HomeMy WebLinkAboutCypress Sewer CEQAC~ty Counctl Ntnutes". ................... July 7, 1992 H. Authortztng1~tork Assignment No;' 4'wtth'CONin ~ ATHRZ ~ORK in an amount not to exceed $208,100 plus lO~ contin- ASSIGN 4 gency, authorizing the execution of ~ork Assignment CDH,INC. No. 4 by the City NanDeer. (For Environmental ~ASTEMATER Engineering for the proposed wastewater reclamation FACiLiTY facility). NO 92-256 I. (1) Adopting a Hitteared Negattve Declaration ADPT NITIGAT and California Ftsh and Game Oe Htntmus. Impact Finding NEQ DEC/ and directing staff to file the Nottce of Determination CYPRESS AVE and Certificate of Fee Exemption for the constructlon SEWER SYSTEH of the Cypress Avenue sewer system between Ourupa NO 92-257 Avenue and San Bernardtrio Avenue. (2) Authorizing the Community Oevelopment Depart- ATHRZ COHH merit to adverthe for bids for the construction of the DEV ADVERT- Cypress Avenue sewer system between Ourupa Avenue and BiDS CYPRESS San Bernardtrio Avenue. AVE S[NER HO 92-258 3. (i) Adopttrig a Nitteared Negative Oeclaratton ADPT HITIGAT and Callfornta Ftsh and Qame De Ntntmus impact Finding NEe DEC/ and directing staff to ftle the Nottee of Determination CITRUS AVE and Certificate of Fee Exemption for the construction SENER of the Citrus Avenue storm drain between ~est FontanD NO 92-259 Channel and Foothill Boulevard. 2) Authorizing the Community Develolamnt ATHItZ COHH merit to a~verttse for bids for the construction of Depart- DEV ADVERT the Citrus Avenue storm drain between Nest FontanD BiDS CITRUS Channel and Foothtll Boulevard, AVE SEWER 110 92-260 (3) Approvtng a Ltcense Agreement with the Los APRV LICENSE Angeles County Transportation Coawalsston (LACTC) for A6RKr LACTC the crossing of the proposed Citrus Avenue storm CITRUS AVE dratn under LACTC railroad tracks. 110 92-261 Hotton carried by 4 vote of 4-0. Public heartng was opened on Appeal #92-07, ftled by lOA PC Rancho Sierra Corporation. DECISION STANOS No written co~aunicatton was received.: APPEAL 92-07 Co,~untty Development DIrector, Greg Hulstzer gave Tr 13591 the staff presentation. TEX 92-01 HO 92-262 Carl Colman, 9680 Citrus Avenue, FontanD, CA., representing the FontanD Unified School District requested if the City Council approves this appeal that tt be condtttoned with the language tncluded tn the General Plan, Housing Element, Page 2S regarding school financing. Speaktrig in favor of the appeal was I1elvtn Thatcher, Thatchef Engineering, 34636 County Ltne Road #34, Yucatpa, CA. Page 5 of g -- v A.,D, ,T 9/rl & 2 ) Cll'f COUNCIL ACTION REPOItT dULY 7. IFIZ rmemlT CJ. FI)AR bttng Date Agenda Placement TOt N~yor and Ctty Counctl Flalh Cemuntty I)evelopeent Departaent SII,1ECT: C~press Avenue Seer Construction--Adoption of Htttgated Nogattve I)eclaratton and Authorization to Advertise for Btds for Construction of Cypress Avenue Sewer Systee froe Ourupa Avenue to San hrnardtno Avenue BEC~IWB~TIah !~ i~o I. TO ADOPT A MITIGATED NE6ATIVE DECLJUIATION AI~ CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME DE ?os~ao ~D~,~ MINIHIS IMPACT FINDING AND DIRECT STAFF TO FILE THE NOTICE OF DETERHINATIONL~-~'~* ~'~ ,!~,~ ~z~J~ AND CERTIFICATE OF FEE EXEMPTION FOR THE CONSTNUCT/ON OF CYPRESS AVENUE T~ ~U ~Jd~/E~,t~_ SEVER SYSTEV BETIIEE!4 dURUPA AVEHIE NIl $Ni BERNARDIND AVENUE. " 2, TO AUTHORIZE THE COIINMITY DLrVELOP~ENT DEPARTKENT TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE CONSTPJJCTION OF CYPRESS AVENUE SEVER $YSTEN BETHEEV ~URUPA AVENUE AND SNI BERNARDIlk} AVENUE, · ~INo Funding General mmk'T INnCT li'l Yes $ourcel i:1 Fund Budget li'l (0711 Seer Fund Budget I_'1 Bond PreCHdS I:1 gaveleper Oepostts Funds for thts project ere budgeted in the FY 91/92 Budget under Account Huebars 071-7250 end 071-7261 (Pages 5-6), for a tVr. el coatned amount of $2,228,647. The amount of funds ed durtng Ftscal Year 91/92 account for engineering design consultant serve~ce,; staff ttee, and ether charges for a total of approxtmtely $10,000 to date! (h s 7-9). THis project was also approved pursuant to the approve1 of the 19;~1996 Captie1 leerovement Program (CIP), (Pages 9-10). The funds for thta IH~feCt ere fr~e the Seer Captie1 Fund and ere dertvnd free fees Rid by any development or project which connects to the Ctty seer system. The fees are pref4ntly $HO per equivalent dvelltng unit, except the North Fontsnegate is $1,772 per equivalent dell trig unit. On Norch 17, 1Hi (Page 1l), the City Council approvnd an appropriation tncrease of $M,H0 frem $21,310 ta~Account No. 071-7236-4250 to cover consuitant servtces for the ftnal~zattoe of plans/rid permits and to provtde construction surveying services, destge:sotls raperr and unvtroreental tapact document preparation. Since the project was n~o constructed during FY 91/92, it was rebudgeted for FY 92/93 for a total amount of $2,263,162 i(Page 12). This amount reflects the estimated total cost to construct the project Including ltcense, inspection and easement fees from perrotting agencies. EINIROmEmAL IlFMT: I_'1 Yes IX'I No This project will not have a significant effect on the environment, and a Mitigated Negative Declaration and NotiCe of Determination were prepared for the project (Pages 13-27). There is no evtdence that thts proposed project will have potential for adverse effect :on wildlife resources. Therefore, a California FIsh and Game De NtnJmts ImpaCt Findtrig report has been prepared on this project (Pages 13-27). The Cypress Avenue sewer project (approxtmately 10,560 fat long) vtll connect to the Ctty's durupa Avenue sewer trunkSline and construct a 27 and 30-tnch diameter sewer 1the tn Cypress Avenue from Jurupa Avenue to Valley Boulevard and a 24-tnch dtaBeter sewer tn Cypress: Avenue free Valley Boulevard to San Dernardtno (see Locatton and Vtctntty Nap, Pa · 28). The project also includes · bertrig" or tunneling a large steel carrier pTpe (54 - inch diameter) under the ratlroad and I-ZO Freeway for ~he sewer line to be installed within thts carrier pipe. ~ NIALYS/SNe,MSTIFICATIOIh ~ The project wtll provide the additional capactty for the Katser HosnttaT Prtmary Care Untt expansion project as well as reduce deficiencies tn other City sewer 11nes. The engineering work for thts project is now complete and the project ts ready to btd. Once awarded the project ts expected to take approxtmtely ftve months to ceeplete. Since the proposed sewer mtn wtll cross untncorporated areas of San Bernardthe County, CeltraPs, Southern Pacific Transportation Company, and Santa Fe Pactftc Ptpellne right-of-ways, the following is requtred for the construction of this project: 1. Encroachment Persit (Celttens) - Issuance depends solely on Environmental Notice of Determination (Plans have preliminary approval); 2. License Agreement (Southern Pactftc Transportation Ceepany) and 3. Pipeline Inspecttee Agreement (Santa Fe Pactftc Ptpeltne Partners The agreements vtth the persitting agencies are being ftnaltzed with the assistance of the Ctty Attorney, and they reflect the ltntma legal provisions acceptable to the agencieS, wtthout rtsktng the dental of the persits. The ftnal Agreeants wtll be presented to the Feetans CIty Conact1 for approval prior to the award of a btd for this project. A permanent easement with Southern Pactflc Trans~rtatton Company w111 also be ob~%~i~ned durtng the course of the project. As originally contemplated, thts project was to provide teltel to peripheral sewer collection lines and was tncluded tn conditions of approval for the Btrtcher-Trachman project. trunk sewer, several 1 events have: taken place ~lch further ~usttfy t~ Importance of the construction of the