HomeMy WebLinkAbout26.3 Progress Payment S.J. ~, I~. 6157 ~rlatt Street Mira L~, ~. 91752 (~) 685-7488 F · (~9) 685 7838 Bid ~. SB-71-% P.O. ~ 95-25371 tem # Description qty Unit Price Total - Qty Amt. - Qty Amt. Qty Amount I. Install Pcec.ast tf,=l~les i~112 3 EL 2,330.e0 6,geo.oo 2. Install Extra Str~lgth 8~' ~ 795 Ft. 35.00 2Y,825.00 ~'~r am ~=r' '~q f ~% ~2~ 3. S~ l P~ F~gitr~ A.C.~ 7650 ~. 0.50 3,82~.00 4. Install A.C. Per lietail A 238 lN. 62.00 14s756.00 ~.~1 5. Tie Pmp~ed Se~er Into F. xisting Fi~h~le 2 FL 1,CI30.~O 2,QQO.O0 ,7. Fman~i~ally Sad Fill Existir6 - ~..~. O~,o~- 5' P~C 1.S. L5. 1,GUO.CO 1,GUO.CO L 7. ges~ve EUstif~ PUnp Stati~ ~d Salv~e LS. L$. 9,330.(30 9,3;0.(30 t.s. q~,- e..s. -. Plug F~dsting Force ~kin Ends With Ccnzt~te LS. LS. 2,203.O~ 2,2uO.~/) ~-~ ~. Install Extra Stre3gth 4" V~ l~terals 4 FA. 1,100.(30 4,4~D.OD 1. Install ladscap~rg & Lrrgm LS. ES. 2,5~0.~0 2,5CD.CO t.~. a 8 2. I~m~e&DLsF~0fTmes An:l ~',,~ Tail A 1.S. LS. 2,100.O3 2,1G0.GO ,,.t~ ~ ,-- i. ~,eel. irg, gnx.-i~& Brat. it6 1.S. .IS. 2,700.03 2,700.03 ~--~. ,. Cl~'u'i~g & Gr,i~ir6 i.S. LS. 1,GO3.CO 1,GCO.00 7. 'rrdfic Caxml,i, hmirlg Signs And earri,-:,,rk~ t .S. LS. l,c~30.OO 1,9eO.O0 ~--~. S.j. BURKI~, INC. 6157 Narlatt Street Mira Loma, Ca. 91752 (909) 685-7488 Fax: (909) 685-7838 PRCtlECT: Washin&ton Drive Sewer Project PERIOD:_~ -t~-qC TO ~ -|~-~kr' _ DATE: Oq- tq_'~,r" Pege~,(12 Fontana~ Ca. Bid No. SB-71-94 P.O. 1~ 95-25373 ~:ts~L. CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE UPON FINAL PAYMENT [Calilornia Ciwl Code §3262{d)(3)] Upon receipt by the undersigned of a check from CITY OF FONTANA in the sum of $ 8,905,67 payable to S, j, BURKHARDT, INC, and when the check has been properly endorsed and has been paid by the bank upon which it is drawn, this document shall become effective to release any mechanic's lien, stop notice, or bond right the undersigned has on the job of CITY OF FONTANA located at' WashinRton & Cypress-City of Fontaria Bid #SB-71-94 Ibis release covers the final payment to the undersigned for all labor, services, ecluipment Or material furnished on the job, except for disputed claims for additional work in the amount of $ NONE . Before any recipient of this document relies on it, the party should verify evidence of payment to the undersigned. Dated: September 19, 1995 . ' ' .~n..~,' E nay sparza-Credit Manager NOTE: Tins form of fillease compiles with the fequi(ernents of C;vil Code Section 326;7.