HomeMy WebLinkAbout27.0 Weekly Statament .City of Fontana CALIFORNIA July 31, 1995 Shanon Stewart S.J. Burkhardt 6157 Marlatt Street Mira Loma, CA. 91752 RE: Washington Drive Sewer Project From Cypress Avenue to Approx. 803 Feet East (SB-71-94) Weekly Statement of Working Days Report No. 8 Dear Mr. Stewart: Enclosed for review is the weekly statement of working days for week ending July 28, 1995. You will be allowed (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted as correct. Please contact Don Gilbertson at (909) 350-6659 or the undersigned at (909) 350-6645, if any additional information is required. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division You~anwala, P.E. Associate Engineer/Special Projects YP:DG:dg 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CI"Dr'-- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA CITY OF FONTANA REPORTNO. 8 WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT: WASHINGTON DRIVE SEWER PROJECT FROM CYPRESS AVE. TO APPROX. 8O3 FEET EAST TO: S.J. BURKHARDT The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending July 28, 1995. Non-Working Working Days Days No Work Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Caused by Done on Day Weather Controlling Operation (Note 2) 7/24/95 Mon. CLEAR/HOT, 96 DEGREES 1 0 7/25/95 Tue. CLEAR/HOT, 100 DEGREES 1 O 7/26/95 Wed, CLEAR/HOT, 105 DEGREES 1 1 7/27/95 Thur. CLEAR/HOT, 110 DEGREES 1 0 7/28/95 Fd. CLEAR. HOT, 108 DEGREES 1 1 Days this week ...........................................................................................................50 2 Days previously reported ...........................................................................................29 1 4 Total days to date .......................................................................................................341 6 TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Numbers Days Approved Days this report ..........................................................................................................(Note 3)CCOOther Days previously reported ........................................................................................................................ Total days to date ...................................................................................................................................00 COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION [ Number INurebared Date of Days Day (Note 4) 8. Revised work',-S d:!~ 3 for c ', "'~.:t ~'. ir.o 2 ~:l_'~ LI,'~ ~; .................... [ 32'] ~ ........................... 9, Toted worklr. Controrling Oporaiion(s) Remarks: (Note 5) (Continue on reverse) The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days In which to protest in writing the R~Eng~nL correcthess of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have er been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse s/de. HF;hf Revised 12/6/1993 INSTRUCTIO]~S TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather; state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately describe conditions. For example, "Clear-wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable". 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include noNworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (line 8). After approved total .of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS the WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference/under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted (d). Reference to supporting data. /~DDITIONAL REM3~RKS: ,City of Fontana CALIFORNIA JUly 27, 1995 Shanon Stewart S.J. Burkhardt 6157 Marlatt Street Mira 2Loma, CA. 91752 RE: Washington Drive Sewer Project From Cypress Avenue to Approx. 803 Feet East (SB-71-94) Weekly Statement of Working Days Report No. 7 Dear Mr. Stewart: Enclosed for review is the weekly statement of working days for week ending July 21, 1995. You will be allowed (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted as correct. Please contact Don Gilbertson at (909) 350-6659 or the undersigned at (909) 350-6645, if any additional information is required. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Yousuf Patanwala, P.E. Associate Engineer/Special Projects YP:DG:dg 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518:~ · FONTAN& CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CiTY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA CITY OF FONTANA REPORTNO, 7 WEEKLY STATEMENT OF: WORKING DAYS PROJECT; WASHINGTON DRIVE GEWER PROJECT FROM CYPRESS AVE, TO APPROX, 808 FEET EAST TO: 8.J. BURKHARDT The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending July 21, 1995. Non-Working Working Days Days No Work Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Caused by Done on Day Weather Controlling Operation (Note 2) 7/17/95 Men. CLEAR/HOT, 100 DEGREES 1 7/18/95 Tue. CLEAR/HOT, 100 DEGREES 1 1 7/19/96 Wed. CLEAR/HOT, 100 DEGREES 1 1 7/20/95 Thur, CLEAR/HOT, 95 DEGREES I 1 7/21/95 Fri. CLEAR, NOT, 96 DEGREES 1 1 Days this week ...........................................................................................................50 4 Days