HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.3 To Caltrans LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CITY OF FONTANA File: Cypress Avenue Sewer Project CDD/ENGINEERING DIVISION Date: 10-20-1998 8353 Sierra Avenue RE: Caltrans Permit NO.08-91-N-UT-2303 FONTANA, CA. 92335 TO: Department Of Transportation CALTRANS District 8 464 West 4th Street, Sixth Floor San Bernardino, CA 92401 ATTN: Mr. Bill Heasley Gentlemen: We are sending you: ( X ) Attached ( Under separate cover via the following inem: ( ) Drawing ( ) Prints ( ) Plans () Samples ( ) Specifications ( ) Copy of Letter ( ) Change Order ( ) Check Prints ( ) Studies Other: Record Drawings: Sheets 1,2 & ,4 of 9. City Drawing no. 2042 COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION Purpose: please ( ) For your information/records ( i Submit original For approval ( ) Resubmit copies for Approved as submitted approval ( ) For your use ) Submit copies for ( ) Approved as noted distribution (X) As requested ) Return corrected prints ( ) For review and comment ) Other ) Returned for corrections ( ) Other ( ) For bid due: ,19 ( ) Prints returned after loaned to: Remarks: The blue line copies Of Re~ord Drawings are we~ si~ned and st~ped by the City Engineer as per Caltrans requirements. Please note that City record shows that record drawings were originally submitted to Caltrans on 8-24-93. Copy of originalsletter of ~ransmittal is attached for reference. Copy to: Principal Civil Engineer/ Signed: Capital Improvement Projects Yousuf Patanwala,P.E. Associate Civil Engr./ Special Projects CZTY OF FONTANA V COM~JNZTY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT LEm IER OF TRANSN/TTAL 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Cl ,7 d. i ¢r4-fiT ATT,..- IL,-Off Gent1 emen.~ 17 We are sendinq you: IZH/Attached 121 Under ~eperate cover via the following item: I:1 Drawings I~f Prints I'~ Plans FI Samples I:1 Specifications I_1 copy of Letter I_1 Cha~ge Order I_1 Check Print(s) I_1 'Studies I_1 Other: COPIES DATE NO. I I I I I I Purpose: Please: I For your information/records I I Submit original I For approval I I Approved as submitted I I Resubmit __ copies for I For your use I I Approved as noted approval. J As requested I IReturned for corrections! I I Submit __ copies for I For review & comment I I Other ' distribution I J I Return. corrected prints I For bid due: , 19__ ; I I Other I Prints returned after loaned to: i Copy to: /~/,~ Signed: Titlei COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEIfT DEPARllqENT Lbl I ER OF TRANSIql'rAL 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontaria, CA 92335 Gent] emen~ I~ ~e a~e send~nq you: I~A~tached 121 Unde~ separate cove~ v~a ~he follow~n9 ~tem: 121 D~aw~ngs I~ P~nts I'1 Plans 121 Samp]es 121 Specifications I_1 Copy of Le~te~ I_1 Cha~e O~de~ I_1 Check Print(s) I_l'S~ud~es I _ [ Othe~: I I I I Purpose: Please: For your information/records Submit original For approval [[ Approved as submitted Resubmit __ copies for For your use [ [ Approved as noted approval. As requested [ ~ Returned for corrections Submit __ copies for For review & comment I [ Other distribution Return__ corrected prints For bid due: , 19_ Other Prints returned after loaned to: Copy to: /~ Signed: Title: ~'~/-,j~ - ~4~2--- RE('. VED' ~{~=~f~CALIFORNIA--BUSINE$-~, TRANSPORTA~AND HOUSING AGENCT s, P.o. ~X ~ , ~ ~ ~ BtS OFFICE 08-SBd-10-15.7 Mr. Felipe Molinos City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 Dear Mr. Molinos: Request for Asi-Built Plans Our records indicate the field work on the above-referenced permit (copy attached) has been cdmpleted but As-Built plans (required under Item 21 of the General Provisions) have not yet been submitted. Please submi~ As-Built plans~within 30 days from the date of this letter. This permit is not donsidered completed until the. As-Built plans have been filed and reviewed in the field by the Permit Inspector. As-Built plans~shall bear the "As-Built" stamp and shall be signed by a Registered Civil Engineer, denoting the title and date of signature. Please submit one (1) set of As- Built plans for civil work and, if. applicable, six (6) sets for electrical/signal work, on blackline prints. Please do not submit reproducible vellums or my~ars. Please be advised that compldtion of the "As-Built" filing is a vital part Of the "Underground Alert'+ records. Compliance is required in order to issue future permits. Thank you for your cooperatidn. If you have any questions, please call Mr. Nell Prescott at (909) 383-4103. Very truly yours, DAMODARA "NAIDU" ATHULURU, P.E. District Permit Engineer Attachment {0LO ~L,'~ c,'~ op ~ ME. NGOC ~OA ~ f ) City of Fontana C~ALIFORNIA July'l, 1993 ' Ngoc Hoang, P.E. Assistant District Permit Engineer Department of Transportation, District 8 247 W. Third Street . P.O. Box 231 Sen Bernardino, CA 92402 RE: Cypress Avenue Server Project Caltrans Permit No. 08-91-N-UT-2303 08oSBd-10-32.11 Dear Mr. Hoang: As per the permit req6irements, enclosed: is a "100% Completion Notice" and a set of "Record Drawings" (Drawing No, 1933. Sheets I thru 5 and Drawing No. 2042. Sheets .1. thru 9~. Please close this permit on the records. 'Call the undersigned at (909) 350-6645 if any additional information is required. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division You~u~Pat;'anw818 Associate Engineer/Special Projects Enclosures YP:jh cc: City Engineer : Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects Principal Civil Engineer/Capital Improvements Projects Caltrans Permit Inspector, Susan Collins 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334'O518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTE~ CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B,G CANAOA City of Fontana CALIFORNIA July1, 1993 Ngoc Hoang, P.E. Assistant District Permit Engineer Department of Transportation, District 8 247 W. Third Street P.O. Box 231 San Bernardino, CA 92402 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Project Caltrans Permit No. 08-91-N-UT-2i303 08-SBd-10-32.11 Dear Mr. Hoang: As per the permit requirements, enclosed is a "100% Completion Notice" and a set of "Record Drawings" (Drawing No. 1933, Sheets .1_ thru 5 and Drawing No. 2042, Sheets I thru _9_). Please close this permit on the records. ,Call 'the undersigned at (909) 350-6645 if any additional information is required. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Yousu~Pat'~nwala Associate Engineer/Special Projects Enclosures YP:jh cc: City Engineer Principal Civil Engineer/Special PrOjects Principal Civil Engineer/Capital Improvements Projects Caltrans Permit Inspector, Susan Collins 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA PERMIT NO. 08-91-N-UT-2303 CO/RT~./PM 08-SBd-10-32.11 CALTRANS PERMITS 247 W. Third Street San Bernardino, CA 92402 100% COMPLETION NO~ICE Work on Permit No. 08-91-N-UT-2303 has been completed. A final inspection meeting was held on ~ -/& -~_T Permittee Representativ~/~ 2-/'~'J / Date C of Fontana' LIFORNIA February 2, 1992 Permit No. 08-91-N-UT-2303 Ms. Susan Collins, Permit Inspector State of California Department of Transportation District 08 247 W. 3rd Street San Bernardino, CA 92402 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Project Dear Ms. Collins: Enclosed for your information and records is the copy of the elevations across 1-10 at Cypress Avenue taken after completion of Jacking & Boring operation. These elevations were taken at same points at which they were taken prior to start of work. Please contact John Tesley at (714) 350-6642 or the undersigned, at (714) 350- 6645, if you have any comments. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Yousuf Patanwala Associate Engineer/Special Projects YP:JT:jt cc: Mike Olson-Kenko, Inc. Enclosure 8353 SIERRA AVENUE(P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA CALIFORNIA92334-O618 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B,C, CANADA FAX INFI~RItII~,TION PAG' AM! 1. N ' TOTAl. NUMBER OF PAGES, INOI.UDINll THIS PAGI!~ COPIES T~ 164 W. Hompt/lty Lanm · P.O. BOX elH, Bin Sen~llno, CA 0141141~1. · Oioe) 888-1401 LOCATION BOOK ~ PAGE CLIENT ' · DATE. - ,d'.- ..~ PARTY JOBDEBCRIPTIC)N FROH H~S I. OIIR~'/SFIH ~RHRIICDTH~ ~2,~.~3 LO(2ATION BOOK , PAGE OLIENT "~ tIP// ~/' ~t~"~,~ T~I,~,~ JOB N~ /~+~.~ ~)~ ~ ,~,.9, ~,~ ~.- ~'~ ,..~' "'" ........"City of Fontana C!ALIFORNIA October 1, 1992 Ms. Susan Collins Caltrans - District 8 P.O. Box 231 San Bernardino, CA 92402 RE: Specifications for Cypress Avenue sewer Project from Jurupa Avenue to San Bernardino Avenue Dear Ms. Collins: Enclosed for your review and iinformation is a copy of the specifications for the subject project. Please contact John Tesley at (714) 350-6642 or the undersigned, at (714) 350-6645, if you need any ~dditional information. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division yo~%w~atanwala Associate Engineer/Special ProjeCts YP:JT:jt Enclosure 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O, BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA f~ recycled paper City of Fontana CALIFORNIA July 16, 1992 Hr. Ngoc Hoang, P.E. State of California Department of Transportation Dtstrtct 08 247 W. 3rd Street San Bernardtrio, CA 92402 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Systee Construction Project Dear Hr. Hoang: The Ctty of Fontana ts now advertising the Cypress Avenue Sewer Syste~ Construction Project from Jurupa Avenue to San Dernardtno Avenue for bids. The bid opentng date ts set for August 13, 1992, at 2:00 P.H., tn Ctty Council Chambers at 8535 Sierra Avenue, Fontaria. Enclosed ts a copy of the Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents for thts project. If you have any questions or requtre further assistance, please contact John Tesley at 714-350-6642. SIncerely, CONIIUNITY DEVELOPt!ENT DEPARTHENT Engineering Nvtston Feltpe HoltriDs, P.E. Principal Engineer/Capital Improvements FN:sh Enclosures 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA City of Fontana ~(~ ~ C !A L I F O R N I A Mr. Ngoc Hoang, P.E. Assistant District Permit Engineer Department of Transportation 0istrict 08, P. 0. Box 231 San Bernardino, CA g2402 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Project Crossing of 1-10 Permit Application 08-gl-N-UT-2303 08-$Bd-10-3Lll Dear Mr. Hoang: Attached please find past correspondence for the project in reference. On 0uly l, lgg2, the Fontaria City Council adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration and California Fish and 6ame De Minimis Impact Finding for this project (approved minutes are not yet available). For your reference, attached is the Council Agenda report and Motice of Determination that the City will file with the County of San Bernardino. At this time, we request that the permit for this project be issued. The project is estimated to be started in October 1992, and completed by April 1993. Once the permit is received, a copy will be included in the specifications for contractor's reference. The plan is to advertise for bids as soon as the permit is received by this office. If you have any questions, p]eae call the undersigned at 714-350-6641. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Felipe Molinos, P.E, ~ ~e ~tlf (~ ,d' ~'~ Principal Engineer/Capital Improvements FM:sh ~/~ ~R, ~ Enclosures ~lu~t~J r. ~ 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P-O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ............... City of Fontana '!~"~'~~ C~A L I F O R N I A ~~ 0uly 8, 1992 Nr. Ngoc Hoang, P.E. Assistant Dtstrtct Permtt Engineer Oepartment of Transportation 01strict 08, P. O. Box 23Z ~ San Bernardlno, CA 92402 ~ m RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Project Crosstrig of ZdO Permtt Application 08-gbN-UT-2303 08-SBd-Z0-32.ZZ Dear Nr. Hoang: Attached please ftnd past correspondence for the pro~ect In reference. On Ouly 7, Z992, the Fontana City CoUnc11 adopted a Mitigated Negattve Oeclaratlon and Caltfornla FIsh and Ga~ oe N1ntmls impact Ftndtng for thts project (approved mtnutes are not yet available). For your reference, attached ts the Councti Agenda report and Notice of Oetermtnatton that the Ctty wt11'file wtth the County of San Bernardtno. At thts time, we request that the permtt for this pro~ect be tssued. The project ts estimated to be started tn October Z992, and c~pleted by Apt11 Z993. Once the permtt ts received, a copy wtll be ~ncluded tn the spectftcatlons for contractor's reference. The plan ts to advertise for btds as soon as the permtt tsrecetved by thts office. ~f you have any questions, pleae call: the undersfgned at 7Z4-350-664Z. Thank you for your attention to thts matter. Sincerely, CONNUN]TY OBELOPNER DEPARTHE; Engineering Dtvtston Feltpe Noltnos, P.E. Principal Engineer/Capital Zmprov~nts FN:sh Enclosures 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-O518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA NOTICE OF DETERMINATION ~ TO: XX Clerk of the Board FROM: The City of Fontana of Supervisors 8353 Sierra Avenue County of San Bernardino Fontaria, CA 92335 385 N. Arrowhead Avenue San Bernardino, CA 92415-0130 Attn: Cindy Gilbert Office of Planning (File also with OPR if the and Research project requires state 1400 Tenth Street approval} Sacramento, CA 95814 SUIMECT: Filing of Notice of Determination in Compliance with Section 21152 of the Public Resources Code. Project Title: Cypress Avenue between Jurupa Avenue and San Bernardino Avenue, City of Fontana, County of San BernardinD. State Clearinghouse Number Contact Person Telephone Number (If submitted to Clearinghouse) Project Location:(Include county) cypress Avenue between Jurupa Avenue and San Bernardino Avenue, City of Fontana, County of San BernardinD. Project Description: : Construction of pipes, manholes, laterals, Y's and removal and reconstruction of street improvements. This is to certify that the City of Fontaria approved the above described project on rv~s2~l/~Y ~NY~and made the following determination: 1. The project __will, X) will not have a significant effect on the environment. , 2. An Environmental impact Report was prepared for and certified for this ~roJect pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. A Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. XX A Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. THIS IF TO CERTIFY THAT THE FINAL EIR (WITH COMMENTS AND RESPONSES) OR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND RECORD OF PROJECT APPROVAL IS AVAILABLE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC AND HAY BE EXAMINED AT: Ctty of Fontana, Planning Division. 3. Mitigation measures XX Were __ were not made a condition of the approval of the project. 4. A Statement of Overriding Considerations was XX was not adopted for this project. ~ 5. Findings XX were __were)not made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. Date Felipe Molinos Principal Civil Engineer/ Date Received For Filing Capital Improvements CXTY-COB.FF FORH 'F" OULY 7, 199Z CORSENT CALE!I)AR Neetlng Date Ageride Placement TO: Nayor and CIty Counctl Fi)lh Cormunity Development Department KIllaCT: Cypress Avenue Sever i Constructt on- -Adopt1 on of HI tt gated Negatlve Declaration and ;Authorization to Advertise for Bids for Construction of Cypress !Avenue Sewer System from Jurupa Avenue to San Bernardtno Avenue! RECSIIE!i~TIOIh 1. TO ADOPT A NITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAHE DE NININIS ZNPACT FINDING AND DIRECT STAFF TO FILE THE NOTICE OF DETERNINAT/ON AND CERTIFICATE OF FEE EXEHPTION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CYPRESS AVENUE SE~ER SYSTEH BETNEEN JURUPA AVENUE AND SAN BERNARD/NO AVENUE. 2. TO AUTHORIZE THE CONNUNITY DEVELOPNENT DEPARTHENT TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CYPRESS AVENUE iSEIER SYSTEN BETMEEN JURUPA AVENUE AND- SAN BERNANDINO AVENUE. .~_JNo Fundtng General mmek-r zspscr I -I Yes S urce: I:1 Fund Budget o ILl (0711 Sewer Fund Budget I_'1 Bond Proceeds I_'1 Developer Oepostts Funds for this project were budgeted itn the FY 91/92 Budget under Account Numbers 071-7250 and 071-7251 (Pages ;5-6), for a total cembtned amount of $2,228,647. The amount of funds expended during Fiscal Year 91/92 account for engfneertng design consultant servtces~ staff ttee, and other charges for a total of approximately $10,000 to date (Pages 7-9). This project was also approved pursuant to the approval of the 1991-1996 Capttal Improvement Program (CZP), (Pages 9-10). The funds for thts project are free the Seer Captie1 Fund and were deft veal from fees patd by any developBent or project whtch connects to the CIty sewer system. The fees are presently $600 per equivalent dwelltrig unit, except the North Fontana area is $1,772 per equtva!ent dve111ng unit. On Hatch 17, 1992 (Page lz), the City Council approved an appropriation 4 increase of $58,560 free $21,310 to Account No. 071-7236-200 to cover consultant services for the ftnalizatton of plans and peretts and to provide construction surveying services, design soils ripoft and environmental tapact docuaent preparation. Southern Pacific TransYortation Company!will also be ob~ined during the course of the project. As originally contemplated, this project was to provide relief to peripheral sewer collection lines and was included in conditions of approval for the Birtcher-Trachman project. Additionally, since the original inception of the project concept as a relief trunk sewer, several related events have taken place which further Justify the importance of the construction of the proposed sewer main: 1. An update is near c~mpletion df the City-wide sewer master plan. This update includes the proposed main. 2. Expansion of Katser Hosptt&l (Primary Care Unit) ts underway, generally located east of Sierra Avenue and North of Valley Boulevard. Expansion of Kaiser Hospttal and the associated sewage flow increase to already near capacity existing lines, reinforces the need for a teltel 1the on Cypress Avenue. A teltel line on Valley Boulevard (a separate project) wtll be constructed as part of the Kaiser Hospital Expansion Project. That main will connect to the proposed Cypress Avenue sewer main. The seer lines have to be operational by May 1993'tn order for the Primary Care Unit to open in June 1993. 3. Site definition has been accomplished for the future Fontana/KatseF Wastewater Treatment Plant. The proposed Cypress Avenue sewer main wtll be compatible with the proposed locatton for the future Fontana/Katser Wastewater Treatment Plant or its alternate location (RP-3)and associated conveyance systems. Zn summeatton, the proposed main will alleviate existing deftctenchs/overload in the Ctty's sewer system and is part of the updated master sewer plan. The main is necessary for the expansion of Kaiser Hospital, and will be compatible with either of the proposed wastewater plant locations. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the proposed pro~ect. / ,' ' "! City of Fontana CALIFORNIA Hatch 19, 1992 File: 08-91-N-UT-203 08-SBd-10-32.11 NP. Ngoc Hoang, P.E. Assistant District Permit Engineer Department of Transportation District 08, P. O. Box 231 San Bernardtno, CA 92402 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer ProJect Crossing of I40 Permlt Application Update Dear Hr, Hoang: In response to your letter dated HarCh 13, 1992, (a copy is attached), please consider this letter as a formal request to extend the time for the City of Fontana to submit proof Of environmental documbntatton for the project tn reference. Up to this time, and due to some past difficulties tn approvtng a consultant agreement, the environmental process has been delayed. As expressed tn an earlier letter, this;project will not have a negative impact on the environment. As soon as the Fontana Ctty Council adopts the mitigated negattve declaration: for the project, it wtll be transmitted to your office for permit Issuance. It ts requested that the application be kept open until such time as the adoption occurs. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please contact the undersigned at 714-350-6641. Sincerely, COHHUNITY DEVELOPHENT DEPARTNENT Engineering Dtvtslon Fellpe Noltnos, P.E. ,~/~/fz Principal Engtheer/Capttal Projects ,~,~ ,,,.~ ~. ~ FH:sh ~ ~.. ~ Enclosures ~ 7~? :7- ~ cc: R, Heddle, P,E, R, BueePmann, P,E,, NBS/Lo~, San BernaPdtno Office 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTAN~ CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 3504600 SISTER CITY -- KAMiLOOPS, B.C. CANADA Y RECORD OF TELEPHOk, r; CONVERSATION CITY OF FONTANA ,sob No. Individual ~S~ X 7~ ~ ( ~p~ ~/~, Organization l~em~ Discussed ~. ~uM ~ /~ ~o? rye ~. BSI-P906 2180 City of Fontana CALIFORNIA December 5, 1991 Ms. Oennifer Hotton p~l~(?l~ 3~ - ~S~G Department of Transportation District 8, P. O. Box 231 San Bernardino, CA 92402 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Project Crossing of I-lO Dear Ms. Hotton: The City of Fontaria is in the process of obtaining the necessary permits for the construction of the Cypress Avenue sewer project. We wi]] be constructing this project starting in May of 1992 as part of the City sewer master plan. Please refer to previous correspondence (copies enclosed) on this project. With this letter, we are enclosing a standard Encroachment Permit Application and six (6) sets of the :pertinent sheets of the set of plans. We are in the process Of preparing the environmentM documentation and we will submit it as soon as it is complete. This project will not have a negative impact on the environment; therefore, we ask that the permit issuance. not be delayed awaiting the environmental documentation. The timely construction of this project is vital for capacity relief of existing lines, and for falling in line with the operation deadline of the Kaiser Permanente Hospital expansion which is currently underway. 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA Hs. Jennifer HoPton December 5, 1991 Page Two If you have any questions, or need additional information, please call the undersigned at 714-350-6641. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, COHHUNITY DEVELOPHENT DEPARTHENT Engineering Division Felipe Holinos, P.E. Principal Engineer/Capital Projects FH=sh Enclosure cc: R. Weddle, City Engineer Hart Tebbetts, NBS/Lowry, San Diego Harry Riebe, NBS/Lowry, San Diego STATE Of CALIFORNIA--BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSENG AGENCY GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN. Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 8. P.O. K)X 231 SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 92402 TDD (714) 383-4609 September 13, 3.990 Development Review 08-SBd-10-15. Your Reference: Cypress Street Sewer City of Fontana NBS/Lowry Engineers & Planners Attention Mr. R. T. Standish 10920 Via Frontera P.O. Box 28100 San Diego, CA 92128-0100 Dear Mr. Standish: Thank you for the opportunity to review the proposed sanitary sewer in Cypress Avenue in the City of Fontana. For all work in the State right of way, a separate set of General Notes for Caltrans shall be shown on the Title Sheet. Please refer to Page Nos. 2, 3 and 4 of the attached "Handout" for An encroachment permit will be needed before any work may begin in or near the State right of way. For an encroachment permit application, please contact Mr. Raj Chharan of our Permit Section at (714) 383-4536. If any work is necessary within ~he state highway right of way, the developer must obtain an encroachment permit from the Caltrans District 8 Permit Office prior to beginning work. If additional information is desired, please call Mr. Ray Shah of our Development Review Section at (714) 383-4671. Very truly yours, CHOWDEURY SEP 19 I990 District Development Review Engineer ~BS/,LOW~ rNCC,<~',RATED 5.D. ENGINEERS .c.. PLANNERS E89-012.003 August 30, 1990 Mr. Tim Chowdhury Development Review Section CALTRANS District 8 247 West 3rd Street San Bernardino, CA 92402 REF: CYPMSS 8TMET 8E~R CITY OF POlkA On behalf of the City of Fontana 'Public Works Department, we are submitting the attached set o!f preliminary plans for your review. These plans show the construction of a major sanitary sewer line in Cypress A~enue from Valley Boulevard south to Jurupa Avenue. This sewer line may start construction in the fall of 1991 =depending upon the sewage demands in the contributary areas. Please review the plans regarding the crossing of Interstate 10. It is plannned to bore a pipe casing under 1-10 at a depth of approximately 20 feet. The City is requesting a written confirmation that you have reviewed the plans and stated any concerns regarding the crossing of Interstate 10. Please return your response to our office by September 17, 1990. R. T. STANDISB, PE tsn co: Andrew Trachman Jim Strodtbeck Felipe Molinos Yousuf Patanwala 10920 Via Frontera · P.O. Box 28100 · San Diego, CA 92128-0100 ,(619)485-1500 · (619)578-7;:C FAX(619) 487-2068