code JSlS.4 which auto that ~he public agency is liable for the negligence o~ i~s independent con~rac~cors to ths same ex~cent as a private person would The first approach would be to asser~ that ~he agency was negligent in selec~ing ~he contractor. (Restatement oZ To~cs (ed) ~4Ii) In California ~his ~yge of negligence mus~ be determined in light oZ all ~he surrounding circumstances. (Noble v. Sears Roebuc~ & Coo, (1~73) 33 CaX.App. 3~ S54, 664) The ~ob~e case stated ~hetmerely determining ~hat ~he case a pzivate detective hired by an insurerice company) is appropriately licensed may not be sufficient to establish ~he absence oZ negligence. Where, for example, · public agency knows before it awerds ~he con~rec~ ~hat ~he recipient has safety violations five times ea~er ~han l~s compe~itore, fact would be of grte~ siqllif~cence in es~ablishinq ~he aqency's negligence in hiring such a conetam'car. RE: Lia~ility of public agencies to workers injured on Public Works Projects A second, :ela~e~ ar%a of potential li~ili~y involves work which gives rise ~o a special, recogniz~le =isk of ha~ arising out of ~e character of ~he work, or ~he place where i~ is perfomed, agains~ which special precautions must be taken. pas~ twenty -five years have seen many cases where p~lic agencies were held li~le for ~e fail~e to take such precautions, begi~ing wi~ ~e califomia Supreme Cou~ decision in V~ ~s~ale v. Hollinger, (1968) 68 Cal.2~ ~45 (Cit~ held liable for its ~on~a~tor,s fail~e to Wovl~e 8~a=e ~tversion to pro=e~= workers ~rfo~ing road re-s~riping). Examples of const~c~ion work involving such special risks include: working in excava~ion$ more ~an five feet working a~ heights in excess of seven feet~ ~ eeOcring wo=k perfo~e~ at night. The special precautions retired to against ~ese ris~ are =reCently ~e s~Je~ o= OS~ re~la~ions, an~ ~us of ~e t~e Qf ui~ations which are discoverable by ~e p~lic agen~ prior ~o awning ~e If a wo=ker is inJur~ or kill~ as ~e reset Qf such a violation--folios to provide shoring, scaffolding, lighting ~e like--~is a~v~ce ~owledge on ~e pa~ of ~e agen~ will weigh heavily in suppo~ of a finding Qf ~lre~ n~ligence OG its pa~. In essence, ~e agen~ has reason ~o ~ ~at l~ rely on its contrau~or to take ade~a~e precautions, so It must assume ~at respQns~ility ~ireu~ly. Such a~lve n~ligence will likely preven~ ~e agen~ from obtaining c~le~e indeification f~ i~s contra~or. Ano~er poss~ili~ for li~lli~y exists wh~ ~e awaking agen~ re~ain$ con~roI of ~e de~ails of ~e work of its coneraZor. (Morehouse v. Ta~m~ Co., (I970) 5 C~.A~p.3~ 548, 557) ~e appliu~ility of ~is ~eo~ depen~ on ~e inte~re~ation of ~e bid ~o~entation. If ~e lan~age is a~i~ous, i~ can reasonably ~e ln~e~re~ed ~o mean ~a~ a p~liu agenq wi~ ~ledge of a po~en~ial uon~rautor,s poor so=sty recor~ would no~ ~ted to relin~ish con~l o= proJe~ safe~y. Having ~owl~ge of ~e likeliho~ ~at i~s ~on~a~or woul~ allow ~e work ~0 p~e~ in ~ ~safe ~er, ~e age~ woul~ be bo~d ~0 see ~t dangerous conditions and provides w~e ree~i~ o= wG~gs were given. ~e fail~e to ~0 sQ WQUI~ be a neglige= ~eruise o~ retain~ control. It is hop~ ~at ~is ~is~ssion will help ~ou per$~de agencies ~at ~ere is more to evaluating a ~1~ ~i~~ looking at ~e ~QllaZ count on ~e proposal. ~e po~ial si~ificant dodge awards as compensation for dea~ o= serious, ~e~anen~ injuries to workers resulting from dis~a~ =or safe practices must also be ~onsidere~. If uonue~ p~liu savants consider ~e potential costs, e in bo~ economi~ an~ h~ tam, page Three ~ ~ 9 RE: Liability of public agencies to workers injured on Public Works Projects of awaking contra~s for ~llc Wor~ Projects to contractors who consisten~ly disregard ~e Safe~ O~ers and S~a~u~es S=a~e, ~ey mus~ ce~ainl~ revise ~eir view of o~er bidders who are more concemed for ~e well-being of ~eir workers, and ~ali~y of ~eir produc~, ~an~ey are merel~ for ~e lane. ' ve~ ~ly yours, HO~IN, TAY~R & A ~w Co~oration ~ "'~(~ BRI~ C. ~I~ B~/lb '1 .J J v' WM. C. WAGGONER Su.in... "".n.g., .nd 0.".,., VIc.p,.sid.nt o . nvI'JE1RNA\rl[ONAJ[, UNJ[ON OlP OIPJE]RA'J['JIJN"G JENGJINJEJEU AFL.cIO .~ AUlust 26, 1992 EXPRESS MAIL Mr. Robert W. Weddle, P.E., City Engineer City of Fontana 83S3 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 9233S RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer System Kenko Inc., dba McGrand & Associates Formal Bid Protest Dear Mr. Weddle: Please accept this u a formal protest apinst the bid submittal of KenkD, Inc. for the above referenced project. Evidence complied by this office and made available to your staff reveals this contractor to be non-responsible. Tbe Kenko Inc. bid ploposal should be rejected and the contract awarded to the next responsible bidder. We base our protest OIl evidence provided to staff and hicbliahted below. Cal-osha Violations The Cal-osha violations api"ttlCeftko, Inc. date back to at least 1989. Evidence compiled to date indicates a danlerous pattern of work related infractions. In the constructiOll industry, it can be said that the climate is ripe for constructioo related mi~ and/or accidents. However, it appears ICenko, Inc. is at the top of the field in work related infractions. Over 60 citations have been issued since 1989, ran&inl from 1enen1, to replatory, to repeat, and serious in nature. Tbe citations were issued OIl numerous projects throughout California. These included projects in Omard, Cutaie, Reddinl, Fontana, Bakersfield, Ontario, Saulus, Thousand Palms, Palm Sprinp, Fresno and LabYiew. 1 150 EAST CORSON STREET e PO. 80X 7101e PASADENA. CA '1101-7201e TnEPHON1111" 792.1900 31 the job, u well u people within the community itself. A contractor choosinl to ignore safety procedures time and time again, constitutes a contractor who is non-responsible. Representatives for Kenko will attempt to refute the charles reprdinl Cal-osha violations by claiming a low Worken' Compensation rate. This is an attempt to avoid the Cal-osha question with an unrelated topic. Workers' Compensation rates are based on jobsite injuries nworted. To achieve a low rate, you simply under report injuries. It is unfortunate that Workers' Compensation does not share information with Cal-osha, or vice-versa. Because of the current formula though, the fact remains that a low Workers' Compensation rate has ng bearinl on a contraCtor's Cal-osha record. They are not related items. Police Related Activity Durinl the brief time Ken.ko hu been in our State, Corporate President Louis Belanler and Vice President Ieff McGrand have on separate occasions assaulted two awardinl aaency inspecton. McGrand's assault on a City of Fresno Inspector is