HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.5 Summary and Evaluation OCT-25-93 MON 11:31 P, 01 KENKO CONTRACTORS, INC. TRANSMITTAL .---, -........ . , DATE: 10/25fR-., PROJECT: _~ JOB #: ____ TO: Yousuf --- --"--', . -.- Number of Pages .a . including this page. City of Fontana ------......--.-- Our FAX number: (909) 795-1840 FAX: (909) 350-66.1L...__.--___ Our phone: (909) 795...2568 _.' .~ ---------- Attention: We are transmitting: Via: For Your: o Per your request o Mail D Approval o Shop drawings o Overnight Mail ~ Review and comment o Proposal tJ UPS ii Information/Files [] Plans [J Hand tJ IJ Correspondence ~Fax tJ 0 0 -. .....--..-,- ENCLOSURES: DESCRIPTION DATED: --- .. -- . REMARKS: Following this sheet are a few letter we recently received. Below is a draft of what I think is fitting: We would like to commend Kenko for the exemplary fashion in which they constructed tho Cypress A venue Sewer contract. The project consisted of approximately 8,000 LF of 30" and 27" VCP gravity sewer, including 4" service laterals. The contract required the contractor to jack a 54h casing 362' under the Jnterstate # 10 freeway 8nd Southern Pacific Ralllfnes in one push. The pipe alignment was entirely wIthin Cypress A venue in residential area of Fontana with many existing underground and overhead utilities. Kenko worked closely with the local property owners. There was not one comp/alnt filed with the City regarding Kenk1S W07 Thanks for a job well done. ISSUED BY: ~ V< ~ -'=r;-~;E~ T~. :. - . [!AX TO: I "J CORPORATE ............-1694 91st Avenue N.E.-Blaine, Minnesott 55449 . (612) 786--6510 - FAX (612) 786-6602 SOUTHWESTERN DIVISION.16415 Addison Road, Stet 30S-Dallas, Texas 75248 - (2141 931-9494 . FAX (214) 931015474 WESTERN DIVISION-PQ$t Office BOl( 831 - CsJimesa, California 923200 (9091795-2568 - FAX (909) 795.1840 P,02 OCT-25-93 MON 11:32 Bechtel -~'-'~'''-'' .-.....-.....-.......... .........- Southern C;tI"tJml. 18484 HfgllWay 18, SuitG'~5 Apple Valley, CA 92307 (619) 946-3011 Fax: (619) 946-3132 October 1, 1993 ~o Whom It May Conc~~n: Renko, Inc. is pt"esently installing the Marongo Basin Pipeline Project, which eonsist~ of approximat~ly 71 miles of 54" and 30" CMLC pipe, including appurtenances. The line runs between Landers and hesperia, califo~nia. After pipe deliveries, the contract has basically eight months to complete installation. To date installation is on schedule, nearing 80% completion. I<enko has provided the Quality Control, aechtel the proj~et Management and Quality AssuranCG. 'I'hey have, to date, co:mpleted the work in substant.ial oompliance wit:.h the plana and spQcifioations, includinq strinqent environmental and archaeological requirements. If additional information is desired, I can be reached at (619) 946-3011. Sincerely, . /1)J'atrt.:Jl/..,.. ~~lliam A. Brandes Project Manager WAB:cle .. Bechlei'Corporation' P,03 OCT-25-93 MON 11:32 A-.b..8 e R T 1% WEBB A8S0CIA1"E'S 4505 AlIst;lte Ilt"ivE!', Ste. 106, Riv('tliide, CA 92501 (71-1) 7Rl-fiHJIJ FAX (7J4) 78R-ot139 wo: 92-4002 F1U~;3841.14 Septettlbet 21, 1992 To Whom It May ('.Qhf'...etI1: Kenko, ]nc, has recently completed cobSttuction of the V..il Ranch Tlunk Sewer within the City of T"lneCUla, California. This bUnk !;ewe(' is a portion of Riverside COlmty A."lSessment District 159. Albert A. Webb AsoociatE;s, representing the Riverside COllnty Road Depttrttnent fot A:s.5eSsJoent District 159, perl"onned all eonstrnction management and inspection setvi~ not inspected by Eastern Municipal Water District, The project had a vety limited and critical time frame for completion. Kenko. Inc. was very coopen.tive and completed the project on tUne, with a minimum of corrective pllnch list ilems. Although there wete many obstacles and eng~ring changes. Kenko. Inc. was able to c0.b1plet41 the project without time eXtebSiotts. Cbange orders initiab!.d by Kenko, Inc. were non-exisfaht. Kenko's work was, as usual, satisfactory aod any directives or requests by either Webb Associates or EMWD, were handled expidl~1y and profe."l..c;iollaly. ICenko maintained a. safe, accldebt free project eomplying with Cat- OSHA requirements. If YOll have any C{1.1estiom please f~1 free to give me a caD at 694-9250, Sincerely, ALBERT A,. WEBB ASSOCIATES C 7~ _x:/'<:4~ M.S, Geer Project Manager Mse5Sment District 159 MSG/at 92-4002KlLtr m11. [!Il~;t;:-i;'\N~l':\~~I:'.tN\:liUi~\iE.~r"\. Ar-;.\li~m, St 'f.l\T\'ltoJl: A.<;,~~'.s"'lt:.'f1 .'SI't'C''''. "J\,,{ "'1\;l"lnRl~; P,04 p.qbU~ W tJrk. Departm.ent '" ;. ,. ctC;J1J1l1I 23119 Cottonwood Avenue l3ulldlng A., S~dte 220 P.Q,OQ}t 1440 Mo~no Valley. (",A 92556.144!) (909) ~t3-3100 FtIlI:: (009) ~.