HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.1 General Correspondence 07/05/95 WED 08:09 FAX 909 350 6618 elTY Ul' l'UNTANA ********************* *** TX REPORT *** ********************* TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO CONNECTION TEL SUBADDRESS CONNECTION ID ST. TIME USAGE T PGS. RESULT 1371 99441441 BBK-ONTARIO 07/05 08:08 00'59 3 OK I4!:J uUJ. CITY OF F CA.L.IPORlfJA. o N T A N A FAX COMMUNICATIONS FROM FAX NUMBER: (909) 350-6618 PLEASE DEUVER THE FOU.OWlNG PAGES TO: NAME: Pfb)'i;; ?;)f..tV(e.D LocATION I PHONE: f3 to e FAX NUMBER: q </1- / cj c( I 5~ htadi!~ ~ 7/5 DA'IE= FR.OM: LocATION I PHONE: TOTAL NUMBER. OF PAGES: (INCLUDING COVEll SHEET) . , IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE AU.. PAGES. PLEASE CALL (909) TIME: g & '*,,,,,) d~o - to & 4 0 MESSAGE: R~ -. ~j/l~ J~ City of Fontana CALIFORNIA July 7, 1995 Mr. David S. Lanham Contract Compliance Representative Operating Engineer's Contract Compliance 301 North Lake Avenue. Suite 320 Pasadena. CA 91101 RE: Cypress Sewer Trench Failures Dear Mr. Lanham: I have received your June 28, 1995 letter on the trench failures along Cypress Avenue. This is to advise you that the cause of failure has not been finally determined. This process may take some time due to a continuing investigation. Repairs are scheduled to begin on Monday. July 10, 1995 by Kenko, Inc. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer RWW:sh cc: City Manager Community Development Director Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-O518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS. B.C. CANADA , ,,, ..;.-__ Southern California Labor/Management /(3,7 ' :' Operating Endricers Contract Compliance '(% '/'~v-' ' co , 301 No~ ~e Avenue, S~te 320, ~adena, ~ifomia 91101 Telephone: (818) 564~070 June 28, 1995 ,1[ - 3 1995 Certified Mail wml~mc. wasgo..~ Mr. Robert W. Weddie, P.E., City Engineer City of Fontana William A. Floyd co-s¢¢,¢~, 8353 Sierra Avenue v~, x. v,,,~ Fontana, CA 92335 Trustee s~ve ^. Bray RE: Cypress Avenue - Trench Failures Tmstee Dear Mr. Weddle: Enclosed you'll find pictures taken of trench failures along Cypress Avenue on t~ mo,~. ch.~. Thursday, June 22, 1995. The pictures indicate to this office apparent poor ~y h~d, Co-Ch~U~. workmanship on the part of Kenko, Inc., who, as you are aware, performed ~.L~. contract work for the City of Fontana in late 1992 (Cypress Avenue Sewer · o.r ~o, ~,~ System). The trench failures are in the same area of the street as Kenko's t.c.A. work. After taking pictures the undersigned visited your office to inquire as to who is now responsible for repair of Cypress Avenue. An attempt was made to "flag down" Mr. Greg Bucknell of your office, but he ignored the attempt and walked away. An attempt was made to meet with you and Mr. Bucknell but the world's quickest meeting instantly appeared and of course, no one was available. A message was then left with your receptionist for you and Mr. Bucknell, informing you of the trench failures on Cypress Avenue, that pictures had been taken, and inquiries made again as to who is responsible for the work. As of this date, no follow up call from your office has been received. On Friday June 23, 1995 the undersigned left a message on Mr. Bucknell's voice mail, again inquiring as to the Cypress Avenue failures. As of this date no return call has been made. You'll remember our original concerns about the City of Fontana awarding any work to this firm, highlighting CAL-OSHA violations, prevailing wage infractions, police related activity, etc., in our August 26, 1992 correspon- Mr. Robert W. Weddle, P.E., City Engineer June 28, 1995 Page Two dence (copies attached.) Despite our efforts, staff, and Mr. Bucknell in particular, recommended award to Kenko. The city is now faced with repairing Cypress Avenue as a result of your staff's recommendations. Someone once said, "The bitterness of poor quality lingers long after the sweetness of low cost is forgotten..." or words to that effect. Cypress Avenue is evidence of this thought. The purpose here, Mr. Weddie, is to inform your office in writing and with pictures of the problems on Cypress Avenue, and to inquire again, who is responsible? Who will foot the bill for this poor work? Thank you for your consideration. Please call this office if you should have any questions. Sincerely, Contract Compliance Representative DSL:cml cc: David Eshleman, Mayor Carl B. Coleman, Jr., Councilmember Nancy Hooper, Councilmember John Roberrs, Councilmember Beatrice Watson, Councilmember CITY OF FONTANA CALI FORN IA MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: JEFF MCPHERSON. INTERNAL AUDITOR BOB WEDDLE. CITY ENGINEER ~ HISTORY AND BACKGROUND ON KENKO'S EMERGENCY WORK ON CYPRESS AVENUE STREET COLLAPSE JUNE 5. 1995 During the heavy rainstorms of January, staff was notified by San Bernardino County that Cypress Avenue north of Jurupa Avenue was failing due to surface runoffs. The City of Fontana had constructed a master sewer trunk line on Cypress Avenue from Jurupa Avenue to San Bernardino Avenue. Portions of this line were constructed through San Bernardino County area. All permits and review became the responsibility of the City of Fontana, and the City was handling project construction and administration. After our field review. it was apparent that without immediate remedial action, any further rainfall would infiltrate and erode the existing pavements, which presented an immediate safety hazard to public convenience and safety. Kenko, Inc. was the City's original contractor of record on the Cypress Avenue projects, and was working in an adjacent city at the time of the failures. Kenko, Inc. was requested to respond to these emergency failures under their contract warranty, which they did the next day. This request and response was under a potential warranty claim on the original work. If they had not responded, we would have gone through our three bi d process to obtain a contractor. Duri ng thi s time, I also requested Engi neeri ng staff to revi ew our fil es, inspection logs, and soils reports on that area with respect to the trench sett 1 ement to systemat i ca 11 y revi ew any other potent i a 1 causes for these failures. This is currently under reivew by Engineering staff. The person assigned the overview of all repair work was Greg Bucknell. Should you have any questions, please contact him at extension 6646. RWW:sh cc: Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects Bond Status Inquiry ~ THE HARTFORD The Hartford Hartford Plaza Hartford, Connecticut 06115 '1'; I yCltf-i City or Fontana C,j-" 8353 Sierra Ave., P.O. '..Box- 518" . Fontana, CA 92334 (-0518) I Date~.;yLI Bond No. 4659237 L .-1 Your No. Contractor Kenko, Inc. dba McGrand & Associates Description of Contract Construction of Cypress Ave. Sewer System - Jurupa Ave. to San Bernardino Ave, Schedule II Address 1694 91st Ave. N., Blaine, Hn 55449 Owner City of Fontana Contract Price Bond(s) Effective Date $1.578,632.00 100% Pay. & Perf. 9/15/92 Without prejudicing your right or affecting our liability under our bond(s) described above, we would appreciate the following information. Yours very truly, Hartford Casualty Insurance Company If. Contract Completed, Please State: ApprOXimate completion date 1:: ~e. q3 If Contract Uncomp eted, Please State: i-- Name of Surety i .~ .J.<'=---L. <-- Approximate amount completed (% or $ amount) L /00-/0 Paid to Date /e() % Retainage /J r~' fAre then; a:1Y claims. assignments or lien5 or. file? 0 Yes 0 No It is understood that the information contained herein is furnished as a matter of courtesy for the confidential use of the surety and is mereiy an expression of opinion. It is also agreed that in furnishing this information, no guaranty or warranty of accuracy or correctness is made and no responsibility Is assumed as a result of reliance by the surety, whether such information is furnished by the owner or by an architect or engineer as the agent of the owner. Remarks: ~/~e e.Ef~~ ~ eZ-Zl-'f..5 d/s Owner Date Return this inquiry in the enclosed self-addressed. stamped envelope to: Hartford Casualty Insurance Company P.O. Box 3057 Naperville. IL 60566 By ~ ~\~~ Title Fonn So3488-e P'inted In U.SA. This form IS acceptable to The Surety Assoclalion of America. RECORD OF TELEP~ _ JNE CONVERSATION Date A~ q.,~~S Time -Z'. \~ 9(Pml Individual ~\~ ~~~~. Title Organization JJ ~ / \.-.-J '-V {y I Location ~ ~ ~'.u,.~(A/ Phone No. ( C1 0 ~) 1'2't: - J '-fa f Subject 1t<--CANJ~ (., r'-0 1- ~~ ~~ tL.-vrvJ.s .. ~ />N-1~ ~ BV:1~\- f.x~ Project N , prOjectTitle~Y'0) At-t'~ ~ P~. ~'.f"'~ fM ~~. c~J r ~ M-Urv'd ~ L'- \,(/1 COMMENTS OR >\CTION REQUIRED , WIIey.'iIk Fonn 4-7 ;::" ~ ~~~--~ -: ~ _'--_ "f_/' / .' ..J ,;.. '::L- ~.--- ~.- /' .- CA(~I~-! ' :::---~ .~ r:.., (... ~ /.j, .., " ,... 7--e/~R f""'1 . t ~ CITY OF FONTANA Public Services Department MEMORANDUM TO: Ken Jeske, Public Services Director FRO~~-RiCk cross, Maintenance Services Supervisor SUBJECT: storm Damage DATE: January 19, 1995 On January 17, 1995 I met with Talib Aziz of Office of Emergency Services and Jack Cychosz of FEMA at which time I took them to several sites where we had storm related damage, the following is a list of location: Elm Ave north of Hillside Road (road cave in) estimated repair cost $30,000. Jurupa Ave east of Almond Ave east bound Traffic lane (S'x 10' sink hole) estimated repair cost $7,000. Cypress Ave north of Jurupa Ave (12'X 500' road cave in) estimated repair cost $61,000. Valley Blvd west of Cherry Ave west bound Traffic lane (major pot holes) estimated repair cost $7,000. I gave them a list of several location with estimated repair cost which they stated it was not necessary to see. Arrow Blvd west of Alder Ave (small cave in) estimated repair cost $5,000. East Ave south of Baseline Ave (cave in) estimated repair cost $5,000. Poplar Ave north of Valley Blvd (cave in) estimated repair cost $5,000. Locust Ave north of Arrow Blvd south bound Traffic lane north of Railroad tracks (sink hole) estimated repair cost $5,000. Cherry Ave south bound Traffic lane north of Valley Blvd (major pot holes) estimated repair cost $1,000. Total estimated repair cost $126,000. - I explained to both representatives that these are only estimated cost. Exact cost will not be known for sometime. JURISDICTIONAL ~',ISASTER ASSISTANCE SU'~aARY PART II PUBLIC SECTOR DAMAGE (Inckades private. Non-profit Agencbs)- PUBLIC LAW 93488, AS AMENDED AND STATE NATUI~.L DISASTER ASSISTANCE ACT ~ NUMBER OF ESTIMATED CATEGORY SITES COSTS Category A: Debds Clearance Cabgory E: Emergency Protective Measures Cat,,gory C: Road System Repairs Camgory D: Water Control Facilities Catlgory E: Buildings and Eauioment Cat,,goryF: PublicUtility Systems I $61,000 Category G: Other (Not in the above cateoodes] Total: $61,000 OTHER PUBLJC ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS Federal Highv~ys (Title 23 Program) [Fol damages to federal highway system] U.S. Army Corps of Engheers (PL 99) [For emergency flood control projects} Soil Cons, rvation Service [For emergency watershed rehal:fiitation] Offier [Describe] Total: $101/L.Fo x 500 L.F. = $50,500 Remove & replace soil to proper density 12' x 500 L.F. = 6,000 S.F. x $.50/S.Q. = $3,000 Pavement removal 150 Tons x $50/ton = $7,500 Paving OPP-133 JURISDICTIONAL DISASTER ASSISTANCE SUMMARY Dat~: 1-17-95 Repoffing Ju~sdL-~on: CTTY OF FONTANA Updat~ F~rn: 1-17-95 (Date} PART I PRIVATE SECTOR DAMAGE ESTIMATED TYPE DESTROYED MAJOR MINOR AFFECTED DOLLAR LOSS Homeowner Home Renter Mobile Home Owner Mobile Home Renter Business Owner (Owns Premises) Business Renter (Rents or Leases Premises) Cypress Avenue, North of Jurupa Avenye TO~I $61,000 500 L.F. x 12' wide total repair area Destroyed: Owelling or business is a total loss or is! damaged to the extent that it is neither usable nor economically repairable. Majon Dwelling or business is damaged to the!extent that it is no longer usable and may be returned to service only with extensive !epairs. Minon Dwelling or business is damaged and may be used under limited conditions; may be restored to service with minor repairs. Usually involves damages or losses of $7500 or less. Affected: Some damage to dwelling or business and suspected damage to contents, Structure is usable without repairs. CITY OF, FONTANA CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: DISll~IBUTION FROM: BOB WEDDLE, CIl~f ENGINEER/r~/ SUBJECT: CYPRESS SEWER ,'I~ENCH FAILURE DATE: JANUARY 11, 1995 The rains of the last week have created a trench failure in the Cypress Avenue sewer (north of Jurupa Avenue). Because of the overwhelming damage generated by the storm, 24 California counties, including San Bernardino County, have now been declared eligible for disaster relief. With the disaster declaration, the cost of repair to the trench failure may be reimbursed to the City through FEMA; therefore, please keep an accurate record of any time you may spend on the repair Of the Cypress Sewer. May sure this time is reflected on your time sheet. We must have a complete accounting to submit to FEMA for reimbursement. Linda Rombaugh will set up a project number shortly for Engineering staff within the Sewer Fund Program to assist in thi;s tracking. If you have any questions, please conta;ct me. RWW:sh cc: Community Development Director Public Services Director Sr. Administrative Analyst (jM) Account Technician/Engineering Distribution: Greg Bucknell Yousuf Patanwala Clyde Sweet Carlos Navarro Bob Savant Wayne Brown Felipe Molinos Ricardo Sandoval CITY OF.FONTANA CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: KEN JESKE, PUBLIC SERVICES DIRECTOR FROM: BOB WEDDLE, CITY ENGINEER/2/~ SUBJECT: CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER LINE NORTH OF JURUPA TRENCH SETTLEMENT DATE: JANUARY 9, lgg5 Engineering staff is reviewing our files for the inspection logs and soils reports for that area of the Cypress Avenue Sewer with respect to the recent trench settlement north of Jurupa Avenue. In order to systematically review potential causes of the failure, this is to request that the City sewer crew run theTV camera system through the reaches of trench failure to confirm adequacy of the sewer line. For this particular area there were no known failures during the major rains of last year wherein the City would have an indication of a problem and could take advantage of the one year warranty requi~red in the sewer construction contract. Staff will still review any recourse the City may have against the contractor. This project had full time public works inspection and virtually full time soils testing and inspection, so the problem Comes as a surprise to me. However, in any event the City is the utility owner and any utility trench failure needs to be fixed in a timely manner. Let's get together to see if the repair work can be done with City work Crews or if an outside contractor needs to be hired. The County has done some work to make the area accessible to area residents and will eventually need a response from the City as to our course of action. RWW:sh cc: Community Development Director Risk Manager Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects Associate Engineer/Special Projects Associate Engineer/Inspection Sr. Public Works Inspection RECEIVED April lS, 1994 APR 2 I ~ wayne Brown Public Works Inspector era' F--NGINEER'S OFFICE Community Development Department 8353 Sierra Ave. Fontana, California Dear Mr. Brown, On February 7, 1993 my son, Joseph D. Germano 0nd a girl friend, Barbara BozLjan were shot and killed in a trailer home belonging to Kenko Contrfictors. At the time my son was a Kenko employee. The person who shot him was/is a Kenko employee. After this incident occun'ed I started to receive information ~'om other concerned individuals reflecting other instances of violent/assaultive behhvior by other Kenko employees. As a parent who lost a son in a violent act, I have filed a complaint (law suit) in the Cenn'al District of San Bernardino County against Kenko,~et al. Preparing for the case I learned that you witnessed an incident that occun'ed on a Kenko jo~ site the Thursday (February 4,1993) before my son was shot to death by a Kenko employee. The incident may have some connection with the death of my son. If you are willing to share the details of ~xe incident I will appreciate hearing from you. Please keep in mind I am preparing for a court case and any information you share with me may become pan of a public record. You can write and/or send the information to the address below or you can call me collect at (401)231-2942. This is my home phone and is als0 equipped to receive a FAX message if you prefbr. incerely, (:~~O(n~a Labor/A,., ':Q(J<"<!- ,\\\:\III'I/II/;~ J" .--~' ..::;::. .-:. ~~ ..::)._':._, ffi....!---;... - :;;~ ~4::- . ..:.: '-"L_-" :'~J.:~ ~ . q~~ ~:.=. 8 ~ - ... ~ ~~. /', \", ~ '\. 111/'1\\\ GO~ '&l1eJ'l1eers cot\\(~\. LABOR I.U.O.E., Local No. 12 William C. Waggoner Secretary William A. Floyd Co-Secretary Dale L Vawter Trustee Steve A. Billy Trustee MANAGEMENT I.es Brown, Chairman A.G.C. Jerry Laird, Co-Chairman B.LA. Dick Chapman, Trustee E. C.A. Kenneth Maas, Trustee S.C.C.A. ~G) " \.t. '\ ~, ", .'1 ~' . .... \,'. ", \ \ . ... I . \.. ! . ',' .~. " f', '" \(.J _ . ,\/ ,I _ \ '-../ r\~ :)\jU Soutijern california iabor/Management v \) Operating Engineers Contract Compliance ", 301 North Lake Avenue, Suite 320, Pasadena, California 91101 Telephone: (818) 564-6070 January 21, 1994 The Honorable Gary Boyles, Mayor City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue P.O. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92334 RE: Kenko, Inc., D.B.A. McGrand & Associates Calimesa, California, DUNS Number 08-450-0065, California Contractor's License Number 457390 Dear Mayor Boyles: As a courtesy to you, enclosed you'll find a copy of the most recent Dun & Bradstreet report recently obtained by this office for the construction firm referenced above. This report should be utilized exclusively by your agency. Please call this office if you should have any questions. v DSL:cml enclosure Dun & B dstrcct Business Information Report'" Page 1 of 8 For: Customer Name January 5, 1994 SCLM OE Contract Compliance 10:15 am BUSINESS SUMMARY KENKO, INC DUNS: 08-450-0065 RATING -- +KENKO CONTRACTORS (NOT LISTED IN SEW~ &WATER PUBLICATIONS) 1694 91ST AVE NE CONTMACTOR FORMERLY AND BRANCH(ES) OR DIVISION(S) SIC NO.~ -- (BLAINE) 1623 STARTED 1992 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55449 EMPLOYS UNDETERMINED TEL: 612 786-6510 (UNDETERM INED HERE) HISTORY BUSINESS CHIEF EXECUTIVE: JEFFERY MC GRAND, PRES RATING :CHANGE SPECIAL EVENTS 12/29/93 On December 28, 1993 Donna Setter, Controller, Kenko Inc, dba Kenko Contractors, confirmed that the business was established in 1977 by Louis Belanger and Curtis Enerson and the present control succeeded in April 30, 1992 by the following officers: Jeffrey McGrand, J President, Scott McGrand, EXecutive Vice President, ill McGrand-SvoBoda, Secretary, Curtis Enerson{ Treasurer. On December 28, 1993 the Minnesota Secretary of State Indicated Kenko Inc dba Kenko Contractors incorporated on March 15, 1977 and showed Luvern McGrand, CEO as the listed officer. According to the Minnesota Secretax7 of State, there have: been no amendments to the corporate charter. Ms Setter declined tO provide the purchase price and con'trolli stock ownership. According to published re rts dated February , a former shot to death in a trailer owned by Kenko Inc dba Kenko Contractors. Prior to the incident, two other employees of Kenko, Inc had arrived at the scene to discuss a possible eviction. One of these employees has been arraigned as a suspect in the double homicide. On May 18, 1993 a wrongful death lawsuit entitled John and Carla Borjan vs Kenko Inc dba Kenko Contractors was filed in San Bernardino Superior Court, Sam Bernardino, California (case # CI-03702). As of December 29, 1993 the case is ~till pending. As a matter of general interest: On September 8[ 199~ Jeffrey McGrand, president, Kenko, Inc dba Kenko Contrators was c arged with battery a ainst an inspector with the City of Fresno Public Works Departmen~ (case # 92-1460), Fresno Police departmen Report. provided urder contract for the exclusive use of $Ctl40i Contract CompLiance. CO) 1994 D&8 Inc. D&B Business Inforrnatior eport Kenko, Inc Page 2 of 8 January 5, 1994 I 10:15 am For: CUstomer Name SCLM OE Contract Compliance SPECIAL EVENTS (continued) On May 27, 1991 Louis Belanger, former president Kenko Inc dba Kenko Contractors was charged with assaulting a co-worker, Sacramento, California, (case #91-11732). On February 1, 1991 Louis Belanger, former President of Kenko Inc dba Kenko Contractors was charged with assaulti~ an inspector and civil engineer at a job site in Kern County, Callfornia (case # KC91-02459), Kern County Sheriff Department. According to The State of California, Department of Industrial Relations, Occupational Safetr and Health Association, the following citations have been filed agalnst Kenko, Inc dba Kenko Contractors:. On September 3, 1992 in the city of Denver, Colorado, (1) serious citation was issued for violation of Section 29 CFR 1926.652 (a) (1), penalty $1,125. On July 29, 1992 in the city of Waterloo, Iowa, (2) serious citation were issued in violation of Sections 1926.020 (d)(4), 1926.651 (c) (2), 1926.652 (a) (1), 1926.652 (c), 1926.652 (b) (1) (i), 1926.652(c) (2) (ii), 1926.652 (c) (2) (iii), 1926.652 (c) (4) (ii), penalty $26,550. On July 29, 1992 in the city of Perris, California, (5) serious citations were issued in violation of Section 8CCR-1541.1 (c), 15441.1 (c) (4), 3277 (f) (4). Disposition of citation is pending. On May 1, 1992 in the city of Fresno, California, (3) serious citations were issued in violation of Section T8CCR 1509, 1540, 1541, penalty $3,600. Disposition of citation is Pending. On December 24, 1991 in the city of Bakersfield, California, (3) general citations were issued in violation of Section T8CCR-1644 (a) {3}, TSCCR-3203 (a) (I), T8CCR-3203 (a) (3). Disposition of citations pending. On December 2, 1991 in the citr of Fontana, California, '1) general citation and (I) repeat serlOUS citation were issued 1n violation of Section 1515 (a), 1540 (d), Docket # 91-RJD3-1326 through 1327). Penalty $2,600. on November 4, 1991 in the city of Apple Valley, California, (I) general citation was issued in violation of Section 1540 (g) (a), penalty $ O. On May 7, 1991 in the city of Redding ( California, (2) serious citations were issued in violation of Sectlon 1598 (a), 1598 (c), 1541 (a) (c), 1541 (a)(6), penalty $1,140. On May 7, 1991 in the city of Redding( California, (3) serious citations were issued in violation of Sectlon 1540 (e) (i), 1540 (d), 1596 (a), penalty $1,910. On February 15, 1991 in the city of Reddin9, California, (I) general citation and (I) serious citation were lsSUed in violation of Section 1515 (a) (I). on February 11, 1991 in the city of Redding, California, '1) general citation iSSUed, (2) repeat citations issued in violatlon of Section 1515 (a) (I), 1629 'c){3), 1540 (e){l)( penaltr $ 220. on December 13, 1990 ln the city of Reddmg, Callfornia, (3) general citations issued in violation of Section 1541 (f) (1), 1540 Provided under contract for the exclusive use of SClM OE Contract Compliance. (C) 1994 0&8 Inc. D&B Business Inforrnatiop ~eport Kenko, Inc Page 3 of 8 January 5, 1994 I 10:15 am For: CUstomer Name SCLM OE Contract Compliance SPECIAL EVENTS (continued) (e){l) , 1629 (C){3). On November 12( 1990 in the city of Fontana, California, (1) repeat re~latory c1tation and (1) repeat general citation were issued in violatlon of Section 1541 (d)(2), 341.4, penalty $ 80. (docket # 90 R3D3-1079, 1080 and 91-R3D3-395). on November 2, 1990 in the citr of Truckee, California ( (2) general citations and (I) serious cltation were issued in vlolation of Section 1629 (a)(3), 1541 (f) (1), 1541 (a)(6), penalty $ 375. (docket # 90-R2Dl-1178 through 1180). On October 16, 1990 in the citr of Fontana, California, (2) repeat regulatory citations issued m violation of Section 1541 (a), penalty $ 1,450. On October 12, 1990 in the city of Bakersfield, California, (1) willful serious citation issued in violation of Section 2946 (a), penalty $ 15,000. (docket # 90-R2D6-1101). On July 20, 1990 in the city of Bakersfield, California, (1) general citation issued in violation of Section 2946, penalty $ 560, ($1,120). (docket # 90-R2D6-828). On May 19, 1990 in the citr of Ontario, California, (6) general citations and (I) serious citatlon was issued in violation of Section T8CCR-4921 (b), 4923 (a), 4924 (b), 4924 (d), 3314 (c), 5006 (a), penalty $ 1,300. (docket # 90 R3D3-597-598). On May 4( 1990 in the city of Thousand Palms, California, (2) general citat10ns issued in violation of Section 1541 (d) (2), 1524 (a) (I) . On March 8, 1990 in the city of San Bernardino, California, (I) serious citation issued in violation of Section 1540 (d), penalty $560 (docket # 90- CRR4Dl-526). On February 13( 1990 in the city of Castaic, California, (3) general and (2) serlOUS citations were issued in violation of Section 1509 (c), 3141.4, 1526 (b), 1540 ,g){2), 1540 (1), penaltr $ 650. on January 25, 1990 in the clty of Palm Springs, Callfornia, (I) general citation was issued in violation of section 8CCR-1540 (d). On December 29, 1989 in the city of Ontario, California, (3) citations were issued in violation of Section 1629 (c}{3). On September 15, 1989 in the citf of Oxnard( California f1) serious citation was issued in violatlon of sectlon 1540 (d)(l), penaly $ 330. * * * CUSTOMER SERVICE * * * If you need anf additional information, would like a credit recommendation, or have any questlons( please call our CUstomer Service Center at (800) 234-3867 from anywhere wi thln the U. s. Provided under contract for the exclusive use of SClM OE Contract Compliance. (C) 1994 0&8 Inc. D&S Business Informatio' {eport Kenko, Inc Page 4 of 8 January 5, 1994 I 10:15 am For: CUstomer Name SCLM OE Contract Compliance PAYMENTS D&B has not received a sufficient sample of payment experiences to establish a PA WEX score. D&B receives over 220 million payment experiences each year. We enter these new and u~ated experiences into D&B Reports as this information is received. At this tlme, none of those experiences relate to this company. FINANCE 12/29/93 On December 28, 1993 Donna Setter, Controller confirmed business name, address, date of incorporation and the names of the officers. PUBLIC FILINGS The following data is for information purposes only and is not the official record. Certified copies can only be obtained from the official source. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * * SUIT(S) * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PIAINTIFF: DEFENDANT: CAUSE: WHERE FILED: DOCKET NO.: CI-03702 SUIT AMOUNT: GENERAL NEGLIGENCE, INTENTIONAL TORT, PREMISE LIABILITY AND PUNITIVE DAMAGE JOHN BORJAN AND CARlA BORGJAN KENKO, INC is wrongful death SAN BERNARDINO SUPERIOR COURT, SAN BERNARDINO, CA STATUS: Pending DATE STATUS ATTAINED: 05/18/1993 DATE FILED: 05/18/1993 LATEST INFO COLLECTED: 12/28/1993 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILING NO: TYPE: SEC. PARTY: * * * UCC FILING{S) * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COLLATERAL: Specified Inventory including proceeds and products - Specified Account(s) including proceeds and products - Specified Equipment including proceeds and products - Specified General intangibles(s) including proceeds and products andOl'HERS 92063441 DATE FILED: 04/02/1992 original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: OS/20/1992 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK & TRUST FILED WITH: SECRErARY OF CO, SAINT PAUL, MN STATE/UCC DIVISION, KENKO INC TX DEBTOR: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COLLATERAL: Specified Construction equipment/machinery and proceeds FILING NO: 92063441 DATE FILED: 01/21/1993 Provided ~r contract for the exclusive use of SClM OE Contract Compl iance. (C) 1994 0&8 Inc. D&B Business Informati, Report Kenko, Inc Page 5 of 8 January 5, 1994 10:15 am For: Customer Name SCUM OE Contract Compliance PUBLIC FILINGS (continued) TYPE: Partial release SEC. PARTY: AMERICAN NAT'L BANK & TRUST CO CREDIT DEPAR'IMENT, SAINT PAUL, MN DEBTOR: KENKO INC LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 03/10/1993 ORIG. UCC FILED: 04/02/1992 ORIG. FILING NO: 92063441 FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF STATE/UCC DIVISION, TX COLLATERAL : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILING NO: TYPE: SEC. PARTY: DEBTOR: Specified Inventory including proceeds and products - Specified Account(s) including proceeds and products - Specified Equipment including proceeds and products - Specified General intangibles(s) including proceeds and products - and OTHERS 700178 DATE FILED: 04/02/1992 Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 05/11/1992 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK & TRUST FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF STATE CO, SAINT PAUL, MN UCC DIVISION, AZ KENKO INC COLLATERAL : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILING NO: TYPE: SEC. PARTY: DEBTOR: Specified Inventory including proceeds and products - Specified Account{s) including ~roceeds and products - Specified General intangibles(s) includlng proceeds and products - Specified Contract rights including proceeds and products - Specified Chattel paper including proceeds and products 1184650 Original AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO, ST PAUL, MN KENKO INC DATE FILED: 03/04/1991 LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 04/30/1991 FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF STATE/UCC DIVISION, WI OOLLATERAL: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILING NO: TYPE: SEC. PARTY: DEBTOR: Specified Inventory including proceeds and products - Specified Account{s) including proceeds and products - Specified Equipment including proceeds and products - Specified General intangibles(s) including proceeds and products - and OTHERS K222823 DATE FILED: 03/04/1991 Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 03/22/1991 AMERICAN NAT BK & TR CO, STPAUL FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF MN STATE/UCC DIVISION, KENKO INC IA COLLATERAL : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILING NO: TYPE: SEC. PARTY: DEBTOR: Specified Accounts receivable and proceeds - Specified Account{s) and ~roceeds - Specified General intangibles{s) and proceeds - Speclfied Contract rights and proceeds 93048897 DATE FILED: 03/12/1993 Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 05/12/1993 REBURN TIRE COMPANY, PHOENIX, AZ FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF RENKO, INC STATE/UCC DIVISION, TX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COLLATERAL: Specified Inventory and ~roducts - Specified Account's) and products - Specified Equlpment and products - Specifled General Provided under contract for the exclusive use of SClM OE Contract ComplianCe. (C) 1994 O&B Inc. D&B Business Informatiol eport For: CUstomer Name SCLM OE Contract Compliance Kenko, Inc Page 6 of 8 January 5, 1994 10:15 am PUBLIC FILINGS (continued) FILING NO: TYPE: SEC. PARTY: DEBTOR: intangibles{s) and products 922022256 Original AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO, SAINT PAUL, MN KENKO INC - and CYl'HERS DATE FILED: 04/01/1992 LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 04/20/1992 FILED WITH: SECRErARY OF STATE/UCC DIVISION, CO COLIATERAL : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILING NO: TYPE: SEC. PARTY: DEBTOR: Specified Account(s) includi~ proceeds and products - specified General intangibles{s) includlng proceeds and products - Specified Contract rights including proceeds and products 1577138 DATE FILED: 04/06/1993 Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 04/21/1993 REDBURN TIRE COMPANY, PHOENIX, FILED WITH: SECRErAR'i OF AZ STATE/UCC DIVISION, KENKO INC MN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COLIATERAL : FILING NO: TYPE: SEC. PARTY: DEBTOR: Construction equipment/machinery 133500 Original GENERAL ELECTRIC CAPITAL CORP, OAK BROOK, IL KENKO, INC DATE FILED: 03/29/1988 FILED WITH: SECRErAR'i OF -STATE/UCC DIVISION, MN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COLIATERAL : FILING NO: TYPE: SEC. PARTY: ASSIGNEE: DEBTOR: Specified Equipment including proceeds and products 1625608 DATE FILED: 10/27/1993 Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 11/17/1993 ST JOSEPH'S EX2UIPMENT INC, FILED WITH: SECRErAR'i OF SHAKOPEE, MN STATE/UCC DIVISION, CASE CREDIT A DIVISION OF CASE MN CORPORATION, TENNECO CREDIT CORPORATION, RACINE, WI KENKO INC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COLIATERAL : FILING NO: TYPE: SEC. PARTY: DEBTOR: Specified Vehicles 1596687 Original ASSOCIATES LEASING PROSPECT, . IL KENKO INC including proceeds and products DATE FILED: 06/21/1993 LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 07/09/1993 INC, MOUNT FILED WITH: SECRErARY OF STATE/UCC DIVISION, MN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are additional UCC's in D&B's file on this company available by contacting 1-800-DNB-DIAL. The public record items contained in this report may have been paid, terminated, vacated or released prior to the date this report was printed. Provided under contract for the exclusive use of SClM OE Contract Compliance. (C) 1994 0&8 Inc. D&B Business Informatic. ~eport Kenko, Inc ~ ~ Page 7 of 8 ] For: Customer Name January 5, 1994 SCLM OE Contract Compliance 10:15 an HISTORY 12/29/93 LUVERN MCGRAND, CEO ~EFFERY MC GRAND, PRES SCOT[ MC GRAND, EX V PRES JILL MC GRAND-SVOBODA, SEC CURTIS I~ERSON, TREAS DIRECTOR(S): THE OFFICER(S) CORPORATE AND BUSINESS REGISTRATIONS REPORTED BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE OR OTHER OFFICIAL SOURCE AS OF 09/30/1993: BUSINESS TYPE: Corporation - DATE INCORPORATED: 03/15/1977 Profit STATE OF INCORP: Minnesota Business started 1977 by Louis Belanger end Curtis Enerson. Present control succeeded Apr 30 1992. On Dec 28, 1993 Donna Setter, controller, declined to state the purchase price or other specifics about the controlling stock interest. On December 28, 1993 Donna Setter, Controller, Kenko Inc, dba Kenko Contractors, confirmed that the business was established in 1977 by Louis Belanger and Curtis Enerson end the present control succeeded in April 30, 1992 by the following officers: Jeffrey McGrand, President, Scott McGrand, Executive Vice President, Jill McGrand-SvoBoda, Secretary, Curtis Enerson( Treasurer. On December 28, 1993 the Minnesota Secretary of State Indicated Kenko Inc dba Secretary of State, there have bean no amendments to the corporate charter. Ms Setter declined to provide the purchase price and controlli stock ownership. 1 According to published reports dated February 11, 1993 a former emp oyee of Kenko Inc, Joseph Germano, end another individual were shot to death in a trailer owned by Kenko Inc dba Kenko Contractors. Prior to the incident, two other employees of Kenko, Inc had arrived at the scane to discuss a possiible eviction. One of these employees has been arraigned as a suspect in the double homicide. On May 18, 1993 a wrongful death lawsuit entitled John and Carla Borjan vs Kenko Inc dba Kenko Contractors was filed in San Bernardino Superior Court, San BernardinO, California (case # CI-03702). As of December 29, 1993 the case is ,still pendin(S. LU~MN MCGRAND. 1984-presant active in affiliate Robin Equipment, Inc, Blaine, MN. JEFFERY MC GRAND born 1956. 1977-present active here. Named vice president in 1986. SCOTT MC GRAND born 1960.~ 1977-presant employed here. Became an officer and shareholder in Apr 1992. JILL MC GRAND-SVOBODA born 1958. 1977-present employed here. Became an officer and shareholder in Apr 1992. CURTIS ENzMSON born 1941.~ 1962-1973 self-employed contractor in Minneapolis, MN. 1973-1977 employed by Hoffman Bros Construction, Provided trder contract for the exclusive use of $CLM OE Contract Compt|ar~ce. (C) 1~, D&B Inc, Z The Hartford Hartford Plaza Bo~ld '~tatus Inquiry THE HARTFORD Hartford, Connecticut 06115 City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Ave., P.O. ~ox 518 8Dad No. 4659237 Forttans, CA 92334 (-0518) Your No. L Kenko, inc. dba MeGrand & Associates 91st Ave. N., Blaine, Mn 55449 Description of Contract Construction of Cypress Ave. Sever System - Jurupa Ave. to San BernardlaD Ave, Schedule II Owner City of Fontaria tontract P.a Bo 0 ; Oat. $[,578,632.00 Pay, & Parr. 9/15/92 Without preludicing your right or affeding our liabilriy under our bond(s) described above, we would appreciate the following information. Yours very mjly, Hartford Casualty Insurance Conzpany Name of Surety Robert N H. Saner I~ Contract Completed, Please State: Assistant V~ce.President Ap roximate Completion date ' ' ' q~proximate amount Completed (% or $ amount) P~p to Date ~tainage ethere any ctaims, assignments or liens on file? [] Yes ~3, NO it Is understood that the information contained heroin Is fumlehed ate a matter of courtesy for the con~d~ntlel us~ of the surety and is merely an expression of opinion. It le also agreed that in furnishing this information, no guaranty or warranty of accuracy or correctname is made and no responsibility le laaumecI el I result of reliance by the Surety, whether Iuch information le furnished by the owner or by an architect or engineer aa the agent of the owner. Remarks: seff-address~, stam~d envel~e to: ~rtford Cas~Zcy Insurance Co~any Title P.O. Box 3057 Nape~Z~e, ZL 60566 This form is acceptable to The Surety As~iation of Amedca. V ~ :~ The Hartford Hartford Plaza Bond Status Inquiry ,. THE HARTFORD Hartford, Connecticut 06115 'City of Foncana 8353 Sierra Ave., P.O. Box 518 8ond No. 4659237 Fontann, CA 92334 (-0518) contr=, r:.enko, Inc. dba HcGraud & ~soc~res 91sc Ave. ~.. ~Zat~e, ~ 55449 Descnpfion of Confm~ Construction o~ Cypress Ave. Sever System - Ju=up~ Ave. Co San ~e=~a=dtno Ave, Schedule ZZ ~ner ClOy o~ ~onCana $Z,578,632.00 ~ay. & ~e~. 9/~5/92 Without prejudicing your dght or afroring our liabiliW under our ~nd(s) de~d~ a~ve, we would appr~iate the following information. Yours veff truly, ~rt~ord Casualty Insurance Co~any Name of SureW Robert N. H Sener I~ Contrad CompleM, Please State: Asmstant Vice-President If Contra~ Uncomplet~, P~ease State: /- ) Are there any claims, assignments or liens on file? ~ Yes ~ NO It Is understud that the info~ation continH heroin Is fumish~ as a ma~er of coudesy fo; the confidential uH of t~ suffi~ and Is merely an exp~ssion of opinion. It Is al~ ag~ that In furnishing this iinformafion, no guamn~ or warmn~ of accumy or cor~ness ts made and no responsiblll~ Is assu~ a~ a resu~ of ~llan~ by the s~, wheffier such info~a~on Is fuml~ by the ow~r or by an archite~ or engin~r as the ~ent of the ow~r. Remarks: self-addressed, stamped envelobe to: tiart£ord Cas_tmlty Insurance Company Title P.O. Box 3057 Naperv:i. lle, IL 60566 Form s-3488-6 Prlnteu m US.A. This form is acceptaDle to The Surety Association of America. CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: YOUSUF PATANWALA ASSOCIATE ENGINEER SUBJECT: COMPLETION OF CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER PROJECT DATE: SEPTEMBER 28, 1993 Cypress Avenue Sewer Project has been Completed by contractor; Kenko, Inc. All construction is completed and in accordance with all Plans and Specifications and all punch list items have been completed to t;he satisfaction of the Inspector. WB:yv c:\data\wp\inspecti\memos93\compofcy.swr LETTER OF 'I'RANSMITTAL CITY OF FONF'ANA FILET: CYF'RESS AVENLIE SEWER CDD/EI\IGINEERING DIVISI[]N DATE: SEP'FEMBER 16, 199:3 835]~: SIERRA AVEIx~UE FONTANA~ CA, 923135 T'O: KENKO CONTRACTORS ~ I NC, ~025 CA!_.2[MESA BOULEVARD, SLIZ[I'E ~4 CALI MESA ~ CA, 92520 AT'FN: MR, .JC]I~N KAY Gent I omen: We are sending ycl~l: (x) Attached ( ) Under separate cover via the followinq item~ ( ) Drawing ( ) Print(s) ( ) Plan(s) ( ) Sample(s) ( ) Check Print ( s ) ( ) Spect 'fication~ t ) Copy of L.etter ( x ) Change Order(s) ( ) Dther: ~.q.[..~ DATE NO, DESCRIPTION 2 9-16-9~3 --- Change Order No, 5 1 9--16-9Z~ -- Final Pay Estimate Corrected Copy ) For your information/records ( ) Submit original .................................. ) For Approval (x) Resubmit_.l__ copy 'for ) Approved as submitted approval (Final Pay Estimate ) ) For your u~e ( ) Submit ......... copies for ) Appr~ved as noted distribution ) As requested ( ) Return ......... corrected ) For review and comment prints ) Returned for corrections (x) Other See Below ('x) Other ( ) For Bid Due: ( ) prints returned after loaned to: Remarks: _P_tp_ase sion b~__~Q_~_~._.~2...~.~sl~], E:L&~..L~__~2Le~,g.~ion~_g~_.~!.~j~.~...,~i~_~uted copy Signed: ~ ................................................................................ RECEIVED Z The Hartford Hsftford PIB Bond Status In(;uiry THE HARTFORD Hartford, Connecticut 06115 .i ~l~ i OFFICE Ctly Of Fonlnnm 8353 Sierra Ave., P.O, Box 518 BondNo 4659237 Fontaria, CA 92334 (-0518) Your No. L Contractor ~ 91et KeGbe ZDc, dba RcGrsmi & Associates Ave, N,, Bzaine, N~ 55449 Oes~ption of Contract ConsC=uction of Cypress Ave. Sever Systems - Juzupa Ave. to San Boxmardino Ave, Schedule ii Owner City Of Fontana $1,578,632.00 l~ay. I terf. 9/15/92 WithOut pfejudictng your right or affecting Our llellility under Our bond(s) d~ above, we woukl ape the following information, YOurs vary rally, · _ ila~tf0rd Cssusltlr Znsttzance Cc~p-y Nmms~Su~W Robert N. H. Senor I~ Contract Com~lemsd, Plem State: Assistant Vice-President ;ontra~~t~l, PleJState: ~$~nd~r~t~dth~tth~nf~i)~dh~i~1~f~e~i~d~m~tt8~u~1~yf~rth~e~d~nti~u~ed~w~s mem~nexpme~kx1~fq~k~6~t~8~8~dth8t~nfunq~n~th~n~n11~t~n~n~u~r~nty~r~n~n~~~ madean~no reqoonlbtltyl188eumsdusmeulte(rebneebythemumty, whetherw~l~ll~i~or~ s~tmct or e~g~neet ae the agem o~ the oum~r. Retum this inquiry in the snclo~ By q~"'~' """"""""°: h le P,O. Box 3057 Napervi. l. zs, IL 60566 imgfflt m I°ttmlcl in U.S.a. This form is acceptable to The SUrety Associmk~ Of m City of Fontana CALIFORNIA July 22, 1993 David S. Lanham Contract Compliance Representative I.U,O.E., Local No. 12 150 East Corson Street P.O. Box 7109 Pasadena, CA 91109-7209 Re: Cypress Avenue Trunk Sewer Kenko, Incorporated Certified Payroll Records Request Dear Mr. Lanham: In response to your letter dated December 28, 1992 on the above referenced project, enclosed are copies of the certified payroll records with personal information deleted. If you should have any questions, contact the undersigned at (909) 350-6646. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering D~ G~cknell, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects GJB:jh Attachments cc: City Engineer 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ~fli recycled paper V' ~if WM, C. WAGGONER Business Manager and :, General Vice-President AFL*CIO -e December 28, 1992 Mr. Robert W. Weddie, P.E., City Engineer : 3 0 199Z City of Fontaria 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 RE: Kenko, Inc. PROJECT: Cypress Avenue Sewer Dear Mr. Weddle: This is a formal letter of request for eert'ffied payroll records from the above noted contractor. We are requesting the records from the beginning of the project through completion. This request is made pursuant to, and authorized by California State Labor Code Section 1776.Co) (3) and in compliance with California Administration Code, Title 8, Group 3, Article 6, Section 16400. Please send the payrolls to our office at the address listed below. ~;(~Z~-(,,0'7 If you have any questions on this matter, please contact this office at (818) 792-8900. We will look forward to your prompt response. Very Truly Yours, William C. Waggoner, Business Manager I.U.O.E., Local No. 12 and Contract Compliance Representative I.U.O.E., Local No. 12 WCW:DSL:cml 150 EAST CORSON STREET · P.O. BOX 7109 · PASADENA, CA 91109-7209 *TELEPHONE (818) 792-8900 =~' ~1/ WM. C. WAQGIONER Business Manager and ; General Vice-President AFL-CIO ~ December 28, 1992 Mr. Robert W. Weddle, P.E., City Engineer City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 RE: Inland Concrete (Subcontractor) PROJECT: Cypress Avenue Sewer (Prime: Kenko, Inc.) Dear Mr. Weddle: This is a formal letter of request for certified payroll records from the above noted subcontractor. We are requesting the records from the beginning of the project through completion. This request is made pursuant to, and authorized by California State Labor Code Section 1776.Co) (3) and in compliance with California Administration Code, Title 8, Group 3, Article 6, Section 16400. Please send the payrolls to our office at the address listed below. If you have any questions on this matter, please contact this office at (818) 792-8900. We will look forward to your prompt response. Very Truly Yours, William C. Waggoner, Business Manager I.U.O.E., Local No. 12 and BY: David S. Lanham, Contract Compliance Representative I.U.O.E., Local No. 12 WCW:DSL:cml 150 EAST CORSON STREET · P.O. BOX 7109 · PASADENA, CA 91109-7209 ·TELEPHONE (818) 792-8900 Ci ty of Fontana LIFORI~IA July 22, 1993 J. Rocco Davis Field Investigator Center For Contract Compliance 1074 E. La Cadena, Ste. 4 Riverside, CA 92501 Re: Cypress Avenue Sewer Kenko, Incorporated Request For Certified Payroll Records and Contract Information Dear Mr. Davies: In response to your letters, enclosed are copies of the Proof of Publication, Subcontractors List, and Certified Payroll Records with personal information deleted. If you should have any questions, contact the undersigned at (909) 350-6646. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Gr'~o~ry~ Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects GJB:jh Attachments cc: City Engineer 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O, SOX518) · FONTAN~ CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714}350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ~ recycled paper February 18, 1993 ~CD Bob Weddle City of Fontana P.O. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92334 CENTER FOR CONTRACT COMPLIANCE "SECOND REQUEST" RE: CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Kenko, Inc. 1025 Calimesa, suite 4 Calimesa, CA 92320 909-795-2568 License #: 457390 SUBCONTRACTOR: El-Co Contractors, Inc. 3131 State Street San Bernardino, CA 92405 909-887-2610 License #: 317093 Dear Mr. Weddle: This is a formal request for copies of certified pa~roll records from the above noted subcontractor. We are requestlng payroll records from the date the subcontractor started work on the project through December 11, 1992. Please send the records as you receive them. This request is being made pursuant to Labor Code section 1776 attached. Please find enclosed, the Department of Industrial Relations payroll reporting form and fringe benefit statement. You may want to send a copy along as an example for the subcontractor to use when reporting wages and hours. Our office will gladly cover the cost of reproduction as set forth in California Code of Regulations 16402 attached. It will be very helpful if you also send a copy of this code to the contractor so that they are aware of the costs also. Please send us a copy of your letter to the contractor in which you request submission of certified payroll records. If our office does not receive the payroll records within fifteen (15) days of the date of this letter, we will reguest that the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement begln a full investigation and ask that debarment proceedinqs be initiated aqainst the contractor for willful noncompliance per Labor Code Section 1777 et. seq. Inland Chapter - 1074 E. La Cadena, Ste. 4, Riverside, CA 92501 714-686-3328 . FAX 714-686-8470 Bob Weddle city of Fontana February 18, 1993 Page 2 If you have any questions, or if no work has been performed by the requested subcontractor, please do not hesitate to let us know. We look forward to your prompt response. Sincerely, \T~~' J. Rocco Davis Field Investigator Enclosure CCC S/315S (10/91) February 18, 1993 ~CD CENTER FOR CONTRACT COMPLIANCE Bob Weddle City of Fontana P.O. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92334 "SECOND REQUEST" RE: CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Kenko, Inc. 1025 Calimesa, suite 4 Calimesa, CA 92320 909-795-2568 License #: 457390 Dear Mr. Weddle: This is a formal request for copies of certified payroll records from the above noted contractor. We are requesting payroll records from December 7, 1992 through January 22, 1993. Please send the records as you receive them. This request is being made pursuant to Labor Code Section 1776 attached. Please find enclosed, the Department of Industrial Relations payroll reporting form and fringe benefit statement. You may want to send a copy along as an example for the contractor to use when reporting wages and hours. Our office will gladly cover the cost of reproduction as set forth in California Code of Regulations 16402 attached. It will be very helpful if you also send a copy of this code to the contractor. so that they are aware of the costs also. Please send us a copy of your letter to the contractor in which you request submission of certified payroll records. If our office does not receive the payroll records within fifteen (15) days of the date of this letter, we will re9uest that the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement begln a full investigation and ask that debarment proceedinqs be initiated aqainst the contractor for willful noncompliance per Labor Code 1777 et. seq. If you have any questions, or if no work has been performed by the requested contractor, please do not hesitate to let us know. We look forward to your prompt response. Sincerely, V. ~-d ~ J. Rocco Davis, Field Investigator Enclosure Inland Chapter - 1074 E. La Cadena, Ste. 4, Riverside, CA 92501 714-686-3328 . FAX 714-686-8470 January 26, 1993 F 9 !!~i'il~ CENTER FOR CONTRACT COMPLIANCE Bob Weddle City of Fontana P.O. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92334 RE: CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Kenko, Inc. 1025 Calimesa, Suite 4 Calimesa, CA 92320 909-795-2568 License #: 457390 SUBCONTRACTOR: El-Co Contractors, Inc. 3131 State Street San Bernardino, CA 92405 909-887-2610 License #: 317093 Dear Mr. Weddle: This is a formal request for copies of certified payroll records from the above noted subcontractor. We are requestmng payroll records from the date they starte~ work on the project through December 11, 1992. Please send the records as you receive them. This request is being made pursuant to Labor Code Section 1776 attached. Please find enclosed, the Department of Industrial Relations payroll reporting form and fringe[ benefit statement. You may want to send a copy along as an example for the subcontractor to use when reporting wages and hourS. Our office will gladly cover the cost of reproduction as set forth in California Code of Regulations 16402 attached. It will be very helpful if you also send a copy of this code to the contractor so that they are aware of the costs also. Please send us a copy of your letter to the contractor in which you request submission of certifi~ed payroll records. If our office does not receive the payro!ll records within fifteen (15) days of the date of this letter, We will reguest that the Division of Labor Standards Enfor~cement begin a full investigation and ask that debar~ent Droceedinqs be initiated aqainst the contractor for willful noncompliance per Labor Code Section 1777 et. seG. 1074 E. I~ Cadena, Suite 4, Riverside, CA 92501 · (714) 686-3328 · Fax (714) 686-8470 Bob Weddle City of Fontana January 26, 1993 Page 2 If you have any questions, or if no work has been performed by the requested subcontractor, please do not hesitate to let us know. We look forward to your prompt response. Sincerely, /-- CT ;JCeLJ i...y~ '-' J. Rocco Davis Field Investigator Enclosure January 26, 1993 CENTER FeR Bob Weddle City of Fontana P.O. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92334 RE: CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Kenko, Inc. 1025 Calimesa, Suite 4 Calimesa, CA 92320 909-795-2568 License #: 457390 Dear Mr. Weddle: This is a formal request for copies of certified payroll records from the above noted contractor. We are requesting payroll records from December 7, 1992 thr!ough January 22, 1993. Please send the records as you receive them. This request is being made pursuant to Labor Code Section 1776 attached. Please find enclosed, the Department of Industrial Relations payroll reporting form and fringe benefit statement. You may want to send a copy along as an example for the contractor to use when reporting wages and hours. Our office will gladly cover thecost of reproduction as set forth in California Code of Regulations 16402 attached. It will be very helpful if you also sendsa copy of this code to the contractor so that they are aware of the costs also. Please send us a copy of yo'ur letter to the contractor in which you request submission of certified payroll records. If our office does not receive the payroll records within fifteen (15) days of the date of this letter,:we will reguest that the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement begln a full investigation and ask that debarment proceedinqs be initiated aqainst the contractor for willful noncompliance Per Labor Code 1777 et. seq. If you have any questions, or if no work has been performed by the requested contractor, please do not hesitate to let us know. We look forward to your prompt response. Sincerely, J. Rocco Davis, Field Investigator Enclosure 1074 E. Ia Cadena, Suite 4, Pdvemide, CA 92501 · (714) 686-3328 · Fax (714) 686-8470 , ~ AN4 992 December 18, 1992 CENTER FOR CONTRACT COMPLIANCE Raymond Bragg City of Fontana P.O. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92334 "REVISED REQUEST" RE: CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Kenko, Inc. 1025 Calimesa, Suite 4 Calimesa, CA 92320 909-795-2568 License #: 457390 SUBCONTRACTOR: El-Co Contractors, Inc. 3131 State Street San Bernardino, CA 92405 909-887-2610 License #: 317093 Dear Mr. Bragg: This is a formal request for copies of certified pa~roll records from the above noted subcontractOr. We are request ng payroll records from the date they started work on the project through December 11, 1992. Please send the records as you receive them. This request is being made pursuant to Labor Code Section 1776 attached. Please find enclosed, the Department of Industrial Relations payroll reporting form and fringe benefit statement. You may want to send a copy along as an example for the subcontractor to use when reporting wages and hours. Our office will gladly cover the cost of reproduction as set forth in California Code of Regulations 16402 attached. It will be very helpful if you also send a copy of this code to the contractor so that they are aware of the costs also. Please send us a copy of your letter to the contractor in which you request submission of certified payroll records. If our office does not receive the payroll records within fifteen (15) days of the date of this letter, we will request that the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement begin a full investigation and ask that debarment proceedings be initiated aqainst the contractor for willful noncompliance per Labor Code Section 1777 st. sea. 1074 E. La Cadena, Suite 4, Riveraids, CA 92501 · (714) 686-3328 · Fax (714) 686-8470 Raymond Bragg City of Fontana December 18, 1992 Page 2 If you have any questions, or if no work has been performed by the requested subcontractor, please do not hesitate to let us know. We look forward to your prompt response. sincerely, IJ (/J;ee<J S L~ J. Rocco Davis Field Investigator Enclosure December 18, 1992 CENTEB FeB CONTBaCT ~OMPL!aNCE Raymond Bragg City of Fontana P.O. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92334 "REVISED REQUEST" RE: CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Kenko, Inc. 1025 Calimesa, Suite 4 Calimesa, CA 92320 909-795-2568 License #: 457390 Dear Mr. Bragg: This is a formal request for copies of documents on the above referenced project. We are requesting these documents pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Government Code Section 6250, et. seq. We are requesting copies of: Copy of Original Bid Advertisement with Proof of ' Publication Complete subcontractors list, detailing full names, ' license numbers and place of business Division of Apprenticeship Standards form; i.e., DAS-13, (Labor Code Section 1773.3) If you have filed a DAS-13 Form, you may forward a copy of that, along with the other requested information. If you have not filed a DAS-13 Form, please fill out the enclosed form and attach the other requested information to that form. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, J. Rocco Davis Filed Investigator Enclosure 1074 E. La Cadena, Suite 4, Riverside, CA 92501 · (714) 686-3328 · Fax (714) 686-8470 December 15, 1992 CENTER FOR CONTRACT COMPLIANCE Raymond Bragg City of Fontaria P.O. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92334 RE: CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER San Bernardin0, CA 92405 909-887-2610 License #: 317093 Dear Mr. Bragg: This is a formal request for copies of certified payroll records from the above noted contractor. We are requestin~ payroll records from the date they started~work on the project through December 11, 1992. Please send the records as you receive them. This request is being made pursuant to Labor Code Section 1776 attached. Please find enclosed, the Department of Industrial Relations payroll reporting form and fringe benefit statement. You may want to send a copy along as an example for the contractor to use when reporting wages and hours~ Our office will gladly cover the cost of reproduction as set forth in California Code of Regulations 16402 attached. It will be very helpful if you also send acopy of this code to the contractor so that they are aware 0f the costs also. Please send us a copy of your letter to the contractor in which you request submission of certified payroll records. If our office does not receive the payroll records within fifteen (15) days of the date of this letter, we will reguest that the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement begin a full investigation and ask that d~barment Droceedinqs be initiated aqainst the contractor for willfulinoncomDliance per Labor Code 1777 et. se~. If you have any questions, or if no work has been performed by the requested contractor, please dO not hesitate to let us know. We look forward to your prompt response. Sincerely, J. Rocco Davis, Field Investigator Enclosure 1074E.~Cadena, Su~e4,~ve~ide, CA92D010(714)686-33280 ~x(714)686-8470 September 17, 1992 Mr. Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 RE: CITY OF FONTANA CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER Dear Mr. Weddle:: This is a formal request for information and documents on the above referenced public works contract. We are requesting the documents pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Government Code Section 6250, el. seq. The information we are requesting includes those items checked below: ~ Bid Advertising Date; ~ Bid Opening Date; __'~ Award Date; __,~/~Length of project for each contractor or subcontractor (specify calendar or working days); //Name of awarding agency's contact person; __v~//~_Estimated start-up date (notice to proceed); __t//Copy of completed contract and specifications; ~V_/Amount of general contract; __ Name, address and license number of each awarded contractor and/or subcontractor (Public Contract Code, Section 4104 (a) requires that the prime contractor making a bid shall list, "The name and the location of the place of business of each subcontractor who will perform work... ") 150 EAST CORSON STREET · P,O. BOX 7109 · PASADENA, CA 91109-7209 · TELEPHONE (818) 792-8900 Mr. Robert W. Weddle, P.E. September 17, 1992 Page Two Please send the requested information to our office. If you have any questions on this matter, please call me at (818) 792-8900. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very Truly Yours, William C. Waggoner, Business Manager I.U.O.E., Local No. 12 and General Vice President BY D : avid S. Lanham, Contract Compliance Representative I.U.O.E., Local No. 12 WCW:DSL:cml David S. Lanham Contract Compliance Representative International Union of Operating Engineers 150 East Corson Street P.O. Box 7109 Pasadena, CA 91109-7209 City of Fontana CALIFORNIA September 30, 1992 Re: Cypress Avenue Sewer from Jurupa Avenue to San Bernardino Avenue Kenko, Inc. - Public Information Request Dear Mr. Lanham: In response to your letter dated September 21, 1992 to Mr. Robert W. Weddle, P.E., City Engineer, on the above referenced project, enclosed are each as follows: 1. City Council Action Report dated September 15, 1992. 2. City memorandum dated September 15, 1992 transmitting Kenko, Inc.'s information packet to the Mayor and the City Council Members from Jennifer Vaughn Blakely, Assistant City Manager, as follows: a. Kenko, Inc. 's letter dated September 9, 1992 with attachments. b. Kenko, Inc. 's Letters of Recommendation booklet. c. Kenko, Inc.'s booklet dated August 14, 1992 to Mr. Yousuf Patanwala, Associate Engineer/Special Projects. Kenko, Inc. has not made a public information request on correspondence and/or documents supplied by the International Union of Operating Engineers to the City of Fontana. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineerin ry J. Bucknell, P .E. ipal Engineer/Special Projects GB:yv cc: City Manager Assistant City Manager Community Development Director City Engineer Deputy City Clerk Associate Engineer/Special Projects (Y. P.) Clark Alsop, Best, Best & Krieger Steve Deitsch, Best, Best & Krieger c: \data \ wp\greg\kenkpub1.1et 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) . FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 . (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY - KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA .- " , recycled paper WM. C. WAGGONER Business Manager and General Vice-President . IN'JI'JEIRNA1'IONAJL UNJION OJF OJPlERATJING JENGlINIEER~ AFL-CIO ,,~ September 21, 1992 1- (~~;:~~ll 1 1 I L__._ '" _ .. "_',. . 1 CiTY E;. Mr. Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 RE: KENKO, INC. - PUBLIC INFORMATION REQUEST Dear Mr. Weddle: Please accept this as a formal request for copies of all correspondence, recommendations, etc., related to Kenko, Inc. which purports the firm to be a responsible contractor. This request includes Kenko's so-called "Book of Recommendations." Additionally, please provide a copy of Kenko's public records request which enabled the firm to obtain copies of correspondence andlor documents originally submitted to the city by this office. A copy of the dated receipt indicating Kenko's payment for the documents is also requested. This request is made pursuant to the California Public Records Act, 6250, et. seq. Please call if you should have any questions. Very truly yours, William C. Waggollt:f, Business Managt:f LU.O.E., Local No. 12 and C/dl~ BY: David-; ~ham,~ Contract Compliance Representative LU.O.E., Local No. 12 WCW:DSL:cml 150 EAST CORSON STREET. P.O. BOX 7109. PASADENA, CA 91109-7209. TELEPHONE (818) 792-8900 RECORD OF TELEPHOr- (ONVIRSA T'ON CITY OF FONTANA By Job No. S 3 72tJ - 5"~ 02 /407 .:rE L/PE HOt.. I/v05: C. '1P/2E~S AIIE- SEluEJ2 DatI j1<J 4/2&/93 13013 /3/h1)) 7' 1 0/1/ b /...."?E2i C J./ /120 AJ -5-$. ;P;';t"':E f 6v!cc 5' {J 13J11 /!T)::}i or ' I~ EN /4/ LJ I u. Z;E7'~/L /f(} hJ J7-1G lJETI1 ) L /2GlRU; /2e-p +ofl o;)EIU IPCO 5 Ifls FOriE N/.JN 10 Project IndiVidual Organization /v([)12 kS' _ Phon. No. (3/0) 4:32- - 545/ S. /32>/1/0/ C 7 r/2c;;s..s p ru/ V f' DE t;-Ih J/ IT 1/ .4/J F;H. TV j)/S:/-1S:S'GhBLG 6(J/OG. 'JOE_t; /..JOT 5'/-100 ;/1-//,./11./6 240 Items Qiscussed :5E C t.//1...t;V G - &Y3 t>&!J2)/' IAlll?"/ c:. bk/ mK TO See /.lOw meY c.,::J;v Do IT Comments or Action Required BSt-P!106 2/8() RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION CITY OF FONTANA Project No. Project Title ~'~t'///PE ITEMS DISCUSSED (/d~D/~1 A~ ~d~frf~ ), COMMENTS OR ACTION REQUIRID WIIw~-~kl lew, m KENKO~ Transmittal CONTRACTORS Date 1;;/;;3 r Project Or-PRESS )VC _ Job No. ~('i(l~ f. I .,.. Y 11 f;lt/IA-AJ If Number of Pages Including this page. Our Fax Number Our Phone Attention We are transmitting: o Per your request o Shop drawings o Proposal o Plans IE Correspondance o Via: o Mail Ig Overnight Mail o UPS o Hand o Fax o For Your: o Approval o Review and comment o Information/Files ~ P;toc~Sh#tO. o o Enclosures Description Dated .3 Es C KOtU ;J0K!5ElltEAJT Remarks Issued by ~IHV ~~ Copies to Fax To: CORPORATE OFFIC S 694 91st Ave. N.E. - Blaine. Minnesota 55434 - (612) 786-6510 - Fax (612) 786-6602 - 16415 Addison Road, Suite 308 - Dallas. Texas 75248 - (214) 931-9494 - Fax (214) 931-5474 STERN DIVISION - P6stice Box 831 - Calimesa, California 92320 - (714) 795- 2568 - Fax (714) 795-1840 Form - MEMORANDUM CITY OF FDNTANA, CA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION TO: Linda Nunn, Deputy Cit~y Clerk FROM: Yousuf Patanwala, AssQciate Engineer / Special Projects~ DATE: 3-1-93 SUBJECT: Cypress Avenue Sewer Eroject Escrow Agreement for Kenko, Inc. *******************************~********************************* Enclosed for your files is an executed escrow agreement in lieu of 1~% construction retention on the above referenced project. MAR-2~-93 THU 1~ 36 P_01 I J~. ~1. J ~ P ACIAC CLAY PRODUCTS, INC. 20325 Temescal Canyon Rd., Corona, CA 91119 " . P.O.Box 1149, COtona, CA g1718-1149 Phone: (714) 735.6020. FAX: (714) 734.7390 FAX TRANSMIITAL. COVER SHEET . . DATE: ~ -~~- - 9--3 FROM: ~~h.() 'C./ /lea..{~, .ii(J-~C~.?f.. q.e.~.J ,.~ ..~~ ,. .1} [' /.-/, 'OM'Jr?/ \ '..~.' 0''' . ''f'C / r;f7::;').C'.-<.<''..J",:,f..,f,,~/ TO: A TIN: We are transmitting iram a Sharp FO-700 iacsimlle machine. The total number of pages, including this cover sheet ~ , . If you do not receive all of the pages, please call (714)73S-6020. ext. Comments: F11b........d.1....,.. . PACIFfC CLAY PROO UCTe, INC. llarch 25, 1993 Nr. Heal Bolanger Kenko, Inc. P.O. Box 831 Callmesa, CA 92320 Re: Fenlane, Cypress Avenue Sewer, Jo)nt Repair Dear Heal: Per our conversation, I understand you have a crack at the spigot end of a piece of 30" VCP. Several methods of repair have been successfully used. The two concerns we have t in any repair is structural integr ty and leak resistance. Repa rs, on a limited basis, are often better than replacement because of the disturbance of adjacent pipe and soil and the use of coupling~ and field cut pipe. Filling the Joint void and epoxying with material supplied byPacific Clay should form a leak proof and structurally sound repair. An air test will be required to assure the repair. Should you have any further questionsi, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Bt . Vice President Director, Engineering Services JBB/cm 20325 Teme~al Canyon R~xI. Corona, ~ 91719 · Re. Box 1149. Corona, GA 8171 e-1149 - Pfxx~. [714] 735-6020 Fex: (714] 734,7390 KENKO CONTRACTORS ESCROW AGREEMENT FOR SECURITY DEPOSITS IN LIEU OF RETENTION This Escrow Agreement is made and entered into by and between City of Fontaria whose address is City Hail - 8353 Sierra Ave.. Forttans. Ca. 92335 (hereinafter called "owner"); Kenko. Inc. whose address is 1694 91st Ave. N.E. - Blaine, MN 55449 (hereinafter called "Contractor"); and American National Bank and Trust Company whose address is 101 E.. Fifth St.. St. Paul. Mn. 55101-1860 (hereinafter called "Escrow Agent"). FOR THE CONSIDERATION HEREINAFTER SET FORTH, THE OWNER, CONTRACTOR, AND ESCROW AGENT AGREE AS FOLLOWS: - (1) Pursuant to Section 22300 of the Public Contracts Code of the State of California, Contractor has the option to deposit securities with Escrow Agent as a substitute for retention earnings required to be withheld by Owner pursuant to the Construction Contract entered into between the Owner and Contractor for C.vpress Avenue Sewer Project in the amount ~f $1.578.638.00 dated September 15. 1992_ (herein after referred to as the "cbntract"). When Contractor deposits the securities as a substitute for Contract earnings, the Escrow Agent shall notify the Owner within ten days of the deposit. The market value of the securities at the time of the substitution shall be at least equal to the cash amount then required to be withheld as retention under the terms of the Contract between the Owner and Contractor. Securities shall be held in the name of City of Fontaria and shall designate the Contractor as the beneficial owner. (2) The Ownershall make progress payments to the Contractor for such funds which otherwise would be withheld from progress payments pursuant to the Contract provisions, provided that the Escrow ~gent holds securities in the form and amount specified above. COR.c'ORATE OFFICE - |694 91st Ave. N.E. - Blaine, Hilancsota 55434 - (6121 786-6510 - Fax (612) 786-6602 SOU'H IWESTERN DIVISION - 16415 Addison Pload, Suite 308 -~ D,illas, Texas 75248 - ~214} 93 [ -9494 - Fdx ~214) 931-5475 WESTERN DIVISION - Post O~ce 8ox 831 - Cali~ncsa, C~li~Or~iia 92320 - ~7141 795-2568 - Fax 1714~ 795-1840 2 (3) Alternatively, the OWNER may make payments directly to Escrow Agent in the amount Of retention for the benefit of the OWNER until such time as the escrow created hereunder is terminated. (4) Contractor shall be responsible for paying all fees for the expenses incurred by Es!crow Agent in administering the escrow account. These expenses and payment terms shall be determined by the Contractor and Escrow Agent. (5) The interest earned on the securities or the money market acct's held in escrow and all interest earned on that interest shall be for the scale account of Contractor and shall be subject to withdrawal by Contractor at any time and from time to time without notice to the OWNER. (6) Contractor shall have the right to withdraw all or any part of the principal in the Escrow Account only by written notice to Escrow Agent accompanied by written authorization from the OWNER to the Escrow Agent that OWNER consents to the withdrawal of the amount sought to be withdrawn by Contractor. (7) The OWNER shall have a right to draw upon the securities in the event of default by the Contractor. Upon seven days written notice to the Escrow Agent from the OWNER of the default, the Escrow Agent shall immediately convert the securities to cash and Shall distribute the cash as instructed by the OWNER. (8) Upon receipt of written notification from the OWNER certifying that the Contract is final and complete, and that the Contractor has complied with all requirements and procedures applicable tO the Contract, Escrow Agent shall release to Contractor all securities and interest on deposit less escrow fees and charges of the Escrow Account. The escrow shall be closed immediately upon disbursement of securities on deposit and payments of fees and charges. (9) Escrow Agent shall rely on written notifications from the OWNER and the Contractor pursuant to Sections (4) to (6), inclusive, of this agreement and the OWNER and Contractor shall hold Escrow Agent harmless from Escrow Agent's release and disbursement of the securities and interest as set forth above. 3 (10) The names of the persons who are authorized to give written notice or to receiv~ written notice on behalf of the OWNER and on behalf of COntractor in connection with the foregoing, and exemplars of their respective signatures are as follows: On behalf of OWNER: On behalf of Contractor: Luvern McGrand Name ~~ Signature 1694 91st Ave. NoE. Blaine, Mn. 55449 Address Address On behalf of Escrow Agent: This Escrow Agreement is to be Administered Under Paragraph 3 of this agreement (Retention Title THOMAS M. KORSMAN Name Signature American National Bank & Trust Co. Bank 101 East Fifth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Address 4 At the time the Escrow Account i~ opened, the OWNER and Contractor shall deliver to the Escrow Agent a fully executed counterpart of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties!have executed this Agreement by their proper officers on the date first set forth above. OWNER: Contractor: Kenko, Inc. dba McGrand & Assoc. Title Title Luvern McGrand Name Name Signature ~ Stephan P. Deitsch City Attorney City of Fontana CALIFORNIA January 25, 1993 Debra Bogen Best, Best & Krieger 800 North Haven Avenue Ontario, CA 91762 Cypress Avenue Sewer Project Escrow Agreement for 10% Retention Withheld by the City Dear Ms. Bogen: In conformance with the State of California Public Contract Code Section 22300 and City Contract Documents, the contractor Kenko, Inc. for Cypress Avenue Project wishes to enter into an Escrow Agreement in lieu of 10% retention money to be withheld by the City. Please forward for City Attorney's review and approval the original signed Escrow Agreement submitted by Kenko, Inc. A copy of a similar agreement previously approved by the City Attorney's office for Kenko, Inc. on another project is also enclosed for reference. Please return the signed agreement to the attention of the undersigned when signed by the City Attorney. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Y~sufPa'~anwala Associate Engineer/Special Projects YP:DG:yv c :\data\wp\yousuf\escrow. let 8353 SIERRA AVENUE(P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B,C. CANADA I(ENI{O~ (" --....""' /"- -", r--. y_ / ,-,.I / :,--\ ',; ;---', \ , f "" ,: I', i)i~ ~'.0LJ CONTRACTORS ESCROW AGREEMENT FOR SECURITY DEPOSITS IN LIEU OF RETENTION This Escrow Agreement is made and entered into by and between CITY OF FONTANA wllose address is city Hall - 8353 Sierra Ave.. Fontana. Ca. 9233!i (hereinafter called "OWNER"); Renko. Inc. whose address is 1694__91~~ Ave. N.E. - Blaine. MN 55449 (hereinafter called "contractor"); and American National Bank and Trust Company whose address is JJU-_.E..!-Fifth st.. st. Paul. Mn. 55101-1860 (hereinafter called "Escrow Agent"). FOR THE CONSIDERATION HEREINAFTER SET FORTH, THE OWNER, CONTRACTOR, AND ESCROW AGENT AGREE AS FOLLOWS: (1) Pursuant to Section 22300 of the Public Contracts Code of the State of California, Contractor has the option to deposit securities with Escrow Agent as a substitute for retention earnings required to be withheld by OWNER pursuant to the Construction Contract entered into between the OWNER and Contractor for ~ypress Avenue Sewer prqiect, in the amount of $ 1.578.638.00 dated (herein after referred to as the "Contract"). When Contractor deposits the securities as a substitute for Contract earnings, the Escrow Agent shall notify the OWNER within ten days of the deposit. The market value of the securities at the time of the substitution shall be at least equal to the cash amount then required to be withheld as retention under the terms of the Contract between the OWNER and Contractor. Securities shall be held in the name of city of Fontana and shall designate the Contractor as the beneficial owner. (2) The OWNER shall make progress payments to the Contractor for such funds which otherwise would be withheld from progress payments pursuant to the Contract provisions, provided that the Escrow Agent holds securities in the form and amount specified above. '''ITI\I(,\II(llll'' 1'/"'''1'' :'1 ""i'l'" --~.~-_..._-_.._----_._._----- r 1 i 11 , 1 { '; ( I, 1 r -, . ~ " - '; " r , ;, " ,f ~ I I ,'I' f l' " I 1\ ,-01; (:r;ll 1 , I 'I' 1111. \", 'i I , I ~., 'III I ;" ': , , I' , ; " "1 I ,:,,,, 1'"" I ' " Ii t I" "''',' \ I ' "IT:" ,,' ,. . I '1 I' I I \1 { I " '1 j"" J l)", I :~,',- \\1',11'""11"'"1'1 "1 I,,', " . I I ,L"" I f,IP,,, 11; , ' \ . . '/1 I 1 f' "1 'l Ii' "1 (3) Alternatively, the OWNER may make payments directly to Escrow Agent in the amount of retention for the benefit of the OWNER until such itlme as the escrow created |]ereunder is terminated. (4) Contractor shall be responsible for paying all fees for the expenses incurred by Escrow Agent in administering the escrow account. These expenses and payment terms shall be determined by the 2Contractor and Escrow Agent. (5) The interest earned on the securities or the money market acct's held in escrow and all interest earned on that interest shall be for the sole account of Contractor and shall be subject to withdrawal by Contractor at army time and from time to time without notice to the OWNER. (6) Contractor shall have the right to withdraw all or any part of the principal in the Escrow Account only by written notice to Escrow Agent accompanied by written authorization from the OWNER to the Escrow Agent that OWNER consents to the withdrawal of the amount sought to be withdrawn by Contractor. (7) The OWNER shall have a right to draw upon the securities in the event of default by the Contractor. Upon seven days written notice to the Escrow Agent from the OWNER of the default, the Escrow Agent shall immediately convert the securities to cash and shall distribute the cash as instructed by the OWNER. (8) Upon receipt of written notification from the OWNER certifying that the Contract is final and complete, and that the Contractor has complied with all requirements and procedures applicable to the Contract, Escrow Agent shall release to contractor all securities and interest on deposit less escrow fees and charges of the Escrow Account. The escrow shall be closed immediately upon disbursement of securities on deposit and payments of fees and charges. (9) Escrow Agent shall rely on written notifications from the OWNER and the Contractor pursuant to Sections (4) to (6), inclusive, of this agreement and the OWNER and Contractor sha 11 hold Escrow Agent h~rmles~ from Escrow Agent ' s release and disbursement of the securities and interest as set forth above. 3 (10) The names of the persons who are authorized to give written notice or to receive written notice on behalf of the OWNER and on behalf of Contractor in connection with the foregoing, and exemplars of their respective signatures are as follows: On behalf of OWNER: On behalf of Contractor: Title Title Luvern McGrand Name Name Signature Signature 1694 91st Ave. N.E. Blaine, Mn. 55449 Address Address On behalf of Escrow Agent: This Escrow Agreement is to administered under paragraph 3 of this agreement (retention fund) Title Name Signature Bank Address 4 At the time the Escrow Account is; opened, the OWNER and Contractor shall deliver to the Escrow Agent a fully executed counterpart of this Agreement. IN WIT~]ESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement by their proper officers on the date first set forth above. OWNER: Contractor: Title Title Name Name signature Signature Stephan P. Deitsch City Attorney December 1, 1992 CONYACT: Bob Weddle City Engineer (714)350-7610 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TEMPORARY STREET CLOSURES ON CYPRESS AVENUE TO FACILITATE CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER CONSTRUCTION Beginning December s, 1992 there wffi be temporary detours and street closures at various locations on Cypress Avenue from Jurnpa Avenue north to Interstate 10. The first closure will be from Jumpa Avenue to Santa Ana Avenue. :The street will be closed to through traffic with limited access to residents during construction hours of 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. As construction progresses Cypress will be closed from Santa Ana Avenue to Slover Avenue, followed by Slover Avenue to Boyle Avenue, and finally from Boyle to the Southern Pacific fight-of-way. The street closures are to facilitate the consla'uction Of the Cypress Avenue Sewer facilities which will provide additional sewer capacity for the Kaiser Hospital Primary Care Unit Expansion Project and reduce deficiencies in other sewer lines serving the area. This project will be completed by April 30, 1993. The temporary detour and street closure on lumps Avenue from Cypress Avenue to Sierra Avenue due to the Jurupa Storm Drain Projeck is still in effect. Due to delay in construction activities this project will not be completed until the end of January. Until that time, please use alternate routes. Please direct any questions, regarding these street closures to Community Development, Engineering Division, at 350-7610. ( ~~ Jay 1 cityt cc: Mayor and City Council Director of Community Development NOTE: PLEASE RUN :THIS NOTICE STARTING DECEMBER 8 THROUGH DECEMBER 17, 1992. c:\data\wp\weddle\cypcls.rls ~ENT BY: ~e~ 1- O-g~ ~ 4:2BPM ~ 7143507~mf.~ 3506810;# 1 FRON HBS LQMRV~SRH BERHRRDIHO 8i,B9,199~ ~:3e P, 3 "'NB~)W lell;lli|~ll i ,FLY INFORMATION IF YOU HAVE 'fflOtJlll RL~IMFa ~.fil TRAN$MltlION, PLF. AI! OAU~ ~1)) 188.1401 TOTN, NUM~ ~ OF FA~II"8, INOLUDINe 'rill8 p,i~E| .,...-.,'//. t64 W, Hg..lplilty Lent, P,O, Box 1114, Sift !ismerdtno, CA 0141e,6114, ~09) ~l.1401 ~ p,T~T, NB OWRy E.G,.EERs & P,AN.ERS 164 W. Hospilalily Lane, ~1 714 B88-1401 Tel P,O ~o.~ 8/24 714-885-4638 Fax SanBernardino~CA S88.O~5.O~5 92412-8124 JanuaW 8, 1993 ~ ~ TM ~ ~: ~ "; ~ Mr. Felipe Molinos, P.E. ~ CI~E~GINEER'SOFFiC~ ~ Engineering Depa~ment " ....... CI~ OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue P.O. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92334-0518 BORE UNDER CALT~NS & SPRR RIGHT OF WAY Dear Mr. Molinos: I am in receipt of your f~ transmission showing an alternative method proposed by the Contractor of placing the skids on the sewer pipe to be put in the casing. We have no objection to puffing the skids on the bosom of the pipe as proposed. The sand filler pipe or "slick" line shall be located to prevent flotation when filling the voids with sand. All specifications and notes, with the exception of the detail drawing on sheet 2 of 9, shall continue to apply to the project. Concurrence of this change must also be obtained from Caltrans and the SPRR since they granted their permits based on the plan drawing. Also, if this method is used by the Contractor, he shall submit ja drawing which will be incorporated into the "as built" drawings. VeW truly yours, Vice President gmb CAL FOR NIA CONMUHICATIONS FROM FAX NO. [714] 350-6618 0 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLONING PAGES TO: N ,A,E: ' D..-,,',a LOCATION: .r ,I ~e,~_ (~Ef-~,NC~ EJdCJ~N~F,~J T FAX NUMBER: (618} Q~Z-q~ PHONE: A ACCOUNT NO. PHONE: ~D?>~-- ~6~ A TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: ~ DATE= TIME: (~nclud~ng cover sheet) MESSAGE: CO: FAX CHARGE IS: $3,00 1ST PAGE (EXCLUDING COVER SHEET) $1,50 THEREAFTER, PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO CITY OF FONTAliA IN THE AMOUNT OF $. AND MAIL TO: CITY OF FONTANA, P.O,BOX 518, FONTANA, CA. 92334 FROM: name company / firm "~ address phone no. ~~'~ NOTE: PLEASE RETURN THiS COVER SHEET NITH PAYMENT ~Y~' (ACC.NO.010-0316-2300) JAN. 1992 SKY-- STATE OF CAlIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRiAl RElATIONS DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH N~- 550933 pAE\~1f L Permit Issued To (Inserl Employer's Name, Address and Telephone No.) No. IRenko, Inc. 1025 Calimesa Blvd. Lcalimesa, CA 92320 (909) 795-2568 I Date December 22. 1992 Region 2 - Northern ~ District 6 - Bakersfield Tel. (805) 395-2718 Type of Permit Trench and/or Excavation Pursuant to Labor Code Sections 6500 and 6502, this Permit is issued to the above-named employer for the p' ,,'1s described below. ..... fIf ~ location AdcIr.a ClIy and County SfartIno 1-1-93 "'*!palM DaIII CompIoIlan 12-31-93 SIaII. CootIroctcw'. Uc.nse ~ 4 7390 VARIOUS VARIOUS VARIOUS ALL PARTIES DOI~ CONTRAcroR RELA ED ~RK r-lUST mRK WILL BE PERFORMED. IDI'E : "The lIP Program suhni tted for this perrni is accept by DOSH fo purposes only. Although t addresses prirmry 'nts requir to implement it or assure its effectiven ss, rmy res It in a cit WHERE THE perrni t , fail ure ion." Thi, Permit i, issued upon the Ion owing condition,: 1. That the work is performed by the same employer. If this is an annual permit the appropriate District Office shall be notified; in writing. of dates and location of job site prior to commencement. 