HomeMy WebLinkAbout18.7.2 Caltrans Encroach Permit PERMIT NO. 08-94-N-MC-0781 CO/RTE/PM SBD-10-32.11 CALTRANS PERMITS 247 W. Third Street San Bernardino, CA 92402 100% COMPLETION NOTICE Permittee Representat' /~/~, '' Date ate Representative Date FAILURE TO COMPLETE A/qD RETURN TEIS TO TEE DISTRICT PERMITS OFFICE MAY CAUSE A DELAY IN TEE RELEASE OF YOUR BONDS. RECEIPT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ._$ ,,z~. d- ~'~/f' ,,f'~S 793745 LOCATION DATE RECEIVED FROM, ~" ~ - " _ CU~nENCY ~ MONEY ORDER NO. DATED IN PAYMENT OF: DEPA~'NENT OF TRANSP~TATIO~ (CALTR~M~) ENC~OAC~I/ENT PERMIT Pe~, · ~-N-P2~)7_RCR~ 1/90) ~./ OI~F:5-6-DP-O510 Dist/~/Rt~ 08'aHD'ZO-32.ZZ Zn compliance vith (check Date X Your application of Nay IS, 1995 May Z8, 1995 Fe Peld Deposit Utility Notice No. of $420.00 $ XXXX.XX BondRe malt Agreement No. of $XXXXXX.XX ~x~cm~my R/W Contract No. of xxxxx 8end Nxmber S. J. BUR~DTt INC. XXXXX 6157 Narlatt Street Mira Lomat CA 9Z752 (909) 685-7488 Attns T.on~ Esparsa , PERMITTEE and subject tothe following, PER)[ISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED Enter Calltans right of way for the purpose of cleanup due to trimming of city trees, as in accordance with plane~ under PEP~MIT NUMBER 08-94-N-MC-0781 issued to City of Fontana, and/or as directed by the State's Representative. A PRE-JOB MEETING WITH THE ASSIGNED STATE~S REPRESENTATIVE, RUBEN ~UERMERO, (909)388-70~8, IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO START OF ANY WORK UNDER THIS PERMIT/ FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN PERMIT CANCELLATION AND RESUEMITTAL MAY EE REQUIRED. FURTHER INFORMATION MAY BE ATTAINED BY THE AREA PERMIT MANAGER RAJ CHHARAN (909)383-7973. 'AS-BUILT' PLANS ARE REQUIRED UPON COMPLETION OF ALL WORK. THE 'AS-BUILT' PLANS MUST BE CERTIFIED (AS-BUILT PLAN8 FOR ROADWAY GEOMETRICS !aid BELOW GROUND FEATURES) BY A REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER. THE ATTACHED PAGES ARE M~a)E PART OF THIS PERMIT The foltceing attachsells are alan included an pert of th~s pemit (Check In addition to fee the permittee mill be billed ~Roticd~le) actual costs for: J_ Yes Gemrat Provlslms __ Yes X I~o Reviev Yes X No UtiLity 14aintemnce Provisions ___X Yes No Irmpection __Yes._K No Special Provisions __ Yes X Field Vork __yes X No Excavation pemit required prier to beginruing anrk: (If any CaLltans effort experded) Yes X N.A. The infometion in the env]rcrmenta( docueontatlon hee been raylaved and coneldered prior to qTprovat of this permit. Th~s permit is void uatess the ~ork is cospieted before August :51, 1995 This pemlt is to be strictly comtrued and no other york other than specificaLLy Bentloned is hereby authorized. No project Kork shall he c~msenced ontl t eli other necessary permits and envirorae~tat clearances have been obtained. Pete caspebesso/Naint. S~t./CoLton RPPIK)V~D: r Ruben Gue rero/Insp. 9~-0781 95-0510 I~11 S~TEELE. District Direcl~or BY: R~.JlleER ~. CItNAR~II, P.E., ASST. PERNIT EIIGINEER · 'PAGE 2: ATTACHED TO AI~ADE PART OF PERMIT NO. 0~~ ~-6-DP-0510 YOUR ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 7-1.11 PRESERVATION OF PROPERTY AND BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE, SECTION 8771. .PERMITTEE SHALL PHYSICALLY INSPECT THE WORKSITE AND LOCATE SURVEY MONUMENTS PRIOR TO WORK COMMENCEMENT. MONUMENTS SHALL BE REFERENCED OR RESET IN ACCORDANCE WITH BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE. Permittee's work shall be subordinated to any operations which the State may conduct, and shall not delay, nor interfere with the State forces or State's contractor. In addition, if time extension is necessary, a request for time extension should be made a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to completion date stated on the face of the permit. If work has not been started before the completion date, permit may be voided and resubmittal may be required. PERMITTEE 8HALL CONTACT 8TATE'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR FINAL INSPECTION AND APPROVAL OF COMPLETED WORK. ALL fence relocated to facilitate the construction of this project inside the State right of way shall be replaced with type CL-6 fence as shown in the State's Standard Plans dated July 1992. Where Type CL-6 fence does not exist, the State right of way fence must be upgraded to type CL-6 fence, as shown in the Standard Plans. Access control on the freeway will be maintained at all times, i.e., the work inside the State right of way must be fenced off with no access to the work area from the freeway. PERMIT NO. 08-95-6-DP-0510 CO/RTE/PM 08-SBD-10-3Z.ll PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING AGREEMENT I, , acting as an authorized agent for the permittee, , do. hereby agree to personally accomplish or have another designated person arrange for all involved company representatives to attend a pre-construction meeting with the authorized State representative Ruben Guerrero, as specified on this permit. Such meeting must be held two (2) days or more prior to the planned start of the work on this project. The Authorized State representative shall have complete authority to determine whether the permit conditions, eitherimplied or written, have been complied with. The State representative may then allow the permit work to proceed as appropriate. The Pre-construction Meeting Record on the next page must be signed by both the State's representative and the permittee before the permit work may start. This agreement or a copy thereof, must be mailed back to the Caltrans District 8 Permit Office at 247 W. Third Street, San Bernardino, CA 92402, within three (3) working days prior to the pre-construction meeting. Failure to return this form could delay the release of your bonds. A copy of this document shall be at the job site at all times when 'work is in progress and failure to do so may result in the suspension of work, as directed by the State's representative. It is the permittee's responsibility to insure that the State's representative is notified of work completion and that the attached Completion Notice is mailed to the Caltrans Permit office. Signature Date Print or Type Name Position or Title PERMIT NO. 08-95-6-DP-0510 CO/RTE/PM 08-SBD-10-32.11 PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING RECORD State Representative Date Permittee Representative Date Date Work May Begin Date PERMIT NO. 08-94-N-MC-0781 CO/RTE/PM SBD-10-32.11 CALTRANS PERMITS 247 W. Third Street San Bernardino, CA 92402 100% COMPLETION NOTICE Work on Permit No.08-94-N-MC-0781 has been compl&ted. A final inspection meeting was held on Permittee Representative Date State Representative Date FAILURE TO COMPLETE AND RETUR/q THIS TO THE DISTRICT PERMITS OFFICE MAY CAUSE A DELAY IN THE RELEASE OF YOUR BONDS. PERMIT NO. 08-95-6-DP-0510 DO/RTE/PM 08-SBD-10-32.11 NOTIFICATION TO CLOSE ONE OR MORE TRAFFIC LANES This Notice must be approved by the State Inspector and filed in Public Affairs Office 48-HO~R8 prior to lane closure. This form may be faxed to the Public Affairs Office. Send to: Public Affairs- Operations (909) 383-4632 FAX - (909) 383-6822 DATE PERMIT INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE: PERMIT INSPECTOR: Ruben Guerrero PHONE: (909] 388-7058 LENGTH OF LANE CLOSURE NO. OF DAYS__ LESS THAN A DAY CLOSING LANE(S) NUMBER DIRECTION ~rD HOURS OF THE LANE CLOSURE START TIME COMPLETION TIME DESCRIBE THE TYPE OF WORK THAT WILL BE PREFORMED DURING THE CLOSURE: 22. PERMITS FOR RECORD PURP: ~ ONLY: When wod~ in ; ' ' or a~lng out of the h~lure on (JUA} or a Consent to Common U mement (CCUA), an ~ respe~ to mainffnan~ or any offier obl~a~n~, or ~sui~ng providing a no~ and re~rd of woffi. ~l pr~r ~h~ of ~e dudng ~e progress of ~e wo~, or other e~ or at any pe~ee shall be prese~ed, no new or d~emnt ~h~ or sub~quent ~ ~ or offier a~ ~ being ~d under ,~., obl~a~ns are intended to ~ ~it~. "No~c~ and Recoffi ~e obl~a~ns pmv~ed by and ~n~mpi~ by ~e pe~ ' * ' FunDsee One" shail ~ s~mped a~oss ~e fa~ of fie pe~ ex~pt as offie~ p~v~ed by s~. ~e d~ of ~e ~ee to ~demn~ and ~ve hiram ~des ~e d~s to 23. BONDING: Pe~e 8haR fi~ ~e ne~aW bond(s) in delnd as set fo~ In Se~on 2778 d ~e C~ C~e. ~e advent, in ~e amount ~t by the hpamenL Failure ~ H~be wanes any and il ~h~ to any ~ of e~ms~ or main~in bond(s) in ~ll for~ and effe~ will msu~ ~ 8us~ns~n ~pl~ In~mn~ age~st ~e ~, t ob~, emptysea, of aB wo~ and pe~(s). ~nds am not required of publ~ ill ~n~m. ~ i ~ anent d ~e pa~s fiat ~e ~orations or pmate~ owned u~l~s, un~ss sa~ Pel~e pe~e wig ~dem~ aM ho~ ha~ ~e S~ff, ~ failed to ~mp~ w~h the provisions and ~ndffions under a pdor ob~, empioyees, and si~ ~n~, ~m any and pe~. You~ su~ ~mpany wail be msponsb~ ~r any iffnt ci~, su~ or e~ns as set ~ abo~ ~affiiM of defe~ unffi such ~me as ~ prov~ed for in Cat~omla C~e of exiten~ of degree of ~uR or n~l~en~, wheffier a~e or CNil Pro~dures, Se~on 337.15. passNe, p~a~ or ~nda~, on ~e pa~ d ~e S~te, pe~e, ~mons emptoy~ by ~e pe~e, or a~ng on 24. FUTURE MOVING OF INSTAL~TIONS; Peatee bahaft of ~e pe~e. unde~mnd~ and agrees ~at upon request of ~e ~pamnt, whenever S~ff ~nstm~on, re~ns~n or meintenan~ For pu~0ses of th~ se~n, "s~ ~n~om" shall include wo~ on the highway requires a pe~ed insmlla~on to be ~n~a~om and ~eir sub~ntm~om under ~n~a~ to ~e S~te reaffanged, the Pe~ee at his sole expense, unlss under a of CalWomla peddling wo~ w~in the lim~ of ~ pe~ prior agreement, JUA, and CCUA, shall ~mp~ w~ requesL 28. NO PR~EDBT ESTABUSHED: ~ pe~ b ~sued wffi · e u~defs~nd~g fiat ~ does not es~blih a pm~denL 2S. ARCHAEOLOGICAL: Shou~ any archaeologi~l msoums be revealed in the wo~ vacant, the Pe~ee is msponsib~ fo~ 29. FEDE~L CML RIGHTS REQUIREMENTS FOR PUBUC no~ing ~e ~pament's Repmsenm~e ~mediaff~, ACCQMMOOATION: A. ~e pe~e, ~r h~se~, h~ Depadmen~t Representative regarding ~e ~ntlnuan~ of wo~. agree ~a~ 1 .) no pe~on on ~e grounds of m~, ~/r, or .ne~nal o~ sha~ be excluded ~om pe~paUon in, be denid 26. PR~AILING WAGES: Wo~ peddled by or under a ~ ~e beneffi of. or be o~e~ie subjaded ~ di~a~n in may require Pe~ee's ~ntra~o~ and sub~ntre~om to pay ~e use of sa~ i~s, 2.) ~at in ~6ne~on w~ ~e appropriate prevailing wages as ~t by ~e Qepament of ~ns~n of any ~pmvemen~ on ~a~ ands and ~e Industrial Rela~ons. Inquires or reques~ ~r ~nte~re~ons ~mlhing of se~ ~emon, ,o di~ina~on shd be relate to enfor~ment of prevailing wage requirerants shou~ pra~d in ~e sei~n of emp~yee; and ~n~o~, by be dlre~ed to State of California Oepa~nt of Industrial ~n~edo~ in ~e se~on and ratanOn of Relations, 525 Go~en Ga~ Avenue, San Franc~, Ca~mia sub~n~a~o~ in ~e se~o. of ~nd-~r 94102. 3.) ~at 8u~ d~ina~n shitl not be pm~Md against publ~ in ~eir a~g to and u~ of ~e fa~l~s and 27. RESPONSIBILI~ FOR DA~GE: ~e S~ d Cal~omi end pmv~ed ~r public a~oda~ons (~u~ as eaeng, slep~g, all offMrs and employees ~ereof, including b~ not limped to msL mma~n). and opemld on, over, or under ~e spa~ of the D{re~or of Transportion and the DepuW Oire~or~ shall not ~e ~ht of ~y, 4.) fiat ~e perle shell use ~e premies be answenib~ or a~unlbl ~ any manner for inju~r ~ or in ~mpi~ne ~ ag offiet requiremen~ ~pos~ pu~uant to death of any pemon. including but not liraRed ~ ~e pe~le, T~i 15, Code of F~eml Regu/~ons, Commer~ and Fom~n peruone employed by ~e pe~ee, pemoris e~ng in bahaft of Trade, Sub~ ~ Ob of ~e Se~ei~ of Co~r~, pe~ 8 the pe~ee, or for damage to p~pe~ ~om any Muse. ~e (15 C.F.R. Pa~ 8) and as sa~ Regula~ns may be amnded. pe~ee Shall be responsibl for any liabil~ ~pose~ by lw B. ~lt in ~e event of b~a~. of I~y of ~e and for injures to or deaffi of any pe~on, including but not nondi~lna~n ~venan~, ~e $I~ $hi~ hive ~e ~ht limped to ~e pe~ee, peruone employed by ~e penm~e, te~inate the pe~ and ~ re.nit end repo~e~ sa~ land peruone a~ng in bahaft of ~e peatee, or ~r damage ~ and ~e fi~tbs ~ereon, and ho~ ~e same ms ~ li~ prope~ ar~ing out of wo~, or offier a~ pe~ a~ had never been made or ~u~. failure on ~e pe~ee's pa~ ff pe~o~ h~ obl~a~na under 30. ~INTENANCE OF HIGhAYe: ~e pe~ee agmee, by any pe~ in respe~ to mainffnanM or any o~er ob~e~ns. a~pln~ of a pe~, ~ prope~ mainffi~ any enma~mnL or resuffin~ flora de~ or obs~ns, or hm any ~ ~ will require ~s~n and repair of any damage to whatsoever dudng ~e pingrag offfie wo~ or offier a~, idles ~$uffing ~om ~e en~oa~mnL or at any :subsequent tim wo~ or offier a~ i ~ing peddled under ~e obt~aUons prov~ed by and ~ntempi~ by ~e pe~ ~e pe~e shaU indemn~ and save hi~i~ N S~/of California, all offi~m, emp~yees, and st~ ~n~o~, ~ereof, including b~ not limped to ~e D~e~r of Transpo~n and ~e ~pu~ Dire~or, ~m ag da~, su~ or a~ons of eveq name, kind and des~p~ brought ~r or on a~unt of injure to or deaffi of any pe~on, indu~g b~ not ElmRed to ~e pe~ee, peruone emp~yed by ~e pe~, peruone s~ng in beha~ of ~e pe~ee and ~e pubS, or ,"' 1. AUTHORITY: Encroachment permits are issued under the t2. PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLIST SAFETY: A safe minimum · authority given the Depadment, Div. 1. Chpt. 1, Ad. 3 in passageway of 1.21 meter (4') shall be maintained through the accordance with Dfv. 1, Chpt. 3, Art. 1, Sect. 660 to 734 of the work area, where pedesbtan or bicycle facilities are existing. At Streets and Highways Code. no time shall pedestrians be diverted onto a portion of the sireel used for vehicular traffic. At iecatjons where sate alternate 2. REVOCATION: Encroachment permits are revocable on five passageways Cannot be provided, appropriate signs and days' notice, unless otherwise stated on the permit, and except barricades shall be Installed at the limite of Cansthjction and in as provided by isw for public corporations, franchise holders, advanCe of the limits of construction at the nearest crosswaY< ol and utilities, These General Provisions and the Encroachment intersection to detour pedestrians to facilities across the street. Permit Utility Provisions are subject to modffiCation or abrogation at any time. Permittees' joint use agreements, 13. PUBLIC TRAFFIC CONTROL: Required by law, the Perm~ee franchise rights, reserved rights, or any offier agreements for is tO provide traffic control protection Of warning signs. lights. operating purposes in State highway fights of way are an safety devices and other measures for the safety of the exception to this revoCation. traveling public· Day and Nighttime lane cfosuros shall be in compliance with fie Manual of Traffic Controls, Standard Plans 3. DENIAL FOR NONPAYMENT OF FEES: Failure to pay permit and Standard SpecifiCations for traffic control systems. It is not fees when due Can result in rejection of future appliCations and intended, as to third parties, to impose on the permittee any denial of perm~. duty or standard of care. greater than or different from, as required by law. 4. ASSIGNMENT: No par~ other than the Pennflies or permittees' authorized agent is allowed to work under this 14. MINIMUM INTERFERENCE WITH TRAFFIC: Work shall be permit. planned and COnducted so as to create the least passibis inconvenience to the traveling public, traffic shall not be 5. ACCEPTANCE OF PROVISIONS: Permittee understands and unreasonably delayed. On conventional highways, Perm~ee is agrees to acceptance of the provisions and all attachments to authorized to plaCe property attired flsgger(a) to stop or warn this permit, for any work to be performed under this permit. the traveling publie. All flagging proCedures shall be in compilerice with the Manual of Traffic Controls and Instructions 6. BEGINNING OF WORK: It is the responsibility of the Permittee to Flaggets pamphlet. to notify the Departments' Representative, two (2) days in advance of the intent to begin work under this pen'nit. Permittee 15. STORAGE OF EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS: Equipment shall notify the Departments' Representative if the work is to be and Matedel storage in State rights of way shall be in interrupted for a period of five (5) days or more, unless a complianCe Standard SpecifiCations, Standard Plans and ~ prearranged continuanCe of work agreement had been made. Special Provisions. Where any Permittee obstacle is DisCad . All work shall be performed on weekdays during regular work within twelve (12) feet of a lane carrying public traffic, the hours. excluding holidays, unless otherwise specified in this Pe~'nittee shsil install temporary railing (Type K). permit. 16. CARE OF DRAINAGE: Permittee shall provide alternate T. STANDARDS OF CONSTRUCTION: All work performed within drainage for any work interfering with an existing drainage highway rights of way shall conform to recognized constmctidn facility in compliance with the Standard SpecffiCations, Standard standards and current Department Standard SpecifiCations, Plans and/or as directed by the Department'a Representative. High and Low Risk Facility Specifications, and Uttiity Special Provisions. Where reference is made to "Contractor and tlo RESTORATION AND REPAIRS IN RIGHTS OF WAY: Engineer", these are amended to be read as "Permittee end Permittee is responsible for restoration and repair of State Department Representative". Highway fights of way resulting from permitted wo,'k, per State Highway Code, Sections 670 st. seq. 8. INSPECTION AND APPROVAL: All work shall b~; subject to monitoring, and inspection. Upon completion of work permittee 18. RIGHTS OF WAY CLEAN UP: Upon compieUon of work shall request a final inspection for acceptanCe and approval by Permittee shall remove entirely and dispose of all scraps, the Department. brush, timber, matedaid, etc., off the rights of way. The aesthetiCS of the highway shall be as it was before work 9. PERMIT AT WORKSITE: The Permit Package ol' a copy of, started. shall be kept at the work site and must be shown upon request to any Department Representative or Law Enforcement Officer. t9. COST OF WORK: Unless stated in the permit, or separate It is a violation of permit conditions and work shall be written agreement, all Costs incurTed for work within the State suspended if the Permit Package is not kept and available at fights of way pursuant to this encroachment permit shall be the work site. borne endrely by the Permittee. Permittee hereby waives all claims for indemnffiCation or contn'button from the State for any 10. CONFLICTING ENCROACHMENTS: Perm~ee shall yield start such wod~. of work, to ongoing prior authorized work adjaCent to or within the limits of the project ~,ite. When existing encroachmerits 20. ACTUAL COST BILMNG: When Permittee is to be billed actul conflict with new work, the Permittee is solely responsibid for Coats, (as indicated on the feCa of the permit), such costs will any and all cost for rearrangemonte neCessary (raiDration, be at the currently set hourly rate for encroachment permits. alteration or removal of). ~ 2'1. AS-BUILT PLANS: When required, Permittee shail submit one tt. PERMITS FROM OTHER AGENCIES: This permit shall be (1) set of as-built plans in compliance with Department invalidated if the Permittee has not obtained all permits requirements. Plans shall be submitted within thirty (30) days necesaa~ and required by law, from the Public ~Jtllities after completion and approval of work. Commission of the State of California (PUC). California OCcupational Safety and Health Administration (CAL-OSHA), or any other public agency having judsdictjon. NOTKS E IIQHIAYS """"" --"'- "" "" "' "' ~-~"""'~"~"'-~'~':'~,~ ImOn CLOeUR! |NeW 8TANDAB~S T?PICAL RAMP CLOSURES ' "','' :L g=:: ' : ~-~E- . ~' ' Z~ ':::: = z,*~: -: '~: -' e ,.---,.,.-_, _,.,_,__ ~-,.,:,. ~..,, """"""' """""' .~i:': ~ TRAFFIC CC)NTROL. SYSTEM FOR LANE CI..OSUFIE ON MULTI,ANE CONVENTIONAL HIGHWAY8 MISCELLANEOUS; DETAILS ~'"',..~.~:.'~'~' """"*"" I m__..ww...w.s.m=,,,m. ~ CONTROL SYSTEM FOR LAh~E CLOSURE '~,~w~,,c,,,~r. ON TWO LANE CONVENTIONAL HIGHWAYS I t I I ,,,,.. ,o,,, ,, ,,L, ,,-,,., ., (Z)(Z)® : I"' ~::ff.~..-.,,4.:,, ----.!--,,;----~ - ' P""'a"'t"'~i:""' ~"""'3 ' ¢.:>. >.¥',;:*..,...-.. ee® e "e '--'-' ,.~ .', ss,~.,~ ~ ,~ ~;m c,~',, TRAFFIC CONTROL IllTEll FOR LANE CLOIURE ON IIULTiLANE CONVENTIONAL HIGHWAYS MIICELLANEOUI DETAILIS I I I I gO'l;g6 VO 'ONIQI:IVNU;!g NVS l_-q'nld. LS (]1::1; '/,A/..'l;,g NOI.I.V.LI:!OdSNYe!.L dO J.N:qN.LI:IVd::IQ M:~]]NI~)N':I J. IINl::l'qd .LOI~I.LSlC] CALTRANS CUSTOMER SEP, VICE QUESTIONNAIRE Dear Customer, PERMIT NO. Our goal is to provide the best service possible to our customers. Please take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire, Your comments will enable us to see how we are doing overall and any areas which may need improvement. PLEASE TELL US HOW WE'RE DOING INSIDE THE OFFICE EXCELLENT VERY GOOD GOOD POOR Staff courteous and helpful r""'l staff quick and efficient Explanations and instructions ~ clear TELEPHONE ANSWERING Timely response Receiving information or [""'] answers INSPECTION Inspector courteous and helpful Pro-construction meeting set and held in a timely manner Inspector at job site frequently ~ Inspector able to answer questions r""] I""'] and deal with problems WHAT WOULD YOU SAY IS OUR OVERALL PERFORMANCE ~ 15 THERE A STAFF PERSON YOU WOULD LIKE TO COMMEND ~ ( NAME ) Please provide your comments: STATE OF CAL|FORNIA~DEPARTREliT OF TRANSPORTATION ERC~OXCB~ENT P~MIT RIDER Collected by Permit No. TR-O122(REV.5/92) 08-94-N-HC-0781 Rider Fee Pa*id Diet/Co/Rte/PM $ EXEMPT 08-8BD-10-32.11 ~'/ Date Rider Numbe9 ] ,,b=,,v,95 TO: City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Ave. Fontana CA, 92335 Attn: Mr. Yousuf Pantanwala (909)350-6645 , PERMITTEE In compliance with your request of January 31. 1995 we are hereby amending the above numbered permit as follows: Date of completion extended to: August 31, 1995 Except as amended, slt other terms and provisions of the original permit shatt remain in effect. ED GARCIA/NAXNT. SUP./COLTON APPROVED: RUBEN GUERRERO/PERNITS 94-0781 95-0180 KEN STEELE,District DiPector BY: RG RAJINDER S. CHHARAN~ P.E., ABST., District Permit Engineer FH ~11~37 ;Ot,~'6 VO 'ONI(31:!VNI:!glt NVS .L]3:3H.!..$ (31:1~ '~ NOIJ.V. DdOdSNVI~I.L dO .LN=llrlJ.ldVd=lO ~F::IgNIDN_=I ,LII~II::F1d .LOII~I,LSIO v CALTRANS CUSTOMER SERVICE QUESTIONNAIRE Dear Customer, PERMIT NO. O~"c?'~-/U -,e'T'-O I~°0 Our goal is to provide the best service possible to our customers. Please take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire. Your comments will enable us to see how we are doing overall and any areas which may nE;ed improvement, PLEASE TELL US HOW WE'RE DOING INSIDE THE OFFICE EXCELLENT VERY GOOD GOOD POOR Staff courteous and helpful [""'1 r""l Staff quick and efficient [""'} Explanations and instructions clear TELEPHONE ANSWERING Timely response ["'] Receiving information or [""[ answers INSPECTION Inspector courteous and helpful ~ [""] Pre-construction meeting set and {"'] [""'] [""3 held in a timsly manner Inspector at job site frequently [""] ~ Inspector able to answer questions F""} [""'] and deal with problems WHAT WOULD YOU SAY IS OUR OVERALL PERFORMANCE ? 15 THERE A STAFF PERSON YOU WOULD LIKE TO COMMEND ? ( NAME ) Please provide your comments: (OFTIONAL) NAME PHONE DATE City of Fontana CALIFORNIA January 31, 1995 Ruben Guerrero, Permit Officer Caltrans, District 08 P.O. Box 231 San Bernardino, CA. 92402 RE: Washington Drive Sewer Project Caltrans Permit No. 08-94-N-MC-0781 Dear Mr. Guerrero: This letter is to request a six month time extension for Caltrans Permit No. 08-94-N-MC-0781 for the above referenced project. This project is delayed due to the abandonment of the existing water line on the south wj. de of the street. San Gabriel Valley Water Company is working with the City to expedite the process. Please call the undersigned at (909)350-6645, if you require any additional information. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPAi~MENT Engineering Division Yo~fZanWala, P.E. Associate Engineer/Special Projects cc: City Engineer Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects Principal Civil Engineer/Capital Improvement Projects 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY-- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA coLLected by JPermit No. (OriginaL) ~a{~&~d~°%*~L T~A 'ER 0 8 - 9 4 - DH-M-P-~07 (REV 1/90) lH~r F~ Paid Ojst/co/Rte/~ October 28, 1994 · o: n ECEJVE D City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Ave. NOV' 9199~ Fontana, CA 92335 At:n: Yousuf Pantanwala (909) 350-6645 C[[YENG]NEES'SO~i;.C~ ·PERMITTEE In compliance with our request of October 28, 1994 we are hereby amending the above referenced permit as follows: Change of State's Representative and Area Supervisor from Susan Collins and Basem Muallem to Eby Sianaki (909) 383-6348 and Raj Chharan (909) 383 7973 (respectively). Except as anm~ded, all. other terms and prov{sioP~ of the original permit shaLL remain in effect. coLLins APpEJVED: Chharan Sianaki OEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (CALTRANS~ ENCf_R~3HMENT PEPa4IT '~a./ ' DM-M-P?0~ (Rev l/W) 08 - 941~-MC - 0781 Dist/Co/Rte/M 08-SBd-10-32.11 In compliance with (check one): Date Your application of August 25, 1994 August 26, 1994 F~ Paid Deposit UtiZity Notice No. of $Exempt $ XXXX 8ond ~m0unt Agreement No. of Bond C0mpa~ R/W Contract No. of XXXX City of Forttans 8353 Sierra Ave. Fontana CA, 92335 Attn: Mr. Yousuf Pantanwala (909}350-6645 , PERMITTEE and subject to the following, PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRAlqTED to: Enter Caltrans right of way for the purpose of trimming and/or removal of trees on City of Fontana/San Bernardino County right of way, on the north side of 1- 10 between Sierra Way and Cypress Ave; as per State approved plans date stamped August 26, 1994, and/or as directed by the State's representative. ~ PRE-JOB MEETING WITH THE ASSIGNED STATE'S REPRESENTATIVE, SUSAN COLLINS(909) 383-5954, IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO START OF ANY WORK UNDER THIS PERMIT! FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN PERMIT CANCELLATION AND RESUBMITTAL MAY BE REQUIRED. FURTHER INFORMATION MAY BE ATTAINED FROM THE AREA FIELD SUPERVISOR, BASEM ~UALLEM(909)383-5955. lotwithstanding General Provision No.. 3, your contractor will be required to · pply for and obtain a permit prior to starting work. !'AS-BUILT" PLANS ARE REQUIRED UPON COMPLETION OF ALL WORK. THE "AS-BUILT" ?LANE MUST BE CERTIFIED (AS-BUILT PL/LNS FOR ROADWAY GEOMETRICS AND BELOW GROUND EATuREs> AS OF 'he fot[~i~ attach~ts are also i~t~ as ~rt of this Femit (Ch~k In ~iti~ to fe the ~mitte wilt ~ biL[~ ~ticabLe) act~L costs for: L Yes GnraL Provfsi~ __ Yes ~ No Yes X eo UtiLity Haint~e Provisi~ __ Yes ~ No __YesJ Ha S~iaL Provisi~ __ Yes X FieLd Uork __Yes~ No Excavati~ ~mit r~ir~ prior to ~imii~ ~rk: (if a~ Cattram effort ex~) Yes X M.A. The infomti~ in the ~ir~tat ~t:at~ has ~ revi~ a~ c~i~r~ prior a~rovat of this ~mit. his ~mit is void rotass the ~rk is c~tet~ ~fore [~rcmry.28, 'his ~mi~ is to ~ strictly c~tr~ a~ ~ other ~rk other than s~ificaLty ~ti~ is her~ authorize. ]o proh~t ~rk shatt ~ c~ mtit art other ~essary ~mi~s a~ ~ir~tat creatures have ~ ~PROED: ;artins ;or~ti~/FrotaB Haint. , )4-0~1 ~N STELE(,' Dist ic Diretar BY: ;C BASEH NUALLEN, P.E., ASST. PETIT ENGZNEER ~I~..j YOUR ATTENTION IS ~ECTED TO STANDARD SPECIFICIONS SECTION 7-1.11 PRESERVATION OF PROPERTY AND BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE, SECTION 8771. PERMITTEE SHALL PHYSICALLY INSPECT THE WORKSITE AND LOCATE SURVEY MONUMENTS PRIOR TO WORK COMMENCEMENT. MONUMENTS SHALL BE REFERENCED OR RESET IN ACCORDANCE WITH BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE. 2. Permittee's work shall be subordinated to any operations which the State may conduct, and shall not delay, nor interfere with the State forces or State's contractor. 3. In addition, if time extension is necessary, a request for time extension should be made a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to completion date stated on the face of the permit. If work has not been started before the completion date, permit may be voided and resubmittal may be required. 4. ALL fence relocated to facilitate the construction of this project inside the State right of way shall be replaced with type CL-6 fence as shown in the State's Standard Plans dated July 1992. Where Type CL-6 fence does not exist, the State right of way fence must be upgraded to type CL-.6 fence, as shown in the Standard Plans. 5. Access control on the freeway will be maintained at all times, i.e.~ the work inside the State right of way must b3 fenced off with no access to the work area from the freeway. 6. PERMITTEE SHALL CONTACT STATE' S REPRESENTATIVE FOR FINAL INSPECTION AND APPROVAL OF COMPLETED WORK. F~E I DEPOIIT I Iqill I DEPOSIT 2 ADOL I I~POIIT $ TOTAl. FEE e. midge Toe Of App~cebk) s s s k Review [ ]BelFee [ ]C41~iledFee I Elllmltld tim · $ * $ Addition Review& P.F_E,R. I'b~m I.Im · I ~ 'l EAI I I I · , Insl~f~Nt [ ]s~pse s [ ]Ca~b~dFm I I EA ....... s s s d. RddW~dt | ]C. SnmM~Fee $ $ TOTN. FI, II01FOIIT I l COI. LECTEDSY CGU. EG'rII) BY CCI. J. ECTEDBY INTIALDF. PQITPND NX3L. IXg:tOelTPA~) $ I I STATE OF CALIFONNiA ° STANDARD ENCROACH,"~NT PERMIT APPLICATION FrOnt TR-0100 (REV. 10/93) ql~ ~ FOR CALTRANS USE Pemjslon il requested to ef~c~oa~.h o~ the 9Jte }-[i~hway Pj~nt of Way PISRMff NO. u f~llow~ (Compltte~ll i~¢~as: NA ifm~ applimbl.r.) Applkat~on I~ ~ot complete um6l -" .P~:lt,uLred attar. hmenl~ are included. OIST/~TF_,PM L PORTIQN OF RIGHT OF WAy OAI~Q~SlMPLEX~T,e, MP !. WQRK TO BE PERFOItMEO BY IO. EST. ITN/qTOATE ]"i OWN FQIqCES ~'C,,(:IftRACTOIq t]/'~gd .~C~VlPLE'rlONI~ATF. 1Z E~T.q~O6TINSTATERIW /(]/,Z/ EXCAVATION ~3. w,x. oem ./L//// PIPEl l&T'fl~ II, IX~ME"I~FI II, VQI,TAGI/KPA 21oPtciQ(XIC'r 22. FULLY D~SCRIBE WORK WITHIN STATE RIW: Air ~mplete plant (m~n~um 5 m, once, mape, el:., if ~. pp~r ,rMINARY EXEMIrHON ASSESSIv[ENT (C~rt~cat~ of Determination When Attached to Noti~ of Exemption) 1, Name or description of project: /b.~//~,J(7~/,/D/~7~J~:/,/L~ 3, Entity or person undertaking project: B. Other (Private) ( 1 ) Name: (2) Address: 4. Sniff Determination: The City's Staff, having undertaken and ~ompleted a preliminary review of this project in accordanc~ with the City's ~Local Guidelines for Implementing the California Environmental Quality A~t (CF_,QA)* has concluded tlmt this project does not require further environmental assessment because: a. The proposed a~ion does not constitut~ a project under CEQA. b. The proj~'t is a Ministerial Project. The project is an F. merg~n~y Project. d. The project concretes a feasibility or p!~nnlng study. The project is categorically exempt. Applicable Exemption Class: f. The project is stamtorily exempt. Applicable Exemption: g. 7/: The projecl is ot!R;rwise exem on the following basis: h. The project involves another public agency which constitutes the Lead Agency. Name of Lead Agency: Cn'Y-CO9.FA FORM