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12.8 20-Day Notices & Stop
NOTICE TO City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, CA 92335 (If jPrivalc Job -- file wilb responsible ofi'icer or person al office or branch of conslruclion Icudcr admlnjsleriug Ibc conslruc[ion funds or wifi~ ~bc owner -- CIVIL CODE SECTIONS 315~ - 3175) (If Public Job ~ file will1 office o[ controller, auditor, or other public disbursing officer whose duly i[ is 1o make Imymeuls under provisions {ff the comracl -- CIVIL CODE SECTIONS 3179 - 3214) Prime Conlraclor:. Kenko Sub Conlrac[or (I f Any) N/A Owner or Public Bo6y; City of Fontaria Ill1provclllctM kfiowll as Cypress Avenue Sewer Av n Cypress e ud~"'~'~l'~l'~fa':'''''' ....... ~ ~"""~'""""") in tbc Cily of Fontana , County of San Bernapdlno S[ale of California. Inland Concrete En~erprises~ Inc Clabmnu a Q~PpOCa~jO~ ........ furnished certain l~tbor, service, equipment or materials Used in tile above described work or improvement. Sewer Nanholes, Lost Ready-Nix, S~and-by Time, Red Common Brick, Sacks Nortar N~x, Sacks Regular CemenL, Rings & Covers, Steel Pla~es, Handlinq Device ..... (Describe in detai I)alc May 28, 1993 _ Name of ClaimanL Inland Concrete ~nte_Cprises. Inc. Release of Stop Notice TO: City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue, ~"(~n~ana, ~ ~e~ , youar~hcrcbyneti~dthutthcund~raigncdclaimantrclcaacsthatccrtainStopNotieedated May 28. 1993 ,inthcamountof$ 33,254.8~ against Kenko asowncrorpublicbodyand City Of Fontana asprimecontrat;torinconncctiunwithth~workofimprovem~tknownas Cpress Avenue Sewer, CDFOSS Avenue & VaHey Rlvd in theCityof Fontana ,Countyof San Bernardino , State of California. Date A~JqUSt 6. 1993 NameofClaimanl Inland Connr~?~ EnterPrises. Tnr Vice Pnesiden~ VERIFICATION and correct. Executed on AUgUSt 6, ,lUg~ ,a~ Inland Concr~t~ Fnt., Tnc. California. ; BICA FORM 5 (REV, 3-83) CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY 20-DAY NOTICE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT... CONSTRUCTION LENDER or The Trebor Company/Hudson Safe-T-Li~e Reputed Cons(rudRon Lender, If any ':~ 7304 MieliOn Gorqe Road $~1~ Dieqe, Ca 92120 r""" ~ hasfurnishe~0rweHurnishlahor. services, equlpmem0rmateriats0, None Materials & Labor Imm smJ for Pie buildi,g. s~ruclure or olher work Of improvement located m: Cypress Avenue ~ewe~ r="" City Of Fontaria ~ The person or Ilrm giving Ihls notice Is required. pursua~ll 1o a collec- 1694 9'[st Avenue N.~,. $ 20,000.00 Blaine, Mn 551~49 .,J DECLARATION OF SERVICE OF CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY 20-DAY NOTICE In Accordance With §3097.1(c} and 3098, California CIvil Code 0e :he 19 day or NoVember . 1992. at. 9 ._E_a.m., Declatent City of Fontaria : 8353 Sierra AVe. Attn: ~Toueuf Pan~anwala Fontaria, Ca 92335 D By leaving a true copy theroot at the address or place el business with some person In charge. el the pad:us whose names and addresses delivered are listed below: {not Io De used on public works} ' / . I declare under penalty el perjury that the foregoing is true and correcl, Executed on at San Diego ' CaZif. . referred to I~ subdivisigns (;) and (~) sha~l be ~e~ no1 inter than ~0 daysthe real property which secures the loan and. il known. the street addJess of ,. ,.~ ~,~,~..,~ .~%~.~,, ,~,~,~o,.,~;~ "~.o .~ ..-~"~ ,~.~%".'~,~',~,~' ~"'~' '"' ~""""' o, ~., ~, ~5~ T e following statement In boldface ~ype: NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER s In Sec[Ion 3111, ~nd who has~ailed to do so $haR cause ta be Fven to such or surveyIn9 seaices fu~,lshe~ or to be ~rnished. ' 3097 was serve~ In accordance with subdivision (I) o1 Sec~en 309~ shall be s~tDwh~mbh~ceto~thho~dmaybegivenwNhresec oallmae~s. Same was fur~lshed SuchngNceshatlbesevedbyma~ng hesameby CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY 20-DAY NOTICE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT, .. CONSTRUCTION LENDER or 0 ORIGtNAL CONTRACTOR or Reputed Contractor delivering a [rue Copy thereof to the padleE listed below; Q By leaving a true copy thereol at the address or place of business with some pereon in charOe, o1 the parties whose n~mes and addresses delivered are listed below: (not to be used Do puOIIc works) For your assistance the Iollowln9 complete text of Section 3097, Section 3097,1 and Sect(on 3098 6f abe Cehfornla Civil Code are hereafter quoted, Should you have any doubt as 1o the uxefulness ol (hi& form lot your purposes you are urged la consult you~ own aftarray. ~lves a prellmlna~ notice as provl2ed Jn 1his section no1 later 1hag ~0 days or surveying services furn~she~. or to De ~rnis.eO ~097 was serve~ ie accordance wd. subdivision (f)ol Sec~on 309~ shaal De CALIFORI ' . PRELI-MINARY 20-[' NOTICE (PUBLIC AND PRIVATE WORK) IN ACCORDANCE WqTH SECTION 3097 AND 3098, CALIFORNIA CIV~L CODE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT. CONSTRUCTION LENDER or .~av~,~ ~s S~rline, ity, Ju~pa DECLARATION OF SERVICE OF CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY 20-DAY NOTICE in Accordance With §39971(c) and 3098, California Civil Coda On the 3:cd day of Sept;° , 19 92, at 2J30 P.m. Oeclaranl [ ~ By leaving a true Copy thereof at the address or place of business with some person iR Charge. of the parties whose names and addresses delivered are listed below: [not to be used on public works) I declare under penalty ol perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on ~,~,,~,/...,~ ,19~. Foryourasslsta.ce,~ oJ 4gg.,F let ~LiS' ct q Clg;~ S _a.~_g ~1 fi ~ V~CWop~i i d(ar ~er rQu ted. Shauld th the owne Dr one.~er~g act,~'l~r rt; ;ges or an ,xpres, trust su,contractor euipment. ormat alforwb ~lenothe jec~nbecamedunde hs county clty and count or other governmental autgority issul gbuildlng U~e or for which'~ee o WW~O d can b h~ ~e be given unee this tttle perrags snag In its app~cat&on form for a buildin permit. provide space and ; ' ' ;. '-."';"", '.,' "'..," '. '~:~:~'~ ,~:""..~.:: :: .'=: -'.. ::~.':;;'.=.' ..