HomeMy WebLinkAboutCypress Sev.-NBS/Lowry Billing/V'/~,,% ,,~ /_ O t,,., ,i? ~l'' INVOICE CLIENT - CITY OF FONTANA NBS/LOWRY, INC. 164 W. HospltaJity Lane, Suite 1 P.O. NO. 21274 P.O. BOX 8124 CONTACT: FEUPE MOLINOS C(' - ~RIGIN.~L Saa Bemardlno, CA 92412.-8124 CYPItE,,S~ AV194UE SEVVER INV~,,,.?.E ~ INVOICE NO;, S093/II4/ELD INVOICEPERIOD 8/28/93 TO 9124193 ~ ~'TE; SEPTE21BER 2z~, 1993 TOTM AMOUNT WO~(C(~Fii [,,l!_l.'~4~f~m~ur~l TOTAL a. ModllyPlarm&glxdlcaika8 86,,~0.~0 $ 9,027.00 b. Pmp~e&OatdnPmkk'" ,k. _*6_._r~a_Q0 5,010,31 RO. iO.~-# A,,T., ~',~'Z:> NMi $170.00 $687.50 $857.50 f, ItmcmdDm,fr,~ S1,,~0,e0 h. ~ T~tMg (DMt0n Papod) ~r,0g0.eO 6,586.05 ourmmm. umm,oo ~7, **V,~ ~*' 1.3~ %~ $857.~o INVOICE CLIENT - CITY OF FONTANA ,-~'G~:' 1'' NBS/I.OWRY, INC. CC, ~ 164 W. Hospitality Lane, Suite 1 · - - P.O, Box 8124 P,O. NO. 21274 I;: San Bemafdino, CA 92412-8124 CONTACT: FE|,IPE MOLINO$ CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER INVOICE NO:. s083 / 117 / ELD INVOICE PERIOD 7/31/93 TO 8/27/93 JOB NO: S86-025.0~5 DATE: AUCUST 27, 1993 C. prq~a~aEnf~om~l~nllJO0~ Slv33~00 1,497.50 q~j,~0a# C~ ~/~ ~ ~-" -r C'l ! co 03 I fJ) C'l qj ~ c:: Q) .3 u >- ~ z:: . - as 0 > oa.~ oC:: a:<n-~ ;:OClOClI O:I:)(E ~~~.! ~~qs z_a.ci5 Cl ...l c.l -- N M Nil)'" -C'l'" -;,C!~ ..... II) . ~9g OlR>o zen5 w .. ...., OOZ" - a w >lD~ ~~Q c!rn8 ~i:1f 12 ~ w a. 0 0 0, 0:> 0:> 0::1 N N N '" '" '" .,.., .,.., ".. ..... ~ .. ! c> a:: ,.: ~ :2 j ..; .. '~ \ l; cr_, \ o,,~ ~ c.l -.' t} en 0-0 :z; c.l 0 0 p.. ~ ~ ~~ ij ..... ..... O~ ".. CJ 3 c.l t:.: ~~ 0 0 .,..,0 ~ t.t:l Ic.l MO 0 . N> '" '" U t:.: ..;t ..;t - :::> ".. 0 en > Z en - en 0 0 c.l 00 ~ ~ -.,.., .,.., ;3 '" '" ".. ~I~ 0 - 0 0 '-D 0 .,.., N e ~ C; .,.., ~ ..... .,.., ~ a: " ..... 0 ..... N N N '-D 0:> II> i as N - '" '-D - ..... 0:> '-D ~ 0 0 ~ ~ 0 N u;, ~ . . . .a '" .,.., - - '" '-D M a - ..;t c - - :li "" 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 <i5 b!i -~ ~Ii ~ ~ . i . ~ ~ ~ ~ g M . . . ~ ~ . Iii i i '" g ...... (J < 0 >- M CD ~ -- ~ ..... I ~ 0 I i z Eo< " 0 i I il a ~ (I) M J 8 i 0" '" ~ ~ Zw -- If ... ~~ '-D .. ~ a 0 N 1! I l I ,J II f Ii -- i g ~ 2(1) '-D ! ~ c -.. C5 E-o ww 11 j I! i ::J c a.~ .. B S i! ~ !Q - 8 I a CD U .:JZ " c i .. j'! ~~ j ! rn ,..ww it ~ I (111.1.> i . iii E-o .. c w ~ I II I~l ~ e (II .. a. J == !Q w Z . t; gJ w ct ct ct ! ~ I ~ 12 a i t.t:l Ocw 0 z~" CD - . z a. 0 1! e ....J qo> > ~ oj .Q U ,; . ..: dt ..: i= U ~oo ~ INVOICE CLIENT - CITY OF FONTANA ~J~'cj'// NBS/LOWRY, INC. 164 W. Hospitalily Lane, Suite 1 P,O. NO. 21274 P.O, Box 8124 CONTACT: FELIPE MOUNOS C.' :- 0?,iGi~AL San Be-nar(Ine, CA 92412-8124 CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER ~ INVO~CENO: S063/t23/ELD t~ V ~,E JOB NO: S86-025.025 INVOICE PERIOD 5/29/93 TO 6/25/93 DATE: JURE 25, 1993 b. F~epae&OI3lalnPe~mlts/Easmlmnls ~1~,000.00 5,010.31 c. Pr~ae~mmlM~ $1,~.~ 1,497.50 .. ~,~.~. ~.~.~ ~,e~.so ~, ~l~i~) $345.00 ,~.s '~'5~°~/~°D 230.00 $42.~0 ~ ~ 272.50 h. ~T~hg~l~) $7,~.~ 6,586.05 ~) TOT~ ~.~.~ · $42,651.42 575.00 ~2.S0 617.50 INVOICE CLIENT - CITY OF FONTANA ~.o~{~ ,,~ /~('~'~ ..... '~" ~~ ' ~1 ~]'~ ~ N~RY. INC CYPR~ A~UE ~ ,~ ~ ~~0~ INVOICE ~ INV~CE~ S053/122/ELD INVOICEP~I~ 5/01/93 TO 5/28/93 ~: "' ~ ~ ~NO:~.~ . · - ~{~ _ DA~: 5/28/93 6.0 15.0 t IPtovideCommlellmStldng 1~'~9~00 15,873.86 $690.00 $2,100.00 $3.90 $2,793.90 CLIENT - CITY OF FONT~A ~ ~ ~ NB~LOWRY, ING, P.O. NO. 21~4 A~1. $ / ~ ~. ~ 1~ W. Hos~tality ~ne. Suite 1 C~TACT: FEU~MOUN~ ~T.e ~j~ - ~,~-~o2/~ C(:~, =FORIG~L P.O.~x8124 INVG;3E~ ~n ~rnar~, CA 92412-8124 CY~E~ AVBUE ~ ~ ~ INVOICE NO: S043/~25/ELD INVO~EPERI~ 2/27/93 ~0 ~/30/93 ~W~ ' 5~%~ ~) JOB NO: ~6~25.025 OATE: APRIL 30, ]993 CLIENT - CITY OF FONTANA p~^~ ~ .... ~ NBS/LOWRY. INC, · ~ s _ 2 1 ~1' OF ORiGinaL P.O. NO. 21274 ~ - 2~ ~--~ P.O. ~x 8124 C~TACT: ~IPE MOUN~ ~T ~ ...... COp~ ~ ~ ~r~, CA ~412~124 t~'OtCE INVOICEPERI~ 12/26/92 TO t/29/93 ~ ' JOB NO: ~.025 7.0 12.0 0,5 INVOICE CLIENT - CITY OF FONTANA NBS/LOWRY, INC. OP~ O~ OPt~G~NP't'* 164 w. Hospitality Lane, Suite 1 P.O. NO. 21274 C ~ P.O. Box 8124 CONTACT: FELIPE MOLINOS )t~VO~C-~F- San Bernardino, CA 92412-8124 CypRESS AVENUE SEV/ER INVOICENO: S122/193/ELD INVOICE PERIOD 11/28/92 TO ]2/25/92 JOBNO:S86-025.025 DATE: DECEMBER 25, 1992 TOTAL /~KqOUNT ~ WORK COMPLk: I t:u THIS INVOICE PERIOD TOTAL CONTRACT PRE~qOUStY THIS ...~,~....s.~,.~.,,o.. ~.~.~ , 9,027.00 O//D6 qz9 ) ..o,0... c. IPrepareEnviro~mentalDocL'rnerdatio, $1.330.00 1,497.50 A~$ -~ ,"~/~'°~6~ xmssvn'~.4~'/Z* FM ,.R~dD~,~.~ s~,o4o.oo ' Ck,, Fy'L~ o. ~ ~A REMITTANCE ~ INVOICE ~ ~, ~ ~ 164 W. Hospitality Lane, Suite 1 P.O. Box 8124 P.O. NO. 21274 CONTACT: FELIPE MOUNOS San Bernardino, CA 92412-8124 CyPRESS AVENUE SEWER ,~py OF ORiGINAL INVOICENO: S112/1921ELD INVOICE PERIOD 10/31/92TOl1127/92 iNVOICEII!~ JOBNO:S86-025.025 DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 1992 CONIRACT PREVIOUSLY 1HIS b. Prepare & OMaln PermlLs/r=asements $5,000.C0 $5,010.31 c, Prq>areEnvlronrner~aID~cumentatlon Sl,330,00 $1,497.50 /,Mr.; / ~'/~)- ' d. AsststwlthBidding, Addenda, ~4,040.00 $1.517.80 INVOICE CLIENT - CITY OF EONTANA NBS/LOWRY, INC. 164 W. HoSpitality Lane, Suite 1 P.O. NO. 21274 COPY OF ORIGINAL P.o. Box 8124 INVOICE I~ sa, Bernardino, CA 92412-8124 CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER INVOICE NO: S092-440/ELD INVOICE PERIOD 8/29/92 TO 9/25/92 JOB NO: S86-025.025 DATE: TOTAL AMOUNT WORK COMPLETED THIS INVOICE PERIOD TOTAL CONTRACT PREVIOUSLY THIS TASK TASK ITEM AMOUhFi' BILLED Principal Survey Crew Designer St. Designer Mileage PERIOD (12 brs) (17 hrs) (5 hrs) )a. $5. 0.0O 0o .t. 0o.0o o.0o b. Prepare & CYotain Permits/Easements $5,000.00 $5,010.31 c. Prepare Environmerstal Documentation $1,330.00 $1,497.50 d. Assist with Bidding, Addenda, $4,040.00 $1,517.80 vEt,e~ g r.~ (-/..~r~ ~ ~ $0.00 Review of Bids & AwarU (1 hr) (3.5 hrs) e. Provide COnstruction Staking $27,890.00 $1,357.02 St 15.00 $490.00 ' (including me~qument Ioce. fio~q) .~m. S f. Record Drawings $1,040.00 ~c'r, h. Soils Testing (Design Repo,1) $7,000.0O $6,586.05 TOTAL $61,300.00 * $21,930.$5 $5,440.00 DUE THIS BILLING PERIOD · Time and materials not to eocceed, except Survey COnstruction Staking lump sum. City of Fontana CALIFORNIA July 30, 1992 Mr. Richard Bueermann, P.E. Vice President NBS/Lowry 164 W. Hospitality Lane, Suite 1 San Bernardino, CA 92412 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Dear Dick: On July 10, 1992, this office received your invoice number/5062/432/ELD for payment and has processed it. - In reviewing this and previous invoices against the amendment for extra work scope of services {$51,300 NTE fee} no determination could be made as to current invoice work program {phases) billed for date and amount remaining on the various phases of this work. Additionally, a billed to date total was not provided nor: mileage figures at the maximum allowable {per Council's direction} of $0.26/mile. According to the City/NBS Lowry contract page 9; Honthly Invoices "Consultant shall submit invoices to the City on a monthly basis in accordance with Consultant's schedule of fees contained in Exhibit "A" hereof. Each invoice shall be itemized. Each invoice shall show the number of hours worked per person/consultant and to nature of the work." Should you have any questions as to the billing format, please call at 714-350-7613. Any future invoice not providing the necessary cost tracking data will be returned unpaid for correction. Very truly yours, COHNUNITY DEVELOPNENT DEPARTNENT Engineering Division Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer RWW:sh cc: Principal Engineer/Capital Improvements Account Technician/Engineering 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 (714) 350-7600 WR RECEIVED 164 West Hospitality Lane #1 ~ REMIT T0: P.O. Box 8124 5~n Bemardino, G ~'2408 ! JUL I 0 1992 San Bemardino, ~ 924}2 Tel 714 888-1401 j c~ ENGINEER'S OFFICE CI~ OF FONT~A ..... INV01~: JUNE 26, 1992 ATTN: FELIPE MOLINOS 1NVOIE N0: S062/432/ELD P O BOX 518 FONT~A CA 92334-0518 SERVICE FROM: 5/30/92 T0:6/26/92 YOUR REF: JOB: CYP~SS AVE~E SMR ]0B N0.; S86-025 · 025 PURC~SE O~ER NO. 21274 CONTACT ~O~T $51,300 13/99 PRINCIPAL 24.0 HOURS @ $115.00 $2,760.00 PRINCIPAL ENGINEER 3.0 HOURS @ 95.00 285.00 SENIOR DESIGNER 0.5 HOUR @ 70°00 35.00 SECRETARY 1.5 HOURS @ 40.00 60.00 MILEAGE 20.16 REPRODUCTION 117,65 AMOUNT DUE & PAYABLE $3,277.81 APPROVAL: .PO BOX 8124 RENIT TO: P 0 BOX 8124 SAN-BERNARDINOCA 92412 SAN 8ERNARDINO CA 92412 C7143 888-1401 C714) 8,58-1401 FONTANA, CITY OF INVOICE DATE: 05/29192 ATTN. FELIPE NOLZNOS INVOICE NO: S052-404-ELD .P.O. 80X518 FONTANA/CA 92334-051,3 SERVICE FRON: 04125192 TO: 05129192 YOUR REF: 'JOE:!CYPRESS AVENUE SEWER JOE NO: S86-025,025 PURCHASE ORDER NO, 21274 CONTRACT ANOUNT $51,300 ............... DIRECT LABOR FE~S ............. CLASSIFICATION HOURS RATE ANOUNT PRINCIPAL 34.0 $115.00 $3,910.00 PRTNCIPAL ENGINEER 14.5 $95.00 $1,377.50 SECRETARY 6.0 $40.00 $240.00 CURRENT LABOR $5,527.50 ............... DIRECT COSTS ............. NILEAEE $22.40 REPRODUCTION $69.60 Purchase Professional Services $6,586.05 CURRENT DIRECT COSTS 6,678.05 TOTAL THIS ~ILLINB $12,205.55 TOTALTNZS ZNVOTCE $12,205.55 BILLED TO DATE $13,125.55 '~Ft~ ~11tv NB OWRY 10920 Via Frontera REMIT TO: P.O. Box 28100 San Diego, ~ 92127-1704 San Diego, ~ 92198-0100 Tel 619 485-1500 FONTANA, CITY OF INV01CEWE: MAY 4, 1992 INTERIM CITY ENGINEER INV01CEN0: E042-027-MAT 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 SERVICEFROM: 03/28/92 ATTN: ROBERT W. WEDDLE T0: 04/24/92 YOUR REF: JOB: JOBN0.: E89-020.001 CYP~F~ EXTENSION ~EWER CURRENT WORK SEWER UPSIZING MODIFY PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ENGINEER II 49.0 HRS @ $55.00 $2,695.00 DRAFTER III 6.5 HRS @ 55.00 357.50 DRAFTER II 24.5 HR;S @ 50.00 1,225.00 SECRETARY II 5.5 HRS @ 40.00 220.00 EXPENSES FEDERAL EXPRESS 148.35 TIGER REPROGRAPHICS 354.15 ..0.,0.R.. re 7q y CURRENT CHARGES THIS INVOICES: $5,000.00 PARTIAL A~T.# ~ ' CHARGES PER ATHORIZED AMOUNT: 00 A~M'~OVAL: ~ ~'/7' PAST DUE AMOUNT: 938.50 REVIEW ~1/~ AMOUNT DUE AND PAYABLE: ~5,938. WORK AUTHORIZATION SUMMARY BILLING SUMMARY ORIGINAL AUTHOR. $23,4~.06 UNPAID INVOICES: CHANGE ORDER 5,000.0~ TOTAL AUTHORIZED 28,411.00 BILLED TO DATE 28,411.00' THIS INVOICE - $5,000.00 AUTHORIZED BALANCE ~ -0- OVER ~0 DAYS - 31.00 OVER 120 DAYS - 907.50 TOTAL UNPAID INVOICES - $5,938.50 ; NB ,OW v ENGINEERS & 'LANNERS ~P:Q BOX 81Z4 .RERIT TO: P O PX 8~Z4~ SAN .BERNARBINO ~CA 92&12 SAN- BERNARDINO CA 92612 (714) 818-l~t ' fit&) 888-14~ / .~ ~ATTI, FILZPE.RQkINOS H ~e~e~o~ INVOICE M: S0&Z~3~3-ELD .e.o. cox '518 ~ fOUSib-CA 92334~Q51 SERVICE FRQR: START OF,JOe V~l eels JOB: ;CYENESS :AVINUE SEIER Joe e SRi-Q25. Q25 · -i'I'R E C T 'L'A B:0:I F E E S= CLASS]I)CATZOI HUBS RATE AROUNT ~IIIgIPAL i,O' $115,00 S690,00 SENIOR BIZleIIAL 2,0 H15eH S230,00 · CURRENT,LABOR 1920,OC TOTAL'TIZS BIC&IN6 $920,0C ANENDN~; TO CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREENE~L~ THIS ANENDMENT (the "Amendment") is made this 3rd day of March, 1992, by and between the City of Fontana, a municipal corporation of the State of California, located at 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontaria, California, 92335, County of San Bernardlno, State of California (hereinafter "City") and NBS/Lowry,/nc. (heretnafter "Consultant") with reference to a certain agreement (the "Agreement") entered into and approved by City Council on February 26, 1990, The City and Consultant agree as follows: Exhibit "A" Scope of Services is amended to add the following: T & N Fee (a) Nodtry plans and specifications $5,000 (b Prepare and obtain permits/easements from 5,000 (1) Calftans (2) Southern Paclftc Railroad (3) Santa Fe Pacific Pipeline (4) County of San Bernardtrio ' (c) Prepare Environmental Documentation 1,330 (1) Initial Study (2) Mitigate Negative Declaration, if appropriate :': '** Provide Survey Construction Staking (Lump Sum) 27,890 ':' '* Offset stakes, 25 foot station, 75 laterals, Caltrans pavement settlement monitoring at preconstruction and at 3, 6 and 9 month intervalS; locate and tie out, file records and replace 16 monuments {f) Record drawings 950 Ninor contingency 90 (g) If additional work N/A {1) Additional sewer lateral staking in excess of 75, $44/each {2) Replace centerline survey N/A monuments in excess of 16; $505/each Subtotal $44,300* {h} Soils Testing {Design Report) 7.000 Total $51,300 *Time and materials not-to-exceed, except survey construction staking lump Sum Time of Performance The tasks to be performed by the Consultant under and pursuant to this Amendment to the Agreement shall be as follows: 1. Design Updates/Environmental Documents Nay l, 1992 2. Soils Testing {Design) June 5, 1992 3. Securing Agency Permits N/A Page 1 of 3 '4. Record Drawings 3 weeks after construction completed 5. Caltrans Pavement Settlement Monitoring 10 months after freeway boring completed 6. Honument ReplaCement/File Records 2 months after construction completed SEE ATTACHED SIGNATURE PAGE Page 2 of 3 R~rAD AND APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORN AND CONTENT: C1 ark A1 sop or Stephen P. Dettsch Ctty Attorney Thts document Is the true and complete document approved by Ctty Counctl on ~_~c~ Z? , 1992. Dep~ C~~~erk Rtsk Hanagement CZTY OF FO~ANA NBS/Lo~y, A Nun~ctpal Corporation y ' y ' Rtchard A. Bueermann ' Vtce President A~EST: Notary C~ty Clef[ Page 3 of 3 ": Cicty of Fontana LIFORNIA September 20, 1990 Mr. Fred Spoor NBS/LOWRY P.O. Box 28100 10920 Via Frontera San Diego, California 92128-8100 RE: Cypress Avenue Sewer Extension Invoice #EO80-O84-RTS and #070-079-RTS Dear Mr. Spoor: This is to confirm our telephone conversation that as NBS/Lowry has not fully completed the scope of work of the original contract only partial payment of $3,000.00 will be made at this time. The remainder amount of $3,667.50 will be paid at the final completion of the project. Please call the undersigned if you have any questions. Thank you. Sincerely, Ray Wellington, P.E '/j/ Interim City Engineer~ BY: Yousuf Patanwala Associate Engineer RW:YP:cm co: F. Molinos 8353 SIERRA AVENUE(P O BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B,C. CANADA ENGINEERS ~S, PLANNERS 2ZCEIV CLIENT: ~'FONTANA, CITY OF DATE SEPTEMBER 3.3, 1990 INTERIM CITY ENGINEER I '7 1990 S LUZ C PERIOD: 8353 SIERRA AVENUE ~u~ ~ FONTANA, CA 92335 ENe~E~RING ~TTN: ROBERT W. WEDDLE ~ ~O~ 07/28/90 TO 08/3~/90 INV. ~E080-084-RT5 ~OB ............ CYPRESS EXTENSION SE~{~ . ......................................................... WO~ O~D~ ~o ............. ~.8..~.R.~.~..:..P..~.~ ........ CURRENT WORK PRINCIPAL ENGINEER 21.0 HRS @ $ 95.00 $ 1,995.00 SENIOR DRAFTER 43.0 HRS @ 55.00 2,365.00 ASSISTANT ENGINEER 2.0 HRS @ 50.00 100.00 $4,460.00 CURRENT CHARGES THIS INVOICES $4,460.00 TOTAL DUE PER.MAXIMUM AUTHORIZATION 2,617.50 AMOUNT PAST DUE: 4,050.00 AMOUNT DUE AND PAYABLE: $6,667.50 WORK AUTHORIZATION SUMMARY BILLING SUMMARY ORIGINAL AUTHOR. $21,310.00 UNPAID INVOICES: TOTAL AUTHORIZED 21,310.00 BILLED TO DATE 21,310.00 THIS INVOICE - $2,617.50 AUTHORIZED BALANCE $ -0- OVER 30 DAYS - 4,050.00 TOTAL UNPAID INVOICES: $6,667.50 CLii~NT:~FONTANA, CITY OF "] DATE AUGUST 9, 1990 INTERIM CITY ENGINEER BILLING PERIOD: 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 LATTN: ROBERT W. WEDDLE .J FROM 02/24/90 TO 07/27/90 INV. ~E070-079-RTS los ............. ~.~.~',B.~,~....~.X,T.~.f~..f..O.f~.,...~.~.v~.~ ....................................... woe, z< o~D'~'~ .,';o ......... ~.~.~.~,2..Q..,..O..~,~ ............. CURRENT WORK PRINCIPAL ENGINEER 10.0 HRS @ $ 95.00 $ 950.00 SENIOR DRAFTER 40.0 HRS @ 55.00 2,200.00 DESIGNER 15.0 HRS @ 60.00 900.00 $4,050.00 CURRENT CHARGES THIS INVOICES: $4,050.00 AMOUNT DUE AND PAYABLE: $4,050.00 WORK AUTHORIZATION SUMMARY BILLING SUMMARY ORIGINAL AUTHOR. - $21,310.00 UNPAID INVOICES: TOTAL AUTHORIZED - 21,310.00 BILLED TO DATE - I8,692.50 THIS INVOICE - $4,050.00 AUTHORIZED BALANCE - $ 2,617.50 TOTAL UNPAID INVOICES: $4.050.00 ~0~OR#_.-.---"' Ci.rENT: ~FONTANA, CITY OF '~ DATE MARCH 9, 1990 INTERIM CITY ENGINEER 8fLLINGPERIOD- 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 START L~TTN: ROBERT W. WEDDLE ] F~OM OF JOB T°01/26/90 INV. ~E010-093-WHW(REV) ~o~ ........... _~.~.~.~.~._~.~.T~ !~..~_~.~ ............................................... wo~ o~ ~o ........ ~.~.0 ,.O ~.~ ..... CURRENT WORK 2-MAN SURVEY CREW 28.5 HRS 125.00 $ 3,562.50 2-MAN SURVEY CREW TRAVEL 7.0 HRS 62.50 437.50 PRINCIPAL I 21.0 HRS 105 00 2,205.00 PROJECT DIRECTOR I 7.0 HRS 95 00 665.00 PROJECT ENGINEER I 60.5 HRS 70 00 4,235.00 ENGINEER III 26.5 HRS 60 00 1,590.00 DRAFTER III 4.0 HRS 55 00 220.00 ENGINEER ~ 4.0 HRS 45 00 180.00 SECRETARY II 2.5 HRS 40 00 100.00 CLERICAL Z 1.0 HRS 30 00 30.00 TECHNICIAN I 0.5 HRS 30 00 15.00 EXPENSES MILEAGE 175.50 FEDERAL EXPRESS 21.85 REPRODUCTION 45.96 $13,483.31V/ ~NG~NE~R~ ~ PLANNB~S cn~, ~ONTANA~ CITY OF ~ D&% HARCH 9, Z990 INTER I M C I TY ENG I NEER BILLING ~ERIOD: 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 ~TTN: ROBERT W. WEDDLE ] FROM 0~/27/90 TO02/23/90 [NV. ~E020-089-WHW ~os ........... ~ff.~.~.~.~__[~_LE~.!~..._i~s_~ ............................................. wo~ o~ ~o .......... ~.~_~.~.%0 ,..~.~ ~ CURRENT WORK PRINCIPAL I 2.0 HRS 105.00 $ 210.00 PROJECT DIRECTOR I 3.0 HRS 95.00 285.00 PROJECT ENGINEER I 6.0 HRS 70.00 420.00 SECRETARY II 2.0 HRS 40.00 80.00 EXPENSES FEDERAL EXPRESS 9.49 REPRODUCTION 154.70 $1,159.19~/ CLiENT:F"FONTANA, CITY OF 'l DAtE AUGUST 9, 1990 INTER I M C I TY ENG I NEER BILLING FERIOD: 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 L~TTN: ROBERT W. WEDDLE _J FROM 02/24/90 TO 07/27/90 INV. ~E070-079-RTS los ............. .~.~.~.~..E...~.~.....~.~.T.~..N..~J...o..~.....~.~.~.~.f~ .................................................. WORK ORDBR :,'o ......... .~.~.9..Q.2..~..,..0..~I ............ CURRENT WORK PRINCIPAL ENGINEER 10.0 HRS @ $ 95.00 $ 950.00 SENIOR DRAFTER 40.0 HRS @ 55.00 2,200.00 DESIGNER 15.0 HRS @ 60.00 900.00 $4,050.00 , CURRENT CHARGES THIS INVOICES: $~7~0.0000 AMOUNT DUE AND PAYABLE: WORK AUTHORIZATION SUMMARY BILLING SUMMARY ORIGINAL AUTHOR. - $21,~I0.00 UNPAID INVOICES: TOTAL AUTHORIZED - 21,~10.00 BILLED TO DATE - 18,692.50 THIS INVOICE - $4 AUTHORIZED BALANCE - TOTAL UNPAID INVO .0S0.00 CITY OF FG,.,~ITANA ' ~,R PURC.