pendinl. We have also obtained from Shasta County Sheriff's office copies of crime reports alle&inl burglary, vandalism and assault" battery committed by Belanler. Amst warrants were issued in these cases. Inspectors' loiS from the City of Reddina indicate that McGrand and his foreman were arrested by the State Department of Fisb " Game for continued violations while performina work in a .weth1ndt.. area. Numerous other incidents have occurred and are beina investip.ted by our office. This pattern of operation by corporate officers reflects upon the company makeup and would seemingly sUllest Kenko, Inc. to be a non-responsible firm. While numerous, sucb assaults involvina individuals associated with lCeDkD, Inc. have been reported, a -simple police searcb of corporate officers by the county District AJ1Drrw:y would undoubtedly reveal further evidence which may be helpful prior to any consideration of contract award. Prevailina Wap Violatioas The State Department of Industrial Relations has issued the foUowina official Notices to Withhold on four receat ICenkD public works projects for prevaillDa waae violations: City of BUasfielcI LoI Ana" County Sanitation District Eastem MunicipIl W.. District City of Fontana $47,000.00 $ 8,500.00 S 1,750.00 $11,860.00 The Notices to Withhold were based OIl evidence of lCenkD's failme to ~y report regular houn worked, overtime and failure to report all 'JrOIkmeIl OIl site. The pdaD of violatinl prevailinl waae laws should deem this contractor to be DOQ-responah1e. Another area thal should be of conccm to the city is the potential for liability should III injury or deadl occur OIl this project, especially after beiftI informed of lCenkD's safety 3 32 The Cal-osha violations were written for several types of infractions, including: failure to provide a safe means of access; failure to provide adequate ventilation; a violation for proper tonle lever control on a boom (which resulted in a fatality May 9, 1990, citation Ontario, California); a citation which stated that only a qualified operator shall operate a hoisting machine; a failure to keep a safe distance from overhead lines; problems with safe access (to work area); failure to wear orange flagging garments; failure to wear protec:tive shields and weldinl hats; failure to provide protec:tion for employees who enter excavated areas over S feet in depth; failure to provide safe workinl areas for employees workinl near heavy constrUCtion equipment; failure to provide a safe environment for traffic control personnel; failure to provide ladden in trenches over four feet which would enable easy entry if available, but more importantly, quicker exit if a cave-in should occur. -- On Kenko's current Eastern Municipal Water District job in Lakr:view, the contractor wu issued five citations on its second day of major excavation. Cal-Osba found employees at risk while workinl in a 26 foot deep excavation without a ladder and employees were not protected from the hazards of movinl earth. KenkD wu also cited for havinl an inadequate enpneer's plan, and for -exposing them (employees) to serious injury or death.- Kenko wu cited May 1, 1992 on its Fresno/Clovis project. 1be three citations were listed as serious by Cal-Osha and apparendy follow ICenko's now established pattern. This office has established that KenkD has been issued 63 Cal-osha citations. Of the 63 citations, 44 are affirmed citations. In short, 88~ of ICenko's citations after beinl heard or processed, are affirmed citations. Probably most serious is KenkD's pattern of citations pertaining to trencblshorinl. This critical area of safety appears to be of no concem to Kenko, Inc. This office has received from eal-Osha a computer printout which reveals ICenko, Inc. to be the leader stateWide in trenCh! shoriq related citations. The printout shows Kenko, Inc. with three times the number of trench-re1ated citations, as the next contrKtOr. Perhaps a better understandinl of this COIltrKtOr'S commitment to worker safety and how it relates to your project, can be found by reviewinl the Une item bid amount for trencbI shorinl. We have been unable to review all the bids submitted by each contractor. However, the Chino Basin Municipal Valley W.. District fouDd ill their bid documents that Kenko's line item price for trench/shorinl was subS1llldally below the enp.r's estimate and other bidders. This would apin sullest that the contractor's (lCenkD), view of employee safety laws is of little conc:em. Cal-Osba reauJations are in place to proteet the worker OIl 2 · f. OO ~- Page Three : RE: Liability of public agencies to workers injured on Public Works ProJects of awarding contracts for Publio Works Projects to contractors who consistently disregard ~he Safety Orders and Statutes of ~his State, ~hey must certainly revise ~heir view of o~her bidders who are more concerned for ~he well-being of their workers, and the quality of ~heir product, than they are merely for the 'bat=am- line. m Ver~ truly yours, HOLSTEIN, TAYLOR & UNITT A Law Corporation BRIAN C. UNITT BCU/lb KATHY MONTOYA GARY E. BOYLES CITY CLERK MAYOR DR. CHARLES A. KOEHLER PATRICIA M. MURRAY C~TY TREASURER M,,oRPRoTE. City Of Fontana BEN L. ABERNATHY COUNCIL MEMBER t JAY M, COREY DAViD B. ESHLEMAN C z~k L I F 0 R N ~ ~ C~MANAGER COUNCIL MEMBER BILL FREEMAN COUNCIL MEMBER September 3, 1992 EXCERPT OF THE UNOFFICIAL AND NOT YET APPROVED HINUTES OF THE SEPTEHBER 1, 1992 REGULAR FONTANA CiTY COUNCIL HEETING: "It was the consensus of the Council to continue Consent Calendar Item I regardlng the award of a contract to Kenkb, Inc., dba ltcGrand and Associates, for the construction of the Cypress Avenue sewer from Jurupa Avenue to San Bernardino Avenue to September 15, 1992 to further address the concerns as brought forward to the City Council. "' Linda S. Nunn, CHC Deputy City Clerk LSN:vm 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) ® FONTANA~ CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA September 10, 1992 EXCERPT OF THE UNOFFICIAL AND NOT YET APPROVED MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 1, 1992 REGULAR FONTANA CITY COUNCIL MEETING: "Notion made by Council Member Abernathy, seconded by Council Member Eshleman to approve an agreement with Geotechnical Professionals, Inc., for geotechnical engineering (construction soils testing) services for the Cypress Avenue sewer project in the amount of $43,720; to establish a contingency reserve in the amount of $4,370; and to authorize the execution of the Consultant Services Agreement by the City Manager. AYES: Mayor Boyles, Council Members Abernathy, Eshleman, Freeman, Murray