(dX3). It is not effective until the Check that (;onst:tutes final payfTlent hie beef1 properly endorsed, and has Cleared the bank. .. ,~. S.J. ~, ~. 6157 ~rlstt Steer mrs t~, ~. 91752 (~) 685- . ~. ~y~~ , ~ ~ t.S. ~. 9,~.~ 9;~.~ ~.~. ~ - - c.s. ~.~o- ' . , ). ~ 6' ~ ~ ..~ tf ~ *~ & ~n LS. ~. 2,~.~ ' 2,~.~ _ , - COpyBUpU~IE , S.J. BUIUQIAII~, ZNG'. 6157 I~rlatt Street I~re Lem, Ca. 91752 (~) ~5-7488 Fu: (~) 685-78~ ~ashi~t~ ~ ~r ~j~t ~:o~ - m~ - qr ~ os -~s -~r ~: o%- ~-~ ~ ~ 2 F~tam, ~. Bid ~, ~71-~ P.0..~95-25371 =' 8JJ-~ _v5 - &~ ~Q~ 3~G~ ~e: $ ~ OSt,~e ~S~.~ S.3.BURKHRRDT,INC. TEL No. 1 909 685 7838 Rug 25,65 i5 b F.uo/ua Ile? ~TT · ldlFlA LI;)IAA. GALIFORN|A 917~2 , (714) set,-7441t T'g,BX:~t"'I ~INLCAI'ION (909) 685-74u8 (9o9) ~85-7838 S.J. Bl~, ~C. 6157 ~Zatt Street N~ca Lama, Ca. 91752 (909) 685-7~88 ~ax: (909) 685-783& ~ ~: Was~tt~gton Drive ~r hoist ~:n -~t = ~r ~ eF -tr-~r ~: O~-tr-.~ ~1~2 ~ F~t~, ~. ' ~ Bid ~. SF71-~ e.0, ~ 95-2537~ G~~ 5 ~ 5. ~~o~ ~ U. ~~&~ t.S. ~. 2,~.~ 2,~.~ L.s. ~*' t'~' ~,~' ~ S.J. BURHAIID1, INC. 6157 Marlatr Street Mira Lmma, Ca. 91752 (909) 685-74,86 Fax: (909) rd5-7838 l~ashin~ton Drive Sewer Project luENIOU:r~ - ~ - 'iF ~ o. -=5 -,r DATE: O~- Fontaria, Ca. Bid No. SB-71-94 P.O. {B 95-25371 S.JLL.;-.') ~'~' :o lk.,,isedQn'trJ/m~-t $ ~,~tu5L ~ lass: lO{.lk, r.~don 5 $q , - 355~,.~ \ S.J. BUIUGqARDT, INC. 6157 Marlart Street Mira Lc~, Ca. 91752 (9{)9) 685°7488 Fax: (909) 685-7838 · DI~O..n!XTr: ~/ashington ~i~ ~r ~j~t BI~:~ -26 -95 ~ 07Z20-95 ~: July 20, 1995 F~tana, ~. Bid No. SB-71-94 P.O. { 95-25371 ~. BILL~ ~AL ~ ~ ~ & VAL~ BI/[~ ' ~IS PERI~ ~ { ~scription ~y ~it ~ice Total - ~y ~t. - Qty ~[. Qty ~t L ~ ~ ;&;~ ~ 3 ~. 2,~.~ 6,~.~ 3 6~.~ 0 0 3 6,~.~ 2. ~1 ~m a~ ~' ~ ~ ~. ~.~ ~,~.~ 795 27825.~ 0 O 795 27,825.~ L ~ & ~ ~ ~C ~ ~. 0.~ 3,~.~ 0 0 76~ 3825.~ 76~ 3,825.~ ~. ~ kC ~ ~l A ~ ~. ~.~ 1~,~.~ 0 0 0 0 0 ;~;ule 2 ~ 1,~.~ 2,~.~ 0 0 2 2~.~ 2 2,~.~ ~' ~ L.S. ~. 1,~.~ 1,~.~ 0 0 IS O iS 7. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LS. ~. 9,~.~ 9,~.~ 0 0 IS 9~.~ IS 9,~.~ ~. PI~F~ ~th~e LS. ~. 2,~.~ 2,~.~ I, 0 0 IS 733.33 IS 733.33 ". ~16' ~ ~ F~ LS. ~. ~.~ ~.~ 0 0 0 0 0 ' I. ~ ~ & ~n LS. ~. 2,~.~ 2,~.~ 0 0 0 O 0 . ~ 12. ~&~ ~ ~ I.S. ~. 1,~.~ I,~.~ 0 0 IS 18~.~ LS 1,8~.~ ~1 A LS. ~. 2,1~.~ 2,1~.~ 0 0 0 0 0 {~. ~ ~ ~iBt~ 2 ~. ~.~ ~.~ 0 0 2 ~.~ 2 4~.~ '~5- ~,~~ LS. ~. 2,~.~ 2,~.~ 0 0 IS 27~.~ IS 2,7~.~ {'~. Q~&~ LS. :~. 1,~.~ 1,~.~ 0 0 IS i~.~ IS 1,~.~ 17. ~f~ml,~S~ ~ ~c~ LS. ~. 1,~.~ 1~.~ 0 0 LS 1~.~ IS 1,9~.~ T~ ~m ~ ~5,~.~ 795 ~,725.~ $28,058Z33 $62,783.33 S.J. BUP~, INC. 6157 Harlatt Street Mica l_oma, Ca. 91752 (909) 685-7688 Fax: (909) 685-7838 pROJECT: Washington Drive Se~r Project PERIOD:06 - 26 - 95 TO 07 -20._- 95 DATE: July 20. 1995 Page 2 ~3{ 2 Fontaua, Bid No. SB-71-94 P.O. # 95-25371 Ori&i.nal (13ntt'-act ~ ~5,900.(30 ~ ~ Ctmq~l~ed I{'a/OICE #A-3463 To Date: $ 62~783.33 IL=vis~Gontra~t/m~t ~85,500.00 less: lO%~e~e~i~m $ 6,278.33 Ediotao $ 56,505.00 T~.:.. F~v. Billjrgs $ 31,252.50 - Total ~t. I~elhis Billirg $ 25,252.50 , U~n receipt by ~h~ ~mrstqnsd o~ a che~ from CI~ OF FO~A in ~e S~ Of ~ 25,252.50 ~1~ ~ S.J. BU~T. INC. ~e ~ u~n whi~ i~ is ~a~, ~ls d~en~ shall ~ effec=ive ~o relR~ an~ M~anic's lien, seep noCi~, or ~ riqhE ~he undersigned.- ham on ~he 3~b of CI~ OF ~A e=~ashinEton & CvDress-Fontana. Ca. S~-7~-9~ ~ ~e This release coves a profess ~n~ for l~r, servloee, Fo~ipmen=, or material furnisheU CI~ OF ~o~h JulV ~0, i9~) only and does not cov~ any re~en=i~ re~ain~ ~ore or after ~e release ~e$ ~ras f~nl~ ~fore ~e release da~e for which pa~en~ has no= ~ receive; ex~as or l~m f~nish~ after ~he release da~e. Righ=e Ms~ u~n work ~rfor~ or i~e f~nished under writte ~_ha~qe order whi~ ~s ~en fully exeguted by ~e ~tiel prior to ~e telflee date ~e cov~ by ~ie release ~lese specifi~11y reee~ by ~e clai~nt In ~is release. release of an~ Nchenl~'s 11~, s~op no~lce, or ~nd right shall no= o~lse affe~= ~e oon~ac~ righ=s, including rights De=we~ ~les =o ~e con~rac~ ~sed u~n a res~isslon, a~mn=, ~r brea~ of ~e contrac~, or ~e righ= of: ~ undersigned =o recover compensation for furnished serviceS, ~l~=, or ~erial covered by ~is release if ~t furnish~ la~r~ ee~lces, equip~n~ or ~=erial was n~ oom~sa=~ ~ ~e profess paint. Before any recipi~ of ~e d~= relies on i~, said ~r~y should verify evid~ce ~ t~ ~e ~ersigned. Julv 20, 199~ S.3. B~, INC. Ton~ Es~rza-Credit ~er Sl/i' MNILATr · MIRA LOIM, CALIFORlelA $17S$ · (714) ees-14el June 23, 1995 City Of Fontana Invoice #A-3456 8353 Sierra Ave. Fontana, Ca. 92335 Ref: Washington Drive Sewer Project Bid No. SB-71-94 From Cypress Ave. To Approximately 803' East. Subject: Billing #1 Attn: Finance Dept. 795' Install 8" Extra Strength VCP With Compression Joints @ 35.00 per 27,825.00 3 ea Install Precast Manholes Per City Std. # 112 @ 2300.00 ea 6,900.00 Total Work Completed To Date $34,725.00 tess: Previous Billings 000.00 Sub-Total $34,725.00 Less: 10% Retention 3,472.50 Total Amount Due This Billing $31,252.50 V~ # COMPL/~ cc: Yousuf Patanwala, PE ASSoC. Engnr./Special Projects COPY/DUPUCATE ~p~IT][C'*xf~ WxTV~F ~Mn pWT.m.a.c:R UIa,QM ~m~ U~n re~pt by ~m ~derm~gned of 8 che~ from CI~ OF FONTANA in ~e 2~ $ 3L252.50 pa~l, tO S.J. BU~T. INC. ~ ~ ~ ~s ~ pro~rly ~ors~ and h~s ~en ~d by tam ~ u~n whl~ It Is ~awn, this d~ent shall effective to rmlsa8 any Bchanic'm lien, stop notice, or ~nd right ' the undersigned.