(t-9009 I '" ", ./, ' I'., ,,}l, h'" October 13. 1993 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Kenko Contractors recently completed a major Concrete Mortar Line and Concrete Cover (CML&C) waterline in the City of MOl'eno Valley, Ca. Under tbe direction of Dave Ross. Associate Engineer. Kenko Contractors demonstrated skilled performance while oonstructing a V'ery difficult project. Kenko employees were enthusiastic and supportive in coordination with outside agencies involved in this project and disp18yed much dQoision making abUity and leadership during unsuitable weather and dela.ys, Kenko is highly rocommended based on pa~t performance with the City of Moreno Valley. If you need further information. please contact David Ross at (909) 243.3133. Sincerely, BARRY D. MCCLELLAN. P..E. Director of Public Works/City Engineer ~ t-. ~cC:-~' ~ SMITH. P.l!:. Principal Engineer P. 06 00T-26-93 H0N 11: 33 THE GREINER/MKE TEAM /~w Denvat A~p~t 0~ ~ ~' ' ..... bi~] ~ui~iag September 30, 1993 To Whom It May Concern: Kenko has performed approximately $1,1,100,000.00. worth of work at Denver International Airport ovex the past year and a half. They have performed safo, quality work and hav¢~ ben responsive, flexible a.~d nonTclalms oriented [hrOughout soveral t~ious projects. I would highly recommend them for any underground e, onstru¢tion project that they might be pursuing. Sincerely, Area ~ Manager/Resident Engineer Orciner/MKB Team Denver International Airport ***CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM BID RESULTS*** PROJECT: C~msUuclloa Of Alles'aa~ ScI,,~,k. II Cyls'ess Awesue Sewer System Usaspe An, Te Sss bs~srdiuo Ave,) Ovme~.Ci~fFomtmm Cmmaam/ty Denk~mem DqstdFaSaemi~ Divi~m Enginccr's F/imau~ Kcnko Inc. khunovi~h Consir. M~oassdy Ilml F, alklled Ulsk of Usdt U~t Usdl N~ Descrlmimofltems Ouam~v Ouamitv Pr~ TQ~I pt~ To~d prlc~ Totd P~ Total A JURUPA AW_~IUE TO VALLEY BOULEVARD AH-I ~.7' Ellta $~mt~h Y.C.P. 3507 L.F. | 10.00 38S,770.0~ ~0.00 315,630.00 126.00 441,882.0C 100.00 ~$0,700.00 All-2 24' Ex~a ~ Y.C.P. 4428 L.F. 100.00 442,800.00 7?.00 340,956.00 119.00 526,932.0~ 95.00 42~,660.00 AH-3 21' Exla ~ V.C.P. 16 L.F. ~O.GO i,440.00 80.00 1,280.00 85.00 1~60.0~ 100.~0 1,600.00 All4 10' Ex~a $tre~S~ V.C.P. 24 L.F. 70.00 1,680.00 45.00 1,080.(~ 60.00 1,440.00 80.00 1,920.00 AII-$ 8' Extra ~ V.C.p. 49 L.F. ~).~0 2,450.0D 40.00 1,960.00 50.00 2,450,0~ 75.00 35675.00 AII~ iad,~o plup. 31 EA. 4.$0.00 13o950.00 225.00 6,97~.00 600.00 18f~00.0~ 250.00 7,750.00 All-7 27*x6*Y'aE~ra$~mait~V.C~P., AII-8 4' S~w:r Late, al (to 3' pare EP or ~urb) 62 EA. 1,500.00 93,000.00 1,000.00 62,000.00 600.00 37,200.00 1,200.00 74,400.00 All-9 51 * 5tex. j C. aa~S ~ 362 LF. 5~0.00 199,100.00 460.00 166,520.00 450.00 162,~0.00 580.00 209,960.00 All-10 60' p,mN~k P~r City of Pm~ana No. 112, |14, 1091~lud~V.C.P. mab ou~ aad plup 25 EA, 6,000.00 150,(~0.00 3,400.00 85,000.00 2,500.00 62,500.0~ 3,~60.G0 ~7,500.00 VIC.P. mab ouu aml pluJ~. I EA. 6,000.00 6,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,~00.00 2,860.00 S,200.00 cx~6ng m~!it~s, wSer li~l, mower gau I L.S. 15,000.00 15,000.00 2,0~0.00 2,0~.00 10,000.00 10,0~0.00 20,000.00 AR-13 A.C. Pavemea~ 4178 TONS 40.00 167,120.00 35.00 146,230.00 43.00 1'/9,654.00 30.00 125,340.00 All-14 Sawcm g ~4nove A.C. Ipavcme~l 110,461 ~Q. FT. 1.00 110,461.00 0.10 11,046.10 0.30 33,138.30 0.22 ~A,301.42 ~ 9,d~cd Wink for Trench i L.S. ,10,000.~0 40,000.00 6,000,00 6,000,00 10,000.00 10,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 Alb]6 Traffic Cem~ Ctacludb/Anidc ?-10.3 of S~cidPmvb~oas) I L.S, 50,000,~0 50,000.00 ~,000.00 8,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.~0 15,000.00 All-17 SuipisW R~-!alsccss~m I L.$. 18,000.00 15,000.00 S,O00.O0 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.OD ~,000.00 8,000.00 All-IS Expo~ ssl vedfy end of 27' VCP alJurupa I L.S. 1,500.00 1,~00.00 7S0.00 750.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 AII-19 binore Exieing 27' VCP Sewer a~ Sla. 89+50, ifDirccv, d 50 L.F. 50.00 2,500.00 20.00 1,000.00 15.00 750.00 60.00 3,000.001 AR-20 Clcadng mud Grabbing I L.S. IO,000.00 I0,000.00 13,999.90 13,999.90 6,000.00 6,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 AB-21 RcmovgandRc~laccB'Cufeand Cuacr of A.C. Dike 170 L.F. 15.~O 2°550.00 15.00 2,550.00 22.00 3,140.00 15.00 SUB-TOTAL 1,728,821.00 1,189,952.00 1,533,596.30 1,4~2,8S6.42 CYPRESS.XLS, 8/19/92, · * *CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM BID RESULTS* * P~O~ECT: Cymm Avenue Sew,- Symm Ossrsllll Ave, To Sll Belllllm Ale,) BidD/e:TlmsdaT, Allmll3,1~12,'e0PM Owu~,CilyofFeamm Eelbeef st=mime, leasioha. ilem F4eeueel tlsitd Usa Use Uit Uslt Ne. De:~ekeoff,,,--, M M ~ Ted ~ Ted I. Aft-22 21 ' EarnIra Simslib V.C.P. 2,5~8 L.F. 90.00 230,220.00 61.00 173,944.00 10.00 204,640.00 12.00 209,756.00 A~-23 21 ' · 6' Y', E~tm SUu/Sh V.C,P. 17 EA. 400.00 6,800.~0 200.00 3,400.00 650.00 I |,050.00 250.00 4,2.50.00 A~-24 4'SswetLa~td0o3'lMIEPoroub) 17 EA. ~00,00 8,500.00 1,000~00 iT,0OO.00 600.00 10,200.00 i,200.00 20,400.00 No. i12, 114, 109izhJdingV,C,P. m6 ores md pbp. 7 EA, 6,000.00 42,000.00 2,400.00 16,000.00 2,000.00 14,000.00 3,G00.GO 21,01X),O0 ilrhbl~ V.C.P. ~ ooll ~ ~ i F,A. 6,000.00 6,000.00 5,000.00 S,GG0.00 4,~G~.0G 4,G~O.OD 10~000.00 IOt(]O0.00 All-27 Se!V~emdpto~tiooo~sxblleg illirks, eserli~s, sswerlimt. I L.S. 15,000.00 15,000.00 2,600.00 2,1X}0.G0 5,000.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 Aa-21 A.C. Paveml~ |,121 TONS 40.00 44,140.~ 35.00 39,235.00 42.00 47,012.00 30.00 33,630.00 AB-29 ~ mid Ismovs A.C. Ply,mere 36,238 SO. FF. i .4}0 36,231.00 0.10 3,623.10 030 10,871.40 0.22 1,97236 Ttrsoch I L.$. 2f),000.00 20,000.00 4.000.00 4,000.00 ~.~00.00 ~,000.~0 ~.000.00 5,000.00 All*31 Ttuf~ Co,rod 0n~hal~g As~i;b 7_10.3o~Sl~idpr~/siom) I L.S. 20,000.00 20,000.00 12,000.00 A11-32 Su/pbll b-i~lc~meat I L.S. 12,600.00 12,600.00 2,000.00 2,~0.~0 4°000.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 Ali-33 Raise ~ mmlboke Io frlde 8 EA. 400.00 3,200.00 200.00 10600.00 300.00 2,400.00 250.00 2,000.00 AB-34 ~ sad (3n~bisI i L.S. 5,000.00 ~,000.00 4,999.20 4,999.20 3,000.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 10~000.00 AII-3~ lame, ead s~pl~s I" Cu~ end =trust ot A,C. dib 100 L,F. 15,00 J,~00.00 15.00 1,.~00.00 22.00 2,200.00 SUB-TOTAL ' 451,898.00 287,102.00 324,443.40 337,508.36 TOTAL "BID PRICE' $2,180,719.00 S1,477,O54.00 $1,858,039.70 $1~790,364.78 CYPRESS.XLS, 8/19/92, 2 of 8 * * *CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM BID RESULTS* * * PROJECT: Cmslnac6m~OfAltenmte~claeduleil Cyprus Avm~e Sev,er Sy~ (Jumpa Ave. Te, ,~a Bermard~m Ave.) BidDa~e:Tlmnday, Augu~13,1~921~.-00PM Ow~r:.C~'Fm~aa T.A. Riva~d, ia~. C.P. Comm~clioa Co. VKInals Cozp. Calfon Imu Estlmaed U~it ~t Uul U~t Uull N~. IDescri~ioaofllem$ O~m~tv Ommfit~ Price T~ prlc¢ T~I Pr~,~ T~d P~t~V T~iI A JURUPA AVENUE TO VALLEY I!OULEVA~D AH-I 27' E~6ra Slrr~ V.C.P. ~07 L.F. 147.00 51~,52~.00 92.00 ~22,644.00 ~6.00 J36,6T~.0( 91.00 31~,1~7.0( AII-2 24' h ~n~h V.C.P. 442S L.F. 122.00 540,216.00 S4.00 371,~52.00 ~7.00 ~8~,.~16.0( ~2.00 All-3 21' Extra $tr~n~h ~.C.P. 16 L.F. 112.00 1,792.00 75.00 1,200.00 $4.00 1"344.0( ~4.00 1,~44.0( All4 10' Extra .~ren~h ~.C.P. 24 L.F. S~.00 I,~.00 75.00 1,~0.00 ~.(10 1,~t4.0( 42.00 1,00S.0( All-5 ~' ExLra Slr~n~h V.C.P. 49 L.F. ?9.00 3,S71.00 72.00 3,52S.00 ~5.00 1,715.0( 39.00 1,911.0( ia~ludh~ pluses. ~1 EA. 450.00 I~l,~v0.00 ~00.~0 1~,500.~0 ~7~.00 20,~2.~.0( 7S2.00 24,242.0( AII-7 27' x 6' Y's Ex~a S~z~h including plugs. 31 EA. '~50.00 17,050.00 600.00 18,600.00 675.00 20,92~.0( 674.00 20,894.0( AII-8 4' Sawgr Lateral (to 3' pat EP or curb) 62 EA. 1,200.00 74,400.00 750.00 46,,500.00 545.00 33,790.0C 1,733.00 |07,446.G( AII-9 51' Ste~l Cuing ~ 362 L.F. 40().00 144,800,00 500.00 181,00(.00 400.00 144,800.0( 507,00 183,534.0( AII-IO 60' !vlanlxole I~r City of Ft~tana No. 112, 114, 109 induding V.C.P. smb mate and plugs 25 EA. 3,000.00 75,000.00 2,100.00 52,500.00 2,900.00 72,500.0( 4"351.00 V.C.P. mub man and plugs. I EA. 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,~00.00 8,000,00 8,000.0( 4,g46,00 4,846.0( AII-12 SuppotX and proection of existing militie4, wawr lings, e~w=r lin~, I L.S. 5,000,00 5,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 3,900.00 3,900.0( 6,720.00 6,720.0( AH=I3 AoC. Pav=nwm 4178 TONS 50.00 208,900.00 49.00 204,722.00 44.00 183,832.0( 38.00 158,764.0( AWl4 Sawcut and R~mov~ A.C. Pavement 110,461 SQ. FT. 0.20 22,092.20 0.12 13,255.32 0.27 29,824.4~ 0.2~ 30,929.0( Apputtmm~ Rdaed Work for Tvgn~h I L.S. 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,011,12 10,011.12 13,000.00 13,000.0( 62,720.00 62,720.0( All-16 Traff~ CovUol (including A~ick 7-10.3 of,qp~iai provisioN) I L.S. 8,468.80 8,468.80 12,000.00 12,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.0( 69,440.00 69,440.0( All-17 Sttipi~R~-Hacemeat I L.S- 5,000.00 5,000.00 3,500.00 3,5~0.00 10,000.00 10,000.0( 8,0M.00 8,064.0( All-18 Kxpo~ and vaify md of 27' VCP at Junta I L.S. 2,500.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 600.00 600.0( 1,371.00 1.371.0( All-19 R~movt Exis6ng 27* VCP at Sea. 89+50, ifDiteue. d 50 L.F. 100.00 5,000.00 60.00 3,000.00 14.00 700.0( 46.00 2,300.0~ All-20 Cigarlag end Grabbing I L.S. 50,000.00 50,000,00 12,500.00 12,500.00 40,000.00 40,000.0( 22,400.00 22,400.0( AH-21 R~mov~andR~pla~8*Curbamt Cuttu or A.C. Dike 170 L.F. 22.00 3,740.00 20.00 3,400.00 21.00 3,570,0( 16.00 2,720.0( SUB-TOTAL 1,707,777.00 1,285,112.44 1"325,677.47 1,501,661.08 CYPRESS.×LS, 8/19/92, 3 of 8 · '* ·CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM BID RESULTS· * * rltOJECT: Uemete &ve. T® ,~e BerelartTke T.A. Nved, be. C.P. Cmmmclbl CO. Yedm~ Coep, Csl~cm C~ iem Esllemel Ueltel IbM All-22 21'bJmSlreftl~V.C.P. 2,~SI L.I:. 89.00 227,662.00 70.00 179,060,00 79.00 202,082.0~ 65.00 166,270.00 A~-23 21 ' · 6' Y'e Eaea Suul/ V.C.P. 17 EA. 3~0.00 5,9~.0~ 400.00 6,100.00 670.00 l 1,390.0C 419.00 7,123.00 All-24 4' bwet Leeel 0o 3' p EP o~ rob) 17 ~,. 1,200.~0 20,400.00 750.00 12,750.00 ~45.00 9,265.0C 2,021.00 34,476.00 AI~2~ 60' Melob Per City of F4mmm Std. No. ll2, 114, 109bdudi~V.C.P. tub om end plugs. 7 EA. 2,100.00 14,700.00 2,100.00 14,700.00 i,lO0.00 12,600.0C 3,345.00 23,415.00 ifgbdlml V.C.P. ettb oelf lad Flugo I EA. 14,000.00 14,000.00 14,500.00 14,~00.00 28,0~0.00 28,000.0~ 14~357.00 14,357.00 A~-27 i war ~ meet lime. ! L.S. 5,000.00 ~,000.00 3,0~.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.(Z 6,720.00 6,720.00 All-21 A.C. Itsvmem 1,121 TONS 55.00 61,655.00 49°00 54,929.00 53.00 59,413.0C 43.00 0,203.00 A~29 Sew¢~ ead eraore A.C. P~vemem 36,230 S~. FT. 0.20 7,247.60 0.12 4,341J6 0.15 ~,435.~ 0.21 10,146.64 Ttudl i L.S. 2,~)0.00 2,¢00.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,4300.00 ~,0~O.(Z 6,720.00 6,720.00 A~31 Tml~ Coalrd 0a;bli~ Af~b 7-10J ofSpecid Pr4:r4elom) | L.S. 3,2M.40 3,215.40 4,~0.00 4,~0.00 6,300.00 6,300.0C 1,960.00 0,960.00 AI[-32 Sl~plag Re-Pla~met I L.S. 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,~0,130 2,~00,00 5,000.00 $,000.0G 6,720.00 6,720.00 A11-33 ~ exllng maleba Io Itudo $ ~A. 300.00 2,400.G0 I$0,G0 1,200.00 180.00 1,440.0(] 392.00 3, 136.00 Aii-34 Cb, ei~.mdGsdabi~ I L.S. 20,000,00 20,GO).00 7,500.00 7,.~00.00 16,000.00 16,000.0(] 11,200.00 11,2~0.00 A]i-35 u,,-,,,~lmdre:pbe.40'~m2d cea~ o~ A.C. ~ 100 L.F. 22.G0 2,200.00 20.00 2,000.00 23.00 2,300.0~ 16.00 i,600.00 SUB-TOTAL 390,000.00 312,787..46 366,225.~ 349~046.64 TOTAL ':BID I~RICE' $2,09'7,7/7.00 CYPRESS.XLS, 8119/92, 4 of 8 * * *CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM BID RESULTS* * * rROJ~CT: ~ ~. Te ~ ~ Ave.) ~ ~-I 27' ~ ~ V.C.P. 3~7 L.F. 1 I1 ~ 10' ~ ~ V.C.P. 24 L.F. 1~.~ 3,~.~ 65.~ 1~.~ ~,~ 1,~.~ ~.~ 1,5~.~ ~-5 ~' ~ $~ V.C.P. 49 L.F. 1~.~ 6,1~.~ ~.~ 2,~.~ ~.~ I.~.~ ~ 24'x6'Y'$~V.C.P., ~ pkg$. 31 ~. ~5.~ 24,~5.~ 5~.~ IS~.~ 215.~ 6,~5.~] 910.~ 28,210.~ ~7 27' x 6' Y's ~ ~ V.C.P., ~4 ~' ~ ~ (~ 8' ~ P ~ ~) 62 ~ 51' ~ ~ ~ 362 L.F. 6~.~ ~,~.~ ~.~ 217,~.~ ~.~ 217,~.~ ~.~ ~-IO ~'b~cC~ofF~. No. 112, 114, I~V.C.P. V.C.P. ~ ~ ~ p~s. I ~. 4,~.~ 4,~.~ 4,~.~ 4,~.~ 4,~.~ 4,~.~ 3,~.~ 3,~.~ ~-12 c~ ~, w~ ~, ~u ~ I L.S. ~,~.~ ~,~.~ 1,~.~ [,~.~ i0,~.~ J0,~.~ ]3,~.~ 13,~.~ ~-!3 A,C. firm 4178 ~NS 42,~ 175,476.~ 35.~ 1~,~0.~ 65,~ 271,5~.~ 35.~ 1~,~0.~ ~-14 ~wcm ~ ~vt A.C. ~ 110,~1 ~. ft. 0.4~ 4~,~7.45 0.~ ~,~ 0.~ 27,615.~ 0J~ 38,~1.35 ~b~W~f~T~zh I L.S. ~,~.~ ~,~.~ ~.~.~ ~,~.~ ~,~.~ ~,~,~ 17,~.~ 17,~.~ ~-16 Tm~ C~ C~l~ ~ 7-10.3 ~ ~) I L.S. 34,~.~ 34,~.~ 10,~.~ 10,~.~ 10,~.~ 10,~.~ ~,~.~ 30,~.~ ~-17 ~~m I L~- 8,~.~ ~-18 ~vi~d~27'VCP ~ ju~ I L.S. 2,~.~ 2,~.~ 10,~.~ 10,~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~,~ 2,~.~ ~-19 b~e ~ 27' VCP ~ ~. 89+50, if~ ~ L.F. ~.~ 3,~0.~ 130.~ 6,5~.~ 30.~ 1,~.~ 42.~ ~1~.~ ~-~ ~l~O~ I L.S. 10,~.~ 10,~.~ ~,~.~ ~,~.~ ~,~.~ ~,~.~ I$,~,~ I},~.~ ~-21 ~ ~ A.C. ~ 170 L.F. ~.~ 3,7~.~ 12,~ 2,~.~ ~Tg 1,631,8~.45 1,3~,827.20 1,~,~,~ 1,368,889.35 CY~ESS.XLS, 8/~ 9/92, 5 of 8 ***CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM BID RESULTS*** PROJECT: Cypress Aveme Sewer SysUme (./ormlm Ave. '1'~, Sam Bemmrdlme Aye,) Ov4mer:,CityofFeaaea Commueay I)evdotmeel DeetJF_aWbemi~ Divlslo~ ], R. Pipelin~ Co. Murray Company Yelich, lac U~sb PsciE¢ CooeL Im F/imeed Ueit of Unit Umlt Umit Uma No. mscd~ or Items Oeami~ 0,mn6tv ~ ToCml PrkV Totel rrlc,~ Teul l',k~ Totd B. Vdk,,yBmbverdTeSemBemardiee A11-22 21' E~ra $trm~h V.C.P. 2,558 L.F. 98.00 250,684.(i0 75.00 191,850.00 75.00 191,850.0( 76.00 194,44~.00 A11-23 21' x 6' Y'a Exln SUeegOx V.C.P. 17 EA. 850.00 14,450.00 350,00 5,950.00 190.00 3,230.0( 82~.00 14,02~.00 A~-24 4' Sewer Ls~ml (to 3' past EP m' cm'b) 17 EA. 850.00 14,450.00 1,000.00 17,000.00 700.00 I 1,900.0( ~)0.G0 8,500.00 No. 112, 1|4, 109 iu;bing V.C.P. stub oom mid plugs. 7 EA. 3,800.00 26,600.00 2,800.00 19,600.00 2,500.00 17,500.0( 2,200,00 15,400.00 A11-26 72' l)iverdonMalio~B-I comp/e~, {~luding V.C.P. stub oot~ m~d plegs I EA. i6,000.00 16,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 14~000.00 14,00).0( 11,500,00 11,500.00 ~d;li~!cs, ws.~' I/aM, ~we, r llnte. I L.S. 5,GG0.00 5,000.00 |,000.00 ],000,00 4,000.00 4°000.0( 14,000.00 14,000.00 AI1-28 A.C. Pavetin:at 1,121 TONS 42,00 47,082.00 35.00 39,235.00 65.00 72,865.0( 35,00 39,?.35.00 A11-29 Sawcut and rameve A.C. Persmear 36,238 SQ. FT. 0.45 16,307.10 0.20 7,247.60 0.2~ 9,0~9.~ 0.40 14,49~.20 Twml I L.S. 5,000.00 5,G00.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 25,000.00 2~,~00.0( 3,500.00 3,500.00 A~-31 Ttaff~ Coeiml ('me~lu~ Artkk 7-10.3 ofSp~:bl Pxovblcw~) I L.S. i0,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.0~ 16,000.00 16,000.00 A~-32 SV, plug Ke-plecsmcut I L.S. 2,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 3,0OO.0( 2,500.00 2,5O0.0O AI]-34 Cl~emiGtubbblg I L.S. 10,000.00 10,000.O0 32,000.0O 32,000.O0 50,000.0O 50,000.0( 4,500.O0 ;uusr or A.C. b 1O0 L,F. 22.0O 2,200.0O 12.O0 1,200.O0 25.O0 2,5O0.0( 15 .O0 1,5O0.O0 SUB-TOTAL 422,373.10 349,482.60 413,304.5(~ 341,363.20 TOTAL "BID PRICE* $2,054,]93.55 $1,742,309.80 $1,943,613.75 $1,710r?-52.55 CYPRESS.XLS, 8/I 9/92, 6 of 8 * * *CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM BID RESULTS* * * PROJECT: Calutnlfl~aOfAitenaateSchedu~ll Cypfiss Avmue Sewer System Ourulma Ave. To San Be~uwdlao Ave,) Bid Die: Thanday, Augrot B, 199~ O 2.00 PM Owuen Ci~ ot Radich Coli~h & In Fatimated Uult of Unit Umlt No. Desc,~m6ou of Itnu~ O~mt~v O,,~ffditv ~ T~ P~ A JURUPA AVENUE TO VALLEY BOULEVARD AH-I 27' ~ ~ V.C.P. 3507 L.F. aS.00 30g,616.00 110.00 385,770.00 AH-2 24s ~tlra ~gth V.C.P. 4428 L.F. 7~.00 345394.00 fig.00 389,664.(~ AII-3 21s Extra ~ V.C.P. 16 L.F. 200.00 3,200.00 113.00 1,~0~.00 AH-4 I0' IZzlm S~r~ngth V.C.P. 24 L.F. 100.00 2,400.00 T3.00 1,752.00 All-5 8' Extra ~ V.C.P. 49 L.F. 100.00 4,900.00 68.00 3,332~00 All-6 24'x6sY'aEalraS~alg~hV.C.P., ingludlagplugL 31 EA. 550.00 17,050.00 425.00 13,175.00 All-7 27' x 6' Y's ExUa $u~ngth V.C.P., indudingplugL 31 EA. 655.00 20,~O5.00 510.00 15,810.00 AH-B 4' Sewer Lagrid (to 3' past EP ,g cud,) 62 EA. 900.00 55,g00.00 7~O.00 AII-9 51' Steel Cuing Pipe 362 L.F. 440.00 159,2S0.00 350.00 126,700.00 AR-10 60'MsasokPexC/tyotFommSUl. No. 112, i14, 109 iagludiag V.C.P. stub outs and plugs 15 EA. 2,B00.00 70,000.00 3,350.00 AiI-II $,sr. as,dDr~klsahok, including V.C.P. atub outs and plugs. I EA. 4,000.00 4,000.00 3,700.00 3,700.00 All-12 S,Aup~t and ptutexlioa of ~Xi~timg UtilitieS, wagt I~, gWgt lilgl i L.S. 15,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 A~-13 A.C. Pavement 4178 TONS 36.00 150,40~.00 40.00 167,120.00 AII-14 Mwcutud R~mov, A.C. Iivgwaat 110,461 $Q. FT. 0.15 16,569.15 0.10 11,046.10 A~-I5 Samfag, Shoring and Brgiag and All A~pufl~mmt bhl~d Wock fi~r Tzm~h I L.S. 25,000.00 25,000.00 1}0,000.00 130,000.00 AH-16 Traffg Control Cugluding Axtlcb 7-10.3 of Sp~ial Pvovil~om) I L.S. 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 AILI7 $Ulphgb*Haccme. nt I L.$. 3,500.00 3,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 All-iS gzpogudvraifyeadof27'VCP at ~utupa I L.S. 5,500.00 5,500.00 500.00 500.00 All-19 R~,aove Existis,g 27' VCP Sewer aa $ta. 19+50, ifDimad 50 L.F. 50.00 2,500.00 60.00 A//-20 ~ and Gm~biag I L.S. 2,000.00 2,000.00 S0,000.00 AII-21 Remove and gel, age ~' Cud, aad Cutter or A~C. ~ 170 L.F. 15.00 2,550.00 15.00 2,550.00 ~UB-TOTAL 1,22~,962.15 1,439,0~7.10 7Of8 CYPflESS.XLS, 8/]8/92, ***CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM BID RESULTS*** PROJECT: Comenec6mOfAhemaeScheddell Cypress A---,P Sewer fJurupe Ave, To Sm Bermwdbo Ave,) BidDle:lhrad~,Augtm13,199292.-00PM Owee~. Ci~ d Cemmm~ Oedo~ma De~Fa~e~ Retich Colicb & Sore Item F--,;--*,~I Useit of Ude U~it B. Vele~BedmerdTeSaa~ All-?.2 21' El~ra $1ee~h V,C.P. 2,553 L.F. 60.00 153,480.00 71.00 AII-23 21'x6'Y'sExlmSuengthV.C.P. 17 EA. 460.00 7,820.00 325.00 5,525.0~ A!]-24 4'SewerLMetal(m3'!mtEPot~urb) 17 EA. 900.00 15,300.00 780.00 13,260.0C Ali-25 60"Maehokpe~CkyofFo,,e--,Std. No. 112, 114, 1091nclud~gV.C.P. stub eels ed plugs. 7 EA. 1,900.00 13,300.00 2,220.00 15,540.0C h~ludbg V.C,P. ssub o~u smt plugs | EA. l$,0O0.00 I$,000.00 15,000.00 t5,000.0~ A11-27 Support md proe~tloe ulili~s, we, r Bsr, s, gw,r lin~s. I L.S. 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.0G A11-28 A.C. Pave~t 1,121 TONS 36.00 40,356.00 40.00 44,840.0C A11-29 Sawcut and emovt A.C. paves=at 36,238 S~. Ff. 0.15 5,435.70 0.10 All AppoaU4mt R=le~d Wod for Trmch I L.S. 5,000.00 5,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.0G AII-31 Tra~o Cem~ Cm;/ud~g 7-10.3 ofSV~ Ptovisloe) I L.S. 3,50O.00 3,500.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 Aft-S2 Ssdpi~ b-Rsc~mm I L.S. 1,300.00 1,500.00 1,000.O0 1,000.0G AII-33 Babe exbt]~ ~ to Inde I EA. 7.50.00 2,000.00 350.00 2,80 0.G~ A11-34 ~eadGtub~eg I L.S. 1,000.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.0G AII-35 cutter ot A.C. dib 100 L.F. 15.00 1,500.00 15.00 l SUB-TOTAL 2~0,191.70 329,706.80 TOTAL *BID HHCE~ $1,494,1~3.85 $1,768,743.90 8of8 CYPRESS.XLS, 8119/92, ~ .........~ ~~~': ............... ..........~~ ...... 7. What was t e overall performance o+ the contractor? ~ 2. Did they have proper traffic control? ~ ......................................... 3. Did they cooperate with your staff? 8. Did they complete the job on time? ._~.,.'_ Z~ ........................................ 7. Wha w e overall performance of the contractor? 8. Would you recommend the contractor?~ RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION ~E~.~E~C~_L~,H~ 2, Did they have proper tra+fic control? ~Z._r.~_= ............................ 5. ~.~. ~_... ~_~.~_...c2~..._~_,_~.___._i_~2_~: ~,.~_ 4, Were their any citizen complaints? How were they handied? .... 5, Did they comply ~ith ~he labor laws? ~. ......................................................... 6, Did they complete the job on time? ...~ ......................................................... 7, What Has the overall per+ormance o+ the contractor 8, Would you recommend the contractor? [:.I. IY r. JP t"UNIr"'/N,q LI:'.IIt'H LJP IHAN~I"III CDD/ENGINEERING D :SION 8353 SIERRA AVENUE File: Account No: FONTANA,CA. 92335 Date:8-14-~- Contract No: · o: ........... ...................... ~.~...,.,..aE.~.,...~.~.n.~..~g_~.~!.:.. ~>4 Attached ( ) LJnder seperate cover via .............. the following item: ( ) Drawing ( ) Prints ( ) Plans ( ) Samples Specifications ( ) Copy of Letter ( ) Change Order ( ) Check Prints ( ) Studies ~ Other: ........ ~,;,.L .......... Ba...~ ................................................................................................................... COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION ~Z~.., ~ ~a .....................................................................................................................~..~.i~.,~,......A u, a,....,. ... .~.~a~,....Qc~.Z~ ~ For your information/records ( ) Submit orginal .................................................. ) For approval ( ) Resubmit ............. copies for ) Approved as submitted approval ) For your use ( ) Submit copies for ) Approved as noted distribution ) As requested ( ) Return ............... corrected }tints ) For review and comment ~ Other~_,......~,*<~ .......... ) Returned for corrections ) Other ) For b~d due: ................................................. ,19 ) Prints returned after loaned to: Copy to: ~'.[~.~ ........................... Signed=~~~ City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 23, 1992 Utah Pactftc Construction 40940 Eleanora Nay Hurtlet, CA 92562 Dear Strs= Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on August 13, 1992, for the construction of Cypress Avenue Sewer System, Jurupa Avenue to San Bernardlno Avenue ~n the Clty of Fontaria. The successfu] low b~dder was Kenko Inc., tn the amount of $1,578,632.00. The City ts most appreciative of your ~nterest tn btddtng on th~s project and tf you should have any further questions, please feel free to contact John Tesley ~n the Eng~neeHng Dtvtston of the City of Fontana at (714) 350-6642. Deputy Ctty Chrk lsn enclosure cc: Ftnance Department John Tesely, Eng~neeHng 8353 SIERRA AVENUE(P,O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-O518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA Ci ty of Fontana LIFORNIA October 23, 1992 Radtch Construction 40 Nest Easy St., Sutte 2A Slut Valley, CA. 93065 Dear Strs: Please find enclosed your Btd Bond subettted on August 13, 1992, for the construction of Cypress Avenue Seer Systee, Ourupa Avenue to San Bernardtrio Avenue tn the Ctty of Fontaria. The successful ]ow btdder was Kenko Inc., tn the amount of $1,578,632.00. The Ctty ~s cost appreciative of your triterest Sn btddtng on thts pro4Kt and tf you should have any further questions, please feel free to contact Oohn Tesley tn the Engineering Dtvtston of the Ctty of Fontana at (714) 350-6642. L~nda S. Nunn, CHC Deputy Ctty Clerk 1an enclosure cc: Ftnance Departaent Oohn Teaely, Engineering 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-O518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA /° Cicty of Fontana LIFORNIA October 23, 1992 Collch and Sons 547 W. 140th Street GArdena, CA 90248 Dear Strs: Please find enclosed your Btd Bond submitted on August 13, 1992, for the construction of CYpress Avenue Sewer System, Ourupa Avenue to San Bernardtrio Avenue in the City of Fontaria. The successful low btdder was Kenko Inc., in the amount of $1,578,632.00. The City ts most appreciative of your tnterest in btddtng on thts project end if you should have any further questions, please feel free to contact Oohn Tesley in the Engineering Dtvtston of the City of Fontaria at (714) 350-6642. Deputy City Clerk enclosure cc: Ftnance Department Oohn Tesely, Engineering 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-O518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA Cicty of Fontana LIFORNIA October 23, 1992 STanley F. Yeltch, Znc. P.O. Box 246 Sierra Hadre, CA 91025 Dear Strs: Please find enclosed your Btd Bond submitted on August 13, 1992, for the construction of Cypress Avenue Seer System, Ourupa Avenue to San Bernardtrio Avenue tn the City of Fontaria. The successful low btdder was Kenko Inc., tn the amount of $1,578,632.00. The City ts most appreciative of your interest tn bidding on this pro3ect and if you should have any further questions, please feel free to contact Oohn Tesley tn the Engineering Dtvtston of the Ctty of Fontaria at (714) 350-6642. Sincerely, Deputy City Clerk lsn enclosure cc: Ftnance Department aohn Tesely, Engineering 8353 SIERRA AVENUE(P.Q BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 23, 1992 Hurray Company 2919 E. Vtctorta St. Rancho Domtnguez, CA 90221 Dear Strs: Please find enclosed your Btd Bond submitted on August 13, 1992, for the construction of Cypress Avenue Sewer System, Ourupa Avenue to San Bernardlno Avenue tn the Ctty of Fontaria. The successful low bidder was Kenko Inc., tn the amount of $1,578,632.00. The Ctty ts most appreciative of your interest tn btddtng on thts project and tf you should have any further questions, please feel free to contact Oohn Tesley tn the Engineering Dtvtston of the City of Fontaria at (714) 350-6642. SIncerely, Ltnda S. Nunn, CHC Deputy Ctty Clerk lsn enclosure cc: Ftnance Department John Tesely, Engineering 8353 SIERRA AVENUE(P,O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 23, 1992 O. R. Ptpe]tne Co., Inc. 1530 Nandtna Perrts, CA 92571 Dear Strs: Please find enclosed your Btd Bond submitted on August 13, 1992, for the construction of Cypress Avenue Sewer System, Ourupa Avenue to San Bernardtno Avenue tn the Ctty of Fontaria. The successful low b~dder was Kenko Inc., tn the amount of $1,578,632.00. The C~ty ts most appreciative of your tnterest tn b~ddtng on thts project and tf you should have any further questions, please feel free to contact John Tesley tn the Engineering Dtvtston of the Ctty of Fontana at (714) 350-5642. Llnda S. Nunn, CHC Deputy Ctty Clerk lsn enclosure cc: F~nance Department aohn Tesely, Engineering 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA. CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA October 23, 1992 Calfon Construction, Inc. P.O. Box 7 Rtalto, CA 92377 Dear Strs: Please find enclosed your Btd Bond substtted on August 13, 1992, for the construction of Cypress Avenue Sewer Systes, Ourupa Avenue to San Bernardtno Avenue in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder was Kenko Inc., in the amount of $1,578,632.00. The City is sost appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project and if you should have any further questions, please feel free to contact John Tesley tn the Engineering Division of the City of Fontana at (:714) 350-6642. SIncerely, Ltnda S. Nunn, CNC Deputy City Clerk enclosure cc: Finance Departsent John Tesely, Engineering 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTAN~ CALIFORNIA92334~)518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 23, 1992 Vadnats Corporation 12760 High Bluff Dr. #370 San Dtego, CA 92130 Dear Sirs: Please ftnd enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on August 13, 1992, for the construction of Cypress Avenue Sewer System, Jurupa Avenue to San Bernardtrio Avenue tn the City of Fontaria. The successful low btdder was Kenko Inc., tn the amount of $1,578,632.00. The City ts most appreciative of your interest tn bidding on this project and if you should have any further questionS, please feel free to contact John Tesley in the Engineering Dtvtston of the Ctty of Fontana at (714) 350-6642. L1nda S. Nunn, CHC Deputy City Clerk lsn enclosure cc: Ftnance Department John Tesely, Engineering 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, I~C. CANADA Cicty of Fontana LIFORNIA October 23, 1992 C.P. Construction Co., Inc. P.O. Box 1206 Ontarto, CA 91762 Dear Strs: Please find enclosed your Btd Bond submitted on August 13, 1992, for the construction of Cypress Avenue Sewer System, Ourupa Avenue to San Bernardtrio Avenue tn the Ctty of Fontana. The successful low btdder was Kenko Inc., tn the amount of $1,578,632.00. The Clty fs most appreciative of your tnterest tn btddtng on thts project and tf you should have any further questions, please feel free to contact Oohn Tesley In the Engineering Dtvtston of the ~t y of Fontaria (714) 350-6642. t at SIncerely, Ltnda S. Nunn, CNC Deputy Ctty Clerk lsn enclosure cc: Ftnance Department aohn Tesely, Engineering 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) ® FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 23, 1992 T. A. Rtvard, Inc. 8884 aurupa Road RIverside, CA 92509 Dear Strs: Please find enclosed your BId Bond submitted on August 13, 1992, for the construction of Cypress Avenue Sewer System, Jurupa Avenue to San Bernardtno Avenue In the Ctty of Fontaria. The successful low btdder was Kenko Inc., tn the amount of $1,578,632.00. The CIty ts most appreciative of your 4riterest tn btddtng on thts project and tf you should have any further questions, please feel free to contact John Tesley tn the Engineering Dtv4ston of the Ctty of Fontaria at (714) 350-6642. Ltnda S. Nunn, CHC Deputy Ctty enclosure cc~ Finance Department John Tesely, Engineering 8353SIERRAAVENUE(F%0. BOX518} · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 23, 1992 Mobassaly Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 295 Azusa, CA 91702 Dear Slrs: Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on August 13, 1992, for the construction of Cypress Avenue Sewer System, Jurupa Avenue to San Bernardtrio Avenue tn the Ctty of Fontaria. The successful low b~dder was Kenko Znc., tn the amount of $1,578,632.00, The Ctty ts most appreciative of your triterest tn bidding on th~s project and tf you should have any further questionS, please feel free to contact John Tesley In the Engineering Division of the City of Fontaria at 1714) 350-6642. SIncerely, Ltnda S. Nunn, CNC Deputy City Clerk lsn enclosure cc: Ftnance Department John Tesely, Engineering 8353 $1ERRA AVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334'0518 · 1714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 23, 1992 Htke Hasanovtch Const. Co., Inc. 63 Alia Street Arcadia, Ca 91006 Dear Sirs: Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on August 13, 1992, for the construction of Cypress Avenue Sewer System, 0urupa Avenue to San Bernardtno Avenue tn the Ctty of Fontana. The successful low bidder was Kenko inc., tn the amount of $1,578,632.00. The Ctty ts most appreciative of your tnterest in btddtng on this pro3ect and if you should have any further questions, please feel free to contact aohn Tefley tn the Engineering Dtvlston of the Ctty of Fontana at (714) 350-6642. Sincerely, Ltnda S. Nunn, CHC Deputy Ctty Clerk lsn enclosure cc: Finance Department John Tesely, Engineering 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O, BOX 518) · FONTANA CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, EC. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 23, 1992 Kenko Inc. 1025 Calimesa Blvd. Ste. #4 Callmesa, Callf. 92320 Dear Sirs: Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on August 13, 1992 for construction of Cypress Avenue Sewer System, Jurupa Avenue to San Bernardtrio Avenue in the City of Fontana tn as much you have submitted a copy of the fu]]y executed contract for thts project, insurance Certificate, Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $1,578,632.00 and Pa~nent Bond in the amount of $1,578,632.00. The CIty ts most appreciative of your tnterest tn btddtng on thts prodect. If you should have any further questlons,:please contact Oohn Tesley, in the Engineering Dtvtston of the Ctty of Fontaria at 350-6642. SIncerely, Linda S. Nunn, CNC Deputy City Clerk lsn enclosure co: Finance Department John Tesley, Engineering 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P,O, BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALJFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA