HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.7 From Contractor Po F~>y,, 5'lg Our FAX number: (909) 795-1840 /L'2~'~,~, ~, q~,~/-O~1 ~ Our phone: (909) 795-2568 Attention: ~? ~OCb¢// We are transmitting: Via: For Your: :~ Per your request ,~ Mail [] Approval [] Shop drawings [] Overnight Mail ~r--Review and comment [] Proposal [] UPS [] Information/Files [] Plans n Hand [] ~ Correspondence ~' Fax [] [] [] D i ENCLOSURES: DESCRIPTION DATED: ~SSU~D BY. ~, ~ ~e~co.ms To: ~ ~Ax TO: 3~- ~/~ CORPORA:~E-1694 9 N.E.-Braine, Minnesota 55449 - (612} 786-6510 - FAX (612) 786-6602 SOUTHWESTERN DIVISION-16415 Addison Road, Ste 308*Dallas, Texas 75248 - (214) 931-9494 - FAX (214) 931-5474 WESTERN DIVISION-Post Office Box 831 - Calimesa, California 92320 - (909) 795-2568 - FAX (909} 795-1840 ' v AAA PAVING CO. GENERAl, ENOINEERli~G CONTRADTORa PROJECT EXCAVATING - PAVING Quote NO. 95 07 23 aV ES~IMATE ~aao N. LOCUST, R~LTO, ~ 92371 Nm O~a~e ahoulde~ ~nr ?n ~.~, L~. NO. 314624 BONDED - INSURED L~on ~n~ R,,P, A,, . ~-~-na ENGINEER TO: Kenko Inc. Date July 12, 1995 A'I'rENTION: nng.r PHONE 795.2568 FAX; 79~ 1840 Geniemen: AAA PAVJNG CO. (hem~ eelled 8el~ quotes you ~e ~l~wlng era|trades ~r Nmlshlng ~e material and pe~orn~g the wo~ healer ~ffl~, m~ to ~n~bns and te~s ~rel~ffer ~ ~h: 1. G~ade shouZde~s ~er 2" A,C. atainaSe Chan~el. h~utsh & 1natal12" A.C. channaZ 5~ ~d6 app~ox~aCeZy 4" WeSt Side 12,685 S.f. 0.65/S.L 8~24~.25 ~SC Side 8,900 s.f. 0.65/s.f. 5.785.00 ~TAL $ 14,030.25 1. ~ork to be measured sn~ ~nvo~ce~ upoa completion at unit prices lidted above. 2. Developer a~/or o~ez to provide adequate supply of water ~r~wtthtu } mile of aobsite a~ uo cosc to~Paving Co. 3. Proposal is based on being able to complete Job in I move-ins. 4. ~phalt is ~o be iustalZea in one course~. 5. Tack is ~o be applied on vertical eases only, 6. Notification and/or posCin~ of aleus in ~reparation ~or scree~ work ~o be 6one by others. 7. Only i=ems of work specifically lieCod above are included in this proposal. SoiZ s~eriZ~nc. 2. Adjustment o~ 3. TraEflc control. 4. AeraV~on of we~ eo~ls or subSveda. 5. Cert~fied padroll. 6. Eng~neerin~ ~es=~n~ ~nspect~on, ~erm~g and coe~ of same. 7. No underground removals of any 'Rib quotation does not )ndude imy ~rmit or Inspecan tees ,, any;publb body. We wi Invol~e any such fee5 at cml. A~ eng~eering and e~ddng b: be dome by oreera. NOllCEI The t~egolng Ninelee does not conslltx~ an offer, unless the fofmeJ proporal appearing on me raveroe side hereof is tgrad b/· duly eu~odzed ;epresenUWve for Seller, Re ee~ma~ ~ eppr~xlrnab~ an~, and lnvek;e w;1 be rendered M ~e besb d ac~jd measurement orworkdone. ~u~hgrading~sdoneby~e~shaJ~be~t~.n~she~L~w~In~ne~t~m~t~n~u~r~e~a~. KENKO CONTRACTORS March 10, 1995 CEiVEr:, Mr. Greg BucknelZ City of Fontana ! L 8353 Sierra Ave. ,ontana, CA 923 5 Re: Cypress Ave. Pavement Repair Dear Mr. Bucknell: This letter will confirm our March 7, 1995 telephone conversation regarding the Cypress Avenue pavement repair: Per your verbal direction, Kenko will perform the work under the direction of the City of Fontana Inspector and the City's geotechnical consultant. Time and material records will be verified by a City representative daily. Upon completion of the work, Kenko will submit tabulated Extra Work Reports to the City for reimbursement. Thank you your cooperation in this matter and if you have any questions please contact me at 909-795-2568. Sincerely, Mike Olson Kenko, Inc. cc: Roger Schwarz C:\WPSI\M1KE-O\CYPRBSS.PAV CORPORATE OFFICE - 1694 91st Avenue I't.E. - Blaine, Minnesota 55449 - (612) 786-6510 - Fax (612) 786-6602 SOCIIHWESTERI"t DIVISIOI"I - 1641D Addison Road, Suite 308 - Dallas, Texas 75248 - (214) 931-9494 - Fax (214) 931-5474 WESTERPt DIVISIOI't - Post Office Box 831 - Calimesa, California 92320 - (909) 795-2568 - Fax (909) 795-1840 rRECEIVED 'q 'I(ENKO Tr"'ansmittal C O N T R A C T O R SCITY ENGINEER'S OFF{C E Date ,~//~///~,~ Project .,~/V':T/~-~<7/~ ..~O.Z~ Job No._ ~U~ UF' Number of Pages Including this page. We are transmitting: VIa: For Your: B Per your request ~ Mall ~ Approval ~ Shop drawings B Overnight Mall B Review and comment ~ Proposal B UPS D Information/Files B Plans ~ Hand ~ ~s/~, ~ ~ D O Enclosures Description Dated Remarks KENKO CONTRACTORS 9216 - FONTRNA CYPRESS Dally Extra Nork Report Date: 12/9/92 C.O. h N.O.IA Description of ,orkt OLON DOHH DUE TOP UNHARKED, UNPLOTED S' CMLD PiPE HOURLY EXTENDED HOURLY EXTENDED EOUZPHENT HOURS RATE AMOUNTS LABOR HOURS RATE AROUNTE PC400 EXC 2.5 $130.00 $325.00 OPERATOR REO 2.5 5800 LINKBELT EXC 2.5 S13B.00 $337.50 O.T $0.00 HA420 LOR 2.S $90.00 $225.00 OPERATOR REG 2.5 $31.41 $79.53 NHEEL CONPACTOR 2,5 $0,00 40,00 O.T $0.00 8124 TR BOX 2,5, s19,00 $47,50 OPERATOR RE6 2,5 S31.41 $78.53 BEDDZH6 TUB 2.5 416.00 $45.00 O.T $0.00 LAEER 2.S 18,00 $20,00 PIPELAYER RED 2,5 127,77 $69,43 TARPEA 2.5 S3.25 08.13 O.T $0.00 3/4T PU N/TOOLS 2,S 410,00 $25,00 DOTTQNNRN RE6 2,5 S2&,72 466,80 FORKS 2.5 $5.00 $12.50 O.T $0,00 4000 6RL HATER TR 2,S 133,00 e82,50 FOREHAM RE6 2,5 $28.77 171,q3 8X24 TR BOX 2,5 S20,00 $50,00 O,T $0,00 10 NHEELER DHP TR 2,5 429,00 472.50 RE6 $0,00 O,T s0,00 REE ,0,00 TOTAL $1~250.63 SUB TOTAL $443,73 HATERZAL AND/OR HORK DONE BY SPECIALIOTS DESCRIPTION UNZT NO,UNiT COET EXTENDED ADDED X - BEE EP PROriO[ONE 19~ $84,31 $0.00 SUBSISTENCE NO, I 40,00 40,00 TRAVEL NO, I 40,00 00,00 OTHER TOTAL COOT OF LABOR R TOTAL COST OF EOUIPHENT! NATERXAL i NORK S1:250.63 B 41~250,63 PROaECT NAME PROaEET NO. Z HARKUP ON LABOR COST 33Z A 417A.2~ FONTAle CYPRESS 9216 Z MARKUP EOUIP~ MRT~ i WORK 1St R $187.59 OWNERS REP CONTRACTORS REP DATE DATE / TOTRL TNIE REPORT $2:140,50 WESTERN DMSION - Post Office Box 881 - ~l~mcsa, California 92820 - (714) 79~-2568 - Fax (714) 795-18210 CORPORATE OFFICE - 1694 91st Avenue - ~ltnncapolis, Minnesota r~34 - (612) 786-6510 - Fax (61it) 786-6602 wo. C O N T R A C T O R S Please Issue a written reply A.S.A.P. Equipment And Labor Documentation EQUIPME~ U~ED Equipment Hou~ ~BOR USED Hou~ Number Worked Posl~on Work~ L~der Air Comp. gght Pt~I Generator Pum~ Paver Fo~i~ O~er Is report dallyl SIgnature verlflel tqulpment and labor tim6 only, not merit of claim. Cobb'l 7~5-2318 venko! Inc. Daily Extra Work Report Date i0125/g2 P.O, Do~ D$1 FONTANA-OYPRUS C.O. t NO-1 Caliee~a. CA ~2Z20 Deecription oR work {7!4)795-256D TRAFFIO CONTROL ON RAMPS TO I-lO HOURLY EXTENDED HOURLY EXTENDED EOOP~ENT HOURS RATE AMOUNTS LABOR HOURS RATE AMOUNTS S/4 T PU W/TOOLS I $10.00 $~0,00 FOREMAN REE S2B.77 $0.00 3/4 T PU W/TOOLS I S10.00 $I0.00 D,T. I $48,64 $48.64 $0.00 FOREMAN REG S2B,77 $0,00 S0.00 O.T I $4S.64 $49,64 $0,00 RED S0.00 s0.00 O.T. $0,00 $0.00 RED $0.00 $0.00 O.T $O.OO $0.00' FEE $0.00 $0.00 O.T $0.00 S0.00 RED $0,00 $0.00 O.T. $0.00 $0.00 RED $0.00 $0.00 O,T $0,00 $0.00 RE6 $0.00 $0.00 O.T. $0.00 REG TOTAL $20.00 O.l. S0.00 MATERIAL AND/OR WORN DONE BY DPECIALIBTB DESCRIPTION UNIT NO.UNIT COST EXTENDED SUB TOTAL $97.28 S0.00 ADDED X - BEE BP PROV{BIONB IDX S18.48 SUBSISTENCE NO. i $0.00 TRAVEL NO. B $0.00 OTHER TOTAL COST OF LABOR A $115.76 TOTAL COST OF EDUIPMENT, S $20.00 MATERIAL & WORK $20.00 % MARKUP ON LABOR COST 20{ A $2S.15 X MARNUP EQUIP, MAT, & WORK PROJECT NAME PROOECT FONTANA ' CYPRUS 9216 TOTAL THIS REPORT $161.42 O~NSRD REP CONTRACTORS REP (_ DATE DATE / :" I(ENI( NOTICE OF '~XTRA WORK C o N T R A C '!" O R _',.',.'S Please Issue a written reply A.S,A.P, ,:,a,~ ~.,. o,.-.-.A. ~ .7,r, 9,-.~_~__ _ D..c,,p,,on o, E.,r. wcr~ T....,,.--.~ ,"~..,.-,~/ Equipment And Labor Documentation EQUIPMENT USED Equipment Hour~ LABOR USED Hour~ Number Worked Position Worked Excavator Excavator Crane Loader Loader Dozer Compactor Trench Box Bedding Tub TO AIr Comp, Trucks Ught Plant Generator Pumps __ Laser Pi,~, up, ~'f' ,4,,-/- ~6s"5"'__L . -f;.,'~.--, ~ Forks __ O~er O~her Owners Representative Superintendent or Foreman /~t,~/~/,~ /(,,__ Inspector must sign this report dallyl g2!~ - FONTANA CYPRESS Daily E~tra Work ReDort Date ; O~/OT/g3 C.O. ~: LC-I Deecrig(:,ion o~ work: A ~' LATERAL" - THERE ~AS A MISUNDERSTANDIND AS TO ~HETHER OR NOT T~E~E WAS ONE TO GO IN OR ~OT - TOO MANY MARKS ON THE CURB HOURLY EXTENDED HOURLY EXTENDED EQUIPMENT HOURS RATE AMOUNTS LASOR HOURS RATE AMOUNTS 1~00 t.O $!30,00 $520.00 OPERATOR REB A.O $~[.70 S126.80 O.T $O,OO LABORER PEG 2,5 $26.i2 $65,50 O,T $0,00 TOTAL $520.00 SUB TOTAL ~IATER!AL AND/OR WORK DONE BY SPECIALISTS DESCRIPTION UNIT NO.UNIT COST EXTENDED ADDED X - SEE SP PROVISIONS !gX $3~5,50 $0,00 SUBSISTENCE NO. ~ $O.OO TRAVEL NO. i SO .OO OTHER TOTAL COST O~ LABOR A TOTAL COST OF EQUIPMENT, MATERIAL & WORK $520.00 B S~20.00 P~O3ECT NAME PRO~ECT NO, I MARKUP ON LABOR COST 201 A FONTANA CYPRESS X MARKUP EQUIP, HAT, & WORK 15X B $?B,OO OWNERS REP CONTRACTORS PEP ~ATE DATE TOTAL THIS REPORT $B72.32 NOTICE OF EXTRA VVORK CONTFIJlLCTORS Equipment And Labor Documentation EGUIPMENT USED Equipment Hours EOUIPMEMT USED Equipment Hour~ List M~ke ~ Model Mumber Worked List Make S Model Number Worked Trench Box ~BOR USED Hour~ Trench Box Position Worked Water Truck MATERIAL USED Water Truck Vendor or Sub Type Guanti~ Other :/~~ / ~ Inspector must sign this repo~ dailyl City of Fontana CALIFORNIA June 23, 1993 Mr. Roger Schwa Kenko, Inc. WesteYn Division P.O. Box 831 Calimesa, CA 92320 Subject: Cypress Avenue Sewer Project Gas Company Claim (S-266128-34-MC) Dear Mr. Schwarz: Enclosed is a copy of the claim letter, filed by the Gas Company, for the repair cost to their 2" gas main caused by Kenko, Inc. construction equipment at intersection of Cypress and San Bernardino Avenue. Kenko, Inc. must submit a letter from the Gas Company verifying that Kenko has paid this claim. The City will not finalize project accounting without written verification from the Gas Company. Attached is a copy of page GC-3 from the contract documents indicating the responsibility of the contractor in terms of existing utilities. Please call the undersigned at (909} 350-6645 if you have any additional questions. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Y o~8 ~an w8 J a ~ Associate Engineer/Special Projects Enclosure co: City Engineer Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects Principal Civil Engineer/Capital Improvements Project Deputy City Clerk City Inspector (WB) 8353 SIERRAAVENUE{p.O. BOX518) t FONTAN& CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY ~ KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ~ recycled paper CAL FOR NIA COMMUNICATIONS FROM FAX NO, [714] 350-6618 0 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: N .ANE: Jok LOCATION: _ Ke. JK, o P--_._o~"t'~c"t"~r5 T FAX NUMBER: (ibcl')lc/~- le~rP PHONE: A FROM: "'l/t~u~u:~ /'~.~LA.~L~_ N LOCATZON: C)~ ~ ACCOUNT NO. PHONE: (~) TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES~ ~ DATE: TIME: (including cover sheet) MESSAGE: CC: FAX CHARGE IS: $3.00 1ST PAGE (EXCLUDING COVER SHEET) $1.50 THEREAFTER. PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO CITY OF FONTANA IN THE AMOUNT OF $ AND MAIL TO: CITY OF FONTANA, P,O,BOX 518, FONTANA, CA, 92334 FROM: name company / firm address phone no, NOTE: PLEASE RETURN THIS COVER SHEET WITH PAYMENT (ACC.NO.010-0316-2300) OAN, 1992 SKY-- LABOR COMMISSIONER, STATE OF CALIFORNIA Department Of Industrial RIIitions Division of Labor Stlndlrds Enforcement BUREAU OF FIELD ENFORCE/~ENT 411 E, Canon Perdido Street Room ~3 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 (805) 963-1Zl38 City of Fontaria P.O. Box 518 ' :~:. Fontana, CA 92334 L J June 1 , 1993 26-PW-27283/750 h NOTIFICATION!OF COMPLAINT FILED Cypress Avenue Sewer Kenko, Inc. '. A complaint alleging violation of the Fhjbiic Works LIw (California Labor Code, Division 2, Part 7) his been filed in this office Igminst the contrlctor{s) thewe m, You are hereby advised an investigation ij c0nvnM~tfig of the above-named project to insure compliance with the provisk~s of thl labor Code. Afire' tfl invNtifltion, a Notice to Withhold end/ or a Notice of. Penalty Asmnt will be filed with y(xj for the actual wages determined to be due, the number of violations found and the amount of penalties IsN!sed. Sincerely, Ll~er Clio $ettlen 171L The body iwlrdinq the STATE LABOR COMMISSIONER of v~ti~s of the prowSions of this Chapter ~ in tM c~m Of t~ exKution of tN i CO: Prime Contractor - wl~ ~ re~ ~efrm all am~nts ~h hm i f~f~M W~t to any st~i~ in Su~Contractor ~ c~t fm ~ ~k. i~ tN mt oe this c~W. kt no ~m ~1 N wtth~d. ~et~ or Itlllllltld CONTRACTORS December 11, 1992 City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Attn: Mr. Yousuf Patanwala Re: Cypress Avenue Sewer Dear YousUf: As stated on page GC-5 Utility Requirements, "Payment for potholinl shall be made at contract price bid." Since this Item was oraltied from the contract biddlng documents, proposed that potholes be paid at $85.~ each. Qnantitle~ wilt be agreed upon tn the field the City of Fontana resident inspector and Kenko's foreman. Thank you for your cooporation in this matter, and if you have any questions, please call me (909) 795-2568. Sincerely, Mike Olson Kenko, Inc. KENKO Transmittal CONTRACTORS Date Project ~ ~,~/.,~ ~f**.r Job No. __: ;;~o5.~/-~J Number of Pages Z_- including this page. Our Phone ~ Z~F . Attention We are transmiffing: VIa: F~ YOUr: ~ Per your request ~ Mail ~ Approval ~ Shop drawings ~ Overnight Mall 0 Review and comment ~ Proposal ~ UPS ~nformation/Flles ~ Plans ~ Hand ~Correspondance ~ Fax .... des~ .... Enolosures rlptlon Dated Remarks Issued by CORIR:)RATE OFFICE - 1694 9]~ Argue H,B, - Blaine, ~nne~tn 5~9 - (612) 786.6510 - Fax (6t2) 786~2 -- i~Y:17-93 liON 11:55 V F~{ NO. 795184 P. 02 AAA PAVING CO. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOF}~; EXCAVATING -- PAVING ~O N. LO~T, RIALTO, CA g~376 (714) 82~4~1 {7t~) 82N042 LIC. NO. 314624 BONDED-INS~ED ~rch ~2, ~993 Kenlr. o Ir~c, P,O, l~ox 831 · Cal:imeea, Cs, 92320 P,e: Cypre~9 Sewer Line - At~n~ Roge~ ~ie ie ~o notify you tha~ ~e ~ill b~ u~able to e~pply the auphslt csp o~ ~he above project, ~p=ess Se~er ~iae, ~baak you ~or using o~r prices another 3oh ~h yo~, S~ncerely, Shl~Zey~Oaws~ ~ecretery ~LD:sk ItENKO CONTRACTOR,~ December 11, 1992 City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Attn: Mr. Yousuf Patanwala Re: Cypress Avenue Sewer Dear Yousuf: As stated on page GC-5 Utility Requirements, "Payment for potholing shall be made at the contract price bid." Since this item was omitted from the contract bidding documents, we proposed that potholes be paid at $85.00 each. Quantities will be agreed upon in the field by the City of Fontana resident inspector and Kenko's foreman. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter, and if you have any questions, please call me at (909) 795-2568. Sincerely, Mike Olson Kenko, Inc. CORPORATE OFFICE - 1694 91st Ave. N.E. - Blaine, Minrlesota 55434 - (612) 786-6510 - Fax (612) 786-6602 SOUTHWESTERN DIVISION - 16415 Addison Road, Suite 308 - Dallas, Texas 75248 - (214) 931-9494 - Fax (214) 931-5475 WESTERN DIVISION - Post Office Box 831 - CaliiT~esa, Californi:~ 92320 - (714) 795-2568 - Fax (714) 795-1840 FAX CITY OF CAL IFOR COMMUNICATIONS FROM FAX NO. [909] 350-6618 0 PLEASE DELTVER THE FOLLONTNG PAGES TO:N .A.E:/V/~/_~ ~/,~ ~ ~ ,- y ~/~ ~, ,, ~ 7' LOCAT ! ON: T FAX NUMBER: (:~)'~ ',j(""/7/~ <~ PHONE=: A LOCAT ! ON: ACCOUNT NO. PHONE: A TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: ~ OATE:/2-IF~2TIME: ~,~'P/~ (including cover s~) CC: FAX CHARGE IS: $3.00 1ST PAGE (EXCLUDING COVER SHEET) $1.50 THEREAFTER. PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO CTTY OF FONTAliA IN THE AHOUNT OF $ AND HAIL TO: CITY OF FONTAliA, P.O.BOX 518, FONTANA, CA. 92334 FROM: name company / firm ~ .~ address phone no. '~ ~ NOTE: PLEASE RETURN THIS COVER SHEET NITH PAYMENT (::) d ~ ~ (ACC,NO,010-0316-2300) JAN. 1992 SKY-- (10) The names of the persons who are authorized to give written notice or to receive written notice on behalf of the Owner and on behalE of Contractor in conneution with the foregoing, and exemplars of their respective signatures are ae follows~ on behalf of Owners On behalf of Contractorz Title Title Name 7me lure~ Signature ~~K. $~ / Address Address On behalf of Escrow Agent~ Th~s Escrow Agreemen~ Is To B~ Adwinis~red Under ParaQraph 3 Of This A~eement. (Rent~n~ion Title Fund) Name Signature Bank Address At the time the Escrow Account is opened, the Owner and Contractor shall deliver to the Escrow Agenta fully executed counterpart of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement by their proper officers on the date first set forth above. Ownerz Contractorl Title Title Name Signature Stephan P. oei~ech, City Attorney KENKO CONTRACTORS ESCROW AGREEMENT FOR SECURITY DEPOSITS IN LIEU OF RETENTION This Escrow Agreement is made and entered into by and between City of Fontana whose address is City Hall - 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, Ca 92335 (hereinafter called "owner"); Kenko, Inc. whose address is 1694 91st Ave. N,E. - Blaine. MN 55449 (hereinafter called "Contractor"); and American National Bank and Trust Company whose address is 101 E. Fifth St,, St. Paul, Mn. 55101-1860 (hereinafter called "Escrow Agent"). FOR THE CONSIDERATION HEREINAFTERiSET FORTH, THE OWNER, CONTRACTOR, AND ESCROW AGENT AGREE AS FOLLOWS: (1) Pursuant to Section 22300 of~the Public Contracts Code of the State of California, C~ntractor has the option to deposit securities with Escrow Agent as a substitute for retention earnings required to be withheld by Owner pursuant to the Construction Contract entered into between the Owner and Contractor for CvDress Avenue Sewer Proiect in the amount of $ dated June 199 (herein after referred to ,as the "Contract"). When Contractor deposits the securities as a substitute for Contract earnings, the Escrow Agent shall notify the Owner within ten days of the deposit. The market value of the securities at the time of the substitution shall be at least equal to the cash amount then required to be withheld as retention underi the terms of the Contract between the Owner and Contractor. Securities shall be held in the name of American National and shall designate the Contractor as the beneficial owner. (2) The Owner shall make progress payments to the Contractor for such funds which otherwise would be withheld from progress payments pursuant to the Contract provisions, provided that the Escrow Agent holds securities in the form and amount specified a~ove. COIU'C)[~,~ I'[C OI I:[CE - 169/t c) I st Arc F"4.E. - Dklil~c, rglnncsofa 55 '~54 - (O ] 2) 786-65 iCi - fn~ (61 ~1 786-660~ ':()I'IIIWI:SI F. I{~ DIV~IOm - ~,'11~ .a~4i~f}t~ I',,n,1%,~;Ic ~r)~ - ~),tll,t~ Icx;m 752'18 ~'21 '11 '~1 ~l'l~ · Fnx (21 '1~ 9~ '5' 75 ~%1 '~I KI{'{ [)1%'1~I()~ Fo~t (,I]Ir r, l~,~x T~I - ( ;tIiHTCS~ (';fiil~tuin;)~2(} - (71 '1} T95-'lSG8 - ["~lx [71 ~) 795 18110 (3) Alternatively, the Owner may make payments directly to Escrow Agent in the amount 0f retention for the benefit of the Owner until such 6ime as the escrow created hereunder is terminated. (4) Contractor shall be responsible for paying all fees for the expenses incurred by Escrow Agent in administering the escrow account. Thesesexpenses and payment terms shall be determined by the Contractor and Escrow Agent. (5) The interest earned on the securities or the money market acct's held in escrow and all interest earned on that interest shall be for the sole account of Contractor and shall be subject to withdrawal by Contractor at any time and from time to time without notice to the Owner. (6) Contractor shall have the right to withdraw all or any part of the principal in the Escrow Account only by written notice to Escrow Agent accompanied by written authorization from the Owner to the Escrow Agent that Owner' consents to the withdrawal of the amount sought to be withdrawn by Contractor. (7) The Owner shall have a right:to draw upon the securities in the event of default by the Contractor. Upon seven days written notice to the EScrow Agent from the Owner of the default, the Escrow g ~t shall immediately convert Ae the securities to cash and ~hall distribute the cash as instructed by the Owner. (8) Upon receipt of written notification from the Owner certifying that the Contract is final and complete, and that the Contractor has complied with all requirements and procedures applicable to!the Contract, Escrow Agent shall release to ContractorSall securities and interest on deposit less escrow fees and charges of the Escrow Account. The escrow shall ~be closed immediately upon disbursement of securities ~on deposit and payments of fees and charges. (9) Escrow Agent shall rely on wriitten notifications from the Owner and the Contractor pursuant to Sections (4) to (6), inclusive, of this agreementiand the Owner and Contractor shall hold Escrow Agent harmless from Escrow Agent's release and disbursement of!the securities and interest as set forth above. 