HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.6 To & From Utility Comp (2)Pu~]i~ ~/~rk~ Department Engineering Services Division PROJECT: . . · 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 AGENCY,' 3OB NO,: (71~) 350-761 0 ~Q. ~R IN~ ~IFI. ~. ~A~ ~IM~ P~ON & ~ ~S~ ~ ~S~ ~ ~S ~ ~S~ ~ONE NO. c, ,, o F CAL IFOR NIA COMMUNICATIONS FROM FAX NO. [714] 350-6618 0 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOHING PAGES TO: N NAME: /~-,4,,-/...fr~_/4-,~ LOCAT I ON: T FAX NUMBER: .=3~"7-~,/'~.5"" PHONE: A FROM: ~'/~///-/~ N LOCATION: ACCOUNT NO. PHONE: ,,~-~;~-- A TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: (including cover shee~) ' MESSAGE:/~'/C~f~/,,,/~r,6 CC: FAX CHARGE IS: $3.00 1ST PAGE (EXCLUDZNG COVER SHEET) $1.50 THEREAFTER. PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO CITY OF FONTANA IN THE AMOUNT OF $ AND MAIL TO: CZTY OF FONTANA, P.O.BOX 518, FONTANA, CA. 92334 FROM: name company / firm address phone no. NOTE: PLEASE RETURN TH;S COVER SHEET WITH PAYMENT (ACC.NO,010-0316-2300) aAN. 1992 SKY-- '~ TRANSMITTA ~ SIERRA ENGINEERIN~ PROJECT 2000, INC. Engineering - surveying - Planning 25864 Business Center Drive, Suite F Redlands, California 92374 Telephone (714) 799-8080 FAX # (714) 799-8070 TO: PACIFIC BELL TRANSMITTAL NO: 4523 3073 ADAMS STREET ROOM # 120 DATE: 6-11-91 RIVERSIDE, CA 92504 JOB NO: 90-065 ATTN: CAROL VERBRUGGE SUBJECT: CITRUS AVENUE ~0~ ~f~ ~5~- 2Y35 ~ ~ ~ ~ MASTER STORM DRAIN WE ARE SENDING YOU: VIA MAiL NO. ITEMS DESCRIPTION 1 SET STORM DRAIN PLANS ABOVE ITEMS ARE SUBMITTED: [ ] AT YOUR REQUEST [ ] FOR YOUR APPROVAL [X] FOR YOUR USE COMMENTS: SUBMITTED BY: TONY AREGE RECEIVED BY: CC: FELIPE MOLINOS - CITY OF FONTANA TRANSMITTA~ SIERRA ENGINEERING/ PROJECT 2000, INC. Engineering - Su~eying - Planning 25864 Business Center Drive, Suite F Redlands, California 92374 Telephone (714) 799-8080 FAX # (714) 799-8070 TO: FONTANA UNION WATER CO. TRANSMITTAL NO: 4524 P.O.BOX 309 DATE: 6-11-91 FONTANA, CA 92334 JOB NO: 90-065 ATTN: ROBERT BECK SUBJECT: CITRUS AVENUE OPERATION MANAGER MASTER STORM DRAIN WE ARE SENDING YOU: VIA MAIL NO. ITEMS DESCRIPTION 1 SET STORM DRAIN PLANS ABOVE ITEMS ARE SUBMITTED: [ ] AT YOUR REQUEST [ ] FOR YOUR APPROVAL IX] FOR YOUR USE COMMENTS: SUBMITTED BY: TONY AREGE RECEIVED BY: CC: FELIPE MOLINOS - CITY OF FONTANA TRANSMITTA ~ SIERRA ENGINEERING/ PROJECT 2000, INC. Engineering - Surveying - Planning 25864 Business Center Drive, Suite F Redlands, California 92374 Telephone (714) 799-8080 FAX # (714) 799-8070 TO: FONTANA WATER COMPANY TRANSMITTAL NO: 4525 8440 NUEVO STREET DATE: 6-11-91 FONTANA, CA 92335 JOB NO: 90-065 ATTN: BRUCE CASH SUBJECT: CITRUS AVENUE MASTER STORM DRAIN WE ARE SENDING YOU: VIA MAIL NO. ITEMS DESCRIPTION 1 SET STORM DRAIN PLANS ABOVE ITEMS ARE SUBMITTED: [ ] AT YOUR REQUEST [ ] FOR YOUR APPROVAL IX] FOR YOUR USE COMMENTS: SUBMITTED BY: TONY AREGE RECEIVED BY: CC: FELIPE MOLINOS - CITY OF FONTANA W' TRANSMITTAE~ SIERRA ENGINEERIN~ PROJECT 2000, INC Engineering - Su~eying - Planning 25864 Business Center Drive, Suite F Redlands, California 92374 Telephone (714) 799-8080 FAX # (714) 799-8070 TO: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON TRANSMITTAL NO: 4526 7951 REDWOOD AVENUE DATE: 6-11-91 FONTANA, CA 92336 JOB NO: 90-065 ATTN: FRAN STEWART SUBJECT: CITRUS AVENUE MASTER STORM DRAIN WE ARE SENDING YOU: VIA MAIL NO. ITEMS DESCRIPTION 1 SET STORM DRAIN PLANS ABOVE ITEMS ARE SUBMITTED: [ ] AT YOUR REQUEST [ ] FOR YOUR APPROVAL [X] FOR YOUR USE COMMENTS: SUBMITTED BY: TONY AREGE RECEIVED BY: CC: FELIPE MOLINOS - CITY OF FONTANA TRANSMITTA L~ SIERRA ENGINEERING/ PROJECT 2000, INC Engineering - SU~eying - Planning 25864 Business Center Drive, Suite F Redlands, California 92374 Telephone (714) 799-8080 FAX # (714) 799-8070 TO: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS TRANSMITTAL NO: 4527 P.O.BOX 3003 DATE: 6-11-91 REDLANDS, CA 92373-0306 JOB NO: 90-065 ATTN: BOB ST JOHN SUBJECT: CITRUS AVENUE MASTER STORM DRAIN WE ARE SENDING YOU: VIA MAIL NO. ITEMS DESCRIPTION 1 SET STORM DRAIN PLANS ABOVE ITEMS ARE SUBMITTED: [ ] AT YOUR REQUEST [ ] FOR YOUR APPROVAL IX] FOR YOUR USE COMMENTS: SUBMITTED BY: TONY AREGE RECEIVED BY: CC: FELIPE MOLINOS - CITY OF FONTANA CHARGE ;LE~ MAKE CHECK ~ND M~L /j' .... >: ................ ~.~,, '7~:,. > NO~E: PLEASE RETURN THIS COVER SH~T WITH PAYMENT - .JA~. i992 SKY :,qUTOl!fiT; "" OOVER ,-'f4 ~ · , ~,.. . D~TE: hUG-25-92 TUE 1 ! FROfi: OIT¥ OF FONT~.NF, ~,,jC'p,:,H n,r:-"T' ."',~' '~ ",""r'2 ' "" (iNCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE) .... ,/;. le ha-,e prior r,~h~s ;in the area. We will submit ~n estimate O~ reloc~t~on cost.~ anc~ ~rior rights within ....... d~ys, We ~ve no faci!~ties within ~.he limits Of the proposed work, (~)we have facilities within the limits of the ~ropose~ wo~ sha~ on the Preliminary P%~:~ ~er Our Our existing fadl~ties ~]! ~ ~nterfere with t~ b) Our exlst~ng facilities w~lj interfere wi;h the completion o~ your We have facilities within the limits of the proposed work they ~/~re not sho~ aCcUrately on the Preliminary Prt~t~ showing location of our f~cilities are enclosed ~KeO ~n reO on yOUr Pr~iimi~ry Our work w~ll reau~re coordination with yOUr Contractor. (~X~I~r fully S0 that we mBy detail ~ur project pl~ns ~nd -', ~x~st on franchise rights and have facilities which wi ~.~rfere w~th Your p-,aposed We ~ontempl~te the following new and/or retoc&tion wor~ b) We esttm&te ........ working d~ys will be needed to perform ~ur w<jrk, c~ Our c8~s~ruction work c~n ~e s~ar~ed City of Fontana CALIFORNIA July 28, 1992 Mr. Eric Frasier State Health Department Office of Drinking Water 1836 South Commerce Center Circle Suite B San Bernardino, CA 92408 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Bid Opening Date: August 13, 1992 Dear Mr. Frasier: Attached please find blueprints for the project in reference. Transmitted are only the plan sheets where Fontaria Water Company (letter attached) expressed some concern about proximity to an existing water line. {Centerline to centerline separation of about 9 feet). I talked yesterday to Mr. Jim Hubert (National Clay Pipe Institute, phone (714) 734-5900) and he confirmed that a bell and spigot type of joint, with extra strength type of V:.C.P. would comply with the State criteria. This type of joint and pipe class is standard for this pipe size and will be used in this project for the main line. Please call me at 714-350-6641 as soon as possible regarding the adequacy of the construction. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Feltpe Moltnos,' P.E. Principal Engineer/Capital Improvements FN:sh Enclosures ~/z~/~2: - ~,,,- ~ ~,,- ~,~ F,~,~',~= F,,,,,~,--- ,,,,'//~ ~ TA A CO A DIVISION OF SAN GABRIEL VALLEY WATER COMPANY 8440 NUEVO AVENUE · P.O. BOX e87, FONTANA. CALIFORNIA e2334 · (714) 822-2201 July 23, 1992 RECEIVED :~' ~:~' ~/~'/~ '~J~ JUL 2 T t99~ Please reply to: ':;~ ~!~ 2, Z F ~'~" ~ ' Post Office Box 6010 ~' ~'? ~> ,I; 2 ~;j CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE E1 Monte, CA 91734 Fontana, CA 92334-0518 Attention: Mr. Felipe Molinos Subject: Cypress Avenue Sewer Gentlemen: You are hereby advised that Fontana Water Company has facilities within the area of your construction. Returned herewith is one set of your plans on which we have marked the approximate locations of our facilities and where special sewer construction is required by the health department on Cypress Avenue between Boyle and Slover Avenues. Our facilities will require protection in accordance with Section 5.1 and 5.2 of the Standard Specifications for Public Work Construction. While the contractor for the project is obligated to protect our facilities, we wish to cooperate with him to prevent damage. We shall indicate the approximate locations of our underground structures when the contractor requests that we do The contractor should accurately locate each structure ahead of his trenching operation at such points and intervals as may be required to give the operators the necessary information to prevent damage. If you should need additional information, do not hesitate to call me at (818) 448-6183. Very truly yours, Project Engineer LFM:dz Case 1: New ~e~er !line Zn~alled (Z=t(ure: 1 ~ 2) Zone. Special Constru:tton ~equi?ed for I -"e~er.llnes paraZlel ~o inter main: shall ~e · ~~~c approval rrau the responsible th agenc~y and i. '~'B A :e~er llne pZaced para21el t~ a ~a~er line ~hall be ~//~, ~1. Extra :trerith vltrltled clay pipe ~lth compression joints. X / ,v~J~ 2. Class 14000, ~ype II, a~ercos-ce~en= pipe ~rll;h rubber~ gasket 3. Pubbet iasket~d pressure rar. ed ~las~tc ~tpe (per A.~Z~i Z2,1], class / raced plastt~ ker. er plpe [per AI,~A C900) or equlv-.Zen~. 14. Plas~;lc se~er ;1pc vi~h £u~ed jolnt: (per ~ D3C3q) cr equiv&- lent. 5. Care or ductile 1ton pipe kith c,-prenton Joint:. 6. ReLnforced concrete preMu-e pipe ~ltb cc=rres:ton J~Ln=s (per Ak~*A C A ~eker 11he erossing a mt~r main.. r~ll be eonrcruct~ 1./~ctl~e 1ton pipe ~Ltb hot dip blt~-nlnou: eoatlng and mech~nic~ 2. A cont. tnuou= sectlon of iCla~ 200 (DR 1~ per bl~A C~CO) or equlvaZe~t, centered eve the pipe belr~ crossed. 3- & cen~nmm =eet;Lon of re$n~reed cor~ret~ '~reuure .3~Lpe. (per:.AkYA ' C302-7~) centered ever t~el~pe-betng, ~. any aek~r ~pe ~tthln · centlnuom 81eeve. D I se~er l~ne ero~slng s ~mter ma$n shall be c<x~structed 1. I caqttnmus see:ion of dintile iron plpe ~ith hot dlp bl~u~ino~ coating o 2, A:contlntnu3 8ecUon'o£ Clas3 2~0 (DR lq per A~/A pipe or equlvalen~s.Ce~tered on the pt~e beJ~i-crossed. 3- A contlnuou~ section o~' relnZror~e~ ecrcrete ~rer. sure C3C~-7q) centered on tJ~e pipe betr~ c~sae~. ~. any seker pipe ~r~in · continuous sleeve. 5. any ~er pipe separated by a ~en-t'ont by ~er~foo~,/our-inch-C~lck reinforced co~cret. e sl~b. Case 2:. New ~ater Yetn's Eetng 1natalleo (Ftltre~ I argl 2) Zone A ! ~ inter maln~ paral!el to sekers shall be constructed vltho~ ~ approval fr;= the health a~ency. B It' the seker parallelinI the mter main d~es ~t eet, the Case 1, Zone B. requirements, r. he rarer main shall be co~struc?.ed ~f: 1. ruetile Iron pipe vith hot dlp blr. tctnou~ coatlni. 2. Dipped and ~apped one-fotrth-tnch-t. htck ~elded steel pipe. *'3-ClassY200, ~pe I'i, .asberco~-cenen~. F.e=stre pt;e.' II. Class 200 pressre ra~ed plastic mter:-plpe (~ 1/l per b~A C9C0) or equivalent.. 5. letn£orced concrete Wenre pt~, steel cylinder type, per b~'X (C300-7q or C301-79 or C303-70)- C If ~,he .-e~r crosslng the inter maln does not meet the Case 1, Zone.C, requtrenents, the inter ~aln shall have no Joints in Zone C ar~ be con- struct.--d k.1. r~ct11~ lron pipe.with ho~ dip bltunlnous coat. trig. 2. l~lp;~l and krapped one-fort. h-inch-thick velded steel 3. C~a~ 200 pressure rated plastic inter pt~e (DR lal ;er bYA C.c0C) or equtvalen~. ~. ]telnforced e~rcrete pressre pipe, steel cylinder t. ype, per Ai~A (C300-7~ or C301-79 or C303-70). '~'the N~ er~a~tng the rarer'wain cloes ~t met ~ Z~e D, Ca~ 1, t,l~e ~t, er ma~n s~i ~e ~ ~a ~t~ tom' : Set, tY~ ett~r ~de of t,l~ R~r ~ ~11 I~ eon~r;~ 1o ~t~e 1~ ptix ~th I~t dip btt~w~ 2. ~tp;ed and ~ra;~ed one-fo~--~neb-t~ek velded steel pipe. or ect~v~l. mt, al. ~tnforeed eone~et.e Kes*~e pipe, ~t. eel a~l~uxler type, ~ NCTF_5 AKD 1. I~ALT~ AGENC~ -- ~e ~r~t of ~a~ ~rv~es. For tr~ ~r 2. ~'A~ SUP~ZER -- "Per~n o~ra~g a ~11c w~r sysC~" cr 's~pller of racer" ~s my ~n ~ ores or o~a~s a p~11c racer sys~. 3. ~ or less ac ~y ~ a~ My ~C M ~he mln. ~. ~.~stons ~e 5. C~ZO~: ston of a r~ber ring or gaske~ ~en the pt~ ~ a bell or couple. 7. ~P W~NG-WA~R ~E ~: ~S~E C~ -- A pt~ clarification ~yst~ ~as~ u~n pt~ martial, ~ ~ t~:~ess or t~ pi~ roll. 8. F~ 9. S~ -- a Fo~tlve t~e or. ~1 ~th a ~1 t~ess or ~t less than ~h ~h 10, 11. M~E ~L Me l~e.. ' ': NEW SEWEr { ( vNEW WATER MAIN "~ I Zone 'A" ~ ~ Zone =A= ~Zone zo.. , ~ '/?///~/~IIIll "8" . / SpeCial ~W S~ J Pipe · . '., / I I' I' ~ 3' ~ · 6' Special Pipe "P" I "P" I O,. Nolo z Zones Identical on eifher side of center lines. Zone "P" is o prohibiled zonej Section 64630 (e} (Z) California Adminfstrotive 'Code/"Titli 22 Figure I- PARALLEL CONSTRUCTION OFF, DRINK. bJATERR TEL:213-620-2656 Feb 25,91 11:03 No.O02 P,02 ~' CASE:, I NEW S~WER ....................... "" :-"7\ .................. 4 Z:_~"~',r~,'.'~,T~' :~ Z one P .............. .... -- 6'~ --4'. ~: '4' ----~-~.- 'I '~-::' 2onc'j~..~.._ t :.'.:'_"p" 7,_ I I I I ,I ~ j Speciol Pipe ,.m- ~ NO Jotnil In Sewer Nole: "P" is o prohibiled , CDnslruClion Zone CASE 2 WATER MAIN I "O t, ' No JOintS In W~Jler Moin '- . Jl..i.,i JJ J ,l~ ~,-':"' Zone ~ '-' ' ;'P" '~ ~: -- ,,,.. -'. "----"---8 ~ = = 4' .... -, .--~' .... _.L. : .......~---:---- z ~ -, · ..= ~.~.--r,,, ,. __..._-- ~_..;__ ....:_.._. , .. No Jolnls In ;'/alef Main Figure :~ ~ CROSSING~ _.,,,.,,,,,~..,,...,., ..... ~UG-26-92 WED 9:11 CITY ^~ FONT~N~ FAX N0. SSO"~8 P. 0S CITI OF F(~TNIA REPLY TO UTILITY NOTICE The following lnform~ n ~. ~e h~ve p~o~ Hghts ~n ~he a~e~. ge ~11 submit an estimate of ~e]e¢~on co~ ~nd pHe~ Hghts ,~th~n . d~s. ~. Ne h~ve no fae~es ~ith~n ~he l~mits of the p~oposed ~. ~e h~ve facilities ~h~n the l~m~ts of the p~oposed sho~ on the P~el~m~nB~t Plans pe~ ou~ ~ecords. a)0u~ exht~ng f~c~t~es ~1 _ no~ ~nte~fe~e ~th ~he completion of ~our p~oJect. b)Our exht~n~ f,c~l~t~es ~11 ~nte~fe~e ,~th the ¢omp~e~on of !ou~ 4. ~e have f~e~l~es ~th~n ~he l~m~ts of ~he p~oposed ~o~k but the~ ~~ sho~n accu~tel~ on ~he P~el~m~n~ Plans. F~nts sho~tng 1oc~t~on of ou~ f~c~l~t~es ~e enclosed m~ed ~n red on tou~ P~el~m~n,~ Phns. (ExplMn fu11~ so th~ ~e m~ ~etM1 ou~ p~0~eet plans ~nd the 5. ~e exist on franchhe r~ghts and have f~c~l~t~es which ~11 Inte~fe~e ~th your proposed work. a) ~a con~emp]~te the fol~o,~ng~ new and/or b) ~e estimate working days ~H1 be needed ~o perform our ~ork. c) our construction work can be started 7-COIENTS PLEASE ILrlUIUI C~PLETE]) FORN AI REQUESTEl) ZNFOR~ATIOll TO: PIJBLIC liOIKS/ENGINEERING OlVlSlOIi FIRM IINQE; X'~.-_c:/~::bx,:,,~- L~-c:~_..~:L 8353 SIGatA AVENUE SUSNITrfi) BY: FOKTAll, CA 92335 K_ ,~=, \--~=~,'~r--~-~--r---~ ~ FONTANA WATER COMPANY ~ ' JUly 23 , 1992 Please reply to: Post Office Box 6010 E1 Monte, CA 91734 City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92334-0518 Attention~ !Mr. Felipe Molinos Subject: Cypress Avenue Sewer Gentlemen: You are hereby advised that Fontana Water Company has facilities within'the 'area'of' your constr~ction. Returned~erewith is one set of your plans on which we have marked the approximate locations of our facilities and where special sewer construction is required by the health department on Cypress Avenue between Boyle and Slover Avenues. Our facilities will require protection in accordance with Section 5.1 and 5.2 of the Standard Specifications for Public Work Construction. While the contractor for the project is obligated to protect our facilities, we wish to 'cooperate with him to prevent damage. We shall indicate the aplD~vlm~te locations of our underground structures when the contractor requests that ~e do so. The contractor should accurately locate each structure ahead Of his trenching operation at such points and intervals as may be required to give the operators the necessary information to prevent damage. If you should need additional information, do not hesitate to call me at (818) 448-6183. Very truly yours, L. F. Montenegro '~' Project Engineer / LFM:dZ PACIFICDBELL A Pacific Telesis Company July 20,1992 Felipe Molinos, P.E. ~:!RECEIVED City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Ave. (P.O. Box 518) Fontaria, CA. 92334-0518 J~[2 3~9~ CITY ENGINEER°S OFFICE Dear Mr. Molinos: I reviewed the plans for the sewer improvements for Cypress Ave. in the City of Fontana. The grade of the proposed sewer line is well below telephone plant. We ask that any work performed under telephone plant be performed in a manner that will not damage the cable or conduit. Please protect our plant in place. No physical conflicts were seen, if this is incorrect please advise If you have any comments or I can be of additional help, please feel free to call me. My telephone number is (714) 359-2535. Thom V. York Engineer TVY:dbl c, · o F CAL IFORNIA COHNUNICATIONS FROH FAX NO, [714] 350-6618 0 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOt4ING PAGES TO: N NAHE: ~U~E ~/~/:/¢~ ~ LOCATION: /,-~j',~/~:T_~/Z,-y _ ~/f~ FAX NUHBER: 7/~ ~-~ PHONE: 7/9 LOCATION: ~'~ ~ ~/~ ACCOUNT NO. D'2/- 7~/ PHONE;: 7~ ~-~1 TOTAL NUNBER OF PAGES: 2 DATE: ~/2f/~2TINE: - (including cover sheet) HESSAGE: ~ ~ v~'~ ~r//~r ~ J~ / ~ ~/~) CC: FAX CHARG~O0 ~ST PAGE (EXCLUDZNG COVER SHEET) $~.50 THEREAFTER. PLEASE HAKE CHECK ~6~.F FO~ANA IN THE ANOUNT OF $. AND ~L TO: CITY OF FONTANA'~~5~8, FONTANA, CA. 92334 FRON: name c~pa~/ addPess phone no. NOTE: PLEASE RETU~ THZS COVER SHE~ HZTH PAYHENT (ACC.NO .0~0-03~6-2~00) OAN. ~992 SKY-- ~,, RECORD OF TELEPHOTO,; CONVERSATION CITY OF FONTANA Organization I ~ems Oiscussed Comments or Ac~ Re~ird BSI-POO6 2/80 City of Fontana CALIFORNIA , July 10, 1992 Hs. Debbie Spencer Comcast Cable TV 1205 Dupont Avenue Ontarto, CA 91761 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer FInal Uttllty Nottce Dear Hs. Spencer: The Ctty of Fontana has completed work on the plans and specs for the above referenced project. Adverttst'ng for btds ts set for July 16, 1992, and the contract ts anticipated to be awarded on September 15, 1992. Enclosed for your ftnal revtew Is one set of the subject plans consisting of 14 sheets total. Please review the plans and tdenttfy any conflicts and, tf necessary, tnttfate relocatlon acttvttles In a timely manner so as not to delay the progress of the project. Please notify the undersigned tn wrlttng promptly of your ftndtngs and acttons no later than July 20, 1992. Your cooperation ts very much appreciated. Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at 714-350-6641. Sincerely, COHHUNITY DEVELOPHENT DEPARTHEIfr Engineering Dtvtston Fellpe Noltnos, P.E. Prtnclpal Engineer/Capital Improvements FH:sh Enclosure 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA °* " City of Fontana CALIFORNIA ~Uly 10, 1992 I~r. Bt 11 Stafford I(arygold !~utual Mater Company 9715 Alder Avenue Bloomington, CA 92316 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Fqnal Ut(l~ty Notice Dear NP. Stafford: The C~ty of Fontana has cmpleted ~k on the plans and specs fop the above rofePonc~ project. Advertising fo~ b~ds ts sot fop ~uly 16, 1992, and the contract ~s anticipated to be a~aPd~ on Sept~beP 15, 1992. Enclosed fop your f~nal Povtw ~s one sot of the sub~t plans consisting of 1~ sheets total. Please Pevtw the plans and ~dent~fy any conflicts and, tf n~essary, ~n~ttats rel~atton activities ~n a t~ly mnner so as not to delay the progress of the pro~ect. Please notify the undePs~gn~ ~n ~t~ng pr~tly of you~ f~nd~ngs and actions no later than ~uly RO, 199R. Your cHpePat~on ~s very much appreciated. Should you have any questions, please contact the understgn~ at 714-3~-6641. S~ ncePel y, CO~NI~ D~ELO~ Eng~nHP~ng Dtvtston FoltH ~l~nos, P.E. Principal En9tmr/Cap~tal l~rov~nts FN:sh Eric1 osuPo 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana ~ CALIFORNIA  July 10, 1992 Nr. Tom York Pacific Bell Telephone 3073 Adams Street Riverside, CA 92504 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Ftnfl Utility Notice Dear Mr. York: The City of Fontaria has completed work on the p~ans and specs for the above referenced project. Adverttfln9 for bids ts set for July 15, 1992, and the contract ts anticipated to be awarded on September 15, 1992. Enclosed for your final review ts one set of the subject plans consisting of 14 sheets totft. Please review the p~ans and identify any conflicts and, tf necessary, initiate relocatton activities tn a timely manner so as not to delay the progress of the project. Please notify the undersigned tn vrrtttng promptly of your findings and actions no ~ater than July 20, 1992. Your cooperation ts very much appreciated. Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at 714-350-5541. Sincerely, CONHUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Fe]tpe Eoltnos, P.E. Principal ~ngtneer/Captta~ Improvements FM:sh Enclosure 8353 SIERRA AVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 ® (714)350.7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CXLIFORNIA Ouly 10, 1992 Hr. Luis Hontenegro, Project Englneer San Gabrtel Valley Nater Company 11142 Garvey Avenue E1 Monte, CA 91734 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Final Utility Notlce Dear Mr. Montenegro: The Ctty of Fontana has cempleted work on the plans and specs for the above referenced project. Adverttslng for bids Is set for Ouly 16, 1992, and the contract ts anticipated to be awarded on September 15, 1992. Enclosed for your final revtew ts one set of the subject plans conslsttng of 14 sheets total. Please review the plans and ldenttfy any conflicts and, if necessary, lnlttate relocatlon actlvltles In a timely manner so as not to delay the progress of the project. Please notify the undersigned tn wrltl. ng promptly of your findings and actions no later than Ouly 20, 1992. Your cooperatlon is very much appreciated. Should you have any questions, please contact the unders~gned at 714-350-6641. Sincerely, COHHUNITY DEVELOPNENT DEPARTNENT Englneertn9 DtvlsIon Feltpe ~ollnos, P.E. Principal Engineer/Capital Improvements FH:sh Enclosure 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA july 10, t992 Hr. Steve Cronk Southern CaltfornlaEdtsonCompany 7951 Redwood Avenue Fontaria, CA 92336 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Final Utility Notice Dear Hr. Cronk: The City of Fontaria has completed work on the plans and specs for the above referenced project. Advertising for bids is set for July 16, 1992, and the contract is anticipated to be awarded on September 15, 1992. Enclosed for your final revlew is one set of the subject plans consisting of 14 sheets total. PleaSe review the plans and identify any conflicts and, tf necessary, initiate relocatton activities In a ttmely manner so as not to delay the progress of the project. Please notify the undersigned in writ!rig promptly of your findings and actions no later than July 20, 1992. Your cooperation is very much appreciated. Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at 714-350-6641. Sincerely, COHHUNITYDEVELOPHENTDEPARTHENT Engineering Dtvlston FeltpeHoltnos, P.E. Principal Engineer/Capital Improvements FH:sh Enclosure 8353 SIERRA AVENUE ( P.O, BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-O518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- YAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana C A L [ F 0 R N f A Hr. Robert St. ,1ohn Southern California Gas Cosparty 1981 l~est Lugonta Avenue Redlands, CA 92373 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Final Utility Hotice Dear Hr. St. John: The City of Fontann has completed work on the plans and specs for the above referenced project, Advertising for bids Is set for July 16, 1992, and the contract is anticipated to be awarded on September 15, 1992. Enclosed for your final review is one set of the sub3ect plans consisting of 14 sheets total. Please review the plans and identify any conflicts and, if necessary, initiate reiDcarton activities In a timely manner so as not to delay the progress of the project. Please notify the undersigned in writing promptly of your findings and actions no later than Ouly 20, 19gL Your cooperation is very much appreciated. Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at 714-350-6641. Sincerely, COHHUHITY OEVELOPNENT DEPARTNEHT Engineering Division Fellpe HoltriDs, P.E. Principal Engineer/Capital Improvements FH:sh Enclosure 8353 StERRA AVENUE(P.O. BOX518} · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA NB OWRy 10920 Via Frontem 80 Box 28100 Son Diego, California San Olego, (ahfornla 82122-1204 92188 0100 Egg-020,001 Tel 619 485-1500 fox 619 482 2068 AUgUst 6, 1991 AUG 9 - A,M. Hal Stewert SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 7951 Redwook Avenue Fontana, CA 92336 REF: CYPRESS STREET SEWER CITY OF FONTANA On behalf of the City of Fontaria Public Works Department, we are sending the attached set of preliminary plans for your review. These plans show the ~onstruction of a major sanitary sewer line in Cypressi Avenue from San Bernardino Avenue south to Valley Boulevard. This sewer line may start construction in the fall of 1991 depending upon the sewage demands in the contributory areas. Please review the plans regard!ing any potential problems with your utility lines and service!s. The City is requesting a written confirmation that you have reviewed the plans and stated any concerns regarding !your facilities. Please return o responses o our office b~y August 16, 1991. a. T Regional Office Manager ea cc: Felipe Molinas Yousaf Pantanwala WRY ENGINEERS & PLANNERS 10920 V~a Frantela PO Box 28100 San Diego, CaNjomia San D~eRo, Cshfornie 92127 1704 92198 0100 'R89--02 0 · 001 TeJ619 485-500 Fax 619 487-2068 August 6, 1991 Construction Division COMCAST 1265 W. Brooks Ontario, CA 91762 REF: CYPRESS STREET SEWER CITY OF FONTANA On behalf of the City of Fontana Public Works Department, we are sending the attached set Of preliminary plans for your review. These plans show the 2construction of a major sanitary sewer line in Cypress Avenue from San Bernardino Avenue south to Valley Boulevard. This sewer line may start construction in the fall of 1991 depending upon the sewage demands in the contributory areas. Please review the plans regarding any potential problems with your utility lines and services. The City is requesting a written confirmation that you have reviewed the plans and stated any concerns regarding ~your facilities. Please return your responses to our office by August 16, 1991. Regional Office Manager ea cc: Felipe Molinas Yousaf Pantanwala <~OUTHEI~N CALIFORNIA gas COMPANY 1981 LUGONIA AVENUE RED~NDS, CALIFORNIA MAILING ADDRESS PO 8OX 3~3, REDLANDS, CALIFORNIA 9237~3~ Date, To, A/~/LOVd,q 16 ~ 80 V/if % oA/7Lt,~ S~A/ ~ l~c~G~ c~.. ~81~8-olo0 ~TTENTION ~ A. FRANCHISE NUMBER, RF (X) Per your request ( ) Please forward prints of your Plan & Profile ( ) Copy/Copies of our Maps showing the location of our facilities ( ) Copy of your Dwg./Plan with respect to the location of ( ) Please forward two our facilities indicates sets of your approved that: plans (X) No conflict is expected ) A conflict is expected (see description below or attachment) ) Our relocation plan is attached for your: ( ) Review ( ) Approval ( ) Comments ) Depth checks and/or elevations were taken at: ( ) the location(s) requested ( ) the location(s) mutually agreed upon ( ) the location(s) we deemed necessary ( ) Depth or elevation information is tabulated or shown graphically on the enclosed or attached. Comments: · Bob Guengerich ~"' "' "'~,'~, PlAnning Technician ~ ~"' :' ' ' (7~4) 335-7756 ',/CU,.; .. :~.t, ,i~ D. V PACIFICi~BELL. February 7, 1990 FEB ] 11S91 ~'35/LOINRy ;: '/,,~/:,:-,uR.' I'~'D S.D, NBS/Lowry P. O. Box 28100 San Diego, Ca. 92128-0100 Ref: Cypress Aveune Sewer, City of Fontana I have reviewed your preliminary plans for the Cypress Avenue sewer project. Enclosed are copies of Pacific Bells substructure records for facilities at three locations that are not shown on your plans. Prior to excavation, call Underground Service Alert 800-422-4133 for field locating of facilities along the route. If you have further questions, you may reach me on 714-359-2520. C. A. VerBrugge Engineer '/4 FONTANA UNION WATER COMPANY 16779 SPRING STREET PHONE (714) 822-9199 FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92395 MAIL ADDRESS: P. O, BOX 309 FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334 February 11,1991 ~'~ ~' '~ Matt A. Tebbetts FEB NBS Lowry Regional Office Manager ;,,- P.O. Box 28100 ;,'-,~ San Diego, CA 92128-0100 Subject: Cypress Street Sewer City of Fontana Gentlemen: I have reviewed your plans reference Cypress Street Sewer, City of Fontana. Fontana Union Water Company has no facilities in this immediate area. Sincerely, Operations ~anager FONTANA WATER COMPANY 8440 NUEVO AVENUE · P.O, BOX 987. FONTANA, CAL[FORNIA 92334 · (714) 822-2201 February 21, 1991 ~/A ~ ~e~ ~ ~ % ,~ ~ ~ Pleas e send all correspondence to: ~'~% · ~"~: ~' ' "' ~' Post Office Box 6010 E1 Monte, CA 91734 F E B 2 5 [2,,C~, ......... ~; ~. NBS/Lowry 10920 Via Frontera San Diego, CA 92128-0100 Attention: Mr. Matt A. Tebbetts Subject: Cypress Street Sewer City of Fontana Gentlemen: You are hereby advised that Fontana Water Company has facilities within the area of your construction. Returned herewith is one set of your preliminary plans on which we have marked the approximate locations of our facilities and where conflict may 6ccur. Our facilities will require protection in accordance with Section 5.1 and 5.2 of the Standard Specifications for Public Work Construction. While the contractor for the project is Obligated to protect our facilities, we wish to cooperate with him to prevent d~mage. We shall indicate the approximate locations of our underground structures by means of paint marks on pavement or curbs, or by means of stakes or other suitable marks when the contractor requests that we do so. The contractor should accurately locate each structure ahead of his trenching operation at such points!and intervals as may be required to give the operators the necessary information to prevent damage. We would appreciate a copy of any final pla~s for our files. If you should need additional information, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, Project Engineer LFM:dz ENGINEERS & PLANNERS E89-020.001 January 28, 1991 Edward Mracko COMCAST 8561 Nuevo Street Fontaria, CA 92335 REF: CYPRESS STREET SEWER CITY OF FONTANA On behalf of the City of Fon~ana Public Works Department, we are sending the attached set Of preliminary plans for your review. These plans show the construction of a major sanitary sewer line in CypreSs Avenue from San Bernardino Avenue south to Valley BouleVard. This sewer line may start construction in the fall of 1991 depending upon the sewage demands in the contributory areas. Please review the plans regarding any potential problems with your utility lines and services. The City is requesting a written confirmation that you have reviewed the plans and stated any concerns regarding your facilities. Please return Regional Office Manager ea cc: Felipe Molinas Yousaf Pantanwala ~ ~ C ~ I V' ~ O 10920 Via Frontera · R O. Box 28100., San Diego, CA 92128-0100 · (619) 485-1500 · (619) 578-7140 FAX (619) 487-2068 ENGINE~=RS & PLANNERS E89-020. 001 January 28, 1991 Robert Stanard PACIFIC BELL TELEPHONE 3073 Adams Street, Room #120 Riverside, CA 92509 REF: CYPRESS STREET SEWER CITY OF FONTi~NA On behalf of the City of Fontana Public Works Department, we are sending the attached setiof preliminary plans for your review. These plans show the construction of a major sanitary sewer line in CypreSs Avenue from San Bernardino Avenue south to Valley BouleVard. This sewer line may start construction in the fall of !991 depending upon the sewage demands in the contributory areas. Please review the plans regarding any potential problems with your utility lines and services. The City is requesting a written confirmation that you have reviewed the plans and stated any concerns regarding your facilities. Please return ~r re~nses ~ office by February 15, 1991. Z/T~A. ~EBBETT~S~ ' Regional Office Manager ea cc: Felipe Molinas Yousaf Pantanwala 10920 Via Frontera, ~O. Box 28100, San Diego. CA 92128-0100, (619)485-1500, (619) 578-7140 FAX(619)!487-2068 ENGINEEI:q~ ~,. PLANNF:RS P. 89-020o001 January 28, 1991 Bruce Cash FONTANA WATER COMPANY 8440 Nuevo Street Fontana, CA 92335 REF: CYPRESS STREET SEWER CITY OF FONTANA On behalf of the City of Fontana Public Works Department, we are sending the attached set =of preliminary plans for your review. These plans show the construction of a major sanitary sewer line in CypreSs Avenue from San Bernardino Avenue south to Valley BouleVard. This sewer line may start construction in the fall of 1991 depending upon the sewage demands in the contributory areas. Please review the plans regarding any potential problems with your utility lines and services. The City is requesting a written confirmation that you have reviewed the plans and stated any concerns regarding your facilities. Please return your responses to our office by February 15, 1991. Regional Office Manager ea cc: Felipe Molinas Yousaf Pantanwala 10920 Via Frontera · P, O. Box 28100 · San Diego, CA 92128-0100 · (619) 48,5-1500 · (619) 578-7140 FAX (619) 487-2068 ENGINEERS & PLANNERS E89-020. 001 January 28, 1991 Hootie Rugge FONTANA UNION WATER COMPANY 16770 Spring Street Fontana, CA 92335 REF: CYPRESS STREET SEWER CITY OF FONTANA On behalf of the City of Fontana Public Works Department, we are sending the attached set of preliminary plans for your review. These plans show the construction of a major sanitary sewer line in Cypress Avenue from San Bernardino Avenue south to Valley Boulevard. This sewer line may start construction in the fall of 1991 depending upon the sewage demands in the contributory areas. Please review the plans regarding any potential problems with your utility lines and services. The City is requesting a written confirmation that you have reviewed the plans and stated any concerns regarding your facilities. Please return your responses to our office by February 15, 1991. ~TT A.'TEBBETTS Regional Office Manager ea cc: Felipe Molinas Yousaf Pantanwala 10920 Via Frontera · R O. Box 28100 · San Diego, CA 92128-0100 · (619) 485-1500 · (619) 578-7140 FAX (619) 487-2068 ENGINEERS & PLANNERS E89-020.001 January 28, 1991 Gregory Gasper SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 16231 Valley Boulevard Fontana, CA 92335 REF: CYPRE88 STREET SEWER CITY OF FONTANA On behalf of the City of Fontana Public Works Department, we are sending the attached set of preliminary plans for your review. These plans show the construction of a major sanitary sewer line in Cypress Avenue from San Bernardino Avenue south to Valley BouleVard. This sewer line may start construction in the fall of 1991 depending upon the sewage demands in the contributory areas. Please review the plans regarding any potential problems with your utility lines and services. The City is requesting a written confirmation that you have reviewed the plans and stated any concerns regarding your facilities. Please return your responses t our office by February 15, 1991. MATT A. TEBBETT8 Regional Office Manager ea cc: Felipe Molinas Yousaf Pantanwala 10920 Via Frontera · R O. Box 28100 · San Diego, :CA 92128-0100 · (619) 485-1500 · (619) 578-7140 FAX (619) 487-2068 ENGINEERS & PLANNERS E89-020. 001 January 28, 1991 Hal Stewert SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 7951 Redwook Avenue Fontana, CA 92336 REF: CYPRESS STREET SEWER CITY OF FONTANA On behalf of the City of Font!ana Public Works Department, we are sending the attached set of preliminary plans for your review. These plans show the! construction of a major sanitary sewer line in Cypresls Avenue from San Bernardino Avenue south to Valley Boulevard. This sewer line may start construction in the fall of 1.991 depending upon the sewage demands in the contributory a~reas. Please review the plans regarding any potential problems with your utility lines and services. The City is requesting a written confirmation that you have reviewed the plans and stated any concerns regarding your facilities. Please return Regional Office Manager ea cc: Felipe Molinas Yousaf Pantanwala 10920 Via Frontera ,, R O. Box 28100 - San Diego, CA 92128-0100 ,, (619) 485-1500 · (619) 578-7140 FAX (619) 487-2068 E89-012,003 October 12, 1990 Felipe Molinas CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER UTILITY COMMENT INFORMATION This letter is to confirm that NBS/Lowry has incorporated all comments received from the various utility and agencies for the Cypress Avenue trunk sewer design. Information shown on the drawings is in accordance with comments received from each utility and agency. We have retained copies of responses from each utility and agency in our files. Please contact this office if additional information is required. MATT A. TEBBETTS Regional Office Manager 10920 Via Frontera · R O. Box 28100 · San Diego, CA 92128-0100 · (619) 485-1600 · (619)578-7140 FAX(619)487-2068 E89-012.003 October 12, 1990 Felipe Molinas CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER UTILITY COMMENT INFORMATION This letter is to confirm that NBS/Lowry has incorporated all comments received from the various utility and agencies for the Cypress Avenue trunk sewer design. Information shown on the drawings is in accordance with comments received from each utility and agency. We have retained copies of responses from each utility and agency in our files. Please contact this office if additional information is required. MATT A. TEBBETTS Regional Office Manager 10920 Via Frontera · R O. Box 28100. San Diego, CA 92128-0100 · (619) 485-1500 · (619) 578-7140 FAX (619) 487-2068 ENGINEERS ~S, PLANNERS R89-012.003 eusuc WORKS ENGi.;- "lING Oc~obe~ ~, ~990 Felipe Molinos CITY OF FONTANA Department of Public Works 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER VALLEY BOULEVARD TO JURUPA AVENUE The following is an update of the review status by the utility companies and other agencies of the above referenced project: CONTACT/AGENCY STATUS Gregory Gasper Sent plans with letter Southern California Gas Company August 30, 1990. Bob P.O. Box 3003 St. John is reviewing. Redlands, CA 92373 9/20/90 - Jerry indicated 714/335-7769 - Bob St. John his okay. Letter received 714/335-7744 - Jerry Chamber 9/24/90. No conflict. Hal Stewert Sent plans with letter Southern California Edison August 30, 1990. Will 7951 Redwook Avenue review by 9/20/90, per Fontana, CA 92336 Hal. 9/24/90 - Hal reviewed 714/357-6231 and said no major conflicts. Contact U.S.A. prior to excavation. Robert Standard Sent plans with letter Pacific Bell Telephone August 30, 1990. Carol 3073 Adams Street, #120 Verbrugge will review by Riverside, CA 920509 9/18/90. Received exist. 714/359-2524 facility locations. No letter response. No conflicts. 10920 Via Frontera · R O. Box 28100 · San Diego, CA 92128-0100 · (619)485-1500 · (619)578-7140 FAX(619) 487-2068 E89-012.003 Felipe Molinos CITY OF FONTANA October 1, 1990 Page 2 Bruce Cash Sent plans with letter Fontana Water Company August 30, 1990. Response P.O. 6010 to be mailed 9/14/90 per E1 Monte, CA 91734 Lou Montenegro. Received 818/448-6138 letter, plans, construction notes 9/17/90. Hootie Rugge Sent plans with letter Fontana Union Water Company August 30, 1990. Will 16779 Spring Street review by 9/21/90 per Fontana, CA 92335 Hootie. Received letter 714/822-9190 9/20/90. No conflicts. Lynne Lewis Sent plans with letter Comcast Cable T.V. August 30, 1990. Called 1265 W. Brooks several times. Left messages. Ontario, CA 91762 No response yet. 714/988-2999(Pg# 714/399-7969) Tim Chowdhurry Sent plans with letter Development Review Section August 30, 1990. Review Caltrans completed. Letter sent District 8 9/14/90. Received letter 247 West 3rd Street 9/19/90 with General San Bernardino, CA 92402 construction notes. No 714/383-4671 objections. Mike Belavic Sent plans with letter Santa Fe Pacific Pipeline August 30, 1990. Review 888 South Figueroa complete. No objections. Los Angeles, CA 90017 Letter being faxed 9/21/90. 213/486-7761 Not yet recieved. E89-012.003 Felipe Molinos CITY OF FONTANA October 1, 1990 Page 3 John Ivanusich Sent plans with letter Southern Pacific Railroad September 12, 1990. Plans 1200 Corporate Center Drive received 9/14/90. Tom Monterey Park, CA 91754 Geary will review and 213/629-6161 call us 9/17/90. 9/20/90 Tom Geary okayed crossing and faxed specs & permit application. Letter received 9/27/90. No objections. MATT A. ~EBBETTS, V.P. cc: Andrew Trachman Jim Strodtbeck Listed Agencies FONTANA UNION WATER COMPANY 16779 SPRING STREET PHONE (714) 822-9199 FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 MAIL ADDRESS: p. O. BOX 309 FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334 September 14, 1990 R. T. Stondish N.B.S. LOWRY ENGINEERS & PLANNERS P. O. Box 28100 San DieEo, CA 92128-0100 Ref: Cypress Street Sewer ~//~' r~d city of o.t a Fontena Union Water Company has a .30~ ~nch reinforced concrete l~ne a~ SIover and Cypress run~East & West, end a ~0 ~nch concrete l~ne on the wes~ s~de of Please contact us prior to any excavs~on ~n these acres. It you need any further intovm~t~on feel free to contact me C7~4~ 822-9~99. Robert J. Beck Operations Manager RJB/ka FONTANA UNION WATER COMPANY 16779 SPRING STREET PHONE (714) 822-9199 FONTANA, CALIFORN A 92335 MAIL ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 309 FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334 September ll, 1990 R. T. Stondish N. B, S. LOWRY ENGINEERS & PLANNERS P. O. Box 28100 San Diego, CA 92128-0100 Re~: Cypress Street Sewer City of Font~a llne at i ~est, and a 10 inch concrete line on the west side of C~press. Please contact us prio~ to an~ excavation in these acres. If Fou need an~ further infor~tion feel free to contact me at (714) 822-9199, RJB/Ka ~OUTHERN CALIFORNIA gQS COMPANY 5'Ep 2 1990 NBS/LOWRy ~98~ LUGONIA AVENUE, RED~NDS, CALIFORNIA INCORPORATED S,D, MA~U~G ADOhESS: RO. BOX 3~, .- " Date: SEPT.~o, Iq~o To~ ~/LO~V ~NG. ~ o. 8bx ~8 1 oO SA~ DiEGD/CA. ATTENTION: ~ED [POOR (Y,J Per your request ( ) Please forward prints of your Plan & Profile ( ) Copy/Copies of our Maps showing the location of our facilities (X) Copy of your Dwg./Plan with respect to the location of ( ) Please forward two our facilities indlcateis sets of your approved that: (SEE RED PENalL CoR~EC~ouS) plans (X) No conflict is expected ) A conflict is expected (see description below or attachment) ) Our relocation plan is attached for your: ( ) Review ( ) Approval ( ) Comments ) Depth checks and/or elevations were taken ( ) the location{s) requested ( ) the location(s) mu:tually agreed upon ( ) the location(s) we deemed necessary ) Depth or elevation information is tabulated or shown graphically on the enclcsed or attached. Comments: O TA N: A WATER C O M iPA N ¥ 8440 NUEVO AVENUE · P.O. BOX 987, FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334 · (714) 822-2201 September 14, 1990 Please send all correspondence to: Post Office Box 6010 E1 Monte, CA 91734 10920 Via Frontera San Diego, CA 92128-0100 Attention: Mr. Fred Spoor Subject: Cypress Street Se~e~ j~CO~O~A~D S.D. City of ~ontana Gentlemen: You are hereby advised that Fontana Water Company has facilities within the area of your construction. Our facilities will require protection in accordance with Section 5.1 and 5.2 of the Standard Specifications for Public Work Construction. While the contractor for the project is obligated to protect our facilities, we wish to cooperate with him to prevent damage. We shall indicate the approximate locations of our underground structures by means of paint marks on pavement or curbs, or by means of stakes or other suitable marks when the contractor requests that we do so. The contractor should accurately locate each structure ahead of his trenching operation at such points and intervals as may be required to give the operators the information necessary to prevent damage. We would appreciate a copy of any final plans for our files. If you should need additional information, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, L. F. MontenegjY Project Engineer LFM:dZ 11%117 ENGINEERS S. PLANNERS R~. ~EIVED ~ :: '. ', E89-012o003 October 1, 1990 Felipe Molinos CITY OF FONTANA Department of Public Works 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER VALLEY BOULEVARD TO JURUPA AVENUE The following is an update of the review status by the utility companies and other agencies of the above referenced project: CONTACT/AGENCY STATUS Gregory Gasper Sent plans with letter Southern California Gas Company August 30, 1990. Bob P.O. Box 3003 St. John is reviewing. Redlands, CA 92373 9/20/90 - Jerry indicated 714/335-7769 - Bob St. John his okay. Letter received 714/335-7744 - Jerry Chamber 9/24/90. No conflict. Hal Stewert Sent plans with letter Southern California Edison August 30, 1990. Will 7951 Redwook Avenue review by 9/20/90, per Fontana, CA 92336 Hal. 9/24/90 - Hal reviewed 714/357-6231 and said no major conflicts. Contact U.S.A. prior to excavation. Robert Standard Sent plans with letter Pacific Bell Telephone August 30, 1990. Carol 3073 Adams Street, #120 Verbrugge will review by Riverside, CA 920509 9/18/90. Received exist. 714/359-2524 facility locations. No letter response. No conflicts. 10920 Via Frontera · R O. Box 28100 · San Diego, CA 92128-0100 · (619) 485-1500 · (619) 578-7140 FAX (619) 487-2068 E89-012.003 Felipe Molinos CITY OF FONTANA October 1, 1990 Page 2 Bruce Cash Sent plans with letter Fontana Water Company August 30, 1990. Response P.O. 6010 to be mailed 9/14/90 per E1 Monte, CA 91734 Lou Montenegro. Received 818/448-6138 letter, plans, construction notes 9/17/90. Hootie Rugge Sent plans with letter Fontana Union Water Company August 30, 1990. Will 16779 Spring Street review by 9/21/90 per Fontana, CA 92335 Hootieo Received letter 714/822-9190 9/20/90. No conflicts. Lynne Lewis Sent plans with letter Comcast Cable T.V. August 30, 1990. Called 1265 W. Brooks several times. Left messages. Ontario, CA 91762 No response yet. 714/988-2999(Pg# 714/399-7969) Tim Chowdhurry Sent plans with letter Development Review Section August 30, 1990. Review Caltrans completed. Letter sent District 8 9/14/90. Received letter 247 West 3rd Street 9/19/90 with General San Bernardino, CA 92402 construction notes. No 714/383-4671 objections. Mike Belavic Sent plans with letter Santa Fe Pacific Pipeline August 30, 1990. Review 888 South Figueroa complete. No objections. Los Angeles, CA 90017 Letter being faxed 9/21/90. 213/486-7761 Not yet recieved. E89-012.003 Felipe Molinos CITY OF FONTANA October 1, 1990 Page 3 John Ivanusich Sent plans with letter Southern Pacific Railroad September 12, 1990. Plans 1200 Corporate Center Drive received 9/14/90. Tom Monterey Park, CA 91754 Geary will review and 213/629-6161 call us 9/17/90. 9/20/90 Tom Geary okayed crossing and faxed specs & permit application. Letter received 9/27/90. No objections. MATT A. TEBBETTS, V.Po cc: Andrew Trachman Jim Strodtbeck Listed Agencies ENGINEEl:IS: & 10920 VIA FRONTERA · P O, BOX 28100 · SAN OIEGO. CA 92128 (6191485-1500 FAX(6Tg) 481.2068 LETI'ER OF TILa. NSM. ITTAL To: CITY OF FONTANA DaN: 09/26/90 Public Works Department IobNo.: E89-012.003 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Subiecc Cypress Street AtNnt,on: Felipe Molinos Sewer - Valley · Blvd to Jur~p(~ · Ave. Wean ~ansminlngthefo[[owin~ N~ ~ Copies DeK~pcion 1 Each Agency review letters from: --Caltrans --Fontana Water C0. --Fontana Union Water Co. --Southern Pacific RR (specs only, letter promised) --Pacific Bell --Southern Cal. Gas Co. 2 Sets Contract Documents cc: Andrew Trachman THESE ARE TRANSM| I I r. JD AS CHECKED BELOW: F1 For Approval [] ApFoved as Submitted [] Paubmit Copies for Approval [] For Your U~e [] Approved u Noted [] Submit Copies for Di~mbuUon [] As Requested [] Returned for Correcttom [] Return Conected Pdnu r'[ For Review and Comment r"l [] Pdnm Remmed After Loan to Us [] For Bids Due 19 Frederick J. Spoor If encJo~uwes am not u riorod, kindly moti~ us at ENGINEERS & PLANNERS E89-012.003 RECE|VED September 24, 1990 SE? lS90 ~8LIC WORKS ENGINF=RING Felipe Molinos CITY OF FONTANA Department of Public Works 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER VALLEY BOULEVARD TO JURUPA AVENUE The following is an update of the review status by the utility companies and other agencies of the above referenced project: CONTACT/AGENCY STATUS Gregory Gasper Sent plans with letter Southern California Gas Company August 30, 1990. Bob P.O. Box 3003 St. John is reviewing. Redlands, CA 92373 9/20/90 - Jerry indicated 714/335-7769 - Bob St. John his okay and will send 714/335-7744 - Jerry Chamber letter by 9/24/90. Hal Stewert Sent plans with letter Southern California Edison ~ August 30, 1990. Will 7951 Redwook Avenue review by 9/20/90, per Fontana, CA 92336 Hal. 9/21/90 - No 714/357-6231 response yet. Hal has not returned call. Robert Standard Sent plans with letter Pacific Bell Telephone August 30, 1990. Carol 3073 Adams Street, #120 Verbrugge will review by Riverside, CA 920509 9/18/90. Received exist. 714/359-2524 facility locations. No letter response. Bruce Cash Sent plans with letter Fontana Water Company August 30, 1990. Response P.O. 6010 to be mailed 9/14/90 per E1 Monte, CA 91734 Lou Montenegro. Received 818/448-6138 letter, plans, construction notes 9/17/90. 10920 Via Frontera · R O. Box 28100, San Diego, CA 92128-0100 · (619) 485-1500 · (619) 578-7140 FAX (619) 487-2068 E89-012.003 Felipe Molinos CITY OF FONTANA September 24, 1990 Page 2 Hootie Rugge Sent plans with letter Fontana Union Water Company August 30, 1990. Will 16779 Spring Street review by 9/21/90 per Fontana, CA 92335 Hootie. Received letter 714/822-9190 9/20/90. Lynne Lewis Sent plans with letter Comcast Cable T.V. August 30, 1990. Called. 1265 W. Brooks Left message. No response Ontario, CA 91762 yet. 714/988-2999(Pg# 714/399-7969) Tim Chowdhurry Sent plans with letter Development Review Section August 30, 1990. Review Caltrans completed. Letter sent District 8 9/14/90. Received letter 247 West 3rd Street 9/19/90 with General San Bernardino, CA 92402 construction notes. 714/383-4671 Mike Belavic Sent plans with letter Santa Fe Pacific Pipeline August 30, 1990. Review 888 South Figueroa complete. Letter being Los Angeles, CA 90017 faxed 9/21/90. 213/486-7761 John Ivanusich Sent plans with letter Southern Pacific Railroad September 12, 1990. Plans 1200 Corporate Center Drive received 9/14/90. Tom Monterey Park, CA 91754 Garry will review and 213/629-6161 call us 9/17/90. 9/20/90 Tom Geary okayed crossing and faxed specs & permit application. Will send letter 9/24/90. Should you know of any more utility companies or agencies we should notify, please let us know. Also would you please respond to our request for written conditional approval that E89-012.003 Felipe Molinos CITY OF FONTANA September 24, 1990 Page 3 the Public Works Department will not deny occupancy to any building (Inland Empire Center) pending final plan approval for the Cypress Street sewer plans. FREDERICK J. SPOOR, V.P. cc: Matt Tebbetts Andrew Trachman Jim Strodtbeck Listed Agencies ENGINEERS g, PLANNERS E89-012.003 September 14, 1990 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V E 1930 Felipe Molinos pUSUOW0RKS CITY OF FONTANA ENGtNF~RING Department of Public Works 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 CYPRESS STREET SEWER VALLEY BOULEVARD TO JURUPA AVENUE In regard to your query of the review status by the utility companies and other agencies to approve the sewer plans, the following indicates the progress thus far: CONTACT/AGENCY STATUS Gregory Gasper Sent plans with letter Southern California Gas Company August 30, 1990. Bob 16231 Valley Boulevard St. John is reviewing. Fontana, CA 92335 Is out until 9/17/90. 714/335-7769 Will call then. Hal Stewert Sent plans with letter Southern California Edison August 30, 1990. Will 7951 Redwook Avenue review by 9/20/90, per Fontana, CA 92336 Hal. 714/357-6231 Robert Standard Sent plans with letter Pacific Bell Telephone August 30, 1990. Carol 3073 Adams Street, #120 Verbrugge will review by Riverside, CA 920509 9/18/90. 714/359-2524 Bruce Cash Sent plans with letter Fontana Water Company August 30, 1990. Response P.O. 6010 to be mailed 9/14/90 per E1 Monte, CA 91734 Lou Montenegro. 818/448-6138 10920 Via Frontera · R O. Box 28100 · San Diego, CA 92128-0100 · (619) 485-1500 · (619) 578-7140 FAX (619) 487-2068 E89-012.003 Felipe Molinos CITY OF FONTANA September 14, 1990 Page 2 Hootie Rugge Sent plans with letter Fontana Union Water Company August 30, 1990. Will 16779 Spring Street review by 9/21/90 per Fontana, CA 92335 Hootie. 714/822-9190 Edward Mracko Sent plans with letter Comcast August 30, 1990. Called 8561 Nueve Street 9/12/90 & 9/14/90. Left Fontana, CA 92335 message. No response yet. 714/988-2999 Tim Chowdhurry Sent plans with letter Development Review Section August 30, 1990. Review Caltrans completed. Letter sent District 8 9/14/90. 247 West 3rd Street San Bernardino, CA 92402 714/383-4671 Mike Belavic Sent plans with letter Santa Fe Pacific Pipeline August 30, 1990. Review 888 South Figueroa complete. Letter being Los Angeles, CA 90017 faxed today. 213/486-7761 John Ivanosich Sent plans with letter Southern Pacific Railroad September 12, 1990. Plans 1200 Corporate Center Drive received 9/14/90. Tom Monterey Park, CA 91754 Garry will review and 213/629-6161 call us 9/17/90. Should you know of any more utility companies or agencies we should notify, please let us know. Also would you please respond to our request for written conditional approval that the Public Works Department will not deny occupancy to any building (Inland Empire Center) pending final plan approval cc: Matt Tebbetts Andrew Trachman Listed Agencies ENGINEERS & PLANNERS E89-012.00 ,sap 1 PUBLIC WORKS September 12, 1990 John Ivanosich SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD 1200 Corporate Center Drive Monterey Park, CA 91754 REF: CYPRE88 STREET SEWER CITY OF FONTANA On behalf of the City of Fontana Public Works Department, we are submitting the attached set of preliminary plans for your review. These plans show the construction of a major sanitary sewer line in;Cypress Avenue from Valley Boulevard south to Jurupa Avenue. This sewer line may start construction in the fall of 1991 depending upon the sewage demands in the contributary areas. Please review the plans regarding the crossing of Southern Pacific Railroad. It is planned to bore a pipe casing under 1-10 at a depth of approximately 20 feet. The City is requesting a written confirmation that you have reviewed the plans and stated any concerns regarding the railroad crossing. Please return your response to our office by September 17, 1990. cc: Andrew Trachman Jim Strodtbeck Felipe Molinos Yousuf Patanwala 10920 Via Frontera · P.O. Box 28100 · San Diego, CA 92128-0100 · (619) 4854500 · (619) 578-7140 FAX (619) 487-2068 ENGINEERS & PLANNERS E89-012.003 August 30, 1990 Mr. Tim Chowdhury Development Review Section CALTRANS District 8 247 West 3rd Street San Bernardino, CA 92402 REF: CYPRESS STREET SEWER CITY OF FONTANA On behalf of the City of Fontana ,Public Works Department, we are submitting the attached set 0f preliminary plans for your review. These plans show the construction of a major sanitary sewer line in Cypress Avenue from Valley Boulevard south to Jurupa Avenue. This sewer line may start construction in the fall of 1991 ~depending upon the sewage demands in the contributary areaS. Please review the plans regarding the crossing of Interstate 10. It is plannned to bore a pipe casing under 1-10 at a depth of approximately 20 feet. The City is requesting a written confirmation that you ha~e reviewed the plans and stated any concerns regarding the crossing of Interstate 10. Please return your response to our office by September 17, 1990. R. T. STANDISH, PE tsn cc: Andrew Trachman Jim Strodtbeck Felipe Molinos Yousuf Patanwala 10920 Via Frontera · R O. Box 28100 · San DIego, CA= 92128-0100 · (619) 485-1500 · (619) 578-7140 FAX (619) 487- 2068 ENGINEERS & PLANNERS E89-012.003 AugUst 30, 1990 Mr. Mike Belavic SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD 888 South Figueroa Los Angeles, CA 90017 REF: CYPRESS STREET SEWER CITY OF FONTANA On behalf of the City of Fontana Public Works Department, we are submitting the attached set 6f preliminary plans