proNse sMr ~tn: ~ update ts near cmpletton of: t~ CIty-wide ser ester plan. Thts uNate tncludes t~ pro~se mtn. 2. ~panston of ~tser ~spttal: (~tmry Care ~tt) ts unde~ay, general 1 y 1 ~atH east of St errs Arena and ~rth of Val 1 ey hulevard. ~panston of Katser ~spttal a~ tN associated swage flw 1~rease ~ alrea~ ~ar caHctty etsttng 11nee, reinforces the nm for a teltel 1the on C~ress Avenue. A rellef 1ta ~ Valley hulevard (a separate proJKt). vtll N constru~ as part of the Katser ~spltal ~panston Pro3~. ~st mtn wtll connKt to the pro~s~ C~ress Avenue sMr~ mtn. ~e sNr 1t~s have to'~ oilrational by N~ 199T tn order for the Prtmry Ca~ ~tt to o~n tn June ]993. - 3. Slte deftnttt~ has ~ acc~11s~ for t~ f~ure F~tana~(s~- vtll ~ c~attble vtth t~ Fontana~tser HasiNter Trea~t Plant or its alternate l~attm In satton, the pro~s~ mtn vtll allfftate Btsttng deficiencies/overload tn the Ctty's ser syste and ts part of t~ uHatH ester sMr plan. atn ts nKessary for t~ expanst~ of htser ~spttal, a~ vtll ~ cmpattble wtth etther of the proHsH estNter plant l~attons. ~erefore, staff r~mnds approval of t~ pro~s~ proJKt. A1'I'MI!11~S: Page 5 - FY 91/92 Adopted Budget by Fund Page 7 - Oetat1 Expenditure Report Page 9 - 1991-1996 C]P Page 11 - Ntnute actton of Narch 17, lg92 Page 12 - FY 92/93 8udTet by Program Page 13 - Environments documents as fellors= Form "D" -Nottce of Preparation of Draft Htttgated Hegattve Declaration Form "E" - Htttgated NeTattve Declaration (Draft) Form "a" - Envtronmenta Checklatst Form and Htttgatton Neasures Form "F" -Nottce of Detemtnatton Form %" - Certificate of Fee Exemption - De Htntmts Impact Ftndtng Page 28 -Locatton and Vtctntty Nap TOTAL IY CATIC~AY $5,66& $1,~6&,~24 ST63,T23 $202,7'j0 PERSONNEL IY ~BJ!CT 1100 FULL-TIN! INleLOY!IS 182 ~9,~7 25,727 1155 ANNUAL ~!AVE PAYOFF 11 2,967 1,56& ~09 1200 PART-TiN (N~LOYIII 1300 ~IRTi~ ~600 $PgCTAL ~TY PAY T~ [NCINT[~ PAY I 332 T~ T~ ~lCl UNIF~R ALL~NCE 1NZ Pill RITIRE~T Z~6 6,0~ 3,651 1,1~Z T~S CAFETERIA lINtFIT P~N 25 6,767 3,521 1~ FI~ ~ITALI~TI~ Z ~ 328 87 1; ~KERSP C~!N~TI~ 1910 UNI~LOYNNT INfidel TOTAL PERBNEL ~ ~,220 ' S~,~ S9,~52 0PERATING IX~N~I IY ~JICT 20~ OIP~T~NTAL IX~N~I 3 ~& 3~ 100 21~ UNIPi ~LIII S3 28 ~2~ ~ltlll~ I 3~ 167 23~ C~I~TI~ 2 &N ~5 2~ ~0 ~L~ 58 30 32~ ~l, TUININ, ~!tlaGI 2 A13 215 3iSO O~Clltll 3~ E~lP/~l~ 4 I~lt I ll~ 9T ~ Iate~lT ~ 3~ ~IKIP~ PANIT tOtAL ~Utle ~a~l Sl0 ~,58? S1,~ tOTAL COilTRACTID PNOF SERVICES $5,15~ $1,398,117 $3'27,~33 2600 VEHICLI NAINTINANCl 2700 DATA P~OC!$SlNG CHAIGI 3000 l[$~ UAII~|TY TOTAL |NTERItA~ $ERVICI CHA~GI$ !0 M CAPITA~ ~UTLAT IT OI~ICT 5100 VEHICLES & eOL~IMG STOCK 5200 NAINTINANCi & TESTING [GUIPNEMT 53~ OFF[C! EQU|PI4IMT & FUIMITURI 5&O0 LANO& IUILDING$ TOTAL CAPITAL CUTLAY M IO 0eIIIAT|MG TRANSFER TOTA~ IT OIJICT 15,6~ $I,~,924 $763,723 $lQZ,7~8 7 priority Project TitLes 1st Yr 2nd Yr ]rd Yr ~th Yr 5th Yr Future 1 Kaiser ~astewater RecLamation PLant 1.739 9,92~ 27,857 21,255 2 Empire Center-Loca~ Phases Z,IZ&ZV 1,024 504 515 3 Santa Aria & ELm improvements 283 ~ FoothiLL/Cherry-HemLock 870 5 BaseLine/Beech-Atmeria 325 5A HighLand Haven Phase I 1,300 6 FoothilL/Lime-Citrus 7 Sierra/Stocer-Empire Center 892 E8 South Park-Master PLan Sewer 522 9 Cypress/VaLLey-San 8rnd&Jurupa-VaLy 1,255 650 10 Master Sewer PLan Revision 50 50 10A Sewer Reptacement/Rehab 200 ZOO 200 200 200 11 Jurupa/Cypress-Sierra 12 Empire Center-Santa Aria Phase II 145 13 Atmeria/Los Cedros-Citrue & various ~80 14 ALder/San Bernardino-Locust 15 8asetine/Atmeria*Juniper 525 16 VaLley/Cypress-Mango 425 17 BridLepeth-Foxborough-Locust 77 18 South Park/Non-Master PLan Sewer 458 19 woodhaven Sewer improvements 285 ZO Foxborough/Traithead-Phese ]|i 168 21 Tamarind & Jurupe 221 22 Empire Center-RegionaL Phase Iv 1,351 (amounts in thousand dollars) .... TOTALS 8.8!8 15,004 28,4~,6 25,101 200 O -22g- V CITY OF FONTNIA, CALIFO~41A.v CAPITAL IIIFItOVEXEXTS PROGRN4 (ClP) lIEQUEST DEFARTIIEHTfi)IVISIOIh Cofeunttv OeveloWnent-EnqlneertnQ YENt: 1991-93 ClP CATEGORY: Sewer HIORITY: 9 PROdEC]' TITLE: CyDress/Vallev-$en Bernardtrio & 0urupa-Vallev LOCATION: Cypress Avenue fro~ OuruDa to Valley i San Bernardtrio to Valley DESCRIPTION NI) JUSTIFICATION: To provlde relief to the extstlnq deficient sewer 1the on Poplar Avenue south of Valley and sewer ]tne on Valley west of Cypress. Presently. there ts only one sewer 1the that carrtes all cttY sewer east of Poplar Avenue tothe south of Interstate 10 to maln Interceptor 1the of 0urupa Avenue. iConstructton of sewer 11ne to orovtde a second 1the qotnq accross the freeway to wtll help take the partial load off the Poplar 1the. Ftrst year 0 i H cost ts for destqn servlces by Ctty staff. Construction of 8.000 If of 27' and 2.600 If of 24' sewers. CAPITAL BIi)GETCOST: OPEIATINGBLI)GET INPACT: PINlING & DESION . . . $ 75.000 PEXSINII~ ...... $ 2.700 IJUI)/R0ti/K, QIJISITI01G . 150.000 OPHATING EXPENSES . . 500 COlISTRUCI'ION ...... 1.650.000 C~TRACT SEXVICES . , 11.600 EQUIPNENT/FURNISilINGS , INTEIUIALSGtVICES , . 400 OTHER .(Legal revietes). 10.000 CAPITAL OUTLAY . . . 1.100 TOTAL $ 1.885.000 FIE 0.05 TOTAL $ 16.300 EXPEH)ITURE Budact 1st Yr 2ndYr 3rd Yr 4th Yr 5th Yr PLAN (Thousand $) (CIP) 1,255 630 I (0&M) 100 76 16.3 16.3 16.3 FIN)ING $OIJItCE: Sewer Central Fund GP IELATHHSilIP: Consistsent wtth the General Plan. REVIBINB C~IIENTS: -241 - CITT OF FO#TANA li(P0eT g, AT~: 0T, IOGI'IZ IETAIL !!PI~ETUK REPORT Tk'U O&lJOlvZ Hl-FJk3'~OOO IEp&RTNENTAL ESPENSE 1~5.H 31.03 ,)~I-Z~&J-ZZUO AeVE~TIS[N~ EXPENSE ,'71-7~&S-~S~ I~NTS INI L~SES ,JTI-~&S-ZG~O NZL~a~E HIH~UaSENENT 1).O0 ~71-TZGJ-~6~ AUTO ~LOvICE 10.00 ~T!-IZbJ-SZO0 COIFEIEICE g TRAINING 111.H 'J/1-1ZGJ-J$UO Eq~OleE EIUC'TIOI IilR8 ,I/1-7~6~'JtOO E~UZpIFUINITUIE (l~O 50. H U/I-Z~-&Z~0 INSPECTION IEIVZCES TI~ATffiENT ~FI-/~&&-ll~O PEII~L LEAVE I,!O&.ll UTI-~ZG--I~ f!CA hOSPITALIZATiON .IFI-TZ&&-ZZ~ liaRTIlING EXPENSE O/1 ' TZ&&-Z)O0 (O~[(AT tONS O/I-~Z&4-GOW LEGAL SERVICES IO, OHeOO !,1S~.~0 O71-T~4,-&l~ mCCOUNTI~eITINt IO,O~.O0 OJ!-lJG&-iZ~ JliJllJll~ SERVICES 1,898,21J.~ 11S;~0.61 *TOT& IliatHEir PLANT ETPI~il ' IN i~O/JUIIPA O;I-T~O'll~ PI~N!~ EnKOIEIi OFI-;tS~II~O PillfilL LEAVE 9rl-tz~lls~ ~. ~ LEAVE PAYOFF OJl-7~S~l~i P!IT WEll iN~T ~71-tZSO-190l CAretIliA BENEFIt ~ i~767.~ libel (JJl-JJS~!~l flea NOSPITRLIZAIIOI 6JO. O0 11.19 OYl-Zl~O-llN U~IFOIN EXPENSE I~.O0 OFI-ZZS~ZZ~ ADVERT!SIN6 EXP~NSl CITY/OF FONTANR kP~kT OAT: 051U619/ lETAlL ERPINIITUIE REPORT t~. U 'll-;Z$0-Z~0O C9~VMZCATIOQS &~eO0 h'J-ZZSO-Z6$O titLEAGE REIReURSEN/NT i;I-~0-~O0 ~IPAfNT ~ZNTENANCE ~7~-7~50-~S00 EqKOYEE EDUCAT!~ R~IR~ IZ.O0 .,II-FZ~U-JeH EIUIPIFURNIT~E clAN 117.60 q;I-ZZSO-~Z~O INS~ECTZON SERVZCES ~I/!'TZSO-i)UU CONSIRUCTZON CONTRACTS ~;1-1~0-4~ OTN~R ~eOFESSNeL IEIVICEI ~ CVPIESSIJURUPA - SN BlNO ~Ii-7ZSI-II~ AIWAL LEAVE PAYOFF t,54&eOO O/I-FZ51-19U6 FICi HOSPITAL!lATIN 5il.00 011-7Z~1-~100 COM~ZCAT~ONS ~SSe~ ~I-FZ~I-Z~ RENTS eel LEASES 7).00 OF1- FZ~I -Z660 AUTO ALLOMANCE ~.00 4Ji1 -Z~l- J9~ eNIPIFU~NITURE (S}O0 97.00 6~1-7~51-&1~ COqSTRUCTZ;N CHTRACTS T~eH 311-72S1-~ eTHER PeOFESSNeL SERVICES 1,181.~ Q~l-T~S~-IIU0 PESNANENT E~KOYEES OFS-~ZSZ-1155 AM~L LEAVE P~OFF Ctty Council Mtnutes March %7, %992 ACflOe: ~otlon was made by Counc11 Member Murray, %38 (%)APRV seconded by Counct1 Member Eshleman (1) Approvtng an APPROP INCREASE appropriation increase of $58,560 from $2~,310 to $79,870 NB$ LO~RY/SEI4ER from the unapproprtated sewer fund balance (Fund 011) to PROJ NO 92-99 Account No. 071-7236-4200 to cover the cost of the consultant (2) ATHRZ C MGR services fee increase and I0~ contract contingency for EXECUTE AMENDMT consulting services for the Cypress Avenue sewer project NB$ LONRY from Jutups Avenue to Sen Bernardlno Avenue. (2) Authortz- SSIER PROJ tng the City Manager to execute an amendment to the MO 92-%00 consul tent services agreement between the Ctty of Fontana and NB$/Lo~ry~ Increasing the cost of the contract from $2],310 to $72,6Z0, for consulting servfcss to assist City staff In securing the necessary plan updates and pomits to construct the Cypress Avenue sever project, and to provide construction surveying ~ervtces, destgn sotls report, and environmental impact document preparation. Hotton carried by a vote of 4-0. 