HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.7 To San Bernardino County *** TX REPORT *** TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO 1423 CONNECTION TEL 03872807 SUBADDRESS CONNECTION ID ST. TIME 07/12 09:12 USAGE T 02'02 PGS. 3 RESULT OK CITY OF F 0 FAX COMMUNICATIONS N FRoM FAX NUMBER: T (909) 350-6618 A A PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: (~o co~ s~) ~ You m SoT u~ ~ P~G~s, P~s~ ~ (909) ~o ~ ~ ~q ~ f-gFc-eL~ ~ EXTEM~EE e~tE!v~am' O~ q~e-~Nc.ec- C~TY OF F FA~ Co~m~m~s ~K~-d ~ ~ N L~o~ / ~o~: ~ ~~o C~ ~oev~m~ ~~ (~ co~ s~) You m NOT U~ ~ PAaB, P~-~ss c~ ,n (909) 3~ O ~ b ~q ~ CI~ OF FONTANA ENG~E~NG DIllON P.o.~ N~n: (~9) ~50-7610 5' ' PAY UMIT UNE 1' OVERLAY ~ 1' kilN. TRENCH LIMB 10' ~. 6' (CO~TO TO ~RI~ L~, ~] (F L I~N IN FON1~ ,LL RE~CLE RE (9~) 823-3431) ~ o S~I~ (B~ING & ~KS, OR SHEL~) RETIRED TO ~ o ~ ~ I~S, ~R ~-OS~ ~ RE~/RE~N~. ~ "Z o o -+ . -o * 3/4' ~ H 0 ~.(~,) T ENCH ANO OETAgL ~ SCALE 1" = 3'-0" No. 40964 R~. ~ ADDED ADDITIO~ PAVEMENT (4') TO EXTEND I FOOT SOUTH OF SOUTHERLY TRENCH WALL Exp. 3/3~/99 / C{O BE REMOVED COMRtlELY INCLUDg, IG ROOTS) ~L) O~( PLUG ~.H. )~ .... ~lSrS. c ~ -- ~ISTC. 12 3/4' WA~-~E (pRO~CT) ~ ~;,..; .-..-.z.'.: EES AND GRD. COVER (pROTECT) 'x":'~:'~ TRENCH ~D BEDDING DETAIL A ,ALTRANS RIGHT OF WAY ,,:Y RT, OF CL SCALE 1" = ~'-0" EY BLVO CH?Y OF FONTANA Public Services Department M'F, MORANDUM TO: YOUSUF PATANWALA, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER DATE: JULY 10, 1995 Please be advised that Southern Caiifornia F. dison has been requested by Public Services to remove the electrical meter from the Washington Street Sewage Pump Station on July 17, 1995. It is anticipated that Public Services can perform video inspection of the new sewer line during the week of July 10, 1995. Please inform us when to inspect. co: lVlaintenance Services Supervisor (RC) Maintenance Services Crew Chief (JM) CA:kin Printed on Recycled Paper ~'~ RECORD OF TELEPH~fNE CONVERSATION Project Title Individual ~,~ ;( Title ITEMS OlS.CUSSEO I, ~ ~ ' ' ' ~ '~~ COMMENTS OR ACTION REQUIREQ Wllev-F~k Fatal 4-1 *** ERROR TX REPORT *** TX FUNCTION WAS NOT COMPLETED TX/RX NO 1323 CONNECTION TEL SUBADDRESS 917144755445 CONNECTION ID ST. TIME 06/26 11:26 USAGE T 90'00 P~S. RESULT NC 0 STOP CITY OF F 0 FAX COMMUNICATIONS N FeoM FAX NuMssR:~ ¢-~T (909) 350-6618 :",~\c..~ t~x, ~,,,~"'~A -\- N PLEASE DELIVER TgE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: (xNctuon~ cov'~ CITY OF F O FAX COMMUNICATIONSN Fno~4 FAX NUMBEn: T (909) 350-6618 A N A PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES '1tO.* Loc~o~ / FAX N~mn~: (~a,~n,4a cov'~ s:-msr) IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALLPAaES, PLEASF-, CALL (909) 'MESSAGE: ~.~'~HE ~ cc: ~ ~ CzTv oF ForcrAs~, Erqan~asEPas~ D~oN ~ ~ 8353 .S~ A~, FO~ANA, CA 92335 Pao~ N~R: (~9) 350-7610 June :Zl, 1995 Project No. 200646-01 City of Fontana ~_ f,.~.t-~ t~: "i' ~ Engineering Division 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 9:Z335 Attention: Mr. Yousuf Patanwala Subject: Geotechnical Testing Services Washington Drive Sewer Project Fontana, California City of Fontana Project No. SB-71-94 Reference: S.J. Burkhardt, Inc., 1995, Washington Drive Sewer Project from Cypress Avenue to Approximately 803 Feet East, Compaction Testing: dated June 20. Dear Mr. Patanwala: We have received the referenced letter you faxed to us this morning from S. J. Burkhardt, Inc., dated lune 20th, 1995, signed by Mr. S. L. Stuart, regarding the compaction testing for the Washington Drive sewer project. We reviewed the letter and subsequently called you to discuss our comments concerning this letter and the current status of the project. We are submitting this letter which summarizes the items discussed during our telephone conversation this morning. As discussed, there were generally three areas of concern addressed in S. J. Burkhardt, Inc.'s letter: 1) frequency of field in-place density testing; 2) method of in-place density testing; and 3) varying soil types encountered during construction. A brief summary of each item we discussed is provided below. Frequency of Field In-Place Density Testing In the referenced letter, S. J. Burldaardt, Inc. noted that the Trench Repair Requirements of the County of San Bernardino suggest tests be taken for each 4 foot thickness of backfill placed at approximate maximum intervals of 400 feet. The standard of care 10225 Barnes Canyon Road · 5uiteA-i 12 · San Diego, California 92121 Pl~one (619) 457-0400 · Fax (619/ 558-1236 ~)272 Jeronlmo Road · Suite 123A - In/ine, California 92718 · Phone {714) 472 5444 · Fax (714) 472-5445 55 West Hospitality Lane · Suite 165 · San Bemardino, California 92408 · Phone (909) 383-8777 · Fax (909) 383-8776 City of Fontana June 21, 1995 Washington Drive Sewer Project Project No. 200646-01 exercised by reputable geotechnical engineerin~ firms in the southern California area for' testing trench backfill is generally to test fill placement for every 2 feet of material placed at intervals of approximately 100 feet. If a consistent method of fill placement and compaction is established which results in consistently passing field density tests, the testing interval may be increased, thereby decreasing the frequency of tests. As the testing agency for the City of Fontana, we will test at intervals specified by the City of Fontana. Method of In-Place Density Testing S. J. Burkhardt, Inc. requested that a nuclear test method be employed in place of the sand cone method for testing the density of the backfill materials. As discussed, it is our opinion that the sand cone method of density testing for trench backfill is a more accurate method due to the fact that readings taken by nuclear gauges in trenches can be influenced by the trench walls. ~fowever, in an effort to keep the project moving along, we agreed to use the nuclear test method when the contractor is actively working on the project. When we are testing during breaks by the contractor (e.g. lunch break), we will use the sand cone method. Results from the two tests methods will be compared and if the results do not show a correlation, the sand cone method will be used for the remainder o.f the testing. Varying Soil Conditions To date, we have collected three bulk samples of different materials encountered during construction. Two maximum density tests have been previously performed and one test is currently being performed on the samples collected. In order to obtain reliable relative compaction test results, maximum density tests should be performed for each differing material type encountered. While at the site, our field representative makes visual observations and checkpoint tests of the materials being excavated and compacted. When the characteristics of the soils change, we will collect bulk samples and perform additional maximum density tests in accordance with the project specifications. As discussed, we will continue to evaluate the soil types encountered during construction and will collect and test samples of changing soil types as appropriate. During our telephone conversation, we also brought to your attention our concerns with other project related items, including maximum particle size, thickness of the fill lifts, and placement of lifts at an inclination instead of horizontal lifts. You informed us that the City of Fontana inspectors were observing the fill placement and compaction operations and were responsible for evaluating whether the fill placement operations were being performed in accordance with the project specifications. As a testing agency for the City of Fontana, our · City of Fontana June 21, 1995 Washington Drive Sewer Project Project No. 200646-01 services are limited to the perforrnance the field density testing and reporting the corresponding relative compaction of the fill materials. The City of Fontana inspectors will notify us when they have evaluated that a field density test is appropriate. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. Should you have any questions regarding this letter or sonae geotechnical aspect of the project; please do not hesitate to call the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, NINYO & MOORE Kurt S. Ysh~ii' Jalal Vakili, Ph.D., RCE 45350 Project Engineer Principal Engineer KSY/MAS/CAP/JV/joh Distribution: (2) Addressee Geotechnical and EEnvironmental Sciences Consultants 9272 Jeronimo Road, Suite 123A I~ine, California 92718 ~14) 472-5444 Fax: (714) 472-5445 TO Mr. Yousuf Patanwala DATE June 21, 1995 City of Fontana, Enqineerinq Division PROJECT NAME Washinqton Drive Sewer 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California Fontana, California 92335 PROJECT NUMBER 200646-01 We are sending you the following via: [] U.S. Mail [] Overnight [] UPS [] Fax 909/350-6618 No. of Pages: 4 [] Courier [] Other 2 6/21/95 Geotechnical Testing Services Washington Drive Sewer Project Fontana, California City of Fontana Project No. SB-71-94 [] For your files [] For your review and approval [] For your use [] For your review and comment [] As requested [] Other REMARKS BY Kurt Yoshii Project Engineer Geotechnical and Enwronmen[a~ Sciences Consultants June :zl, 1995 Project No. 200646-01 City of Fontana Engineering Division 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 Attention: Mr. Yousuf Patanwala Subject: Geotechnical Testing Services Washington Drive Sewer Project Fontana, California City of Fontana Project No. SB-71-94 Reference: S.J. Burkhardt, Inc., 1995, Washington Drive Sewer Project from Cypress Avenue to Approximately 803 Feet East, Compaction Testing: dated June 20. Dear Mr. Patanwala: We have received the referenced letter you faxed to us this morning from S. J. Burkhardt, Inc., dated June 20th, 1995, signed by Mr. S. L. Stuart, regarding the compaction testing for the Washington Drive sewer project. We reviewed the letter and subsequently called you to discuss our comments concerning this letter and the current status of the project. We are submitting this letter which summarizes the items discussed during our telephone conversation this morning. As discussed, there were generally three areas of concern addressed in S. J. Burkhardt, lnc.'s letter: 1) frequency of field in-place density testing; 2) method of in-place density testing; and 3) varying soil types encountered during construction. A brief summary of each item we discussed is provided below. Frequency of Field In-Place Density Testing In the referenced letter, S. J. Burldaardt, Inc. noted that the Trench Repair Requirements of the County of San Bernardino suggest tests be taken for each 4 foot thickness of backfill placed at approximate maximum intervals of 400 feet. The standard of care 10225BarnesCanyonRoad · SuiteA-ll2 · SanDiego, California 92121 · Phone(619~457-0400 · Fax(619J558-1236 9272 Jeronimo Road · Sutte 123A · Irvine, California 92718 · Phone {714) 472 5444 · Fax (714) 472 5445 155 West Hospitality Lane · Suite 165 · San Bemardino, California 92408 · Phone/909) 383 8777 · Fax [909) 383 8776 City of Fontana June 21, 1995 Washington Drive Sewer Project Project No. 200646-01 exercised by reputable geotechnical engineering firms in the southern California area for testing trench backfill is generally to test fill placement for every 2 feet of material placed at intervals of approximately 100 feet. If a consistent method of fill placement and compaction is established which ~esults in consistently passing field density tests, the testing interval may be increased, thereby decreasing the frequency of tests. As the testing agency for the City of Fontana, we will test at intervals specified by the City of Fontana. Method of In-Place Density Testing S. J. Burkhardt, Inc. requested that a nuclear test method be employed in place of the sand cone method for testing the density of the backfill materials. As discussed, it is our opinion that the sand cone method of density testing for trench backfill is a more accurate method due to the fact that readings taken by nuclear gauges in trenches can be influenced by the trench walls. However, in an effort to keep the project moving along, we agreed to use the nuclear test method when the contractor is actively working on the project. When we are testing during breaks by the contractor (e.g. lunch break), we will use the sand cone method. Results from the two tests methods will be compared and if the results do not show a correlation, the sand cone method will be used for the remainder of the testing. Varying Soil Conditions To date, we have collected three bulk samples of different materials encountered during construction. Two maximum density tests have been previously performed and one test is currently being performed on the samples collected. In order to obtain reliable relative compaction test results, maximum density tests should be performed for each differing material type encountered. While at the site, our field representative makes visual observations and checkpoint tests of the materials being excavated and compacted. When the characteristics of the soils change, we will collect bulk samples and perform additional maximum density tests in accordance with the project specifications. As discussed, we will continue to evaluate the soil types encountered during construction and will collect and test samples of changing soil types as appropriate. During our telephone conversation, we also brought to your attention our concerns with other project related items, including maximum particle size, thickness of the fill lifts, and placement of lifts at an inclination instead of horizontal lifts. You informed us that the City of Fontana inspectors were observing the fill placement and compaction operations and were responsible for evaluating whether the fill placement operations were being performed in accordance with the project specifications. As a testing agency for the City of Fontana, our City of Fontana June 21, 1995 Washington Drive Sewer Project Project No. 200646-01 services are limited to the performance the field density testing and reporting the corresponding relative compaction of ~he fill materials. The City of Fontana inspectors will notify us when they have evaluated that a field density test is appropriate. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. Should you have any questions regarding this letter or some geotechnical aspect of the project, please do not hesitate to call the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, NINYO & MOORE Jalal Vakili, Ph.D., RCE 45350 Project Engineer Principal Engineer KSY/MAS/CAP/JV/joh Distribution: (2) Addressee ,,, TX REPORT TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO 1284 CONNECTION TEL 9~7144725445 SUBADDRESS CONNECTION ID NINY0 & MOORE ST. TIME 06/20 09:46 USAGE T 01'0S PGS. 3 RESULT OK CITY OF F 0 FAX COMMUNICATIONS N Fao~ FAX N~~: T (909) 350-6618 A N A PLEASE DEIaVER TFIX FO~O~NG PAG~ TO: .s~: ~ ~ ., L~oN/~o~: ~X~ ~ ~g ~ (m~ eo~ s~) ~ YOU ~ NOT ~ ~ PA~E$. ~ASE C~ (~9) ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~' ~- CITY OF F CALIFORNIA 0 FAX COMMUNICATIONS N FROM FAX NUMBER: T (909) 350-6618 A A PEASE DEL][VER TIiE FOLLOWING PAGE3 TO,' TOTAL NV~4BER OF PAOES: 1,4- Z- DATE: to -- LO -c~5' Twin: q: 4q ~ (~cLtm~o cOv~ sz-mn'r) IF YOU DO NOT ECEIVE ALL PAGES, FLEASE CALL (909) ~b"'O -- Co G 'q ~'. MESSAGE: ,,~, ~,i ~Q~ cc : CtTY OF FONTANA ENG~E~NG DIm~ON 8353.S~ A~, FO~ANA, CA 92335 PHONE N~ER: (~9) 350-7610 JUne 20th~ 1.~9~ City of Fontn~n Font~a, California 92335 A~on: Mr. Youso~Pstanws~, P.~. As~ciate E~neer/Spechl ~oje~s Kder~c~: Wash~on ~c $~Or ~oje~ Ft~ ~tess Av~tte to ~pro~ately SOS Feet En~, Co~a~ion Te~ Se~ ~, l 1-2.2 oF~e ~e~ial pr~isions ca~ br ~ield D~ Tesls to be ~dc ~ the En~e~ d~ ~e ~utse o~nR~on at ~e e~se o~ffie'Ci~. ~te o~mber and locations for te~s ~e I~¢over¢d ~ ~e ~ecbl ot 8~r~l pr~s. F~ oft¢~i~g is cover~ ~d~ ~e Tr~ch ~ Requ~em~zs offfie San B~ardi6 Couefy Pe~t Con~tiolls, U. der p~a~aph 3 A oft~o Coyly ~e.uts tests ar~ to be tnk~ for each 4 foot }j~ of backfill at ~ ~te~s or'400 Based ~pon t~e coux~ I~irem~t~ s tot~ of 8 to 12 t~sts m-~ to be taken On t~e p~oj~t. ~e so~s teC~c~U on th~ project iS plann~ to take tests ~ each 2 fool ~ o[bac~} at app~tely 100 foot ~te~'~ ~hic}~ ~11 r~lt ~ aro~d 65 to 73 t~ts on ~ 803 ~om. lo~ s~ ptoj~. ~e so~s te~lmician b plag to take neafi~ 8 times as ~,,~ co~a~on tests as ca~ ~t by ~e Co~ ~eeffic&~ons. Wiffi fiffier ~t¢matNe the numb~ of test specffi~ by ~e c~n~ o~ p~ed by tbc ~o~'s tec~oj~ it ~ be ~¢s~ to obtain s~eral ma~ d~d~ c~es to ac~t for v~s~on in soils ~¢s b~ the ~t~als at ~e ~ce ~d the mateda~ at ~eater dq~t~s, At ~s t~e ~0 soil d~si~ ~es have b~ d~eloped ~ ~e project. ~e ~Eve ~ows a ~ d~si~ of 140 ~/CF while the s~nd e~e ~ows a ~a~ d~Stty of 13 ~ Ib/CF. We feel ~at at least ~o or ~ee more ~ d~sl~ ~=s need to be m~ to pto~d~ ~d~ds ~ch match tb.~ ~t~ls b¢~ te~ i the field. We are ~lllng to pay ressmtable p~c¢ to have these te~ ~ ~ffiout ~ d~y. At ~s t~ ~n4 c~e d~i~, te~s are b~g tak~ w~ Mke co~ pe~t a~ows ~e use of a n~cie;~ test method w~c~ can be ~ cTew has to ~dby wh~ te~s are b~ ~ we .reque~ ~st nuclear te~ b~ ttsed ~ ~mt of ~e S~td cone te~s. b addition we a~k ~at the soft tec~ici~ s~ere to the ~equ~cy's called ~o~ ~der ~e co~ty petit ~n~ions. 6157 Marlart, Mira Lomn. CA 9 1752 Phone'909-685-7488 Fax 909-685-7838 Water ~e~er Storm ~raln~ I~le<lftc end Pleas~ a~Se tO i ~ ms at icjob~e at the e~fiest po~lbl~ ~ to ~so~'e and You~ coop~ation ~ t~ ~ w~d b~ ~6at~ appr~iated. V~ ~I~ S,I, B~dt~nc Vic~ ~idcnt 6157 Marlarc, Mira Loma, CA 91752 Phoile~ 909-{~85-7488 Fax 909-685-7838