HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.3 CEQA3. ~ or ~n unde~g pmj,~t: A. & N a F ~er ~v~) (1) Nine: (2) A~: ~ Ci~'~ S~, ~v~g un~ ~d ~mpl~ a pm~ ~w of ~ pmj~ ~ a~ wi~ ~ CiW'~ *~ ~i~ f~ ~plmen~g ~ ~o~ ~v~men~ ~W A~ (~A)* ~ ~lu~ ~ ~ p~j~ ~ ~ ~ ~r ~v~nmen~ ~ment ~u~: a. ~ p~ ~on ~ ~ ~m~ a p~ ~r ~A. b. ~ pmj~ ~ a ~ ~jm. c. ~ pmjm ~ ~ Emery ~ d. ~ p~m ~m~ a f~ib~ or p~g ~dy. e. ~ pmj~ ~ ~y e~. ~le ~ion C~: f. ~ ~ ~ ~y ~. g. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ exm on ~ fo~ow~g ~' ~ h. ~ pmj~ ~volv~ ~r ~b~c ~ ~Nch ~m~ ~ ~d ~. Nine of ~ ~y: crrY-co[~^ FORM 'A" NO~CE. OF~ON TO: Clerk of the Board of FROM: Supervisors County of: 1. Project Title: /~..,Wl, c/4i~A/ l')Klv~J~dE'~ ~f 2. Project Location - Specific: ~/~/~b.//~ 5. (a) Project Location - City: (b) P~j~ct Location - Coun~J: ~~,v/~ 4. I~scflption of nature pu se and ~ne~ciaries of L~oject: 5. Name of Public Agency approving p:mjc~t: ~Y/fy Name of Person or Agency carrying out project: ~/'f~/ 7. H~xempt status: (Ch~ck one) (a) __ Ministerial project. (b) __ No~ a proj~. (c) __ Hmergency Project. (d) Categorical Exemption. State type and class number: (e) __ Declared Emergency. (f) __ Statutory Exemption. State Code section number: (g) ~ Other. Explanation: ,,~'~ 8. Reason w y project was exempt: ~,~ i~fttfkl ~ flluI L~ /,z;':l,c~ff I n/~ /~1 9. Contact person: Telephone: (g6q) ~ - 6~/ 10. Attach Preliminary Exemption Assessment (Form "A") before filing. Date Received for Filing: fam/m~d~ency S Representative) (Clerk Stamp Hem) Title (Lead Agency Representative Signs) ClTY-COB.FB FORM "B" Local Guidelinea for Implemer~/the ~ Staff Summary of he California Environmental Quality Act (1991) CEQA Evaluation Process STAFF SUMMARY OF TF~ CEQA EVALUATION PROCESS Excerpted from these Local Guidelines for Implementing the Envhonmental Quality Act GUIDr~T.rNES ACTION SECTION ~CE (A) St~r determines whether the City is Lead or 2.01, 2.02, 2.05, 2.09 Responsible Agency for the proposed activity. (1) As a I.~ad Agency, the City shall decide 2.03 whether a Negative D~claration, Mitigated Negative Declamtion or an HIE will required and shall prepare and consider the document before m~ing its decision on whether and how to approve the proposed activity. (2) As a Responsible Agency, the City sbnl! 2.06, 2.07, 2.08 provide data as requested by the Lead Agency, consider the documents pr~rffed by the Lead Agency and reach its own conclusion on whether and how to approve the proposed activity. (B) Staff examines proposed activity ('project") to 3.03 determine whether it is exempt. (1) The project can be exempt for any of the following (a) The activity does not come within 3.01 the legnl def'mition of "project. Co) It is a disapproved project. 3.06 (c) It can be seen with c~rtainty that 3.07 there is no possibility that the activity may have a significant effect on the environment. (d) It is a ministerial, not discretionary, 3.02 action taken by t~he City. (e) It is covered by one of the 3.08,3.09,3.10,3.11, exemptions in the CEQA statute. 3.12 CITY-COB.S ,Vi~ eBest, Best & Krieger Local Guidelines for Implemen~ss~the ~ Staff Summary of the California Environmental Quality Act (1991) CEQA Evaluation Process (f) It is covered by one of the exeml>- 3.13 tions in the State Guidelines. (2) ff the activity is determined to be exempt, 3.04, 3.05 Staff completes and f'ties internally a Preliminary Exemption Assessment (Form "An). A Notice of Exemption (Form "B') may be fried with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors ("Clerk of the Board") f. Ql[O_~jllg City approval of a pro- ject in order to begin a thirty-five (35) day statute of limitations for legal challenges. (Attach Form "A', too.) (3) If the activity is not exeEnpt, Staff p~s with its own environmental evaluation, beginning with the prepaxation of an Initial Study. (C) Staff Preparation of an Initial St'ady. 5.01 (1) All Responsible and ally' Trustee Agencies 5.02 must be consnlted in the pt~axation of the Initial Study. (2) Staff prepares an Initial Study, including the 5.06 environmental checkli,~t form (Form "J"). (3) Based on the results of the Initial Study, 5.11 Staff prepares an Envi~ronmental Impact Assessment (Form "C*'.) for internal use only. (a) ff Staff concindes that the project 5.11 will not have a siignificant effect on (See also 5.07, 5.08.) the envLronmenlt, then it must recommend that a. Negative De~la_m- tion be prepared. C[TY-COB.S -Vii- *Be~,., Best & rd'ieger C.lifomia Enviroam~t~ Quality A~ (l~r2) Ae//~i~/e~ EX~mtA ~m CEQA 3,07 No ~ssibillW of Sight ~, ~e~ it ~ ~ ~ wi~ ab~lut~ ~ . . ~t ~e~ h ~ ~ssib~W ~t ~e a~ M qu~on my Mve a M~t eff~ on · ~ env~ment, ~e a~vi~ is exempt. 3.08 ~me~ency ~j~. ~e foHow~g ~ 'emergency" ~ ~ ~ ~on 9A1,) (a) Wo~ ~ a ~r-s~cken ~ ~ w~ch a s~ of eme~ency ~ ~ p~ by ~ ~vemor ~E~t ~ S~on 8550 of ~. ~ve~t C~e. ~) ~e~ency ~ m public ~i~ f~ n~ ~ ~ ~i~. (c) ~j~ ~ ~ p~t ~ ~fi~ ~ ~. 3.~ F~ib~ nnd Plnnni~ S~. A ~ w~ch ~olv~ ~y f~ib~ or P~g ~ for ~ib~ ~ ~ons w~ch ~ C~ ~ ~ yU ~mv~, ad~ or ~n~ ~ e~. 3.10 ~n,~. Tolls. Fn~ and Chn~S, ~ ~~, ~~, fin~ ~ for o~ or mo~ of ~ p~ ~ ~low ~ ~. (n) M~g ~g e~m, ~lu~g ~loym (c) ~R ~ ~e nm ~. ~~; ~n ~ Ci~ ~i~ ~ o~ of ~, m~ ~ ~ ~ e~ ~ w~ ~s ~ ~ ~3.11 Su~ ~li~ Within a ~b~ ~f-W~.. ~ ~ of a ~ p~ ~ov~ or ~ of n ~g ~ 1~ ~ o~ mi~ ~ ~ ~i 1~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ghway ~ ~y ~r public ~ght~f-way. CITY-COB.D -12- o~.t, Beet& r~ie~.ee