~.:=.. ':::.:.:-.,~:';.-..,,... :: .. ;....... "'~'~,~;;~;i~r~e;l~ bb~nbee ~r:~eyer. The p egmin W notice '~:~ ~S~ ~ · ~ ~' r r a ~he real property which secures the loan and. if known. the street address of "~ :...: .'....... .... ·., . .. ?..' ;o.wi.,., · ... ~,.. "' -. · ....,~... ~; ~"'. . .' '..;... :' ..: : ' ;",~,.' "...'-. '~-'.~ '~:~~~~ ;;~,~ ,, ~,~ ;,....~ ::.; .:,. ~.'::~.:...:-~ ... ~: :':.'.~ ..~.::.......~....,:,. service. labor, or eq,lpment he furnishes~or a work of ~provement. which firSt-class tor~$~ca~d=~j9 co~en~n~thSect~n?OOO of Divi~on3 forldthissectlon, consGtutesgrcundsfordl,clplina~actEonbythe~;gEstrar CALIFORF' 5, PRELIMINARY 20-C ,Y NOTICE (PUBLIC AND PRIVATE WORK) IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 3097 AND 3098~ CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT... CONSTRUCTION LENDER or ~ PAVING Reputed Construction Lender, If any 3330 North Locust Rlaltc, Ca.. 92377 mmI has furnished or will e~rniotl labor. selvlce~, equipment or malerlals Of None Listed Labor, equipment & Aqphalt m] for the bulleing. structure or other work of Improvement mcoted ot: Avenue & Santa Ana Avenue Ke nko Inc. OWN ER or PUBLIC AG EN CY edV be4ng so Improved may be pbced against the properil even though (on private work) signed rilllie by the person Or film giving you this n~ce belore ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or AD Reputed Contractor kkD $ DECLARATION OF SERVICE OF CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY 20-DAY NOTICE In Accordance With §3097.1 (~) and 3098, California Civil Code [] By leaving a true copy thereof at the address or place of business With some person In charge, of the padlee whose names and addresses delivered are listed beldw: (not to be used on public works) ~ I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Is true and correct. Executed on D~:i.]- 3. 2,19~, at 3330 North Locust - Rtal~;o, Ca,, 92377 /~ ~ § 3097. Prellml.a~ 2Ooday .o~ce pRyate ~. ,. "Pre~im'inal~ 20-day ' ~h~r~ ~u~l~ notice Is (61 d t~ contain thee k~f~rmad~n set le~h In Io~n. A mo~Oa e. deed o~trust. or olher instrument secu inO a loan. any trust fund describe~ m section 3111 CALIF" RNIA PRELIMINARY '!OTICE 3070783 IN ACCORDq~q~CE WITH SECTION 3097 AND 3098, CAUFO~q~A CIVIL CODE THIS iS .N~)T A LIEN~ THIS IS NOT A REFLEC~TION ON THE INTEGRITY OF ANY CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT... H. EA~,F, ISSUE JOINT i CHECK JIll,: t 2 lIB SOI.~T_oAT ~OC~ Co., IsC. (na~ne of person or firm furnishing labor, services, equip- CONSTRUCTION LENDER o'r ment or material) Reputed Construction Lender, if any -- 2193 W. FOOT~1:LI, BEVO. (address of person~ or firm furnishing labor, services, OPI. AI~, CA 91786 ! ~' equipment or material : has furnished or will furnish labor, services, equipment or i , 'r ..... ? '~ ....... materials of the following general description: : ASPtf. AT~T, C'RO:~m$~ BASE .... (general description of the labor, sen/ices, equipment or ; , i E~ RENTAL materia~ furnished or to be ~rni~hed) for fhe ~alSdSng. structure or other work of improvement located at:__31~'IT~A & C'qZ"JPg'~8S FOLD HERE (address or description of }ob site AVE. SEWE[ CONST. PROJ." fONTAlgA, CA sufficient for identificafion) The name of the person or firm who contracted for the purchase of such labor, sep/ices, equipment or material ROADWAY CONSTEUCTION (name and address ol person or firm) 18382 MEADOW COORT OWNER or PUBLIC AGENCY or Reputed Owner (on public work E. HZCEL~. CA 92346 (on private work) An estimate of the total price of the labor, services, equipment or materials furnished or to be furnished is: CX"Z~[ O~ F~ (Collar amount must be furnished to construction lender 8353 SIERRA AVE. - optional as to owner or contractor) = FOt~TANA, CA 92335 Trust Funds to which Supplemental Fdnge Benefits are Payable. (Material men not required to furnish) L J (name) (address) Construction loan no (d known) (name) (address) FOLD HERE - (name) (address) (name) ...... (address) NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER If bills are not paid in full for the labor, services, equip- ment, or materials furnished or to be furnished, a mechanlc's lien lending to the less, through court foreclosure proceedings, of all or part of your property ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or being so improved may be placed against the properly Reputed Contractor, if any even though you have paid your contractor in full, You may wish to protect yourself against this consequence by (1) requiring your contractor to furnish a signed release by the person or firm givlog you this notice before making payment to your contractor or (2) any other method ~:,,, or device which Is appropriate under the circumstances. k; ~'~. _ at · 10'~3~93 CREDIT .... , signature ititle) Telephone Number(~ 982-1~53 This form (No. 594 Revised 1 ~80) ® Copyrighted by and distributed through BUILDING iNDUSTRY CREDIT ASSOCIATION (213) 251-1100 " CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY NOTICE v (Calif,~rnia Civil Code,f~ Jn 3097 as amended by ~cnate Bill 1379 [Chaptel ~] e/~ectil'e Jantulry I, 1978j N~I)TICE TO PROPERTY OWNER--~f billslre n%t paid in ruin for th~ labor, services,~t, 'ol ~ateriils furnished or to be furnished. This is not a lien. ~is is not a reflection on the htegri~' of any contra,'tor or subcontmclor. ~ TO: CITY OF FO~ Dated d0n~ 22, 1993 YOU ARE HEREBY NO~ED ' ~' ~" ~' '~ ~ ~ FONTANA. CA 9 2 3 3 4 - 0 ~ 18 ~ That the undersigned has furnished or will furnish labor, services, equipment or maleflaiR of the follow- ing description. THE NAME AN ~DRESS OF FHE PERSON WHO CONTRAC I ED FOR IH E PURC E OF SUCH LABOR, SERVICES. EQUIPMENT OR fiRst funds to which supplemental f~ge benefits are payable~ TO: [~gO CO~TRUCT/ON ~o~c~o~ P, O. BOX 8 J ~ ~EPU~D ~ { MaWrial men not required to Iurnish the abo~ e/ cosx,~cTo, C~LIMV$I. ¢~.. Name of person or firm furnishing labor, service e~ent or material O~A~[ CODN~ STriPING 8ESVIGE, INC. - LIe. ~346095 ...... I'dle VICE-PRESIDENT/TREASURER Date 3UNE 2 2. 19 9 3 ,, ...... ~ NONE NONCE TO: ................. TO CONS~UCTION LENDER ONLY ~s~sa ~ Estimated total price of the labor, services, o~ equipmere or materials described hercon. CONSTRUCTION (Section ~097.1, Calif. Civil Code) This acknowledges receipt on of copy of this preliminary 20-day notice at rDate} l Address wher,1 Notice received} Date: ( Date this acknowledgment is executed) ( Signunite o[ person acknowledging receipt. with title i[ acknowledgment is made on behaH oJ another person ) I A ddrexs o r description o]/oh site I Upon receipt of this notice, please detach ~d sign this achowledgment~n~Ze~ sa~2 to sender .... OWNER COPY ~ ~ALII'UI~NIA I~I~bLIMINAI~Y Nr,,)IICI:: ( FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ : YOURAr[NTFONISO~RECTEDTOSECTIONS3C97,~098AND3111,CAUFO~tiIACIVlL ~HICHrt[QUIf/ESUST,DN,311FYl ,,,,. ,, ,,o,.. ,.,g% ,, ,,,~.. ,,..¢,~. ,:,..,, ,...,,-, o, ...,, ,:o.,.,..,:,o. o.s,,.,:,.,~o..~ DATE ~/~7/9:3 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. ~ YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED: THAT THE UNDERSIGNED HAS FURNISHED OR WILL FURNISH LABOR, SERVICES, EQUIPME~,.T OR MATERIAL OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIPTLON ~" (NAME) (DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL) (ADDRESS-) FNDIVIDUAL Fi::;['].~:.~Z~i:~t ~t, ~.(T[TLE) ~DATE) ' ~ (CFY} (STATE] (ZIP) 1694 - 91St. Ave. N.E., Blaine, I'~ 5f~.34 ~,s consequence by (1) requiting your contractor to furnish a signed release C:LCy of Fontam wNE, g353 Sierr,,a Ave, NAM~ N/A BUCAGENCY FOll. taI18.. CA 92334 ADDRESS O IGINAL i694 -- 91St. Ave, :~.E. 0 TRACTOR Blaine, %2] 55434 ADDr~ESS i" C .oT,cE " TO CONSTRUCTION LENDER ONLY C~TO: [NDER l~artford C~lty IYl.~l.~"rlC~~- EQUIPMENT OR MATERIALS DESCRIBED HEREON PROOF OF SERVICE AFFIDAVIT ,decarethat servedcopesoftheabovePRELMNARYNOTCE(checkappropriatebox). (a) [] By personally delivering copies to at (b) [] By First Class Cedified or Registered Mail service, p s~2~ prepaid, addressed to each of the parties at the address shown above on I'8~.~ !7 ,19 I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correch Signed at S,-'~Q O'J.e~t_ , California, on) ',~17/!7 ' '/ , 19 r ' /:,,// [ATTACH RECEIPTS OF CERTIFIED OR REGISTERED MAIL WHEN RE'tURNED] SIGNATURE OF P~RSON MA~TNG $E-~VICE ~r""O~,~ ~S449/4p449j~OLypA~LE, O~ETS) 2l~o:": ::" · ' ..... ' ~ ' ' ': ~CONTRACTOR COPY ' ' WESTERN "' EGUIPMENT 14635 Valley Blvd., Fontana, CA 92335 (909) 822-8008 May 17, 1993 MEMO TO: ALL CUSTOMERS, OW , ORIGINAL CONTRACTORS AND LENDERS RE: PRELIMINARY NOTICE Herewithin please find a revised California Preliminary Notice for the project noted on the attached. We recently sent your office a preliminary notice, naming WESTERN SALES & RENTALS as the company giving the notice. The proper company who will be supplying materials to your project is WESTERN EQUIPMENT OUTFITTERS INC. Please request all releases and issue all joint checks in the name of Western Equipment Outfitters Inc. This company was established on May 1, 1993. Our services will remain the same and Western Sales & Rentals will continue to operate in a different capacity. If you have any questions to this regard or need a final release for the Western Sales & Renta!ls preliminary notice, please contact us at (619) 566-1150. Thank you for your continued busin]ess CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY NOTICE 304S333 IN ACC( lANCE WITH SECTION 3097 AND 3098, CAL ~RNIA CIVIL CODE THIS IS NOT A LIEN, THIS IS NOT A REFLECTION ON THE INTEGRITY OF ANY CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR LBIW JOB# 79618 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT... LONG BEACH IRON WORKS, INC. (nam~ Of person or firm furnishing labor, services, ecluip- merit or material) CONSTRUCTION LENDER or Reputed Construction Lender, if any 2100 W. ANAIIgIM STRKET (address of person or firm furnishing labor, services, LONG BEACH, CA 90813 equipment or material · o.. has rnished or w,, r.,sh labor, services, equipme.tor ~ .................~ rnaterials of the fallowing general description: T STORM DRAIN MATERIAL ! (general description Of the labor. services, equipment or material fumiehed or to be furnished) fnr the building, Structure or other wod~ of improvement located at: JOBUPA AVE TO SAN BERNARe'- FOLD HERE DIWO AV~dr~--s or pescrintic~ Of job she CYP~t~SS AVE SEWER JURUPA sufficient for identification) The name of the pa'son or firrn who COntracted for the purchase of such labor, services, equipment Or material is: KENKO COleTRACTOR INC. (name and address Of person or firm) 1025 Calimela Blvd ~4 OWNER or PUBLIC AGENCY or Reputed Owner (on public work) Ca. li Mesa, Ca. 92320 (on private work) An estimate of the total price of the labor, services, equipment or matedis furnished or to be fumisheq is: · CITY OF FO~mflm~)~t~k (Dollar amount must be furnished to construction lender -- optional as to OWner Or contractor) 8353 Sierra Ave. ~'ontallat Ca. 92335 Trust Funds to which Supplemental Fdnge Benefits am Payable. (Material men not required to furnish) · N/A ~ (name) (address) Construction loan no (if known) (name) (address) FOLD HERE (name) (address) (name) (address) NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER If bills are not paid in full for the labor, services, equip- ment, or materials furnished or to be furnished, a mechanic's lien leading to the loss, through court foreclosure proceedings, of all or pad of your propetty ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or being so Improved may be placed against the propetty Reputed Contractor, if any even though you have paid your contractor in full, You may wish to protect yourself against this consequence by (1) requiring your contractor to furnish a signed release by the person or firm giving you this notice belore making payment to your contractor or (2) any other method or device which is appropriate under the circumstances. 1025 Ca113elesa Slv~ t4 Dee :,e~u~j , Telepho er (~T}i~_) 4 3 2 -- 5 4 5 1 This form (NO. 594 Revised 1180) © Copyrighted by and distributed through BUILDING iNDUSTRY CREDIT ASSOCIATION (213) 251-1100 CALIFbgNIA PRELIMINARY h, TICE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTIONS 3097 AND 3098, CALIFORNIA CIVI~ CODE THIS IS N~ A LIEN, THIS IS NOT A REFLECTION ON THE INTEGRITY OF ANY C0N~.RACTOI~'OR SUBCONTRACTOR .... CONSTRUCTION LENDER or Reputed Construction Lender, if any. (Name and AddreSs of Pqr~on pr Firm} .; ' 9370 MIRAMAhRD. ~ ~ ~ (F~rni~hing Labor, Se~ices, EqUipment or '~aterials) None SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 has furnished or will furnish labor, services equipment or L_ __] materials of the following general description: MACHINERY RENTALS, 40 FOLD HERE ........ ,.:' PARTS, LABOR AND SUPPLIES Boneling Co. W Hartford Casua 1 ty I nsurande for the building, structure of other work of improvement located at: Cypress ,Just North of N Valley Blvd. Fontaria Ca E R The name of the person or firm who contracted for the purchase of such labor, services, equipment or material is: OWNER or PUBLIC AGENCY or Reputed Owner (on public work) Kenko Inc, C (on private work) (name and address of person or firm) O 1694 91st Ave. N.E. Blline, Mn 55434 P F y Bit)fofdFontana An estimate of the total price of the labor, services, equip- 8353 Sierra Ave. mentor materials furnished or to be furnished is: Fontaria, Ca 92334 $ ~ L j (,.is re.s, u. a. [] ,lobelie Is Federal Public Work TItle 40 USC $ec. 270A-270E Contracl Number FOLD HEFIE Bonding Coinparty NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER IF SILLS ARE NOT PAID IN FULL FOR THE LASOR, SER- VICES, EQUIPMENT~ OR MATERIALS FURNISHED OR TO BE FURNISHED, A MECNANIC'3 LIEN LEADING TO THE LOSS, THROUGH COURT FORECLOSURE PRO- CEEDINGS, OF ALL OR PART OF YOUR PROPERTY BEING SO IMPROVED MAY BE PLACED AGAINST THE PROPERTY EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVE PAID YOUR CON- ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or TRACTOR IN FULL. YOU MAY WISH TO PROTECT Reputed Contractor, if any. YOURSELF AGAINST THIS CONSEQUENCE BY (1) REQUIRING YOUR CONTRACTOR TO FURNISH A SIGNED RELEASE BY THE PERSON OR FIRM GIVING ]' -'] YOU THIS NOTICE SEFORE MAKING PAYMENT TO Kenko Inc. YOUR CONTRACTOR OR (2) ANY OTHER METHOD OR 1694 91st Ave. N,E, DEVICE W ICH IS APPROPRIATE UNDER THE Blatne, Hn 55434 ~~C~; lf~../(~m~s signature (title) Telephone Number (. 619 .) 566-1150 CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY NOTICE 2. 4 10 0 7 IN ACCORD~ E WITH SECTION 3097 AND 3098, CALlFOR, CIVIL CODE THIS IS NOT A LIEN, THIS IS NOT A REFLECTION ON THE INTEGRITY OF ANY CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT... UNDERCRC~D SHORI~G SPECiALI_?2S SHORING SPEC IALTI {name of person or firm fumishi~g labor, services, eguip- · - merit or material) CONSTRUCTION LENDER or .-;_ , Reputed Construction Lender, if any 286] F~ CORONAFx') (address of person or firm furnishing labor, services, ANAHE,IM, CA ~jl~JJ~ · ' - : equipment or material) has furnished or will furnish labor, services. equipment or materials of the following general description: Af,[fM, PJ~rD. SHC.~RTNG F.Q[JFPMRN'P (general description of the labor. services, equipment or ~,NF) .q!TPPF.TR~i,/C'f}MPAfT. I'TC.Wq F,~iTP. material furnished Or ~o be lurnished) for the building, structure Or Other work Of improvement located at: ~Y'PR~Rq ~,NI~, ,TYr~Pk (address or description of job site JOB #9216 Fr'Nq'A1',lZ~ PA CYPRESS AVE SE,%qER sufficient for identification) The name of the person or firm who contracted for the purchase of such labor. services. equipment or material is: KEI~,(C] TNC' (name and address of person or firm) l F, CI4 o) I ,qT AVR ~'3R OWNER or PUBLIC AGENCY ~' or Reputed Owner (on public work) It;.ATN MN ~zk/lq W (on private work) An estimate of the total price of the labor, services, equipment or materials furnished or to be furnished is: E (Dollar amount must be furnished to construction lender Cir'FY OF F',')b]~2A~A optional as to owner or contractor) "* 8353 SfBRRA AVE J~,,/ KX"f,~ANA CA 92334-05J.~ Trust Funds to which Supplemental Fringe Benefits are Payable. (Material men not required to furnish) k, -'/ (name) (address) C Construction loan no )if known) (name) (address) (name) (address) p (name) (address) NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER y' If bills are not paid In full for the labor, services, equipment, or materials furnished or to be furnished, a mechanlc's lien leading to the loss, through court foreclosure proceeedlngs. of all or part of your property being so Improved may be placed ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or against the property even though you have paid your contractor Reputed Contractor, if any In full· You may wish to protect yourself against this cgnsequegce by (t} requiring your uontractgr to furnish g signed release by the person or firm giving you this notice before making payment to your contractor or (2) any other method or device which is appropriate under the circumstances· · ,].ST A~ NE , .,.,. / BL~IN [4A~I 55449 ~ RICHARD ~it~e ,qC~TC1 Th~s form (No. 594 Revised 1/80) c Copyrighted by and distributed through BUILDING INDUSTRY CREDIT ASSOCIATION (213) 251-1100 CALIFe)RNIA PRELIMINARY NOTICE 3008367 IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 3097 AND 3098, CALIFOt,,,dA CIVIL CODE THIS IS NOT A LIEN, THIS IS NOT A REFLECTION ON THE INTEGRITY OF ANY CONTRACTOR OFt SUBCONTRACTOR YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT... PLEASE ISSUE JOINT .OL ZD^T 'raucu , z c. CHECK CONSTRUCTION LENDER or 2193 W. YOO'rRTLL BLVD. Reputed Construction Lender, if any + UPLAND, C,A 91786 ~ KEP(]I~rl 4~ .... ,,:~ .......... haSfunmisfwmdorwigfiJmiNlt~kx:w',m®rvkDes, eclak)nmentor "~ ' 1 i i mateda4e of the following general dea~iptio~: , :'*F~" '!!~,, RF_~T l, ffX CONCRXTE, ,, :.