~..G USE ,, ' ~ f D,STR,BUT,ON BALANCE CHANGE ORDER AMouNT AMOUNT OF DECREASE $ TO: PURCHASING TOTAL ADJUSTMENT $ FROM: ~1~c ~tks/~q. COMPLETION DATE 7:' CHANGE ORDER NO. / TO PURCHASE ORDER NO, 21274 VENDOR 7 PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF THE PURCHASE ORDER WITH THIS FORM. E INCREASE PURCHASE ORDER AMO;UNT OF INCREASE $ ~ ..... _ DECR~SE PURCHASE ORDER AMO;UNT OF DECREASE S CANCEL PURCHASE ORDER .... CHANGE ACCOUNT NUMBERS) JUSTIFICATION N~ far ~s~z~ ~e ~ ~ ~e ~e8s IF THERE IS MORE THAN (t) ACCOUNT NUMBER INVOLVED USE SPACE PROVIDED BELOW. ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT DATE T HEAD RE~D RECEIVED C~;' FONTANA~ CZTY OF ~ DA~ ~ARCH 2~, t99~ INTER [M CITY ENGINEBR BILL~G PE~OD: 8~5~ SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92~5 : ~ROM TO ~TTN: aOBE~T W. WEDDLE _~ INV. ~E0~I-9Oi-HAT CYPRESS EXTENSION SEWE~ 10~ .................................................................................................................................................~O~ O~S~ NO .............~..8.9.Q.2.g..,.D.g..i ............ CURRENT WORK AMOUNT DUE PER CONTRACT AUTHORIZATION: $3,667.50 CURRENT CHARGES THIS INVOICES: $3,667.50 AMOUNT DUE AND PAYABLE: $3~667.50 WORK AUTHORIZATION SUMMARY BILLING SUMMARY ORIGINAL AUTHOR. - $21,310.00 UNPAID INVOICES: TOTAL AUTHORIZED - 21,310.00 BILLED TO DATE - 21,310.00 THIS INVOICE - $3,667.50 AUTHORIZED BALANCE - $ -0- ~:~"'~ ~. /2; 2 7/~''''G~'~''~ ~NG~NEE~S ~ PLANNERS / -- _ . .- / CL~; FONTANA, C~TY 0F DA~ dULY ~0~ ~99~ INTERIM CITY ENGINEER B~L~G PE~OD: 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 F~OM TO ~ATTN~ ROBERT W. WEDDLE ~ 06/01/91 06/28/91 INV. ~E061-057-MAT ~O8 ................. ~-~-~. ~-&~.-~-X-~-~&~-~ ................................................ wO~ O~ NO ................ ~,8,9~.,~.~..G~ ......... CURRENT WORK SEWER UPSIZING ASSISTANT ENGINEER 5.0 HRS @ $ 50.00 $250.00 CURRENT CHARGES THIS INVOICES: ~250.00 AMOUNT DUE AND PAYABLE: $250.00 WORK AUTHORIZATION SUMMARY B'ILLING SUMMARY ORIGINAL AUTHOR. - $2,100.00 UNPAID INVOICES: TOTAL AUTHORIZED - 2,100.00 ~_$2~0~_0____ BILLED TO DATE - 250.00 THIS INVOICE - .0 AUTHORIZED BALANCE - $1,850.00 ~NG~NBEF=tS ,~ PLANN~PlS P,O. BOX 28100 · 10920 VIA FRONT~RA · SAN OIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92~98-0100 · TEL~PHON~ , 519/485-1500 - 619/578-7140 CEIENT: FONTANA, CITY OF AUGUST 12, 1991 INTERIM CITY ENGINEER BE. LINGPE~IOD= 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 FROM TO 'ATTN: ROBERT W. WEDDLE ~ 06101/91 06128/91 INV. ~E061-057-MAT(REV) TOB GYPRE~ ..... ................................. E.X-.T-E~S I ON S E~E--R ............................................~OEK OIU:)r~ NO ..............E'8.9~)--2:~ CURRENT WORK SEWER UPSIZING ENGINEER II 5.0 HRS @ $ 55.00 $ 275.00 CURRENT CHARGES THIS INVOICES: $ 275.00 AMOUNT DUE AND PAYABLE: $ 275,00~ WORK AUTHORIZATION SUMMARY BILLING SUMMARY ORIGINAL AUTHOR. - $2,100.00 UNPAID INVOICES: TOTAL AUTHORIZED - 2,100.00 BILLED TO DATE - 275.00 THIS INVOICE $275.00 AUTHORIZED BALANCE - $1,825.00 TOTAL UNPAID INVOICES $275.00 p,O. tO.it l "Z--t q$3 ',%,, ."i ~IE,NT: FONTANA, CITY OF DA~ AUGUST 12, 1991 INTERIM CITY ENGINEER B~LmGPE~OD: 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 -- ATTN: ROBERT W. WEDDLE ~ ~OM 06/29/91TO 07/26/91 INV. ~E071-058-MAT(REV) ~OB ................... C~.~...~X-T~N.5-I-ON-...i..FJWF, R- ........................................... wol~:om:)~ ~o ....... '9.~.,.~.$ ......... CURRENT WORK SEWER UPSIZING ENGINEER II 1'.0 HRS @ $ 55.00 $ 55.00 DRAFTER III 13.5 HRS @ 55.00 742.50 SECRETARY II 3.0 HRS @ 40.00 120.00 CURRENT CHARGES THIS INVOICES: $ 917.50 AMOUNT DUE AND PAYABLE: $ 917.50,,/' WORK AUTHORIZATION SUMMARY BILLING SUMMARY ORIGINAL AUTHOR. - $2,100.00 UNPAID INVOICES: TOTAL AUTHORIZED - 2,100.00 BILLED TO DATE - 1,192.50 THIS INVOICE $917.50 AUTHORIZED BALANCE - $ 907.50 OVER 30 DAYS - 275.00 TOTAL UNPAID INVOICES - $1,192.50 ,.. .21 All RYOI/Iit 10920 Via Frontera REMIT T0: P.0. Box 28100 San Diego, CA 92127-1704 Saa Diego, CA 921980100 Tel 619 485-1500 FONTANA, CITY OF INVOICEDATE: SEPTEMBER 9, 1991 INTERIM CITY ENGINEER INV01CEN0: E081-057-MAT 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92~35 SERVICE FROM: 07/27/91 ATTN: ROBERT W. WEDDLE T0: 08/30/gl YOUR REF: JOB: JOBN0.: E89-020.001 CYPRFRg FXTFNqTON qFWER ~ CURRENT WORK SEWER UPSIZING PRINCIPAL III 0.5 HRS @ $135.00 $ 67.50 DESIGNER II 6.5 HRS @ 65.00 422.50 ENGINEER II 5.5 HRS @ 55°00 302..50 DRAFTER III 2.0 HRS @ 55,00 II0.00 SECRETARY II 2.0 HRS @ 40.00 80.00 CURRENT CHARGES THIS INVOICES: $ 982.50 CHARGES PER ATHORIZED AMOUNT: $ 907.50 PAST DUE AMOUNT: 917.50 AMOUNT DUE AND PAYABLE: $1,825.00 WORK AUTHORIZATION SUMMARY BILLING SUMMARY ORIGINAL AUTHOR. $2,100.00 UNPAID INVOICES: TOTAL AUTHORIZED - 2,100.00 BILLED TO DATE 1,192.50 THIS INVOICE $907.50 AUTHORIZED BALANCE $ -0- OVER 30 DAYS 917.50 TOTAL UNPAID INVOICES $1,825.00 ENGINEERS t~ PLANNF:RS cz,~: FONTANA, CITY OF AUGUST 2t 1991 INTERIM CITY ENGINEER 8353 SIERRA AVENUE I FONTANA~ CA 92335 ,_~ ~ ATTN: ROBERT Wo WEDDLE 06/29/91~° 07/26/91 INV. ~E071-058-MAT lOB .................... ~¥PRESS EXTEN~ ION SEWE~ WOrK O~)~ NO .......... E~.9~rO-O-t.- ...... CURRENT WORK F~ E C E I V i~ D SEWER UPSIZING AUG G ' A.M. ,~S-~-~.-ANT eNGI~>R'R'h~1'.0 ,Rs e s s~.oo s ss.oo ~ DRAFTER~ ~ ~.5 HRS e 55.00 7~2.50 SECRETARY~ , /~'// ~.0 HRS ~ ~0.00 ~20.00 ~~.;CURRENT CHARGES THZS ZNVOZCES: $ g17.50 ~ ~ ~~ "'~,, AMOUNT DUE AND PAYABLE: $ g~7 50 WORK AUTHORIZATION SUMMARY BILLING SUMMARY ORIGINAL AUTHOR. - ~2,100.00 UNPAID INVOICES: TOTAL AUTHORIZED - 2,100.00 BILLED TO DATE - 1,167.~0 THIS INVOICE $917.50 AUTHORIZED BALANCE - $ 932.50 OVER 30 DAYS 2~0.00 TOTAL UNPAID INVOICES- $1,167.50 EN61NEEllS & PLANNERS SCHEDULE OF HOURLY BILLING: RATES Effective July 1, 1991 Engineering / Planning Design and Drafting Senior Principal $T35.00 Senior Designer $70.00 Principa~ 115.00 Designer 65.00 Principal Engineer/P~anner 95.00 Senior Drafter 55.00 Senior Engfneer/P4anner 85.00 Drafter 45.00 Engineer/Planner 70.00 Engineering Technician 40.00 Assistant Engineer/Planner 55.00 Construction Management Surveying Principal Engineer/Construction Mgr 2.8 x D;rect Salary Principal Surveyor $95.00 Senior Engineer/Construct/on Mgr 2.8 x Direct Salary Senior Surveyor 85.00 Resident Engineer/Construction Eng 2.8 x Direct Salary Supervising Surveyor 70.00 Assistant Construction Engineer 2.8 x Direct Salary Survey Technician 45.00 Inspector 2.8 x Direct Salary Survey Crew (3 Person) 175.00 Survey Crew (2 Person) 140.00 Travel Time 50% x Crew Rate Mileage (Survey Truck) .50/Mile Systems Analyst/St Financial Analyst $85.00 Computers: Programmer/F~noncial Analyst 65.00 Mainframe Connect Time $30.00/Hour Senior Technician 55.00 PC Connect Time 10.00/Hour Technician 45.00 Disk Storage (Per Mb) $15.30/Monlh Executive Secretary/Admin Assistant 45.00 Reports: ($25.00 Minimum '~ecretary 40.00 Lines Printed .02/Line Word Processor/Clerk/Office Aide 35.00 CPU Time .50/Second Photocopies .lO/Copy Mileage .32/Mile Subsistence At Cost :Other Expenses Cost + Bi/ling rates include overhead and are subject to increases each year due to union bargaining agreements and cost of living increases. A late payment FINANCE CHARGE will be applied to any unpaid balance, commencing thirty (30) days after the date of the original invmce, at the maximum interest rate allowed by law. 6/91 AMENDMENT TO CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT is made this 18th day of December, 1990, by and between the City of Fontaria, a municipal corporation of the State of California, located at 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California 92335, County of San Bernardino, State of California (hereinafter "City") and NBS/Lowry, Inc., {hereinafter "Consultant"). WHEREAS, City and Consultant entered into an Agreement dated February 26, 1990 which provided in Section II, Item 4. Time of Performance, for a Time of Performance of gO days from the above-stated date, and WHEREAS, City and Consultant desire to change the subject Section II, Item 4. NOW, THEREFORE, CITY AND CONSULTANT MUTUALLY AGREE THAT SECTION II, ITEM 4 OF THE SUBJECT AGREEMENT BE AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "4. Time of Performance. The time to complete the task to be performed by consultant under and pursuant to this Agreement shall be March 2g, lggl." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have accepted and made executed this Amendment to Agreement upon the terms, conditions, and provisions above stated, the day and year first above written. a municipal corporation S Title: / C' er ~ . ompl q a Department Recommendation: ~,~/~artmen~He~ad~~ APPROVED AS TO FORM AND ~LEGAL CONTENT CONSUI.TANT SERVZCES AGREENENT PROJECT NAME: Extension of Cypress Avenue Sewer Line from San Bernardino Avenue to Valley Boulevard qo THIS AGREEMENT is made this Z~~' day of F~lrn~u) , 19~<~, by and between the CITY OF FONTANA, a municipal corporation of the State of California, located at 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontaria, California g2335, County of San Bernardino, State of California (hereinafter "City") and NBS/Lowry {hereinafter "Consultant"). Nt!EREAS, City desires to engage Consultant to provide plans and specifications to extend a sewer trunk main on Cypress Avenue between Valley Boulevard and San Bernardino Avenue. NOM, THEREFORE, CITY AND CONSULTANT IIJI'IJALLYAGREETHAT: SECTION l SERVZCES OFT HE CONSULTANT General Description of Services. Consultant shall perform the tasks set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof so as to fully and adequately complete their project described herein. SECTION II RESPONSIBXLITIES OF CONSULTANT 1. Personnel. All the work shall be performed by Consultant or under his supervision. The Consultant represents that it possesses the professional and technical personnel required to perform the services required by this Agreement. City retains Consultant on an independent contractor basis and Consultant is not an employee of the City. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive direction and control. Consultant shall pay all wages, salaries, and other amounts due such personnel in connection with their performance of services under this Agreement and as required by law, shall be responsible for all reports and obligations respecting them, including but not limited to, Social Security taxes, income tax withholding, unemployment insurance, and workers' compensation insurance. 2. Cooperation. Consultant shall work closely and cooperate fully with City's designated Project Administrator, and any other agencies which may have jurisdiction or interest in the work to be performed. 3. Project Manaqer. The Consultant shall assign the project to a Project Manager, who shall coordinate all phases of the project. This Project Manager shall be available to the City during normal working hours or at reasonable intervals. The Consultant has designated W. H. Wilson, to be its Project Manager. 4. Time of Performance. The task to be performed by Consultant under and pursuant to this Agreement shall be completed within ninety {gO) days from the above-stated date. Consultant shall receive no additional compensation if completion of its obligation under this Agreement requires a time greater than as set forth herein unless such extension is caused solely by the conduct of the City. Each party hereby agrees to provide timely notice to the other of any violation occurring under this section and the cause thereof. 5. Report Materials. At the completion of this project, Consultant shall deliver to City all documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, photographs, and reports prepared by Consultant under this Agreement. Said documents shall be considered the property of City upon payment for services performed by Consultant. 6. City Policy. Consultant wi)l discuss and review all matters relating to policy and project direction with the Project Administrator in advance of all critical decision points in order to ensure that the project proceeds in a manner consistent with City goals and policies. 7. Conformance to AppliCable Requirements. All work prepared by Consultant shall conform to applicable city, county, state, and federal requirements and be subject to approval of the Project Administrator and City Council. 8. Indemnification. Consultant agrees to indemnify, defend, save, and hold harmless City, its officers, agents, and employees from and against all liability, claims, damages, losses, and expenses for damages of any nature whatsoever including, but not limited to, bodily injury, death, personal injury, property damages, and attorneys' fees directly arising from any and all negligent actions of Consultant, its employees, agents, or subcontractors pursuant to this Agreement. In no event shall consultant be responsible for any claim for damages of any nature whatsoever as a result of actions and negligence by the City, its agents, officers or employees {other than consultant). g. Standard of Care~ Licenses. Consultant represents and agrees that all personnel engaged in performing services are and shall be fully qualified and are authorized or permitted under state and local law to perform such services. The Consultant shall perform the services under this Agreement in a skillful and competent manner. The Consultant shall be responsible to City for any errors or omissions in the execution of this Agreement. Consultant represents and warrants to City that it has all licenses, permits, qualifications, and approvals required of its profession. Consultant further represents and warrants that it shall keep in effect all such licenses, permits, and other approvals during the term of this Agreement. 10. Insurance. Without limiting Consultant's indemnification of City, Consultant shall obtain and provide and maintain at its own expense during the term of this Agreement policy or policies of liability insurance of the type and amounts described below and satisfactory to the City Attorney. Such policies shall be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf and must be filed with the City prior to exercising any right or performing any work pursuant to this Agreement. A. Prior to the commencement of any services hereunder, Consultant shall provide to City certificates of insurance with original endorsements, and copies of policies, if requested by City, of the following insurance, with Best's Class B o~~ better carriers: {1) Worker's compensation insurance covering all employees and principals of the Consultant per the State Compensation Insurance Fund, State of California~ (2) Commercial general liability insurance without limitation contractual liability, in a minimum amount of $1 million combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage; {3) Commercial auto liability and property insurance covering any owned and rented vehicles of Consultant in a minimum amount of $1 million combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. B. Said policy or policies shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, cancelled by either party, or reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior notice has been given in writing to City. Consultant shall give to City prompt and timely notice of claim made or suit instituted arising out of Consultant's operation hereunder. consultant shall also procure and maintain, at its own cost and expense, any additional kinds of insurance, which in its own judgement may be necessary for its proper protection and prosecution of the work. C. Consultant shall include subcontracting consultants, if any, as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverage for each subcontractor shall be subject to the requirements stated herein. 11. Prohibition Aqainst Transfers. A. Consultant shall not assign, sublease, hypothecate, or transfer this Agreement, or any interest therein, directly or indirectly by operation of law without the prior written consent of the City. Any attempt to do so without said consent shall be null and void, and any assignee, sublessee, hypothecatee or transferee shall acquire no right or interest by reason of such attempted assignment, hypothecation, or transfer. B. The sale, assignment, transfer, or other disposition of any of the issued and outstanding capital stock of Consultant, or of the interest of any general partner or joint venturer or syndicate member or co-tenant if Consultant is a partnership or a joint venture or a syndicate or a co-tenancy, which shall result in changing the control of Consultant, shall be construed as an assignment of this Agreement. Control means fifty percent {50%} or mere of voting power of the corporation. 12. Proqress. Consultant is responsible to keep the Project Administrator and/or his/her duly authorized designee informed on a regular basis regarding the status and progress of the work, activities performed and planned, and any meetings that have been scheduled or are desired. 13. Confidentiality. No news releases, including photographs, public announcements, or confirmations of the same, of any part of the subject matter of this Agreement or any phase of any program hereunder shall be made without prior written approval of the City. The information which results from the services in this Agreement is to be kept confidential unless the release of information is authorized by the City. SECTION III RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITY 1. Cooperation. City agrees to cooperate and effectively communicate with the Consultant on the project. 2. Citv's Responsibilities. City shall furnish to Consultant base maps, existing studies, ordinances, data, and other existing information as shall be determined by Consultant and materials in City's possession necessary for Consultant to complete the work contemplated by this Agreement. City further agrees to provide all such materials in a timely manner so as not to cause delays in Consultant's work schedule. Consultant may rely in good faith upon the information provided by City. 3. Administration. This Agreement will be administered by the Public Works Director. The Public Works Director or his/her designee shall be considered the Project Administrator and shall have the authority to act for the City under this Agreement. The Public Works Director or his/her authorized representative shall represent the City in all matters pertaining to the services to be rendered pursuant to this Agreement. SECTION IV FEES/gi) PAtI~ENTS 1. Comoensation. Except as provided in this section, Consultant shall receive as compensation for all services rendered under this Agreement an amount not to exceed $21,310.00 and at the rates set forth in Exhibit "A". The total project cost shall not exceed this amount unless additional work is requested in writing by the City. City shall not be required to pay any amounts in excess of this sum whether for copying costs, incidental, direct, or indirect costs, or any type incurred by Consultant. This section shall not limit the ability of the parties to amend this Agreement to provide for extra work. 2. Extra Work. Consultant shall receive compensation for extra work authorized by City in an amount as specified by the parties at the time such authorization is given. All extra work must be authorized in writing by the Project Administrator and Consultant shall not be entitled to extra compensation without such authorization. 3. Reimbursement for Expenses. Consultant shall not be reimbursed for any expenses unless authorized in writing by City. 4. Monthly In:voices. Consultant shall submit invoices to the City on a monthly basis in accordance with Consultant's schedule of fees contained in Exhibit "A" hereof. Each invoice will be itemized. Each invoice shall show the number of hours worked per person/consultant and the nature of the work performed. 5. Payment of Compensation. City shall make payments to Consultant within sixty (60} days of receiving said statement unless City disputes the amount Consultant claims is owed under this Agreement. 6. Withholdinqs. City may withhold payment of any disputed sums until satisfaction of the dispute with respect to such payment. Such withholding shall not be deemed to constitute a failure to pay according to the terms of this Agreement. Consultant shall have an immediate right to appeal to the Mayor and City Council with respect to such disputed sums. Consultant shall have the right to pursue an appeal of the decision of the Mayor and City Council to a court of competent jurisdiction. SECTION V ACCOIJNTIN(; RECORDS Consultant shall keep records and invoices in connection with its work to be performed under this Agreement. Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to the costs incurred under this Agreement. All such records shall be clearly identifiable. Consultant shall allow a representative of City during normal business hours to examine, audit, and make transcripts or copies of such records. Consultant shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to the Agreement for a period nf three {3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement. SECTION GI]IERAL PROVISIONS 1. Termination. A. City may, by written notice to Consultant, terminate the whole, or any part, of this Agreement at any time and without cause by giving written notice to Consultant of such termination, and specifying the effective date thereof, at least seven {7) days before the effective date of such termination. In the event of termination without cause, Consultant shall be compensated for the work performed up to the date of termination. Payment for work completed under the Agreement to date of termination shall be made strictly on the basis of the percent of work completed under the terms of this Agreement. The percent of work completed to date of termination shall be the percent of total Agreement sum which shall be paid to Consultant. The City Manager shall determine the percent of work completed at the date of termination but the consultant has the right to appeal to a court of competent jurisdiction. In no event may total payment to termination exceed $21,310.00. Consultant shall be entitled to no further compensation after termination. Consultant may not terminate this Agreement except for reasonable cause. B. In the event this Agreement is terminated, in whole or in part, as provided in paragraph A of this section, City may procure from any person or entity upon such terms, and in such manner as it may determine appropriate, services similar to those terminated. C. If this Agreement is terminated as provided in paragraph A of this section, Consultant shall provide to City upon request by City all finished or unfinished documents, data, studies, drawings, maps, photographs, reports, etc., prepared by Consultant for the project upon payment by the City. D. Consultant further covenants to give its good faith cooperation in the transfer of the work to any other consultant employed by the City following termination hereunder, and to participate in a reasonable number of such meetings at no cost to City as shall be deemed necessary and reasonable by the City Manager and Consultant to effectively accomplish its transfer. 2. Notice~. Any notice required or desired to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be given in writing, and sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed as follows: City Consultant City Manager W.N. Wilson, V.P. City of Fontana NBS/Lowry 8353 Sierra Avenue Box 28100 Fontana, Ca. 92335 San Diego, CA 92128 {714) 350-7654 {619} 485-1500 Any notice so given shall be considered served on the other party three {3) days after deposit in the U.S. mail, certified postage prepaid, and addressed to the party at its applicable address. The address for notice may be changed by giving notice pursuant to this paragraph. 3. Litiqation. Should litigation be necessary to enforce any term or provision of this Agreement, or to collect any portion of the amount payable under this Agreement, or to collect any portion of the amount payable under this Agreement, then all litigation and collection expenses, witness fees, expert fees, court costs, and attorney fees incurred by the prevailing party shall be paid to the prevailing party. 4. Entire Aqreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between City and Consultant with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, or agreements. This Agreement may only be modified by a writing signed by both parties. 5. Enforcement. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 6. Nondiscrimination by Consultant. Consultant represents and agrees that Consultant, its affiliates, subsidiaries, or holding companies do not and will not discriminate against any subcontractor, consultant, employee, or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, handicap, or national origin. 7. City's Rights to Employ Other Consultants. City reserves the right to employ other consultants in connection with this project. 8. Conflicts of Interest. A. The Consultant or its employees may be subject to the provisions of the California Political Reform Act of 1974 {the "Act"), which {1) requires such persons to disclose financial interest that may foreseeably be materially affected by the work performed under this Agreement, and {2) prohibits such persons from making, or participating in making, decisions that will foreseeably financially affect such interest. B. If subject to the Act, Consultant shall conform to all requirements of the Act. Failure to do so constitutes a material breach and is grounds for termination of this Agreement by the City. SECTION VII SUBCO!ITRACTIItG 1. Consultant shall not subcontract any portion of the work required by this Agreement, except as expressly stated herein, without prior approval of City. 2. Subcontracts, if any, shall contain a provision making them subject to all provisions stipulated in this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have accepted and made and executed this agreement upon the terms, conditions, and provisions above stated, the day and year first above written. CITY OF FONTANA, CONSULTANT a municipal corporation : .DED READ: By: Da. C Dated: Department Recommendation ' July 27, 1989 Yousuf Pantanwala Civil Engineering Assistant II CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 EXTENSION OF CYPRESS SEWER MAIN VALLEY BOULEVARD TO SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE At your request this is a proposal for providing an engineering design report, surveying support, plans and specifications for an extension of the Cypress sewer from Valley Boulevard to San Bernardino Avenue. Attached as Appendix "A" is a fact sheet which indicates the known physical conditions of the project. We additionally attach an engineering fee estimate for providing the plans and specifications to you for the facilities described. SCOPE OF WORK: The Scope of Work will include meetings and coordination, preparation of a design report, preliminary surveying, preparation of plan and profiles, preparation of special details, and any specifications required. We will also request "Underground Alert" to mark all underground facilities prior to surveying to obtain as much knowledge as possible of where the various underground facilities lie. When a pipeline project is installed within an existing street, there are many obstructions to the work which must be determined such as water, sewer, gas and CATV laterals. This information is very important to the Contractor and should be determined during the design phase to avoid delay and extra cost during construction. The design report will determine the area to be served, the sewage flows to be expected, recommended sizing, and the location of the facilities. Also, the report will determine the operational aspects of the facility; such as, 10920 Via Frontera · R O. Box 28100 · San Diego, CA 