HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.7 From Contractor ContraCting 6157 MARLATT o MIRA LO'MA, CALIFORNIA 91752 · (714) 685-7488 GUARANTEE FOR SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SYSTEM WE [HEREBY GUARANTEE ~{AT THE SPRINKIER SYSTEM TiI~T ~FE FAVE FURNISHED A/ND INSTAIIED IS FREE FROM DEFECTS IN MATERIAIS AND WORF~iANSHIP, AND THE WORK, HAS BEEN COMPiETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I~tE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS, ORDINARY WEAR AND TEAR AND UNUSUAl ABUSE, OR NEGIECT EXPECTED. WE AGREE TO REPAIR OR REPIACE ANY DEFECTS IN ~iATERIAI AND WORKMANSHIP WHICH MAY DEVELOP DURING TIE PERIOD OF ONE .YEAR FROM THE DATE OF ACEEFrANCE AND ALSO TO REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY DAMAGE RESUITING FROM ?,tE REPAIRING OR REPLACING OF SUCH DEFECTS AT NO ADDITIONAl COSP TO THE OV~qER. REPAIRS OR PdEPLACEMENTS WIll BE MADE WITHIN P~EASONABIE TIME AS AS DETER- MINED BY I~,tE OWNER~ AFTER RECEIFT OF WRITTEN NOTICE. IN THE EVENT OF OUR FAIiURE TO MAKE SUCIt REPAIRS OR REPiACEMENTS WI~IIN REASONABiE TIME AFTER RECEIPT OF WRrPTEN NOTICE FROM ~-IE OWNER, WE AU?{ORIZE ?,tE OWNER TO PROCEED TO FL~VE SAID RE'PA!Pj OR KEPIACEMENT MADE AT OUR EXPENSE AND WE WIll PAY ?HE COST AND CFL~RGES THEREFROM UPON DEMAND. PROJECT: WASHINGTON DRIVE SB~R PROJECT SB-71-94 lOCATION: WASHINGTON DRIVE & C~TRESS ~7Mv~j.i.~~ CITY OF FONTANA SI~NED: /Trea · s. ~DDP~ESS Mira Ioma, Ca. 91752 FHONE: (909) 685-7488 DATE OF ACCEPTANCE: 08-21-95 ' aca v arden & LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION UCENS[D CONT~ACTO~ NO. ~94120 Guarantee For Sprinkler Irrigation System We hereby guarantee that tile sprinkler irrigation system we have furnished and installed is free from defects in materials and workmanship, and the work has been completed in accordance with the drawings and specifications, ordinary wear and tear and unusual abuse, or neglect excepted. We agree to repair or replace any defects in material or workmanship which may develop during the period of one year from the date of acceptance and also to repair or replace any damage resulting from the repairing or replacing of such defects at no additional cost to the Owner. Repairs or replacements will be made within a reasonable time, as determined by the Owner, after rec, eipt of written notice. In the event of our failure to make such repairs or replacements within reasonable time after receipt of written notice from the Owner, we authorize the Owner to proceed to have said repairs or replacement made at our expense and we will pay the cost and charges therefrom upon demand. Project: Washington Dr., Sewer Project Location: Washington Dr., Fontana Signed: Address: Baca Garden & Landscape 9699 Live Oak Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: (909)823-2585 Date of Acceptance: August 21, 1995 9699 LIVE OAK · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 ', (714) 823-2585 {)h$7 MAfiI,,AT1F · MIRA LOIdk,a,,, CALIFORNIA el752 (714) TI.:Z,I.LOPY CO~t~LTH'ICATIQN T~GOf~/~:'A.~ (9O9) ~ q.t,' VK-d~, jiaqCt.,UD:LNG 'IlLIS PAP.,E. :'95 3 I '.Ct'--z~ . . Z Contracting 6157 MARLATT ' MIRA LOMA, CALIFORNIA 91752 · (714) 685-7488 July 31~ 199.5 C~ty Of Font aria 8353 Sierra Ave- k'ontana~ Ca. 92334-0518 Ref: Washington Dr. & Cypress 8B-71-94 FonLm'la, Ca. Attt]: ¥otmuff Fatanwala~P]!'.. F. ngtnee.:rlng ])epartment Dear Yousuf; YO0 Have Requested Ihat We Pave Four Seperate Areas Where Water laterals Iteve Been Installed. 'Ibis Request Was Not Made In Time For Us ']'o I)o it Con- Curre~L].y W~h %he Original ~ontracted Paving. Because Of The Difference In Nature And Dif£iculty To What Was Bid, Wc Cannot Do ~e Work For ~c Bid Unit Price And Consider This An Extra Work Request. We Respectfully Ask For The Coulpact i on Reports For 'ihesc Areas, If You Would like A Price For Faring '].'he Four Laterals In Queet~ont Please Feel Free To Gall Respectfully; Dave Koury-EstimLto~rC DK / t e Water Sewer Storm Drains Electric and Telephone June 201tt, 1995 City efForttuna 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontann, California 92335 Attention: Mr. YousoufPatanwala, P.E. Associate Engineer/Special Projects Reference: Washington Drive Sewer Project From Cypress Avenue to Approximately 803 Feet East, Compaction Tefcing Section 2.11-2.2 of the special provisions calls for Field Density. Tests to be made by the Engheer dttring the course of construction at the expense of the City. The mnnber and locations for tests are tincovered in the special or general provisions, Frequency of testing is covered under the Trench Repair Reqnixements of the &m Bernardino County Permit Conditio~s, Under paragraph 3 A of the Cotrely req-uirements tests are to be taken for each 4 foot lift ofbaekfill at maximum intervals of 400 feet, Based upon the cotm.ty requirements a total of 8 to 12 tests are to be taken on the project. The soils technician ozi the project is planelug to take tests in each 2 foot ~ ofback~.l.I at approximately 100 foot iuterva!s which will result in around 65 to 75 tests on this 803 foot long sewer project. The soils teelmician is pla.~niug to take nearly 8 times as many compaction tests as called fro' by the County specifications, With either alternative the number of test specified by the county or platoned by the goil's teclmeifm it will be necessary to obtain several maxlmtun density curves to aceextol for the variation in soils types baween the materials at the gttrfaee and the material~ at greater depths, At tlfis time two soil density cttrves have beeti developed on the project. One curve shows a maximxtm density of 140 Ib/CF whHe the second curve shows a maximum density of 135 lb/CF. We feel that at least two or three more tm.ximum density era'yes need to be run to pro~de standards which match the materkals be~.g tested in the field. We are ~lllng to pay reasonable price to have these test nm withont furthur delay. At this time sand cone cteasity tests are being taken which take 30 to 40 minutes to rim. The county permit allows the use of a nuclear test method which can be mn in 5 to 10 minutes. Since our crew has to standby when tests are beiing nm we request that rotelear test be used in lieu of the sand cone tests. Ia addition we ask that the soil technician a~ere to the frequency's called for under the county permit conditions. 6157 Mariatt, Mira Lores, CA 91752 Phone'909-685-7488 Fax 909-685-7838 Water Sewer stoTm Drains Electric and Telephone Plea,,~¢ arrange to meet with me at the jobsite at the earliest possibl.e time to resolve and clarify th{.' compaction testing being done (n the project. Your cooperation in this matter wmdd be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours S.1. Burkhardt,Inc S.L, Stuart Vice President 6157 MaTilatt, Mira Loma~ CA 91752 Pho,ne 909-685-7488 Fax 909-685-7838 c. . 6157 MARLATT · MIRA LO:MA, C;ALII:ORNIA !11 7S2 · (714) 686,,,7488 June 15~ 1995 City Of Fontana 8353 Sierra Ave. Fentans, Ca. 92335 Ref: Washington Drive & Cypress Bid No. SB-71-94 Subject: Authorj. zed Sjgners & After Hours Eu~ergency Numbers Attn: Yousuf P~tm]wala~ PE Asset. Enginee~/Special Projects Dear Mr- Patanwala: Fiease Be Advised 'lhat Ihe FollowinE Officers Of Illis Corporation Are Authorized ~:b Sign A~]y Field Change Orders And Contracts On Behalf Of S,J. Burkhardt, Inc. 1. Charles P- Burkhardt President 2. Shannon I.. Stuart (STU) Vice FResident 3. Steven J- Schmitz Secretary/Treasurer Also Be Advised That The Following Named Individuals Are To Be Contacted After Hours If An P~nergency Occurs: 1. Shannon L. Stuart (SIU) Vice Predident (909) 681-78~7 2. Stev~n J. Schmitz Secretary/Treasurer (909) ~85-2871 Shou].d You Require Any Further Concerning The Above, Please Call Me At (909) 685-7488. Respe,¢~_~l.l~ ,, Contrading * 8167 MARLATT · MIRA LOMA, CAUFORNIA 91782 · (714) IS8iS-7488 \/*'~ / / June 15~ 1995 City Of Fontand 83S3 Sierra Avc, Fontand, Ca. 92335 Ref: Washingtoil Dr. & Cypress Bid No. SB-71-94 Subject: After [/ours Emergency Nulnbers Attn: Yousuf Patanw~la~ PE Assoc. Engineer/Specla] Projects Dear Mr. l'ntanwala: AS Per Yqur Request~ Following Are 'Ihe 5nergency Numbers & Individuals Namcs Who Are To Be Contacted Aftcr Working Hours. 1- Shannon ~.. Stuart (STU)-Vice President (909) 681-7847 2- Steven J. S~hmitz-Secre~ry/Tre~surer (909) 685-2871 ~ould You Require Any Further, Please Call Me At (909) 685-7488 Respec~].y: T za- it M~n~gec Cc ntracting 6157 MARLATT · MIRA LOMA, CALIFORNIA 91752 · (714) e8s..7488 June 15, 1995 City Of Fontana 8353 Sierra. Ave. Fontana, Cs.. 92335 Ref: Washington Drive & Cypress Bid No. SB-71-94 Subject: Authorized Signers & After Hours Emergency Numbers Attn: Yousuf Patanwala, PE Assoc. Engineer/Special Projects Dear Mr. Patanwala: Please Be Advised That The Following Officers Of This Corporation Are Authorized To Sign Any Field Change Orders And Contracts On Behalf Of S.J. Burkhardt, Inc. 1. Charles P. Burkhardt President 2. Shannon I. Stuart (STU) Vice PResident 3. Steven J. Schmitz Secretary/Treasurer Also Be Advised That The Following Named Individuals Are To Be Contacted After Hours If An Emergency Occurs: 1. Shannon I. Stuart (STU) Vice Predident (909) 681-7847 2. Steven J. Schmitz Secretary/Treasurer (909) 685-2871 Should You Require Any Further Concerning The Above, Please Call Me At (909) 685-7488. Ton~~za_c~'ir~anager/Controller