previously reported ...........................................................................................24 I 0 Total days to date .......................................................................................................29I 4 TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Numbers Days Approved (Note 3) CCO Other Days this report .......................................................................................................... Days previously reported ....................................................................................................................... Total days to date ..................................................................................................................................00 COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION Number Numbered Date of Days Day (Note 4) 2, Wsrkirg o~e s;=o'j.:;cd in c;r;trs3t .................................................................35 4. Total ti'r,o ¢,~tensicn ds~s eFi:revod :e ds'.o .CCC plus ~ :hc~l .......................... 6. Sub To~ {L;qe 4 pLs I'no 51 ..............................................................., .......... 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COt,;PLETION ~L;no 3 p'.us L.no ~) ............................... ; ' ' ' I 7 3; 05 8, Revised w ;;rking ds) s for ccntrcct (Li,'=o 2 F'us I:ne 4) .................................... 35 I ..... Controlling Operation(s) Remarks: (Note 5) (Continue on reverse) The Contrecto~ will be ellowed fifteen (15) days In which to protest in wri~jng the ~n correctnose of the statement; otherwise the statement shell be deemed to he, ve ear been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes ere on reverse side. HF:hf Revised 12/6/1993 INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather; state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately describe conditions. For example, "Clear-wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable". 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling o]peration(s) for reasons other than weather. ' 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS the WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference/under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as te what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: City of Fontana CALIFORNIA JUly 17, 1995 Shanon Stewart S.J. Burkhardt 6157 Marlatt Street Mira Loma, CA. 91752 RE: Washington Drive Sewer Project From Cypress Avenue to Approx. 803 Feet ]East (SB-71-94) Weekly Statement of Working Days Report No. 6 Dear Mr. Stewart: Enclosed for review is the weekly statement of working days for week ending July 14, 1995. You will be allowed (15) days in which to protest in writing the correcthess of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted as correct. Please contact Don Gilbertson at (909) 35'0-6659 or the undersigned at (909) 350-6645, if any additional information is required. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Yousuf Patanwala, P.E. Associate Engineer/Special Projects YP:DG:dg MAILING ADDRESS: P.O.BOX 518 83S3 SIERRA AVENUE ,, FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (909) ;350-7600 CITY OF FONTANA REPOP;I' NO. 6 WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT: WASHINGTON DRIVE SEWER PROJECT FROMI CYPRESS AVE. TO APPROX. 803 FEET EAST TO: S.J. BURKHARDT The following statement shows the number of working days ~harged to you~ contract for the week ending July 14, 1995. Non-Working Working Days Days No Work Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Caused by Done on Day Weather Controlling Operation (Note 2) 7/10/95 Mon. CLEAR/HOT, 95 DEGREES 1 7/11/95 Tee. CLEAR/HOT, 100 DEGREES 1 7/12/95 Wed. CLEAR/HOT, 100 DEGREES 1 7/13/95 Thur. CLEAR/HOT, 100 DEGREES 1 7/14/95 FH. CLEAR, HOT, 95 DEGREES 1 Days this week ...........................................................................................................50 Days previously reported ...........................................................................................19 ToteS days to date .......................................................................................................241 TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Numbera Days Approved Days this report ..........................................................................................................(Note 3)CCO Other Days previously reported ........................................................................................................................ Total days to date ...................................................................................................................................00 COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION [ Number ~ Numbered Date · of Days Day (Note 4) 1. First working def dos'3nc, tod ............................................... ~ c= C-;' 95 2. Working d. :ys sp;-,c:,5,~ ;n coRt~ oct ................................................................I35 ~ ......... 3. COMPUTE DA'rE FOR CCr,t~L~ ICN C; ul; c 4. Total time extonsion de:~s oppro'¢od to d!~to ICCO plus ,~'~url ..................... ...' 5. Total non-~ork:na d~ye to d~tu (Note 4) .............................................................1 6. Sub Toted :Ur:a 4 p~us bed 51 ....................................................................1 7. EXTENDEl;) DATE FCR CO;,{PLET, ION ~L:no 3 plus Uno E) ........................ ' ' ~ ~ 7~3~ ~95 8. Revised w:r~<~ra days for eontm:t {LIP, o 2 p'.qs Line 4} ................................. 35 ' 9. Total work:r~:3 d~ys to do. to ........................................................................24 . . 10. WORKIN3C/'.YS R.'r,'/'I%~I';31L','o~Pi,',~sLi~ogl ................................ 11 Controlling Operation(e) Remarks; (Note 5) (Continue on reverse) The Contractor will be ellowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest In writing the R~ent;"" correctsass of the statement; otherwise the statement eheS]l be deemed to have ngineer been accepted by the Contractor es correct, NOTE: All footnotes ere on reverse side. HF:hf Revised 12/6/1993 INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather; state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately describe conditions. For exa~!e, "Clear-wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable". 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. ' 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (line 8). After approved totalof working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS the WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference/under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or. operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARES: City of Fontana CALIF'ORNIA JUly 11, 1995 Shanon Stewart S.J. Burkhardt 6157 Marlatt Street Mira Loma, CA. 91752 RE: Washington Drive Sewer Project From Cypress Avenue to Approx. 803 Feet East (SB-71-94) Weekly Statement of Working Days Report No. 5 Dear Mr. Stewart: Enclosed for review is the weekly statement of working days for week ending July 7, 1995. You will be allowed (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted as correct. Please contact Don Gilbertson at (909) 350-6659 or the undersigned at (909) 350-6645, if any additional information is required. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPArtMENT Engineering Division YoU'~ Pa anwala, P.E. Associate Engineer/Special Projects YP:DG::dg MAILING ADDRESS: P.O.BOX 518 8353 SIERRA AVENUE · FON"[ANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (909) 350-7600 CITY OF FONTANA REPORT NO. 5 WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT: WASHINGTON DRIVE SEWER PROJECT FROM CYPRESS AVE. TO APPROX. 803 FEET EAST TO: 8.J. BURKHARDT The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending Jury 7, 1995, Non-Working Working Days Days No Work Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Caused by Done on Day Weather Controlling Operation (Note 2) 7/03/95 Man. CLEAR/HOT, 90 DEGREES 1 7/04/95 Tue. HOLIDAY 0 7/05/95 Wed. CLEAR/HOT, 96 DEGREES 1 7/06/95 Thur, CLEAR/HOT, 96 DEGREES 1 7/07/95 FrL CLEAR, HOT, 95 DEGREES 1 Days this week ...........................................................................................................40 Days previously reported ...........................................................................................15 1 Total days to date .......................................................................................................191 TiME EXTENSIONS CCO Numbers Days Approved (Note 3) CCO Other Days this reperf~ .......................................................................................................... Days previously reported ........................................................................................................................ Total days to date ...................................................................................................................................00 COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION Number Numbered Data of Oa~e Day(N~e~:) "ecs~j~'' . 1. First working da)' designstad ..................................................................';...:': ... . ............... 2. Working days speci.qed in contract .............................................................35 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION (~f all <jays speclf.ed are workablo) .......... : ~' 7: :' I 7 2,~,~"' 4. Total ~me rextans;on days =pproved to data {CCO plus 3lhorl .................... 5. Total non-work nc days to data {Nolo 41 ..................................................I ~... 6. Sub Tobl (Line 4 pl,~s L;no 5i .......................................................................1 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COk'.PLETION IL :no 3 p:ds Li.~c e;) .......................... . ............. * I 7,'~"ti~ 8. Revised workln:~ d% s fcr cont.a:l IL:ho 2 p'us L'no 41 ............................... 35 ....... = ....... 9. Total working d.~ys to da'.e ..................................................................19 10. WORK]NO DAYS FP.~AI;,I I'~S {Uhe 8 mi',L 9 Ll~.o 5i ............................... 16 '. Controlling Operation(s) Remarks: (Note 5) (Continue o~ reverse) The Contractor will be ellawed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in wring ~ ~ ~ sorrectneas of the ~tatament; otherwise ~e statement ~hell be deemed to have t Engineer been accepted by t~e Contractor as earroot. NOTE: All fo<>tnotas ere on reverse elde. HF:hf Revised 12/6/1993 INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due tO weather; state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately describe conditions. For example, "Clear-wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable". 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are Overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (line 8). After approved totalof working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS the WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference/under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or. operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. _ (d). Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: , , v v City of Fontana CALIFORNIA July 5, 1995 Shanon Ste~ Tt S.J. Burkh.!dt 6157 Marlatt Street Mira iLoma, CA. 91752 Washington Drive Sewer' Project From Cypress Avenue to Approx. 803 Feet East (SB-71-94) 'Weekly Statement of Working Days Report No. 4 Dear Mr. Stewart: Enclosed for review is the weekly statement of working days for week ending June 30, 1995. You will be allowed (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted as correct. Please contact Don Gilbertson at (909) 350-6659 or the undersigned at (909) 350-6645, if any additional information is required. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineeri g Division. Associate Engineer/Special Projects YP:DG:dg 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 5 '18) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, S.C. CANADA CITY OF FONTANA REPOFff NO. 4 WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT: WASHINGTON DRIVE SEWER PROJECT FROM CYPRESS AVE. TO APPROX. 803 FEET EAST TO; S,J. BURKHARDT The following ctatement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the Week ending June 23, 1995· Non-Working Working Days Days No Work Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Caused by Done on Day Weather Controlling Operation (Note 2) 6/26/95 Men. OVERCAST, HUMID, HOT, 91 DEGREES 1 6/27/95 Tue. CLEAR, HOT, 93 DEGREES 1 6/28/95 Wed. CLEAR/HOT, 95 DEGREES 1 6/29/95 Thur. CLEAR/HOT, 90 DEGREES 1 6/30/95 Fri. CLEAR, HOT, 93 DEGREES I 0 Days this week ...........................................................................................................50 Days previously reported ...........................................................................................10 1 Total days to date ........................................................................................................151 TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Numbers Days Approved (Note 3) CCO Other Days this report .......................................................................................................... Days previously reported ....................................................................................................................... Total days to date ...................................................................................................................................00 COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION ~ N~imber ~Numbered Date 1. Firstworkingdaydesignated ................................................................................~t~lil~li~i i:: ~l~!~li~ 6/09/95 3. COMpUTLL;,',T"~RCC~,"~L'.I.L!N.it,' .;. ,:t,::,,,:; :.:Jc,';.;=l,r :I.:.. .......... : ......................... 7_2.:.,?.~.. ,": .............:.... ":"""':"""':"':"""":":::::.:.::.J : -I 7. EXTENDED D,'."L w L:.R CG;.'i'LET. I~.'.% :1 n,', 3 p'u.' Ln.: '3 ............................' ..... ~.. '..~.5'..75_. .' ........................................................... Controlling Operation (s) Remarks: (Note 5) (Continue on reverse) The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the t j correctnasa of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have ~R '~ent Engineer been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: Aft footnotes ere on reverse side. HF;hf ised 12/6/1993 INSTRUCTIO]~S TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather; state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately describe conditions. For example, "Clear-wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable". 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing. for time extensions. 4. Do not include nom~orking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS the WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. Time extensions other,. are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference/under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being .delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: City of Fontana CALIFORNIA June 27, 1995 Shanon Stewart S.J. Burkhardt 6157 Marlatt Street Mira iLoma, CA. 91752 RE: Washington Drive Sewer Project From Cypress Avenue to Approx. 803 Feet East (SB-71-94) Weekly Statement of Working Days Report No. 3 Dear Mr. Stewart: Enclosed for review is the weekly statement of working days for week ending June 23, 1995. You will be allowed (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted as correct. Please contact Don Gilbertson at (909) 350-6659 or the undersigned at (909) 350-6645, if any additional information is required. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division You nwala, P.E. Associate Engineer/Special Projects YP:DG:dg 8353 SIERRA AVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-O818 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CI'r'Y- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ~w~ recycled paper CITY OF FONTANA REPORT NO. 3 WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT: WASHINOTON DRIVE SEWER PROJECT FROI~A CYPRESS AVE. TO APPROX. 803 FEET EAST TO: 8.j. BURKHARDT The following statement shows the number of working days she. rged to your sontract for the week ending June 23, 1995. Non-Working Working Days Days No Work Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Caused by Done on Day Weather Centrotting Operation (Note 2) 6/19/95 Men. CLEAR, WARM, 68 DEGREES 1 6/20/95 Tue. CLEAR, WARM, 86 DEGREES 1 6/21/95 Wed. CLEAR/WARM, 84 DEGREES 1 6/22/95 Thur. CLEAR/HOT, 95 DEGREES 1 6/23/95 Fd. CLEAR, HOT, 96 DEGREE,~ 1 0 Days this week ...........................................................................................................50 Days previously reported ...........................................................................................5 1 Total days to date .......................................................................................................101 TiME EXTENSIONS CCO Numbers Days Approved (Note 3) CCO Other Days this report .......................................................................................................... Days prevloasly reported ....................................................................................................................... Total days to date ...................................................................................................................................00 COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION l Number { Numbered Date of Days Day (Note 4) 7, EXTENDE. D :ATE (;'ICC~.'..-'.LE' .',:.~= -. 3n .~L- ..::. · '~ ....... I 771 Controlling Operation (s) Remarks: (Note 5) (Continue on reverse) The Contractor wiII be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correcthess of the statement; otherwise the statement shell be deemed to have er been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. H F:hf Revised 12/6/1993 INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather; state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately describe conditions. For example, "Clear-wet grade" Co describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do no~ list days merely as "Unworkable". 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing'for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but d~o not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS the WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contrack time has elapsed. 5. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference/under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. kDDITIO~AL REMARKS: City of Fontaria CALIFORNIA June 27, 1995 Shanon Stewart S.J. Burkhardt 6157 Marlatt Street Mira Loma, CA. 91752 RE: Washington Drive Sewer Project From Cypress Avenue to Approx. 803 Feet East (SB-71-94) Weekly Statement of Working Days Report No. 2 (Revised) Dear Mr. Stewart: Enclosed for review is the weekly statement of working days for week ending June 16, 1995, revised to reflect correct completion date. You will be allowed (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted as correct. Please contact Don Gilbertson at (909) 350-6659 or the undersigned at (909) 350-6645, if any additional information is required. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Yousu~Pat~nwala, P.E. Associate Engineer/Special Projects YP:DG:dg 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 51 B) · FONTAN,a, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ~ recycled paper CITY OF FONTANA REPORT NO. 2 (Revised) WEEKLY STATEMENT C)F WORKING DAYS PROJECT: WASHINGTON DRIVE 8E'VVER PROJECT FROM CYPRESS AVE. TO APPROX. 803 FEET EAST TO: 8.J. BURKHARDT The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending June 23, 1995. Non-Working Working Days Days No Work Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Caused by Done on Day Weather Controlling Operation (Note 2) 6/12/95 Mon. SUNNY/HOT, 97 DEGREES 1 6/13/95 Tue. CLEAR/HOT, 98 DEGREES 1 6/14/95 Wed. CLEAR/WARM, 80 DEGREES 1 6/15/95 '[hur. CLEAR/COOL 68 DEGREES 1 6/16/95 FH. RAIN, 60 DEGREES 0 1 Days this week ..........................................................................................................'41 Days previously reported .........................................................................................1 0 Total days to date .....................................................................................................51 TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Numbers Days Approved Days this report ........................................................................................................(Note 3)CCO Other Days prevlously reported ..................................................................................................................... Total days to date ................................................................................................................................00 coMPuTAT,o. oF ENDED DATE FoR coMPLET,oNoats 9. Work,rig .~.',. ,.:;;: '. ~,: .,, :=,'....'.: ...............................!:.'_. 'T:.,r_.. ~7"i. "" :7.'. 'Z:E:"". :. :' .' ' 3. COMpUTE~r',.~T:FC.'~CC.,~'..ET,;'...,:¢.t=:~.c::::r..:..:r.:.v.:.~!d..,:: ........I 72~;,5 4. Total time e4~,'-.i;: d~;s ,;.?.r:..',.~.. ;: r.: tc ,:~ b ~c,':.,'2.. F- ..~ :.%::r, ..........r ...... ~' ...................... ":" ""' "" "": ..........................................I · :,:::;%..;'L...:-;, ................................................_. 7. EXTENDEO D/,TF.' FC;I CC:,:2: .-.'I',C'; :L:n.: 3 =~1,~ !it c 6...r ......I ....t ........I7~'~ 95 8. Revised wc -king :la, s rcr c.~"' 9. Total work .~g :::':.s to d~.o ................................ . ..................I 5 10. WORKIN'~ C;.vS r;E'.' ;'.',~ Controlling Operation(s) Remarks: (Note 5) (Continue on reverse) Extended date for completion added. The Contrastor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correcthess of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have R r been accepted by the Contractor as correct, NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. HF:hf Revised 12/6/1993 INSTRUCTICeS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather; state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately describe conditions. For example, "Clear-wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable". 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS the WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference/under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. _ (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: City of Fontana CALIFORNIA June 19, 1995 Shanon Stewart S.J. Burkhardt 6157 Marlatt Street Mira Loma, CA. 91752 RE: Washington Drive Sewer Project From CyDress Avenue to Approx. 803 Feet East (SB-71-94) Weekly Statement of Working Days Report No. 2 Dear Mr. Stewart: Enclosed for review is the 'weekly statement of working days for week ending June 16, 1995. You will be allowed (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted as correct. Please contact Don Gilbertson at (909) 350-6659 or the undersigned at (909) 350-6645, if any additional information is required. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Yousuf Patanwala, P.E. Associate Engineer/Special Projects YP:DG:dg 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA CITY OF FONTANA REPORT NO. WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT= WASHINGTON DRIVE SEWER PROJECT FROM CYPRESS AVE. TO APPROX. 803 FEET EAST TO; S.J, SURKHARDT The following statement shows the number of worklng dey~a charged to your contract for the week ending June 16, 1995. Non-Working Working Days Days No Work Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Caused by Done on Day Weather Controlling Operation (Note 2) 6/12/95 Men. SUNNY/HOT, 97 DEGREES 1 6/13/95 Tue. CLEAR/HOT, 98 DEGREES 1 6/14/95 Wed. CLEAR/WARM, 80 DEGREES t 6/16/95 Thur. CLEAR/COOL, 68 DEGREES 1 6/16/93 Fd. RAIN, 60 DEGREES O 1 Days this week ..........................................................................................................41 Days previously reported .........................................................................................1 0 Total days to date .....................................................................................................51 TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Numbers Days Approved (Note 3) CCO Other Days this report ........................................................................................................ Days previously reported ..................................................................................................................... Total days to date ................................................................................................................................0O COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION Number Numbered Date of Days Day (Note 4) ..... ~J~ 1. First working day dc ~:gllb;..'3 ............................................................, . . ........................................................ 2. Working days specFied In ccr,t-o:t .............................................................~,5i 3. coMPUTE DATE FC~ CC','.P.-r..O~ ;f .,1 d.-.,'s ,p~.d...d ,.-o v.:,P.;.,~.:> ........' .....................................::3......~'Ei!E::... 4. Total time extension db';9 op;:rc,;od to d:,:e (CCO plus ~ti..q; .......! · ' :... s. To., .on-work,nO ~,'.>s to d..,:. ~.o.o. ...........................................:.:::::::: ......Ji': ·." 0 6, Sub Total (LIne 4 plus L no 5; ................................................................ ....... 7, EXTENDEO DATE FCR CCM~L_'TiCN (L:no ~ plus L'r,.: (:~ ............................ ] 8. Revised w:h::-'g c.: ~8 f.:.r cch=.r:!ct (Lir,c 2 p,us UP..~ -;t ............................ 35 i ;J : 9. Total worki~:g c!:.# s :.3 dote .................................................................~. _._5____i ' ' ' 10. WORKIN 3 .'3..',YS ;:EMA kl'~G ~L/n: ," mi.-..,s L "~ 9'. ...................... 33 : Controlling Operation(e) Remarks: (No!re 5) (Continue on reverse) The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the e~ correotness of the statement; otherwise the statement shell be deemed to have R been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. HF:hf Revised 12/6/1993 I~STRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recordin9 nonworking days due to weather; state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately describe conditions. For example, "Clear-wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable". 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other. than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS the WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference/under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: City of Fontana CALIFORNIA June 19, 1995 Shanon Stewart S.J. Burkhardt 6157 Marlatt Street Mira Loma, CA. 91752 RE: Washington Drive Sewer Project From Cypress Avenue to Approx. 803 Feet East (SB-71-94) Weekly Statement of Working Days Report No. 1 Dear Mr. Stewart: Enclosed for review is the weekly statementof working days for week ending June 9, 1995, You will be allowed (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted as correct. Please contact Don Gilbertson at (909) 35'0-6659 or the undersigned at (909) 350-6645, if any additional information is required. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division YousuE Patanwala, P.E. Associate Engineer/Special Projects YP:DG:dg 6353 SIERRA AVENUE (P O. BOX 51,8) · FONTAN& CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CI'P,'- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ~ recycled paper CITY OF FONTANA REPORT NO. 1 WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT: WASHINGTON DRIVE SEWER PROJECT FROM CYPRESS AVE. TOAPPROX. 803 FEET EAST TO: S.J. BURKHARDT The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending June 9, 1995. Non-Working Working Days Days No Work Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Caused by Done on Day Weather Controlling Operation (Note 2) Man. Tue. Wed. Thur. 6/9/95 Fd. CLEAR/WARM, 85 DEGREES 1 Days this week ...............................................................................................................1 Days previously reported ................................................................................................0 Total days to date ..........................................................................................................1 TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Numbers Days Approved (Note 3) CCO Other Days this report .............................................................................................................. Days previously reported ........................................................................................................................... Total days to date ....................................................................................................................: ..................00 COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION Number J Numbered Date ~ ~.,;,,.~ Day (Note 4) 1, First working day designated ...................................................................................~3~,~ 6/09/95 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR CC'.;=L="T' 3N j= ~1. d'.!, s ~:F-c':"';;;: ,"e ,;c'L~': 7.~ ..... r" ' ~ ..... 4. Totedtimeox'.~ms';;ndc, r~c.[.:F~'c',cot,:,~:,.tc ~C'20;;.:.,cl.'c-~ ............ " ........... ! .......... J' 72~95 ............................................................ o .. ....... :~ 'PEA i'i cc>r.'r, LE'rloN ,.i.-.:s:: 9. Total working c;cys [o tint:: .................................................................. 10. WORKIt!G D;,Yg Ft"',';, I,I'~G d =no e r'i~'us D"'~.. -3.1 .............................. I ~.1 J Controlling Operation(s) Remarks: (Note 5) (Continue on reverse) The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in wdting the d/~~m Eng~n correcthess of the statement; otherwise the statement shal[ be deemed to have ear been accepted by the Contractor ae correct. NOTE: All 1rootnotes are on reverse side,· H F ;hf Revised 12/6/1993 INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather; state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately describe conditions. For example, "Clear-wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable". 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS the WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference/under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. _ (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: