HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.5 Pre-Construction Meeting CITY OF FONTANA RECORD OF PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE CONSTRUCTION OF CYPRESS AVENUE]SEWER SYSTEM JURUPA AVENUE TO SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE LOCATION OF PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING: EXECUTIVE CONFERENCE ROOM CITY HALL, 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, FONTANA, CA. 92335 DATE: OCTOBER 13,1992 TIME: 10:00 AM CONTRACTOR: KENKO CONTRACTORS INC. P.O. BOX 831 CALIMESA, CA 92320 TELEPHONE: (714] 795-2568 ENGINEER & NBS/LOWRY INCORPORATED CONSTRUCTION 164 WEST HOSPITALITy LANE SURVEYING SUITE 1 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92412-8124 TELEPHONE: ~714] 888-1401 FAy FFJ~ SOILS ENGINEER: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. 5736 CORPORATE AVENUE CYPRESS, CA 90630 TELEPHONE: (714) 220-2211 OWNER/AGENCY CITY OF FONTANA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CONTACT CITY INSPECTOR Carlos Navarro Work (714)350-6632 Beeper (714)873-6121 CITY INSPECTOR Wayne Brown Work (714)350-6636 AGENCIES CALTRANS-DISTRICT 08 SANTA FE PACIFIC PIPELINE 247 WEST THIRD STREET 888 FIGUEROA STREET P.O. BOX 231 LOS ANGELES, CA 90017 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92402 GEORGE REED 213-486-7736 SUSAN COLLINS 383-5954 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION DEPT. TRANSPORTATION COMPANY 825 EAST THIRD STREET 1200 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92415 MONTEREY PARK, CA 91754 CHIDI ONUMONU 387-2888 JOHN IVANUSICH 213-780-6957 UTILITY COMPANIES COMCAST CABLE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO. 1205 DUPONT AVENUE 7951 REDWOOD AVENUE ONTARIO, CA 91761 FONTANA, CA 92336 LOUIS MCDONALD 988-2999 FRAN STEWART 357-6223 FONTANA WATER COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS CO. 16803 SPRING STREET 1981 WEST LUGONIA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 REDLANDS, CA 92314 AL KHRON 822-2201 ROGELIO RAWLINS 335-7716 PACIFIC BELL 3073 ADAMS STREET BIVERSIDE, CA 92504 THOM YORK 359-2535 GE!IEI~%L DISCUSSION OF CONTRACTUAL, ~EGAL AND PERMIT ASPECTS: INITIATING CONSTRUCTION:(NOTICE TO PROCEED) Notice to proceed will be issued as soon as the contract documents are fully executed and contractor has obtained necessarV approval on traffic control/detour plans. REQUIRED PERMITS: The contractor shall obtain all applicable AGencY permits needed. The City will waive its fee for the construction permit. Contractor will make necessary contact with other Agency inspectors for inspection (SP-8.SEC.7-5). COMPLETION TIME FOR CONTRACT: Contractor shall complete all work within 110 working days after the NOTICE TO PROCEED (GC-l.Time of completion). LIQUIDATION DAMAGES: Contractor shall pav liquidated damage to the AGency in the sum of $500.00 per day for each and every calendar day delay in finishing the'work in excess of 110 working days (SP-5,SEC.6-9). OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS: CONTRACTOR8 ECHEDULE CONTRACTOR'S SCHEDULE: Contractor shall provide the City with a detailed construction schedule. Contractor shall provide updated construction schedule as soon as there is any variation from the original construction schedule. WOERING HOURS: Contractor's activities shall be confined to the hours between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m..Monday thru Friday,excludinG Holida3~s (SP-5.SEC.6-7.2~. PAYMENT8 PROGRESS PAYMENTS: The closure date for any periodic progress payments will be five(5) working days prior to the first Monday of each month {SP-11.SEC.9-3.2}. The ~roGress payment shall be mailed to Accounts Payable, City of Fontana with oriQinal invoice and progress payment detail as Per sample provided. 10% RETENTION MONIES: The full ten percent(10%] retention will be deducted from all payments. The final retention will be authorized for payment thirtv-five(35]days after the date of recordation of the Notice of ComDletion{SP-11.SEc.9-3.2]. CHANGE ORDERS: Contractor is not to ~erform any extra work without City aDproved chanae order. Only the City Enaineer has the authority to aPProve change orders. RIGHT OF WAY ~ND UTILITIES NOTIFICATION OF AGENCIES: The contractor will call U.S.A. 1-800- 422-4133] and provide the City with the confirmation number. RIGHT OF WAY REQUIREMENTS: The A~encv will acauire all riuhts of ways. easements. and rights of entry as required for this Dro~ect fSP-2.SEC.2-8]. UTILITY COORDINATION: The contractor shall notify the utilities desiQnated in the General Conditions at least 48 hours in advance of excavatina around any of their structures (SP-4.SEC.5-1]. ENGINEeRING/INSPECTION AND SURVEYING STAKING: The EnQineer will Provide survevin~ and construction stakinc required for the construction of this ~ro~ect{SP-2, SEC.2- ff.3]. RECORD DRAWINGS: The final prouress ~aVment will not be released until the contractor returns the control set of the Plans and Specifications showin~ the as-built conditions(SP-11. SEC.9-3.2). MATERIALS AND SOILS TESTING REQUIREMENTS: City has hired services of Geotechnioal Professionals for Soil and Materials Testinu. The test results of City consultant shall be considered final. CONSTRUCTION ALL WORK OUTSIDB CITY OF FOMTAMA JURISDICTION 8HALL BB COMPLETED AS PER THB RBQUXREM~MT8 OF THAT AGENCY/JURISDICTION. TRAFFIC CONTROL: Contractor to provide Detour/Traffic Control Plan. Disreaardina ProPer traffic control procedure may have serious consequences per City Ordinance No. 997, it is punishable bY a fine not exceedina One Thousand Dollars ~$1000.00] or by imprisonment in the San Bernardino County ~ail for a period not exceedinQ six{6] months or bv both. PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES~ Contractor shall provide the necessary means to protect all existin~ facilities,whether shown on the plans or not. STORAGE OF MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENTi No more than 1,000 linear feet of pipeline shall be stockpiled on the site, regardless of size. Also any storage on private property will require a letter from the property owner, authorizing contractor to use his property (SP-9.SEC.7-10.2]. PLACEMENT OF SIGNS AND POSTERS: JOB SAFETY: City Inspector will have the authority to shut down the contractor if in his opinion the contractor is not followin~ proper ~ob safety procedures for his'workers Or others around the ~ob site. FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF WORK FINAL INSPECTION REPORT: City Inspector has to siqn off when contractor has completed all Caltrans, County, Railroad and Pipeline punch list items if any. Only the City Council has the authority for final acceptance ofianv work in the public riqht of wav. OISTR IBUTIC)N 1 PfO;~C't Mlrd~r CITY OF FONTANA RECORD OF PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE CONSTRUCTION OF CYPRESS AVEN~EeS~WER SYSTEM J~TRUPA AVENUE TO SANiBERNARDINO AVENUE LOCATION OF PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING: EXECUTIVE CONFERENCE ROOM. CITY HALL. 8353 SIERRA AVENUE. FONTANA,CA. 92335 DATE: OCTOBER 13. 1992 TIME: 10:00 AM NAME/COMPANY TELEPHONE NUMBER 4. 5. _~,~ ~z~r Z, P,'~ Zo,,4.- A/DV/--o~r/FP$- I Ca i 10. 13. 15. 11. CITY OF FONTANA RECORD OF PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE CONSTRUCTION OF CYPRESS AVENUE. SEWER SYSTEM JURUPA AVENUE TO SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE LOCATION OF PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING: EXECUTIVE CONFERENCE ROOM CITY HALL. 8353 SIERRA AVENUE. FONTANA. CA. 92335 DATE: OCTOBER 13.1992 TIME: 10:00 AM CONTRACTOR: KENKO CONTRACTORS INC. P.O. BOX 831 CALIMESA. CA 92320 TELEPHONE: (714) 795-2568 ENGINEER & NBS/LOWRY INCORPORATED CONSTRUCTION 164 WEST HOSPITALITY I_4~NE SURVEYING SUITE 1 , SAN BERNARDINO. CA 92412-8124 TELEPHONE: (714) 888-1401 c SOILS ENGINEER: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS. INC. 5736 CORPORATE AVENUE CYPRESS. CA 90630 TELEPHONE: {714) 220-2211 OWNER/AGENCY CITY OF FONTANA COMI~3NITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CONTACT CITY INSPECTOR Carlos Navarro Work (714)350-6632 Beeper (714)873-6121 CITY INSPECTOR Wayn:e Brown Work (714)350-6636 AGENCIES CALTRANS-DISTRICT 08 SANTA FE PACIFIC PIPELINE 247 WEST THIRD STREET 888 FIGUEROA STREET P.O. BOX 231 LOS ANGELES, CA 90017 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92402 GEORGE REED 213-486-7736 SUSAN COLLINS 383-5954 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION DEPT. TRANSPORTATION COMPANY 825 EAST THIRD STREET 1200 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92415 MONTEREY PARK, CA 91754 CHIDI ONUMONU 387-2888 JOHN IVANUSICH 213-780-6957 UTILITY COMPANIES COMCAST CABLE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO. 1205 DUPONT AVENUE 7951 REDWOOD AVENUE ONTARIO, CA 91761 FONTANA, CA 92336 LOUIS MCDONALD 988-2999 FRAN STEWART 357-6223 FONTANA WATER COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS CO. 16803 SPRING STREET 1981 WEST LUGONIA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 REDLANDS, CA 92314 AL KHRON 822-2201 ROGELIO EAWLINS 335-7716 PACIFIC BELL 3073 ADAMS STREET BIVERSIDE, CA 92504 THOM YORK 359-2535 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF CONTRACTUAL, LEGAL ~ND PERMIT ASPECTS: INITIATING CONSTRUCTION:(NOTICE T0 PROCEED) Notice to proceed will be issued as soon as the contract documents are fully executed and contractor has obtained necessary approval on traffic control/detour plans. REQUIRED PERMITS: The contractor Shall obtain all applicable AGency permits needed. The Citv will waive its fee for the construction permit. Contractor will make necessary contact with other AGencv inspectors for inspection (SP-8,SEC.7-5). COMPLETION TIME FOR CONTRACT: Contractor shall complete all work within 110 working days after theiNOTICE TO PROCEED (GC-1,Time of completion]. LIQUIDATION DAMAGES: Contractor shall DaY liquidated damage to the Agency in the sum of $500.00 per day for each and every calendar day delay in finishing the work in excess of 110 working days [SP-5,SEC.6-9). OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS: CONTRACTORS SCHEDULE CONTRACTOR'S SCHEDULE: Contractorishall provide the City