for your review. These plans show the construction of a major sanitary sewer line in Cypress Avenue from Valley Boulevard south to Jurupa Avenue. This sewer line may start construction in the fall of 1991 idepending upon the sewage demands in the contributary areas. Please review the plans regarding the crossing of Southern Pacific Railroad. It is plannned to bore a pipe casing under 1-10 at a depth of approximately i20 feet. The City is requesting a written confirmation that you have reviewed the plans and stated any concerns regarding the railroad crossing. Please return your response to our office by R. T. 8TANDISH, PE tsn cc: Andrew Trachman Jim Strodtbeck Felipe Molinos Yousuf Patanwala 10920 Via Frontera · R O. Box 28100 · San Diego, CA 92128-0100 · (619)485-1500 · (619)578-7140 FAX(619) 487-2068 ENGINEERS & PLANNERS E89-012.003 August 30, 1990 Hal Steweft 8OUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 7951 Redwook Avenue Fontana, CA 92336 REF: CYPRES8 8TREET SEWER CITY OF FONTANA On behalf of the City of Fontaria Public Works Department, we are sending the attached set of preliminary plans for your review. These plans show the Construction of a major sanitary sewer line in Cypress!Avenue from Valley Boulevard south to Jurupa Avenue. This Sewer line may start construction in the fall of 1991 depending upon the sewage demands in the contributary areas. Please review the plans regarding any potential problems with your utility lines and serviceS. The City is requesting a written confirmation that you have reviewed the plans and stated any concerns regarding ~our facilities. Please return your response to our office by 'September 17, 1990. R. T. STANDISH, PE tsn cc: Andrew Trachman Jim Strodtbeck Felipe Molinos Yousuf Patanwala 10920 Via Frontera · R O, Box 28100 · San Diego, CA 92128-0100 · (619) 485-1500 · (619) 578-7140 FAX (619) 487-2068 // /E__ ENGINEERS & FaLANN:ERS E89-012.003 August 30, 1990 Robert Stanard PACIFIC BELL TELEPHONE 3073 Adams Street, Room #120 Riverside, CA 92509 REFZ CYPRE88 STREET SEWER CITY OF FONTANA On behalf of the City of Fontana Public Works Department, we are sending the attached set of preliminary plans for your review. These plans show the Construction of a major sanitary sewer line in Cypress.Avenue from Valley Boulevard south to Jurupa Avenue. This Sewer line may start construction in the fall of 1991 depending upon the sewage demands in the contributary areas. Please review the plans regarding any potential problems with your utility lines and serviceS. The City is requesting a written confirmation that you have reviewed the plans and stated any concerns regarding your facilities. Please return your res~;:office by 'September 17, 1990. R. T. STANDISH, PE tsn cc: Andrew Trachman Jim Strodtbeck Felipe Molinos Yousuf Patanwala 10920 Via Frontera · RO. Box 28100 · Sen Diego, CA 92128-0100 · (619) 485-1500 · (619) 578-7140 FAX (619) 487-2068 ENGINEERS & PLANNERS E89-012.003 AuguSt 30, 1990 Gregory Gasper 8OUTHERN CALIFORNIA GA8 COMPANY 16231 Valley Boulevard Fontana, CA 92335 REF: CYPRES8 STREET SEWER CITY OF FONTANA On behalf of the City of Fontana Public Works Department, we are sending the attached set of preliminary plans for your review. These plans show the Construction of a major sanitary sewer line in Cypress Avenue from Valley Boulevard south to Jurupa Avenue. This sewer line may start construction in the fall of 1941 depending upon the sewage demands in the contributary areas. Please review the plans regarding any potential problems with your utility lines and serviceS. The City is requesting a written confirmation that you have reviewed the plans and stated any concerns regarding your facilities. Please return your response to our office by September 17, 1990. R. T. STANDISH, PE tsn cc: Andrew Trachman Jim Strodtbeck Felipe Molinos Yousuf Patanwala 10920 Via Frontera · RO. Box 28100 · San Diego, CA 92128-0100 · (619) 485-1500 · (619) 578-7140 FAX (619) 487-2068 ENGINEERS & PLANNERS E89-012.003 August 30, 1990 Bruce Cash FONTANA WATER COMPANY 8440 Nuevo Street Fontana, CA 92335 REF: CYPRESS STREET SEWER CITY OF FONTANA On behalf of the City of Fontana Public Works Department, we are sending the attached set of preliminary plans for your review. These plans show the construction of a major sanitary sewer line in Cypress Avenue from Valley Boulevard south to Jurupa Avenue. This sewer line may start construction in the fall of 199;1 depending upon the sewage demands in the contributary areas. Please review the plans regarding any potential problems with your utility lines and services. The City is requesting a written confirmation that you h;ave reviewed the plans and stated any concerns regarding your facilities. Please return your response to our office by :September 17, 1990. R. T. STANDISH, PE ten cc: Andrew Trachman Jim Strodtbeck Felipe Molinos Yousuf Patanwala 10920 Via Frontera · R O. Box 28100 · San Diego, OA 92128-0100 · (619) 485-1500 · (619) 578-7140 FAX (619) 487-2068 ENGINEERS & PLANNERS E89-012.003 August 30, 1990 Hootie Rugge FONTANA UNION WATER COMPANY 16779 Spring Street Fontana, CA 92335 REF: CYPRE8S STREET SEWER CITY OF FONTANA On behalf of the City of Fontaria Public Works Department, we are sending the attached set of preliminary plans for your review. These plans show the construction of a major sanitary sewer line in Cypress[Avenue from Valley Boulevard south to Jurupa Avenue. This Sewer line may start construction in the fall of 1991 depending upon the sewage demands in the contributary areas. Please review the plans regarding any potential problems with your utility lines and serviceS. The City is requesting a written confirmation that you have reviewed the plans and stated any concerns regarding your facilities. Please return cc: Andrew Trachman Jim Strodtbeck Felipe Molinos Yousuf Patanwala 10920 Via Frontera · RO. Box 28100 · San Diego, CA 92128-0100 · (619) 485-1500 · (619) 578-7140 FAX (619) 487-2068 ENGINEERS ,:S. PLANNERS E89-012.003 August 30, 1990 Edward Mracko COMCAST 8561 Nuevo Street Fontana, CA 92335 REF: CYPRESS STREET SEWER CITY OF FONTANA On behalf of the City of Fontana Public Works Department, we are sending the attached set of preliminary plans for your review. These plans show the Construction of a major sanitary sewer line in CypressiAvenue from Valley Boulevard south to Jurupa Avenue. This Sewer line may start construction in the fall of 1991 depending upon the sewage demands in the contributary areas. Please review the plans regarding any potential problems with your utility lines and services. The City is requesting a written confirmation that you have reviewed the plans and stated any concerns regarding your facilities. Please return your re~E~r office by September 17, 1990. R. T. STANDISH, PE tsn cc: Andrew Trachman Jim Strodtbeck Felipe Molinos Yousuf Patanwala 10920 Via Frontera · RO. Box 28100 · San Diego, CA 92128-0100 · (619) 485-1500 · (619) 578-7140 FAX (619) 487-2068 ENGINEERS & PLANNERS E89-012,003 August 30, 1990 Edward Mracko COMCAST 8561 Nuevo Street Fontana, CA 92335 REF: CYPRESS STREET SEWER CITY OF FONTANA On behalf of the City of Fontana Public Works Department, we are sending the attached set of preliminary plans for your review. These plans show the construction of a major sanitary sewer line in Cypress Avenue from Valley Boulevard south to Jurupa Avenue. This sewer line may start construction in the fall of 199i depending upon the sewage demands in the contributary areas. Please review the plans regarding any potential problems with your utility lines and services. The City is requesting a written confirmation that you have reviewed the plans and stated any concerns regarding your facilities. Please return your re~~r office by September 17, 1990. R. T. STANDISH, Pm tsn cc: Andrew Trachman Jim Strodtbeck Felipe Molinos Yousuf Patanwala 10920 Via Frontera · R O. Box 28100, San Diego, CA 92128-0100 · (619) 485-1500 · (619) 578-7140 FAX (619) 487-2068