~ ' i ROCK & matedalftm'tihedoftobmfumimhed) for the buffding, Structure or other wo~ ~ imlxovmmeat ~ocsted St:~CYPKKSS & --FOLD HERE (address Or deecriptian of job site "CYPRESS AVE. SKWXR CONST." FONTANA, The name of the person or Rrm who contmcMd for the purchase of such labor, sewioes,~Qu~ormmtedal is: KXNKO, INC. 3On# 9216 (name and addmss of lxao~ Or tm) 1694 91ST. ArK. N. E. OWNER or PUBLIC AGENCY ' or Reputed Owner (on public work) BLAZNE~ MN (on private work) An estimate of the total price of the labor, services, equipment Or materiNs furnished or to be fuffY, shed is: ~, T.. " CZ~ O~ 1~O~.~. (Dollar amount must be furnished to construction lender 8353 SZE,2J, AVE:. FON'r.k~, CA 92335 Trust Funds to which Sul:~lementsJ Fringe Benefits am A'ETN: YO~SUS PATAIv~K)LA Payshie. (gatariol~r~mquia~o~h) L (name) (a~mss) (~a~e) (a~e"~,s) ~t,D HFRE (name) (name) NOTICE T0 PROPERTY 0WNEll If hills are not paid in left far the laier, sewices, equip- ment, or materials famished or to he famished, mechanic'e lien leadleg te the ion, Ibmugh court forecieeure proceedings, ef eli er part of your Orstrerty ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or being so Improved may be pieced against the properly Reputed Contractor, if any even theugh you have paid your sentraster In fall. Yen may wish to protect yourseli lintnut Ibis GoBsequence by (1) requiring your contractor th famish a signed release by the person or firm giving yea this nitice befem making payment to your centraster or (2) Ioy other metlied or device which Is apprepdste under the ciircemetlsHe. 169t+ 918T AVlg. It. E. BLAIll, NIl 55434 .... ~ ~ ' , CREDZT MANAGER Ts4ep~oneNurnbe( 909 ) 982-1.553 This form (No. 594 Revised 1/80) ® Copyrighted by and distributed through BUILDING INDUSTRY CREDIT ASSOCIATION (213) 251-1100 CAL~OJNIA PRELINIINARY NC;III~i DATE Jan ~ 1~93 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED: THAT THE UNDERSIGNED HAS FURNISHED OR WILL FURNISH ~BOR, SERVICES, EQUIPMENT OR ~TERIAL OF THE FOLLOWING DE~RI~ION 10919 Almond Ave. 354 I .~ -5~" ~Eeel (ADDRESS) INDIVIDUAL FonEi~, CA 92555 CaslnS, Push CusEo~r BY: /' t~/ / ~"' Pipe & BI~ Sand ~roject Coord[naEor Cypress & 10 F~, gon~ana THE N~E AND ADDRESS OF THE PERSON WHO CONTRACTED FOR THE PURCH~E OF SUCH ~BOR, SERVICE, EQUIPMENT OR MATERIAL J t NOTICE TO PffiPE~Y OWNER P,O. I~ox 83~- Ca[~mesas CA, 92320 h~pdd~urcommdorin~lI.Y~meywllhtop~u~elfalelnlt CLC~ o~ Fontaria OWNER, 8353 S~eT~a AVe. N~E REPUTED OWNER, OR BLICAGE~Y ~O~aBa~ C~, 92335 ADDRE~ TO: R L O IGINA ~,0. BOX OR REPUTED ONT~O Cal~meBa ~ g~. 92320 ~DRE~ TO CONSTRUCTION LENDER ONLY EQUIP~NT R ~T~RIA~ DESCRI~HE PROOF OF SERVICE AFFIDAVIT I, , declare thot I served copies of the above PRELIMINARY NOTICE (ch~k appropriale box), (a) ~ By personally delivering copies to ~..~(.) ..a ,,s.(.> on 19 , at _.m. (b) ~ By First Cla~ Certified or Registered Mail service, postage ~e~id, addres~d to each of the ~dies at t~e addre~ shown above on Jan 4 ,19 9~ [A~ACH IECBPT$ OF CE~I~IED OR IEGISTERED ~IL WHEN ~TUINED] OWNER COPY CALIF')RNIA PRELIMINARY "OTICE 3000389 IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 3097 AND 3098, CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE THIS IS NOT A LIEN, THIS IS NOT A REFLECTION ON THE INTEGRITY OF ANY CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT... R19385/10396 Inland Concrete Enterprises, Inc. ~ 9 (name Of person or finn furnishing labor, sen/ices, equip- ment or material) CONSTRUCTION LENDER or Reputed Construction Lender, if any 2434 RubidoLD~ B1vd (address of person or firm furnishing labor, saP/ices, Riverside, Ca 92509 · ~ equipment or material has furnished or will fumish tabor, services, equipment or materials of the following general description; None Se~er Manhole Sub-Contractor / 3 minedaB furnished or for the building, stmdure or Other work of improvement located at: C'~EeSS AVeD. LIe S~vv'er FOLD HERE r (address or bescti ' n f' b si~ Cyp s ~enue ~a~'fay Bi-~cl es & The name ot the pemon or fin~ who confraded ~3r the purchase of such labor, service& equipment or matedal is: Ken~o P 0 BOx 831 OWNER or PUBLIC AGENCY or Reputed Owner (on public work) Callmesa, Ca 92320 (on private work) An estimate of the total price of the labor, services, equipment or materials furnished Or to be furnished ta: $ 81,000.00 City Of Fontana --optionalastoowr~r0rcontraOfor) 8353 Sierra Avenue Fo~lt~'m, Ca 92335 Trust Funds to which Supplemental Fdnge BaneIns are Payable. (Material men not required to furnish) (name) (address} Co~struOfion lean P~. (if known) (name) (address) FOLD HERE (name) (address) (name) (address) NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER II bills are not paid in full fur Ihs labor, survlcos, equip- ment, or materials furnished or to be furnished, a mechanic's lies leading to the loss, through court foreclosure proceedings, of all or part of year property ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or being so improved may be placed against the property Reputed Contractor, if any even though you have paid yeur contractor In lull. You may wish to protect yourself against this consequence by (1) requiring your contractor to furnish e signed release by the person or firm giving you this notice before making payment to your contractor or (2) any other method or device which is appropriate under the circumstances. Ke~JG) Dated: NOV 16, 1992 Calimesa, Ca 92320 signature ~rlager {title) Telephone Numbor( 714 ) 788--9720 This form (No. 594 Revised 1/80) := Copyrighted by and distributed through BUILDING INDUSTRY CREDIT ASSOCIATION (213) 251-1100 CALlr ')RNIA PRELIMINARY lOTICE 3008308 ~ ACCORDANCE WITH SECTlOW 3097 AND 3098, CALIF~ CIVIL COOE THIS IS NOT A LIEN, THIS IS NOT A REFLECTION ON THE INTEGRITY OF ANY CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR YOU ARE HEREBY NOTlED THAT... r-LEASE ISSUE JOINT R('JT, T.TBAT lafiC~:' CO., TTi'C. CHECK <,,... of ~ ~ ... merit or matede4) CONSTRUCTION LENDER or Reputed Constn. K;tion Lender, if any 21q3 ~T, FOOTffI'T3. {address of person or fkm f~mishing lebor, ITPT.ANT)~ CA. qlTR& eq~l>me~t or material materials of