92128-0100 · (619) 485-1500 · (619) 578-7140 FAX (619) 487-2068 EXHIBIT "A" CONT'O July 27, 1989 Yousuf Pantanwala Civil Engineering Assistant II CITY OF FONTANA Page 2 interconnection with existing sewers. It is desired that the design report be approved by City staff prior to design commencing. The survey will include "dipping" of the existing sewer manholes, location of known utilities, mapping of the delineated "Underground Alert" markings~ cross-sections at 50' intervals within the 60'-64' wide street right-of-way, and coordination of the existing survey monuments. It is desired that the survey be completed prior to submittal of the report so that information may be incorporated into the design report. Preparation of plans and specifications will be accomplished using the survey data as background and overlaying it with the design lines and profiles. It is anticipated that the existing sewer will be "relieved" where appropriate per the approved design report. Utility interface and obtaining letters confirming locations will also be included. Meetings and coordination of the work will include confirmation of the design parameters and preparation of the plans and specifications to the construction phase. WORK NOT INCLUDED: Additional to the above scope but not part of it could be the following services: o setting of monuments, ties, etc. o bidding preparation and documents o construction survey, management, inspection o soils report, street cores, pavement analysis o "As Built" changes, "Record Plans" o Backhoe & digout oonfirmations " EXHIBIT "A" CONT'D July 27, 1989 Yousuf Pantanwala Civil Engineering Assistant II CITY OF FONTANA Page 3 ESTIMATED ENGINEERING FEE: We estimate the engineering fee for this project to be $21,310 which includes the report, surveying, plan and profiles, and specifications. The breakdown for this cost is indicated on the following sheets. Should there be any further questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to call and we will discuss it further with you. Vice President ea · ~ ~s- EXHIBIT "A" CONT'D APPENDIX "A" Known facts concerning the extension of the Cypress Sewer facility from Valley Boulevard to San Bernardino Avenue. Description Size and Quantity Size of Sewer Main To be determined by report Length of Sewer Main 2800' plus or minus Available surveying data None known (Monument Map?) Addition Street Marking "Underground Alert" Other Utility Locations Power overhead Telephone overhead CATV underground Gas unknown Water along West side (?) Fire Hydrants, none found Storm drains, surface facilities Street Improvements Paving, asphalt 6" curb and Gutter, Mostly both sides 6" Asphalt Dike, West side, one block Soils Report NOne is available Street section is not known EXHIBIT "A" CONT'D ENGINEERING FEE ESTIMATE I. Sewer Design Report This work will include meetings for project coordination, engineering design, hydraulic computations as required for line sizing, and generation of redlines for drafting. It will also include, Design flow rates and points of connections from the currently scoped work. Engineering Design Report costs are estimated to be $4,250. II. Surveying Compile and field verify the extent, location and depth of existing underground utilities crossing the sewer extension for the length of 2800 feet, on Cypress, southerly between Valley Boulevard to San Bernardino Avenue. Information will be compiled in a form adequate to facilitate, plan and profile background sheets, of the subject area. The survey effort for Existing Conditions has been estimated to be $3,500. Extension of survey data to plan information will cost $500: Total $4,000. III. Sewer Design Plans Generation of the plans shall include 2800 feet of Plan and Profile Sheets at 1"=40' (H) 1"=4' (V). This will require 3 Plan/Profile, one cover sheet and one detail sheet, for a total of five sheets. Engineering Specifications will be provided on the final drawings. Engineering and Drafting will be $9,300 for the $1,860 per sheet. IV. Meetings and Coordination It is estimated that four meetings will be necessary at the City of Fontana, along with two days of meetings with various private agencies. This cost is estimated at $2,760. V. Reimburseables All'blueprints, check prints, report reproduction, photo copying, survey note copies and other documentation costs will be done on an "as needed" basis. The assigned cost will be used only if needed and is identified only as a budget amount. Budget: $1,000. EXHIBIT "A" CONT'D ENGINEERING FEE SUMMARY Proposed Regional Sanitary Sewer Extension of Cypress Avenue, from Vally Boulevard to San Bernardino Avenue July 25~ 1989 Totals I. Surveying for Design $4,000 II. Sewer Design Report $4,250 III. Sewer Plans & Specifications $9,300 IV. Meetings & Coordination $2,760 V. Reimburseables Budget $1~000 Grand Total: $21,310 ' ,~ EXHIBIT "B" ENGINEERS & PLANNEF:~S SCHEDULE OF HOURLY BILLING RATES Effective July 1. 1989 OFFICE: ENGINEERING Principal 1II ........................ $135.00 Principal 1I ............................ 115,00 Principal I ................................. 10500 Project Director I ................................. 95.00 Prolect Manager II ..................................... 85.00 Project Manager I .............................. 75,00 Project Engineer I .............................. 70.00 Engineer III .......................................... 6000 Engineer II .......................................... 55.00 Engineer I .......................................... 45.00 PLANNING Proiect Manager II ........................................... 85.00 Proiect Manager I ...................................... 75.00 Project Planner I ................................................ 70.00 Planner ill ......................................... 6000 Planner II .......................................... 55.00 Planner I ................................................. 45.00 DESIGN AND DRAFTING Designer II ................................................. 65.00 Designer I ........................................ 60.00 Dratter 1II ...................... ' ................ 55.00 Draf~er II .................................... 50.00 Drafter I .................................................. 40.00 Technician II ....................................... 35.00 Technician I ............................................ 30.00 FIELD: CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Construction Manager [ ......................................... 75.00 Construction Engineer III ......................................... 75.00 Construction Engineer I & II .......................................... 2.8 x Direct Salary Resident Engineer I1 ...................................... 60.00 Resident Engineer I ......................................... 50.00 Engineering Analyst .......................................... 40.00 Inspector I to VIII ..................................................... 18.8 x Direct Salary SURVEYING Survey Manager II .................................... 85.00 Project Surveyor [I ........................................... ?5.00 Prolecf Surveyor [ ........................................... 65.00 Survey Crew (3 man) .......................................... 155,00 Survey Crew (2 man) 125.00 ........................................... Crew rate x 50% Survey Crew Travel Time ............................................. SERVICES AND EXPF_NSES: Computer, Main~'ame Connect Time per Hour .................................. 30.00 P.C. Connect Time per Hour ....................................... 10.00 Storage (100.000 characters) ....................................... $4S/month Computer Systems Analyst 1[ ........................................ 85.00 Computer Systems Analyst I ........................................... 60.00 Technician IV ......................................................... 4500 Technician [11 ......................................................... 40,00 Secretary [1 ............................................................. 40.00 Secretary [ ....................................................... 30.00 In-House Photocopy ....................................... I0 cents/copy Mileage ............................................................ 30cents/mfie Subsistence ........................................................... Cost Other Expenses ............................................... Cost + 15% '11.lAJI( YOU FOR NOT ..~ROi(ING, DRI)I(ING OR ~TI~ IN ~E C~IL ~S N~XT Ord. 964 Res. 90-19 NO 90-34 ~TICE TO ~LIC: A complete package ~nclu~ng ageride reports, ~s located on the cl~p ~oard nea~ ~he door ~o :he Council (ChamUe~s for your review. JAn opportunity ~s provided for persons ~n ~he audience to make Ibr~ef statements under ~em on ~ssues or concerns not cove~e~ (by the ~genda. (Anyone w~sh~ng to speak to the C~y Council on ~tems that ARE NOT LISTED on :he agen~a, mus~ f~ll ou: a card aC ~he end of e~her pod~um & hand ~t to th~ C~ty Clerk. You w~11 be called to spear under "PUBLIC CONHUNICATIONS O~L" ~n the order you submitted your card. ~, E FILL ~ A ~, ~ IT TO ~ C]~ C~ ~ Y~ MILL ~ ~L~ ~ ~ ~T ITB ~ E~ ~ CI~ C~IL. CI~ C~IL OF ~ C~ ~ F~ F~Y 6, 19~ ($:30 p.m. Ctty Council Neettng 7:30 p.m. Redevelopment Agency Heet~ng City Hall, 83S3 Sierra Ave. CALL TO m: 2, P~ ~ ~l~: ~ ~ 3. lW~TII: ~unct1 Chaplain, Patrtch N. Hurray ~tt~ to approve minutes of tM January 9, IiN AdJournN1 ~ ~ s ~ Regular Ctty C~tl kitrig and the January 16, ~9~ Regular ~ Ctty Council Mttng. February 6, 1990 City Council Agenda -2- FeDruary 6 I~C 6. ANM~S, PIO~LAMATIOM~ AI) RECOQMITIOM: A. MAYOR AND COUNCIL TO RECOGNIZE: NOTES ~'('/) Fontana jr. High Student Government Club (Bill Freeman, Director of Personnel to introduce). y-(2) New Employees in the Finance Department (Rodger Nave to introduce). ~ 7. PLILIC COI!IIIICATIOMS: [U leER THE PROVISIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA GOVEIUIEBT COOE. ]'HE l CiTy CO(IK:IL IS PROHIBITED BY tAM FRfM DISCUSSING OR TAlCIN I IIIrnlATE ACTION ON ORAL aFIJESTS. ORAL: Items by General Public - Maximum 5 minutes. INOTICE TO PUBLIC: All matters listed under CONSENT CALENDAR I Jare considered by staff to be non-controversial and will be I Janacted by one motion in the form listed below - there will bel Ino separate discusston on these items prior to the time the I ICouncil votes on the unless a member of the Council, staff lot publlc request that a specific item be discussed or removedl Ifrom the Cansent Calendar for seaarate action. I A. To adopt Resolution !11. ~"/~ , tpprovtng and ratifying check registers dated JanUary 2, ZggO and danulry 16, 1990 in the aggregate amount of $3,596,612.76.  month of December 1989. %'~4j~ ~n~r ~j~/,'~ ~j'~ ~ ~, To approve and file the City Investant Re~rt for the ~abruary 6, lggO City Council Agenda -3- February 5, (8. ~ CALBI)AIR: Continued) HOTES O. ?o authorize the City Manager and Deputy City Manager to represent the City at LAFCO on February 21, 1990 or any future meetings on the subject of LAFCo 2862 and 2563. E. To receive e report regarding claims rejected and not yet reported to the City Council. F. To receive the quarterly update of contracts signed by the City Manager from November, 1989 through january, 1990. G. To receive report on space needs. H. To receive report on Civic Center site. I. To receive and file update on San Bernardtrio County Mid-Valley Landfill. $C J. To award a franchise to Ruth Berry, DBA Tom's E oft Service, to escort Senior Citizens to their appointments and on their errands. K. (1) To receive staff report regarding concerns expressed Py Ms. messy Way at the January 2, 1990 City Council Meeting. (2) To authorize the Mayor to sign letters regarding the Mobilehoea Residency Law to Assemblyman H,user and Senator Greene. L. To award bid in the amount of $19,381.06 to Kimberly~ Electronics, P,ruNs, New Jersey, to supply Dec Computer Hardware to the City of Fontana Police Department. M. To adopt Resolutt ':' ;j .!'~, adopting the interim ., .., .....,..,.. ,o. Public Works Director/Civil Engineer, Public Worksl Administrations Manager, Environmental Protections Manager and Public Works Operations Manager. N. TO adopt Resoluttelr~')(r- a~:/~, adopting the interim chsstftcatton specification mn'~'a'salery range for Chief Code Enforcement S~ialtst. O. To adopt Resolutieleee-ff:~~;iottce of Intention to vacate streets and setttnf"~bltc Hearing thereon. P. To adopt "Substantial Change' definition as required by~ Section 570.305 of CON regulations and authorize staff to comply accordingly. FePruary 6, 1990 City Council Ageride -4- February 6, 15~C (8. COlISEIff CMUgl)&mI: C~mtinu~d) ' ~ ~ in ti u NOTES Q. {1) To adopt Resolution No. 90° ~, s t tin. " " proceedings for Annexation No."))' to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1, appointing an engineer of work, ordering preparation of a district map indicating the proposed boundary of the annexation and providing for other engineering services. (Tract 13553 located on the southwest corner of Baseline and Tamarind). {2) To adopt Resolution NO. gO- ~ , giving preliminary approval to Engineer's Report for Annexation No. 36 to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1. de larin9 its (3) To adopt Resolution He, )e- ~ c intention to order Annexation oF, 38 to Landscape Haintenance District No, 1 pursuant to the Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972, and setting the Public Hearing thereof, (March 6, 1990) R. To approve a contract between the City of Fontana and~ Paul J. Ireland for consultant servtces in an amount notI to exceed $55,000 and to authorize the City Manager tot execute the contract. I 5. (1) To authorize an increase in the amount $50,000 to~ the purchase order which was written for the JulyI 5, 1989 master contract with 851 Consultants, Inc.,I for Plan Check services, (2) To authorize an increase in the amount of $150,000 to the purchase order which was written for the July 5, 1989 .ester contract with lSZ Consultants, Inc., for inspection services. T. (1) To authorize an increase in the amount of $50,000 to the purchase order which was written for the June 2, 1987 Master Contract with Albert A. Webb Associates for plan check services for the Village of Heritage. June 2, 1987 NEstmr Coneriot vtth I bert A. Vebbt Assoct ales for tns pact t on servtces fo~ the V t 11 age I of Heritage. I I February 6, 1990 City Council Agenda -5- February 6, (a. ca$$sa~tMiB$)~t~ cantinu~l) U. ~To authorize the execution of an agreement between the NOTES Ctty of Fontaria and NBS/Lowry for consulting services to be provided by NBS/Lowry for the design and preparation of plans, space fications and bid documents for the extension of the Cypress Avenue Sewer line fr~ Valley Boulevard to San Bernardtrio Avenue, and to authorize the appropriation of $21,310 fr~ the sewer fund to cover the cost of the agre~nt. V. (1) To accept the final map for the following tract: Tract 14249 located south of Shmroc~ and east of WillJams. (2) To accept as public all dedicated streets and{ eas~nts, and authorizing the proper Ctty) Officials to enter into an agre~nt with theI subdivider for the construction of improverite ant said tract. W. (1) To accept as cmplet$ the subdivision improv~ntsI in Tract 12134 located south of Randall Avenue and east of Tamarind Avenue and to authorize related actions. (2) To adopt Resolution k. ~- , accepting the sewers in Tract 12134 as a part of the sewer SySt~. X. (1) TO adopt Resolution ~. ~- ~, accepttn~ the dry sewer systm tn the Countyt San Bernardino tn Tract 13981 as a part of the future s~r systm. (L~ated south of krrtll and east of Rmd~) Tract 1~20 as m part of the future sMr syst~.I (L~lt~ north of Ceres and on the east and estI sides of Poplar) Tract 1~74 as a part of t~ future sMr $yste. (L~atH Mrth of Ceres Aven~ aM east of Avenue) February 6, 1990 City Council Agenda -6- February 6. (8. C0IESEXI' CALENMJ~: ~mttnued) NOTES Y. (1) To authorize the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department to advertise for bids for thai installation of an interim traffic signal at the: intersection of Baseline Road and Citrus Avenue. (2) To approve the appropriation of $100,000 from local transportation funds to fund the signal installation at Baseline Road and Citrus Avenue. Z. (1) To adopt Resolution No. gO- SO , supporting organ transplant ?lights. (2)To direct staff to send a copy of the Resolution to the appropriate agencies. ~. (1) To support the League of California Cities' position on attached bills (Legislative Bulletins #1 and (2)To receive report on Legislators' voting record for lgSg. (3) To send letters to Covemot and Assembly Revenue and Taxation Co~mmittee supporting S~AZ (eenerml Obligation Bonds). BB. To approve parade pemit ?or the Blac~ History Parade fr~ the North Fontana Parade G~ittee to be held on February Z4, lggO. CC. To ldo)t ~diNnce ~. ~, mndtng Chapter Z, Article) IX, $~t~en Z-ZS of the Fontana Nun~ctgal C~e Relating) to Council salaries. DD. To adopt ~ TrustTmpany aM a frm the Ctty to lan ut o Z the Nayor to stgn on the Ctty's Nhalf. EE. To approve contracts tn order to eke progrm ~oans~ available to lw and ~erate tncm proMray ~ers to ~abtlttate and taprove thetr proMrates. Approval ~11 tntttate oMrattng a rmnts for: ~r/C~tractor aM Marrarities, ~;ml Assurance, ~ferre, ~r ~cu;te, Rental Rehabilitation interest ~bstdy, cmMnsattng bala~e progrm. February 6, 1990 li~fJ City Council Agenda -7- FeDrusty 5, (8. ~ CALE!INMh Continued) NOTES FF. To approve a contract with Ultra-Research Inc. in a total amount not to exceed $13,500 to providei consultant services related to the development of a Fiscal Impact System. GG.To receive and file a status report on the property located at 9107 Sierra Avenue. NOTION= To approve Consent Calendar Items A thru GG as ~ recowended by staff. ~ 9. RIL]C INOTICE: Persons wishtrig to speak on Public Nearing items I { should fill out a white card on agenda stand - I I indicating FAVOR or OPPOSITION and give it to the I City Clerk for Drocesstnq. I A. AMENDMENT TO 8UYER'$ AWARENESS ORDINANCE= Hearing opened. d. Oral favor. ~u ~ Written coeunication.n~c- e. p (1) Motion to ~aive further reading of Ordinance ~t, ~,-v'bintttal sale of all residential prop:try and that /~!~,\ >~,, c.. ~the reading of the title constitutes first reading dl ~>8. APPROVAL OF THE ENVIR ENTAL IMPACT REPORT #88-136 (SCH 880808201 AMO EMPIRE COUNTER SPECIFIC PLAN # 6: ~ Hear?fig opened. d. 0ral favor. b. irttten comuntcatton../f~J~ e. Orai opposttton.~Z~-~'~' c. Staff c~eents, LA ~ Nearing closed. February 6, 1990 City Council Agenda -8- February 6, 1~90 (g. ImPLIt NF. AItII~: Continu~) NOTES (B. APPROVAL OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT #88-136 CSCH 88080820) AND EMPIRE CENTER SPECIFIC PLAN #16: Continued) ~ (l) Motion to adopt Resolution No. 90- ~C H certifying Environmental Impact Report ~ ~/~ 188080820 and #88-136, adopting the "Findings Regarding The Empire Center Specific Plan (SF #16)", adopting the "Findings and Statements ot overriding considerations regarding environmental effects of ado tion of the Empire Specific Plan (SP #Z61", adopting "The Center Conditions ot Approval for the Empire Center Specific Plan (SP #16)", directing the filing of a Notice of Determination and adopting a · eporttng and R h monitoring program for project c anges tmplmnting mitigation findings concerning the Fontand Empire Center Environmental Impact Report entitled both SCH #88080820 and #88-136.' (2) MotiOn to waive further reading of Ordinance No. ~, adopttng the Empire Center Specific Plar as the applicable Zoning Laws for the Emptrm Center Area, that the reading of the tith h th constitute t · first reading ereof. (3) Notion to lntr~uc, Ordinance Ile. V~f. (4) Notion to request that the Planning Cemission re-evaluate and reconsider the land use designation for the area deleted floe the Spectft~ Plan as per the addend,... El#FIRE ChITEll MOtiOn tO cancel the schedule Public Heirtrig on the Eelit re Cater I)evel oreant AgreeBent untt 1 further notice. February 6, 1990 City Council Agenda -g- February 6, (9. P~LIC REM41IN: Continued) NOTES O.ADOPT|ON OF RESOLUTION REP~AROING U~E~ ETIWANDA C~EEK ~ SAN SEVAINE CREEK AREA RLOOO CONTROL PLANS AND Hearin~ opened. d. Oral fmvor~ Written c~unication.~L e. Oral opposition.~ ?Zr c. Staff c~nt~. ~/~ ~ Heari n~ closed. Motion to adopt Remolutton ~. N-~adopti.~ the ~ upper Etiwanda Creek and ~an Sevain~eek area ~lood Control Plans, and adoptin~ ~lood Control fees to a~sist the ?tnancin~ and construction of ~lood Control facilities, and to provide for the collection of fees in the city territory included within ~he boundarte~ of the a~ma flood con:rol plans for upper Etiwanda and San Sevatne ~lood control areas. ~.~/~,~ ~i~ Resolution No. 8g-17 and adopting an ~/ ~ Znterest Code for designated ep]oyees pursuant ~o the - _/~c . Political Refo~ Ac~ of 1974. 10. ~S ~ APPOZ~NE~ OF ONE RE~R HEHBER TO THE CL~ CITY CO~HZSSION. ONE RE~ N~BER TO THE CULTU~L ARTS COHHISS/~: ~ ONE RE~R HEHBER TO THE P~ZN6 and ap~tnt ~ R ~ to the ¢1~ CIty ~ss ~ (by ~lsch Vacancy) f/6/N. (~rold Clark VacaKy) t e February 6, 1990 City Council Agenda -10- February 6, IX. tlFINISR~B NOTES A. HU~ER'S RXDGE/STONEHOUSE PROJECT: Discussion regarding an update on the Hunter's ~tdge/Stonehouse project as tt relates to the rental by the McGoverns. ADMINIST~TZON B. THE CONVERSION OF THE ELECTRICAL SERVICES FROM OVERHEAD ci LL~ TO UNDERGROUND IN THE DO~O~ BUSINESS DISTRICT ALONG S/ER~ AVENUE: Motion to deny the request for waiver of the electrical Nmtt fees requtred to facilitate the conversion of the electrical services frm overhead to underground tn the ~<'~ doctor. business district alon~ Sierra Avenue. ~ COMITY OEVELOPHE~ N ~tton to conduct the business of ~¢ rqu]Er ~ettng{ ~MINIST~TI~ p R 1 t bltshtng a 5 minute snaking Nlicy at City Co~1 Itlngs. 12. ~ ~I~: February 6, 1990 City Council Agenda -II- FeOruary ()-l~. NIai tUSINESS: Continued) 12,. B. PETITION FOR 1913 ACT A~SE$SMENT DISTRICT POP COOPER NOTES ?,- Z.OUSTRzAL PARK: b )~L' ~f<': Zndustrial Park - tentative Parcel Map No. 12109 until ~fc¢~c~c sufficient depart~nt staffing is available. PUBLIC WORKS 13. ELE OFFICelaNd.:, ,, ~, D ~ ~f ¢ ~ (1) To discuss Nnding Litigstion pursuant to Gover~nt: ~ Code Section 54956.9 (m) and (b). ~ of the ~ndlng Litigation ts descril as follws: (1) Fontaria Water ~L(Ht~t CaDanY.. DM Sin hbrtel Valley Water Cmaanv vs. The City of Fontaria. San krnardtno County Subriot Court ::~ ~ Case 1241724 and Public Utilities Cltsston, Case ~ ,A86-06-022; (2{ ~lrrv Construction. Inc. Adv. The City x ~ of Fontaria; 3 actftc Santa Fe ~v. City of Fontaria; and 4) Ctty of Fontaria V. Dickansi; /'~ TO discus ~rch/se of relT proNrty ~rsulnt ~kver~t · ~tton ~9~.8, I) Slid pro~rty ; mrs of r~ord a~ ) Said proHrty l~mtM st tM (4) To discuss hblic )lo~t LI~P M~tiltt~ RECEIVEr,J: OW CITY ENGINEER'S 10920 Vie Frontera REMIT T0: P.O. Box 28100 Sen Diego, CA 92127-1704 San Diego, CA 92198~)100 Tel 6lg 485-1500 FONTANA, CITY OF INV01CEDA~: APRIL 7, 1992 INTERIM CITY ENGINEER INVOKEN0: EO32-O31-MAT 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 SERVICEFROM: 10/26/91 ATTN: ROBERT W. WEDDLE T0: 03/27/92 YOUR REF: JOB: ]0BN0.: E89-020.001 CYPRESS BXTENSION SEWER CURRENT WORK SEWER UPSIZING SECRETARY II 1.0 HRS @ 40.00 $ 40.00 CURRENT CHARGES THIS INVOICES: 5 40.00 AMOUNT ALLOWABLE PER CONTRACT: 5 ]1.00 CHARGES PER ATHORIZED AMOUNT: $ 31.00 PAST DUE AMOUNT: 907.50 AMOUNT DUE AND PAYABLE: $ 978.50 WORK AUTHORIZATION SUMMARY BILLING SUMMARY ORIGINAL AUTHOR. - 523,411.00 UNPAID INVOICES: TOTAL AUTHORIZED - 23,441.00 BILLED TO DATE - 23,441.00 THIS INVOICE - 5 31.00 AUTHORIZED BALANCE - $ -0- OVER 120 DAYS 907.50 ~OTAL UNPAID INVOICES 5938.50 RECEIVED 10~20 ~o Frontera RE~IT T0: P.0. Eox 28100 Sen Diego, ~ ~2127-1704 Son Diego, ~ ~2)~8~100 Tei ~l~ 485-1500 FONTANAl, CITY OF INV01CEDATE: DECEMBER 18; 1991 INTERIM CITY ENGINEER INV01CEN0: 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 SERVICE FROM: ATTN: ROBERT W. WEDDLE T0: YOUR REF: JOB: JOB NO.: E 8 9 - 0 2 0.0 0 1 CYPRESS EXTENSION SEWER PAST DUE STATEMENT OVER 90 DAYS: $ 907,50 AMOUNT PAST DUE AND PAYABLE: ~ 907.50 SEE ATTACHED INVOICE ms/L2~ ~.s/~l ]0920 Vio Frontera ~ REMIT T0: P0. Box 28100 S~n Diego, ~ 92127-1704 ~ ' [el ~19 485-T500 ~ ~//~/~ Sen DieGo, ~ FONTANA~ CITY OF ~1 INV01CED~E SEPTEMBER 9, 199Z INTERIM CITY ENGINEER l~cs- ~6~. INV0~CEN0: E081-057-MAT 835~ SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 923~5 S~ViCE FR0~: 0Z/27/91 ATTN: ROBERT W. WEDDLE [0: 08/30/91 YOUR ~EF: JOB: J0B N0.: E 89 - 020.00 CYPRF~ F~T~N~I~N CURRENT WORK SEWER UPSIZING PRINCIPAL III 0.S HRS @ 5135.00 $ 67.50 DESIGNER II 6.5 HRS @ 65.00 422.50 ENGINEER II 5.5 HRS @ 55.00 302.50 DRAFTER III 2.0 HRS @ 55.00 If0,00 SECRETARY II 2.0 HRS @ 40.00 80,00 CURRENT CHARGES THIS INVOICES: $ 982.50 -~ 'CHARGES PER ATHORIZED AMOUNT: $ 907.50' PAST DUE AMOUNT: 917.50 AMOUNT DUE AND PAYABLE: $1,825.00 WORK AUTHORIZATION SUMMARY BILLING SUMMARY ORIGINAL AUTHOR. - $2,100.00 UNPAID INVOICES: TOTAL AUTHORIZED - 27100.00 BILLED TO DATE - 1,192.50 THIS INVOICE - $907.50 AUTHORIZED BALANCE - $ -0- OVER 30 DAYS - 917.50 TOTAL UNPAID INVOICES - $1,825.00 /~~ l,/5.9. l~ 3~000.00 - 3~6~'~.50 250.00 0.0~ """' CITY OF FC~TANA "~.~R;:~.~ " ' ~ f DISTRIBUTION BA~NCE S " CHANGE ORDER ~,ouN~o~,~c~As~ AMOUNT OF DECREASE S TO: PURCHASING TOTAL ADJUSTMENT $ FROM: ~lic ;~r~/~g. COMPLETION DATE , De.attment P.O. PACKETNO, CHANGE ORDER NO. / TO PURCHASE ORDER NO 21274 vE.oo~ ~/~ " PLEASE ATIACH A COPY OF TH~ PURCHAS8 ORDER WITH THIS FORM. ~ ~NCREASE PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT OF JNCREASE S 2:lo0 ~_ DECRBSE PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT OF DECR~SE S, _. CANCEL PURCHASE ORDER ___ CHANGE ACCOUNT NUMBE~ JUSTIFICATION N~ ~or~S~z~_~e E f~; ~e ~r~s Ave. ~~oAve.~A~. ~e~~is~inl0~of~ IF THERE IS MORE THAN (4) ACCOUNT NUMBER NVOLV~D, USE SPACE PROVIDED BELOW. ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT F4NANCE D~RECTOR DAE R~D ~: ~ ' ' ~ra Ave., Fentan , CA 92335 (714) 350-7677 VENDOR: a~,Zb&~ 81..lIP TO: 1~ ~* H~SPITAL/TY LAN!~ $TE,1 ENGZNE~R~NG ~IVIS[O~ SAN 9.ERNAR~ZNO~ CA 9;~12 FONTANA/CA .................. I EA CONSULTANT $ERVZCEI:, FOR THE ~$ZGN, AND OOCUHINT$ FOe T~$' EXYINIZON.,OF THE C ict y of Fontana LIFORNIA June 25, 1991 Matt A. Tebbets NBS/Lowry 10920 Via Frontera P. 0. Box 28100 San Diego, CA 92128-0100 RE: Consulting Engineering Services Agreement Amendment for Cypress Avenue Sewer System Dear Mr. Tebbets: On April 19, 1991, we sent you a letter to proceed with changes for the entire project in reference. We later told you to hold the changes unttl better definition of the Kaiser Hospital ultimate flows was known, and thetr impact on sizes. We now have a good estimate for the final flows on the Cypress Avenue sewer ]~ne and a connection point and flowline elevation for the proposed Valley Boulevard sewer mMn from Kaiser Hospital. We communicated with Bruce Lyon the change In sizes as proposed, and he is also in agreement. We are enclosing that information. We are also enclosing the information on the Valley Boulevard main (per Wagner Pacific, Inc.). Finally, we have included changes that additiona]ly wi3] be needed in the bid package originated ~n the City updating some forms. If you have any questions, please call the undersigned at 714 350-6641. Thank you for your attention to this matter. S~ncere]y, Felipe ~oltnos Principal Engineer Attachments ~~ ~C~/'~ cc: Bruce C. L~on, NBS/Lo~y San BernaPdtno ~ Oana Hallad~y, ~agneP Pacttic Znc. 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P O. BOX 518) · FONTANA CALIFORNIAg2334~518 · (714) 35~76OO SISTER CIT~f -- Ku~MLOOPS B,C. CANADA