HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.4 Bid Opening Reports & Eng. BID SHEET TAB - CITY OF FONTANA BID OPENING DATE: AUGUST 13, 1992 TIME: 2:00 P.M. LOCATION: CITY HALL 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, FONTANA CA t~gZ AU~ 13 P~ 2:O0 SUBJECT: CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER PROJECT JURUPA AVENUE TO SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE SCHEDULE I SCHEDULE II ALT. SCHEDULE I ALT. SCHEDULE II NAME/COMPANY ADDRESS & PHONE BOND INS. $ AMOUNT $ AMOUNT $ AMOUNT $ AMOUNT Xenko 'me. ~ 1025 C~imesa Blvd. McGrand&Assoc. Calimesa, CA92320 V"' v 1,Z,~rS-08~ ltSTg, 6~z- ItI~'~,qYL'~ Mike Masanovich 63 Alta Const. Co. Inc. Arcadia, CA 91006 V' V' \ 6t~6 L~C'~Z k~q %X 1~13:~ t~ 533 Sfi~ Moba~8aly Sng. 9.0. Bo~ 295 z~o. ~zusa, CA 9i702 v v I~lu~i~~u~: / %~i-~8~ T.A. Rivard 8884 aurupa ROad Riverside, CA 92509 V' V' Ii~l~l~~' ~/Zll Ii~l~' C.P. Construction P.O. Box 1206 CoInc. Ontario, CA91762 ~ V' ll3~ilq~0-~- tl~o"-- ~2.~16'o"' Vadnais Corp. 12760 High Bluff f ,r San DiegoiDA 921 ~0 l Calfon Construction P.O. Box 7 Inc. Rialw, CA 92877~- w 11~1% 'L~I'Zi 1361 ~Z~~--\ ~0~ ~ J. R. Pipeline 1530 Nandina Co, Inc. Perris, CA 92571 ~,- v' \~1~103~-- ~ %~lF~89- \~ (~3I;~ZO Murray Cclnpany 2919 E. Victoria St ')Z ~"~ Yelich, Inc P.O. BOx 246 i I ' 1~5"F% ~lU2b BID SHEET TAB - CITY OF FONTANA BID OPENING DATE: AUGUST 13. 1992 TIME: 2:00 P.M. LOCATION: CITY HALL 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, FONTANA CA SUBJECT: CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER PROJECT JURUPA AVENUE TO SAN BERNARD1NO AVENUE SCHEDULE I SCHEDULE II ALT. SCHEDULE I ALT. SCHEDULE H NAME/COMPANY ADDRESS & PHONE BOND INS. $ AMOUNT $ AMOUNT $ AMOUNT $ AMOUNT Utah PacLfic 40940 Eleanora Way -v" ~" ~{~'5~ 379 ~ \ Murrieta, 92562 Radich 40 West Easy St. Simi Valley 93065 w/ w- 1~'~0 ~t]~ Colich &Sons 547 W. 140th' ic GArdena, 90248 ~- ~' 11 ~2-~ l ~ 5 ' \ BID SHEET TAB - CITY OF FONTANA BID OPENING DATE: AU6UST 13, 1992 TIME: 2:00 P.M. LOCATION: CITY HALL 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, FONTANA CA SUBJECT: CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER PROJECT JURUPA AVENUE TO SAN BERNARD!NO AVENUE fl / d F' /[ ,; 2- ' .... SCHEDULE X _ S~.C___~p~_n-~~T. SCHEDULE NAME/COMPANY ADDRESS & PHONE BOND INS. $ AMOUNT $ AMOUNT $ AMOUNT $ AMOUNT ~,xo x~. ab~ 1025 c~z~ sx,,a. /,~ ,SVg T /,~'7~3,~2..-/~ ;t3~, ;sZ."'/, ~77,~'~.' McGran~ & Assoc.Calimesa, CA 92320~w/ Mike Masanovich63 Alta St. co~t. co. z~=.~, ~ 9x006 / ~ 1~4~ ,:Z'b~ I;~9/, ~J l,~.$~,~vb~°~l /~,~,,~9 ~ob~Z~ ~.~g.~.0. ~x 29~ /~. 2 ~ 4.~/,ZfT~ ~ d~].~y~/ ~ z~. ~, CA 91702~"/ /'~ .i [,~Z3 ~/, P~vexside, CA 92509 . C.P. Construction P.O. Box 1206 ' Vadr~Ls CoFp. 12760 High Blttfff Dr., #370 ,/' ~" 457-= Q,~ ~ /, 7~ZS,[b/~ ~ 'J1~/54/'0 ' san D~e~o,CA 92130 Calfon Construction P.O. Box 7 ':: ?'5~5~/.~'~;0~ 7~ Inc. Rialto, CA 92377V' v" -~-~-tD,'Z4~'-'.--~,/3~, ;~5 ....~3,~7~/.,~55'~., 7c977''~ J. R. Pipeline 1530 Nandina /,215,~$,Jf; _ ,'d,/~.~,~,;4/.,~,i ~,b,~ZO.4':~;' Co, ~c. vo_~i~, CA 92571 ,,,I v' ~-lZ6Tv~L ~/55,~'~.~ 6 ~3?,b~& Murray Cc~pany 2919 E. Victoria St /~//~ 9/79o n,~,a~ /'3Y'&',~'ZT, g,Q..... ~z~_e,, z~v.o. Bo,~ 246 :, , ~q.., .,c- /,53~. 5'~'~ sio_r~a ~e/ / t,[~,,7-,~, 7 ';"'090, 19,'~ '~' ' 91UZl, BID SHEET TAB - CITY OF FONTANA BID OPENING DATE: AUGUST 13. 1992 TIME: 2:00 P.M. LOCATION: CITY HALL 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, FONTANA CA SUBJECT: CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER PROJECT JURUPA AVENUE TO SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE "' ALT~ SCHEDUL~>]I SCHEDULE I SCHEDULE H i ALT. SCHEDULE I NAME/COMPANY ADDRESS & PHONE BOND INS. $ AMOUNT $ AMOUNT/' $ AMOUNT ' --,,~$ AMOUNT. u~h Pa~ifLc 4o9ao ~,~eanora wa~z',/V'/<~'~<~'~/, ~1~. ~.~ ~j'/< ~6 6~-~~/ 71:< ~-~ ~ Murrieta, 92562 ' / '~ ' / Radich 40 West Easy St. si~i wl~,9~o6m ,/ / l,.~ ~., :~d~~ /,&Se,~./~---~ I, ;~,9~Z,~ /,,4'9z1,,53 Colich &Sons 54? W. 140~h' / ~y/~4.~./a .I ~G:45 FROM r~/LO~RY ENGINEFaS &PLANNERS DATE: 12-Sep-91 JOB NO:~90-012. 