the following general description: ARI~TAT.'I"I t~lttrl~HKe ]tARR (general description of the labor, ~, eo~t or meledalf~mishedortobefurniehed) for the DuHding, structure Or other work Of iffkomveme~t located at: L'~I~I~RS & J~Af ~FO~AT~lk, FOLD HERE (address Of de~c~otion of job site su~cief~ for ide~tification) The netme of the ~ Or firm who contracted forthe 1691 ql S'r AVR., OWNER or PUBLIC AGENCY or Reputed Owner (on public worl() IT il'le~, Hi4. (on private Work) . ' 8353 SZ]~:~T~ AV'S. FONTLTiA, CA, 92335 ', ...... TrUst Funds to which Supl3tefnentat Fdnge Benefits are L A'Z'Z'~T: ~OOSUS ~AT&,'vSiOL& NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER If bills are not paid In fell for the labor, suffices, equip- meat, er materials furnished or te be fareished, a foreclosure proceedings, ef all er part of year ptepedy O~IGINAL CONTRACTOR or being so Improved rely be ~lieced against the liraperry WISh In ploteat yetFault Halnit this Gooseqgggce gy (1) requiring year ceetracter to furslab a signed release by the persen or firm giving yea thin netice betere making payment to yuur c0ntrtctar Or (2) any ether metbed }[]gll~n XIIC, Dated: l)F, mo4~et 23, 1992 !~:91 ff avE., N. ~, /~ ,,~~ CKEDIT NANAGSR T~ep,one Numb< 909 ) 98Z-1.5.53 This lorm (No. 594 Revised 1/80) ® Copyrighted by and distributed through BUILDING rNDUSTRY CREDIT ASSOCIATION (213) 251-1100 CAI 'I:ORNIA PRELIMINARY NO'ICE IN ACCORDA..,.,E WITH SECTION 3097 AND 3098, CALIFORNia CIVIL CODE THIS IS NOT A LIEN, THIS IS NOT A REFLECTION ON THE INTEGRITY OF ANY CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT... ',tr' %;IOn iN,r' ,:,P~ :.' (name of person or firm furnishing labor, services, equip- ment or material) CONSTRUCTION LENDER or Reputed Construction Lender, if any 2R6 ~ ~; (address of person or firm furnishing labor, services, ~' " ' '" equipment or material) has furnished or will furnish labor, services, equipment or materials of the following general description: ~r,ll>i HY'D. RHORTNC-; (general description of the labor, serv.ces, equipment or A~',I!'} ql :PPL.rF%/C'fTviPA¢'[' [0,; EQUl P. material furnished or to be furnished) for the building, structure or other work of improvement located at: C':ZpR~'~aS ~ (address or description of job 8ire ]OEjf 9216 sufficient for identification) ,TOd [:~,,~ ].':~133 The name of the person or firm who contracted for the purchase of such labor, services, equipment or material is: (name and address of person or firm) ~694 919m ~VF OWNER or PUBLIC AGENCY or Reputed Owner (on public work) Br %IN[' ~N 5'~'/Y© (on private work) An estimate of the total price of the labor, services, equipment or materials furnished or to be furnished is: /j~IT.V C:~ bO[g'l'~[~, (Dollar amount must be furnished to construction lender - optional as to owner or contractor) 8353 SIER:;¢, AVE ?,A :')2335 Trust Funds to which Supplemental Fringe Benefits are Payable. (Material men not required to furnish) ~" -2 (name) {address) Construction loan no (if known( (name) (address) (name) (address) (name) (address) NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER If bills are not paid In full for the labor, services, equipment, or materials furnished or to be furnished, a mechanlc's lien leading to the loss, through court foreclosure proceeedlngs, of all or part at your property being so Improved may be placed ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or againat the property even though you have paid your contractor Reputed ContracDr, if any In full, You may wish to prateat yourself against this consequence by (I) requiring your contractor to furnish a signed release by the person or firm giving you this notice before making payment to your contractor or (2) any other method or device which Is appropriate under the clroumstances. ~EQ INC j~4~ ~ 1694 91~]~ AVE N,E. :~:T, C'7 .a,~ <', BLA(~t~E ~ 55449 "2 felephone Numblr ( ? ~ z2 .&i3 This form (No. 594 Revised 1/80): Copyrighted by and d~stributed through BUILDING INDUSTRY CREDIT ASSOCIATION (213) 251-1100 J0ovz3CALIF" RNIA PRELIMINARY "OTICE 2494853 IN ACCORD/,d,~CE WITH SECTION 3097 AND 3098, CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE THIS IS NOT A LIEN, THIS IS NOT A REFLECTION ON THE INTEGRITY OF ANY CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIRED THAT... EE CONSTRUCTION LENDER or ment or material) Reputed Construction Lender, if any P.O. BOx 1149 n n Corona, CA 91718-1149 E (~a, Clay $1-wer PIpe & FIllingS R · · [] clay BrIsk Prod,,-te located at: Spec for COD. Str Of Cypress Ave Sewer Syst, Jurupa Ave to San Bernar- C O ; r---= :: ' _nko :nc F) or Reputed Owner 4 ne Ivl, l 55449 Y (on private work) I CiTY I:NGiNEE;; S OFjr~fC~stimite of the total price of the labor, services. ~'%'"""~: or m 'als fumEshod or to be furnished is: $ 630,000 8353 Sierra Ave - ~k~.l. to ow,,er o~ co,Wacto~ Fat. aria CA 92335 Trust Funds to which Suppiane,W~ Fringe Bseefds we NOTICE TO PROPERTY 0WMER If blllc are net plld Io Iooll fir I~s I~lar, lardms, eqwlll- gent, Or m~~ted3is Igmlgied mr tw Me fMmlmtgll. 3 ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or balnp so Improved m~~y be pl~~oel elelest INO properil, ~e perlee Pr firm litleg fee lll{I Elllee liefore mmklml or device which Is appropriate miller Big llrffilllstlll~e$. F.!~ :T_rlC~ DSt · L~, 1992 1694--9tSt AVe I~ B!.~_Ire ~ 55~9: idlt MiniBar T~D,o~ N.m~ {~-14J 135'6020 This form (NO, 594 Revised 1180) © Copyrighted by and distributed through BUILDING INDUSTRY CREDIT ASSOCIATION (213) 251-1100 Labor Commissioner, State of California Department of Industrial Relations Division of Labor Standards Enforcement Bureau of Field Enforcement 411 E Canon Perdido, Rm 3 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Telephone= (805) 963-1438 ?o: ~ Community Development Departme Engineering Division City of Fontana P. O. Box 518 L Fontaria, California 92334 September 14, 1993 COMPLAINT CLOSED NOTICE Cypress Avenue Sewer. Kenko, Inc. The ~[~l~K complaint against the above-named contractor(s) is being closed for the following reason(s): ["'] Subiect firm has satisfactorily paid all wages and/or penalties due. F"] Statute of limitations under the Public Works Laws (Labor Code Sections 1720 through 1861) has expired. ~ Insufficient evidence to confirm Public Works Laws were violated. E_~ Subject firm not within the jurisdiction of the Public Works Laws. X~_j Other: The Center for Contract Compliance has received the Certified Payroll Records that it requested. STATE LABOR COMMISSIONER Peter W. Percy Senior Special Investigator~,, PW-22 (5/87) COMPLAINT CLOSED NnTICE LABOR COMMISSIONER, STATE OF CALIFORNIA Department of Industrlll ReLations Division of Labor Standards Enforcement BUREAU OF FIELD ENFORCEA&ENT 411 E, Canon Perdido Street Room #3 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 (805) 963-1438 City of Fontana P.O. Box 518 "'~-ji"- Fontana, CA 92334 L _J June 1, 1993 26-PW-27283/750 , NOTIFICATION OF COMPLAINT FILED .;. Cypress Avenue Sewer Kenko, Inc. .. A complaint allsling violation of the Public Works LIw (California Labor Code, Division 2, Part 7) his been filed in this office ala~st the cOntrKtOr(S) I~ IIM~%. You ere hereby advised a~ investigation is c~ef~l~9 of the elxwe-narned project to insur& compliance with the previskms of the Labor Code. Allow an investliaison, a Notice to Withhold and/ or a Notice of. Penalty Assessment will be filed with you for the ictuel wqM d~tefmined to be due, the number of violations found and the amount of peelltles Islesod. Sincerely, ~ Cede Sectlie 17ll. The body awardir~4l the contrlct for publl~ work shall take cognizance STATE LABOR COMMISSIONER of vk~tloas of the provisions of this chapter ~ in the teario of the execution of the Cleflet, e ~ er SEecial Investi~tcr ce.trKt for puM~ w~k. the aw~.tt.f 'cr ' wtthhokl lad retlkq tlmrefrom all KnOUntS w~hich c.c: Prime Contractor - heel been fei, fidlldl Pest to any f, ltiulllkmin Sub-Contractor a cw~rect f~r ~ w~k, and the chlq~tw, lilt no IVm !etMI ~e wtthh~d, rWtik~d or forfeitld, except fr~(n the final paymerit, without a full investilitlon by either the Division of Labor 5tandlrdS Enforcwment or by the awardIn9 body. ~:! '; ""i 3200 SAN FERNANDO ROAD, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90065 Phone: (213) 256-7283 Fax: (213) 254-6102 LT i PRELIMINARY NOTICE , , i ON PRIVA~'E 0R PUBLIC WORK OWNER ~ +' + .~C~'~O'~RdPER~'owNER A~INS~ TH~ P~y~l~,]~U~ ~ ~E PA~D YOUR · . . . . f,,, (I~Eg~IRIHG YOUR ~NS~gCTION ~& + '~ CONTRACTOR OR ¢) ANY OTHER METHOD OR DEVICE WHICH IS ~UTE~ We, t~pky?H fgr the ~riyii~o~uppjying as~hal~ic paving2 materials to this INT~ESTED JOBt .C:L 9;:~16'~JILIRUP~ & FON'f~NA ()~/h~ER COPY FORM IA 94-13 (1/95) lr, gNl( 01010 CAi~-~'C'P~iA PRELIMINARY NOT~ ., IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 3097 AND 3098, CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE CONSTRUCTION LENDER or YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT... Reputed Construction Lender, if any g ECCO EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 1417 NORTH SUSAN STREET [ SANTA ANA, CA 92703 lqOllE has furnished or will furnish labor, services, equipment or materials of the following general description: i HEAVY DUTY EQUIPMENT BARE AND/OR OPERATED AND MAINTAINED OWNER or PUBLIC AGENCY or Reputed Owner (on Public work) for the building, structure or other work of improvement (on Private work) located at: [ CIl~g OF P.O. BOX 581 L~tfPRESS, n/o JqJIUJPA FO~ANA, CA 92334-0518 FOI~AhlA, CA The name of the person or firm who contracted for the purchase of such labor, services~ equipment or materials: KEI~O CONTRACTORS ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or NOTICE TO OWNER Reputed contractor, if any If bills; are not paid in full for the labor, services, equipment or matdrials furnished or to be furnished, a mechanic's lien [ leading to the loss, through court foreclosure proceedings,of KENKO, INC. all or part of your property being so improved may be placed 8990 SPRINGBROOK DR. STE, 230 against the property even though you have paid your contractor in full. You may wish to protect yourself against ltI~OLIS, ~ 55433 this consequence by (1) requiring your contractor to furnish a signed release by the person or firm giving you this notice before making payment to your contractor or (2) any other SUB CONTRACTOR or method ior device which is appropriate under the circumstances Reputed Sub-contractor, if any [ ECGO EQUIPMENT CORPORATION REQUIRES PAYMENT BY JOINT CHECK TO ECCO EQUIPMENT CORPORATION AND EEN CQ,N'rUC XLS 0 SERVICES RENDE ° FR SUB-CONTRACTOR or Reputed Sub-contractor, if any Mailed this date: JtmY 12, 1995 TITLE:; An estimate of the total price of the labor, services, equipment or materials furnished or to be furnished is: AppROXIMATELY $ 20,000 PER MONTH DISTRIBUTION: LENDER, OWNER OR PUBLIC AGENCY; ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR, SUB-CONTRACTOR(S), ECCO EQUIPMENT CORPORATION. CAI :ORNIA PRELIMINARY N'TICE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 3097 AND 3098, CALIFO'N~IA CIVIL CODE THIS IS NOT A LIEN, THIS IS NOT A REFLECTION ON THE INTEGRITY OF ANY CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR PLEASE ISSUE you ARE RERE.Y NOT,F,ED THAT. (name of person or firm furnishing labor, sewices, equipment or material) CONSTRUCTION LENDER or Reputed Construction Lender, if any 2J. 93 bT. FOOTF]:I_'5 BLV'D. (address of person or firm furnishing labor, services, UPLAI, ID, CA 91786 equipment or material) ~ tfl, TO}~! R~.OR~EX}ff ~: ' has furnished or will furnish labor, services, equipment or materials of the following general description: ASPHALt. CRUSEE~ ~ASF, (general description of the labor, sentices, equipment or & F.C~UT'c'~fF, NT P.F, NTAT. material furnished or to be furnished) for the building, structure or other work of improvement (address or description of job site OWNER or PUBLIC AGENCY or Reputed Owner (on public work) sufficient for identification) (on private work) The name of the person or firm who contracted for the purchase of such labor, Services, equipment or material is: IL P,, 3BO]C 5P7 J An estimate of the total price of the labor, services __ equipment or materials furnished or to be furnished is: Construction loan no .... (if known) $ ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or Trust Funds to which Supplemental Fringe Benefits are Reputed Contractor, if any Payable. (Material men not required to furnish) (name) (address) (name) (address) NOTICE T0 PROPERTY OWNER If bills are not paid in full for the labor, se~ices, equipment, or m~erials furnished or to be furnished, a mechanic's lien leading to the loss, through coud toreclosure proceedings, of all or pad of your propeHy being so improved may be placed SUBCONTRACTOR with whom claimant against the properly even though you have paid your contrac- has contracted tot in full. You may wish to protect yourelf against this con- sequence by (1) requiring your contractor to furnish a signed mlease by the person or firm giving you this notice before making payment to your contractor or (2) any other method or device that is appropriate under the circumstances. ~ Z~C. : Dated: 1694 9~. AVE. ~. g. "?~ ', B~, ~ 55449 ~ ',~: C~Vlm ~,~';,:'. : sgnature (title) 909 9F;2--~ 553 Telephone Number (~) This form (No. 594C Revised 1/1/95) ~opyrighted by and dislriSuted through BUILDING INDUSTRY CREDIT ASSOCIATION (213) 251-1100 CALFORNIA PRELIMINARY Nr'rlCE ........ '' ':"~'"" ""' IN ACCORDAi~h~: WITH SECTION 3097 AND 3098, CALIFOR~r~ CIVIL CODE THIS IS NOT A LIEN, THIS IS NOT A REFLECTION ON THE INTEGRITY OF ANY CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT, PLEASE ISSUE JOINT CHECK CONSTRUCTION LENDER or material) Reputed Construction Lender, if any =19'3 ;T. 'F'CC~ZiLT, I.~'PLAND, CA 9].786 RECEIVED 'flNI~E RR~O~ED~r ........ has furnished or will furnish labor. services, equipment or materials of the following general description: -,~PFALT, CRUS~i~ BA~E JAN ~ 4 1995 (,e~era, dese,iptie. ot the ,~ber, .er~,ees, e~.,~me.t or C~ ENGINEER'S OFRCE for the building, structure or other work of improvement located at: OWNER or PUBLIC AGENCY or Reputed Owner (on public work) sufficient for identification) (on private work) The name of the person or firm who contracted for the purchase of such labor, services, equipment or material is: P. O. BOX 581 '?,.W~Y'7~, :~A 92"~!'-rt5]'~ LATT~: ~F PATA!,~3~ J An estimate of the total price of the labor, services equipment or materials furnished or to be furnished is: Construction loan no .... (if known) S ;,~t, !)gQ, f)0 ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or Trust Funds to which Supplemental Fringe Benefits are Reputed Contractor, if any Payable. (Material men not required to furnish) (name) (address) ~q~KOe INC, : (name) (address) (name) (address) (name) (address) "~ ""~:. / ':!r ' ! NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER If bills a ~ not paid in full for the labor, services, equipment, or mab~als furnished or to be furnished, a mechauic's lien leading to the loss, through court foreclosure proceedings, of all or pad of your properly being so improved may be placed SUBCONTRACTOR with whom claimant against the property even though you have paid your contrac- has contracted tor in full. You may wish to protect yourself against this con- sequence by (1) requiring your contractor to furnish a signeq release by the person or firm giving you this notice before making payment to your contractor or (2) any other melhod or device that is appropriate under the circumstances. ,TA~1AR~ 19, 1995 KHNEO, INC, Dated: 16<~, 91ST AV~ N. IL "'~g ,L~ BI~IME, MN 55449 ... cy. ~,?; j~,_ CREDIT MA~ZACFR : signature L~---" (title) Telephone Number ( This form <No. 594C Revised 1/1/95) ~Copyrighted by and distributed through BUILDING INDUSTRY CREDIT ASSOCIATION {213) 251-1100 CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY NOTICE (California Civil Code, ~{,,~=ln 3097 as dinended by Sen,ate Bill 1379 [Chapter 3~96] effective Jannear3 I. 1978) IOCETO PROPER~ OWNER~H ~are no/paid in full for the hbor, se~ic;i, equip' , or mateda~ furnished or to mechanic's Men leading to the Io~, through ~ou~ fo~dosure proceedings, of all or par of your ~ being so improved may be placed a~inst or device which is app~pdate ~der the circum~ces. This is not a lien. ~is is not a reflection on tile integri~ of a~ cont~ ~ CITY OF FONTANA ' ~-- JUNE 14. ~993 H ,,~a 8353 SIERRA AVE~E dul~ FONTANA. CA.i ~2335 · ' '~ CI~ ~GIN~ iR'S OFFICE m H s~ ~;~ ~ ......... ~ ............. YOU ARE HEREBY NO~FIED ~ ..... ~fl .... ~hat the undersigned ha~ fuJished or will furnish For thc building, s~c~re. orot~eR~SS ~V~E ~0~ ~OR~[ NOR~ PONTANA 8,B, M~P 25-2075 work of improvement located at~ 9216-~780 THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE PERSON WHO CONTRACTED FOR THE PURCHASE OF SUCH lABOR. SERVICES. EQUIPMENT OR ~mst funds 1o which supplemenial f~nge benefits are payab~ MATERIAL IS: NONE TO: KE~O CONSTRUCTION OR P, O, BOX 831 ..... ~s CONTRACTOR ~ CALIMESA. CA.. 92320 ...... ~-~/ Name of person or firm furnishing labor, service equipment or material ORANGE COUN'~ STRIPING SERVICE, INC. - LIC. ~348095 .~ 1~ NORTH PIXLEY STREET--ORANGE, CA 92888 ~ T~flc VIC[- PRESIDENT/TSEASURER Date JUNE X 4, ~ 9 9 3 HEN J. HEIN EN ......... NONCE TO: ........... TO CONS~UCTION LENDER ONLY ~o~s~.uc~.~ NONE LENDER Estimated total price of the labor. services, o~ ................ equipment or materhis described he(con. % ............. ACKNOWLEI)Gi~ OF~IEIP~ ~F ~R~I~R~ 20-DAY NO~iCE ' tSectlon 3097, 1, Calif. Civil Code} This acknowledges receipt on .... of copy of this preliminary 20-day notice at (Dated ( Addrt's~ wherc Notice received) Date: (Date this acknove~dgment is executed I r Signature Of person acknowledging receipt. with title if acknowledgment is made on behalj of another person I (Address or description o/job site/ Upon receipt of this n lease detach and sign this acknowledgment_and return sa~m~e to sender ,%~. ,~ OWNER COPY