NOES: None ABSENT: None" L ~'~~ .i~da~S. NunS, CMC Deputy City Clerk LSN:vm 8353SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B,C. CANADA ITEM CITY COUNCIL ACTlOll REPORT ' SEPTE31BER 1, 1992 CONSENT CALENDAR Meeting Date Agenda Placement TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Community Development Department SUBJECT: Award of Contract for Construction of the Cypress Avenue Sewer 'From Ourupa Avenue to San Bernardtrio Avenue RECO!Ifi)DATIOfi: TO ACCEPT A BID IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,578,632 (BID SCHEDULE II) AND AWARD A CONTRACT TO KENKO, INC., dba NcGRAND AND ASSOCIATES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER FROM OURUPA AVENUE TO SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE; TO AUTHORIZE A CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY FUND IN THE ANOUNT OF $157,863.20 (10% OF THE CONTRACT AMOUNT); AND TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT. ~_ _ Funding _ General BIBGET IMPACT: I No ILl Yes Sour:ce: I_1 Fund Budget Ixl (o71) Sewer Capital Fund Budget I_1 Bond Proceeds I_1 Developer Deposlts The Cypress Avenue Sewer Project is budgeted for FY 92/93 in Account Number 071-7251 for a total amount of $2,255,094 (Pages 4-5). Thts amount reflects the estimated total cost to construct the project including license, inspection and easement fees, This project was also approved as part of the 1991-1996 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) (Page 6).= The funds for this project are from the Sewer Capttal Fund and were derived from fees paid by any development or project which connects to the City sewer system, E]IVIROI~ENTAL IMPACT= I_1 Yes ILl No A Mitigated Negative Declaration for thls project was adopted by Fontana City Counctl on July 7, 1992 (Page 7). BACKGROIIi: On July 7, 1992, the City Counctl authorized the Community Development Department to advertise for bids for the Construction of the Cypress Avenue Sewer Project (Page 7), The Cypress Avenue Sewer Project (approximately 10,560 feet long) will connect to the Ctty's Jurupa Avenue sewer trunk line, The project was bid with four construction alternatives, Two of the btd=alternathes represent the construction of the proj~t from Ourupa Avenue to Valley~i~ulevard (Schedule 1 and Alternate Schedule 1). The other two alternatives (Schedule 1I and Alternate Schedule 11) are for construction of the full length of the project from Ourupa Avenue to San Bernardino Avenue (See Hap, Page 8). The bid alternatives were required to provide budgetary flexibility depending on the status of the proposed Fontana Kaiser Wastewater Treatment Plant. On August 13, 1992, at 2:00 p.m., thirteen (13) bids were.received by the City Clerk's office. Btds were publicly opened in the CIty Council Chambers by a member of the City Clerk's office. The bids, as advertised, included four alternatives, each of which had its own construction bid schedule. Kenko, Inc., dba HcGrand & Associates was the lowest responsible bidder for all of the construction schedules required by the bid proposal documents (Pages 9-24). ANALYSIS All) ,1USTIFICATIOM: The Cypress Avenue Sewer will provide the additional capacity for the Kaiser Hospital Primary Care Unlt Expansion Project, as well as reduce deficiencies in other sewer lines as originally contemplated. Competition in the construction market place has yielded bids far below those anticipated by engineering staff and the design consultant. As recommended, the award of Bid Schedule II would accomplish the construction of the full length/budgeted project in Cypress Avenue from Ourupa Avenue to San Bernardino Avenue. This alternative would function for all future sewer flows regardless of the treatment plant site selectlon. An alternative is to award the bid in the amount Of $1,477,054 (Alternate Bid Schedule II) which, tn brief, downsizes the sewer line its total length by three inches. This alternative would only work for projected future sewer flows if the Fontana Wastewater Treatment Plant is constructed. This would require authorization for final design by Council for the treatment plant prior to the Cypress Avenue Sewer contractor's ordering the manufacturing of the sewer pipe. A cost savtngs to the Sewer Capital Fund in the amount of $101,578 could be realized for the downsized sewer facility. However, since the City Council has not yet determined to move forward with final design of the proposed Fontana Plant, staff does not recommend this option. Staff has verified the accuracy of the bid sheets and has made necessary reference checks. The bid process was conducted in accordance with bid procedures for public works projects. Staff recommends award of a contract to Kenko, Inc. for Construction Schedule II in the amount of $1,578,632 or Alternate Schedule II in the amount of $1,477,054 if sufficient data is presented for Counctl's authorizing the next phase design of the Fontana Wastewater Treatment Plant. Once the contract is awarded, construction is expected to begin by September 21, 1992. The contract calls for a construction period of llO working days, with an anticipated completion date of February 20, 1993. This recommended action complies with the City's adopted Purchasing policies and procedures. 3: ~./ A~ACI!~ENTS: Page 4 - FY 92/93 Project Budget Page 6 - 1991-1996 CIP Page 7 -Mtnute actton of July 7, 1992 Page 8 -Locatton and Vtctntty Nap Page 9 -Btd Recapitulation SUBM! ~p REVZEWED BY: RECOMMENDED BY~/~ G C1 orey Commu~ ment DIrector ager Ctty Attorney GH:RI~:wp 4 CiTY OK F(X4TAIL~ 199Z-93 ADOPTED g~JQGET BY FUNQ ~ SE~E Zi4PRQV~N~NT FUi (07'1) 1992-93 1092-9~ 1992-9~ EXPENSE ~4TEGCX~Y 071-7267 O71-7251 071-7257 yt.Y/CYPIO CYPEE/JURUPA VLY/PLHETTO PERSONAL SERVICES S30,386 S58,09& S22,679 OPERATING EXPENSES 322 0 Q CONTRACTUAL GERVlCES /+SO,OOO 2,197,000 0 INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 0 0 0 CAPITAL EXPENEEE 0 0 0 OPEEAT|NG TRANOFEE 0 0 0 FUNDING E~IJRGE: S~80,708 S2,255,0~, 122,679 6IJOGETED FULL'TIN POSITIONS 0.