HomeMy WebLinkAbout18.7.3 S.B.C.Trans/Flood PermitCITY OF FONTANA 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3598 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION pROGRAM ACCOUNTING pURCH. ORDER INVOICE NUMBER 53720-8017-575762 ReST 082c~{~/~ 180.00 ZNSPECTZ0N FEES 050430 SAN BERNARDZNOt COUNTY OF CITY OF FONTANA . ,..,=o 0 2 2 3 2 0 8353 SIERRA AVENUE CHECK 2232 0 FONTANA, CALIFOBNiA92335-3598 DATE 09106194 AMOUNT ******,180.00'* PAY THE SUN OF *******180,OOT)OLLARS TO THE ORDER OF SAN BERNARDINO" COUNTY OF DEPARTNENT OF TRANSPORTATTON ../, 825 E,..THIRD SAN BERNARDIN0~' CA 9241 5-0835 ,/, .~.C~/. YS BANK OF AMERICA · Fontana, Califomia OlD AFTERg0 DA ""O ;~ a ~ ;"O"" e: i e i~OOO~,r- k~: O at, t, ;h,,aO ;~i, qn. COUN3'Y OF SAN BERNARDINO ,-- TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT ROAD PERMIT SECTION 825 E. THIRD STREET SAN BERNARDINO, CA,. 92415--0835 (909) 387--2588 APPLICATION' FOR EXCAVATION PERMIT ,fl/,~,~-/~ DATE OF APPIJCATION LocATION OF WOR~: UTILITY: GAS TELEPHONE ELECTRIC~.__ SEWER )~ WATER__ CA~__. OTHER TOTAL LENGTH TOTAL -WIDTH LINEAL FEET CONDUIT CONDUIT UTILITY OF EXCAVATION OF EXCAVATION PAVEMENT CUT MATERIAL SIZE DRAWING NO. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: Work Guaranteed By: Resolution Franchise Bond ~' Cash De ps0it NAME OF PERMITlEE (PLEASE PRIiVT) APP. I ISS. FEE · INSPEC'rIONF~ AUTHORIZ~j:) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT TOT~E MAILING ~DRESS , ~rbff~ , CA qz 3~ qo (AREA CO~E) TELEPHONE NUMBER REV. 5~4 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO - TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT 825 E. THIRD STREET SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 9241 5-0835 (909) 387- 2888 APPLICATION FOR TREE TRIMMING/REMOVAL PERMIT PLEASE PRtNT MAILXNG ADDRESS /J5~ ~REET CiTY ZIP CODE LOCATION OF TREE(S) LIVE ~ DEADmlSEASED NUMBEROFTREE(S) ./~r~ ~PEOFTREE(S) ~ ~' ~ / ~x~' ~ ~.~ REASON FOR REMOV~ ~E OF PERMI~E (PL~SE PRZ~) SIG~RE OF PERMI~EE PERMIT INVESTIGATION (OFFICE USE ONLY) DATE COU~ RIG ~ - OF- WAY PRIVA~ PROP~' COU~ TO:' REMOVE TRIM =;~PLICA~O=. REMOVE TRIM REM~KS BY DISTRICT ROAD SUPERVISOR REV. 5/94 ~_t~CO ~ROAD PERMITS TEL "'~.909-$87-2897 I~ug '5,94 13:28 No.O05 P.01 BEDULE OF FEEB (s) HIghway Permits ~4~Uim~ndieUenc;e Feee n g ( r. & over~Erne.~ Rlcler to ~ .................................................. I~ulxJIdilo/~ .................................................................... L~O0 Tree Remov~ ...................................................................No Fee Hming Pemdl Prepstalon i~l) SOrrnorewoddngcl~y~nollc~ ...........................28.00 ,. m..... wo.d.g ============================= (L) er to Pern~L .............................................................. (M) Raecl Oloeure Proc~lnil ............................................... (N) Rkler to RoBd Oloeu~t ...................................................J~.O0 (b) Ir~lon Feee (!) Open T!lnch I~ (A) ML, dmumfeeuploBOOIineerlBcEaltren~h ................ eta0 Mlnirnum fee for B01.600 lineor ~ FOr ee~h ~lcllliorml 100 ~neer feel Or IrBcxlon lhemoi ....................................................... :......: .......... 8en4oe Oonnecllons (~) Eeeh connecuan uricset annuel penn[ ....................................... (~) Eeoh cormectk3n nc~ under annu~ perrot ................................41.00 (3) Ooumy pe~h f. (meur~ m) ......................................~etoo + S28.00 L/F (d) Public: Raed Improvmnen~ Required (~) Inepec~on feee ' $1 to i~Ns.aoo ................... .-, -.-. ........... (d) PubllcRoedlmprovementeRequired (~) $1 to S2S.000 ............................................ 1% value ,=.oo~ to $1oo,0ol and above .................................................3/4 (e) eesde and (A) Tmea. ...............................................................................8000.00 ~c} RoeuCkaedAheedmg.(C.~o) ...................... Detour SIgn (C-S) ..............................................44.00 'eftercNculatloo, rOund tO the newest even dollar amourn DAv./,~ZQI 9 89 · 0101 89.0105 Inter. 89 · 0110 8~0~. ~9.0101 pr~o~e ~e continued h~al~ o~ ~s Co~ty's abundan~ and diverse plant resorts, b~ pr~tdi~ r~lations and ~idelines Zor ~e ~ge~nt oZ the pl~t resources in the uninco~o~ated areas of San Ber~rdino Count~ on prope~M c~i~ticns o~ props~ under private or p~lic ~or the Zoll~ing p~ses: (a) To pr~ote a~ sustain the health, vigor and p~uctivit~ o~ pl~t li~e and aes~etic values wi~in ~e Co~t~ ~rough appropriate management (b) TO conse~e ~e ~tive Plant li~e heritaqe for the b~eZit oZ all, ~cludi~ ~utuu ~erations. (c) TO protect native trees and plants indtscr~ina~e ~'~o~ai, and to re,late such COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO '~ ~ ~ I'~T"'~ ~' ~' ' D :NVIRONM.r:NTAL PUBLIC WORKS AGE, ,C,Y Page 1 TRANSPORTATION 825 East Third Street INSPECTION OFFICE Dist. Map Road Name Type Account No, 3 15V21-F2 WASHINGTON DRIVE 12 ciTY or PONTANA $ '6 2 2 8 2 Permit Number Permittee f' 8353 SIERRA AVENUE PERMIT DATE SEPT. 22,1994 Address FONTANA, CA 92335 PERMIT EXPIRES SEPT, 22,1995 City State Zip Person in Charge of Field Work STARTWORK SEPT. 22,199,1 In accordance with your application dated ~.~, 19 94 , and subject to the provisions and requirements of County Code No. 51.011-51.059, the General Provisions printed on the reverse side of this permit and/or such Special Provisions as may be attached hereto, PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO excavate and/or encroach within County road right-of-way for the purpose of performing the following work: LOCATION OF WORK: TREE REI4OVAL ON WASHINGTON DRIVE, BETWEEN CYPRESS AVENUE AND JUNIPER AVENUE, IN THE FONTANA AREA. LEGAL DESC: APN -- -- LOT BLOCK: TRAC3~ ,/CONSTRUCTION ITEMS: DRAINAGE WALL CURB &SIDEWALK PAVING OTHER DRIVEWAY APPROACH GUTTER CONST. CONST. . Residential Commercial ITOTAL LENGTH WIDTH OF FOOTAGE OF CONDUIT CONDUIT EXCAVATION EXCAVATION PAVEMENT CUT MATERIAL SIZE UTtLITY DRAWING DECK WALL REMOVAL sPEc,ALAcT,v,T,Es: CI.ARADECI.,LM,. F'I..N.,N RcARN,vALF'IwALK.A.THo. oTRER work~.a,amee~Ey:Resol.tio. ~~ra~c,,s~ .o.d~ Oash~eposi,.00 Amount (SEE ATTACHED FOR PERMIT Th~S permit is to be strictly construed and no work other than that specifically mentioned above is authorized hereby, Performance of the work shall be deemed to be acceptance by the permittee of all terms and conditions of this permit, APPLICATION/ISSUANCE$ o00 F'I ,NsP ,o. '0° C/L' CU Transpo~ation Depadment .00 C', N DEPOSIT IN TRUST ~1~ $ PERMITES ' '* PAGI 3 OF 3 TBKK RKMOVAL PROVI3ION3 1. REMOVE ~ TREECS) FROM WITHIN COUNTY ROAD ~IGHT-OF-WAY. TREE STUMPS MUST BE REMOVED FLUSH WITH ADJACENT GROUND ELEVATION. 3- REMOVAL OF TREES AND STUMPS FROM WITHIN COUNTY ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS FOR TREE REMOVAL. ~ ~ SPE~I~A~ONS ~E PROPOSED WORK SHALL BE SUBORDINATED TO ANY OPERATIONS WHICH THE COUNTY MAY CONDUCT DURING THE PERMIT PERIOD AND SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE WORK OF ~E COUNTY FORCES OR CONTRACTORS SO THAT THERE SHALL BE NO DE~Y TO NOR INTERFERENCE WITH COUNTY OPERATIONS. NO 'CHANGES SHALL BE ~DE IN THE EXISTING HIGHWAY DRAINAGE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED BY THE DISTRICT ROAD SUPERINTENDENT. ADEQUATE SIGNS, LIGHTS, FLAGMEN, AND BARRICADES SHALL BE PROVIDED TO PROTECT TRAFFIC AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY DEVICES SHALL BE USED IN CONFOR- ~NCE WITH ATTACHED "SAFETY ORDERS". NO EQUIPMENT O~ MATERIAL S~LL BE L~ATED ON THE TRAVELED WAY O~ IMPROVED SHOULDER DURING THE HOURS OF DARKNESS OR SATURDAY, SUNDAYS, AND HOLIDAYS, EXCEPT WITH THE EXPLICIT APPROVAL OF THE DISTRICT ROAD SUPERVISOR. THE PERMITTEE SHALL PRESERVE THE HIGHWAY PAVEMENT FROM MARKING OR OTHER DA~GE DUE TO HIS 0PERATIONS AND SHALL RESTORE AT NO COST TO THE COUNTY, PAVED AREAS WHICH ARE SCARRED O~ OTHERWISE DAMAGED BY VEHICLES OPERATING ON WORK UNDER HIS DIRECTION. TREES SHALL BE REMOVED IN SECTIONS WHICH CAN BE ~NDLED SAFELY WITHOUT INTERFERENCE OR HAZARD TO HIG~AY TRAFFI0. THE ENTIRE TREE AND STUMP SHALL BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF SO ~AT NO DEBRIS REMAINS IN VI~ FROM THE HIGHWAY AND THE STUMP HOLE S~ BE BAC~IL~D AND THOROUGHLY COMPACTED, ~LESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. PEtITTEE AGREES TO INDEMNIFY COUNTY, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, AND EMPLOYEES AGAINST AND HOLD ~EM FREE AND HARMLESS OF AND FROM ALL CLAIMS AND LIABILITIES OF A~ KIND ARISING O~ OF, IN CONNECTION WITH OR RESULTING FROM NEGLIGENCE ON PART OF PERMITTEE, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, CONTRACTORS, AND EMPLOYEES IN CONNECTION WITH WORK UNDERTAKEN UNDER THIS PERMIT, AND DEFEND COUNTY AND ITS OFFICERS, COMMISSIONS, AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES FROM ANY SUITS OR ACTIONS AT L~ OH IN EQUITY FOR D~AGES, AND PAY ALL COURT COSTS AND COUNSEL FEES. ENVTRONMENTAL PUBLIC WORKS AGENCY P~g~ ! . ! , !' ,.:' . TRANSPORTA'i'hON DEPARTMENT "' ', 825 East Third Street ,2:2 ~I'~'~ECTION OFFICE 909/387-2890 Diet. ~ Map Road Name Type Account No. 3 15V2 1 -Z2 ~ASHZ~6TON DRZVg 12 E-52249 ~F F~TA~ ~rmit Number ~rmittee ~ 8353 ~ PERMITDATE SE~T. 15,1994 Address -~0~TA~A, CA 92~35 PERMITSPIPES S~t. 15,1995 City State Zip ~mon in Charge of Field Work ~AYNg BR0~ 909/350-6636 STA~WORK S~I'. 