- has on the Job 2IW OF FO~A This release coves a profess pa~ent for servloem~ equipment, or mater~al furnished ~I'~ 0F F0~A ~c~h June 23 199~ only and does not Cover any re~nttoM teU[~ ~fore or after ~e release date; ~nJ2~ ~ore ~e release date for which pa~ent ham not receJv~ exams or ~tm f~nished after the release date. R~ghtm' ~s~ u~n Work perfoxed or ite~ f~nished under a writt~ ~e order whJ~ has ~en fully executed by the parties prior to ~m release date are covered by thim release ~lemm mpectt~lly tue~ by ~ cla~nt ~n ~s telease. Th~m telsame of any Mchmn~c~s l~en, mtop notice, or ~nd r~ht mhall not o~m~se affect ~e contract rights, including ~etween parties to . ~e contract ~sed u~n a resc~ssion, abandQmnt, or brem~ o~ ~e contract, or the right of~ underm~gned to recover compensation ~or f~n~shed se~icem, ~ui~t, or eternal covered by ~s release if turnish~ la~r, services, equipment, or eterial wam not com~mmt~ by ~e profess pa~ent. Before any recipient of doc~t reliem on it, maid party should veri~y evidence paint to ~e ~ers~ned. ~T~: Jume 23. 199~ S..I. BUYERS, By: ~ ,~ S.J. BUPJ<HAPJ)T, Ih~3. 6157 Marlart Street Hira L~ma, Ca. 91752 '(909) 685-7488 Fax: (~)9) 685-7838 pROJECT: Washington Drive Sewer Project pERIOD: ~6 - O1 - 95 TO Q6 - 23 - 95 DATE: Jtne 23, 1995 P~ 1 Of 2 FontaM, Ca. Bid No. SB-71-94 P.O. ~ 95-25371 PREV. BILLED TOTAl TO C(~C'r ESTIMATE &VALUES ' BILLED ' THIS pERIOD DATE tem # Description Qty Unit Price Total - Qty Amt. - Qty Amt. Qty Amount ~. Install Pm~st ~h~les {lip 3 FA. 2,300.~0 6,g~0.00 0 0 3 6,g~O.(D 3 $ 6,g~0.00 3. Sm~nt & ~ Exiilt~E A.C. 76~0 SF. 0.~0 3,825.~0 4. Ira-tall A.C Per IL~I A 238 ~N. 62.O} 14,756.00 5. T~e~PP~'?~e~cInt°E~L~i~g ~' Hll [.5. L9. 1,OO0.C0 1,000.O0 o ° ° L ~ Existir~ Pump SLatira And Salw~ iS. IS. 9,330.00 9,300.00 ~. Plug E~isting Force P'bin [rds o '~ ' With C~ncrete L.S. 1S. 2,2fD.(D 9. Ira-tall [~tra Str~th 4" V~P lata-als 4 FA. 1,1~0.00 4,~(D.~0 o o F~ 1.S. IS. 894.(D 894.(D I1. IraaLl tMm'.-~pizE & In~n [.S. L$. 2,~)O.O0 2,500.00 Sttn~s LS. 15. 1,8~0.00 1,800.00 Tail A L.S. IS. 2,100.00 2,100.00 ~5. a~ee{irE,an-ir6 & Bracir~ iS. lS. 2,E0.(1) 16. ClearirE & Grd~rE iS. :L~. 1,000.00 1,000.O0 [7. T~ffic Ctntml,Waredr~ Slats And Barricades i.S. IS. 1,9(D.00 1,900.00 ,, Total Ca~ra~t h~u~t $85,500.00 0 0 34,725.00 $ 34,7'25.00 S.J. BURKHARIYF, INC. 6157 Marlatt Street Mira toma, Ca. 91752 (909) 685-7488 Fax: (909) 685-7838 p~OJECT: Washington Drive Se~er Project PERIOD:~____-O~ '3~_. TO 06'2,3__'_~_ DATE: jne23, 1995 Page~Cf2 Fontaria, Ca. Bid No. SB-71-94 P.O. # 95-25371 S.J. BU~, INC, 6157 ~datt Street M~a loea, Ca. g175Z (909) 685-748B Fax: (909) 685-7B38 eo lq{OJECt: Wasldngton Drive SeweY ~roje~t PERIOD:06 -Z6 -95 "20 07 -ZO -95 DATE: Jul~ 20, ~9~5 ~gel Cf 2 -, Fontarm, Ca. c~ Bid No. SB-71~J4 P.O. ~ 95-25371 lq~. BIIlJ~ ~OTAL ?0 ~' C~ES~TE&VAiUES ' Bn{~ '?dlSi~lOO .~.[tee J Description Qty Unit Price ~oul - Qty ~t. - Qty A~. Qty Amount IN~'OICE ~A-3463 ~ '-. t. Lnsr_~]i ~ M~ dU2 3 K Z,300.006,900.00 3 6900.00 0 0 3 6,900.00 b~ ) ldF~S~m~h~'%{~ 795 ~t. 35°00 27,825.U0 795 27825.00 0 0 795 27,825.00 ~'~N 3. SaaX & ~eaxAe EdsiUg ~.C.7d ;. 0,50 3,8Z5.00 0 0 7650 3825.00 7650 3,825.00 <o 2,ooo ooo2zooo.oo22,0o0.00 o> ~ SLb,mge L.S, IS. 9,300.009,300.000 0 LS 9300. O0 IS 9,300. DO · ~ ith Cm:ze~ L.S. IS, 2,200.002,200,000 0 LS ?-_.. ~ IS ~ .~.,.~'~/ l~m.al~ 4 ~ /.,1O0.C0 4,/d0.00 0 0 4 4400.00 4 4,z, O0.00 z Fgce LS. ~S. 894.00 894.C0 O 0 0 0 0 .00 d<,,,~ z,~U.~&L,~ L.s. LS. 2~.C0 2,~.C0 0 0 0 0 0 Stu~ LS. IS. 1,~00.001.,830.C00 0 LS IBOO.D0 IS 1,BOO.O0 ~ A :.S. 1~: 2,1430.002,1CO.000 0 0 0 0 .OO ~' ~5. ~irgp.qqmiqg& BLzd~ LS. LS. 2,700.002,700.00 0 0 [S Z700.00 IS 2,700.00 ~'~ '-6. m~&ont~ LS. r~. L0O0.00l,~0.~0 0 0 LS i000.00 ~S L,~.00 ~ ,j. n~ff~ ca~roz,~m~ s~ z ~rd a~n~ip~ i.S. 1~. 1,900.001,900.00 0 0 I3 190Q.O0 IS 1,900.00 z TdalOxqLlzt~ ~5,~30.(D 795 34,725.00 30,525.00 65,250.00 ~ S.3. aiJ~L~!~, ]NC. 633'7 Nm'iatt Street Nf. ra [~, ~. 9~752 (~} 685-7~ Fa: (~) 685-78~ ' BLd Ro, S8-7~-9~ ~.0. ~ ~5-2537~ ~ ?~. ~ ~ 27~72.~ I. S.J.BURKHRRDT,ZNC. TEL No. 1 909 685 ?838 3ul 20,65 ~0:25 P,03/03 ' t1~!' IIltilq,ATT · IdlliA I..Oldl,. f. ALIFCIi~IMI 11761" (714) iS,,.741l el~t' MNeLA. · MIRA LOMA, CALFORNIA 91762 · Crl4) 888-74M June 23, 1995 City Of FontaM Invoice ~A-3456 8353 Sierra Ave. FontaM, Ca. 92335 Ref: Washir~ton Drive Sewer Project Bid No. SB-71-94 From Cypress Ave. To Approximately 803' ~ast. Subject: Billi~ #1 Attn: ~i~a~ce Dept. 79~' Install ~" ~xtra Strength VC~gith Compression Joints @ 35.00 per 27,825.00 3 ea Install Precast Manholes Per City Std. # 112 @ 2300.00 ea 6,900.00 Total WorkCcmpletedTo Date $34,725.00 Less: Previous Billir~s 000.00 Sub-Total $34,725.00 Less: 10% Retention 3,472.50 Total Amount Due This Billir~ $31,252.50 Thank .... cc: Yousuf Patansala, Assoc. Engnr./Special Projects k~ ORIGINAL JUH a 9 1995 U~n re~lp~ by ~e ~ersigned of a che~ fr~ CI~ OF FO~A in ~e s~ S 3i.252.50 ~le to s.j. BU~T, INC. ~d w~ ~ ~e~ ~s ~ pro~rly ~orsed a~ has ~en ~id the h~ u~n whi~ it is ~a~n, ~is d~ent shall ~coM effec~i~e ~o rel~M any ~anic's lien, stop notice, or ~nd ri~h~ ' ~he undersi~nsd.- has on the Job CIW OF FO~A i~'~n~ton Dr. Sewer Pro~ec[-Bid ~SB-71-94-Fontana. Ca. tO ~e This release coves a prWress B~ent for l~r, services, e~uipment, or material furnished ~ O~u~fA1995 only and d~s not cover an not o~ise aZfec~ contract righCs, including rights between ~ies to ~e contract ~sed u~n a rescission, abandomn~, or brea~ of ~e contract, or the right of= undersigned to recover compensation for f~nished l~r, seaices, ~uiXt, or mterial covered by ~is release if furnish~ lair, s~vices, ~ui~nt, or ~terial was net c~p~sa~ byte PrOfess paint. Before any recipient of ~e ~T~: June 23. 1995 S.J. BURKHARDT, INC. By: ~ ,~ Tony Esparza-Credit Manager S.J. BtlI~, INC. 6157 Marlart Street Mira Lees, Ca. 91752 '(909) 685-7488 Fax: (909) 685-7838 , pRO3E~: ~/ashington Drive Sever Project PERIOD: 06 - 01 - 95 TO ~6 - 23 - 95 DATE: 3u]e 23, 1995 Pa~e 1 Of 2 Fontana, Bid No. SB-71-94 P.O. # 95-25371 PREY. BILLED TOTAL TO C0NTRACT ESTIMATE & VALUES BILLED THIS PERIOD DATE Item # Description ~ty Unit Price Total - Qty Amt. - Qty Amt. Qty Amount 1. Install F~ecast h,l~'~es 1112 3 EA. 2,300.~0 6,900.(D 0 0 3 6,900.C0 3 $ 6,g~0.00 3. Saut & Fen~e Exisitr~ t~C~ 7650 SF. 0.50 3,825.~0 a o - o o 4. Irsta]l A.C. Per Deta]/A 238 ~N. 62.C0 N,7~.eO " " ,o o o 5. lteP, ml:m~,S~,~tln~l~ttrg e 6. Pnm~kally ~ ~ E~istirg 8" I~ LS. 5. 1~0~0.00 1,(BXCO . o b 9. Install Extra Str~h 4" V~ , , · · t0. Irstall6'Hign(lnin .tirk Ferce LS. IS. 8~.00 89~.C0 o ' · " t l. lintall L~dsr_A/ug & Irm~n t.S. IS. 2,5{30.C0 2,~0.C0 , ,, '~ " " t2. l~el:~e&l~OfT'mes ~ ~u~s LS. IS. 1,800.00 1,8~0.00 ,~ ,, o t3. ~d=DLrt~oJlderPerDe- Tail A LS. ZS. 2,E0.~O 2,1C0.C0 o o , · ~. Pdalole 5dsth]g [killties 2 FA. 2~0.00 400.C0 ~ · ~ ' iS. ~reetirg,gmrirg & Bra~ t.S. LS. 2,7~0.~0 2,7~0~0 , ' D 16. Cle~ & Gnjlt]~ L.S. L~. 1,CCO.CO 1,CCO.~O ; ' ~7. Traffic Cc~rol,H~.ning Si~,s And Berrhvfk,~ L.S. 5. 1,980.00 1,900.00 b ~ ~ o ~ S.J. BHI~glIARDT, INC. 6157 Marlatt Street Mira toe&s, Ca. 91752 (909) 685-7.~88 Fax: (909) 685-7838 p~OJF, CT: Washington Drive Sever Project PERIOD:~6 -01_-9~ TO ~.__-23 -95 DATE: .~ 23, 1995 Fags ~(~ 2 Fontaria, Ca. Bid No. SB-71-94 P.O. # 95-25371 ](wised Cfxfxmct ~m~mt $85,500.00 less: 10~ Retention $ 3,472.50 Sdlotso $ 31,252.50 less: 1~,~. BilljxEs $ 0O0.00 06/26/95 MON 11:04 FAX 909 350 8618 CITY OF FONTANA $$S TXR~PORT TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO 1322 CONNECTION TEL 98657838 SUBADDRESS CONNECTION ID ST. TIlE 08/26 11:03 USAGE T 01'26 PGS. 2 RESULT OK CITY OF F CAE, IFOIPrlm. FAX COMMUNICATIONS N FROM FAX NUMBER: T (909) 350-6618 A N A I~JZASE DELIVER THE POLLOWING PAGF~ TO: LOC/alON/PHDNIx: LOC.a;10N/PHOI~: ' TOT,,.t. Nt.NsntOFPAGSS: l+i D.~Ts: f. ~t.r.)qF T94;: to: Si'Pfm. (n,'o..;n,~ covet ISyOUZ~ONOTaECE~.AZ~,A,.DSS, PLE4SSCAU.(g09) MESSAGX: IZt~V~tr..E ~ A ,-2~1.~C. At, ale. llX,~TTtr..h i~ ~oT OF F'!.H:. ~Pd~ft-e C.I}f~ PKoviIEB .AT' Pge-cxMJfr£u. crt,ed CITY OF F O FAX COMMUNICATIONS N Fno~z FAX NUMBEn: T (909) 350-6618 A N A ]~..EA-~E DELIVER T~ FO~O~G PAG~ TO: ~o~/~on: ~.~ T~N~o~P~o~: I+1 D~: ~ ~}~ T~: (~o co~ s~) ~ you ~ ~ m ~ ~on, ~s ~ (~9) ~ S 0 - ~ · ~ S.3.BURKHARDT,INC. TEL No. 1 909 685 7838 3un 23,95 9:07 P.03/03 MiRA I,,.OIRA, GA&,.IFORNIA 9175Z · (714) H~.-74{li b.J.tsuI<KHHI<DI,INC. TEL No, 1 909 685 7838 3un 23,95 9:07 P.02/03 Cl.d I t ,'1 InI $1S? MARLATT · MIRA I,~ CALIFORNIR S1~8X · fr14) ele-'/'dle8 June 23, 1995 City Of Fontaria Invoice ,A-3456 8353 Sierra Ave. Forttans, Ca. 92335 Ref: Washin&ton Drive Sewer ProJecL B~d No. From Cypress Ave, To Approx~ely 80Y Subject; BH.]lng ~1 ALan: FLn~nce DepL, 795' install 8" Extra Strength ~F With ~pression Joints ~ 35.~ per 3 ea Install Fr~ast ~oles ~er City Std. ~ 112 ~ 2~0.~ ea 6,9~.~ To=a1 ~ork Cmpleted To Date ~34~72~.~ Less: Pre~ous ~lllin~s ~O.~ Sub-Tot el Less: 10~ ~tention ..... ~.~].~. SO Tots] ~t Due 'Ibis Btllin~ $31,2S2. 'lhank You .... cc: Yousuf Padsaws]a, PE Assoc. Engnr./Specta] Projects 5.J.MUKKHRRDT,INC. TEL N0. 1 909 685 7838 3un 23,95 9:06 P.01/03 ~m~N?~ooelpt by ~he undersigned of a 'chock CI~ 0 in the sum ~ ~ Ires INS' prolmr~y rsm~l am ham leon Mid o the IMM ~n ~ ~% lm ~mwn, ~im den% e~X~ ~g~ ~he underm~gned.- ham on ~he ~o~ ~I~ O~ ~'~ at Wadhilton ~. ~e~r Pro iect-~d ~B-71-~-Fontana, ~. ~O Emir&gem, equipment, or matm~aX l~n~mhed to cn~ OF ~h 'Jun~ 3 ]9 ~ only a~ deem no~ oovmw any re~$~ rm~l~ ~ore or mf~er ~e release ~te; rmomi~; extr~ or its l~ni~md after t~ reXsUe dm~e. vrl~ ~m ~der Vh~ ~m ~ fully e~outed by ~e spm~lli~lly re.