1992-93 1992-93 1a;92-*W) 1992-93 1992-9) 1992-9) ~lN FT~/~E~ ~TR M PLN T~ ~C ISLB/~IEA ~Y/~S ?7GO PIINCIPAL PANIT ~ iN)STAGE COSTS 3801 pNOTC-_'._'-~'f COSTS _'~___~ DENTAL COSTS 380~ OFFll2 SLFf'LIES 3990 EQUIp/FUIliIl!JIE · $S00~MIT 996 TOTAL GleERATING F..XI~IdSEI 16,9,&0 SO SO SO LIQO L122 ~ Lir~k IIRVlI2S 5,00Q 10,0~ &.109 ,t~CGJNTING & AUDITING SBtVICIES 4200 BIGIligllllG S!lVlrsl 2O,0OO 68,000 27,000 15,000 4,210 KNI CaEG( SilVlCil 4,300 COMSTIJCTIOll COSTS S,0OO ICI7,129 4,2),000 ~,!82,0eQ TOTAL CCIITUCTn' M leIvlrsl 215,000 f,10,NO B,Gi6 S5,00O S87'S,129 INTEIll. IllVICE CIIAIGES IY OIJICT MOO VEHICLE IIAIIITEllilCi Z7OO DATA ._I~'~___SSlIIG ~ Blear LIAIILITY TOTAL IIITEIIIAI. SEIV142 CNMGES SO SO SOl f4 S~ 5100 WIIICLES & IIOLLING STOCK SZQO 14AllIT;lINK2 & TESTIN EOUIFffJIT 5:500 OFFICE EOUIF!4ENT & FtlIIITUIIi ~_z_.nd~_~ & ElLDIg ~ NOJECT IIIqIOVEIgNTS COST Of 01~IATllIG TIANSFEII TOTAL IV CIJ;CT '5&,57~ 15,0QQ , 25,160 S,&9~ ~ 909,4,29 COUNTY OF ~ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SAN BERNARDINO c~-~7'; ~ ~ Jon D, Mikeis .....................~cond Distric{ '~,~ Clerk of the Board of Supeffisors S85 North ~owh~d Avenue, 2nd ~ ~no, CA 9~15~1~0 GI4) ]87~$78 RE: NOTICES OF DET~INA~ION ~D ~X~PTION Pursuant to Public Resources Code j Section 21152(c), the enclosed Notices of Determination and/or Exemption are being returne~ to you following the specified filing period in ~he office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. S21152 (c) "All notices filed~ pursuant to this section shall be available for public inspection, and shall be posted on a weekly basis in the office of] the county clerk. Each notice shall remain posted for a period of 30 days, and thereafter, the clerk shall return to the' local agency the notice with notation of the period it was posted. The local agency shall retain the notice for not less than nine months". BO~D OF SUPERVISORS OF THE CO~TY OF S~ BE~DINO ~RLE SPROAT Clef of th~~~isors Laura H. Welch Deputy Clerk of the Board Eric1. V NOTXCE OF DETEPJ4ZHATZON TO: XX Clerk of the Board FROM: The City of~:F~ of Supervisors 8353 sierraA~e~ue: ' county of San Bernardino Fontaria, CA 92335 385 H. Arrowhead Avenue I2'~? San Bernardino, CA 92415-0130 Attn: Cindy Gilbert ='.~ ~: ~ ......... __ Office of Planning (File also with OPR'Tf~e and Research project requires state 1400 Tenth Street approval) Sacramento, CA 95814 SgBOECT: Filing of Notice of Determination in Compliance with Section 21152 of the Public Resources Code. Project Title: Cypress Avenue between Jurupa Avenue and San Bernardino Avenue, City of Fontaria, County of San BernardinD. State Clearinghouse Number Contact :Person Telephone Number (If submitted to Clearinghouse) Project Location:(Include County) Cypress Avenue between Jurupa Avenue and San Bernardino Avenue, City of Fontana, County of San BernardinD. Project Description: Construction of pipes, manholes, laterals, Y's and removal and reconstruction of street improvements. This is to certify that the City of Fontaria approved the above described pro~ect on r~S~d~/~Y ~/f~and made the following determination: 1. The project __will, XX will not have a significant effect on the environment. 2. __An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for and certified for this pro~ect pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. __A Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CE~A. XX A Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CE~A. THIS IF TO CERTIFY THAT THE FINAL EIR (NITH COMMENTS AND RESPONSES) OR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND RECORD OF PROJECT APPROVAL IS AVAILABLE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC AND MAY BE EXAMINED AT: City of Fontaria, Planning Bivision. 3. M'h~,~igation measures XX were __ were not made a condition of t approval of the project. 4. A Statement of Overriding Considerations __ was XX was not adopted for this project. 5. Findings XX were ~rC~e~ie pursuant to the provisions of this document was posted in the Of~ t~e Mol inos tt-- ,e , ~ e 'r , ~' cipal Civil Engineer/ Date Receive~ "~to ~~tal Improvements Ire ~~'E ~pROAT Cl m ,~,~L,:~ Deputy CERTIFICATE OF FEE EXEIIPTION De Minimis ImpaCt Finding Project Title/Location: Cypress Avenue between Ourupa Avenue and San Bernardino Avenue, City of Fontaria, County of San Bernardtrio. Project Description: Construction of pipes, manholes, laterals, Y's and removal and reconstruction of street improvements. Findings of Exemption: Based upon substantial evidence, the City of Fontana has determined that the project will not have an adverse :impact on fish or wildlife resources because the project site is not within, nor is it close to, any known fish or wildlife resources. The project is within an area that is urbantzed, and as such does not encompass any known fish or wildlife ~esources. An tnitial study has been prepared for this project that evaluated the project's effect on fish and game resources and no effect was found. CERTIFICATION: ~ hereby certify that the public agency has made the above finding and that the project wtll not indlvldually or cumulattvely have an adverse effect on wildlife resources, as defined in Sect;ion 7Z].2 of the Fish and Game Code. Felipe Molinos Principal Civil Engineer/Capital Improvements City of Fontaria oate: -r. Jl, ClTY.COB.FL FORM "L" ~. v )minim MITI~TED !IEGATIYE DECI. JkRATIO!I 1. Cypress Avenue sewer system. Jurupa Avenue to San Bernardino Avenue. Installation of 10,560 linear feet of 24", 27" and 30" diameter sewer clay pipe and 4" and 6" diameter laterals. Installation of pre-cast concrete manholes removal and reconstruction of street improvements. 2. Location: Cypress Avenue, between Jurupa and San Bernardino Avenue, in the City of Fontana. 3. Entity or person undertaking project: xx A. City of Fontana - Engineering Division B. Other {Private} Name: Address: The City Council, having reviewed the Environmental Information Form for this proposed project and having reviewed the written comments received prior to the public meeting of the City Council, including the recommendation of the City's Staff, does hereby find and declare that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment. A brief statement of the reasons supporting the City Council's findings are as follows: See Attached Sheet A copy of the Initial Study may be obtained at: The City of Fontana, Engineering Division 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontaria, CA 92335 Phone: {714) 350-6641 Felipe Holinos Principal Civil Engineer/Capital Improvements Date filed with Clerk of the Board ClTY-COB.FE FORM "E" Mi t i gat. ed Negat ive Dec1 aratt on Page Two 1. No comments were recetved nor ts !there any evidence that an EIR shou]d be prepared. 2. Both primary and secondary consequences were evaluated and it was determined that the project helps in protecting the environmental and surrounding areas. 3. The physical changes involved w~11 protect the social and economic structure of the City. 4. There is no serious public controversy over the environmenta3 effects of the project. 