15,1994 In accordance with your application dated SB~T. 8, , 19 94 , and subject to the provisions and requirements of County Code NO. 51.011-51.059, tbe General Provisions printed on the reverse side of this permit and/or such Special PrOvisions as may be attached hereto, PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO excavate and/or encroach within County road right-of-way for the purpose of performing the following work: LOCATION OFWORK:~ASH~NG~ON DRZV~, BET~gg~ CYPRgSS AVgNUg AND 3UNZPgR AVg~gg, ZN THE ~ON~ANA LEGAL DESC: APN -- -- LOT: BLOCK: TRACT: 7'CONSTRUCTION ITEMS: CURB & DRAINAGE WALL DRIVEWAY APPROACH SIDEWALK PAVING OTHER GUTTER CONST. CONST.. Residential Commercial TOTAL LENGTH WIDTH OF FOOTAGE OF CONDUIT CONDUIT EXCAVATION EXCAVATION PAVEMENT CUT MATERIAL SIZE UTIEITY DRAWING 800' 10' 800 ' VCP 8" 2315 ~ DECK WALL F~E~OVAL Work Guaranteed By: Resolution (~ Franchise ~'~ Bond F'~ Cash Deposit . 00 Amount (SEE A~ACHED FO~ PERMIT CONDITIONS) Th=s permit ~s to be stricUy construed and no work other than that specificBUy mentioned above ~s authorized her~y ~dormance of the work shall ~e ~eem~C ~o be acceptance by the permittee of al~ terms and conditions of th~s permit. ~PLICATION/ISSUANCE $ .00 CHARGE CASH ~ TOTAL PERMIT FEE $ ~ 80. O0 Transpo~ation Depadment DEPOSIT IN TRUST ~1~ $ PERMITEE 1. All trench backfill and pavement repairs shall be accomplished to comply with attached Standard Trench Repair Specifications. 2. Upon completion of the work, all brush, timber, scraps and material shall be entirely removed and the right-of-way left in as presentable condition as before work started. 3. Compaction tests and Barber-Greene asphalt concrete cap required in accordance with attached County Specifications. 4. Notify Inspection Section 24 hours prior to beginning work. MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE Under the provisions of San Bernardino County Code Section 51.0210 · adopted by the Board of Supervisors on September 17, 1979, the highway surface excavated or damaged shall be replaced by the permittee to as good or better condition as the same was in before such work was begun and shall be maintained for the life of the utility encroaching in the public road after the completion of the work performed under the permit, during which life time period the permittee shall repair and make good any injury or damage to any portion of the highway which occurs as a result of work done under the permit. PROTECTION OF SURFACE AND UNDERGROUND FACILITIES Permittee shall receive an inquiry identification number from Underground Service Alert, telephone number 1-800-422-4133 prior to performing any work authorized by this permit, including all surface and underground excavation operations. Permit shall not be valid until the inquiry identification number is received. Underground Service Alert requires a minimum of 48 hours notice prior to the beginning of work to verify the location and ties of survey monuments, valve covers, meter boxes, manholes, handholes and underground facilities. Road Permit Section Revised: October 7, 1986 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS FOR TRENCH REPAIR GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. NOTIFICATION - The Permittee shall notify the County Transportation Department before beginning work by mailing the enclosed orange Start Work Notice. In addition, inspection requests shall be made at least 24 hours in advance. In the event work is done without proper inspection, the Permittee may be required to submit evidenc~ sufficient to satisfy the department that the work was performed in accordance with County Standard Specifications. 2. COMPLETION NOTICE -'Permittee shall notify the County Transportation Department by mailing the enclosed green Completion Notice. Requests for final inspection shall be made at lease 24 hours in advance. 3. MAINTENANCE OF TRENCHES - Permit~ee shall perform continuing maintenance to all trenches during course of pipeline construction and shall maintain the trench for the life of the utility in accordance with County Code Section 51.0210. 4. MAINTENANCE OF UNDERGROUND FACILITIES - Permittee shall exercise reasonable care to maintain any landscaping, trees, or tree root systems Within the road right-of-way and to immediately repair and make good any injury to any portion of said landscaping, trees, or tree root system which occurs as a result of the work done under this permit. 5. MANHOLE ADJUSTMENTS - Manholes shall not be constructed to final grade until final paving has been completed. In the mountain area when manholes are adjusted to pavement grades, they shall be 1/2 to 3/4-inch below adjacent pavement surface. In graded earth shoulders or earth flowline areas, asphalt concrete shall be placed to a minimum 2 feet around the manhole and paved out at 45 degrees to the edge of existing pavement. 6. SNOW REMOVAL - County will remove snow on all roads which are safe for the operation of snow removal equipment. If conditions are such as to endanger equipment (sunken trenches, irregular paving, or other hazards), County will cease snow removal. Permittee and/or its contractor shall then be responsible for removal of snow to the surface of the road for a minimum width of 20 feet. 7. CHANGES OR ADDITIONS TO PERMIT - The TransportatiOn Department reserves the right to make any changes or additions to a permit after issuance if such changes or additions are believed necessary for the protection of the roads, or for the safety and convenience of the public. 8. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH COUNTY SPECIFICATIONS - Should Permittee and/or its Contractor fail to comply with any of the provisions of this permit, County Transportation Department will notify Permittee in writing (or telephone in emergency cases) to discontinue further excavations within County road right-of-way until the discrepancy(ies) have been resolved to the satisfaction of the County TranspOrtation Department. Failure to perform the work may result in revocation of permits and/or the County may arrange for the work and bill the Permittee for the costs. Page 1 9. RELOCATION It is further agreed that if any part of the installation interferes with the present use of roads by the general public, and needs adjusting to match the grade of the roadway or is in conflict with future County Road Improvement projects, it will be removed or telcoated as designated by the County Transportation Department at the expense of the Permittee or his successor in interest. 10. PRESERVATION OF PROPERTY - The permittee's legal relationship and responsibilities shall be as specified in Section 7 of the Standard Specifications of the State of California, in particular Section 7-1.11, "Preservation of Property," and section 7.1-12 "Responsibility for Damage." 11. TRACKLAYING CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT - Cleated tracklaying construction equipment shall not be permitted to operate on any paved surface unless fitted with smooth-faced street pads. All mechanical outriggers shall be fitted with rubber street shoes to protect the paving during excavations. Rubber-tired equipment only shall be used in backfill operations in paved areas. If the existing pavement is scarred, spalled, or broken during the term of this permit, or if the pavemerlt is marred, these portions of road be resurfaced over their entire width. 12. CARE OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURES Any drainage structure incIuding corrugated metal pipe, concrete pipe, steel culvert and concrete structures encountered during excavation which necessitate removal shall be replaced in kind. In the event it becomes necessary to remove or cut existing drainage structures, San Bernardino County Transportation Department shall be notified prior to comencement of this work. Drainage structures and open drains shall be kept free of debris at all times for proper drainage. 13. RIGHT OF WAY CLEANUP - Any surplus material resulting from excavation and backfill operations shall be removed from the right of way. All paved surfaces shall be broomed clean of earth and other objectionable materials immediately after backfill and compaction. Existing gutter line and drainage ditches shall be replaced to their original standard or. better. All excess material shall be removed prior to paving. Water tanker shall be used, as required, to sprinkle the job site to keep down dust conditions and shall be used immediately after backfill. t4. DE-WATER OPERATIONS If de-watering operations are required and pumps are forcing water on San Bernardino County roads, it shall be the responsibility of the permittee (contractor) to control this water and to provide barricades and/or traffic control safety devices when necessary. 15. CLOSING STREETS - No street shall be closed. A minimum of one lane of traffic shall be maintained at all times to provide limited access for the adjoining property owners and emergency vehicles. In the event it is felt by the permittee that he must close a street for any length of time, permittee shall contact this office to obtain the necessary permission. Allow five working days for processing the road closure request. 16. SURVEY MONUMENTS - Prior to excavation or beginning of construction, all survey monuments whic~ exist on the centerline of all streets or property lines when involved shall be completely tied out so they may readily and correctly be replaced. At the completion of construction, any monument that was destroyed shall be replaced. A complete set of notes showing the ties to Page 2 these monuments shall be furnished to the San Bernardino County Surveyor prior to the removal of any monuments. All work shall be performed by a licensed civil engineer or surveyor at the expense of the Permittee. This office and the County Surveyor shall be notified upon completion of replacement of all survey monuments for the proper project clearance. 17. ~AVE HARMLESS - Permittee agrees to indemnify County, its officers, agents, and employees against and hold them free and harmless of and from all claims and liabilities of any kind arising out of, in connection with, or resulting from negligence on part of Permittee, its officers, agents, contractors, and employees in connection with work undertaken under this permit and defend County and its officers, connnissions, agents, and employees from any suits or actions of law or in equity for damages, and pay all court costs and counsel fees. TRENCH REPAIR REQUIREMENTS 1. PAVEMENT CUT - Existing pavement to be removed shall be sawout to neat, straight lines. Damaged pavement adjacent to the trench shall also be sawcut and removed, in rectangular sections, beyond the limits of damage. If approved by the Engineer, other outring methods may be used where existing pavement conditions warrant. 2. BACKFILL - Backfill shall be in accordance with the current edition of the Standard Specifications of the State of California except as follows: A. COVER - There shall be at least 30" cover placed over all underground installations. B. RELATIVE COMPACTION - 90 percent minimum shall be required for that portion of backfill which is more than 0.5 foot below the grading plane for aggregate base or pavement. 95 percent minimum will be required for backfill which is within 0.5 foot of the grading plane for base or paving. 95 percent minimum will also be required for Class 2 Aggregate Base. For failing compaction tests, the entire area represented by that test shall be reworked and ratested at a random location. (See Section 3A). C. SAND EQUIVALENT ~ The minimum sand equivalent of 20 for backfill material is waived where mechanical compaction methods are used. D. WATER DENSIFICATION - Water densifie~tion (Ponding and jetting) of the upper 4 feet of backfill will not be allowed. At greater depths, this method will be permitted when, as determined by the Engineer, the backfill material is of such character that it will be self-draining when compacted and the foundation materials will not soften, or be otherwise damaged by the applied water. This method will not be considered unless both the backfill materials and foundation materials have a sand equivalent of at least 20. Requests and reports of tests representing foundation soils (and backfill material if imported) will be required before this method can be considered. E. BACKFILL MATERIAL - Native material will be allowed for backfill provided compaction requirements can be achieved. Page 3 3. TEST REPORTS - Tests shall be taken by a licensed engineer or testing laboratory at random locations selected by the testing firm and/or the Transporation Department. Test reports shall be submitted to the Transportation Department, inspection Section. Compaction tests shall be in accordance with California Tests No. 216, Sandcone, or No. 231, Nuclear (ASTM D-1556 and D-1557-70). Sand Equivalent tests shall be in accordance with California Test No. 217. Final acceptance of the permit shall not be given until test reports are accepted and approved by the Transportation Department. Frequency of Tests A. Compaction Tests - 90% (95% for top 0.5' and Aggregate Base, if any) 1. Longitudinal Trenches - A complete series of compaction tests shall be taken for each 4 foot thickness of backfill placed. Each series shall consist of tests taken at approximate maximum intervals of 400 feet. For layers densified by ponding and jetting, all tests shall be obtained near the surface of that layer. For layers compacted by mechanical methods~ approximately half of the tests shall be obtained near the surface of that layer and the other half at mid-depth of that layer. " 2. Lateral Trenches - Compaction tests shall be taken on 50% of the laterals, one test for each 4 feet of depth of the lateral. B. Sand Equivalent Tests - When water densification is requested, sand equivalent tests shall be obtained at approximate maximum intervals of 1000 feet representing foundation soils and backfill material if different than native soils. Additional tests may be necessary to define limits of material with sand equivalents greater or less than 20. Note: A sand equivalent of 20 or greater will not necessarily be sufficient Justification to allow water densification. To avoid delays and inconvenience to the public, approval to use water densification must be obtained before beginning excavation. 4. BASE MATERIAL - Where base material has been removed, it shall be replaced with Class II Aggregate Base to same thickness as that removed but not less than 6 inches thick. (See Drawing No. 1). In lieu of base material, additional asphalt concrete (hot mix) may be placed at the ratio of 1 inch additional per 2 inches aggregate base. If additional asphalt concrete is used, it shall be placed in lifts not exceeding 0.25 foot (3") maximum thickness. 5. INITIAL PAVEMENT REPAIR - Tmmediately upon completion of backfill, but in no case later than the fifth day following excavation, the Permittee shall cap the compacted trench by one of the following methods: A. TEMPORARY PAVEMENT REPAIR - A minimum of 2 inches of "cold mix" asphalt shall be placed flush with existing pavement to provide a smooth riding surface. This pavement shall be maintained on a regular basis by placing additional material and maintaining as required to provide a smooth ride. This pavement shall be removed and the backfill ragfaded to the specified depth prior to the placement of the permanent pavement repairs. Page 4 B. BASE COURSE PAVING - After compaction of backfill and obtaining of required ~ests, the trench shall be graded to provide the proper thickness of asphalt. Existing pavement shall be cleaned and tacked and asphalt concrete (Type B, AR 4000, 3/8" maximum, "Hot Mix") shall be placed and compacted flush with existing pavement adjacent to the trench. This pavement shall be maintained as required to provide a smooth ride. This pavement may remain in place at the time of permanent final paving repair. All trenches shall be backfilled and pavement in place on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays in accordance with either Section A or B above. 6. FINISH PAVING - Where asphalt paving has been removed, permanent, finish paving shall be replaced with a minimum, based-in, 3 inch thickness of Type B AR4000 3/8 inch maximum hot mixed asphalt concrete within 30 days after completion of backfill. (This time may be extended due to inclement weather or seasonal weather unsuitable for paving operations. (See Drawing No. 1). If temporary "cold mix" asphalt has been placed, it shall be removed and Base Course Paving shall be placed in accordance with Section 5B above. Finish paving shall be accomplished by a licensed contractor engaged in the business of pavement repair in accordance with the following specifications: A. FINISH PAVING OF LATERALS AND TRENCHES LESS THAN 300 FEET LONG - Damaged or cracked pavement adjacent to the trench shall be sawcut and removed in rectangular shapes. Existing pavement shall be cleaned and a "tack coat" shall be uniformly applied and "squared" up a minimum of one (1) foot beyond the limits of pavement removal. Asphalt concrete shall be placed to provide a smooth riding surface. Finished surface on lateral trench repairs shall not vary more than .03' above or .01' below existing pavement grade and on longitudinal trench repairs, the grade shall not vary more than .02' above nor more than .01' below existing pavement. Compaction shall be by any suitable means to provide uniform densification. (See Drawing