~ by ~ clai~nt in ~im :elmaBe. telemma oZ mny M~mnl~'B lien, B~op no~lae, or ~nd rlgh~ mh&ll contrmG~ . ~s~ upon a emit, or ~em~ el ~m contract, or the right of: ~ndormignmd to recover compensation ~or ~n~ed services, ~l~t, ~ ateflaX oover~ by ~ls release II lurnlmh~ la~r, services, qui~nt, or m~erlal Was ~om~ma~ b ~e prOFess ~nt. blots any recipient el ~oM~ reI~ on it, maid party should vmF~ry evl~ p~nc to ~ ~Fi~V~Q. ' ~T~; June 23. 1995 Tony Es~rza-Credi~ ~er S.J. BURKHARDT, INC. 6157 Marlart Street Mira loma, Ca. 91752 '(909) 685-7488 Fax: (909) 685-7838 PROJECT: Washington Drive Sewer Project PERIOD: 06 - 01 - 95 TO 06 - 23 - 95 DATE: Ju~e 23~ 1995 P~ge 1 Of 2 Fontana, Ca. Bid No. SB-71-94 P.O. # 95-25371 PREV. BILLED _ TOTAL TO CONTRACT ESTIMATE &VALUES BILLED THIS PERIOD DATE Item # Description Qty Unit Price Total Qty Amt. - Qty Amt_~. - Qty Amount 1. Install Pf~-~t MaPles #112 3 FA. 2,tD.00 6,900.00 0 0 3 6,g0O.OO 3 $ 6,900.00 2. Install Extra Strength ~' V{P 795 ~T. 35.00 27,825.00 0 0 795' 27,825.00 795' $ 27,825.00 3. Sacut & R~,~e Dd~4tng A.C. 76~0 'SF. 0.50 3,825.a~ 4. Install A.C. Per Detail A 238 ~N. 62.00 14,756.00 5. Tie P~ Se~er Into Existing M~nhole 2 FA. 1,CC0.00 2,O30.80 6. Prt~n~tic~]ly Sand Fill Existing ~' B~Z i.S. LS. 1,000.00 1,000.O0 7. REalize Existing Rmp Stati~a Ard Salvage I.S. LS. 9,tD.00 9,300.00 o o ~ o ~ o ~. Plt~ Fxisting Force Main Ends With Concrete i.S. IS. 2,2C0.00 2,200.00 9. Install Extra Str~h 4" VCP laterals 4 FA. 1,1000o00 4,400.00 Install 6' ~ (hain .link ll. Install ~t~1oing & Irfgtn i.S. LS. 2,500.00 2,500.00 ~ · o ~ ~ o [2. P~mm~ & Dispose Of Trees And Stunts L.S. IS. 1,800.00 1,800.00 [3. P~ Dirt ~nmlder Per De- Tail A [.S. LS. 2,100.00 2,100.00 [4. Pothole Existing Utilities 2 FA. ~G0.00 z~0.00 ~ ~ , o · 15. Sae~tir~,~Dring & Braciml L.S. LS. 2,700.00 2,7(D~0 16. Cleming & G'~ L.S. IS. 1,O30.00 1,G00.00 o 17. T~affic Csnt~D1,Warnirg Signs And I~irrie~ L.S. LS. 1,900.00 1,900.00 ~. ~ ~ o ~ o Total Cottin ~ $85,500.00 0 0 34,725.00 $ 34,725.00 S.J. BURKHARDT, INC. 6157 Marlart Street Mira loma, Ca. 91752 (909) 685-7488 Fax: (909) 685-7838 pROJECT: Washington Drive Sewer Project PERIOD:06 -01/95 TO 06J '95 DATE: ~re23. 1995 Page lOf2 Fontaria, Ca. Bid No. SB-71-n~ P.O. # 95-25371 Or~irel Cnntrsct A~ $85,5C0.00 Total ~ork C~leted To Date: $ 34,725.00 Less: l{Y~ Retention $ 3,472.50 1~ Contract ~m~mt $85,500.00 SLko~ao $ 31,252.50 ~ss: Pray, B~U'~r~s $ 000,00 Tc~_al A~nC. D. ze 1his BillicE $ 31,252.50