001 ENGIN=EiRB OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST BYZ H. IllEBB CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER RCEZ CITY OF FONTANA ~,Dt PROM JUPURA AVE. ~O SAN BERNARDINO AVE. FIE/= C:\~\CYPRES SECTION 01025 MI~ASUREMENT AND PAYMENT I Engineering News RecOrd 2 COST RSTIMATES FOR EKR 5300 MAY 1991 BNR 20 C2TX~S TANLE ENGINEERS OPINION OF PROBABIa CONSTRUCTION COST CYPRESS AVENUE CITY OP FOIffANA C~I~ DESCRIPTION ~TY AMOUNT 1010 MOBILIZATION/D~OBILI~ATION I TR $1~0,000 1040 VERIFY FIELD DIMENSIONS & UTILITY I LS $35,000 1050 MONUMENT $170.00 20 EA 83,400= 1050 SURVEYING AND STAKING $2,700 3 Ia 1530 TEMi~ORARY CONCRFTI ~RZER $14.00 800 LF $11~200 1570 TI~FIC CON*~'~cOL - UNZFOIIMED OFFIC $135. :60 HR $7,500 1570 DETOURS AND TRAFFZC CO~'X~OI, I T.B $35,000 1590 PROJ;CT SICaS $1,600 10 EA $16,000 2076 SAWCUT EXISTING PAVEMANT ~1.10 21200 LF 8~3,320 2120 REMOVE EXISTING AC PAVEI(ENT $1.10 4700 SY $5,170 2150 SHOI~NC AND BRACING I LS $40,000 (2222 10 FT DEBP TRENCH EXC/BKIeL= $12 3000 LF $36,000 *'2222 13 FT DEI~P TRENCH EXC/BKFL $22 5400 LF $118r800 ~ 2222 16 FT DEEP TRENCH EXC/B~ $3~ 2200 LF $72,600 ' 2315 54 IN ;AeJ~D 8TISEL BNCABEMENT * $520 362 LF $1ee, 24o 2511 ASPHALT CONCRETB PAVEMENT : $33 3~70 TON $111,210 2605 IN TIll-IN EXISTING i~OLE $2,500 4 EA $10,000 2605 60 IN MALrdOLB ~_~ff~e $2~- 32 EA ~p92y800.~.z-.'. 2619 30 iN VITItlFZED CLAY SEWER PIP $149.O0 3510 LF 2619 27 TN VITRZPIED CLAY 6~f~R PIP $136.00 4430 ~ $602,480 2619 24 IN ~'~'I~PIED CLAY SEWER.PIP $123.00 2610 LF 83~1,030 2619 21 IN VITRXI~Z~D CLAY SEWER pTp $109.00 8 I~ $872 2619 10 IN VITRIFIED CLAY SEW~RiPZP $56.00 24 LF 81,344 2619 8 IN ~f'I'aIFIED CLAY SEWER:FIP $46.00 50 L~ CONSTRUCTION SIIBTOTAL OT~ER PROJECT COSTS PCT OF CONST I~ / COST ~-~, - /P, ~ 'i -,~ ~.~.. ~' Z,~$ -~ '~,'v~- - - - ,,¢,, ~ A,_,-,-, ..... ' "~ ' r--,~t. ~-- ~ ~/~o~, RY 10920 Via fio~tem PO. 8o~ 28100 TRANS~ITTAL ~/~ ~ ~~ Job No: Attention: f~//fit ~ Description: [] For Approval [] Approved as Submitted [] Resubmir Copies For Approval [] For Your Use [] Approved as Noted , [] Submit Copies for Distribution [] As Requested [] Returned for Corrections [] Return Corrected Prints [] For Review and Comment [] [] Prints Returned A~r Loan to Us [] For Bids Due 19__ By: If enclosures are not as noted, notify us at once. VLo~P~ TO 17143~06618 e.02 8EP-12-1991 16:46 FNOH TELECOMIru~IC~TION iNFOI~MATION PAGE FROM NBS/LOWRY, INCORPORATED IF YOU HAVE TROEPaIaE PaCEIVIMG THIS TRANSMISSION, PLEASE CALL (619) 4SS-I~00 THIS TELECONMUNICATION IS BEING TRANSMITTED VIA A FUJITSU ?30 TELECOPIER. NAME LOCATION AT$ B~NCHO 18ERNARII~ TELECOPIER: (519) 487-2068 LOCATION TOTAL NIINBBR OF PAGES, INCLUDING THIS PAGIg :' . [ COPIES T0: ., 10920 Via Frontera e ~ O BO~ Diego, .~ ~2198-0100 (619) 485-1500 SEP-12-19SI 16:45 FROM ' /LowRy TO 17148586618 P.81 NBS/r,O~Y ENGIb']~S & PI.~.NNE]tS DA~: l~-Sep-91 ~OB ~GI~EM OPINION OF PROBAB~ CONS~U~ION COST BYI H. ~P~S A~ SM~R RCE~ CITY OF ~NT~A ~ROM ~P~ AVE. ~ S~ BE~DINO AVE. FI~t SEASON 010B5 ~AS~AND PAINT ~NCES= I Engineering N~w~ Record 2 COST ESTI~S FOR ~ 5300 ~Y 1991 ENR =0 T~ ENGIN~RS OPINIO~ OF PRO~A~ CONSTRUeION COST aP~SS A~ CITY OF ~A CSI~ DESCRI~ION QTY ~0~ .... ~010 NOBILIZATION/D~OBiLI~ATION 1 ~ 1040 VE~FY FIELD D~NSIONS ~ UTILITY I ~ $35,0Q0 1050 MO~ $170.00 20 ~ 1050 S~VEY'ING ~D:'STAKING ~2,700 3 ~ $SrlO0 1530 T~O~Y ~NCR=TE B~IER ~14.00 800 ~ $11~300 1570 ~FFIC COBOL' U~IFO~D O~FZC ~135. 60 ~ ~7~5Q0 1570 DE~$ ~D T~PPIC COBOL i ~ 1580 ~ROJECT SIGNS 81,600 10 ~ 816,000 2076 SAW~ EX$STING PA~T $1.10 21200 ~ $23,320 2120 R~EXZST!NG AC PA~ $1.10 47O0 SY 95,170 2150 SHO~NC~D ~CING I ~ 640,000 2222 10 FT DEBP TRENCH EXC/B~L $12 3000 ~ ~36,000 2222 13 FT D~PTRENCH EXC/~FL $22 5400 ~ $118r800 3232 16 FT DEEP T~NCH EXC/~L '933 2200 LF $72,6Q0 2315 ~4 IN ;~C~D S~EL ~NC~E~NT $520 362 LF 9188,240 2511 ~P~LT CON~TBPAV~NT $33 33.70 TON 9111,210 2605 IN TI=-IN EXIStiNG ~HO~ $2,500 4 ~ $10t0O0 g6.05 60 IN ~HO~ $2,~00.00 32 ~ 992,800 =619 3Q IN VIT~IFIED C~Y S~R ~IP $149.00 ~510 ~ ~619 27 IN VZ~I[IED C~Y S~R:PIP $136.00 44~0 LP ~60~,480 ~619 24 ZN VITRI[IED C~Y S~ER~PIP $123.00 2610 L[ 2619 21 IN VITRI[IED C~Y SE~R=PZP $109.00 8 L[ $872 2619 10 IN VITRI[IED C~Y S~ERPI~ $56.00 24 L[ 91,344 =619 8 IN V~TRIFIED C~Y S~ER PIP $46.00 ~0 ~ C~NSTRU~ION SUB~TAL .... $2,365,356 OTHER PR~CT COSTS PeT O~ CONST ~ST CO~INGENCY 10% $~36,536 ENGIE~'S OPINION OF TOTAL COST $2,601,892 ; .., ,,¢~, : /I,~ 10928 Via FIonlele RO. Box 28100 Son Diego, Celifomja San Diego, Colifomio 92127-1704 92198-0100 1el619 485-1500 Fax 619 487-2068 'R89-020.001 August 13, 1991 Felipe Molinos CITY OF FONTAN]& 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER PLAN8 AND SPECIFICATION8 One set of each of the plans and specifications are enclosed reflecting changes requested by your office and authorized recently for the increased Sewer line sizes. Also enclosed, please find copies of information received from utility companies in response to our requests for comments on our design documents. We noticed that we did not receive a response to two utility company requests for information (Comcast Cable and Southern California Edison). We have resubmitted copies of the attached documents to these offices for their review and comments. We recommend allowing the contractor 150 calendar days in lieu of the 120 days that you have suggested. Please call if you have any questions. Very Truly Yours, ~/~TA. TEBBETT8 Regional Office Manager ea \HATT\FONTANA2. LTR JUN-24-'91 MQN 09;25 ID~NER P_R~IFIC INC TEL NO:FAX ~ WAGNER PACIFIC, INC ~TT~ 201 East Yor~ LEnds BIrd, P~CENTIA, CALIFORNIA 92670 WE ARE SENDING YOU [] AtteGhed [] Under separate cover via the following Items: [] Shop drawinBs [3 Prim o Plans m Samples n Specl~cetic, ts n COpy of letter rl Change order [] _ COPIES DATE NO, DESCRIPTION ,~lT~Trc/.l ~F 5~;~dE;E cONAJ~ECT/OAI THESE ARE TRANSMrHED as checked below: D For approval [] Approved as submitted El Resubmlt copies for pppmval rn For your use [] Approved as noted [] Submit copies for dlstrlbutk}n C3 As rm:luest~d [] Returned for corrections [] Return ~ormcted p~nt~ [] For review snd comment [] [] FOR BIDS DUE 19 ..... [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO U5 REMARKS .~: E'L I PE ,~ WE l~t~' g ,,~O PrJ._C*/A~G- '7"0 TO/A.) l"taZ6: COPY TO s.aNeo:/t,l ,e:,C FAX COIqIeUNiCATIONS FROM FAX NURBER: (714) 350-6618 '1' PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOHING PAGES TO-* LocATIo. ~PHO.E: ~'~) ~'~' -- ~,~__~ FROM: F~ I"//2E LOCATION / PHONE: ~7',,,b, 6 ACCOUNT NUMBER: TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: ~ OATE: TIHE: (~ncludln~J cover sheet) ' ZF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL (714) ~ ~' ~ ~ ~'/ HESSAGE: /~/n~7'~ / /~/_ F~E //u~/~/~;~/~/~ ~ cc: 8353 SZER~ AVENUE P.O.BOX 5~8 FONTANA, CALZFORNZA 92334-0518 PHONE NUHBER (714) 350-7600 DEC. 1990 SKY ' FAX COIRNUNICATIONS FROM FAX NUNB.ER: (714) 350-6618 'i' PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: LocATIo./PNO.E= - z l a / ~ e~ l -~, e ~ o ACCOUNT NUMBER: (including cover sheet) IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THE PAGES, PL~SE CALL (714) MESSAGE: '~ Co: 8353 SIERRA AVENUE P.O.BOX 518 FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 PHONE NUMBER (714) 350-7600 DEC. 1990 SKY ' SEWER LATERAL CONNECTION DETAIL DIMENSION OF CLAY PIPE WYES A DIMENSIONS OF CLAY PIPE ' DOUBLE WYES CONFORMING TO WESTERN REGIONAL /~ CONFORMING TO WESTERN REGIONAL STANDARDS · STANDARDS ,y, Branches are made by molding the spur on the barrel at an angle of approximately 45 Double 'Y" branches are made by setting two degrees. ' spurs opposite each other on the same barrel at an angle approximately 45 degrees. , 6 6 14,~(6 12~6 24 10 29~ 30-16 t 6 4 12~6 11½ 10 8 18% 16~ 27 12 33~ 34~ NOTE: Dimensions A and B are approxima~. 12 4 1~ 16~4 30 6 30~A 32~ 15 8 21% 2T 33 I 8 34 ~ j DIMENSIONS OF C~Y PIPE FI~INGS 15 12 ' 25~/S 24 33 12 37~ 39 CONFORMING TO WESTERN REGIONAL STANDARDS 18 6 21~ 22;~6 36 6 34'~ 37~ '~" SADDLES 21 8 25~ 26~6 39 8 38~ 41h J NOTE: Dimensions A and B are approximate. ~ _ f 15" and up 5 Feet "T' SADDLES ~ 90° BENDS -- Long Radius Made ;n diameters of 4", 6", 8", 10", II c t 6 16 24 REDUCERS Reducers are used to reduce the size of ~__ ~_ l 45° BENDS, MITERED INCREASERS 21 4~ 90° BENDS, MITERED 45° BENDS -- Long Radius (D;mensions A through H are approximate) !City of Fontana C A L I F 0 R N I A April 19, 1991 Matt A. Tebbets NBS/Lowry 10920 Via Frontera P. O. Box 28100 San Diego, CA 92128-0100 RE~ Consulting Engineering Services Agreement Amendment for Cypress Avenue Sewer System Dear Nr. Tebbets~ Enclosed please find a copy of your transmittM for the proposed changes. By this letter, we authorize you to proceed with the following modifications, for both reaches, for the total length from San Bernardino Avenue to Jurupa Avenue. 1. Revise pipeline size throughout the entire project, as design criteria requires, according to the enclosed Figure 1, Diagram of Projected Interim Construction Requirements. 2. Increase the size of the ~steel casing crossing 1-10 to accommodate the increased pipe size. 3. Check drawings for conflict with utilities based on increased pipe size. 4. Revise Engineer's estimate for revised pipeline sizes. 5. Nodify appropriate sections of specifications to accommodate pipeline size revisions. Also, specifications are to be consolidated into a single; document {in lieu of the two separate sets of specification documents as now prepared}. These services will be provided by NBS/Lowry on a time and materials basis not to exceed $2,100.00. SISTER CIW- ~kOOPS, B.C. CANADA Mr. Matt A. Tebbets April 19, lggl Page Two The work shall be completed three weeks after receipt of this authorization. : Please feel free to contact Felipe Molinos at 714-350-6641 if you need additional information. Thank you for your attention to this ma~ter. Sincerely, Ken Oeske Acting Public Works Director KO:FM:sh cc: R. Wellington G. Bucknell F. Molinos Y. Patanwala April 18, 1991 Felipe Molinos CITY OF FOMTI&NA 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 CY?RI~88 SEWER DESIGN MODIFICATION8 This letter is to confirm our discussion about the incorporation of design changes iin the Cypress Sewer project (both reaches). The following modifications are to be made: 1. Revise pipeline size throughout the entire project (increase each pipeline reach one pipeline size). ~/ 2. Increase the ai~e of the steel casing crossing 1-10 to accommodate the increased pipe size. 3. check drawings for conflict with utilities based on increased pipe size. 4. Revi~e enginee='s e~imate~ for rovi~ed pipeline 5. MOdify appropriate sections of specifications to accommodate pipeline size revisions. Also specifications are to be consolidated into a single document (in lieu of the two separate sets of specifications documents as now prepared). NBS/Lowry agrees to provide these services on a time and materials basis not to exceed $2,100.00. The work can be completed within three weeks of: receipt of authorization from the City of Fontana. Please call if you need any add'itional information. Ve Truly, Yours, ~T~!. T~BBETT8 Regional Office Manager ea JUN-20-'91THU 16:28 ID 3NER PACIFIC INC TEL NO:F~X ~ ?1,~3-6837 ~G47 P03 ............. PAG~ 1 TF YOU DO NOT ~ AT~T: OF t~IC PI~GF~, :PLEASE CAL~ AS 500~ J~l POSSIBLE. ......... JUN-20-'gi THU 16:2V Ig' aNER P~CIFIC INC ~E~O,~ ~ ?lz 3-683? ~647 ~2. ~U ., PER SEPARATE PLAN · . ~ __ . ~ PROPOSED SEWER PER . ~ SEPARATE PLAN NOT 1. SOUTHFJ RI~CORD I :Z. CONI'RA LINES. JUN-20-"gi THU 16:26 IL 'GNER PACIFIC INC TEL NO;FAX ~ 71~3-6837 ~647 P01 · --- o INSTALL 396.0l 10+00 11+00 · ~APR li '91 iG:5~ NBS/LOk__~ ,~ P. 1 "' N:B~40W ENGINEERS & PLANNERS FAX INFORMATION PAGE IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE RECEIVING THIS TRANSMISSION; PLEASE CALI~ (714) 888-1401 TO: :~'I~-UP~-. ~4,Z:?.t.J~ PHONENO.: {"7/V ~ 5.5'~:) -~'~Y'(/ LOCATION FROM: ~)~ L~ 2 PHONE NO.: ~ 714 ) 8~1~1 AT: NBS/LOWRY - SAN BERNARDINO FAX NO-: ( 714 ) 885--4638 LOCATION TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES, INCLUDING THIS PAGE: DATE: /",/'- / Z -- '~ J TIME: P.~ ' ,APR 11 '91 16:~ MBS/LO~ ~ ]L~8~O ,~ EHGtH~[l~S g PLANNERS W~ 164 I;osplfdily to~e, #1 RO. Box 8124 ~ct hIP~dlmto, .Califo~ .%n hTn~fdlno, C~fl~ofnie 9240B-3328 ~Z412-8124 hi 7~4 B8~-1401 Fr~ 714 865~4638 S86-025.011 April 11, 1991 Ken Jeske CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue P.O. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92335 , CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER AND UPSTREAM TRUNK LINES : This is to summarize our meeting of April 10, 1991, concerning the required capacity and construction schedule of the subject trunk sewers. We understand that the Cypress line is to be sized to handle ultimate flows assuming an Alternate "B" configuration. As you know, this assumes all possible flows are intercepted by the San Bernardino Avenue line which, if necessary, can carry these flows by grav'~y to RP-3 located at the Kaiser site. Until the construction of the RP-3 treatment plant is completed, intedm facilities including the Cypress Avenue line will be needed to handle flows which are projected to exceed the capacities of existing lines. 'Figure I shows the routing of flows agreed upon and projected flows within each reach. Approximate sizes have been computed based on paralleling existing facilities at a similar slope. If you need anything else concerning this diversion plan, let us know. Very truly yours, BRUCE LYON Principal Engineer gmb encl. · ,APR 11 '91 16:55 NBS/LO~__, ~mmm~ P,4 TABLE 1 COMPARISON OF SBNER SIZES SELECTED PER 1982 8BNER MASTER PLAN DESIGN CRITERIA VERSUS PROPOSED CRITERIA FOR VARIOUS AVERAGE DAILY FLOWS AT A FIXED SLOPE 1982 PROPOSED QADW~ 1.44QA +0.333QA'~'~ SIze (8) 2.5Q~ Size (3) (MGD) n D/dO) 0.1 0.25 0.016 0.44 8 0.31 0.013 0.44 8 0.2 0.44 0.016 0.44 10 0.58 0.013 0.44 10 0.4 0.79 0.016 0.45 12 1.09 0.013 0.47 12 0.8 1.45 0.016 0.45 16 2.04 0.013 0.5 15 1.6 2.73 0.016 0.49 18 3.83 0.013 0.5 18 3.2 5.20 0.016 0.86 21 7.20' 0.013 0.61 21 6.4 10.06 0.016 0.55 27 13.54 0.013 0.6 27 12.8 19.62 0.016 0.6 33 25.44 0.013 0.62 33 25.6 38.55 0.016 0.62 42 47.80 0.013 0.72 39 NOTES: (1) Maximum depth to diameter ratios (D/d) from 1982 Master Plan varied with size as follows: 0.50, 0.55, 0.60 & 0.65 for <12", 15" to 18', 21' to 24" & >27', respectively. (2) Maximum depth to diameter ratios (D/d) proposed are 0.50 for pipes less than 15" In dlameter and 0.75 for pipes greater than or equal to 15" (3) Assumes an arbitrary slope of 0.010 .APR 11 '91 16=58 NBS/LOP/t.,~, P.8 TABLE 1 COMPARISON OF SEWER SIZE8 8ELECTED PER 1982 SEWER MASTER PLAN DESIGN CRITERIA VERSUS PROPOSED CRITERIA FOR VARIOUS AVERAGE DAILY FLOW8 AT A FIXED SLOPE 4982 PROPOSED Qpwwe Q,Pww~..e~ Q^owF 1.44QA+0.333QA,,o.5 Size (3) 2.5Q~, · Size (3) (MGD) n D/d(1) (iN) (MGD) n D/d(2) (IN) 0.1 0.25 0.016 0.44 8 0.31 0,013 0.44 8 0.2 0.44 0.016 0.44 10 0.58 0.013 0.44 10 0.4 0.79 0,016 0.45 12 1.09 0.013 0.47 12 0.8 1.45 0.016 0.46 15 2.04 0.013 0.5 15 1.6 2.73 0.016 0.49 18 3.83 0.013 0.5 18 3.2 5.20 0.016 0.56 21 7.20 0.013 0.61 21 6.4 10.06 .0.016 0.55 27 13.54 0.013 0.6 27 12.8 19.62 0.016 0.6 33; 25.44. 0.013 0.62 33 25.6 38.55 0.016 0.62 42 47.80 0.013 · 0.72 39 NOTES: (1) Maximum depth to diameter ratios (D/d) from 1982 Master Plan varied with size as follows: 0.50, 0.55, 0.60 & 0.65 for s 12", 15" to 18", 21' to 24" & >27", respectively. (2) Maximum depth to diameter ratios (D/d) proposed are 0.50 for pipes less than 15' In diameter and 0.75 for pipes greater than or equal to 15' (3) Assumes an arbitrary slope of 0.010 J u RU PA ~ ~V~, I I SHEET' INDEXMAP & > VICINITY MAP ~~//.~,~ CITY OF FONTANA. CALIFORNIA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~PUBLICWORKS DEPARTMENT ~.~.~.,~.~.c. GYPRESS AVENUE SEWER ~..,0.~ ~,=FROM VALLEY BOULEVARD ~' 41~54 2/0~ E.S.W., R.T.S. SPOOR R.C.E. Dole Check~ By: F. M. / Y ~ A~roved I. ~/" OCT 11 19~ Ee9-0~2-003 ENGINEERed' %STIMATE: $2,013,000. CITY OF FONTANA PROPOSAL BID SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION OP SCHEDULE I CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM (JURUPA AVENUE TO VALLEY BOULEVARD) ESTIMATED UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT I-1 30" Extra Strength V.C.P. 3,507 LF 120.00 420,840.00 I-2 27" Extra Strength V.C.P. 4,428 LF 110.00 487,080.00 I-3 24" Extra Strength V.C.P. 8 LF 100.00 800.00 I-4 21" Extra Strength V.C.P. 8 LF 90.00 720.00 I-5 10" Extra Strength V.C.P. 24 LF 70.00 1,680.00 I-6 8" Extra Strength V.C.P. 49 LF 50.00 2,450.00 I-7 27" x 6" Y's Extra Strength V.C.P., including plugs 31 EA 500.00 15,500.00 I-8 30" x 6" Y's Extra Strength V.C.P., including plugs 31 EA 550.00 17,050.00 I-9 4" Sewer Lateral (to 3' past EP or curb) 62 EA 1,500.00 93,000.00 1-10 54" Steel Casing Pipe 362 LF 600.00 217,200.00 1-11 60" Manhole Per City of Fontana Std. No. 112, 114, 109 including V.C.P. stub outs and plugs. 25 EA 6,000.00 150,000.00 1-12 Standard Drop Manhole, including V.C.P. stub outs and plugs. 1 EA 6,000.00 6,000.00 1-13 Support and protection of existing utilities, water lines, sewer lines. LUMP SUM 15,000.00 15,000.00 1-14 A.C. Pavement. 4,178 TONS 40.00 167,120.00 (Page 1 of 3) P-12 1-15 Sawcut and Remove A.C. Pavement. 110,461 SQ. FT. 1.00 110,461.00 1-16 Sheeting, Shoring and Bracing and All Appurtenant Related Work for trench. LUMP SUM 40,000.00 40,000.00 1-17 Traffic Control (including Article 7-10.3 of Special Provisions) LUMP SUM 50,000.00 50,000.00 1-18 Striping Re-Placement LUMP SUM 18,000.00 18,000.00 1-19 Expose and verify end of 27" VCP @ Jurupa LUMP SUM 1,500.00 1,500.00 1-20 Remove Existing 27" VCP Sewer at Sta. 89+50, if Directed 50 LF 50.oo 2,500.00 1-21 Clear and Grubbing LUMP SUM 10,000.00 10,000.00 1-22 Remove and Replace 8" Curb & Gutter or A.C. Dike 170 LF 15.0o 2,500.00 Sub Total 1,829,451.00 10% Contingency 182,945.00 Total $2,012,396.00 Say $2,013,000.00 (Page 2 of 3) P-13 CITY OF FONTANA PROP08AL BID SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SCHEDULE I CYPRESS AVENUEsSEWER SYSTEM (JURUPA AVENUE TO VALLEY BOULEVARD) Total $ Amount in words NOTE: The estimated quantities listed in the Proposal Bid Sheet(s) are supplied to give an indication Of the general scope of the work, but the accuracy of these figures is not guaranteed and the bidder shall make his own estimates from t~e drawings. In case of a variation between the unit price and the~totals shown by the Bidder, the unit price will be considered to bethe bid. BIDDER'S NAME TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER (Page 3 Of 3) P-14 ENGINEER~STIMATE: $2,540,000. CITY OF FONTANA PROPOSAL BID SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION;OP SCHEDULE II CYPRESS AVENUE'SEWER SYSTEM (JURUPA AVENUE TO SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE) ESTIMATED UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT A. JURUPA AVENUE TO VALLEY BOULEVARD II-1 30" Extra Strength V.C.P. 3,507 LF 120.00 420,840.00 II-2 27" Extra Strength V.C.P. 4,428 LF 110.00 487,080.00 II-3 24" Extra Strength V.C.P. 8 LF 100.00 800.00 II-4 21" Extra Strength V.C.P. 8 LF 90.00 720.00 II-5 10" Extra Strength V.C.P. 24 LF 70.00 1,680.00 II-6 8" Extra Strength V.C.P. 49 LF 50.00 2,450.00 II-7 27" x 6" Y's Extra Strength V.C.P., including plugs 31 EA 500.00 15,500.00 II-8 30" x 6" Y's Extra Strength V.C.P., including plugs 31 EA 550.00 17,050.00 II-9 4" Sewer Lateral (to 3' past EP or curb) 62 EA 1,500.00 93,000.00 II-10 54" Steel Casing Pipe 362 LF 600.00 217,200.00 II-11 60" Manhole Per City of Fontana Std. No. 112, 114, 109 including V.C.P. stub outs and plugs. 25 EA 6,000.00 150,000.00 II-12 Standard Drop Manhole, including V.C.P. stub outs and plugs. 1 EA 6,000.00 6,000.00 II-13 Support and protection of existing utilities, water lines, sewer lines. LUMP SUM 15,000.00 15,000.00 II-14 A.C. Pavement. 4,178 TONS 40.00 167,120.00 (Page 1 of 3) P-15 II-15 Sawcut and Remove A.C. Pavement. 110,461 SQ. FT. 1.00 110,461.00 II-16 Sheeting, Shoring and Bracing and All Appurtenant Related Work for trench. LUMP SUM 40,000.00 40,000.00 II-17 Traffic Control (including Article 7-10.3 of Special Provisions) LUMP SUM 50,000.00 50,000.00 II-18 Striping Re-Placement LUMP SUM 18,000.00 18,000.00 II-19 Expose and verify end of 27" VCP @ Jurupa LUMP SUM 1,500.00 1,500.00 II-20 Remove Existing 27" VCP Sewer at Sta. 89+50, if Directed 50 LF 50.00 2,500.00 II-21 Clearing and Grubbing LUMP SUM 10,000.00 10,000.00 II-22 Remove and Replace 8" Curb & Gutter or A.C. Dike 170 LF 15.OO 2,500.00 Sub-Total 1,829,451.00 B. VALLEY BOULEVARD TO SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE II-23 24" Extra Strength V.C.P. 2,558 LF 100.00 255,800.00 II-24 24" x 6" Y's Extra Strength V.C.P. 17 EA 450.00 7,650.00 II-25 4" Sewer Lateral (to 3' past EP or curb) 17 EA 500.00 8,500.00 II-26 60" Manhole Per City of Fontana Std. No. 112, 114, 109 including V.C.P. stub outs and plugs. 7 EA 6000.00 42,000.00 II-27 72" Diversion Manhole B-1 complete, including V.C.P. stub outs and plugs. i EA 6000.00 6,000.00 II-28 Support and protection of existing utilities, water lines, sewer lines LUMP SUM 15,000.00 15,000.00 II-29 A.C. Pavement. 1,121 TONS 40.00 44,840.00 II-30 Sawcut and Remove A.C. Pavement. 36,238 SQ. FT. 1.00 36,238.00 P-16 II-31 Sheeting, Shoring and Bracing and All Appurtenant Related Work for trench. LUMP SUM 20,000.00 20,000.00 II-32 Traffic Control (including Article 7-10.3 of Special Provisions) LUMP SUM 20,000.00 20,000.00 II-33 Striping Re-Placement LUMP SUM 12,600.00 12,600.00 II-34 Raise existing manholes to grade 8 EA 400.00 3,200.00 II-35 Clearing and Grubbing LUMP SUM 5,000.00 5,000.00 II-36 Remove and Replace 8" Curb & Gutter or A.C. Dike 100 LF 150~0 1,500.00 SUb-Total 478,328.00 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE A. $1,829,451.00 Sub-Total 182,945.00 10% Contingency $2,012,396.00 Total Say $2,013,000.00 B. $ 478,328.00 Sub-Total 47,833.00 10% Contingency $ 526,161.00 Total Say $ 527,000.00 A. + B. = $2,013,000.00 + $527,000.00 = $2,540,000.00 (Page 2 of 3) P-17 CITY OF FONTANA PROPOSAL BID SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION~OF SCHEDULE II CYPRESS AVENUEiSEWER SYSTEM (JURUPA BOULEVARD TO SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE) Total $ Amount in words NOTE: The estimated quantities listed in the Proposal Bid Sheet(s) are supplied to give an indication of the general scope of the work, but the accuracy of these figures i~ not guaranteed and the bidder shall make his own estimates from the drawings. In case of a variation between the unit price and the:totals shown by the Bidder, the unit price will be considered to be the bid. BIDDER'S NAME TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER (Page 3 of 3) P-18 ENGINEER~SSTIMATE: $1,905,000. CITY OF FONTANA PROPOSAL!BID SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION OF]ALTERNATE SCHEDULE I CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM (JURUPA AVENUE T~ VALLEY BOULEVARD) ESTIMATED UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT AI-1 27" Extra Strength V.C.P. 3,507 LF 110.00 385,770.00 AI-2 24" Extra Strength V.C.Po 4,428 LF 100.00 442,800.00 AI-3 21" Extra Strength V.C.P. 16 LF 90.00 1,440.00 AI-4 10" Extra Strength V.C.Po 24 LF 70.00 1,680.00 AI-5 8" Extra Strength V.C.P. 49 LF 50.00 2,450.00 AI-6 24" x 6" Y's Extra Strength V.C.P., including plugs 31 EA 500.00 15,500.00 AI-7 27" x 6" Y's Extra Strength V.C.P., including plugs 31 EA 550.00 17,050.00 AI-8 4" Sewer Lateral (to 3' past EP or curb) 62 EA 1,500.00 93,000.00 AI-9 51" Steel Casing Pipe 362 LF 550.00 199,100.00 AI-10 60" Manhole Per City of Fontana Std. No. 112, 114, 109 including V.C.P. stub outs and plugs. 25 EA 6,000.00 150,000.00 AI-11 Standard Drop Manhole, including V.C.P. stub outs and plugs. 1 EA 6,000.00 6,000.00 AI-12 Support and protection of existing utilities, water lines, sewer lines. LUMP SUM 15,000.00 15,000.00 AI-13 A.C. Pavement. 4,178 TONS 40.00 167,120.00 AI-14 Sawcut and Remove A.C. Pavement. 110,461 SQ. FT. 1.00 110,461.00 (Page 1 of 3) P-19 AI-15 Sheeting, Shoring and Bracing and All Appurtenant Related Work for trench. ~UMP SUM 40,000.00 40,000.00 AI-16 Traffic Control (including Article 7-10.3 of Special Provisions) LUMP SUM 50,000.00 50,000.00 AI-17 Striping Re-Placement LUMP SUM 18,000.00 18,000.00 AI-18 Expose and verify end of 27" VCP @ Jurupa LUMP SUM 1,500.00 1,500.00 AI-19 Remove Existing 27" VCP Sewer at Sta. 89+50, if Directed 50 LF 50.00 2,500.00 AI-20 Clearing and Grubbing LUMP SUM 10,000.00 10,000.00 AI-21 Remove and Replace 8" Curb & Gutter or A.C. Dike 170 LF 15 2,550.00 SUb-Total 1,731,921.00 10% Contingency 173,192.00 Total $1,905,113.00 Say $1,905,000.00 (Page 2 Of 3) P-20 CITY OF FONTANA PROPOSAL BiD SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ALTERNATE SCHEDULE I CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM (JURUPA AVENUE TO VALLEY BOULEVARD) Total $ Amount in words NOTE: The estimated quantities listed in the Proposal Bid Sheet(s) are supplied to give an indication of the general scope of the work, but the accuracy of these figures is not guaranteed and the bidder shall make his own estimates from the drawings. In case of a variation between the unit price and the totals shown by the Bidder, the unit price will be considered to be the bid. BIDDER'S NAME TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER (Page 3 of 3) P-21 ENGINEER~STIMATE: $2,400,000. CITY OF FONTANA PROPOSAL BID SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ALTERNATE SCHEDULE II CYPRE88 AVENUESEWER SYSTEM (JURUPA AVENUE TO SAN EERNARDINO AVENUE) ESTIMATED UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT A. JURUPA AVENUE TO VALLEY BOULEVARD AII-1 27" Extra Strength V.C.P. 3,507 LF 110.00 385,770.00 AII-2 24" Extra Strength V.C.P. 4,428 LF 100.00 442,800.00 AII-3 21" Extra Strength V.C.P. 16 LF 90.00 1,440.00 AII-4 10" Extra Strength V.C.P. 24 LF 70.00 1,680.00 AII-5 8" Extra Strength V.C.P. 49 LF 50.00 2,450.00 AII-6 24" X 6" Y's Extra Strength V.C.P., including plugs 31 EA 450.00 13,950.00 AII-7 27" x 6" Y's Extra Strength V.C.P., including plugs 31 EA 500.00 15,500.00 AII-8 4" Sewer Lateral (to 3' past EP or curb) 62 EA 1,500.00 93,000.00 AII-9 51" Steel Casing Pipe 362 LF 550.00 199,100.00 AII-10 60" Manhole Per City of Fontana Std. No. 112, 114, 109 including V.C.P. stub outs and plugs. 25 EA 6,000.00 150,000.00 AII-11 Standard Drop Manhole, including V.C.P. stub outs and plugs. 1 EA 6,000.00 6,000.00 AII-12 Support and protection of existing utilities, water lines, sewer lines. LUMP SUM 15,000.00 15,000.00 AII-13 A.C. Pavement. 4,178 TONS 40.00 167,120.00 AII-14 Sawcut and Remove A.C. Pavement. 110,461 SQ. FT. 1.00 110,461.00 (Page 1 of 3) P-22 AII-15 Sheeting, Shoring and Bracing and All Appurtenant Related Work for trench. LUMP SUM 40,00.00 40,000.00 AII-16 Traffic Control (including Article 7-10.3 of Special Provisions) LUMP SUM 50,000.00 50,000.00 AII-17 Striping Re-Placement LUMP SUM 18,000.00 18,000.00 AII-18 Expose and verify end of 27" VCP @ Jurupa LUMP SUM 1,500.00 1,500.00 AII-19 Remove Existing 27" VCP Sewer at Sta. 89+50, if Directed 50 LF 50.00 2,500.00 AII-20 Clearing and Grubbing LUMP SUM 10,000.00 10,000.00 AII-21 Remove and Replace 8" Curb & Gutter or A.C. Dike 170 LF 15.00 2,500.00 Sub-Total 1,728,821.00 B. VALLEY BOULEVARD TO SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE AII-22 21" Extra Strength V.C.P. 2,558 LF 90.00 230,220.00 AII-23 21" x 6" Y's Extra Strength V.C.P. 17 EA 400.00 6,800.00 AII-24 4" Sewer Lateral (to 3' past EP or curb) 17 EA 500.00 8,500.00 AII-25 60" Manhole Per City of Fontana Std. No. 112, 114, 109 including V.C.P. stub outs and plugs. 7 EA 6,000.00 42,000.00 AII-26 72" Diversion Manhole B-1 complete, including V.C.P. stub outs and plugs. 1 EA 6,000.00 6,000.00 AII-27 Support and protection of existing utilities, water lines, sewer lines LUMP SUM 15,000.00 15,000.00 AII-28 A.C. Pavement. 1,121 TONS 40.00 44,840.00 AII-29 Sawcut and Remove A.C. Pavement. 36,238 SQ. FT. 1.00 36,238.00 AII-30 Sheeting, Shoring and Bracing and All Appurtenant Related Work for trench. LUMP SUM 20,000.00 20,000.00 P-23 AII-31 Traffic Control (including Article 7-10.3 of Special Provisions) LUMP SUM 20,000.00 20,000.00 AII-32 Striping Re-Placement LUMP SUM 12,600.00 12,600.00 AII-33 Raise Existing Manholes to Grade 8 EA 400.00 3,200.00 AII-34 Clearing and Grubbing LUMP SUM 5,000.00 5,000.00 AII-35 Remove and Replace 8" Curb & Gutter or A.Co Dike 100 LF 15.00 1,500.00 Sub-Total 451,898.00 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: A. $1,728,821.00 Sub-Total 172,882.00 10% Contingency $1,901,703.00 Total Say $1,902,000.00 B. $ 451,898.00 Sub-Total 45,190.00 10% Contingency $ 497,088.00 Total Say $ 498,000.00 A. + B. = $1,902,000.00 + $498,000.00 = $ 2,400,000.00 (Page 2 of 3) P-24 CITY OF FONTANA PROPOSAL BID SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ALTERNATE SCHEDULE II CYPRESS AVENUE!SEWER 8YSTEM (JURUPA AVENUE TO SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE) Total $ Amount in words NOTE: The estimated quantities listed in the Proposal Bid Sheet(s) are supplied to give an indication of the general scope of the work, but the accuracy of these figures is not guaranteed and the bidder shall make his own estimates from the drawings. In case of a variation between the unit price and the totals shown by the Bidder, the unit price will be considered to be the bid. BIDDER'S NAME TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER (Page 3 of 3) P-25