~,75 0.930 0.365 PERS~4NEL BY ONJECT 1100 FULL'TZH~z EHPLOYEES 21,950 ~.I,965 16,35~, 1155 ANNUAL LEAV~ PAYOFF 1,010 1,9'50 1200 PART-TiM( EHPLOYEEE 13(X) OVERTIME l&QO SPECIAL DUTY PAY 1600 INCENTIVE PAY 135 211 121 1800 P~.ZCE UNIFClI4 ALLQkUUI(2 1900 AUTO ALLICE 1902 PEAS NETIIENENT 3,543 6,786 2,665 1905 CAFETERIA li~XEFIT El. Hi 3,129 5,987 2,370 1908 FICA HOSPITALIZATION 274 S41 171 1909 M)elCEES~' CGi4PENSATION 365 676 266 1910 UNENPLOYM(NT iNSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL 30,.'586 58,096 22,679 OPERATING EXPENSES IY ONJECT :7000 OEPAJtTM(NTAL EXPgNSES :'100 UNI FONN SI~Pt. IES 2200 ADVERTISING 322 2300 C(NIJNICATiQId :'&,O0 UTILITIES :'500 EENTS & LEAIll :'610 AUTCletlVI PiTS :'611 FUEL AIIO 011, :'61:' TIEEl ADO :'800 EDUIPNSIT I~ilITINAI3 30QQ IESUeNCE SETTLESgETS 3100 M(NI~ESEIPS & MS 3:'00 CONFERENCES, TRAINING, M(ITIIIGI ]210 CEGIIilZATICIAI, TIAIEII~ ]iO0 NISCILLAIII(~I ~,50 OEPEIC|ATION 3500 IDIIN, OYEI EI)UCAT ION I!111 )680 INTEREST EXPIEII 5 CITY OP FCNT~UIA 1992-93 ~DCtTED 8UDC~T IY FUND SMR Z~MT FU~ (071) 1~2-93 1~2-93 1~2-~ EXPENSE ~TE~Y 071-~47 071-~51 071-~57 VLY/CYPRS CYPRS/JURUPA VLY/PLHETTO 3700 PRINCIPAL PAYHINT 3800 POSTAM COSTS 3801 PHOTOCOPY COSTS 3802 DENTAL COSTS 3803 OFFICE S~'PLIES 3900 EQUIP/FURNITURE · $5QQ/UNIT TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 32~ 0 0 CONTRACTED PROFESSIQltAL SERVICES 4000 LEGAL SERVICEE 6100 ACCCUNTIliG & AUDITING SERVICES ~.200 ENGINEERING SERVICES 27,000 15,000 ~.210 PlAN CHEC1C SERVICES ~,220 INSPeCTlOll SERVICES 6300 COSETIKICTIOS CONTRACTS 42~,000 2,182,000 ~.600 OTHER PROFESSICI~L SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTED PHOF SERVICEI ~.SO,DQO 2,197,000 O INTERNAL SERVICE CIL~IGEI IY OlJECT 2600 VEHICLE NAIIITEIUUICl 2700 DATA PROCESSING CHARGI 3000 RI$1~ LIABILITY TOTAL INTERNAL SEIVICE CHAICEI 0 0 0 CAPITAL ¢XJI'LAY EY CEJECT SIO0 VEHICLES & lOLLIN ETOCIC SZO0 14ilNTENANCI & TESTIN !IJIPI!IT S300 OIIFICE ECIUIININT & FIll111JII %00 LANO & IUILDIIIEI 6080 PROdECT lllslO~'lXllTI 60~O DISI~SM. CI}ITI 6120 COlT OF ISIIMICI TOTAL CAPITAL ~TLA'f 0 0 0 OPEIATING TIJUISFEI TOTAL IY OldlET 480,708 Z,25"~,09i. 22,679 Priority Project Titles 1st Yr Znd Yr 3rd Yr Ath Yr Sth Yr Future 1 Kaiser Wastewater Reclamation PLant 1,T59 9,92~ 2?,857 21,255 Z Empire Center-Local Phases [,II&IV 1,02~ 304 315 10 HasLet Sewer PLan Revision SO 20 FoxboroughlTraiLhead-Phaae 111 168 21 Tamirind & Juru~a 221 22 Empire Center-Regional Phase IV 1,331 TOTALS 8,818 1S,Ol~ Za,&&6 23,101 200 0 -ZZg- Ctty Count11Htnutes July ~, ~9gZ I. (Z) AdoDttng a Htttgated No~attve Declaration N)PT MITI6AT end California Fish and Game Oe ~tnhNs Impact Finding NE~ OEC/ and directing staff tQ ftle the NOtice of Determination CYPRESS AVE end Certificate of Fee Exemption for the construction SE1ER SYSTEM of the Cypress Avenue sewer system betxeen Jurupa NO 92-257 Avenue and SIn Bernardthe Avenue, (2) Author1 zing the Conmmntty OeveleWnt Oe~ert- ATHRZ CONR ment to advertise for bids for the constructten of the DaY ADVERT- Cypress Avenue sewer system between ~urupe Avenue and BeDS CYPRESS Sin Bernardthe Avenue. AVE SEWER NO 92-258 e~, ' -,--,,, · ,....z.-~., ~, ® · '~i~ ~"""" L"" ""L~--,~' "" ""' . ~ I® ..) % --/,,,%,,,,,'--~,"',',"~""' · ............................,"tlll-,,,,,,'--CYPRESS AVE-SEWER ,,.""" VICINITY MAP, ***CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM BID RESULTS*** PROJECT: C~'INm~ Av~mae Sewer (Jmmpl Ave. T9 ~ ~ Ave.) ~r's ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~V T~ ~ T~ ~ T~ ~ T~ A ~A A~ ~ Y~Y Ii-I ~' ~ ~ V.C,P. 3~ L.F. 1~,~ 420,~,~ 101 I1-~ 27' ~ ~ V.C,P. ~28 L.F, 110.~ ~7,~.~ 8~.~ 376,3~.~ I~.~ 575,~.~ 1~.~ ~2,~-~ 11-3 24' ~ ~ V.C.P. ~ L.F. 1~.~ ~.~ i~.~ ~.~ 1~.~ ~.~ I~.~ ~-~ 114 21' ~ ~ V.C.P. 8 L,F, ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ 85.~ 6~.i I~.~ ~-~ I1-~ I0' ~ ~ V.C.P. 24 L,F, ~,~ I,l.~ 45.~ 1,~.~ ~,~ i,~,~ ~,~ 1,920.~ I1~ ~' ~ ~ V.C.P. ~ L.F, ~,~ 2,4~.~ ~.~ I ,~.~ 50.~ 2,4~.~ 75.~ 3,67~.~ !!-7 27" x 6' Y's ~ ~ V,C,P., k~ p~s. 3) ~. ~.~ 15~.~ ~.~ 6,975.~ 7~0.~ ~,~.~ ~,~ 9,~.~ 114 ~' x 6' Y's ~ ~ V,C.P., ~l~p~. 31 ~. 5~.~ 17,~.~ ~.~ 7,7~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ 12,~-~ i1:9 ' 4' ~ ~ (~ 3' ~ ~ s ~u~) 62 ~, 1 ,~,~ ~,~.~ 1,~-~ 62,~.~ ~.~ 37,2~.~ 1,2~.~ 74,~.~ I1-1~ ~- ~ ~ ~ ~2 L,F, ~,~ 217,~.~ 470,~ I~,1~.~ 4~.~ i62,~.~ 5~.~ ~,~-~ I1-11 ~'i~ofF~- No. I1~ 114, I~ ~ V.C,P. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. 6,~.~ 1~,~.~ 3,~-~ ~5,~.~ 2J.~ 62,~.~ 3,~.~ 87,~.~ V.C,P, ~ ~ ~ P~. I ~. 6,~.~ 6,~.~ 5,~-~ 5,~,~ 2,~.~ 2,~.~ 5,~.~ 5,~,~ ~ i, w~ ~ ~ ~ss I L.S. 15,~.~ 15,~.~ 2,~-~ 2,~.~ I0,~.~ 10,~.~ ~,~.~ ~,~-~ 11-14 A.C. ~ 4178 W~ ~db~ A.C. hvg~m 110,~1 ~. ~. 1.~ I10,~1.~ 0.10 11,~.10 030 33,138,3( 0.22 24,301.42 ~IW~f~T~h I L.S. ~,~.~ ~,~.~ 6,~.~ 6,~.~ I0,~.~ I0,~.~ ~,~.~ ~,~.~ H-!l Tm~ i ~ ~k 7-10.3 of~i ~) I L.S. 50,~.~ 50,~.~ 8,~.~ 8,~.~ 2,~.~ 2,~.~ ~,~.~ ~,~-~ I1-1~ 5~ k~m I L.S. 18,~.~ 18,~.~ 5,~.~ 5,~.~ 5,~.~ 5,~.~ 8,~.~ 8,~.~ ~-19 ~ ~ v~ ,i of 27' VCP sl~ I L.S. 1,5~.~ 1,5~.~ 750.~ 750.~ 2,~.~ 2,~.~ 2,~-~ 2,~.~ WlO ~ ~ 27' VCP ~ h. 89+~. if ~ ~ L.F. 50.~ 2,5~.~ 20,~ 1.~,~ lJ.~ 750,ff ~-~ 3,~,~ g-ll ~ ~ ~ i L.S. I0,~.~ 10,~.~ 13,~.~ 13,~.~ 6,~.~ 6,~.~ 30,~.~ ~ ~ A.C. ~ I~ L.F. 15.~ 2,550,~ 15.~ 2,550.~ 22.~ 3,1~.~ I~.~ 2,5~0.~ B~T~ 1,8~,451 .~ I ,~,5~.~ I ,~,2~ ,3c 1,514,716.42 CY~ESS.XLS, 8/19/92, 1 of 8 ***CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM BID RESULTS*** PROJECT: Cmsm~mOfScksklell OmmpaAv~.TsSaaB~nmnl~aAve.) ~~,~,!~2~2~ ~r's i1'~ 24' ~ ~ V.C.P. 2,558 L.F. I~.~ ~5,~.~ ~-~ i~,~.~ H.~ ~,!~.~ ~.~ ~,~0.~ !1'~ 24' X 6' Y's ~ ~ V.C.P. 17 ~. 4~.~ 7,650,~ 2~.~ 3,~.~ 6~.~ 11 ,~.~ ~0.~ 4,~0.~ !1-~ 4' ~ ~ (~ 3' ~ ~ ~ c~) 17 ~. ~.~ 8,~.~ 1,~-~ 17,~.~ ~.~ 10,~.~ 1,2~.~ ~,~-~ No. 112, 114, 1~ kI~V.C.P. ~ ~ d ~. 7 ~, 6,~.~ 42,~.~ 2,~-~ 16,~,~ 2,~.~ 14,~.~ 3,~.~ 2l,~-I 1141 27' ~ i ~1 c~, ~ V.C.P. ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~. 6,~.~ 6,~.~ ~,~-~ ~,~.~ 4,~.~ 4,~.~ 10,~-~ 10,~.~ 11-28 ~g~e~ i ~ ~ m ~. I L.S: 15,~.~ I~,~.~ ~.~ 2,~.~ ~,~.~ 5,~.~ 4,~,~ 4,~.~ IIJ9 A.C. II-M 11-31 ~IW~f~ Td i L~- 20,~.~ ~,~.~ 4,~-~ 4,~.~ ~,~.~ 5,~.~ 5,~.~ ~,~-I 11-32 Tm~ 7-103~~) ! L.S. ~,~.~ ~,~.~ I~-~ 12,~.~ I,~.~ 1,~.~ i1-~ ~ ~m I L,S. 12,~.~ 12,~.~ 2,~.~ 2,~.~ 4,~.~ 4,~.~ 3,~.~ 3,~-~ II-M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 ~. ~.~ 3,~.~ ~.~ I ,~.~ ~-~ 2,~.~ ~.~ 2,~-~ (:'.' 11-~ ~ d ~ I L~. 5,~,~ 5,~.~ 4,~.20 4,~.~ 3,~.~ 3,~.~ 10,~.~ 10,~-~ ~A.C.~ !~ LF, 15.~ 1,~.~ 15.~ 1,5~.~ ~-~ 2,~.~ 15.~ ],~.~ SU~ 4~.~ 3 i0, 1~.~ ~,~7 .~ 357,~.~ CYPRESS.XLS, 8/19/92, 2 of 8 ***CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM BID RESULTS*** PROJECT: Cy!~sa Avesee Sewer System CJenelm Ave, Te Sac. bs~earlme Ave.) Bid Dale: 11re,de.v, August 13, 1~)20 2,'00 Ovnm-:,Cil~dFeelaaa Cemmmeil3r DevebSmm~ Del~./Fagbeei~ Divlslm T.A. Rived, la~. C.P. Commsctioa Co. Vedaais Corp. Celf~ Imm Estimated IJnit of [bit ~ Uult Unit No. !~ri~tlee~tteas Oeaa6h, ~ ~ Total ~ To4d ~/~ Toni !~ To4d A J~RUPA AV[~'UE TO ¥,M,LEY BOULEVARD 11-2 27' t~tu Su~n~h V.C.p. 4428 L.F. ~2~.00 ~71712.00 92.00 44~,376.00 95.00 420,6~).0( 12~.(~) li-3 24' ~dra Seraph V.C.P. 8 L.F. 140.00 1,120.00 80.00 640.00 95.00 760.0C a4;00 672.00 11-4 21 ' Ex~ $Wmltb V.C.P. $ L.F. 125.00 1,000.00 75.00 600,00 53.00 664.0( 72.00 576.00 I1-S 10' Ext~ $,eellh V.C.P. 24 L.F. 51.00 1,944.00 75.00 I,aO0.00 41.00 984.0( 42.00 114 5*ExlmStggellhV.C,P. 49 L.F. 75.00 3,522.00 72.00 3,528.00 35.00 1,715.0( 39,00 1,911,00 11-7 27' · 6' Y'e Extt~ ~ V,C.P., iachdi~ pbg,. 31 EA. 550.00 17,0SO.00 600,00 18,600.00 650.00 20,150.0( 754.00 24'304.00 114 ~O'·6'Y'eEX~,~uI~bV,C.P., 650.G0 20,150.00 700.00 21,700.00 7~0.00 24,1a0.0( 676.00 20,956.00 11-9 4' Seu I,mml (~ 3' past EP of curb) 62 lEA. 1,200.00 74,400~00 ~50.00 46,500,00 5~0.00 ~ 32,~60,0( 1,733.00 107,446.00 I1-10 54' Sed Cesbg Fye 362 L~F. 400.00 144,N)0.00 500.00 181,000.00 400.00 144,~00.0( 507.~0 153,534.00 H-II 60*bperC'eyofFomeeStd. No. 112, 114, 109 iec~;a~,~_ V.C.P. Cub om mad pbp 25 EA. 3,000.00 75,000.00 2,100.00 52,500.00 2,800.00 70,000.0( 4,351.00 V.C,p. mlb esu aed plup. I EA. 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 5,000.00 5,000.0( 4,M6.00 4,M6.00 !1-13 $eppoa ud laxe4~ of e~istlel etilitba, waet llaes, s~vet I~s I L.S. 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,~00.00 2,.~0.00 3,N)0.00 3,N)0.0( 6,720.00 6,720.00 11-14 ^.C. Pesea~t 417S TONS 55.00 229,790.00 49.00 204,722.00 50.00 2X)S,900.0( 35.00 155,764.00 I1-15 Saw~t ud b, mov, A.C. Pav~n~t 110,461 SQ. Ft. 0.20 22,092.20 0.12 13,2~5.32 0.26 28,719.~ 0.30 3~;,135.30 At~e,utmseRebedWodcfotTnmd: i LS. 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,055.12 10,0~5J2 12,400.00 12,400.0( 62,720.00 62,720.00 11-17 Tn:ic Coead Cmcledi~ A~ick 7-10.3 ofSlecbl!Novi:ba) I L.S. 8,912.50 5,912.S0 12,000.00 12,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.0( 69,440.00 69,440.00 11-15 Stt~ lte-Pbceeea I L.S. 5,000.00 5,000.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 9~00.00 9,500.0( 8,064.00 11-19 Fr,.qme:ed~ezifyendof2?VCP etlumpe I L.S. 2,500.00 2,500.00 1,~4)D.00 1,500.00 550.00 550.0( 1,371.00 1,371.00 11-2~ t~move Exi:ti~ 27' VCP S~r e~ Se. a9+50, jf~ ~0 L.F. 100.00 5,000.00 60.00 3,000.00 15.00 7~0.0( 46.00 2,300.00 1141 Ckafias ed ~ I L.S. 50,000.00 50,000.00 12,500.00 12,500.00 38,~00.00 3S,000.0( 22,400.00 22,400.00 Cetm- of A.C. Dike 170 L.F. 22.00 3,740.00 20.00 3,400.00 20.00 3,400.0( 16.00 2,720.00 SUI~TOTAL 1,791,111.00 1,361,890.44 1,419,~4~.8~ 1,739,893.30 CYPRESS.XL$, 8/19/92, 3 of 8 ***CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM BID RESULTS*** PROJECT: ~O~Sds~lell CDeusAvemeSewa-System Ourspa Ave, To Set BetaNice Ave.) Bid Dee: lbrsdey, Amguti3,199292:e01'M Owu~.C~dl~eaUae T.A. Riverd, Item No, oe~i~dum om~ o~6tv ~ ~ml ~ To~d trice T~ rrlce Tea B. Vdk~BedevardTeSamBenmniee 11-23 24' Em~ sisarab V.C.P. 2,550 L.F. 100,00 2~5,800.00 79,00 202,082.00 7e.00 199,524.0~ 82.00 209,756.00~ 11-24 24' it 6' Y'I E, itlra 9r/~glh V.C.P. 17 EA. 4~0.00 7,6~0.00 500.00 8,500,00 785.00 13,345.0G 594.00 10,098,00 11-2~ 4' Seer Laetul 0o 3' pet EP or ceb) 17 EA. i ,2(X),00 20,400.00 750.00 12,750.00 540.00 9, I80.0G 2,028.~O 34,476.G( No. 112, 114, 109 ieduding mboetaendplels. 7 EA. 2,100.00 14,700.00 2,100.00 14,700.00 1,700.00 11,900,0~ 3,145.00 23,4|5.0( 11-21 27' Divertion !4Nimk B-I coral,kit, izbdiel V.C.P. i oeU sad plugs I EA. 14,000.~)0 14,000.(]O 14,500.00 14,500,00 21,000.00 28,000.0~ 14,357.00 14,357.00 11-28 Sel, ponandproec6ooorexiseinl ~ water ~ ge, r linu. I L.S. 5,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,900.00 1,9~0.0(] 6,720.00 6,720.00 11-29 A.C. Pa~emeet 1,121 TONS 55.00 61,655,00 49.00 54,929.00 59.00 66,13~).0C 43.00 48,203.00 i1-30 $esost eed eraore A.C, Pevcme, m 36,7.38 SO. Ff. 0.20 7,247.60 0.12 4,348.56 0,15 5,435.7~ 0.30 10,S71.40~ b,,,a 11-31 5beellml,,..q~x~mlaeal~l'a~lm~cl Tssh I L.S. 2,~00,00 2,560,00 5,0~0.00 5,000.00 5,000,00 ~,000,0~ 6,720.G0 6,720.00 7-10Jor~ss/dPso~is~om) ! L.S. 3,447,40 3,447,40 4,500.00 4,500.00 10,000.00 10,000.~ S,960,00 8,960.00 11-33 So~pb~ ~ | L,S. 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,~0.00 2,500.00 4,000.00 4,000.06 6,720,00 6,720.0( |[-3~ C~sr~gsssiGmi~ssg ! L.S. 20,000.00 20,000.00 7,500.00 7,5~0.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 11,200.00 11,200.0( 11,,31 Remove sad Rdece S" Cs'b end eOer ot A.C, dilm 100 L.F. 22.00 2,200.00 20.00 2,000.GO 22.00 2,200.GG 16.00 1,600.0( SUB-TOTAL 420,0~).00 337,509.~6 373,063.7~ 396,232.4( TOTAL *BID PRICE" $2,211,111.00 $1,699,4(X).00 $1,792,612.56 $2,136,125.70 CYPRESS.XLS, 8/19/92, 4 of 8 ***CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM BID RESULTS*** PROJECT: Cyprms Av~m~ ~ Sy'stm~ (.knalm Av,. T, ~ ~ Ave.) i. R. ~ ~. Mu~y C~ay Y~, ~ ~ ~i~ C~. A ~A A~ TO V~Y !i-1 ~' ~ ~ V.C.P. 3~ L.F. 121 .~ 424~7.~ 95.~ 333,16~.~ 1~.~ 375,2~.~ I I0.~ 3~,~.~ ('. I1~ 27' ~ ~ V.C.P. N~ L.F. I I 1.~ 491,~.~ 85.~ 376,3~.~ 91.~ ~,NS.~ 91.~ ~,~.~ 11-3 24' ~ ~ V.C.P. I L,F. I~.~ 1,1~.~ ~5.~ ~,~ I~.~ ~.~ 13~.~ I,~.~ U-S i0' ~ ~ V.C.P. 24 L.F. I~.~ 3,~,~ 65.~ i~,~ ~.~ l,~.~ 65.~ I1~ ~' ~ ~ V.C.P. 49 LF. 1~.~ 6,1~.~ ~.~ 2,~.~ ~.~ I,B.~ ~.~ 2,4~.~ 114 27' x 6' Y', ~ ~ V,C.P., ~4 ~'x6'Y'e~V.C.P., ~N. 31 ~. 1,~.~ 37,~.~ 550.~ 17,~.~ ~5.~ ~,~.~ I,~.~ 32~50.~ H-9 4' ~ ~ (~ 3' ~ ~ ~ c~) 62 ~: I~.~ 52,~.~ I ,~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~,~.~ 4~.~ 27,~.~ Ii-le ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ L.F. 6~.~ ~5~.~ ~.~ 217,~.~ ~.~ ~17,~.~ ~.~ i~,2~.~ I1-1 ! ~' ~ ~ ~ of ~,m ~. ~. 112, il4, I~ ~ V.C.P. V.C.P. ~ ~ ~ ~p. I ~. 4,~.~ 4,~.~ 4,~.~ 4,~.~ 4,~,~ 4,~.~ 3,~.~ 3,~.~ I!-~ e~ i mr ~, m ~ I L.S. ~,~.~ ~,~.~ 1,~.~ I ,~.~ 10,~.~ 10,~.~ 13,~.~ 13,~.~ 11-14 A.C. ~S 41~ ~NS 42.~ 175,476.~ 3~.~ I~,~.~ ~.~ 271~.~ 35.~ I~.~ H.~ ~ ~ ~ A.C. byes II0,~1 ~. ~. 0.~ ~,~.45 O.~ ~,~ 0.~ 27,61~.~ 0.35 ~~W~f~T~ i L.S. ~,~.~ ~,~.~ I~,~.~ I~,~.~ ~,~.~ ~,~.~ 17,~-~ 17,~.~ ~~) I L,S. N,~-~ N,~.~ 10,~.~ 10,~.~ 10,~.~ 10, ,~: I1-11 ~b~ I L.S. ~,~-~ 1,~.~ 10,~.~ 10,~.~ 10,~.~ I0,~.~ 7,~.~ g-It ~ ~ v~ ~ of 27' YCP S i~ I L~. 2,~-~ 2,~-~ 10,~.~ 10,~.~ ~.~ 7~.~ 2,~.~ 2,~.~ I1-~ ~e ~ 27' VCP ~wer ~ ~. 19+~, if~ ~ L.F. 6~.~ 3,~-~ 130.~ 6,5~.~ 30.~ 1~.~ 42.~ 2,1~.~ R~I ~ ~ ~ I L.S. I0,~.~ 10,~.~ ~,~.~ ~,~.~ ~,~.~ 50,~.~ 15,~.~ 15,~.~ ~ ~ A,C. ~ I~ L.F. ~.~ 3,~.~ 12.~ 2,~.~ 20~ 3,~.~ 14.~ 2,3~.~ ~T~ J ,715, I ~,45 1,4~,217.20 1 ,~1 ~ 17.~ 1,439,359.35 CY~ESS.~3, 8/1 ~/~2, 5 of 8 · * * CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM BID RESULTS · PROJECT: Cylmm Aveme Sewer Sys~en OurElm Awe, Te Sm Benmn~o Ave.) BaDa~:~m~sday, Asgmt13,199202.~PM Om~ff:.C~tydFoatma L R. ~ Co. Mun~y Company yd/ch, Iz Ut~ Pacific Co~t. H-~ 4' ~ ~ ~ 3' ~ ~ ~ ~) 17 ~. 8~.~ 14,4~.~ ! ,~.~ 17,~.~ ~.~ II ,~.~ ~.~ 8,~.~ No. I1~ 114, I~V.C-P. ~ ~ ~ ~. 7 ~. 4,~.~ ~,~.~ 2,~.~ 19,~.~ 2,~-~ 17,~.~ 2,~.~ 15,~.~ 11-27 27' ~ ~-~ ~1 c~, I1-~ ~ ~ ~6~ of ei~ 4,~.~ 14,~.~ 14,~.~ ,~i~ ~ b, ~ ~. I LJ. 5,~.~ 5,~.~ I ,~.~ 1,~.~ 4,~.~ 1149 A.C. b 1,121 ~S 42.~ 47,~.~ I1~ ~ d ~c A.C. ~ ~,~8 ~. ~. 0,45 16~.10 0.~ 7,~7.~ 0.~ 9,~9.~ 0.H 14,495.~ ~~W~f~ 3~.~ 3~.~ T~ I L.S. 5,~.~ S,~,~ 10,~.~ 10,~.~ ~,~-~ ~,~-~ I!~ T~ i C~ ~ 7-103 ~ ~) I LJ. 10,~.~ 10,~-~ 5,~.~ 5,~.~ 6,~.~ 6,~.i 16,~.~ 16,~.~ Ii~ ~ ~ I L.S. 2,~.~ 2,~.~ 5,~.~ 5,~.~ 3,~.~ 3,~.~ ~.~ 2~.~ Ii-~ ~ ~ ~ I L.S. 10,~.~ lO,~.~ 32,~.~ 32,~.~ i0,~.~ 10,~.~ 4~.~ H~ ~ed~8"~ 2~.~ 15.~ l~.~ SU~ ~,7~.10 375,~2.~ 3~,4~.~ ~T~ 'BID PICEw 6of 8 CYPRESS.XLS, 8/19/92, · · *CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM BID RESULTS· * * PROJECT: ComlmcionOfSchedulell Cypnss Avem~ Ses~' System Omupa Ave. To Sam Beraaslao Ave.) BidDa~'~m,~l~V, Amgml13,1992OZ.'00rM P. adi~h Colich & Sere No. I~stdeli~mdlems quasstilv ~ !'~ Teld Price Tetd H-,1 27" ~ ~ V.C.P. 4421 L.F. ~2.00 363,096.00 96.00 425,011.00 H-.3 24° Exleu ~ V.C.P. I L.F. 200.00 i,600.00 123.00 914.00 114 21 ' E,~ta Str~nlth V.c.P. I L.F. 200.00 1,600.00 113.00 904.00 I1-~ I0' i ~ V.C.P. 24 L.F. 100.00 2,400.00 73.00 1,752.00 ]i-i I" Exlm ,~u~ng~h V.C.P. 49 L.F. 100.00 4,900.00 61.00 i14 iac_s.di,~_plugs. 31 EA. 655.00 20,~0~.00 510.00 15,810.00 M 30'x6"Y'aE~m~V.C.P-, isgbdingp~s. 31 EA. 750.00 23,2~0.G0 580.00 17,980.00 ~-9 4" ~ ~ 0o 3' past EP of ~mb) 62 EA. 000.00 55,800.00 7~0.00 11-10 54° ~ Caoing ~ 362 L.F. 440.00 159,280.00 360.00 130,320.00 H-Ii 60' Manho~ I~t City of F'~,~-~, Std. 14o. 112, 114, 109 izbding V.C.P. H-L~ Sanded D~p L~-ho~, including V.C.P. stu~ ores and plugs. I EA. 4,000.00 4,000.GO 3,700.00 3,700.00 H-13 ~ and ptoi~ti~o of e. xilng utili6sa, ~ lin~, omwr ~ I L.S. 15,(~00.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 11-14 A.C. Pav~m~m 4178 TONS 36.00 150,4~.00 40.00 167,120.00 H-!~ Sav~m and ~ A.C. Pavsme. m 110,461 SQ. FL 0.15 16,569.15 0.10 11,046.10 Aplsm~.~am ~ Work for Ttm~:h ! L.S. 25,000.00 2~,000.00 l~0,0O0.00 130,000.00 H-I? T~ C. omml Cmduding At~k 7-10.3 orSinlaid I~oviioee) I L.S. 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 11-18 sulpbl ~e-Rv.e, meet I L.S. 3,50O.00 3,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 H-If Expom md ved~ eel of 27" VCP el Jeuim I L.S. 5,500.00 5,500.00 5(}0.00 500.00 11..2l Rtmove~27'VCPS~wer el ~e. $9+~0, ifDin~ml 50 LF. 50.00 2,$00.00 60.00 3,000.00 11-21 Cka~Imd Oralbin/ I L.S. $0,000.00 .50,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 H-2~ Removeand R~plr~l"Cud, and ~ ot A.C. t 170 L.F. 15.00 2,5~0.00 1J.00 2,530.00 ~I.-TOTAL 1,330,944.1~ 1,521,543.10 CYPRESS.XLS, 8/19/~2, 7 of 8 **"CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM BID RESULTS*'** PROJECT: CemtgmctimOfScbeddeil 0mira Ave. To h ~ A~) ~~,~,1~2~ B. V~T,l/ H~ 24' x 6' Y'~ ~ ~ V.C.P. 17 ~. 5~.~ 9,3~.~ 4~.~ 7,~.~ No. ~12, 114, i ~ ~ pbp. 7 ~. 1,~.~ 13,~.~ 2,~.~ 15~.~ H-27 27' ~ i ~1 ~, ~1~ V.C.P. ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 H-~ A.C. h~m 1,121 H~ ~ ~ ~ A.C. ~ 36,~S T~ I L.S. 5,~.~ 5,~.~ ~,~.~ ~,~.~ 7-10.3 d~i ~) I L.S. 3~.~ 3,5~.~ ~,~.~ ~,~.~ I1-~ ~ b~e~ I L.S. 1~,~ I~.~ l,~.~ I,~.~ H-~ ~u efi~ ~: ~ ~ 8 ~M ~ ~ G~ I L~. 5,~.~ 5,~.~ 10,~.~ 10,~.~ ~r~A.C.~ l~ L.F. 15.~ 1,5~.~ 15.~ I,~.~ SU~ ~,975.~ 3~,9~ ~T~ "Bffi ~CEu $1,638,919.85 S1,8~,~.~ CYP~ESS.XLS, 8/19/92, 8 of 8 * * *CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM BID RESULTS* * * PROJECT: Cypress Avaae Sewff System (km~Ave. T~Sm ksmanl~a Ave.) BidDae:llmndey, AeSest13,199202:OOPM Oweer, City dFeetaee Eaginser's F. saln~e Kenko Inc. Mssm~icb COOMr. Mobuuly ~ng. Item Es6emd Ueit d Usa U~t [~t No, Iks4:d~fiom of aims Oui~v Oe,~5~ P~ Teed Price Toed ~E~S Te4d ~ Tedall A JURLIPA AVENUE TO VALLEY BOULEVAD ( AILI 27* ExUa Strength V.C.Po 3507 L.F. ll0.00 38~,770.00 90.00 31~,630.0G 126.G0 44f,882.~0 tO0.00 All-2 24' Ex~a Su'sngib V.C.P. ,442~ L.t~. 100.00 442,800.00 77.00 340,9~6.0( 119.00 ~26,932.00 9~.00 420,6~0.0( All-.] 21 ' Ea~a Sue, ffg~ V.C.P. 16 L.F. 90.00 1,440.00 80.00 1,280.00 8~.00 1,360.00 100.00 1,600.0( All-4 I0' Eatas $uwngl V.C.p. 24 L.F. 70.00 l,GS0.00 4~.00 1,(]60.0( 60.00 1,.4~0.00 80.00 1,920.0( AII-5 r EaUa So'togih V.C.p. 49 L.F. ~0.00 2,4~0.00 40.00 1,960.00 ~0.00 2,450,00 7~.00 3,67~.0( AII-~ 24*xG°V*sE~atta,~magdtV.C.P., in~k.a~.~_ pksgs. 31 EA. 450.00 13,950.00 22~.00 6,975.00 600.00 18,600.00 250.00 7,750.001 All-7 27'x6'Y'sEnmSuwugshV.C.P., [nclud~g plugs. 31 EA. .54)0.00 15,54)0J0 22~.00 6,97~.00 750.00 23,2~0.00 300.00 9,300.00! AU-8 4' S~wst Laerd (to 3' pm EP of curb) 62 EA. 1,500,00 93,000.00 1,000.00 62,000.00 600,00 37,200.00 1,200.00 74,400.0( AU-9 51' $,sd Caeleg !rspe 362 L.F- 550.00 199,100.00 460.00 166,520.00 450.00 162,90).00 ~80.00 209,960.0( AB-10 60°Mmb~PsrCityofFeaanasei- No. i12, 114, 109bobalngV.C.P. '~i V.C.P. stub oes sad plop. I EA. 6,000.00 6,000.00 5,000.00 5,0~O,00 2,800.00 2,800.00 ~,200.00 ~,200.0( A//-12 ~ ~ waist ~g~, sgwgr ~ I L.S. 15,(]00.00 15,000.00 2,060.00 2,G00.~0 IO,GO0.O0 10,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.0( A~-13 A.C. pave, nasml 417l TOtMS 40,00 167,120.00' 35.00 146,230.~0 43.00 179,654,00i 30.00 12~,340,0( ( A~-i4 SMamm amd Rsmovs A.C. Pave, mint 110,461 SQ. FT. 1.00 i10,461.00 0.10 11,046.10 0.30 33,138,30 0,22 24,301,42 Appofimmm RdMmd Wink fo~ Twnch I L.S. 40,GO).00 40,0(]0.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 40,000.00 All-16 Tml'ac Comag ('mckdimg Afiick 7-10.3 dSp~blProvia~m) I L,S. 50,0G0.00 50,000.00 $,000,00 8,0(0.00 2,000.00 2,600,4)0, 2~,0(0.00 All-17 Suipi~gi~-Bsctmma i L.S. IS,000.00 18,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00i 8,000.00 8,000.0( AI!-II Expo~ smi vsdfy mid of 27' VCP atlmupa I L.S. 1,500.00 1,50().00 750.00 750,00 2,000.00 2,000.0( 2,000.4]0 2,(~0.0( A]]-I9 R~movs Ex~**;n_= 27' VCP at la. 89+KI, ifDhv,~J~i 50 L.F. 50.G0 2,500.0D 20.00 1,000.00 15.00 750,0( 60.00 3,000.0( A~-20 Cksdng Mad Gnsbblog I L.S. 10,000.00 10,000.00 13,999,90 13,999.90 6,000.00 6,060,0( 30,000.0D 30,000,0( Cunzt of A.C. ~ 170 L.F. 15.00 2,550.G0 1~;,00 2,550.00 22.00 3,740,0( 15.00 SUB-TOTAL 1,72~ ,821.00 i, 189,952.00 1,533,596.3( 1,452,856 1 Of 8 CYPRESS.XLS, 8/'19/92, ***CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM BID RESULTS*** PROJECT: Cemmsctioa Of Alternate ~.ehabde I1 Cypau Aveme Sewer System (Je~pa Ave. To Sam Beruardlm Ave.) B~d Dme: Tanday. August 13, 1992 O :2:00 PM Owuff:.Cityo/Fommm Ceemmmit~ Devdopemm ~ I)ivislom Engin=~r's ~ i~nko In~. Masanovi~h Consir. Mdois~dy Eag. Item Eslimaed Unit o/ Ueit Uil Unit Usit Ne. [~stdaioe of Itees Ouamlv OeaNiv Price ToOd Price Totd Price TNal Psice Total S. Vei~BedeardTeSamBe3edieo A11-22 21" Extra Ser, ngth V.C.P. 2,558 L.F. 90.00 230,220.00 68.00 173,944.00 80,00 204,640.0( 82.00 209,756.0C All-:?_3 21' · 6' Y's Extn Setcngth V.C.P, 17 lEA, 400.00 6,800.00 200.00 3,400.00 6~0.00 I 1,050.0( 2~0,00 4,250,0~ An-24 4' S4wr, r Laerd 0o 3' past EP ec curb) 17 EA. 500.00 8,500.00 1 ,(X)O.00 17,000.00 600.00 10,200.0( !,200.00 20,400.0( A.~-25 60'ManholePc4'CiiyofFomanaS0d. No, 112, 114, 10 9 ie:ludinl V.C.P. cub oea kei plugs. 7 EA. 6,000.00 42,000.00 2,400.00 16,800.00 2,000,00 14,000.0( 3,000.00 21,000.0( Aft-26 72" Dive. aloe Manhoe B-I iachdiel V.C.P. Cub oeU and piegs I EA. 6,000.00 6,000.00 5,000.00 ~,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 10,000.00 10,0(0.0( A~-27 SuppoUandptov~tionofcxis6ng ,,a~iles, wav. r linM, a~w~r IbM. I L.S. 1~,000.00 15,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 Aft-21 A.C. pavt~.nt 1,121 TONS dl0.00 44,840.00 35.00 39,23~.00 42.00 47,082.00 30.00 33,630.0( A~-29 Sash. el end temov~ A.C. Pavemere 36,238 SQ. Ff. 1.00 36,238.00 0.10 3,623.80 0.30 10,871.40 0.22 7,972_~ Tend~ i L.S. 20,000.00 20,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 S,000.00 5,000.00 All-31 Tmfz CoeU~ Cmchd~9_; A~i~k 7-10.3 ofSp~id pevisiom) I L.5. 20,000.00 20,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 1,000.00 i,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.0( A~-32 SUipis~ B~-Elacsngm i L.S. 12,600.00 12,6~).00 . 2,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00; 3,000.00 3,000.0( A~33 hiss existing manhoks to grads g EA. 400.00 3,200.00 200.00 1,600.00 300.00 2,40().00~ 2-.40-00 2,000.0( Aft-34 Ckming msi Gn~bing I L.$. 5,000.00 5,000.00 4,999.20 4,999.20 3,000.00 3,000.00 10,0(X).00 10,000.0( A~-35 Remov~ and eq~t-,'e l' Curb and 1,500.0( ceaer et A.C. dib: 100 LF. i.5.00 I ,~0.00 SUB-TOTAL 451,898.00 287,102.00 324,443.40 337,5(~,36 TOTAl, "BID !~ICE" S2, 180,719.00 $1,4T7,0r~4.00 S ! ,858,039.70 S 1,790,364.78 2 of 8 CyPRESS.XLS, 8/19/92, * * *CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM BID RESULTS* * * PROJECT: Cylm~s Am Sew~ Sym Lhnlm Ave.. To ~m B~urdim9 Av~) ~dFu T.A. ~, ~- C.P. C~ Co. V~m C~. ~ C~ A ~A A~ TO V~m.m.~y ~i 27' b ~ V.C.P. 3~ L.F. 147.~ 515~.~ 92.~ 3~,~.~ ~.~ 336,6~.~ 91 .~ 319,137.~ ~-2 24' b ~ V.C.P. ~ LF. 1~.~ ~,216.~ ~.~ 371,9~2.~ 87.~ 3~,~.~ ~.~ ~3 21' ~V.C.P. 16 L.F. i12.~ I,~.~ 7~.~ 1~.~ ~.~ 1,3~.~ M.~ 1,3~.~ ~ 10' b ~ V.C.P. 24 L.F. ~.~ 1,~.~ 75.~ l,~-~ ~-~ Ij~.~ 42.~ I,~.~ ~ I' b ~ V.C.P. 49 L.F. ~.~ 3,~1.~ ~-~ 3~.~ 3~.~ i,715.~ ~.~ 1,911.~ ~ 24' x 6' Y'm ~ ~ V.C.P., i~ plugre. 31 ~. 4~.~ 13,9~.~ ~-~ 15~.~ 67~.~ ~,9~.~ ~.~ ~,242.~ ~-7 27' x 6' Y'm b ~ V.C.P., ~,~.~ 674.~ ~,SN.~ ~ pb~. 31 ~. 5~.~ 17,~.~ ~-~ 18,~.~ 675.~ ~4 4' ~ff ~ (m 3' ~ E ~ ~) 62 ~. 1,~.~ 74,~.~ 7~ ~.~ ~5.~ 33,~.~ 1,~3.~ 107,~.~ ~9 51' ~ ~ ~ ~2 L.F. ~.~ l~,~.~ ~.~ Ill,~.~ ~.~ ~"b~Cm~~N,~- ~. ll2, 114, l~ ~V.C.P. ~-II ~b,~ 4,~.~ V.C.p. ~ ~ ~ ~. i ~. 3,~.~ 3~.~ 3~.~ 3~.~ g,~-~ g,~.~ 4,~.~ ~!2 ~WP~ 6,~.~ ~ b, m ~ m ~ I L.S. 5,~.~ 5,~.~ ~.~ 2~.~ 3,~.~ 3,~.~ 6,~-~ ~-13 A.C. ~ 4178 ~S ~.~ ~,~.~ 49.~ ~,~-~ ~.~ 1~,~2.~ 38.~ 158,~.~ ~14 ~ ~ ~vs A.C. hv~ 110,~i ~. ~. 0.~ ~-~ 0.12 13~5J2 0.27 ~i5 ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 10,011.12 13,~.~ 13,~.~ 62,~.~ 62,~.~ ~ ~ W~ f~ T~ I L.S. 5,~.~ 5,~.~ 10,011.12 ~!6 T~b ~ C~ ~b 7-10.3 ~,~.~ ~~) I L~. I,~.~ 8,~.~ 12,~.~ 12,~.~ 13,~.~ 13,~-~ ~,~.~ ~17 ~ ~ ! L.S. 5,~.~ 5,~.~ 3,~-~ 3~.~ 10,~.~ 10,~.~ 8,~.~ I,~.~ ~*18 ~v~of27*VCP ~.~ 1~71.~ 1,371.~ I L.S. 2,~.~ 2~.~ I,~.~ 1~.~ ~-~ ~19 ~27'VCP~ ~.~ ~.~ 2,3~.~ ~ ~. 19+~, if~ ~ L.F. 1~.~ ~,~.~ ~.~ 3,~.~ 14.~ ~-21 ~e ~ ~ 8' ~ d 21.~ 3,5~.~ 16.~ 2,~0.~[ ~ ~ A.C. ~ 1~ L.F. ~.~ 3,7~.~ ~.~ 3,~.~ I,~,~.~ i,2~,!12.~ 1~,6~.47 l,~l,~l-~ ~ 3 Of 8 CyPRESS.XLS, 8/19/92, · * *CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM BID RESULTS* * * PROJECT: C. mm0fA!tenamS(tedMitil Cypnnu Avame Sever (Jmmpm Ave. T$ Sam B~ Ave,) Bid Date: 'limnday, Aa~ 13, I~Z 9 Z.-OO I~1 Owmm':.Ch*ydFq~mdama C. mmmmmity ik, vdopmaa I)epJF, mlimemlml Diddam T.A. Rivatd, Inc. C.P. ConMfuction Co. Vadtmi= Coq>. C_.alfe~ ConMm~tion No. Iksctim6m of Items OuaMitv ~hmn~itv Patlce To4d ~ ~ I~ice Toed hice Total AH-22 21 · ~xita Summit V.C.P. 2,558 LF. ~9.00 227,662.00 70.00 179,060.00 79.00 202,082.(~ 6~.00 166,270.00 AII-2J 21'x6"y'sl~ttta.~?.~glhV.C.P. 17 EA. 3~0.00 5,950.00 400.00 6,800.00 670.00 11,390.0~ 419.00 7,123.00 AH-24 4' .q~v~r La~nd (to 3' past F~ ot curb) 17 EA. 1,200.00 20,400.00 7~0.00 12,7~0.00 ~45.00 9,265.0(2 2,028.00 34,476.00 AH-2~ lie,. 112, 114, 109 indudin~ V.C.P. ami, rams and piup. 7 F.A. 2,100.00 14,~00.00 2,100.00 14,700.00 I,g00.00 12,600.0C 3,345.00 2~,415.0C imcbdinf V .C.P. Mira mas and ph~s I EA. 14,000.00 14,000.00 14,500.00 14,500.00 28,000.00 28,000.0C 14~57.00 14,357.00 AII-27 u61i6o, wa~t lisgs, ~we, r lima. I L.S. 5;000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 2,4~0.00 6,720.00 6,720.00 AiI-2i A.C. Payghent i,121 TONS 55.00 61,655.00 49.00 ~4,929.00 53.00 59,413.0(3 4~.00 40,203.00 AII-29 ~ and te, mov~ A.C. hve. m~t 36,238 SQ. Ff. 0.20 7,247.60 0.12 4,~48.~6 0.15 5,435.70 0.28 10,146.64 Tmm~h I L.S. 2,500.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 5,0~.00 5,000.00 5,000.0~ 6,72D.00 6,720.00 AD-31 Tm~c Ceami 0nct,di,,~_ AtticIt 7=i0.3 of Sp~ial ptoviaioms) I L.S. 3°285.40 3,28~.40 4,~00.00 4,500.00 6,300.00 6,300.00 Aii-32 $taipim~lb-i~r, mami I L.S. 3,0~0.00 3,000.00.2,500.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 6,720.00 6,720.~0 Aa-33 RaiM ~ ~ to gt~k 8 EA. 300.00 2,400.00 150.00 1,2(X).00 180.00 1,440.00 392.00 3,136.00 A11-34 ClemingandGmbbi~ I L,S. 20,000.00 20,000.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 16,000,00 16,000.00 11,200.00 11,200.00 Aft-35 r, em~ ot A.C. dis 100 L.F. 22.00 2,200,00 20.00 2,000.~0 23.00 2,300.00 16.00 1,600.00 SUB-TOTAL 390,000.00 312,787.56 366,22~.7~ 349,046.64 TOTAL · BID PRICE" $2,097,777.00 $ 1,597,900,00 $ 1,691,903.17 $ I, 850,707.72 4of8 CYPRESS.XLS, 8/19192, · * * CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM BID RESULTS · * * PROJECT: Cypress Aveme Sewer System I,,!m Ave. Te Sam Be~ Ave.) mdDae:.Tkwsdey, AommL~,l~ZOa:e PM Owaer:.CityofFemama J. R. Pipellne Co. Hurray Company yel~h, In~ Utah P~iFsc Coos. N,. I)ecdmiom Of lems Ousmi~ Ouamiv Price T~al Price Total !~c® ToOl r~v Tatd A JURUPA AVENUE TO V.a~1 J~Y BOULEVARD AiI-I 27' Exam $t/e~lh V.C.P. 3507 L.F. 111.00 389,277.00 85.00 298,095.00 96.00 336,672.00 100.CO 3~0,700.0~ AH-2 24' Ettm SOmali V.C.P. 4428 L.F. 105.00 464,940.00 75.00 332,100.00 84.00 371,9~2.0C 84.00 37t,952.~ AW3 21 ' Exua $Wm~h V.C.P. 16 L.F. 135.00 2,160.00 70.00 10120.00 95.00 1.520.0~ 126.00 2,016.0( AW4 I0' F~tta Sum~h V.C.P. 24 L.F. 125.00 3,000.00 6~.00 !,560.00 60.00 1,440.0~ 65.00 t,~60.0( AiI-S 8' Ealm $U~a~h V.C.P. 49 L.F. 125.00 6,1~.00 60.00 2,~i0.0( 40.00 1,960.0~ 50.00 2,4~0.00 All-6 24' x 6° Y's ~ma Som~h V.C.P., iszltM~g plugs. 31 EA. 79S.00 24,64~5.00 500.00 1~.500.00 21~.00 6,665.0~ 910.00 28,210.00 All-7 27'x6'y'sl~xtraSttm~g/V.C.P., iac~,~n_mpluga. 31 EA. 854).00 26,3SO.00 5~0.00 17,050.00 26~.00 8,21~.0~ 990.00 30,690.00 All4 4' S~wtr Lamal (to 3' psS EP or c. mb) 62 EA. 850.00 52,700.00 1,000.00 62,000.00 700.00 43,400.0( 4~0.00 27,900.00 Aft-9 51' Slid Casing ~ 362 L.F. 62~.00 226,250.00 600.00 217,200.00 600.00 217,200.0( 520.00 188,240.0D No. 112, il4, 109 issiudisg V.C-P- V.C.P. stub oou and plop. ! EA. 4,200.00 4,2(]0.00 4,400.00 4,40(.00 4,0~0.00 4,000.0( 3,700.00 All-12 _~_,,*Tol% and pi~m~Ma Of 1,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.0( 13,000.00 13,000.00 All-t3 A.C. pavmnMt 4178 7OI6 42.00 175,476.00 35.00 146,230.00 65.00 271.570.0( 35.00 146,230.00 Aft-14 ~awcm omi Rsmo~e A.C. Paw. m~t 110,461 ~Q. Ff. 0.4~ 49,707.45 0aO 22,092.20 0.25 27,615~72 0~35 38,661 All-16 Ttaffa~ Cmatd 0n~a''a;~_ A~i~bT-10-3 30,000.0~ Of Sp~ialPl~otiiom) I L.S. 34,000.00 34,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 I0,000.00 A~-!7 Suipillgit~Plac. matm I L.$. 8,.'~0.00 8,f~O.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 7,000.00 7,0(}0.0C All-IS ExpoMandvmtifymadOf27'VCP 700.00 2,600.00 2,600.0C I L.S. 2,500.00 2,500.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 700.00 atJmupa Aft-19 RsmovsExiMing27'VCPSswer 1,500.00 42.00 2,100.0~ at $ta. 89+~0, ifDi~cttd 50 L.F. 65.00 3,250.00 130.00 6,500.00 30.00 All-21 Itsmove and Rtpla~ 8' Curb and 20.00 3,400.00 14.00 2~380.00 Cut~t et A.C. Dib 170 L.F. 22.00 3,740.00 12.00 2,040.00 1,631,820.45 1,3920827.20 1,530,309.25 1,368,889.35 SUB-TOTAL 5 Of 8 CYPRESS.×LS, 8/19/92, · * * CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM BID RESULTS * *" PROJECT: Ceem'ed~eO!~Scllebjkll Cypress Aveme Sews' Sym (J,l~ Ave. To Sire Bemmmrdime Ave.) BidDMe~,.dde~tatl3,1~'gZO'aiPh( Owme~,CilyefFemUme J. R. Pipdins Co. Mumy Company yclich, Inc Utah Pacific Coost. Item F. Mimaed UsiOf Uslt Unit Unit Unit No, lkscris6M ef liems Oumtlv Oums~n, Pwk-e Total Price Tad Pd~ Total l*tk~ Total II. ValeyBedeverdTeSlmBee~ All-2] 21' Extra $ut. al~a V.C.P, 2,5~S L.F. 98.00 250,684.00 75.00 191,~,O.00 '75.00 191,850.00 76.00 194,408.0(] AB-23 21" · 6' Y's Exam Su, mgth V,C.P. 17 EA. ~0.00 14,450.00 350.00 5,9~0.00 190.00 3,230.00 825.00 14,02~.0C A11-24 4"SswsrL~sml(to3'pastEPot~urb) 17 EA. 850.00 14,4~0.00 1,000.00 17,000.00 7~0.00 11,900.00 .500.00 8,.500.0~ AH=25 60"~PsrCiiyoff'ed-'=ld. No. 112, i14, 109 iac~V.C.P. stub ores and plugs. 7 EA. 3,800.00 26~64)0.00 2,8(}0.00 19,600.00 2,500.00 17,500.00 2,200.00 15,400.0~ is~lodingV.C.p. mmbostoamdplap i F..Ao 16,000.00 16,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 11,.500.00 11,.500.0~ AH-27 Soprod and pr,~,~ of existing utllio, water limss, gwsr fiass. i L.S. 5,000.00 .5;000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 14,000.G0 A~-28 A.C. Pave, m~nt 1,121 TONS 42.00 47,092.00 3.5.00 39,23.5.00 65.00 72,86.5.00 Aft-29 Saw~a sml ranors A.C. pavamsm 36,238 S~. FT. 0.45 16,307.10 0.20 7,247.60 0.2~ 9,0~9..50 0.40 14,49.5.2C f"J Tsrsgh I L.S. .5,000.00 .5,000~00 10,000.G0 10,0G0.00 2~,000.00 25,000.00 3,~00.00 3,.500.0( 7-10.3 ofSptcid pmvisiems) I L.S. 10,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 .5,000.(~0 6,(]00.00 6,060.0G 16,000.00 16,000.4~ AH-32 Sadping Rs-lakcsmsm i LS. 2,000.00 2,000.00 .5,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,~0.00 2,~00.0G AJi*34 Ck~amJ~ I L.S, 10,000.00 10,000.00 32,000.00 32,000.00 ~),000.00 .'~,000.00 4,,,~0.00 4,500.0G AH-3.5 mm,-,w~ and teplac, m l" Crab and cma~,t ot A.C. dib 100 L.F. 22.OO 2,2O0.OO 12.00 1,200.00 ~.00 SUB-TOTAL 422,373,10 349,482.60 413..,304..50 341,363.21 TOTAL "BID PRICE" $2,0~4,193,5.5 $1,742,309.80 $1,943,613.75 $1,TI0,TJ,2.J5 6of 8 CYPRESS.XLS, 8/19/920 · * *CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM BID RESULTS· * * PROJECT: Cylinsm Aveme Sew~ (JamIra Ave. To Sam Benmrdiao Ave.) Bid Dsae: ~, August 13, 1992 A ~AA~V~Y~ ~1 27' ~ ~ V.C.P. 3~07 L.F, ~-2 ~' ~ ~ V,C.P. ~28 L.F. 78,~ 345,384.~ ~.~ 3~,~.~ ~3 21" ~ ~ V.C.P. 16 L.F. ~.~ 3,~.~ 113.~ I,~.~ ~ tO' h ~ V.C.p. 24 L.F. i~.~ 2,~.~ ~.~ 1,752.~ ~5 8" h ~ V.C.P. 49 L.F. I~.~ 4,~.~ ~-~ 3,332.~ ~ 24' x 6" Y's ~ ~ V.C,P,, ~ p~s. 31 ~7 27'x6'Y's~V-C-P., ~ ~. 31 ~. ~5.~ ~,3~.~ ~10.~ 15,810.~ ~ 4-bff~(m3'~cu~) 62 ~- ~.~ JS,~-~ ~.~ ~,~'~ ~-I0 ~'~Ckyofi~. ~. 112, 114, I~ ~ V,C.P, ~ ~ ~ php ~ ~. 2,~.~ ~,~.~ 3J~-~ ~,750.~ V.C.P, ~ ~ ~ php, I ~-12 ~~of ~ ~, wm ~, ~ ~ I L.S. I~,~.~ 15,~.~ 10,~-~ 10,~-~ ~-13 A.C. hv~ 41~ ~NS M.~ 1~,~.~ ~-~ 167,1~-~ ~*14 ~m~A.C.~e~m i10,~1 ~.~. 0.15 16~.15 0.10 II,~.l~ ~ ~ W~ f~ Tm I L.S. ~,~.~ ~,~.~ D0.~.~ i~,~.~ ~-16 Tm~ ~ C~di~ ~ 7-10.3 of ~ ~) i L.S. 10,~.~ 10,~.~ 10,~.~ 10,~.~ ~17 ~~ I L.S. ~,~-~ 3,~.~ I,~-~ I,~.~ ~11 ~ ~ vg~ ~ of 27' VCP s !~ I L.S. 5,~.~ 5,~.~ 5~.~ ~-~ ~-19 ~ ~ 27' VCP ~ ~. ~+~, if ~ ~ L.F. ~.~ 2,~.~ ~.~ 3,~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~q I L.S, 2,~.~ 2,~.~ ~,~-~ ~,~'~ ~r ~ A.C. ~ !~ L.F. 15.~ 2,5~.~ 15.~ 2,550.~ ~T~ I ,~ ,~2. 15 1,439,~7. lO 7 Of 8 CYPRESS.XLS, 8/19~2, · * ·CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM BID RESULTS* * · PROJECT: Cemtructioe0tAaema~eScbeddel/ Cylaus Avemae Sewe' Um~pe Ave. To Sac Benmrdiao Ave.) Bid Date; l'mmnday, Anlest!3,1992OL'001~M Owm~,C~dl~oatmm Radish item F46m:ed Ueitdr thai ~ 10~,~,d]- oumlv ~ P,'ice Totd rrk~f Toed B. Vdky]bda,ardTe~aaBa'mardlae AH-22 21' Eala 5meSh V.C.P. 2o5~$ L.F. 60.00 1~3,480.00 71.00 ]81,618.0( All-23 2i'x6'Y'sEm'aSwmIIbV.C.P. 17 EA, 460.00 7,820.00 325.00 5,525.00 A11-24 4' SekTX Lamd (to 3' past EP ot ~tb) 17 EA. 900.00 15,300.00 780.00 13,260.00 AI1-2~ 60' klmd~k Pet City of Fomua Std. No, i12, 114, 109 iaclud~ V.C.P. stub m~ sad plugs. 7 EA. 1,900.00 13,300.00 2,220.00 15,540.0( eeifi~ wa~r lleu, s~w~t liege. I L.S. 5,000,00 5,000.00 5,0(]0.00 5,000.0( A11-28 A.C. Pavemaz 1,121 TONS 36.00 40,356.00 40.00 44,840.0( A11-29 Sawcut tad mem~ A,C, Psv~mem 36,238 SQ. FT. 0.15 5,435.70 0.10 3,623.8( 7-10.3 of Special ptovi~fiom) I L.S. 3,500.00 ~,.~)0.00 5,000.00 5,000.0( A11-32 .~fipi~Et~Etb~ama I L.S. · l,q)0.~0 l,~g)0.00 1,~00.00 1,000.0( AII-33 Raise eximbg mmd~u to pads I EA. 2~.00 2,000.00 350.00 2,800.0( AH-34 Chatleg Nd Gmbbiag i L.S. 1,000.00 1,000.00 10,0(0.00 10,000.0( A/1-35 p,,,,,,,vetedRda~l'Cutbmi _.~m,, or A.C. dlkm 100 L.F. 15.00 1,500.00 15.00 1,500.0( SUB-TOTAL 270,191.70 329,706.8( TOTAL "BW PRICE= $ 1,494, 153.85 $ 1,768,743.90 8of 8 CYPI:IESS..XLS, 8/19192.