with a detailed construction schedule. Contractor shall provide updated construction schedule as soon as there is any variation from the original construction schedule. WORKING HOURS: Contractor's activities shall be confined to the hours between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.,Monday thru Friday,excluding Holidays (SP-5,SEC.6-7.2). PAYMENTS PROGRESS PAYMENTS: The closure date for any periodic progress payments will be five(5) working days prior to the first Monday of each month ( SP-11, SEC. 9-3,2 ) o The .proqress payment shall be mailed to Accounts Payable, City of Fontana with original invoice and progress DaMment detail as per sample provided, 10% RETENTION MO~e~ES: The full ten percent(l~] retention will be deducted from all payments. The final retention will be authorized for Davment thirtv-five(35)days a~ter the date of recordation of the Notice of Completion(SP-11,SEC.9-3.2). CHANGE ORDERS: Contractor is not to perform any extra work without City approved change order. Only the City EnGineer has the authority to approve change orderS. RIGHT OF WAy AND UTILITIES NOTIFICATION OF AGENCIES: The contractor will call U.S.A. 1-800- 422-4133) and provide the City with the confirmation number. RIGHT OF WAY REQUIREMENTS: The Agency will acquire all rights of ways, easements, and rights of entry as required for this proiect fSP-2,SEC.2-8). UTILITY COORDINATION: The contractor shall notify the utilities designated in the General Conditions at least 48 hours in advance of excavating around any of theiristructures [SP-4,SEC.5-1]. ENGINEERING/INSPECTION AND SURVEYING STAKING: The Engineer will provide surveying and construction staking required for the construction of this proiect(SP-2, SEC.2- 9.3). RECORD DRAWINGS: The final progress Davment will not be released until the contractor returns the Control set of the Plans and Specifications showing the as-built conditions(SP-11, SEC.9-3.2). MATERIALS AND SOILS TESTING REQUIREMENTS: City has hired services of Geotechnical Professionals for~Soil and Materials Testing. The test results of City consultant shall be considered final. CONSTRUCTION ALL WORK OUTSIDE CITY OF FONTANA JURISDICTION SHALL BE COMPLETED AS PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THAT AGENCY/JURISDICTION. TRAFFIC CONTROL: Contractor to provide Detour/Traffic Control Plan. Disreqardinq proper traffic control procedure may have serious consequences Der City Ordinance No. 997, it is punishable bya fine not exceedinq One Thousand Dollars~($1000.00) or by imprisonment in the San Bernardino County ~ail for a period not exceedinq six{6) months or by both. PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES: Contractor shall provide the necessary means to protect all existin~ facilities,whether shown on the plans or not. STORAGE OF MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT~ No more than 1,000 linear feet of pipeline shall be stockpiled on the site, regardless of size. Also any storage on private property will reguire a letter from the property owner, authorizing contractor to use his property (SP-9,SEC.7-10.2). PLACEMENT OF SIGNS AND POSTERS: JOB SAFETY: City Inspector will have the authority to shut down the contractor if in his opinion the contractor is not followin~ proper ~ob safety procedures for his workers or others around the job site. FINi~,L ACCEPTi~NCE OF WORK FINAL INSPECTION REPORT: City InsDector has to sign off when contractor has completed all Caltrans, Countv, Railroad and Pipeline punch list items if anvi Only the Citv Council has the authority for final acceptance oflany work in the public right of way. CITY OF FONTANA RECORD OF PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE CONSTRUCTION OF CYPRESS AVEN~E, SEWER SYSTEM J~RUPA AVENUE TO SAN BERNANDINO AVENUE LOCATION OF PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING: EXECUTIVE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, 8353 SIERRA AVENUE. FONTANA,CA. 92335 DATE: OCTOBER 13, 1992 TIME: 10:00 AM NAME/COMPANY TELEPHONE NUMBER 4. HI~ ALTUK~ /' " %5 o- 8. ZO. 15. 16. 17. CITY OF FONTANX RECORD OF PRECONETRUCTION CONFERENCE CONSTRUCTION OF CYPRESS AVEN~E SEWER 8YSTEM du~UPA Avz~UE TO SAN BEIINANDINO AVENUE LOCATION OF PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING: EXECUTIVE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, 8353 SIEI~A AVENUE, FONTANA,CA. 92335 DATE: OCTOBER 13, 1992 TIME: 10:00 AM NAME/COMPANY TELEPHONE NUMBER 3. , 5. 10. 12. 14. 18. 19. 20. CITY OF FONTANA RECORD OF PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE CONSTRUCTION OF CYPRESS AVENUEsSEWER SYSTEM JURUPA AVENUE TO 8AN BERNARDINO AVENUE LOCATION OF PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING: EXECUTIVE CONFERENCE ROOM CITY HALL. 