HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.9 Notice to Proceed CITY OF FONTANA FONTANA, CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: LINDA NUNN, DEPUTY CITY CLERK FROM: YOUSUF PATANWALA, P.E. ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER/SPECIAL PROJECTS DATE: OCTOBER 9, 1995 SUBJECT: WASHINGTON DRIVE SEWER PROJECT NOTICE OF COMPLETION Attached for filing by the City Clerk's office is the original recorded Notice of Completion for the Construction of the Washington Drive Sewer Project (SB 71-94). The contractor on the project was S.J. Burkhardt.I Inc. The project was accepted as complete by the Council on September 5, 1995. Attachment YP:ke Recorded in Offlcia1 Records, County ot San Bernardino, Errol J, MacKzum, Recorder No Fee Doc No, 19956312579 Recording requested by 2:3ipm 69/1i/95 City of Fontana When recorded mail to: ees 284i384 62 63 PG FEE APF GIMS PH CrY qCRT CPY ADD NM PEN PR PCOR City of Fontana (Engineering Divisior I P, O. Box 518 Fontana, California 92335 s V"' 6 D NON ST LN S~ CIT.CO TRANS TAX NO FEE CHRG EXAM No APN Available NOTICE OF COMPLETION Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3086 of the Civil Code of the State of California and authorization of the City Council of the City of Fontana, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that work on that certain project known as Construction of the Washinqton Driive Sewer Pro.iect for the City of Fontana was completed and accepted by the City of Fentana on the 5th day of September , 1995 TIle said work was 3erformed by S. J. Burkhardt, Inc. of 6157 Marlatt Street Mira Loma, CA 91752 in accordance with the terms o'F written agreement dated the 2nd . day of May , 1995 STATE OF CALIFORNIA} Dated this 6~h day of September, 1995 OF SAN BERNARDINO} C~A~ COUNTY ' Robert W. Weddle. P.E. City Engineer On September 6, 1995, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Robert W, Weddle, P.E., personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person, or entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the inFr~P~ment. San Bernardino, Enro! J. ~ackzum, Recorder No Fee Doc No. 19950312579 'Recording requested by 2'3ipm09/i 1/95 city of Fontana ' When recorded mail to: ee5 2e4i304 e2 e3 of Fontana (Engineering Divisior P. FEE APF GIMS pHCpYICRTCPYADDNM PENPR PCQR Fontana, California 92335 s ~ 6 D NON ST LN $W CIT-CO TRANS TAX NO FEE CHRG EXAM No APN Available NOTICE OF COMPLETION Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3086 of the Civil Code of the State of California and authorization of the City Council of the City of Fontana, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that work on that certain project known as Construction of the Washinqton Drive Sewer Pro,iect for the City of Fontana was completed and accepted by the City of Fontana on the 5th day of September , 1995 The said work was performed by S. J. Burkhardt, Inc. of 6157 Marlatt Street, Mira Loma, CA 91752 in accordance with the terms of written agreement dated the 2nd day of May , 1995 STATE OF CALIFORNIA} Dated this 6th day of September, t995 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO} Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer On September 6, 1995, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Robert W. Weddle, P.E., personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person, or entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the i n ment. · ~rnm, # 1"77~9 Recording requested by City of Fontana When recorded mail to: City of Fontana (Engineering Division) P. O. Box 518 Fontana, California 92335 No APN Available NOTICE OF COMPLETION Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3086 of the Civil Code of the State of California and authorization ~af the City Council of the City of Fontana, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that work on that certain project known as Construction of the Washinqton Drive Sewer Pro.iect for the City of Fontana was completed and accepted by the City of Fontana on the 5th day of September 1995 The said work was performed by S. J. Burkhardt, Inc. of 6157 Marlatt Street, Mira Loma, CA 91752 in accordance with the terms of written agreement dated the 2nd _ day of May 1995 STATE OF CALIFORNIA} Dated, this 6th day of September, 1995 BERNARDINO} C~A. ~ COUNTY OF SAN ~ Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer On September 6, 1995, before me. tNe undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Robert; W. Weddle, P.E.. personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity. and that by his signature on the instrument, the >erson, or entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the i n~'~ ment. ,City of Fontana CALIFORNIA lune 7, 1995 Mr. Charles P. Burkhardt S. J. Burkhardt, Inc. 6157Marlatt Street Mira Loma, CA. 91752 SUBJECT: Washington Drive Sewer Project From Cypress Avenue to Approx. 803 Feet East (SB-71-94) Notice to Proceed Dear Mr. Burkhardt: This teller will serve as your "Notice to Proceed" on the above referenced project. As per the construction contract you have thirty-five (35) working days after the "Notice to Proceed" to complete all construction work. A City of Fontann Public Works Construction Permit must be obtained prior to starting any work. Please contact the undersigned at (909)350-6645, if any additional information is required. Sincerely, LXIVM~tlTYDEVELO~,ENTDEPAR~MSxlr Engineering Division YousuX~a~wala, P.E. Associate Engineer/Special :Projects cc: City Engineer Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects 83e3SIERRAAVENUE(P,O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ~i~ recycled paper