3 (10) The names of the persons who are authorized to give written notice or to receivewritten notice on behalf of the Owner and on behalf of Contractor in connection with the foregoing, and exempiare of their respective signatures are as follower On behalf of Owner= On behalf of Contractorz Title Title Name ime ~ ~ignature ~~x' ~ / Address Address On behalf of Escrow Agentz This Escrow Agreement I8 To Be Administered Under P~ragraph 3 Of Th~s Agreement (Rentenrich Title Fund) Name Signature Bank Address 4 At the time the Escrow Account is Opened, the owner and Contractor shall deliver to the Escrow Agent a fully executed counterpart of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement by their proper officers on the date Zirst set forth above. Ownerz Contractorz Title Title Name Signature 8 ~ Stephan P. Deitsch,' ' City Attorney I(ENI(O CONTRACTORS ESCROW AGREEMENT FOR SECURITY DEPOSITS IN LIEU OF:,RETENTION This Escrow Agreement is made and !entered into by and between City of Fontana whose address is City Hall - 8353 Sierra Avenue. Fontana. Ca 92335 (hereinafter called "owner"); Kenko. Inc. whose address is 1694 91st Ave. N.E. -Blaine. MN 55449 (hereinafter called "Contractor"); and American National Bank and Trust Company whose address is 101 E. Fifth St .. St. Paul. Mn. 55101-1860 (hereinafter called "Escrow Agent,). FOR THE CONSIDERATION HEREINAFTER SET FORTH, THE OWNER, CONTRACTOR, AND ESCROW AGENT AGREE AS FOLLOWS: (1) Pursuant to Section 22300 of the Public Contracts Code of the State of California, Contractor has the option to deposit securities with Escrow Agent as a substitute for retention earhings required to be withheld by Owner pursuant to the Construction Contract entered into between the Owner and Contractor for Cypress Avenue Sewer Project in the amount of $ ~ dated June 199 (herein after referred to as the "Contract" ) . When Contractor deposits the securities as a substitute for Contract earnings, the Escrow Agent shall notify the Owner within ten days of the deposit. The market value of the securities at the time of the substitution shall be at least equal to the cash amount then required to be withheld as retention under the terms of the Contract between the Owner and Contractor. Securities shall be held in the name of American National and shall designate the Contractor as the beneficial owner. (2) The Owner shall make progress payments to the Contractor for such funds which otherwise would be withheld from progress payments pursuant to the Contract provisions, provided that the Escrow Agent holds securities in the form and amount specified above. 2 (3) Alternatively, the Owner may make payments directly to Escrow Agent in the amount Of retention for the benefit of the Owner until such time as the escrow created hereunder is terminated. (4) Contractor shall be responsible for paying all fees for the expenses incurred by Escrow Agent in administering the escrow account. These]expenses and payment terms shall be determined by the Contractor and Escrow Agent. (5) The interest earned on the securities or the money market acct's held in escrow and all interest earned on that interest shall be for the sole account of Contractor and shall be subject to withdrawal by Contractor at any time and from time to time without notice to the Owner. (6) Contractor shall have the right to withdraw all or any part of the principal in the Escrow Account only by written notice to Escrow Agent accompanied by written authorization from the Owner to the Escrow Agent that Owner consents to the withdrawal of the amount sought to be withdrawn by Contractor. (7) The Owner shall have a right~to draw upon the securities in the event of default by the Contractor. Upon seven days written notice to the Escrow Agent from the Owner of the default, the Escrow Agent shall immediately convert the securities to cash and Shall distribute the cash as instructed by the Owner. (8) Upon receipt of written notification from the Owner certifying that the Contract is final and complete, and that the Contractor has complied with all requirements and procedures applicable tothe Contract, Escrow Agent shall release to Contractor iall securities and interest on deposit less escrow fees and charges of the Escrow Account. The escrow shall ~be closed immediately upon disbursement of securities on deposit and payments of fees and charges. (9) Escrow Agent shall rely on written notifications from the Owner and the Contractor pursuant to Sections (4) to (6), inclusive, of this agreement2and the Owner and Contractor shall hold Escrow Agent harmless from Escrow Agent's release and disbursement of ~the securities and interest as set forth above. (10) The names of the persons who are authorized to give written notice or to reeeivs written notice on behalf of the Owner and on behalf of Contractor in connection with the foregoing, and exemplars of their respective signatures are as followsz On behalf of Ownerz On behalf of Contractoft Title Title Name e Signature ~' ~/ Name signature Bank Address 4 At the time the Escrow Account is opened, the Owner and Contractor shall deliver to the Esorow Agent~a fully executed counterpart o£ this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement by their proper oZficers on the date first set forth above. Owners Contractors Title Title SIgnature 8~'~ S~ephan P. Dei~sch, City Attorney FAX INFORMATION PAGE IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE RECEIVING THIS TRANSM SSlON, PLEASE CALL: (714) 888-140'1 ~o: ,d.,/&/4-;f~,-..o.E.o.:, ·,- NAME LOCATION . ' AT: NB/I. OWRY - SAN BERNAROINO FAX NO.: I 714 I' 885--4838 LOCATION TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: INCLUDING THIS PAGE: oATS:/I -- / d, - ~/z,''hue ?; S o COPIES TO: 184 W. HOq~tj~ lane · P.O. 9co~ 8124 · 88n Bemlrdlno, CA g'24~12-8124 · (/14) 888,1401 P.~ "' ~ef' BOOK_ _ PAGE LOCATION CLIENT ".,'1'~' o,,® .,:'o,'~'''f'''/~ JOB NO. '$1~""~Z'1""~"5" SHEET/'~"OF'/ DATE//./,~-~'Z. JOB DESCRIPTION I r,4~.ir I1 civil/~/7'T. 7'~),,-o~- fi o"'~' '~'T /~" -7,9B )loe, &, ~ ,Z ~ Z4~9G 95. GI 7G.7~ '18,8G /~. oo , ,, Z ~ Z '~BS/L010 p~ ,r'~,~ ::, ~ GRADE. SHE~. ~'~ "'~ ~' BNGINE8~9 & ~LANNERS CHECKEDBY 'I'EH fop FH. -' 2. o,0, . ~01" ' ' Z(,,-IO f-~'o +d, oo Z~'.~'~ I '/., 33 · ?(.,¢-e~, 31.'1'$ Z$.~e' /'f.,o't -/-¢o Jf. oS Zs',t3,/ 13,9Z-: SEWER Joe .o. ,~:- GRADE SHEET 0^T.//'/~' SNGINEEI~S S ~LANNE~B CHECKEDBY 'LOCAtiON ~r? o~ TOP 8~N 8T~ ~. 3~.f~ 3r,~3 - ~¢~o 3~,1~ ~1.01 13,1~ +~O 33.8~ ~o,7~ /3,/o: ~o ]z,r~ If, 7~/Z,Te ~ ?~..~o 3Z. Gz f~o 3t,o~ J~,lt g)~oo 31. a8 t~. our t~.9'o /~,?li ~o~' ~ t~ KENKO CONTRACTORS November 11, 1992 To Whom It May Concern Re: Cypress Avenue Sani~ry Sewer Project. Within the next two weeks, we will begin construction of a new 30" sewer main on Cypress Avenue. This work will begin at Iurupa Avenue and progress to the north to the 1-10 Freeway. Cypress Avenue will be closed to through traffic during this construction. It will be open to local residence and emergency vehicles only. Your driveway will have limited access during actual placement of pipeline in your area. We will coordinate closely with each residence prior to restricting access to your property. Sewer pipe will be placed within the right of way: prior to actual trenching. This sewer main will be installed at depths in excess of 20' creating a dangerous area for persons not related to the construction. We place a high priority on publici safety, and ask you to help us by limiting your activity in the construction area to ingress and egress of your property only. We apologize for any inconvenience this may create. Your cooperation is this matter is appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 17141 795-2568. Sincerely, ~'* ~// Roger Schw Project Supt. Kenko, Inc. cc: City of Fontaria COt(POf~ATE OFFICE - 1694 91st Ave. N.E. - Blaine, Mhmesota ]55434 - (6121 7R6-GSIO - l'nx t6121 786-6602 SO11111WESI'EI~N DIVISION - 16415 Addison I~oad, Suite 30R - [)nilas, ~exa~ 752/t8 - 12 121141.51-0191 - I'ilx (2 I.'11 c)3 I-5't 75 WI:$1T.F{H DIVISION - f'~}st ~H[,,- [h~x ~1,%1 CAritHP%L ( .dH~,nia 9'23'211 17 I 'H 79~ 2~;t · I nx ~, I I~ 7'~% I~UIO NOV-11-92 I~ED 9:22 II P. 02 KENKO i C'CI, NTRACTOFt~I November 11, 1992 To Whom It May Concern Re: Cytn~ss Av~au~ San~ 3 '~ ~. Wi~n ~e n~t ~o w~b, w~ ~,~ ~c~ of a new S0" ~ m~n on,~ ~ ~k~b~a I '. ~v~ ~ ~y ~. Yo~ ~ is :~ ~ Is ~. ":' .:~ ',~'l~,~'~ .'] ~ ,Ai W( ~_ 'Jd4 ';j~:~) a~ F~. ~Z Z ,V: lj:;~ lJ.~ ~;~}U:~:~ ~ ill ~O .~i'L'! !{)t~].;; I-.t(~ 2 ~::..,., n~.~ _. z~ .... , .z ~ c, a, .: I .... ',:~ p~' ::;~ ,, ~,- 4 ~ .. ~'~': .... :... :., / . :: I:L "::.:' ,,: ~: . 3:u: :%~ 'I'~ ~ :t , 3f 50U'R~T~ ~ DMSIg~ - ~15 Add ~ ~ 8n~ ~ - DalM~ T~ 75245, (2t4) ~b~ · F~ (21~) ~1-5475 W~'~ O V]~ OH ~ F~ Offi~ Box ~1 ,. ~ m ~Ur~mla,92320: (711) 79~ ~rex 714) 79~1~ ,~ , . ,, ~.,: . , , ./ .'. :. ' .: .... ". :, .... ,' :it :U..:,: _' L'::LL~, j~ , :.. ~:',~%',:, ,:~i. : · ,. .t : ~ ' ~ ' 'i4', ?:: --' :~, F, . ',, ~. "':"") NOVdl-92 ~D 8:22 li P. 03 ] KENKO CON"'~.RACTORJEI. November 11, 199'2 To Whom It May Concern RB: Cypm~ Avenuc ~ Prc~ct .. Av~ue~en~o~mp), ~p~j~'~'J~Av~ue~d~;~'~-10 .,: 1. J~ A~ ~ 9~ ~ A~ : ~ · ' ~.you ~ ~y q~s or ~n~, f~ ~ W ~ m m ~14) 79S-~6E, ~, ~c, ., We are Iransmlttlrlg: i VIm For fOUr: k El Per your request ' ,1;]LMall ,]li!L./~,pproV~l' ~0V-!1:92 ~ Sllq~drawlngs [] Overnight Mall [] Review and comment I~llCpNiSosal IE] UPS [] InformatloH~lqJes · 'E:] Plans BHand n ' ~ Correspondence ~ Fax [] ":K r:"'i:~:'"~r"q:7""':",'~h"/[].a . 2 // ,'!:ms ': ~Z ' c ,. _.z//.~:'., '~'.. :. ~,,,-:~.~; ._~.~!~::~..,~.._z~ .L!7~,:,~:-',-'~,~ . ~.o~ ................................................. ..V,r , ,~.,- ,.~.. ,' 3~, _. · 't-''''=; .... -'' ': .....'-'~'v': :!~T-'=':-':'.. ,. .......... ~, Y .................................:..:' ._",=:_.,,,'_~. _:: .... E:-'[ P.,~ yo,:' i'~-;,~:~e~,!:~.---, , '; /~, r.~ < ....... ~-,< ' [] aej'(!, ] ;crf;frii~fit 'I!:/ ,-,: ,,~c:,:,.,,,~; .. ~;,,.,j~= 'C' ,:~ ;"ti~'T't': i : '" !':~'~i :lr,~.~al r. ..... · ' E3 ;n.-~r,L , i.',l~lk~s ' i:3 '~',, ,l"s i' :: : ~ ~;~ " ,t'!~I,. +i:: !'a ~,:! ;'' ',,;.i., 'k.::; ~r . , · .; I ~] .~ : ' ~'-'. ¢,',-', r~::~:'::::'._.,:, ",::' 7 "::7 ........j' '7 .....! ............ '"-.i;';~"..::'!::/::.: ,. ;,~, .. -.,:7: "'~:-'": ::":;;.: .;;"'2;~::." ": ........... Col; o "' ' Fax To: . COP,.PORATE OFFI~ - ,i~4 ~lst: Ave. N,IP.. - Blaine., Nlnnc,=m S5434 - (~i2~ 78f~510 - Fax (6tl) 7~16~2 ' SOUTHWESTERI',J DNI$101'I, - 1~41'~ Addison Koad, suite 308 '- Dallas Texas 75248 - (,114i 9H-~4~4 - Pax WEb'TERN DIVISION - Posl: OITV",e' Box:8SI,- Caljmesa; California 92320 - (71 4) 7f~-25&8 -: Fax (ft4) 2~5-'1840 ~ ; ,, :': ,, .. ~. . ,' ,.. ~.~ : ;;2. KENKO *T ransmittal CONTRACTORS Date/~/~1~- Pro~ect ~..~ ~ ~~obNo. ~'~/~ Our Fax Number Our Phone We are transmitting: VIa: For Your: ~ Per your request ~ Mail ~ ~pproval ~Shop drawings ~ Overnight Mall ~ Review and comment ~ Proposal ~ UPS ~ Information/Files ~ Plans ~ Hand ~ Correspondence ~ Fax Enclosures Description Dated Remarks J~P'--"' Fax To: '~ : CORPORATE OFFICE - 1694 9tst Ave. N.E. - , Minnesota 55434 - (612) 786-6510 - Fax (612) 786-6602 SOUTHWESTERN DIVISION - 16415 Addison Road, Suite 308 - Dallas, Texas 75248 - (214) 931-9494 - Fax (214) 931-5474 WESTERN DIVISION - Pose Office Box 831 - Calimesa, California 92320 - (714) 795-2568 - Fax (714) 795-t840 Form 7 - Cobb's 798-2318 NOTES: Dimensionel tolelarlces, method of manulclcture, Cast-in-Place manhole base to be reinforcement, and concrete shall conforrft to constructed in a single pour. Cast in ASTM C-478, place shelf end invert channel recleve a trowelled finlsh. T RINC VARIES Precast Manhole Sections can be 'j' furnished withGot steps or with GRACE RINGS II = ~" or G" sLenclard Steel Reinforced .......... .}~ Copolymer Polyprop~ene Manhole f Steps (1/2" ¢ Crade 60 rebar). ': .... Other sties / types of manhole I steps can be furnished if specified. 2~ l~ G0" x 24" · I I ECCENTRIC CONE ~.~i' ,ECCEN1RIC CONE I IEIGI I[ ... ' '='~'l~ RISER SIIAFT .... ~,~p. RISER SLIAFT c,N~.~,.un~s 15" TYPICAl. ~ ,'.'- .. ~ ---- ,~ ,.~ .. ~ r~ .' . 30" tYPICAL ~'~ RISER SIIAFf RISER SHAFT ~ .~ · . .... ,.,_. .,.-;7 .... ,' ' , BASE SHAFF FLAT SLAB TOP (10" thick) is ~'F ELEVATION with CAST-IN-PLACE BASE Inlapd ,m RUBIDOUX BLVD. 72' DI AM ETER  RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92509 Concrete CONCRETE MANHOLE K IcrprlseS, Inc. (714) 788-9720 ])V~(~, 72-3(5 9-~1-82 N---0TE: ....... 1, Manufacturin~ methods pz~-cast C-478. Dimensions, steel requirements frame and coy , , ' azxl special requtz~ments shall be as .~ shown her.on. ~ sea OeloU "A" 2. The ,nn~Ole base ~h~ql be complete& in~ - ' · a sinOle pou~ and the surface of the :'.; ch-~nel and shelf ebnql receive a s~eel ~ o c -~.. trowelled 'f~nt sh. -'- ,!~ !.... " . . · o~ :.,..36" ~ L9 , Pz~-cast mmn~tS are available with or -- x~j I without steps. Steps are 3/h" ~ x 14" ° ' ;'~ wide 8-alvon~zed steel bar or 14" wide ~' steel bar. ~ .. .:. o _ . .-. -q plastic re.~nrorced vith ½" ~ 'Z _" '°' ~ ~ '.. FL~TTOP IN LIEU OF' CONE ~ '.' '::... · _ .:. .'.'.'. -~ ..r..: , ~" ,, · '.' .i:. o field morlar - = .;. .,~: ~ ~ . ... - ...... · ~ ':'q .;.. ' . I. ~' ~ :":' ' ~ ~"' ~" '~""%'-'1 ~= ]' :.:.: i.:: ::'."n s,, o.,o,, ,---~.~.. -- ~.' I.'~ a. '; .... ~, ~ "' = '; ' D ETA I L "A" -. ~ :;. % .]:. .... - V X .;: ' _~ ,lop ,heu :o': m :'.~ "q _ I'.ln 12" .:." . . ~/q ~...~" .. . .. : ·: '... ·:: .' .: z~. . . Z :".'.'.~.1 I":-' :: , i .. " ,: .." ~ .. ·\ /... .., "~" " /j "" .:~.' '~' 8,~;": ~ · 2" ELEVATION ' DETAIL "B" IVERSIDE U FOND RY ;1434 BUDIDOUX, I~LVDo ('/14} 788.9720' SETWEIGHT Fram.e 210 Lbs Cover 225 Lbs Total 435 Lbs ~PPROVED 1" pick liole Tille: ~ 27'~A' :>' . Agency: i ' 26" , >"~ ~' Dale: '~' 25'~A" ~' COMMENTS 6" v 11/,z'' l. '.~ 22Yz"' · -.¢ 26Vz" ,¢ 33Vz" General Information · All malerials used in MFG. shall conform Io ASTM 48-30. ,, Frame & cover bearing surl'qces machlncd Io assure close, quiel fil. '. Caslings shall be dipped in black biluminous painL · Frame and cover exceeds. H-20 wheel loading. · Slar~dard cover markings available "S,'~ "D" or as per.requi.r.6d leller dq~ig.n?llo,n: I~ In nd t~,,.t-n-n.I. , ,,,,t.,n,,, 72' X 36" ,.~.,.., ECGENTRIO FLATTOP I~:]llPl'l)ri~l,~, Ill{.. (~li} (~F;.-~-28'',~, DWG..7 2-- 4 1 - 2-73 B1 A~ ~ 513 B2 ~ B12 B __ L 3 ~ · B4 -- / B9 85 \ -- B 6' · 7 B8 -- -- ~ 2'~,lea r ~ - (typical) .\/ ,, / - _ BIO B11 B12 "~ B13.-- B14-- B15 ,_ T, '- · · .' V F NO. SIZ~ LENGTH HEIGHT 10TAL MARK REG~ BAR ~L) (H) I.D. LEN~H~GHT SECTION AA B1 1 4 79" 21'-8' 14.1 B2 1 4 5'-2' 4", 6'-2" 4.1 B3 1 4 5'-9" 4"~ 6'-9" 4.5 B4 1 4 6'-f' 4"~ 7'-1" 47 B5 1 4 6'-4" ~", 7L4" 5.0 B6 1 4 6'- 6" 4"+ 7~6'' 5.0 B7 1 4 6'- T' ~"+ 7'-7" 5.1 _ BG 1 4 6'-T' 4", 7'-7" 5.1 BENDING DIAGRAM B9 2 4 4'-6" 4"~ 5~6'' 3.7 ~ , LD. B1Q 2 4 5 '- 5" 4 "~ 6 L 5, 4 . 3 4"~ Bll 2 4 5:10" 4", 6'-10" 4.6 B12 2 4 6~ 1" 4"+ 7'- 1" 4.7 B13 2 4 6'-3" 4"~ 7:3" 4.9 H B14 ~ 4 4'--2" 4", 5'-2" 3.5 L B15 1 4 43' 11:4" 7.6 ? 4 42" ,- 'TN ACCOi~.TLNC~ W]:'i~ AS'iMp-A-48. C:Tj~SS 35. ~ Cast Iron Shall Have Min~ ' ~ Tensile Stren~h of 30; 000 ~S c~ ~r s~r~ zn~n. D I A M 0 N D T R E A D KENKO T ransmittal CONTRACTORS C~ate/01/~/~/7,, VroiectVP Job Our Fax Number 7/~' 7~"/gqO Our Phone ~/~/- 7 P~- We are transmitting: Via: For Your: [] Per your request [] Mail ,~ Approval E~ Shop drawings [] Overnight Mail [] Review and comment [] Proposal [] UPS [] Information/Files [] Plans E}- Hand [] [] Correspondance [] Fax [] Enclosures Description Dated Remarks Issued by // ! "' Copies to ,/~/'/"'- ~---~'N.E..~Bi,~"'~ FaxTo: CORPORATE OFFICE - 1694 91st Ave, ne, Hinnesota 55434 - (612) 786-6510 - Fax (612) 786-6602 SOUTHWESTERN DIVISION - 16415 Addison Road, Suite 308 - Dallas, Texas 75248 - (214) 931-9494 - Fax (214) 931-5474 WESTERN DIVISION - Post Office Box 831 - Calirnesa, California 92320 - (214) 795-2568 - Fax (714) 295-1840 Form 7 - Cobb's 795-2318 Marcell & Assoc,jtes v P.O. Box ;~71 (714) 924-5425 Banning, Ca. 92220 SHORING PLAN BORE AND JACKING PITS TRENCH & MANHOLE SHIELDS City of Fontana, CA. CYPRESS AVENUE SANITARY SEWER October 10, 1992 Kenko Contractors, Inc. P.O. Box 831 Calimesa, Ca. 92320 SURVEYING * CIVIL ENGINEERING * SOILS Marcell & Assoc, L;tes v ' P.O. Box 371 (714) 924-5425 · Banning, Ca. 92220 October 10, 1992 Mr. Roger Schwarz Kenko Contractors, Inc. P.O. Box 831 Calimesa, Ca. 92320 RE: Shoring Plans City of Fontana Cyress Avenue Sewer W.O. 9216 Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith is the engineered shoring system plan for the above project. These plans and calculations should be submitted to the City of Fontaria as required, The attached sheets show plans for trench shields, manhole shields, special utility shields and plates, end plate details, hydraulic shoring, and bore and jacking pit plans. SCOPE: ~ The project consists of 10,550 feet of sewer pipe ranging in size from 24 - inch to 30 - inch and a 54 inch bore under Interstate]"10". The deepest depth of excavation expected to be 24 foot in the bore pit and 22 feet in the trench section. The following plans and reports have been used as reference: 1. Project plans prepared by NBS/Lowry and project specifications. 2. Subsurface Soils Investigation by CHJ date; May 29, 1992. 3. CAL OSHA Guidelines and Title 8 California Administrative Code. SURVEYING * CIVIL ENGINEERING * SOILS Marcell & Assoch es v October 10. 1992 Shoring Plan for City of Fontana Cyress Avenue Sanitary Sewer Page 2 Based on our review of the soils report the shoring system has been designed for a active lateral pressure of 35 pounds per square' foot and should be classified as a "Type B soil" per cal OSHA guidelines and the :trench box tabulated data sheets. The shoring system for special utility crossings is based on a worse case soil condition "Type C soil". The design and recommendations presented in this plan are based on the available plans and reports for this project. The firm's opinions and recommendations are based on our experience with similar projects and our' professional judgement in accordance with general engineering practices. Should soils conditions be encountered different than those presented in the soils report or other underground problems discovered, this office should been contacted for analysis and alternative designs as necessary. This plan is prepared for the exclusive use of Kenko Contractors, Inc. on this project. No warranty is expressed or implied. This plan is subject to review and approval by the controlling governmental body. Should you have questions about the shoring plan, kindly call. SURVEYING * CIVIL ENGINEERING * SOILS PILE-~ ]~A H / SPOIL \ MI ~: EI~M~~i D' --,,,,,,~,, ~,~ 1 ~7' 1 ~- EXTENSION SHIELD ~~ IN ~SEE NOTE EXCAVATE TQ NAX~NU TRENCH WIDTH PER PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS, SCALE' NBTD 1. ALL WORK PER CAL DSHA REGULATIONS 2, HYDRAULIC SHORES MAY ~E USED IN LIEU DF SHIELDS, 3, USE 1' THICK END PLATE (SEE SHEET 4 FOR DETAILS) TRENCH SHIELDS SHEET FOR: i(~,,i~TI~:O' II~C. SHORING PLAN 1 P.O. Box 831 Callmesa, Ca. 92320 CITY OF FONTANA oF 6 BY: MARCELL & ASSOCIATE8 !CYPRESS AVENUE P.O. Box 371 SANITARY SEWER Banning, Ca. 92220 10/10/92 (714) 924--5425 DATE: / POlL \ MIN. PILE \ EXTENSTDN SH~EL~ IN. - - sEE NOTE S.N. 1016 R 016~ 10' HIGH, 16' LDNG OF SHIELD '.~,' 2' MANHaLE BASE SCALE: 1":10' NDTE, 1, SHIELDS MAY 3E USE3 IN EITHER CDM3INATIDN, 2. ALL ~DRK PER CAL DSHA REGULAT~IDNS, 3. USE 1' THICK STEEL EN3 PLATE AT EN3 IF TRENCH MAN'HOLE SHIELDS FoR: KENK0INC. SHORING PLAN sHE~ , 2 P.O. Box 851 ~ Calimesa, Ca. 92,320 CITY OF FONTANA OF 6 BY: MARCELL & A880CIATE8 CYPRESS AVENUE SHEETS P.O. Box 371 SANITARY SEWER ~ ~ ?i%.~ 2s W~~° °ATE= UTILITY PIPE OR CABLES 5 ~ ~ i 8' WIDE x 20' HIGH ~ ~ "' ~ f' STEEL P~TES ON ~CH ~ ~) EA, SIDE OF TILI~ BACKFILL~ x ~ 4 TOTAL BOX ER SHORING P~N P~TES AS , REQUIRED ~ ~ METHOD: x ~ 1. EXCAVATE TRENCH ~ ' 2.PULL TRENCH BOX ~ ~ 3.SET (4) STEEL P~TES ~/ X~ 4.aAc~nLL TO HOLn ~ 5.ALLOW WORKMEN IN TRENCH PER SHEET 1, TOP OF BOX ~ 10' (20' MAX. DEPTH) CHECK P~TES FOR ~PE "d' SOIL CONDITION W=60 P.S.F. DUE TO LOOSE BACKFILL OR WATER WL2 60(10)2= 3.0 KIP ~. M= T= F 3.o(12) 18.0 KSI < 36.0 KSI = 2.0 = SPECIAL UTILITY SHIELD & PLATES SHEET FOR: KENKO, INC. SHORING PLAN 5 P.O. Box 851 Calimesa, Ca. 92320 CI'P( OF FONTANA OF 6 BY: MARCELL & A880OlATE8 CYPRESS AVENUE P.O. Box 371 SANITARY SEWER Banning, Ca. 92220 10/10/92 (714-) 924--5425 DATE: ~ SECURE f' THICK PLATE WITH TWO 5/8" CABLES &: SHACKLES @ EACH END OF INVERT GRADE-------~ TRENCH BOX SPREADER. END PLATE DETAIL NO SCALE SHEET FOR:KENK0, INC. SHORING PLAN 4 P.O. Box 831 Calimesa, Ca. 92320 CiTY OF FONTANA OF 6 BY: MARCELL & ASSOOIATE8 iCYPRESS AVENUE SHEETS P.O. Box 371 SANITARY SEWER 10/10/92 Banning, Ca. 92220 45 (714) 924-5 2 DATE: / SPOIL \ MIN. ¢ :F--F, ~ ~.~ PILE~.~ /~ r \ ,4% ~ , THREE SPEED SHORES ~ 5' LONG, 7' ~IBE , 'h ~ ~ 7' LDNG, 7' ~IBE PIPE ZONE ~ ~'j::~:':: ' SCALE NDTD 1'~ = 10' 1, PLACE SHORES 4'-6' D/C 8. FOUR FDDT ~IDE PLY~DDD SHEETING, (11/8' THICK) IS REQUIRED AT EACH VERTICAL SHORE IF RAVDLING DR SLDUGHING DE THE FACE DF THE EXCAVATION APPEARS LIKELY TO OCCUR, 3. USE LADDER ~ETVEEN SHORES FOR ACCESS 4, SOIL TECHNICAN SHALL STAY BETVEEN SHORES AT ALL TtM~ 5, FDLLOV MANUFACTURE'S TA3ULATE3 DATA AND INSTRUCTION 6. MACHINERY SHALL BE WITH N 2 ' OF THE SHORES. eP' '2'~'~ i 5 ; STACKED HYDRAULIC SHORING FOR SOIL COMPACTION TESTING SHED FoR:KgNKO, INC. SHORING 5 P.O. Box 831 Colimesa, Ca. 92320 CI~ OF FONTANA OF 6 BY: MARCELL t ASSOCIATE8 CYPRESS AVENUE SHEDS P.O. Box 371 SANITARY SEWER 10/10/92 Banning, Ca. 92220 (714) 924-5425 DATE: 1 , 12' ,>, 11 ,,., ~, ...................... " ..f/'J,~ 8' \/ 4- x 12 TIMBERS ( WF 8 x 31 WALER BEAMS -----~'L/o 8' /",vq ~'''' END VIEW ~ ~, SURFACE 1 ~0 8'x2 ' ' ~0 8'x20' S ' 1 BORE ~m~ 5~" STEEL CASING MACHINE LONGITUDINAL VIEW NBTES, 1"=10' ~ ~ ~ 3099 L ALL WBRK PER CAL DSHA REGULA~IDNS i BORE ~ JACKING PIT P~/~ FoR: KENKO, INC. SHORING P~N 6 P.O. Box 831 Colimes~, Co. 92320 CI~ OF FONTANA oF 6 BY: MA~CELL & A88~IATE8 CYPRESS AVENUE P.O. Box 371 SANITARY SEWER Bonning, C~. 92220 10/10/92 (714) 924-5425 DATE: .. r TRENCH 9H1ELD DATA KENK "i CONTRACTORS 131-=1tAL1~3.'I 824/t I Poet Offit, e 9ox 831 CeJlmesao Callfornls (714) FI'e-I~eS8 - fez (~rl4) > MAXIMUM LATERAL EARTII PRESSURE CAPACITY ~ooo psF TRENCII SIIIELD SIZE: ][nOnTI s, ILENGTH[ MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TRENCH SHIELD DEPTH PER Soil ~PE ~ A~D~ ~ ~m R~TI~ ~PE A ffPE B ~PE c (SEE BE~). 40 * 22.22 ' 16.66 2. ) n~TI~ ~II~ ~Y ~ ~n~ StiFF, COIIES~ MEDIUM SO~ COIIES~ R[~l m P~ IN UE!-ht ~ ~. S0tS: C~Y C0tlES~ T0 T0 SUBMERGED St~ ~Y, C~Y C~NU~ SOILS S0[S: C~Y, 3. ) iT ~S ~ ~ V~[~ ~ ~ S~Y C~Y, ~CU~ C~L 0R G~L ~T ~ m~ ~ ~. ~m ~ c~Y LOAM. S~T, sILT Lo~ Is UNST~E. ~ m I~IvI~ ~ ~Y ~ ~ EQ. RffiD ~D LO~. EQ. ~UID ~ ;.~ ~ ~ T~n ~ ~ nI~. PRESSURE=25PSF EQ. RUID PRESSURE=GOPSF PER ~. OF DEP~t PRESSURE=45PSF PER ft. OF DEP~t 4. ) ~E ~S ~-1' ~,Y ~ ~~ PER ~. OF DEP~ SLOPE ACCORDING TO OSHA REGULAtiONS I'-r ~ Development Consultants r TRENCI~ 8FIELD DATA (::: 0 N T R A C T 0 R ~1 8EItAL NO.~ 02044 Pose Oftlee gel C'a!lmese, Cmtlforal. (~H) ?gg-eee8 - r. (?H) ~'I,5-181o MAXIMUM LATERAl, EART!I PRESSURE CAPACITY tooo TREHC!I Sll!ELi) SIZE: i!EIGIITI e' ILENGTI!I 24' MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TREHCtl SHIELD D~.P]tl PER SOIL 1YPE (O) 1. ) ITAHK AISOVE 'iUI' OF ~![EIJ) TO BE roCK/tCL~DII~ TO OSII& R!~TION9 TYPE A TYPE B TYPE C (SEE BEU:MI. 40 * 22.22 * 16,66 ' 2. ) AIX)ITII]W~ ~IIETI)6 luBT BE ~I'ACK!~D S11FF, COIIESIVE MEDIUM SOF1 CO!IESIVE lfiTI! NO PEi~/tlo~ IN bl~i-ill OF GIrt. SOILS: CLAY COIIESIV[ 10 TO SUBMERGED SILLY CLAY, CLAY GRANULAR SOILS SOILS: CLAY, 3. ) IT IS AWlS'ED 10 VER IFT At.-itF'IH, SOILS SANDY CLAY, ANGULAR GRAVEL OR GRAVEL 111AT PRES..q.FRES PRIOR TO IFJIL TIm Pt~ES CLAY LOAM, SILT, SILT LOAM IS UHST~LE. m '/OUR INDIVIIXIAI, PR~ Hat' lye I~ EQ. FLt~D SAND LOAM. EQ. FLUID O!~ !~ TI!I~i TII!~ TAI~ TO TIIB RZ~lff, PRESSURE=25PSF EQ. FLUID PRESSURE=6OPSF PER F/. OF DEPrll PRESSURE=45PSF PER FT. OF DEPfil 4. ) use TIHS ~ om,T IN ^OL~IN~ : PER H. OF DEPfit !X]CAL 5. I/~ COl~'b-rbtT PERSt'Rf SIL~UTD H/LKI~ FRI~TI!~ )T~EL"rIgff3 OF ~I[EI,D. DA/4~ SHALL I)1~ IWP, lXl/t.j-i,3) AND REPAIR3 H/~I)E UNDI~ TIll? D[REL"rHXi OF A SLOPE ACCORDING TO .' "' ' TRENCH SFBELD DATA '~ KENK O' '""" ',o,,,, N Pose Office Box 831 CMlmese, Callfo~s ~3~0 MAXIMUM LATERAL EAIrI'I[ PRgSSUR~ CAPACITY 820 ~ MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TRENCH SHIELD DEPTH PER SOIL ~PE . (D) 1. ) ~ ~g ~p OF ~1[~) ~ gg rAID ~ A~I~ ~ ~R R~ATI~ ~PE A ~PE B ~PE C (SEE B~). ' 32.80' 18.22' 13.66' 2. ) ~>~T~. ~U~.m mt ,E m'n~ snrr. COHES~ MEDIUM SOR COtlES~ Wl~! m P~ IN D~nl o~ ~. SOILS~ C~Y COHESE TO TO SUBMERGED SILW C~Y, C~Y C~NU~ SOILS SOILS: C~Y. S~D 3. ) ~ 1s ~15~ 1~ v~[~ ~1, ~ SANDY C~Y, ~GU~ G~VEL OR G~L ~T ~ ~[~ ~ ~. ~I~ ~ C~Y LOAM, SILT, SILT LO~ IS UNST~E. ~ m l~[vl~, ~ mT ~ ~ EQ. FLUID SAND LO~. EQ. ~UID OR L~ '11~ 11m ~,~ ~ 11m R[~. PRESSURE=25PSF EQ. ~UtD PRESSURE-6OPSF PER ~. OF DEPTII PRESSURE=45PSF PER ~. OF DEP~t 4. ) t~R ~ltS ~r ~,V IN fi~m " PER ~, 0F DEP~ HI'Ill ~1~,!~ [~, ~'A~ ~ I ~, ~. ~DE ~ll~X ~ DI~'I~ OF A SLOPE ACCORDING TO OSHA REGULATIONS ~'-6' DeveJol>ment Cons{IJtants ~ - ~. - , o-~ ., ' TRENCH SHIELD DATA KENK ' .o... , CONTRACTORS 9EreALNO.'I 1016 -B ~'~ ~ ~: ~3~ MAXIMUM LA'r~I{AL RAWI'll PR~SSUR~ CAPACITY 820 mF MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TRENCtl SHIELD DEPTH PER SOIL ~PE ~CK n~n~ ~ ~ffi R~n~TI~ ~PE A ~PE B ~PE C (~EE B~), 32,60' 18,22' 13.6G' 2. ) ~I~[TI~M, ~i[~,v~ ~ nE ~I'A~ S~FF, COtlES~ MEDIUM SO~ COII[S~ Wlqll ~ P~,~ IN b~ldll OF ~. SOILS: C~Y COtlES~ TO TO SUBMERGED SIL~ C~Y, C~Y C~U~R SOILS SOILS: C~Y, ~. ) rr I~ ~I~ISB} '1~ V~[~ hclllM, mI~ SANDY C~Y, AHGU~ C~VEL OR C~L l~m~mm ml~ '1~ mE. 111E m~ C~Y LOAM, SILT, SILT LO~ Is UNST~E. ~ ~ l~)[v[lxm[, ~ mT DE ~ EQ. FLUID SAND LOAM. EQ. FLUID oR I,~ 11~ 111B TA~ 'm 111B RI~, PRESSURE=25PSF EQ. ~UID PRESSURE=60PSF PER ~. OF DEP~t PRESSURE=45PSF PER ~. OF DEP~I 4. ) tE;R ~IIS !~r {~I,T IN A~D~ PER R. OF DEPItl .5. }~ ~'~1'~1' I'~ ~l,D ~KE FR~r l~l,~rl~ OF ~!I~,D. ALL {)~E ~IAIJ, BR ~AJMATH) Affi) ~ HAI)E ~)~ 111E DIR~l~ OF A TRENCH 9HIELD DATA N C C""'ONTRACTORe nlALN°,'l 1016 - C I (~!4) ~-B808 - rs~ (714) ~9~-1840 MAXIMUM I,A'rRRA!, EART!I I'RgSSURg CAI'AC!'FY 820 mg MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TRENCtl SHIELD DgPIH PER SOIL HPE MACK A~DI~ 1~ ~IA R~A'FI~ ~PE A ~PE B ~PE C (SEE U~). 32.00' 18.22' ~I~1 m },~I,~ IN !~Elqml OF ~P. SOILS: C~Y COItES~ 10 lO SUBMERGED S{t~ C~Y, C~Y G~NU~R SOILS SO~S: C~Y. 3.) ml' IS AN~Is~ qo v~mFt ACNI~AL ~m.t8 SANDY C~Y. AtIGU~ C~vtL OR C~t <~ m IN{HVlm~AL l~gr mY BE { [Q. EUID SAND LOAM. Eq. FLUID OR l,~ '~1l~ 1lIE 'rA{mE '{~ '{lIE RI~IF. pRESSURE=25PSF tO. RUIU PRESSURE=6OPSF PER R. OF DEPRI PRESSURE=45PSF PER U. OF DEFUI TRENCH SHIELD DATA KENK O' ' ' N c CONTRACTORS gERIALNO.,[ 1016- D l'ost Office !tox 831 Csllm~sno Cslifornln > . MAXIMUM !,A'I'~I~AI, ~AI~'I'II PR~SSU~ CAPACITY 020 ~ MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE ~RENCH SHIELD PER SOIL ~PE I~ ~C~DI~ ~ ~ffi RD~A'rI~ ~PE A ~PE B ~PE C (REg BEI~), 32,80' 18,22' 13,~' 2. ) ~r~Ag, ~nnu~ mv n~ m'A~m snrr, COIIES~ MEDIUM SO~ COIIES~ Wl~l m P~,TY ]N ~11 OF mr. SOILS: C~Y COIIESE TO TO SUBMERGED SIL~ C~Y, C~Y C~NUMR SOILS SOILS: C~Y, 3. ) rr is A!~lS~} 'l~ V~I~ ACII~AI, ~l~ SANDY C~Y, ANGU~ G~L OR C~L l~m~m ~I~ '~ mE. qlm 1~ C~Y LOAM, SILT, SILT LO~ IS UHST~E. t~ ~m l~[Vl!~Ah ~G~F mY BE m EQ. ~UID S~D LOAM. EQ. FLUID on L~ q~ ~mB TAm,R 'm .m~ms R~. PRESSURE~2SPSF EQ. ~UID PRESSURE-60PSF PER ~, OF DEP~I PRESSURE=45PSF PER ~. OF DEP~I 4. ) I~R ~11~ I~r ~m,y iN A~D~ PER ~. OF DEPIII HADE ~ 11~ DI~I(~ OF A SLOPE ACCORDING OSItA RECULA11ONS TRENCH SHIELD DATA KENK O' ' ' N C ~o,~-.~o.,. ~At"°.'l ~o~- ~ J post Office Box 831 MAXIMUM I,ATEI{AL EAI~'rll I'RE~UBE CAPACITY 820 mF 's'ngucn smgg, sazg: ,mlgnTIm.-o- itnugTnl ,,.-O' :MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE IRENCH SHIELD DEPIH Z PER sost HPE ~ ~gl}lg ~ ~ffi R~R~TI~ HPE A HPE B ~PE C (SEE B~). 32.80' 18.22' 13.~' 2. ) AI~ITIm~I, ~!lEI,t~ mT BE ~FA~ snrr, COtlESE MEDIUM SOR COIIES~ HIll ~ P~,~ ZN b~Flll O~ ~. SOILS: C~Y COHESE TO TO SUBMERGED SIL~ C~Y, C~Y C~HUMR SOILS SOILS: C~Y, 3. ) rr IS ~I~[~7 '!~ v~[~ Ac~l, ~IlE SANDY C~Y, ~GU~ C~L OR G~L ~'R~ I~I~ ~ ~R. q11~ ~ C~Y LOAM, SILT, SILT LO~ IS UHST~E. f~ ~ ~Ttvllxml, ~f mt ~s ~ EQ. EUID SAND LOAM. EQ. FLUID (m I~ qll~ ~ TA[~,~ "1~ 'IIIR Rl~f. PRESSURE=25PSF EQ. EUID PRESSURE=6OPSr PER ~. OF DEP~t PRESSURE=45PSF PER ~. OF 4. ) ~g 111is !~r ~i,~ iN A~ PER R. OF DEPTH ,. , 'ITIENCH 9HIELD DATA "KENK O' ''""'' N C - I J CONTRACTORS 8ERIALI"IO.: ],016- ~' Pose Oftlee ~ox 831 C~llmess, CeHJ'otnJn MAXIMUM LATERAL EART!I PRESSURE CAPACITY e2o Psr TRENCII S!IIELD SIZE: i!El~;i!'r I m, - o- I LENGT!I I 1~, - O' MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TRENCH SHIELD DEP]H PE~ SOIL ~PE - U~ ~DI~ ~ ~ e~'rl~ ~PE A ~PE B ~PE C (SEE gift). 32.80' 18.22' 13.~' 2. ) ~v.n'ri~a~, ~U~L~ m~ n~ m'a~ SBff, COtlES~ MEDIUM 5OH COllES~ m~! ~ p~.,q~ ~u ~! oF ~. SO~S: C~Y COtIE5~ IO TO SUBMERCED 51Lff C~Y, C~Y G~U~R SOIL5 SOILS: C~Y, 3. ) l'r t9 alwls~ ~ v~lff ~ul~b ~u~ S~DY C~Y. AHGU~ ~VEL OR G~L .'R~ I~l~ ~u l~e. ~1~ l~i~ C~Y LOAM. SILT, SILT LD~ 15 UHST~E. ~ ~ I~HV!~I, ~ ~T ~ ~ EQ. RUID S~D LOAM. EQ. FLUID oR ~,~ ~ ~m Tm, g ~ ~ R~. PRESSURE~25PSF EQ. RUID PRESSURE=6OPSF PER ft. OF DEPfll PRESSURE=45PSF PER ft. OF DEP~I 4. ) I~ 'llllg ~flx~'l' ~,~ 1N A(~D~ PER ft. OF DEPItl ~DR ~ 111~ DIR~I~ OF ~ SLOPE ACCORDING OSHA REGULAIIOHS TRENCH 8HELD DATA KENK O' ' .o..., N C CONTRACTOR8 8ERIALNO"I 1016 - G .Peel Of'fine .Bo,t 831 CeJltneseo Ctellfoll'lJn MAXIMUM I,ATEP, AL EAIH'!I PRESSURI~ CAPACITY 820 mF MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TRENCH SHIELD DEPII! PER Sell TYPE II7~NK/tTKJVF, '113P OF ,%'q!I1~1,1) 1'O BE LAID [!ACK fi(~7OY~DINg 11) OSIIA RB[,'UIATIO!f3 TYPE A TYPE B TYPE C (.qRE BEll/H). 32,80' 18.22' 13.66' ^;~)[TIONA;. ~IIEU~ HAT BE ~'A~ StiFF, COtiESIVE UEDIUM SOFT COIIESIVE HI'!1! N~ PI~!A[,TY IN DEF!ll Ol~ CtY['. SOILS: CLAY COlESIrE m fo SUBMERGED SILTIr CLAY, CLAY GRANULAR SOILS SOILS: CLAY. t'r ~ ~,v~e> TO VERI FT ACWUAf. ~O~L~q 5NqDY CLAY, ANGULAR CRAVEL OR CRAVEL 1HAT !q~!~"1~l~ PRIOR TO USE. ~IlR PRESSURE; CLAY LOAM, SILT. SILT LOAM IS UNSTABLE. o, '/UUR INDEVI~X~A/. PROJECt HAT BE !~3RR EQ. FLUID SAND LOAM. EQ. FLUID oR 1~ lllAN ~l!R TAIT~R '1~ ~11R RIO!iT. PRESSURE=25PSF EQ. FLUID PRESSURE=6OPSF PER FT. OF DEP}I! PRESSURE=45PSF PER Ff. OF ~R TIIl.q Iq~RX~VI' (Rq;,T Ira ACL'ORD^NL~ PER FT. OF PlM~,~Er 51rAM, BE RVAI,UfiI'EI) ~ HADI~ UN/~T~R TI!I~ r)lRFX~rl(~ OF ~ RI~,IS"TD~RD !'ROFPc~310ri/tl, SLOPE ACCORDING OSItA REGUtATIONS ,/~MARCELL ,~ Development .,. C TRENCH SHIELD DATA KENK ' , r'ogt Office ~oX' 831 Cidlmeg~, California > MAXIMUM LATERAL EAWI'!I PRESSURE CAPACITY u2o r~ MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TRENCI| SHIELD DEPIH PER SOIL TYPE (D) !. ) U~NK AUOVE T~P OF ~I[E'U) TO UE n/tCK/tL"C~l~ll~ ~ OSIIA ~Bb"l~T1Oh'~ TYPE A TYPE B TYPE C (gEE B~I~), 32,80' 18,22' 13,66' 2. ) AI)I],!TIO!~AL 5'IlI. F:!,IXc~ mt !le SI'A~ STIFF, COlIESIVE MEDIUM SOF1 COtlESME Hrlll 1,/0 Pl~J,I/tl,'l'lr IN D~;i-ifi OF ctrr. SOILS: CLAY COt!ESIvE TO 10 SUBMERGED SILLY CLAY, CLAY GRANULAR SOILS SOILS: CLAY, SAND 3. ) rr I~ ^l~v lsm lu VER IFI' ,fiCr~AI~ mILS SANDY CLAY, ANGULAR GRAVEL OR GRAVEL 1HAl r'Rr,~URE~I PRIOR TO tF3E. IIIE t~ CtAY LOAM. SILT, SILT LOAM IS UHSFABLE. oN YOUR Iffi)!.VII~UAt, PRO3F~I' H3NI" BE ~ EO. FLUID SAND LOAM. EQ. FLUID OR L.---~ 'llb'XN 11111 TA!]LR 'to TIlE RIG!IT. PRESSURE=2SPSF EQ. FLUID PRESSURE=60PSF PER FT. OF DEPU! rRESSURE=45PSF PER FT. OF DEPU! 4. ) ~mP. Illts Iq~)UU~T (X'~.'L,T IN ^cconONt"q; PER FT. OF BEPTII Hrl1! fiJqq,IOa131,E F'F:I~RRaLe ~r^11; O1t 5. ) A Lr~Rl'!~rr I,k'~ ;R.qJl,1J HAKB FRF~/UF]fr INSPECTION~J OF Slllh'q~l). r v TRENCH 9HEL6 DATA , CONT.ACTO.,~ "~mL"o-'Im~e- z I ro,e Office ~ox MAXIMUM LATeRAl, ~AR'I'I! PR~55UR~ ~APA~IT~ 820 ~ MAXIMU~ ALLOWABLE TREN~It SHIELD DEPIH PER SOIL ~PE ~ ~D!,~ 'IU ~ R~A'rI~ ' ffPE A ~PE B ~PE C 32,80' 19,~' ~3,~' 2. ) ~m~,. ~.m~ mr .. m'AL~ snrr. c0t1[5~ MEDIUM soft collEs~ H1111 ~ P~I,~ 1N ~11 OF ~r. S0~S: C~Y C0tlES~ 10 TO SUBMERGED S~ c~Y, c~Y C~UMR SOILS S0~S: C~Y, Pn~m !~Im *!~ ~E. 111R ~ C~Y LOAM, S~T, S~T LO~ 15 UHSf~. f~ m l~tvllx~, ~i~-i* ~T ~ ~ EQ. KUID 5~ LOAM. EQ. FLUID OR ~,~ *n~ ~IR l*am.n 1~ ~fiE R~Ir. PRESSURE=25PSF EQ. KUID PRESSURE=EOPSF PER R. OF DEP~I PRESSURE=45PSF PER ~. ~ DEP~I 4. ) V~ 11H~ ~v~r ~!J IN ~L~ i PER R. OF DEPIH HADR ~)~ 111R DIR~FI~ OF ~ SLOPE ACCORD)Ng OSIIA RE~ULAIIONS MARCELL ,.. TRENCH SHIELD DATA "KENK ' '""" ' CONTRAO'-'IFOFaI,~i 8EI1ALNO,,[ lOl6- J ro~{ Office Bet 031 Cellm~s~, C~llfot'~ ~3~0 < MAXIMUM LA'I'~RAL ~ART!I PR~SSURB CAPACITY 820 ~F '!'R~NC!I S!II~L~ SIZB: !l~lgilT I 10' - o" ~ LBN~TI! I x6' - o" MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TRENCH SHIELD DEPTH PER SOIL WPE (D) ~n~ h~Dl~ ~ ~ffi ~ATI~ ~PE A ~PE B ~PE C (SEE ~), 32,80' 18,~' 13,~' 2. ) fil~lTlm~l, ~![~,l~ mY YE re'fill SUFF, COIIES~ MEDIUM SO~ COtlES~ H~I m P~ IN ~11 OF ~, SO~S: CMY COIIES~ 10 TO SUBMERGED SILW C~Y, C~Y C~NU~R SOILS SOILS: C~Y, !'R~ l~l~ 1U ~e. 111R ~ C~Y LOAM, SILT, SILT lO~ IS UNST~E. {~ m ]m~[vll~, ~ mT g~ ~ EQ. ~UID S~ LOAM. EQ. FLUID OR L~ ql~ ~!g T~B 'm ql~ Rl~ff, PRESSURE=25PSF EQ. RUID PRESSURE~6OPSF PER ft. OF DEPfll PRESSURE=45PSF PER ~. OF DEPfll 4. ) l~ qll[~ l~r ~,V IN A~ PER ~, OF DEPTH HI'H! ~q,[~ F~, SI'~ ~ I~ [~. 5, ) ~ ~l~r [,m~ ~ml~ ~ F~DE ~}~ qllE I)!n~l~ OF A "INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL O~e men can In~ell the basic 7' (2.t ~'sT ~'~D~D~E After allowing SPEED~HO~E to lock hell Into open ~ystem In N~ndl to ~l ~fece ~enches 22~8" 55.9--121 9 Nslt~n, ~1o~ I/4 turn bleed valve on ~ I~ ~lld dedr~ cm) wide. Two men cln handle up to t 12'* (284.5 cm , To prem[e on gauge - nor~llV 750 ~ 1,~ pd ¢B2.7 to 70.3 KG/CM ) mlnle~m. In~ell. ~shlon unit, conn~t ~cket pump ho~ to ~ele 2 han,n on ~re end open 114 turn ~lve on pump return Ihw. Enga~ hm~e ~,';~de;ai~ ~lth~tZl[~'ti0,/Removel T0ol .... ~en dashed preuure hal ~en applied, ue In,eltatlonl Imok, grow hatedie on ol~poslte II~all with Iree hand, I~ Removal Tool to dl~onne~ ~ from male henart with InstallerIon Is complete. .., i. ' .%7' :, : t:; Alter silore has been po~ltloned vertically In trench, release To remove tile Itenderd SPEED-811ORE 5yltem, um the hnnd.hel(I rail. Shoe will unfold eutomallcally. Then lower It Ip. stllletlon/Removel Too~ to depress tip of male hansIn whh to desired level In trench. "POpping Action", releasing pressure. Then Insert hook Into handle on opposite roll end fold d~ore to remove It from trench. ~RINTED IN US .A. U. 8. PATENT NO. 3.224.201 t.t MANUFACTURER'S TABULATED UNDERGROUND SHORING DATA SPECIALISTS ,,, 2e6'~ E. Co.ymdo · MAIN OFFICE C/14) 632-2861 VERTICAL SHORES RIVERSIDE (714) 274-0990 umch 15. ~! ~kmmW,mwlm&mmde~mmmmdmsmmmmmm. rmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmM~lmemp~mmd ~ '~,immmm,~mmmmmm,Wm, mmmm.mm,m~ '-: ~ mmmw~mmmmmm~immmmmmmmmm Immee~M~mdmlm;-mmmmllmlmmmml u' Ii .mm~"' ', = mmmikmslmmmdS~mmmdl~mm mdsmmim,mmkmlmmkmFmm~mml~i 11milmmmmmmammmmmB~mmmimmM la~--~dmmmlm a' Issbdsw'mliymwslwlsil~dmmls~ As ik i I '_ Im t~o. mbmmmmm . - :j ~ tombsIbm: ' '_ "dms- .~ ! dmbmmJmemSbmkmmq 4.1 ' ' :' klmmmmmsJkmbdmbmmimTmfmbsVP, t~&asmdV~-'m EsdsmmmibJmmmaSmkmm ~ mmmd~lmmm lmmwmdmshkmmkmCl.tlljk'l~WsAmmdl,,~ Tik'i"131mke lW~C4iwa, wleik L4 mm.,m,,m.l,meh,.--,e-,k.w,mmti, r' : :: 'mTlilkllil3elllmi~!*.l'mll~l.$sMm'lP- iImlkll, 3~ Emmmimmm, dmimMmmlmlmlf'm T/dmmi Dmlm-r,-mldm m 'lPmmmmmwm, mWmli:mmmmdm)mt km eemmmmmdlmdmimMemWmmmm~T,,kdd,mDmmm, dm: :_ .: mlmdlmmm&mlmC~mR2~mM!~&' 4.~ 11smssmdd-'emrmem ni '1 _f ' .: ~ *mmdmlmm~mmmmllmymm[mmymmmmmsdmsm~mmmmll~ ~dmlmmP-Bmmmmlmm mlmtmmmdm,wi~hW :~ddmlmmmdkmlmmmmd~mlSme-immlmmmlml%mmmm'WsmmmmIMmm mmms"mm~mld~mmkmmmimmmml's""~lmmmm""mMmdlmmmmme~mdmms'dmWkdSmmm . LS "lmmmm,a,mmMImmmmmlmmm~,yk~m~.-~ " mMmsmamadikmmBsm~mmm~m Tmmi4el'V~-],imml · '3-2mm&mm'dmlmlmmdmmmmm(e2Sk Tdimb'v$-3klmrdi~adm,k,mimmlJk ~m~edmmda ~ Umlsekm~eeeWlmmm~dmmmmmbalmmimmsmbdebs~mPmmmimldfbe~&m~ddmmeu, ebem~ cmmmkmmmddmmWlm, mimm. qmmlcempmmmmei~mmemeWimd. Cemma$~mmmlhC. m!NmmmJor mbemmiddmdmaimefmlmmi. tfsmmF- b-,,b,-,~kbemdmmWammdmlmbmd~dMmedllmtmmdmW~w,~mlmmmml ksimmil~imldlksh~mmk:qlsdlsslslkessmesslkss--~-~ssRcislehke~sdeslsik i.6 TWmMmmdsmmme'mTdmmdmmmJDmmlmdmmlse~ffydS4mmdbCmmsmdmmmysmJybeumal'sib ( mmuldmW!umilbmWmldmmmmmmmllm%bllmed°m'ardlEPeemtmmlNd°Ya~md~4m°blm J.2 11~mmm Wymmd lm msmd, k d mmmmd ~ ~,e mop d s,~ em:mm~om sasd sm ,mm~s m Jmmm ea b bsoamm d k mn=ampmmmmdlmlmm, mmdimmmm, wlmmWmmmmmmlqbmm ~', I I I IWmddlmymomesmms ~J AIm~mlmeimlmmedmmBmmemmmmealmmmmmefl°emmefd&elmmlefm' nmek~lmmm4m&mmmkmimlmdmmmmbjmmtm'umt'mmlm"~me' ~.4 'll~mmJimd,/smw, pM&mmmim:{,~mm~mmMi%mmmmd~kmbmmkdmm,m-mmpdtksm ~ !~':6.32(~)"~mmmE"mm mdmmdNWmlmmmblmmP- 3.4 If2632(l}'qjImdd'em ' · ~'J 11eamRf"leedtlmbimml~e~dl'mmefl~wiimdmlkbaudd~ ,, ,, ',' NOTES: Dimensionel Loleronces. method of monufc~chJee~ Cost-in-PIece manhole base to be ASTM C-478. place shelf and invert channel Lo i' rec~eve a trowelled finish. mnc~ cover va~.es precosL Manhole Sections con be filrnished wiLhout steps or with GRAD[: RINGS It = Zt" or 6" stcmclqr~j Sleel Reinforced T ' Steps (1/2" ~ Orede 60 rebor). Oilier slylos / t~es of manhole ,,: I 60" x 24" steps can be furnished if specified, " ;ECCENTRIC CONE ECCENTRIC CONE :;, IIEIOllr RISER 5FIAFT : j ,..~,0~,~' RISER SIIAFI' ..... ,~ .,,~..~. ~ .~ c,te~.~,.nn~ 15" 'FYPlCAI_ ~:'~::;.'~ RISER SIIAFI' 24* ."0~ ~TA~IL8 RISER SIIAFT ~ .~- BASE SHAFT ~ '~ '" 45" MAXIMUM ~ ~ ~ ' ELEVATION ~~' 60' x 24' PRECAST MANHOLE with CAST'IN'PLACE BASE NOTES, Dlmens~nol toleranc¢~. melh~ ol monul~ure, ~t-I~-~a~ mmholG ban ~o bG ASN C-478, place shall end In~d ch~nel to r~e~ o ~owdled Precost Menhale Sectl~s c~ be · ,:/:~.~..7 .?~,. ,,~, ~ ,'e ";....:...~ , w ~ ~a ELEVATION : ~;~ ~0~ I ~0~ PRECA8T INHOLE WIth CAB1'IN'PLAOE BASE Inlapd ~Rumooux,uvD. 72" DIAMETER C~ncrete RiVE~IOE, C^UFORNI^gZ~ CONCRETE MANHOLE K terprlses, Inc. m4) 7~g7~ ~C, 72-36 9-~-82 , NOTE; .... ~' s~eel ~. ' 36- o ~ wide ~v-~sed steel b~ 14" ~ ~ . T' plastic re.~orced with . .-~ ~.. ~ '~ ~ '. , ~ '.- FL~TTOP IN LIEU OF CONE .'- ::~: ~" ~,. .' ...':~. ~ ~ ..~ ' *' . ... , ' . I 3 mix ~,= :'-:' -7~ ...... . 7.. T ,,~.. ~ '.-. .... ,':: ~/~ . ....:.'... ~~. "" .,'.~ ".:'.'.: ,L.. ~ -',...' ~~' ..' '...,',.; . .,2 ~.;.:..':.'k~/'...".: :~ "' ~ ; ' ":"'~' '-".'s j"~::. ~ .. ELEVATION DETAIL "B' _ IVERSIDE FOUNDRY :2434 ItUDIDOUX~DLVD. (714) 708-0720' n|VI~IISIDE CALIFORNIA DATED ~_.~_~?_,,~/fz -,='t-/~ ~ ~, R i~10 SETWEIGHT Fram.e 210 Lbs Cover 225 Lbs Tolal 435 Lbs ,/~PPROVED 1" pick liole Title: "~ 27~A" >~ . Agency: ]~" 25sA" ~ j,, COMMENTS 22Yz" 26Vz" 33Vz" General Information · All malerials used in MFG. shall conform Io ASTM 48-30. - Frame & cover bearing surra. ces mochincd Io assure close, quiel fil. 'o Caslings shall be dipped in black biluminous painl. · Frame and cover exceeds H-20 wheel loading. · Sla~dard cover markings available "5,'~ 'D/' or as per .rcquir.6d leller de..s. igp.alion: " ,',','t,' EGGENTRIG FLATTOP I':llh'rl~ri~<'~. lilt., (71/~GR2_28~,~, DWG..72-- 4 1-2-73 A< B 1 B13 B2 ~ 'B12 5 6 a ~ .4 · ~ .. *' ~ -, 2*~lear , ~0 B13__ 614 -- B15 . · .. A, r 9 · ~ BAR (L) (H) LD. ~ HT SECTION AA MARK R LEN~ B1 1 4 79" 21'-8" 14.1 B2 1 4 5'-2" 4"~ 6'-2" 4.1 B3 1 4 5'-9" 4', 6'-9" 4.5 B4 ~ 4 6'-f' 4"t 7%f' 42 ~p~i:OVED ~0~ CONSI~UCTiON B5 1 4 6'-4' 4", 7L4" S.O OA[t-D~'~"~INII!AL ~6 1 4 ~7 1 4 6'-7" 4", 7'-7" 5.1 ~8 ~ 4 6'-T' 4", 7'-7" 5.1 BENDING DIAGRAM B9 2 4 4% 6" 4", 5~6'' 3.7 ~- I.D. ~10 2 4 5'-5" 4", 6%5" 4.3 ~11 2 4 5L10'' 512 2 4 6% 1" 4", 7'- 1" 4.7 ~13 2 4 6'- 3" 4"L 7~3" 4.9 ~ H 514 ~15 1 4 ~3" 11L4" Z~CO0~::~TJ~aAS'~,-~-48. ~ 35. Ri~ ~ COVER Cast I~n S~ll Ha~ M~ T~sile. S~ of 30~000 ~s ~s~e ~n~. D~A~OND TR~AD Transmittal Job NO. /L-~r]4a::LV,..,,~ Number of Pages ~--- including this page. /~VE ' OurFaxNumber 7/i'/' Our Phone ~/~- We are transmitting: Via: For Your: ~ Per your request ~ Mail B-- Approval [] Shop drawings []Overnight Mail [] Review and comment [] Proposal ml UPS [] Information/Files [] Plans [] Hand [] [] Correspondance ~ Fax [] [] [] [] Enclosures Description Dated 2~Z ~ ~'?~1 D~,~ ~,~ Io3 - 7/l- 3g ~ -~3Z / . ~: Fa~To: '7/~' ~0 '~ 7~ CORPORATE OFFICE - glst Ave. N. Hinnesota 55434 - (~12) 786-~510 - Fax (612) 78~-6602 SOUTHWESTERN DIVISION - 16415 Addison Road, Suite 308 - Dallas, Texas 75248 - (214) g31-~4~4 - Fax (214) 931-5474 WESTERN DIVISION - Pos[ Office Box 831 - Calimesa, California ~2320 - (714) 7~5-2568 - Fax (714) 7~5-1840 Form 7 - Cobb's 795-2318 o, -- · '- N .o - 5 5 0 7 0 6 DEPARTMEHT OF 14DUSTIIIAL IBAIIO~S DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PERMIT Perrail Issued To (Insert Employer's Name, .liddress and telephone No.) No. i i Date December 27. 1991 Kenko, Tnc. Region Anaheim 1025 Callmesa, Suite 4 I Callmesa, CA 92320 J DIstrict San Bernardino Tel. (714)383-4321 Type of Permit Annual/Excavation Pursuant to tabor Code Sections 6500 and 6502, this Permit is issued to the above-named employer for the projects described below. s,~,.o,~.~,'.tk..,,.s+,.~, 457390 IP'""iv''~d'""'d' 12-31-92 r..._.:,..%..dPn4ed i,~:e~N~Aih, C~w,lCe,dy excavation various State of 1-1-92 12-31-92 California All parties dotn8 contractor related work mtsst advise the district office where the work will be perforned. This permit is conditional up3n the tncorponation of the 9/91 revisec excavation order and the requirement to mve a competent person on the Jobsite. fhl~ Permit h /,sued upon the ~ellowlng conditions# 1. That the work is performed by the same employer. If this is an annual permit the appropriate District Office shall be notified, in writing, of dates and location of job silo prior to commencemenL 2. That employer will comply with all occupational safely and health standards or orders ap- plicable to the above projects, and any other lawful orders of the Diddan. 3. That if any unforeseen condition causes deviation from the plans or statements conlained in the Permit Application Form the employer will notify the Division Immediately. 4. Any variation from the specification and assertions of the Perroll Application Form or violation of safely orders may be cause to revoke the permit. 5. This permit shall be posted at ear each plec~ ~,~.//~oy t as provided in 8 CAC 341.4. or n ~ men Kenko, Inc. DOSH Investigated by e-. KENKO . CONTRACTOR6 Date//)/7/97 Project (/~.~/pY'f--SS, - ~ JObNO. We are transmitting: VIa: For Yo, ur~, D Per your request ' "D ::Malt ..... ~ ..... ~ Approval a Proposal a 'UPS' , ~ Information/FIles :~. O COrrespondance D F~ , D D " ......... D; Enclosures Description .. Dated Remarks ' f.,! t'- ..: . Issued by Coptes to . . ~: _ Fa~To: ' 55434 Fax (612) 786-6602 SOUTHWESTERN DIVISION - 16415 Addison R~d, Suite 30~ - Dallas, Texas'~5}48 - (214) g3l-g4g4 - Fax (214) g31-5474 WESTERN DIVISION - Pos~ Office Box 831 - Calimesa, CalifOrnia g2320 - (~t4) 795-2568 - Fax (7!4) 79S-1840 CITY OF FONTANA OFFICE ~NE. DAY PHONE; ~/~' ~S" ~ RESIDUE PHONEI ?~g' ~/~ DAY P~NE~ CI, OF F~ - ~ERG~Y ~BE~ PubHc Norks O~vts~on - 350-6760 Operst~ ons Eng~ner~ng DIvision iRMf]IL~ IWOI~TI~I The name, addresses and telephone numbers of the contractor snd sub- contractors or hts representatives, shall be ftled with the City Engineer snd the Police Department prior to beginning work. The contract shall provide adequate detours to the satisfaction of the Ctty Traffic Engineer. A detailed plan of such detours shall be submitted to the City Traffic Engtneer at least five (5) days prior to the tin the contractor wishes to close off the street or tn sny way r~strtct the trsfftc flow. 'In actual street chsuros, the submitted plan shill tndtcate the route of the detour, the character of the temporary pavement where required, and e layout of the locations of signs and 1t httng. In all:other cases, the contractor shall provide adequate tra?ftc flow tn both directors where posstble and in those cases where both directions of traffic cannot be maintained the contractor shall provtde flagmenwhose sell duetea consist of directing traffic through and around the work. In all cases, the approval of a suitable plan shall be granted the. contractor prior to beginning construction. Failure or refusal by the contractor to cowply with the above-mentioned requirements shill be sufficient cause for the City Engineer to order the work done by city forces and the cost therein to be borne by ~he contractor. cc: Pollce Department, Alan: Dispatch and Trafftc Sergeant Engineering DIvision, Alan: Carlos Navarro Publlc Works Otvts~on, Alan: Earl $atth CITY OF F(NITNIR ~ EItI~,~CV INFOe~TION PRO,1ECT NAME: CONTRACTOR, OFFICE P~NE~ ~/~' ~* ~ RESID~E P~NE~ ADDRESS: ~ CITY OF FONTAlIA - ENERGENCY NIMBERS 911 i cies) Publlc Works Dtvtston - 350-6760 Operat~ ons Engdneertng Dtvtston - 350-7410 The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the contractor and sub- contractors or has representatives, shall be Idled w~th the Ctty Engtneer and the Pollce hpartaent prtor to beginning work. The contract shall provide adequate detours to the satisfaction of the Ctty Traffic Engdneer. A detailed plan of such detours shall be submitted to the CIty Traffic Engtneer at least five (5) days pr~or to the t~me the contractor washes to close off the street or tn any ay w restrict the traffic flow. :in actual street closures, the subettted plan shell ~ndtcate the route of the detour, the character of the teaporary aveBent where requSred, and a layout of the locations of stgns and ~t hatrig. in all :other cases, the contractor shall provide adequate traYtic flow tn both directors where possible and 4n those cases where both directions of trafftc cannot be maintained the contractor shall provide flagINn whose sole duetea consist of directing _ trafftc through and Ireand the work. in 811 cases, the approval of · sattable plan shell be granted the. contractor prior to beginning construction. Failure or refusal by the contractor to comply w~th the above-mentioned requirements shall be sufficient cause for the Ctty Engineer to order the work done by ctty forc(s and the cost theredn to be borne by the contractor. co: POHce Oepartment, Alan: D~spatch and Traffic Sergeant Engineering O~vtston, Alan: Carlo· Nsvarro Publlc Works O~v~sdon, Alan: Earl blth OFFICE ~NE~ ~/~' ~- ~ RESIDUE P~NE~ iOB SUPERI~E~E~z ~?P t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BAY PHONEs 7/~' ~?~"' ~ REIIDE~E PHONEs 79~' CITY OF FONTAHA - EHERGENCY NUNlaBS glZ ties) r Public Works Division - 350-6760 0perattons Engineering 0tvtsi~n - 350-7610 BIE'~EY IIIIIITIIII The hales, addresses and telephone numbers of the contractor and sub- contractors or his representatives, shall be filed vtth the City Engtneer and the Police Department prior to ~gtnning ~rk, The contract shall provtdt adenate deters to the satesfiction CIty Traffic EftOther. A detst1N plan of such detours shell be suettiN t0 the CIty Traffic ~91ner It least five (S) days prlor g~ ~tn the contractor vlshes to close off the street or restrtct the traffic f1~. In actual street closures, the suettied plan shall tndtclte the route of the detour, the character of the ~eporary evNnt ~ere reutrN, and a layout of the locations of signs and Tighttrig. In lli 'other cases, the contractor shall provide adequate traffic f1~ in ~th 4irKtors ~ere Nssible and tn ~hose cases ~ere both directtons of traffic cannot be contractor shall provtde fls;n ~ose sole duties constst of directing _ ~rafftc through and around the ~rk. In 811 cases, the approval of a suitable plan shall be grintH the. contractor prtor to beginning construction. FaHure or refusal by the contractor to c~ply with the above-mn~oned requlrents shall be sufficient cause for the Ctty Engineer to order the erk done by c~ty forces and the cost therein contractor. cc: PoHce Oepartmnt, Attnt Dtspitch and Traffic Sergeant [ngtneertng 0~vds~on, Attn: Carlos Navefro Public ~orks 0tvtsdon,:A~tn: Earl CITY OF FOKrNQ~ ~w~ ER~Xrd~CY INFOeRATION co acToa, OFFICE P~NEs ~/~' ~9C- ~ RESIBKE P~NEt 00B SUPERI~Egt DAY PHONEI CI~ 0F FO~ - ~ERGE~Y ~8EM gll c Public Morks Dtvtston - Operations EnltneGrtnl Division - 3~-7~10 ~ IIelIITIOI The names, addresses and te]eph0nl hillbits of the contractor sad sub- contractors or hts representat¶yes, shell be filed with the City Engineer and the Police DepartannE prior to beginning work. The contract lhe11 provide adequate detours to the satisfaction of the City Traffic Engineer. A detailed plea of such detours shall be submdtted to the City Trlfftc Engineer et lout five (S) days prior to the tim the contractor wishes to close off the street or tn any way restrict the traffic flow. In actuel street closures, the submitted plea ohM1 indicate the route of the detour, the character of the temporary eveneat where required, end · layout of the locations of signs and Vt htlng. In all other cases, the contractor shall provide adequate traffic flow tn both directors where possible and tn those cases where both directions of trefftc cannot be mMntatned the contractor shall provide flqmen whose sole duttes consist of directing _ traffic through and around the work. In all cases, the approval of a suitable plan shell be grinted the. contractor prior to beginning construction. : FMlure or refusal by the contractor to comply with the above-mentioned requirements shall be sufficient cause for the City Engineer to order the work done by city forces end the cost therein to be borne by the contractor. cc: Police Department, Attn: Dispatch and Traffic Sergeant Engineering Division, Attn: Caries Nayafro Public ~orks Division, Attn: Earl Smith crr~ o~ FONTAliA EMOtGE]ICV INFOR~ATION v' PROOECT NAME: C~p',r'~,~' ~(../~ ,~_.~,,~,~" LOCATION: CONTRACTOR: /~a/~ ,~'~ OFFICE PHONE: ~/~/' ~'* ~.f~ RESIDENCE PHONE: OOB SUPERINTENDENT: /~' 1~ ' '~ L ~ V ? ADDRESS: ~ ~,_~ ~/~'~ C~'~,~'7L /~)/~/,~'/_r DAY PHONE: 7/~' ~'T* ~.~c~:~ RESZOEMCE PHONE: :7~' ~/~ DAY PHONEs ~/~" ~,,~" ~,,~"'~ RESIOEMCE PHONEs ~'~' CITY OF FOHTMiA - EMERGENCY NUMBERS ,o. cE .,ANT..,-.o-,,. 911 ~ cies) Public Works Division - 35Q-6~60 Operations Engineering Division - 350-7610 ~ III:alIIIATIOII The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the contractor and sub- contractors or hts representatives, shill be filed with the City Engineer and the Police Department prior to beginning work. The contract shall provtde adequate detours to the satisfaction of the City Traffic Engineer. A deiStled plan of Such detours shall be submitted to the CIty Traffic Englner at least five iS) days prior to the tim the contractor wishes to close off the street or in any way restrict the traffic flow. In actual street closures, the submitted plan shell Indicate the route of the detour, the character of the temporary plveeent k/nero required, and e layout of the locations of signs and 1t hung. In m11 other cases, the contractor shall provide adequate tratftc flow in both directors possible and those where in cases where both directions of traffic cannot be maintained the contractor shill provide flagmen whose sole dutlec consist of directing _ traffic through and around the work. In ail cases, the approval of a suttable plan shell be granted the. contractor prior to beginning construction. Fatlure or refusal by the contractor to comply with the above-mentioned requirements shall be sufficient cause for the City Engineer to order the work done by ctty forces and the Cost therein to be borne by the contractor. cc: Pollce Department, Attn: Dtspatch and Traffic Sergeant Engineering Otvtston, Attn: Carlos Navarro Public Works Oiviston,,Attn: Earl Smith CITY OF PROOECT NAHE: C~ p ~ OFFICE P~E: ~/~' ~' ~ RESIDUE P~NE: DAY PHONE: ~/~' ~" ~ RESiD~E P~NE: ~' ~/~ o Ess: DAY P~NE: ~/~' ~?~' Z~ RESIDUE CITY OF FONTAliA - E:HERGENCY NINBERS 911 C Public Works Otviston Operations Engineering Otvtslon ~ 3SO-TglO ~ !II:~I~T!Oll The ntees, addressel and telephone rimebars of the contractor and sub- contractors or his representatives, she11 be filed with the City Engineer and the Police Department prior to beginning work. The contract shall ~rovtde adequate detours to the satisfaction of the City Traffic Engineer. A detailed plan ef such detours shall be submitted te the City Trafftc Engineer at least five (5) days prior to the time the contractor ,tshes te close elf the street or in any way restrict the traffic flw. In actual street closures, the submitted plan shell indicate the route of the detour, the character of the temporary pavement where required, and a layout of the locations of signs and 1t httng. In all other cases, the contractor shall provide adequate tra~ftc floN in beth directors where possible and in those cases where both directions of traffic cannot bt maintained the contractor shall provide flqmn whose sole duetea consist of directing _ traffic through and around the ~ork. In all cases, the approval of a suitable plan shall be granted the. contractor prior te beginning construction. Fatlure or refusal by the contractor to comply with the above-mentioned requirements shall be sufficient cause for the City Engineer to order the work done by city forces and the cost therein to be borne by the contractor. cc~ Police Department, Attnt Dispatch and Traffic Sergeant Engineering D~vtston, &ten: Carlos Nayarts Publtc Works DIvision, Attnt Earl Smtth KENKO Transmittal CONTRACTORS ~ ~ Number of Pages ~ Including this page. We are transm,tlng: Vie: For Your: D Per your~ request ~ Mail ~ Approval ~ Shop drawings ~ Overnight Mail ~ Review and comment ~ Proposal ~ UPS ~ Information/Files ~ Plans D Hand ~ Correspondance D Fax' D D : O ~nclosures Descdplion Remarks Issued by "~';~V~,j~- 7~"-2.-.~'~,0cK Copies to Fax To: CORPORATE OFFICE - 1694 gist Ave. N.E. - Blaine, Hinnesota 55434 - 1612) 786-6510 - Fax 1612) 786-6602 SOUTHWESTERN DIVISION - 16415 Addison Road, Suite 3o8 - Dallas, Texas 75248 - 1214) g31-g494 - Fax 1214) g31-5474 WESTERN DIVISION - Post Office Box 831 - Calimesa, California 92320 - (714) 795-2568 - Fax (714) 795-1840 Form 7 - Cobb's 795-2318 COMPENSATION INSURANCE CERTIFICATS Pursuant to Section 1861 of the State Labor Coda, (amended by State, 1979, C.373, p. 1343,) each Contractor to whom a public works contract has bean awarded shall sign the following certificate and shall submit sameits the City prior to performing any work on the Contract~ I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Coda which requires avery ampleyet to ba insured against liability for Workarts Compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance withe ha provisions of that Codm, and I will comply with such provisions before commanoingithe parformancm of work of this Contract. Kenks, Inc. dba McCrand & ~ssocia~es CONWRACTOR Vice-Presi~enh TITLE -' 9/30/92 Section 3700 of the State Labor Coda reads as follows: "Every employer except the State shall secure the payment of compensation in one or more of the following ways: "(a) By being insured against liability to pay compensation in one or more of the following ways: "(b) By securing from the Director of Industrial Relations, a certificate of consent to self-insure, which may be given upon. furnishing proof satisfactory to the Directory of Industrial Relations of ability to self-insure and to pay any compensation that may become due to his employam.' (Amended by State. 1978, c. 1379, ~p. 4571) COMPENSATION INSURANCE C~TIFICAT~ TO~ETH~ WITH CITY OF FONTAN&: G~NERAr. LI~RILITY. WOR~~ S COMPENSATION AND &~OI~OBILE LI~RILITY FORMS OF ~NDORS~e~PrS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH CONTRACT. CA-12 R. L. YOUNGDAH! & ASSOCIA'FES September 24, 1992 10261 Yellow Circle Drive Minneapolis. Minnesota 55343 1612) 933-7488 FAX (612) 933-0916 City of Fontanna 8353 Sierra Fontana, CA 92335 Attention: Mr. Yusaf RE: CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM Dear Mr. Yusaf: Enclosed are the Certificates of Insurance for Kenko, Inc. regarding the above captioned (5 copies,) as requested. Should there be any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call. Frank K. Norante Harketing Director FKN/bk Enclosure: cc: Donna Setter, Kenko, Inc. ~a~ll: I, (805) 582-:L'!226. To~al number o~ pages ~ransmitted, :including this cover shee~ '~ I lf~you have an~' qu~s~iohsplease call a~ (805) 584-9697 ~rhmnk you,. 40 WEST EASY ST. SUITE 2A · SIMI MIkLLEY, CA 93068 · (805) 664-H97 AuguSt 28, 1992 Hr. Robert W. HeddZe~ City Bng~neer city o~ Fontsrim 8353 21e~ra Avenue Dear 8ire ............ --~"' Radic~ C0ns~ruo~on, ~c. ~s aware oZ ~he ~.ce~l p~oLes~ sq~nst consttuction._~p~. ~%.re~rd&~ ~he Cypress Aven~e ~ewm; ~d~ah con ~u~t~on~ xma. is Seaand bidder ~ad ~,,u~d ~l~e you OZ Ou= company earsty record. RediDA Construction. Xna. has had only o'ne minor citation ;ampsays history whlOh is under p~oteat and appeal a~ ~h~e t~me. Our satsty program is ~n ~ul~ compliance wl~h ~B~ and has bes,t ~ev~aWed and appeared by out Genera~ Liability and Worker's Compensation ~1~ ot our ~o~emen and ~mmy to~ Zsbore~ and <,~eruu, rs have been ~a~nedl~o~ma~ly vi~h eertLZioates in ~rena~ s~t:et~ ~nd soils mn~lylsiS, be~ter known as 'Competent Person" Ua2n~ng. All o~ them cacry ourrent r~ret A~d & CPR am=de. . /n,add~o~. out wotker'a Co~e~ea~on ~xpe~'~e.de Ret.~nq has h~torlcaX~" been in"~he, l~w"7O ~o set w~leh ~ we~l belov lndustry~st{n~rd ~cr pipeliners. We have a h~uccry ot we~ designed ma~m~y ~mpl~men~a~on procedures and wel~ ~tained sad personnel Zbr such. ffhile dooumen~m~lon end ~ez~jtLt:a~lor~ are lmp~r~an~ ~he implementmelon oZ ~ha ~rogra~ ~s paramount. In th~ event, ~he C~y eons~de~s ~ab Sa~m~ e~: ~tll ingredient In the de,tinition o~ "Responsible giddet'~ we would ~aleome the to; per~o~a, merely, prO~ansl0nmlly and rtaponsip~y ~0~ ti~'~ TRiveT 4~WESFEASYBT. elJITE~A,SNI~RLLEY, CA9306S.(S0S)ES4w9697 .. · a! -' ~ ..".,,, PACIFIC CLAY PRODUCTS,INC. September 25, 1992 Kenko Inc. 1025 Calimesa Blvd., Ste. 4 Calimesa, CA 92320 Re: Specifications for Construction of Cypress Ave. Sewer System Jurupa Ave. to Sam Bernardino Ave. Fontana, CA. Gentlemen: We hereby certify that the high strength, vitrified clay pipe and fittings which we will be supplying to the referenced project, conform to the test requirements of the following: STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION. ASTM C 425, Standard Specification for Compression Joints for Vitrified Clay Pipe and Fittings. ASTM C 301, Standard Methods of Testing Vitrified Clay Pipe. Standard Specification for Public Works Construction. The Pipe will be dipped 'in a minimum 4% solution of vinyl acrylic latex emulsion. Very truly yours, /Sta~'l~"~. Wrigh~/~ General Sales Manager SAW/tm 7 Copies Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of September, 1992. 20325 Ternescal Canyon Road, Corona. CA 91719 ~(ox 1149, Corona, CA 9171 ~-11 ~9 · Phone: [714] 735 6020 ~x: [714] 734-7390