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, FONTANA, CA. 92335 DATE: OCTOBER 13,1992 TIME: 10:00 AM CONTRACTOR: KENKO CONTRACTORS INC. P.O. BOX 831 CALIMESA, CA 923~20 TELEPHONE: (714) 795-2568 ENGINEER & NBS/LOWRY INCORPORATED CONSTRUCTION 164 WEST HOSPITALITY LANE SURVEYING SUITE 1 SAN BERNANDINO. ~CA 92412-8124 TELEPHONE: (714] 888-1401 SOILS ENGINEER: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS. INC. 5736 CORPORATE AVENUE CYPRESS, CA 90630 TELEPHONE: (714) 220-2211 OWNER/AGENCY CITY OF FONTANA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CONTACT CITY INSPECTOR Carlos Navarro Work (714)350-6632 Beeper (714)873-6121 CITY INSPECTOR Wayne Brown Work (714)350-6636 AGENCIES CALTRANS-DISTRICT 08 SANTA FE PACIFIC PIPELINE 247 WEST THIRD STREET 888 FIGUEROA STREET P.O. BOX 231 LOS ANGELES, CA 90017 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92402 GEORGE REED 213-486-7736 SUSAN COLLINS 383-5954 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION DEPT. TRANSPORTATION COMPANY 825 EAST THIRD STREET 1200 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92415 MONTEREY PARK, CA 91754 CHIDI ONUMONU 387-2888 JOHN IVANUSICH 213-780-6957 UTILITY COMPANIES COMCAST CABLE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO. 1205 DUPONT AVENUE 7951 REDWOOD AVENUE ONTARIO, CA 91761 FONTANA, CA 92336 LOUIS MCDONALD 988-2999 FRAN STEWART 357-6223 FONTANA WATER COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS CO. 16803 SPRING STREET 1981 WEST LUGONIA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 REDLANDS, CA 92314 AL KHRON 822-2201 ROGELIO RAWLINS 335-7716 PACIFIC BELL 3073 ABANS STREET BIVERSIDE, CA 92504 THOM YORK 359-2535 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF CONTRACTUAL, LEGAL AND PERMIT ASPECTS: INITIATING CONSTRUCTION:(NOTICE TO PROCEED) Notice to proceed will be issued as soon as the contract!documents are fully executed and contractor has obtained necessary approval on traffic control/detour plans. REQUIRED PERMITS: The contractor shall obtain all applicable AGency permits needed. The City will waive its fee for the construction Dermit. Contractor will make necessary contact With other AGency inspectors for inspection (SP-8,SEC.7-5). COMPLETION TIME FOR CONTRACT: Contractor shall complete all work within 110 working days after the' NOTICE TO PROCEED (GC-l,Time of completion). LIQUIDATION DAMAGES: Contractor shall DaY liGuidated damage to the AGency in the sum of $500.00 Per day for each and every calendar day delay in finishing the work in excess of 110 working days (SP-5,SEC.6-9). OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS: CONTRACTORS SCHEDULE CONTRACTOR'S SCHEDULE: COntractor: shall provide the City with a detailed construction schedule. Contractor shall provide updated construction schedule as soon as there is any variation from the original construction schedule. ORDERING MATERIALS: WORKING HOURS: Contractor's activities shall be confined to the hours between 7;00 a.m. and 5:00 D.m.,Mondav thru Friday,excludinG Holidays (SP-5,SEC.6-7.2]. PAYMENTS PROGRESS PAYMENTS: The closure date for any periodic ProGress payments will be five(5) working days prior to the first Monday of each month (SP-11,SEC.9-3.2). The'proGress payment shall be mailed tO Accounts Payable, City of Fontana with original invoice and progress payment detail as per sample provided. 10% RETENTION MONIES: The full te~ percent(10~retention will be deducted from all pavments. The final retention will be authorized for payment thirtv-five(35]davs after the date of recordation of the Notice of Completion(SP-11,SEC.9-3.2). : Contractor is/not to perform any extra work without chan~e order./Onlv the City Engineer has the authority to approve chan~e orders. RIGHT OF WAY i%ND UTILITIES NOTIFICATION OF AGENCIES: The contractor will call U.S.A. 1-800- 422-4133) and provide the City with the confirmation number. RIGHT OF WAY REQUIREMENTS: The Agency will acauire all rights of ways, easements, and rights of entrV as required for this Dro~ect (SP-2,SEC.2-8]. UTILITY COORDINATION: The contractor shall notifv the utilities designated in the General Conditions at least 48 hours in advance of excavatin~ around any of their:structures (SP-4,SEC.5-1]. ENGINEERING/INSPECTION 1MqD SURVEYING STAKING: The Engineer Will provide surveVin~ and construction staking required for the construction of this Dro~ect(SP-2, SEC.2- 9.3). RECORD DRAWINGS: The final progress payment will not be released until the contractor returns the control set of the Plans and Specifications showin~ the as-built conditions~sP-11, SEC.9-3.2]. MATERIALS AND SOILS TESTING REQUIREMENTS: City has hired services of Geotechnical Professionals for,Soil and Materials Testing. The test results of City consultant shall be considered final. CONSTRUCTION ALL WORK OUTSIDE CITY OF FONTANA JURISDICTION 8HALL BE COMPLETED AS PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THAT AGENCY/JURISDICTION. TRAFFIC CONTROL: Contractor to Provide Detour/Traffic Control Plan. 'Disregarding proper traffic control procedure may have serious consequences per City Ordinance No. 997, it is punishable bY a fine not exceedin~ One Thousand Dollars(S1000,00) or by imprisonment in the San Bernardino County ~ail for a period not exceedin~ six(6) months or by both. PROTECTION OF EX~,/~ING FACILITIES: Contractor shall provide the necessary means ~ protect all existing facilities,whether shown on the plans or ~ot. STORAGE OF MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT: No more than 1,000 linear feet of pipeline shall be stockpiled on the site, reqardless of size. Also any storaqe on private propertv will require a letter from the DroDertv owner, authorizinq contractor to use his proDertv (SP-9,SEC.7-10.2). PLACEMENT OF SIGNS AND POSTERS: JOB SAFETY: City Inspector will have the authority to shut down the contractor if in his opinion the contractor is not followin~ oroDer job safety procedures for his workers or others around the job site. FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF WORK FINAL INSPECTION REPORT: City Inspector has to siqn off~when contractgr has leted all ~tran~ C~Dtv. Railroad and_D du~,av~v ~or:al a[ceptance,ofanv w~rk in the public right of way. CITY OF FONTANA RECORD OF PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE CONSTRUCTION OF CYPRE88 AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM JURUPA AVENUE TO SAN BERNANDINO AVENUE LOCATION OF PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING: EXECUTIVE CONFERENCE ROOM CITY HALL, 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, FONTANA, CA. 92335 DATE: OCTOBER 13.1992 TIME: 10:00 AM CONTRACTOR: KENKO CONTRACTORS INC. P.O. BOX 831 CALIMESA, CA 92320 TELEPHONE: (714] 795-2568 ENGINEER & NBS/LOWRY INCORPORATED CONSTRUCTION 164 WEST HOSPITALITY LANE SURVEYING SUITE 1 SAN BERNARDINO. CA 92412-8124 TELEPHONE: (714) 888-1401 SOILS ENGINEER: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. 5736 CORPORATE AVENUE CYPRESS, CA 90630 TELEPHONE: (714) 220-2211 OWNER/AGENCY CITY OF FONTANA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CONTACT CITY INSPECTOR Carlos Navarro Work (714)350-6632 Beeper (714)873-6121 CITY INSPECTOR Wayne Brown Work (714)350-6636 AGENCIES CALTRANS-DISTRICT 08 SANTA FE PACIFIC PIPELINE 247 WEST THIRD STREET 888 FIGUEROA STREET P.O. BOX 231 LOS ANGELES, CA 90017 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92402 GEORGE REED 213-486-7736 SUSAN COLLINS 383-5954 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION DEPT. TRANSPORTATION COMPANY 825 EAST THIRD STREET 1200 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92415 MONTEREY PARK, CA 91754 CHIDI ONUMONU 387-2888 JOHN IVANUSICH 213-780-6957 UTILITY COMPANIES COMCAST CABLE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO. 1205 DUPONT AVENUE 7951 REDWOOD AVENUE ONTARIO, CA 91761 FONTANA, CA 92336 LOUIS MCDONALD 988-2999 FRAN STEWANT 357-6223 FONTANA WATER COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS CO. 16803 SPRING STREET 1981 WEST LUGONIA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 REDLANDS, CA 92314 AL KHRON 822-2201 ROGELIO RAWLINS 335-7716 PACIFIC BELL 3073 ADAMS STREET BIVERSIDE, CA 92504 THOM YORK 359-2535 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF CONTRACTUAL~ LEGAL AND PERMIT ASPECTS: INITIATING CONSTRUCTION:(NOTICE T0 PROCEED) Notice to proceed will be issued as soon as the contract!documents are fully executed and contractor has obtained necessarV approval on traffic control/detour plans. REQUIRED PERMITS: The contractor shall obtain all applicable Aqencv permits needed. The City will waive its fee for the construction permit. Contractor will make necessary contact with other Aqencv inspectors for inspection (SP-8,SEC.7-5). COMPLETION TIME FOR CONTRACT: Contractor shall complete all work within 110 working days after the!NOTICE TO PROCEED (GC-l,Time of completion). LIQUIDATION DAMAGES: Contractor shall pay liquidated damaqe to the AqencV in the sum of $500.00 per day for each and every calendar dav delay in finishinq the work in excess of 110 workinq days (SP-5,SEC.6-9). OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS: CONTRACTORS SCHEDULE CONTRACTOR'S SCHEDULE: Contractor~ shall provide the City with a detailed construction schedule. Contractor shall provide updated construction schedule as soon as there is any variation from the oriqinal construction schedule. ORDERING MATERIALS: WORKING HOURS: Contractor's activlties shall be confined to the hours between 7;00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.,Monday thru Friday,excluding Holidays (SP-5,SEC.6-7.2). PAYMENTS PROGRESS PAYMENTS: The closure da~e for any periodic progress pa~rments will be five(5) workinq days prior to the first Monday of each month (SP-11,SEC.9-3.2). The proqress payment shall be mailed to Accounts Payable, City of Fontana with oriqinal invoice and Droqress Da~nnent detail as per sample provided. 