No. 1). B. FINISH PAVING OF TRENCHES IN PAVED DRIVING LANES OVER 300 FEET IN LENGTH OR MORE THAN SIX (6) LATERALS, TRENCHES AND/OR POT HOLES IN A 300 FOOT SECTION OF ROADWAY - Pavement shall be everlaid utilizing a self-propelled vibrating screed paving machine (Barber-Greene or equivalent) and hot-mixed asphalt concrete (Type B, AR4000, 3/8" maximum). Area of overlay shall be cleaned and uniformly tack coated. Asphalt concrete overlay must extend at least one foot (1') laterally and five feet (5') longitudinally beyond edges of trench excavation and/or pavement damaged by trenching. Asphalt concrete overlay shall be placed parallel to the centerline and shall cover the entire travel lane width but not less than 12 feet wide. Where the trench crosses centerline, the asphalt concrete overlay shall extend 5 feet beyond and start 5 feet preceding the point where extreme outer edges of trench crosses centerline. Asphalt concrete overlay at minimum practical thickness (1 inch minimum) shall be placed to Page 5 provide a dense and smooth riding surface. Compaction shall be obtained by means of at least one (1) 2-axle steel wheeled roller weighing not less than 8 tons unless otherwise permitted by the engineer. (See Drawing No. 2). EXCEPTION: If the pavement cut is in the paved shoulder of the road, the pavement overlay may be placed for the width of the shoulder only, provided the following conditions are met: 1. The overlay must extend at least 1 foot beyond the edges of the trench excavation and/or pavement damaged by trenching, and; 2.The resulting overlay shall not encroach into the traveled way of the roadway. 3. Paving shall be placed by. equipment with a spreading device approved by the Engineer. 7. OPEN GRADED PAVING -Where open graded paving has been removed, permanent open graded asphalt concrete shall be replaced. as specified in Section 39, Standard' Specifications, State of California, Department of Transportation, current edition. Work of replacement of open graded asphalt concrete to be accomplished by a licensed contractor engaged in the business of pavement repair. 8. BITUMINOUS SEAL COAT - A seal coat consisting of an application binder and screenings shall be applied on all patch areas where such seal coats existed prior to the issuance of this permit. The type of seal coat to be applied shall be designated as medium. Seal coats shall be as specified in Section ST, Standard Specifications, State of California, Department of Transportation, current edition. Work of pavement repair to be accomplished by a licensed contractor engaged in the business of pavement repair. PUBLIC CONVENIENCE REQUIREMENTS 1. The Permittee shall conduct his operations so as to offer the least possible obstruction and inconvenience to the public and he shall have under construction no greater length or amount of work than he can prosecute properly with due regard to the rights of the public. 2. Unless otherwise provided in the Special Provisions, all public traffic shall be permitted to pass through the work with as little inconvenience and delay as possible. Where possible, such traffic shall be routed on new or existing paved surfaces. 3. Spillage resulting from hauling operations along or across any public traveled way shall be removed in~nediately by the Permietee at his expense. 4. Construction operations shall be conducted in such a manner as to cause as little inconvenience as possible to abutting property owners. · 5. Convenient access to driveways, houses, and buildings along the line of the work shall be maintained and temporary approaches to crossings or intersecting highways shall be provided and kept in good condition. When the abutting Page 6 property owner's aneess across the right-of-way line is to be eliminated or to be replaced by other access, the property owner's access shall not be closed until the replacement access facilities are usable. 5. Water or dust palliative shall be applied as required for the alleviation or provenration of dust nuisance. 7. In order to expedite the passage of public traffic through or around the work, the Permittee shall install signs, lights, flares, barricades, and other facilities for the sole convenience and direction of public traffic. Also, the Permittee shall furnish competent flagmen whose sole duties shall consist of directing the movement of public traffic through or around the work. PUBLIC SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 1. Whenever work is being performed adjacent to a lane carrying traffic, the edge of lane or edge of pavement shall be delineated by placing temporary portable delineators adjacent, thereto. 2. Whenever the Permittee's operations create a condition hazardous to traffic or to the public, he shall, at his expense and without costs to the County, furnish, erect, and maintain such fences, barriaades, lights, signs, and other devices, and take such other protective measures as are necessary to prevent accidents, damage, or injury to the public. The Permittee shall also furnish such flagmen as are necessary to give adequate warning to traffic Or to the = = public of any dangerous conditions to be encountered.' Signs, lights, flags, and other warning and safety devices shall conform to the requirements set forth in the current "MANUAL OF TRAFFIC CONTROLS - Warning signs, Lights, and Devices for the Use in Performance of Work Upon Highways", issued by the State of California Department of Transportation. When construction results in only one paved traffic lane being open to traffic, a minimum of two (2) flagmen, with appropriate signs and protective equipment, shall be required to direct traffic through the construction zone. In certain cases, pilot cars and/or radio communication between flagmen may be required. 3. Should the Permittee appear to be neglectful in furnishing, installing, and maintaining warning devices and taking protective measures as above provided, the County may direct attention to the existence of a hazard and the necessary warning devices shall be furnished, installed, and maintained and protective measures taken by the Permittee at his expense. Should the County point out the inadequacy of warning devices and protective measures, such action on the part of the County shall not relieve the Permittee of his responsibility for furnishing and maintaining any of the protective facilities heroinbefore specified. 4. Roadside trees, shrubs, and other plants are not to be removed, unless removal is noted on the plans. Should tree roots be severed, thereby weakening their structure, the County may require trees to be removed, topped or trimmed for safety purposes. Pole lines, fences, signs, markers, monuments, buildings, structures, conduits, pipelines, sewer and water lines, all highway facilities, and any other improvement or facilities within or adjacent to the highway, under or above the ground, shall be protected from injury' or damage. If such objects are injured or damaged by reason of Permittee's operations, they shall be raplee ed or restored at Permittee's expense. The facilities shall be Page replaced or restored to a condition as good as when the Permittee entered upon the work. The County may make or cause to be made such temporary repairs as necessary to restore to service any damaged highway facility. The cost of such repairs shall be borne by the Permittee and may be deducted from any monies on deposit and/or the Permittee may be billed for any additional costs of repairs. 5. Where necessary for Public Safety and Convenience, Permittee shall, at his expense, provide and maintain suitable drainage of the roadway and erect such temporary struotu.res as are necessary. The suspension of the work from any cause whatever, shall not relieve the Permittee of his responsibility to provide for the safety and convenience of public traffic and local residents. 6. If Permittee fails to provide traffic controls and other safety devices, as required for the protection of the traveling public, County will provide such safety devices and charge any costs against Permittee~s cash deposit. Permittee may also be billed for any additional costs for repairs or for providing safety devices if costs exceed the amount of the cash deposit. 7. Emergency repairs: Permittee shall furnish names and telephone numbers of persons to contact in case inkedlate repairs are needed. If a responsible person is not available at this number, County may make immediate repairs and deduct the costs from the cash deposit. * 8. Should any traffic striping and/or pavement markings be damaged or removed by reason of Permittees operations, they shall be restored or replaced at Permittee's expense. Traffic stripes and/or pavement markings shall be restored or replaced by application of thermoplastic material. Under certain situations traffic stripes and/or pavement markings may be restored or replaced with retroreflective paint with the prior approval of the Permit Engineer.