5. The project shall be designed, cbnstructed and inspected to meet City standards. The Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, also known as the "Green Book" Will control the general provisions, construction materials and construction methods for this project. See Environmental Checklist for a ;description of mitigation measures (attached). Nottce ts hereby gtven that the Ctty of Fontaria has completed an Zntttal Study of the Cypress Avenue Sewer Pro~ect. OuruDa Avenue to San 9ernardlno Avenue in accordance wtth the Ctty's Guidelines Implementing the California Environmental Quality ~Act. Thts Zntttal Study was undertaken for the purpose of dectdtng whether the project may have a significant effect on the environment. On the basis of such Zntttal Study, the Ctty's Staff has concluded that the project wtll not have a significant effect on the environment, and has therefore :prepared e Draft Htttgated Negattve Declaration. Coptes of the Intttal Study and Oraft Htttgated Negative Declaration are on ftle at City Hall, East Annex, Engineering DIvision, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, CA, 92335 and are avatlabh for public review. Commnts wtll be received unttl Ouly 7, 1992 . Any person wtshtng to comment on thts matter must subett such comments. in ~rttttng, to the City prior to this date. Co, eents of all Responsible Agencies are also requested. . '- At tts meettng on Tuesday. Ouly 7. 1992 at 7 PH . the Ctty Counctl wtll consider the project and the Draft Htttgated Negathe Declaration. if the Ctty Council finds that the project wtll not have a significant effect on the environment, tt may adopt the Htttgated Negative Declaration. This means that the City Counct1 may proceed to constder the project without the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report. ~ CITY-COB.FD FORN "D" EWfIROI~ENTAL CliECI(LIST FORI~ (To Be Completed By Lead Agen. cy) I. BACKaROUII) l. Nale of PTop~M!ltt City of Fontana/EnSineering Dept. 2. Address alld Phofle IIIjiber Of Dropofiellt city of Fontana/EngineerinS Dept. 8353 Sierra Ave. (P.O, Box 518) Fontaria. CA 92335 (714) 350-7600 3, Bate of 6hack1 t st Subsitted 4, Agency Requiring Checklist 5. i Of lifoFoil1, If ,NIl}cable cyvress Ave. Sever Line from San Bernardino Ave. to ,ruruva Ave. II. ~VIRO~qM6A[ IMPACTS (Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets.) Yes ~vbe No I. Earth. Will the proposal result a. Unstable earth conditions or tn changes in geologtc substructures/ ... b. Disruptions. displace,ants, compactton or overcovering of the sot1? x __ c. Change in topography or ground surface rellef features? x d. The destruction, covering or modification of any untque geologic or phystcal features? __ e. Any increase in wtnd or water eroston of soils, either on or off the site? __ f. Changes tn deposition or eros:ion of beach sands, or changes in stltatton, deposition or erosion which ray codify the channel of a rtver or streae or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? ClTY-COB.FJ Page I of 8 FO~ Ye__s HayDe No g. Exposure o[ people or prope~y ~o geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landsl~des, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? 2. Atr. Wt11 the proposal result a. Substantial atr emtss~ons or datartora~ton of ambtent atr quallty? b. The creation of ob3ectlonable odors? x c. Alteration of s~r movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change In cltmate, etther locally or regionally? __ x__ d. EBtSStOn of hazardous ztr pellutznts wtthtn oN-fourth of z mile of a school? __ x e. Burntrig of montctpal wastes, hazardous waste or refuse-dertved fuel and consists of efther the construction of a ne~ fzctllty or the expansion of an existtrig fac~ltty bye ore than Z0 percent? 3. INter. 9tll the proposal result s. Changes tn currents, or the course of rectton of water movements, tn etther mrtne or fresh waters? __ b. Changes tn absorptten rates, drainage pet- terns, or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? __ c. Alterations to the course of flwof flood waters? __ d. Change in the meount of surface water tn any water l)od3rt __ ~L_ S t cludtn9 M not 1181ted tO tmlersture, dassolved ox3~ or turbidtry? __ x_,_ f.A]terettofi of the d~rKttofi or rate of of ground waters? CITY-C0I.FO Page 2 of 8 FORI! Yes HayDe No g. Change tn the quanttty of ground waters, either through direct additions or with- drawals, or through interception of an. aquifer by cuts or excavations? h. Substantial reduction tn the amount of water otherwise available for publlc water supplies? 1. Exposure of people or property to water re- lated hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? ~. Significant changes in the temperature, flow or cheatell content of surface therml sprtngs? 4. Plant L¶fe. H¶11 the proposal result ins a. Change tn the diversity of spectes, or her of any species of plants (Including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, etcroflora and aquattc plants)? ,. b. Reduction of the huBbars of any unique, rare or endangered spectes of plants? c. introduction of new species of plants trite an area, or tn a barrier ~ the none1 replenish- ant of extsttng species? d. Reduction tn acreage of any agricultural crop? S. MtEal Life. Hall the proposal result a. Change in the diversity of species, or hers of any spectes of antmls (birds, land antmils Including reptiles, fish and shell- fish, benthie organisms or tnsects)? b. Reducttoeofthe nilkarl of any unique, rite or endangered spectes? c. lntroducttofi of nee SlMCteS of antale into an area, or result tn · b·rrter to the etgra- tton o~ mve~nt of d.Deterioration to existtrig fish or weldlife habttat/ ClTY-COB.FJ Page 3 of 8 FOe : .' Yes Maybe' No 6. Wotse. Will the proposal result in: a. IncreaSes in existing noise levels? X b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? x 7. Light aml Glare. Will the proposa~l produce new light or glare? x 8. Land Use. Will the proposal result in a sub- stantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? x g. Ilatural liesms, Wtll the proposal result a. Increase in the rate of use if any natural resources? x b. Substantial depletion of any)non- renewable natural resource? ) x ZO. Rtsk of U F set. Will the proposallinvolve: a. A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to otl, pesttcides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? __ x__ b. Posstbh interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plant x 11. PoFulattoa. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? __ x_._ 12. Housing. Wtll the proposal affect existing hous- ing, or create e demand for additional housing? __ x__ 13.Translmertattee/1~!rculetton. Wtllthe proposal result tm a. eerieration of substantial additional vehicular moveant? __ x_._ b. Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parktng? x__ CXTY-COB.FO Page 4 of 8 FORM Yes Haybe No c. Substantial impact upon extst~ng transpor- tation systems? d. Alterations to present patterns of circula- tion or movement of people and/or goods? e. Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? f. Increase tn traffic hazards to motor vehicles, btcycl~sts or pedestrians/ INbllc Services. Wtll the proposal have an effect upon, or result tn a need for new or altered gov- ernmental servtces tn any of the following areas: e. Fire protection/ __ ~ b. Police protection? _Z_ c. Schools? ~ d. Parks or other recreational ifactltttes? __ _Z_ e. Hatntenance of publlc fact11:ttes,-tncludtng roads? x f. Other governeenta] services? __ ~ Energar. W~11 the proposal result in: a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? __ x b. Substantial tncrease tn demand upon extsttng sources of energy, or requtre the development of new sources of energy? __ x Utilities. Wtll the proposal result tn a need for new systems, or substanttal alterations to the following utilities: __ ~__ a. Par or natural gas? Ji_ b. CoelNntcatton systems? __ _~_ c. Water? __ x__ d. Sewer or septtc tanks? X CZTY-COB.FO Page 5 of 8 FORI4 Yes Maybe No e. Storm water drainage? f, Solid waste and disposal? .z_ 17, Ikean Ilealth. Will the proposal result a. Creatton of any health hazard or potentlal health hazard (excluding mental health)? x b, Exposure of people to potential health hazards? x 18. MstheUcs. Will the proposal result tn the obstruction of any scentc vtsta or vtew open to the publlc, or will the proposal result in the creatton of an aesthetically offensive site open to publlc view/ __ x Zg. Recreattoe. ~tll the proposal result tn an impact upon the qualtty or quantity of extsttng recreational opportunities? 20. Cultarm1 liesources. a. Will'the proposal result in the alteration or destruction of a prehistoric or historical archeologtcal stem/ __ x__ b, Wtll the proposal result tn adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or htstortc building, structure:, or object? __ x c. Does the proposal have the potential to cause a phystcal change wh ch would affect unique ethnic cultural values/ __ x d. Nil1 the proposal restrict existin religious or sacred uses vtthtn the potenttaT tmpact area? __ x 21. NandateTFtndlnlof SIgnificance. a. Does the project have the petenatal to degrade the quality of the environant, substantially reduce the hubtint of a fish or wtldltfe spectes, cause s fish or wt1:dllfe population to drop helow self sustaining levels, threaten eliminate a plant or animal coemaun ty, to CITY-COa,FJ Page 6 of 8 FOIl Yes Me]De No reduce the number or restrtct the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major pertode of Ca11forrite htstory or prehtstory? x b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-tare, environmental goals? (A short-term tapact on the environment ts one whtch occurs tn a rela- tively brtef, definitive parted of ttme whtle long-term tipaCtS Wtll endure Well tnto the future. ) x c. Does the project have lapacts bhtch are Individually l tatted, but cuEulattvely con* stalerable? (A pro;lect my teNct on t~o or Bore separate resources uhere the tapact on each resource ts relatively stall, but where the effec~ of the total of these tepacts on the envtrordmnt ts significant.) __ d. Does the project have onvtromental effects vhtch wtll cause substantial adverse effects on huron betrigs, etther dtrectly or tmltrectly? e. IS thtl pro~ect consistent wtthi program, plan. pollcy or ordinance for vhtch an Ell hal been prepared and certified? b. Is thts pro3ect consistent vtth applicable local lend use plans end zontng of the ctty end county tn dltch tt ts located? x c. Nay thts project cause significant effects on the e~vtromle~t that were not atned tn the prtor ElR? ZZ! D~SCUSSZ~ On ettached sheets, dtscuss~ The env~reonto1 eveluat~on. 2. t f 1denttried. Itlyl, If onY, to itttgate any stgntf cant of acts 3. Coe~ttbtltty wtth extsttng zoning ed plans. CZTY-COI.F~. Page 7 Of 8 FORN · I.V. DLrrHlmlm~Tlom (To be aleted by the Lead Agency,) On the basts of this tntttal evaluation: !ftnd that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEMTZVE DECLARATI011wtll be prepared. XX !ftnd that although the proposed project cou]d have a significant effect on the envtronmnt, there wtll not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on these previous sheets and on an attached sheet have been added to the project by the applicant. A mZTIGATEDNEGATIVEDECLARATI011MZLL BE PREPARED. ! find the proposed project RAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an BIVIR01IeBITAL IMPACT REPORT is required. ! find that the proposed project may have a significant effect on the environment, but that this project ls consistent with a prevlously prepared TIERlED EIR on the overall program, plan, policy or ordinance, and that such TIBED EZR adequate]y examtnes the posstb]e environmental effects of thts project. Date: June 1. 1992 Felipe Holtnos, P.E. Principal Engineer Robert W. Weddie, P.E. City Engineer VE])BY: CITY-COB.FJ Page 8 of 8 FORH '. v V EXPLANATION OF MITIGATION MEASURES PART II 1 .b. Disruption, displacement, compaction or overcrossing of the soil? Yes The sewer installation within CypreSs Ave. right-of-way will cause the temporan/removal of street pavements, trench excavations and backfill. 6. Noise. Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in existing noise levels? Yes b. Exposure of people to severe noise level? Maybe Dudng the course of construction, heavy construction equipment will be used to excavate and backfill the trenches for the proposed sewer ' - installation. Such equipment will be required to incorporate standard noise mufflers to meet legal requirements. The abnormal noise levels that will be experienced will be temporary. As soon as the construction is completed, noise levels should return to the pre- existent ambient levels. 10.b. Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve: Possible interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? Maybe During construction, traffic movements will be restricted in Cypress Ave. Construction traffic control measures will be provided during the course of construction. Cypress Ave. is not a designated arterial street. Police and Fire Departments will be notified in advance of intended construction. Alternate access and detour routes, if required, shall be provided by the City as part of the construction. Advanced notices of street closures should be published for public information in the local newspaper. 13.d. Transportation/Circulation d. Alteration to present patterns of circulation or movements of people and/or goods? Maybe Traffic avoiding the construction or being detoured around the construction areas to paralleling streets may result in some increases in traffic and congestion to such streets dudng the construction pedod. Following the completion of construction, traffic patterns should return to normal. 22.b, Is the project consistent with applicable local land use plans and zoning of the City and County in which it is located? Yes The sewer line is part of the City's Sewer Master Plan and will relieve the existing sewer line in Poplar Ave which is currently over capacity. Mitigation Measures 1,b. The City will require dust control and proper compaction methods to prevent any blowing dust or roadway subsidence. 6.a.b. Require construction forces to maintain construction equipment with exhaust mufflers limiting operating noise to legal limits. This shall be enforced through project inspection. lO.b. Coordinate project conBi~-dction with Police and Fire Oepmb,ents or other emergency preparedness agendes to establish temporary alternate access and evacuation mutes. Maintain one lane of traffic at all timas along cons~uction route dudrig construction. Construction forces shall yield to emergency vehicles and provide access to any fronting propertias. The length of open trench shall be limited to immediate work area. 13.d. Assassmem of impact to traffic system will be required by City's traffic engineer. 22.b. No mitigation necessary. City of Fontana Clerk of the Board of Supervisors County of San Bernardtrio 385 N. Arrowhead San Bernardtno, CA 92415-01Z0 Attn: Ctndy Gliberr Dear Ctndy: At tts meeting on July 7, 1992, the Fontana Ctty Counc13 adopted a Htttgated Negative Declaration and Cal;tfornta Ftsh and Game De Htntmts Impact Ftndtng and directed staff to ~tle the Notice of Determination and Certificate of Fee Exemption for the following two projects: 1. Construction of C~trus Avenue Storm Draln between West Fontana Channel and Footht]l Boulevard 2. Constructlon of Cypress Avenue Sewer System between Ourupa Avenue and San Bernardlno Avenue. Enclosed for recordatton and flltng are the Htttgated Negattve Declaration, Nottce of Determination a~d Certificate of Fee Exemption - De Htntmus Impact Finding forms for~ both projects mentioned above. Also please find enclosed a check for fifty dollars ($50.00) for the documentary handling fee of the De Htntmls Zmpact Ftndlng for both projects. And ftnally, the Ctty ts enclosed a self-addressed return envelope for coptes of the forms to be returned to the Ctty with the Clerk's stamp and date. If you require any additional tnforeatton, please contact John Tesley at 714-350-6642. SIncerely, COHHUNITY DEVELOI~ENT DEPARTHENT Engineering Dtvtston Fe]tpe Holtnos, P.E. Principal Engineer/Capital Improvements. FH:sh Enclosures cc: Ctty Engtneer 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7800 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA · .r INVOICE C(~qrllqoL A~ DISCOUNT AMOUNT PAID REMA~S qv,o~'s~ NUMBBt ~7 08~92 RQST 50.00 50.00 DOCUMENTARY HANDLING FEE CITURS STORM DRAIN CYPRESS SEWER ); TOTAL AMOUNT ON 83,53 SIERRA AVENUE CHE F FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3598 2 0 0 9 0 8 6 8 13 t,~JoN,~ CITY OF FONTANA 868 13 PAY THESUMOF****50****'; ~ SAN B~NARDINO, ~UNTY'7*OF CL~K OF THE BOA~'. 385 N. ARROWHEAD / S~ BERNARDINO, CA 92415-0110 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (STAFF REC OMMEND A nON FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY) 1. Name or description of project: Sewer Line in Cypress Ave. 2. Location: City of Fontana from San Bernardino Ave. to Jurupa Ave. 3. Entity or Person undertaking project: -1L-- A. City of Fontana _ B. Other (private) (1) Name: (2) Address: 4. Staff Determination: The City's staff, having undertaken and completed an Initial Study of this project in accordance with the City's "Local Guidelines for Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)" for the purpose of ascertaining whether the proposed project may have a significant effect on the environment, has reached the following conclusion: (a) The project could not have a significant effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration should be adopted. (b) x The Initial Study identified potentially significant effects on the environment but revisions in the project plans or proposals made by or agreed to by the applicant would avoid the effects, or mitigate the effects to a point where clearly no significant effects would occur; therefore a Mitigated Negative Declara- tion should be adopted. (c) The project may have a significant effect on the environment; therefore, an Environmental Impact Report will be required. Date: ,. /. Cf""L ~~ uA~~~ Staff em.eOB.FC FORM .e. DRAFT ~ITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 1. Cypress Avenue sewer system. Jurupa Avenue to San Bernardino Avenue. Installation of 10,560 linear feet of 24-, 27- and 30" diameter sewer clay pipe and 411 and 6- diameter laterals. Installation of pre-cast concrete manholes removal and reconstruction of street improvements. 2. Location: CYDreSS Avenue. between JuruDa Avenue and San Bernardino Avenue. in the City of Fontana 3. Entity or person undertaking project: ~ A. City of Fontana - EnGineerinG Division B. Other (Private) (1) Name: (2) Address: The City Council, having reviewed the Environmental Information Form for this proposed project and having reviewed the written comments received prior to the public meeting of the City Council, including the recommendation of he City's Staff, does hereby find and declare that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment. A brief statement of the reasons supporting the City Council's findings are as follows: PlEASE SEE ATTACHED A copy of the Initial Study may be obtained at: The City of Fontana, Engineering Division 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: (714) 350-6641 Fel i pe Mo11nos Principal Civil Engineer/Capital Improvements Date filed with Clerk of the Board CITY-COB.FE FORM -E- Page 1 of 2 ..>; ~::~ C,:",) rr-'i I N ~ <P N U1 DRAFT Mitigated Negative Declaration 1. Both primary and secondary consequences were evaluated and it was determi ned that the proj ect helps in protect i ng the environmental and surrounding areas. 2. The physical changes involved will protect the social and economic structure of the City. 3. There is no serious public controversy over the environmental effects of the project. 4. The project shall be designed, constructed and inspected to meet City standards. The Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, also known as the -Green Book. will control the general provisions, construction materials and construction methods for this project. FORM - E- Page 2 OF 2 ,:=.') ::';,':J ?~~:::: <'::.~::) "....t""'t I N ~ cp N en ~"f NOTICE OF DETERMINATION TO: XX Clerk of the Board FROH: The City of Fontaria of Supervisors 8353 Sierra Avenue County of San Bernardino Fontana, CA 92335 -: 385 N. Arrowhead Avenue San Bernardino, CA 92415-0130 Attn: Cindy Gilbert Office of Planning {File also with OPR i~!the and Research project requires stat~ ' 1400 Tenth Street approval) Sacramento, CA 95814 SUBJECT: Filing of Notice of Determination in Compliance with Se~on 21152 of the Public Resources Code. Project Title: Cypress Avenue between Jurupa Avenue and San Bernardino Avenue, City of Fontaria, County of San Bernardino. State Clearinghouse Number Contact Person Telephone Number {If submitted to Clearinghouse) Project Location:{Xnclude County) Cypress Avenue between Jurupa Avenue and San Bernardino Avenue, City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino. Project Description: Construction of pipes, manholes, laterals, Y's and removal and reconstruction of street improvements. This is to certify that the City of Fontaria approved the above described project on F~s~v'~Y ;~P~and made' the following determination: 1. The project __will, XX will not have a significant effect on the environment. 2. An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for and certified for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEqA. A Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. XX A Nitigated Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. THIS IF TO CERTIFY THAT THE FINAL EIR (WITH CONNENTS AND RESPONSES) OR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND RECORD OF PROJECT APPROVAL IS AVAILABLE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC AND HAY BE EXANINED AT: City of Fontaria, Planning Division. 3. Nitigation measures XX were . were not made a condition of the approval of the project. 4. A Statement of Overriding Considerations was XX was not adopted for this project. 5. Findings XX were were not made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. Date Felipe Nolinos Principal Ctvil Engineer/ Date Received For Filtng Capltal Improvements CITY-COB.FF FORN "F" ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FORM (To be completed by private project applicant to assist staff in completing initial study) Date Fil ed: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Name and address of developer or project sponsor: City of Fontana, Engineering Dept. 2. Address of project: Cress Ave. from San Bernardino Ave. to Jurupa Ave. Assessor's Block and Lot Number: 3. Name, address, and telephone number of person to be contacted concerning this project: Feli e Molinos, P.E., City of Fontana/Engineering Dept. 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, CA 92335, (714) 350-7610 40. Indicate number of the permit application for the project to which this form pertains: N/A City Project 5. L 1st and descrl be any other related permits and other public approvals required for th1s project, including those required by city, regional, state and federal agencies: City Construction or Encroachment Permit, County of San Bernardino Encroachment Permit Caltrans Encroachment Permit to cross I- ncroach- ment Permit to. cross Southern Pacific Rail Line. Santa Fe Paciflc Plpe lne 6. Ex1sting zoning district: N/A Partners, I..P. 7. Proposed use of site (Project for which this form is filed): Relieve over loaded existing sewer crossing I-lO at Poplar Ave. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 8. Site Size. 10,560+ LF of 24", 27" & 30" Sewer Line. 9. Square footage. N/A 10. Number of floors of construction. N/A 11. Amount of off-street parking provided. N/A 12. Attach plans. See attached 13. Proposed scheduling. See attached 14. Associated projects. City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan 15. Anticipated incremental development. The anticipated first phase will be from Valley Blvd. to Jurupa Ave., and the second phase will be from Valley Blvd. to . 16 If id i . i San Bernardlno Ave. . res ent al, lnclude the number of units, schedule of unit s zes, range of sales prices or rents and types of household size expected. CITY-COB. FI Page 1 of 3 FORM -I- 17. If commercial, indicate the type, whether neighborhood, city or regionally oriented, square footage of sales area and loading facilities. 18. If industrial, indicate type, estimated employment per shift and loading facilities. lg. If institutional, Indicate the major function, estimated employment per shift, estimated occupancy, loading facilities and community benefits to be derived from the project. Part of CiCy's Sewer Master Plan 20. If the project involves a variance, conditional use or rezontng application, state this and indicate clearly why the application is required. N/A Are the following items applicable to the project or its effects? Otscuss below all items checked yes (attach additional sheets as necessary). Yes No 2Z. Change in existing features of any bays, tidelands, beaches, lakes, htlls or substantial alteration of ground contours. 22. Change in scenic views or vistas from extsttng residential areas or public lands or roads. 23. Change in pattern, scale or character of general area of project.. 24. Significant amounts of soltd waste or litter. 25. Change in dust, ash, smoke, fuses or odors in vicinity. 26. Change tn ocean, bay, lake, stream or ground water qualtty or quantity, or alteration of existing drainage patterns. x 27. Substantial change In existing noise or vibration levels in the vicinity. 28. Site on ftlled land or slope of 10 per cent or more. 29. Use of dtsposal of potentially hazardous materials, such as toxtc substances, flaeeables or explosives. 30. Substantial change; in demand of municipal services (pollce, fire, water, sewage, etc). ~ See Additional Discussion CITY-COB.F! Page 2 of 3 FORH Yes No x 31. Substantial increase in fossil fuel consumption {electricity, oil, natural gas, etc.}. x 32. Relationship to a larger project or series of projects. 33. Has a prior environmental impact report been prepared for a program, plan, policy or ordinance consistent with thts project? x 34. If you answered yes to question 33, may this project cause significant effects on the environment that were not examined in the prior EIR? ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 35. Describe the project site as it exists before the project, including information on topography, soil stability, plants and animals, and any culture1, historical or scenic aspects. Oescribe any existing structures on the site, and the use of the structures. Attach photographs of the site. (Snapshots or instant photos acceptable.) 36. Describe the surrounding properties, including information on plants and antmals and any cultural. historical or scenic aspects. Indicate the type of land use (residential, co, merctal, etc.), Intensity of land use (one-faetly. apartcent houses. shops. departcent stores. etc.), and scale of developeent (hefght. frontage. set-back, rear yard, etc.). Attach photographs of the vicinity. (Snapshots or instant photos are acceptable.) CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and Information required for this tntttal evaluation to the best of my abtltty, and the the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and beltmr. DATE: 6./. e'z._ (Signature) For CITY-COB.FI FORN 'l' Page 3 Of 3 PART I INITIAl_ STUDY ADDITIONAL: DISCUSSION Item No. 27. Temporary noise and earth vibrations will occur during the construction. Such conditions will be controlled to legal limits and will cease following construction. 30. The proposed sewer line will relieve the surcharged condition of the existing sewer line in Poplar Ave. until the future Regional Plant 3 or its alternative, the Fontana Plant is constructed. 32. The proposed sewer line installation is the first phase of the Master Plan Sewer System for the City of Fontana. 35. Cypress Ave. is classified as a collector street with a 68 foot right-of-way. 36. Cypress Ave. from San Bernardino Ave. to Jurupa Ave. exhibits a mixture of residential, vacant and commercial' development. TIME SCHEDULE SEWER CONSTRUCTION IN CYPRESS AVENUE FROM SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE TO JURUPA AVENUE Get Advertisement of Intent to adopt a 12:00 p.m. (noon) Negative Declaration to newspaper. June 2, 1992 Advertise intent to adopt a Negative June 4, 1992 Declaration. File Intent to Adopt a Negative Declaration June 5, 1992 with San Bernardino County Clerk Licenses and Agreements obtained from. June 19, 1992 Cal Trans, San Bernardino County, Santa Fe Pacific Pipelines, Inc. and the Southern Pacific Railroad. Public Hearing on Environmental July 7, 1992 Assessment, Council adopts Negative Declaration and authorizes Advertisement for Bids. Advertise for Bids July 9, 1992 - July 16, 1992 Receive Bids July 30, 1992 Council Awards Contract August 18, 1992 Begin Construction September 21, 1992 Complete Construction March 19, 1993 11MESCH.GD/C)SK3 EXPLANATION OF MITIGATION MEASURES PART II 1.b. Disruption, displacement, compaction or overcrossing of the soil? Yes The sewer installation within Cypress Ave. right-of-way will cause the temporary removal of street pavements, trench excavations and backfill. 6. Noise. Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in existing noise levels? Yes b. Exposure of people to severe noise level? Maybe During the course of construction, heavy construction equipment will be used to excavate and backfill the trenches for the proposed sewer installation. Such equipment will be required to incorporate standard noise mufflers to meet legal requirements. The abnormal noise levels that will be experienced will be temporary. As soon as the construction is completed, noise levels should return to the pre- existent ambient levels. 10.b. Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve: Possible interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? Maybe During construction, traffic movements will be restricted in Cypress Ave. Construction traffic control measures will be provided during the course of construction. Cypress Ave. is not a designated arterial street. Police and Fire Departments will be notified in advance of intended construction. Alternate access and detour routes, if required, shall be provided by the City as part of the construction. Advanced notices of street closures should be published for public information in the local newspaper. 13.d. Transportation/Circulation d. Alteration to present patterns of circulation or movements of people and/or goods? Maybe Traffic avoiding the construction or being detoured around the construction areas to paralleling streets may result in some increases in traffic and congestion to such streets during the construction period. Following the completion of construction, traffic patterns should return to normal. 22.b. Is the project consistent with applicable local land use plans and zoning of the City and County in which it is located? YeS The sewer line is part of the City's Sewer Master Plan and will relieve the existing sewer line in Poplar Ave which is currently over capacity. Mitigation Measures 1 .b. The City will require dust control and proper compaction methods to prevent any blowing dust or roadway subsidence. 6.a.b. Require construction forces to maintain construction equipment with exhaust mufflers limiting operating noise to ,legal limits. This shall be enforced through project inspection. 10.b. Coordinate project construction with Police and Fire Departments or other emergency preparedness agencies to establish temporary alternate access and evacuation routes. Maintain one lane of traffic at all times along construction route during construction. Construction forces shall yield to emergency vehicles and provide access to any fronting properties. The length of open trench shall be limited to immediate work area. 13.d. Assessment of impact to traffic system will be required by City's traffic engineer. 22.b. No mitigation necessary. CERTTFICATE OF FEE EXBIPTTON De Mtn~mis Impact Ftndtng Project Title/Location: Cypress Avenue between Jurupa Avenue and San Bernardtrio Avenue, City of Fontana, County of San Bernardtno. Project Description: Construction of pipes, manho]es,: laterals, Y's and removal and reconstruction of street improvements. Findings of Exemption: Based upon substantial evidence, the City of Fontana has determined that the project w~11 not have an adverse impact on fish or wildlife resources because the project site is not wtthin, nor Is it close to, any known fish or wildlife resources. The project is wlthin an area that iis urbantzed, and as such does not encompass any known fish or w~ldl~fe resources. An initial study has been prepared for this project that evaluated the project's effect on fish and game resources and no effect was found. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certtfy that the public agency has made the above findtng and that the project wtll not tndlvldually or cumulattvely have an adverse effect on wtldlife resources, as defined in Section 7]1.2 of the Ftsh and Game Code. Felipe Molinos Principal Ctvtl Engtneer/Capltal Improvements City of Fontana Date= ,T,J-f CITY.COB.FL FORM uLu c ,v o F CAL ~FOR NIA COMMUNICATIONS FROM FAX NO, [714] 350-6618 0 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: N NAME: V/O /UA,] [~' / LOCATION: S. 2~. ~,O. ~lu y/'//-olY /-f, / T FAX NUMBER: (:~/~/)bc:~7 -S22~ PHONE: ~oIPT-Z'/O~f A FROM: ~.[PE ,,A-,/ OE., /~C/l~,%' N LOCATION: EJU'6'/-")/~L///~'/E~/U/ ACCOUNT NO. 07/--72~/ PHONE: 7/~ ToTA~ NUMBER OF PASES: ~ OATE: ~/~/~Z (including cover sheet) MESSAGE: ~S~ ~ : H~ FAX CHARGE IS: $3.00 1ST PAGE (EXCLUDING COVER SHEET) $1.50 THEREAFTER. PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO CITY OF FONTANA IN THE AMOUNT OF $ AND HAIL TO: CITY OF FONTANA, P.O.BOX 518, FONTANA, CA. 92334 FROM: name company / firm address phone no, NOTE: PLEASE RETURN THIS COVER SHEET WITH PAYMENT (ACC,NO,010-0316-2300) JAN. 1992 SKY-- ~ (2:) ~ o.~, .,2 '; '~-,~Z CYPRESS AVE. SEWER VICINITY ~AP RECORD OF TElEPHO~.~ CONVERSATION CITY OF FONTANA Job No, Date BV A1, 4L7v~ Project (/'(~~~s f-(UI N\ -.) U 'na.~~ A,,~ s.~~ Sl's-rt:Y1 ~ ",- to sP.., &ri!. A /ltl. .. S--,-,Q_91.- ~torJ ~ 12 e-~c/ Organization ~"""tJ"T" ~e f^(..,\ ~\ C.- P'P8.-'tJ~ Individual Phone No. ~I~ 4&b - 11 '3>~ Items Discussed C\('~~...s A.V~ ~""t!::fl. s-(~"1'bo"'1 W'" IW~..H^ t:::-+"'"TAL- 1: ~~\Z...~ ~ ~V nj(" G... K '\Yw~ (g"\ '2- '. I ~ p~,^ . C-H...(l r(I", e.1:J ("'",,:1'\1(\', =~A, ..,(t 1 ~ +., t.l :;,.& t. J "-If) p.. f/!'~. ( ,j "J -r::-o Y2. t....v I \'J.vJ "T~ f L~J If tr: I.Ai f\I'l I:. ",./'"-rA L, Do c...f I CommentsorActionRequirtd ~,y .5;1"~~':",'t;; 'i'v It! \'Uf;"ti\ ('"")t.:c.iL(~~ r;. t..f;...D "7. IN t1.. :;./" r :c;.. "I f' K "1l' C.e;' N ~ 'r r 'j L -; "t\)!'J -r6 Gt 1../ L: 'rl f/'\ f~ ~:\ <: c f-.l G:. I) u' ,- A N I f.J.s: Pl!:' C'!O/4. /' V (;.. "11+ 1!:;... P tt(/ .J ~(....-T.I BSI-P!106 2/ao NB Ii OWRY 164 Hospdality Lane, ,¢1 ~0 B~x 8124 Sen Berna~ino, Califo~ni~ San Berna~dino, Coli[orma 92408-3328 92412-8124 [el 714 888-1401 Fax 714 ~85-4~38 TRANSMITTAL We are transmitting the following: [] For Approval [] Approved as Submitted [] Resubmit __ Copies for Approval /C~For Your Use [] Approved as Noted [] Submit __ Copies for Distributions [] As requested [] Returned for Corrections [] Return __ Corrected Prints [] For review and comment [] Prints Returned After Loan to Us [] For Bids Due __ 19 Description: If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. I . .";;1 'S '~ I"RY 26 '92 13: 49 MBS/L P.2 2 S',t~ ~---- TIME SCHEDULE SEWER CONSTRUCllON IN CYPRESS AVENUE FROM SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE TO JURUPA AVENUE Get AdvertIsement of Intent to adopt a NegatIve DeclaratIon to newspaper. 12:00 p.m. (noon) Jw1e 2, 1992 AdvertIse Intent to adopt a Negative JlI'l8 4, 1992 DeclaratIon. J. AJI..-I tt ,..,~. P.A#I1I"/~~ 1,.1,.-r T. .T ~wIth San Bernardino CoU'1ty CIeri< Jw1e 5, 1992 SE)/7> Jr flWE 3 Ucenses and Agr'eerr8 dB obtained from CaI Trens, San BenwdIno County, Senta Fe PaciIIc PfpeIb ., Inc. end the Southern PacifIc R8iIroed. June. 19, 1992 Pubic Hearfng on ErwIrorvnent8f A88essment, CCU1CII adopts NegatIve Dec8 8IIon end auIhorIz8e Adver1I8ement for BIde. July 7, 1992 Adverdse for BIds J/ r'c1 /, " ,,' /6 JuIJ/~ 1992 - August 14, 1992 ,. '/, ~. .f.) ,'._ ~-f -:>',,~ co,,_ Pi, i, -'I '. I \;. V ' , i t);,l , J/ l .<f " ,-':I ) rf'- ~ SIpt8mbei" 1, 1992 /).j ,f'.:..j -">' -- j. ,r /) -0 c,, f!, ,^ i },j +- (,'r: j / '.; ,. / tv' '" <' ,/ (t..J~R j. ~'<P ',' 174 /' ( /.i'Y CouncI AWIfda CoIllrect BegIn Con8trucIIon A " , /)~ ,.( t- )1 )' Ogtober 1, 1992 / ,/ Complete Con8trucIIon VI' MIreh'S1. 1888 , I \ ~ ~. .. FAX INFORMATION PAG;: IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE RECEM NG THIS TRANSMISSION, PLEASE CALL: (714) 888..140t AT: NBB/t.OWRY - &AN BERNARD4NO FAX NO.: ( 714 ) ,. 685.4838 TOTAL NUMB OF PAGES, INCUJDING THIS PAGE: CORES TO: MISSSAGE 164 W. Ho~ I,ILqe · P.O. 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"", '7(/ / 'pt:'-l-; j)-e,.c:>;( I Project No.: S- .ff' e{ tfJ' 2 5--:- (/ '2- 5- I3nr< , /) '/../ .1-// - Subject: L-:; A-, Attention: Fe //"L' I!" f /"1CJ~I.e. c'f ~ j:;.=, rJ We are transmitting the following: o For Approval J( For Your Use o As requested o o o Approved as Noted Approved as Submitted o Resubmit _ Copies for Approval o Submit _ Copies for Distributions Returned for Corrections o Return Corrected Prints o For review and comment o Prints Returned After Loan to Us o For Bids Due 19_ Description: 'L s~~ t1P ~'7 P ~ 'rp /-l ;',,-1 <"""'e'.v~~ / ~ IS -< s.r h"t ~ "'2 / It'r CV~rt'.rf I I A ,)(" s-ea/~/' By: e;) . /} ,- ??,~-I/~~~ '? t/; , -"" If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once.