10% RETENTION MONIES: The full ten percent(1 retention will be deducted from all payments. The final retention will be authorized for payment thirty-five(35)days after the date of recordation of the Notice of ComDletion (SP-11, SEC. 9-3.2 ] . CHANGE ORDERS: Contractor is not to perform any extra work without City approved change order. Onlv the City EnGineer has the authority to approve chanqe orderS. RIGHT OF WAY AND UTILITIES NOTIFICATION OF AGENCIES: The contractor will call U.S.A. 1-800- 422-4133~ and provide the City with the confirmation number. RIGHT OF WAY REQUIREMENTS: The AGency will acGuire all rights of ways, easements, and rights of entry as required for this proiect (SP-2,SEC.2-8]. UTILITY COORDINATION: The contractor shall notify the utilities designated in the General Conditions at least 48 hours in advance of excavating around any of theirSstructures (SP-4,SEC.5-1). ENGINEERING/INSPECTION AND SURVEYING STAKING: The EnGineer will provide surveyinq and construction staking reGuired for the construction of this Droject(SP-2, SEC.2- 9.3]. RECORD DRAWINGS: The final progress payment will not be released until the contractor returns the control set of the Plans and Specifications showinq the as-built conditions(SP-11, SEC.9-3.2]. MATERIALS AND SOILS TESTING REQUIREMENTS: City has hired services of Geotechnical Professionals fOr~Soil and Materials Testing. The test results of City consultant shall be considered final. CONSTRUCTION ALL WORK OUTSIDE CITY OF FONTANA JURISDICTION 8HALL BE COMPLETED AS PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THAT AGENCY/JURISDICTION. TRAFFIC CONTROL: Contractor to provide Detour/Traffic Control Plan. DisreGarding proper traffic control procedure may have serious consequences per City Ordinance No. 997, it is punishable by a fine not exceeding One ThouSand Dollars(S1000.00) or by imprisonment in the San Bernardino County iail for a period not exceedinq six(6) months or bv both. PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES: Contractor shall provide the necessary means to protect all existing facilities,whether shown on the plans or not. : STORAGE OF MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT! No more than 1,000 linear feet of pipeline shall be stockpiled on the site, regardless of size. Also any storage on private Dropertv will reGuire a letter from the property owner, authorizing contractor to use his propertv (SP-9,SEC.7-10.2). PLACEMENT OF SIGNS AND POSTERS: JOB SAFETY: City Inspector will have the authority to shut down the contractor if in his opinion the contractor is not following proper ~ob safety procedures for his workers or others around the ~ob site. FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF WORK FINAL INSPECTION REPORT: City Inspector has to sign off when contractor has completed all Caltrans. County, Railroad and Pipeline punch list items if any. Only the City Council has the authority for final acceptance ofanv work in the public right of way. CITY OF FONTANA RECORD OF PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE CONSTRUCTION OF CYPRE88 AVENUE SEWER SY8TEM JURUPA AVENUE TO SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE LOCATION OF PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING: EXECUTIVE CONFERENCE ROOM. CITY HALL, 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, FONTANA,CA. 92335 DATE: OCTOBER 13. 1992 TIME: 10:00 AM NAME/COMPANY TELEPHONE NUMBER 1. 2. 3. . 5. 6. 7. % 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. '-,/ RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION CITY OF FONTANA Project No. Individual Title Orginizition L~ation ITEMS DISCUSSEO 4-1 __ ! ~Z' t ' E~EN$1Ty r%~qp coc,,,~zicTiz~d 6,J'/t-L.l'5~ DO/u f,. _ 5~;~-lwt.r',G_F q.,L AF'o,./T t~ 7o tN CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: DISTRIBUTION FROM: John Tesley, Engineering Techician II/CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ,~77 SUBJECT: PRECONSTRUCT1ON MEETING FOR CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER PROJECT DATE: September 30, 1992 The preconstruction meeting for the Cypress Avenue Sewer Project is scheduled for 10:00 AM on Tuesday, October 13, 1992, in the Executives Conference Room. Your attendance will be appreciated. JT:jt Distribution: City Engineer City Traffic Engineer Principal Engineer/Capital Improvements Police Sergeant II (TO) Public Works Operations Superintendent Public Works Maintenance Services Supervisor Associate Engineer/Special Projects (YP) Associate Engineer/Capital Improvements Associate Engineer/Inspection Senior Public Works Inspector (JR) Public Works Inspector (WB) City of Fontana CALIFORNIA September 30, 1992 Ms. Suzan Collins, Inspector Caltrans - District 08 P. O. Box 231 San Bernardino, CA 92402 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Construction Project on Cypress Avenue Between Jurupa Avenue and San Bernardino Avenue Dear Ms. Collins: The City of Fontaria has scheduled a Pre-Construction Meeting for the above referenced project. We would like to have a representative from your office attend this meeting. The Pre-Construction Meeting is scheduled for 10:00 AM on Tuesday, October 13, 1992, in the Executive Conference Room at Fontana City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, CA. Please contact John Tesley at 714-350-6642 if you need any additional information. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division / ~,..,----' nw Yousuf Pata ala Associate Engineer/Special Projects YP:JT:jt cc: Project File 8353 SIERRA AVENUE ( P,O, BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ~ recycled paper City of Fontana CALIFORNIA September 30, 1992 Mr. Rogelio Rawlins Southern California Gas Company 1981 West Lugonia Avenue Redlands, CA 92373 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Construction Project on Cypress Avenue Between Jurupa Avenue and San Bernardino Avenue Dear Mr. Rawlins: The City of Fontaria has scheduled a Pre-Construction Meeting for the above referenced project. We would like to have a representative from your office attend this meeting. The Pre-Construction Meeting is scheduled for 10:00 AM on Tuesday, October 13, 1992, in the Executive Conference Room at Fontana City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, CA. Please contact John Tesley at 714-350-6642 if you need any additional information. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division you~x~a~wala Associate Engineer/Special Projects YP:JT:jt co: Project File 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714}350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, ELC. CANADA ~ recycledpaper City of Fontana CALIFORNIA September 30, 1992 Mr. Fran Stewart Southern California Edison Company 7951 Redwood Avenue Fontana, CA 92336 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Construction Project on Cypress Avenue Between Jurupa Avenue and San Bernardino Avenue Dear Mr. Stewart: The City of Fontana has scheduled a Pre-Construction Meeting for the above referenced project. We would like to have a representative from your office attend this meeting. The Pre-Construction Meeting is scheduled for 10:00 AM on Tuesday, October 13, 1992, in the Executive Conference Room at Fontaria City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, CA. Please contact John Tesley at 7 14-350-6642 if you need any additional information. Sincerely, COIVI1VIUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division yoX~a~a~wala Associate Engineer/Special Projects YP:JT:jt co: Project File 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. 80X518) · FONTANA CALIFORNIA92334*0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ~ recycled paper City of Fontana CALIFORNIA September 30, 1992 Mr. A1 Khron Fontana Water Company 16803 Spring Street Fontana, CA 92335 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Construction Project on Cypress Avenue Between Jurupa Avenue and San Bernardino Avenue Dear Mr. Khron: The City of Fontana has scheduled a Pre-Construction Meeting for the above referenced project. We would like to have a representative from your office attend this meeting. The Pre-Construction Meeting is scheduled for 10:00 AM on Tuesday, October 13, 1992, in the Executive Conference Room at Fontana City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontaria, CA. Please contact John Tesley at 714-350-6642 if you need any additional information. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Yousu~fPa~wala Associate Engineer/Special Projects YP:JT:jt cc: Luis Montenegro Project File 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX 518) ® FONTANA, CALIFORNIA02334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B,C. CANADA ~i~ recycled paper City of Fontana CALIFORNIA September 30, 1992 Mr. Louis McDonald Corncast Cable TV 1205 Dupont Avenue Ontario, CA 91761 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Construction Project on Cypress Avenue Between Jurupa Avenue and San Bernardino Avenue Dear Mr. McDonald: The City of Fontana has scheduled a Pre-Construction Meeting for the above referenced project. We would like to have a representative froIn your office attend this meeting. The Pre-Construction Meeting is scheduled for 10:00 AM on Tuesday, October 13, 1992, in the Executive Conference Room at Fontana City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, CA. Please contact John Tesley at 714-350-6642 if you need any additional information. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Yousuf Patanwala Associate Engineer/Special Projects YP:JT:jt cc: Project File 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTAN&CALIFORNIA02334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B,C. CANADA ~ recycled paper City of Fontana CALIFORNIA September 30, 1992 Mr. Thorn York Pacific Bell Telephone 3073 Adams Street Riverside, CA 92504 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Construction Project on Cypress Avenue Between Jurupa Avenue and San Bernardino Avenue Dear Mr. York: The City of Fontana has scheduled a Pre-Construction Meeting for the above referenced project. We would like to have a representative from your office attend this meeting. The Pre-Construction Meeting is scheduled for 10:00 AM on Tuesday, October 13, 1992, in the Executive Conference Room at Fontana City Hall, 8353 Siena Avenue, Fontana, CA. Please contact John Tesley at 714-350-6642 if you need any additional information. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Yousuf Patanwala Associate Engineer/Special Projects YP:JT:jt cc: Project File 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOXSt8) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7800 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ~14~ recycled paper "City of Fontana CALIFORNIA September 30, 1992 Mr. Louis McDonald Corncast Cable TV 1205 Dupont Avenue Ontario, CA 91761 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Construction Project on Cypress Avenue Between Jurupa Avenue and San Bernardino Avenue Dear Mr. McDonald: The City of Fontana has scheduled a Pre-Construction Meeting for the above referenced project. We would like to have a representative from your office attend this meeting. The Pre-Construction Meeting is scheduled for 10:00 AM on Tuesday, October 13, 1992, in the Executive Conference Room at Fontana City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontaria, CA. Please contact John Tesley at 714-350-6642 if you need any additional information. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Yousuf Patanwala Associate Engineer/Special Projects YP:JT:jt cc: Project File 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O- BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ~e,) recyded paper City of Fontana CALIFORNIA ~" ~ September 30, 1992 Mr. John Ivanusich Southern Pacific Transportation Compnay 1200 Corporate Center Drive Monterey Park, CA 91754 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Construction Project on Cypress Avenue Between Jurupa Avem|e and San Bernardino Avenue Dear Mr. Ivanusich: The City of Fontaria has scheduled a Pre-ConstruCtion Meeting for the above referenced proje~E. We would like to have a representative from your office attend this meeting. The Pre-Construction Meeting is scheduled for 10:00 AM on Tuesday, October 13, 1992, in the Executive Conference Room at Fontana City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontaria, CA. Please contact John Tesley at 714-350-6642 if you need any additional information, Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Yousuf Patanwala Associate Engineer/Special Projects YP:JT:jt co: Project File 8353SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ~!4~ recycled paper City of Fontana CALIFORNIA September 30, 1992 Mr. George Reed Pipeline Engineering Santa Fe Pacific Pipeline 888 South Figueroa Street Los Angeles, CA 90017 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Construction Proj:ect on Cypress Avenue Between Jurupa Avenue and San Bernardiao Avenue Dear Mr. Reed: The City of Fontana has scheduled a Pre-ConstruCtion Meeting for the above referenced project. We would like to have a representative from your office attend this meeting. The Pre-Construction Meeting is scheduled for 10:00 AM on Tuesday, October 13, 1992, in the Executive Conference Room at Fontana City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, CA. Please contact John Tesley at 714-350-6642 if you need ~,ny additional information. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Yousu~Pata'~wala Associate Engineer/Special Projects YP:JT:jt cc: Project File 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX 518) ® FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B,C. CANADA ~iet recycled paper City of Fontana "~ ~~1 C A L I F O R N I A x ,'kkOr' ~~ September 30, 1992 Mr. Chidi Onumonu, Transportation Permit Engineer San Bernardino County Transportation/Flood Control District 825 East Third Street San Bernardino, CA 92415-0835 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Construction Proj!ect on Cypress Avenue Between Jurupa Avenue and San Bernardino Avenue Dear Mr. Eke: The City of Fontaria has scheduled a Pre-Constru6tion Meeting for the above referenced project. We would like to have a representative from your office attend this meeting. The Pre-Construetion Meeting is scheduled for 10:00 AM on Tuesday, October 13, 1992, in the Executive Conference Room at Fontaria City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontaria, CA. Please contact John Tesley at 714-350-6642 if you need any additional information. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Yousuf Patanwala Associate Engineer/Special Projects YP:JT:jt c¢: Project File 8353 SIERRA AVENUE(P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA September 30, 1992 Mr. Luis Montenegro, Project Engineer San Gabriel Valley Water Company 11142 Garvey Avenue El Monte, CA 91734 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Construction Project on Cypress Avenue Between Jurupa Avenue and San Bernardino Avenue Dear Mr. Montenegro: The City of Fontana has scheduled a Pre-Construction Meeting for the above referenced project. We would like to have a representative from your office attend this meeting. The Pre-Construction Meeting is scheduled for 10:00 AM on Tuesday, October 13, 1992, in the Executive Conference Room at Fontana City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, CA. Please contact John Tesley at 714-350-6642 if you need any additional information. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division ~\~ Y ous'u~~tanwala Associate Engineer/Special Projects YP:JT:jt cc: Al Khron Project File 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) . FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 . (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY - KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA .. " I recycled paper