HomeMy WebLinkAbout18.7.1 City Construction PermitENGTNEERI*NG ACCOUNT # 53200 - 4835 FTNANCE # 2109 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Date Issued ~ / '~1] Telephone: (~) ~50-~ Date Complef~ .................................................... AppJicaflon is ~ereby made {or permission fo pe~orm fee work descriEe~ below, If is expressly agreed fear ~Ee wor~ will be pe~ormed in accordance wjf~ applicable laws, regular;onE and speci{icafions o[ f~e Cify o{ Fonfana. ~is perrail musf Be af fbe job sire during ¢ondrucfjon. Quenti~ ~cription of Work L.5. Ra~ + Unit - Amount D Ln. Ft. Curb or Curb & Gut~r + ~. Ft. Sidewslk + 100 ~. Ft. Bituminous Paving 4 Each Driveway Approach + Each Cr~s Gu~er &/or Spandel Ln. Ft. Drainage Pi~ or Box Culve~, = Drainage 5trudure = Ln. Ft. ~wer = Each ~nhole &/~ Cleanou~ Permission is hereby granfed fo ~e 6ppJlcenf fo ~rForm (Minimum ~ $2,~) PUBLIC W S D P ~ Permit. A~Jics~on F~ LYu ........ ~ ...... Tm~l Permit F~ R~iv~ $ All wori sf InsDecfor 24 ~ou~ in A~ TO ~L PEaITS F~ ~ MI~IN ~BLIC RI~HF-IAY A separate permit ~s required tf you intend to phce or matntatn any mtertals In the publlc rights-of-way, regardless of duration. The "State of California Hanual of Traffic Control" provides Information necessary to carry out proper and safe~ trafflc control. Should a contractor not provide proper traffic control after the first advisory warning, the City can ctte the contractor or other contracting agency under City Code Secttons 25-12~, and 25-t23(a). The penalty for not providing for the requtred proper traffic safety tn the publlc right-of-way tsa mhdemeanor with a fine of up to $1,000 or up to 6 months tn daft or both. Inspection time required by ~mproper traffic control w111 be btlled to the contractor. ~e request that you provide strict traffic control at all t~mes ufing the figns, barricades, delineations, warning lights, flagget control and flashing arrow s~gns, as required. The normal lane to be mMntained ts 12 feet wide. Any deviation from th~s may requtre temporary pavement markings'or o~her measures. Flashtng arrow signs are requtred for motorist safety, depending upon street and traffic conditions. Consult the CH:y Publlc ~orks Inspector tf you require assistance. (7-18-94) PROPOSAL BID SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WASHINGTON [3~RIVE SEWER PROJECT FROM CYPRESS AVENUE TO APPROX. 803 FEET EAST BID NO. SB-71-94. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED UNIT UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1. INSTALL PRECAST MANHOLE PER CITY 3 EA. STD 112 W/ECCENTRIC PRE CAST CONCRETE CONE 2. INSTALL S" EXTRA STRENGTH V.C.P, 795 L.F. WITH COMPRESSION JOINTS (BELL & SPIGOT) WITH CRUSHED ROCK BEDDING PER DETAIL A, SHEET 2 OF 2 OF PLANS 3. SAWCUT AND REMOVE EXISTING A.C. 765Q S.F. , PAVEMENT PER DETAIL A, SHEET 2 OF 2 OF PLANS 4. INSTALL A.C. PAVEMENT PER DETAIL 238 TON ~,"~.ro J~/'~f,.rv "~ A, SHEET 2 OF 2 OF PLANS 5. TIE PROPOSED SEWER INTO EXISTING 2 EA. MANHOLE, REMOVE V.C.P. STUB, SEALS, PLUGS & MORTAR 6. PNEUMATICALLY SAND FILL EXISTING LUMP SUM L.S. 8" P.V.C. PIPE, PLUG ENDS WITH CONCRETE AND ABANDON IN PLACE 7, REMOVE EXISTING PUMP STATION ANO LUMP SUM L.S. SALVAGE ALL EQUIPMENT (SEE SP-221 ' 8. PLUG EXISTG. FORCE MAIN ENDS WITH LUMP SUM L.S. CONCRETE PER DETAIL B, SHEET 2 OF 2 FOR LOCATION 9. INSTALL 4." EXTRA STRENGTH V.C.P. 4. EA. LATERALS WITH COMPRESSION JOINTS (BELL & SPIGOT) PER DETAIL C, SHEET 2 OF 2 OF PLANS 10. INSTALL 6 FOOT HIGH CHAIN LINK LUMP SUM L.S. FENCE (~1. I L.F.) AND REPAIR EXISTING GATE {SEE APPENDIX I, EXHIBIT "A") I1. INSTALL LANOSCAPING AND LUMP SUM L.S. '~,orB"O.~'0 ~oforD.r°// IRRIGATION (SEE SP-22) P-12 .~13.' MOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF TREES LUMP SUM I L.S. AND STUMPS , . REGRADE DIRT SHOULDER PER DETAIL LUMP SUM L.S. A, SHEET 2 OF 2 0F PLANS 14. POTHOLE EXISTING UTILITIES 2 ~A. ~,~ - 15. SHEETING, SHORING AND BRACING LUMP SUM L.S. ~/?~, 18. CLEARING AND GRUBRING (SEE LUMP SUM L.S. SPECIAL PROVISION SECTION 300. 1.3.2) 17. TRAFFIC CONTROL WARNING SIGNS.. LUMP SUM L.S. BARRICADES AND ALL RELATED WORK, INCLUDING ARTICLE 7-10.3 OF SPECIAL. PROVISIONS Note: Contractor must include the cost of permit fees in the bid items (See SDecial Provision Sectio~ 7-5). ENG]ZNEERING ACCOUNT # 53200 - 4835 FTNANCE # 2109 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT DaMe ,ssu , .... .......... CI~ O~ FONTANA, CALI~RNIA aafe o~ issue. Telephone: (~) 350-~ Date ~mp,~et~ ..................................................... Appl~ca~bn ~s ~ereby ma~e {or permission fo pe~orm +he work ~escr~e~ 5ebw, If is expressly agree~ f~af f~e wor~ w;lJ be pe~ormed in accordance wlf~ applicable laws, regula+ions and spec;~caf;ons o{ ~e C~ty of Fontana. ~is perrn~f musf be af f~e ~ob slfe during consirudlo.. CONTRACTOR L[CEN$~ NO, APPLICANT QuBnfi~ ~cription of Work L.S. Ra~ + On[~ - Amount  Ln, Ft. Curb or Curb &Gutter + $ ~. Ft. Sidewalk + · = 100 ~. Ft. Bituminous Paving ~ = Each Driveway App~ach + : Each Cr~s Gu~er &/or Spandel = Ln. Ft. Drainage Pi~ or Box Culver~ = - Drainage Stru~ure = Ln. Ft, ~wer = Each ~nhoge &/~ Cleanouffi ~ Permission is hereby granted to the applicant to ~fform (~lnimgm ~ $2.~) the work described ~bove, Insection Charge PUBLIC W S D P ~ Permi~ A~llc~on F~ / _ . S ~ PB~ T~I Permit ~ R~iv~ $ - ~ LYu ....... ~ ...... All wor~ st Inspe~ 24 hou~ in aavance. ~t=-~ppzi~ ~,o~-~,=~, ~-o~i~ ~z~-z~= (HAKE 3 COPZES) A~ TO ~L t~ZTS FOR ~ I~ZN NBLIC RZ~F-MAY A separate permtt ts requtred tf you tntend to place or malntatn any materlals tn the publlc rights-of-way, regardless of duration. The "State of California Hanual of Traffic Control" provtdes Information necessary to carry out proper and safe traffic control. Should a contractor not provtde proper traffic control after the first advtsory warntrig, the C~ty can ctte the contractor or other contractling agency under Ctty Code Sections 25-121, and 25-~23(a). The penalty for not =providing for the required proper traffic safety tn the public right-of-way is a m~sdemeanor w~th a fine of up to $1,000 or up to 6 months tn ~all or both. inspection ttme required by tmproper traffic control wtll be btlled to the contractor. We request that you provlde strtct traffic control at all t~mes using the stgns, barricades, delineations, warning 11ghts, flagget control and flashing arrow signs, as required. The normal lane to be maintained Is 12 feet w~de. Any deviation from this may requtre temporary pavement marklngs*or other measures. Flashtng arrow signs are requtred for motortst safety, depending upon street and traffic conditions. Consult the Ctty Publlc Works Inspector tf you requtre assistance. (7-18-94) · PROPOSAL BID SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ~., WASHINGTON DRIVE SEWER PROJECT FROM CYPRESS AVENUE TO APPROX. 603 FEET EAST · BID NO. SB-71-94 ITEM DESCRIPTION ' ESTIMATED UNIT UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1. INSTALL PRECAST MANHOLE PER CITY 3 EA. STD 112 W/ECCENTRIC PRE CAST CONCRETE CONE 2. NSTALL 6" EXTRA STRENGTH V.C.P, L,F, WITH COMPRESSION JOINTS {BELL & SPIGOT) WITH CRUSHED ROCK BEDDING PER DETAIL A, SHEET 2 OF 2 OF PLANS 3, SAWCUT AND REMOVE EXISTING A.C. 7650 S.F. PAVEMENT PER DETAIL A, SHEET 2 OF 2 OF PLANS 4. INSTALL A.C. PAVEMENT PER DETAIL 238 TON A, SHEET 2 OF 2 OF PLANS 5. TIE PROPOSED SEWER INTO EXISTING 2 EA. MANHOLE. REMOVE V.C.P. STUB, SEALS, PLUGS & MORTAR 6. PNEUMATICALLY SAND FILL EXISTING LUMP SUM L.S. 8" P.V.C. PIPE, PLUG ENDS WITH CONCRETE AND ABANDON IN PLACE 7. REMOVE EXISTING PUMP STATION AND LUMP SUM L.S. ~ ,~,~0, r.~ ~/r%,e,e. a,1 //~' SALVAGE ALL EQUIPMENT (SEE SP-221 8. PLUG EXISTG. FORCE MAIN ENOS WITH LUMP SUM L.S. CONCRETE PER DETAIL B, SHEET 2 OF 2 FOR LOCATION · 9. INSTALL 4." EXTRA STRENGTH V,C.P. 4. EA. ],~0'O.e~ ql~/0"{2,~"'ct ~/' LATERALS WITH COMPRESSION jOiNTS (BELL & SPIGOT) PER DETAIL C, SHEET 2 OF 2 OF PLANS 10, INSTALL 6 FOOT HIGH CHAIN LINK LUMP SUM L.S. FENCE (4.1 L.F,) ANO REPAIR EXISTING GATE ISEE APPENDIX I, EXHIBIT "A") 11. INSTALL LANDSCAPING AND LUMP SUM L.S. ~,oK~'D.01;7 ~.,.~o.,o. ro// IRRIGATION ISEE 5P-22) P-12 · REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF TREES LUMP SUM I L.S. AND STUMPS l :" 13. BEGRAPE DIRT SHOULDER PER DETAIL LUMP SUM L.S. SHEET 2 OF 2 0F PLANS ' 14. POTHOLE EXISTING UTILITIES 2 EA. ~a.~ I 5. SHEETING, SHORIN~ ~ND BRACING LUMP SUM T6. CLEARING AND GRUBSING (SEIE LUMP SUM L.S. SPECIAL PROVISION SECTION 300- 1.3.2) 17. TRAFFIC CONTROL WARNING SIGNS. LUMP SUM L.S. BARRICADES AND ALL RE~TED WORK, INCLUOING ARTICLE 7-10.3 OF SPECIAL PROVISIONS Note: Contractor must include the cost of permit fees in the bid items (See Special Provision Sectlot 7-5). P-13