2. That employer will comply with all occupational safety and health standards or orders ap- plicable to the above projects. and any other lawful orders of the Division. 3. That if any unforeseen condition causes deviation from the plans or statements contained in the Permit Application Form the employer will notify the Division immediately. 4. Any variation from the specification and assertions of the Permit Application Form or violation of safety orders may be cause to revoke the permit. 5. This permit sholl be posted at or near each place of employment as provided in 8 CAC 341.4. ReceMd hom R Schwarz o c..... Check -..ova ~ AClXlUNT1NO COI'Y-CANAIY S-e90(Rev.2.81) DlSTaICT OOI'Y_ IIGlON COPY-WHm Inves6gated b~ _ .... APprovedl~" t:,--=r!g Dale 12-22-92 Date R9 FWhN r 1!ELi) H 1:::. E:71AI C; P/2c- C9Nsr. Su/2Ver ff ..r ,.../0. /uE.]) /0 - ;2/-92 t'::- C Y?~~~ A-vE - sl::l..JeYL 1'1 t1'r' 13r1,.lNl)'l: !i-T'i??;l / Y"u [Id' r"". / JDffl..J T. / "Fez-/j>E 'I . / f..,/9'f/v6 /3/4JfdN )1=;-7 )M. :; a~, {; / /;}'7/ c 41.~;V.s- !'ItJ//.! -f /~ :Sc-h4 I<CN NO 0.RAA.P P. 1'/I6>;/L-e~Y Ct-ff Ca...-I/ d. <; po. f ()" Il....., (<7 ,U (,J" (0. J /. rr-v' ~/ ' r G,. k:f ' jZ~.~ rk;('.J ,-"' / :c, ; ~fr.a. Iv/ /s Of.l /k-. '.~, I l:..a/l,. (,....7:.gY v~ !dUr f ~: " .-' l? w;J ~.A .,'~,.., ~, J;. -t,d~ svr'u'J c..-,. (,.0 ~~'...L-o, SQ,.". I~.. ~ [~,")J ,j> 0-., .v "o~/ / I n. ..v J" /' - IV ~1-L i 'Y""""'^' -r /1oP elf ,.) (. At.C! '7 I~' (it...... {. / Ie 1_.,')1 .;,~.f}L / Ar J r /50 1/~ 19~' -'r . Ita. 7- ~~ . ails A' () . .J !"d s. . ):r../f:/ /(> I' ""fio,.. ./ (;;- - 70 r/I~~/c" >/ 2 ),F/f Est~~ jt.":;:T , r:c. t./// hR ~ 1i 500 -f ~ /-of ..t '....^"' . n !4J<QI. / -I "1-" C)/f/, /t"'--".-C "1.(1., K 1.;,:7,A/6C 1//7.- ~f v.., .,/0:-., d .,J ~:nO ~, IJ m.", t, 'If r..)/ h'(!l" ./ /' (1(71 (;= II? ;OJ ,. ,/ :e~? /\,,'''.. /.0 c~ i., (tlO"",.3 : _ idd a...... (fll ((J1/v1.tJ.l..t~..J ltJt:Z...f17/~.ftr""- tfy' fC.t2 t2CJ,d. .sh../::- /2; - /20~ 'I ~ ~5tJ t- ~ '2..J t r 0''- ~5~ lv/14 cf I L, F €J,f ~)./. ; w/A 70USUP . ?~ ~ J"t;-;;s 6 J<c.< ,:- /K ~h~ln. J .-t... c/,,4, ."'.....p . (f Ya./~ (; J~1. AW/~( ( C~f /84-lv4 ( ( '1 (dytc---S S swYZ . -5 J /L/I);r:J'( IOI2b/~,,-- (JPr- 5l.t- ~ (Q t(/~~,; ( Ci ty of Fontana LIFORNIA November 17, 1992 Mr. Thomas N. Shigekuni 320 Via Almar Pales Verdes EST, CA 90274 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Lateral Connection Dear Mr. Shigekuni: The City can provide you with a 6" lateral stubout terminating 3' past the edge of pavement in front of your lot. Please return the drawing provided showing the desired lateral location with respect to one of your property lines. Enclosed are the forms you requested on the Irrevocable Agreement to Annex to the City of Fontana and the fees associated with it. The details of the other associated fees for the connection to the City sewer system were mailed earlier and the actual construction cost for the sewer lateral will be determined at the completion of the project. Also enclosed is a!map of the city and county lines in your area. Please contact John Tesley at (714) 350-6642 or the undersigned, at (714) 350-7613, if you need any additional information. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Robert Weddle City Engineer RW:JT:jt Enclosures 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P,G BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-O618 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B,C. CANADA ,~ I . WORK ORDER CITY OF FONTANA CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER PROJECT INFORMATIONAL SIGNS, AS DISCUSSED WITH STEVE MITCHELL. 1. INSTALL CITY PROJECT INFORMATION SIGN FOR SOUTH BOUND TRAFFIC ON THE SOUTH WEST CORNER OF CYPRESS AVENUE AND SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE. SIGN IS TO BE ALIGNED WITH EDGE OF STORM DRAIN ON CYPRESS JUST SOUTH OF SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE AS DISCUSSED IN THE FIELD. 2. INSTALL CITY PROJECT INFORMATION SIGN FOR NORTH BOUND TRAFFIC ON THE NORTH EAST CORNER OF CYPRESS AVENUE AND JURUPA AVENUE. SIGN IS TO BE PLACED APPROXIMATELY PARALLEL TO CYPRESS JUST NORTH OF JURUPA AVENUE AS DISCUSSED IN THE FIELD. .. /221 CYPRESS SEWER PROJECT INFORMATION SIGNS . ~ {(-;)O-?J.. C"/ity of Fontan~ CALIFORNIA CITY OF FONT,~NA ~t~,~- MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CiTx ~OM: G~G ~O~C~ SIGNS FOR C~ ' O~ PRO~CTS Over $40 r~ilxlon dollars of capital projects am scheduled to go to construction during Fiscal Year 1992-93. As a way of informing the public regarding capital project consmm. tien activity, ~ff has develcrp~d a uniform capital project sign format. Attached is an example of how the signs will look. Each sioux will have information pertinent to that the particular project and will be placed in a visible area on the project site during construction. Where appropriate, more than one sign my be used. Once the project is completed the signs will be removed. The s~gns will be approximately 4' by 8'. All safety (traffic, visibility, structural, etc) requirements will be met. Funding for the signs will be included as ~ of the capital project cost and funded from the revenue source funding that particular project. Staff anticipates beginning the use of these signs with the recently appmved Cypress Sewer and Citrus Storm Drain Projects. If you would lilac additional informalion or have questions regarding the capital project sign program please ~ me at 350-6~12. APPROVED BY: Ci GH:cao Attachment CITY OF FONTANA COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT JURUPA STORM DRAIN PROJECT ~.. PROJECT COST: $1,576,813 ~ PROJECT FUNDED BY: EMPIRE CENTER DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY FACiliTIES DIST. #90-3 '. ..1 I~ CITY OF FONTANA' I COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT JURUPA STORM DRAIN PROJECT ,~ PROJECT COST: $1,576,813 . . PROJECT FUNDED BY: EMPIRE CENTER DEVElOPMENT.~ II COMMUNITY FACiliTIES DIST. #90-3 - HELVETICA LETTERING- \. ... ..'j / " 3/j: 3 II f." 44 3/1 Ir--- I 6 - 8 q I JURUPA STORM DRAIN PROJECT l CITY OF FONTANA COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT '- 'T ~ PROJECT COST: $1,576,813 ~ PROJECT FUNDED BY: EMPIRE CENTER DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY FACILITIES OIST. #90-3 - . Ctl ... ,.. I I I \. \ I " 11 It. / ". ..'I 1992 SKY CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: Pa t Brennan Senior Administration Aide/Community Development FROM: Amy Branstetter 74fS Engineering Technician II/Traffic Engineering SUBJECT: News Release for Cypress Sewer Project DATE: November 12, 1992 The Cypress Avenue Sewer is a new 30" sewer main that will connect to the City's Jurupa Avenue sewer trunk line on the south and be installed north to San Bernardino Avenue. This sewer will provide the additional capacity for the Kaiser Hospital Primary Care Unit Expansion Project, as well as reduce deficiencies in other sewer lines. The construction contract has been awarded, by counci I action, to Kenko, Inc. The Jurupa Storm Drain Project is currently under construction on Jurupa Avenue from Cypress Avenue to Sierra Avenue. Due to the nature of the construction it was necessary to close Jurupa Avenue to through traffic for the duration of the project. Construction originally began in January 21, 1992, and was to be completed by April 21, 1992. Shortly after construction began the contractor declared bankruptcy and work was stopped. A new contractor was awarded the contract and construction began again August 18, 1992. Construction is progressing as scheduled and the project will be completed approximately December 31, 1992. cc: City Engineer Deputy City Engineer/Traffic Engineer Associate Engineer/Special Projects (YP) CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: KEN JESKE, PUBLIC WORKS MANAGER FROM: ROBERT WEDDLE, CITY ENGINEER ~ SUBJECT: CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER~ AND CITRUS AVENUE STORM DRAIN PROJECT- PROJECT SIGN DATE: OCTOBER 30, 1992 The City Manager and Community Development Director, has directed us to display project signs on the City construction projects. The City Yard sign staff has indicated that theyi can change the old signs in the yard to read the required wordings. The staff can charge their, time and material equally to Cypress Avenue Sewer and Citrus Avenue Storm Drain ProjectS. Please use the following account numbers to record payroll and materials: 071-7251 and 038-7119. Please send any field P.O. 's to this division for approval. Have your staff see Yousuf for field locations and times to be installed. RW:YP:jt cc: Rick Cross Project File k c yp(Je 55 seuFl::?YL {JIBD - /O~/9L ([) sew crt..- M-A-,fJifc;ces.' js>(/~.' 12€" IA.JF:oI2.C j;J4G)Vr ..,k St~ cF OPEJv/Altp / p?~CeHev-r of 16J? .s72=7>: tIE/~Iff/~ FI2J4t't6 c:: 8I'1wl>: 13.tL /1.4/,. Lvii> ~ ~O" (1()~/5 :J'). No sl22P5 J ~. _ II L,41>i.)E/l.. IV, ,I ~'C0 -'I [) ~iOvv.'o: S~ z.4 C1fUw./~ ~ ~~p 1- 9"'~/~ . t - &<tJ/ s.l~ 29'1 gI,. pC II I F"" /or 1$ .r9 ~cO/" H.#. -'" 3Cll CIA1 1-- ~ IfA-O : .e;q' ;/'Ji. <~'-~ detJh._,A4tL J'} ole,olt:.. ~ kw'J ~.~ /1' . J s-;cey r ..Q.t"x.'Ia.~ ... flAJ' J;,;~ ~'M .. ---,r' IAofJ ~ _ f),,'vIL ~Sf: ~ s.l~ ~.J~ lJ/ It- '2Cj- I' "~/-f ~ Iu #4-. j./~ ~/4d ~iJJ-f s,'-V ~/- ~ to IU ~seJ'uX- . k S~~ S~ rj ~ ~~.7 ~f f ~''IAL ~t., ~ ~~./ A-Sl: 24'fi 0pf~~ , pb ~~retb,.. : ~ ~ M ~'Nr Ua..;j , P./VO~a.6":J ~ C2... 2.,+" ~'1~ ~ttA _ FQ1A; ~ JUl~4!.: en~~~~,k ~4l~ e.( ~fh'~ ~:........" / ~ .3c9 II (f)j1A&/'",,! ~ fJ"~ 5;'Y,~ '130'1/ 3B ~ '*' "14211 c~/~ 11'{.;~/'4~ w~~ V/'sl/Wc.Tp4 76f&; ~ /J'~o lP'7 : J( /Cvz,'r sJ2>S ~ ~ 3611. tf...e.'1 ~ J~f.6f- h(~.)' c.if1L17'S ~/-r/L..9~ (;vu- ~ ~ B;'VOw..-); ~ ~/~f- ~ -.r-f ~ ~ rI Z4t /I ,'.0. ~/'~ .!<t- stpp'~1 ~f --<< fC..e- lJ9.Aj tc .tep. ( ~ twf.I s1;X.t ~ .}t dc'W"M-tv~ j :t / II ~/7t~_ @o.-..~ ~~) &6 Iv: Av~ w&.f~ ,.; ~ ~ ./ k. T2E 'iT{)L I./E j) ~ I( o-t.,lt... 'i V 9..//fA.J IF 5< yA lU?{ u$E ~ ~ 1/ ( t="/'-1) ~-,!uJ~fI ~ / I- ~ .,u./t,.e, 4.0~ . i 2i.f II io. SBU1H of s4/lpt-'.Q- 'C 1~ ~ y'~ ~ft.- ~ ~i~ S o-z..vltt- 11 r ~ ~ Zq.'/ OJU"'4/~ P 3811 ojUn/A-g' I , CITY OF FONTANA RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Individual J-tJ:1 a vt:,-1 Date )0-/4 -'j L 3~~ Pthl,<J - C Y j?!l5SS- ~~ 1 ' I L../ t;JC T /() t2 Z ~I /1A/L~GZ( &.J4 ~.r.9C . ~ . /7 j HlAt2c t="2L By Fp4~ HOL/#O; (City Employee) ? fit; jIt /;V b Subject Organization r f1A-ft-CGbL < ItS.50C. I Phone No. 7/Y ~2'f - S~2J'-- Items Discussed & II€-- ~~ ~ !tvaJ- ~ L/J f j {' s.e....:J tJ,,~ h,- ) ~~ &'W~, 67 /Lt;7V~{) I.e: s,~. 02tJL;L.j. ~ ~ ~ ~~d uJ.-4-.-~'~ . @ tJ/W jJ~ 51- 0. / '- '5'Luz.-v Ii ~ s4cw~ .J- ~ 1- ~~f) ~ ~ ~ w~ ~ ' (j) .-- J e X/?Ps,')vE:i) TJH+r vIS IJ-EE>> ;4 PEJtM /r Ff'l.,9H ()S t/J4 FiP^ c 'I !>12e~ .s I f}vE. S6wBn. s 2/~A s ~ g'l..- <5 ~-z..-( 5#o/lJ;U-~ 1> v;:)AJ Comments or Action Required /2ofLr J ~ J~/d ~ ~I/d ~ t11L 6uJ>7A FoJ'L C'-/f>~ . ~ .feu. ~ i l/cI S lion /)/ 6 1> td4--~ - Id.. 7/92 RECORD OF TELEPHO,.._ CONVERSATION CITY OF FONTANA ~ . ~ ::Oj~~~; Dot. LO~-, c:;~ . . -r;PP?RC -cE..UJ?JJL- Individual :; L ,<::JJ.tliiJ.-Pi7 OrganiZltion K FAJ1 D , Phone No. I tems Discussed Comments or Action Required " BSt-P006 2/80 FAX CITY OF CAL FOR NIA COHHUNICATIONS FROH FAX NO, [714] 350-6618 0 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOHING PAGES TO: N LOCATION: I'~ ~(--- T FAX NUHBER: ~h~r ~- J~ PHONE: A ACCOU~ NO. PHONE: ~--~ A TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: ~ OATE: IZ/1/~Z TIME: __ (including cover sheet) CC: FAX CHARGE IS: $3.00 IST PAGE (EXCLUDING COVER SHEET) $1.50 THEREAFTER. PLEASE HAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO CITY OF FONTANA IN THE AHOUNT OF $ AND HAIL TO: CITY OF FONTANA, P.O.BOX 518, FONTANA, CA. 92334 FROH: name company / firm ~ '~ address phone no. ~ ~ NOTE: PLEASE RETURN THIS COVER SHEET WITH PAYMENT d ~ ~ (ACC.NO.010-0316-23003 OAN, 1992 SKY-- i City of Fontana ~'~'~1, October 22, 1992 Debra Bogen Best, Best & Krieger 800 North Haven Avenue Ontario, CA 91762 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Project Escrow Agreement for 10% Retention Withheld by the City Dear Ms. Bogen:. In conformance with the State of California Public Contract Code Section 22300 and City Contract Documents, the contractor Kenko, Inc. for Cypress Avenue Project wishes to enter into an Escrow Agreement in lieu of 10% retention money to be withheld by the City. Please forward for City Attorney's review and approval the original signed Escrow Agreement submitted by Kenko, Inc. ~ copy of a similar agreement previously approved by the City A~orney's office for Kenkd, Inc. on another project is also enclosed for reference. Please return the signed agreement to the~ a~ention of the undersigned when signed by the City Attorney. Sincerely, COMMUNI~ DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Y~t~wala Associate Engineer/Special Projects YP:DG:yv cAdata~wp~yousu~escrow. let 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(RO. BOX518) · F(~NTANA CALIFORNIA92334-0618 · (714)350-7800 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, EC. CANADA CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: CLIFF STEWART, CENTRAl, SERVICES MANAGER FROM: JOHN TESLEY, ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN H/~ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS SUBJECT: TRANSMITTAL OF EXECUTED CONTRACTS AND BID DOCUMENTS FOR CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM. DATE: OCTOBER 21, 1992 Herein for your records is a fully executed copy of the contract documents for the Cypress Avenue sewer system construction project. cc: Project File CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: LINDA NUNN, DEPUTY CITY CLERK FROM: JOHN TESLEY, ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN IE ,~7' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS SUBJECT: TRANSMITTAL OF EXECUTED CONTRACTS AND BID DOCUMENTS FOR CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM. DATE: OCTOBER 19, 1992 Herein for the City Clerk' s Office records are the original fully executed construction documents for Cypress Avenue Sewer System. Also enclosed, are the bid documents, with i attached bid bonds from 12 contractors who submitted bids to the City for the Cypress Avenue Sewer System. These bid bonds can now be released. JT:jt Project File CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: TRAFFIC SERGENT, POLICE DEPARTMF~NT DISPATCHER, POLICE DEPARTMENT FROM: 1ohn Tesley, Engineering Teehician: II/CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS SUBJECT: CITRUS AVENUE STORM DRAIN AND CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER CONSTRUCTION PROJBCTS-EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBERS DATE: October 19, 1992 Attached is a copy of the contractors emergency information for both Citrus Avenue Storm Drsjn and Cypress Avenue Sewer Construction projects. Shown below are locations maps for both of the construction projects. """:x ~ , ~; ...."" - INDEX AND VICINITY MAP J'T:jt I E. Smith C. Nava~o VICINITY MAP Front Counter-East Annex tIlY Of FOIITMA EJEIt&EJI:Y 1.0000TlCII PROJECT NAME: ('1 f 'f'e~_~ JLJVe.. S' ~ LOCATION: C'1f1'~.! tlv~ &+I.U~~~ "S'V tuOtA. -A~ O-.~ ~r\ g'trrcd(,,~ /lVI J- Y , CONTRACTOR: ^ en ^ 0 .JY'J c.. . ADDRESS: f?(). &x ~3' ('~ I'-N\-~~A. Ca.. 92 ~2.c OFFICE PHONE: 7/~- 79~. ZS~~ RESIDENCE PHONE: JOB SUPERINTENDENT: E?I""- S. lw 0. '{ 'l..... ADDRESS: '3rr,lf &;.5 k'bb)"..!. (f~sT hcllttJ1/.5- LA ' DAY PHONE: 7/'Y' 7f!J~- 2~~3" RESIDENCE PHONE: 798''' '/~ '3 FOREMAN: ()~ ,'L A~/ II I? 9~r ff-c1 k " d~ La " DAY PHONE: l/~- 795"" 'l.sILJ8' RESIDENCE PHONE: 797- 6,1/7 ADDRESS: ------.-.----------------------------------.--------------------------- CllY OF FONTANA - EMERGENCY IUIIERS POLICE DEPARTMENT - 350-7700 !n1 Public Works Division - 350-&7&0 Operations (IIneral 1nfo~t1on) (EMrgenc1es) Engineering Division - 350-7110 -_._----------------------------------~-----------------------.-.----- ~ I.....n. The n...., addres.es and telephone nUlbtrs of the contractor and sub- contractors or his representatives, shall be filed with the City Engineer and the Police Dtpart.tnt prior to beginning work. The contract shall provide adequate detours to the satisfaction of the City Traffic Ent1n..r. A detailed plan of such detours shall be su~1tted to the City Traffic Entineer at least five (5) days prior to the t1.. the contractor wishes to close off the street or in any way restrict the traffic flow. In actual street closures, the su~1tted plan shall indicate the route of the detour, the character of the t..porary pav...nt where required, and a layout of the locations of signs and lighting. In all other cases, the contractor shall provide adequate traffic flow in both directors where possible and in those cases where both directions of traffic cannot be maintained the contractor shall provide fla,..n whose sole duties consist of directing traffic through and around the work. In all cases, the approval of a suitable plan shall be granted the- contractor prior to beginning construction. Failure or refusal by the contractor to COlply with the above-mentioned requ1r...nts shall be sufficient cause for the City Engineer to order the work done by city forces and the cost therein to be borne by the contractor. cc: Police Department, Attn: Dispatch and Traffic Sergeant Engineering Division, Attn: Carlos Navarro Public Works Division, Attn: Earl S.1th RECEIVED CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE PACIFIC CLAY PROOUCTS. INC. JOHN B. BLJTLER. Vice President October 9, 1992 Mr. Felipe Molinos City of Fontana Engineering Division 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Re: High strength pipe Dear Felipe: In response to our phone conversation: today, we have certified to and will test and stamp the applicable pipe, incompliance to the "Green Book" section 207-8.5.3 for high strength pipe. Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, Vice President Director, Engineering Services JBB/cm e:plpe\molinos 20325 Temescal Canyon Road. Corona, CA 91719 · P.O. Box 1149, Conona. CA 91718-1149 · Phone: (714] 735-6020 Fax: [71 ~] 734 7390 City of Fontana CiALIFORNIA September 30, 1992 David S. Lanham Contr~ct Compliance Representative International Union of Operating Engineers 150 East Corson Street P.O. Box 7109 Pasadena, CA 91109-7209 Re: Cypress Avenue Sewer from Jurupa AvenUe to San Bernardino Avenue Kenko, Inc. - Public Information Request Dear Mr. Lanham: In response to your letter dated September 21, 1992 to Mr. Robert W. Weddie, P.E., City Engineer, on the above referenced project, enclosed are each as:follows: 1. City Council Action Report dated. September 15, 1992. 2. City memorandum dated September 15, 1992 transmitting Kenko, Inc. 's information packet to the Mayor and the City Council Members from Jennifer Vaughn Blakely, Assistant City Manager, as follows: : a. Kenko, Inc. 's letter dated Septembier 9, 1992 with attachments. b. Kenko, Inc.'s Letters of Recommendation booklet. c. Kenko, Inc.'s booklet dated August 14, 1992 to Mr. Yousuf Patanwala, Associate Engineer/Special Projects. Kenko, Inc. has not made a public information request on correspondence and/or documents supplied by the International Union of Operating Engineers to the City of Fontana. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineer' ivision f =rJ 'p &Projects GB:yv ee: City Manager Assistant City Manager Community Development Director City Engineer Deputy City Clerk Assoeiato Engineer/Special Projects (Y.P.) Clark Alsop, Best, Best & Krieger Stev~ Deitseh, Best, Best & Krieger c:~data\wp\gr~gXkenkpubl.la 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX E18) · FONTANA CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ~!~ recycled paper WM. C. WAGGONER Business Manager and General Vice.President . IN'JI']EJRNA'J['][ONAJL UNJION OJF OJFJEJRATJING JENG][NJE]ER~ AFL.CIO s~ September 21, 1992 ".<-.. ....~~.o r---:-.::-;;sl"-- D ~ ~~t c.: ~J .~:: j1j C r~~-"--'~ I SfP 2 1992 1 j ; I "'__YO,""" .0........... CITY,=; ..' Mr. Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 RE: KENKO, INC. - PUBLIC INFORMATION REQUEST Dear Mr. Weddle: Please accept this as a formal request for copies of all correspondence, recommendations, etc., related to Kenko, Inc. which purports the fIrm to be a responsible contractor. This request includes Kenko's so-called "Book of Recommendations." Additionally, please provide a copy of Kenko's public records request which enabled the fIrm to obtain copies of correspondence and/or documents originally submitted to the city by this offIce. A copy of the dated receipt indicating Kenko's payment for the documents is also requested. This request is made pursuant to the California Public Records Act, 6250, et. seq. Please call if you should have any questions. Very truly yours, William C. Waggollt:r, Business Managt:r I.U.O.E., Local No. 12 and v~t~ . BY: Da~id-; ~ham,~ Contract Compliance Representative I.U.O.E., Local No. 12 WCW:DSL:cml 150 EAST CORSON STREET. P.O. BOX 7109. PASADENA, CA 91109-7209. TELEPHONE (818) 792-8900 CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: Clirr Stewart - Central Services Manager FROM: John Tesley - Engineering Techician II -# SUBJECT: Contract Performance Bond and Payment Bond for Citrus Avenue Storm Drain and Cypress Avenue Sewer Projects DATE: September 30,1992 Enclosed for your review and approval are a copy of the Contract Performance Bond and Payment Bond for the Citrus Avenue Storm Drain and Cypress Avenue Sewer Project. Please review and send us your comments by October 2, 1992. If you have any questions, let me know (ext.6642). ?kl ~v/ ~ City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 1, 1992 Mr. Eugene L. Diepholz NBS Lowry P.O. Box 8124 164 W; Hospitality Lane, #1 San Bernardino, CA 92408-3328 RE: Cypress A venue Sewer Construction Project on Cypress A venue Between Jurupa Avenue and San Bernardino Avenue Dear Mr. Diepholz: The City of Fontana has scheduled a Pre-Construction Meeting for the above referenced project: We would like to have a representative from your office attend this meeting. The Pre-Construction Meeting is scheduled for 10:00 AM on Tuesday, October 13, 1992, in the Executive Conference Room at Fontana City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, CA. Please contact John Tesley at 714-350-6642 if you need any additional information. Sincerely; COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Y~Wala Associate Engineer/Special Projects YP:JT:jt cc: Project File 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) . FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 . (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY - KAMLOOPS, ac. CANADA ,. .. , recycled paper City of Fontana !~ CALIFORNIA - - Date 9-28-92 David S. Lanham Contract Compliance Representative I.U.O.E., Local No.12 150 East Corson Street P.O. Box 7109 Pasadena, Ca 91109-7209 Subject: CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER PROJECT Dear Mr. Lanham, Listed below is the information as requested in your letter dated September 17, 1992. Bid Advertising Date: July 16-& 23 1992 Bid Opening Date: August 13, 1992 Award Date: September 15, 1992 Length Of Project: 110 Working Days~ Name of Awarding Agency's Contact Person: Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer Estimated Start-up Date: October 26~,1992 ~opy Of Completed contract and Specifications: Will be provided after payment of necessary copying charges Amount of General Contract: $1,578,632 Name of Contractor: Kenko Inc. dba McGrand & Associates License Number: 457390-A Subcontractors: License Numbers for subcontractors are Inland Concrete Inc. not available at 2434 Rubidoux Blvd. this time Riverside, CA 92509 Southern Horizontal Ind. 10919 Almond Ave. Fontana CA 92335 AAA Paving 3330 N. Locust Rialto, CA 92376 8353 S{ERRA AVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C, CANADA Mr. David S. Lanham Date 9-28-92 Page 2 Please contact the undersigned i!f you require any additional information. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer CC: Community Development Directorz City Attorney YA:ma KENKd~ [L~lFlF~lru @[P IF[ffi~[N]~~DlFlF ~lL CONTRACTORS 1694 - 91st Avenue N.E. · Blaine, MN 55434 ~. (61~~A ~ 6 S). 'VJLCU .k n;; Fe/YJ-I--rJ-n C{ c rl <; d Bc/-{)S If ,I DATE JOB NO. RE: TO: ATTENTION: ~dd-~ D Under separate cover via the following items: D Pay Request D Copy of letter D Bills D Change order D Subcontracts D Samples o Insurance Specifications o COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION f /YlOJ-cxu ci ,):3 yJuew-u !J-(y 0/- --6tt " ~~d) REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED:Uhtd ~ If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at oncs. . '--1O-c./J~ ' /~ / . _ ~ a-' WM. C. WAGGONER (/1 ~~ ~ 1.1' ,.tqr /.. Business Manager , e!r ~ /) and _ ~. ,vf'1 f' 9' P' j;",.-/- General Vice-President IN'JrJEJRNA'I'IONAJL UNION OJF fA-/' /1- 11-. f /,.-t fl-+ OJPJERATJING JENGJ[NIEJEJR~ ~ .- /01=1 ('I~ -1!ii!!!J, ~ -,.' -~\ R -:. ~- . -...., ~ ; \ ; . 1 I Q!tl;1'L September 17, 1992 j Mr. Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 RE: CITY OF FONTANA CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER Dear Mr . Weddle:: This is a formal request for information and documents on the above referenced public works contract. Weare requesting the documents pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Government Code Section 6250, et. seq. The information we are requesting includes those items checked below: /' Bid Advertising Date; D..., \ \, "\ L '3 V' Bid Opening Date; ~~\1 \~ ~ Award Date; S ~-\~ f...~v. .lp <-, \., / Length of project for each contractor or subcontractor (specify calendar or working days); \ \ \J w-c'[ Ie ~~.( ".' 0>'1" /' Name of awarding agency's contact person; Y\l~Sq 'PA-.t IJ\.)-/>.\.. t- /" .Estimated start-up date (notice to proceed); Lf,D I;-\f! Ii "f o,';'U r ~ Copy of completed contract and specifications; _ /' Amount of general contract; \, ~ 1.8' , (;, ') 'L ~ Name, address and license number of each awarded contractor and/or subcontractor (public Contract Code, Section 4104 (a) requires that the prime contractor making a bid shall list, "The name and the location of the place of business of each subcontractor who will perform work...") Itw k () r \A <: J L., c- ~,A c [,-1.(\ ~J D " /.,.~ 0 :- 102-- \' (.fILrr-tlLS,n. (-4 LVt) . ';'11:: dI-t CfLIHf Sf. (,... "1'?:1 r) ~ t T +, -E: r lJ J \;)f' \? ~H n.A L I ~J C . IuS I "1 -A L. r II N \ I 'f'Ji ~:. f1r, t~ r r'" ,"" l ,', -) "",? \ ~ .fA -f fp...\/, ,It-. ,I "I r. .1' r f' " I \' k' f ' , f J tJ ( . J 4"34- f VI',' DO\)' x FJ;'Lv /) f \., i e~, \ 0 ! p.- c1 2'5'0 '1 ' J tJ . L \"1'-'1..' :~--i kL 'I::! I (' ,....~ C{2_ ~,-; C, . 150 EAST CORSON STREET. P.O. BOX 7109. PASADENA. CA 91109-7209. TELEPHONE (818) 792-8900 Mr. Robert W. Weddie, P.E. September 17, 1992 Page Two Please send the requested information to our office. If you have any questions on this matter, please call me at (818) 792-8900. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very Truly Yours, William C. Waggoner, Business Manager I.U.O~E., Local No. 12 and General Vice President Contract Compliance Representative I.U.O:E., Local No. 12 WCW:DSL:cml ° City of Fontana CALIFORNIA September 25, 1992 Ms. Deborah Bogen Best, Best and Krieger 800 N. Haven Avenue, Ste. 120 Ontario, California 91762 Dear Ms. Bogen: On September 15, 1992, the Fontana City Council authorized the award of the construction contract for the Cypress Avenue Sewer from Jurupa Avenue to San Bernardlno Avenue, for the bid amount of $1,578,632.00 to Kenko, Inc., dba McGrand and Associates. I have enclosed five copies of the Contract Documents, executed by Kenko, Inc., dba McGrand and Associates. Please have the contracts reviewed and signed by the City Attorney. Your response is requested by September 30, 1992, as the City intends to issue a Notice to Proceed to the prime contractor for the construction of these sewers. Please return these contracts to the City to the attention of John Tesley, East Annex Building. If you have any questions, please contact John Tesley at (714) 350-6642. Sincerely yours, COMMUNITY DEVELOPRENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Yo~Pan~anwala Associate Engineer YP:JT/cye Enclosure 8353 SIERRA AVENUE(P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA AM!Ial ~¶, 1992 Dear Ctty of Fontana Resident/Homeowner: ~ Dear San Bernardtrio County Resident/Homeowner: s t a t s t area of San Bernardlno County ~ts Influence. · X II _ "' H"'-. ne wtll be Installed on the west stde of Cypress Avenue, from aurupa Avenue on the south to San Bernard~no Avenue on the north (see attached vtc~n~ty map), 1in an atton of future c ttons o the s sewer sys the ~- ~a~ · ~ns~alle new sew three 19-~)~' th nk or St e2~s# ~ as t ~/~ be o ~h ne ~ r o nstruct~ lateral fight your h~re a (,vJ,,-~lcon n the o Payment of The curt o \, FOR o o NONTHI COUNTY ~AREA LATERAL COST An agl the%Ctty (tf located In county '~-make.-this-'JH'oject-'5S.t--effeetive,pl-ease contact City staff if you have aprefel'l'ed location for the sewer lateral along your lot's Jrontage. Please return the attached sketch showing that location. If staff does not receive this information by September 28, 1992, the City Inspector will make an effort to contact the resident of the home, and if unable to do so, use his best judgement for the location. The st&ff .person...ta-..<:Ofltact-'for--inf-ormation' is Mr. Yousuf Patanwa1 a at 714-350-6645, or Mr. John Tesley at 714-350-6642. If you write to the City with the requested information, please address it to the attention of the Engineering Division, City of Fontana, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, CA. Pl ease make sure that your Cypress street address is included for the information provided. 1,- ,the cc;mtractor 1;0 whom the wor~ i s awarJle~ is an irn~pendentbu~ i ness !!pers h, \.and in,i1he. i.nterest/'bf Ob~aini.l}g t~'~ loweit bi consi.sten~. with \ ,goo wo~k, suth thlngs as schedu11ng the tl~e ofrthe w,rk and methpd of ! op atidn ar~ left Jargefy to the~ontractpr~' disc~tior/. How~ver, \ I th con~ractor must proc~~d dil igen . y and compete th~ wotk withir the \ ! t a1 cpnttact time \alVotted. T City wil provid~ tklspection and \, t st i ng 't9" insure thatAhe co.ntractor' s work !Beets the,.,equi reme.nts i of \t e plans and special provlsions and requlrements of the Clty/ of Fontana. l- It is the City's desire to accomplish this construction with a minimum of inconvenience to the residents. Your lftdu-:l-geflGe and cooperation are appreciated. City staff will work closely with you and the contractor to minimize both the occurrence and duration of any unpleasant conditions. Recognizing that construction sites can be dangerous, parents are requested to take special care to keep children away from the construction activity at all times. The City's inspector for this project is Jim Rankin He may be reached either on the site or by telephone at 714-350-7610. Very truly yours, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer RWW: sh Enclosure F A X C I T V o CAL IFOR NIA COM M U N I CAT ION S FRO M FAX N O. [7 1 4] 3 5 0 - 6 6 1 8 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: NAME: :J,,,^ .lLl(':)E.R:, . LOCATION: ~ e- ~ I.. FAX NUMBER: (11 LV 73 Lt -13'\ 0 PHONE: '-. FROM: YO\ASl.tr t>#---"fAfJv,JA~ LOCATION: t..,Jc,., tJf E R H,l '..:r- 1." rb5 ~ t) rl ACCOUNT NO. PHONE: TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: ~+z. DATE: '1-t4-':;2.TIME: 3~.,/ fr/ (including cover sheet) MESSAGE: Pt...E:A~E. CA Lt.. t/!::' :f. '1'.",/ 1Jff:!> Af..JY ^.t.f)'nO~I"L 1~ff)~M-ItnOrJ . ~ ~ wktJ /{$ , CC: F o N T A N A FAX CHARGE IS: $3.00 1ST PAGE (EXCLUDING COVER SHEET) $1.50 THEREAFTER. PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO CITY OF FONTANA IN THE AMOUNT OF $ AND MAIL TO: CITY OF FONTANA, P.O. BOX 518, FONTANA, CA. 92334 FROM: name company / firm address phone no. NOTE: PLEASE RETURN THIS COVER SHEET WITH PAYMENT (ACC.NO.010-0316-2300) JAN. 1992 SKY I CALTRAN$ GENERAL NOTES: WM. C. WAQGONER Mayor G~ E. ~yles Fonma, C~fom~ 92335 ~: C~mffi Avenue Sewer Sys~m D~ Mayor ~yl~: A~h~ you'~ find a ~py of our fom~ bid pm~st for ~e proj~t refemn~ a~ve. It is our view ~at ~e low bidder, Kenko Inc., is a n0n-~s~nsible bidder ~d ~ awed should go to ~e next ~nsibl~ bidder. We app~ia~ yo~ ~n~de~on. PI~ ~ if you ~ould ~v= ~y qu~fions. Ve~ ~ly you~, W~ C. Wagons, Bus~s M~er I.U.O.E., ~ No. 12 ~d BY: David S. ~hm, Con~cX CompU~ I.U.O.E., ~ No. 12 WCW:DSL:hm ~closu~ 150 EAST CORSON STREET · P.O. BOX 7109 · PASADENA, CA 91109-7209 · TELEPHONE (818} 792-8900 HOISTED;, TAYLOR, & UNITT . , .~ ~,v coe. eexr~ox "' ROBERT M. PIOLSrEIN, JR, ~ Latham Str~.~ In,.~su~t~r ROBERT B. TAYLOR Rlv6tstde., Calg'otnla 9'1801 ROBERT A. FURRY BRIAN C. U~,',~x' (714) 68~-7080 CECILIA R. LUJA~I luguse 18, 1992 Mr. Patrick McGuire International Union of Operating Zngineers RE: Liability of public agencies tO workers injured on Public Works Projects Dear Mr. Mc~uire: In response to your recent inquir~, ~his letter is w~itten to address ~he potential for liability on ~he par~ of a public agency which awards a Public Works ProJe~w~ to a contractor with a large number of violations of OSBA Safety orders as compared other bidders on the project:. In the unfortunate instance where a worker on that project: (whether employed by the prime contractor or a subcontractor) is killed or injured as the result of such a violation, several theories of liebillS7 against the public agencq/are available to the worker or his or her surv'ivors. The s~ar~ing point is Govezrasent Cede §815.4 which Ithtes ~hat the public agency is liable for ~he negligence of its independent conSraZors to the same extent ·s · private person would be. The first approach would be ~o esser~ that the agency was negligent in selecting ~he ~on~rac~or. (Restatement of Torts (2d) m411) IA California this t~13e of negligence must be determined in ligh~ of 811 the surrounding circumstances. (Noble. v. Sears Roebu~Jc & Co., (1~73) 33 C~I.App. 3d 654, 664) The Noble case s~ated tha~ merely determining that the conSraZor (in that case a private de~ec~ive hired by an insurance company) is appropria~ely licensed may no~ be sufficient to es~ablish the absence of negligence. Where, for example, a public agency knows before i~ awards the con~ra~t ~hat the recipient hal a record of safety violations five times greater than its competitors, tha~ fact would be of great significance in establishing the negligence in hiring such a coneraZor. Page Two RE: r.iability of public agencies to workers injured on Public Works Projects A second, related area of potential liability involves work which gives rise to a special, recognizable risk of harm arising out of ~he character of ~he work, or the place where it is performed, against which special precautions must be taken. The past ~wenty -five years have seen many cases where public agencies were held liable for the failure to take such precautions, beginning with the California Supreme Court decision in van Aredale v. Hollinger, (1968) 68 cal.2d 24S (Citl~ held liable for its con~rac=or's failure to provide adequate traffic diversion Co protect workers performing road rm-sCriping). Examples of construction work involving such special risks include: working in excavations more than five feet deepx working at heights in excess of seven feet~ ~d earthmoving work performed at night. The special precautions required to protec~ against these risks are frequently the subJec~ of 0SHA regulations, and thus of the type of citations which are discoverable by the public agency prior to awarding the contract. If a worker is injured or killed as the result of such a violation--failure to provide shoring, scaffolding, lighting or the like--this advance knowledge on the par= of the agency will weigh heavily in support of a finding of direc~ negligence on its par~. In essence, the agency has reason to kn~w that it cannot rely on its contractcot to take adequate precautions, so it must assume that responsibility direc~ly. Such ac~cive negligence will likely prevent the agency from obtaining complete indemnification from its contractcot. Another possibility for liability exists where the awarding agency retains control of the details of the work of its contractor. (Norahouse v. Taubman Co., (1970) S Cal.App. 3d S48, 557) The applicability of this theory depends on the interpretation of the bid documentation. If the lanquage is ambiguous, it can reasonably be interpreted to mean that a public agency with knowledge of a potential contractor's poor safety record would not intend to relinquish control of proJec~c safety. Having knowledge of the likelihood that its contractor would allow the work to proceed in an unsafe manner, the agency would be bound to see ~hat dangerous conditions and prac~cices were remedied or warnings were given. The failure to do so would be a negligent exercise of retained control. It is hoped that this discussion will help you persuade public agencies that there is more to evaluating a 'low bide than looking at the dollar amount on the proposal. The potential for significant damage awards as Compensation for death or serious, permanent injuries to workers resulting from disregard for safe practices must also be considered. If concerned public servants consider the potential costs, in both economic and human terms, Page Three RE: Liability of public agencies to workers injured on Public Works Projects ot awardinq contracts tor Public Works Projects to contractors who consistently disreqard the Satety Orders and statutes ot this state, they must certainly revise their view of other bidders who are more concerned tor the well-beinq ot their workers, and the quality ot their product, than they are merely tor the -bottom- line.- Very truly yours, HOLSTEIN, TAYLOR & UNITT A Law Corporation r" . /'--}( G----; BRIAN C. UNITT BCU/lb ~ Au[ust 26, 1992 exnzss Mr. Robert W. Weddie, P.E., Cit~ En~iner Ciiy of Fonlsn~ 8353 Sierra Avenue Forearia, California 92335 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer System Formal Bid Pro~ Dear Mr. Weddl~: Please accept t, hisas aformalpro~sts~inRthebidsubmillalofKenkn, Inc. for the above referenced project. Evidem~ complied by this offic~ and mad~ available ~o your staff reveals th~ coNraU awarded to ~h~ rmt r. ponsibl~ bidder. We base our proest on evidenc~ provided to staff and hi~Hlhted below. 1 150 EAST CORSON STREET · P.O. BOX 7109 · PA,qAO ENA. CA 91109.-7209 · TELEPHONE 18181792-8900 The Cal-Osha violations were writlgn for sererid types of infractions, includinB: - failure ID provide a safe means of acceu; - failu~ m provide adequaze ventilation; - a violation for proper toggle levez control on a boom (which resulted in a fatality May 9, 1990, citation Ontario, California); - a citation which stated that only a qtati~ed opentot shall operate a hoisting - a failure m izep a safe distance from overhead lines; - problems with safe access (to work area); - failure to wear orange flagging garments; - failuzg to wear protective shields and welding hats; - failure to provide protection for employees who enter excavated areas over 5 feet in depth; - failure to provide safe working areas for employees working near heavy construction equipment; - failure to provide a safe environment for UaATxc contzol penonnel; - failut~ to provide ladden in trenches over four feet which would enable my enu7 if available, but more importantly, quiclzr exit if a cave-in should On Kenk~'s c~t P~,gtetn Municipal Wa~r District job in ~, the conuactor was issued five citations on its second day of major excavation. C. al-Osha found employ_*~__ at risk wMle working in a 26 foot deep excavation without a ladder and employees were not protecttd from the hazards of moving cards. Kenlm was also cited for having an inadequate enSineer's plan. and for 'expminS them (employe~,) m serious injury or death." gen~ was cited May 1, 1992 on its Fz~no/Clovis project. The three citations were listed as serious by Cal-Oslm and ~tly folks Kenim's now eVablished pattern. This of~ce has esmblished that Kenlm hu been issued 63 Cal-Osha eiUttions. Of the63 citations, 44 az~ afttuned citations. In short, 88% of Kenim's citations after being heard or Probably most serious is Kenim's patm~ of ciUt~m~ pertaining to trench/shoring. This critical area ofsaf~ty aplxan tobe ofno coocern to Kenim, Xnc. This officehas received from Cal-Osha at cmnputiir printput which reveals KenIra, Inc. to be the leader statewide in of trench-velaml citations, as the next contractor. PerImps a better utulenmnding of this contractor's commiUnent to wodzr safety and how it relates to your project, can be found by reviewing the line item bid amount for trench/ shoring. We have been unable to tzview all the bids submitted by each cootractor. Kenim's line item price for uench/shoring wu _~jbs~.tiony below the eqineer's eslimats and other bidden. This would again suggest that the cooraci~'s (Kinira), view of employee safety laws is of little concern. Cal-Osha regulations a~ in place to protect the worllz o~ 2 the job, as well as people within the community itself. A contractor choosing to ignore safety procedures time and time again, constitutes a contractor who is non-responsible. Representatives for Kenko will attempt to refute the charges regarding Cal-Osha violations by claiming a low Workers' Compensation rate. This is an attempt to avoid the Cal-Osha question with an unrelated topic. Worken' Compensation rates are based on jobsite injuries rqlOrted. To achieve a low rate, you simply under report injuries. It is unfortunate that Worken' Compensation does not share information with Cal-Osha, or vice-vena. Because of the current formula though, the fact remains that a low Worken' Compensation rate has ng bearing on a contractor's Cal-Osha record. They are not related items. Police Related Activity During the brief time Kenko has been in our State, Corporate President Louis Belanger and Vice President Jeff McGrand have on separate occasions assaulted two awarding agency inspecton. McGrand's assault on a City of Fresno Inspector is pending. We have also obtained from Shasta County Sheriff's office copies of crime reports alleging burglary, vandalism and assault &. battery committed by Belanger. Arrest warrants were issued in these cases. Inspecton' Logs from the City of Redding indicate that McGrand and his foreman were arrested by the State Department of Fish &. Game for continued violations while performing work in a "wetlands" area. Numerous other incidents have occurred and are being investigated by our office. This pattern of operation by corporate officers reflects upon the company makeup and would seemingly suggest Kenko, Inc. to be a non-responsible firm. While numerous, such assaults involving individuals associated with Kenko, Inc. have been reported, a -simple police search of corporate officers by the county District Attorney would undoubtedly reveal further evidence which may be helpful prior to any consideration of contract award. Prevailing Wage Violations The State Department of Industrial Relations has issued the following official Notices to Withhold on four recent Kenko public works projects for prevailing wage violations: City of Bakersfield Los Angeles County Sanitation District Eastern Municipal War<< District City of Fontana $47,000.00 5 8,SOO.OO $ 1,7S0.00 511,860.00 The Notices to Withhold were based on evidence of Kenko's failure to properly report regular houn worked, overtime and failure to report all workmen OIl site. The pattern of violating prevailing wage laws should deem this contractor to be non-responsible. Another area that should be of concern to the city is the potential for liability should an injury or death occur on this project, especially after being informed of Kenko's safety 3 Page Three RE: Liability of public agencies to workers injured on Public works Projects of awarding contracts for Public Works Projects to contractors who consistently disregard the Safety Orders and Statutes of ~his State, they must certainly revise their view of other bidders who are more concerned for the well-being of their workers, and the quality o~ their product, than they are merely for the "bottom- line." Very truly yours, HOLSTEIN, TAYLOR & UNITT A Law Corporation BRIAN C. UNITT BCU/lb RECi i /FED' ! CiTY ENGINEEH'~ OFFICe: AugUSt 28, 1992 Mr. Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Dear Sir: Radich Construction, Inc. is aware ~f the formal protest against Kenco Construction, Inc. in regards to the Cypress Avenue Sewer System. Radich Construction, Inc. is second bidder and would like to inform you of our company safety record. Radich Construction, Inc. has had only one minor citation within the companys history which is under protest and appeal at this time. Our safety program is in full compliance with SB198 and has been reviewed and approved by our General Liability and Worker's Compensation insurance carriers. All of our foremen and many top labo=rers and operators have been trained formally with certificates In trench safety and soils analysis, better known as "Competent Person" training. All of them carry current First Aid & CPR cards. In addition, our Worker's Compensation Experience Rating has historically been in the low 70 to 8i0% which is well below the industry standard for pipeliners. Wie have a history of well designed safety implementation procedures and well trained and certificated personnel for such. While documentaition and certification are important, the implementation of the program is paramount. In the event, the City considers Job Safety as an ingredient in the definition of "Responsible Bidder", we would welcome the opportunity to perform, safely, professionally a:nd responsibly for the City of Fontana. Teresa Radich President TR: vtg 40 WEST eASY ST., SU|TE 2A · SSM8 VALLEY, CA 93085 · (805) 584-9697 Larry J. Thomas, P.E. Safety Engineer California Certificate No. SF 2687 4714 E. Clinton street Phoenix, Arizona 85028 /~tJ2,1 196 - 6 P17 W.S. #13 August 21, 1992 Mr. Edward M. Hallenbeck Deputy General Manager {<f .qi Eastern Municipal Water District _ CJ >- 2045 South San Jacinto Street San Jacinto, CA 92581 ~2.l - 76 76 Dear Ed: Following our telephone conversation on the morning of August 19, 1992, where you asked if I could come over to the San Jacinto area to review a specific contractors activity from a safety and health standpoint. That you wanted, in effect, a neutral unbiased opinion based on my 30 plus years in construction safety, and of course, some knowledge of Federal and State Construction Safety Standards. I arrived at your office at 7:45 a.m. on August 20, 1992 where the specific problem was discussed with you and Jack Eastwood. Tapes were played for my benefit of a Board Meeting/s where serious accusations were made by an official of Local 12 of the International Brotherhood of operation Engineers. Expressing concern that the District was employing, through a legal contract a contractor who was the most unsafe contractor in California and that the District should immediately Terminate the contract. The union official noted that on this contract alone, 4 citations had been issued by CAL/OSHA. Following the tapes we discussed the problem some more, with emphasis on the fact that from what knowledge the District could obtain, the Operating Engineers seemed to be making frequent complaints to CAL/OSHA regarding this specific contractor, Kenko, Inc., a non-union contractor. with respect to the allegations that Kenko is the most unsafe contractor in California based on the number of citations received from CAL/OSHA, many additional facts need to be ascertained before such allegations could be substantiated. For instance, how many of the citations were upheld by the Appeals Board or by the courts? What is the frequency of CAL/OSHA inspections of Kenko, Inc. versus other underground contractors? (And this is an unfair rating element because many of CAL/OSHA's inspections are the result of complaints received - - - and complaints do not have to come only from employees to be responded to). So one should request of CAL/OSHA the number of complaints that they receive on each underground contractor and where the complaints originate, employee, anonymous, unions, or others. I doubt that CAL/OSHA would respond to this request, but they might. Mr. Edward M. Hall~nbeck August 21, 1992 Page 2 After our discussion, I suggested that we visit the Kenko work site and any other similar type operations in this general area. Jack drove me to the Kenko operations located at Pico and Nuevo Road, where we looked over the work activity and Jack asked for my comments, which will follow as captions for the photographs that I took as we walked through the site. PHOTO NO. 1 PHOTO NO.1 - Looking south along east edge of work area. The Komatsu Excavator in violation of Fed OSHA Part 1926.550.15 inasmuch as a continued swing to the left would knock the power pole down and in addition it would appear that the Excavator could come within the 10 foot encroachment rule. However, it must be noted that this is not a violation of CAL/OSHA Construction Safety Orders Article 9, Derricks, Cranes, Boom-type Excavators, as this entire Article has apparently been repealed. Crane regulations are now contained in Article 94 of the General Industry Safety Orders. Mr. Edward M. Hal August 21, 1992 Page 3 1beck PHOTO NO. 2 ~. L" ~. -i. PHOTO NO.2 - In the Bureau of Reclamation we would consider the activity shown here to be unsafe and would require the employees to move to a safe location. Namely the surface. Here they do have a ladder inside the shield, but no access to the bank. I believe one of the citations resulting from the April inspection was related to proper and adequate egress. ~~ --......" .' ." ~:" ~~ ,.......:.....:&,:. )o".l~;"'" '... --.> '. ~~....:it.~"-:-''''':\'''' ~ ~..~...~'~ ~ ;.".. ,~iJ ......~. .:- . ~~':'J ,... ~. ~-:""..,...... -....'., ~ - ....'1I.i.. ..- -~.....~.. '>'.' .-. .... ::~. .~..."'''' . J. ~,. ,- ~ ,:'(. ..,. ..~.'" ""'~'!-,. ,'~.. ... .,~.... .~ --..~... . ~~'Y:;"';' . :. "'. "''' ~ ,:..'" '. .\. II .. ..... ~ PHOTO NO. 3 PHOTO NO.3 - Another view of excavation operations within trench shield. Note ladder rings on the left side of the shield next to the spreaders. Note also the lack of safe access to the shield or exit from the shield. Mr. Edward M. Hal. lbeck August 21, 1992 Page 4 PHOTO NO. .. --- PHOTO NO.4 - This view illustrates how the pipe is lowered into the trench shield. Recei ving employees must be at the very edge of the shield to stay out from under the load, as a result they become susceptible to being trapped by a cave in. Again it appears from comments made at two work sites we visited that this is permissible and compliance officers from CAL/OSHA have watched and okayed this procedure. PHOTO NO. 5 ". i. . _.~-- .....:::=~- .,.' -'t '. .~~~ it:.::.;: -::-, , PHOTO NO.5 - As was noted in one of the citations the contractor is not maintaining the five foot clearance between the toe of the waste pile and the edge or shoulder of the trench. There are spots where there are 3 or 4 foot clear areas and then back to where the toe of the waste pile meets the shoulder of the trench. Please note that Federal standards require at least a two foot minimum distance, which may require wider distances depending on anticipated loading. PHOTO NO. 6 .,..... ... Mr. Edward M. Hal nbeck August 21, 1992 Page 5 Jt ;\.~ .... I ", (,". " :' :. " t~~~ ,;' , i . , ,~\ ~ ,r /' '. ~,i'~' ..~:. ". ,... . ".,. ",:"\ ., ..a: , " .~. .: .....\..~. .......... . e. " '- l'~. . . PHOTO NO.6 - A typical manhole location. As long as no one enters this site, there is no problem. I did note two nearby residences where there appeared to be small children. This work site has no fencing or other protective barrier to guard against trespass. ,~-~ . - " " '-" , ... '. .' '-':. . '. e:__ . ,'.,~' '.., '. ' ~ .,' "?-- ....; .. ~;"t.." ~~ :" . ~,:~.~. ~ ,<<: .- ''';;'. ..,... ",..,.. . ~..::-,g~ -- ,'. "" :. ~., .:,.. ~ '.,' '.~':' ~ .;."..."-V~." ~.: ~<.:.; ~..:... '~."",-""~",' ~..~ . , ..... .....lo....' .::....:J.. ......' , " ~ ~ ..". . ~~..- ~-~. . -., ~ ....... PHOTO NO.7 - This view shows the access to the trench shield and the ladder that extends down to the work site where a manhole will be installed. Several items to note here. Handrail in need of repair. A tripping hazard as you access the gangway, and a somewhat difficult means of transferring from gangway to ladder and vice-versa. ~~ .-:- ~~.~'..."-- -.~ PHOTO NO. 7 Mr. Edward M. Hal~beck August 21, 1992 Page 6 PHOTO NO. 8 PHOTO NO. 8 - Another view Of the manhole work site seen in Photo No. 7. From this view all looks pretty good. Mr. Edward M. Hal ~beck August 21, 1992 Page 7 PHOTO NO. 9 PHOTO NO.9 - Here we see how another contractor handles similar work. The Bramak Corp. working on the Salt Creek Intercepter Sewer, EMWD Specifications No. 5335 has, in this view, just set in the trench shield for work on a manhole. The trench shields on this contract did not have built in, or on ladders. Again no visible safe means of access to or from the trench shield; however, in fairness it should be noted that the shield has just been placed and hopefully proper access will be provided. Mr. Edward August 21, Page 8 M. HaL .llbeck 1992 PHOTO NO. 10 - ~.~ ,-- ~ I. -... , PHOTO NO. 10 - Another Bramak Corp. work site very similar to the one on Photo No.9. Here a temporary fence has been installed to prevent "trespassers" from accidentally falling into the excavation. Again we do not see a safe means of access. Mr. Edward M. Hat~nbeck August 21, 1992 Page 9 PHOTO NO. 11 PHOTO NO. 11 - Bramak Corp. Here we see a section of 48-inch I.-D. Concrete Bell & Spigot pipe being installed within the trench shield. This particular view shows an employee just emerging from a previously placed pipe section and he will now guide the new section into place. Here again there is no discernable safe means of entering or exiting the trench shield. In this view the shield is riding too high and has left about four feet of unprotected dirt wall beneath the sides of the shield. This work site has also been visited by 2 CAL/OSHA Compliance Officers, but apparently all was to his satisfaction. Although he did caution the contractor about letting the shield ride too high. Mr. Edward M. Ha: Jnbeck August 21, 1992 Page 10 PHOTO NO. 12 , I ~. , ': , . . , . . ~ I . '. ~ I L' . .... ,. .~ ,. .. .' . .:-:.. .;. '. c:.....;., '. ;:~;~::', :>.~:. : ..: ~~ .:.-~ ~.;' .- ""-i'__ \.:-'" .. - . . ..' PHOTO NO. 12 - Bramak Corp. The pipe being lowered in Photo No. 11 has now been set into place. Note in the lower right side of this photo the distance between the bottom of the shield and the bottom of the excavation. It is excessive. Also the ladder to nowhere is essentially unaccessible. PHOTO NO. 13 C\. \ ...,........ ~ ~. .'.. ... .' . "'/pr~'.', ".j:,~ . ,"J .,~ry{ :,r~ .' }-,~'~J ," 1S- .. - . . / jI. .' "" r.. . . . .. ~. ,.. _~1 " . *' .. PHOTO NO. 13 - Bramak Corp. A novel means of moving aggregate from the front end loader to the excavator bucket. This minimizes hazards of excavator swing and subsequent placement of the rock around the pipe, Neat. Mr. Edward M. Hahnbeck August 21, 1992 Page 11 PHOTO NO. 14 PHOTO NO. 14 - We heard of another contractor working in the community of Murrieta and so visited this work site. Here they were installing 1S/24-inch clay tile sewer line in a trench about 6 feet deep. "Protection" was provided by hydraulic speed shores spaced about 12 feet apart. The site was clean and neat. Many of the workmen were wearing high visibility vests, except for the traffic flagman seen behind the excavator. Note the P & H Omega and its proximity to the overhead power lines. ,,j ~'~ PHOTO HO, PHOTO NO. 15 - Another view of the work site discussed in Photo No. 14. I find it very d~fficult to believe that a crane which in the observable working configuration would be allowed to continue to work. Fed OSHA and Reclamation Safety Standards state (loosely interpreted) that a crane which is so located or positioned in a manner in which it could encroach on the 10 foot limit of a power line (farther with high voltage;lines) is in violation of the code. Edward M. Hallen~k August 21, 1992 Page 12 General Observations and Impresslions After visiting the two contractors work sites, where I see very similar work activities and where each site has been visited by CAL/OSHACompliance personnel, the Kenko site by Compliance Officer Doyle who admits to being a member of Local 12 of the Operating Engineers, and the Bramak site visited by Compliance Officer Fry, I do wonder at the consistency of the application of the California Construction Safety Orders. I also fail to understand why the Operating Engineers would publicly criticize one non-union contractor and say nothing about another non-union contractor With nearly identical methods of operation and who is working in the same general location. I am not saying that the two work sites that I visited would meet Reclamation's safety standards, when in fact they would not. Their lack of meeting Reclamation standards were essentially identical. They would not be allowed to operate boom type equipment within the safe clearance standards, personnel would not be permitted within the trench shield when the excavator bucket was working within the trench shield. Reclamation does not permit the lowering of loads into personnel when they do not~have a safe means of very quickly exiting the site. Access to and within the trench shield would have to meet a higher set of standards, than what was permitted at the visited sites. Another factor worth commenting on is the letter from the State Compensation Insurance Fund. The letter notes that the experience modification rate for Kenko, Inc. is 75%. The industry average is 100%. The rates are established on a three year average basis, which would indicated that for at least the last years, Kenko, Inc. has had a much better injury rate than the industry average. The industry being all underground contractors. I find it very difficult to see how an official from the Operating Engineers can say that Kenko is the most unsafe contractor in the State. The injury rate alone refutes that statement very drastically. Finally, I cannot see where the Eastern Municipal Water District is in any position of liability through the contractual employment of Kenko, Inc. The contractor cannot be found in default of the contract, he is apparently complying with all the requirem&nts of the specifications. There are some safety deficiencies as noted in the previously discussed photographs which can be readily addressed and corrected, but certainly not of a magnitude to default or terminate the contract. Si erely, L . Thomas, P.E. WM. C, WAGGONER O ~ V Business Manager M~ior G~ E. ~ylcs 8353 Sie~ Avenue Fon~a, C~fomia 92335 ~: C~ Avenue Sewer Sys~m ~ Mayor ~yl~: A~h~ you'H find a ~y of o~ fo~ bid pro~t for ~e proj~t ~feren~ a~ve. It is our view ~t ~e low bidder, Ke~o Inc., is a non-res~nsible bidder ~d ~e awed should go m ~e next ~nsible bidder. We app~az your ~nside~on. PI~ ~ i~ you ~ould ~ve ~y qu~ons. Ve~ ~ly yo~, W~H~ C. Waggoner, Bus~s M~er I.U.O.E., ~ No. 12 ~d BY: Da~d S. ~h~, Con~t CompH~ R~n~five I.U.O.E., ~ No. 12 WCW:DSL:hm ~closu~ 150 FAST CORSON STREET · P.O. BOX 7109 · PASAOENA. CA 91109-7209 · TELEPHONE (818) 792-8900 August 18, 1992 Mr. Patrick McGUir~ Local la International Union of Operating Engineers Pa: Liability of public agencies to workers injured on Public Works Projects Dear Mr. M~Guire: In response to your recent lnquir~, ~his letter is written address ~he potential for liebilit3[ on ~he par~ of a agent-/which awards a Public Works PToJe~t to a contractor with a large number of violations of OSBA Safety Orders as compared to other bidders on the proJe~. In ~he unfortunate instance where s wor~ on that (whether employed b~ the prime contractor or I subcontractor) is killed or injured as the result of such i violation, several theories of liability against: the public agency are available the worker or his or her surv~vcrs. The star~ing point is Governmen~ Code J815.4 which s~atas ~hat the public agent-/is liable for the negligence of i~s independent coneraZors to ~he same extent as a private person would be. The first approach would be ~o asser~ that the agen~/was negligent in sele~ing ~he coneraZor. (Rears=smear of Torts (2d) ~411) In California ~his type of negligence must be determined in light of all ~he surrounding circums~ances. (Noble v. se~rs Roe~k & Co., (1~73) 33 CaZ.App. 3d 6~4, 664) The Noble case s~ated that merely de~ermining that the contractcot (in that case s private detec~ive hired b~ an insurance company) is appropriately licensed may not be sufficien~: to establish the absence of negligence. Where, for example, & public agency knows before it awards the ccn~ra~ ~hat the recipient has a record of safet3r violations five ~ines greater than its competitors, that fact would be of great signifiuance in establishing the agenc-/'s negligence in hiring such a contractor. Page Two Liability of public agencies to workers injured on Public Works Projects A second, related area of potential liability involves work which gives rise to a special, recognizable risk of harm arising out of the character of the work, or the place where it is performed, against which special precautions must be taken. The past twenty -five years have seen many cases where public agencies were held liable for the failure to take such precautions, beginning with the California Supreme Court decision in Van Arsda/e v. Hollinger, (196S) 6S Cal.2d 24S (City held liable for its contractor's failure to provide adequate traffic diversion to protect workers performing road re-striping). Examples of construction work involving such special risks includez working in excavations more them five feet deepl working at heights in excess of seven feet~ a~d earthmoving work performed at night. The special precautions required to protec~ against these risks are frequently the subject: of OSHA regulations, and thus of the type of citations which are discoverable by the public agency prior to awarding the contract. If a worker is injured or killed as the result of such a violation--failure to provide shoring, scaffolding, lighting or the like--this advance knowledge on the par~ of the agency will weigh heavily in suppor~ of a finding of direct negligence on its part. In essence, the agency has reason to know that it cannot rely on its contractor to take adequate precautions, so it must assume that responsibility directly. Such active negligence will likely prevent the agency from obtaining complete indemnification from its contractor. Another possibility for liability exists where the awarding agency retains confro1 of the details of the work of its contractor. (Norahouse v. Taubmen Co., (1970) 5 Cal. App. 3d 548, 557) The applicability of this theory depends on the interpretation of the bid doc~amentation. If the language is ambiguous, it can reasonably be interpreted to mean that a public agency with knowledge cf a potential ccntractcr's poor safety record would not intend to relinquish control of project safety. Having knowledge of the likelihood that its contractor would allow the work to proceed in an unsafe manner, the agency would be bound to see that dangerous conditions and practices were remedied or warnings were given. The failure to do so would be a negligent exercise of retained control. It is hoped that this discussion will help you persuade public agencies that there is more to evaluating a =low bid= than looking at the dollar amount on the proposal. The potential for significant damage awards as Compensation for death or serious, permanent injuries to workers resulting from disregard for safe practices must also be considered. If concerned public servants consider the potential costs, in both economic and human terms, page Three RE: Liability of public agencies to workers injured on Public Works Projects of awarding contracts for Pubiic Works Projects to contractors who consistently disregard the Safety Orders and Statutes of this State, they must certainly revise their view of other bidders who are more concerned for the well-being of their workers, and the quality of their product, than they are merely for the "bottom- line. w Very truly yours, HOLSTEIN, TAYLOR & UNITT A Law corporation BRIA/~ C. UNITT BCU/1 b CALIFORNIA 'rill Sv ~ f/~. t;.-e /; Le - 0-.It ~ CITY OF FONT ANA MEMORANDUM FROM: GREG HUlSIZER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BOB WEDDLE, P.E. /JI.M.J CITY ENGINEER JFV'-. TO: SUBJECT: KENKO CONSTRUCTION - CYPRESS A VENUE SEWER PROJECT DATE: AUGUST 26, 1992 Kenko, Inc. is the lowest responsible bidder for the Cypress Avenue Sewer project. The construction contract is scheduled for Council award on September 1, 1992. Local 12, Operating Engineers Union, has been following Kenko, Inc. 's, public work contracts for some time Kenko Inc. is a non-union contractor. Previously, Local 12 has paid for City staff to provide copies of inspection reports, payroll records and bid documents pursuant to the Public Information Act for Kenko's projects in Fontana. Yesterday a union representative stated to staff that they plan to show up at the September 1, 1992 City Council meeting and protest the award - all edging that Kenko is not a responsible contractor due to past safety and wage violations. (Copy of protest letter attached.) Staff has stayed out of the fight for the most part between a union and a non-union contractor, each of whom has documentation to back up their respective positions. Staffs position is that while we had some problems with Kenko on the Empire Center storm drain project (labor payment and trench safety issues) it isn't sufficient to black list this firm from bidding Fontana projects. To do so would invite litigation. However, due to the City's previous experience with this contractor, additional administrative and inspection personnel will monitor the project for labor payroll compliance, trench and traffic safety and quality of constructed product. Should staff continue to have problems of sufficient concern, the Risk Management and City Attorney's office would be contacted for record keeping requirements that would be upheld in a potential litigation to back up our positions should it be necessary to declare Kenko an irresponsible contractor. Greg Bucknell, Principal Civil Engineer, is aware of this item and will attend the September 1, 1992 City Council meeting as I will be on vacation. Greg has detailed knowledge of Kenko's previous work in Fontana. Please call at X-7613 should you have any questions. Enclosure cc: Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects RWW:yv C:\DA T A \ WP\ WEDDLE\KENKCONS.MEM WM. C. WAGGONER O ,~J ~ Business Manager and AFL-CIO *~ August 26, 1992 EXPRESS MAIL Mr. Robert W. Weddle, P.E., City Engineer City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontaria, California 92335 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer System Kenko Inc., dba McGrand & Associates Formal Bid Protest Dear Mr. Weddie: Please accept this as a formal protest against the bid submittal of Kenko, Inc. for the above referenced project. Evidence complied by this Office and made available to your staff reveals this contractor to be non-responsible. The Kenko Inc. bid proposal should be rejected and the contract awarded to the next responsible bidder. We base our protest on evidence provided to staff and highlighted below. Cal-Osha Violations The Cal-Osha violations against Kenko, Inc. date back to at least 1989. Evidence compiled to date indicates a dangerous pattern of work related infractions. In the construction industry, it can be said that the climate is ripe for construction related mishaps and/or accidents. However, it appears Kenko, Inc. is ~t the top of the field in work related infractions. Over 60 citations have been issuedl since 1989, ranging from general, to regulatory, to repeat, and serious in nature. T~e citations were issued on numerous projects throughout California. These included projects[ in Oxnard, Castale, Redding, Fontana, Bakersfield, Ontario, Saugus, Thousand Palms,i Palm Springs, Fresno and Lakeview. l 150 EAST CORSON STREET · P.O. BOX 7109 · PASADENA, CA 91109-7209, TELEPHONE (818) 792-8900 The Cal-Osha violations were written for several types of infractions, including: -- failure to provide a safe means of access; -- failure to provide adequate ventilation; -- a violation for proper toggle lever .control on a boom (which resulted in a fatality May 9, 1990, citation Ontario, California); -- a citation which stated that only a qualified operator shall operate a hoisting machine; -- a failure to keep a safe distance from overhead lines; -- problems with safe access (to work area); -- failure to wear orange flagging garments; -- failure to wear protective shields and welding hats; -- failure to provide protection for employees who enter excavated areas over 5 feet in depth; -- failure to provide safe working areas for employees working near heavy construction equipment; -- failure to provide a safe environment for traffic control personnel; -- failure to provide ladders in trenches over four feet which would enable easy entry if available, but more importantly, quicker exit if a cave-in should occur. On Kenko's current Eastern Municipal Water District job in lakeview, the contractor was issued five citations on its second day of major excavation. Cal-Osha found employees at risk while working in a 26 foot deep excavation without a ladder and employees were not prometed from the hazards of moving earth. Kenko was also cited for having an inadequate engineer's plan, and for "exposing them (employees) to serious injury or death." Kenko was cited May 1, 1992 on its Fresno/C10vis project. The three citations were listed as serious by Cal-Osha and apparently follow Kenko's now established pattern. This office has established that Kenko has beenl issued 63 Cal-Osha citations. Of the 63 citations, 44 are affirmed citations. In short, 88% of Kenko's citations after being heard or processed, are affirmed citations. Probably most serious is Kenko's pattern of citations pertaining to trench/shoring. This critical area of safety appears to be of no concem to Kenko, Inc. This office has received from Cal-Osha a computer printout which reveals Kenko, Inc. to be the leader statewide in trench/shoring related citations. The printout shows Kenko, Inc. with three times the number of trench-related citations, as the next contractor. Perhaps a better understanding of this contract0r's commitment to worker safety and how it relates to your project, can be found by reviewing the line item bid amount for trench/ shoring. We have been unable to review all the bids submitted by each contractor. However, the Chino Basin Municipal Valley Water District found in their bid documents that Kenko's line item price for trench/shoring was substantially below the engineer's estimate and other bidders. This would again suggest that the contractor's CKenko), view of employee safety laws is of little concern. Cal-Osha regulations are in place to protect the worker on 2 the job, as well as people within the community itself. A contractor choosing to ignore safety procedures time and time again, constitutes a contractor who is non-responsible. Representatives for Kenko will attempt to refute the charges regarding Cal-Osha violations by claiming a low Workers' Compensation rate. This is an attempt to avoid the Cal-Osha question with an unrelated topic. Workers' Compensation rates are based on jobsite injuries r_~rted. To achieve a low rate, you simply under report injuries. It is unfortunate that Workers' Compensation does not share information with Cal-Osha, or vice-versa. Because of the current formula though, the fact remains that a low Workers' Compensation rate has no bearing on a contractor's Cal-Osha record. They are not related items. Police Related Activity During. the brief time Kenko has been in our State, Corporate President Louis Belanger and Vice President Jeff McGrand have on separate occasions assaulted two awarding agency inspectors. McGrand's assault on a City of Fresno Inspector is pending. We have also obtained from Shasta County SherifFs office cop'ms of crime x~orts alleging burglary, vandalism and assault & battery committed by Belanger. Arrest warrants were issued in these cases. Inspectors' Logs from the City of Redding indicate that McGrand and his foreman were arrested by the State Department of Fish & Game for continued violations while performing work in a 'weftands* area. Numerous other incidents have occurred and are being investigated by our office. This pattern of operation by corporate officers reflects upon the company makeup and would seemingly suggest Kenko, Inc. to be a non-responsible firm. While numerous, such assaults involving individuals associated with Kenko, Inc. have been rel~orted, a simple police search of corporate officers by the county District Attorney would undoubtedly reveal further evidence which may be helpful prior to any consideration of contract award. Prevailing Wage Violations The State Department of Industrial Relations has issued the foliowing off'xcial Notices to Withhold on four recent Kenko public works projects for prevailing wage violations: City of Bakersfi~d $47,000.00 Los Angeles County Sanitation District $ 8,500.00 l~ern Municipal Water District $1,750.00 City of Fontana $11,860.00 The Notices to Withhold were based on evidence of Kenko's failure to properly report regular hours worked, overtime and failure to report all workmen on site. The pattern of violating prevailing wage laws should deem this contractor to be non-responsible. Another area that should be of concern to the city is the potential for liability should an injury or death occur on this project, especially after be'rag informed of Kenko's safety 3 violations. We have provided to staff correspondence related to this subject, which was sent to Representative Patrick McGuire from the law firm of Holstein, Taylor & Unitt, that discusses the potential for significant damage awards. We urge you to explore this item because it is our view that local agencies are playing Russian Roulette by continuing to award construction contracts to Kenko, Inc. We believe eventually a Kenko worker will be injured, perhaps fatally. The potential for damages against the particular agency will be significant, and should be considered when determining contractor responsibility. Summary The information presented here is a sampling of evidence compiled to date regarding Kenko, Inc. This office is convinced that the information is more than adequate to justify a rejection of the Kenko bid due to non-responsibility. It is permissible for an agency to reject a low bid based on poor quality of the bidder's past work and based on a history of labor law violations. The Cal-Osha violations, prevailing wage violations, safety violations, etc., presented to you fall within this realm. California Public Contract Cede, Article 4, Section 20166 states in part, In its discretion, the legislative body may reject any bid~ presented and readvenise.* Additionally, most boiler plate language for any bid stipulates that the awarding body has the right to reject any and all bids. The information provided to you justifies a rejection of the Kenko, Inc. bid on the grounds that the bidder is non-responsible. We urge you to do so. Very truly yours, William C. Waggoner, Business Manager I.U.O.E., Local No. 12 and General Vice President Contract Compliance Representative I.U.O.E., Local No. 12 WCW:DSL:hm cc: Council Members Steve Deiteh, Esq. Clark Alsop, Esq. 4 CITY CJF=- F::'CJI\IT(-~I\IA COD/ENGINEERING 0 SION 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA,CA. 92335 TO :CJ~if.__7t.~~~;t A TTN :CJ,~ff 7+C-LUCH 1- L_E::-' "f'~ Uf7TF~f~I\I~.3IYI IT IAL f::i.l,:?.:. ... ...............m.._...J:~ c:.CCJ ~\ n t 1\10: 0<::\ t e: 8-14-c::( '2- Cem t r- ac t 1\10: R~.=..B;d... He>",-J<z f6~.C-'lI;:>r.C'"$~ Ave. 5tc>wer- (..:1-"'-'--"> ~ve. 5+"~,,,", Dr-e..I..... Gentlemen: ..00.... ...._.... ..... ............. ..... W~<.':'r.:E?.?E:?r.!.l:'Jt'::1g..Y.9.L.:l:.. ~ At.t.ached ( ) Under- seper-at.e cover- via the following it.em: ( ) Dr-awing () Specifications () Copy of Letter- Studies ~ Other-: Pr-ints Plans ~ o+~~ r- () Sampl es ( ) Change Or-der- .. f3;LB~"Id7..__ ..... F~L.lr:PCJ?l?!: 'p.<J For- your- i nf or-mat ion /r-ecor-ds ( ) For- appr-oval ( ) Appr-oved as submitted ( ) F~'or- your use ( ) Appr-oved as noted () As requested pr- i nts ( ) For r-eview and comment ( ) Retur-ned for- cor-r-ections ( ) Other- ...-...................-.........-.....-.------.-........-..-............ ( ) F 0 r- bid due: m.'__ m..__' 1 9 ( ) Pr-ints r-etur-ned after- loaned to: COP I E~::; ...........................--....................... B.... .;cL...B~.~d.m..__. f3.l~cL 130 "'l.d.. m DATE NO. Remar- ks: .PL~Cc,j e......_ te1=_. . '" L+'z Copy to: S. L~L, Check F'r-i nts DESCRIPTION ._-::~:Z~1~~:~~::_-~::~:~:~::::::~:~~~:~~~~,'~ Please ...............m..~_.~....... ( ) Submit or-ginal_ ( ) Resubmit copies for- approval Submit copies for- distr-ibution ( ) F~et.ur-n corr-ected '(;><0 Other (,b:f.~ ...B.>cL.__m_Iiq_~~J .. mt::.-~ P0.d ... . .. tA./ k C<... + \""v...ppel4 S, Signed: oF CAL IFOR NA COMMUNICATIONS FROM FAX N0. [714] 350-6618 O PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES T0: N NAME: ~,t~./'Z-/2,~' LOCATION:_/~/F/S/Z,~A,'/~Y- ~n~ D/~ T LOCATION: ~, ~/K- ACCOUNT NO. TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: (including cover sheet) MESSAGE: CC: FAX CHARGE IS: $3.00 1S GE (EXCLUDING COVER SHEET) $1.50 THEREAFTER. PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO Y OF FONTANA AND MAIL TO: CITY OF FONTANA,: P.O.BOX 518, FONTANA, CA. 92334 FROM: ' ~' ~ r name: company / f' m address phone no. NOTE: PLEASE RETURN THIS COVER SHEET WITH PAYHENT (ACC.NO .010-0316-2300) JAN. 1992 SKY-- 20'1 EA,b"T YORBA LINDA BLVD PLACENTIA, CA 92670-34'18 7'14 993-,4,500 FAX 7t4 993-6837 June 16, 1992 Job No. 352-07-90 Wagner elipe olino. . Paa c City of Fontana , , , , ~ ~ ~, ~ A r I ,, CIVIL ENGINEERS Engineering Division l SURVE¥O PS 8353 Sierra Avenue [ Fontana, CA 92335 SUBJECT: V~T,T.EY BOULEVARD SANITARY SEWER CONNECTION AT CYPRESS AVENUE Dear Felipe: As you requested, Wagner Pacific, Inc. has reviewed the 21" sanitary sewer connection in Valley Boulevard as shown on NBS Lowry's 27" sanitary sewer line plans for the Cypress Avenue sewer and has the following comments: 1. The benchmark used for Wagner Paclfic's design is on the "City of Fontana Datum." We do not know if the benchmark used by NBS Lowry is on the same datum. We have enclosed elevations (rim and invert} of the existing manhole in Valley Boulevard and Cypress Avenue. I believe NBS Lowry has field verified this same manhole and will be able to confirm if we both are on the same datum. 2. The angle of the stub-out on Valley Boulevard should be shown on NBS Lowry's drawing at the new manhole stub at Valley Boulevard and Cypress Avenue. Noting the angle of 79°14'07" from the centerline of Cypress Avenue may insure that the contractor see the call out and not assume the stub-out to be at 90°. 3. The graphics on the NBS Lowry profile could be revised to show the invert and top of pipe as they are called out. There is only 0.50' difference between the two inverts. The profile makes the difference in elevation look like 3.5'. With th~se additianz and coordination, I bel~eve that both plans are cumpa~ible to each other and will help to eliminate any possible conflicts that may occur during construction. Very truly yours, WAGNER PACIFIC INC. Leonard A. Beasley _ _,,~ Project Engineer LAB:pkw Enclosure 10+00~ 11 +00 l SHORING TO BE CONSTRU!~_E_D' . FULL HEIGHT OF TRENCH TO ~7";, J~t',H~ ~, SUPPORT UTILITY CROSSING. I'E PLAN ..... T -- · R -- ~00.00' " L -- ~o t CWRESS AVE. S~ER = ~?,~l ' ,00 ~. M,H. NO. 2 ~NV, ~N ~o+~o,5o__~,_C., ~2 INV. OUT I JOIN EXIST. STUB &BEG. CONSTR[ FIELD VERIFY POINT OF CONNECTIO PROPOSED SEWER PER · PRIOR TO BEGINNING OF CONSTRU( I~1 I NOTE: )"1 1. SOUTHERN CALIFOF RECORDS OF GAS ~ SHALL CALL U.S.A. I 2. CONTRACTOR SHAL LINES. WHILE YOU WERE OUT OF ~,,:lt~'~ ~\ ' ~PHONE L('~_~-' i,.~'~C~© ~"~"'= :"' ~ ~C~L~S~ "':~:'~;;" ~"~1:~"~"::':"~':~' FAX CITY OF CAL IFOR NIA COMMUNICATIONS FROM FAX NO. [714] 350-6618 0 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: N NAME: ~u~/u~ .~/E:,='~L~- LocATIo.: ~ ~/~ ~ ~, ~. T FAX NUMBER: Z/~- ~E- ~ PHONE;: ?1~- ~-I~/ FROM: ~z/p~ ~ ~ L /~o ~ LOCATION: c. e/ ~p~/~/~/~6 ACCOUNT NO. P 7/-- 72 ~/ PHONE: 7/~ 350 -~/ TOTAL NUHBER OF PAGES: DATE: TIHE: (includin9 cover sheet) MESSAGE: (~?~ ~ ~ YE - CC: FAX CHARGE IS* $3 O0 1ST GE (EXCLUDING COVER SHEET) $1 50 THEREAFTER PLEASE MAKE C~ECK'~UF:FONTANA IN THE AMOUNT OF $ ' AND HAIL T0: CITY OF FONTANA,"'-P.<,.O.BOX 518, FONTANA, CA. 92334 FROM: ~ name ~--, company / firm \ address '-., phone no. NOTE: PLEASE RETURN THIS COVER SHEET WITH PAYMENT (ACC.NO.010-0316-2300) JAN. 1992 ESTI~ATEO UNIT 1. 24" Extra Strength V.C.P. Strength V~C.P. 17 EA 3. 4" Sewer Lateral (to 3' past EP orI curb) 17 EA 4. 60" Manhole Per City of Fcntana Std. NO. 112, 114, 109 including ' r~ lines sewbr lines 7, A.C. Pavement. Pavement. and All Appurtenant Related work for trench. 10. Traffic Control (including n. Striping Re-Plac~ent (PAGE i OF 2) II pROPOIAL BID 8H~ET II II II NOTE= The estimated quantities listed in the Proposal Bid Sheet(s) are II bidder shall make his OWn estimates from the drawings. In case II CITY OF FOmTANA ~ROPOS~ BID SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ~TBP_WATE 8CHEDULB I CYPRE88 ~V~NU~ SNER SYSTEI4 (JURUPA AVERUB TO V~LBY BOUL~D) ~'/'~ ~ No. ~SUN~T~ON ~U~NT~T~ ~RIC~ ~aOUNT ~ V~fdy ~ 1. 27" Extra Strength V.C.P. 3,~OV LF /Z~/~ ~/'~/% 2. 24" Extr~ Stre.gth V.C.P. 4,428 LF V.C.P., ~ncluding plugs 31 ,~7A¢~' p..~ EP ; V.C.P. stub outs and plugs. 25 11. Standard Drop Manhole, including ~}I, Z v.c.P. stub outs and plugs. 1 )2/~ . 12. Support and protectto~ lines, sewer lines 13. A.C. Pavement. TONS Pavement. FT and All Appurtenant Related Work for ~rench. LU~ SUN 1s. Traffic c~.t=ol (i.cluding Provision~) LUMP S~ 17. striping Re-Placement LUMP SUN NO, D~SCRIPTION ESTIMATED UNIT QUANTITy PRICE AMOUNT ~ pl~ m~T [[l~// 2,.=~, Extr. st=o.~th v.c,p. s ~ ~' 13. A.C. Pavement. a~TON8 __ sawcut ~na 16, Traffic control (including ProvisionS) ~P S~ CITY 0F FONTANA PROPOSAL BID SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ALTERNATE SCHEDULE II CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM (VALLEY BOULEVARD TO,HRNBERNARDINO AVENUE) ESTIMATED UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1. 21" Extra Strength V.C.P. 2 J6~'LF 2. 21" X 6" Y'S Extra Strength V.C.P. 17 EA 3. 4" Sewer Lateral (to 3' past EP or curb) 17 EA 4. 60" Manhole Per City of Fontana Std. No. 112, 114, 109 including V.C.P. stub outs and plugs. 7 EA 5. 72"' Diversion Manhole B-1 complete, including V.C.P. stub outs and plugs. i EA 6. Support and protection of existing utilities, water lines, sewer lines LUMP SUM 7. A.C. Pavement. 8. Sawcut and Remove A.C. Pavement. , · 9. Sheeting, Shoring and Bracing and All Appurtenant Related Work for trench. LUMP SUM 10. Traffic Control (including Article 7-10.3 of Special Provisions) LUMP SUM 11. Striping Re-Placement LUMP SUM (PAGE 1 OF 2) P-17.4 City of Fontana CALIFORNIA June 9, 1992 Mr. Bruce Lyon, P.E. Principal Engineer NBS/Lowry 164 W. Hospitality Lane, II P. O. Box 8124 San Bernardino, CA 92412-8124 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Project (Jurupa Avenue to San Bernardino Avenue) Proposed Downsizing Dear Mr. Lyon: This office has reviewed the proposed main downsizing for the subject project transmitted with your June 2, 1992 letter to Bob Weddle. The sizes as recommended, and pending Mr. Don Owen's revised absorption schedule, are satisfactory. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call the undersigned. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division r~r-< ,tJJ~ Felipe Molinos, P.E. Principal Engineer/Capital Improvements FM:sh cc: City Engineer Gene Diepholz, NBS/Lowry 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) . FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-oS18 . (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY - KAMLOOP5, ac. CANADA OW 164W. HospitalityLcme,~l 714-888-1401Tel P,O, Box 8124 714 885 4638 Fax ~8e-O~5.O~5 San Ber~ardi~o, CA 92412 8124 BECEIVED dune 2, ~gg2 _ ,,~ ~ CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE Mr. Bob Weddie, City Engineer CITY OF FONTANA P.O. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92335 DOWNSIZING OF THE CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER This is to document the data reviewed with you at our May 8, 1992 meeting justifying the downsizing of the Cypress Avenue Sewer. Attached are hydraulic analysis tables showing the flows projected by our draft Sewer Master Plan within each reach of the subject sewer from development in 1995 and at ultimate (General Plan). The location of these reaches are shown in Exhibit 1. The significant decrease in flows in the ultimate condition reflects the diversion of flows west to the new Fontana Plant. The downsizing can! not be recommended unless it is assumed the City will build the Fontana Plant with a service area as shown in Figure I-1. As we discussed, these flow projections reflect an optimistic growth pattern developed as part of the North F0ntana Infrastructure Study but not realized in today's development slow down. Don Owen's revised absorption schedule has not yet been prepared, so We have proceeded using these projections per your direction. The recommended sizes, given the above assumptions, are as follows: Cypress Avenue Sewer San Bernardino Avenue to Valley Blvd. (2301-2303) 21" ~,~- .~/~ ~; Valley Blvd. to 1-10 Freeway (portion of 2109) 24" /, z/7/ z,,=. ' S86-025.025 Mr. Bob Weddie June 2, 1992 Page 2 (Cont.) 1-10 Freeway to Slover Avenue Avenue (portions of 2109 & 2107) 27" ,./~/i. SIover Avenue to Santa Ana Avenue (portion of 2107 & 2105) 24" Santa Ana Avenue to 327 feet N/O Jurupa Avenue (2103 & portion of 2101) 27" 327 feet N/O Jurupa to Jurupa Avenue (portion of 2101) 24" '~2L2 Z,~. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to call. Principal Engineer /cif Attachment cc: Gene Diepholz NB~OWRY 1995 NB~S~LOWRY " Page No. 51 03/19/02 DETAIL OF HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS FOIl SEllER NODEL NO. 11 ALT-B SYSTEN ~/[TH 1995 FLO~S REFERENCE IUPSTIIEN4 RANHOLE IpIpE IFLN(1) I~AClTY I~STA~A~ REACHES ~ ~LE I RIM INERT I I I I REACH ~ACH IEXtST ELEV. ELEV(]) DEPTHI EXISt TYPE DiA SLOE LENGTHI AVG PEAK I DESI~ FULL ~.(21 ~. ~ ~ IcY/n) (FT) (FT) (FT) ] (Y/H) (6) (IN) (X) (LF) I (~) (~) J (~) (~) ~9 3 27152 27153 Y i1~.4 1116.1 8 Y GS I0 0.25 ]58 0.0~ 0.26~ 0.355 0.~5 Y 0 0 VALLEY: Raster Z~7 I Z715) 2~ Y 1125.0 1115.1 10 Y GS 10 0.~ 225 0.~ 0.263 0.355 0.~5 Y 0 0 2~7 2 2~ 27~7 Y 1122.3 i11~.) 8 Y GS 10 0.~ )58 0.~ 0.263 0.355 0.~5 .Y 0 2~7 3 2~7 ZN Y i12~.4 1113.4 9 Y GS 10 0.~ 35~ 0.~ 0.263 0.3~ 0.~ Y 0 0 "~7 5 Z~9 2~ ~ 11~;0 1111:~ 11 T GS 10 0:35 225 0:~ 0.263 0:~20 ~8~ e 0 0 2~5 I 270~ 27071 I 112Z.0 1110.5 12 T G$ 12 0.22 ~2 0,189 0,549 0.5~1 1.152 Y 292 0 ; ~5 2 27071 27072 T 1121.5 11~.5 12 Y GS 12 0.22 326 0.189 0.549 0.5~1 1,152 v · 326 0 ~5 3 27072 270~ T 1121.2 11~.8 12 V GS 12 0.22 326 0.1~ 0.5~9 0.5~1 1.152 V 326 0 2~5 ~ 2~ 27076 Y 1119.0 11~.1 11 Y GS 12 0.22 226 0,1~ 0,5G9 0,5~1 1,152 Y 226 0 2~3 12~7G 270~ Y 1118,0 1107.~ 11 Y GS 12 0.22 326 0,189 0.5G9 0.5~1 1,152 Y ]26 0 ~3' 2 2~ 27076 Y i116.8 11~.5 10 Y GS 12 0.22 ]~ 0.1~ 0.5~9 0.5~i i.152 Y 526 0 ~3 ) 2~76 2~R ~ 1116.6 11~.8 Ii Y GS 12 0.22 326 0,1~ 0,569 0.5~1 1,152 Y 326 0 CY~ESS A~: ~ster Pie CY~ESS A~: Iter PIm ~ I 271~ 27161 a 1147.2 11~.5 8 N GS ~ 1.76 393 3.450 7.715 17.6~ ~.~ i 0 0 2~3 3 271~ 271~ N 11~.6 1127.5 9 N GS~ 1.~ )~ 3.&50 7.715 14.~ 17.435 e 0 0 NOTES: (11 CALCULATEO LIStNO FLGM GENERATION FILE G:%Sk~HOOEL\FLOgS\STDGEN.ONF (2) LOCATION OF FACILITY AND CL,I, SSIFICATION IS ALSO PRESENTED ABOVE LISTING OF REACH DATA (3) IRV~RT AT THE CENTERLINE OF THE HAllMOLE, IN THE ABSENSE OF CENTERLINE DATA VALUE IS ESTIRATED FRON AVAILABLE DATA. (/,) aGSI · GRAVITY SELl:R# t'FRe s FORCE f4AIN~ nISa = INVERTED SIPHON '" lI\ o Z <II 01 .. c.. ,- u ~ ~ ~ Q ,.. Cll: Z ~ 160 W o en ~ 3 ooC 160 ... W en a '" 0. ...... ~ ...... .... o ... ... o z en ,.. ~ ooC Z ooC a ~ 160 ~ ... z ... :; :II: w ... en ,.. en CD I ... ~ ooC o w ... u ooC .... ~ z ooC c.. w a Cll: ~ o w ... ~ .... ~ z ooC ooC Cll: ooC a c.. en w z u ooC w Cll: a Cll: ooC a ~ ... III CD a .... 160 160 W ~ a ... <.:J .... Cll: 160 ~ ::: ... .... 8 ~ ~ ... ~ ,.. 160 ... .... ~ ~ ... ... ,.. ... u ooC c.. ooC u z .... <.:J 8 en :II: w ... a .... ~ 8 w :II: c.. ... .... ... ~ ~ 160 ... ~ 8 ooC ~ z ... ... <.:J ... Z ~ W ... ~ w IS M ~ ... en .... ooC z a w c.. c.. w ... ~ ~ ... ... .... en z ...... >C ,.. w ... a i I w . ... en ~ z ... .... ~ ... W 160 a ... .... ... ,., Cll: .... .... ~~:;: z .... ... - w -> ... Z '" ... - .... ... . '" ... ... ... en z - ...... >C ,.. '" ... ::a W a .... i i ~ w u z w . w ... w . z u CD ooC . a ~ i ... 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W .... .... ~ N"'~ ooC N............~ ooC N,.,........-o...1O aaa!g8g8g! NNNOOC....,.,....,.,....ooc ... ... ~ ~ ........................ ~~~~~~~~ ooC ... ooC o w .... ~ .... ~ ooC ~ . ... a '" ... ~ ... III ooC '" ... ooC III 0- i5!!f = ~ "'ooC o~ <.:J 0 z - w ... z en ... ~ CD .... . ~ I ~ ~ ~ lj ~ o - ... ... 0 000 ....'" 0 ~a;~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :;:~~ i ~ .... - ;; '" . Z ... .. III Z - - .. . ~ ! i i ::~ilj ~;;;I~ ...0... ~ ~ ... . ljUOI: ~j~=- a,.~.; ~==! .... z .., i~lj: !i"'W'" ..~;: a 0 ... m ~ ! : . ~=. 9Hi~ ~ .... - .. ...... " ...... """ ... N .." ..... ..... ..... ...., ..... o '" ... i Page No. 56 03/19/92 DEI'AIL OF HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS FOIl SE~i~R tleOEL NO. 11 ALT-B STSTEN I~ITN 1995 FL(31~ ( REFERENCE ~UPSTREAll RANIIOLE IPIPE [FLQ~(I) ~CAPACITY $1.1STANDARO REACIIES '1 sue ,,a,o~e I ,l, I,vE,r I I I ~oo OXA. TO O~A. J REACH REACH IEXJST ELEV, ELEV(3) DEPTHI EXIST TYPE Dih SLOPE LENGINI AVG PEAK I DESIGN FULL FLAT? HANG. OEF, PARALLEL REPLACE I NO.CZ) NO. UP OU ICY/N) (Fr) (FT) (Flr) I (Y/N) (/,) {IN) (X) (LF) I {NGO) (NGO) I (NGD) (NCD) (Y/N) (LF) (LF) (IN) (IN) 2015 6 31058 310~9 Y 961.7 976.2 5 Y GS 12 0./,0 3/,0 0.055 0.179 0.7'29 1.553 N O 0 JU~tUPA AVe: Master Plan Z013 1331659 31091 Y 980.0 97/*.6 5 Y GS 21 0.75 /*~,6 Z.Z28 5.162 8.061 9./*59 N 0 2013 2 31091 31092 Y 977.0 967.2 10 Y GS 21 0.75 /*36 2.225 5.182 8.081 9./.59 N 0 0 20133 ) 331092 310933 Y 97/*.0 9633.8 10 Y GS 21 0.80 &~,l 2.228 5.182 8.~6 9.770 a 0 O HEJeLOCK AVE: LOCal Z011 I 3101/* 31018 Y 961.7 978.9 ) Y GS 12 O.3j~ 314 0.053 0,171 0.6T] 1./.32 N O O 2011 ;~ 3!011S 331019 Y 987,9 977.6 -10 y GS 12 0;34 3j~ 0~053 0,171 Q.673 I./,32 N 0 0 EASEllENT: LOCel 2009 I 331019 331020 Y 98.3.1 976.~, 7. Y GS 12 0.3~ /,26 0.000 0.000 0.673 1./.32. N 0 0 2009 2 331020 331021 Y 989.9 97/,.8 15 Y GS 12 0.3~, ~,26 0.0(30 0.000 0,673 1./.332 N 0 0 ~009 33 31021 31022 y 1000.0 9r3.33 27 Y GS 12 0.3~ /*26 O.OeO 0.000 0,673 i ./*:32 N Q BEECN AVE: LOCal 2067 I 3310Z2 331038 Y 995.9 972.1 2/* Y GS 18 0.34 320 0,015 0.05/* 3.60T LZZ2 N 0 0 ~007 2 331038 3310339 Y 992.1 970.6 22 Y GS 18 0.3/, 3321 0,015 0.05/* 33,607 /*.222 N 0 0 ~(X)7 ) 310)9 3310/.0 Y 965.8 969,1, 16 Y GS 18 0.3/, 320 6,015 0.05/* ).607 4.22;~ N 0 0 ZOO7 /, 310~0 3310/.1 y 981.5 968.33 133 Y GS 18 6.3/, 316 0,015 0.05/* 3,607 L7.~'2 N 0 0 BEECN AVE: LOCal 2006 I 3310/.1 3310/,2 Y 976.1 967.2 I1 Y GS 18 O.~r, 390 0.032 0.109 ).607 L222 N O ~ 2 3310~,2 3310933 T 973.9 965.8 8 Y GS 18 O.)/, 396 0.0332 0.109 3.607 ~,.2ZZ N O O BEECH AVE: Ibster PLan 2005 1 33109) 31094 Y 970.6 96&.) 6 y GS )3 Q./,O 133 2.259 5.2/*9 19.697 21.058 N 0 0 CYPRESS AVE.: Halter Plan 2110 1 27065 27167 y 1117.0 11(X.2 133 N GS 2z, 0.80 15 3.688 8.197 11.915 133.9/.8 N 0 Q MOTES: (13 CALCULATrd) U$11iG FLOM GENEllAT]Qil FILE G:\SMUEOEL\FL(XdS\STDr~N.OBF (23 LOCAlION OF FACILITY AND CLASSIFICATION IS ALSO PRESENTED ABOVE LISTING OF 8F. ACII DATA (33) lilYtilT AT TIlE CENTEItLINE OF THE NANIKXE. IN THE ABSENSE OF C~NTERLIHE DATA VALUE Is ESTIIIAIED PRCI4 AVAILABLE DATA. (/*) ,eGS, · CdIAVITY SEtEl, NFNm · FOI~ Male, ·iSn j INV~RTF. D SIPIIGi .... .,.. o :z II DI III ... u ~ ~ i o ~ ac % ~ .... ... o '" ~ 3 c .... >- ... '" co N 0. .... 0. - .... .... o - - o :z '" >- ~ C :z C '" ~ ~ .... '" g: - % >- ::a x ... .... '" ~ '" ... . >- ~ c o ... .... u C ... ~ z c ... ... co '" ~ o ... >- ~ ... ~ z C C ac C co ... en ... % U C ... ac o ~ co z c >- '" ... ;:) en ... .... .... ... .... co ..... Co2 ... ac ... ~ ~ .... ... 8 ~ ~ >- ~ >- ... ..... ... ::: s ~ ~ >- >- u C ... C U :z ... Co2 S '" x ... ..... co ... ~ S W :II: ... ..... ... - ~ ~ .... ... ~ S C :II: ..... % >- ... Co2 ... Z .... W ..... .... W ~ ;c ~ ..... '" ... c z co W .... ... ..., ~ ..... >- W ... ... >- ... '" z .... >C ~ W ..... % >- ... ... >- W ... co ..... w ~ o z z ~ ~ w '" >- en ~ .... >- "" : > = > ... .... :z ~ ..... w > .... x w .... .... .... 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N,.,....... ....., ...., 'WI """" lit '" .... i Page NO. 56 03/19/92 DETAIL OF HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS FOR SEMEN NODEL NO. 11 ALT-B SYSTEN WITH 1995 FLO~S REFERENCE $UPSTREAN P, ANV~i.E J PIPE I FLO~( 1 ) CAPAC I TY SU6STANDARD REACHES SUB RANYd(X.E I RIN INVERT I I TOO DIA. TO DIA. TO NO.(Z) NO. UP Og I(Y/N) (FT) (fT) (FT) I (Y/N) (4) (IN) (~C) (LF) I (HGO) CNGO) (HGD) (HGO) (T/N) (LF) (LF) (IN) (IN) ) ' , . , 2101 Z 33011 33012 Y 1037./, 10;'3.9 1(. 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ELEV()) DEPTHI EXIST TYPE DIA SLOPE LENGTHI AVG PEAJC J OESICa FULL J FLAT? ~AJtG. DEF. PARALLEL axEPLACE m).(Z)NO. UP OU ICYlid) (Fr) (FT) (FT) I(Y/aN) (6)(inN)iX) (LF)I (aGO) (aGO) I (aGO) CNGD) iCY/aN) (LF) (LF) (lax) (inN) 210T /, 33001 3)002 v SO76.& 1067.0 9 , GS 27 1.3~ 395 ).4J5 3.502 20.953 2&.528 · o 0 2107 S ))002 33003 lr 1071.1 1061.6 9 0 GS 27 1.29 395 1.~ 3.582 ZO.Zl~ 2~.268 aN 0 0 CYPRES~ AV!: Nestor Pie 2105 1 53~03 3)QOG Y 1065.9 1056.& 9 N GS 27 1.2& 395 1.520 3.677 20.3O9 23.77/, U O O 2105 2 ~3ee& ~ v !060.0 1051.& 9 aN GS 27 1.11 395 1.528 3.677 19.215 22.&93 aN 0 O 2105 3 33005 ~ Y 19'~.3 loG7.O 9 U IS 21 1.12 312 i.520 3.677 10.301 22.59& x O 0 2~es /, 33006 __~e___7 Y t052~7 !O&).6 9 , GS 27 3~20 323 1,520 3,677 33,020 38,665 i O O ClrPIEU A~: Nestor Plm Zig I 3H67 ))Ode T lOG9.& $03~.T 17 N H 2T 0.53 390 1.570 3.770 13.277 15.542 U 0 0 216~ 2 W 33069 T 10&5.4 10)O.S 15 II G$ 27 0.52 395 1.570 ).770 15':151 15.395 I 0 0 2103 3 33009 3,1010 v 1063.1 1028.3 15 0 GS 27 0.53 305 1.570 3.770 13.277 15.542 If O O CYPiE~ A~: Iketor Plan riot I 33010 33011 V 1060.6 10~6.2 14 aN GS 27 0.55 395 1.612 3.859 13.5~5 15.633 0 O O Z!M 2 31011 3301Z Y 1O3T.& 10~.9 l& 0 GS 2T 0.52 395 1.612 1.059 13.151 15.)95 e 0 ilia 3 31112 33013 Y 10)6.7 16~1.T 15 n GS 27 0.52 :395 1.612 3.059 1).!51 15.)P$ u 0 O 2101 /, 3300 33016 '1 1032.2 1019.6 13 0 IS 27 1.70 267 1.612 3,059 23.779 2T.&I6 I 0 O 2101 S 33014, :l~ ~' 1030,8 1015,0 16 0 GS 27 7,22 tl 1,612 3,859 &9,005 57,366 If 0 0 m Aki: nmtor lM I ~ 32203 v 1030.6 1010.6 20 T IS )) Q.aa )ti 1.796 &.2~O 21.577 25.258 X 0 0 M Z 3Z243 32296 y 1028./, 1009.0 19 Y GS 33 O.&8 ~ !.7~6 &.260 21.577 25.258 aN 0 0 IM 3 ~ 322M · 10~.5 1007.3 19 T GS 33 1.00 312 1.796 4.~0 31.166 56.45T I 0 O aDdS & 3~65 5d~06 T 10Z3.5 1006.0 19 Y GS H 1.00 :5~4 1.T;6 &.~d 31.166:56.65T II O 0 aUIUPA MS Niltar ZOt3 1 ~ 52Z07 Y 1022.0 1000.7 21 y IS 33 0.a& 50 1.6~1 &.313 20.658 2&.183 II 0 0 101ESz (I) CN.CULATED UIIIG FL(X~ GEE. IAIlQIi FILE G:%aLXFLOMS\STI)GEII.DIF (25 allQII OF FACILITY All GASSIFICATIQi IS ALSO PIEHEaTED AIM LISTIIIG OF IEACI DATA (15 IMll AT Iaf C~IIEILIIE OF THE IMIII~E. InN laNE AISEISE OF (:EIIIEILIaNE DATA VAUJE'i$ ESTINATED Flgl AVAILAILE DATA. (6) "GIF" · GIAVITy a, EFIP · FOICE NAIls raise · IIVEIIIED SIPaNOII 8 ~~"'~~"'~"'~~'~~~/'~>7 : ., I ~.~.: i ~( '<'. j rc 4)l · ", ,I 'lL" ,,'cL i~ ~\.);r ,.vL '[ ,(,. '''::::.'t''.i ~.~.... ~ ' i' '\ I ,. ......... '; . ". :' ",. ,n... -. ........ ,.',r' ......... ~;'.>T I,! i_.om pi "'..'-J"'~ f" ."., L..,'TIL-t1ilI1 _~::*ij L:,:~l,.' \ 8 ;11J c~~, i;, 'i :,! ' r Y\J'- ;...ff, i "",~ . ,; ~~- C'J, , I'l' jl".ll.... . ~ ?-t;j';:,,<lJ. :;t= -"ll'.; jf>,,:, ,"I!~ , 'If' ;A~' ~.i/' i ~\;t('.JI . ..... I., .<::?~.~ "2': "". t' ~H: '~;~;L ""~. ". . "il'ii.. nf~jU, ~!, .' lott :,...~" ~,.;~,,<<( " ~iL ..,;' ..~ ""l' ]~n;/'~': "..y~~, "{;2l '~1!!J J;::~. HJIi~Qll' :~ '!' I. 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'. .......-".........-...-.-.-....-.. -.,...-- . - . - . - . - . -. -. - . -.- . . RIVERSIIlE ClIUNTY o 5000' " , ... I.'. ":,~. .r ii; " ;.:" ,.::.::::::~; '., "L ..j> t ! ,i ., " lilT '. ,. : .:L T ," ":':~ ... ..;r{ ... ....,.. , .~;:, .;;: ..... l\.u ,:iT:;; . :1' ....: ',. .' . ",; ... . " : ... ....",~ ~.. .......... iX. . .- LEGEND CITY OF f'OlIT_ SEWER WASTER PlAN UPDATE _ . _ . _ SlUDY BOUNDARY ", 'ab~4 ... j ~nON OF SlUDY AREA lRIBUTARY TO RP-4 ~~'""'"~ m WASTEWA1[R lREAlVENT PLAHT ALTERNATIVE PLAN ALT - It. I'lGUlll: I - I O ~64 W Hospitality Lane, ~l 7i4-888 1401 Tel PO Box 8124 714-885-4638 Fax S86-O~5,O25 San Bernardtoo, CA 92412 8124 RECEIVED June 2, 1992 _ ~ C['I'Y ENGINErR'S OFFICE Mr. Bob Weddie, City Engineer CITY OF FONTANA P.O. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92335 DOWNSIZING OF THE CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER This is to document the data reviewed with you at our May 8, 1992 meeting justifying the downsizing of the Cypress .Avenue Sewer. Attached are hydraulic analysis tables showing the flows projected by our draft Sewer Master Plan within each reach of the subject sewer from development in 1995 and at ultimate (General Plan). The location of these reaches are shown in Exhibit 1. The significant decrease in flows in the ultimate condition reflects the diversion of flows west to the new Fontaria Plant. The downsizing can not be recommended unless it is assumed the City will build the Fontana !Plant with a service area as shown in Figure I-1. As we discussed, these flow projections reflect an optimistic growth pattern developed as part of the North Fontana Infrastructure Study but not realized in today's development slow down. Don Owen's revised absorption schedule has not yet been prepared, so we have proceeded using these projections per your direction. The recommended sizes, given the above assumptions, are as follows: Cypress Avenue Sewer San Bernardino Avenue to Valley Blvd. (2301-2303) 21" Valley BIrd. to 1-10 Freeway (portion of 2109) 24" S86-025.025 Mr. Bob Weddle June 2,1992 Page 2 (Cont.) 1-10 Freeway to Slover Avenue Avenue (portions of 2109 & 2107) 27" Slover Avenue to Santa Aria Avenue (portion of 2107 & 2105) 24" Santa Ana Avenue to 327 feet N/O Jurupa Avenue (2103 & portion of 2101) 27" 327 feet N/O Jurupa to Jurupa Avenue (portion of 2101) 24" If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to call. Principal Engineer /cif Attachment cc: Gene Diepholz NB~,~OWRY ..... City of Fontana !CALIFORNIA Nr. Eugene L. Dtepholz, P.E. Vice President NBS/Lowry 164 W. Hospitality Lane, No. 1 San Bernardino, CA 92412 SUBOECT: Cypress Avenue Sewer RE: Extra Work (071-7251) Dear Nr. Dtepholz: Please find enclosed your Nay 15, 1992 correspondence on the extra work request for the sewer pipe sizing s;tudy. Pursuant to a telephone conversation with Bruce Lyons of your office, Nr. Owens' study will not be done for sometlmel therefore, Hr. Lyons will provide you with the direction to drop only one pipe stze In the bid documents for an alternate bid. Should Hr. Owens' study, when complete, indicate that there is a need for further restudy wtth respect to pipe size, It can be done up to the time the contractor actually orders the pipe. Staff's direction ts to get this iprodect out to bid at the earliest possible date. Should your firm still require an extra work authorization for this much reduced work, please send the appropriate forms along with the commensurate reduction tn NBS/Lowry's permit processing scope as we discussed last week. The overall project fees have, to staff's understanding, sufficient flexibility due to the work City staff did on the permit procuremerit process. 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA Mr. Eugene L. Di jol z May 20, 1992 Page Two Please contact the undersigned should you have any questions. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division , ~ -~~ Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer RWW:sh Enclosure cc: Principal Engineer/Capital Improvements NB~OWRY ~,~,,~88& ,.~,~8 ]64W. Hos~ih~lilyLene.~l 714-888-1401¥ P O Box 8124 714.885 4638 Fax San 8ernardino, CA 924i2.8124 F1ECEIVED S86-025.025 8 1992 May 15, 1992 CITY ENGINEER'S OFF!CE Mr. Robert W. Weddie, P.E. City Engineer CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue · Fontana, CA 92335 EXTRA WORK AUTHORIZATION CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER Transmitted with this letter is a proposed Extra Work Authorization to study sizing requirements of the Cypress Avenue Sewer. If you concur with this authorization, please return one signed copy to us and we will proceed with the work. Thank you, Vice President gmb ~ WRY EXTRA WORK AUTHORIZATION CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Date: 5/15/92 Client: City of Fontana Project: Cypress Avenue Sewer Line Client Address: NBS/L Job #: S86-025. 025 Client Job #: SUBJECT: EXTRA WORK AUTHORIZATION - FLOW PRO,TECTION & RESIZE Pursuant to our ~rneN; -diaeusstort; telephone conversation) on ') /7 / q ') this Is to confirm authorization for NBS /laNry to perform the following extra work on the above named project: Scope of extra work: Project flows tributary to the Cypress Avenue Sewer for the year 1995 based on a revised absorption schedule to be provided by Don Owen. It is our understanding that Don will provide this information by 5/18/92 at no additional cost, but is part of work he is currently doing for the City. Sizing of the Cypress Line will be reviewed in light of these new projected flows, downsizing wherever possible. We understand projected depths of flow of 90% of the pipes diameter is permissible for this one case. Attach additional Sheets if neceuary. (Continued on otMr lide) NBS/l ~14 Rev. 01/e2 'SHE.eT _ OF _ .... i P5l... c (tyl QJL -- LA '~ " (!J 7 /.. 7:Z r/- / /0 0 bv LV AJ"", --;j ,y; uJr- S9iJ-' IS-II .[/ 2- 76 /D J2.-lr-9L ;::}) ..... _ i.r r."''' rl n ~ ~~ , r r~~ "'0,.5(0. us.s...l /.A IA_~... 0 h ~~ h"'- fl. A.. t2... .It.. ~ 71 ... 1 11. I" ~ . D J L;" 16- -:-J' . ti..c- _r / e- ~ L-~-J. P ~J..D ,.0 D / A.., p~ " ~ ~- LJ - -' ~ -,(J. V. J. 11 WI8-C'" r<:: L L~ / --n...:..A f:.-'"l.: -' f) ~ 2' ~' C/ J#1f1. . I - v OISTAIIUTIOI\l. 1 "Ol_t MeNII' 2. eo..trector', lII.......,.t.t.... J. ........" "01" .........t.t.... .. ',II .......,.,... ,- "., -~ STATUS REPORT Dlt. /..2-/~-?Z-- Tim. /-'.:30 (I~pm) Individual rd~'/ '.4~.....-..(, ~,(I\I IYJ..S 7 Organllltion 11 tf' ~ ,~~4- Bv tV4:1"A;- ~~--- / PrOJect No. O? /~? 2S-/-//c:::lc) Project Titte ~~LJ,.e~~ \-€~.... ~ ~~~ Title P~'IVa.M 4 (ri:1l~ o/~ ~ AJ/a ~rv.{14 Phone No. ( ) Subject ITEMS OISCUSSEO co....aNn 011I ACTION lIIaQUIIIIID . w...,.'_ ,_ ~7 ~ RECORD OF TELEPHO'R'~ CONVERSATION CITY OF FONTANA o,.. z,-,~-~-~"'.'~ :r::: R$I-Pg06 RECORD OF TELEPHC~c CONVERSATION CITY OF FONTANA ~ob ,,,o. d~ 2/- ~ ~//~_ ~~ -?~ ~ Commentl or Action I:lequirH RST-P~06 2/~n C of Fontana LIFORNIA October 26~ 1,992 Mr. Roger Schwarz Kenko, Inc. dba McGrand & Associates 1025 Calimesa Boulevard, Suite,#4 Calimesa, CA 92320 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Construction Project on Cypress Avenue Between Jurupa Avenue and San Bernardino Avenue Dear Mr. Schwarz: The City has reviewed your shop drawing submittal for shoring and is approved to be used according to labor code sections 6500 and 6502 and in full compliance with'the Division of Occupation Safety and Health requirements. You will be required to submit a renewed Annual Excavation Permit from State of California Department of Industrial Relations before the expiration of the current permit on December 31, 1992. Please contact John Tesley at (714) 350-6642 or the undersigned, at (714) 350-6645, if you need anyiadditional information. Sincerely, COM14UNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Y~?~P~tanwala Associate Engineer/Special Projects Enclosure 8353 SIERRA AVENUE(P.O. BOX 518) · F~NTANA, CALIFORNIA92334"0618 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ,. Marcell & Assor',qtes P.O. BOx ~71 ' %k~ (714) 924-5425 Banning, Ga..c~:~) SHORING PLAN BORE AND JACKING PITS TRENCH & MANHOLE SHIELDS City of Fontana, CA. CYPRESS AVENUE SANITARY SEWER October 1,0, 1992 Prepared for: ~,r,~,~)v[-.[) t,'}~ r~' ,[~'~tj{"'l:i','- Kenko Cont~a~ors, Inc, P.O. BOx 831 Calimesa, Ca. 92320 SURVEYING * CIVIL ENGINEERING * SOILS Marcell & Assoch tes P.O. Box 371 (714) 924-5425 Banning, Ca. 92220 October 10, 1992 Mr. Roger Schwarz Kenko Contractors, Inc. P.O. Box 831 Calimesa, Ca. 92320 RE: Shoring Plans City of Fontana Cyress Avenue Sewer W,O. 9216 Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith is the engineered shoring system plan for the above project. These plans and calculations should be submitted to the City of Fontana as required. The attached sheets show plans for trench shields, manhole shields, special utility shields and plates, end plate details, hydraulic shoring; and bore and jacking pit plans. SCOPE: The project consists of 10,550 feet of sewer pipe ranging in size from 24 - inch to 30 - inch and a 54 inch bore under Interstate "10". The deepest depth of excavation expected to be 24 foot in the bore pit and 22 feet in the trench section. The following plans and reports have been used as reference: 1. Project plans prepared by NBS/Lowry and project specifications. 2. Subsurface Soils Investigation by CHJ date May 29, 1992. 3. CAL OSHA Guidelines and Title 8 California Administrative Code. '~I'P~,'C~Vf.D ~'0~ ~'~ ' · ~, ..,.. , SURVEYING * CIVI~. ENGINEERING * SOILS Marcell & Assoc,,, es v October 10, 1992 Shodng Plan for CIty of Fontana Cyress Avenue Sanitary Sewer Page 2 Based on our review of the soils report the shoring system has been designed for a active lateral pressure of 35 pounds per square foot and should be classified as a "Type B soil" per cal OSHA guidelines and the trench box tabulated data sheets. The shoring system for special utility crossings is based on a worse case soil condition "Type C soil". The design and recommendations presented :in this plan are based on the available plans and reports for this project. The firm's opinions and recommendations are based on our experience with similar projects and our professional judgemerit in accordance with general engineering practices. Should soils conditions be encountered different than those presented in the soils report or other underground problems discovered, this office should been contacted for analysis and alternative designs as necessary. This plan is prepared for the exclusive use of Kenko Co. ntractors, Inc. on this project. No warranty is expressed or implied. This plan is subject to review and approval by!the controlling governmental body. Should you have questions about the shoring iplan, kindly call. SURVEYING * CIVIL'ENGINEERING * SOILS /C~e'~\ELD\ 2' 1 / /%~~iX ' '~" GME LD 824 S.N. 02044 _ _ SEE NOTE ~ASE SHIELD GME LD 824 8' HIGH 24' LONG ~ ~OM S,N. 8~4 A _ OF SH ELD ~,_ 2' ~AX~ EXCAVATE TD MAXIMU ~I~TH TRENCH PER PRDJECT SPECIFICATIDNS. SCALE' ~ NDTD 1, ALL ~DRK PER CAL DSHA REGULATIONS 2. HYDRAULIC SHORES MAY BE USED IN LIEU DF SHIELDS. 3. USE 1' THICK END PLATE (SEE SHEET 4 FOR DETAILS) TRENCH SHIELDS FOR: KENK0, INC. SHORING PLAN 1 P.O. Box 831 Carlmesa, Ca. 92320 CITY OF FONTANA oF 6 BY: MARCELL & A880G1ATE8 CYPRESS AVENUE P.O. Box ,571 SANITARY SEWER lo/lo/92 Banning, Ca. 92220 4 (714) 924-5 25 DATE: '//SPOIL\\ 2' X'*" MIN. / , 'J ',~* ]~" PILE"~ "~~ I~M' EXTENSZDN SHZELD ; IN. - sEE NOTE . S,N, 10~6 R OlGJ ~ ' HIGH, ~6' LDNG i OF SHIELD MANHBLE SCALE: NDTD 1. SHIELDS MAY ~E USE~ IN EITHER ~CDMBINATIDN. 8. ALL WDRK PER CAL DSHA REGULATIDNS. 3. USE 1' THICK STEEL END PLATE AT END IF TRENCH MANHOLE SHIELDS SHEET FoR: KENKO, INC. SHORING PLAN 2 P,O. Box 831 Colimesa, Co. 92.%20 CITf OF FONTANA OF 6 BY: MARCELL & ASSOCIATES CYPRESS AVENUE SHEETS P.O. Box 371 SANITARY SEWER / / / / / / / / :,'!vEi) fOR UTILI~ PIPE Or CABLES , ~ /~(' WIDE x 20' HIGH ~ ~ ~ f' STEEL P~TES ON ~CH ' 1) ~, SIDE OF UTILI~ x ~~%N~ BOX ER SHORING P~N P~TES AS '~ z REQUIRED , 2 / M~HOD: / ~ 1. EXCAVATE TRENCH / ~ 2. PULL TRENCH BOX 5 ~ 3. S~ (4) STEEL P~TES ~/ X~ 4. BACKFILL TO HOLD P~TES ~ ~ - 5.-ALLOW WORKMEN IN TRENCH PER SHE~ 1, TOP OF BOX ~ 10' (20' MAX. DEPTH) CHECK P~TES FOR ~PE "~' SOIL CONDITION W=60 ~.S.F, D~E TO LOOSE BACK ILL OR WATER F =~'g~? = ~a.o ~s~ < 36.o ~s~ SPECIAL UTILITY SHIELD & PLATES FOR: KENKO, INC. SHORING PLAN . 3 P.O. Box 831 Calimesa, Ca. 92320 CITY OF FONTANA oF 6 BY: MARCELL & A880CIATE8 CYPRESS AVENUE P.O. Box 371 SANITARY SEWER DATE: 'd~Fi~OVED FOR JAIED/~/~/q2 pr/~N~T~A'., f_ __GROUND ,x~ ) ~ SECURE 1" THICK PLATE WITH TWO 5/8" CABLES & SHACKLES @ EACH END OF INVERT GRADE----~, TRENCH BOX SPREADER. END PLATE DETAIL NO SCAL'E FOR: KENKO, INC SHORING PLAN sHE~ P.O. Box 831 Calimeso, Co. 92S20 CITY OF FONTANA oF 6 BY: MARCELL & A880CIATE8 CYPRESS AVENUE SHEDS P.O. Box .371 SANITARY SEWER Banning, C~. 92220 lo/lo/92 (71 ~) 924-5425 DATE: / SPOIL \ MIN. 'Z- ' '~.~" ' ' /' 1 ,-~,~- THREE SPEED SHORES ~ 5' LDNG, 7' NdlDE , 'h ~ MDDEL ~ V5112 7' LDNG, 7' WIDE MDDEL ~ V7118 .~.:~,..~ ' L~ ~ ~ 2'MIN'~ COMPACTED BACKFIL PIPE ZONE ~~.:% SCALE: NOTE, 1"=10' 1. PLACE SHORES 4'-6' O/C 8. FOUR FOOT ~IDE PLY~DDD SHEETING (11/8' THICK) IS REQUIRED AT EACH VERTICAL SHORE IF RAVOLING DR SLDUGHING DF THE FACE DF THE EXCAVATION APPEARS LIKELY TD OCCUR. . USE LADDER BETWEEN SHORES FOR ACCESS 4. SOIL TECHNICAN SHALL STAY BET~E;EN SHORES AT ALL TIM 5. FOLLD~ MANUFACTURE'S TABULATED DATA AND INSTRUCTION FOR USE. 6. NO H~ MACHINERY SHALL BE WITHIN 25' OF THE SHORES. STACKED HYDRAULIC SHORING r C~ FOR SOiL COMPACTION TEST FOR: KENKO, INC. SHORING P.O. Box 8~1 c. Hm~s.. ce. 92~2o CI~ OF FONTANA o~ 6 BY: MARCELL ~ ASB~IA~8 CYPRESS AVENUE SHEBS P.O. Box ~71 SANITARY SEWER Benning. Ce. 92220 lo/~o/92 (714) 924-5425 DATE: : "" 4 x 12 TIMBERS WF 8 x 31 WALER BEAMS-------~"L'/O SURFACE 1 TWO 8'x2 ' ' TWO 8 x20 S BORE .,~,~Z.'nk,,~¢.~ 54" STEEL CASING MACHINE LONGITUDINAL VI~ NOTES, 1" = 10' L ALL ~QRK PER CAL QSHA REGULATIBNS BORE & JACKING PIT P~ '~'~ FoR: KENKO, INC SHORING P~N P.O. Box C~nmese. Ce. 92520CI~ OF FONTANA o~6 BY: MARC~LL ~ A~IA~8 CYPRESS AVENUE P.O. Box ~71 SANITARY SEWER Benning, Ca. 92220 ~o/~0/92 (7~ 4) 924-5425 DATE: KENKO~ C::C>>N-r..A.4CTC>>Fla po.e Of nee So. '3' CaJ/mfl", c.lIl"mJ,. '~3S" (7'4) 7'6-.6" - F.. (711) 7'6-"'" TAENcH SHElD DATA ~t I OM! LD 824 I I aslAL No.t I 824A MAXIMUM LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE CAflACITY 1000 PSF TRENCH SHIELD SIZE: HEIGHT I 8' I LENGTH I 24' 1.) A1\N1{ AOOVE ror OF SInEW ro BE tAm BACK ^CCOROItal ro ostIA RmULl\Tt<<HJ (SER IJEL(M). 2.) AOOITI(HU, SlIlELOO H1\T BE m1\CKED HI111 m I'fH\LTf IN DEPftI OF cur. J.) IT IS ADVISED ro VERtFY A~ oons t'RESSUR.HS l'RIOR TO USE. 11m t'RESSUR.HS ~ tooR INDIVIWM. I'ROJECI' Hl\T DB tDR OR LESS nM 11m TMJLB ro 11m RIQll'. -1.) USE nns I'ROI:ln OOLT IN A~ HI111 Al'l'tICJ\JJl..E FElJERM,p Sl'ATE OR LOCl\L LI\HS. 5.) ^ ~ ()F.f9M SlDJr.D H1\RE FR~ ~l>&:rIOOS OF SlIIEfn. I\J.L D1\HnGE SlWL BE P.Vl\t.tJl\TED 1\ND REPIURS HADE tHJER 11m bIREcrl(lf OF A RmISTmm PROFESSIml\L R<<;INEP.R. SLOPE ACCORDING TO OSHA REGUtA1lONS 1'-&" UIIIj ~. M~:.~~~D~ :::~~ATe9 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TRENCH SHIELO OEPTH PER SOIL TYPE ---;--- (0 TYPE A TYPE B TYPE c 40' 22.22' 16.66' S11fT, COHESIVE MEDIUM son COHESIVE SOILS: ClAY COHESIVE to TO SUBMERGED SftJY ClAY, cLAy GRANUlAR SOIlS SOIlS: ClAY, SAND SANDY ClAY, ANGUlAR GRAVEL OR GRAVEl. THAT ClAY lOAM, SR.r, S1lt lOAM IS UNSTABlE. EO. nUlO SAND lOAM. EO. num PRESSURE=25PSr EO. nOlO PRESSURE=60Psr PER n. or DEPm PRESSURE=45Psr PER n. or OEPrn PER n. or OEPm ~ MAXIMtIM lATERAl, EART!! PRESSURE CAPACITY 1ooo psr TRENCH SillEL!) SIZE: lIE!GIlT[ : s. ILE 4{;Tlll 24' I MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TRENCII SHIELD OEPII! PER SOIL TYPE (O) I. } ~/MINt ~ix~l" OF ,SIIfEI,D '!~ lIB I~ID BaCK ^CO:mD[l~ TO USIla RBllLaTI(!e TYPE A TYPE B TYPE C (SEt BEI,ISNI. 40' 22.22' 16.66' 2. ) ADDITIOItU, 911Eli6 t~Y Bt ~'I'ACE]~ SIW'Ir, COIESIVE UEDIIAI SO{q' C~[SIV[ WITI! NO PBI'iRI,TY IN DE!q'I! OF CUT, SOILS: L'1AY COfiESIVE 10 fO 51JBMER(;ED SiLlY CLAY, CLAY GRANUIAq SOJt. S SOILS: CLAY, SAHO 3. ) IT IS A!:W'ISPJ~ '11:) VIZ~IFt" ~ ~OIL8 SN'II}Y CLAY, ~ GRA'VEL OR Gl~a. YLq. 1lIAr PRESSt,'!~ Iq11011 TO L~5~. TIIB ~ CLAY LOAM, SILT, SILT LOAM IS UNSTABLE. orl m INDIVIIXDtl, PIIOJEL~ rot* D!~ ~ EQ. t'!.UIO SAND LOAM. EQ. fLUID OR LESS 'rllAH '111~ TAII!~ 'IX:) 'Zl!~ Rl'Glrr, PRESSURE=25PSF' IrQ. FLUID PRESSUR£=6OPSr PER IT. OF DE:PIll PRESSURE:=45PSF PER IT. OF DEPII! 4. ) USE TIllS !~ ONI,T IN AL'~r'O!t!~ PER IT. OF DEPIH W[TI! APP~IP_.AHIJ~ F!~,, STA'FB Oil 5. ) A ~ PP. RS{~I SlKX/LD HAKB DAt!lll SIIAII, I!11 EVA!IMTED AHD R!~AII~ HADE ~ TI~ DII~L=CF!a~i OF A SLOPE ACCORDING TO OSIIA REGULATIONS 1'-6" Um .., C TRENCH 9HIELD DATA KENKO '0"' ' CONTRACTORS I 1016 - & I I~ost Offi~.e ~of e31 Clllmese. Callfore 9~320 (~14) 79~-~ee8 - rsx (rt4) r~5-~84o > MAXIMUM LATERAL ~AR'!'I! PRESSURE CAPACITY e~ ~ TRBNCII SiIIELD Sl~B: I[g!G!ITi 1o'-o- ILEHGTHI ~6,-O' MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TRENCH SHIELD DEPIH PER SOIL ~PE (D) ~ a~tm ~ ~B R~ATI~ ~PE A ~PE B ~PE C (SEE ~). 32,~' 18,~' 13,~' W!~! ~ P~ IN ~Vtll O~ ~. SOTS: ~Y C~S~ TO TO ~RCED ~ C~Y, C~Y C~ SOES SOTS: ~Y, ~ ~l~ ~ ~. ~ ~ C~Y LOAM, S[T, S[T L0~ IS m m 1~lvl~ ~ mT ~ ~ EQ. RUID ~ LO~. EQ. ~UID OR i,~ ~ 11m T~I ~ ~ RI~. PRESSURE=25PSF EQ. ~UID PRESS~E=6OPSF ~ER ft. 0F DEP~I PRESSURE=45PSF PER ft. 0F DEP~I 4. ) t~R ~l[S ~ ~,~ IN A~ PER fl. 0F DEP~ ~R ~iT~H ~ DI~[~ OF A SLOPE ACCORDINO TO ,,~;, OSHA REGULAtiONS ~.-r umN1-~ ; ~ z OF 2309~ ' MARCELL ~ A99OCIA~9 '~ ) ~~ Development (:on~ii~;' - ~,- , o-q~ · TRENCH 8HIELD DATA KENK "' ' '0"' o ,-,-,- ,., ,, .= -,- o ,., ,,""'A'-"o.I,,-, Cmmllmm, ss, Cml,lfot-n. ls (714) 796-,~888 - rex' (?'t4) MAXIMUM I..A'rF, I~AL F, AR'I'!i PRESSUR!~ CAPACITY e2o PsF 'rRF. Ncn SUmEL, smT. F.: ImF. mUT[ m.-o- ILBH~Tn[ x~.-O- 'MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TRENCH SHIELD DEPIH PER S01L IYPE (D) I. ) R/%NK A!]OVP. q~P OF .%q!IF:L,D 1~ !IR l.~lO rmJteK/~t.'t.'ullD!m 'IT) OBim RB:A~ATI(:A~ TYPE A TYPE B TYPE C 32.80' 18,22' 13,66' 2. ) nfll}lTION~, SI!I[EI,lJ~J mY ~e .%'I'A, CKm $flFr, C0tIESNE MEDIUM SOFT C0tFESNE H!lll N~ PB, I/U.Tlr IN DElqll OF LII~. SOILS: CLAY C011ESIVE 10 1'0 SUBMEROED SILlY CLAY, CLAY CRANULAR SOILS SOILS: CLAY, SN, ID 3, ) ~T ~S ^I~I SRI} lX) VEqt~FT ^~!l~A~, S()~ SANDY CLAY, AFIGUUMt GRAVEL OR GRAVEL 111AT PRI~RII~:S t~R[OR ~1~ ~P.. 111P, PREm CLAY LOAM, SILT, SILT LOAM IS UHSTABLE ~ ~ ~rm~vx~x,,~t, 'FI~JECT mr Bf~ ~ EQ. FLUID SAND LOAM. EQ. FLUff} OR l.I~3 qllN~ 111R TADIJ~ ~ 111E. n[~!~. PRESSURE=25PSF EQ. FLUID PRESSURE=6OPSF PER FT. OF DEP111 PRESSURE=45PSF PER FT. OF DEPII! 4, ) traP, 'rills ~ Offi,V IN ACCoRl~dq~!l PER FT. OF DEPTH Hrlll APIq. I('LR. BI.P. F~!~, .~I'ATB OR ~. ) A f~E'II~N'I' !'BR~OI'I ,'~IIQUI,O HAKP, FR~ lt,~!,ErrVo!'B OF 51nl~',l). I~RHN~F, Sll~l,l, 11~ F:VAI~ATI~I) Nil) HAI)!~ tl~q)l~R q11e DIREL'I'!CWt OIT A RF~,,[b-r~,ld~l:) !I~JF~[(W~AI, SLOPE ACCORDING TO OSt{~ REGULA11ONS ' ' ~ N0. 23099 MARCELL ~ ABBOCIATE9 "~;;i~p~;,i"~.~..'ii"~i;' r V TRENCH 9HIEI'~I~DATA KENK O' "' ' .o... , N C CONTRACTORS mn~ALNo.,I '1016 - e I Foal Ofllee BoZ 83l Cellmesa, Callfortl~t (71~) 7~5-~t~llA - Ira~t (71#) MAXIMUM I,A'I'~I{A!, RAI~'I'!! PRBSSURR CAPACITT MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TRENClt SHIELD ~EPTH PER SOIL ~PE (D) I~fiCK A~DIm 1~ ~!A R~A'r[~ ~PE A ~PE B ffPE C (S~ ~m). 32,80' 18.~' 13,~' 2. ) A!~!T!~A!, ~11~ mT n~ ~l'h~m :StiFF, C011E5~ MEDIUM S0R COllES~ HI~! ~ I'~I,~ IN !)~i-ill OF ~, ;SOTS: C~Y C01ES~ 10 T0 S~RCED ~S~ C~Y, C~Y C~R SOILS SOTS: C~Y, ~. ) i'r l~ A~[S~ 'lO VmlFT A~!I~AI, ml.l~ gS~Y C~Y, NIG~ !'R~m ml~ q~ me. qllE ~m ;C~Y LOAM, 5~T, S~T L0~ IS UNST~. ~ m ~IV[I~AI, ~ mt DE ~ ~EQ. ~UID S~ L0~. EQ. FLUID OR I,~ '111~ 111E TAI~ 'm ~I~ R~Wr. PRESSURE=25PSF EQ. ~UIO PRESSURE=60PSF PER R. 0F DEP~I PRESSURE=45PSF PER ~. 0F DEP~t 4, ) tree 1111~ !~r ml,v iN A~R~ PER R. OF DEPTH I ~M, I~, R~[~-rr~{~ ~F~I~, ~;IN~. SLOPE ACCORDING TO OSIIA REGULA11ONS MARCI=LL ~ A99OCIATI=:9 Development (~ongultants - r V TRENCH SHEL'~DATA KENK O' ' ' N CONTRACTOR8 IgL=RIALNO"I ]016- V C~llme.s~, Cnllfer~n (71~) 796-~ae8 - r.~t (~'t~) MAXIMUM !,A'rg!~A!, gAl~l'il PRF, SSUR!~ CAPACITY 820 rsF MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE IRENCll SHIELD DEP1H PER SO~L ~PE ~ ~DI~ ~ ~m R~ATI~ HPE A ~PE B HPE C (~ER g~), 32,80' 18,~' 13,~' 2. ) AI~TI~M, ml!~J~ mt BE ~A~m SR~, COIIES~ MEDNM S~ C0llES~ Nlll m P~,~ IN ~Jll OF ~. SO[S: C~Y COtES~ 10 TO SUBMER~D ;S~ C~Y, C~Y C~ S0~S SO[S: C~Y, 3, ) IT I~ A!~!S~) I~ V~l~ A~IIlA!, ~1~ iS~Y C~Y, ~O~ G~L ' OR g~ ~m mE~ 1~ ~E. ql~R !~ ~C~Y LOAM, StT, S~T LO~ IS UNST~. ~ ~m l~Ivl~h ~r mY BE ~ iEQ. ~UID ~ LO~. EQ. FLU~ OR I~ qll ~lE T~m,R 'm qllE Rl~ff. iPRESSURE=25PSF EQ. ~UID PRESS~E=60PSF PER ~. OF DEP~I PRESSURE=45PSF PER ~. OF 4. ) l~E ~l!S I~-i~ ~,T IN ~~ PER ~. OF DEP[H ' TRENCH SHIELD DATA ~ ~'~-' I,o ,~ ,.I KENKO - <=o,-,-,--A<=~-o,e ~="AL"o.'t ,0~,- . l Foge Office .~oz IV31 C~llmegl% Callfo!'nlR MAXIMUM LATERAl, EARTil PRESSURE CAPACITY 8~ ~F 'rR~cu 51IIELD ~IZE: !IEIG!ITI m'-O" $LENGT!![ .AXIMU~ ALLOWABLE TREHCH SHIELD DEP]H PER SOIL ~PE - (V) ~ AL%~l{glm ~ ~m R~nAT[~ ~PE A ~PE B ~PE C (SEE B~). 32,80' 18.~* 13.~' m~! m Pm,~ IN b~i'~l OF ~. SOTS: C~Y COHES~ TO TO S~RGED St~ C~Y, C~Y C~ SO~ 3. ) IT IS n~lSB) 10 V~[. AC~AI. ~[18 SA~Y C~Y, ~) C~L OR F~F~m I~I~ ~ mE. qllR m~ C~Y LOAM, S~T, StT LO~ IS ~ST~. {~ m lm~tvHxmt, ~r m~ ~ m Eq. ~O S~ LO~. EQ. FLUm ~ i~ ql~ ~IE T~E q~ 111E RI~. PRESSURE=25PSF EQ. ~UID PRESSURE=6OPSF PER R. OF DEPHI PRESSURE=45PSF PER ~. ~ DEPHt 4. ) line ql![~ !~r ~,Y IN ~~ PER R. OF DEPIH ~r l~r~I~ OF ~lT~. r ~,i 'fRENCH BHIEL~JOATA KENK ' '0"' ' CONTRACTORe "L=~ALNo.'I 1016- Pos~ Office ~ox 831 Cellmese, Cel~ot~e KIAXIMUX LATERAl, EA!~'i'!! PRESSURE CAPAC!I'~ MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TRENCH SHIELD DEPIH ,PER SOIL ~PE e~ ~ ~ ~m R~TI~ ~PE A ffPE B ~PE C 2. ) Arn}!Tt~. ml~.m mt ~aB ,rA~ Snrr. COIKSK UEDNM S~ COIKSK $~ C~Y, C~Y OR I.~ ~l ~lB l'g~ ~ 11~ Rl~ff. pRESS~E=25PSF EQ. EUID PRESSURE=6OPSF PER ft. OF DEPfll PRESSURE=45PSF PER ft. OF DEPfll rKENKO~ - - - -- C::ONTFlAC::'-OAS r~6f O(n~e B~~ 83. Clll/fJIfl!1lt. Clllll~'-nl1t '2320 (711) 7'~-!~68 - F.~ (711) 7'~-'810 TAENCH SHIELD DATA MoOEl' I 10 X 16 emAL NO.1 I 1016 - G I I MAXIMUM LATERAL EAHTII PRESSURE CAr ACITY 820 PSF TRENCH SHIELD SIZE: HEIGHT I 10' - 0" I LENGTUI 16' - 0" I I.) fl1\NK 1\OOVF. 1'OP OF stnEl.l} 1U OF. L1\ID Melt l\C'cortDlMJ 1U 0011.1\ REI;UlJ\Tlms (SEE IJEIlJH). 2.) ^,JfJITlml\f. SllIElJ~ H1\T DE S1'I\CKED HIll' tv PFJf1\LTY IN 1JEJ1'J1I OF arr. J.) IT IS I\fJVISID 1U VERIFY I\ct'Ul\L rolLS t'RESSIJRES mIOR 1U USE. lllE rRESSURES m m.JR INDIVIOOlU. PROJECT H1\T BE KJRR OR LESS 11M 11m T1\IJLE 'ro 11m RIGlrr. -1.) '~F. nns f'ROl.-.cr ONl.T IN I\C'C'ORDI\NCR H[11' M'PLICI\IJLE FEtJER1\t.. gr1\TE OR l.ocJ\l.. L1\HS. 5.) 1\ C'{fl('F.rFNr PF.RS{ft stnn..o Hl\RB rn~ INSPrefIONS OF SlIlE...). 1\JL 01\H1\GE SlJJ\LI. DE EVI\U.J1\1'F.D I\ND REl'1\lRS H1\fJE tJNOF.R TIfF. DlRreJ'lm OF 1\ RmISTERF.D I'ROFESSl(H\J. ~lNEBR. SLOPE ACCORDING TO OSHA REGULATlONS 1'-6" MI'" ----) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TRENCH SHIELD DEPTH PER SOIL lYrE ----- (0) lYPE A lYPE B lYPE C 32.80' 18.22' 13.66' snrr, COHESIVE MEDIUM son COfIESIVE SOILS: ClAY COf~SIVE TO TO SUBMERGED SR.TY ClAY, CLAY GRANUlAR SOilS SOILS: ClAY. SAND SANDY ClAY, ""GUlAR GRAVEL OR GRAVEL 1m, CLAY lO^M. SR.T, SilT lOAM IS UNSTJl8lE. EO. FlUID smo lONA. EO. flUID rRESSURE=25Psr EO. FlUID PRESSURE=60Psr PER n. or DEPOt PRESSURE=45Psr PER n. or DEPOt rER n. or DEPTtt ~ M~::~~~.D~ ~:::~~tTE9 to -\0 -l\1..- r TRENCH 8H1ELD DATA KENK 0¢"' ' '0"' ' CONTRA(~:TOR$ BEItALNO"I 1016- g Pose Office 9or C~dlmese, C~;lifornle ~0 MAXIMUM LATERAL EAWrH PRESSURE CAPACITY s~o ~ 'tREfOIl S!!I~LD SIZE: HEIG!IT[ 1o'-o- }LE~GT[[[ 16,-O' MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TRENCH SHIELD DEPTH PER SOIL ~PE ~ ~DI~ ~ ~m R~TI~ ~PE A ~PE B ~PE C (SEE fim~). 32.~' 18.~' 13.~' Ht~! ~ P~ IN bEViii OF ~r. so~s: C~Y cO~s~ TO TO S~{ROED StU C~Y, C~Y c~ SOU SOTS: C~Y, 3. ) IT IS A~I~ qU V~l~ ACI~L ~l~ ~Y C~Y, ~O~ C~t OR C~L ~ ~[~ qU ~E. ~m { C~Y LOAM, S~T, SiT LO~ IS ~ST{. ~ I.~ ~l ~m T~l 'm ~{ RIg~. PRESS~E=25PSF EQ. ~U~ PRESSURE=6OPSF PER R. ~ DEPOt PRESSURE=45PSF PER R. 4. ) {~E qlllS R'i' (~l 1N A~ PER H. ~ DEP~{ ~DE {~ qllE D[R~I~ OF A SLOPE ACCORDING TO ~~~ OSHA REGULAIlONS ~,-r Mm.t ~ __ ,~ '" k ~ NO. 23099 rr"; --'~,';;i;p,;,.ni"iF;,;;;;ii;,;i;' - ....... - ~ "'w TRENCH I~IEL~JDATA KENK "' '0"' ' Pose Offine ReX R~I Cnllmesn, Csllfol~n > MAXIMUM LATERAl, EAWI'!I PRESSURE CAPACITY 'rnENcn smELO szz~: n~mnTIm, -o- IL~N~Tnl m, MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TRENCH SHIELD PER SOIL ~PE (D) ~ A~UI~ 1~ ~ R~A'FI~ ~PE A ~PE B ~P~ (SEE m~). 32,~' IB,~' 13,~' 2. ) A;~TI~W, ~![~JR mt nR m'A~ S~, C01~S~ UEO~ S~ C~S~ Hnlt m P~ m ~H ~ ~. S0tS: C~Y S~ C~Y, C~Y 3. ) l'r IS NRIS~ 1~ V~IFT A~!~AL ~IIB S~Y ~Y, T'R~ !~1~ ~ ~e. ~!R ~ C~Y LOAM, 5~T, S~T l~ on I.~ 'n~ ~lR I'Am.E ~ ~m Rl~ff. PRESSURE=25PSr EQ. ~O PRESS~E=6OPSF PER ~. Or DEP~I PRESSURE-45PSF PER 4. ) l~B qll!~ I~-i; ~,~ IN aL~ PER ~. ~ DEPIH H~DR ~ 111R DIR~FI~ OF a SLOPE ACCORDING TO ~~ OStlA REGULAIlONS s'-r urn;-q~, / - - k q~ NO. 23099 ,~MAFtCELL & A99OCIATI=g ~ ,~ ~ I:~. 11-31-13 . "' v TRENCH 9HIEL~ATA· KENK "' '0"' ' PogI Offlee ]8ot 83J CalJmeeR, Cel//'or~t/e e2:1~0 HAXlMUM LA'!'~RA~ RAR'rll PRESSURE ~APACITY e2o m; MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TRENCH SHIELD DEPIH PER SetL ~PE (D) B~ A~DI~ ~ ~R ~ATI~ ~E A ~PE B ~PE C (SEE ~). 32,~' [8.~' 13,~' 2. ) A!~tTlmAl, ~lt~J~ mV OR ~'A~ snrr, C0tlES~ MED~M SOR C01ES~ W[~! ~ P~L~ IN UEi'ill OF ~. S~S: ~Y COIES~ TO TO S~MER~D St~ C~Y, C~Y C~ SOtS SOTS: ~Y, S~ I~ ~[~ qO ~. 111E ~ C~Y LOAM, StT, StT LO~ IS UNST~E. ~ m lm}tVll~ ~ mT ~ ~ EQ. ~ ~ LO~. EQ. rLm oR ~ ~ ~lB ~ 'm ~m R]~. PRESSURE=25PSF EQ. ~UID PRESSURE=6OPSF PER ~. OF DEPfil PRESSURE=45PSF PER ft. OF DEP~I 4. ) tree ~1[~ t~r ~.1 IN h~ PER if, OF DEP~ 5, ) A ~r P~ ~ ~E D~ ~BIJ, ~ ~I~T~ ~ ~ SLOPE ACCORDING TO OSlIA REGULA11ONS ~'-r INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL ' CD '7,. .,:(Z) System In seconds to spotSrace U'anche122--48" 155a-- f21 .g milkin, cki~ ! 14 turn bleed vane oft pump end build dadred ca) wide, Two men Can haf,dte up to 112" 1284.5 cml. To t~eaure On geuVe -- normally 750 to 1,000 pd {52.7 to 703 KG/CM ) minimum, I.stell. position unit. connect bucket putrip hose tO 111811 .:,® ' .® Ertga~e handle on alderall wlth~tenadonlhemovd Tool When desired roelull hal been applied. use Installation/ hook. gasp hmtdhl on of~poslte sidefail with free hind. and Reinoval Tool to disconnect hose from mile henna with fold slm~a to lower it Into trench. hieseft on pump to keep Ind clean, mhd Opsfi bleeder valve. I nltlttetkin Is complete. i.'. "®' , '! I' ·':% ,~} .: ~..., ;. After tiara hal been po~Jtloned vertkallV In trench, fd~m To tee the $tefiderd 8P~ED~IIORE 8ygtem, use the hfmd-hekl fall Sho~l will ,nlold muteerotically. Then lower It Inste~ltlonlRemo~l Tool to defxna tip el male haftden with to desired level In lench. "Popping Action". fetesling pillvia. Their |nseft honk Into heftdie on afH3olltl rail ond fold ,hurl to rln~Ov~ It from trench. PRINTED IN U.,q.A. U. :S. PATENT NO. 3.224.~OI MANUFACTURER'S TABULATED UNDERGROUND SHORING DATA SPECIALISTS k zs.~ E. Co,...do · ~ C~,~ VERTICAL SI.IO!?~,.S MAIN OFFICE (714) 632-2861 RIVERSIDE (7'14) 2740990 ~ I:s, 1991 ~-'.ir rA CAlIfOr-NI".-HEAUH "NO WHfA~e ~(:'l' Georqe De~krneiian, Go~e : ~::PARTMENT OF HEALTH SERViCES - Sani tary Eng ineer ing Branch !4-49 WEST TEMI'l..E STREET O. BOX 30327 TERMIf~Al.. ANNEX os ANGEI..ES, CA ~0030 (213) 620-2980 ~...~, ~~\ ~''''W:~ ;1-. . .~ . :::::':'" ~,- June 8, 1983 TO: Water Suppliers, Sanitation Districts, and .Eng ineer ing Consul tar. ts Your cooperation as a responsible party is requested to implement the enclosed "Criteria for the Separ~tion of ~ater Mains and Sanitary Sewers" to prevent contamination of the public water supplies from nearby sanitary sewers. Local conditions may create a situation where there is no alternati~e but to install water mains or sewer lines at a distance less than that required by the Basic Separation Standards (10 feet horizontal and 1 foot vertical). ln such cases, the enclosed criteria should be followed. Plans and specifications for these situations may be submitted to our office for review and comments. . l~ater mains and sewers of 24 inches diameter or greater may create special hazards because of the laige volumes of fJow. Therefore, installations of water mains and sewer lines of 24 inches diameter or larger, plus any new water main or new sewer line in Zone "A", must be reviewed and approved by our office prior to construction. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact our office. ce: F. LGGuidiee Eo C fay M. McGraw D. Brown B. Cash~ L. Murr- ay A. Krohn T. Castro G. Black I. Holmberg Sincerely, Enclosure .~! IJ. G~. ya' amoto District Sanitary Engineer \D\S V~Vo. \y!~ \ y+~ C1-ll9 -6[P DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES CRITERIA FOR THE SEPARATION OF WATEK MAINS AND SANITARY SEWERS A. PUBLIC HE~LTH CONSIDERATIONS Waterborne disease outbreaks attributed to:the entry of sewage-contaminated groundwater into the distribution systems 0f public water supplies continue to be a problem. in the United States. ~ community with its buried wa~er mains in close proximity to sanitary sewers iv vulnerable =o waterSome disease outbreaks. Sanitary sewers frequently leak end saturate the surrounding soil with sewage. This is caused primarily by structural fei'lure of the sewer line, improperly constructed joints, and subsidence or uphe.aval of the soil encasing the conduit. A serious public health hazard exists when the water mains are depreasurized and no pressure or negative ~pressures occur. The hazard is further compounded when, in the course of !installing or repairing a watez main, existing sewer lines are brcken. Sewage ~pills into the excavation and, hence, enters into the water main itself. Addit~oually, if a water main fails in CloSe proximity to a sewer llne, the resultant failure may distrub the bedding of the sewer line and cause it to fail. In the event of an earthquake or man- made disaster, simultaneous failure of both conduits often occurs. The water supplier is responsible for the quality of the water delivered to con- sumers and must take all practical steps to minimize the hazard of sewage contamination to the public water supply. Protection o~ the quality of water in the public water system is best achieved by the barrier provided by the physical separation of the water mains and sewer lines. This documept sets forth the construction~ criteria for the installation of water mains and sewer lines to prevent contamination of the public water supplies from nearby sanitary sewers. B. BASIC SEPARATION STANDARDS The "California Waterworks Standards" sets forth the minimum separation requirements for water mains and sewer lines. These Standards, contained in Section 64630, Title 22, C~llfcrnia Ad~i~is~r&ti'.'a '~.', (c) (1) Parallel Construction: The horizontal distance between pressure water mains and sewer lines shall be at least 10 feet. (2) Perpendicular Construction (CrosSing): Pressure water mains shall be at least one foot above sanitary sewer lines where =hess lines must cross. ./ I . . -2- (d) Separation distances specified in (c) shall be measured from the nearest edges of the facilities. ~ (e) (2) Common Trench: water mains and sewer lines must not be installed Hi th~ same trench. ~~en water mains and sanitary sewers are not adequately separated, the potential for cont3~ination of the water supply incrases. Therefore, when adequate physical separation cannot be attained an lncrease in the factor of safety should be provided by increasing the structural integrity of both the pipe materials and joints. C. EXCEPTIONS TO BASIC SePARATION SI.\:-;DARDS Local conditions. such as available S~)aCe, limited slope, existing structures, etc., oay create a situation where there is no alternative but to install water mains or sewer lines at a distance less than that required by the Basic Separation Sta~dards. In such cases, alternative c~nstruction criteria as specified in Section C should b~ followed, subject to the special provisions in Section D. Water mains and sewers oi 24 inches diameter or greater may create special hazards because of the large volumes of flow. Therefore, installations of water oains and sewer lines 24 inches diameter or larger should be reviewed and approved by the health agency prior to construction. D. SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. The Basic Separation Standards are applicable under normal conditions for sewage collection lines and ....ater distribution mains. Hare stringent requirements may. be necessary if ~nition~, such as~ high ground~ater exi s t. 2. Sewer lines shall not be installed within 2S feet horizontally of a low head (S psi or less pres~ure) water ~ai~. 3. New water ~ai~s and sewers shall be pressure tested where the conduits are locat~d ten feet a~art or less. 4. In the installation of water mains or s~wer lines, measures should be taken to prev~nt or minimize disturbances of the existing line. Disturbance of the supporting base of this line could eventually result in failure oi this existin~ pipeline. 5. Special consideration stall be glven to the selection of pipe oateri~ls if corrosive conditions are likely to exist. These conditions may be due to soil type and/or the nature of the fluid conveyed in the conduit, such as a septic sewage which produces corrosive hydrogen sulfide. 6. Sewer Farce Mains a. Sewer force mslns shall 'na~ be ns~alZed within ten feet (Horizon- tally) of a water main. b. ~en a sewer force main must cross a water line, the crossing should be as close as practical to the perpendicular. The sewer force main should be at least one foot below C~e water line. c. ~%en a new sewer force mein crosses under an existing water main, all portions of the sewer force main within ten feet (horizontally) of the water main shall b~ enclosed in a aontinuous sleeve. d. W~en a new water main crosses over an existing sewer force main, the water main shall be construct3d of pipe materials with a minimum rated working pressure of 200 psi or equivalent pressure rating. E. ALTERNATE CRITERIA FOR CONSTRUCTION The construction criteria for sewer lines ~r water mains where the Basic Separation Standards cannot be attained are sho~ in Figures 1 and 2. There are two situations encountered: Case 1 -- New sewer line -- new or existing water main, Case 2 ~- New water main -- existing s~war line. For Case 1, the alternate construction criteria apply to the sewer line. For Case 2, the alternate construction criteria may apply to either or both the water main and sewer line. The construction criteria should apply to :the house laterals that cross above a pressure water main but not cross below a pressure water main. I / -4- Case 1: New Sew~r Being Installed (Figures land 2) Zone Special Construction Required for Sewer A Sewer lines parallel to water mains shall not be permitted in this zone ~ithout a?proval from the responsible health agency and water suppller. B A sewer line placed ?arallel to a water line shall be constructed of: 1., Extra strength vitrified clay pipe with compression joints. 2. Class uOOO, Ty?e II, asbe,tos-cement pipe with rubber gasket joints. 3. Plastic sewer ppe with rubber ring joints (?er ASDI n3034) or equivalent. 4. Cast or ductile iron plpe with compression joints. s. Reinforced concrete pre~scre pipe with co~pression j~ints (per A~;A C302-74) . C A se~er line crossing a wot~r main shall be constructed of: 1. Ductile iron pipe with hot dip bituminous coating and mechanical joints. 2. A continuous section of Class 200 (~R 14 per A~'~A C900) plastic pipe or equivalent, centered over the pipe being crossed. '" 3. A continuous section of reinforced concrete pressure plpe (per A~~A C302-74) centered over the pipe being crossed. 4. Any sewer pipe ~ithin a ccntinuous sleeve. o A Sewer line crossing a wa:er main shall be constructed of: 1. A continuous section of ductile iron pipe .itb hot dip bituminous coating. 2. A continuous section of Class zeo (DR 14 per A~',A C900) plastic Fipe or e~uiva1ent, cent~r!d on t~e fip~ bein~ ~T055~d, 3. A continuous section of reinfcrced concrete pressure pipe (per A~~A C302-74) centered on the pipe beio& crossed. 4. Any sewer pipe within a continuous sleeve. S. Any sewer pipe separated by a ten-foot by ~en-foot, four-inch-thick reinforced concrete slab. Case 2: New Water Mains Being Installed (Figures 1 and 2) Zone A No water mains parallel to sewers shall be constructed without approval from the health agency. B If the sewer paralleling the water main does not meet the Case 1, Zone B, requirements, the water main shall be constructed of: 1. Ductile iron pipe with hot dip bituminous 'coating. 2. ,Dipped and wrapped one-f~urch-inch-thick welded steel pipe. 3. Class 200, Type II, asbestos-cement pressure pipe. 4. Class 200 pressure rated plastic water pipe (DR 14 per AW~A C900) or equivalent. 5. Reinforced concrete pressure pipe, steel cylinder type, per ~A (C300-74 or C301-79 or C303-70). C If the sewer crossing tl~e water main does not meet the Case l, Zone C, requirements, the water main shall have no joints in Zone C and be con~ strutted of: 1. Ductile iron pipe with hot dip bituminous coating. 2. Dipped and wrapped one-fourth-inch-thick welded steel pipe. 3. Class 200 pressure rated plastic wa tar pipe (DR 14 per ~A C900 ) or equivalent. 4. Reinforced concrete pressure;pipe, steel cylinder type, per A~A (C300-74 or C301-79 or D If the sewer crossing the water main does not meet the requirements for Zone D, Case l, the water ma~n shall have no joints within four feet from either side of the sewer and shall be constructed of: 1. Ductile iron pipe with hot dip bituminous coating. 2. Dipped and wrapped one-fourth-inch-thick welded steel pi~e. 3. Class 200 pressure rated pla!stic water pipe (DR 14 per A~A C900) or equivalent. 4. Reinforced concrete pressure pipe, steel cylinder ~ype, per A~A (C300-74 or C~01-79 or C303-70). CASE I NEW SEWER Note: "P"is a prohibited construction ,'one ~ ~ Zorle I '"D' - ~ No Joint** in Water Main .,..:Y : I ~ * G' · ~ 4'{5~~ G' ,~ . - ::' Z o n e "~" /' ~ Special P~P~ CASE 2 NEW WATER MAIN I J -6- NCTES AND DEFINITIONS: 1. HEALTH AGENCY The Department of Health Services. For those water systems supplying fewer than 200 service connections, the local health officer shall act for the Department of Health Services. 2. :~ATER SUPPLIER -- "Persen operating a public water syste:n" or "Supplier of water" r.lo:!ans any person who o...'11S 0r operates a public water systeo. 3. LOW HEAD WATER ~~lN -- Any water ~ain which has a pressure of five pS1 or less at any tiffie at any point in the main. ~. Dimcnsio~s are frem outside cf ~arcr main to outside of 5ewer line or r.,Linhole. S. COXPRESSION JOI!~T A push-on joint that seals by means of the COt:\pres- sicn of a rubber rinb or gasket be~~~en the pipe and a bell or coupling. 6. ~~Cr~~N!CAL JOIi~T5 Bolted j0ints. 7. RATED \,C'RKH;C :,'ATER PRESS'.~R::' .:'R p~:.SSt:RE CLASS -- A pipe classificaticn system based upon internal werking pressure of the fluid in tho:! pipe, type or pipe material, and the thickness of the pipe wall. 8. FUSED JOINT -- The jointing of sections of pipe uS1ng thert:\al or chemical bonding processes. 9. SLEEVE -- A protective tube of steel with a wall thickness of not less than one-fourth inch into which a pipe is inserted. / 10. GROUND ~ATER -- Subsurface water fou~d in the saturation zone. 11. HOUSE LATE~L -- A sewer connecting the building drain and the main sewer line. 4/5/83 PARALLEL CONSTR CTION Zone ,,~. i c '. r...l , N ~'o~e. ~ t I Zo~e "B ': 'B" """ .i "A" ' ,___ Per ss~on j ' S!Declcll Spec;ai -~,!t S , Pipe "P" I I "P" ,, ..... ~ ¢~ Sp~C G ' -,.--- 6 3'----- r. ~. · ', I CASE I CASE Z NEW SEWER NEW WATER MAIN No~e: 'Zones identical on either side of center line~. Zones "P"'is a prohibiteel zone, Sealion 64630 California Administrative Code, Title 22 I I I II I . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I .~ I I' ~ ,rt ~ ~ill - I~;r.:: - ~, 3:~ i "" r-=- . I oJ \ I.. I . II \a ~ \: : ~ Ii \; ~ I~ '~i i I'~' I \'.: I --..;! ::': 11~! f.1Ll11\ i!...1 I I .~: . 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" I ::1, , ~.. . \' ~ - . Q, . . _. VI -- ,-..-~,.. ........~ t jt ciE : I . . i.! i . iJ 8! !i ;. .- d!'I - with spccial control& ~ncascmen~ per d~ail~ ~vc or 8" ~C.~ ~routcd in ~tin~e 5t~¢1 ~9}n~. L~nSth ,ehall O¢ 5' cI~ar ~ch way ?~ wa~r ~in. ~h~ ~op o~ th~ ~w~r. 5pec~et ~s~. ~li DC ng~y w~Cr& ~ a etor~ drain and ~he top ~ Thss c~dit~n E$ not ~t~ip~ed on t~r$ proigor, ~. 1.ir f"A CAlIFOP.NI..-I~~"'lrH AND WHfAR~ 'l-:'f Georqe De~~meilan, Go~e .---.-- ---'--- :)!:PARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES - Sarli tary Eng ineer ing dranch !4~9 WEST TEMPLE STREET . O. BOX :10327 TERMINAL ANNEX (,)5 ANGELES, CA ;0030 (213) 620-2980 ,....~, ~_.\ ....~.'71" :b.:i:- l"'"" ~l-e June 8, 1983 TO: Water Suppliers, Sanitation Districts, and .Engineering Consultar.ts Your cooperation as a responsible party is requested to implement the enclosed "Criteria for the Separation of Water Mains and Sanitary Sewers" to prevent contamination of the public water supplies from nearby sanitary sewers. Local conditions may create a situation where there is no alternative but to install water mains or sewer lines at a distance less than that required by the Basic Separation Standards (10 feet horizontal and 1 foot vertical). In such cases, the enclosed criteria should be followed. Plans and specifications for these situations may be submitted to our office for revi.ew and comments. l~ater mains and sewers of 24 inches diameter or greater may create special hazards because of the laige volumes of flow. Therefore, installations of water mains and sewer lines of 24 inches diameter or larger, plus any new water main or new sewer line in Zone "A", must be reviewed and approved by our office prior to construction. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact our office. cc: F. LoGu i dice Eo Clay M. McGraw D. Brown B. Cash""'- L. Murr' ay A. Krohn T. Castro G. Black I. Holmberg Sincerely, Enclosure .~IJ . Gary~. Ya amoto District Sanitary Engineer \f\\S V~Vo. \"yIQ \ y+~ Cl- tC9 -0(0